fall in this issue - Wasilla Bible Church
fall in this issue - Wasilla Bible Church
WBC NEWS FALL 2013 Community Groups Community Groups, you will start to hear that phrase in the months ahead. Over the past year we have been preparing for a return to a structured small group system in our congregational life. We have been taking slow and deliberate steps in order to build a system that will last. Most of the work has been behind the scenes to this point. This fall that will begin to change. The first “visible target” is to have a team of 27 Community Group Leaders in place and on line leading Community Groups by October 1st. It is an aggressive goal – but we are making good progress towards it. We do not plan on letting up. Even as we bring the first wave of leaders on line we will, Lord willing, be recruiting and preparing a second wave. As we build our team of leaders you will begin to hear the phrase “Community Groups” more and more often. I think this would be a good time to provide a simple definition of a Community Group. A Community Group is a small group that meets regularly to encourage and engage one another in the practice of our Five Core Commitments: 1) The Centrality of Christ, 2) The Authority of Scripture, 3) The Priority of Prayer, 4) Authenticity in our Spiritual Life, 5) Community in our Congregational Life. Because these groups are being built around dependable and capable leaders we have minimal “required” criteria for the groups. We are committed to maximum leader flexibility and strongly encourage diversity in our various group demographics, locations, and schedules. We do have a basic group “template” (or format) but we understand that Godward relationships are more organic than they are organized. A healthy vine can, and will, grow well on a simple trellis. place. We are not planning a general participant signup. We will build the groups slowly around each leader. Starting Point will eventually become a key element in that process. This will take time. We are okay with that. You can build a trellis quickly—it takes time to grow a vine. Adult Ministries ~Larry Kroon, Senior Pastor Starting Point As Larry has indicated, community groups will be the default place people will build and foster Christ-centered relationships to live out the 5 Core Commitments in our congregation. In order to help people get involved in community groups we are beginning Starting Point this October. Starting Point is designed to be an on-ramp into congregational life. Through the three sessions of Starting Point we will relationally coach you through the process you want to begin (whether that’s joining community groups, pursuing church membership, getting baptized, or something else). We’ll do that in a low-key, relational setting where we can get to know one another, typically over a meal. The bottom line is that if you want to move deeper into church life, Starting Point is where you want to go. Fall Course Line-Up p. 2 Extended Ministries Summer Blessings p. 3 Youth Ministries Check Out Our 2013 Summer Trips Report & Photos p. 4 Music Ministries Staffing Change p. 6 Children’s Ministries From VBS to Mid-Week Children's Ministry p. 8 Support Ministries Baptisms p. 10 Resource New Resource Projects, Service Video, The City p. 11 WBC LIFE In Pictures. p.12 The first sessions of Starting Point will begin here at the church the first full week of October. One set will begin on Sunday, October 6th, immediately following second service. The second set will meet on Friday evening, October 11th, at 6:30pm. Signups for the sessions will start next Sunday, September 8th. If you want to get more involved in congregational life and are ready to take the next steps toward that end, I look forward to seeing you at Starting Point. As we move into the fall months our primary focus will be upon getting a strong cohort of leaders in MAKING DISCIPLES AS WE… IN THIS ISSUE W O R S H I P TO G E T H E R . AND MORE! ~Ashley Brown, Associate Pastor L E A R N TO G E T H E R . S E RV E TO G E T H E R . ADULT MINISTRIES Fall 2013 Adult Ministry Course Line Up Adult Studies: Beginning the week of September 8th • Sunday Mornings 11:15-12:15pm Pastor John Annex Traditional Sunday School: Families are encoraged to worship together at the first service and individually go to Sunday School second service. All adults are welcome. • Sunday Evenings 6:30-8:30pm Pastor John Gillespie’s GAP (college and career age): “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the GAP. Ezekiel 22:30 Please join us this year as we enjoy food, fellowship and an in-depth look at the Bible. Contact John @ 841-2934 for more information. • Tuesday Evenings 7:00-8:30pm Joe Kirkwood Rm. B03 Spirit World: The world of God, Satan, angels and demons is a very real world all around us. Living as God wants us to in this physical world requires a clear biblical understanding of the spirit world. This is a 14 week class, all materials are provided. Men’s Bible Studies: • Sunday Mornings: Begins the week of September 8th 11:15-12:15pm Loren Kroon Sports Complex Men’s Connection: The men of WBC meet weekly for discussion and prayer to encourage one another. • Tuesday Mornings: Begins September 10th 7:00-8:30am Pastor Joel Rm. B11 