Annual Report 2015 - Union League Boys and Girls Clubs


Annual Report 2015 - Union League Boys and Girls Clubs
2015 A n n u al Re port
In 1919, Club One in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood provided a safe place
for a young man who had just lost his father as World War I came to an end
in Europe.
Ninety-six years later, a female high school student at Club Two finds a place
to safely assert herself as a leader among her peers through community service
and a young boy at our Barreto Club feels free to pursue his interest in science
without fear of being ridiculed by the “cool” kids at his school.
We offer more than 13,200 members of the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs,
a safe place where they are free to explore their interests and build confidence.
Union League Boys & Girls Clubs
Founded on December 26, 1919
Became an Affiliate Member of
the Boys & Girls Clubs of America
on February 23, 1920
Our vision is for each one of our Club members to be on track to graduate
from high school with a plan for the future.
We help youth prepare to reach their full potential. Thanks to the generous
support of our donors and our programming partners, the youth of the Union
League Boys & Girls Clubs have the opportunity to succeed in life and to find
their voices in the world.
1. Club One
2157 W. 19th Street
Serves the Pilsen community.
2. Barreto Club
1214 N. Washtenaw Avenue
Serves the Humboldt Park community.
3. Club Two
Located in William H. Wells
Community Academy
936 N. Ashland Avenue
Serves the Near West Side communities.
4. Chicago International
Charter School (CICS)
2235 N. Hamilton Avenue
Serves the Bucktown community.
5. Clemente Club
Located in Roberto Clemente
Community Academy
1147 N. Western Avenue
Serves the Humboldt Park community.
6. Englewood Club*
Located in Stagg
Elementary School
7424 S. Morgan Street
Serves the Englewood community.
7. Hammond Club*
Located in Charles G.
Hammond Elementary School
2819 W. 21st Place
Serves the Little Village & South
Lawndale community.
8. Juvenile Temporary
Detention Center
1100 S. Hamilton Street
Serves: Court-detained youth assigned
to Juvenile Temporary Detention.
* The initial funding for the Englewood and Hammond
Boys & Girls Clubs has been provided by grants of $234,000
from the Twenty-First Century Community Learning
Centers program of the U.S. Department of Education.
Located 65 miles north of Chicago, the Union
League Boys and Girls Clubs Camp has provided
a summer respite for thousands of at-risk youth
since 1924. The camp occupies 247-acres on the
rolling hills surrounding Lake Francis in Salem,
Wisconsin, and welcomes hundreds of kids each
summer for week-long sessions filled with
adventure, exploration, and fun at little or no
cost to their families.
Camp Day 2015
Camp is open to all youth of the ULBGC.
Recently, partnerships with the USO and
KidsRank have brought the benefits of a camp
experience to the children of military families.
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
2 0 15 -16
Terry R. Hendrickson
President of the Board of Trustees
Nancy A. Ross
First Vice President
Craig A. Labus
Second Vice President
Timothy J. Cunningham
Michael R. Ward
Assistant Treasurer
John Lemker
Cynthia L. Doloughty
Assistant Secretary
Stephen J. Schlegel
General Counsel
Mary Ann Mahon Huels
President & CEO
A simple objective that, achieved, yields profound impacts for
the youth we serve, their communities and our city.
More kids, more often is also the focus of Vision 20/20, the
strategic plan guiding our Union League Boys & Girls Clubs
over the next five years. I am pleased to report that our
average daily attendance increased to over 1,500 youths for
the first time in our 96-year history. I believe our growing
daily attendance is a continuing testament to the value our youth
and their families place on the quality of the programming we
provide. Most importantly, we deliver it in a safe place in their
communities where they need not feel threatened. On behalf of
these youth and their families, I offer my thanks to our donors,
our partners and our staff for making this possible.
Our strategic plan also calls for us to expand our footprint on
Chicago’s underserved South Side. I’m pleased to report that
our Board of Trustees has formed a South Side Task Force,
chaired by Trustee and Club One Alumni Craig Labus. Craig’s
team is charged with gaining a deeper understanding of where
and how our Union League Boys & Girls Clubs can best serve
the out-of-school time needs of youth and their families in
neighborhoods currently without a Boys & Girls Club presence.
I hope each of you will continue to support our efforts to make
a difference in the lives of Chicago’s kids. Whether it involves
your time, talent, or financial support, we appreciate all that you
do for Union League Boys & Girls Clubs. In the coming year
I urge each of you to make an effort to visit one of our Clubs or
attend one of our events. I can guarantee you the youth you will
meet will change your life.
ULBGC Board President Terry Hendrickson
visits Camp
Terry R. Hendrickson
President of the Board of Trustees
Mary Ann received this
prestigious national award
in 2015 for making significant
contributions to the Boys &
Girls Clubs movement.
EACH AND EVERY TIME I visit one of our Boys & Girls Clubs I am struck by all the ways we touch, guide and
shape the lives of the young people we serve. It is particularly gratifying when we bring our mission to those who
haven’t experienced it before.
This past year we opened two new Boys & Girls Clubs, one within the Hammond Elementary School in the South
Lawndale community and another at the Stagg Elementary School in the Englewood community. We have been
warmly received at both schools by school administrators and parents.
