July - Moolah
July/August 2014 Home of the Shriners of Eastern & Central Missoiri Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children Ray’s Going for the Record Books! Inside . . . Mark your Calendar pg 5 Shriners of the Month pg7 Who’s Retiring? pg9 CSSA Info pg20 World Record Ray pg23 Hospital Award pg23 Volume 74, Issue 6 • St. Louis, MO You can view Camels’ Tales on the Web at: www.moolah.org You can even contact the office to have CT emailed to you directly. C 1 T tm John A. Cinotto Imperial Potentate 2013-2014 2014 Elected Divan & Board Of Directors Dennis Kelley............................. Potentate David Dieckhaus................ Chief Rabban Victor Dane, Jr.....................Asst. Rabban Leonard Martin, Jr.High Priest & Prophet Richard Weber.......................... Treasurer David Jacobi, Sr..........................Recorder Dean Isbell......................... Oriental Guide Representatives to Imperial Council Dennis Kelley David Dieckhaus Victor Dane, Jr. Lenny Martin Kyle McEvoy............1st Ceremonial Master Don Taylor...............2nd Ceremonial Master Ken Myles, PP..................................Director Wayne Price.................................... Marshal D.L (Monty) Kennedy..Shrine Club Marshal Mitch Weinsting...........Shrine Club Marshal Joe Shivley.................Captain of the Guard Russell Georgen.......................Outer Guard Potentate's Aides Robby Dirkers Wallace Bowman David Brannon Ryan Braun Mark Davis Michael Davis Dennis Kelley Lenny Martin Gary Fanger Emil Fett David Dieckhaus Victor Dane, Jr. Douglas Gabel Georgen Gale Bennington, P.P. ................President Ryan Brett Grimm James W. Smith, P.P. ..................Ad Vitam Harold Hargiss DJ Hermen Gary Holland Moolah Temple Association Randall I. Ottinger, P.P...............President David Hope Jason Johnston Representatives to Central States Shrine Association Living Past Potentates James W. Smith.................................1983 George E. Stephenson......................1984 Richard H. Haag.................................1988 Kenneth E. Myles.............................. 1992 Randall I. Ottinger...............................1993 Lawrence D. Jones............................1994 Douglas E. Maxwell............................1996 Stephen F. Pieper...............................1997 Ronald P. Krueger..............................1999 Barry R. Todd..................................... 2000 Ronald D. Woods...............................2001 H.H. “Bud” White................................2002 Albert Faulstich...................................2003 Gale F. Bennington.............................2004 John G. Smith.....................................2005 Merle R. Truckenmiller.......................2006 Lester "Al" Greene..............................2007 Edward J. Kellogg, III.........................2008 Frank "Pancho" Windler....................2009 William I. Drake..................................2010 James C. Brandenburg...................... 2011 Andrew Metzger.................................2012 Patrick Hensley...................................2013 Director General Kenneth E. Myles, PP (1992) Chief Aide Assistant Chief Aide Michael Justvig Dennis Martin Richard Mayer Eric McVicar Jack Melton Dale Nagel James Naucke, Jr. Richard Pollock Michael Reese Ronald Reynolds William Ross Ted Schamburg Shaun Ruether Casey Thompson Bud Waters Richard Watts Potentate's Personal Aides Shrine Club Aides Ernie Boulicault Richard Braun Dennis Burkholder Jerry Gaddy Ronald Geisler Gale Going Greg Heins Kevin Heins Adam Iwanow Dennis Kelley, Jr. Randy McDougal Mark Rethemeyer Richard Steed Lloyd Wilkes Fred Zurfluh A. Elmo Blum Terry Bunting Benjamin Dennison Gregory Dortch Dennis Eaton Melvin Gordon Robert Holscher Eugene Hopwood Scott Hunt Allen James Jack Kairy Ronald McCoy Robert Morgan Verle Naughton Michael O'Cheltree Ron Pratt Greggory Price Paul Rose Jimmie Sanders Logan Santschi Raymond Schulte Michael Shulse Rick Uebinger Kevin Wooden Assist. Directors General Randall I. Ottinger, PP 1993 James W. Smith, PP 1983 H.H. "Bud" White, PP 2002 Frank "Pancho" Windler, PP 2009 Potentate’s Emeritus Aides John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus Irv Henning, Chief Aide Emeritus Charles Baker Donald Baur John Bowman Robert Callaway Richard Carlson, Jr. Bob Daniels John Dodge Albert Earls Robert Grimm James Hubeli Conrad Jacobi Mark Lyles CT tm Herbert Mahler Robert Means Raymond Moore John Morrison, Jr. George Pappas Fred Plough Wayne Price Donald Staffne James Stahl Herschel Vernon, Sr. Kenneth Will Donald Worley Chairman of The Board of Trustees Shriners Hospital for Children Moolah Appointed Positions 2014 Appointed Divan Rich Viner Douglas Maxwell, P.P. 96 Past Imperial Potentate 2008-2009 Carl Barthold.......................................................Almoner John Hewitt...............................Ambassador Chairman Wayne Price.................Building Committee Chairman Karl Erselius.......................................................Chaplain Dennis Burkholder.............Donor Relations Chairman Brainerd LaTourette............................General Counsel Joe Shivley..................................Insurance Committee Al Earls...................................... License Plates Director David Schmucker.......Memorial Brick Walk Chairman Richard Watts.......................................Co-Membership Ed Fesenmeyer...................................Co-Membership Kenneth Myles, PP................ Shrine Club Coordinator James Smith, PP...........................Co-Public Relations Dennis Burkholder.........................Co-Public Relations Jim Tracy............................................. Technical Advisor Ronald Risher...................... Patient Referral Chairman Todd Litzau.............................Clinic Referral Chairman David Jacobi, Sr.............Grand Lodge Representative Don Baur.............................. Camels' Tales Consultant Shriners Hospital for Children St. Louis 314-432-3600 Board of Governors Ted Dearing...............................Chairman Douglas Bachman..................... Secretary Members Gale Bennington, PP Bernard G. Stever Ronald Krueger, II John Schloot Charles M. M. Shepherd William Tracey Associate Member David Dieckhaus Emeritus Members Moolah Shrine Circus Lester “Al” Greene, P.P. Harry E. Hays* David Dieckhaus................ Circus Chairman Stephen K. Lambright Gene McNary* Fred Veinfurt...............................Circus Director John B. Morgan Stephen F. Pieper, P.P. James W. Smith, P.P.* Barry Todd, P.P. Wayne Price............Parade Marshal Emeritus Geo. E. Stephenson, P.P.* Fred Caress Richard Sopp...........Parade Marshal Emeritus Ronald Risher* Jack Morrison..........Parade Marshal Emeritus *Past Board Chairman Camels' Tales is published ten (10) times per year and distributed by MOOLAH Shrine Temple DONOR RELATIONS Kenneth E. Myles, P.P..........Director, MO Stephen Pieper, P.P......Director, St. Louis PUBLIC RELATIONS Dennis Burkholder J.R. Latta Material contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. Emeritus Representative Shriners Hospitals For Children, A Colorado Corporation The titles used herein are service marks of various companies, organizations and others. All logos, service marks and trade marks are reproduced with permission. MOOLAH is a registered service mark of MOOLAH Temple. Camels' Tales is a trademark of MOOLAH Temple. All material copyright 2014 by MOOLAH Temple. Kenneth Myles, P.P Lawrence D. Jones, P.P. MOOLAH TEMPLE STAFF 314-878-6301 Stephen Pieper, P.P.,Administrator Ext 113 [email protected] Monica Smith, Membership Ext 100 [email protected] Patricia Dodd, Accounting Ext 102 [email protected] Maintenance Although every effort is made to ensure legitimacy, MOOLAH Temple is not responsible for advertiser's claims. MOOLAH Temple 12545 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone (314) 878-6301 Fax (314) 434-5393 Toll Free 888-9Moolah Ext 150 Please send requests to [email protected] ADVERTISING: Direct all questions concerning advertising to the address and phone number listed. Pictures published in the Camels' Tales are property of MOOLAH Temple, unless otherwise noted. Send Camels' Tales Articles to: [email protected] Submissions may be reviewed for grammar, spelling, punctuation, content, or edited for space allotted. The grammar, spelling, punctuation and content of all submissions are the responsibility of their authors. 