Illustrious Sir 127th Moolah® Shrine Potentate
Camels’ Tales Moolah® Shriners January 2016 • Volume 76, Issue 1 • St. Louis, MO • Meet our 127th Potentate • Meet our new Outer Guard, our new Marshal, and our new Membership Liaison • Potentate Ball to be on February 27th • Shriner of the Month • Shriner of the Year • 2016 Potentate Trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin 127th Moolah Shrine Potentate ® Home of Shriners of Eastern & Central Missouri Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children Lenny Martin Jerry Gantt 127th Moolah Shrine Potentate Imperial Potentate 2015-2016 ® Moolah Appointed Positions 2016 Elected Divan & Board of Directors Lenny Martin, Jr.........................................Potentate Dean Isbell...........................................Chief Rabban Kyle McEvoy....................................... Asst. Rabban Don Taylor...............................High Priest & Prophet Richard Weber............................................Treasurer David Jacobi, Sr........................................Recorder Russell Georgen.................................Oriental Guide 2016 Appointed Divan Joe Shivley............................1st Ceremonial Master Mitch Weinsting................2nd Ceremonial Master Bill Drake.........................................Director General David Hope....................................................Marshal Gregg Price...............................Shrine Club Marshal Jack Melton...........................Captain of the Guard Shaun Ruether...........................Membership Liaison Robert Dirkers.......................................Outer Guard Representatives to Imperial Council Lenny Martin Gale Bennington Dean Isbell Don Taylor Representatives to C.S.S.A. Lenny Martin Kyle McEvoy Dean Isbell Don Taylor Moolah Temple Association Randall I. Ottinger, P.P................................President Dale Arn..............................................Vice President Dennis Kelley, PP.........................................Secretary Living Past Potentates James W. Smith.. ......................................1983 George E. Stephenson.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 8 4 Richard H. Haag.. .........................................1988 Kenneth E. Myles.................................................1992 Randall I. Ottinger...............................................1993 Lawrence D. Jones.............................................1994 Douglas E. Maxwell............................................1996 Stephen F. Pieper.. ........................................1997 Barry R. Todd.......................................................2000 Ronald D. Woods.................................................2001 H.H. “Bud” White.. ..........................................2002 Albert Faulstich...................................................2003 Gale F. Bennington..........................................2004 John G. Smith..................................................2005 Merle R. Truckenmiller.. ...................................2006 Lester “Al” Greene.. .......................................2007 Frank “Pancho” Windler..................................2009 William I. Drake.................................................2010 James C. Brandenburg......................................2011 Andrew Metzger..................................................2012 Patrick Hensley.................................................2013 Dennis Kelley.......................................................2014 David Dieckhaus................................................2015 Director General Carl Barthold.................................................Almoner David Dieckhaus, PP....Ambassador Co. Chairman Dennis Kelley, PP...........Ambassador Co. Chairman Wayne Price................................Building Chairman Karl Erselius...................................................Chaplain Carl Barthold................................................Chaplain Dennis Burkholder..........Donor Relations Chairman Ted Dearing....................................General Counsel Joe Shivley.............................Insurance Committee Al Earls......................................License Plate Director David Schmucker...Memorial Brick Walk Chairman Shaun Ruether...............Membership Co-Chairman DJ Hermen.....................Membership Co-Chairman Kenneth Myles, PP..............Shrine Club Coordinator James Smith, PP.............Public Relations Chairman Dennis Burkholder...........Public Relations Chairman Jim Tracy........................................Technical Advisor Ronald Risher...................Patient Referral Chairman Todd Litzau........................Clinic Referral Chairman David Jacobi, Sr. .......Grand Lodge Representative Potentate’s Aides Rich Viner, Chief Aide John McDougal Ernie Boulicault Wallace Bowman Eric McVicar Dale Nagel William Bradford Moolah Shrine Circus Matthew Niedringhaus Ryan Braun Dean Isbell.......................................Circus Chairman Richard Pollock Jeff Chestnas Ron Reynolds......................................Circus Director Timothy Radley Gary Fanger Michael Reese Ryan Georgen Wayne Price......................Parade Marshal Emeritus Ronald Reynolds Gale Going Richard Sopp....................Parade Marshal Emeritus Mark Schultheis Harold Hargiss Jack Morrison....................Parade Marshal Emeritus John Spraul DJ Hermen Mark Rethemeyer...............Circus Director Emeritus Ron Taylor Chad Humphreys Casey Thompson Dennis Martin Camels’ Tales is published ten times per year Bud Waters Matthew Mayer and distributed by Moolah Shrine Temple Richard Watts Richard Mayer Potentate’s Personal Aides Frank Cali Mark Davis Michael Davis Brett Grimm Gregory Heins Kevin Heins Bob Holland Gary Holland Robert Mathewson James McEvoy Theodore Schamburg Dave Schmucker Donald Wander Shrine Club Aides Terry Bunting Benjamin Dennison Gregory Dortch D. Bryan Eaton Dennis Eaton Melvin Gordon Eugene Hopwood Scott Hunt Allen James Jack Kairy James Meffen Michael O'Cheltree Ronald Pratt Paul Rose Jimmie Sanders Logan Santschi Michael Shulse Rick Uebinger Material contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part whithout the written consent of the publisher. All Rights Reserved. The titles used herein are service marks of various companies, organizations and others. All logos, service marks and trade marks are reproduced with permission. MOOLAH is a registered service mark of MOOLAH Temple. Camels’ Tales is a trademark of MOOLAH Temple. All material copyright 2016 by MOOLAH Temple. Although every effort is made to ensure legitmacy, MOOLAH Temple is not responsible for advertiser’s claims. Bill Drake, PP ADVERTISING: Direct all questions concerning advertising to the address and phone listed. Assistant Directors General Pictures published in the Camels’ Tales are property of MOOLAH Temple unless otherwise noted. David Dieckhaus, PP..............................................2015 Gale Bennington, PP..............................................2004 Potentate’s Emeritus Aides John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus Charles Baker Robert Grimm Donald Baur Robert Holscher Richard Braun James Hubeli Robert Callaway Conrad Jacobi Richard Carlson, Jr. Mark Lyles Robert Daniels Herbert Mahler John Dodge Robert Means Albert Earls Raymond Moore Donald Gabel John Morrison, Jr. 2 Fred Plough Wayne Price Mark Rethemeyer William Ross Donald Staffne James Stahl Mitch Weinsting Kenneth Will Donald Worley Send Camels’ Tales Articles to [email protected] Submissions may be reviewed for grammar, spelling, punctuation, content, or edited for space allotted. The grammar, spelling, punctuation and content of all submissions are the responsibility of their authors. Dale W. Stauss Past Imperial Potentate 2014-2015 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Shriners Hospital for Children Board of Trustees Member Douglas Maxwell, P.P. 96 Past Imperial Potentate Past Imperial Chairman of Board of Trustees 2009-2015 Shriners Hospital for Children St. Louis 314-432-3600 Board of Governors Harvey L. Mirly, M.D..............................Chairman Alex B. Rabin.................................Vice Chairman Gale Bennington, PP..............................Treasurer Adrian Croissant....................................Secretary Board of Governors David Dieckhaus, P.P. Bernard G Stever Gale Bennington, P.P. John Schloot William Tracey Ronald Krueger, II Charles M. M. Shepherd Joe Shivley Associate Member Scott Link Emeritus Members Lester “Al” Greene, P.P., Harry E. Hays* Stephen K Lambright, Gene McNary* John B. Morgan, Stephen F. Pieper, P.P. James W. Smith, P.P.*, Barry Todd, P.P.*, Geo E. Stephenson, P.P.