As always, our programming partners play a significant role in our service to the youth and communities we serve.
From long-standing partners such as the Greater Chicago Food Depository, the Chicago Cubs, Ross Stores, the
Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation and AT&T to new partners such as Blessings in a Backpack and Disney, our youth
benefit from the good nutrition, mentorship and opportunities they provide.
We are providing hope and opportunity for those who need us most – your support expands our reach and enables
us to enrich the lives of more young people each year. I offer my thanks to each and every one of you for helping us
lay the groundwork for Great Futures.
Mary Ann Mahon Huels
President & CEO
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
To enable all
young people, especially those
who need us most, to reach their
full potential as productive,
responsible and caring citizens.
13,213 YOUTH
Ages 6-18
Total 2015 Membership
Average daily
attendance in 2015
65% Hispanic/Latino
26% African-American
3% Caucasian
6% Other
Members belonging
to their club for
more than 2 years
55% Male
45% Female
of parents surveyed
agree that after-school
programs help them
keep their jobs
Attendance + Frequency of Visits = Together We Are Changing Lives
For every $1.00
invested in
Boys & Girls Clubs
$9.60 in lifetime
benefits to youth,
families and society*
T h e Retur n on
Inv es t m e nt f or
Bo ys & G ir ls C l ub s
A newly commissioned study by Boys & Girls Clubs of
America found that every dollar invested in Boys & Girls
Clubs returns $9.60 in current and future earnings, as well
as cost-savings, to American communities. It recognizes
that the services and programs provided by Boys & Girls
Clubs require substantial resources, especially staff time and
expertise, but have potential to generate lifetime benefits for
youth participants.
*University of Michigan Study
“The Club has had a huge impact
on my life. It has helped shape
and support me both emotionally
and academically”
C l u b Tw o M e m b e r
The study, conducted by the Institute for Social Research
and the School of Public Health at the University of
Michigan, found that the biggest benefits are from Club
members’ improved grades and reduced alcohol use
and their parents’ earnings.
Of significance, the results do not account for many
potentially significant benefits of Club participation
such as reduced teenage pregnancy, reduced involvement
in crime, increased financial literacy, leadership skills and
civic engagement. The researchers state, “Presumably,
if there were better ways to measure the short and
long-term effects of Clubs’ impact on these outcomes,
the measured overall impact would be greater.”
“I don’t know where I would be without the Club. I honestly
don’t know what I would be doing without their support.
Probably something I wouldn’t be proud of.”
Barreto Member
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
Ac a d emi c S uc c e s s
Homework Help & Tutoring
The Union League Boys & Girls Clubs offer daily after-school homework help and tutoring to all
Club members. The program, led by both staff and volunteers, helps youth succeed in the classroom
and encourages them to become independent learners. Power Hour, a homework initiative funded
by Ross Stores, ensures that each youth who visits a Club spends a portion of his or her Club day
completing homework.
Academic Enrichment: Science Club
Benefitting from dedicated science labs at our Club One and
Barreto Boys & Girls Clubs, middle-school aged youth gain a
better understanding of a wide range of topics through a series of
hands-on experiments. Topics include the science behind sound
and music, good nutrition, environmental stewardship and utilizing
forensic techniques to uncover a medical mystery.
Academic Enrichment: Khan Academy
On school day afternoons, our Barreto Club staff provides middleschool aged club members with math instruction programs of the
Khan Academy. Utilizing practice exercises, instructional videos and
personalized learning dashboards, young learners are empowered to
study at their own pace and without fear of being made fun of because
they don’t know the right answers. Student progress is tracked and
learning gaps are identified and addressed. With more than 150 Club
members now active in this program at Barreto, we will create a Khan
Academy program at Club One in 2016 thanks to the funding of a
generous donor.
Academic Enrichment: Access to Technology
All of our Boys & Girls Clubs are equipped with a dedicated computer lab. Our Clubs are resources to aid youth
in completing school projects even though they don’t have access to technology at home. Our computer labs also
provide Club members with access to STEM programming, robotics, Google coding programming and the UPS
Road Code driving simulation program.
Focus on the Future
Programs such as Career Launch and Diplomas to Degrees prepare youth to graduate from high school with a
plan for their future. Staff and volunteers guide youth on journeys to explore their interests and identify career
paths. They assist our members to link their future aspirations with concrete actions they can take today to
prepare to reach their goals.
Club One features a state-of-the-art
technology center. The center features
Samsung tablets pre-loaded with software
to help engage ten to twelve-year-olds in
science, technology engineering and
math topics.
84% of Club members
say school is important
“The Club has prepared me to not only be the first person in
my family to graduate high school but also go on to college.”
Club One Member
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
G o o d Ch a r a c te r & Cit iz en s hip
Embracing Tolerance ~ Building Confidence
Programs such as SMART Girls, SMART Moves and Passport to Manhood
develop self-esteem and personal responsibility and address issues of bullying,
prejudice and bigotry. Our trained staff moderate peer group discussions that
help members broaden tolerance for others.
“Ever since I joined
the Club, my life has
drastically changed
for the better.”
Clemente Club Member
Leadership Development
Keystone (ages 14-18) and Torch Clubs (ages 10-14) offer our Club members
the opportunity to elect officers and plan community service projects and social
activities that instill leadership skills.