2 125th Moolah Shrine Potentate Illustrious Sir Dennis E. Kelley Nobles: Once again this issue of the Camels’ Tales will cover two months, July and August. If you’ve been attending all of the events at the Temple so far this summer, it probably feels good to sit down and relax for a while, while you read this issue. Although we do slow down a little I think there is enough on the calendar to keep us as busy as we want to be. Remember that all of our events are open to your friends and family. July 13th we are having a good old fashioned ice cream social in the Oasis and Patio area. Plenty of ice cream and toppings, clowns, and even some patriotic music. A good time to bring prospective members and their families out to see what being a Shriner is all about. Central States is the biggest event in the immediate future. August 27 through 30. Tulsa OK. Details have been in the last two issues of the Camels Tales, so I’m sure everyone knows all of the details and has made their reservations already. Although our hotel, the Wyndam is not downtown, we a VERY close to Expo Square where 99% of the activities are taking place, including the marketplace. Our hotel will run a shuttle service to the Expo Center upon request. I have added several events to the Calendar. September 25th we will be having a Scotch tasting event in the Sheiks Club, September 27th we will host a washer board tournament, October the 3rd we will have a Jest Murder Mystery dinner show. “DEATH OF A BLACKHEART”. Full details will be in the next issue, but seating will be limited. Save the date. November 6th (penciled) we will have a very special Beer Pairing dinner and November 15th we will have the Moolah Auction to help our Capital Fund Raising Campaign. Items on the calendar already include a Ladies night out on September the 19th, Hospital Awareness Day on September the 20th, Friday night October 24th is a pre-ceremonial party, and Saturday the 25th is our Fall Ceremonial. October the 11th we have DeMolay King and Queen Dance. I am pleased to announce to everyone that PP Bill Drake and Patti’s daughter Lydie was elected the 2014/15 Missouri State DeMolay Sweetheart at the Conclave held in Jefferson City over the Memorial Day weekend. Congratulations to Lydie. It was a wonderful experience to see all of the excellent young DeMolays perform their ritual work better than most of us could, and then spend a whole day competing in sports. The future of Freemasonry in Missouri is in good hands. At the Awards banquet on Sunday evening three of Moolah’s Units were publicly recognized for their support of the Conclave. A Tip of the Fez to the Guides, Legion of Honor, and Swing Dance Units. MEMBERSHIP Membership is the number one concern in all of Shrinedom. I have talked about our Membership issues since January 1, 2014. We are opening our Hospital and our Shrine to anyone you want to bring to show them what we do. To try to make them feel “that” feeling we feel when we see and listen to one of our kids. I have encouraged, and have asked for the ladies help. All of you are members of the Moolah Membership Team. Bring your friends to one of the Shrine meetings when the ladies have their vendor fair or play Bunco. If we can get the wife or girlfriend interested in what we do she will bring her significant other back with her. As of this writing we have created 41 new Nobles. Puts us on pace to do 80 for the year. My goal was 150. So far the Black Camel has taken 23 of our brothers. I can’t say it any other way than membership is in YOUR hands. Only YOU can bring in new members. If you are reading this and are one of the 250 Nobles that have not paid dues for 2013 PLEASE consider all of your options and the kids that you help. If you are one of the other 250 that have not paid your 2014 dues, now is the time. If there is a circumstance that we need to be aware of please call the office and let’s see how we can help. We need YOU! In all you say, in all you do, in every thought, remember we are Shrine Masons and yes, we are making a difference. Yours in the Faith, Illustrious Sir Dennis Kelley 3 CT tm These We Do Not Forget "Es Selamu Aleikum" Chaplain's Corner By Karl Erselius When the Heat is On and August, that time of year when we “feel the heat”—temperature wise. Jwhenuly But what about those times in life “when we really feel the heat”, those times conditions get really hot and we wonder if we can endure. It’s an experience common to us all. Heat is an image much used in Scripture, usually to indicate difficult life situations, stresses and strains of living, times when we feel pressure and vulnerable, even angry. Scripture speaks much about such times. Jeremiah 17:5-8 is one such place. In Vs.5 the Lord says “Cursed is the one who trusts in man and whose heart turns away from the Lord.” Vs.6 “He will dwell in the parched places of the desert” BUT Vs.7 then tells us “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. Vs.8 "He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes.” Jeremiah’s point here is this: Those who live in dependence upon themselves are like the desert in seasonal rain. When the heat comes they don’t have the resources to give themselves life. But those whose trust is in the Lord are blessed, like that tree planted by water sending its roots out by the stream. There are only two ways to walk in life; as the Psalmist says, “in the counsel of God” or, “in the counsel of the wicked.” Therefore we must sink our deep roots into the river of life that pours forth from God and God’s Word. What he means by “delighting in the law of God” is simply that in doing so we are drawn to an eternal source of water; into a God-centered life rather than a self-centered life. Of course the heat and drought will come along even to God-centered lives. A God-centered life is no insurance against that. But what it does ensure is that when the heat and drought do come, those who have entrusted themselves to God and God’s ways are like that tree Jeremiah described. Having put down deep roots, they draw deeper and deeper from the source of living water and discover God’s Will and Power to give us life, both now and in the life to come. May God Bless and keep you “cool” in life’s heat, both externally and internally. Giving a Hand to DeMolay Recognition given to Moolah Shriners, for their donation to the DeMolay conclave. Also Moolah units received awards for the Guides, Legion of Honor and Swing Dance respectively for their contributions. CT tm 4 We do not lose the ones we love They only go before Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more... And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere. We do not lose the ones we love God takes them in His care. May ELDON E. BLUST SR. VICTOR A. FREUNING RALPH W. KALISH JR. CLARENCE E. RYAN J. F. SITZES THOMAS M. WATKINS CHARLES F. WOODROOF Mark Your Calendars! SERVPRO Golf Tournament Wednesday, August 6 Ice Cream Social Sunday, July 13 Stated Meetings NO MEETING IN JULY Next Stated Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 20 Hospital Roaring 20’s Gala at the Fox August 22 Hospital Homecoming August 23 Imperial Session Hospital Awareness Day Hanifan & Armey Golf Classic Ladies Night Out September 19 TCAA Pig Roast September 13 September 20 Sporting Clays Tournament August 2 July 20 September 16 Dinner 5:30 Meeting 7:30 Minneapolis, MN July 5-10 Mounted Lancers Chuck Wagon Cookout Death of Blackheart October 3 5 CSSA - TULSA August 27-30 Texas Hold ‘em September 13 CT tm CT tm 6 CHUCK WAGON COOKOUT The Moolah Mounted Lancers Present Sunday, July 20th at Moolah Lancers Ranch 6932 Highway O, Robertsville MO 63072 Gate Opens at12pm Vittles served at 5pm We only got room for a 150, so send us a telegram quick like. You can email [email protected] or call 314-974-5000. Mail checks to Moolah Mounted Lancers, PO Box 202, Gray Summit, MO 63039. If you want to use a credit card please call. We will have tickets at front gate. Directions; Take Highway 44 west to Pacific, MO Exit #257 (next exit past Six Flags) Go down ramp & go left under highway At stop light go left on Osage (Old Route 66) Go ¾ mile to stop light which is First St. (also HWY F & O) turn right Stay on Hwy. F & 0 for 2 ½ miles then stay to the right on Hwy 0 for 4 ½ miles After you pass the BP Gas station at intersection of hwy N & HH Start looking on your left for our drive way, it’s ½ of mile past the BP station Sign says Moolah Mounted Lancers, your there. You’ll see brisket, pulled pork, cheese potatoes, fresh string beans and salad prepared the old fashioned way. Then a real treat fresh homemade peach & cherry cobbler done in cast iron pots. Why heck, you’ll even see real ice cream being made right there on the spot. Ticket price $30 adults, $20 kids under 9, babies free. Beer $2, Soda & water $1, Mix drinks $5, horse pictures $5. Free wagon rides. Hey bring your lawn chairs too! -Pancho Windler Shriner of the Month July Shriner of the Month August Herbert Mahler Charlie “Tuna” Rieder For over 54 years Herbert Mahler has been an active member of the Moolah Motor Patrol. He is also a member of the Moolah Drum Corps, Order of Quetzalcoatl, Arca #21, Moolah Clowns and Moolah Guides. He has been a member of Fenton Lodge for over 55 years. For over the last two decades it has been hard to miss Noble Mahler and his wonderful bright red Harley Davidson motorcycle and sidecar. Between his many visits to our hospital, and parades he has also made over 400 grand entries with his motorcycle escorting such special guest as local mayors, celebrities, St. Louis Cardinals Fredbird, and our wonderful Shriners Hospitals Patient Ambassadors. The Moolah Public Relations Committee is proud to have