German Centre Beijing Newsletter October 2015


German Centre Beijing Newsletter October 2015
German Centre Beijing
German Centre Network
German Centre Beijing Newsletter October 2015 Subscribe
Have you met ...?
Kai Knufinke and
Marco Fritz ­ our
new colleagues
at the German
Centre Beijing.
Starting from 01 September 2015,
Mr. Knufinke has joined the
German Centre team as our new
Assistant to Managing Director.
He holds a master’s degree in
East Asian Politics and has long­
term work experience in Germany,
China and Africa.
Dear German Centre Tenants and Friends,
It is getting colder and the leaves are falling, autumn has arrived in the
city. The German Centre Beijing is proudly looking back on the
Expansion Ceremony to celebrate the opening of its second building
in DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building.
Landesbank Baden­Württemberg and the German Centre Beijing
succesfully celebrated the expansion of the German Centre Beijing on
the occasion of the visit of the Minister­President of the State of
Baden­Württemberg, Mr. Winfried Kretschmann, and the Deputy
Minister­President and Minister of Finance and Economics of the State
of Baden­Württemberg, Dr. Nils Schmid.
For all those who prefer staying inside during this cold weather, we
cordially invite all tenants and friends to a cozy and warm games
evening in a comfortable atmosphere and a German movie night.
Also, we would like to draw your attention to the Köln Karneval
Session which is beginning soon here in Beijing!
Also starting from 01 September
2015, Mr. Marco Fritz has joined
the German Centre team as our
new Project Assistant. As a
student of Asian Studies and
Management in Konstanz,
Mr.Fritz came to China to support
our team in Beijing.
Mr. Knufinke and Mr. Fritz are very
much looking forward to working
close with the German Centre
tenants and partners and
assisting with any questions and
problems you might have. They
are very much looking forward to
meeting you soon in person.
To contact Mr. Knufinke or Mr.
Fritz, please feel free to visit the
German Centre Beijing office or
send an email to:
[email protected]
or [email protected]
We hope to see you around at one of our events and wish you a
successful month!
Enjoy reading and see you soon!
Business Centre Services
Your German Centre Beijing Team
We are offering a wide range of
services including:
German Centre Events:
Thursday, November 5, 2015 ­­­ 18:30h to 21:30h Spieleabend in geselliger Runde im German Centre Beijing
"Cozy games evening in the German Centre Beijing"
­ Flexible meeting room packages
­ Corporate rates for hotel
­ Help with visa and driving
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 ­­­ 18:30h to 21:30h Deutscher Filmeabend im German Centre Beijing ­ Film:
­ Airport pick­up and drop­off
Please download our price list
German Movie Night showing "Sonnenallee" 北京德国中心德语电影之夜
Did you know...?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 ­­­ 20:11h Große Kölner Karnevalsparty zur Eröffnung der Session 2015/2016 科隆传统狂欢节化妆舞会
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 ­­­ 17:00h to 18:00h
Brain sciences in China ­ Impressions from a German
Neuroscientist working in Beijing
For your information Neue Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung
Events of the German­related community:
Veranstaltungen derDeutschen Auslandshandelskammer(AHK)
Mehr Informationen hier­events/
Informationen zu Messen in China
Mehr Informationen hier
Veranstaltungen des Goethe­Institut Peking
Mehr Informationen hier
Evangelische und Katholische Gottesdienste in Peking
Mehr Informationen hier
Deutschsprachige Events in Beijing
Mehr Informationen hier
Termine der Deutschen Botschaftsschule
Mehr Informationen hier
The European Union Film Festival
Mehr Informationen hier
Highlight of the month:
...that the Know How! AG
celebrated its first year
anniversary in Beijing
The pioneer of the German E­
Learning industry, Know How! AG
entered the Chinese market in
2014 and now celebrated its very
successful first year operation
with partners and friends in the
German Centre Beijing.
Mr. Martin Kundt, Chairman and
founder of Know How! AG and Mr. Lorenz Muck, International
Development Manager both came
from Germany to celebrate with
their Know How! Team in Beijing.
They brought with them German
delicacies and best tendencies for
the future.Partners and friends
from the German Chamber of
Commerce, Ecovis, several other
companies and of course the
German Centre Beijing Team
celebrated together Know How!’s
successful development and good
performance in China.
We wish Know How! all the best
for their second year in China and
are looking forward to celebrate
the next anniversary together!
Contact us
German Centre for Industry and
Trade Beijing Co. Ltd
Landmark Tower 2, Unit 1111
8 North Dongsanhuan Road
100004 Beijing
People's Republic of China
Tel.: +86 10 6590 69­19/­20/­21
Fax. +86 10 6590 7768
[email protected]
Useful Links
Delegation from Baden­Württemberg lead by Prime Minister
Winfried Kretschmann and guests celebrated the expansion of
German Centre Beijing on 19.10.2015
Around 300 guests celebrated the expansion of German Centre
Beijing, which doubled its space in
DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Offce Building.
Tenants, local and German companies and institutions met with a 120
headstrong delegation from the state of
Baden­Württemberg, lead by Prime Minster Winfried Kretschmann.