Psalms: Join us for this interactive study. Each week we will read, discuss, sing, and pray a psalm. • Wednesday Nights: Begins September 11th 7:00-8:30pm Pastor Larry Women’s Bible Studies: • Tuesday Mornings: Begins September 10th 10:00-12:00pm 10:00-12:00pm Sarah Brown Merry Doner CoffeeHouse Rm. 204 Women’s Bible Study: This fall the women will be jumping into Hebrews. Hebrews is about the supremacy of Christ. Join us as we explore “so great a salvation” through so great a Savior. If you are looking for a Bible study to join, please know you are welcome; we would love to include you in our journey. • Wednesday Evenings: Begins September 11th 7:00-8:30pm Nikki Toll Rm. B20 Women’s Bible Study:This fall the women will be jumping into Hebrews. Hebrews is about the supremacy of Christ. Join us as we explore “so great a salvation” through so great a Savior. If you are looking for a Bible study to join, please know you are welcome; we would love to include you in our journey. Specialized Studies: • Tuesday Evenings: Begins October 22nd 6:30-8:30pm Dave Eller Rm. B03 Financial Peace University: FPU teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Other Ministries: PrimeTimers: A Senior Adult Ministry for men and women at or near retirement whose purpose is to fellowship, support, and encourage one another. Primetimers meet on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9am. Call Mel @ 376-7719 for more info. Stephen Ministry: Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Call Pastor Jim @376-2176 for more information. CoffeeHouse Men’s Bible study: The coffee is on at 6:30pm. The study begins at 7:00. • Thursday Mornings: On Going 6:00-7:30am Pastor John CoffeeHouse Men’s Breakfast: Come eat, fellowship and study the Word. PAGE 2 FALL 2013 EXTENDED MINISTRIES Summer Blessings God has blessed Wasilla Bible Church this summer. No, I am not referring to the multiple days of temperatures over 80 degrees, although that was nice. I am referring to a fantastic summer of Extended Ministries. First, I must explain something important. We support a missionary couple who need to remain nameless when we discuss missions. In today’s digital age every missionary must assume that their name will be Googled upon entry into a foreign country. This is especially important if the country in question is hostile to the Gospel. If the missionary’s name pops up connected to a church or a missions agency their work and freedom are immediately in jeopardy. Also, if they are identified as a missionary, each person that they speak with is then placed in jeopardy. With this in mind we have codenamed one of our supported missionaries “Charis.” (Charis means grace.) Having said all that let me say that we were blessed with having Charis with us all summer long. They have been staying in Wasilla since the end of May and have just now relocated to Anchorage. It was such a blessing to have Charis meet with various groups and tell of how God is at work within their (unnamed) country. Charis has been in our Bible studies, fellowships, and church services. They were as blessed as we were with all of the fellowship. It was also a good summer of translation work for them. I hope you had the opportunity to spend time with Charis and to hear of all that God is doing through them. Please continue to pray for them as they return to their home and the work within the country God has lain on their hearts. We were also blessed by a visit from the Brubaker family. They work with World Venture missions in Rwanda where Tim is a pastor's teacher at New Creation Ministries in Kigali, Rwanda. Tim is an integral part of a school that offers in-depth training to Rwandan pastors. Currently Tim, Jessica and their family of 2 boys and 2 girls are traveling in the U.S. visiting their supporting churches, family, and friends and ultimately settling in the Chicago area where Tim will finish his own studies. As with Charis we were blessed to hear of how God has been working in their lives and ministry. Many people of WBC were able to spend time with the Brubakers and enjoy their company. I (Pastor John) was able to take Thomas and Martin out to the woods for some .22 shooting. It was a first for both of the boys. I showed them how to safely handle a rifle and then pointed them towards the Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. targets. Martin laid on the sand bag for a long time looking down the barrel—not shooting. I finally got next to him and said, “You may shoot when you are ready.” He just kept looking down the barrel. I looked up at his dad, we both shrugged our shoulders, and then he finally shot. He got a perfect bulls-eye. He was studying the target! I asked if he could do that again and he did. Both boys enjoyed the day in the Alaskan outdoors. Again, we were blessed to have been visited by the Brubaker family. Please continue to pray for them while they are stateside and pray for Tim as he studies. Also, continue to pray for the pastors who are studying at New Creation Ministries in Rwanda. I am sure that they are eager to have the Brubaker family “home” again. Our summer may be winding down (say it’s not so) but we continue to be blessed within Extended Ministries. On September 2nd Sasha