room leaders - Pond Springs Elementary PTA
room leaders - Pond Springs Elementary PTA
POND SPRINGS ELEMENTARY PTA AGENDA - Room Leader/ Party Coordinator Orientation 2013-14 Sign in - review your name on the sheet and initial For All Room leaders and Party Coordinators: • PTA phone List, Teacher/Staff Phone lists • Volunteer Hours Tracking Sheet • Updated Room Leaders and Money FAQ- do you have • Room Leader Check request form • Tax Exempt Certificate Party Coordinators • Description of job duties with dates of parties • Classroom letter to send parents with tear off at bottom • Donation response tracking form Room Leaders Description of job duties with dates of events added Fall Festival: • Room Leader Timeline • Review of additional documentation available online Teacher Appreciation Week: • Teacher Appreciation Timeline/ Information • Favorite Things List • No Cost/Low Cost gift idea handout Year Book Pictures • Revised dates for this year Missy Dvorak: [email protected] 512.247.8469 Deborah Frankhouser: [email protected] 512.632.6446 Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Thursday, September 26, 2013 Pond Springs Elementary PTA 2013-14 ROOM LEADER/ PARTY COORDINATOR ORIENTATION MEETING Meeting Notes 1. Introductions – Missy and Deb are your Room Leader Co-chairs. Contact them with questions. 2. General Information - DON’T PANIC. We are here to help. - All volunteers must sign up on the PSE PTA website: If you haven't already, you must create a Log-in account. AFTER you have logged in, go to the ROOM LEADER tab and follow the sign up instructions. You can indicate whether you are a Room Leader or Party Coordinator. ALL GROUP CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE SENT OUT THROUGH THIS SITE. IF YOU DO NOT SIGN UP, YOU WILL MISS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. All forms in this packet will be available digitally AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOM LEADER TAB. If you are already on the site, skip the skip the account creation and just go straight to the Room Leader tab to sign up. - Get together with your Co-Room Leaders and/or Assistants immediately and decide how to work together. There are a lot of tasks to accomplish throughout the year so select how best to tackle those tasks based on each person’s schedule and strengths. - If you do not have any helpers and would like some, notify your teacher and us as well and we will continue to assist in recruiting some additional hands for your class. - Room Leaders help the class participate in the Annual Fall Festival (October 26, 2013) and Teacher Appreciation Week (Spring 2014) as well as help gather or take photos for the class yearbook page. - Party Coordinators are responsible for putting together (3) class parties: Winter, Valentine’s, and End of School. - Your classroom will receive $35 from the PTA, total. $25 goes to the Room Leaders for Teacher Appreciation week and $10 goes to Party Coordinators for flyers or supplies for your class parties. 3. Policies and Protocols: General - You cannot use PTA money designated for your class to buy your teacher PERSONAL gifts or gift cards OF ANY KIND. When Teacher Appreciation rolls around, any $$ spent as a gift for the teacher MUST BE A GIFT FOR THE CLASSROOM. It has to do with IRS rules and giving ‘cash’ is not allowed. All gift cards, regardless of source, are considered cash. INDIVIDUALS may give a teacher anything they would like. It is the $$ designated for Room Leaders to purchase things on behalf of the class that cannot be used for this purpose. If you have any doubt about whether it is ok, CALL US or the PTA treasurer for clarification. Some examples: i. Books for the classroom purchased from Teacher Heaven: OK ii. Gift Card from Teacher Heaven: NOT OK iii. Desk Organizer from Target for teacher’s desk: OK iv. Scarf and Hat from Target: NOT OK Pond Springs Elementary PTA 2013-14 - Check Request Forms- For reimbursement for $$ spent on allowable items by Room Leaders or Party Coordinators, send the check request form directly to the PTA Treasurer by placing the form included in this packet and the receipt