are words very similar or equal in writing
are words very similar or equal in writing
SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO – SEED SUPERINTENDENCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO – SUED DIRETORIA DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS - DPPE PROGRAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO EDUCACIONAL – PDE Título: O GÊNERO E-MAIL: UMA PROPOSTA PARA A PRÁTICA DA LEITURA E ESCRITA EM LÍNGUA INGLESA Autora Celina da Costa Santos Disciplina/Área (ingresso no PDE) Língua Inglesa Escola de Implementação do Projeto e sua localização Colégio Estadual Rachel de Queiroz. Ensino Fundamental e Médio. Ivaté-Pr Município da escola Ivaté- Pr Núcleo Regional de Educação Umuarama Professora Orientadora Instituição de Ensino Superior Resumo Palavras-chave ProduçãoDidáticoPedagógica Público Alvo Marileuza Ascencio Miquelante UNESPAR/ FECILCAM O professor de línguas necessita conhecer a diversidade de gêneros que circulam na sociedade, nas diferentes mídias e saber transformá-los em instrumento de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, a presente produção propõe à realização de um trabalho explorando o gênero discursivo E-mail que possibilita o ensino das práticas discursivas, a compreensão dos diversos usos da linguagem, a ativação de procedimentos interpretativos e a construção de significados, com o objetivo de ensinar Língua Inglesa na sala de aula a partir de práticas significativas de leitura e escrita, visando aprimorar as capacidades de linguagem dos estudantes por meio do procedimento da sequência didática. Gênero discursivo; E-mail; Sequência didática Unidade Didática 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO – SEED SUPERINTENDENCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO – SUED DIRETORIA DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS - DPPE PROGRAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO EDUCACIONAL – PDE PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO-PEDAGÓGICA 1- APRESENTAÇÃO DA UNIDADE DIDÁTICA Conforme as Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica – Língua Estrangeira Moderna, “[...] o ensino de Língua Inglesa deve contemplar os discursos sociais que a compõem, ou seja, aqueles manifestados em forma de textos diversos efetivados nas práticas discursivas” (PARANÁ, 2008, p.57). Entende-se que no ensino há necessidade de uma interação viva entre os sujeitos e que isso ocorre por meio do discurso, possibilitando a comunicação entre eles de diferentes formas e com diferentes gêneros de textos, levando em conta a infinidade de informações que circulam no meio que estão inseridos, desenvolvendo a lógica crítica e atribuindo sentidos aos próprios textos. O grande desafio hoje é motivar e despertar no estudante o interesse em realizar as suas atividades em sala de aula, principalmente, no que diz respeito à interação e envolvimento do estudante nas práticas discursivas de leitura, escrita e oralidade em língua inglesa. Considerando o entusiasmo que a maioria dos alunos tem em corresponder-se pela Internet, o gênero e-mail apresenta-se como uma alternativa para despertar o interesse do estudante pela leitura, pela oralidade e pela produção escrita em Língua Inglesa. Dessa maneira, torna-se pertinente desenvolver uma proposta de trabalho para o ensino de Língua Inglesa a partir de práticas de leitura e escrita do gênero e-mail. O trabalho aqui proposto toma como modelo de desenvolvimento o procedimento da sequência didática de Dolz & Schneuwly (2004), visto que a mesma propicia a realização de atividades que ajudam os estudantes a dominar melhor um gênero, nesse caso, o gênero textual e-mail. Ao mesmo tempo que oferece condições para trabalhar as capacidades de linguagem, ainda permite aos estudantes desenvolver aprendizagens necessárias à produção do gênero citado em língua Inglesa. Os estudos devem conhecer bem os objetivos das atividades propostas no decorrer da sequência didática para que a produção final sirva como avaliação e, também, como processo reflexivo sobre o caminho percorrido e a percorrer. O gênero e-mail apresenta-se nesse trabalho como um instrumento adequado para o professor desenvolver suas práticas pedagógicas em sala de aula, por ter uma estrutura-padrão similar à de uma carta pessoal, de um bilhete ou de um convite, o que facilita a aplicação do projeto, pois os alunos do ensino fundamental já dominam bem esses gêneros. Também possibilita a situação sociocomunicativa dentro e fora da sala de aula, contribui para o aprendizado da leitura e produção em Língua Inglesa, por serem textos curtos, oportuniza o emprego adequado das linguagens formal e informal (dependendo do destinatário) e ajuda a desenvolver a criticidade e reflexão do aluno. 2- APRESENTANDO A SEQUÊNCIA DIDÁTICA COM O GÊNERO E-MAIL Partindo do exposto, a produção da Sequência Didática que ora se materializa numa unidade didática, adota, com adequações, a organização proposta por Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2004), conforme demonstra a descrição: 1. Apresentação da situação- nesse momento, o professor por meio de questionamentos procura promover uma interação com os estudantes a fim de criar uma motivação (motivo + ação) para o estudo do gênero de texto. Além disso, expõe aos estudantes todo o encaminhamento que será dado ao desenvolvimento da sequência didática, que atividades avaliativas serão realizadas, qual será a produção escrita, a quem será destinada e onde veiculará, bem como apresenta a justificativa para estudarem o gênero E-mail. 2. Produção inicial- os alunos farão uma produção escrita sobre o gênero a ser estudado que servirá como avaliação diagnóstica para o professor identificar o SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO – SEED SUPERINTENDENCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO – SUED DIRETORIA DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS - DPPE PROGRAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO EDUCACIONAL – PDE quanto sabem sobre o gênero em questão e do assunto abordado. Essa prática permitirá ao professor identificar possíveis problemas que deverão ser abordados na sequência didática. 