Noble Herbert Mahler as our Shriner of the Month of August. Most of us know this fun loving clown as “TUNA”. Noble Charlie Rieder joined Moolah in 1983 and quickly became an active member of the Moolah Clowns. He is the past president of the Moolah Clowns, Past President of the CSSCA, a Charter Member of the Order of Quetzalcoatl and life member of the Arca Teocali #21. For over 30 years he has brought smiles to our kids at Shriners Hospitals for Children St. Louis and over the years I’m sure he has thrown over 200 cream pies at other clowns and has made over 8,000 balloon animals. Through all the years, he always has a smile and a joke that has made a difference in so many lives. The Moolah Public Relations Committee is proud to have Charlie “Tuna” Rieder as our Shriner of the Month for July. 7 CT tm CT tm 8 PROUD TO BE A SHRINER . . . and Retiring. Steve Pieper, PP , aka Pieps, has announced his plans to retire as the Administrator of Moolah Shrine by the end of this year. Steve has served as the Moolah Administrator for the past nine years. His slogan and song has always been “Proud to be a Shriner”. Steve joined the Moolah Shriners and the Moolah Drum and Bugle Corps in September 1972. He served as Director of the Drum Corps from 1980 – 1987 and under his leadership the Drum Corps won 1st place in Central States competition six times. He was appointed to the Divan in 1888 by Potentate Richard Haag and served nine years on the Divan line until he became Potentate in 1997. He was Circus Chairman in 1996, moving the circus from Busch Stadium (it’s home for 25 years) to the Kiel Center. As Potentate he was successful in creating 179 new nobles through his “All the Way in One Day” ceremonial classes. Steve, although retiring as Administrator, he will continue to have a song in his heart, a bugle in his hand and a guitar by his side and singing “Proud to be a Shriner”. 9 Friday evening October 3 Moolah Shrine Announces Hest Murder Mystery Dinner Returns with Death of a Blackheart. Complete details to follow. . . CT tm CT tm 10 MEETING SCHEDULES Shrine Clubs Units & Committees Air Patrol 2nd Monday American Muscle 2nd & 4th Wednesday 6:30 Sheiks Club Antique Cars 1st Monday Call for location Arab Patrol 1st Monday Band Every Wednesday BBQ Smokin’ Nobles 1st Monday Sheiks Club Chanters 1st Monday Rehearsal every Monday Clowns 3rd Monday Computer Club 2nd Monday 7:30 Directors Staff 1st Monday Drum Corps 2nd Monday Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Monday Gateway 500 2nd Tuesday Guides Last Friday Hospital Committee Legion of Honor Motor Patrol Mounted Lancers Pipes & Drums Provost Guard Reception Committee Sound Unit Stage Crew Swing Dance Unit Unique Motors YOMO 3rd Wednesday Unit Room 4th Tuesday 2nd Monday 2nd Wednesday Ranch 2nd Monday 2nd Monday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Monday 1st Wednesday 1st Monday 6:30 2nd & 4th Monday 2nd Wednesday Cape SC Capital SC Daniel Boone SC ECMO SC Four Rivers SC Joachim SC 4th Wednesday 6:30 PM Call for location 2nd Tuesday 6:30 PM Capital SC Last Thursday 6:30 PM JJ's Restaurant 1st Friday 7:30 PM ECMO SC 2nd Monday 7:30 PM Gray Summit 2nd Monday Call for location Little Dixie SC MID-MO SC NEMO SC Ozark SC SEMO SC Three Rivers SC Tiger SC 4th Wednesday 6:30 PM LD Shrine Park 2nd Wednesday 6:30 PM Call for location 3rd Thursday 6:00 PM Call for location 3rd Wednesday 6:00 PM Shamrock Bar 1st Monday 6:00 PM SEMO SC 3rd Friday 6:30 PM Three Rivers SC Last Monday Tiger SC UPCOMING STATED MEETINGS NO STATED MEETING IN JULY Next Stated Meeting August 20 11 CT tm U nit & Com mi t t e e Re po r t s Ai r P atrol Director: Bud Hildebrand President: Randy Schmidt 1st VP: Ted Lindner, Jr. 2nd VP: John Szuba Treasurer: Richard Prine Secretary: James Harris 314-283-3014 633-447-0640 636-798-2602 636-928-0595 314-603-6031 314-809-9105 July 4th…. Happy Birthday America! he Air Patrol will be holding their meetings as usual in T July and August. Stay tuned for our ANNUAL FLY-IN meeting... tentatively in September... NOTAM and STATS to follow. Gone West... after this wend to press... It is with sadness that we report the passing of Noble Charlie Wilson. Charlie was a great friend and team player for the Air Patrol . He was very active with the transportation of our Shrine Patients. Charlie was at one time our Room – Bar Committee Chairman. He always made sure everyone was taken care of. He and his bride always participated and supported our many Air Patrol Events and Activties. Thanks to our friend, Beer Ambassador Extrordinaire Tony Caradonna for the GREAT time at Ball Park Village. We had the second floor balcony of the Brew House. It was Fridays on Clark with Goose Island IPA beer the Token Beer Tap. The band Dance Floor Riot rocked out and we had a front row seat to the field as well as a V.I.P. Tour of the finished Ball Park Village. By the time you receive this.. Imperial Session 2014 will be history... stay tuned for STATS and NOTAM. If you haven’t been to the Air Patrol Hangar lately, you are missing your flight. Thanks to Dave aka “Dog”, Tim Sanders and John Cordel for getting our bar area updated with some new equipment.. Refrigeration and Hot water. Thanks to our GREEK Brother, Byron S. for pulling some strings to get the new Libation Beverage Cooler. A Duct-Tape Plaque has been ordered to Mark this auspicious Occasion and contribution. Our friend Noble Tracy Smith is moving back up North East to start a life of R&R. Tracy is a Past President of the Air Patrol. He was a Jet Jockey – Flat Top Lander – Naval Aviator and knows how to have a GREAT Time. Thanks for the Great Times Tracy... Save Journey and be sure to look us up when you hit St. Louis again... Tailwinds ! Festival of the Little Hills is August 15, 16 and 17th.... Set up on Thursday, Aug. 14th. We will once again be distributing a variety of Malted beverages. Plans are to have a repeat performance as last year only better. We will be in the Beer Garden – Tented Area. We need EVERYONE to do a tour of Duty for this event. Please contact Festival Chairman Noble Rick Oloteo.. [email protected]** 636-485-7901 and let him know when you can help out. Thanks in advance ** Family and Friends are welcome to join in the fun. Our Annual FLY-IN / DRIVE-IN is planned for Saturday, September 13th. 2014. at Creve Coeur Airport ** 1H0. We will once again be using the FBO Area and party room as last year. This is for Air Patrol members and their families. Weather permitting, there will be plane rides available. Please note you must be able to get in and out of the plane on your own accord. Bring your favorite chair and something to share... aka snack, dessert, what-ever. The Air Patrol will provide burgers and hotdogs as well as the usual libations. If you prefer something other than our standard offerings, feel free to bring them for yourself. Festivities start at 11:00 hrs and goes till 16:00 Hrs . CHECK the NOTAM of STATS and such. CT tm As usual... if you need more info... check out our website... www.moolahairpatrol.com and Facebook page at Moolah Shrine Air Patrol... or.... contact any Air Patrol Officer / member... contact info available via the ROSTER. ** And Yes... the Roster is being updated so if your information has changed, PLEASE let it be known to our Air Patrol Secretary, Noble James “Jim” Harris... [email protected] PLEASE remember our Team that are unable to make it to the meetings and activities. Give them a call, send them a note, do what you do..... Just don’t forget them. As a wrap..... It’s SUMMERTIME… What’s that DENSITY altitude ?? Can you and the plane meet or beat the conditions… check that NOTAM at your destination as well for those enroute TFR’S S w in g Dan ce Director: Bud Waters President: Jack Melton Secretary: Gary Fanger Treasurer: Dennis Martin 636-225-2534 314-605-5845 636-447-2361 636-936-8295 s I write this article we are preparing A to celebrate our Third Anniversary as the Swing Dance Unit/ Dance Club. It sure doesn’t seem like three years. We will be celebrating Friday night with a Margaritaville Theme, complete with margaritas as our featured drink and free cheeseburgers for everyone. On the 13th the Sound Unit will be joining us at our Friday night dance for a ladies night. On the 17th of June will be having our picnic in the park before the Muny presentation of “Billy Elliot”. I will report on these events in the September issue. July 4th is Independence Day. Hope everyone has a safe one. The 5th thru the 10th is the Imperial Session in Minneapolis. The 13th is the Ice Cream Social at Moolah. Sounds like a lot of fun. August is a full Month, with the Potentate’s trip to the Emerald Isle,(Ireland). Sorry I’m going to miss it. We just missed the cut. The 23rd is the 90th anniversary of Shriners hospital. Everyone should try to attend some of the festivities. Finally closing out the month is CSSA in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We dance every Friday in the “Oasis”. Free lessons at 7PM with dancing at 8PM. Hope to see you there. WE DANCE SO KIDS CAN WALK 12 A rab Pat r o l Captain: Doug Bachman 