stapled to the upper right corner of the form in the PTA Treasurer box located in the Teacher Lounge. If you need reimbursement faster than 1 week, please contact the PTA Treasurer directly. Otherwise she will send it to you however you requested on the Check Request Form. - Tax Exempt Forms are included in your packet. Please use these when purchasing on behalf of the PTA for your classroom. NO SALES TAX WILL BE REIMBURSED. Period. Don’t ask. - To make copies, go to either workroom (one by 2nd grade or one by gym), and use 4444 as copy code. If you are making more than 50 copies or so, please contact one of us to find out how to use the RRISD print shop. PTA only has 1,000 copies per month in the budget. - Do not mass email your parents directly. Contacting individuals to coordinate items is fine, but all general announcements to class parents must be approved by the PSE office. You CAN however, write the email or flyer for parents and ask the teacher to forward it on your behalf. - If you are coming to school to perform Room Leader (or any other PTA functions) sign in on the Raptor system (the computer in the office) and select PTA and PTA Volunteer. This will clock your volunteer hours AT THE SCHOOL. - If you are doing any PTA work off campus, (including shopping for your room, etc.) you can log your time in on the aforementioned PSE PTA website. - The purpose of clocking hours is the school participates in a grant program that allows the school to earn money for their volunteer time. It is very important that everyone tries to document their time – the more time, the more money. Pond Springs Elementary PTA 2013-14 Party Coordinator Room Role and Guidelines 1. Party Coordinators: Check with your teacher for party times and guidelines. Ask about any dietary restrictions or if parties need to be a specific time of day OTHER than end of day. Second grade, for example, has specials at the end of the day. 2. Party Coordinators will no longer collect monies from parents. A letter to give to your teacher to pass out to parents is included in your packet. This letter solicits parents for assistance in either volunteering time or donating items for the parties. The PTA will not be collecting money on your behalf for the class parties. 3. Party Coordinators: The party dates are as follows this year: - Winter Party on December 20, 2013; - Valentine’s Day Party on February 14, 2014; - End of Year Party on May 30, 2014; - 5th Grade End of Year activity (date TBD) Room Leader Room Role and Guidelines 1. Room Leaders represent their class for Fall Festival- Julie Do, Chair and Yvette Hastings, Volunteer Coordinator - Specific tasks for Fall Festival are located on the Fall Festival handout located in your packet. Please read this portion of the packet and contact Yvette with questions regarding Room Leader tasks for Fall Festival. All contact info is included in the Fall Festival section of your packet. 2. Room Leaders represents their class during Teacher Appreciation Events - Sarah Hoflich - Specific tasks for Teacher Appreciation are located on the Teacher Appreciation handout located in your packet. Please read this portion and contact Missy, myself or Sarah with questions. Teacher Appreciation events do NOT crank up until 2014 so we will be sending more details starting in January. Thanks to everyone for volunteering. Contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns. Missy Dvorak: [email protected] 512.247.8469 Deborah Frankhouser: [email protected] 512.632.6446 PRINCIPAL Edie Binns Extension 4204 Cell 694-1293 PRE-K (1) 419 Linda Steidel Pond Springs Elementary 2013-14 4223 Laurie Ostroff Katie Yoder KINDERGARTEN (5) Vickie Fishman * Kristi Kerley * Jenna Thomas Nora Pettebone Felecia Wesley 217 202 205 200 203 4263 4252 4254 4251 4253 Achieve Instructional Support 207/209 4256 Loni Francis 207/209 4255 Fran Van Dalen Jennifer Olufsen 207/209 4256 207/209 4256 Heidi Louwagie FIRST GRADE (5) Jan Beechinor Cally Drozd Allison Grose * Emily Jones Allison Granger 216 211 212 215 213 4262 4258 4259 4261 4260 SECOND GRADE (5) Stacye Beane Lori Marchegiano Joann Fairbourn * Christina