3. Módulos- a unidade didática apresentada, por ser uma exigência do programa PDE, foi elaborada antes da aplicação da Produção Inicial, por isso, sua organização e as atividades propostas foram elaboradas com base no modelo didático de gênero considerando os elementos essenciais que devem ser trabalhados, com vistas à produção final. Nessa unidade adaptamos o trabalho com módulos sugeridos na sequência didática. Optamos por um trabalho sem uma divisão sistemática, sem, no entanto, perder de vista a necessidade de se trabalhar as capacidades de linguagem e as estratégias de leitura. 4. Produção final- considerando o que foi trabalhado ao longo do processo, os estudantes deverão realizar uma refacção do texto, que resultará no que chamamos de produção final. Esta possibilita uma análise quanto ao domínio adquirido ao longo da aprendizagem e permite ao professor avaliar o trabalho desenvolvido. Antes da produção final cada aluno, de posse do quadro com os critérios avaliativos, fará as observações necessárias assinalando quais aspectos foram contemplados e quais precisam de intervenção, para assim, melhorá-la e publicá-la. SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO – SEED SUPERINTENDENCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO – SUED DIRETORIA DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS - DPPE PROGRAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO EDUCACIONAL – PDE SEQUÊNCIA DIDÁTICA STUDYING THE TEXTUAL GENRE E-M@IL Picture 1 – Technology and communication i A- Can you recognize these pictures? B- Do you know the names of the pictures? C- Why is communication important in people’s life? D- In your opinion, what determines a good communication? Picture 2 – Network Fonte: Pixabay According to Cambridge Dictionary communication is defined as “the various methods of sending information between people and places, especially official systems such as post systems, radio, telephone, etc.” Fonte:< on November, 21st2012 E- Discuss with a friend: How did people use to communicate in the past? And nowadays? And in the future? F- Based on the previous communication of the: PAST Picture 3 - Pigeon ________________ ________________ ________________ answer, Present Picture 4 - WWW ________________ ________________ ________________ write down some means of FUTURE Picture - 5 _______________ _______________ ______________ . The means of communication has changed according to the changes in people’s living conditions and all other circumstances such as technological developments. VIDEO I A- Watch the video “Evolution of communication”. Available at>Access on November 16, 2012. Picture 6 – Evolution of communication B. Based on the video, check the information you wrote in activity D. Are they according to it or not? Point out the differences. VIDEO II C- Watch the video “The Evolution of communication”. Available at < > Access on November 16, 2012 Picture 7 – The evolution of communication D- Based on the video, make a chronological list about the evolution of the means of communication. WHAT? WHEN? pigeons 776 BC typewriter 1.898 Radio 1.904 Televison 1.951 Internet ( Arpanet) 1.976 Cellular phone 1.981 World Wide Web(www) E- What is the most relevant aspect between the communication in the past and nowadays?ii ……………………………………………………………………………………………..… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..… A- Observe the ways people have used to communicate through writing. WRITING PERIOD FIRST WRITTEN WORD About 3000 BC MOVABLE TYPE About 1455 MASS PUPLICATION About 1900 E-MAIL About 1980 WWW About 1994 B- In groups, prepare a card with pictures to represent the evolution of written communication. Show your card in the schoolyard. A- Answer the questions. 1. How would you define electronic communication? 2. What is the role of electronic media in today’s society? 3. What are the risks of electronic communication? 4. Why is effective written communication important in business and at school? 5. Do you like sending and receiving virtual messages? Why? B- Complete the picture with other electronic means of communication that make use of writing: Picture 8 – Means of communication ELECTRONIC MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Fonte: Celina da Costa Santos iii A- Observe the information in the table and discuss in group: What was your reaction to these information? TOP COUNTRIES IN NUMBER OF INTERNET USERS COUNTRY PERCENTAGE OF INTERNET USERS IN RELATION TO COUNTRY’S POPULATION China 38% United States 78.3% Japan 80% India 10.2% Germany 82.7% Brazil 42.2% Picture 9- Computer Fonte: Pixabay FONTE: <;>Access on November,10th 2012. B- Make a graph with the information above and write the results of this survey. Then answer the final question. Number of Internet users Top Countries 1. And you? How many hours a day do you spend online?...................... 2. Tick (√) the options related to you. You use the Internet to.... ( ) download music and movies ( ) read the news ( ) do academic research ( ) find the weather forecast ( ) play games ( ) read ebook(s) ( ) buy and selling products ( ) find a place to visit on your vacation ( ) use the facebook, chats and others ( ) find friends ( ) send and receiving e-mails 3. Based on the previous activity write affirmative or negative (don’t) phrases about you.iv 1.