314-406-9729 President: Rich Rammelsburg314-842-5503 Secretary: Ken Elam 314-471-9883 By: Gary Oakley ot fun in the summertime… hopefully the Cardinals will be as H hot as the St. Louis Summer by the time this issue of the Camels’ Tales makes it your way. Everyone had a good rest over the last few weeks? Hope so. It’s time to prepare to defend!! Central States competition and parade take place August, 29-30. Practice dates are: 8-4 (Meeting AND practice), 8-7, 8-11, 8-14, 8-18, 8-21, 8-25 Bus transportation will be available to Tulsa for a very reasonable cost Thursday, August, 28. Return home will immediately follow the parade. Please be sure to get these important dates on your calendars/into your memory banks: 7-4 St. Charles July 4th Parade 8-2 Sporting Clay Shoot…The always charming Mr.’s Rickert and Grimm can tell you everything you need to know about this. As always, “Uncle” Freddie will be the Grillmeister supreme. Billy Kratz! We are counting on NO mishaps this year! 8-22/23...90 Year Hospital Celebration…More information will be available soon on Moolah’s website and in Patrol Notes. Our Friends at Ainad will be hosting the Great Lakes Shrine Association competition and parade September 12-13. In true Patrol spirit, let’s cross the river and win there too! The Captain’s goal/hope is to use the same Patrolmen here that plan on being in Tulsa. Be sure he and your Lieutenant know you are ALL in! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Belleville parade. Ricky Hoppe…As proud as you are of our immediate Past President, the rest of us are that proud AND MORE! We’re just sayin. See you in September. Yeah Baby! U nit & Com mi t t e e Re po r t s An ti qu e C a r Commi t tee Chairman: Steve Dodson 314-846-5588 President: Joe Weber 314-920-9210 Vice President: Don Schuchmann 314-606-4094 By: Steve Dodson e are in our Summer mode now with lots of activities in July W and August: July 19th (Saturday) Dupo parade July 26th (Saturday) Smithton, IL parade. August 23rd (Saturday) Wildwood, MO parade. Our July meeting is July 2 at Rich & Charlie’s Restaurant located at 9942 Watson Road, St. Louis, MO 63126. Time, 6:00 PM dinner with our ladies and the meeting to start at 7:00 PM. TO ALL SHINERS interested in classic or antique cars: we invite you and your lady to join us for the evening! You don’t have to own an old car, just have an interest in these cars and their heritage. What’s going on about town: July & August 2014July 13th Lions Club Car Show in St. Charles McNair Park. August 1st (1st Friday) Memories Car Club Cruise-in, 6-9PM, Fenton, MO Did you know or do you care! July 4, 1909 The first rural mile of concrete pavement is opened in Wayne County, MI July 22, 1904. The first gas powered Studebaker vehicle is built and leaves the South Bend factory after John M. Studebaker recants and very reluctantly allows the car to be built. “Wheelbarrow Johnny” had insisted that gas powered cars are: “clumsy, dangerous, noisy, stink to high heaven and are apt to break down at the worst possible moment. In shout, a public nuisance.” Nevertheless, this first vehicle so impresses one H.D. Johnson that the man buys the car “on the spot”. paying $1,250 for it. (Mr. Johnson just happened to have that much cash on his person at the time.) C h an t e rs Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy President: William Bradford Treasurer: Richard Farrar Secretary: Monte Safron C l ow n s Director Mike Howard (Howiee) 314-952-8164 President Scott Wright (Flat Tire) 314-280-2802 1st Vice President Jim Fritz By Monte Safron (Fritz) 636-698-4268 usying ourselves rehearsing through the many hours and days 2nd Vice President Terry Aaron (Chopper) that made May and June months 636-724-1696 of continual vocal improvement, we Treasurer John Tremblay honed our skills in preparation for our performance at the Imperial. Thanks to (Shabba-Dabba) 314-602-0712 636-458-8951 314-974-3084 636-349-2264 314-453-9363 B the splendid leadership of our Choral Director, Nobel Dr. Tom Cupples, accompanied by our concert pianist, Nobel William Triplett, adorned in our new uniforms assembled by our personal couturier, Nobel Barry Spitzer, Handel's Hallelujah Chorus and Roger Emerson’s arrangement of Seize the Day were splendiferously performed. Having returned from the Imperial Session in Minneapolis, MN proud and victorious in ways more important than any placement... proud to have represented Moolah...delighted to have given our very best effort ...happy to have had the experience ...loved our sound...as did all within earshot of our voices! Various Chanters, members of the Hospital Committee, spent several of June’s days at The Hospital attending and assisting in events for patients and staff during Shriners Appreciation Day as well as The Moolah Membership Picnic. Father's Day fell in June's calendar during which most Dads get their annual new ties. Those not fortunate enough to get theirs have to wait until Christmas. On June 22nd, we had our day at the ol’ Ball Yard to sing The National Anthem. It went very well. Except for the Imperial Competition in Minneapolis, July’s events are pretty skimpy. August 7 thru 10th will find His Illustrious Sir Dennis Kelly, First Lady Kathy, their entourage and some of our Chanters touring Ireland. A Funny: Some men take good care of a car; others treat it like one of the family. 13 ood month with more activities and events than ususal. Events were held G at Cabela's, Union Station, Carrolton Bank, Litzinger school, Armed Forces Day at the American Legion and the always long and fun Belleville parade. Plus how many of you saw Merlin(Tom Dolan) blowing the bugle at the start of the Kentucky Derby? This guy gets into everything. All I want is free tickets to the race and a good tip. This month at the Clown Circus Appreciation Bar B Que there were lots of great food cooked by the Master Baisters and other members of the unit. In case you missed it Pop Tart (Derek Koleas) smoked some outstanding chicken and pork steaks. Barley (John Frederick) kicked in baked potatoes, grilled bacon sandwiches, grilled cheese and if you haven't tried it you should, grilled pineapple with honey. The kitchen crew with Howiee (Mike Howard) and Shamrock (Ernie Boulicault) put out some really good corn on the cob and all the salad fixings. I'm sure I'm missing someone, and I'm also sure that you will let me know about it, but to all it was really a great time. Congrats to all of the Foooey Award winners which were presented at the Bar B Que. If you weren't there or didn't receive an award all I can say is try harder next year and make sure you come to the party. From what I understand there were supposed to be more awards given out but the presenters ran out of wood! Now I'm expecting Shabba-Dabba (John Trembley) to repeat this. Finally, Congratulations to Shamrock (Ernie Boulicault) for being appointed as Assistant Directior for the Clown Unit. This is very derserving honor for this long time clown and past president. All know how much time Shamrock has put into this unit and all that he is still willing to give. I'm sure with Howiee (Mike Howard) and you this will be a great year. Question Time --Who said this remarkable line which we should all follow? Try, there is no Try there is only Do or Don't Do. CT tm Unit & Co mmi t t e e Re po r t s Directors St aff Co m puter Cl ub Director: Bob Holscher President : Ray White 636-240-8552 314-567-0455 Dir. Dennis Kelley Jr. 636-861-4582 c. 314-368-3999 Pres. Emil Fett 314-825-0957 Vice Pres. Andrew Stonum 314-402-2217 Sec’y/Scribe Christopher Matero 510-604-1143 Treasurer Tyler Pollard 314-313-5312 Sgt. At Arms Fred Zurfluh IV 314-910-3950 Chaplain Rick Braun 314-703-2524 Bar Chairman James Naucke, Jr. 314-882-9997 Executive Committee Rick Braun 314-703-2524 Wayne Gullet 636-448-1559 Don Gruner 636-477-0014 Email: [email protected] ho? We are a group that meets monthly to share activities, information and knowledge. We discuss W members queries, issues and programs with computers, plan activities, hold working sessions and demonstrations on new technologies. Why? The Moolah Shrine Computer Club is a group of professionals, computer enthusiasts and beginners who want to teach and learn about computing and having fun doing it.... When? Monthly meetings are the second Monday of each month. Meetings start at 7:00 pm. We first meet for demos and discussion and then move to the computer lab on the second floor next to the Moolah Shrine Store. There we have a chance to demonstrate and fix individuals problems. Check note on the door for location of demos and discussions. Come learn with us. he entire Directors Staff would like to welcome our T newest assortment of goons…uh, members, that is…Congratulations and welcome to: Nobles Dan St. Lawrence, Rick Veiner, Shawn Hanley, Jon Trammell, Dennis Ellis, and Travis Taylor. You are all now members of the most elite, top-secret unit. While other Shriners can tell others what they do, you have to act like a member of the Secret Service, or just laugh and say, “You know… ’secret society’ stuff....” Yep, you’ve