YOU ARE MY BELOV - St. Joseph Catholic Church


YOU ARE MY BELOV - St. Joseph Catholic Church
January 10, 2016
The Baptism of the
St. Joseph Church,
7240 W. 57th St.,
Summit, Illinois, 60501-1324
Fr. Bob’s Briefs
This Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. To help us reflect on the mystery of
today’s celebration, I have selected an image entitled Baptism of Christ (1485-1500), by the Master
of the St. Bartholomew Altar (an unnamed German painter), which is on display at the National
Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C. The central part illustrates the story as it is told in the Gospel of
Luke, which we heard today. John the Baptist (standing center right) is baptizing Jesus (center) by
pouring water over His head. Above Jesus, we see God the Father, and in between the Father and
Son is the Holy Spirit, depicted as a dove. Unfurling from God the Father is a scroll with the words:
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” The artist also includes a number of angels:
two lower angels playing musical instruments, one angel holding Christ’s clothes, one angel
incensing Jesus, and two angels by God the Father.
What makes this image of the Baptism of Christ unique is the semicircle of saints in heaven who are all
watching the Baptism of Christ. The saints in heaven are 7 men and 7 women. Seven is a number of perfection. So, in
heaven we see the perfection of male and the perfection female, and the number 14 (double 7) is the double perfection of
humanity. The artist painted each saint with a particular symbol, in order to help us try to identify them. He did not
leave a list of names, but from their symbols I have tried my best to ascertain their identity. From left to right these holy
men and women are: 1. St. Dorothy: crown of flowers, basket of flowers. 2. St. Andrew: X shaped cross. 3. St.
Christopher: carrying the Christ child on shoulders. 4. St. Bonaventure: cardinal’s hat and cross. 5. St. Catherine of
Alexandria: sword and broken wheel. 6. St. Augustine: bishop’s miter, crosier and pierced heart. 7. St. Agnes: lamb.
8. St. Francis of Assisi: grey habit and stigmata. 9. St. Lucy: sword in neck and palm. 10. St. Elizabeth of Hungary:
crown. 11. St. Albert the Great: crosier and wearing cap of teacher. 12. St. Apollonia: pincers holding a tooth. 13:
St. Mary Magdalene: jar of ointment, perfume. 14: St. George: knight’s armor and defeating dragon.
Why would the artist include all these saints in a painting about the Baptism of Christ? It’s not recorded this
way in the Scriptures and it is chronologically out of place in time. The artist inclusion illustrates some important
theological points to remember. Firstly, yes, it’s not in chronological order, but in heaven there is no time. God exists
outside of time. In heaven, there is no past, present, or future; everything is eternally now for God. Secondly, by having
the saints surround and look at Christ’s baptism, the artist teaches us a very important lesson to remember on today’s
feast day. Jesus was baptized in order to sanctify all people and to bring all people to God in heaven. The holy men and
women in heaven are looking at the Baptism of Jesus, fittingly, as the source and beginning of their sanctification. The
grace coming forth from Christ’s baptism can sanctify any person, whether male or female, young or old; no matter if we
are married, single, a virgin, ordained, or religious. The saints are made holy because they were baptized into Christ.
The saints are in heaven because they were baptized into Christ’s baptism (His death and resurrection), and so they share
in His glory. This is the joyous news for all of us on today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord!
Once again, you will find Bishop Wypych’s letter in the bulletin regarding my participation in mistrial review.
Please follow the link at the bottom of the letter if you wish to participate. You are invited to join the March for Life
Chicago with Archbishop Cupich on Sunday, January 17 from 2-4 PM at Daley Plaza. Please pray for a greater respect
of all life in our nation and around the world. May our Blessed Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, help us with her
maternal care and St. Joseph pray for us. Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!
Monday, Jan. 11
8:30 a.m.
†Beth Rybarski/God’s Blessings/Lorraine
Tuesday, Jan. 12
8:30 a.m.
St. Joseph Parish Benefactors
Wednesday, Jan. 13
8:30 a.m.
†Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish
Thursday, Jan. 14
Friday, Jan. 15
Ann Bolek/Family
Saturday, Jan. 16
8:30 a.m.
Past and Present Military Personnel
T h e Ro s a r y i s r e c i t e d e v e r y Sa t u r d a y
a f t e r 8 :3 0 a .m . M a s s .
All are invit ed t o part ic ipat e.
5:00 p.m.
†Edward Ahmer/Mr. & Mrs. Albert Aguirre
†Mike Barrett/Family
†William E. Degner Jr./Degner Family
†John Kroll/Birthday/Dorothy Kroll
†Frank Kuncic/Wife
†Luis Zambrano Sr./Family & Friends
Sunday, Jan. 17
7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz
†Patrick Jude Kurcz
†Joseph P. Kurcz
†Rennie Guerrero/Karen Sabatini
9:30 a.m. †Joan ‘Jenny’ Bartlo/Fulton J & Virginia Sheen
†Deceased Family Members/Dolores Michaels
11:00 a.m. St. Joseph Parishioners
12:30 p.m. Families of Henryk Sienkiewicz School
9 A.M. TO 7 P.M.
Weekly Collection Report
The Weekly Parish Budget
Sunday Collection Dec. 27, 2015
Solemnity of Mary, Jan. 1, 2016
Sunday Collection Jan. 3, 2016
$ 9,500.00
$ 19,691.00
$ 6,810.27
$ 3,201.89
$ 10,221.43
Thank you for your generosity!
Gracias por tu generosidad!
Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace!
Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016
5:00 PM.
J. Bambera, P. Feltz, G. Kujawa, R. Podrebarac
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016
7:30 AM
Sr. Agatha, B. Koran, R. Kosowski, J. Stanislovatis
9:30 AM
J. Sheehan, N. Wesolowski, G. Zaja, P. Zaja
11:00 AM
Cynthia, Hermila & Victor Duke, Lety Jimenez
Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016
5 :00 PM
Javier Castillo, Michael Meister
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016
7:30 AM
Joseph Diaz, Michael Olson, Crysalis Ruiz
9:30 AM
Heidi Chacon, Sayuri Cruz, Mallory Hervieux
11:00 AM
Reyna & Yareli Cortez, Nicole Dunoway,
Loyda Garza
Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016
5:00 PM
J. Bambera
Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016
7:30 AM
S. Vatch
9:30 AM
S. Madonna
11:00 AM
Angelica Romero - First Reading
Lula Hermosillo - Second Reading
St. Joseph School:
A Community of Faith,
Knowledge and Service.
Catholic Schools Week is
Coming Up
Jan. 31 through Feb. 6
We’re looking forward to seeing you at 9:30
a.m. Mass Sunday, Jan. 31, and our Open
House following Mass. Come discover St.
Joseph School! See what we’re all about.
We welcome you!
52 PICK-UP 2016
Tickets for 2016’s 52 Pick-Up Raffle
are available for purchase in the
rectory and school. Tickets are $10
each. Tickets are returned to the bin
after each drawing. There are 52
chances to win with each ticket! The
prize is $125, except for the St. Joseph
Drawing and the Back to School
Drawing. Those winners take home
$1,000! Pick up your ticket today!
52 PICK UP-With the New Year begins our new season for the
School Board 52 Pick-Up Raffle. If you have not yet purchased
your ticket you will want to as soon as possible. The ticket price
is $10.00 and gives you a chance to win $125.00 for the weekly
drawings and $1,000.00 for the St. Joseph Drawing in March
and the $1,000.00 back to school drawing.
Tickets may be purchased through the rectory and school
office. We will be selling tickets following the 9:30 a.m. Mass
on Sunday.
At the end of the month we will have our annual celebration of CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! The theme for the
National Catholic Schools Week 2015 is “Catholic Schools:
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The annual
observance starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week,
which this year is Sunday, January 31st to February 5th.