* , Fred Caress, Ronald Risher*, Doug Bachman, Ted Dearing* *Past Board Chairman Donor Relations Kenneth E. Myles, PP........................Director, MO Stephen Pieper, PP....................Director, St.Louis Public Relations Dennis Burkholder Emeritus Represetatives Shriners Hospitals for Children, A Colorado Corporation Gale Bennington, P.P. Lawrence D. Jones, P.P. Kenneth Myles, P.P. Barry R Todd, P.P. Mark R Truckenmiiller, P.P. Moolah Temple Staff 314-878-6301 Gale Bennington, PP Administrator Ext. 113 - [email protected] Monica Smith, Membership Ext. 100 - [email protected] Lauren Schaefer, Graphic Designer Ext. 101 - [email protected] Patricia Dodd, Accounting Ext. 102 - [email protected] Maintenance Ext. 150 2016 Moolah® Shrine Potentate Lenny Martin Dear Nobles, I am honored and humbled to be elected as the 127th Potentate of Moolah Shrine Temple. I would like to congratulate Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus on the tremendous year in 2015. I know the Divan is up for the challenge to keep the bar set high. We have a busy year ahead and look forward to visiting with each of you. I ask that you help us make this year successful for everyone at Moolah. I am excited to announce the appointment of Robby Dirkers to the position of Outer Guard. Robby is no stranger to Moolah. He has been Assistant Chief Aide for the past few years and is someone you can always count on. Robby is always willing to lend a hand whenever and where ever needed. Robby and his Lady Pam are going to make a great addition to the Divan family. As in years past, we need to focus on membership. Without new members this Great Fraternity and the World’s Greatest Philanthropy, Shriners Hospital for Children, will be in trouble. So please find those good men and make it your mission to bring them in to the Moolah family. We are the best kept secret, so get the word out. I have one Shrine Club Marshal this year and that is Gregg Price from SEMO Shrine Club. Gregg and his Lady Susan have served on the Divan before and are eager to help out in 2016. I have also added Shaun Reuther to the Divan for 2016. He will be the Membership Liaison. With his involvement in the Nomads this will be the perfect opportunity to do some exciting things with membership. Shaun and his Lady Stephanie will make a wonderful addition to the Divan family. My motto this year is “Remember Why”. Remember why you became a Shriner. The first thing that should come to your mind is helping kids. As a former Shriner patient, I can speak from experience that without the Shriners I would not be the person I am today. So be PROUD to wear the fez and remember that when you do you represent the Hospital. The Potentates Presentation Ball will be February 27th. The ball will be a magical event filled with fun. Dress as your favorite Disney Prince or Princess. Let’s see what dreams are made of. The Circus is once again at the Family Arena in St. Charles March 17-20th. Circus Chairman Dean Isbell has worked very hard with the entire Circus Committee to bring the best show ever. The Circus parade has moved back to downtown St. Charles on March 5th with the Circus kick off to follow back at Moolah Temple. Please support the circus by selling tickets, selling ads, and helping where ever needed. The Spring Ceremonial will be held on April 23rd. This also is the 130th Anniversary of Moolah Temple. We will be holding an anniversary celebration that evening after the ceremonial festivities. Last, but surely not least, a HUGE thank you to all the ladies of Moolah Shrine. Without the Ladies supporting their noble none of this would be successful. So from the bottom of my heart Thank You for all that you do and your continued support. I am Proud to be a Shriner and even more proud to be your Potentate for 2016! Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin 3 Chaplain’s Corner By: Karl Erselius Have you “Planned your New Year” I’m not talking about which party to attend, or which football game to watch. Rather I’m alluding to planning for the year of 2016. It’s said, nothing but the simplest impulses gets accomplished without forethought, which we call a plan. We know this and practice it in relation to the basic physical necessities of life. But, do we take our spiritual needs as serious? I would like to encourage us all to set aside time each week in the coming year to specifically plan our life of, devotion to God, prayer and reading His word. For help in accomplishing this, let’s go to the best “planning book” ever written, Scripture. Proverbs 6:6-7 reads, “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. Without having any chief officer or ruler, she prepares her food in summer, and gathers her sustenance in harvest.” The ant is an example not only because it works so hard, but also because it plans ahead. Proverbs 14:15, “The simple believe everything, but the prudent looks where he’s going.” The prudent considers the days to come and what they’re bringing, and thinks about how best to prepare for them and use them to accomplish his purposes. These we do not forget “Es Selamu Aleikum” We do not lose the ones we love They only go before Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more.. And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere Proverbs 15:22, “Without counsel plans go wrong, but with many advisers We do not lose the ones we love God takes them in his care. they succeed.” Don’t be so independent that you think yourself above counsel. Read the wisdom of others who have gone before. Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.” Commit it to the Lord. That is always seek the Lord’s guidance and strength in your planning. Trust His wisdom and not your own. Conclusion from Proverbs: Careful planning is part of what makes a person wise and productive. Not to plan is considered foolish and dangerous. This is true, though Proverbs teach that we do not know what the future may bring. Proverbs 16:9, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Is it any wonder that King Solomon, who wrote Proverbs, was considered to be a man of great wisdom. The ultimate reason for planning is that God is a God who plans. God is NOT a God of “knee-jerk” reactions to stimuli, rather His actions are deliberate and fit into a wise purpose. So we also should approach the most important things of life with a plan and not just haphazardly. My prayer for us all is that in the coming year we take time to plan the most important things in our lives, i.e: time with our family, friends, occupations, and most of all with God. Without a plan these most important things always seem to get pushed aside by urgent pressures. In closing, congratulations go out to Lenny Martin Jr. having been elected Moolah Potentate for 2016. I’m certain he and Sandy have great plans for Moolah in 2016. 4 November C.D. Ainsworth Walter J. Bossaller William D. Bridwell Richard W. Goff Charles A. Kiehn, Jr. Eugene P. Portas Calvin J. Rogers Clarence F. Spaethe, Jr. Meet our new 2016 Potentate Lenny Martin Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin was born and raised in St. Louis County. He has been married to his beautiful wife Sandy Cobb-Martin for 21 years. They have 2 children Victoria and a son that passed at birth, Trenton John. They are very active in their local church where they were married and also where Sandy has been going since she was a child. After graduating high school Lenny attended the University of Missouri St. Louis, where he received his Bachelors of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice. He is currently employed at Johnson Controls Inc. as a CSA for the St. Louis branch. His journey with Shriners Hospital started when he was 1-1/2 years old. Born with a birth defect affecting his right leg, his parents had to make a tough choice. With the help of the doctors at Shriners Hospital the decision was made to amputate his right foot. This did not stop him from doing anything the other kids were doing. It only made him try harder and find ways to keep up and at time surpass others just because they said he couldn’t. Lenny spent many years going to the Shrine Circus with his family. His grandma would buy tickets for the whole family, cousins included, because this was her way of paying back the Shriners who did so much for her grandson. In May of 2006, Lenny joined Noble Lodge #684 and in June of that year he was raised a Master Mason and joined Moolah Temple. Lenny served as Master of the Lodge in 2010 and was also appointed Outer Guard on the Moolah Divan that same year. Lenny is a member of the YOMO unit and has given talks about the hospital at numerous events. His passion is Shriners Hospitals for Children. They have given him the ability to do whatever he wants, and that’s his wish for the children the hospital is currently helping. Lenny has proudly served on the Moolah Divan and is honored and humbled to be Moolah’s Potentate for 2016. Lenny’s motto this year is “Remember Why”. Why did you become a Shriner? To MAKE A DIFFERENCE in a child’s life. 5 Meeting Schedules Stated Meetings January 13th February 17th April 20th May 18th July 20th August 17th September 21st October 19th November 16th Stated Meeting Reminders: Dress in business casual, Due Cards are December 21st (election) required, ladies are always welcome, babysitting is provided, dinner is served at 5:30pm, meetings begin at 7:30pm, & balloting on all new petitions for memberships. Units & Committees Name Date & Time Location Contact Location Contact Air Patrol 2nd Mon. John Cordell 314-482-5235 American Muscle 2nd Wed. 6:30pm Unit Room Dave Evans 314-724-8606 Arab Patrol 1st Mon. Drill Practice 4th Mon. Patrick Hensley 314-330-7028 Band Every Wed. Jack Scherrer 314-644-5362 BBQ Smokin’ Nobles 1st Mon. Oasis Dave Hope 314-406-0744 Chanters 1st Mon. Business Meeting 7:30pm Unit Room Jerry Lee Gaddy 314-406-8292 Rehearsal every Mon. 7:30pm Clowns 3rd Mon. Mike Howard 314-952-8164 Computer Club 2nd Mon. 7:30pm Bob Holscher 314-706-0943 DeMolay 1st Wed. 7:00pm Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr. 314-991-1511 Directors Staff 1st Mon. Fred Zurfluh, IV 314-910-3950 Drum Corps 2nd Mon. Tom Duke 314-568-9026 Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon. Gateway 500 2nd Tues. Ron Reynolds 314-732-2121 Guides Last Friday Wayne Price 314-540-5859 Hospital Committee 3rd. Wed. 6:15pm Committee Room Bob Sudholt 314-205-9662 Legion of Honor 4th Tues. Gale Going 314-703-0548 Motor Patrol 2nd Mon. Rick Weible 314-616-0938 Mounted Lancers 2nd Wed. Ranch Allen Coggins 314-602-7454 Nomads 4th Wed. 6:30pm Dinner Ryan Braun 636-484-3474 Provost Guard2nd Mon. 7:00pm John Ledbetter 314-229-5824 Reception Committee 2nd Wed. Matt Niedringhaus 314-550-4995 Seniors 1st Mon. 3rd Mon. Business Guides Room Bill Stephenson 314-606-0629 Sound Unit 2nd Mon. Mike Reese 314-229-3682 Stage Crew 1st Wed. Mark Davis 314-227-2178 Swing Dance Unit 1st Mon. 6:30pm Bud Waters 314-712-6622 TCCA4th Wed. 6:00pm Oasis Unique Motors 2nd & 4th Mon. Thom McCann 314-283-3128 YOMO 2nd Wed. Gary Holland 573-259-2668 Clubs Name Date & Time Cape SC 4th Wed. 6:30pm Call for Location Chuck Stratton 573-208-6901 Capital SC 2nd Tues. 6:30pm Capital SC Ed Glawson 573-690-9510 Daniel Boone SC Last Thurs. 6:30pm JJ’s Restaurant Mark Rethemeyer 314-605-7615 Ecmo SC 1st Fri. 7:30pm ECMO SC Dennis Eaton 573-760-3513 Four Rivers SC 2nd Mon. 7:30pm Gray Summit Joachim SC 2nd Mon. Herculaneum Leonard Keller 636-208-0716 Little Dixie SC 4th Wed. L.D. Shrine Park John Lowry 573-473-2465 Mid-Mo SC 2nd Wed. Call for Location Steve Sales 573-424-6938 Nemo SC 3rd Thurs. 