holy ghost parish - Holy Ghost Church
holy ghost parish - Holy Ghost Church
2016 HOLY GHOST PARISH 341 Selkirk Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 2L8 Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Fr. Alfred Grzempa, OMI - Pastor & Fr. Daniel Janulewicz, OMI - Associate Pastor Fr. Wojciech Wojtkowiak, OMI - In Residence Eucharist SUNDAY MASSES: WEEKDAY MASSES: SATURDAY: 5:00 P.M. (Eng.) MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY: SUNDAY: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M., 6:00 P.M. (Pol.), & 9:30 A.M. (Eng.) 7:00 A.M. (Eng.) & 6:00 P.M. Parish Life Finance Committee: Fr. Alfred Grzempa, OMI 582-4157 Altar Servers & Youth Ministry Fr. Daniej Janulewicz, OMI 582-4157 Parish Pastoral Council Paul Burtnick 338-7418 Religion Coordinators: Cecilia Wojcik (Eng.) 632-0696 Rosary Sodality: Elizabeth Gartman 661-2985 Holy Ghost School: Maryka Chabluk (Principal) 582-1053 Sacraments First Fridays of the month 7:00P.M. SATURDAY: 8:00 A.M. (Pol.) Catholic Women’s League: Barbara Gysel 338-1169 Knights of Columbus: Piotr Kolodziej 339-7386 Cemetery: 582-4157 Parish Hall: Joe Wierzbicki 999-5060 Organists: Michał Kowalik 802-7025 Zdzisław Krzyzelewski 589-5428 Eucharistic Ministers: Frances Podlesiecki 338-9286 NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP WEDNESDAY 6:00 P.M. Ushers: Sam Siwicki 339-5223 Jozef Bogdan 338-9270 Lectors: Lidia Konieczna 654-2978 Mary Ann Nawrot 338-2629 Felix Lesiuk 633-8505 Decorating Coordinator: Bernadette Gabriel 771-2778 Family Counsellor: Helena Nikodem 663-1228 Parish Internet site : www.holyghost.ca Marriage: The Archdiocese of Winnipeg requires at least six months notice prior to the wedding. In addition, you must also be a registered member in good standing. Marriage Preparation Course obligatory. Baptism: You must be a registered member in good standing for a minimum of three months prior to scheduling your child’s baptism. Confession: every day before Mass and every 1st Friday of the month from 5:00 P.M. or 6:00 P.M. depending on the schedule of the Mass. Sick: a Priest may be called in an emergency at all times. Parish Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M. & 1:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. Wednesday 8:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M. On Saturdays, Sundays & Mondays office is closed . 342 Pritchard Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 2J3 Tel.: 582-4157 Fax.: 582-1543 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, October 30, 2016 Year C XXXI SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jesus came to free us from sin; he continues to save his people through his word and sacraments. Even though we sin, his mercy fills us with his grace— continually making us worthy to serve each other and to build up his kingdom. MASS INTENTIONS XXXI SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - OCTOBER 30, 2016 8:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 9:30 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 11:30 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 6:00 p.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI MONDAY - OCTOBER 31 2016 7:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 6:00 p.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 1, 2016 - ALL SAINTS 7:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 9:15 a.m. Holy Ghost School Mass 6:00 p.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 2, 2016 - ALL SOULS DAY 7:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 6:00 p.m. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 6:30 p.m. 1. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 2. For ++ Oblate Fathers 3. For + Barbara Malkiewicz - K.J. Arndt 4. For ++ members of Radio Maria in Winnipeg - Family of Radio Maria 5. For ++ parents Franciszek & Boleslawa & also mother -in-law Stanislawa, godfather, his wife & their son - Jadwiga & family 6. For ++ husband Mieczyslaw Szkwarek & also Szkwarek & Kwas parents on both sides - Adela Szkwarek 7. For ++ grandparents on both sides - Adela Szkwarek 8. For ++ aunts & uncles on both sides - Adela Szkwarek 9. For ++ sisters Maria & Katarzyna & their husbands - Adela Szkwarek 10.For ++ Michal & Maria Glowacki - Znamirowski family 11.For + Wincenty Potwora - Znamirowski family 12.For ++ Ryszard, Maria & Antoni Karkota & also Henryk Szczygiel – B. Kowalski 