Volume 75, Issue 9 St. Louis, MO David Dieckhaus - Potentate David Dieckhaus May/June 2015- Potentate November 2015 ™ Moolah Shriners ® Camels’ Tales Home of the Shriners of Eastern & Central Missouri What’s Inside... Potentate Holiday Ball on 12/5 Save the Date 2016 Roster Lunch with Santa December Stated Meeting Clown Trivia Night Crossword Puzzle Shriner of the Month Santa Party for Shriners Patients 2016 Circus Update Honor Those Who Served This Veterans Day Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children 2015 Elected Divan & Board Of Directors David Dieckhaus....................... Potentate Lenny Martin, Jr...................Chief Rabban Dean Isbell...........................Asst. Rabban Kyle McEvoy.......... High Priest & Prophet Richard Weber........................... Treasurer David Jacobi, Sr..........................Recorder Don Taylor, Jr..................... Oriental Guide Representatives to Imperial Council David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Dean Isbell Don Taylor Jr. Jerry Gantt Imperial Potentate 2015-2016 2015 Appointed Divan Moolah Appointed Positions Russell Georgen......1st Ceremonial Master Joe Shivley.............2nd Ceremonial Master Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP............Director Robert Daniels................................. Marshal D.L (Monty) Kennedy..Shrine Club Marshal Bill Snell.......................Shrine Club Marshal Mitch Weinsting...........Shrine Club Marshal Jack Melton................Captain of the Guard Dennis Burkholder....................Outer Guard Carl Barthold.......................................................Almoner John Hewitt...............................Ambassador Chairman Wayne Price.................Building Committee Chairman Karl Erselius.......................................................Chaplain Carl Barthold......................................................Chaplain Dennis Burkholder.............Donor Relations Chairman Ted Dearing.........................................General Counsel Joe Shivley..................................Insurance Committee Al Earls...................................... License Plates Director David Schmucker.......Memorial Brick Walk Chairman Shaun Ruether.....................................Co-Membership D.J. Herman.........................................Co-Membership Kenneth Myles, PP................ Shrine Club Coordinator James Smith, PP...........................Co-Public Relations Dennis Burkholder.........................Co-Public Relations Jim Tracy............................................. Technical Advisor Ronald Risher...................... Patient Referral Chairman Todd Litzau.............................Clinic Referral Chairman David Jacobi, Sr.............Grand Lodge Representative Potentate's Aides Rich Viner Robby Dirkers Ernie Boulicault Wallace Bowman William Bradford Mark Davis Michael Davis David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Gary Fanger Emil Fett Dean Isbell Kyle McEvoy Don Gabel Gaddy Gale Bennington, P.P. ................Ad Vitam Jerry Ryan Georgen James W. Smith, P.P. ..................Ad Vitam Brett Grimm Harold Hargiss DJ Hermen Moolah Temple Association Randall I. Ottinger, P.P...............President Gary Holland David Hope Representatives to Central States Shrine Association Chief Aide Assistant Chief Aide Dennis Martin Matthew Mayer Richard Mayer Eric McVicar Jack Melton Dale Nagel Richard Pollock Michael Reese Ronald Reynolds Shaun Ruether Casey Thompson Bud Waters Richard Watts Director General Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP 2009 Potentate's Personal Aides Benjamin Allen Frank Cali Lucas Dieckhaus Scott Dieckhaus Jerry Gaddy Gale Going Greg Heins Kevin Heins Robert Mathewson Randy McDougal James McEvoy Matthew Niedringhaus Mark Rethemeyer Ted Schamburg John Spraul Don Wander Shrine Club Aides Elmo Blum Terry Bunting Benjamin Dennison Gregory Dortch Dennis Eaton Melvin Gordon Robert Holscher Eugene Hopwood Scott Hunt Allen James Jack Kairy Ronald McCoy Verle Naughton Michael O’Cheltree Ronald Pratt Gregory Price Paul Rose Jimmie Sanders Logan Santschi Raymond Schulte Michael Shulse Rick Uebinger Kevin Wooden Lawrence D. Jones, PP........................1994 George E. Stephenson PP .................1984 Kenneth E. Myles, PP............................ 1992 Potentate’s Emeritus Aides Charles Baker Donald Baur John Bowman Richard Braun Robert Callaway Richard Carlson, Jr. Bob Daniels John Dodge Albert Earls Robert Grimm James Hubeli Conrad Jacobi CT tm Mark Lyles Herbert Mahler Robert Means Raymond Moore John Morrison, Jr. Fred Plough Wayne Price William Ross Donald Staffne James Stahl Mitch Weinsting Kenneth Will Donald Worley Shriners Hospital for Children St. Louis 314-432-3600 Board of Governors Harvey L Mirly, M.D...................Chairman Alex B. Rabin.....................Vice Chairman Gale Bennington, PP................. Treasurer Adrian Croissant........................ Secretary Members David Dieckhaus Gale Bennington, PP Bernard G. Stever Ronald Krueger, II John Schloot Charles M. M. Shepherd William Tracey Associate Member Moolah Shrine Circus Dean Isbell............. .............Circus Chairman Ron Reynolds..............................Circus Director Wayne Price............Parade Marshal Emeritus Richard Sopp...........Parade Marshal Emeritus Jack Morrison..........Parade Marshal Emeritus Mark Rethemeyer...... Circus Director Emeritus Camels' Tales is published ten (10) times per year and distributed by MOOLAH Shrine Temple Material contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. The titles used herein are service marks of various companies, organizations and others. All logos, service marks and trade marks are reproduced with permission. MOOLAH is a registered service mark of MOOLAH Temple. Emeritus Members Lester “Al” Greene, P.P.; Harry E. Hays* Stephen K. Lambright; Gene McNary* John B. Morgan; Stephen F. Pieper, P.P. James W. Smith, P.P.*; Barry Todd, P.P.* Geo. E. Stephenson, P.P.*; Fred Caress Ronald Risher*, Doug Bachman, Ted Dearing* *Past Board Chairman DONOR RELATIONS Kenneth E. Myles, P.P..........Director, MO Stephen Pieper, P.P......Director, St. Louis PUBLIC RELATIONS Dennis Burkholder Emeritus Representatives Shriners Hospitals For Children, A Colorado Corporation Gale Bennington, PP Lawrence D. Jones, PP Kenneth Myles, PP Barry R. Todd, PP Merle R. Truckenmiller, PP MOOLAH TEMPLE STAFF 314-878-6301 Gale F. Bennington PP, Administrator Ext 113 [email protected] Monica Smith, Membership All material copyright 2015 by Ext 100 [email protected] MOOLAH Temple. Lauren Schaefer, Graphic Designer Ext 101 [email protected] Patricia Dodd, Accounting Although every effort is made Ext 102 [email protected] to ensure legitimacy, MOOLAH Temple is not Maintenance responsible for advertiser's claims. Ext 150 Camels' Tales is a trademark of MOOLAH Temple. Assist. Directors General John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus Douglass Maxwell, P.P. 96 Past Imperial Potentate 2008-2009 Board of Trustees Member Joe Shivley Living Past Potentates James W. Smith.....................................1983 George E. Stephenson.........................1984 Richard H. Haag.................................1988 Kenneth E. Myles...................................1992 Randall I. Ottinger...............................1993 Lawrence D. Jones............................1994 Douglas E. Maxwell...............................1996 Stephen F. Pieper...............................1997 Ronald P. Krueger.................................1999 Barry R. Todd......................................2000 Ronald D. Woods.................................2001 H.H. “Bud” White..................................2002 Albert Faulstich.. .................................2003 Gale F. Bennington...............................2004 John G. Smith.....................................2005 Merle R. Truckenmiller..........................2006 Lester "Al" Greene..............................2007 Frank "Pancho" Windler.......................2009 William I. Drake......................................2010 James C. Brandenburg.........................2011 Andrew Metzger....................................2012 Patrick Hensley......................................2013 Dennis Kelley.........................................2014 Dale W. Stauss Past Imperial Potentate 2014-2015 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Shriners Hospital for Children MOOLAH Temple 12545 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone (314) 878-6301 Fax (314) 434-5393 Toll Free 888-9Moolah ADVERTISING: Direct all questions concerning advertising to the address and phone number listed. Pictures published in the Camels' Tales are property of MOOLAH Temple, unless otherwise noted. 