6:00pm Call for Location Greg Leftwich 573-248-4706 Ozark SC 2nd Mon. 6:00pm White Mule Winery Semo SC 1st Mon. 6:00pm Semo SC Kenneth Douglas 573-380-0084 Three Rivers SC 3rd Fri. 6:30pm Three Rivers SC Scott Rommel 573-429-2583 Tiger SC Last Mon. Tiger SC 6 Moolah ® January 1st 8th 9th 13th 15th 16th 20th 23rd 27th 29th 30th Shrine Calendar New Years Day (Office Closed) Presidents & Directors dinner with wives Ambassadors Meeting Nemo SC Intallation Clown Trivia Night Circus Meeting Bus Trip to Semo & Cape Installation Three Rivers Installation Stated Meeting Guides/Directors Staff Installation Temple Club Meeting Mid Mo Shrine Club Installation Tiger/Little Dixie/Capital SC Installations Air Patrol/Clowns Installation March 5th Circus Parade in St. Charles & Kickoff at Moolah 9th Circus Meeting 11th Ambassadors Meeting 12th St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cottleville 17th-20th Circus 23rd Temple Club’s 100th Anniversary 25th Good Friday (Office Closed) Save the date! February 6th Ecmo Installation 10th Circus Meeting 12th Ambassadors Meeting Arab/Nomads Installation 13th Yomo & Gateway 500 Presentation 17th Stated Meeting 20th Joachim SC Installation 24th Temple Club Meeting 27th 2016 Potentate Ball April 8th Ambassadors Meeting 13th Circus Meeting 14th-16th CSSA Business Meeting Little Rock 15th Elvis Concert Capital Fund raiser 17th LOS Installation 20th Stated Meeting 23rd Spring Ceremonial 130th Moolah Anniversary Party 27th Temple Club Meeting Remem ber why ! Why d i become d you a shrin er? 7 Presenting the 2016 Moolah® Shrine Potentate Lenny Martin and his Divan! Front Row L to R: Treasurer Richard Weber, Oriental Guide Russell Georgen, Assistant Rabban Kyle McEvoy, Potentate Lenny Martin, Chief Rabban Dean Isbell, High Priest & Prophet Don Taylor, Recorder Dave Jacobi Back Row L to R: Outer Guard Robby Dirkers, Membership Liaison Shaun Ruether, Captain of the Guard Jack Melton, First Ceremonial Master Joe Shivley, Director General Bill Drake, Second Ceremonial Master Mitch Weinsting, Marshal Dave Hope, Shrine Club Marshal Gregg Price Let’s have a great 2016! Remember why you became a Shriner! Meet our new Outer Guard Robby Dirkers Robby was born and raised in St. Louis. He was brought up with a catholic education and values. He learned about charity and helping others at a young age. In 2005, Robby followed his passion to help others by becoming a Master Mason in Craftsmen Lodge 717. That year he became a member of Scottish Rite and Moolah Shrine also. He quickly became a member of the Guides Unit and was President in 2013 and Director in 2014 and 2015. Robby was Asst. Chief Aide, and is an ambassador and a Kentucky Colonel. He is a member of the Order of Quetzalcoatl (ARCA 21) and Hillbillies. Robby has worked at Barron Mirror since 1988 and is Vice President of operations. He and his Lady Pam have a total of three older children and six grandchildren. He is passionate about everything he does and loves being a Shriner. 8 Meet our new Marshal Dave Hope Dave Hope began his Masonic Journey in 1990 by joining Kirkwood Demolay; he is both a Chevalier and a member of the Demolay Legion of Honor. In 2003, he was initiated into Kirkwood Lodge #484 and was raised in 2004, where he served as worshipful Master in 2008, earning the Missouri Grand Lodges highest level Honor Lodge designation for the year. He joined MOOLAH Shrine in 2005 and has served as president of the Demolay committee, YOMO, the BBQ Smokin Nobles and the MOOLAH Mascots, as well as director for both the Smokin Nobles and the Mascots. Dave also is a member of the Circus Committee, the Public Relations Committee, the Gateway 500, ARCA 21 Order of the “Q”, MOOLAH Ambassadors, and has also served as a chapter advisor for Perfection Demolay. Dave is employed by Special school District of St Louis County where he is the Chief of the South Tech Fire and the EMS academy. He has been a firefighter paramedic for 16 years; he is also the National chairman of the Career and Technical Education Caucus for the National Education Association. His lady, Eisa, is a 5th grade teacher for the Northwest School District. They have been married for 10 years and have one daughter, 8-year-old Mia, who is currently in the third grade. Meet our new Membership Liaison Shaun Ruether Shaun Ruether is a native of Washington, MO, and his relationship with Moolah Shrine has spanned his entire life. Shaun is a former patient of Shriners Hospitals for Children. He was raised as a Master Mason at Union Lodge 593 in Union, MO. Shaun is currently a member of Shekinah Lodge in Crystal City, MO, and is a Past Master for 2014. Shaun joined Moolah Shrine in the fall of 2010. Shaun is a member of Moolah Guides, YOMO and the Order of Quetzalcoatl. He has been the Tent City Chairman for the Circus from 2012 - present and Membership Chairman in 2015. He was instrumental in forming, and also belongs to our newest unit, Moolah Nomads. Shaun has been a member of Carpenter’s Local 2214, in Festus, MO since 2001. He is a Site Supervisor for Brock Industrial Services. Shaun and his wife, Stephanie, currently reside with their two children, Sydney and Samuel, in Jefferson County. The family, also known as Hurricane Ruether, are avid outdoors people who enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting. A big thank you to all Units, Clubs, & Committees for your participation in the Hospital Awareness Crusade. To Date Collections: $22,746.34 Leader to Date: MidMo 9 2016 Shrine Circus Update Ron Reynolds –Circus Director (314-732-2121) Happy Holidays to all and a very prosperous new year. Circus tickets are now on sale. Every Shriner should have tickets, as well as Metrotix and the Family Arena. Please get the word out to everyone you know. Let’s make this the greatest circus ever. The 2016 Moolah Shrine Circus will be held at the Family Arena in St. Charles. Mark your calendars for March 17th through the 20th. We will be having the same number of performances as last year. We will have our Circus parade in Old Town St. Charles on Saturday, March 5th at Noon. After the parade we will return to Moolah for the Circus kick-off. On Saturday, March 12th we will participate in the Cottleville parade to get exposure for our circus. All Shriners are asked to join in the fun for all these events. The kids free coupon tickets are also available. Pick some up and distribute in your area. The Circus Committee is working hard and meeting on the second Wednesday of each month from September to March in the Guides unit room. Any and all volunteers are welcome to join us. There is always plenty to do. Arrive at 5:30 PM for a light dinner and the meeting begins at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. 314-732-2121 or [email protected]. Our goal is to continue to make our circus the best ever, and to keep the seats full. 10 January Shriner of the Month John Cordell Noble Cordell joined the Masonic Lodge # 684 in 2012 and joined the Moolah Shrine the same year. He immediately became a member of the Air Patrol. He was brought to the Shriners as he has a son who was a patient both in Minneapolis and St. Louis and John (Mike) felt the need to pay back. He is also very active with the staff of the hospital as he jumped in with both feet to serve our Shriner children. He accomplished this by becoming one of the creators of the Santa Party for Shriner Patients. The first party was held in 2013 and was an immediate hit with both the hospital staff and the Moolah Temple. This is one of the main events that is done in conjunction with both groups. The party then led Noble Cordell to the TCAA were he has also served 2 years. While a member of the TCAA, he started the Shriners Donation Program. A new program to raise funds which will directly support our Hospital. In October a festival which he orchestrated was held at the International Tap House and the funds generated from this event were donated to the Shriner Hospital Transportation fund. The event while in the early stages promises to become an annual event. He has determined that the highlight of any week, is one where he is asked to transport a patient to and from Spirit of St. Louis Airport or as needed around town. The Moolah Public Relations Committee is honored to have John Cordell as our 2016 Shriner of the Month for January. 2015 Shriner of the Year Wayne Price Wayne Price was initiated in Auora Masonic Lodge in 1972 and served as Master of the Lodge in 1984. He became a member of the Scottish Rite, Moolah Temple, and the Guides in 1979. Price was President of the Guides Unit in 2005. He has been Director of the Guides since 2008 and has been Moolah’s Parade Marshal since 2004. Price has served on the Building Committee and is a member of the Director Staff, Gateway 500, Ambassadors, OES 397, DeMolay, Legion of Honor and Hillbilly Clan 140. You can find Wayne driving kids to and from our Shriners Hospitals almost every week. He truly has a Shriner heart for all he does to help our kids. The Moolah Public Relations Committee is proud to select Wayne Price as our Shriner of the Year! 11 Hear ye, Hear ye! All Nobles of Moolah Temple are hereby notified of a Magical Ball. Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin and First Lady Sandy humbly request the honor of your presence on February 27th at this magical event. Cocktails 5:30pm • Officers Presentation 6:30pm Dinner to Follow Black Tie/Dark Suit attire or dress like your favorite Disney Prince or Princess Open Bar Free Babysitting Available RSVP by February 19th Reservation Form: Please return by February 19th. Please return this form to Moolah Temple 12545 Fee Fee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 or call 314-878-6301 Name______________________________________ Lady or Guest(s)________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Please reserve ______ seats Enclosed is ______ at $45.00 per person/$10.00 per child I would like to be seated with__________________ I have enclosed ________check payable to Moolah Temple • Card only accepted via phone Meal choices for Adults: _____ Steak & Lobster _____ Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach & Feta 12 Cheese & Lobster Children Menu: Chicken Strips, Side, and Dessert. 