made it! What’s up with us? Have you heard murmurs of another night of Mouse Races? Have you heard this one was going to take all the fun of the first couple times it happened and quadruple it? If so, someone has leaked the right info into your ear! The Mouse Races are making a triumphant return, so mark your calendars! Save the date, APRIL 11th, 2015! That gives you plenty of time to rearrange your schedule to come out for a night of wickedfun gambling, with a boat load of surprises. It’s going to be a complete game-changer, as far as fund raising events are concerned. We’re setting a new bar at Moolah, and you should be there to experience it! Stay tuned!! Dru m C orps Director - Tom Duke President - David Glenn Secretary - Rick Gwydir Treasurer - Bill Vomund 314-568-9026 314-560-4431 314-504-1091 314-780-2083 he Drum Corps always enjoys taking part in the Ainad T Circus Parade in Belleville and the parade this year on May 30 was no exception. We always arrive at the Bel-Air Bowling Lanes early and take our trailer to the starting point off Main St. Our driver, Gale Going had trouble getting around the street construction but we finally made it there. Then we waited almost two hours to get in the parade since we are almost last in the lineup. The same thing happens to Ainad in our Circus Parade. Our bugles started off strong playing long songs or three songs in a row but by the time we got halfway to the Belleville fountain we were down to short songs since we were out of air. The drummers don’t have this problem, only achy arms. The crowds along the route are always huge and also loud. The weather was excellent and it didn’t even rain until the parade was over. We enjoyed the chicken dinner and the dinner music by the Ainad Drum Corps who are very professional and play difficult music. Moolah Drum Corps had good attendance at Belleville as follows: PP Ken Myles - Bass Drum, Tom Duke,Will Hartmann, Al Jants, Rick Gwydir- Snare Drums, Miguel White - Quad Drums, Richard Watts - Cymbals, David Glenn, Jim Hubeli, Don Jones - Baritone Bugle, PP Steve Pieper, Rich Steed, Don Baur, Joe Shapiro - Soprano Bugle. Director Tom thanks all for playing in the parade. At Press-time, these events are imminent, and you all should make it out: July 5th – 10th - Imperial Session, Minneapolis, MN July 13th - Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social, at Moolah Temple 1 – 4 pm. Bring a Brother, or two, from your Blue Lodge and get them excited to join the Shrine! August 27th – 30th - Central States Shrine Association (CSSA), hosted by Bedouin Shriners, Tulsa, OK August 29th - Hospital’s 90th Anniversary! Winners? We are chock-full of ‘em! At our past two meetings, Wayne Gullet and Tyler Pollard won bar cards, and Rick Braun cashed-in on the 50/50, but donated it all back to the Unit, like a champ. Want to win, too? Show up to our stated meeting, the first Monday of each month. Meeting starts at 7 pm promptly, but come early for food, drinks, poker, and hanging out. Stay late for more of the same and shenanigans galore! Visitors welcome…as long as you’re a good sport, and willing to put yourself in harm’s way. SHRINERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE CT tm 14 Unit & Co mmi t t e e Re po r t s Gui de s Director-Robby Dirkers 314-650-3094 President-Dale Nagel 636-489-8765 Secretary-Robert Granquist 636-300-8001 hanks to those who helped at the Guides Social. Good food was T furnished as usual. Thanks to those who prepared the meal. The Hospital Membership Picnic was held on June 8th. The Guides Unit cooked and the Guides ladies helped serve. Thanks for all your efforts. A big congratulations to Rick Braun on being awarded the May Shriner of the month. Bingo is every Thursday at 10:00 A.M.@ VFW Hall, 10815 Midland Blvd. Overland, MO 63114 314-427-2744 An upcoming event is the Guides Picnic on July 12th from 11 AM to 5 PM in the Oasis. Hope to see you there. Hos p it al C om m it t e e Chairman: Bob Sudholt President: Jim Gesell Secretary: Dan Nickel By: Bill Bradford 314-205-9662 636-352-5146 636-532-1797 314-974-3084 ow, what a busy couple of months! The Hospital Committee together W with the Nobles from Prince Hall hosted two Hospital Screening Clinics at Grace Hill Clinics in North and South St. Louis City. Seven potential patients were referred to the Hospital for further review and treatment. We also hosted BBQ Luncheons at the Hospital in April and May for patients, their families, and staff. In addition, committee members also conducted nine Hospital Tours. Kudos to Bob Berry and committee members who were recognized by the Hospital Staff for their many contributions to the Hospital. Karen Brendell of the Hospital Staff is presenting the autographed, oversize Fez to committee members. Nobles, thanks for all of your hard work. Our sympathy goes out to Russell and Ryan Georgen who lost their mother recently. Director: Sir Thom McCann 314-283-3128 President: Ken Wright 636-288-1130 Vice Pres: Jake Jacobs 314-566-7547 Treasurer: Gary Fanger 636-697-5290 Please look for the Unique Motor Unit at the St. Charles Riverfest on July 3, 4, and 5 and at the Festival of The Little Hills on August 15, 16, and 17. Both festivals are held at the St. Charles Riverfront. As always, we will be selling “Gus’s Pretzels” with our FREE “Souvenir Bag”. As always look for us at many of the local parades “We Ride UNIQUE Vehicles, So Kids Can Walk” he Commander has ordered that T the next meeting will be on 24 JULY. The normal meeting time is 1900 (7pm) on 4th Tuesday, in the Moolah Shrine Center’s second floor unit room, across from the Moolah store, next to fez & memorabilia display cases. REPEAT NOTICE: Friday 6 June was to be the day to carry the flags into the rotunda of St. Louis City hall for the Hospital Awareness Day but now has been moved to 22 August instead. CSSA-LOH will be in Tulsa 20 August 2014 and everyone is invited to save that time period to attend. It is an easy drive from St. Louis down I-44. Hope to see you there. U n ique M otor Un i t We served over 175 plates of Porksteak, Chicken breast, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans, and dessert. I spoke to many of the Veterans at the hospital, and they were very thankful for the food and the company. A very special “Thank you” to the Rainbow Girls and DeMolay for helping serve the food. Captain: Gale Going 314-487-1623 Commander: Thomas McCann636-946-3232 Adjutant: Charles Dasho 314-831-0726 Treasurer: James Hartley 314-607-1433 Need a ride? Contact the following: North County: Charlie Dasho 314-921-2976 South County: Gale Going 314-487-1623 St Charles: George Merkle 636-441-2836 NOTICE OF MEETING 22 August is also the Cottleville parade for their 90th Home Coming Day. Have a safe July! irst of all, I would like to thank everyone who helped with our annual F Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital BBQ. Legion of Hon o r The following events are scheduled in July. •Thursday, July 3rd from 12:30pm – 2:30pm: Independence Day Ice Cream Social with all the trimmings in the Hospital Cafeteria. •Friday, July 18th from 11:00am – 1:00pm: BBQ Luncheon in the Hospital Cafeteria. The Hospital Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in our Unit Room at the Shrine Center at 6:30pm, prior to the Stated Meeting. All Nobles are welcome to join us. 15 After receiving a letter of thanks from the DeMolay of Missouri, they ask for a donation for their year book (page sponsor). The unit voted to buy a page. The Soldier’s Child Foundation and Sullivan DeMolay also requested a donation. The unit voted to give to their “booster” fund. The unit received from the Temple a “Certificate of Appreciation” for the unit’s help at this year’s circus. Remarks by Director Gale reminded us about the Temple’s “Old Fashion Family Ice Social” here at the Temple on Sunday 13 July. As always, we invite any and all discharged veterans to join our unit. WE WELCOME ALL BRANCHES: ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, MARINES, COAST GUARD, and MERCHANT MARINE. CT tm Unit & Co mmi t t e e Re po r t s Reception C o m mi tt ee Pres. Matt Niedringhaus 314-550-5994 Chairman Ted Nagle 314-966-5185 week, you will pull two drivers to root for the next 6 weeks. ($30 all together). You need not be present to win and for just $30 you can walk away with $200 (1st Place), $150 (Second Place) and $100 (Third Place). C l ub C on n e c t i o n veryone will be pleased to know that E the Murder at the Temple has been solved! It was a night of fun and laugher, and a great time! But rest assured, if you missed this event, keep an eye out for an upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner hosted by our Potentate in October. Look for the save the date flyers throughout the Temple. What a great time on Friday night at the Reception Committe First Friday Dinner! Mark your calendars to be there and enjoy the fun with Reception Committee! Please keep in mind the Reception Committee's First Friday dinners that are open to all! Please bring your families to a great dinner with camaraderie and fun for all. Our