AMHF Annual Report - Alton Memorial Health Services Foundation


AMHF Annual Report - Alton Memorial Health Services Foundation
Medicine Better at
Alton Memorial
2013-2014 Annual Report
Alton Memorial Health Services Foundation
How a tent full of revelers decked out in camo are saving lives
Friends are a wonderful thing – but that old adage “A friend in need
is a friend indeed” is especially true during cancer treatment. Breast
cancer patients have many friends who support the “You’ve Got a
Friend” fund; young friends who participate in the Brittany Youth Group
“Shoot for the Cure,” artistic friends who create unique bras for “Bras on
Broadway” and philanthropic friends who see a need and want to help.
By now most everyone has seen the BJC Making Medicine Better campaign.
But how we are making medicine better at Alton Memorial Hospital?
• The Women’s Health and Childbirth Center is expanding in response to a growing need.
• We partnered with St. Louis Children’s Hospital to bring a specially equipped
mobile intensive care unit and KidsFlight helicopter to AMH.
• Our state-of the-art Duck Plucker ambulances have transported more than 30,000 patients.
• A ladder is being extended to diabetes patients who have fallen into the “donut hole”.
• We’re making medicine better in local schools and churches with the Parish Nurse,
Athletic Trainer, and BJC School Outreach and Youth Development programs.
• At the 2014 PRC National Excellence in Healthcare Conference, our efforts to improve
quality, safety and patient experience resulted in eight prestigious awards.
By continually seeking ways to improve, we are true to our mission, our community and ourselves.
Every time a baby is born Brahms Lullaby plays over the PA
system at AMH. Last year the lullaby played 713 times. In 2015, we
expect to hear the lullaby more than 900 times, thanks to the newly
renovated and expanded Women’s Health and Childbirth Center.
Armed with a blood pressure machine and stethoscope,
parish nurses are on a mission to improve health.
Old habits are hard to break. After spending a lifetime working a 9 – 5
job, some people find it difficult to adjust to not working and become
agitated as the sun goes down. The Violet Room at Eunice Smith
Home will offer a soothing environment to de-stress and de-stimulate.
Thank you for helping us make medicine better,
When a donut hole isn’t sweet. . .
Paul R. Lauschke Jr., Chairman
Alton Memorial Health Services Foundation
David A. Braasch, RPh., FACHE
President, Alton Memorial Hospital
A gift that keeps giving
Certified athletic trainers are in the lineup at area schools, providing
practice and game coverage with an emphasis on injury prevention
Your support makes medicine better.
On the cover: Elisa Fessler, daughter Grace and son Grant stop in to say
hello to OB nurse Amanda Ebbeler.
Duck Plucker Ambulances
#76 – funded by 2009 event
11,265 total call responses
#22 – funded by 2010 event
7921 total call responses
#70 – funded by 2011 event
5036 total call responses
#64 – funded by 2012 event
4121 total call responses
#63 – funded by 2013 event
2210 total call responses
#72 – funded by 2014 event
Arriving in January 2015
To date, more than 30,000 people in our community
have benefited from state-of-the-art ambulances
made possible by the Duck Pluckers, Deer Skinners
& Fish Hookers Ball.
2108 patients suffering from chest pain and
185 patients in cardiac arrest had the Bluetooth
advantage for a good outcome.
Thank you to all the Duck
Pluckers and sponsors who
have helped provide these
ambulances for our community.
You’ve Got a Friend
Last November Michelle Ross confronted breast cancer with the full
gamut of treatment at AMH – and feels blessed by every bit of it.
“All of the doctors, nurses and staff were so encouraging,”
Ross said. “I have to be honest, I cried when I lost my hair. But
I trusted God through the whole time. Cancer is an eye-opener,
but with God’s help you can make it through anything.”
Soon Ross needed help with another challenge. The
brakes on her vehicle went out and estimated repair
costs were higher than her monthly income.
Nurses Malea Watson and Toni Brummett referred
Ross to the “You’ve Got a Friend” fund, established
by caring individuals and organizations to help
breast cancer patients focus on healing and recovery.
“It’s a long journey
through surgery,
chemotherapy, and
radiation therapy.
Ms. Ross has been
a pillar of faith and has
had unwavering trust in
our team at AMH.”
~ Joel Simmons, MD
Today Michelle is on the road again, letting faith
guide her through life’s bumps and turns.
OB Renovation
The Women’s Health and Childbirth Center is
expanding 5,000-square-feet into the Smith
Wing. The renovation will be completed in
2015, adding three new triage rooms, Labor/
Delivery/ Recovery/ Post-Partum rooms and a
new family waiting area with its own entrance.
Thanks to supporters of the Pictures with Purpose
project, beautiful artwork will adorn the walls.
“The new space will allow us to deliver 1000
babies annually,” said manager Jessica Mossman.
