Volume 75, Issue 5 St. Louis, MO David Dieckhaus - Potentate May/June 2015 Moolah Shriners ™ Camel’s Tales Home of the Shriners of Eastern & Central Missouri What’s Inside... Presenting the New Board of Directors Sporting Clay Tournament CSSA Information Mother’s Day Brunch Hospital Dedication Ceremony & Brunch Moolah Marching 48 Open Buddy Bass Tournament Shriner’s Day at Busch Stadium Magic Show ECMO Golf Tournament Ways to Donate to the Shriners Hospital How to become a Shriner and much, much more! Dedicated to Helping Shriners Hospitals for Children 2015 Elected Divan & Board Of Directors David Dieckhaus....................... Potentate Lenny Martin, Jr...................Chief Rabban Dean Isbell...........................Asst. Rabban Kyle McEvoy.......... High Priest & Prophet Richard Weber........................... Treasurer David Jacobi, Sr..........................Recorder Don Taylor, Jr..................... Oriental Guide Representatives to Imperial Council David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Dean Isbell Don Taylor Jr. Dale W. Stauss Imperial Potentate 2014-2015 2015 Appointed Divan Moolah Appointed Positions Russell Georgen......1st Ceremonial Master Joe Shivley.............2nd Ceremonial Master Frank “Pancho” Winder, PP.............Director Robert Daniels................................. Marshal D.L (Monty) Kennedy..Shrine Club Marshal Bill Snell.......................Shrine Club Marshal Mitch Weinstein...........Shrine Club Marshal Jack Melton................Captain of the Guard Dennis Burkholder....................Outer Guard Carl Barthold.......................................................Almoner John Hewitt...............................Ambassador Chairman Wayne Price.................Building Committee Chairman Karl Erselius.......................................................Chaplain Carl Barthold......................................................Chaplain Dennis Burkholder.............Donor Relations Chairman Ted Dearing.........................................General Counsel Joe Shivley..................................Insurance Committee Al Earls...................................... License Plates Director David Schmucker.......Memorial Brick Walk Chairman Shaun Ruether.....................................Co-Membership D.J. Herman.........................................Co-Membership Kenneth Myles, PP................ Shrine Club Coordinator James Smith, PP...........................Co-Public Relations Dennis Burkholder.........................Co-Public Relations Jim Tracy............................................. Technical Advisor Ronald Risher...................... Patient Referral Chairman Todd Litzau.............................Clinic Referral Chairman David Jacobi, Sr.............Grand Lodge Representative Potentate's Aides Rich Viner Robby Dirkers Ernie Boulicault Wallace Bowman William Bradford Mark Davis Michael Davis David Dieckhaus Lenny Martin Gary Fanger Emil Fett Dean Isbell Kyle McEvoy Don Gabel Gaddy Gale Bennington, P.P. ................Ad Vitam Jerry Ryan Georgen James W. Smith, P.P. ..................Ad Vitam Brett Grimm Harold Hargiss DJ Hermen Moolah Temple Association Randall I. Ottinger, P.P...............President Gary Holland David Hope Representatives to Central States Shrine Association Chief Aide Assistant Chief Aide Dennis Martin Matthew Mayer Richard Mayer Eric McVicar Jack Melton Dale Nagel Richard Pollock Michare Reese Ronald Reynolds William Ross Shaun Ruether Casey Thompson Bud Waters Richard Watts Director General Frank “Pancho” Windler, PP 2009 Potentate's Personal Aides Benjamin Allen Frank Cali Lucas Dieckhaus Scott Dieckhaus Jerry Gaddy Gale Going Greg Heins Kevin Heins Robert Mathewson Randy McDougal James McEvoy Matthew Niedringhaus Mark Rethemeyer Ted Schamburg John Spraul Don Wander Shrine Club Aides Elmo Blum Terry Bunting Benjamin Dennison Gregory Dortch Dennis Eaton Melvin Gordon Robert Holscher Eugene Hopwood Scott Hunt Allen James Jack Kairy Ronald McCoy Robert Morgan Verle Naughton Michael O’Cheltree Ronald Pratt Gregory Price Paul Rose Jimmie Sanders Logan Santschi Raymond Schulte Michael Shulse Rick Uebinger Kevin Wooden Assist. Directors General Lawrence D. Jones, PP........................1994 George E. Stephenson PP .................1984 Kenneth E. Myles, PP............................ 1992 Potentate’s Emeritus Aides John Hewitt, Chief Aide Emeritus Charles Baker Donald Baur John Bowman Richard Braun Robert Callaway Richard Carlson, Jr. Bob Daniels John Dodge Albert Earls Robert Grimm James Hubeli Conrad Jacobi CT tm Mark Lyles Herbert Mahler Robert Means Raymond Moore John Morrison, Jr. Fred Plough Wayne Price Donald Staffne James Stahl Herschel Vernon, Sr. Mitch Weinstein Kenneth Will Donald Worley MOOLAH Temple 12545 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone (314) 878-6301 Fax (314) 434-5393 Toll Free 888-9Moolah Chairman of The Board of Trustees Shriners Hospital for Children Past Imperial Potentate 2008-2009 Shriners Hospital for Children St. Louis 314-432-3600 Board of Governors Harvey L Mirly, M.D...................Chairman Alex B. Rabin.....................Vice Chairman Gale Bennington, PP................. Treasurer Adrian Croissant........................ Secretary Members David Dieckhaus Gale Bennington, PP Bernard G. Stever Ronald Krueger, II John Schloot Charles M. M. Shepherd William Tracey Associate Member Moolah Shrine Circus ................... Circus Chairman Mark Rethemeyer......................Circus Director Wayne Price............Parade Marshal Emeritus Richard Sopp...........Parade Marshal Emeritus Living Past Potentates James W. Smith.....................................1983 George E. Stephenson.........................1984 Richard H. Haag.................................1988 Kenneth E. Myles...................................1992 Randall I. Ottinger...............................1993 Lawrence D. Jones............................1994 Douglas E. Maxwell...............................1996 Stephen F. Pieper...............................1997 Ronald P. Krueger.................................1999 Barry R. Todd......................................2000 Ronald D. Woods.................................2001 H.H. “Bud” White..................................2002 Albert Faulstich.. .................................2003 Gale F. Bennington...............................2004 John G. Smith.....................................2005 Merle R. Truckenmiller..........................2006 Lester "Al" Greene..............................2007 Frank "Pancho" Windler.......................2009 William I. Drake......................................2010 James C. Brandenburg.........................2011 Andrew Metzger....................................2012 Patrick Hensley......................................2013 Dennis Kelley.........................................2014 Douglas Maxwell, P.P. 96 Camels' Tales is published ten (10) times per year and distributed by MOOLAH Shrine Temple Joe Shivley Emeritus Members Lester “Al” Greene, P.P.; Harry E. Hays* Stephen K. Lambright; Gene McNary* John B. Morgan; Stephen F. Pieper, P.P. James W. Smith, P.P.*; Barry Todd, P.P.* Geo. E. Stephenson, P.P.*; Fred Caress Ronald Risher* *Past Board Chairman DONOR RELATIONS Kenneth E. Myles, P.P..........Director, MO Stephen Pieper, P.P......Director, St. Louis PUBLIC RELATIONS Dennis Burkholder Material contained herein may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. Emeritus Representative Shriners Hospitals For Children, A Colorado Corporation The titles used herein are service marks of various companies, organizations and others. All logos, service marks and trade marks are reproduced with permission. Gale Bennington, PP Lawrence D. Jones, PP Kenneth Myles, PP Barry R. Todd, PP Merle R. Truckenmiller, PP MOOLAH is a registered service mark of MOOLAH Temple. MOOLAH TEMPLE STAFF 314-878-6301 Gale F. Bennington PP, Administrator Ext 113 [email protected] Monica Smith, Membership All material copyright 2015 by Ext 100 [email protected] MOOLAH Temple. Lauren Schaefer, Graphic Design Intern Ext 101 [email protected] Patricia Dodd, Accounting Although every effort is made Ext 102 [email protected] to ensure legitimacy, MOOLAH Temple is not Maintenance responsible for advertiser's claims. Ext 150 Camels' Tales is a trademark of MOOLAH Temple. ADVERTISING: Direct all questions concerning advertising to the address and phone number listed. Pictures published in the Camels' Tales are property of MOOLAH Temple, unless otherwise noted. 