2 Send Camels’ Tales Articles to [email protected] Submissions may be reviewed for grammar, spelling, punctuation, content, or edited for space allotted. The grammar, spelling, punctuation and content of all submissions are the responsibility of their authors. 126th Moolah Shrine Potentate Illustrious Sir David W. Dieckhaus Greetings Nobles, We are quickly approaching the year end and the holiday season is upon us. The Fall Ceremonial was a success as we bought in many new members. The “Trunk or Treat” was also a “huge” success (witch) the big kids, as well as, the little kids enjoyed themselves. The Membership Committee held its 1st Annual Corn Hole and Washer Tournament where we were able to show several potential Shriner candidates what the Shrine is all about. If you missed this event you truly missed a good time. We hope to see you there next year. November is a busy month starting out with the Potentate and First Lady “Jingle All The Way” Branson Christmas Tour, November 12th-15th. There is a stated meeting on November 18th in the ballroom and ladies are welcome to attend dinner with us, followed by a fun game of Bunco in the Oasis while we meet. Remember to stop by the Sheiks Club after the stated meeting for a night cap or just to participate in some great fellowship. The Potentate Holiday Ball is December 5, 2015 in the Ballroom. The Ballroom will be decorated in the theme of “It’s a Wonderful Life” Every time a Bell Rings, a Shriner gets his Wings. Please make your reservations today for this festive event. We will have great food and music by the “Fanfare of St. Louis” band and special visits from some of our Hospital Ambassadors. Christine and I hope to see you there as this will be our last event for the year. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Brunch with Santa on December 12th for all Moolah Shriners and their families to visit with Santa. It’s a “free” event that all the children certainly will enjoy. December 16th is my final Stated Meeting of the year and don’t forget that it is Election Night. (This night is for men only as it is election night.) I wish each and every Shriner and their families a very blessed holiday season. Please continue your support for our great fraternity, as well as your, support and prayers for all of our shrine kids and their families. “Let’s Be Seen In 2015” Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus 3 CT tm Chaplain’s Corner by Karl Erselius Give Thanks to God Last month I mentioned that as a child of God, giving thanks is NOT confined to a day or season. Well November has two “official days” to give thanks. Nov. 11, Veterans Day, when we are to remember those who serve or have served our country in the military, AND, thank God for their patriotism. Nov. 26 is Thanksgiving Day; a day of giving thanks proclaimed by President and Brother, George Washington way back in 1789. His proclamation reads in part, “Whereas it is the duty of all nations, to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection”. Further, he was requested by Congress to “recommend to the people of the U.S. a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many single favors of Almighty God.” The tradition of Thanksgiving is to look to God in gratitude for His care and blessings. It does NOT matter that times may have been tough. We’re familiar with the hardships of the Pilgrims in the winter of 1620-21. In the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims harvested crops. After all the trials they had been through they gave THANKS for their survival, for food, and for the hope they had for the future. They had life, and it was clear to them that their life and survival came from their Creator and Sustainer. Throughout Scripture, God tells us it is important for us to remember Him. In the Old Testament, God delivered His people twice to the land He had reserved for them, once with Abraham; once with Moses. Both times, God reminded them repeatedly not to forget Him when they had settled in the land, because He knew they would forget Him as they became more secure and comfortable in the land. Among the reminders God gave His people is Psalm 100, a Psalm that recognizes God for who He is, and what He does for His people. It is a Psalm known throughout Israel’s history, as a psalm of thanksgiving. In Israel when this Psalm was sung, there was almost constant turmoil and insecurity. The nations around Israel continually threatened the nation’s security. The Old Testament tells of many times when Israel had to fight for its survival. (Sound familiar in today’s world?) Psalm 100 was one of the reminders God gave them to look to Him as their Creator, Provider, and Sustainer. In closing, a suggestion that prior to our Thanksgiving meal prayer, we read Psalm 100. It’s short, very uplifting and certainly is fitting for today’s world situations. Remember, always, that GOD IS LOVE. Let us be thankful this season not just for what He has done for us, but for who He is! But, also remember, every day is a day to give thanks to God. Peace, Shalom, and God Bless you all. CT tm 4 These We Do Not Forget “Es Selamu Aleikum” We do not lose the ones we love They only go before Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more.... And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere We do not lose the ones we love God Takes them in His Care. September Truman R. Askins Dewitte L. Beaver Paul D. Bridgewater 2015 Potentate’s Holiday Ball on December 5th, 2015 Wonderful Life It’s a $40.00 per person Cocktail Hour 5:30 Presentation of Officers 6:30 Dinner 7:00 Music by FanFare Band Open Bar • Free Babysitting Available Black Tie/Dark Suit attire RSVP with Payment by Nov. 27th Reservation Form Please return this form to Moolah Temple 12545 Fee Fee Road, St. Louis, MO 63146 or call 314-878-6301 Name__________________________________________________________ Lady or Guest(s)___________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________Phone_____________________________________ Please reserve________ seats. Enclosed is $______ at $40 per person I would like to be seated with_________________________ I have enclosed ________check payable to Moolah Temple ______________________________________________________ Credit Card is only accepted via phone ______________________________________________________ 5 CT tm 2016 Roster It is time to update the Information Guide and Roster! Get Connected and Log onto Shriners Village! Go to to learn more! Have you moved? Changed phone numbers? Do we have your current contact information? Please email updates to Lauren at [email protected] or call 314.878.6301 x101 Please send by DECEMBER 14th! 2016 SHRINE CIRCUS UPDATE Ron Reynolds –Circus Director (314-732-2121) The 2016 Moolah Shrine circus will be held at the Family Arena in St. Charles. Mark your calendars for March 17th through the 20th. We will be having the same number of performances as last year. We will have our Circus parade in Old town St. Charles on Saturday, March 5th at Noon. After the parade we will return to Moolah for the Circus kick-off. On Saturday, March 12th we will participate in the Cottleville parade to get exposure for our circus. All Shriners are asked to join in the fun for all these events. Ad packets should be in the hands of each unit, club or committee. If you do not have one, please let me know. The earlier you get to the sponsors, the more time they will have to get funds budgeted for our circus. The time to get ads is NOW! Circus tickets for Shriners to sell will be available at the November stated meeting. Please have a representative at the meeting to pick up your tickets. Remember, the circus is only as successful as YOU make it. The Circus Committee is meeting on the second Wednesday of each month from September to March in the Guides unit room. Any and all volunteers are welcome to join us. There is always plenty to do. Arrive at 5:30 PM for a light dinner and the meeting begins at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. 