“With patient satisfaction scores in the 99th
percentile, more patients are choosing Alton
Memorial to start and grow their families.
“We’ve partnered with St. Louis Children’s
Hospital, adding a pediatric transport team
stationed at AMH around the clock. This allows
us to quickly transport critically ill babies to
the SLCH Newborn Intensive Care Unit.”
The renovation project is funded by BJC
HealthCare and Alton Memorial Health
Services Foundation. At AMH, newborns have
every advantage for a great start in life.
“Delivering my children
at AMH was a wonderful
experience. The staff treated
me like family - as if I were the
only patient on the unit! AMH
is, and will always be, my
hospital!” ~ Elisa Fessler
Parish Nurse Program
A day in the life of a parish nurse is both routine and varied.
On Monday – Thursday mornings, Cathie Ketterer keeps
office hours in four area churches, taking blood pressures,
talking about medical issues and getting to know parishioners.
She works to meet the needs of each individual, referring
people to area resources and educational programs.
After office hours Ketterer usually spends her lunch at the Salvation
Army, helping with the Women’s Ministry. She also visits with
residents of the homeless shelter, offering a weekly devotional.
Afternoons are spent calling on patients in the home, hospital or
long term care facilities. Fridays are devoted to paperwork, where
each encounter is carefully charted. Not charted, but perhaps most
important, is the time she spends praying for those in her care.
“In my 36 years at Alton Memorial,
I’ve loved every job that I’ve had, but
I love parish nursing the most. It’s a
blessing to serve others. I’m grateful
that the Foundation recognizes the
value of this program.”
~ Cathie Ketterer, RN
The Violet Room
Violets were hospital
founder Eunice Smith’s
favorite flower. They grew
abundantly on the Elm
Ridge estate, which once
stood on the hilltop south
of Eunice Smith Home.
Mark Jeffries, administrator at Eunice Smith Home, has a vision.
He would like to convert a day room on the west wing to a
sensory neutral or sensory soothing place, where residents who
have become agitated can be de-stimulated.
It will be named the Violet Room, in honor of Eunice Smith.
Painted in warm, neutral colors, the room will be a place
of solace. Through the use of lighting, warm blankets,
soft, comforting fabrics and gentle music, caretakers will
develop methods to affect calming. Each plan will be
individualized as part of the person centered care plan.
If you would like to help the Violet Room become a reality,
please contact the Development Office at 618-463-7701.
Vera Bock Diabetes Fund
Donuts holes aren’t always sweet – particularly when
Medicare out-of-pocket spending is involved.
People with Medicare can pay for prescription drug coverage, called Medicare
Part D. With this plan, they pay until spending reaches $310. Then they pay 25%
until costs reach $2850, when they fall into the “donut hole” and are responsible
for 47.5% of brand name drugs and 72% of generic drugs up to $4550.
In 2002, Vera Bock left a generous bequest to the Diabetes Management
Center to assist people living with diabetes. Due to rising costs of drugs and
an increase in people seeking assistance, the fund was nearly depleted.
AMH Chaplain Bruce Baumberger sees many patients struggling with health and
financial concerns and understood the gravity of the situation. With his support, the
United Methodist Church made a generous donation to the Vera Bock Diabetes Fund.
“For most people, the donut hole
presents serious financial challenges.
Many are forced to choose between
rent or groceries and their medications.
Diabetes supplies such insulin and
glucose strips are expensive.”
~ Endocrinologist Julio Leey, MD
This was good news for Mary Jason. Thanks to the compassionate people of the United
Methodist Church and coaching she receives from Diabetes Educator Lisa James, she
feels a huge sense of relief knowing that her diabetes will remain under control.
Templin Fund
In 1976, Roger Templin donated $1 million to Alton
Memorial Hospital in honor of the outstanding care
he and his sister Daisy received. The gift stipulates
that the funds be used for nursing education.
Hundreds of scholarship recipients have benefited
from his generosity. In addition, the Templin
Fund provides continuing education programs
and certification opportunities for LPNs and RNs
employed at the hospital.
The fund also provides in-house seminars
coordinated by the Education Department. Staff
receive continuing education credits for attending
programs on topics such as diabetes, orthopedics
and interpreting lab values.
Recently wound ostomy continence nurse
Diane Strebel and education manager Lisa Wilson
coordinated an all-day program titled “Wound Care:
It Takes a Team to Heal”. Dorothy Doughty, author
and national leader in wound care, and Dr. Valinda
Allen, medical director of AMH wound care, were
featured speakers. Nurses from hospitals, long-term
care facilities and home health agencies throughout
the region were invited to attend.
“The Templin fund allows
us to meet educational
requirements and identify
learning opportunities that
enhance patient care at AMH.”