2 Please send requests to [email protected] Send Camels' Tales Articles to: [email protected] Submissions may be reviewed for grammar, spelling, punctuation, content, or edited for space allotted. The grammar, spelling, punctuation and content of all submissions are the responsibility of their authors. 126th Moolah Shrine Potentate Illustrious Sir David W. Dieckhaus Greetings Nobles, After a long winter, spring is finally here. I want to start out by wishing all of you a safe and exciting summer season. It has been an active year at Moolah so far and as you know we have been traveling all over the eastern part of the state for installations. The bus trips were fun filled adventures too far away places. Our first Ceremonial was a huge success. I want to say thanks to the Ceremonial Cast, Director’s Staff, and Chanters for making the ceremonial memorable for all of our new members. We have many events still to come this year so don’t put your running shoes away yet. I hope to see all of you for the Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 10 in the Moolah Ballroom. Make your reservations now! Also make your reservations for the Moolah Magic Show on Saturday, May 16. It will be a show you don’t want to miss. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 17 for one of the most exciting events to occur in our life time, “THE OPENING OF OUR NEW HOSPITAL”. This event seldom happens so make sure you don’t miss it. This is why we can be proud to be Shriner’s as we work daily to make a difference in a child’s life by providing state of the art medical care and research. “Let’s be Seen in 2015” and let everyone know how proud you are to a part of such a great Philanthropy. “THIS IS YOUR HOSPITAL” Please join us for breakfast at Moolah on Sunday, May 17 before you go to the opening festivities and tours at the new Hospital. Please remember that there will be no stated meeting in June. Have a fun and safe summer, and remember to take an active part in your shrine units, clubs, and committees, and show your communities that you are Proud to be a Shriner, and don’t forget that you need to bring in at least one new member this year. “Let’s be Seen in 2015” In closing, I want to thank all the Shriners and their Ladies, for their outstanding support this year. Moolah is having an exceptional year because of YOU. I ask for your continued support as you are the main ingredient to such a successful Shrine Temple. I thank you and the children thank you. Let’s Be Seen In 2015 Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus Introducing the new Board of Directors! Lenny Martin, Jr..........................................................Chief Rabban Dean Isbell..................................................................Asst. Rabban Kyle McEvoy...................................................High Priest & Prophet Richard Weber..................................................................Treasurer David Jacobi, Sr................................................................Recorder Don Taylor, Jr.............................................................Oriental Guide 3 CT tm tm Chaplain’s Corner by Karl Erselius Wisdom vs. Knowledge M ake no mistake, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Example, Prisons are filled with people who had the knowledge of how to open a safe, BUT lacked the wisdom as to when NOT to open it. Today we have access to more information than we know what to do with. But something is still missing----great wisdom. Knowledge and education are fine, BUT sometimes they make disasters of our lives because we lack spiritual discernment and understanding. If we follow Biblical principles, GOD will give us understanding. What we need is Godly or Heavenly Wisdom, that capacity to see things from God’s viewpoint and respond accordingly. Godly wisdom can be found throughout Scripture, especially in Proverbs. Most of Proverbs was written by Solomon. God had enabled Solomon to have anything he wanted, but Solomon asked God to give him wisdom. In I Kings 4:29-34 we learn the extent of Solomon’s wisdom. Vs.29 “God gave Solomon wisdom and great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore”. Vs.31, “He was wiser than any other man, and his fame spread to all the surrounding nations”. Vs.34, “Men of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom”. By the way in, Chapter 5 we learn about HIRAM, King of Tyre, called by Solomon to come and oversee the building of the Temple, but that’s another story. Godly wisdom teaches us the skills for earthly living. How important and valuable is this? Proverbs 8:11 “for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her”. Wisdom is a precious and rare commodity in our world today. Our search for wisdom should be an exhaustive one. Proverbs 2:4 “search for it as for hidden treasure”. Our search for heavenly wisdom will lead us ultimately to one place: GOD. Proverbs 2:6 “The Lord gives wisdom”. James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him”. The answer to all this is that you have to know God, to have Godly wisdom. Our search for wisdom and hope in this life is really a search for God. He is the One that holds all wisdom, that gives all hope, that is responsible for all good in this world. In Scripture the phrase to “know” someone is often defined as “having a personal or intimate relationship with that person; not just having knowledge about them”. May each one of us “wise up”, get into His Word, and strive for that personal relationship with our God. So Mote It Be. CT tm 4 These We Do Not Forget “Es Selamu Aleikum” We do not lose the ones we love They only go before Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more.... And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere We do not lose the ones we love God Takes them in His Care. March Albert E. Blum Robert N. Chapin Chief Rabban Victor F. Dane, Jr. Albert L. Howe Edward L. Lebeau Tom A Manglis Meade M. McCain, Jr. Carl D. Nordman Harold L. Pahl Leroy J. Whitthaus Be a Shriner! or call 800-537-4746 Shriners believe in having fun. | Shriners believe in Brotherhood. | Shriners believe in giving. No matter what your interests, there is something for you in our fraternity. We believe in having fun and building friendships. • Sports • Music • Aviation • Events • Motor Corps • Family Activities • And much, much more When you become a Shriner, you become part of a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. As a Shriner, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children receiving care at Shriners Hospitals for Children®. While our backgrounds and interests may be diverse, what binds us together are shared values and a desire to have fun, do good and build relationships that can last a lifetime. Learn about the steps to become a Master Mason, which qualifies you to be a Shriner • Learn how to become a Shriner • Connect with your own Virtual Mentor who will walk you through the membership process step-by-step. • Sign up to receive ongoing communication about community events and opportunities to interact with local Shriners. Shriner of the Month Doug Bachman Doug Bachman is a member of the Crestwood Euclid Masonic Lodge, a member of Scottish Rite. Moolah member & Arab Patrol member since 1981, Captain of the Arab Patrol for 18 years, Lt. prior to being named Captain. Moolah Temple Guides Bingo Wayne Price, Bingo Chairman V.F.W Post #3944 10815 Midland Ave, Overland, MO 63114 314-427-2744 Moolah Marching “48” Winner of the Competition Drill and scored the highest points fourteen out of seventeen years. Winner of the Parade and scored or tied the highest points Fifteen out of seventeen years. More than just a active member, Doug is a Moolah Ambassador, Moolah Membership Chair for 5 years, Moolah Circus Tent Chair for 15 years, Past member of the “Q”, Past Circus Committee member, CSSA and Imperial Committee Chair member. DoorsDoors openopen at 8:30 10:00 at 8:30AM AM• Selling Selling starts starts atat10:00 AMAM Regular Bingo AM Regular Bingo@@ 11:00 11:00 AM Progressive Jackpot Progressive jackpot Doug has served on the Shriners Hospital Board member for 9 years, Secretary for 6 years and now Emeritus Board Member. The Moolah Public Relations Committee is honored to have Noble Doug Bachman as our Shriner of the Month for May. 5 CT tm Looking for a way to donate to the Shriners Hospital? Visit your local Schnucks and pick up an eScrip Community Card! • Its’s Easy & Free • Present your card to the cashier every time you shop • Schnucks contributes a percentage of your purchase to organization of your choice For details, visit and click on the eScrip Community Card link. It is a perfect way