314-732-2121 or [email protected]. Our goal is to continue to make our circus the best ever, and to keep the seats full. CT tm 6 November Shriner of the Month Jay Traxel Noble Traxel joined the Masonic Lodge in 1977 and the Scottish Rite and Shrine in 1978. He is a Past Master of Lambskin Lodge #460 and Master of Bridgeton Lodge #80. Jay is a 33 degree Mason with the Scottish Rite and continues to be active in all three branches of Masonry including DeMolay. As a senior DeMolay he has received the Chevalier and Legion of Honor degrees and also the Zerubbabel Key for starting a new DeMolay Chapter in Sullivan Missouri and was the awarded the Advisor of the year in 2013. Better known as “Splatter” the Clown, he is the past president of the Moolah Clowns, and past President of the Moolah Drum & Bugle Corps. Noble Traxel is always there to share a smile and a kind word. As a Shrine Clown he has received the Red Nose Award through the ISCA for several years. Each year, he puts in hundreds of hours entertaining our kids at hospitals and local events. The Moolah Public Relations Team is proud to have Jay Traxel as our Shriner of the Month for November. 7 CT tm Mark Your Calendars 2 0 1 5 7th: Ainad Ceremonial Yoway 250 12th-15th: Branson Trip 18th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 26th: Thanksgiving Holiday (Office Closed) 27th: Thanksgiving Holiday (Office Closed) 2 0 1 5 5th: Holiday Ball 12th: Brunch with Santa - Ballroom 13th: Shriner’s Patient Party 12-3pm 16th: STATED MEETING/ELECTION (Snow election date Dec. 23rd) 24th: Christmas Eve (Office Closed) 25th: Christmas Day (Office Closed) 2 0 1 6 1st: New Year’s Day (Office Closed) 9th: Clowns Triva Night 13th: Circus Meeting 20th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 2 0 1 6 10th: Circus Meeting 17th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 27th: Presentation Ball NOV DEC JAN FEB CT tm 8 Meeting Schedules Units & Committees Shrine Clubs Air Patrol - 2nd Mon. Cape SC - 4th Wed. 6:30p Call for Location American Muscle - 2nd Wed., 6:30p, Unit Room Capital SC - 2nd Tues. 6:30p, Capital SC Antique Cars - 1st Wed., Rich & Charlies Restaurant Daniel Boone SC - Last Thurs. 6:30p, JJ’s Restaurant Arab Patrol - 1st Mon., Drill Practice - 4th Monday ECMO SC - 1st Fri. 7:30p, ECMO SC Band - Every Wed. Four Rivers SC - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Gray Summit BBQ Smokin’ Nobles - 1st Mon, Oasis Joachim SC - 2nd Mon. Herculaneum Chanters - 1st Mon. Business Meeting 7:30p Unit Little Dixie SC - 4th Wed. LD Shrine Park Room, Rehearsal every other Mon. 7:30p Mid-Mo SC - 2nd Wed. 6:30p Call for Location Clowns - 3rd Mon. Nemo SC - 3rd Thurs. 6:00p Call for Location Computer Club - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Ozark SC - 3rd Wed. 6:00p Shamrock Bar DeMolay - 1st Wed. 7:00p SEMO SC - 1st Mon. 6:00p SEMO SC Directors Staff - 1st Mon. Three Rivers SC - 3rd Fri 6:30p Three Rivers SC Drum Corps - 2nd Mon, Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon Tiger SC - Last Mon. Tiger SC Gateway 500 - 2nd Tues. Guides - Last Fri. Hospital Committee - 3rd Wed., 6:15p, Committee Room Legion of Honor - 4th Tues. Motor Patrol - 2nd Mon. Mounted Lancers - 2nd Wed., Ranch Nomads - 4th Wed., 6:30p Food Shriner JUST A REMINDER ABOUT UPCOMING STATED MEETINGS... • Dress in business casual Provost Guard - 2nd Mon. 7:00p • Dues Cards will be required Reception Committee - 2nd Wed. • Ladies are always welcome Sound Unit - 2nd Mon. Stage Crew - 1st Wed. • Babysitting is provided Swing Dance Unit - 1st Mon. 6:30p • Dinner is served at 5:30p TCCA - 4th Wed. 6:00p Oasis • Meetings begin at 7:30p Unique Motors - 2nd & 4th Mon. YOMO - 2nd Wed. • Balloting on all new petitions for membership 9 CT tm ECMO Unit donates $997.64 to the hospital fund! Arab Patrol donates $1,000 to the Shriners Hospital fund CT tm 10 STATED MEETING PHOTOS Swing Dance Unit donates $1,000 to the transportation fund! 11 CT tm Unit & Committee Reports Air Patrol Director: Bud Hildebrand President: Ted Lindner, Jr. 1st VP: Byron Smyrniotis 2nd VP: John Szuba Treasurer: Richard Prine Secretary: Chris Grau 314.283.3014 636.798.2602 314.872.8778 636.928.0595 314.603.6301 314.591.1710 Ambassadors Chairman: John Hewitt Secretary: Ted Schamburg 636-456-4885 314-638-3633 From Chairman John: The first thing we notice in November will be the end of daylight saving time on November 1st. We have to adjust for early darkness in the evening. There is plenty of election news leading up to the national election for a new president next year. This is an important time for all citizens. Happy Thanksgiving!!! The autumn harvest is upon us. The hustle and bustle of the Season gets so hectic that we often forget to take time for the things that are important to ourselves and family. Take a moment to think, reflect and give thanks. The next important date will be Nov. 11 in which we pay our respects and honor to our Veterans. To close out the month of November we will have Thanksgiving Day. A time to give thanks for our families, friends and the Shriner’s Hospital who provides care for the special boys and girls. Veterans Day is November 11th . Fly OUR FLAG of These United States of America. Stand, Salute, Put your Right Hand over your heart and give thanks to the men and women that protect and represent our great nation in the past, present and future. THANKS !!! Remember to be seen for the rest of 2015. The Air Patrol meeting is November 12th. Watch the calendar this month due to the way the days fall. I call all of the Ambassador’s attention to the Ambassador lunches on the 2nd Friday of the month. The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be on Friday, November 13 in the Oasis at Moolah Temple. The proposed slate of officers for 2016 will be presented at the November Air Patrol meeting. The election of Officers for the Air Patrol will be held at our December Annual meeting. Come on up to the meeting and support those that are leading our crew into the future. Please consider this your 14+ day notice of the same. The Potentates Christmas Ball is December 5. As in the past, this will be the Air Patrol’s Christmas Celebration as well. Please make your reservations with the Moolah Temple office and let them know you want to sit with the Air Patrol Family. Please mark your calendar for our annual Christmas Celebration for our Shrine patients and their families. The date is Sunday, December 13th . Celebration starts at 12 noon and goes till 3 pm. This is a great event and is an expansion to what we did in the past at our Shrine Hospital. Don’t forget to sign up for the Potentates Jingle All the Way to Branson trip on November 12-15. Another reminder is to see 1st Lady Christine for the Moolah Cookbook. Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information about all of the Moolah activities. Information about all Ambassador Events will come to you through the Camels’ Tales, E-mail or word of mouth. For luncheon reservations call Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail him at glhih123@ NEXT MEETING NOVEMBER 13 – Ambassador Meeting at Moolah Temple NOVEMBER 18 – Stated Meeting ONCE AN AMBASSADOR ALWAYS AN AMBASSADOR Wishing you and yours a bountiful Thanksgiving. God Bless. In closing… Tailwinds, Dan-O – N4637K CT tm 12 American Muscle Director: Dave Evans President: Keith Schilb 1st Vice President: Greg Martin Secretary: Jim Gesell Treasurer: Tom Nelson The American Muscle Unit is having an exciting year of growth. We would like to welcome our newest 2015 member John Anderson. We are very happy to have you as part of the Unit. In November, the American Muscle Unit will hold its yearly Veteren’s Day BBQ to show our appreciation to our wounded veterans at Jefferson Barracks. This will be the second year we will hold this event in conjunction with that great bunch of guys from the Smokin’ Nobles Unit. The American Muscle Unit held a raffle at the September 20th Buick Car Show at the Shrine. The prize was a CCW Class taught by Kirkwood Outfitters (all equipment and instruction provided) and was won by Mike Reese. Congratulations Mike and a big “Thank You” to everyone else who participated. The American Musle Unit participated numerous parades this year. We drove both of our Magic Carpet parade vehicles with their new, high-powered engines as well as several of our muscle cars. If you have a muscle car you would like to show or parade, join us. If you do not have a muscle car but would like to drive one of our Magic Carpets, join us! We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Unit Room we share with the Hospital Committee. We hope to see you there. Unit & Committee Reports Arab Patrol Captain: Doug Bachman President: Ed Fesenmeyer Secretary: Ken Elam Treasurer: Phil Phillips 314-406-9729 314-487-3482 314-471-9883 314-348-7919 By: Gary Oakley Greetings from the Happy Haven Retirement and Rehabilitation Center….