Community Service
We pride ourselves on encouraging Club members to serve their communities.
In 2015, more than 500 of our members were engaged in a community-based
service project.
Hea l t h y Lif e s ty le s
RBI: Reviving Baseball in
Inner Cities
With the very generous support of Cubs Care,
a Fund of the McCormick Foundation, we offer
a Junior and Senior-level RBI program. Each
year, 300 young men develop baseball skills,
good fitness and practice habits through the RBI
program. RBI has been a gateway for dozens
of participants to qualify for college baseball
The RBI Program is enhanced by the Cal Ripken
Sr. Foundation Badges for Baseball program.
The program brings together officers of the U.S.
Marshals’ office, FBI, Chicago Police Department and Chicago Fire Department to provide
structured mentorship to our players.
Healthy Eating
Nutrition is the cornerstone of healthy lives. For many of the
Union League Boys and Girls Club members, food they enjoy
at our Club sites is their only source of meaningful nutrition
outside of school.
The Union League Boys and Girls Clubs’ commitment to
providing nutritious after-school meals to our Club members
is supported by the Chicago Food Depository and the gifts
of generous donors.
93% of members
report feeling a strong
sense of belonging
More than 100,000 meals
& snacks served annually
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
Fu n S a f e P l a c e to Bu ild M em or ies
Over the past 90 years, more than 50,000 young people experienced the pastoral freedom of the
247 acres of rolling hills and woodlands that surround beautiful Lake Francis in Salem, Wisconsin,
site of Union League Boys & Girls Club Camp.
The Camp is one of only seven of its kind nationwide and offers over 1,000 campers each summer a
chance to engage in outdoor camping, campfire ceremonies, storytelling, arts and crafts, drama, music,
boating and fishing. Campers learn about environmental awareness, leadership and teambuilding.
After a week at camp, youth return home with new skills and new friends. For many, the camp
experience is transformational.
Military Youth Program
In recent years, we have partnered with the USO,
KidsRank and the United States Military to provide a
camp getaway for more than 300 youth whose mothers
and/or fathers have been deployed in defense of our nation.
Special thanks to the Union League Club’s American
Legion Post 758 and United States Army, Air Force and
Navy for helping to fund these special camper experiences.
“I love going to camp, making new
friends and breathing fresh air.”
Club One Camper
After School Matters
American Camping Association
Americorps VISTA
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Authors’ Group of Union League Club
Blessings in a Backpack
Bon Ton
Members of the Chicago
Association of Realtors
Young Professional
Network visit Club One
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Buffalo Wild Wings & Their Franchisees
Build On
CA Technologies
Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation
Champro Sports
Charles Schwab
Chicago Association of REALTORS
Chicago Association of REALTORS – Young
Professionals Network
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Dawg Pound
Chicago Engineer’s Foundation
Chicago Fire Department
Chicago International Charter School
Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. moves from shortstop to catcher to support our youth
Chicago Park District
Chicago Police Department
Chicago Public Schools
The Geographic Society of Chicago
Chicago Smelts
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Ross Stores, Inc.
Chicago White Sox
HR Solutions, Inc.
Ross Foundation
Chicago Wolves
Illinois Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
Ruth Page Center for Dance
Cisco Systems
International Children’s Media Center
Instituto Del Progreso Latino
Citi Foundation
Joe Rizza Ford
Sea Research Foundation
City of Chicago – Dept. of Family &
Support Services
Joffery Ballet
Serafin & Associates
Luminarts Cultural Foundation
Shade Family Foundation
Coca-Cola Company
Make a Splash – Phil Dodson, USA Master
Major League Baseball RBI – Reviving
Baseball in Inner Cities
Thodos Dance Chicago
Union League Club of Chicago
Comcast & Comcast Sportsnet Chicago
Conoco Phillips
Cook County Juvenile Temporary
Detention Center
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Cubs Care, a Fund of the McCormick
National Association of REALTORS
DePaul University
Northwestern University
Dove Brands – Unilever
Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention
FBI – Chicago Division
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
First Tee
Robert Half International
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
National Runaway Switchboard
State’s Attorney of Cook County
Unilever Foundation
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Navy
U. S. Marshal Service
UNO Charter School Network
WVON 1690 AM
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
A s s ociat e B oar d
Associate Board members are Chicago-area
professionals who share a common interest in
making a difference in the life of a young person.
By generously offering their time and their talents
in support of the at-risk youth we serve, they are
real examples of what it means to be a productive,
responsible and caring member of a community.
Associate Board members enhance the club
experience for youth through their mentorship,
homework help and career and college guidance.
Some build relationships with our youth through
sports and recreation. They are making a difference
and together are changing lives. Our heartfelt thanks
to Associate Board Members for all the ways you
support the kids we serve.
ULBGC Associate Board
Leadership Group
Cosmin Lucaci, Chair
Andrew Jones
Thomas Anderson
Chris Opera-Lucaci
Matt Bernardi
Luis Pinedo
Thomas Bernardi
Madi Roche
Andrew Cubria
Brett Scheive
Kay Cubria
Steve Stegenga
Max Gaston
Erika Villegas
Margaret Jahn
Jake Wilkoff
Stacy Fleming, Ex-Officio
Thanks to Associate Board member Dani Eilers and her
colleagues at, Barreto Club youth enjoyed
The Feast of Three Kings.