Hans­Jörg Vetter, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of
Landesbank Baden­Württemberg (LBBW) welcomed the guests (see
Useful Links
Find information about important
institutions and organisations in
China and Germany on our
German Centres – there for you
all over the world in Beijing,
Delhi.Gurgaon, Jakarta, Mexico
City, Moscow, Shanghai and
Singapore. Find out more about
second picture). According to chinese traditions a ribbon cutting took
place as well as a lion dance (see first picture).
Winfried Kretschmann had the honour to breathe life into the lion by
paintinig him eyes (see third picture). All guests had also the
opportunitiy to visit the new offices and conference rooms.
our network at
German Centre Events:
Thursday, November 5, 2015 ­­­ 18:30h to 21:30h Spieleabend in geselliger Runde im German Centre Beijing
"Cozy games evening in the German Centre Beijing"
Organizer: German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing
Starting Time: 18.30
Place: German Centre Beijing Café (11th floor, Landmark Tower 2)
北京德意志工商中心有限公司 (北京市朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河大厦2座11层咖啡厅)
Registration: Until November 4, 2015
Fee: Free of charge
Contact: Marco Fritz, [email protected], Tel.:+86 10 6590­69­19/­20/­21
Alea iacta es ­ die Würfel sind gefallen:
Das German Centre Beijing lädt zum geselligen Spieleabend ein. Familie und Freunde sind herzlich
willkommen. Ob Monopoly, Uno oder Rommé, die Karten fliegen und die Würfel rollen.
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam in entspannter Atmosphäre Brett­ sowie Kartenspiele spielen.
Alle sind herzlich dazu eingeladen Ihre Lieblingsspiele auch selbst mitzubringen.
Seien Sie dabei, wenn die Würfel rollen und es heißt: "rien ne va plus"
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 ­­­ 18:30h to 21:30h Deutscher Filmeabend im German Centre Beijing ­ Film: "Sonnenallee"
German Movie Night showing "Sonnenallee" 北京德国中心德语电影之夜
Organiser: German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing
Starting Time: 18:30h
Place: German Centre Beijing Meeting room (11th floor, Landmark Tower 2)
北京德意志工商中心有限公司 (北京市朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河大厦2座1111室)
Registration: Until November 9, 2015
Fee: Free of charge
Contact: Marco Fritz, [email protected]
Language: German
Hollywood war gestern ­ das German Centre Beijing zeigt den Mauerklassiker Sonnenallee:
Ein Hauch deutscher Filmgeschichte weht durch das German Centre.
In geselliger Runde wird der Mauerklassiker Sonnenallee gezeigt.
Freuen Sie sich auf die Filmkomödie aus dem Jahr 1999, welche das Leben einer Gruppe Ost­Berliner
Jugendlicher im Angesicht der Berliner Mauer in den 1970er Jahren thematisiert.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 ­­­ 20:11h Große Kölner Karnevalsparty zur Eröffnung der Session 2015/2016 科隆传统狂欢节化妆舞会
Starting Time: 20.11 Uhr
Fee: Eintritt frei
Place: Brauhaus "Der Landgraf" Pu Fang Lu A 2 FangZhuang Distr. 100078
Contact: Kurt Sun, Landgraf@der­, Tel.: 6768­2663/4 oder 0086­13810553228
Registration: Rechtzeitige Tischreservierung ist zu empfehlen.
Please note: Kostüme sind erwünscht!
For more information: www.der­
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 ­­­ 17:00h to 18:00h
Brain sciences in China ­ Impressions from a German Neuroscientist working in Beijing
Organiser: German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing
Starting Time: 17:00h
Place: German Centre Beijing DRC Liangmaqiao (11th floor, Tower D1, Office Building, Unit 1101A)
Registration: Until November 17, 2015
Fee: Free of charge
Contact: Marco Fritz, [email protected]
Language: German
Der deutsche Associate Professor Malte J. Rasch von der Beijing Normal University gibt Einblicke in die
neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften sowie dem deutsch­chinesischen
For your information Neue Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung
Ab dem 17. August 2015 ist die Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung (Verordnung EU Nr.
650/2012, EU­ErbVO) anwendbar. Diese neue EU­Verordnung regelt, welches Erbrecht
auf einen internationalen Erbfall anzuwenden ist, wenn der Erblasser am 17.08.2015 oder
danach verstirbt.
Bisher unterlag nach deutschem Recht (Art 25 EGBGB) die Rechtsnachfolge von Todes wegen dem Recht des
Staates, dem der Erblasser zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes angehörte.
War der Erblasser Deutscher, galt also deutsches Erbrecht (auch wenn er z.B. in China lebte).
Dies ändert sich durch die EU­Erbrechtsverordnung.
Für Erbfälle ab dem 17. August 2015 unterliegt die gesamte Rechtsnachfolge von Todes wegen dem Recht des
Staates, in dem der Erblasser zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes seinen letzten gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hatte.
(Art. 21 EU­ErbVO)
The German Centre Beijing is member of LBBW Group, member of the Savings Bank Financial Groups.