(The Bachman Residence). To eliminate any confusion, it’s not your editor sending greetings. It’s our own Fearless Leader…AKA…the Captain… Buldug. Janet ordered a special shipment of Camels’ Milk with pureed prunes and bananas that is now part of his regular diet. Enjoy your retirement big guy. None of us can believe you made it this far. The next few weeks are busy. The holidays and more are here. Be sure to get these events on your calendars: Election of Officers and Awards Night…The date, time and location for this momentous annual event was not available at the time of this writing. So watch Patrol Notes, keep eyes and ears open, connect with president Ed for information. As always, your editor strongly suggests you show up for this one. Otherwise you may be elected to an office you were not expecting or receive an award you would rather not accept. An award everyone would be pleased to accept will be presented to three in our ranks. A tip O the Fez and thank you to the following for 25 years of service and dedication: “Uncle” Freddie Plough “Fast” Eddie (Lug Nuts) Wilder Jerry “Never Late” Limbaugh Other dates to remember: 11-21 Stated Meeting 12-5 Potes’ Holiday Ball and Patrol Party 12-7 Patrol Business Meeting 12-12 Santa’s Brunch 12-13 3rd Annual Hospital Patient Party 12-16 Stated Meeting/Christmas Party Can’t bypass an opportunity to give a heartfelt shout out to our own Bob Grimm. We’re all glad to know you are feeling better. Chanters Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy President: Jim Gesell Treasurer: Richard Farrar Secretary: William Bradford 636/458-8951 636/352-5146 636/349-2264 314/974-3084 By Monte Safron Somewhat concerned! Somewhat describes the cause of our concern. Every month, in every issue of the Camels’ Tales we plead, to the point of begging, for the chance to sing for someone, a crowd, a nursing home or even an individual in need of joy of a Chanter melody. Maybe it’s because that plea has been at the end of each article! Well here we are at the beginning, so here’s our plea, PLEASE CONTACT ANY CHANTER OR ANY OF THE OFFICERS LISTED ABOVE. We need the work and someone out there is in need of the joy of the melodious melody we can provide. It’s not too early to start getting ready for Thanksgiving. Sales are on NOW. As a matter of fact it’s not too early to start making room in your freezer to make ready for those early sale items. Join us at the Stated Meeting November 18th. As usual, you may bring your Lady. Give her a night out! She’ll enjoy the games the Ladies play while we attend our stated meeting during which Illustrious Sir David Diekhaus leads us down the path of deciding those concerns of and for Moolah; where we can help make moves in the most positive direction...Better take a breath if you read that whole sentence in one! Clowns Mike Howard (Howiee) Director Jim Fritz (Fritz)– Pres Terry Aaron (Chopper)- 1st Vice Pres Mike Stevens (Mibo) - 2nd Vice Pres John Tremblay ( Shabba-Dabba)- Treas It seems like I just wrote an article last week for the Camels’ Tales but a lot has happened this past month. The Master Baisters placed second in the annual Bar B Que contest with participants coming from all over the United States. In fact, one guy was from Wentzville. Several parades and events were attended well by our Unit and a lot fun always takes place during these times. If you haven’t been able to attend a recent event I hope you can make one in the near future because its a lot more fun seeing everybody dressed out and making the kids happy. Plus, I need to learn some new balloon animals. The dog and sword are getting old. By the time you get this we will be in the holiday season with Holiday Ball, Brunch with Santa and my favorite the Shriner’s Patient Party. The patient party really is the most rewarding event besides the Circus. It is really great to see all of our patients who are now doing well because of the treatment our hospital was able to give to them. If you attend you will see nothing but smiles and a lot of kids running around having fun and I mean running. Congratulations are overdue to our own Nobel Jim Gesell on his being chosen October Shriner of the Month. We are very proud of Jim for all he does for Moolah, The Chanters and Our Hospital. As our President and choral conductor we follow where and when he leads. I am not sure what the Cardinals did in the playoffs this year but I hope they did well and made it to the World Series. I attended the second game of the divisional series and guess who sang God Bless America during the 7th inning. You’re right Merlin (Tom Dolan) who is a retired Major in the Marine Corps. He was in his dressed blues with a lot of salad on his chest. For those of you who were not in the service salad is slang for medals. Anyway he did great. Let’s not lose sight of our need of more Shriners. We are an easy product to sell...get to those who need what we have to offer...and that’s a lot! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New year. Can I say Merry Christmas or will I get in trouble? God Bless the Shrine. Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from the Patrol. I’m just sayin’. Yeah baby!! 13 CT tm Unit & Committee Reports DeMolay Committee President Kurt Schumacher V-President Jeff Kitsmiller Sr SecretaryBob Weber Treasurer Kent Barnett Chairman Fred Veinfurt 314-503-5369 314-435-7908 314-560-2222 314-315-5469 314-960-7787 Nobles and Ladies, On October 24th – Moolah has a new Youth King and Queen!! They will be announced soon. We would like to extend a big MOOOOOLAH Thanks to the retiring King, Queen, Prince, and Princess for their participation in the Shrine events of 2014-2015. They were great representatives of our Shrine Organization at youth activities throughout the year! Volley Ball – Volley Ball – Volley Ball at Moolah’s Gym!!!!!!!!! The DeMolay League runs during October and November from 12:00 – 4:00 pm on Sundays at the Moolah Sports Center. The DeMolay Chapters will play in a recreational environment promoting brotherhood and sportsmanship. This is a great opportunity to introduce young men to our Masonic Fraternity through athletics and good clean fun. The Sweethearts help keep them focused. Mineral Area Chapter sponsored an Outdoor Degree in Park Hills, MO – The degree teams were superb!! We will try to give you some advance notice next year on the date of this event. Future Shriners at work – Great Job! The Circus is just around the corner. We’ll be ready for March 2016 (Parades, Coupons Distribution and Floor Operations). Always a great time! Drum Corps Director - Tom Duke President - David Glenn Secretary - Rick Gwydir Treasurer - Rich Steed By Jim Hubeli Three cheers for Don Baur who again this year promoted our annual Hospital Awareness Days on September 11 and 12. We collect 2 days in order to double the results. Don thanks all of the volunteers for manning their posts and we thank Don for being the first one there in the morning and the last one there in the evening to take care of the collection. We always receive good comments about Shriners and the Shrine Hospitals from shoppers. Many people have had personal experience with family and friends who have been helped at the Hospitals. Later on September 19th we participated again in the Green Tree Parade in Kirkwood. We gathered at the Kirkwood Lodge and proceeded to the start at Kirkwood High School. Our new driver for the parade was Rita Glenn, wife of our President Dave. We appreciate she let us use her SUV to pull the trailer in the parade. Kirkwood is known as the Green Tree City and they always have large crowds along the route which even closes Kirkwood Road. At the end of the parade is the fair in the park with many booths for food, drinks and crafts. We decided to give our Director Tom Duke and retired Kirkwood fireman Richard Watts a break and sent them to the Motorcycle Ride in St. Charles to help out. Our lucky soprano bugler, Joe Shapiro, won a prize at last years Bike Ride and believe it or not, he won the top prize at this years raffle. Congrats Joe, you owe everybody a drink. The Drum