Perez Tobie Rountree 310 311 309 308 312 4276 4277 4275 4274 4278 Tel# 464-4200 ACHIEVE THIRD GRADE (6) 523 Becca Burnside 520 Ruth Powers Teresa Parkingson 524 518 Kristin Shelton * 519 Michelle Vogl 4268 4269 4267 4270 4271 FOURTH GRADE (5) Vennessa Coufal * Kathy Fox Melinda Gresham DebbieHernsberger* Jenny Zipperer 4230 4229 4228 4227 4226 518 520 519 524 152b/706 FIFTH GRADE (4) 513 Gail Adams * 504 Jessica Kosler JoAnn Danielson * 514 512 kristy Bowles 517 Kelly Murley 4232 4236 4233 4231 4234 TAG TEACHER 511 Sheila Mulbry * 034b/714 Beth Frizzell 4235 4246 ART 412 415 MUSIC 102 Ellen Frazier * Becky Behning 418 PE 109A Steve Vierra 109A Sue Dwyer Celia Zamadics Marie Layne FAX#464-4290 4219 4220 4250 4222 4211 4211 209 4256 207/209 4255 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Brooke Bailey Extension 4205 Cell 914-4956 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE OFC/100 4299 Laura Wessels STUDENT RECORDS SPECIALIST OFC/100 4202 Judy Long NURSES 100A 4206 Coco Foster 100A 4265 Vicki Monte COUNSELOR 221 4203 Karen Collins * 219 4244 STRUCTURED LEARNING CENTER 423 4225 Ann Laffere ESL Instructional Support 302 4268 Lisa Horvath SLC Instructional Support 423 Sherrie George 4225 4225 Jessica Martinez 423 423 4225 Donna Hansen INSTRUCTIONAL TECH. SPECIALIST 220 4208 Cara Shipp * 3811 Live Oak PPCD Nicole Nicholson 411/416 4218/21 LIBRARIAN 222 4207 Ruth Cook * PPCD Instructional Support Michelle McElrath 411/41 4218/21 Library Assistant 222 4207 Patti Engelbert 411/41 4218/21 Kellie Cruz PARENT RESOURCE OPPORTUNITY 034a/713 4247 General Number SPECIAL EDUCATION 4273 Kathy Beene * 307 306 4272 Karen Hoekstra CAFETERIA 307 4273 104C 4217 Joy Carrera Sandy Redding 4293 Special Ed. Instructional Support Lunch Count ?? LUNCH ROOM MONITOR Marrlene Sato INTERVENTIONISTS LEAD CUSTODIAN Carrie Trevino 48/B 4248 48/A 4249 103 4243 Mary Hart Ana Trejo 699-7476 Instructional Support OTHER AREAS 048b/712 4285 Treanna McBride 48/A 4249 Choir/APE Portable 218 4264 Angela Bentley 48/B 4248 Conference Room 422 4224 Computer Lab 136b/707 4283 Computer Lab B ARD FACILITATORS & PARA 210 4281 Madeline George 306 4272 Literacy Library 034/B 4246 Donna Gitthens 306 4272 Motor Lab/OT Room 210 4281 PSPN LSSP 153/B 4257 Kay Lewis 034a/713 4247 PTA Portable 405 4279 Science Lab SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS 502 4237 100 4210 Wendy Wood Staff Lounge 105 4242 Y.M.C.A. 109d 4241 FRONT COPY ROOM Adaptive PE 152/B 4237 300 4215 Kellie McCarter BACK COPY ROOM 152/B 126a/716 4297 Steph Kolaczkowski 4237 VI/O&M 152/B 126b/717 4298 4237 VI/O&M APE Portable 057a/710 4280 VI/O&M 057b/709 4281 VI/O&M PE Portables 078a/701 4288 PE Portables 078b/702 4289 Answer page ----- Page 7*801 All call from classroom 1164#01 Override Cover--- *1(extension) C:\Users\Deborah\Documents\Personal\PTA 2013\PSE PTA Room Leader Worksheet 2013-2014 Pond Springs PTA 2012-2013 POSITION Officers/PTA Board President 1st Vice President - Adult Outreach 2nd Vice President - Fundraising Secretary - Communications Treasurer - Treasury Parliamentarian - Kid Outreach Historian - Partnerships Fall Fest Chair - Fall Fest Arts in Education Chair School Representative 1 Standing Committees Fall Fest Co-chair Adult Silent Auction Baskets Corporate Donations Food Games Kid's Silent Auction Logistics Tickets Vendor Booths & Volunteers Arts in Education Reflections Cultural Arts Site Based 2 SWEET Liaison School Rep 2 Outreach Adults Clothes Closet Hospitality Parent Education Room Leader Co-Representative Room Leader Co-Representative Teacher Appreciation Week Teacher Appreciation Monthly Fundraising Box Tops Fundraising Fall Fundraising Spring School Supplies Spirit Store Communications Bulletin Board Newsletter Marquee Facebook Website Membership Co-Representative Membership Co-Representative Directory Outreach Kids Family Nights Co-Representative Family Nights Co-Representative Spirit Nights Talent Show Co-Representative Talent Show Co-Representative Used Book Sale Volunteer Coordinator Healthy Lifestyles Co-Representative Healthy Lifestyles Co-Representative *Safety Patrol Partnerships Community