to donate to the Shriners Hospital! CT tm tm 6 SHRINE CIRCUS UPDATE Mark your calendar for the Stated Shrine Meeting on MAY 20th where we will be reporting the results of this year's Circus. The numbers are not yet finalized, but from an initial review I can tell you that we definitely had a “HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL” circus. I hope that you were able to see our circus this year, it was one of the best we have had in many years. The many compliments just keep coming in about what a great show we had this year. I have to give a huge THANK YOU to our Circus Committee that consists of about 30 people in leadership positions, managing around 500 volunteers working thousands of hours over a 12 month period to make the circus successful. There are so many people to thank that I am reluctant to make any individual thank you’s but I need to make one exception – “Our Youth”! These are the Shrine Families of the future! Our Demolay, Jobs Daughters, Rainbow Girls, and all the other youth organizations pulled together to help at our Circus. Our youth helped in all areas of the Circus – they helped in the tent, on the parking lot, in Novelties, and on the floor. Everywhere you looked our team of youths were working to help make our circus successful. What a gift it was to have so many youth helping in virtually every aspect of the circus. The Circus is our biggest fundraiser of the year and from an initial look we know that we will be financially successful. How successful won’t be determined until all the ticket money is turned in and all the bills are paid. But I can tell you that the true measurement of success isn’t always financial; sometimes it is something that you can’t measure. Everyone pulling together and working together toward one ultimate goal is the absolute best outcome that any organization could hope to achieve on a project the magnitude of the Shrine Circus. There has been excitement and momentum building with the circus for the past several years and it continued to get even stronger this year. This camaraderie is not something that is measurable, it carries far beyond the success of the circus and results are very obvious by the increased attendance at the circus tent, at our Shrine meetings and events, and in the overall positive atmosphere at Moolah. It makes you proud to be a part of the circus, and even more Proud to be a Shriner! Fraternally, Mark Rethemeyer, Circus Director “THANK YOU” - TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED HARD TO MAKE OUR 73rd MOOLAH SHRINE CIRCUS A HUGE SUCCESS! Stephen F. Pieper, MBA, CLU®, ChFC® Life Insurance • Medical Plans • Pensions Long Term Care Insurance 314/392-8754 [email protected] [email protected] 7 CT tm 2 0 1 5 Mark Your Calendars CT tm MAY 2nd: Ainad’s Spring Ceremonial 2nd: Clean up the outside grounds and mulching 10th: Mother’s Day Brunch 16th: Moolah Magic Show 17th: Hospital Dedication Ceremony 17th: Moolah Brunch Shrine Center 20th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 25th: Memorial Day (Office Closed) 29th: Ainad Circus Parade JUNE 2nd: Hospital’s First Day of Operation 7th-17th: Potentate’s Alaska Trip 17th: NO STATED MEETING 21st: Father’s Day JULY 4th: Independence Day 5th-9th: Imperial Session - Houston, TX 15th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 18th: Guides Picnic AUGUST 2nd: Shriners Day at the Cardinal Game (Tickets are now available at Moolah) 19th: STATED MEETING LADIES WELCOME 26th-30th: CSSA - Golden, CO 8 Meeting Schedules Units & Committees Shrine Clubs Air Patrol - 2nd Mon. Cape SC - 4th Wed. 6:30p Call for Location American Muscle - 2nd Wed., 6:30p Sheiks Club Capital SC - 2nd Tues. 6:30p, Capital SC Antique Cars - 1st Mon., Call for Location Daniel Boone SC - Last Thurs. 6:30p, JJ’s Restaurant Arab Patrol - 1st Mon. ECMO SC - 1st Fri. 7:30p, ECMO SC Band - Every Wed. Four Rivers SC - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Gray Summit BBQ Smokin’ Nobles - 1st Mon, Oasis Joachim SC - 2nd Mon. Herculaneum Chanters - 1st Mon, Rehearsal every Mon. Little Dixie SC - 4th Wed. LD Shrine Park Clowns - 3rd Mon. Computer Club - 2nd Mon. 7:30p Directors Staff - 1st Mon. Drum Corp - 2nd Mon, Rehearsals 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon Gateway 500 - 2nd Tues. Guides - Last Fri. Hospital Committee - 3rd Wed., Unit Room Legion of Honor - 4th Tues. Motor Patrol - 2nd Mon. Mounted Lancers - 2nd Wed., Ranch Nomads - 4th Wed., 6:30p Food Pipes & Drums - 2nd Mon. Mid-Mo SC - 2nd Wed. 6:30p Call for Location Nemo SC - 3rd Thurs. 6:00p Call for Location Ozark SC - 3rd Wed. 6:00p Shamrock Bar SEMO SC - 1st Mon. 6:00p SEMO SC Three Rivers SC - 3rd Fri 6:30p Three Rivers SC Tiger SC - Last Mon. Tiger SC Shriner JUST A REMINDER ABOUT UPCOMING STATED MEETINGS... • Dress in business casual • Due Cards will be required Provost Guard - 2nd Mon. 7:00p • Ladies are always welcome Reception Committee - 2nd Wed. • Babysitting is provided Sound Unit - 2nd Mon. Stage Crew - 1st Wed. Swing Dance Unit - 1st Mon. 6:30p Unique Motors - 2nd & 4th Mon. YOMO - 2nd Wed. • Dinner is served at 5:30p • Meetings begin at 7:30p • Balloting on all new petitions for membership 9 CT tm DEDICATION CEREMONY at the NEW Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis Save the Date | Sunday, May 17th, 2015 at 1-4 pm. A 90,000 square foot facility We are moving to a new location! State of the Art Hospital • 12 Inpatient Beds • 18 Outpatient Exam Rooms 3 Surgical Suites • 4 Orthotic and Prosthetic Fitting Rooms Complete Research Department • Rehabilitative Services HOSPITAL BRUNCH at the Moolah Shrine Ballroom ---- Menu ---- Sunday, May 17th 9 am - 12 pm Tickets are $20 Children 6-12 are $10 Children 5 & under are free Call the Moolah Office for reservations 314.878.6301 CT tm 10 Ham Carving Station Custom Omelettes Salad Bar Mimosa’s Bloody Marys Juice, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Soda Over 1,200 Recipes • Only $30.00 Moolah® Shrine Cookbook Delectable recipes for everything from homemade desserts to savory meals. Perfect for giving as gifts or enjoying at your own family gatherings. Recipes from those who love our Shrine Kids. Submitted recipes from Patient Ambassadors, hospital staff, members of Moolah Shrine and friends. Order your copy by calling Christine Dieckhaus at 314.960.6721 or email [email protected] Available for pickup at the Moolah® Office Net proceeds benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus and First Lady Christine Invite you to Moolah’s Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday, May 10th 10 am - 1 pm Tickets are $25 Children 6-12 are $10 Children 5 & under are free Call the Moolah office for reservations 314.878.6301 ext. 100 for Monica or ext. 113 for Gale 11 • Prime Rib and Ham Carving Station • Custom Omelettes • Salad Bar • Mimosa’s • Bloody Marys • Juice, Milk, Tea, Coffee, Soda CT tm Unit & Committee Reports Air Patrol Director: Bud Hildebrand President: Ted Lindner, Jr. 1st VP: Byron Smyrniotis 2nd VP: John Szuba Treasurer: Richard Prine Secretary: Chris Grau 314.283.3014 636.798.2602 314.872.8778 636.928.0595 314.603.6301 314.591.1710 Hey… the May Camels Tale issue is a Two-Month publication ”May and June” so hang onto it so that you know WHO IS WHO IN THE ZOO!!! From the Air Patrol President. THANKS for all the help and team work at the 2015 Circus. We had a great time while fulfilling our obligatoion and contributing to the cause. Memorial Day is May 25th. FLY OUR FLAG of These United States of America. ** Reflect, remember … and Thank our Men and Women that have and are currently serving our Great Nation. Don’t forget to make plans for the Imperial Session. We are going to Houston, Texas this year, July 5th - 9th 2015. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Festival of the Little Hills, Old Town St. Charles, August 21, 22, and 23. We need your help. We will set up on Thursday. Check out this link for more info. Mark your Calendar for Central States Shrine Assoc. 