and Natasha from Good News Church of Vladivostok, Russia will arrive for a visit. We are looking forward to many hours of fellowship and learning of God's blessings within the church where Sasha is pastor. Our prayer for this visit is to learn how to pray more specifically for Good News Church and to learn how we can be a continued support to the building of God’s kingdom there in Vladivostok. Please look for Sasha and Natasha in church on September 8th and warmly greet them. If you have been praying for them, please tell them so. If you have not been praying for them, please start. If you wish to learn more of their ministry and our church’s connection with them, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you, Wasilla Bible Church Family of Faith, for your hospitality, support, prayers, and time spent invested in our Extended Ministries partners. Your support and prayers do make a difference within the kingdom of God. Keep up the good work. ~John Doak, Adult Ministries Pastor PAGE 3 YOUTH MINISTRIES My wife, Audra, and I are very thankful to be a part of the family of faith here at WBC. I am excited to begin working with the Elders, Britt, and the team of youth leaders to make disciples of the young men and women at WBC, teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded. I deeply love Jesus and his body and desire for others to as well. A Look Back The time I was able to spend with the teens on a few of the trips this summer was absolutely amazing! It was great to watch the Spirit of God so evidently working in the hearts of our young people. Our up-coming freshmen spent 3 days camping in Kenai. They spent time hiking Exit Glacier and hanging out at camp. They also looked at the reality of walking humbly with Jesus and following his example by putting others’ needs above their own through studying Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Our up-coming sophomores rafted to various locations along Kenai Lake while discovering what Paul says true “Christian fellowship” ought to be through his letter to the Philippians. Our up-coming juniors traveled to Fairbanks to put into practice what Jesus says in Matthew 20:26 “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.” They labored many hours each day working on projects at a local camp, as well as looking into many different passages that challenged them and gave a clearer understanding of what it means to sacrificially serve one another for the glory of Jesus. Our up-coming seniors ventured into B.C. to kayak on the ocean for about a week. It was not only challenging physically, but spiritually as well. Through great conversations and scripture meditation, the students were challenged to sit with Jesus and listen for his voice. It was a great time for strengthening and building Christ-centered relationships. A Look Forward Charles Spurgeon, a theologian and preacher from the 1800s, who is known as "The Prince of Preachers" and who was called by God to begin preaching at the age of 15, wrote the following statement: I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death, still to be a soul winner, still to be a true herald of the cross, and testify the name of Jesus to the last hour. It is only such who in the ministry shall be saved. WEEKLY YOUTH SCHEDULE PAGE 4 Like Spurgeon and so many other followers of Christ, our ambition and pursuits should be to remain faithful and productive for the glory of Christ Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit we were given his Word as a written testimony of the supremacy and love of Jesus who gives us eternal life. This year we will be following the Apostle John through specific events in the life of Jesus. We’re told in John 20:31 “...but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” As we venture through The Gospel According to John , we will see the very intentional way Jesus draws us to himself so that we might find our ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment of joy in him. Would you join me this year in praying for the teens in our family of faith as well as those in our community? Please pray that through a growing affection for Jesus, they would experience life abundantly in the worship of Jesus and thus avoid the snares of this world. ~Josh O'Donnell, Youth Pastor STUDENT CALENDAR High School (Crossfire) October 11 & 13 - Fall Retreat October 26 - Youth band leads Sunday Worship November 27 - No Youth Group December 1 - S.A.L.T. Christmas Party December 25 - No Youth Group January 1 - No Youth Group Middle School (Crosswalk) Septemeber 14 - Butte Hike November 26 - November Fest December 24 - No Youth Group December 31 - No Youth Group YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER CALENDAR September 28 - Leader Training December 8 —Leader Christmas Party High School Youth Group (Crossfire Middle School Youth Group (Crosswalk Middle School Sunday School Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 8:30pm, B03 Tuesday Nights 7:00pm - 8:30pm Gym 11:15am - 12:15pm Rm 204 FALL 2013 YOUTH MINISTRIES (Summer Trips) Youth Summer Trips 2013 Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. PAGE 5 MUSIC MINISTRIES All the Way Our Savior Leads Us WORSHIP LEADER PROFILE: Cathy I enjoy seeing God at work. Most recently I have been able to see Him at work throughout a recent Worship Ministry staffing change. For the past two years, Willy Shelton has been on staff part-time as Worship Ministry Assistant, overseeing all of the Fishing Crew worship teams as well as the GrowZone worship leaders, a job he enjoyed very much. However, this past spring Willy was feeling led to step down in order to have more time for work and family. Willy and I prayed together about who should replace him, and God brought Cathy Winter to mind. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to us, Cathy had been thinking and praying about trimming her hours a little at her physical therapy job and doing more with music. When I first spoke to Cathy about the Worship Ministry position, I learned that God had already been leading her in this direction. After much prayer and some schedule adjustments, Cathy officially came on staff part-time at the end of July. As Worship Ministry Assistant, Cathy will be overseeing all of our children’s music, as well as working with the youth band. She will also be co-leading one of our Sunday morning teams with me. Cathy has a beautiful servant’s heart, and I am excited to see what God is planning to do through her this year. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” God has led Cathy into this position to accomplish His good purposes, just as He has much good for Willy to do this year as a Worship Ministry volunteer, father, and financial advisor. All the way our Savior leads us. ~Joel Stamoolis, Worship Pastor PAGE 6 How long have you been involved in the Worship Ministry at WBC and how did you get started? It all started on a S.A.L.T. retreat, when Tonya Jones brought both a guitar and music leaving me no excuse but to rise to the occasion. I had been taking guitar lessons from Joel for almost 2 years at that point, but had managed to avoid sharing my gift. That was about 8 years ago. Since then, I have led for AWANA, and have enjoyed playing on various FISHing Crew, youth and adult teams in addition to a few youth trips. What instruments do you play? I play guitar with the most confidence, but I also enjoy playing piano and djembe. I own a few percussion instruments and I can pick up a harmonica and play a few songs. On my list to learn are the cello and the fiddle. What are some of your favorite worship songs and why? “Be Thou my Vision” The line “Thou and Thou only, first in my heart, High King of Heaven, my Treasure thou art” has been my favorite since high school, challenging me to keep Him first in my heart. FALL 2013 MUSIC MINISTRIES CONT. “It is Well with My Soul” Similar to “Blessed Be Your Name”, this song challenges my heart to be content, recognizing that I already have everything I need. It is well with my soul. “For the Moments I Feel Faint” by Relient K This one has been a tremendous encouragement to me, and is one that I have found to be a huge encouragement to our youth, to remember that when the world tells us there is no hope, the God that we serve is steadfast and we should never underestimate Him. “Psalm 62 (My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone)" by Aaron Keyes and Stuart Townend them, and even later in life, how the Holy Spirit will bring a song to mind to affirm, guide or direct. And let’s face it, standing in front of those kids singing, you have the best seat in the house. What do you find most challenging about leading worship for kids? I enjoy picking songs that kids can relate to, the challenge is making sure that the kids are singing concepts that they understand. Do you have a favorite verse or passage related to worship? My favorite verse related to worship (for today) is Psalm 100. Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! This song became precious to me when I was preparing to leave home for college. God reminded me that no matter where I was, my soul could find rest in Him. He will always be my rock and my salvation. Serve the LORD with gladness! “Be Still, O My Soul” by Joel Stamoolis we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. God brought this song to my heart when I needed to be comforted by the reality of His remarkable justice. Knowing that He is God, and that I can trust him, is enough to bring me through anything. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, “Center” by Charlie Hall For the LORD is good; This song is continually an encouraging and convicting reminder, as it was a few Sundays ago when paired with the sermon on Discipleship. It’s my prayer for every aspect of my life that Christ would be found in the center. his steadfast love endures forever, These songs are just a few of my favorites that God has used to remind me of His truth. True to the cry of these songs, I get caught up in being busy and need to be reminded what makes my soul sing and to be still, be content, find rest, and wait. What do you enjoy most about leading worship for kids? I love hearing how the songs that we sing on Sunday morning stay with the kids, how they continue to sing Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. Come into his presence with singing! Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! and his faithfulness to all generations. What excites you most about coming on staff? I cannot express how excited I am to come alongside the WBC ministry team to specifically encourage our kiddos in musical worship. I love music and even more I love God’s children, so for me, the combination couldn’t get any better. Working with children is an incredible responsibility and blessing. I am overjoyed at this opportunity to get to use music to help them know and praise Him well. ~Cathy Winter, Worship Ministry Assistant PAGE 7 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Looking Back... This summer has been a busy one! We kicked it off with Vacation Bible School at the beginning of June. This was a fun filled week when the kids traveled back to Babylon. They met with Daniel and visited shops that included a metal shop, mosaic shop, astronomy school, and many more. We were blessed with 197 kids and 120 volunteers. What a great adventure. This next year we’ll be traveling to Athens. Think white columns, red velvet swag and gold bling. If you would like to be part of the team for this next year, or if you know you’d like to run a shop, let us know and we’ll add you to our sign up. Some of our first year volunteers were Bud and Doreen Beech. They ran the Synagogue in Babylon and did an amazing job! We asked them to share with you their experience and this is what they had to say: "My wife Doreen signed us up one Sunday to help in VBS. I was not comfortable with the idea at first, but after the first meeting it became clear that this was a well planned program with some very organized people working together, and the second meeting only proved to reinforce my initial impression. When VBS started, I realized there were a few things I was not sure of, like how everything worked together. This was easy to figure out after a couple of days by our conversations with the young people and other shop keepers. As with every summer, we switch from a full swing Children’s Ministry to a smaller version we call Summer GrowZone. This is for our 4 year olds and under. It has been really neat to see so many new faces down stairs serving our kids. We switched up our lessons and crafts this year and worked on updating the website to reflect what was currently going on. Hopefully you had a chance to check it out and benefit from it. We really desire to pour into our kids over the summer and continue the learning experience. We’ve been blessed to see an increase of dads signing up and serving. We love when a family serves together. One of the dads that spent several weeks serving had this to say: “For many weeks this summer, I've had the privilege of working with my family in the Galloping Goats toddler nursery. I've enjoyed the time spent with my wife and kids and many of your lively and shining children. The Bible says that children are a heritage from the Lord, and being surrounded by so many little ones helps to make God's truth that much more real. Being around these energetic toddlers each week in class, I can see myself in the trials and joys they experience. Whether it's the struggle leaving the arms of the parents love or the delight in being able play with some new toys. We're not different, those kids and I. And to be honest, their innocent outlook on life is encouraging. of they to so Has it been a little while since you've had some fun? Being new at this, it was a lot for me to take in, but I felt good about each day's experience. The material was well put together and the organizers made it a fun and a rewarding experience. I would encourage others to join in. This is a great way to serve and help further the kingdom of God through His people." ~Thank You, Bud and Doreen Beech PAGE 8 FALL 2013 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES CONT. Volunteering with these kids is much more fulfilling than it is draining. And don't worry - they don't all cry at the same time. If you don't feel like you're up to the task, take heart and have a little faith. Be a part of what God is doing in the body of Christ, even the youngest part of His body." ~Jeremy Bacon Another first time volunteer said this: "My wife and I recently experienced our first time teaching in the Terrific Turtles class on Sunday morning. We were very impressed with the fact that the curriculum and activities were all laid out and ready in advance for us when we arrived. We were able to show up 15 minutes early and sufficiently share Jesus with the kids and have a lot of fun too. Having been our first time teaching that class, we were very thankful that the Children’s Ministry staff was stopping by to make sure we were doing well—they even brought us coffee! Our time serving in the Children’s Ministry on Sunday mornings was not at all as intimidating as we had anticipated. We love it!" ~Josh & Audra O'Donnell Sunday School classes for all children begin on September 8th! See you there! Mid-Week Curriculum will be: Boz for 3 and under: Understanding the importance of all aspects of early childhood development, the creators of BOZ are committed to developing entertaining stories that help reinforce key educational concepts and the foundational faith values that you are teaching your preschool children. Answers in Genesis for 4 and up: This