Corps donated to the Motor Patrol for the Bike Ride. LET’S BE SEEN IN TWENTY FIFTEEN Note: The Missouri DeMolay State Installation of Officers will be held on December 12, 2015 at the Scottish Rite in St Louis (Program and times TBA) CT tm 14 Guides President: Ryan Georgen Secretary: Robert Granquist Director: Robby Dirkers 314-630-4765 636-300-8001 636-461-1571 I would like to thank everyone who gives of their time and efforts at our activities to make them a success. A special thanks to all the wives and ladies who also give of their time Congratulations to Richard A. Sopp, Jr. for being a Shriner for 60 years. Bingo is doing well, but could always use more workers. The hospital van is doing well, but can always use drivers. A Special Thanks to Nobel Wayne Price who is stepping down as Parade Marshall. This has been a job that he has done with ongoing energy. He will be missed by all who have worked with him. Upcoming Events: November 13 Guides Social Guides Room November 23 Guides Meeting Guides Room December 5 Holiday Ball Moolah Temple December 12 Brunch with Santa Moolah Temple December 13 Guides Christmas Party December 21 Regular Unit Meeting Guides Room Have a Safe Thanksgiving! Unit & Committee Reports Hospital Committee Director: Bob Sudholt President: Bill Bradford 1st Vice President: Justin Fowler 2nd Vice President: Mike Heuer Secretary: Dan Nickel Treasurer: Bob Berry 314-805-5371 314-974-3084 September was a busy month for the Hospital Committee. The September events included: • Hospital Awareness Day on the 12th. The Committee collected over $300 from patrons of the Schnucks Store near the Frontenac Hospital • Hospital BBQ on the 14th . The Committee cooked and served barbecue to over 150 patients, family members, and hospital staff • The Hospital Committee participated in a screening at Affiniahealthcare in North City on the 19th • The Committee conducted hospital tours for @100 Nobles and their ladies from Arab Shrine on the 26th of September. A special tip of the Fez goes to Bob Berry for coordinating the Hospital BBQ and Mike Heuer for handling the Hospital Awareness event. In October, the Committee has the following special events: • Friday, October 16th, 10:15am to 1:00pm the Hospital Committee will conduct a BBQ, and afterwards present a check from the Racquet Ruckus to the Hospital. A big “Thank You” to Bob Berry and everyone who supported him in conducting his 7th Annual Racquet Ruckus which concluded Saturday, August 22nd. This annual fundraiser includes an Internet Auction, a Racquetball Tournament, and a Silent Auction with all proceeds going directly to the St. Louis Shriner's Hospital for Children. • Saturday, October 24th, at 9:00am the Committee will provide Hospital Tours for Candidates, Nobles, and Ladies preceding the Fall Ceremonial. Motor Patrol The Hospital presentation at the September stated meeting was very informative and enlightening. The Motor Patrol thanks Illustrious Sir Dieckhaus for the timely program. The Wine Trip to Wright City’s Cedar Lake Winery, was enjoyed by 14 Nobles and guests of the Motor Patrol. Special thanks to Patrick McEvoy for providing the transportation and organizing the trip. Motor Patrol now has a Facebook page. Check it out! The Motor Patrol will be participating in the Veterans Day Parade on November 7th. Look for us. Harley’s, Corvettes, Firetruck, and mini-choppers. We will also be participating in the Thanksgiving Day parade on the morning of Thanksgiving. Start planning your special dish from the Moolah cookbook for the November 14th pot luck meal at the Motor Patrol Suite or bring your own special dish! Either way it will be a “pig out”. Lots of fun and adult beverages and food. As a result of recruiting new members at the October Ceremonial, we look forward to some new faces. The Motor Patrol is open to anyone interested. We have monthly social events, participate in parades, work to raise money for the Hospital and serve the Moolah Temple. Swing Dance Unit Director Bud Waters President Jack Melton Vice President Beril Gillman Secretary Gary Fanger Treasurer Dennis Martin This last months article was left out of the Camels’ Tales, so I have included it with this months. August started off with a bang. On the 7th, we celebrated Bob Kuban's Birthday with a large crowd of his closest friends and fans. The Sheiks club is now open on Friday and Saturday evenings. Our Swing Dance crowd enjoys going down for a nightcap after the dance is over. On the 11th, 40 of our St. Louis dancers invaded Chattanooga Tennessee, for the Shag Trax dance convention, held at the Alhambra Shrine Center. What a great bunch of hospitable people. The Divan prepared 3 meals for over 300 dancers. September was a busy month, with the hospital ride, wine tasting, 2 car shows, a barbeque and a wedding. Unfortunately, some of these events were poorly attended or in the case of the Barn Dance cancelled, because of lack of reservations. I heard a number of people say I was going to go to the Barn Dance, but they waited to make their reservations. DON'T WAIT to make reservations. Facilities, caterers, and entertainment have to be confirmed. All events take a lot of planning, so if you think you might go, make your reservations. On the 25th of September our Director Bud Waters married Judy Newton, in the "Oasis". Congratulations to them both. One of our main activities is the staffing of the reception desk at the Hospital to greet and welcome our patients and their families. We are in need of volunteers that can help work this front desk of the Hospital during clinic hours in the morning, afternoon, or both. If you are available, please contact President Bill Bradford at (314) 974-3084 Our Halloween dance is the 30th in the Ballroom, with Fanfare supplying the music.I will report on this next month. On the 7th is the Yoway 250, the Branson trip on the 12th, and the Stated meeting on the 18th. For November we have Fanfare again for the night before Thanksgiving, and they will be back for the Holiday Ball in December. If you would like to interact with our Shriner Kids, their families, and the Hospital Staff and support them through our activities, then we would love to have you join us. We meet at 6:15 pm every third Wednesday in our meeting room at the Shrine (across the hall from the Chanters on the 2nd floor). We look forward to seeing you there! We dance every Friday in the "Oasis" at 7:30. Hope to see you there. WE DANCE SO KIDS CAN WALK 15 CT tm Unit & Committee Reports TCAA President Dave Marino C-314-574-8487 1st VP Gary Fanger H-636-447-2361 C-636-697-5290 2nd VP Dennis Martin C-636-293-3348 3rd VP Jim Gesell Sec'y Treas/Scribe, Bob Daniels H-636-441-4917 C-636-675-4590 [email protected] Hope all had a great summer and all are doing well. We are saddened to report that our TCAA Past President and long time member Glen Duncan has passed away. Please keep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayer. Don’t know what TCAA Stands for or what we do…. Ask your Unit Representative or call Bob (636-6754590) and we can come out to your meetings and give a brief talk. TCAA has “HLP-KDS” License Plate Stickers for sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative. TCAA is looking for “Corporate Donations”, to ultimately provide necessary funds to support The Saint Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help in our mission to support our St. Louis Shriners Hospital. Please give Gay a call (314-697-5290) if you know a company with surplus items to be donated that can be used to sell. Unique Motor Unit Upcoming Stated Meeting Menu Director: Sir Thom McCann President: Dan Jacobs Vice-President: Rick Bruce Treasurer: Gary Fanger Secretary: Ken Wright November Sliced Beef Sirloin We would like to say a big “Thank You” to everyone who came out this summer and purchased Gus’s pretzels from us. We had a great summer and it was fun visiting with fellow Shriners. We are looking forward to participating in the St. Louis and Florissant Veterans Day parades. Please come out and watch and give us a big wave. At the end of November we will be having our Unit elections and in early December we will have our Unit Christmas Party. If you would like to see what our unit is all about, please stop by our unit room on the second and fourth Mondays. We start at 7:00pm. We are always looking for new members. with Gravy Parslied Potatoes Green Beans Almondine Italian House Salad Rolls & Butter Dessert