We will begin our celebration with our Opening Liturgy
on Sunday, January 31st starting at the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
SOCCER-As I mentioned last week our soccer season has begun. Our school plays in the St. Mary Star of the Sea indoor
soccer league. We field three teams; Kindergarten, 1st-2nd, and
3rd – 4th.
Our Kindergarten team is made up of children in kindergarten and 4-year-old preschool. They are very exciting to
watch. For many this is their first year playing and are learning
Our 1st-2nd grade team has gotten off to a great start,
beginning the season 3 wins and 0 losses.
Our 3rd – 4th grade team is also playing well with 2 wins
1 tie and 0 losses.
In all some 60 children are playing soccer and having a
great time! Games are played at St. Mary Star of the Sea Social
Center on 63rd and Knox.
Thank you and have a good week. God Bless.
Lawrence Manetti
You’re A Winner!
52 Pick-Up News
Ticket # 0480
Congratulations to this week’s $125 winner of the 52 Pick
-Up Raffle. Tickets for 2016 are available. Come by
and pick one up from the rectory or school office.
Informes Padre Bob
Este domingo, celebramos la fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Para ayudarnos a reflexionar sobre el misterio de
la celebración de hoy, he seleccionado una imagen titulada el Bautismo de Cristo (1485-1500), por el Maestro
de la San Bartolomé Altar (un pintor anónimo alemán), que se encuentra en exhibición en la Galería Nacional
of Art, en Washington DC. La parte central ilustra la historia a medida que se dice en el Evangelio de Lucas,
que hemos escuchado hoy. Juan el Bautista (parado en el centro a la derecha) está bautizando a Jesús (centro)
vertiendo agua sobre su cabeza. Por encima de Jesús, vemos a Dios el Padre y entre el Padre y el Hijo está el
Espíritu Santo, representado como una paloma. Desplegando de Dios Padre hay un pergamino con las palabras: "Tú eres mi Hijo amado; en TÍ me complazco." El artista también incluye una serie de ángeles: dos ángeles debajo tocando instrumentos musicales, un ángel sosteniendo la ropa de Cristo, un ángel incensando a Jesús
y dos ángeles junto a Dios Padre.
Lo que hace esta imagen del Bautismo de Cristo única, es el semicírculo de santos en el cielo que están todos viendo el bautismo de Cristo. Los santos en el cielo son 7 hombres y 7 mujeres. Siete es un número de la perfección. Así,
en el cielo vemos la perfección del hombre y la perfección de la mujer, y el número 14 (doble 7) es el doble de la perfección de la
humanidad. El artista pintó cada santo con un símbolo en particular, con el fin de ayudarnos a tratar de identificarlos. No dejó una
lista de nombres, sino de sus símbolos, he intentado todo lo posible por determinar sus identidades. De izquierda a derecha, estos
hombres y mujeres santos son: 1. Santa Dorotea: corona de flores, cesta de flores. 2. San Andrés: cruz en forma de X. 3. San Cristóbal: llevando al niño Jesús en los hombros. 4. San Buenaventura: sombrero y cruz del cardenal. 5. Santa Catalina de Alejandría: la
espada y la rueda rota. 6. San Agustín: del obispo mitra, báculo y el corazón traspasado. 7. Santa Inés: Cordero. 8. San Francisco de
Asís: hábito gris y estigmas. 9. Santa Lucía: espada en el cuello y palma. 10. Santa Isabel de Hungría: corona. 11. San Alberto
Magno: el báculo y vistiendo gorra de profesor. 12. Santa Apolonia: pinzas que sostienen un diente. 13: Santa María Magdalena:
tarro de ungüento, perfume. 14: San Jorge: la armadura del caballero y el dragón de derrotar.