2016 Potentate Trip Walt Disney World in Orlando June 12th-18th, 2016 Join Potentate Lenny Martin & First Lady Sandy Martin on their trip to Walt Disney World! For more information call Lenny at 314-795-6561 or email at [email protected]! Snap Bracelets for sale Bracelet reads: My Hubby Shrines Center piece snaps out and can be interchanged with other snaps. Additional fashion snaps will be available for purchase. Only $25! Available for purchase at: Moolah® Gift Shop or Office Installations & Presentations Or by contacting Potentate Lenny Martin at 314-795-6561 Proceeds benefit the Building Fund 13 UNIT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Air Patrol Happy New Year!!!! The 2016 PIC’s are ready to take command. Congratulations to the New Team that will lead the Air patrol during 2016. Stay tuned for final results since this is due to the printer before the actual election is to take place. A big tip of the Fez to our out-going Air Patrol President Noble Ted Lindner and his crew. Thanks Ted for an outstanding tour of duty. Pretty sure the new crew at the Head Table have a great Flight Plan. Consider yourself briefed. The Fasten Your Seat Belt Sign is on.. so.. Hang ON.. Wheels up in.... On behalf of Ted and his crew, they wish to express their THANKS and Gratitude for all the support they received from the Air Patrol members throughout the year. Plans are in the making for The Air patrol Presentation of officers. Stay tuned for details. Circus 2016 is March 17-20th. Get those Ads, Booster sheets and tickets sold. ** Circus parade and Kick-off is Saturday, March 5th. Moolah will also be participating in the Cottleville St. Patrick's Parade on Saturday, March 12th** 12:00 Noon Step off. Check out this link for all the info http:// Come join us for 8 circus performances in 2016: Thu March 17th 7:00 pm Fri March 18th 10:30 am, 7:30 pm Sat March 19th 10:00 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm Sun March 20th 1:00 pm, 6:00 pm Parade in St. Charles, Missouri follow by Circus Kick-Off at Moolah •Sat March 5th 12:00 pm •Circus Kickoff will follow the parade at Moolah. We will also be participating in the Cottleville St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, March 12th. For Moolah Shrine Circus tickets call 314-5341111. They are available from MetroTix and the Family Arena. Tailwinds, Dan-O – N600SR 14 Ambassadors Secretary: Ted Schamburg 314-638-3633 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sincere thanks to John Hewitt for the dedicated service to the Ambassadors during the past 13 years! John will be missed. Going forward there will be some change to the Ambassador leadership, but the mission of the Ambassadors, dedication to the Moolah Shrine and assistance to the 2016 Potentate Lenny Martin, will remain the same. The Ambassador lunches are held on the 2nd Friday of the month. The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be on Friday, January 8 in the Oasis at Moolah Temple. We will continue to have our popular open bar and our three drawings: the 50/50, free dinner and jackpot. You may be a winner but you won’t have a chance if you do not attend. Ambassadors, you are missing a great time, if you do not attend our meetings. Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information about all of the Moolah activities. Information about all Ambassador Events will come to you through the Camels’ Tales, E-mail or word of mouth. For luncheon reservations call Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail him at [email protected]. NEXT MEETING JANUARY 8 – Ambassador Meeting at Moolah Temple JANUARY 20 – Stated Meeting ONCE AN AMBASSADOR ALWAYS AN AMBASSADOR Arab Patrol Captain: Patrick Hensley President: Tom Dempski 1st VP: Fred Veinfurt 2nd VP: Mike Heuer Secretary: Ken Elam Treasurer: Phil Phillips 314-330-7028 636-795-8825 314-960-7787 636-679-0360 314-471-9883 314-348-7919 By: Gary Oakley The beginning of a New Year brings change for many of us. The Patrol is no different. Our new leadership team is in place under capable guidance of Captain Patrick Hensley, President Tom Dempski and his team of officers. The President has asked me to continue as CAMELS’ TALES editor. Hope this meets with approval from the majority of you. The Arab Presentation date will be Friday, February 12th in the Ballroom with the Nomads. President Tom and team are off to a great start. A major goal/point of emphasis for the year will be to increase or ranks, membership. I want to share a statement from our President that will serve us all well if a potential candidate asks, “What does the Patrol do?” “The Arab Patrol has a proud tradition. Known as “The Marching 48”, our unit marches in parades, at Shrine functions and we also compete nationally against other Shrine marching units. This year, our theme is “Back To 48” as we seek to encourage new candidates to learn more about our rich tradition and join us in our ranks.” Tom continues: “Please watch for more information about upcoming social events to meet our members. You may also contact Tom Dempski @ 636-795-8825 or tom. [email protected] for the most up-to-date list of events. I will be sending out notices, meeting minutes, last minute event updates in weekly or bi weekly emails, texts using Moolah’s Constant Contacts. Watch future issues for information about a new webpage and announcement of a membership chairman.” It’s clear it’s going to be a GREAT year!! Let’s get behind the energy and enthusiasm of our President. Go Patrol Go!! I’m just sayin’. Yeah baby!! UNIT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Band Unit Director: Jack Scherrer 314.725.3764 Pres./Sect./Treas.: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646 Conductor/1st VP: Chuck McKenzie 636.235.8085 Conductor Emeritus: Roger Fagerberg 2nd Vice President: Barry Hyatt 314.469.0605 By: Chuck McKenzie, [email protected] Hello, from your Moolah Band: We have had a fantastic fall concert season and a great Christmas/Holiday concert time. Playing for Brunch with Santa, and the party for the Kids from the hospital, was the best way to conclude a great year for MoolahBand. The musicianship of our members continues to improve, and with new music. For the start of the new year, 2016 promises to be another great year. The Audiences love the music and show it with their applause and the comments we receive after each performance. A suggestion from a resident prompts me to reintroduce a “Military Salute” at our concerts. This is where the call goes out to the Nobles and their family members who play or have played in the band. With the participation of a few Nobles, the Band can reclaim the glory years of the past. We need to make a good showing to exhibit what Shrinedom is, and how we are contributing to the Shriners Hospital. Come out and join us, thereby guaranteeing that our performances are the best possible. It would give us a more professional appearance when we celebrate our Centennial Anniversary in 2019. Come see us on Wednesday nights at 7:30 and rekindle the fun you had when you were in the school band. We are looking for new members, especially Nobles who are interested in spreading the word of what Shriners do for the kids by supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children. You may be a Noble who is looking for a home where you can make use of your musical talents! If that is the case, please give me a call or e-mail and I will answer any questions you may have. Also, remember we are also a community band, so if your wife, child or grandchild plays an instrument, he or she is welcome to play in the Band. We meet Wednesday evenings at 7:30 to practice. Our concerts are Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 7:00. Chanters Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy President: David A. Judd Treasurer: William Bradford Secretary: John Glass By: Monte Safron 636-458-8951 314-706-0230 314-974-3084 314-631-4463 Kudos to those responsible for organizing the December 12th and 13th Christmas parties for our kids. They were the greatest kids parties I have ever had the pleasure of attending since I was one. The kids went wild; the gifts they received were of quality and were amazingly plentiful. This kid thanks you for giving such a wonderful affair Last December was that type month we hope can be repeated in all months to come. We were so busy our voices became synchronized to the point of excellence. You’ll have to hear us at one of our future performances to which you are cordially invited. This New Year of 2016 finds Santa busying himself preparing for the next Christmas. If he needs help we can lend him our First Vice President Noble Mark Briguglio and our Second Vice President Noble Ray Bradley. All is well in Shrine Land with Nobles going about their philanthropic work with expectations that they hope the future holds for our kids in this New Year. The Chanters future is hinged on the group of worthy new officers leading us in the direction of bettering ourselves to a point beyond any previous year. They’re listed above and we have hope that this fine bunch of Nobles has more success than any officers who have ever led the Chanters in passed years. This is the time Illustrious Sir David W. Dieckhaus and his First Lady Christine retire from office. The Chanters very much appreciate their service and wish them every future happiness. We Chanters will like to thank all fellow Nobles for making our time as pleasurable as it could ever have been with such a wonderful organization as our Moolah. Thank you all, God Bless. We Chanters wish you that this year be your happiest. Clowns Director: Mike Howard (Howiee) Director President: Terry Aaron (Chopper)– Pres 1st Vice President: Mike Stevens 2nd Vice President: Paul Goggins (Gametime) Treasurer: John Tremblay ( Shabba-Dabba) Congrats to all of our new officers and we all are looking to have another great year for our