Oatlands Infant School Newsletter
Oatlands Infant School Newsletter
Oatlands Infant School Newsletter 22nd April 2016 Dear Parents and Carers Staffing We welcome back two trainee teachers in school who have returned after a term’s placement at another school. Claire Handley Lucy Rodgers - Year 2 Reception We hope you will join us in welcoming them. Rocket Science On Monday our Rocket Science experiment pack and seeds arrived in school from the RHS Campaign for School Gardening. There were two packs of seeds labelled red and blue which we have to keep separated. We have no idea which pack of seeds have been on the space station and have to follow very exact instructions on the planting, watering, measuring of growth etc. Reception ‘Animals’ Topic As part of the Reception topic on animals, this week’s focus has been on pets. On Tuesday Mrs Whewell brought in the young Labrador dog called Lucy, who she is currently training to become a hearing dog. Oatlands Infant School Hookstone Road, Harrogate, HG2 8BT t. 01423 871036 e. [email protected] w. www.oatlands-inf.n-yorks.sch.uk @Oatlands_Infant Page| On Thursday Pets at Home visited the children bringing in a Bearded Dragon, Guinea Pig and Rabbit for them to meet. ‘CARE IN THE SUN’ POLICY We are concerned about protecting staff and pupils from sunburn and from skin damage that can be caused by the harmful ultra-violet rays in sunlight. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the country. As sunburn, and almost all skin cancer, is caused by the sun it is possible to prevent this happening. The school believes that by encouraging sunsafe behaviour at school and teaching children about the risks of sunlight, we can prevent them burning and contribute towards preventing skin cancer. You can help by applying an all-day sunscreen (high factor sunscreen (SPF 30+) in the morning before your child comes into school. School PE Shoes Now that the weather is getting better, PE activities are being held outside. Please could we ask your child to bring in suitable trainers so that they be worn for outside PE lessons? Thank you. Next weeks’ theme will be on British wild animals. The topic will also cover, farm animals, birds and zoo animals. 22nd April 2016 Page| 2 Netball After-School Club Mrs Handley is going to run a First Step Netball After-School Club for Year 2 children on Mondays after school starting Monday 9th May. Places are limited. First Step Netball introduces children to the game and the skills required in preparation for High 5 Netball that KS2 children play. If your child would be interested in attending this after-school club, please complete a registration form which can be obtained from the school office. Harrogate Spring Flower Show The school entered the ‘Make a Meadow’ Garden Theatre competition for primary schools at the Spring Flower Show. Children were given a theatre growing kit. The Reception children made some flowers and decorated the boards. Unfortunately we did not win but do pop along and have a look if you are visiting the show. The theatre gardens are at the Information Point in the Gardening Hall. 22nd April 2016 Head Lice We have some unwelcome visitors in school at the moment. Please check your child’s head and treat if necessary. Head lice actually prefer clean hair, so the possibility of infection is absolutely no reflection on a family’s standards of hygiene. Remember once you have cleared any infection, or if no lice are present in the first place, you should still continue to check regularly, for example, on a weekly basis. Lost and Found A pink bracelet has been found in the playground. It can be collected from the office. Elizabeth Robson Headteacher Page| 3 Dates for your Diary Please remember to check these dates as they may change and others added as the term progresses. May 2 3 4 5 6 6 11 25 27 27 June 6 7 9 15 16 22 23 23 July September May Day Bank Holiday School closed to children May Pole Dance—Ducklings May Pole Dance—Puffins May Pole Dance—Donkeys PTA Cake Stall—Red Kites PTA Quiz Night PTA Bedtime Stories PTA Meeting PTA Cake Stall—Ducklings Half term starts Training day— School closed to children School opens 8:55am Sports Afternoon (Reserve 16th) New Parents Evening for parents of children starting September 2016 Reserve Sports Afternoon Dance Workshops PTA AGM World Food Day 7 Transition Day 13 Training day School closed to children 18 