¿Por qué el artista incluye a todos estos santos en una pintura sobre el Bautismo de Cristo? No está registrado de esta manera en las Escrituras y es cronológicamente fuera de lugar en el tiempo. La inclusión del artista ilustra algunos puntos teológicos
importantes para recordar. En primer lugar, sí, no es por orden cronológico, pero en el cielo no hay tiempo. Dios existe fuera del
tiempo. En el cielo, no hay pasado, presente o futuro; todo es eterno ahora para Dios. En segundo lugar, para tener a los santos rodeando y mirando el bautismo de Cristo, el artista nos enseña una lección muy importante recordar el día de la fiesta de hoy. Jesús
fue bautizado con el fin de santificar todas las personas y traer a todas las personas a Dios en el cielo. Los hombres y mujeres santos
en el cielo están mirando el Bautismo de Jesús, como corresponde, como origen y principio de su santificación. La gracia que sale
del bautismo de Cristo puede santificar cualquier persona, sea hombre o mujer, joven o viejo; no importa si estamos casados, solteros, una virgen, ordenado o religioso. Los santos se hacen santos porque fueron bautizados en Cristo. Los santos están en el cielo, ya
que fueron bautizados en el bautismo de Cristo (Su muerte y resurrección) y por lo que comparten en su gloria. Esta es la noticia
alegre para todos nosotros en la fiesta de hoy del Bautismo del Señor!
Una vez más, se encuentra la carta del Obispo Wypych en el boletín con respecto a mi participación en la revisión de la
anulación del juicio. Por favor, siga el enlace en la parte inferior de la carta si usted desea participar. Usted está invitado a unirse a la
Marcha por la Vida de Chicago con el arzobispo Cupich en Domingo, 17 de enero 2-4 pm en la Plaza Daley. Por favor oren por un
respeto mayor de toda vida en nuestro país y en todo el mundo. Que nuestra Santísima Madre María, Desatadora de nudos, nos
ayude con su cuidado maternal y San José ore por nosotros. Vivat Jesús! ¡Viva Jesús!
Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza
Kościół celebruje dzisiaj Święto Chrztu Pańskiego. Aby pomóc nam lepiej zrozumieć istotę tego święta,
wybrałem dzieło, które obecnie można oglądać w waszyngtońskiej National Art Gallery. Jest to obraz
zatytułowany „Chrzest Chrystusa” (1485-1500). Namalował go anonimowy niemiecki artysta, będący
także twórcą Ołtarza św. Bartłomieja. Centralna część obrazu jest ilustracją dzisiejszego fragmentu z
Ewangelii według św. Łukasza. Św. Jan Chrzciciel (widoczny w centrum i lekko na prawo) udziela
chrztu znajdującemu się w centrum Jezusowi, polewając Jego głowę wodą. Ponad Jezusem widzimy
Boga Ojca, a pomiędzy Ojcem i Synem znajduje się Duch Święty, wyobrażony pod postacią gołębicy.
Bóg Ojciec trzyma zwój, na którym widnieją słowa: „Jesteś moim Umiłowanym Synem; w Tobie mam
upodobanie”. Malarz dołączył do tej sceny również kilku aniołów. Dwóch z nich gra na instrumentach
muzycznych; jeden trzyma szaty Jezusa, a inny Go okadza. Dwaj kolejni aniołowie znajdują się przy
Bogu Ojcu.
Co wyróżnia ten obraz spośród innych o podobnej tematyce? Święci w niebie, zebrani w półkolu i będący świadkami
Chrztu Pańskiego. Owy świętych jest czternastu – siedmiu mężczyzn i siedem kobiet. Siódemka jest liczbą doskonałą, zatem
„14” (czyli podwójna siódemka) oznacza podwójną doskonałość ludzkości – zarówno męską, jak i żeńską. Artysta każdemu
świętemu dał pewien symbol, ułatwiający identyfikację. Nie zostawił nam gotowej listy z imionami, ale na podstawie tych
symboli starałem się możliwie najlepiej ustalić tożsamość każdego z nich. Od lewej do prawej widzimy: 1. święta Dorota:
wieniec z kwiatów na skroniach, kosz z kwiatami; 2. święty Andrzej: krzyż w kształcie litery X;
3. święty Krzysztof, niosący na ramionach małego Jezusa; 4. święty Bonawentura: kapelusz kardynalski oraz krzyż. 5.