…………………………………………………………………………………… 2……………………………………………………………………………………… 3……………………………………………………………………………………… 4……………………………………………………………………………………… 5……………………………………………………………………………………… A- Discuss and answer the following questions: 1. What is an e-mail? 2. Do you think it is important to have an e-mail account and use it to communicate with others? Why? 3. Do you have an e-mail account? If yes, how often do you send and receive emails? What are the main subjects of your e-mails? 4. Why are e-mails used for nowadays? 5. Do you believe in virtual friendship? Justify. 6. Do you have any virtual friends? If yes, how did the friendship begin? 7. What means of online communication do you and your family use? B- Read the texts and do the activitiesv. 1. Look at the texts and tick (√) the “e-mail”: Picture 10- ( )____________ Picture 12 - Picture 13- ( ( Picture 11- ( )_______________ )___________________ )_____________ Picture 14 ( )___________ 2. How did you conclude that? How did you get to this conclusion? You may answer the question in Portuguese. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Reread the genres in activity 1 and write their names: Personal letter – wedding invitation – postcard – e-mail – information letter LISTENING ACTIVITY A- Before listening to the song, read the lyrics and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Remember to observe the ................................................................................................................................... E-M@il PET SHOP BOYS 1……………………….'s never been communication easy as …………………… e-mail 3.and it would make me happy 4.when you've gone so far away 5.if you'd send me an………….. 6.that says "I …………. you" 7………… me an e-mail send today love 8.that says "I love you" FONTE; <> Access on November, 21st 2012. B- Listen to the song and check if you used the words in the right place. C- Listen to the song again and number the picture according to the stanzas. ( ) ( Picture 15- Airplane ) Picture 16- Laptop @ @ ( ) ( Picture 17 - E-mail ) Picture 18-Woman ♥ ?@ D- Reread the lyrics and do the activities. 1. Mark the correct meaning of the given verse: “Communication’s never been as easy as today” i. ( ii. ( ) A comunicação sempre foi fácil entre as pessoas. ) A comunicação nunca foi tão fácil como agora. 2. Did you agree with the previous statement? Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Find out in the text the corresponding verses to: i. Não há mais tempo e distância para a comunicação devido às tecnologias. ........................................................................................................................... ii. Ao pedido feito pelo eu lírico a sua amada. ........................................................................................................................... 4. What means of communication does the person in the song is asking to the his/her beloved to talk to him/her? And you…what means of communication would you use in a situation like that? ….……………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Pronouns are used to substitute nouns in a text to avoid repetition. Based on that go back to the lyrics and identify the corresponding referent to the following pronouns. It (l.3)………… you (l.5)………… we (l.12) ……………… INITIAL PRODUCTION WORKING ON THE TEXT PRODUCTION One of the means of communication used by many people nowadays is the e-mail. Considering what you know about it and the information you have been exposed to, get ready to produce your own e-mail. You can produce a very interesting email! Let’s try!! Before writing… Write an e-mail about you to be sent to a virtual friend. Organize an outline with your presentation (you can write about your appearance, what you like and dislike, self-interest, family and hobbies). Before starting your text you must also think about… The purpose or objective to produce your text; When you write a message, it must always be clear; You must avoid some errors of grammar and vocabulary. Remember! Try to write your e-mail in English, if you want you can use a photo. Picture 19- Example New Post A- Read the text and do the activities. E-M@IL Picture 20 Electronic mail, also known as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the author and the recipient both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need connect only briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages. Historically, the term electronic mail was used generically for any electronic document transmission. For example, several writers in the early 1970s used the term to describe fax document transmission. As a result, it is difficult to find the first citation for the use of the term with the more specific meaning it has today. An Internet email message consists of three components, the message header, and the message body and signature. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually descriptive information is also added, such as a subject header field and a message submission date/time stamp. Electronic mail predates the inception of the Internet, and was in fact a crucial tool in creating it, but the history of modern, global Internet email services reaches back to the early ARPANET. Standards for encoding email messages were proposed as early as 1973 (RFC 561). Conversion from ARPANET to the Internet in the early 1980s produced the core of the current services. An email sent in the early 1970s looks quite similar to a basic text message sent on the Internet today. Fonte: accessed on 23/10/2012 B. Tick(√) the right option(s). The objective of this text is: 1. ( ) to indicate when the Electronic mail (e-mail) was created. 