2015. CSSA 2015 is being held in Denver, Colorado, August 26 - 30, 2015. Check out this link for more info... Come on up to the Hangar, meet up with some old friends, make some new ones and join in the fun. We have several new petitions for membership. Maybe after the Spring Ceremonial we will have a few more. Call that friend that hasn’t been around for a while and invite him to come back home. Ambassadors Chairman: John Hewitt Secretary: Ted Schamburg Thanks to all the Ambassadors that contributed to a very successful circus. Whether you sold tickets or ads, worked at the circus selling novelties or just came out in support; you are appreciated. There was not an elephant stampede this year for which we were all glad. 314.846.5588 314.920.9210 314-440-5883 By: Steve Dodson It’s Springtime and May brings flowers and nice weather to drive those old cars. It’s time to uncover your old car and enjoy the back roads. Mark your calendars, this month’s meeting will be May 6th at Rich & Charlie’s Restaurant located at 9942 Watson Road, St. Louis, MO. 6:00 PM dinner with our ladies and the meeting to start at 7:00 PM. The next Ambassador’s Lunch will be on Friday, May 8, in the Oasis at Moolah Temple. We will have our three drawings: the 50/50, free dinner and jackpot. Ambassadors, you are missing a great time if you do not attend our meetings. Just a reminder that we will be joining our Nobles from East St. Louis, the Ainad Temple, in their Shrine parade on Friday, May 29th. This is always a nice parade and lots of fun. Please watch the Camels’ Tales for information about all of the Moolah activities. Information about all Ambassador Events will come to you through the Camels’ Tales, E-mail or word of mouth. For luncheon reservations call Gary Larrabee, 314-839-7421 or e-mail him at [email protected]. NEXT MEETING MAY 8 – Ambassador Meeting at the Moolah Temple MAY 20 – Stated Meeting ONCE AN AMBASSADOR ALWAYS AN AMBASSADOR Our June meeting will be June 4th same location and time. TO ALL SHRINERS interested in classic or antique cars: we invite you and your lady to join us for the evening! You don’t have to own an old car, just have an interest in these cars and their heritage. Did you know or do you care! May 5, 1905 Louis Chevrolet competes in and wins his first automobile race. May 28, 1923 A letter is delivered to GM executives describing massive defects in the copper-cooled, (air cooled), Chevrolet cars that are currently being built. It is highly recommended that these particular cars be removed from the market, leading to the first auto recall in motoring history. June 6, 1925 Maxwell Motors Corp. voluntarily transfers its business and physical properties to Walter Percy Chrysler for reorganization. (This move led to the formation of a new company which would be known as the Chrysler Corporation.) Tailwinds, Dan-O – N600SR tm Chairman: Steve Dodson President: Joe Weber VP: Joe Weissmann Traditionally, the first day of May is the celebration of the coming of spring. We also celebrate Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. Our Mothers are always our best and closest friends. Moolah will celebrate Mother’s Day with a brunch on May 10. Make your reservations through the temple office. On Memorial Day let us remember all of the service men and women who have so loyally served our great nation. Check that Density Altitude. CT 636.456.4885 314.638.3633 Antique Car Committee A Funny: I don’t approve of political jokes. I’ve seen too many of them get elected. 12 Unit & Committee Reports Arab Patrol Captain: Doug Bachman President: Ed Fesenmeyer Secretary: Ken Elam 314.406.9729 314.487.3482 314.471.9883 By: Gary Oakley Does anyone besides your editor feel like 2015 is becoming a blur? I’m certain it’s so. This article is for the May/June combined issue! As the Captain and I were discussing this issue, we both agreed on the need to share one piece of advice: It’s quiet around the Patrol Room. Get your spring & summer Honey Do’s done immediately, if not sooner, and rest up. Central States and all the preparation that goes with it, will be here SOON!! The practice schedule and event dates: July 27, August 3, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24. August 28, we do our usual awesome job in drill competition. We’ll wow spectators along the parade route August 29. More dates to remember: 5/17 Hospital Dedication 8/2 Shriners’ Night- Busch Stadium Your editor and his Lady can’t wait to wing our way home to join in. Hope a whole lot of you plan to join us and make a day of it. 5/29 Ainad Circus Parade Watch Patrol Notes for information. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Spring Ceremonial. A tip o’ the Fez to my administrative assistant, Lady Cheryl, for making sure this issue got your way. A low back and hip injury made it more than difficult to sit at the computer. You survived my long hand [again] and made it happen. Like so many other things, couldn’t have done it without you. I’m just sayin! Yeah, Baby!! Live and direct from the administrative assistant… ”Gary WILL be “Yeah Babyin’” you in person in May. I am looking forward to FINALLY meeting ALL of you. And YES!! I HAVE heard LOTS of stories!! Sooo… let’s see how REAL they REALLY are!!!!” SHE’S just sayin’!! Yeah baby!! Band Unit Director: Jack Scherrer 314.725.3764 Pres./Sect.-Treas.: Roger Fagerberg 314.878.7646 Conductor/1st VP: Chuck McKenzie 636.235.8085 [email protected] 2nd Vice Pres: Barry Hyatt 314.469.0605 Hello, from your Moolah Band: The Band mourns the loss of a good friend and fine musician, who was to be our Potentate in 2016. Victor Dane died Friday, March 13 here at the Temple. We offer our condolences to Ann, his wife, and all the family. The band played at the mini-Circus. It was held this year at Ranken-Jordan Hospital in Maryland Heights due to construction of the new hospital. The circus performers were great, as were the Moolah Clowns, and everyone had a great time. We enjoy playing for this event as part of our service to the hospital and the kids. A large class of new Nobles joined Moolah Temple at the Ceremonial April 4, and we want to welcome you to the greatest fraternity there is. You will get the greatest benefit from this association if you participate in one of the many units, clubs or committees at the Temple. We would love to see some of you join us in the Band, to help us grow for our Centennial Anniversary in 2019. We had a new clarinetist join us, filling a muchneeded seat. The Band is now preparing for our concert season. We have new music to learn for the many concerts we have in the summer and fall months. Come see us on Wednesday nights at 7:30 and rekindle the fun you had when you were in the school band. We are looking for new members, especially Nobles who are interested in spreading the word of what Shriners do for the kids by supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children. You may be a Noble who is looking for a home where you can make use of your musical talents! If that is the case, please give me a call or e-mail and I will answer any questions you may have. Chanters Director: Jerry Lee Gaddy President: Jim Gesell Treasurer: Richard Farrar Secretary: William Bradford 636.458.8951 636.352.5146 636.349.2264 314.974.3084 By Monte Safron As if by habit, May flowers abound thanks to the flourish of April 2015 showers! Can the heat of summer not be far behind? Get ready! We had hoped to participate in the opening celebration of the new Hospital this month but as hope springs eternal, so does this blessed event spawn hope that its date of its opening will be soon. Persuasive evidence is the magnificent edifice one marvels at its viewing when racing east or West down Highway 40-64 looking north as you approach Kingshighway Boulevard. Come Hell or high water expect it soon. It would seem we Chanters are becoming vagabond parade specialists with those very successful parades in which we floated our little bubble wafting musical wagon in such extravaganzas as the wonderfully attended Cottleville Parade, the equally spectated Shrine Circus Parade and as in the past and the current Ainad Circus Parade in Belleville, Illinois coming up this April 29th. That’s always a fun event, unusually well attended (because of its late hour) and the food enjoyed at Fischer’s Restaurant before the parade isn’t bad either. That’s not much of a crowded schedule coming at us. We must have some more pressure on our coming events to keep us in tune and at our peak performance. In order to keep our pipes from rusting and even more important, to provide you all with the joy of music as we warble some pleasant tunes, send us some events in need of songs. Any group, a nursing home, a hospital...anybody in need of the joy of music, please let us know. Remember, our thrust is the pleasure of providing ear pleasure through song. We love to perform and people seem to like what they hear at our performances. Come enjoy with us! Come sing with us! Also, remember we are also a community band, so if your child or grandchild plays an instrument, he or she is welcome to play in the Band. We meet Wednesday evenings at 7:30 to practice. Our concerts are mainly Wednesday nights at 7:00, and on some Tuesdays. We would love to have you participate with us. We always leave ‘em smiling! 