three-year program covers the entire Bible in chronological order. It provides answers to the issues that confront today’s culture through the media, school, friends, etc. Answers in Genesis provides a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture. All ages will be equipped to defend the Bible, and become conformed to the image of Christ, as they apply God’s Word in their everyday lives. Mid-Week Children's Ministry Parents One of the big things on the horizon for Children’s Ministry is the addition of Mid-Week Children’s Ministry. We used to just have “childcare” but always felt like we were missing the opportunity to minister to our children by not utilizing this time. Sooooo, we plan to start utilizing it :) Wondering what will be happening this year? Want to get plugged in? Check out our new Parent Handbook. This contains all sorts of information about Children’s Ministry, Events, and Policies. These will be available for pickup at the information desk and check in stations. Mid-Week Groups This year our mid week groups are Tuesday am/pm, Wed pm, and Friday pm. You read that correctly! We are SO excited to have all these opportunities to minister to these kids but that also means that we need help! Have you ever benefited from the Midweek Children’s Ministry? Would you be willing to give back? Do you have a homeschooled highschooler that’s responsible and loves kids? Contact Amy Fischer to join our Mid-Week team. Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. Look for some new changes in FISHing Crew as well! Memory verse rewards, cool prizes and new faces. Have questions? Want to get involved? Check out FISHing Crew starting September 8th! ~Tonya Jones, Assistant Children’s Ministry Director Awana starts September 8th for 4 year olds through High School! Sundays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PAGE 9 SUPPORT MINISTRIES Stephen Ministry Baptisms We are thankful for a new class of Stephen Ministers that finished training this spring and are now caring for people in our congregation in one to one formal caring relationships. One of the most important parts of their ministry is good listening skills. In this article we want to share a few thoughts on the ministry of listening. There is a great joy in hearing people profess their faith and trust in Jesus. There is something that captivates our attention as we listen to someone share a testimony of a certain situation in their life and then they tell us how God met their need or provided the answer to their question in a great time of need. Think of a time when you really felt cared for. Chances are someone focused on what you had to say, was attentive to your needs, and listened to how you felt instead of telling you how you should feel or what you should do. Listening is one of the most powerful ministry tools at your disposal. It demonstrates that you care about the other person. In Stephen Ministry, a great deal of time is spent teaching and practicing listening skills because of its importance as a caregiving tool. You too can become a more caring listener by understanding and applying these six listening concepts from Stephen Ministry training. 1. Listening is active. It takes energy and commitment to listen really well. Focus your attention on what the other person has to say instead of thinking what you will say next. 2. Listening takes patience. Often you need to build trust before someone will open up to you. Constant, patient listening is key. 3. Listening involves more than just words. Pay attention not only to what is said, but to what is not said- or to what is said with a smile or a sigh. Pay attention to body language also. Does it agree with or contradict a person’s spoken words? 4. Good listeners aren’t completely silent. They restate key thoughts or ideas to be sure they understood correctly or ask focused questions to encourage the person to reach a little deeper. 5. Listening happens over time. One conversation might build upon an earlier one. As you listen over several conversations, are there recurring themes or patterns in what the person has said? Are there any contradictions from what was said earlier? These are signs there may be more to explore underneath. When a person comes to be baptized, they are also sharing a testimony of something God has done in their life. It is a very personal and intimate thing that God has done in their heart and soul. They are sharing that God has convinced their heart of His righteousness, their sin and guilt before a Holy God, and that God has provided one solution to their great dilemma—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the One who had no sin, but became sin for us so that we might become righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). It was a great joy to hear twelve people profess their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior and to watch them be baptized in Memory Lake this summer. Each one is a very special story of the love God has for them. Our next baptism is scheduled for October—indoors this time! If you would like to share your personal testimony about God’s gracious work in your heart and soul and respond in obedience to Him as Lord and Savior (Matthew 28:18-20), we