Unit. Thanks to our new big Cheese Terry Aaron (Chopper) for the outstanding Adult Christmas party. The food as always was really good and the atmosphere great. The Family party that Mike Stevens (Mibo) was in charge of was another huge sucess with many of our members pitching in before and after to make all of our families feel welcomed and very well fed. Our first Trivia Nite will be this Friday. Assuming this comes out in early January. Hopefully we have a lot of tables sold which will make all this effort from everybody worthwhile. I want to say thanks early for all the door prizes, silent auction items and especially all of you who has worked on this project to make it successful. We greatly appreciate those of you who already donated your time and for your help during this event. Coming up fast is the Circus. I know its still a couple of months away but there are only about 9 Mondays left to get organized and practice the skits. I do know the guy who runs the skits and he told me that he really needs all kinds of help and input this year. So come out to practice and be involved or just watch and critique what is going on. Most of the time its the guys who sit back and watch who have the best ideas. Or at least they make comments that have us laughing at ourselves and thats a welcomed thing. Did you notice who released the ball at Times Square in New York City this New Years? Of course it was our own Tom Dolan (Merlin). Although he did look nervous, pushing a button couldn't be all that hard. Anyway he got it going and if you noticed he even gave us a secret sign. Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip!!!! We would love to have you participate with us. We always leave ‘em smiling! 15 UNIT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Computer Club Director: Bob Holscher President: Ray White Vice President: Dale Nagel 636-240-8552 314-567-0455 636-489-8765 Who? We are a group that meets monthly to share activities, information and knowledge. We discuss members’ queries, issues and programs with computers; plan activities, hold working sessions and demonstrations on new technologies. Why? The Moolah Shrine Computer Club is a group of professionals, computer enthusiasts and beginners who want to teach and learn about computing and having fun doing it. When? Monthly meetings are the second Monday of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 pm. We first meet for demos and discussion and then move to the computer lab on the second floor next to the Moolah Shrine Store. There we have a chance to demonstrate and fix individuals problems. Check note on the door for location of demos and discussions. Come learn with us. DeMolay Committee President: Jeff Kitsmiller, Sr. Vice President: Bob Weber Secretary: Kent Barnett Treasurer: Kurt Schumacher Chairman: Jeff Kitsmiller, Jr. 314-435-7908 314-560-2222 314-315-5469 314-503-5369 314-560-4470 Nobles and Ladies, Looking for a fantastic year in 2016, Congrats to all the new officers!!! The Shrine Circus is a major focus for the DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, and Jobs Daughters. They assist this committee in the Children Coupon Distribution, The Floor Operations, and Assisting on Saturday Night Food Serving. We collect the aluminum cans for the DeMolay Squire Program and help police the litter in Tent City. It is a good relationship and we look forward to the event. Please welcome our Moolah Shrine Masonic Youth Representatives for the 2015-16 term. Grant Applegate – Youth King and Patricia Lupu – Youth Queen. They will promote the Shrine Family to the DeMolay, Jobs Daughters, and Rainbow Girls as well participating in Moolah Events. The Shrine Hospital, Santa’s Breakfast, Circus, Parades, and Coupon Distribution are the key programs on their agenda. Help support our youth activities for 2016. Your participation means a lot to our kids. You and your families are always welcome at our events. The Missouri DeMolay State Installation of Officers was December 12. A Big Congrats to John Parker from Waynesville who was appointed the next State Master Councilor. Relatives of Shriners are always invited to all Masonic Youth activities. If you would like more information about the organizations, we would be pleased to attend your meeting for a presentation. We have been working on the DeMolay Committee Room and it looks marvelous. Please stop in for a private viewing. (2nd floor – North end of building) Visitor always welcome. Our DeMolay Basket Ball League will start in February and goes March. They will play on Sundays – 12:30 to 4:00 pm. Come watch the brotherhood and good clean sports. 16 GO Moolah Shriners! Drum Corps Director: Tom Duke President: David Glenn Secretary: Rick Gwydir Treasurer: Rich Steed Sgt. at Arms: Al Jants By Jim Hubeli The Moolah Drum and Bugle Corps had their annual election at our October meeting and selected the following officers: President - David Glenn, Vice President - Tom Duke, Secretary Rick Gwydir, Treasurer - Rich Steed, Sergeant at Arms - Al Jants. Elected to the Executive Committee are Don Baur and Richard Watts. Directors of TCAA are John Hewitt, Jim Hubeli and Tom Duke. Don Baur will be Chaplain. With the above fine slate of officers, we know the Drum Corps will have another great year of fun, fellowship and service for Moolah and Shrinedom. On Saturday November 7, we participated in the Veterans Day Parade in downtown St. Louis. We are proud to show our respect for the many veterans who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. The crowds waving American Flags along the route appreciated our patriotic music as we passed by. Director Tom Duke thanks everyone for showing up on this cold fall day. Thanks to Chad Cossey for the smooth ride to and from the parade start but we had to hold on tight to our red fez. Earlier in the year, Richard Watts,(aka Missouri Fats) obtained a very nice pool table for our room. This is for our entertainment and to improve our athletic skills!!!. Just don't challenge Fats. UNIT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Guides President: Ryan Georgen Secretary: Robert Granquist Director: Robby Dirkers Legion of Honor 314-630-4765 636-300-8001 636-461-1571 Congratulations to Wayne Price on being appointment to Director Emeritus. This is a well deserved appointment. Director: Gale Going Commander: Mike Hensley Adjutant: Treasurer: James Hartley 314-487-1623 314-432-8729 314-607-1433 Reception Committee President: John Spraul Vice President: Bruce Marren Secretary: Matt Schoonover Treasurer: Carl Barthold Chairman: Matt Niedringhaus Happy New Years!! Welcome to Dave Fitzgerald and Brandon Cohron who were voted to full member status. I hope everyone had a great Christmas Holiday, and have a Happy New Years! A big thank you to everyone who gave their time and effort to help make this a successful year for me. Please give your new president the support and backing that you gave me. Thank you to all Reception Committee Members who helped decorate our room and put up the tree for our Christmas Party last month. It was a great time as usual, and it is always great to meet and mingle amongst friends. Bingo is doing well, but could always use help. Van is doing well. We had a good Christmas Party at Genesis. Thanks to all who attended. Congratulations to the newly elected officers for the year 2016. A list of the new officers will appear in next month's Camel Tales. Please remember our sick and shut-in friends. Upcoming Events: Guides Presentation January 23 at the Temple Have a safe and enjoyable New Year! NOTICE OF MEETING The Commander has ordered that the next meeting will be on 26 JANUARY 2016. The normal meeting time is 1900 (7pm) on 4th Tuesday, in the Moolah Shrine Center’s second floor unit room, across from the Moolah store, next to fez & memorabilia display cases. Doors open at 1830 (6:30 PM). The holidays are now past history and our officers for 2016 were installed at the unit’s Christmas party. The office of Adjutant needs to be filled. We will begin discussions on this year’s planned activates and need input and ideas from all members. Please make an effort to attend and join in the discussions. WE WELCOME ALL DISCHARGED VETERANS of the ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, MARINES, COAST GUARD, and MERCHANT MARINE. Need a ride? Contact the following: North County: Charlie Dasho-314-921-2976 South County: Gale Going-314-487-1623 St Charles: George Merkle-636-441-2836 Our First Friday dinners will resume in January. For those of you who have never been to one of our First Friday dinners, you don't know what you are missing! The dinners are open to all Nobles, their Ladies and their families. Dinner is only $10/person! Congratulations to our new Officers for Reception Committee 2016!! They are as follows: President, John Spraul, Sr VP, Bruce Marren, Secretary, Matt Schoonover, and Carl Barthold, Treasurer. We are very excited to have each of you as a Officer, and look forward to a great 2016! Lastly, remember to start marking your calendar for the Reception Committee Valentine's Day Brunch. It has been a hit the last couple of years, and the Ladies are always appreciative of the chocolate and red roses! More details will follow. Happy New Years! - Submitted by Matt Niedringhaus 17 UNIT & COMMITTEE REPORTS Seniors President: Bob Atwell Secretary: George Pryor Director: Bill Stephenson Swing Dance 314-609-6457 636-926-9942 314-771-0470 CALLING ALL RETIREES! If you belong to AARP, or you could belong, you belong here on the THIRD MONDAY of each month. We meet at 9:00am in the Guides Room and play Gin Rummy or Poker until 11:30am. Then we break for a short meeting and enjoy a brown bag lunch, then back to the games! Come when you want and leave when you want! A lifetime membership cost $1.00 for which you will receive a “card” attesting your membership in this August body! TRY US, YOU WILL LIKE IT! Director: Beril Gillman President: Bud Waters Vice President: John Bozarth Secretary: TBD Treasurer: Dennis Martin Happy New Year to everyone. The holidays are over and a new year has begun. Congratulations to our new