dinners start at 6pm and cost $10/person and include drinks. Our next First Friday Dinner is July 11th. At our May First Friday Dinner, we had a great time and celebrated 3 birthdays! Congratulations to Ted Nagel, Lady Jean Greenlaw and Lady Rhonda Laudel on growing a year younger! We had a great time celebrating, and look forward to seeing more fellow Shriners and New Candidates at our next First Friday on June 4th! Sadly, we had one of our Members, Dennis Burkholder, lose his Father, Richard Burkholder several weeks ago to a heart attack. Another member, Don Wander, lost his brother the beginning of May. We keep both of them in our prayers, and share with them our condolences. We also keep in our prayers, Maria, a patient of Shiners Hospital and friend of John and Marcela Spraul, as she recovers from her surgeries. Other Members of Reception under Sick and Distressed include Alex Popkey, Bob Apple and Harry Hay. Lastly, Reception Committee hosted the Monthly NASCAR Day at the Races that was June 28th. I would like to personally say thank you to Linda and Flash Adams for all of their work in helping the Reception Committee in manging this event! It takes time and energy to this and Flash and his Lady Linda are relatively new members of Reception Committee. All of us at Reception Committee thank you for your involvement! If you would like an opportunity to win prize money, please email Matt, and we can get some drivers. For just $5/ CT tm Ban d Unit Director: Jack Scherrer 314.725.3764 President/Asst. Conductor: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646 First VP/Conductor: Chuck McKenzie 314.550.5899 [email protected] Second VP: Barry Hyatt 314.469.0605 Secretary: Howard Funck 636.447.2203 Treasurer: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646 Greetings from your Moolah Band ess than a month until the start of concert season. With new music, we L are set to give the folks a change from what we have been playing for several years. This is the perfect time to join us and help fill out the instrumentation to give us a fuller sound. We love to bring entertainment to folks who can no longer get out, and a little joy into the hearts of some who are otherwise very lonely at the retirement homes. You can't imagine the expressions on their faces when they hear music they heard or danced to in their youth. Their smiles make it all worthwhile. In years past we would have father-son nights where the youngsters would play in the band with their dads. Now that we're a community band, the kids are allowed to participate at all but Shrine functions. This allows them to play during the summer and play with experienced musicians. They can also get to volunteer their time helping entertain our senior citizens. Encourage your children or grandchildren to participate with us; keep them active musically when they are not in school. We are the Shrine's outreach to the community, and we always leave 'em smiling! 16 Daniel Boone Sh rin e C l u b President: Mark Rethemeyer 314-605-7615 314-921-4873 Secretary: Robert Holscher 636-240-8552 e had a great turn out for our W June dinner meeting at Brew house. This is a new restaurant and our first time. But it definitely won’t be our last time. Even though we had a group, they let us take advantage of the Happy Hour specials. Half-priced appetizers and discount drinks. The food was really good and reasonably priced. I received lots of compliments from our members so we’ll definitely return. Thanks to everyone that came out and joined the FUN! We meet all summer long -- we meet on the “Last Thursday of the Month” at JJ’s Restaurant in O’Fallon. Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 for dinner (separate checks) and at 7:30 the guys have a meeting and the Ladies play Bunko. Whether you are a member of Daniel Boone, or not – you and your Lady are always welcomed and encouraged to join us. No need to reserve – just bring your Lady and show up! How much easier could we make it for you? We will make sure you are welcomed and greeted when you arrive, and that you and your Lady will have a great time. If you would like more information about joining Daniel Boone, give President Mark a call and he’ll fill you in on our upcoming activities. We would love for you and your Lady to come out and join us! Call Mark at 314-605-7615 Unit & Co mmi t t e e Re po r t s A m b ass ado r s Meeting Schedules Ambassadors 2nd Friday Oasis/Glass Area/Patio Membership 1st Monday Rathskeller Seniors 3rd Monday Guides Room TCAA 4th Wednesday Glass Area/Patio Chairman- John Hewitt 636-456-4885 Secretary- Ted Schamburg 314-638-3633 From Chairman John: his is the summer edition for the Ambassadors: We concluded the first half of the year with the annual T Ladies Spring Party on Friday, June 13th. Even though TC AA President Ryan Georgen 1st VP Dave Marino 2nd VP Gary Fanger Sec’y Treas/Scribe, Bob Daniels C-314-630-4765 C-314-573-8487 H-636-447-2361 C-636-697-5290 H-636-441-4917 C- 636-293-6696 E-MAIL [email protected] ave the Date: Saturday, September 13 for the “Annual TCAA Bloody Mary Pig Roast” more information will be S coming soon! th Don’t know what TCAA stands for or what we do…. Ask your Unit Representative and/or come and find out. Our meetings of officers and representatives are on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Oasis with social/dinner prior to our 7pm meeting. All are welcome to the meeting but we do ask that you talk to your unit representative or you can give me a call 314-630-4765 so that we make sure we have enough refreshments. TCAA will have some "HLP-KDS" License Plate Stickers for sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative. Proceeds will be used to purchase needed supplies for Shriners Hospital. TCAA needs volunteers to generate Corporate Donations, to ultimately provide necessary funds to support the Saint Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help in our mission to support our Hospital. TCAA Circus Kick-off Update: We had lots of fun watching the kiddos shoot baskets and chasing after the ball. We had approximate 75 participants that were able to place their name in for the Basketball drawing and a little girl about 6 years old won the ball. We also had a 50/50 for the bigger kids (adults) with the winner receiving just over $30.00. Thanks to all those that stopped by and visited with us and a special thanks to those that gave us a donation as well. Keep our shut-ins in your thoughts and prayers. Glen Duncan is dealing with an eye problem. it was the 13th, we had no mishaps. We included our Widows, Past Potentates and Divan Members and had very good attendance. Ambassadors are the representatives for Moolah Temple and take responsibility for growing the membership. Ambassadors provide support for Temple functions. They also take an active role with their units, clubs or committees. One of their special functions is making courteous calls to our members who are delinquent in their dues. If you are asked to help with this, please give it careful consideration. Just a reminder: All Moolah Ambassadors are encouraged to attend the monthly lunches on the 2nd Friday of the month. No lunches will be held in July and August. This is the time to exchange news and ideas about your Unit, Club or Committee and show support for fellow Nobles. To celebrate your birthday we give you five dollars off the cost of lunch.The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be on Friday, September 17, in the Oasis at Mooolah Temple. We will continue to have our popular open bar and our three drawings: the 50/50, free dinner and jackpot. You may be a winner but you won’t have a chance if you do not attend. Ambassadors, you are missing a great time, if you do not attend our meetings. Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information about all of the Moolah activities planned for the rest of the year. Information about all Ambassador Events will come to you through the Camels’ Tales, e-mail or word of mouth. For luncheon reservations call Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail him at [email protected]. NEXT STATED MEETING AUGUST 20 - Stated Meeting SEPTEMBER 12 - Ambassador Meeting at the Moolah Temple SEPTEMBER 12. ONCE AN AMBASSADOR ALWAYS AN AMBASSADOR Se n iors President: Bob Atwell Secretary: George Pryor PLEASE ALERT THE OFFICERS WHEN YOU KNOW OF SICKNESS OR DISTRESS. (314) 638-4771 (636) 926.9942 CALLING ALL RETIREES! I f you belong to AARP, or you could belong, you belong here on the THIRD MONDAY of each month. We meet at 9 am, in the Guides Room and play some Gin Rummy or Poker until 11:30. Then we break for a short meeting and enjoy a brown bag lunch, then back to the Games! Come when you want and leave when you want! A Life time membership costs $1.00 (US) for which you will receive a “Card” attesting your membership in this August body! TRY US, YOU WILL LIKE IT! 17 CT tm Appen d a n t Bo d i e s Daughters of the Nile Meeting Schedules Daughters of the Nile 1st Wednesday Noble Lodge Room Sudyk Temple #107 Ladies Oriental Shrine Queen: Anne LaTragna 314-771-1611 Princess Recorder: Olive Sanburn 314-487-8599 Written by: P.Q. Mary LaTragna 3rd Monday 7:00 pm Noble Lodge Room Noble Lodge 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7:00pm Noble Lodge Rainbow Girls 4th Wednesday 7:00 pm Noble Lodge Room Temple Club upreme Session Daughter’s of the S Nile held in Omaha, Nebraska is but a fond memory. Nine Ladies of the 4th Wednesday Oasis Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Mary LaTranga, High Priestess Angela Kuhn-Glass, Recorder 314-566-4727 314-526-9141 [email protected] [email protected] www.losna-stlouis.org ailah Court has been busy all summer with membership drives, N parades, cleaning the hospital grounds, and fundraisers. We have had a great time attending shrine events, making new friends, and we are looking forward to the Hospital Homecoming. Our new Grand High Priestess will be conducting her official visit during the Homecoming and we can’t wait to show her the amazing things the St. Louis Shriners Hospital is doing for children. We would love to be able to perform an initiation at our official visit. If you are interested in joining, we meet on the 3rd Monday, and are open to women 18 years of age and older. Nailah is dedicated to helping Moolah provide for the children of the St. Louis Shriner’s Hospital. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our organization.. Mary LaTragna, High Priestess CT tm 18 Household and two of their husbands accompanied the Queen to Omaha. They all had a wonderful time learning a lot, and shopped till they dropped. They weathered a bad storm on Tuesday when the afternoon and evening sessions had to be cancelled due to severe tornado warnings, high winds, much rain, and large hail. All were forced to remain in a safe area until the weather bureau lifted the tornado warnings. The Queen was not a happy camper by that time because they were then permitted to return to the hotel. She who is greatly afraid of heights and was on the seventh floor, listening to tornado sirens still going off found sleeping to be the best antidote. From then on all went well and Sydyk Temple was honored by receiving four Supreme appointments. They are: P.Q. Mary LaTragna, Supreme Goodwill Ambassador to the Central Region; P.Q. Chapel Kertell, Supreme Escort to the American Flag; P.Q. Linda Erfurdt, Supreme Escort to the Canadian Flag; P.Q. Suzanne Schewartz, Supreme Escort to the Supreme Temple Banner It is now time to prepare for the Supreme Queens visit to our temple in early September. At that time it is our Queen’s wish that we take many Tee Shirts, child friendly pillow cases, and filled cosmetic bags for the girls. Our Queen also plans to have a backpack filled with a variety of items for the Supreme Queen to present each child as she makes her rounds at the hospital visit. Please plan to be present for her visit to the hospital and to our temple so we can show her a big St. Louis welcome. Appen d a n t Bo d i e s No b le Lodge Temple Club Worshipful Master: Jeff Henty 314-805-5600 [email protected] Secretary: Charlie Wiegert 314-565-8523 [email protected] he summer break for Noble Lodge has started. On June 3rd T the election of officers for 2014-15 was held. Congratulations to Corey Woodward who was elected as our 11th Worshipful Master. We’ll be celebrating our 10th year starting in the fall. WB Juan White was elected Senior Warden and Dan Coffey elected Junior Warden. Gary Fanger and Charlie Wiegert were re-elected treasurer and secretary. Corey’s installation is expected to be late August or early September.WB Jeff Henty was presented with a Proclamation on June 5th from Maryland Heights Mayor Mike Moeller recognizing June 14, 2014 “Masonic Home of Missouri Day” and recognizing Noble Lodge for their support of the community. The MHM celebrated their 125th anniversary on June 14th with an open house at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. As part of the festivities, the art glass from the “home” on Delmar which had been refurbished was unveiled, including the Shriners window dedicated to Moolah’s 125th Illustrious Sir Dennis Kelley. Thanks to the Moolah Guides, Ceremonial Cast, Swing Dance Unit, Noble Lodge, Greg Gates and Richard Steed in honor of his father Ollie Steed for making this possible. Noble Lodge will have several candidates participate in the Saturday July 12th C2A class being hosted by St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1, then we’ll have a break from degree work till this fall. If you have a candidate you’d like to bring in, please have his petition for degrees ready for our Tuesday, September 2nd meeting. We can receive it that night and get his degrees scheduled.You can be the 1st line signer of your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a Masonic petition needs to be from Noble Lodge, the other signer can be from any Lodge. Keep this in mind if you have a candidate. It all starts with you submitting the petition for your candidate. The petition will be received at our next meeting and your candidate will be notified. In most cases he will be invited to attend the next meeting, meet with the investigating committee and then his EA degree will be scheduled. Proficiency…remember that? It still exists, but now on a volunteer basis. At our May 20th meeting, WB Steve Bukovic and SD Dan Coffey were examined by WB Juan White. Congrats to all on a splendid job! Noble Lodge will be sponsoring MOCHIP programs at Ronnie’s Cine on Saturdays from Noon to 5 PM this fall. Bring the kids or grandkids and get them chipped! Contact Dan Coffey to sign up to volunteer to work at the event at [email protected] or call him at 314-707-2126. If you have any questions, contact the Master or Secretary from the information listed above. 19 Mary Rammelsburg President Anna DeClune, Vice President Gloria Means, Secretary Janet Loesch, Treasurer ur Honorary President promised us a Garden Party O and that she gave us at our May Luncheon. We were greeted with a room full of Yellow, brightening up the Oasis Room. At each setting on the Tables, was a gift from Kathy, a decorative Tile, one a little different from the rest and the owner of that one, carried home the Center Piece, a Potted Plant, a gift from our Guest Speaker. Many accepted the invitation to wear a Hat, really beautifying the Room. Thanks, Beautiful Ladies! We enjoyed the Wine served by the Potentate and some of the Divan, and the luscious appetizers, via Jo’s Crew. Soon Kathy quieted us down and our meeting began. Sandy gave an inspiring Invocation, we Pledged Allegiance to our Flag, Introductions were made and Kathy told us of Future Events at Moolah. Our Pres. Mary, displayed a Plaque we received for the help our Members gave at the Circus, working in the Lemonade Booth. Vice. Pres. Anna, gave us information on her Luncheon in August. Chris asked for and we voted to donate $100.00 for the flowers that the members of DeMolay and Moolah planted on the grounds. After enjoying our Luncheon, it was time to hear from and see Jackie Reynolds and her husband demonstrate the planting of a Garden Container. Easy for Her...! She also gave us information concerning Potting Soil and Compost. After POG and WAM, it was time for Kathy to close our Garden with these words: May Your Thoughts Be As Glad As The Shamrocks; May Your Heart Be As Light As A Song. May Each Day Bring You Bright Happy Hours That Stay With You All Year Long. CT tm 2014 Central States Shrine Association August 27 - August 30 2014 CSSA —Tulsa, Oklahoma Hosted by Bedouin Shriners Wyndam Hotel 10918 East 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 Includes • Breakfast daily • Welcome BBQ Thursday • Moolah Hospitality You won't want to miss CSSA 2014 Get your reservation in NOW! Name_____________________________________________________________Unit_____________________________________ Lady, Guest or Noble you will be staying with_____________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________State______________Zip________________Phone(____)_______________________ Mark the Days you will need hotel accommodations:Aug 27th______Aug 28th_______Aug 29th_______Aug 30th_____ __________Nights @ $110 per night (King or Double) __________Registrations @ $20.00 per registration Total amount for Hotel _____________________ Total amount for Registrations _____________________ __________CSSA Pub Crawl (Brady Arts Dist.) @ $20.00 per person Total amount for Pub Crawl _____________________ __________CSSA Ladies Luncheon (at the Doubletree)@ $35.00 per person Total amount for Ladies Luncheon _____________________ Total amount for Late Fees _____________________ __________LATE registration fee @ $10 per person AFTER July 1 Event Total MC/Visa/Discover/AmEx _____________________ Check Enclosed Card number________________________________________________ Exp. Date________/__________ Moolah Temple - 12545 Fee Fee Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 CT tm 20 21 CT tm Scotch Whisky ��������������������� Seminar / Tasting ������������ ���������������� � �������� “It’s the Scotch that ������������ Kilt’ya” �� �!" "�������������#������������#�$� September 25 %�����������������&������$��'��� 6:00 PM (�������)����������(����' Moolah Shrine Center Sheiks Club Entrance at rear of the building All are welcome to Attend �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������� !