From l to r: Youth of the Year
Candidates Alexis Hernandez,
Sarahi Garcia, Marilyn Gonzalez
and Saul Arellano are greeted by
Board President Terry Hendrickson.
Yo uth of th e Year
Congratulations to Alexis Hernandez of Club One, our 2016 Youth of the Year.
Alexis was selected from four finalists by a panel of trustees and community
leaders and recognized at the annual Youth of the Year Dinner. Each finalist
wrote and presented a moving speech detailing the obstacles he or she overcame
to become leaders among their peers.
Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Boys & Girls Clubs member can achieve.
Youth of the Year winners are eligible to receive much-needed scholarship money
to support their college education.
“Alexis and all of our finalists are tremendous examples
to all of our youth, displaying the values of leadership,
service and academic excellence.”
Te r r y H e n d r i c k s o n , B o a r d P r e s i d e n t
38th ANNUAL GALA 312 generous guests helped raise
over $300,000 to benefit the at-risk youth we serve.
We invite you to join us for our 39th Annual Gala on Saturday,
November 5, 2016. Together we can change more lives.
ULBGC President & CEO Mary Ann Mahon Huels with emcee
Matt McGill, WVON-1690 AM radio host
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
Summary of R e v e n u e s & E x p en s es
Support & Revenues
Contributions from Individuals
Major Gifts Initiative Revenue
$1,031,075 $1,057,866 25,413 37,475 Corporation & Foundation Grants 880,819 1,154,362 Government Grants & Programs
835,016 929,707 In-Kind contributions
34,200 56,125 Special fundraising events
358,812 343,584 Trust Income
190,607 220,575 Bequests & Other Exceptional Contributions
4,876,627 25,772 Income from club operations
Investment income
Realized & Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Invested Assets
Other income
Total Support & Revenues
15,793 24,397 149,373 156,187 (694,875)
725,307 161,839 79,976 7,864,699 4,811,332 Expenses
Program services
3,791,110 3,768,194 General Administration
402,802 438,041 Fundraising Expense
Total Expenses
Increase in Net Assets
339,745 4,533,657 $3,331,042 311,902 4,518,137 $293,195
Please note: An audited financial statement is available at
Program Services - 84%
General Administration - 9%
Fundraising Expense - 7%
• Mr. Jerry Manne
• Mr. George G. Maragos
• Mr. James P. Meyer
• Mr. James B. Planey
Over $100,000 • Mr. Nelson D. Cornelius
Cubs Care, a Fund of the McCormick
• Mr. Richard I. Gavin
• Ms. Angeline Higginson
• Mrs. Shirley H. Jahn
Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation, Inc.
• Ms. Nancy A. Ross & Mr. Phil Dodson
Ross Stores
Charles L., Reinhardt E. and
Carolyn L. Jahn Co-Trustees
• Mr. Stephen J. Schlegel
• Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Sullivan
The Reinhardt H. & Shirley R. Jahn
Frank W. Thurston Trust
• Mr. Fred Pearson
The Reinhardt and Shirley
Jahn Society
The Reinhardt & Shirley Jahn
Society is a special giving society
recognizing individuals who have
generously donated $10,000 or
more in one giving year.
They are designated with •
• Mr. Fred K. Walz
State of Illinois
$50,000 and above
State of Wisconsin (DPI)
American Camping Association
Charles H. Worcester Fund
Chamberlain Memorial Fund
$5,000 and above
$25,000 and above
Active Glass Co., Inc.
• Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gillespie
Alana Corp. Optis Partners LLC
George A Hamlin Trust
Lester & Edward Anixter
Family Foundation
• Mr. Howard H. Hush Jr.
• Mr. Neal Kottke
• Ms. Martha Jahn Martin and
Mr. Charles Brummell Jr.
Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation
Carmen and Ellyn Caruso
• Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Patterson
• Mr. David M. Shade & Family
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Shade Family Foundation
Mary F.S. Worcester Fund
Mr. Tilden Cummings Jr. and
Ms. Sandra Vitantonio
Butler Family Charitable Foundation
Cartif Fund
members of the Union League Club of
Chicago. Many of them have elected to
support the mission of the Union League
Boys & Girls Clubs on a monthly or quarterly
basis. Their generosity helps make all we
do possible. THANK YOU!
Mr. Edward Bernardi
Masonic Family Health Foundation, Inc.
• Mr. Ronald P. Bernardi
standing and generous support of the
Mr. Lee Martin, Jr.
$10,000 and above
We are particularly grateful for the long-
Guy and Jan Arvia
• Mike & Lynda Chioros
• Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
• Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donnelly
• Stacy L. & Ian Fleming
• Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Hendrickson
• Mr.& Mrs. Patrick J. Herbert
• Mr. & Mrs. Loren A. Jahn
• Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kiss
• Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Labus
Chicago Association of REALTORS
Ms. Cynthia L. Doloughty
First Bank of Highland Park Foundation
Dr. Jana Fleming
Mr. James J. Gatziolis
Dr. Claude Gendreau and
Ms. Jean Ubaudi
Peggy and Steve Goulding
William M. Hales Foundation
Ms. Marsha Hoover and
Mr. Thomas F. Karaba
Mr. Brian M. Jack
Margaret E. Jahn
Ms. Margaret Jahn and
Mr. Jacob M. Wilkoff
Mr. Loren D. Jahn
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
Mr. Steve Kass
Mr. Frank R. Niederman
Ms. Karen Hagberg
Kids Foot Locker
Mr. Kenneth E. Nordine Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey D. Hejza
Mr. Michael J. Koenigsknecht
Mr. Michael J. Phillips
Mr. Kevin J. Hermanek
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lemker Jr.