13.For + Jan Sarbiewski - wife, children & grandchildren 14.For ++ parents on both sides Feliksa & Franciszek Golebiowski & also Bronislawa & Franciszek Sarbiewski - Sarbiewski family 15.For ++ parents Maria & Stanislaw Jarmuszczak & also Lubica & Niegovan Brankovic & family - family 16.For ++ brothers Ireneusz, Jozef, Lucjan, sister -in-law Zofia, brothers-in-law Mieczyslaw & Wojciech & sister Zenona - family 17.For ++ Michal Zdunowski, Antonina, Pawel, Jozef, Henryk & Zdzislaw Luzny - family 18.For ++ Ewelina Kotarska, Grzegorz Jarmuszczak, Bogdan Sadlowski & family - family 19.For ++ parents Dominicja & Sofroniusz Szczypta, sister Michalina & brothers -in -law Edward & Zbigniew - M. Jedynak & family 20.For + father Jan Romaniak (2 anni) & members of Romaniak family - son Lukasz & wife 21.In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for favors received & petition for God’s blessings for entire family - Maria Jedynak 22.In thanksgiving on the occasion of husband Jan Jedynak’s birthday & petition for health & God’s blessings for many more years - wife & children 23.For + father Piotr Jedynak, sister Irena, brother Emil & brothers -in-law Czeslaw Kozak & Grzegorz Lizak - Jan Jedynak & family 24.For ++ aunts Stefania Pizycki, Luba Babij, uncle Emil Jedynak, his wife Ania, aunt Ola & her husband Sylwester Pauczok & all in Jedynak & Szyposz family - Jan Jedynak & family 25.For a miracle for good health for Pamela, Monika & Kasia THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2016 7:00 a.m. Mass at Missionaries of Charity 8:45 a.m. Mass at Polish Manor FIRST FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 4, 2016 7:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 7:00 p.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 5, 2016 8:00 a.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI 5:00 p.m. FOR ALL THOSE MENTIONED IN THE PARISH WYPOMINKI SHARING GOD’S GIFTS 2016 Goal for Year 2016: $69,510.00 Parish Assessment for Year 2016: $21,902.00 Total owing for Year 2016: $91,412.00 To date, we have collected: $23,437.50 A sincere thank you to all for your donations and support. ALL SAINTS - November 1—when we remember in a special way our dearly departed brothers and sisters, who, with the help of our prayers will eventually be gathered in eternal happiness with all the saints at the heavenly banquet. In order that we might join the rest of the saints in heaven, it is imperative that we strive to love God with our whole being, follow his commandments and love our neighbor as ourselves. Today we light a candle in our cemetery in memory of our dearly departed, whether they are at rest in our cemeteries or elsewhere with these words: “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them…” PLEASE NOTE: Parish office will be closed November 1 (Tuesday). PLENARY INDULGENCE - November 1– 8 - you may avail yourself of this indulgence and offer it for your dearly departed by visiting a cemetery and offering a short prayer for those who have passed on to eternity. ALL SOULS DAY - November 2. The Commemoration of all the faithful departed when we remember those who have died, and pray for their souls as they undergo purification. Our Lords’ promises fill us with hope that the souls of the faithful will rise with Christ on the last day. On this day, and throughout the month of November, let us remember our dearly departed. May our prayers bring them closer to take part in the glory of God. PARISH RADIO PROGRAM has been broadcast for many years on CKJS 810 AM Radio. Each month we must pay $1,333.00 which amounts to $16,000.00 annually. This program is listened to by many, especially the sick and elderly and those not able to be with us at our Masses. To date, we have collected $11,120.00 Thank you to the following: D.K. Kwapiszewski $200 Anonymous $200 T.J. Kras $50 FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH - November 4. We invite all to participate in Devotions followed by Mass at 7:00 p.m. Confessions will be heard one hour before Mass begins. On this day there will be visitation of the sick and elderly as per schedule. If there is someone you would like a priest to visit, please call our parish office and their names will be placed on the list. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is every First Friday in our Chapel from 7:30—9:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS PARTY - All families in our parish are invited to participate in the All Saints Party on Monday, October 31 at 7:00 p.m. following the Evening Mass. There will be dancing, playing and also good food. Adults and children are asked to wear costumes of saints or positive costumes from favourite stories or movies. We hope everyone comes! CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE will be having a meeting on Sunday, November 13 following the Mass at 9:30 a.m. PARISH SPEAKERS/SOUND SYSTEM - This past week we installed a new sound system throughout the Church to improve the quality and sound. The entire cost of the equipment and installation is DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - ends on Sunday, November 6. $20,000 which was a very good price for this type of work. We are Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour before you go appealing to all parishioners to please help in our fundraiser for this project. All donations are eligible for your 2016 Income Tax receipt. to sleep Saturday night. Thank you to: K.A. Malodobry $50 M.T. Tomala $100 Sunday, November 6, 2016 Year C XXXII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOLY GHOST PARISH CEMETERY - On Sunday, November 13, there will be a collection taken up in support of our Cemetery Fund. As a parish, we are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of our cemeteries. This past year, we continued with the foundation repairs which included the baby section and the Missionary Oblate section. This work is very costly and all proceeds from this collection will greatly help us cover these expenses as well as continue further needed work in the Spring. We are appealing for your support which will help our cemetery maintain its beautiful appearance as the final resting place for our dearly departed. There is a pink envelope in your set of Sunday envelopes designated for this collection. God Bless All for your support and understanding!! MASS INTENTIONS XXXII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - NOVEMBER 6, 2016 8:00 a.m. For ++ Janina Wieczorek (anni) & family - daughter & family 9:30 a.m. INTENTION FOR ALL LIVING & DECEASED PARISHIONERS 11:30 a.m. For ++ Julia, Marcin & Franciszek Gorzkowski; Maria & Antoni Waigt & also Zbigniew Pankiewicz - Danuta & family 6:00 p.m. For + Wieslaw Jezak - wife & sons MONDAY - NOVEMBER 7, 2016 7:00 a.m. For ++ Cebula & Kisil grandparents - Lucy, Ed & Giena 6:00 p.m. For + Adela Guskiewicz - children & grandchildren TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 8, 2016 7:00 a.m. For + Jan Stroski 10:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Family Nursing Home 6:00 p.m. For + husband & father Michael Jaworski (1 anni) - wife & children WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 9, 2016 7:00 a.m. For + John Paul Sokol - family 6:00 p.m. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 6:30 p.m. 1. For ++ Oblate Fathers 2. For + Michael Jaworski - J.J.M. 3. For ++ parents Wladyslawa & Franciszek Zlobicki - family 4. For ++ Jozefa & Jozef Bekus - Helena Bekus 5. For + Chris Baron - B. Kowalski 6. For ++ parents Franciszek & Anna Tymczyszyn & their parents - daughter & family 7. For ++ cousins Stefan, Piotr & Stanislaw - cousin 8. In thanksgiving & petition for health & God’s blessings for children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren - mother Wanda & family 9. For ++ parents Bronislawa & Adam & brother Marian - W. & family 10. For ++ husband Marian, his parents & sister Wanda - W. & family 11. For ++ grandparents, aunts, uncles & godparents - W. & family 12. For ++ Anastazja & Mateusz Slawinski, brothers Kazimierz & Grzegorz & sister Jadwiga - daughter Grazyna & family 13.For a miracle for good health for Pamela, Monika & Kasia 14. For + daughter Malgosia (15 anni) - parents 15. For health & God’s blessings for Ala & David on the occasion of 10th Wedding Anniversary - parents THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 7:00 a.m. Mass at Missionaries of Charity 8:45 a.m. Mass at Polish Manor FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 11, 2016 - REMEMBRANCE DAY 7:00 a.m. For ++ parents Tekla & Jozef Grodecki & their parents on both sides - Emil Grodecki 11:00 a.m. For ++ all soldiers who lost their lives on the Front Line - Royal Canadian Legion #246 6:00 p.m. In thanksgiving for favors received & petition for further favors for entire family SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 12, 2016 8:00 a.m. In thanksgiving on the occasion of birthday for sons John & Andrzej & petition for God’s blessings & health for body & soul - Leonia Czezowski 5:00 p.m. For ++ parents Jan & Eugenia Dudek - daughter & family XXXIII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - NOVEMBER 13, 2016 8:00 a.m. INTENTION FOR ALL LIVING & DECEASED PARISHIONERS 9:30 a.m. For + Jadwiga Pawlus - Catholic Women’s League 11:30 a.m. For ++ members of Holy Ghost Fraternal Aid - Holy Ghost Fraternal Aid 6:00 p.m. Intention for Poland, Radio Maria & TV Trwam - Family of Radio Maria 98TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF POLAND - November 11. After 124 years, Poland regained its’ independence in 1918, when the First World War was nearing to an end. Let us pray that all existing tensions and hardships be resolved in peace and honesty and that God will help and lead us through troubled times. CANADIAN POLISH CONGRESS, Manitoba Chapter are inviting everyone to participate in this anniversary which will begin at 11:00 a.m., Sunday, November 13 at St. Andrew Bobola Church. ACADEMIA to commemorate this occasion will be held at 12:30 p.m. at the Sokol Polish Gymnastic Association, St. Boniface. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - November 6, 2016 Mikko Aleksander OLCHOWIK Our sincere congratulations to parents and godparents!! BAPTISM PREPARATION is mandatory for all parents and godparents who are planning to have their baby baptized in the near future. Those who are planning to attend the course are asked to call our parish office to register. (204 582-4157) ENVELOPES FOR THE WYPOMINKI are at the entrances to the Church and may be placed in the collection basket or brought to the office. WYPOMINKI (Prayers for all the faithful departed) the Church continues the remembrance of our dearly departed families and friends throughout the entire month of November. We remember, pray for, and offer Masses for the faithful departed through the Wypominki, prayerfully recalling those family members, friends and significant people in our lives who have died. NOVENA TO CHRIST THE KING will begin on Friday, November 11 and end on Saturday, November 19. Novena will be as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:30 p.m.; on Thursday we invite all to pray the Novena at home; Saturday and Sunday following the Mass at 8:00 a.m. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE BAZAAR RAFFLE: #1-#4415-Ken Taylor ($300.00); #2-#0664-R. Driskell (Crochet Bed Spread); #3-#1742-Marzena Kesinaka ($200.00); #4#3876-Sophie Targonski ($200.00); #5-#0463-Slawek Cofnas ($200.00); #6-#1639-Mabel Kollinger ($100.00); #7-#2303-Mariola Johnson ($100.00); #8-#1612-S. Kociolek ($100.00); #9-#3382-Zenobia Sarbiewski($100.00); #10-#0742-Eugenia Ekiel (Karpaty Gift Certificate). CWL raised $6,163.00 from the floor. All proceeds are for the Church. SINCERE APPRECIATION TO THE FOLLOWING: To all those who returned their raffle books—unfortunately there are still 25 books that have not been returned. We must be accountable for all books sold and unsold and it is very important that all books are returned. We ask all to please return your books to our parish office as soon as possible. To the Catholic Women’s League for all their hard work in the preparations and organization of the Bazaar. Thank you to those who brought baking, baskets and miscellaneous items. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who came to make perogies, cabbage rolls and bigos—your help is greatly appreciated and the food was delicious. Thank you also to the volunteers who worked at the Fish Pond! Thank you to all those who attended the Bazaar as it is through your attendance and support that helps make our Bazaar a success! REMEMBRANCE DAY - November 11—when we pause in silence to remember those who died in war and to pray for the victims of aggression and inhumanity throughout the world. This day commemorates Canadians who died in the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War. It is a day to pray for peace and to consider what we are doing to bring God’s peace into the world. By wearing our poppies on this day, we honour the war dead and also help veterans, ex-service personnel and their dependents. PARISH COLLECTIONS: God bless all for your offerings! October 16 - Regular Sunday Collection: $8,504.00 