13 CT tm Unit & Committee Reports DeMolay Committee President Kurt Schumacher V-President Jeff Kitsmiller Sr SecretaryBob Weber TreasurerKent Barnett ChairmanFred Veinfurt 314-503-5369 314-435-7908 314-560-2222 314-315-5469 314-960-7787 Spring Time is finally hear! The Circus is over!!!! We had quite a few new families working the floor operations and tent city. Once introduced to the program, some didn’t want to leave. Adults that were unfamiliar with the Masonic Groups were very complimentary of the Shriners and the circus operations. All activities should be PR opportunities to expose our great organization to neighbors and friends. We look forward to new members as a results of the Circus. We can’t thank the Youth Groups enough for the participation in the Circus – Coupon Distribution (St Charles, Parades – Cottleville and St Louis 3/14, Floor Operations, Tent City). A big shout out to the Rainbow Girls for serving Saturday Night under the tent and to the DeMolay for a fast load out Sunday Night. Looking forward to next year. The Moolah Gym was active in February and March with the DeMolay Basketball League. On Sunday March 29th Carondelet/Progression Team edged out Geo L Walters Chapter for first place. It was one of the best games we’ve experienced in a long time. The sportsmanship was DeMolay at its finest! Volleyball League will run in the Fall during Oct and Nov. Sundays 12 noon to 4:00 pm. Stop by and say Hi ! We are in the process of scheduling the Moolah King and Queen Dance for the Fall. These young people will represent the Shriner Programs though out the year. Any assistance or donations towards the dance is always appreciated. If you have a Son, Daughter, Grandson, Granddaughter, Nephew, Niece, or Young Neighbor – Please direct them our way. A quote from DeMolay says it all – “Shriners - Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today” through DeMolay, Jobs Daughters and Rainbow Girls. Proud to be a Shriner and Proud to work with the Masonic Youth Groups CT tm Directors Staff Director: Fred Zurfluh IV President: Bill Spurgeon Vice President: Jimmy Naucke Jr. Secretary/Scribe Christopher Matero Treasurer Don Gruner Sgt. At Arms TBA Chaplain Rick Braun Bar Chairman TBA Email: [email protected] Overall, April was a pretty exciting month. We’d once again like to thank all our members who came out and worked the novelty booths at the Circus. The overall participation amongst our Unit was rather low and we fully expect to see that turned around this coming year. We have been doing a lot to get things back on track, as historically, the Directors Staff is usually one of the most prestigious Units, in all of Shrinedom. Without the Directors Staff, one-third of the Initiation of a new Noble just isn’t there. That last line being said, we had a great Spring Ceremonial. We initiated seventeen new Nobles, and subjected Illustrious Sir David Dieckhaus to our whims. There’s nothing more gratifying than ushering a new bunch of Nobles into our fold. We invite all members of the Unit to get involved and we extend a hearty invitation to our new Nobles to come and join us in our endeavor to restore the glory we have held, for over one-hundred, twentyfive years, to its Glory. How can we do this? For starters, show up to our stated meetings. Each month, we meet on the first and third Mondays of the month, at 6:30 pm. On the first Monday, we hold our regular business meeting, preceded by a meal, and continuing on to fun, fellowship, and hi-jinx afterward. On the third Monday, we hold a work/play night, at 6:30 pm. We come together, get busy on the task(s) at hand for an hour or so, and then let it culminate in drinks, games, and shenanigans until we’re good and ready to go home. Not a difficult way to cultivate a Grand Legacy, is it? A little effort – A LOT of fun. That’s how it grows. Come back in and see what’s going on, or show up and let us know you’re interested in what we’re up to, and I guarantee…BIG things will start to happen. See you on Mondays, Nobles! 14 Drum Corp Director: Tom Duke President: David Glenn Secretary: Rick Gwydir Treasurer: Rich Steed 314.568.9026 314.560.4431 314.504.1091 314.435.4774 By Jim Hubeli We all enjoyed the Spring Ceremonial on April 4th honoring MWB David Haywood, Grand Master of Missouri. MWB David has been involved in all the Masonic organizations including of course the Masonic Line and also DeMolay, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Moolah Temple and many others. Seventeen Nobles were created after visiting the Shrine Hospital and experiencing the 1st and 3rd sections and later the 2nd section. During the history about the beginning of the Shrine Hospitals, a lone bugle was heard in the background playing “ I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles “. Wonder if that could have been PP Steve P. practicing? Anyway, afterwards we had a good lunch and the new Nobles heard talks and demonstrations by all the Units, Clubs and Committees. We know the new Nobles will enjoy their association with Moolah and the best way is to join an active group of their choice and disposition. Our talk was given by Past Director Rich Steed and then we played 3 great tunes. No encores were requested. The Drum and Bugle Corps invites all new or old Nobles to visit us any Monday evening during the year. We are looking for Nobles, with or without a musical background in order to promote Shrinedom in parades and other events. LET’S BE SEEN IN TWENTY FIFTEEN er! Fu hrin S e r u t Unit & Committee Reports Guides President: Ryan Georgen Secretary: Robert Granquist Director: Robby Dirkers 314.630.4765 636.300.8001 636.461.1578 Congratulations to the new newly made Nobles at the Spring Ceremonial. This was a good opportunity to get new members for the Guides Unit. May 17th is the Dedication of the New Hospital. Hope you enjoy the celebration. I wish to thank members of the Guides, Bingo Workers, Van Drivers, and the Ladies for your help and support that you give to the Guides Unit of Moolah Temple and the Shrine Hospital. Please keep in your prayers Grace Price, and Truman and Betty Askins. Please remember those who gave their lives for us! Officia l DeMol ay Refe rees! 15 CT tm Unit & Committee Reports Motor Patrol Captain: Richard Weible President: Steve Lovell "We're back" Due to popular demand we are now back, bigger and better. We start with new officers. Heads up! We are making plans for The Ride. Don Gable is the chairman. Want to help? Call Don at 314-487-7002 to help with a great cause. Our President is working hard on our social calendar. Some of the events will be a breakfast ride, wine trip, horse races, soup cook off, Grizzlies game, mystery dinner, and more to come. We are looking for new members. Got a motorcycle, Corvette, Mini chopper? Got none of the above--no problem. We do parades as a fundraiser for the hospital. We also have a Firetruck with seats on top to sit in comfort during the parades complete with flashing lights and siren. Join the fun, sure beats walking. Thanks to the wives, friends, and Nobles that worked our vendor booth at the circus. It was a lot of work, but we sold a ton of products. Even the elephants were happy for our efforts. How about that Cottleville parade? Did you see the Motor Patrol? Best unit in the parade! As usual, the Motor Patrol provided the escort for the bus with new Shriners on the Hospital tour. Another service of our unit. We love it. Our Ladies are an integral part of our unit. Bring your Lady and come join us. We offer a money back guarantee if not satisfied.... Reception Committee President: Matt Niedringhaus VP: John Sprauls Secretary: Paul Greenlaw Chairman: Ted Nagle 314.550.4995 314.703.2508 314.966.4282 314.966.5185 Can you believe it is April??? The Reception Committee had another great First Friday Dinner turnout and we wished Marilyn Wander a very happy birthday! Thank you also to all those who were able to help at our Spring Ceremonial on Saturday, April 4th. We had 18 new nobles from the St. Louis area, and another 6-8 more nobles from other Shrine Clubs including Popular Bluff, Hannibal, Mexico and Jefferson City Missouri. It was our pleasure to have each of the Shrine Clubs as guests for the Ceremonial! Anyone interested in winning money? It’s not too late to throw your name in the hat to pick some winning drivers! A special congratulation to our first 4 week race winners, Matt Niedringhaus and Dave Dieckhaus! We picked new drivers for our 2nd race on Friday, April 3rd. Payouts are $75-1st place, $50-2nd