Mr. Leroy Reiter
Mr. Michael H. Hugos
Luminarts Cultural Foundation
Lynne & Timothy Rinkoski
Mr. Daniel Loren Jahn
Mr. Andrew Jon MacRae
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Shade
Mr. R. David Johnson
Mrs. Janet J. McDermott
Matthew and Michelle Sheahin
Mr. Jessie S. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. McKay
Mr. Les Stern
Mr. Alan R. Juraska
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Olin
Ms. Bridgette Thomas
Mr. Nicholas B. Kalm
Mr. Thomas E. Payne
Karol Uryga-Nawarowski Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Terence W. Keenan
RBC Wealth Management
Mr. Satish V. Vayuvegula
Mr. Justin K. Kessler
Mr. Timo Rehbock
Mrs. Betty Jo G. Walker
Ms. Judith Kiss
Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Robertson
Wesco Insurance Co.
Mr. Eric S. Kolkey
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education
Mr. William S. Wigoda and
Ms. Linda J. Jakubs
Mr. Thomas O. Kuhns
John M. Simpson Foundation
William & Hope Simpson Foundation
Benevolence Committee of the
Winnetka Congregational Church
Mr. Kenneth P. Such
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan Jr.
$ 1,000 and above
Mr. Steven J. Ashby
Ms. Susan H. Wallace
Mark J. Walsh Company
Baird Foundation
Mr. Michael R. Ward and Ms. Sue Ryan
Mr. and Ms. Alan F. Barney
Mr. Patrick F. Barron
$2,500 and above
Mr. Rich P. Beem
ADT Securities Services, Inc.
Mr. John H. Berchem
Mr. Dorian L. Bezanis
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Big Blue Swim School
M.R. Bauer Foundation
Mr. John Bodenmann
Mr. Thomas C. Borders
Mr. Christopher P. Bohus
Butler Family Foundation
Ms. Linda A. Bottomlee and
Mr. Michael Kravetz
Mr. Kenneth Paul Caniglia
Mr. Timothy Larocca
Ms. Louise M. LaRue
Mr. Kerry James Marshall
Mr. Brian D. Martin
Ms. Jacqueline Martin
Mrs. Karalynn M. McDermott
Mr. Mitchell McGuire
Mr. Richard E. Moore
NBCUniversal Media, LLC
Mr. Alfred A. Nietzel
Mr. William J. Nissen
Mr. Paul D. O’Connor
Mr. Richard Packman
Mrs. Donald A. Peterson
Mr. Barry Quirke
Ms. Lisa A. Radomski
Buffalo Wild Wings
The Rhoades Foundation
Mr. Edward O. Carney
Mr. Martin Ross
Mr. Robert E. Carroll
The Joseph H. Roy Trust
Mr. Jeffrey O. Chen and
Ms. Victoria Cheng
The Mary R Roy Trust
Mr. Thomas G. DiCianni
Ms. Dorene C. Dominguez
Chicago White Sox
Mr. David Ruiz
Dr. Javier E. Fajardo
Mr. Mason Cole
Mr. Jeffrey A. Sacks
GE Capital
Ms. Julie M. Danis
Mr. John E. Scully Jr.
Gilson Labus & Silverman
Mr. Benjamin H. DeBerry
Mr. Ronald Seliga
Goldberg Kohn Ltd.
Mr. Dennis Demoss
Ms. Lisa Shade
Ms. Laura J. Hagen
Mr. Richard D. Doermer
Mr. Jonathan F. Siedlecki
Mr. Wilson Hunt
Mr. Reuben S. Donnelley
Mr. Howard B. Simpson
Ms. Carol A. Doyle
Ms. Sandra Simpson
Mr. Cosmin Lucaci
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Eastwood
Mr. Robert Steere
Ms. Kathleen Elizabeth Manning
Streska Family Foundation
Mr. Nick James Massarella
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
For Charities
Mr. William J. McGrath
Mr. Michael Fine
Mr. Scott D. Meyer
Mr. Philip K. Fuentes
Ms. Corinne S. Morrissey
Mr. Richard M. Gatto
Chicago Cubs Charities
Mr. F. Michael Covey III
Mr. Mark Crane
Mr. John L. Ladle Jr.