2. ( ) to provide information about different kinds of computers. 3. ( ) to give an example of a hypertext. 4. ( ) to explain how the e-mail was created. 5. ( ) to show the three components of an Internet e-mail message. C - Find in the text.vii 1. In the first paragraph: i. The opposite of “ancient” : ……………………………….. ii. The opposite of “different”: ………………………………... iii. The opposite of “less”: ………………………………… iv. The opposite of “short”: …………………………………. 2. How do the words you studied in the previous activity contribute to the meaning of the text? 3. In the second paragraph: i. a adjective with nine letters:…………………………………. 4. In the last paragraph: i. O ano que houve a conversão de ARPANET para a INTERNET:..................... D- Check in the dictionary for key words you don’t understand. Then, in pairs, write M for what is mentioned in the text and NM for what is not mentioned: 1. Electronic mail, also known as e-mail. (………..) 2. An Internet e-mail message consists of five components, the message envelope, the message header, and the message body. (……….) 3. Standards for encoding e-mail messages weren’t proposed as early as 1973.(………) UNDERSTANDING HYPERLINKviii A hyperlink (or link) in computing is an element that links to another place in the same document. Usually, you click on the hyperlink to follow the link. Hyperlink is an electronic document of hypertext, including the World Wide Web (WWW.) Hypertext is a text with hyperlinks. Fonte: Access on November 28th2012 E- MEANING: Reread the text “E-M@IL” and based on the context give the meaning of the hyperlinked words.ix ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… STUDYING THE ELEMENTS OF AN E-MAIL A- Read the e-mail and do the activities that follow it: x Picture 21- E-mail 1. The text you read is an e-mail. Tick (√) the option(s) that you think correspond(s) to it. ( ) The text structure. ( ) All of them ( ) The components. ( ) Others. ( ) The content. 2. How is the text organized? ( ) In charts. ( ) In topics. ( ) In parts. 3. This text is from? ( ) a book ( ) a newspaper ( ( ) In chapters. ) In Boxes. ( ( ) the internet ) a magazine 4. What do you think the target public of this genre of text is? Tick (√) the option(s). ( ) People interested in arts. ( ) People interested in science. ( ) People interested in education. ( ) People interested in communication. ( ) People interested in information. ( ) People in general. 5. What is the text about?......................................................................................... 6. Who wrote this text?............................................................................................. 7. Whom was the text addressed to?........................................................................ 8. What kind of language is used in this e-mail? ( ) formal ( ) informal 9. How many parts are there in this e-mail? Identify them. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. This e-mail can be classified as: ( ( ) an apology e-mail ) a friendship e-mail ( ( ) a love email ) a business e-mail 11. What is the importance of this kind of genre? …………………………………………………………………………………….………… 12. What social value does it have? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… STUDYING THE COMPONENTS OF THE GENRE E-MAIL A - An e-mail message is mainly made up of HEADER, BODY and SIGNATURE. Write their names in the corresponding places.xi Picture 22- Components of the E-mail . 1. The text you read is composed by header, body and signature. Complete the phrases according to the function of each part. _________This part contains information about the sender and the purpose of . the message. _________ This part is where you write your message. _________ This part identifies the sender. PRE-READING ACTIVITIES A - Read the e-mail quickly and discuss in pairs. xii 1. Where do you think this e-mail comes from? 2. Who is the probable reader of this e-mail? 3. Who wrote this e-mail? 4. How is the text organized? Picture 23- E-mail 5. While you are reading the text, match the words from the first column to their meanings in the second one. a. worried b. foolish c. I’m afraid of d. to break up e. frightened ( ( ( ( ( ) assustada ) bobeira, tolice ) estou com medo de ) preocupada ) terminar o namoro 6. The e-mail is about: ( ) a happy dating ( ) a wedding ( ) a problematic relationship ( ) horror movies ( ) a meeting ( ) a Halloween party B- Reread the e-mail and do the activities about it:xiii 1. If you had to answer this e-mail what of the following options would you choose? ( ) The best thing you to do right now would be to talk to your parents, a close relative or one of your friend’s parents to get support and advice. ( ) Be careful! Don’t break up with him when you’re alone. ( ) If you are frightened you may get hurt, perhaps it is better you send him an e-mail or make a phone call. ( ) You should break up with him face-to-face. 2. Choose the option to fill in the sentence. It’s possible to say that this e-mail was written in……………….. a. ( ) formal language b. ( ) informal language 3. Tick (√) the options. a. In your opinion, a friend or a boyfriend/girlfriend should be: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Respectful ) Cheerful ) Dishonest ) Rude ) Selfish ) Polite ) Unkind ) Pleasant ) Boring ) Nervous ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Calm ) Hardworking ) Lazy ) Interesting ) Unselfish ) Nice ) Unfriendly ) Talkative ) Unkind ) Intelligent b. Classify the words from the previous activity in:xiv POSITIVE NEGATIVE 4. Discuss in small group: Do you think it’s a good idea to break up with someone by e-mail? Why (not)? xv There a several kinds of e-mail and they can help you to … …meet a specific business; …go a certain event; …say sorry to that person; …find a friend or partner; etc. But REMEMBER they can help you if they are correctly used. A- Match the kinds of e-mails to their functions. 