święta Katarzyna Aleksandryjska: miecz oraz złamane koło; 6. święty Augustyn: mitra biskupia, pastorał oraz przebite
7. święta Agnieszka: baranek; 8. święty Franciszek z Asyżu: szary habit oraz stygmaty; 9. święta Łucja: dłoń i szyja
przebite mieczem; 10. święta Elżbieta z Turyngii: korona; 11. święty Albert Wielki: pastorał oraz czapka nauczyciela;
12. święta Apolonia, trzymająca ząb w szczypczykach; 13. święta Maria Magdalena: perfumy; 14. święty Jerzy: zbroja
rycerska oraz zabity smok.
Dlaczego malarz umieścił tylu świętych na obrazie o Chrzcie Chrystusa? W Piśmie Świętym nie ma ani słowa o
świętych i jest to niewłaściwe pod względem chronologicznym. Obecne tu postacie świętych mają zwrócić naszą uwagę na
kilka ważnych kwestii teologicznych. Owszem, to jest niezgodność chronologiczna, ale Niebo nie zna pojęcia czasu. Bóg
istnieje poza czasem. W Niebie nie ma czegoś takiego, jak przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość – dla Pana wszystko jest
wiecznością. Po drugie: święci będący świadkami Chrztu Jezusa, chcą nas nauczyć czegoś bardzo ważnego. Chrystus przyjął
chrzest po to, aby uświęcić wszystkich ludzi, aby zaprowadzić całą ludzkość do Boga. Świeci w Niebie spoglądają tutaj,
dosłownie, na źródło i początek własnej świętości. Łaska płynąca z Chrztu Pańskiego dotyka wszystkich – mężczyzn i
kobiet; młodych i starych; małżeństw, singli, dziewic i osoby duchowne. Świętość osób świętych polega na tym, że zostali
ochrzczeni w Chrystusie. Znajdują się oni w Niebie, gdyż poprzez własny chrzest otrzymali udział w Chrzcie Pańskim, w
Jego śmierci, zmartwychwstaniu oraz wiecznej chwale. Tak brzmi Dobra
Nowina dla każdego z nas na dzisiejsze Święto!
Vivat Jesus! Chwała Jezusowi!
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate V
2330 West 118th Street
Chicago IL 60643
Phone: 312-534-5050
Fax: 773-779-8469
Dear Parishioners,
Your Pastor, Father Robert Stuglik, will soon be participating in the Catholic Leadership 360 Review
process. This review process is part of the ordinary structure required by Archdiocesan Policy of
every diocesan priest approximately every five years. It is an opportunity for Fr. Stuglik to recognize
his talents and to grow to become a better priest and pastoral minister. Your local Dean selected
members of the parish staff and parish leadership to serve as reviewers and I will also use this
instrument in the Catholic Leadership 360 Review process.
Further, diocesan policies also state that parish lay leadership and parishioners be given the
opportunity to recognize Father’s gifts and to share their sentiments about his ministry. So, an
additional parish-wide survey is also part of his review process. The web address of the survey and
instructions for anonymous participation can be found at the bottom of this letter and on your parish’s
web page, if available. Please note that the survey is available in English and Spanish. The data
obtained from the parish-wide survey will be shared with Father Stuglik and your participation will
remain anonymous. The Priests’ Placement Board and I will also receive this data.
If you have any further questions or suggestions about the review process you may contact Fr. Bob
Heidenreich ([email protected] ), Coordinator of Ministerial Review and Priests
Programs at the Priests Placement Office (312-534-5237).
When the Catholic Leadership 360 Review process has been completed, Father Stuglik will be asked to
share the insights he has received and his further developmental plans with you in the parish bulletin
and on the parish web site.
I thank you in advance for your willingness to participate in the review process and to provide
constructive information.
Most Reverend Andrew P. Wypych, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
Episcopal Vicar of Vicariate V
To participate in the survey, please visit these websites on your computer: (English) (Spanish)
Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May the souls of the faithful through
the mercy of God rest in peace!