place & $25-3rd place. If you missed your chance to pick a driver April 3rd, there will be 2 more drawings for new drivers which are May 1st and June 5th. The cost is $20/ race and you will draw 2 drivers. (See insert in the Camel Tales for more details) If that doesn’t get you excited, how about winning a Uniform Twill Jacket of your favorite race driver?! (Suggested Retail Value: $110) Reception Committee will be selling raffle tickets for this chance to win. ($1/ticket or 6/$5). We will draw the winner at the May Stated Meeting. Please make sure you get your tickets! Just a reminder, don’t forget to do your spring cleaning in April! The Moolah Temple will be having a yard sale on April 25th. For those Reception members that want to price their items to be sold, Reception will have a table of their own. All money for items sold at this table will go back to the Reception Committee. Anyone interested in helping man the tables, their help will be greatly appreciated. Reception Committee still has Moolah Shrine Cookbooks for sale as well. They make great Mother’s Day gifts at the Mother’s Day Brunch at the Temple in May. With over 1,200 recipes, at a price of $30 each, these beautiful books will make Mom very happy! - Submitted by Matt Niedringhaus CT tm tm 16 Seniors President: Bob Atwell Secretary: George Pryor Chairman: Kenneth Zesch 314.609.6457 636.926.9942 314.610.7452 CALLING ALL RETIREES! If you belong to AARP, or you could belong, you belong here on the THIRD MONDAY of each month. We meet at 9:00 am in the Guides Room and play some Gin Rummy or Poker until 11:30 am. Then we break for a short meeting and enjoy a brown bag lunch, then back to the games! Come whne you want and leave when you want! A lifetime membership costs $1.00 (US) for which you will receive a “Card” attesting your membership in this august body! TRY US, YOU WILL LIKE IT! Unit & Committee Reports Swing Dance Director: Bud Waters President: Jack Melton VP: Beril Gillman Secretary: Gary Fanger Treasurer: Dennis Martin 636.225.2534 314.605.5845 314.488.7759 636.447.2361 636.936.8295 The Circus is over and everyone is trying to get back to normal. The Circus Kickoff, the Parade and the Circus were a great time. Everyone was saddened by the passing of our good friend, Chief Rabban, and ambassador to the North Pole, Victor Dane. Our condolences to Ann and the Dane family. Swing Dance did the novelties again this year with the help of American Muscle, and others. I want to thank all that were involved. I apologize if I didn’t mention your unit. I was clowning and was not involved in the novelties. Thanks to the Clowns for supplying the material to reinforce the novelty boxes. Coming up is The Mother’s Day Brunch on the 10th, and The Magic Show on the 16th. We dance every Friday in the “Oasis”. We would sure like to see some Shriners. Until next time. WE DANCE SO KIDS CAN WALK TCAA President Dave Marino C-314-574-8487 1st VP Gary Fanger H-636-447-2361 C-636-697-5290 2nd VP Dennis Martin C-636-293-3348 3rd VP Jim Gesell Sec'y Treas/Scribe, Bob Daniels H-636-441-4917 C-636-675-4500 [email protected] February 25th was TCAA Mass Meeting and traditional passing of the gavel to our new President Dave Marino and all the newly elected officers. Congratulations!! Don’t know what TCAA Stands for or what we do…. Ask your Unit Representative or call Ryan (314-630-4765) and we can come out to your meetings and give a brief talk. TCAA has "HLP-KDS" License Plate Stickers for sale--only $3.00 each. Ask your unit representative. TCAA is looking for “Corporate Donations", to ultimately provide necessary funds to support The Saint Louis Shriners Hospital. We need your help in our mission to support our St. Louis Shriners Hospital. Please give me a call (314-630-4765) if you know a company with surplus items to be donated that can be used to sell. Unique Motor Unit Director: Sir Thom McCann President: Dan Jacobs Vice-President: Rick Bruce Treasurer: Gary Fanger Secretary: Ken Wright The Unique Motor Unit would like to send our condolences to the family of Chief Rabban Victor Dane, Jr. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Our unit had a great time at the Circus kickoff, the Circus parade and the Circus at the Family Arena. It would not be a parade without one of our “Unique Motors” breaking down. Our next event will be our annual BBQ for the veterans at the Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital on May 3rd. We will be serving lunch at noon behind building 52. Please come join us and help thank a veteran. We hope everyone will stop by Frontier Park in St. Charles on Independence weekend, July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. We will be selling Gus’ Pretzels. As Thom McCann says “Get your Gus’s Pretzel with a free souvenir bag.” We are looking forward to the New St. Louis Hospital. TCAA's personal update – President Dave Marino, Past President Dan Clyne, Past President Richard Braun are recovering from their recent health issues and surgeries, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well as our shut-ins. Cheer them all with a call or card. PLEASE ALERT THE OFFICERS WHEN YOU KNOW OF SICKNESS OR DISTRESS. Swing with the Best! Have Dennis & Dianne from the Swing Dance Unit help set up your next Get-A-Way. 17 CT tm Appendant Bodies Daughters of the Nile Sudyk Temple #107 Noble Lodge Worshipful Master: Corey Woodward 636-614-6263 [email protected] Queen: Colette Nagel 314-560-3864 Princess Recorder: PQ Mary LaTragna 314-566-4727 Secretary: Charlie Wiegert 314-565-8523 [email protected] By: Queen Colette Nagel First off, thanks to the Noble Lodge members and their family for handling the parking for the Moolah Shrine Circus at the Family arena. There were over 20 people for each performance, 160 volunteers that donated over 480 hours! A big tip of the fez and master’s hat to Steve Bukovic for chairing the committee and all of his hard work. Happy spring everyone! This year is going to be a wonderful, productive and fun year for Daughters of the Nile! We have several fundraisers planned to help support Shriners Hospital for Children. Events include a trip to wine country, our annual bazaar and turkey dinner in October (which will prove to be great event!), a fun and challenging trivia night, an event for our Rainbow Girls, and other activities to help promote Daughters of the Nile! A little about our organization: we have been in existence since 1913, and in St Louis since 1953. The strong values of faith, hope, trust, charity, harmony, and acceptance of others as the founding members established are promoted in our order. Such wonderful ladies to form an organization that has lasted over 100 years! We would like to extend an invitation to all of our members who have not able to attend meetings, but can now attend, to do so, we welcome you back with loving arms! We meet the first Wednesday of the month in Noble Lodge at 7:30. We always welcome new members and if you would like to join us, please call our recorder, Anne LaTragna, at the number above for more information. We have 7 new master masons that were raised at the Chance To Advance (C2A) on Saturday, March 28th. Welcome!!! Noble Lodge #684 next meetings will be Tuesday, May 5th and 19th. We have dinner before the meeting at 6 PM and the meeting starts at 7 PM. We anticipate having some Entered Apprentice degree work. We only have 4 meetings left until we break for summer, so if you have someone who would like to join, now is the time to get his petition in! Do you know someone who might be interested in becoming a member? You can be the 1st line signer of your candidate’s petition. Only 1 signer of a Masonic petition needs to be from Noble Lodge, the other signer can be from any Lodge. Keep this in mind if you have a candidate. It all starts with you submitting the petition for your candidate. The petition will be received at our next meeting, and your candidate will be notified. In most cases he will be invited to attend the next meeting, meet with the investigating committee, and then his EA degree will be scheduled. If you have a candidate for the Spring Ceremonial, now would be a good time to get him started! If you would like to help out at the next chip program, contact Dan Coffey to sign up to at [email protected] or call him at 314-707-2126. If you have any questions, contact the Master or Secretary from the information listed above. Charlie Wiegert Secretary, Noble Lodge #684 CT tm 18 Let’s Dance!! 