Partnerships Environmental Site Based 1 Yearbook Legistative Rep. NAME PHONE # EMAIL Kim Keef Kathy Hoover Carolyn Brown Yvette Hastings Matt Krohn Amy Cifreo Carol Loughran Julie Do Carrie Mays Stacye Beane 300-7945 219-8583 922-3991 335-0975/431-4375 800-2850 918-9577 257-0728 913-8408 464-4200 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Julie Do Sadia Eskew Julie Do Janie Holder Julie Do Carol Loughran Sadia Eskew Rebekah Sheppard Michael Gardner 257-0728 300-1807 257-0728 694-8193 257-0728 918-9577 300-1807 569-8548 739-5752 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Yvette Hastings Carrie Mays Carrie Mays Rebekah Sheppard Laurie Flood 335-0975/431-4375 913-8408 512-913-8408 569-8548 249-5124 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Stacye Beane Kathy Hoover Cindy Potter Toysha Martin Joy Allen Deb Frankhouser Missy Dvorak Sarah Hoflich Missy Dvorak Carolyn Brown 464-4200 219-8583 771-5132 512-912-6850 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emily Buchanan Laura Lopez Yvette Hastings Liz Bomer Amy Weir Mary Duncan Wendy Justis Amy Cifreo Lisa Stevenson 977-8827 918-8190/925-2961 335-0975/431-4375 918-2821/940-2821 299-5016/250-1658 289-2711 800-2850 731-9555 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tara Garner Amy Cifreo Luke Williams 257-0693 800-2850 284-1337 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kristin McLean Annie Kisselburg Amy Cifreo 512-996-8394 731-2722 800-2850 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Amy Weir Christine Julien Lisa Henke Diana McGirr Carol Loughran 299-5016/250-1658 336-5315 918-9577 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lisa Grant Wara Pawawongsak Emily Buchanan Kathy Clapsaddle 512-779-2466 501-2461 977-8827 743-0983 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 918-3381/632-6446 341-2100 401-9539 341-2100 922-3991 ROOM LEADERS/ PARTY COORDINATOR MONEY FAQ 1) HOW MUCH DO I HAVE TO SPEND? • Pre-K thru 5th grade and SLC classrooms will receive $35 from the PTA. $25 goes to Room Leaders for Teacher Appreciation activities and $10 go to Party Coordinators for class parties. This money is intended to assist with paper/copies for flyers and Teacher Appreciation events/items. 2) HOW SHOULD MONETARY DONATIONS BE HANDLED? • The PTA is NOT collecting monies from parents this year for classroom activities. However, you can collect donated items and food for the class parties, Fall Festival, Teacher Appreciation, etc. as needed and those items can be used directly for their intended function. 3) WHAT CAN I SPEND MY $35 FROM THE PTA ON? • You may use it for copying and/or purchasing colored paper for your event handouts or any items that will directly benefit or enrich the classroom. You MAY NOT use it for personal gifts to the teacher or gift cards. Classroom gifts of an educational nature are allowed, such as books. Supplies that will benefit the classroom such as pencil sharpeners, staplers etc are allowed. 4) HOW DO I GET MY MONEY BACK? • The request for reimbursement should be submitted on a “Room Leader Check Request” form. A copy of this form is included. Please make copies as needed. Please fill out the form completely. You must also staple your receipts supporting the request to the form. 5) WHERE DO I TURN FORMS IN? • In the PTA Treasurer’s mail box in the Teacher’s lounge. I will leave the check as soon as possible with the teacher. 6) DEADLINES FOR REIMBURSEMENT? • Four check requests are allowed per year up to the amount of your budget. NO REIMBURSEMENTS WILL BE MADE FOR ANY AMOUNT OVER YOUR BUDGET. I realize funds can be tight from time to time and will do my best to work with you for fast reimbursement. While I cannot guarantee same day turnaround, if I know you need it back right away, please give me a call and I will do my best to work with you. 7) WHY DIDN’T I GET MY SALES TAX BACK? • As we are a tax-exempt entity, we don’t have to pay sales tax. Therefore, sales tax is NOT REIMBURSABLE as an expense. When you buy something for your classroom, you don’t have to pay tax IF you use a PTA tax exemption certificate. The certificate is included and