Looks like the new Hospital is well on its way and going well, here are the newer numbers. August 2015 Hospital statistics: Outpatients 837, Inpatients 21, Outpatient Surgeries 59 September Report not yet available. Hope everyone is enjoying the Fall and get a head start on your Christmas shopping!!! PLEASE ALERT THE OFFICERS WHEN YOU KNOW OF SICKNESS OR DISTRESS. CT tm 16 Jimmy and Austin Naucke with Potentate David Dieckhaus donating $66 to the Shriners Kids Christmas Party! What a great story! February 28, 2015 Dr. Luhmann, Hello, my name is Haley Miller, I am 16 years old, and a student at Northwest High School in Cedar Hill, MO. About two years ago I was actually a patient of yours at Shriners Hospital for Children. I first sought your care due to the scoliosis in my back. Following your wonderful work with my back, you performed a lateral release on my left knee. Let me start by saying how truly thankful I am for the procedure. I am beginning my second year running high school track and I am hoping to advance passed the district meet and on to the sectional and state meets within the next two years. This would not have been possible without the help of you and the rest of the Shriners’ faculty, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As a young athlete who has experienced first hand what is like to need medical intervention, but not want to give up activities, I have been considering the medical field more and more, specifically pediatric orthopedic sports medicine. As a high school sophomore I have been looking into different career possibilities and being categorized as a “gifted student” I am blessed with numerous opportunities to travel down a vast amount of career pathways. Currently I am enrolled in my second year of the school’s four year Biomedical Program. This program is a rigorous college course through Missouri S&T and and a program called Project Lead The Way, which focuses on many different aspects of the medical field. Completion of my first year has provided me with information on the principles of biomedical sciences. In first year the course revolved around a woman named Anna Garcia and piecing together the reason behind her untimely death. Throughout the course we studied things such as: diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and hypercholesterolemia. As a freshman I also took a biology course which tied in immensely with the biomedical course as we covered things such as the role of genetics in the human body. The biomedical program has advanced me in my chemistry course and numerous other courses as well. Thus far in my second year of the program (which is entitled Human Body Systems) we have learned about directional terms in the body as well has the different body systems. We have covered systems such as the respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. Soon my class will be evaluating x-rays and identifying things like fractures when we cover the skeletal system, which I am very excited about. In late March we will also visit Logan University’s cadaver lab. These courses have definitely sparked my interest in the medical field even more than before. However, I want to ensure the field is something I will truly be able to handle. Which brings me to the reason I am writing this to you. I was curious if you would be interested in letting me do some kind of job shadowing with you. I know some hospitals require a student to be 18 for legality purposes, but I was not certain on the age requirements at Barnes or Shriners. Shadowing you would be a wonderful opportunity and something I would really like to experience. However, I understand if my age is problematic. If my age is not a problem however, I would really like to take time this summer in late June or anytime in July to work with you. Thank you for your time, both in reading this letter and treating me as your patient, I am very grateful. Seperately I have enclosed a letter of your work in action. Sincerely, Haley Miller Email: [email protected] Cell phone number: 314-278-7976 Home address: 866 Matthews Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 Haley Miller 17 CT tm Nailah Court #107 Noble Lodge #684 It’s been a fun and exciting summer for Nailah and we are just getting started for fall. These past few months we have been busy. We volunteered at the Father and Son Dinner serving dinner and we enjoyed a fun evening supporting the Moolah Swing Dancers on August 14th. This was a great evening to enjoy music and dancing! Worshipful Master: Juan White 314-341-9111 Secretary: Charlie Wiegert 314-565-8523 [email protected] Toni Burst, President Gloria Means,Vice President Kathy Myers, Secretary Janet Loesch Treasurer We could use your help! Our next chip program is Sunday, December 13th from 11 AM to 2 PM in the ballroom at Moolah Temple, in support of the Shriners Hospital Patients Holiday Party. This is easy work, you can do it! Please contact Ken Fontana to sign up to help at [email protected] or call him at 636-485-2984. “Twas the first day of Fall and the Temple Club Ladies enjoyed their Fall into another terrific meeting. That “All Star” Decorating team, Dorothy and Janet, worked their magic and turned the Oasis Room into a Mini Cardinal Baseball Team Celebration of Victory. (to come) September we had several of our ladies helping out the Motor Patrol Unit assisting with serving lunch at the Shrine Bike Ride. What a beautiful day for a bike ride! We started back on our regular scheduled stated meetings and are getting ready for upcoming fall fundraisers! We had a table at Lady Christine’s Vendor Fair on October 21st and we thank everyone who participated in the “Super Card”. Fun was had by all at our trip to Villa Antonio Winery! Perfect fall day and enjoyed seeing everyone! We were excited to initiate three new ladies into Nailah this past month and as always we are looking for new members. If you see any of our ladies out and about and would like further information in joining Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America, just let us know. We are always looking for new members to join and always have a petition in hand! As our current Grand High Priestess motto states, “It is the light within that makes a smile glow.” Join Nailah today and share your beautiful smile with the children of Shriner’s Hospital. In Service, Mary Haupt, HP Our November meetings are on Tuesday November 3rd and Tuesday November 17th. Dinner is at 6PM with Lodge opening at 7PM. There is a good chance we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice degree one or both nights. Any Shriner is welcome to attend a meeting anytime they would like! Congrats to WB Corey Woodward , who continued the Noble tradition, and received the Grand Lodge Of Missouri Honor Lodge Certificate and Jewel for his outstanding year leading Noble Lodge in 2014-15. This is the 11th year in a row we have earned this distinction, and Noble Lodge is the only Lodge that can say they have earned this prestigious award every year of their existence! Noble Lodge was also presented with a certificate of recognition by Most Worshipful Brother C. Brent Stewart from The Masonic Home Of Missouri for The Vincil Society for their participation and contributions. If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a Mason, you can be the 1st line signer of your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a Masonic petition needs to be from Noble Lodge, the other signer can be from any Lodge. Keep this in mind if you have a candidate. It all starts with you submitting the petition for your candidate. The petition (and $75 initiation fee) will be received at our next meeting, and your candidate will be notified. In most cases he will be invited to attend the next meeting, meet with the investigating committee, and then his EA degree will be scheduled. Regular meetings are on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Temple Club After a rallying Call to Order, our President Toni,gave an Inspiring Invocation and led us in Pledging Allegiance to our Flag. Our meeting progressed in the regular manner with the reading of the Minutes, the Treasurer’s Report and with Jackie reporting that the Books had been audited and were in perfect order. Chris and Toni made their Introductions and Chris brought us up to date on future happenings at Moolah. Sandy has been working extra hard on our constantly changing Rooster and she has it ready for us now. THANK