Ms. Ellen Blumberg Rubert
Mr. John H. Strom
Mr. Robert Alan Subkowsky
Mr. Brent A. Sundberg
Mr. Donald Surber
Mr. Michael S. Dunn
Meridian Leasing Corporation
Tawani Foundation
Mr. Dave W. Dunning
Mr. Mark S. Mettille
Mrs. Vernon B. Thomas
Mr. Gerald H. Elbin
Milton Propane Incorporated
Mr. Richard P. Toft
Dr. Therese E. Finn
Ms. Paula Morency
Ms. Maria N. Flores
Ms. Courtney Murtaugh
Mr. Jason Peter Urban
Mr. Michael B. Fodor
Mr. John D. Newhouse
Karol Uryga-Mawarowski Foundation
Mr. Frederick C. Ford
Mr. Timothy J. Patronik
Utts Family Foundation
Ms. Janis Frenchak
Mr. James Petitpren
Mr. William C. Vonder Heide
Mr. John Fulcher
Plante Moran, PLLC
Mr. John W. Weaver
Mr. Tom P. Gohagan
Mr. Seaton Tinsley Preston III
Mr. Rainer R. Weigel
Ms. Marsha Feder Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rivera
Mr. David B. Whitehurst
Mr. Michael C. Gumbel
Mr. Michael Ross
Rachel B. Williams Foundation
Robert Half International
Mr. James W. Rowley
Mr. Mark Zorko
Mr. John Hamilton
Mr. Robert E. Ryan
Mr. William E. Hay
Mr. Hugh J. Schwartzberg
Mr. David M. Shade Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Allen
Hispanic American Construction
Industry Association
Amsted Industries Foundation
Mr. Robert Hoaglund
Ms. Joan M. Solbeck
Mr. Keith R. Anderson
Dr. Mira B. Irons
Ms. Evelyn S. Spencer
Mr. J. Trent Anderson
Mrs. Sheila C. Issenberg
Dr. Jean-Paul Spire MD
Mr. Mark A. Arvin
Mr. Andrew B. Jones
Mr. Dale J. Starkes
Mr. Anthony Eric Ashbaugh
Dr. Dorothy Jones and
Dr. Rom Warkomski
Ms. Donna Stride
$ 500 and above
Mrs. Donna J. Aylesworth
Mr. Bruce F. Babcock
Mr. Richard K. Baer
Mr. Korey Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartels
Mr. Phillip E. Battin
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Mrs. Gina Baxter
Mr. William M. Beckemeier
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Beckwith
Mr. P. S. Bening
Beyond Sports Foundation
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Mr. Dale R. Bonga
Mr. Bart R. Bonga
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Braucher
Ms. Myrna W. Kaplan
Mr. Robert M. Karton
Mr. John L. Kirkland
Mr. Mark Komorowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Korcz
Mr. Gregory G. Laka
Mr. Daniel R. LaRocco
Mr. Andrew W. Levenfeld
Ms. Stephanie A. Lippian
Ms. Stephanie Loera-Herrera
Mr. James M. Lynch
Ms. Cindy Jade Malone
Mr. Guy N. Maras
Mr. Jason P. McClain
Mr. Philip S. Mergener
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahin
Mr. and Mrs. Vytas V. Suopys
Mr. Gerard M. Thometz
Mr. John K. Totten
Mr. Ken Valin
Dr. Thomas D. Vander Veen
Dr. Anthony R. Volpe
Mr. Clark L. Wagner
Ms. Bobbi Walters
Dr. Nicole L. Washington
W. C. Weil Company
Wicklander Family Foundation
Ms. Brooke M. Wiseman
Mr. Paul J. Wisner
Mr. Joe Wisniewski
Mr. Richard S. Bull III
Mr. Edson Burton
Mr. John W. C. Carlson
Ceres Foundation
Mr. Barry R. Cesafsky
Mr. Rob Chomko
Dr. David W. Clough
Mr. Allan R. Crevi
Mr. Thomas P. Cunningham
Ms. Veronica Davis As-Salaam
Mr. Joseph J. Duffy
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
Janice Arvia
Ms. Patricia Barbosa
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Beckwith
Mr. Edward Bernardi
Mr. Brian Bewley
Boys, Arnold & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Casey
Ms. Jane Cavato
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Chantler
Mr. Michael M. Chioros
Mr. Edward L. Cooper III
Mr. F. Michael Covey III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Ekenberg
Mr. Joseph W. Epkins
Ms. Stacy L. Fleming
Mr. Richard B. Fontana
Garden Guild of Highland Park
Mr. James J. Gatziolis
Mr. William Gatziolis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Golan
Mr. David L. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Helt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Hendrickson
Mr. Charles H. Jesser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kadleck
Mr. Peter E. Kanaris
Mr. Thomas P. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kiss
Mr. Robert D. Kreisman
Kevin and Diane Larson
Mr. John F. Lemker Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Luchansky
Mr. Joseph A. Mahoney
Ms. Mary Ann Mahon-Huels
Ms. Kathleen Elizabeth Manning
Ms. Martha Jahn Martin
Patricia and Steven McCarthy
Mr. Richard H. McKay
Meridian Leasing Corporation
Lorna and Michael Miller
Mr. Robert M. Murphy
Murray Family Charitable Fund
Mr. John D. Newhouse
Mr. Frank R. Niederman
Mr. Timothy J. Patronik
Ms. Angela G. Pyle
Mr. Thomas H. Ritter
Mr. Robert A. Rylowicz
Mr. Stephen J. Schlegel
Mr. John E. Scully Jr.