1. Apology e-mail 7. Love e-mail 2. Business e-mail 8. Marketing e-mail 3. Condolence e-mail 9. Sales e-mail 4. Friendship e-mail 10. Job application e-mail 5. Good bye e-mail 11. Thank You e-mail 6. Interview e-mail ( ) It is an e-mail sent when we want to apologize to someone. ( ) It helps to generate new sales for the business. ( ) It has indeed come to represent the business image of a company. ( ) It should be distinguished and true depiction of one’s gratitude. ( ) It helps to share the pain and encourage the recipient of the letter to move on in life. ( ) It is a short e-mail highlighting the candidate’s competence and experience. ( ) It is used to express how much we care for our friends. ( ) It is used for providing information about the latest products in the market. ( ) It is used to express our love for a person. ( ) It is a form of communication whereby a person bids farewell. ( ) It invites the candidates by mailing him organizational requirements, Job profile and assigned salary package. Fonte: < Access on 23/10/2012. B- Read the following kinds of e-mails and identify their types. e-mail I E-mail l e-mail II e-mail III e-mail IV Picture 24 –E-mail ……………………………………………………………………………….e-mail E-mail ll Picture 25- Email .................................................................................................................e-mail E-mail lll Picture 26 – E-mail .....................................................................................................................e-mail E-mail lV Picture 27 – E mail .....................................................................................................................e-mail 1. What words were used in the e-mails you read to open and close the message? e-mail I e-mail II e-mail III e-mail IV Salutation Closing sentence 2. What could you notice about their use?xvi IMPROVING YOUR WRITTEN PRODUCTION: REWRITING THE PORTS OF E-MAIL A. Take the first draft of your production. Think about the parts of an E-mail you have already studied and rewrite yours to improve it. A- Look at the movie cover and discuss: 1. What is the movie possible genre? 2. Who are the main characters? 3. What do you think the movie will be about? 4. Do you think the Internet is a space where a person can find his/her love? Picture 28 Movie: You’ve got mail Fonte: <'ve_Got_Mail_(soundtrack) >Accessed on 12/10/2012 B- After watching the first part of the movie You’ve Got Mail, answer the following questionsxvii: 1. How did they start communicating with each other? 2. Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) communicated with each other for a long time, but they didn’t know much about their private life. Why? What can you learn based on this? 3. In the movie Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox lived in the same neighborhood, they had many common habits, but they didn’t have the chance to meet each other in person. Is it possible to happen in real life? Justify. 4. Sometimes people use e-mail or other virtual means of communication to communicate with people who don’t know well, as in the story “You’ve Got Mail”. What do you think about that? A - Do you know the icon (logotype) of e-mail? Search and draw it in the box: B - Unscramble the verbs and answer the questions. WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH AN E-MAIL? 1. NEDS................................................................................................................ 2. RECEIVE........................................................................................................... Formal and Informal language The language of e-mail is mostly informal. Formal language is used rarely, and only for situations that are very serious such as complaints or business. Informal language is mainly used when writing to friends. Some e-mails mix styles. If in doubt as to what style to use, try to emulate the style of the other person. You should write clearly! 1. Do you know the difference between an informal and a formal text? If you had to write an e-mail to a teacher should it have the same tone as an e-mail to a friend? Why? ………….…………………………………………………………………………………… B. Look at the difference between the following e-mails. E-mail 1 Hi How is it going? I’m going to be in Tokyo next Wednesday LOL*, do you have time to meet me? I’d really it if you could! CUL8R*. Bye Bob *LOL: Laugh(ing), out loud. *CUL8R: See you later E-mail 2 Dear Mary, I hope you are well. I will be in Tokyo on the following Wednesday, the 26th. I would like an opportunity to talk to you again; it’s been a long time since our last meeting. Sincerely, Bob 1. What is the subject of the e-mails above? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Which is the informal e-mail? ( ) e-mail 1 ( ) e-mail 2 3. Look at the characteristics of e-mails and write F for a formal e-mail, I for an informal one and B for both. Salutation ______________ Informal language ______________ Smilies (emoticons) _______________ Abbreviations__________________ Do not use abbreviations______________ Formal language_______________ Opening Sentence_______________ The e-mail information in detail___________ Closing sentence________________ Signature_____________________ 4. Discuss in pairs about the importance of making use of the adequate language in e-mails. FORMAL Opening sentence Closing sentence Dear Mr Thank you! / Thanks Dear Mr Sincerely! Dear Miss Best Wishes! INFORMAL Dear Sir All the Best! Opening sentence Closing sentence Regards! Hi See you tomorrow! Yours Truly! Hi there Take care! Dear (name) Love! Hello Cheers Hello my friend :) or XXX According to Internetese is defined as “a shorthand for phrases in virtual communication, used acronyms in e-mails or Chat Room messages etc” Available at access on November 26, 2012. A. WHAT ARE SMILEYS OR EMOTICONS?xviii Smileys or (Smilies), also known as "emoticons," are symbols which express emotions in writing. They are a great way to brighten up posts. Text smileys are created by typing two or more punctuation marks. Some examples are: ;-) is equivalent to (……………) :-D is equivalent to (........................) :-) is equivalent to (…………….) :-x is equivalent to (.........................) :-( is equivalent to (……………) :-| is equivalent to (………….…....) (……..…….) 8-) is equivalent to (……………....) 8-O is equivalent to Adapted from acess November 26/11/2012 1. Go back to the smiles/emotions in the previous activity and write the emotion they represent: wink - shock – very happy - mad - sad - indifferent - cool - happy Turn the sheet aside to better visualize 2. Fill in the chart with two adjectives that describe your emotions today. Then Interview two classmates and write their answer. Today you and your interviewed friends are… Me Classmate 1 Classmate 2 ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS A- One of the important elements that are present in an e-mail or other virtual communication is the use abbreviations. 1. Match these abbreviations to their meanings: 1. LOL 2. OMG 3. TKS 4. HTH 5. GTG or G2G 6. MORF 7. OIC 8. BFN 9. XOXO 10. TTYL 11. NP 12. NFW 13. BRB ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Talk To you Later ) No Problem ) No Fucking Way! ) Oh My God! ) Hope This Help ) Male or Female ) Be right Back ) Thanks ) Bye for Now ) Go to go! ) Kisses and hugs ) Laughing Out Loud ) How are you? 14. How R U? ( ) Oh! I see …More about emoticons, initialisms and abbreviations at: <www.> Let’sread! A. Skim through the text and answer the questions:xix 1. What type of e-mail does it represent? 2. Where can we usually find e-mail like this? 3. Do you write or read similar e-mail? 4. Mark the correct option. This e-mail is organized in: ( ) topics ( ) only one paragraph ( ) in parts (Head, Body and Signature) 5. This e-mail is: ( ) formal or ( ) informal Picture 29- E-mail After Reading A – The e-mail is about: 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( ) A boy who is not bothered anymore. ) A boy who does not understand his ex-girlfriend’s behavior. ) A boy who is in love and does not know what to do to be with the loved person. B - Find the statement that is not true. The boy… 1. ( ) is sixteen year old. 2. ( ) isn’t dating now 3. ( ) wasn’t worried ten months before. C- Find some transparent words in the e-mail and copy them. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Transparent words - are words very similar or equal in writing. D – Choose a synonym for the words in bold.xx 1- …a problem that has disturbed me for ten months. ( ) bothered ( ) deprived ( ) formed 2 - …and we started dating unhesitatingly. ( ) unfortunately ( ) steadily ( ) charity 3 - ...and made a cute couple. ( ) kind ( ) engaging ( ) winning E– Find words in the e-mail that mean the same as the words below: 1st paragraph 1 . alguns ……………………………………. 2 . educada ……………………………………. 3 . sem ……………………………………. 2nd paragraph 4 . ainda ……………………………………. 5 . além de ……………………………………. 3rd paragraph 6. juntos …………………………………….. 7. melhor ……………………………………. F. “Do you think we should go out together as friends?” In the above question the word should indicates:xxi ( ( ) an obligation ) an advice ( ( ) a permission ) a possibility SHOULD You should believe in yourself. ... is used to give an advice or recommendation. You shouldn’t invite ex boyfriend. Negative form: Shouldn’t G- Fill in the blanks with should or shouldn’t. 1. You …………………..spend less time with the person who doesn’t love you. 2. The message header …………………………...include the signature. 3. You……………………………………..write clearly! Let’s write! H- If you wrote for an advice site for teen, what would you advice David? Would you be able to give him some good advice? Write an e-mail to him explaining what he should do. You can use emoticons and acronyms. For you… and BFN!!! Picture 30- New Post A- Creating an e-mail address is quite simple and it’s for free. You can do it. [email protected] Now, let’s try! __________________________@____________ A- Listen to the video “How to make an E-mail Address” Available at < - Access on November 16, 2012 and number the order of the steps you have to follow to create an e-mail account.xxii Picture 31 – How to make an e-mail address STEPS SUGGESTED TO CREATE AN E-MAIL ACCOUNT Step…………. Go to site Go to the provider you want your e-mail account to be with, such as MSN or Yahoo or Gmail. Find the "Sign Up" link and click on it. Step…………. Choose your ID Choose your user ID. This is the name or tag that comes before the "at" symbol in your e-mail address and can be your name, nickname, or anything you make up as long as it uses only the permitted characters. Step……………… Fill in personal info Fill in any personal information that the site requires. TIP - If the user ID you really want is already taken, try adding a number