YOU, Sandy, we really do appreciate all your hard work Just a gentle reminder-our Temple Club will be 100 Years Old next year. Be on the look-out for the planned celebrations After a delicious luncheon we were entertained by a Representative of the KAKAO Candy Comp[any, located in our Area. He had three different kinds of Chocolate for us to Sample, ymmm and he assured us that Kakao was the best candy in St. Louis. Did you know that Chocolate is grown on a tree and it is actually a vegetable? Good Trivia Info. After another great meeting, seeing and visiting with one another, enjoying the Cardinal Decorations, good food , luscious chocolates, it was time to head for Home Plate,with that Famous Departing Shout. GO CARDS!!! If you have any questions, contact the Master or Secretary from the information listed above. CT tm 18 Swing with the Best! Have Dennis & Dianne from the Swing Dance Unit help set up your next Get-A-Way. Daughters of the Nile Sydyk Temple #107 Colette Nagel, Queen PQ Mary LaTragna, Recorder 40 314-560-3864 314-566-4727 We want to extend an invitation to all ladies, 18 and older, to join our wonderful group of ladies for a sisterhood of philanthropy, good friends, and good times. We would love to have young women join us aged 18 to 26 to form a special place in our Temple designed specifically for them. We welcome their ideas, energy, and willingness to help support our temple. As always, all our funds go to support the Shriners Hospital for Children. Our schedule of events is: Our Annual Bazaar and turkey dinner, October 18 at Freedom Temple from 12:00 pm to 4:30pm. Dessert is included. $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 10. Come and join us! We have great raffle prizes, including 42” color TV, vendors, and a wonderful full menu turkey dinner. Our annual Trivia Night will be on November 7th at Freedom Temple. Dinner is provided with the entrance fee. We will be raffling off great baskets and other items. Watch for us at the Trunk or Treat at the Shrine October 30th! Our Supreme Queen Visit will be on November 23rd, with a Ceremonial and Banquet and on November 24 we will tour the new Shriners hospital and have lunch immediately after. Help us help the children! Please attend our annual bazaar to keep our Temple going and trivia night is a major fundraiser for the hospital. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Queen Colette or PQ Mary LaTragna at the numbers above. Hear ye, Hear ye, Save the Date! All Nobles of the Moolah Temple are hereby notified of a Magical Ball to be held February 27th. We humbly request the pleasure of your company at this Magical event. 19 CT tm Club Connection Daniel Boone Shrine Club President: Mark Rethemeyer Secretary: Robert Holscher 314-605-7615 636-240-8552 Daniel Boone Shrine Club is a very friendly group of Shriners and their Ladies. We meet every month for dinner and we always have a great time when we get together. We would love to have you and your lady come check us out! Our next 2 meetings are: • Thursday, November 19th – JJ’s restaurant in O’Fallon. Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 for dinner (separate checks) and at 7:30 the guys have a meeting and the ladies play Bunko. • Thursday, December 3rd – Holiday Party at All Occasion Banquet Center located in St. Charles. There will be appetizers, a buffet dinner and open bar for around $25 per person. We have to give the banquet center a guarantee, so “Reservations are required”. Call President Mark Rethemeyer at 314-605-7615 for all the details and to reserve. You do not have to be a member of Daniel Boone to join us for our events. All Shriner’s and their Ladies are always welcome and encouraged to join us. We will make sure you are greeted when you arrive, and that you and your lady will have a great time. For more information or to RSVP for any of our events, contact President Mark at 314-605-7615. Joachim Shrine Club Tiger Shrine Club President: Leonard Keller 1st Vice President: Joe Smart 2nd Vice President: Jim Westcott 3rd Vice President: Bill Kohout Secretary/Treasurer: Elmo Blum Director: Erie Gonzalez-Rubio 314-565-7646 In case you missed it we have some celebrities in our ranks. Leonard Keller, Elmo Blum, Monty Kennedy and Ron Aldridge were on Show Me St. Louis. They brought the I Pads that Joachim Shrine Club bought and donated them to the St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children. The hospital has asked for I Pads to be used for informational tours for patients and their families. Every member should be proud through their hard work from barbeques this past summer we were able to raise the money to supply these I Pads from the club. Also President Keller has raised the stakes on Christmas baskets to the needy. Last year the club bought 6 baskets that provided 6 needy families with the fixings for a great Christmas dinner. Leonard has made the goal of this year to provide 12 baskets and also include gifts for the kids of these families. If you are able to contribute or assist with distributing the baskets please contact Leonard. Everyone have a great Thanksgiving. President: Jason Acton Secretary: Dr. Jim Kern 573-289-6858 573-999-7993 By Mitch Weinsting 573-446-1327 Email [email protected] As we approach the end of the year I know everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays. But don’t forget to come out to the club for fun and fellowship. We have done a lot of work lately and the club looks great. Thanks to everyone that came out to the October Ceremonial and congratulations to the new Nobles of Tiger Shrine Club and all of the new Nobles of Moolah temple from both ceremonials. Tiger is back and growing so come out and be a part of the fun. Thank you to Ill Sir Dieckhaus for all the support this year as Tiger makes a comeback. Don’t forget to plan on attending the meeting at Moolah, especially the December meeting where we vote on the new officers. Come out and be a part of the festivities. Our November meeting will be on 11/30 so come out and have a say as we discuss the officers for 2016. Have a say in how we continue to grow. Dinner at 6:00 with meeting to follow, see you at the meeting and don’t forget to bring your fez. The Tiger Shrine club meets at 2315 N Stadium Blvd, Columbia, MO 65202. Stephen F. Pieper, MBA, CLU®, ChFC® Life Insurance • Medical Plans • Pensions Long Term Care Insurance 314/392-8754 [email protected] [email protected] CT tm 20 Book your next event with Moolah® Moolah Unit/Club/Committee Events: Ballroom: $650 Oasis: $450 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Member Benefits for Moolah Shriners & Immediate Family: Ballroom: $875 Oasis: $550 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Non-Shriner & General Public Events: Ballroom: $1,750 Oasis: $1,100 $500 security deposit (refunded if no damages are found) Booking: Moolah Office 314.878.6301 Caterer: Genesis Catering 314.894.7073 Come on in and book your next event with us! If you would like to take a look at our rooms feel free to stop by 9:00a-4:30p Monday-Friday. Gensis Catering can also provide viewings on the weekends. Weddings • Receptions • Class Reunions • Birthday Parties • Graduation Parties Moolah Temple Guides Bingo Wayne Price, Bingo Chairman V.F.W Post #3944 10815 Midland Ave, Overland, MO 63114 314-427-2744 Doors open at 8:30 AM • Selling starts at 10:00 AM Regular @ 11:00 Doors open at 8:30 Bingo AM Selling startsAM at 10:00 AM Progressive Jackpot Regular Bingo @ 11:00 AM Progressive jackpot 21 LPL Financial Bob Drury Financial Consultant 13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100 Manchester, MO 63021 (314-962-5600 Office (314)591-6666 Cell [email protected] CT tm December Stated Meeting and Election of Officers 12/16/2015 snow date 12/23/2015 Important Notice - Annual Election Meeting The election of officers for the Moolah Temple will take place at the Stated Meeting on December 16th, 2015 or on December 23rd, 2015 in case of inclement weather. Please be aware of the following section of Imperial By-Laws pertaining to the electioneering. 