Mr. Timothy J. Seeley
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan L. Shoemaker
Ms. Therese Shultz
Mr. William Snell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stec
Mr. Robert Alan Subkowsky
Mr. Kenneth Paul Such
Mr. Michael L. Sullivan
Mr. Daniel G. Theisen
Utts Family Foundation
Ms. Bridget A. Vandenburgh
Mr. Henry J. West
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest R. Whittaker
Mr. Harold J. Wiaduck Jr.
Mr. Jeff Zapchenk
Anthony J. Batko
Ms. Lee R. Hamilton
Amador Cepeda Santos
Mrs. Margie Cepeda-Vargas
Club Two Alumni
Mr. Walter Stancy
Nelson D. Cornelius
Ms. Martha Jahn Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Covey, Jr.
Ms. Marie Smilek
Lloyd Bedford Cox, Jr.
Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
Judge Richard D. Cudahy
Mrs. Richard D. Cudahy
Mrs. Mercedes Diaz
Mr. David Diaz
William and Helen DiCianni
Mr. Thomas G. DiCianni
Kathy Hendriksen
Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
Patrick Herbert
Mr. James P. Meyer
Donald A. Hickey
Mrs. Michelle L. Bahr
Mr. David J. Chizewer
Ms. Kelly Dennehy
Mr. Timothy C. Frederick
Ms. Sherry Gini
Mr. David D. Jendon
Ms. Andrea Niemeyer
Mr. James W. Pardieck
Ms. Mary J. Quick
Mr. Jack Slinger
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence R. Sullivan
Mr. Alex Vecchiet
Angie Higginson
Farr Rutili Group - Merrill Lynch & Co.
Mr. Craig Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kiss
Ms. Martha Jahn Martin
Mr. Frank R. Niederman
Ms. Barbara Provus and
Mr. Fred Wackerle
Mr. John E. Scully Jr.
Frank and Jeanne Judge
Ms. Marguerite F. Judge
Lynn Kavanagh
Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
Leo Latz, Jr.
Mr. F. Michael Covey III
Arthur C. Low
Mr. and Mrs. Arkadjusz A. Aneszko
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Conomos
Envirep, Inc.
Mr. Michael B. Fodor
Mr. David C. Frost
Mr. Michael Gillespie
Mr. Terry R. Hendrickson
JRM International, Inc.
Ms. Marie L. Kipka
Mr. David L. Lounsbury
Mrs. Arthur C. Low Sr.
Mr. Thomas Mulcahy
Mr. James Solberg
Treatment Equipment Co.
Mr. Michael Pusateri
Municipal Equipment Co.
Mr. Michael F. Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Russell, Jr.
Ms. Margaret K. Salvitti
Mr. John E. Scully Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Soling
Mr. Philip A. Thompson
W. C. Weil Company
Ms. Brenda M. White
Robert F. MacNally
Mr. Richard B. Hoffman
Ms. Ellen Ann Bechthold
Mr. James H. Ferguson
Mr. Robert Gareis
Mrs. Karen Hagberg
Mr. Robert Hoaglund
Mr. Donald C. Lisle
Mr. John H. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Price
Mrs. Frank J. Scarpelli
Mr. Richard S. Simester
Mr. Lamarr Smith
Ms. Mary T. Steinbach
Mr. Peter H. Wood
Mr. Peter S. Zouvas
Seymour H. Persky
Ms. Martha Jahn Martin
Peter Nygren
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Walsh
Donald A. Peterson (Camp Fund)
Mrs. Donald A. Peterson
Ms. Donna Peterson
John and Margaret O’Neill Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
Mary Rizza
Mr. Craig A. Labus
Fred Pearson
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Herbert F. Stride
Mrs. Donna Stride
Jason Surber
Mr. Donald Surber
Rebecca Toia
Mr. Dennis Demoss
Richard Tomczyk
Mrs. Margie Cepeda-Vargas
Mr. Frank J. Matkovich
Richard G. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Braucher
Robbie M. Cichon
Mr. Terry R. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Inman
Kevin and Janet Kufrin
Mr. Richard H. McKay
Mr. Frank R. Niederman
Ms. Debra S. Oswald
Mrs. Donald A. Peterson
Mr. Robert A. Rylowicz
Mr. John E. Scully Jr.
Mrs. Betty Jo G. Walker
Mr. Philip J. Wicklander
Mr. and Ms. Ronald L. Zimmerman
Eric & Hank Blomquist
Mr. Michael C. Gumbel
Bob Chmiel, Club One Alumni
Ms. Clare Chmiel
Frank Chmiel
5th Member enrolled in Union League
Boys & Girls Club, 1920
Mr. Christopher T. Krause
Mr. Matthew M. Dvorak
Mike Covey’s Birthday
Ms. Alicia Robertson
Ms. Marie Smilek
Jamie Gerber
Robert and Helene Gerstein
Robert Half International Employees
Mr. Steve Kass
Shirley Jahn
Mr. Benjamin B. Kutscheid
Sarah & Zach Jordan
Mr. Steve Singer
Thomas Karaba and Marsha Hoover
Mr. Thomas O. Kuhns
Yelena Khrustova and
Michael Lewis
Mr. Howard J. Kirschbaum
John and Margaret Lemker
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad N. Hansen
William J. McDermott
Mr. Reuben S. Donnelley
Mrs. Sheila C. Issenberg
Mr. Jessie S. Jones
Mr. James W. Rowley
John M. Simpson Foundation
Mr. Howard B. Simpson
Ms. Sandra Simpson
William & Hope Simpson Foundation
Union League Club Directors
Mr. Alan R. Juraska
Marlene & Tony Volpe
Dr. Anthony R. Volpe
Clients, Business Associates
and Friends of Mark J. Walsh
& Company
Mr. Mark J. Walsh
Peer Pedersen
Mr. Bernard Peter
Harry Robertson’s Birthday
Mrs. Dennis Waller
Jeff Sacks
Ms. Anne F. Bassi
The Schmit Family
Teddy Bear Nursery Schools, Inc.