38 Potentate Christmas Light Tour and Shopping Trip to Branson! At least 2 busses & 5 show setup. November 12th - 15th, 2015 19 CT tm Club Connection Daniel Boone Shrine Club President: Mark Rethemeyer Secretary: Robert Holscher 314.605.7615 636.240.8552 We had a great turn-out for our April Dinner meeting at Cappuccino’s in O’Fallon. This was a new place for us and we will definitely return. The food was great! Prices very reasonable! Great service! And as always, the best part of the evening was the friendship and fellowship! Our Board Meetings are on the last Thursday of the month and the extra added bonus is that while the guys are having their meeting, our Ladies play bunko! Last month we had more Ladies than men, so bunko is getting more popular! For those who have never played, no need to be afraid – it takes only 2-3 minutes to learn. So, if that is what has been keeping you from joining us, put your worries to rest. Mark your calendar for Thursday, May 28th and join us at JJ’s in O’Fallon. Ladies are always welcome! Join us for dinner at 6:30, and at 7:30 the guys have a meeting and the ladies play bunko. We order off the menu and have separate checks. They have great food and reasonable prices. You will find us to be a friendly group of Shriner’s and our Ladies, and we promise to make you and your Lady feel welcome. Give us a try and I can guarantee you and your Lady will have a great time! If you would like more information about Daniel Boone shrine Club and our activities give President Mark a call at 314-605-7615. Joachim Shrine Club President: Leonard Keller 1st Vice President: Joe Smart 2nd Vice President: Jim Westcott 3rd Vice President: Bill Kohout Secretary/Treasurer: Elmo Blum Director: Erie Gonzalez-Rubio 314-565-7646 March was a busy month for Joachim Shrine Club. We had a huge turn out from the club for the Circus Parade in Cottleville. Our float was rocking and rolling with members and their family. Also, I extend a huge thank you to all that showed up to the circus to barbeque. I know it was very appreciated by all. I wanted to share an experience that I had during this year’s Circus that makes me proud to be a Moolah Shriner. Our Shrine loads up a bus with Nobles, circus performers, Drum Corps, Clowns and tons of toys and goes to Children’s Hospital and Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital. We put on a mini circus for all the children and their families right there in the hospital. We all did our best to put a smile on each and every child that would not have been able to go to the circus due to their illnesses. I cannot express in words the overwhelming emotions that went through me getting to interact with these kids. I encourage all my fellow Nobles to attend a hospital visit and experience for themselves such a humbling and also gratifying event. It will remind you why we do what we do as a Shriner. Congratulations to our newest Noble and member of Joachim Shrine Club, Bruce Cooper. Ladies Luncheon CT tm 20 Tiger Shrine Club President: Jason Acton Secretary: Dr. Jim Kern 573.289.6858 573.999.7993 By Mitch Weinsting Email [email protected] 573-446-1327 We had a good group of Nobles attend the Ceremonial last month and we brought in three new Nobles and one reinstatement. Congratulations to all the newly created Nobles for Moolah Temple!!! Those that made the trip had a great time and enjoyed the fellowship at the temple. If you have not attended an event at Moolah, think about attending a stated meeting or party.They are always a fun event. Now is the time to come out to the club, meet our new Nobles and see the progress on the renovations. It should be almost done at the next meeting and ready for fun and fellowship. We will be discussing our next activities now that the club is ready and set for an event. Come out, have a say and take a part. Meeting night starts with some fellowship, dinner at 6pm. and a meeting to follow. Food has been good and drinks are always cold. Coming up in May is the dedication of the new hospital on May 17. Look to the Camel Tales for more information. The new hospital is beautiful from the outside and it should make you proud to be a Shriner. The Tiger Shrine club meets at 2315 N Stadium Blvd, Columbia, MO 65202 on the last Monday of the month at 6:00pm. Hope to see you at the meeting and don’t forget to wear your fez?? Good News Report! { } Our KMOV Cares: Heroes 4 Kids telethon was a SMASHING success! During 13 hours of programming, KMOV (our local CBS station here in St. Louis), 350 viewers called in to contribute $31,000 to Shriners Hospitals for Children. Suffice to say, it was an overwhelming day of support! In addition to the financial contributions - and we were thrilled to see so many employees of KMOV making donations as well - the value of the media coverage and sharing our message and mission with Channel 4 viewers was simply over the top. Over the course of the entire month, nearly 100 stories, promos and mentions about Shriners Hospitals for Children reached more than 5 million viewers. In other words, people saw the message SEVERAL times. The value of that coverage is estimated at more than $250,000. We have so many people to thank for helping make this day possible for Shriners Hospitals for Children. Most of all, we would like to thank all the Shriners, ladies and other volunteers who trekked to downtown St. Louis to answer all those donation calls. In particular, we would like to thank the Ainad and Moolah Shriners, as well as numerous members of the Board of Governors, who attended and supported the telethon, as well as the Moolah clowns and Tony Leech for lending us the YOMO cars to display on the set that day. And, of course, we can't forget the Patient Ambassadors and their families, for their willinging to share their stories live on TV. Upcoming Stated Meeting Menus May BBQ Pork Steaks Baked Beans Potato Salad Coleslaw Dessert 21 CT tm tm CT tm 22 MOOLAH MARCHING 48 OPEN BUDDY BASS TOURNAMENT SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 FISHING 7:30 AM T0 3:30 PM LAKE OF THE OZARK (CAMDENTON) RED OAK RESORT FOR LODGING RESERVATIONS/INFORMATION CALL: (573) 873-9400 COST: $100.00 PER BOAT CHECK IN “DOCK C” AT CAFE PROMPTLY AT 6:30AM AND 3:00PM (SEE BELOW FOR TOURNAMENT RULES - PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT MOOLAH MARCHING 48) Moolah Marching 48 Contact Person: George Corey RETURN RESERVATIONS TO: 804 Highland Crossing Highridge, MO 63049 _____________________________ □ Method of Payment Boat Owner Make Check Payable to: ______________________________ Moolah Shriner Patrol Address Reservation ______________________________ Partner □ Entry Fee $100.00 □ Big Bass $10.00 each _______________________________ □ BBQ $15.00 each Phone 1. Rules The following rules will be used for the tournament. The tournament committees shall have sole authority to interpert the rules and to apply the rules to all issues, disputes, questions or controverses concerning the tournament. All decisions made by the tournament committee concerning the enterpreting or application of the rules or award of the prizes shall be final and not subject to appeal. 2. Entry Fee $100.00 per boat, no more than two persons per boat. 3. Eligibility A. All individuals, 18 years of age or older with a paid entry fee, fishing partner does ont have to be 18 years of age. B. No Guides C. No individual who has earned more than $4,000.00 in money and or prizes with in one year prior to entry date. D. No use of guides to pre-fish with in 5 days prior to tournament date. 4. Saftey & Sportsmanship Fishing practices and safe boating must be observed at all times. Life jackets and kill switches must be worn during take off, life jackets must be worn when big motor is running. 5. Fishing Locations Anywhere on Lake Ozark with the exception of any area declared off limits by the State of Missouri. 6. Tackle & Equipment Only artificial bate or lures may be used, porkstyle baits are allowed. Rod & reel only. No Trolling. 7. Scoring Large Mouth Bass, Spotted Bass and Small Mouth Bass will be counted. Total strinner, weight per team will determine place. Any bass under (15) inches at weight-in will cause two pounds to be subtracted from total stringer weight plus the loss of the short fish. A half pound penality fo each dead fish. 8. Late Penality Any boat checking in late will lose one pound per minute up to 10 minutes, then disqualified. 23 CT tm 2015 Central States Shrine Association August 26 - August 30 ◦ Denver, Colorado Hosted by El Jebel Shriners You won’t want to miss CSSA 2015 • Get your reservation in by July 10th Holiday Inn Express • 17140 West Colfax Ave. Golden, Colorado 80401 For all details go to To make reservations call 1-855-914-1740, please have the special group code “MST (Moolah Shrine Temple)” on hand with the August 2015 dates. 