325.11 Election Regulations (a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited. Moolah Temple Association Meeting in the office at 5:30pm on December 16th, 2015 Over 1,200 Recipes • Only $30.00 • Great for Christmas Gifts! Moolah® Shrine Cookbook Delectable recipes for everything from homemade desserts to savory meals. Perfect for giving as gifts or enjoying at your own family gatherings. Recipes from those who love our Shrine Kids. Submitted recipes from Patient Ambassadors, hospital staff, members of Moolah Shrine and friends. Order your copy by calling Christine Dieckhaus at 314.960.6721 or email [email protected] Available for pickup at the Moolah® Office Net proceeds benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis CT tm 22 Shriners Hospital RideCT 23 tm Lunch with Santa CT tm 24 Fundraising Brick Program building a strong foundation brick by brick In the courtyard in front of the Moolah office, there is a pyramid. The walk-way running to and from the pyramid is the “Moolah Walk of Fame”. You can have a brick in the “Moolah Walk of Fame” for a donation of only $100. For $100 you get a 4” x 8” brick with 3 lines of 18 characters each. Along with that, you will receive a certificate you can display on your wall. For $250 you get a 4” x 8” brick with 3 lines of 18 characters each AND a small replica (1.5” x 3”) with the same inscription to use as a paper weight. In addition, you will receive a certificate to display on your wall. For $500 you get an 8” x 8” brick with up to 6 lines of 18 letters each. In addition, you will receive a certificate to display on your wall. What an excellent way to pay tribute to the memory of someone that has been very dear and special to you. To order a brick, cut on the above line and complete this bottom portion and send it to the Moolah Office. I would like to order the following brick to be placed in the “Moolah Walk of Fame” $100 4” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 3 lines for inscription in the area below.) $250 4” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 3 lines for inscription in the area below.) $500 8” x 8” Brick (Enter up to 6 lines for inscription in the area below.) Your Information: Full Name_________________________________________________________________________ Your Address______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________________________________________ Payment is accepted via check or credit card. (credit cards are taken by phone only 314.878.6301) Print how you want the brick to read. (Punctuation counts as a character) Please print clearly - Not responsible for misprint of names 25 CT tm Check out these photos!! 1. Nomads bribing Potentate David Dieckhaus for the best BBQ 2. Clowns bribing Potentate David Dieckhaus for the best BBQ 3. Hospital Ambassador Madelyn Hubbs with Jack Melton and Potentate David Dieckhaus 4. Potentate David Dieckhaus and Jack Melton with Best Car Pick at Car Show: Fred Caress CT tm 26 27 CT tm A big THANK YOU to all Units, Clubs & Committees for your participation in Hospital Awareness Day! To Date Collections: $8,982.61 Leader to Date: Drum Corps Father & Son Richard and Matt Meyer Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory Arthur Montgomery has just publishedPlanning his firstonbook. retiring? This book is an easy to read common sense guide to planning your retirement. Available at your favorite book stores, Arthur Montgomery CT tm 28 or 314-238-0207 PETITION FOR INITIATION AND MEMBERSHIP Moolah Shrine ® To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of Moolah Temple, situated in the Oasis of St. Louis, Desert of Missouri, I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in _________________________ Lodge, #________, located at _________________________________,________ which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the By-laws of The Imperial Council. I respectfully request that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of your temple. If, I be found worthy, and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws and Ceremonies of the Moolah Temple. Print Full Name:_____________________________________________ Wife’s Name:_______________________________ Birthplace:_____________________________________________________________Birthdate:______/________/________ Were you ever a DeMolay?________ If so, what was the Chapter name and location?______________________ Profession or Occupation:________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies/Interests:________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? Yes_______________ No______________ If so, to what temple?____________________________________________________________ When?________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____)___________________________ Business Phone: (______)__________________________________ Cell Phone: (______)____________________________ Fax: (_______)____________________________________________ E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Initiation Fee: $100.00 (Payment must accompany this petition) Dues: January-March= $120 April-June= $95 July-October= $70 November-December= $20 25 years of age and younger= $30 (No initiation fee) Recommended and Vouched for on the Honor of 1. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Print Noble’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member Number:________________________________________________________________________________________ REV 10/7/2015 29 CT tm *Directlly behind Mid-Rivers Mall Valenti's A Friendly Reminder! CT Articles must be submitted by the 5th of Every Month for the following month’s edition. Market & Catering Co. Since 1937 Moolah Temple Special 10% off In-Store Purchase • Brats • Fresh Steaks • Daily Baked Bread & Pies • Full Service Catering Dept. Thank you for your support and dedication. In order to have everyone represented please keep articles to 300 words or less. CLIP & BRING IN Send your article to [email protected] 6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm 636/970-2992 Advertising Schedule Rates Are Per Issue 1 3 5 10 Issue Issues IssuesIssues @ Moolah Mail are you receiving emails from the Moolah Office? If not and you would like to be, contact the office to get yourself connected! tm $ 57.00 $ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00 ¼ Page $115.00 $102.00 $ 90.00 $ 78.00 ½ Page $230.00 $205.00 $180.00 $160.00 Full Page $460.00$410.00 $360.00$320.00 These includes a two line Directory Listing *We may not be able to put two or more ads next to each other ® CT Business Card Half Price for all Units, Clubs or Committee Events Ads! Directory Listing Prices per Issue 1 3 5 10 Issue Issues IssuesIssues Two lines $ 15.00 $ 12.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 Three lines $ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00 Limit for each line is 30 characters, including spaces and punctuation. 30 Ple as e S u p p o rt o u r A d v e rtis er s Directory Stephen F. (Steve) Pieper, PP, CLU, ChFC Donor Relations Committee 314-392-8754 Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw 618-416-3669 Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207 Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992 Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts & Probate Estates - 314-993-4261 Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for tickets and show times Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts, Real Estate, Trademarks and more 314-588-9500 Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland, LLC - Computer Engineering Services 314-596-8750 Jim Butler Chevrolet Dennis Gastreich - 636-349-3222 LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600 [email protected] Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc. 636-928-2300 M oolah Statistics Help Grow Our Membership as of September 30th, 2015 Year to Date Creations 48 Affiliations 3 Restorations 10 Associated 1 Demits 2 Suspensions 3 Deceased 64 Expulsions 0 Resignations 0 Associates Dropped 3 Net Change -10 Total You Can Be a Virtual Mentor! Learn What Shriners Do A Private Web Community for Shriners. 2627 Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools Available for you now! Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST tools available to create and promote that interest: Are you already a member of our great fraternity and want to learn more? 31 CT tm NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT 592 12545 Fee Fee Rd. Saint Louis, MO 63146 Postal Carrier Please Expedite Dated Material CEREMONIAL COOKBOOK DIECKHAUS FALL GRAVY MEMBERSHIP MOOLAH PUMPKIN SHRINER STUFFING THANKSGIVING TREAT TRUNK TURKEY GO GREEN! Have your Camels’ Tales emailed to you. Just contact the Moolah Shrine Office. CT tm
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