DST - Decision Support Tool for Army Materiel Command
DST - Decision Support Tool for Army Materiel Command
Product Summary Background The Army is faced with the continuous challenge of getting the right equipment (materiel supply) to the right place at the right time (demand). To locate, prepare the equipment and get it to the units to meet requirements, the Secretary of the Army gave Army Materiel Command (AMC )the mission of being the Lead Materiel Integrator (LMI) – the manager of Army materiel redistribution. AMC, as well as a number of additional stakeholders, provide high-level documents that direct what equipment soldiers need and in what priority. Knowing who has what equipment and knowing its readiness state is critical. Therefore, these stakeholders and documents drive the equipment demand. In turn, the Secretary of the Army also directed that all of the supply data would come from one place: Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) Information Warehouse (LIW). To help organize this supply and prepare it to source against the demand provided by the stakeholders, LOGSA created the LMI DST-SM tool (Lead Materiel Integrator Decision Support ToolSourcing Module. DST-SM is the unclassified, web-based, collaborative tool the LMI uses to lead the Army Materiel stakeholders through the planning and execution of Army materiel distribution/redistribution. DST-SM matches validated, prioritized equipment demands with available Army inventory in depots, non-deployed units, and other sources. It can also provide different scenarios for solving tough equipping distribution problems. The options will help equipment managers consider the impact of delivery times and transportation costs and the long term effects of any decisions. G3 Unit Prioritization (DARPL) Stakeholders • • • • • • • • • • • • • FORSCOM USAREUR USARPAC USARCENT USASOC TRADOC ARNG USAR AMC TSS PDTE FMS APS Documents • • • • • • MTOE TDA ETDA MEEL ONS JUON Supply Pools • • • • • • • • • • • • • TPE TSS APS LBE PDTE New Production PM-Owned Depot Stocks Depot Production SARSS CIF Other Property Books Unit Projected Supply vs. Demand DEMAND LIW Predictive Sourcing Engine (Manual / Auto) LMI Lead Materiel Integrator Visual Distribution Plans of Supply, Demand, and Cycles SUPPLY (U) Unclassified Content: Use of released information and images utilized within this brochure does not constitute product or organizational endorsement of any kind by the United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) and Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA). www.promodel.com Objectives Main Features of LMI DST-SM The User Interface (UI) consists of the DST-SM Web Application. Screens for Materiel Sourcing, Dashboard/Reports, Administration and Filter Sets are identified through a navigation menu on the DST-SM home page. • • • Provide an enterprise view of total Army materiel supply and demand over time. Match validated, prioritized equipment demands with available Army inventory in depots, nondeployed units, and other sources to create proposed sourcing decisions to fill any shortages. Improve overall Army readiness by more effectively redistributing materiel. Dashboards/Reports Dashboards and Reports provide a high level view of supply transactions for graphical analysis. Dashboards leverage LINs, Units and Unit cycle data from the LOGSA Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW). Reports display a graphical and animated representation of how the supplies are sourced against requirements during a particular cycle. Filter Sets Filter Sets allow the user to build customized Unit, LIN, Location and Supply filter sets. These predefined filter sets will increase workflow efficiency and personalize the user’s view throughout the different modules within DST-SM. Administration Materiel Sourcing Distribution Plans, Viewers and Sourcing screens provide the Lead Materiel Integrator with the capability to create sourcing recommendations based on Army equipping strategies. The recommended equipment sourcing solutions can be vetted for feasibility with materiel stakeholders. The end product is a fully vetted sourcing solution to meet Army equipment requirements. This document is subject to the disclaimer located on the title page. An Administration area provides you with the ability to create and define user utilities, roles and rights. Another function of the Administration area is to define sourcing strategies and templates that enable you to make supply transaction strategies based upon the rules and events of those strategies and templates. This document is subject to the disclaimer located on the title page. How Does the LMI-DST benefit the warfighter? The Impact of LMI DST-SM on Army Decisions • Provides the capability to visualize total equipment demand and all supply sources over time. • Enables the LMI to create better sourcing solutions which are based on policy and Army priorities. • Provides the capability to visualize 2nd-3rd order future effects of decisions made today in order to ensure the best use of Army equipment resources. • Is a web-based enterprise system that will enable the LMI and the entire materiel enterprise the ability to collaborate in a common transparent environment. • Compares Equipment on Hand (EOH) with requirements to determine Army equipment shortages. • Provides LMI information necessary to maximize Army readiness by optimizing Army materiel distribution/redistribution. • Will ultimately create efficiencies by considering factors such as costs and geographic location of existing equipment sources to make better informed equipment distribution/redistribution decisions. INPUTS “WHAT-IFs” OUTPUTS Unit Cycles Over Time Unit Dashboard Materiel Requirements Over Time LIN Dashboard Materiel Manual Sourcing Materiel Supply Sources Over Time Supply Transaction Decision Support Tool (DST), Automating Materiel Management for Army Materiel Command This document is subject to the disclaimer located on the title page. www.promodel.com 888.900.3090 [email protected] Unit & LIN Supply/Demand
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