30 day cut-off policy to guest. In order to qualify for the discounted rate of $134.00+tax a night, guest must make reservations 30 days prior to the group arrival date, please note your groups cutoff date is July 26th, 2015. Name_____________________________________________________________Unit_____________________________________ Lady, Guest or Noble you will be staying with_________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State______________Zip________________Phone(____)_______________________ Email_______________________________ Mark the Days you will need hotel accommodations: Aug 26th______Aug 27th_______Aug 28th_______Aug 29th_____ __________Registrations @ $20.00 per registration __________Golf at Fossil Trace Golf Club @ $90.00 per person __________CSSA Pub Crawl (Brady Arts Dist.) @ $25.00 per person Total amount for Registrations _____________________ Total amount for Golf _____________________ Total amount for Pub Crawl _____________________ __________CSSA Ladies Luncheon (at the Doubletree)@ $38.00 per person Event Total MC/Visa/Discover/AmEx Total amount for Ladies Luncheon_____________________ Check Enclosed Card number________________________________________________ Exp. Date________/__________ RSVP by July 10th Moolah Temple - 12545 Fee Fee Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 CT tm 24 _____________________ CSSA 2015 Schedule of Events Hosted by El Jebel Shriners • Denver, Colorado Wednesday August 26, 2015 8:00 am Marketplace Set Up 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Registration 6:00 pm VIP Dinner & Counterparts (At El Jebel Shrine) (Imperial Officers, CSSA Officers, Elected & Appointed Divan) Thursday August 27, 2015 7:00 am CSSA Golf Tournament (At Fossil Trace, Golden, CO) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Marketplace 11:30 am Ladies Luncheon (By ticket only) TBD Association Competition and Meetings (Location TBD) 3:00 pm CSSA Band Concert 4:00 pm Oriental Band Ballyhoo 5:00 pm Night Shirt Parade 7:00 pm Pub Crawl Friday August 28, 2015 8:00 am Directors Staff Breakfast (Location TBD) 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Marketplace 9:00 am Horse Patrol Competition (Jefco Fairgrounds) TBD Association Competition and Meetings (Location TBD) 1:30 pm Parade Marshal’s Meeting 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Daughters of Nile Gathering (All Ladies Invited) TBD Association Banquets (Location TBD) Saturday August 29, 2015 6:13 am ROJ Breakfast (Location TBD) 9:00 am – Noon Marketplace Noon – 5:00 pm Marketplace Tear-down 9:00 am CSSA 2015 Parade TBD Association Banquets (Location TBD) 25 CT tm Timothy Award winning magician and hypnotist - Regular performer at Las Vegas WonderGround and The Magic Casle in Hollywood. Saturday, May 16th - Moolah® Shrine Temple Tickets just $20 or $150 for a table of 8. Beer and Setups provided Doors open at 5:30 pm - Show Starts at 7:30 pm Also performing comedian and author of the book “Don’t Wear Shorts on Stage” Rob Durham Get your tickets before they disappear. Moolah® Shrine Temple (314) 878-6301 Moolah® Sporting Clay Tournament Saturday, August 1st 10:00 am Rain or Shine 18854 Franklin Rd. St. Louis Skeet & Trap Club St. Louis, MO 63069 636.271.4210 Name: ____________________Phone: ________________ Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Name: ____________________Phone: ________________ Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Name: ____________________Phone: ________________ Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Name: ____________________Phone: ________________ Gauge: 12, 16, 20 Twelve Stands of Sporting Clay (Lewis Class) All Shells Furnished Trophy & Awards, Silent Auction. Lunch & Refreshments Following Shoot For More Info Call Bob Grimm (314) 892-6666 Return Form before July 24. Limited number of 48 shooters. Cost: $100 a person Make Checks payable to Moolah Shrine Sporting Clays Tournament Mail to: 1350 Park Meadow Dr. Fenton, MO. 63026 Proceeds are for the benefit of Moolah Temple. Payments are not deductible as charitable contrubutions. CT tm 26 Shriners Hospital Day with the St. Louis Cardinals Sunday, August 2nd • First Pitch at 1:15pm St. Louis Cardinals vs. Colorado Rockies Attend the game and support Shriners Hospital for Children St. Louis Shrine ticket price ONLY $29 Cardinals will also be donating a portion of ticket sales to the St. Louis Hospital For Tickets: Call the Moolah Temple Office 314.878.6301 *Directlly behind Mid-Rivers Mall Valenti's Market & Catering Co. Since 1937 Moolah Temple Special 10% off In-Store Purchase • Brats • Fresh Steaks • Daily Baked Bread & Pies • Full Service Catering Dept. CLIP & BRING IN LPL Financial Bob Drury Financial Consultant 13611 Barrett Office Dr. #100 Manchester, MO 63021 (314-962-5600 Office (314)591-6666 Cell [email protected] 6750 Mexico Road St. Peters, MO NOW OPEN: MON-FRI 9:00am-6:30pm SAT 9:00am-6:00pm • SUN 9:00am-4:00pm 27 636/970-2992 CT tm Moolah Shriner and Financial Advisory Arthur Montgomery has just publishedPlanning his firstonbook. retiring? This book is an easy to read common sense guide to planning your retirement. Available at your favorite book stores, Arthur Montgomery CT tm 28 or 314-238-0207 YOUR Nobles, if you have not yet paid your dues, please call the office and make the necessary arrangements. ADVERTISEMENT You are important to the success of Moolah. COULD BE Hey! Have you paid your Dues!? HERE Contact the Shrine Office about advertising in the Camels’ Tales. I BUY CARS Advertising Schedule Trucks, Vans up to $3000 High Miles, OK! Rates Are Per Issue 1 Issue 3 Issues 5 10 Issues Issues Business Card $ 57.00 $ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00 ¼ Page $115.00 $102.00 $ 90.00 $ 78.00 ½ Page $230.00 $205.00 $180.00 $160.00 Full Page $460.00 $410.00 $360.00 $320.00 FAC (Ferguson Auto Center) In business 36 years at the same location These includes a two line Directory Listing *We may not be able to put two or more ads next to each other Half Price for all Units, Clubs or Committee Events Ads! Randy Wieser Directory Listing Prices per Issue 1 Issue 3 Issues 5 Issues 10 Issues Two lines $ 15.00 $ 12.00 $ 9.00 $ 7.00 Three lines $ 20.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00 Limit for each line is 30 characters, including spaces and punctuation. 29 314-434-1868 CT tm P l e a s e S u p p ort our Advertisers Directory Steven Nudelman - Bommarito Cadillac, Inc. 636-928-2300 Astounding Travel- Dennis & Dianne Traw 618-416-3669 Scherrer Instruments - Electrical and Electronic Test Equipment 314-644-5362 Arthur Montgomery Financial Advisory 314-238-0207 Stephen F. (Steve) Pieper, PP, CLU, ChFC Donor Relations Committee 314-392-8754 Brandenburg Law Offices Wills, Trusts & Probate Estates - 314-993-4261 Ferguson Auto Center- Randy Wieser Valenti's Market & Catering 6750 Mexico Rd. 636-970-2992 Guides BINGO! Starts at 11:00 a.m. every Thursday at the VFW Post in Overland Wehrenberg Theatres, call 1-800-Fandango for tickets and show times, LLC - Computer Engineering Services 314-596-8750 Weiss and Associates, P.C., Attorneys specializing in Corporations, LLCs, Contracts, Real Estate, Trademarks and more 314-588-9500 Jim Butler Chevrolet Dennis Gastreich - 636-349-3222 LPL Financial -- Bob Drury 314-962-5600 [email protected] The Scott Barthelmass Painting Co. Scott Barthelmass - 314-565-2480 M oolah Statistics as of Year to Date 11 0 6 0 1 2 27 0 0 3 -16 Creations Affiliations Restorations Associated Demits Suspensions Deceased Expulsions Resignations Associates Dropped Net Change Total Help Grow Our Membership You Can Be a Virtual Mentor! Learn What Shriners Do A Private Web Community for Shriners. 2621 Masonic/Shrine Membership Tools Available for you now! Do you have a friend, relative, acquaintance you want to join our fraternity? Well, now you have one of the BEST tools available to create and promote that interest: Are you already a member of our great fraternity and want to learn more? CT tm 30 W hat’s Going On! 31 CT tm NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT 592 12545 Fee Fee Rd. Saint Louis, MO 63146 Postal Carrier Please Expedite Dated Material Spring Ceremonial GO GREEN! Have your Camels’ Tales emailed to you. Just contact the Moolah Shrine Office. Dates highlighted in color indicate a Moolah Temple Function. Please do not schedule Unit, Club or Committee activities on these dates. Encourage your members to attend Moolah Temple activities.
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