Potentate, Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin and his Divan. Congratulations to Swing Dance's new officers Beril Gillman, Bud Waters, John Bozarth and the secretary that has hasn't been elected at the time of this article. As always at the start of a new year, it is a very busy time. Installations and preparations for the Circus at the top of the list. Stated meeting is January 20th, Ladies are welcome. You will need your 2016 dues card. On January 22nd we will have the band "Crossfire" playing in the Oasis. Admission is $10. Come out and relax from the holiday hustle and bustle. We dance every Friday in the Oasis. Free beginner lessons at 7:00 and dancing at 8:00. WE DANCE SO KIDS CAN WALK TCAA 1st VP: Gary Fanger H: 636-447-2361 C: 636-697-5290 2nd VP: Dennis Martin C: 636-293-3348 3rd VP: Jim Gesell Sec/Treas/Scribe: Bob Daniels H: 636-441-4917 C: 636-675-4590 E-MAIL: [email protected] Congratulations to the new Divan, we hope you have a great year. Save the Date for TCAA Mass Meeting February 27th, 2016. This is where all are the Nobles are invited to the meeting and the Installation of new officers takes place. Meal will be provided so please RSVP so that we can have an accurate head count. Don’t know what TCAA Stands for or what we do? Well as you can see we help provide and assist Our St. Louis Hospital with some of their needs and request for the hospital and/or patients. Ask your Unit Representative or call Bob (636-675-4590) and we can come out to your meetings and give a brief talk. TCAA has "HLP-KDS" License Plate Stickers for sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative. TCAA is looking for “Corporate Donations", to ultimately provide necessary funds to support the St. Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help in our mission to support our St. Louis Shriners Hospital. Please give Gary a call (314-697-5290) if you know a company with surplus items to be donated that can be used to sell. Looks like the new Hospital is well on its way and going well, here are the newer numbers. October 2015 Hospital statistics: Outpatients 799, Inpatients 25, Outpatient Surgeries 56 November Report not yet available. We would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!!! PLEASE ALERT THE OFFICERS WHEN YOU KNOW OF SICKNESS OR DISTRESS. 18 19 CLUB CONNECTION Daniel Boone Shrine Club President: Mark Rethemeyer Secretary: Robert Holscher 314-605-7615 636-240-8552 Congratulations go to Potentate Dave Dieckhaus and First Lady Christine for a fun filled year. Illustrious Sir Dave really packed this past year full of fun filled events including 3 trips. The Holiday Ball was the icing on the cake to a very successful year. We had great food, lots to drink, and the band Fanfare kept us dancing all night long. It was really great to see the room filled to capacity and everyone having a fantastic time. Congratulations Dave and Christine for a very successful year, and thank you both for all your hard work to make this past year fun for all of us! Congratulations to our Potentate elect Lenny Martin. Lenny has been planning his year and it is filled with lots and lots of great events and fun activities. Keep a close eye on the Camels’ Tales in the upcoming months for the details. For the Ladies reading this article, Lenny is planning to continue having Bunko at the monthly Stated Shrine meetings this year. So Ladies – please plan on joining us at the meeting for dinner, and when the guys go upstairs for their meeting the Ladies will be having fun in the Oasis. Daniel Boone Shrine Club is a sociable group that includes our Ladies at all of our activities. We meet the last Thursday of the month at JJ’s restaurant in O’Fallon. We arrive around 6:30 for dinner, and order off the menu. After dinner (around 7:30) the guys have a meeting and the ladies play bunko. Whether you are a member of Daniel Boone, or not -- we would love to have you and your Lady join us. We’ll make sure that you and your Lady are greeted when you arrive and that you’ll always feel welcome. If you want to join us for one of our dinners – just show up!!! For more information, give President Mark a call at 314-605-7615. Give us a try and I can guarantee you and your Lady will have a great time! 20 Joachim Shrine Club President: Leonard Keller 1st Vice President: Joe Smart 2nd Vice President: Jim Westcott 3rd Vice President: Bill Kohout Secretary/Treasurer: Elmo Blum Director: Erie Gonzalez-Rubio 314-565-7646 Happy New Year!!!!! I hope that you and your family had a great holiday season. Joachim Shrine Club was very active in all the Christmas parades in the surrounding area. Three in one week, whew!!! Also thanks to all our members working hard at the barbeques this past summer, the club was able spread Christmas Joy to 12 needy families. It is that time of year again. If you haven’t already paid your dues come to the meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month or contact Elmo. Officer installation is scheduled for February 20th. Together we can make this another great for Joachim Shrine Club. Three Rivers Shrine Club By: Joe Shivley The start of a new year brings excitement and new energies, idea’s, projects, and pranks to complete. Illustrious Sir Lenny and First Lady Sandy could think of no better way to start “their” year than a trip to Poplar Bluff on Saturday January 16th with a bus load of friends for our Installation of Officers. The fun and festivities are open to invited guest, and according to President-Elect Scott Rommel the attire for the evening will be “Hillbilly Fashion”. Thanks to Illustrious Sir David and First Lady Christine Dieckhaus along with President Shawn and Lady Kristie for the wonderful leadership provided in 2015. Tip of the fez to Tony Depriest and Special Thanks to Bill Jones of Bluff City Beer and Tom & John Newman of Newman Amusement (even though Tom didn’t do anything) for our best pool tournament yet. The kids sincerely need our support and Thank You. How about the fantastic Television Commercials and the publicity our hospitals are getting? Max Montgomery and his staff have set new standards on spreading the message of the Miracles that are performed by God through the efforts of our staff. Boys and girls, God has been very gracious in the many gifts he has given us, and the least we can do is help our fellow man who has been presented with issues in their life. ALL of us, myself included, need to put our egos and individual differences aside and do what is right. The many vows, obligations, and oaths we have pledged to be the “minimum” standards we should base our goals and actions towards. We need to CONTINUE to pull together, not talk about what we accomplished in the past, and strive to make this world a better place. The doors to 21 hospitals are going to open tomorrow morning and we have pledged to pay the bills. I know---don’t worry it will all come in. God Bless us all, say your prayers, and wear your fez with pride. Tiger Shrine Club President: Rex Taggart Secretary: Dr. Jim Kern By Mitch Weinsting 573-239-0869 573-999-7993 As we enter a New Year, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year. Things continue to improve around the club. We have a new set of officers for 2016 and looking forward to new and exciting things with the club. Congratulations to Illustrious Sir Lenny Martin and his divan on their election and good luck for the ensuing year. I know at Tiger we are excited about what 2016 will bring. Our installation is January 30, 2016 at the Elks lodge in Mexico, if you have not received an invitation or need details please contact the secretary. At the time of this writing we were planning on taking a bus to the installation. This is always a good time, food, drinks and fellowship, what more could you ask for in an evening. Please plan to support your officers for 2016 and be a part of the excitement. Our January meeting will be on 1/25/16 so come out and have a say as we discuss the New Year. Dinner at 6:00 with meeting to follow, see you at the meeting and don’t forget to bring your fez. The Tiger Shrine club meets at 2315 N Stadium Blvd, Columbia, MO 65202. Check out for valuable information on our very own Shriners Hospitals for Children, St. Louis and our sister hospitals across the county! Ways to Help supporting the St. Louis Hospital Ways to Give - There are many ways to support the hospital’s mission including: Cash Donations Heros for Kids Capital Campaign Fundraiser in a Box Special Tributes Pledges Ways to serve - For individuals or groups interested in becoming involved in a service project, here are some suggestions: Collect Pop/Soda Tabs Create a Craft Kit Volunteer 21 Nailah Court #107 High Priestess: Mary Haupt Princess: Paulette Wallis 636.359.8692 314.395.3102 Nailah Court wishes you and your families a very Happy New Year! 2015 has been a whirl wind and we are jumping right into 2016 with a bang. We have several new ladies that we welcomed into Nailah Court this past year and look forward to the initiation of many more to come in 2016! Our Emies have been busy with their ongoing support to the hospital and our Jest Clownin’ Around Clowns have enjoyed entertaining at a Mount Carmel this past quarter! Keep an eye out for us this spring as we’ll be attending local parades! We are currently getting ready for the Moolah Circus this is just around the corner! We look forward to working novelties again. Of course you can pick up your Circus Ticket from any Moolah Shriner, but our Nailah ladies will be selling tickets as well. Remember, if you see any of our ladies out and about and would like further information in joining Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, just let us know. We are always looking for new members to join and always have a petition in hand! You can also visit our new website; www. to learn more about Nailah and Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America. As our current Grand High Priestess motto states, “It is the light within that makes a smile glow.” Join Nailah today and share your beautiful smile with the children of Shriner’s Hospital. In service, Mary