���� Presented by: Ed Kohl Managing Director, ImpEx Beverages, Inc. Keeper of the Quaich "#$�%%������������&�'�������(���������������)'*����������� $25.00 per person �������'������+����� - Seating will be limited: RSVP by calling ,#$-$�.���.���)� Moolah Shrine Office 12545 Fee Fee Rd '��/�!�����+�01,-0 St Louis, MO 63146 21,-3�454&01%, (314) 878-6301 CT tm 22 A Big Thumbs Up Ray! Sunday, June 8, Moolah Shriner and YOMO member Ray Westhouse set a new World Record. He drove 2.4 miles on two wheels in his Shrine car... down Lindbergh Boulevard! Don’t worry, he had a police escort and it took place at 7:30 am, so traffic was light and he was very safe. International Humanitarian of the Year Award Goes To . . . On June 19, our hospital was the proud recipient of the International Humanitarian of the Year award from the World Affairs Council. It was a great evening for our hospital leadership, staff, patients and Shriners. We thank Alderman Louis Reed and County Executive Charlie Dooley for attending and SM Wilson and Moolah Shriners for being sponsors of the evening. 23 CT tm CT tm 24 Stop messin’ with me. I’m trying to sing. Fa, La, La, Argggh!. . . (314) 821-3999 Concealed Carry Classes David J. Hart (president) Buy, Sell, Trade and Consignments KIRKWOOD OUTFITTERS INC. 10716 MANCHESTER ROAD KIRKWOOD, MO 63122 Guns, Ammo, Knives and Collectables SCHERRER INSTRUMENTS, INC. Electrical & Electronic Test Equipment Sales-Service-NIST Certification [email protected] 314-644-5362 Fax 314-644-3530 YOUR AD Could Be Here. Contact the Shrine Office about advertising in the Camels' Tales. 25 CT tm 38 LPL Financial Bob Drury Financial Consultant 13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100 Manchester, MO 63021 (314-962-5600 Office (314)591-6666 Cell [email protected] www.bob-drury.com Moolah Temple Guides Bingo Art Goerke, Bingo Chairman V.F.W Post #3944 10815 Midland Ave, Overland, MO 63114 314-427-2744 Doors open at 8:30 AM Selling starts at 10:00 AM Regular Bingo @ 11:00 AM Progressive jackpot CT tm 26 Hospital Awareness Paper Drive September 20 through December 31 Get ready to raise awareness about Shriners Hospitals for Children! Pick up Newspapers and Supplies in the Office! All Nobles are invited to participate. Please call the Temple Office at 314-878-6301 x 100 for any further assistance. Contact High Priest & Prophet Lenny Martin for store assignments. 27 CT tm Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory Arthur Montgomery has just published his first book. Planning on retiring? This book is an easy to read common sense guide to planning your retirement. Available at your favorite book stores, Arthur Montgomery www.amazon.com or 314-238-0207 *Directlly behind Mid-Rivers Mall Valenti's Market & Catering Co. Since 1937 Moolah Temple Special 10% off In-Store Purchase CLIP & BRING IN Check Us Out For These Great Fall Items • Brats • Fresh Steaks • Daily Baked Bread & Pies • Full Service Catering Dept. 6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm CT tm 28 636/970-2992 I BUY CARS Advertising Schedule The costs for Advertising** The prices are per issue rates 1 Issue 3 Issues Business Card $ 57.00 $ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00 ¼ Page $115.00 $102.00 $ 90.00 $ 78.00 ½ Page $313.00 $280.00 $247.00 $214.00 Full Page $495.00 $429.00 $363.00 $297.00 Trucks, Vans up to $3000 High Miles, OK! 5 10 Issues Issues FAC (Ferguson Auto Center) In business 36 years at the same location these includes a 2 line Directory Listing *we may not be able to put 2 or more ads next to each other Randy Wieser The costs for business & directory listing. Prices per issue rates. 1 Issue 3 Issues 5 Issues 10 Issues Two lines $ 15.00 $ 12.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 Three lines $ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00 Limit for each line is 30 characters, including spaces and punctuation Half Price for all Unit, Club or Committee Events Ads! 314-434-1868 A new way to refer Patients to Shriners Hospitals for Children call 1-800-850-2960 29 CT tm Pl e a s e Su p p or t our Ad ver t i s er s Directory LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600 [email protected] Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw 618-416-3669 Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc. 636-928-2300 Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207 Scherrer Instruments - Electrical and Electronic Test Equipment 314-644-5362 Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts & Probate Estates - 314-993-4261 Stephen F. (Steve) Pieper, PP, CLU, ChFC Donor Relations Committee 314-392-8754 Ferguson Auto Center- Randy Wieser Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992 Intek.net, LLC - Computer Engineering Services 314-596-8750 Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for tickets and show times Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts, Real Estate, Trademarks and more 314-588-9500 Jim Butler Chevrolet Dennis Gastreich - 636-349-3222 Kirkwood Outfitters, Guns, Ammo, Knives and Collectibles - (314) 821-3999 M oolah Statistics as of May 31 Creations Affiliations Restorations Associated Demits Suspensions Deceased Expulsions Resignations Associates Dropped Net Change Membership Numbers Year to Date 47 3 7 2 3 7 30 0 0 0 19 2811 Help Grow Our Membership You Can Be a Virtual Mentor! Learn What Shriners Do beashrinernow.com A Private Web Community for Shriners. shrinersvillage.com Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools Available for you now! Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to beashrinernow.com Are you already a member of our great fraternity and want to learn more? join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST tools available to create and promote that interest: beashrinernow.com shrinersvillage.com CT tm 30 ������������������������������������ �������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������! ����������� �� � "����������������������#�����������������"��������$�������������%��������������������&�������� '���������������(�����������������������������������������������)�������������*������������ +�,�"�����������������$��������������������������*������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������� ���������������"���������������*�����������������������������������������&������������������������ ���+��"�����������������$��������������+��"�����$������������������������������ ������'�������-� �.���/�����-� +��������-� �+�������-� .���������(����������1�� 0 0 ��������"���"������$��������������������1�� �����������������������-� 2������0���������2(���������(����������������������������������������������������1��3��� ����������"���������1� ����� �.���1� &������-� $�����������4��-� 2���������-�5 $���������-�5 6 6 �+�������������-�5 �'7-�5 6 6 8,����&������-� ��������-� ����-� 0 0 ����������'��-�9):�::���5����������������������������������6 ����-�;����,�����<�9=>:�����&����,;����<�9?@�����;���,����������<�9A:������������,���������<�9B@ >@�����������������������<�9C:�5�����������������6 D��������������E������������������2�������=��������������/�����-� �������������-� ������������������-� >��������������/�����-� �������������-� ������������������-� D�(��)0=?0=B 31 CT tm CT NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT 592 Postal Carrier Please Expedite Dated Material tm 12545 Fee Fee Rd. Saint Louis, MO 63146 Feztivities @ MOOLAH Temple ® July 4 5-10 12 13 16 20 September Independence Day- Office Closed Imperial session- Minneapolis, MN Guides Picnic Ice Cream Social No Stated Meeting Mounted Lancers Chuck Wagon Cook Out August 2 Sporting Clay Tournament 2-10 6 20 22 23 27-30 Potentate's Ireland Trip SERVPRO Golf Tournament Stated Meeting- Ladies Welcome Hospital 90th Anniversary - Roaring 20’s Gala Hospital 90th Anniversary - Home Coming CSSA- Tulsa, OK GO GREEN! Have your Camels’ Tales emailed to you. Just contact the Moolah Shrine Office. 5-6 6 12 13 13 13 14 16 17 19 20 24 25 27 28 28-30 Poplar Bluff Rodeo DON Supreme Queen Visit Ambassadors Lunch Q Texas Hold’em TCAA Pig Roast Great Lakes Shrine Assoc. Parade- Belleville, IL Buick Car Show Hanifan & Armey Golf Classic Stated Meeting-Ladies Welcome Ladies Night Out Party Hospital Awareness Day Campaign Temple Club- Oasis Scotch Tasting - Sheiks Club Cornhole Tournament Daniel Boone Shrine Club Car Show Grand Lodge October 4 10 15 17-18 22 24 25 Shriner’s Hospital Ride Ambassadors Lunch STATED MEETING- Ladies Welcome Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Temple Club-Oasis Fall Ceremonial Party Fall Ceremonial Dates highlighted in color indicate a Moolah Temple Function. Please do not schedule Unit, Club or Committee activities on these dates. Encourage your members to attend Moolah Temple activities.
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