after it, like your birth year, age, or some other significant figure. Step……………………. Click check Click the Check button to see if the user ID you want has already been taken by someone else. Step………….. Create a password Create a password for your e-mail account. Make it something easy for you to remember, but difficult for someone else to guess. Step……………… E-mail your friends Now that you have an e-mail address, get busy using the internet to send messages to all your loved ones and friends. Finish registration Finish your registration. Sometimes this includes creating or answering a security Step……………… question, accepting the e-mail provider's service agreement, or proving you are actually human by entering a special set of characters. . FACT- Electronic mail was developed at MIT in the 1960s, years before the internet was created. BE CAREFUL WITH THE INTERNET Netiquette (the English “network” and etiquette”) is a label that recommends observing the Internet. This is a set of recommendations to avoid misunderstandings in communication via Internet, especially in e-mails, chats, mailing lists, and so on. It also serves to regulate behavior in specific situations. nd Fonte:<>Access on December,2 2012 Examples of rules: Check often your e-mails. Use a minimum score. Don’t send spams. Avoid capital letters, italics exaggerated. Try to be as clear as possible to not generate confusion. Respect to be respected and treat others as you want to be treated. Depending on the recipient of your text, avoid using acronyms and Internetese. …More about NETIQUETTE at: <> MUSIC: E-MAIL MY HEARTxxiii BRITNEY SPEARS A- The lines of the lyrics are divided in two. Listen to the song and enumerate the second part according to first one. 1. E-mail my heart and say 2. I know you're out there and 3. E-mail me back and say 4. Forever... ( ( ( ( ) our love will stay alive ) E-mail my heart ) I know that you still care ) our love will never die Available at < > Access on December 06, 2012 THE FINALTEXT PRODUCTION WORKING ON THE TEXT PRODUCTION Considering what you learned about e-mail and the information you received during this study, review your draft and rewrite it .After that, send your e-mail to your virtual friend. Have a good Production! Remember: Write in English, if you want you can use a photo. THE FINAL TEXT PRODUCTION: checking and sending the e-mail 1. Analyze the e-mail you wrote using the checklist below. YES NO PARTIALLY Are there all the parts of the header? Are there all the parts of the body? Is there the signature? Is your e-mail adequate to your interest? (kinds of email) Is the language used adequate to your intention? Is the content clear? 2. Review your draft and rewrite it, if you ticked NO or PARTIALLY for some item(s). 3. Edit your draft in order to have your final text. 4. Send your e-mail to the person you wrote to. POST READING 1. The student will give his/her opinion about the studied genre. 2. In your opinion, what was the intention of studying the genre e-mail? 3. What did you learn by studying the genre e-mail? 4. Point some positive and negative aspects about the studied genre. REFERÊNCIAS DOLZ, J; SCHNEUWLY, B. Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Trad. Roxane Rojo e Glaís Sales Cordeiro. São Paulo: Mercado de Letras, 2004. PARANÁ, Secretaria de Estado da Educação. Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica Língua Estrangeira Moderna, Curitiba, 2008. REFERÊNCIAS COMPLEMENTARES CRISTÓVÃO, V. L. L.; FERRARINI, M. A.; PETRECHE, C. R. C.; SILVA, M. M. Elaboração de seqüências didáticas para o ensino de língua estrangeira uma produção coletiva. In: 4º Simpósio Internacional de Estudos de Gêneros Textuais - SIGET, Tubarão – SC, 2007. KARWOSKI, A, M; GAYDECZKA, B; BRITO, K. S. (Org.) Gêneros Textuais: Reflexões e Ensino. Palmas e União da Vitória: Kaygangue, 2005 p. 79-93. MARCUSHI,L.A. Gêneros textuais: o que são e como se constituem. Recife:2000. PAIVA, V. L. M. de O. O e-mail: um novo gênero discursivo. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte-MG, 2001. Disponível em: . Acesso em 12 jun. 2012. Consultas online Picture 1 Disponível.em:< /imagens/6ingles/2mail.jpg.> Access on October, 20th 2012 Picture 2 Disponível em: < > Access on November, 19th 2012. Picture 3 Disponível em: < > Access on November, 19th 2012. Picture 4 Disponível em: < Access on October, 22nd 2012. Picture 5 Fonte: Celina da Costa Santos. Picture 6 <> Access on November 16, 2012. Picture 7 < > Access on November 16, 2012 Picture 8Fonte: Celina da Costa Santos Picture 9 Disponível em:> Access on November 23rd, 2012 Picture 10 Disponível em: < /ingles/annefrpostcard.jpg. Access on October, 25th 2012 Picture 11 Disponível em:< Access on October, 28th 2012 Picture 12 Disponível em: <> Access on November 10th, 2012 Picture 13 Example of E-mail- Print Screen of new post of Expresso Mail. Picture 14 Disponível em:< / Access on October, 25th 2012. Picture 15 Disponível em: <>Access on December, 2nd 2012. Picture 16 Disponível em: <>Access on December, 2nd 2012. Picture 17 Disponível em: <> Access on December, 2nd 2012. Picture 18 Disponível em: Access on December, 2nd 2012. Picture 19 Fonte : print screen of BrturboMail . Picture 20 Disponível em: <> Access on December 3rd 2012 Picture 21 Fonte: elaborated by Celina da Costa Santos. Picture 22 Fonte: Adapted from > Access on October 28th 2012. Picture 23 Fonte: elaborated by Celina da Costa Santos. Picture 24 Fonte: Adapted from< Access on October, 23rd 2012. Picture 25 Fonte: Adapted from < Access on October, 23rd 2012. Picture 26 Fonte: Adapted from < Access on October, 23rd 2012. Picture 27 Fonte: Adapted from < Access on October, 23rd 2012. Picture 28 Disponível em:<'ve_Got_Mail_(soundtrack) >Access on October,12th 2012. Picture 29 Fonte: elaborated by Celina da Costa Santos Picture 30 Fonte: elaborated by Celina da Costa Santos Picture 31 Disponível em: < - Access on November 16, 2012.