Emil N. Syngel
Mr. Gerald B. Gersey
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
H er it ag e Societ y
This past year, Trustee and First Vice President Nancy Ross
and her husband Phil Dodson generously chose to become
Heritage Society members as they included the Union League
Boys & Girls Clubs in their estate plans.
“We realized, after years of our involvement with
the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs, just how
important the welfare and development of the Club
youth are to us. So many of our Club kids are able
to maintain hope for their futures while overcoming
incredible obstacles, such as homelessness, broken
families, dangerous neighborhoods, poor schools and
people who don’t believe in them. They inspire us.
“…visionary individuals of
differing perspectives and ages
have each reached the same
conclusion that supporting our
Boys & Girls Clubs and the
children is a vital social
Kenneth L. Means
Honorary Chairman of the Heritage Society
as it was being formed in 2002
We want to ensure our Club kids have opportunities
to achieve their potential after we are no longer here.
Keeping them safe, giving them opportunities to learn
and develop and letting them be kids are things no
child should be without. Just as we do for our own
offspring, we want to continue to support our Club
kids when we are gone.”
Nancy Ross & Phil Dodson
We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the very
generous and thoughtful gifts of the following Heritage Society
members in 2015:
Mr. Nelson D. Cornelius
Mr. Richard I. Gavin
Ms. Angeline Higginson
Mr. Fred Pearson
* Mr. Guy F. Arvia
Mr. Cosmin Lucaci
Mr. Ronald P. Bernardi
Mr. Andrew J. MacRae
Mr. Thomas C. Borders
Mr. Jerry Manne
Mr. Charles Brummell
Mrs. Kathleen Manning
Mr. Carmen D. Caruso
Mr. George G. Maragos
Mr. Jeffrey O. Chen
Mr. Guy N. Maras
Ms. Victoria G. Cheng
* Ms. Martha Jahn Martin
* Mr. Michael M. Chioros
Mr. William J. McGrath
Mr. F. Michael Covey, III
* Mr. James P. Meyer
Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham
Mr. Richard E. Moore
Mr. Thomas G. DiCianni
* Mr. Frank R. Niederman
Mr. Richard D. Doermer
Mr. Kenneth E. Nordine
Ms. Cynthia L. Doloughty
Mr. Jeffrey L. Olin
Mr. John L. Donnelly
Mr. Thomas E. Payne
Ms. Carol A. Doyle
Mr. James B. Planey
Mr. Thomas E. Erffmeyer
Mr. Timo Rehbock
Ms. Stacy L. Fleming
* Ms. Lynne T. Rinkoski
* Mr. James J. Gatziolis
VADM. Ann E. Rondeau, USN (Ret.)
Mr. Stephen H. Goulding
* Ms. Nancy A. Ross
* Mr. Terry R. Hendrickson
Mr. Jeffrey A. Sacks
Mr. Kevin J. Hermanek
* Mr. Stephen J. Schlegel
* Mr. David M. Shade
Ms. Marsha K. Hoover
Ms. Lisa Shade
* Mr. Howard H. Hush, Jr.
Mr. Paul W. Shade
Mr. Patrick J. Herbert
Mr. Matthew J. Iverson
Mr. Matthew J. Sheahin
Mr. Brian M. Jack
Mr. Robert M. Karton
* Mr. Jonathan F. Siedlecki
* Mr. Kenneth P. Such
* Mr. Michael L. Sullivan
Mr. Steve Kass
Mr. Michael P. Sullivan, Jr.
* Mr. Michael W. Kiss
Mr. William E. Tienken
* Mr. Loren D. Jahn
Mr. Michael J. Koenigsknecht
Mr. William C. Vonder Heide
* Mr. Neal Kottke
* Mr. Craig A. Labus
Ms. Susan H. Wallace
Mr. John L. Ladle, Jr.
* Mr. Edward Bernardi
* Mr. Richard S. Bull, III
Mr. John W. C. Carlson
Mr. Frederick C. Ford
* Ms. Laura J. Hagen
Mr. Don S. Harnack
Mr. Clinton B. Henderson
Mr. John L. Kirkland
Mr. Gregory G. Laka
* Mr. Richard H. McKay
* Mr. Robert W. Patterson
Mr. Guenther M. Philipp
* Mr. Harry G. Robertson
Mr. John E. Scully
Mr. Richard G. Walker
Mr. David B. Whitehurst
* Mr. Emil N. Syngel
* Mr. Fred K. Walz
Mr. Michael R. Ward
* Mr. John F. Lemker
* Heritage Society Member
Mr. Richard G. Walker
toge the r we a re c h ang i ng l i ve s
IT’S 3:00 P.M.
65 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604