October 16 - Sharing God’s Gifts: $2,222.00 October 23: Regular Sunday Collection: $9,255.00 November 6 - Maintenance Fund Collection. November 13 - Cemetery Fund Collection. Did you give an offering equal to one hour of your earnings? SZKOŁA DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO GR. K-8, Monday to Friday 333 Selkirk Ave. OFFICE: 319 Selkirk Ave. Ph.: 204-582-1053 Excellence in Catholic Education STOWARZYSZENIE POLSKICH KOMBATANTÓW KOŁO #13 Biuro: 204.226.2323 GOLDEN HAND JEWELLERY DIAMONDS SALES, REPAIRS CUSTOM JEWELLERY LOW, LOW PRICES Przy organizacji działają: działalność Kombatancka, Zespół Taneczny ISKRY, Szkoła Taneczna ISKRY, Whiteshell. 955 MAIN ST. 204-943-7851 LEKARZE DENTYSCI ZAPRASZAMY DO NASZEGO GABINETU WESTSIDE DENTAL GROUP Colors, Highlights, Perms, Updo’s Men & Women Haircuts 3526 Roblin Blvd tel. 204- 415-4811 Klaudia Pierzchala 11 McCurdy Street cell: 204-228-0138 home: 204-339-3968 Phone: 204-339-2422 CH. WITOLD FULMYK ANNA’S DENTURE CLINIC 1230 Main Street Biuro organizacji czynne: od poniedziałku do piątku 9:00-14:30 tel. biura: 204-589-4294 tel.baru: 204-582-5113 “It’s more than a denture…It’s your smile” ANNA G. MAKARUK D.D, MAGGIE MAKARUK - HAY D.D. Denturist 1681 Main St. & Jefferson R2V 1Z1 Polski Adwokat TESTAMENTY, SPRAWY SPADKOWE KUPNO i SPRZEDAŻ DOMÓW, SPRAWY SĄDOWE, CYWILNE i RODZINNE w firmie BROADWAY LAW GROUP 300-326 Broadway Telefon: (204) 984-9420 GALARNYK INSURANCE Anna Gebczyk Klub Bractwa otwarty od poniedziałku do soboty. Bingo : w poniedziałki, wtorki, środy i czwartki o 19:00, soboty 13:00 - 16:00. Serdecznie zapraszamy !!! TPI EURO TRAVEL 217 Selkirk Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 1L5 Ph: 204-586-0341 Fax: 204-586-0359 e-mail: [email protected] ACT MANAGEMENT LTD. Accounting – Consulting – Tax Arthur Olszewski, CPA, CGA, CAFM, B. Comm. (Hons.) President CELL: 228-1431 E-MAIL: [email protected] Richard CZAJKA Ph: 284-6390 Cell: 997-2000 Fax: 284-0475 make it your own 338 Selkirk Ave. Ph: 582-1528 Assorted Cold Cuts: Polędwica, Szynkowa i Kaszanka A Variety of Meats: Wołowa Pieczeń, Karkówka, Kotlety Ronika Tel: 204-586-8044 Baltona Meat & Deli 600 Selkirk Ave. Tel. 204-586-8621 POLECAMY: wyroby własne, artykuły spożywcze i gazety z Polski 1956 Addis Avenue 4387 Main Street Ph. Parish office / Biuro Parafialne 204-582-4157 WOJCIK’S & CREMATORIUM Construction Ltd. Budowanie domów energo-oszczędnych, renowacje budynków mieszkalnych i komercyjnych, szafki kuchenne, wycena i porady. 39 lat doświaczenia. Joe WIERZBICKI tel./fax: (204) 334-3773 cell.: (204) 999-5060 Email: [email protected] e-mail [email protected] Winnipeg, Mb. R2W 3V7 FUNERAL CHAPEL ZAPRASZAMY! [email protected] Korzystnie kupić lub sprzedać dom Załatwiam pożyczki Red River Mutual TASTY SAUSAGE LTD. Przygotowywanie ksiąg wieczystych i pełna księgowość Consultatcje i rozliczenia podatkowe (personal, businesses, corporations) Estate planning (204) 781-2613 Wieloletnie doświadczenie w profesji Rzetelna i Przyjacielska Obsługa 1442 Main Street, przy Luxton Ave. CMENTARZE PARAFIALNE HOLY GHOST CEMETERIES 696 McGregor St. Ph. 204-582-7891 M-F: 9-6:30 Sat.: 9-2:30 POLSKI ZAKŁAD POGRZEBOWY TRADITIONAL OR CREMATION SERVICES Klaudia’s Hair Salon DR. NATALIA KSIAZKIEWICZ DR. MACIEJ KSIAZKIEWICZ FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1020 Main Street tel: 586-8668 & 2157 Portage Ave. tel: 204-897-4665 Owners: Richard & Louise Wojcik Polish Gymnastic Association Sokol, Winnipeg 717 Manitoba Ave. R2W 2H6 Ph: 204-582-7637 Email: [email protected] Sokol Library - every first Thursday of the month 7-9pm ¨ Program Radio Polonia CKJS810 - every Sunday. 3:15 - 4:45pm Sokol School of Dance Rehearsals: Mondays: Middle group, Traditional dance 6-7:45pm Wednesdays: Younger group, Traditional dance 6-7:30pm Fridays: Middle group, Modern Dence 6-7:45pm 2015 POLISH FEST “SOKOL DAYS” June 4-5, 2016 John Czezowski Realtor Jerzy Piotrowicz 23 lata doświadczenia Pomagam korzystnie kupić lub sprzedać dom Doradztwo w załatwianiu pożyczki na dogodny procent. Cornerstone Properties Ltd. Biuro: (204) 925-7999 Cell: (204) 291-JOHN(5646) E-mail: [email protected] www.century21advanced.com Realtor U nas najlepiej sprzedaż/kupisz dom lub biznes Pomoc w załatwianiu pożyczki na zakup domu Fachowe przygotowanie domu do sprzedaży tel. 204-229-2533 Autoryzowany Gino’s Homes sales agent E-mail. [email protected] www.jerzy-cornerstone.com