you may make copies as need If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Deborah or Missy with questions. You can also contact the PTA treasurer Matt Krohn at [email protected]. Staple receipts on back in this corner. Pond Springs PTA Check Request Name of Payee: ______________________________________________________________ Address (if mailed): __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Amount of Check: $__________________________Date Needed: ___________________ Reason for Disbursement: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Please check one: _______ Mail check to payee _______ Return the check to: __________________________________ _______ Other instructions: ___________________________________ Requested By: _____________________________________________________________ Name Phone Number _______________________________________________________________ Signature (MUST SIGN) Date All disbursements require a receipt. Please attach the required receipt (s) to this form and place in the PTA Treasurer’s box in the Teacher’s lounge. Please remember the PTA DOES NOT reimburse for sales tax. Every effort will be made to process this request in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Krohn, 2013 – 2014 PTA Treasurer at [email protected] or 512-689-4214 (cell). Treasurer’s Use Date Received: ____________________ Check #: __________________________________ Date Paid: ________________ Amount: ____________________Account:____________ Dear Parents, My name is ____________, and I will be the 2013-14 Party Coordinator for Mrs. ______’s class. {_____________________ has agreed to join me in these duties.} I {We} look forward to working with you throughout the year to make this a fun and memorable time for our children at Pond Springs Elementary. The special occasions and celebrations for the year are: 1. Winter Party on December 20, 2013; 2. Valentine’s Day Party on February 14, 2014; 3. End of Year Party on May 30, 2014; 4. 5th Grade End of Year activity (date TBD) We have a list of opportunities for you with respect to the various activities this year. Please check any/all that you would be available to participate. Even if you cannot help with any of the events, please fill out the remaining sections of the form so that I can contact you about other classroom-related occasions. Detach the bottom portion of this letter and include it in the attached envelope. Thank you in advance for your help and support! Name Contact info (suggests email and phone) ____ I would like to donate items for parties ____ I would like to help at the parties Parent Name _________________________________ Child’s Name ____________ Email _______________________________________ Phone __________________ Pond Springs Elementary PTA 2013-14 We will be piloting a Pond Springs Green Kit for class events this year. Our goal is to create less waste at school events and teach the students by showing them that even little things, like using reusable plates, cups, and bowls, can help our environment. Green Kit Inventory: 30 each of plates, cups, bowls, spoons, forks, and knives Zip lock bags for clean storage White “trash” bag for ease of collection of soiled plates, cups, etc. Green Kit Guidelines ~Reserve a Green Kit online on the PTA website. ~Collect the Green Kit from the PTA portable. ~Use and enjoy the Green Kit for your event! ~Collect soiled items in the white “trash” bag at the end of the event. ~Take home to clean (entire kit is about 1 ½ loads in the dishwasher). All items are dishwasher safe. ~Repack the Green Kit and return it to the PTA portable ready for the next person to use. Please return all items neatly and ready to use as it will impact the efficiency for the next user. There is a place online to reserve a Green Kit for your child’s class event. Please contact Kathy Hoover with questions or comments about the Green Kit. We welcome feedback so that we can improve our system. Thank you for choosing to show Pond Springs students that we care about our environment! Room Leader donation documentation Student Name Parent Name/ Contact info Donation/Notes- what they can bring __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ __________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Notes: 2013 Pond Springs Oct 26h 10-3pm Room Leader Timeline Dear Room Leaders, You are an important part of the Fall Festival’s success. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year with profits going directly to support the school and teachers. Thank you so much for all of your time and effort. Missy Dvorak & Deb Frankhouser, the Room Leader Chairs, will be emailing you a note containing these items. • Fall Festival Initial Letter for Parents • Auction Basket Items for your classroom • Class/Booth Assignments • Room Leader Timeline (this letter) September • Read over the Fall Festival information in your email and contact Missy, Deb or I with any questions. . • Post both the Booth Volunteer Sign-up Sheet outside the classroom where parents can easily access it. (This will be done at Curriculum Night) Attach a pen or pencil to make it easy for the parents to sign up. th Week of Sept 23 st • Make copies (on a bright color paper) of the Fall Festival Initial Letter to Parents to go home in the Oct 1 Tuesday Folder. You may want to edit this letter to include your contact information. These letters will have already been approved by Ms. Binns to go into the Tuesday Folders. • The teachers will have their Fall Festival Volunteer signup sheets already. • Deliver the copies to your teacher or teacher’s box in the teachers’ lounge by Monday Sept 30 to be included in the 10/1 Tuesday Folder. th Week of Sept 30 th • Collection sacks will be placed at each classroom door on Monday, Sept 30 . Please begin taking the Silent Auction Basket Items from your classroom bag at least once or twice per week, if you can, and store them in a spot in your classroom agreeable to the teacher. If you are unable to do this, please let us know. • If your Volunteer Sign-up Sheet (signup is also available online, check this from time to time and update the hard copy at the classroom) is not completely full, please request that your teacher have them out in full view at the Parent /Teacher Conferences (Monday, Oct 7) and ask them to request that the parents sign-up for a slot. The teachers have already been asked to do this, but please give them a courtesy reminder. th Oct 7 , Monday • Deliver the copies of the Donation Reminder note to your teacher or teacher’s box in the teachers’ lounge by Monday Oct 7 to be included in the 10/8 Tuesday Folder. th Oct 11 , Friday • Turn in your completed Volunteer Sign-up Sheet to the PTA mailbox in the Teacher’s Lounge, or email your lists to the Fall Fest’s Volunteer Coordinator Missy or Deb (em below). Be sure to make a copy of each sheet for yourself in order to call and remind volunteers of their timeslot. (if you fill in all of the names on the PTA Website, an email will automatically be sent to them as a reminder of their volunteer timeslot). Please let Missy or Deb know ASAP if you are having difficulty filing your booth volunteer slots! • Donation Deadline. Make sure your basket items are in the PTA Portable. th ( Oct 11 Friday) or October 19 (Saturday) (time TBD) • Room Leader Auction Basket Assembly in the PTA Portable! The baskets, packing materials, cellophane, and bows will be provided. Please make every effort to attend. If you cannot attend, please provide a substitute to assemble your classroom basket. nd Oct 21 , Monday • Make sure everything is ready for your class booth. Call your booth volunteers to remind them of the time and place they will be working. This really helps eliminate no shows! Ask them to check into the volunteer booth prior to their shift. Please tell your booth volunteers to wait until the ticket runners have come around before they switch shifts with another volunteer. There is a brief questionnaire on their booth that they will need to fill out and place inside their ticket bag. th Oct 25 , Friday • Fall Festival Set-up begins at 6PM! Please help set-up Friday evening if you are available and ask your Saturday volunteers if they can help out as well. We need all the extra hands we can get. th Oct 26 , Saturday – FALL FEST DAY • Please arrive early to ensure that your booth is set-up. All booths should be set up and ready to go by 9:15AM. You and your volunteers are responsible for setting up your classroom booth. Monitor your booth throughout the day and make sure the last shift helps to clean up your booth. If applicable return booth materials to the gym. ENJOY THE FALL FESTIVAL! Thank you SO much for helping make this Fall Festival a HUGE Success! Please put these dates on your calendar! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Julie Do 2012 PSE Fall Festival Chair: 512-257-0728/ 512-627-7711 - [email protected] Yvette Hastings, Volunteer Coordinator: 512-335-0975/ 512-431-4375 – [email protected] Room Leader Co-chair, Missy Dvorak: 512-247-8469 – [email protected] Room Leader Co-chair, Deborah Frankhouser: 512-632-6446 - [email protected] FALL FESTIVAL DONATION ITEMS 2013‐14 Kinder 2 liter Sodas - Any variety - plastic bottles Cookies or cupcakes or other baked individual item(s) for the Sweet Walk Wheel. (A suggestion is to package your baked goods into quantities of 2-3 to make more items for the Sweet Walk). Please bring your baked goods to the stage in the cafeteria on the morning of the festival. A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Fishman & Pettebone - Legos - Boys & Girls; Anything Lego-building sets, stickers, books, t-shirts Kerley & Wesley - Girl Accessories & Toys - Accessories from Claires, Justice, hair, jewelry, trinkets, toys such as Littlest Pet Shop, My Little Pony, etc... 1st Chip Party Pack of 8-10 snack size bags (any flavor) Cookies or cupcakes or other baked individual item(s) for the Sweet Walk Wheel. (A suggestion is to package your baked goods into quantities of 2-3 to make more items for the Sweet Walk). Please bring your baked goods to the stage in the cafeteria on the morning of the festival. A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Grose & Jones - Animals - Dogs - Dog toys, collars, bed, treats (NO FOOD) Granger & Beechinor - Animals - Cats - Cat Toys, collars, bed, treats (NO FOOD) Drozd - Angry Birds - All things Angry Birds - stuffed animals, shirts, toys, etc... 2nd Chip Party Pack of 8-10 snack size bags (any flavor) Cookies or cupcakes or other baked individual item(s) for the Sweet Walk Wheel. (A suggestion is to package your baked goods into quantities of 2-3 to make more items for the Sweet Walk). Please bring your baked goods to the stage in the cafeteria on the morning of the festival. A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Beane & Marchegiano - Coffee & tea-Cups, tea pot, coffee beans, teas, biscotti, flavored syrup, travel mug, coffee maker, etc. Rountree, Shoemate & Fairbourn - Arts & Crafts - All things arts & crafts, kits, scrapbooking, paints, brushes, materials & tools 3rd 2 Liter Sodas (any variety) used for the Soda Ring Toss game, plastic bottles only please. Chip Party Pack of 8-10 snack size bags (any flavor) A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Burnside, Vogl & Parkinson - Cocktail Time - Wine Charms, prepackaged snacks & appetizers, olives, recipe book, glassware, shaker glass, stir sticks, shot glasses (No Alcohol Please) Shelton & Powers - BBQ - Utensils, cook books, aprons, BBQ Sauces, salsa, recipe book ROOM LEADER ORIENTATION 2013‐14 FALL FESTIVAL DONATION ITEMS 2013‐14 4th 2 Liter Sodas (any variety) used for the Soda Ring Toss game, plastic bottles only please. Cookies or cupcakes or other baked individual item(s) for the Sweet Walk Wheel. (A suggestion is to package your baked goods into quantities of 2-3 to make more items for the Sweet Walk). Please bring your baked goods to the stage in the cafeteria on the morning of the festival. A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Coufal & Hernsberger - University of Texas - All Things UT; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc. Fox & Gresham - Texas A & M - All things A & M; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc. Zipperer - Texas Tech - All things Texas Tech; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc... 5th Chip Party Pack of 8-10 snack size bags (any flavor) Cookies or cupcakes or other baked individual item(s) for the Sweet Walk Wheel. (A suggestion is to package your baked goods into quantities of 2-3 to make more items for the Sweet Walk). Please bring your baked goods to the stage in the cafeteria on the morning of the festival. A basket item for your child’s classroom Silent Auction Basket. Your Basket Theme Murley & Kosler- Dallas Sports Teams - All Things Dallas Sports - Cowboys, Stars, Rangers, Mavericks; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc. Danielson & Bowles - Houston Sports Teams - All Things Houston Sports - Texans, Rockets, Astros; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc. Adams - San Antonio Spurs - All Things San Antonio Spurs; t-shirts, koozies, memorabilia, tickets, blankets, glassware, hats, etc. ROOM LEADER ORIENTATION 2013‐14 Staff Appreciation Week April 7-11, 2014 Room leaders play an important part in making Staff Appreciation Week a great event for our teachers and staff. There are special activities for each day of the week. Monday: Flowers for the teacher and front bulletin board display Tuesday: Breakfast for the teachers Wednesday: Gifts for specials teachers Thursday: Catered lunch for all staff Friday: Class gifts and coffee catering service As room leader, you will be responsible for several events for your individual class. Bulletin Board Display – We will not be decorating individual classroom bulletin boards. Instead, we will focus on the front bulletin boards and/or hall to honor all our teachers and staff. With just one location we should be able to focus our energy and still honor everyone. As time gets closer, we will be looking for wonderful volunteers to help make this look amazing! Mon: Flowers – Each class gives flowers to their teacher. Some classes have each child bring in a flower. Others just purchase a bunch. Flowers can be real, silk, paper, etc. There will also be flowers available for students to purchase for $1 each by the front doors before school. Room leaders will be responsible for providing a vase and arranging the flowers that morning. Tues: Breakfast for teachers – Room leaders provide breakfast for their teachers. Each grade level group of room leaders can either provide separately for their individual teachers, or they can get together and collectively bring food for the entire grade level. Example: 5 teachers for kinder, one room leader brings muffins, one brings kolaches, one brings juice, etc. Possibly base food choices on the teachers’ “Favorites” sheets. Wed.: Gifts for Specials Teachers: Each class or grade level (to be determined by room leaders) will give a small gift to one of the Specials Groups. Pre-K and Kinder 1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th – 5th – Custodial Staff/Cafeteria staff Librarians PE teachers Music teachers Art teachers Office/Nurse/Crossing Guards Fri.: Class Gift to teacher: Room leaders gift their teachers with things they can use for the classroom. PTA will provide each room leader with a small amount of money that can be used to help with the cost of gifts. I appreciate your help in making our teachers and staff feel appreciated! If you have any questions or information, please feel free to contact me: Sarah Hoflich Staff Appreciation Week Chair [email protected] Attention Room Leaders & Party Coordinators! I need your help! I am in charge of creating the Pond Springs yearbook this year. My goal is to make sure there is representative coverage of all our classes in the book. That’s where you come in. I can’t be in all the classes taking pictures at parties, field trips, or on SWEET Fridays. But YOU can! The more images you share with me of your child’s class, the better. Here’s how you can help: • • • • Take pictures at class and school-wide events. Share your pictures with me on CD or USB flash drive through the PTA mailbox. Or email me to access my Dropbox. Label photos by grade/teacher and/or event. Encourage other parents in your class(es) to do the same. If you have questions, please contact me. Thanks for your help in creating a great book! Emily Buchanan [email protected]