Alicia Anderson
Laura Behm
*Ann Bolek
Kimberly Boll
Brittaney Boubin
Lucille Cavallone
Patricia Diaz
Mary DiGangi
Alexander Druschitz
Eleanor Dzielak
Robert Erklin
Helen Frank
May our Blessed Mother,
Undoer of Knots,
help us with her maternal care.
James Heelan
Rich S. Jandura
Denise M. Jandura
Chester and Virginia
Millie Jercha
Ted Kuldanek
Those needing personal financial statements from
St. Joseph Parish for income tax purposes should
call the rectory at 708-458-0501 beginning Jan. 6.
Thank you.
Baptisms will be held at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday,
Jan. 10, only, instead of our regular time.
Caroline Lalinsky
Geri Lauer
Mary Marcichow
Sylvia and Ben
Dolores Michaels
Anthony Montaneo
Ed and Alice Nowak
Leonardo Alexandros
Meg A. Radcliff
Carmen Rodriguez
William Schaefer Sr.
Lorraine Simich
Scarlette Grace
Irene Szarley
Josephine Tipner
Ricardo Varajas
Pamela Wojdyla
*Most recently added
If you know of
anyone that should be on
the sick list, please call
the rectory at
Thank You.
To Fix the and Tuck Point
our Parish Buildings
Number of Parishioner Donors/Families:
Total Pledged thus far:
Amount Collected thus far:
Pledges still to be collected:
$ 18,570.00
Our Restoration Drive is over. We will
accept late payments.
Thank you for your donations.
If you need a statement, please call the
rectory office.
7240 W. 57th Street
Summit, IL 60501
(708) 458-0501
[email protected]
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Please check bulletin for Holiday Hours
2:00 p.m. Wednesday
Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik
Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA
Deacon Benedict Michalowski
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac
Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski
Pianist/Organist: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray
Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski
Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz
News for Our Parishioners. . . . .
Li le Company of Mary Hospital’s Pastoral Care Department
is hos ng two support programs for those grieving the loss
of a loved one through death. Adults may a end “Living:
When a Loved One has Died,” from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for six
consecu ve Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, March 9.
Support groups are formed specific to loss. Registra on is
required . Children 5 to 18 years old may a end “The Heart
Connec on,” from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for eight consecu ve
Mondays beginning Monday, March 14. Early registra on is
required. For more informa on and registra on, call the
Pastoral Care Department at 708-229-5484, or 708-2294299. Li le Company of Mary is located at 2800 W. 95th St.,
Evergreen Park.
Joyful Again! (A Widowed Ministry) is hos ng a retreat/
workshop for widowed men and women Saturday and
Sunday, March 5 and March 6 at Our Lady of the Angels
House of Prayer, 13820 Main St., Lemont. An addi onal
program will be held Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and April
10 at Holy Family Medical Center (now Presence/
Resurrec on), 100 N. River Rd. (at Golf and River roads),
Des Plaines. Space is limited so early registra on is
recommended for both programs. For more informa on,
call Joyful Again! at 708-354-7211, or email the group at
[email protected]. There is a brief video available
on Joyful Again’s website at
Our Lady of the Woods Parish, 10731 W. 131st St., Orland
Park, will host Maria Metzler as she presents, “The Thriving
Family,” from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3. For more
informa on, call Chris ne Collins at 708-269-6315.
Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH
Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
(8:30 AM Wednesday School Mass During School Year)
Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated
8:30 AM Saturday
Please check bulletin for Holiday Mass Schedule
School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti
5641 S. 73rd Ave.
(708) 458 - 2927
Moderator: Mr. Jason Porod
Assistant: Mrs. Penny Davis
(708) 458-0501
5641 S. 73rd Ave.
If you are homebound, and would like to
receive Holy Communion, please call the
parish office to make arrangements.
St. Joseph Church #512045
7240 W. 57th Street
Summit, IL 60501
708 458-0501
Joan Hadac
EMAIL: [email protected]
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