Haupt, HP 22 Noble Lodge #684 Worshipful Master: Juan White 314-341-9111 [email protected] Secretary: Charlie Wiegert 314-565-8523 [email protected] Our January meetings are on Tuesday, January 5 and Tuesday, January 19. Dinner is at 6PM with Lodge opening at 7PM. On January 5th, we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree for WB Scott Link’s son Tyler. We conferred the EA on his other son Clayton (Along with Cast member Steve Groteke’s son Sam) November 17. What a great moment for the proud Papas! Our meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 will be our official visit and RWB Phil Cole, our DDGM, will present Brother Robert Grimm with his 50 year pin. Congratulations to Noble Lodge Past Master Lenny Martin on his elevation to Illustrious Potentate of Moolah Temple. Lenny becomes our third Past Master to achieve this distinction, following WB Ron Krueger and RWB Gale Bennington. It seems like only yesterday when Lenny was in the dual role of Moolah’s Outer Guard and Worshipful Master of Noble Lodge! Thanks to all who helped at the chip program on Sunday, December 13th in support of the Shriners Hospital Patients Holiday Party. If you’d like to help out at the next Chip event, please contact Ken Fontana at [email protected] or call him at 636-485-2984. Thanks to those who helped Noble Lodge provide some holiday to cheer to some families from the Pattonville School District at the annual Brunch with, especially Wehrenberg Theaters for some movie tickets and Moolah for Circus Tickets. The Lodge provided a gift certificate for a holiday meal and toys for the children. We could also use your help parking cars at the Family Arena during the Shrine Circus, March 17-20th. It takes over 20 people to handle each performance, so please consider taking a shift or two. It’s easy work, directing cars and collecting parking fees. Contact Tom Cupples at [email protected] (636-685-5555) if you help out or sign up at If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a Mason, you can be the 1st line signer of your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a Masonic petition needs to be from Noble Lodge, the other signer can be from any Lodge. Keep this in mind if you have a candidate. It all starts with you submitting the petition for your candidate. The petition (and $75 initiation fee) will be received at our next meeting, and your candidate will be notified. In most cases he will be invited to attend the next meeting, meet with the investigating committee, and then his EA degree will be scheduled. Regular meetings are on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. If you have any questions, contact the Master or Secretary from the information listed above. Temple Club President: Gloria Means Vice President: Nancy Bradford Secretary: Kathy Myers Treasurer: Janet Loesch Another meeting to enjoy at our Temple Club was our November meeting with a hint of Winter and glorious Thanksgiving. A huge thanks to Anna Declue and Carolyn Going for the hint of days to come with the autumn colored leaves, napkins and tiny glasses. After calling our meeting to order and a sincere welcome, President Toni led us in Pledging Allegiance to our Flag, both she and Chris, our Honorary President, made their introductions. We are always happy to hear all the news that Chris brings to us; she never disappoints us. Their recent trip to Branson, sounded like “I wish I would have gone”. All of the Christmas plans sound like “I must attend” and don’t miss one. Before and during our meeting, we were busy working on the Christmas cards for the Veteran’s Home in Chesterfield. Jean Bush provides all of the necessary supplies and she deserves a great big THANK YOU for all she does all year to get this project going for us. Our business meeting proceeded and then after all that work, we enjoyed the luscious Thanksgiving luncheon Jo and her crew prepared for us. Our annual election then took place and the results are: Gloria Means, President Nancy Bradford, Vice President Kathy Myers, Secretary Janet Loesch, Treasurer Jeanne Smith explained the works of Ambit Cares and thanked us for all the canned goods we brought which will go to the Food Pantry in Valley Park. After POG and WM, sisters Carol and Judy, taking Mary Lee and Sandy’s place, it was time to go Over the River and Through the Woods to Home. Daughters of the Nile Sydyk Temple #107 Queen: Colette Nagel 314-560-3864 Princess Recorder: P.Q. Mary LaTragna 314-566-4727 We want to extend an invitation to all ladies, 18 and older, to join our wonderful group of ladies for a sisterhood of philanthropy, good friends, and good times. We would love to have young women join us aged 18 to 26 to form a special place in our Temple designed specifically for them. We welcome their ideas, energy, and willingness to help support our temple. As always, all our funds go to support the Shriners Hospital for children. Our Supreme Queen, Sharon St. John made her official visit to SYDYK Temple on November 23 and 24. We had a wonderful banquet and our ceremonial was beautiful! We visited the hospital on Tuesday the 24th and we were amazed at the beauty of the building and the wonderful staff. The new technology and the research lab were so high tech! We ended the day with a luncheon at Mary Ann’s Tea Room in St. Louis City (what a unique place to dine) and a trip to see the sights of St. Louis. She is such a lovely lady! Our Christmas party was a lot of fun! Princess Joyce Ann Jaillite-Loebner played the part of Mrs. Santa in a fun activity! Great Job Joyce Ann! As you know, we are becoming more active in the Shrine and are supporting their activities. We would ask all our members to answer the call when we send out a request for help working at the Shrine office, or working at the Circus, or any task that the Shrine asks of us, if it is within our ability. It is important that we help the Shrine grow, and in return, our temple grow, and let people know that the Daughters of the Nile are alive and well and fulfilling our purpose of supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children and our wonderful Moolah Shriners. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Queen Colette or PQ Mary LaTragna at the numbers above. It’s a Wonderful Life Potentate Ball 1. Dick Long, Cindy Burkholder, Christine Dieckhaus, David Dieckhaus PP, and Dennis Burkholder 2. David Dieckhaus PP, Patient Ambassador Madelyn Hubbs, & Christine Dieckhaus 3. Imperial Sir Douglas Maxwell, PP with Patricia Maxwell We wish you the best of the New Year! 23 The Astros Foundation and the College Classic announce naming rights agreement with Shriners Hospitals for Children Houston, TX (December 15, 2015) The Astros Foundation and Shriners Hospitals for Children have announced a multi-year naming rights agreement for the annual Houston College Classic held at Minute Maid Park, renaming the tournament the Shriners Hospitals for Children College Classic. The Astros Foundation will continue to operate the tournament. The Astros Foundation has also reached an agreement with MLB Network to air all nine games of the 2016 Shriners Hospitals for Children College Classic. The Astros Foundation will donate $1 from the sale of each ticket directly to Shriners Hospitals as well as provide other fundraising and awareness opportunities. The Shriners Hospitals for Children College Classic returns to Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros, Feb. 26-28, 2016. This event is regarded as one of the top collegiate baseball tournaments in the nation, as it continues to draw fans, top-ranked programs and scouts from every Major League organization each year. “On behalf of the Astros Foundation, we are grateful to Shriners Hospitals for Children for their generous support of the College Classic,” said Twila Carter, executive director of the Astros Foundation. “Shriners Hospitals has had a long history with supporting collegiate athletics as a platform to raise awareness for their mission, making this a perfect fit for both organizations.” “This event provides a wonderful platform for us to share our story of caring for more than one million children at our 22 Shriners Hospitals locations in the United States, Canada and Mexico,” said Jerry Gantt, chairman of the board of directors for Shriners Hospitals for Children. “Our agreement with the Astros Foundation will help us advance our mission of helping children lead active, healthy lives and accept no limitations to the goals they can accomplish.” The invite only tournament once again boasts a strong lineup, featuring five teams that finished in the top 25 of’s final rankings in 2015. The 2016 Shriners Hospitals for Children College Classic will include TCU (#4), Arkansas (#9), UL Lafayette (#16), Houston (#22), Rice (#25) and Texas Tech. Last year’s College Classic featured two of the top three teams ranked in the preseason top 25. Historically, the College Classic has hosted the No. 1 team in preseason polls six times in tournament history and has hosted two eventual College World Series Champions. Several current Major League players have played in the Classic, including David Price, Michael Bourn, Gerrit Cole, Mike Leake and Anthony Rendon, to name a few. For more information about the tournament, please visit About Houston Astros Foundation The Astros Foundation (TAF) is the official 501(c)(3) team charity of the Houston Astros. TAF seeks to harness the passion of baseball fans to support youth baseball and softball programs serving at risk children and teens. Our cornerstone initiatives include the Community Leaders program, the Astros Urban Youth Academy and the Astros RBI Program (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities). About Shriners Hospitals for Children Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day through innovative pediatric specialty care, world-class research and outstanding medical education. Our 22 locations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, provide advanced care for children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate. Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generosity of donors. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Learn more at 2016 Shriners Hospitals for Children College Schedule Classic Schedule* Friday, Feb 26th | Houston at Texas Tech | UL Lafayette at TCU | Arkansas at Rice | 12:05pm 3:35pm 7:05pm Saturday, Feb 27th | Texas Tech and UL Lafayette | Houston at Arkansas | Rice at TCU | 12:05pm 3:35pm 7:05pm Sunday, Feb. 28th | Arkansas at Texas Tech | TCU at Houston| UL Lafayette at Rice | 12:05pm 2:35pm 6:05pm 24 December Stated Meeting Swing with the Best! Have Dennis & Dianne from the Swing Dance Unit help set up your next Get-A-Way. January Stated Meeting Menu Chicken Parmesan Fettuccine Alfredo Italian Green Beans House Salad Rolls & Butter Dessert 25 25 SHRINERSLEGACY Honor yourself and your family by sharing your legacy. A GENERATION OF BROTHERHOOD The Shriners Legacy program is Take pride in family & fraternity open to any male family For many men, being a shriner member such as: is a family tradition. The Shriners Legacy program is a way to show - Sons - Fathers your pride in being a Shriner and - Grandfathers - Grandsons to share with your own family the - Nephews - Brothers special brotherhood that comes - In-Laws - Uncles from membership. Keep the Tradition Alive Shriners International will continue to grow as the tradition is passed from one generation to the next. As a Shriner, you can find out more about the Shriners Legacy program at If you know someone interested in joining your legacy they can find out more at Clowns snap a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Santa Party for Shriners Patients! What great fun! Book your next event with Moolah® Moolah Unit/Club/Committee Events: Ballroom: $650 Oasis: $450 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Member Benefits for Moolah Shriners & Immediate Family: Ballroom: $875 Oasis: $550 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Booking: Moolah Office 314.878.6301 Caterer: Genesis Catering 314.894.7073 Non-Shriner & General Public Events: Ballroom: $1,750 Oasis: $1,100 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Come on in and book your next event with us! If you would like to take a look at our rooms feel free to stop by 9:00a-4:30p Monday-Friday. Gensis Catering can also provide viewings on the weekends. Weddings • Receptions • Class Reunions • Birthday Parties • Graduation Parties 26 Servpro Golf Tournament - Check Donation from Servpro Golf Tournament to Shriners Hospital for Children. Many thanks to Jeff & Sandy Chestnas! Here’s Your “License” to Help Our Kids Shriners License Plate Program (Tax-deductible donations go to the St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children) Shriners Hospital License Plates (for Shriners & non-Shriners alike) Shriners and non-Shriners, here’s an easy way to help kids in the St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children. Just order personalized Shriners license plates (for your car, motorcycle or truck up to 12,000 lbs.) and proudly display them on your vehicle. These official Missouri state plates feature a Shriner carrying a child, the word “Shriners” and our “Shriners Help Kids” message, all in bright colors on a white background. Your donation will help with orthopedic research and treatment at the St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children! You can order in five easy steps: 1. Make a minimum contribution of $25 (one year) or $50 (two years). If you want to make a larger contribution, just add it to your $25 or $50. Send your check to your nearest Shrine Center. Make your check payable to MO Shriners License Plate. 2. The Shrine Center will send you two documents 1) An application for personalized plates 2) An “Emblem Use Authorization Statement.” This is proof that you contributed to the Shriners License Plate Program. It will be required when you submit your plate application. 3. Complete the “Application for Missouri Personalized and Special License Plates” The Shriners plates allow 6 spaces for your personalized message. If you want a disabled plate, only 4 characters are allowed for personalization. All Shriners license plates are considered personalized plates and require payment of a $15 one-year personalized fee, or $30 two-year fee to the Missouri Department of Revenue. 4. Take your “Application for Missouri Personalized and Special License Plates,” “Emblem Use Authorization Statement” and $15 personalized plate fee to your local license office. 5. The Dept. of Revenue will order your plates. You will be notified by mail when your plates are available and given information about getting them at your local license bureau. If you have any questions about your processing, or your “Application for Missouri Personalized and Special License Plates,” direct them to the Department of Revenue through your local license bureau. Yes, I want to help support orthopedic research and treatment of children at the St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children. My check for... $25 $50 more $_________________ Payable to MO Shriners License Plate is enclosed Name____________________________________________Address__________________________________________________________ City_________________________State___________Zip_________________ Local Shrine Center to receive credit________________________________________________________________________________ Your donation is tax-deductible. Detach and mail this coupon with your check to: MO Shriners License Plate Program at your closest Shrine Center. The Shriners of Missouri and Shriners Hospital for Children sincerely thank you. 27 *Directly behind Mid-Rivers Mall Valenti's Market & Catering Co. Since 1937 Moolah Temple Special 10% off In-Store Purchase • Brats • Fresh Steaks • Daily Baked Bread & Pies • Full Service Catering Dept. Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory Arthur Montgomery has just publishedPlanning his firstonbook. retiring? This book is an easy to read common sense guide to planning your retirement. Available at your favorite book stores, CLIP & BRING IN 6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO Arthur Montgomery NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm 636/970-2992 Moolah Temple Guides Bingo Wayne Price, Bingo Chairman V.F.W Post #3944 10815 Midland Ave, Overland, MO 63114 314-427-2744 Doors open at 8:30 AM • Selling starts at 10:00 AM Regular @ 11:00 Doors open at 8:30 Bingo AM Selling startsAM at 10:00 AM Progressive Jackpot Regular Bingo @ 11:00 AM Progressive jackpot 28 or 314-238-0207 TICKETS ON SALE NOW FOR THE ® 2016 MOOLAH SHRINE CIRCUS! Circus Tickets are now available for the 2016 Circus! Buy your tickets from any Shriner, the Office, The Family Arena or Metrotix at 314-534-1111 March 17-20, 2016 8 shows over 4 days! Jingle all the Way to Branson Ugly Sweater Contest The winners are Lonnie Willis & Marie Preble 29 Keep in mind that Tampa is now sending out dues cards! Payment still needs to go to Moolah®. Once payment is posted to your account, it may be awhile before you receive your card depending on Tampa. Due Dates for CT Articles LPL Financial Bob Drury Financial Consultant 13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100 Manchester, MO 63021 (314-962-5600 Office (314)591-6666 Cell [email protected] Advertising Schedule Camels’ Tales articles must be submitted by the 5th of every month for the following month’s edition. Issue:Due Date: JanuaryDecember 5th FebruaryJanuary 5th MarchFebruary 5th AprilMarch 5th May/JuneApril 5th July/AugustJune 5th SeptemberAugust 5th October September 5th NovemberOctober 5th December November 5th In order to have everyone represented please keep articles to 300 words or less. Rates are per Issue 1 issue 3 issues 5 issues 10 issues Business Card $57.00 $51.00 $45.00 $39.00 1/4 Page $115.00 $102.00 $90.00 $78.00 1/2 Page $230.00 $205.00 $180.00 $160.00 Full Page $460.00 $410.00 $360.00 $320.00 • These include a two line directory listing • We may not be able to put two or more ads next to each other Half Price for all Units, Clubs or Committee Event Ads! Directory Listing Prices per Issue 1 issue 3 issues 5 issues 10 issues Two Lines $15.00 $12.00 $9.00 $7.00 Send your articles to [email protected]. Three Lines $20.00 $17.00 $14.00 $11.00 Thank you for your support & dedication! Limit for each line is 30 characters, including space and punctuation. 30 Please Support our Advertisers Directory Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for tickets and show times Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw 618-416-3669 Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts, Real Estate, Trademarks and more 314-588-9500 Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207 Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts & Probate Estates - 314-993-4261 Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland, LLC - Computer Engineering Services 314-596-8750 LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600 [email protected] Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc. 636-928-2300 Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992 M oolah® Statistics as of November 30th, 2015 Creations Affiliations Restorations Associated Demits Suspensions Deceased Expulsions Resignations Associates Dropped Net Change Total Members 80 4 14 1 4 13 79 0 0 4 -1 2636 Help Grow Our Membership You Can Be a Virtual Mentor! Learn What Shriners Do A Private Web Community for Shriners. Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools Available for you now! Are you already a member of our great fraternity and want to learn more? Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST tools available to create and promote that interest: 31 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT 592 CT® 12545 Fee Fee Rd. Saint Louis, MO 63146 Postal Carrier Please Expedite Dated Material HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2016 WISHING YOUR FAMILY THE BEST THIS YEAR PLEASE RECYCLE GO GREEN! Have your Camels’ Tales emailed to you. Just contact the Moolah Shrine Office.
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