> Orientações metodológicas i Professor, pesquisar imagens que retratam a evolução dos meios de comunicação até os dias atuais. Essa atividade poderá ter o seguinte cabeçalho Accessing the student’s previous knowledge. No momento que estiver explorando as imagens realize os questionamentos sugeridos, de forma coletiva. ii Após assistirem ao vídeo, os alunos deverão formar pequenos grupos e conversar sobre o que consideram positivo nos atuais meios de comunicação. iii O objetivo desta atividade é conscientizar os alunos do fato de que, no mundo atual, ainda há muitas pessoas sem acesso ao mundo das informações propiciado pela Internet e pelas novas tecnologias. Depois que os alunos lerem os dados da tabela e confeccionarem um gráfico de barras, pergunte-lhes: Have you gotten surprised? What is your opinion about that? Este trabalho pode ser ampliado com uma enquete, na sala de aula e na escola, a respeito dos percentuais de alunos com acesso à Internet ou telefone celular. iv O professor deve fazer uma revisão sobre Simple Present- Afimative and negative forms. v Para que as imagens possam ser melhor visualizadas, acesse os endereços <> <> <> < vi As linhas da letra da música foram numeradas de 1 a 38. As palavras (written, down, say, digital e send) preenchem os espaços da 2ª estrofe. As palavras (plane, house e surprise) preenchem os espaços da 3ª estrofe. As palavras (complication e life) preenchem os espaços da 4ª estrofe. A letra da música está disponível em < > vii Fazer uma revisão dos adjetivos (antônimo e sinônimo) viii Explicar para os alunos que hiperlink é sinônimo de link ( são as palavras azuis nos textos), ou seja qualquer área clicável de uma página Web é um hiperlink. Também pode explicar como eliminar os hiperlinks. Consulte o site <> ix Esta atividade será realizada no laboratório de informática. xx Depois que os alunos fizerem uma leitura rápida, ajude-os a perceber que esse tipo de texto (email) é bastante semelhante tanto em português quanto em inglês no que se refere à forma e aos elementos que o acompanham. Converse com eles sobre o cabeçalho do e-mail e ajude-os a inferir o significado das palavras desconhecidas ( To,Cc,Bcc, subject,Regards and the elements accompanying the text ( send,attachments, etc.) xixi (HEADER, BODY and SIGNATURE) Explicar para os alunos as 3 partes de e-mail Que message header deve ter os seguintes componentes:T0(send) ,FROM (addressee), Cc(Carbon Copy), Bcc(Blind Carbon Copy), and Subject(what the e-mail is about). Site para consulta: xii Esta primeira leitura do texto deverá ajudar os alunos a concluirem que: “this text comes from a site for teens.” Esclareça o significado das “Key words: break up with, afraid of, frightened, scared and hurt.” xiii Chame a atenção dos alunos para o modo como o texto está organizado (em partes e na seguinte ordem: cabeçalho, cumprimento, mensagem, despedida e assinatura). Comente que o entendimento da organização de um texto contribui para o entendimento do texto em geral. xiv Professor é importante nessa atividade ressaltar o uso dos prefixos e sufixos. xv Enquanto os alunos compartilham suas opiniões sobre a pergunta, circule ao redor da sala incentivando-os a justificar suas respostas xvi Chamar a atenção para o emprego da palavra “Dear” no início de todos os emails, explicando a diferença de expressões no fechamento de cada um deles. xvii Esse momento pode ser propício para um discussão acerca das vantagens e dos perigos advindos dos contatos virtuais. Além disso, sugiro abordar a relevância das novas mídias para a sociedade e a necessidade de estarmos atualizados sobre elas. xviii Pergunte aos alunos se sabem o que são emoticons e para o que eles servem. Caso não saibam, explique que são símbolos bastante comuns na comunicação online (em e-mails, chats e sites de relacionamento), trabalhe o vocabulário a seguir por meio da pergunta (How are you feeling today?). Depois, eles deverão entrevistar dois colegas e registrar as respostas no caderno e na tabela. Para verificar a compreensão, sorteie alguns alunos e peça que leiam para o restante da classe. xix Os alunos deverão ler o e-mail rapidamente, concluindo que trata de um e-mail escrita por um adolescente para contar seu problema, normalmente esse tipo de e-mail é encontrado em sites for teens. Geralmente o autor recebe uma resposta (um conselho) para as questões levantadas. Incentive os alunos a justificarem suas respostas. xx Ressalte aos alunos a importância de saber o significado não apenas da alternativa correta, mas também das outras. xxi Esclareça eventuais dúvidas quanto à formação e uso de sentenças usando should e shouldn’t. xxii Antes de assistir ao vídeo, peça aos alunos que leiam rapidamente os passos abaixo e façam previsões sobre a sequência dos mesmos. Em seguida, eles deverão assistir ao vídeo uma vez e numerar os passos de acordo com a ordem em que são mencionados. Depois deverão assisti-lo novamente para conferir as respostas. xxiii Sugiro que essa música seja trabalhada com os versos divididos ao meio para que o estudante relacione as colunas. Depois do “listening” é possível relacionar a temática da música com o email de pedido de conselho, já que ambos estão sofrendo por amor (intertextualidade). Além disso, é possível abordar os gêneros mencionados na letra (carta, e-mail, foto), suas esferas de circulação e função social.