Pandas’ Celebration Assembly 19 Squirrels’ Celebration Assembly 20 Red Kites’ Celebration Assembly 21 PTA Year 2 Disco 23 PTA Summer Party 26 School closes for Summer Holiday 5 6 Training day School closed to children School opens 8:55am Your next PTA meeting is on Wednesday 25th May at 7pm, everyone welcome. Soccerkidz - Multi Sports Coaching Bedrace money raised Mike from Soccerkidz has been in School for a number of weeks now providing multi sports coaching for one PE lesson every Thursday. So far Red Kites, Squirrels and Pandas have benefited from 6 sessions each. Next week Golden Eagles will start a 6 week block & then it will be the turn of the Hedgehogs. We are also planning on providing the 3 Reception classes with a session each before the Summer holidays. We have had fantastic feedback from all of the teachers, helpers, parents and children. These great sessions have been fully paid for by the money raised from our 3 teams in the Bedrace last year. The Children are currently busy making decorations for our Bed with the help of Mrs Warhurst - thank you ! This year all of the money we raise from the Bedrace will go to Sports Coaching in School. We have planned a number of fundraising events which we very much hope you will support. 22nd April 2016 Page| 4 Including: A raffle - prizes include: Sweaty Betty Kit, GIN, 1 month membership at the Nuffield Gym, Personal Training session from a top Triathlete and much more ...... Thank you also to Verity Frearson for your sponsorship of £400. Summer Party Quiz Night 7pm -12pm - tickets will be on sale from week beginning 16th May. to be hosted by radio legend Alex B Can! - TICKETS are selling FAST get yours now to avoid disappointment. Saturday 23rd July at the Harrogate Rugby Club HELPERS needed—PTA Friday 6th May 2016 - Oatlands Infant School Hall. Doors open at 7pm, quiz to start at 7.30pm There will be a licenced bar and a fish & chip supper. Tickets cost just £10, max 8 people per team. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a team we’ll find you some team members on the night (we can’t guarantee their intelligence levels though!). All money raised will be split between Prostate Cancer Research Centre & Oatlands Infants PTA. For more info contact Lyndsay (Mum to Maggie in Hedgehogs) on 07889 784606 or Sally (Mum to Daisy in Golden Eagles) on 07773 350612 As always, all are welcome ! Knaresborough Bed Race—Saturday 11th June www.bedrace.co.uk LADIES training 8pm9pm every Tuesday. We would love a few more ladies to join our squad for the bed race. If you are up for the challenge, want to find out more please contact Nat Crossland - Mum to Barney in Ducklings and Ted in Squirrels or Kate Auld - Mum to Woody in Golden Eagles in the playground or via [email protected] 22nd April 2016 We have a number of events coming up this term which we will need help with, none of which are big commitments. New Parents evening - 15th June, 6pm onwards, meeting & greeting new parents, serving refreshments. It would be great to have some Reception parents involved in this as well as Y1 & Y2. Sports Afternoon – 9th June - serving refreshments - short shifts to allow all to watch their child /children. Transition Day – 7th July - AM and PM - 1 hour, to meet and greet new reception parents, serve refreshments Leavers Disco – 21st July 6-7pm We need 8 helpers for the Y2 Leavers Disco, it is a popular event to help at, so get your name down quick ! If you are happy to help in any way please email [email protected] Page| 5 Pandas’ Cake Stall Thank you to everyone who baked, bought and helped at the Pandas’ cake stall. You raised £100 for the Pandas class. Community News Thank you Natalie Crossland On Behalf of your PTA PTA Dates for your Diary May 6 6 11 25 27 PTA Cake Stall—Red Kites Quiz Night PTA Bedtime Stories PTA Meeting PTA Cake Stall—Ducklings June 23 PTA AGM July 21 23 PTA Year 2 Disco 6-7pm Summer Party Harrogate Male Voice Choir Present their 2016 Annual Concert with Special Guest Sarah Trout : Contralto 7.30pm, Saturday, May 21st 2016 in St. Mark’s Church Leeds Road, Harrogate, HG2 8AY Admission £10 each : Couple £15 Refreshments available Tickets available from :P & C Music (Cash or Cheque only) 6 Devonshire Place, Skipton Road Harrogate : Tel 01423 504035 Or by telephoning :John Corrin : 01423 887627 or Neil Duncan : 01423 874331 Or Pay at the Door on the night 22nd April 2016 Page| 6