invite you to contact Pastor Jim after one of the Sunday services or call the church office during the week at 376-2176 in order to set up your baptism interview. ~Jim Eller, Contact Pastor 6. Listening is confidential. A great way to build trust and to show the person you really care for him or her is to maintain confidentiality and not to share with others what was told to you in private conversation. Just as our Stephen Ministers use good listening skills to communicate how much they care, so can you. Follow and practice these listening principles and make a concentrated effort toward becoming a better listener. Listening is a great gift we can give to one another. PAGE 10 FALL 2013 RESOURCE This Summer By far this was a summer that goes down in the record books for sun! What a great summer we had and enjoyed. I liked watching our family of faith take full advantage of the prolonged days of sun. Whether that was recreation or productive days of work on the construction site or fishing boat, the sun was a refreshing shift. I very much enjoy the seasonal shift that summer brings both in weather as well as in our congregational family life. This past summer started well with a successful annual meeting that brought the members of this family together for our traditional Terry Olson sourdough pancakes! The fellowship was rich, the food great, and the direction clearly set, and resources needed were approved. The rest of the summer has been filled with planning and preparation for another year of ministry support. We started with our standard budget preparation where we close out last year’s budget and input and prep the coming year's approved budget. Projects are started, goals are formed, and the work is started on ministry support needed for the coming year. Fall and the Work Ahead A few major projects that are in the works for this fall are video deployment of our Sunday morning service, a congregational communication tool to help build community called “The City”, and continued improvements in our kitchen and coffee house. Video of Sunday Service – currently we are recording and deploying both a sermon only and a full service video through YouTube. You can view our progress and sermons at wasillabiblechurch on YouTube. We are continuing to work on improved deployment through our website as well as fine tuning our recording of the service. Jesse Jones has been leading this process and we are excited to be able to add this functionality to our Sunday morning service. church for the church and we are excited to start implementing it over this year. We will be deploying this tool first to the various service groups, leaders, volunteers, community groups, worship teams, and other groups that are currently functioning in our family of faith. This first step will allow us to get things up and rolling and all the kinks worked out. Right now we are planning to launch “The City” congregationally after the first of the year. We are excited for this tool to better support us as we seek to build community in our congregational life. We will be talking more about this over the year and we look forward to bringing our whole family into this common communication forum. My Prayer for the Coming Season As I look at the work ahead I want to pause and request your partnership in prayer. While we can labor hard to achieve this objective or walk this plan, or implement this program, we must never lose sight of the purpose. Making disciples through Christ centered Godward relationships in the context of our family is it! That’s the goal! Everything we endeavor to do must be and will be in support of this. The key in this is the working of the Holy Spirit through you as a member of this body. He has joined us together for the advancement of His kingdom for the glory of His name. As it says in John 15:5, "I (Jesus) am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Nothing! That word resonates in my head and directs my focus back to the start of the verse, back to Jesus. My prayer is that we would abide in him and through this we will bear much fruit over this coming season. Verse 8 “By this my (Jesus) Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples”. ~Jake Davies, Resource Manager Congregational Communication (The City) – Over this past year we have been researching a solution to help our family of faith better communicate with one another. Like any family, building community with one another happens with active and engaged communication. We have settled on an online communication tool called “The City”. You can find more info about it at www.onthecity.org. This tool was created by a Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together. PAGE 11 WBC LIFE IN PICTURES A great group of VBS kids with their leader, Heather Fussell. Anne Anderson and her first caribou. Sydney Weaver enjoys her time in Busy Bees Adah Grace Lathrop and David Jones learning to share. Our seniors on their summer trip to Beyond Malibu, BC. PAGE 12 Ladies biking group on an outing from WBC. Malachi Stamoolis and Owen Beaudry working on a hole to the center of the earth. 8th grade girls having fun at Middle School Youth Group. Making Disciples As We...Worship Together, Learn Together, Serve Together.