~ Lisa Wilson, RN, education manager
Thanks to the support of the
Alton Memorial Health Services
Foundation, certified athletic
trainers provide practice and
game coverage at Alton High
School, Bunker Hill High School,
Civic Memorial High School, East
Alton-Wood River High School,
Jersey Community High School,
Marquette High School, Metro East
Lutheran High School, Roxana
High School, and Southwestern
High School. Athletic trainers
assess and treat injuries and
emphasize injury prevention
through proper warm-up and
Athletic Training Program
In her sophomore year, Alaina Trosley suffered an injury
while playing in a basketball tournament in Carbondale.
Back in Bethalto, athletic trainer Aaron Suessen suspected
a torn ACL and referred Trosley to orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Aaron Omotola. An MRI confirmed the injury and Trosley
underwent reconstructive surgery at Alton Memorial Hospital
followed by a regimen of physical therapy, which Suessen
continued at school with return to sport protocol.
That was two years ago. Now it’s volleyball season and Trosley
is back on the court, feeling fine and looking
forward to regionals. It’s reassuring to know
that Suessen is nearby, making his
medical expertise available to every
school athlete.
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
In memory of Bill Hayes
Alton Area Chaplains Association
Alton Fire Department
EMS Friends and co-workers
Hartford Volunteer Fire Department
In memory of Marsha Klug
For Eunice Smith Alzheimer’s Unit
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beiser
Ms. Ellen Campbell
Ms. Rhonda Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gore
Ms. Shirley J. Grey
Mr. Keith A. Hall
Mrs. Marlene Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. McNeary
Ms. Barbara Rolli
Mrs. Sally Sullivan
In memory of Cliff Mathus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Ebke
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kreitner
In memory of Shiv Patil, MD
Ms. Katie Barnard
Dr. and Mrs. David Burnside
Ms. Catherine Campbell
Leigh Chao, MD
Ms. Angela Colley
Ms. Carla Cope
Ms. Donna M. Darr
Mr. Carl Draper
Rodger Hanko, MD
Ms. Candy Hausman
Alan Johnson, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Raghu Kanumury
Pooja Kapoor, MD
Ms. Rebecca King
Patrick Masching, MD
Ms. Christy Meisner
Ms. Rebecca Miller
Monisu Universal Solutions, LLC
Ms. Rachel Schnelten
Mrs. Joann Stocker
Friends and co-workers
In memory of Vivian Vaughn
For Eunice Smith Activity Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David Clayton
Mr. Phillip J. Little
Ms. Nancy Paul
Ms. Traci L. Pelhank
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Schoenbaum
In memory of Dennis Weeks
For Eunice Smith Activity Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Foiles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salter
Friends and Family
In memory of Elizabeth “Libby” Yaw
AMH Surgery, Recovery Room, Ambulatory
Surgery, Anesthesia, CSPD
Alton Area Chaplains Association
Ms. Myra Anderson
Mr. Jason Bowman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brummett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buquoi
Ms. Lona Campbell
Mrs. Janet Cloninger
Mrs. Karen Dial
Mrs. Jill Garbs
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton
Mrs. Janet Hampton
Ms. Charla Hazen
Mr. Steven D. Holsapple
Ms. Rachelle Kinder
Ms. Tina S. Kristoff
Mrs. Marlene Lewis
Ms. Sharon Mallory
Midwest Stone Institute
Ms. Donna Powell
Mrs. Judy Roth
Ms. Allison Schaffer
StandardAero Employees Club
Stein Urology
Mrs. Cathy Storey
Mrs. Diane Strebel
Ms. Ruth Tepen
Mrs. Amy Toenyes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vonderhaar
Ms. Charla Wikoff
Friends and co-workers
In memory of Georgia Fairbanks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beatty
For Eunice Smith Activity Fund
In memory of Pete Basola Sr.
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. David Braasch
In honor of Lee Fetter
Mrs. Marjory Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bryant
In honor of Krista Camp
Ms. Jan Davenport
Feuerbacher/Wilkins Group
In honor of George Milnor
Mr. Ed P. Fitzgerald
In memory of Nora Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Goers
Ms. Ruth Gray
Mrs. Minola Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Obermiller Jr.
In memory of Mary Lou Hay
Mrs. Flora Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ridder
In memory of John W. Ridder
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson
In honor of AMH School of Nursing
Class of 1969
Mrs. Antigone Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Myles Yanta
In memory of Helen Ann Rhea
Scott Arbaugh, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James Balllinger
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballinger
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bartosiak
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Berg
Mr. and Mrs. David Braasch
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Doug Cheatham
Mrs. Julie Crivello
In memory of Bob and Alice Geddes
Mr. Carl Draper
Episcopal Parish of Alton
Ms. Patricia Evancho
In memory of Steve and Margaret Evancho
Mr. Ellis J. Gaston
In memory of Carol Tallyn Gaston
Mrs. Esther Gillespie
In honor of Andrew Funkhouser,
Kathleen Funkhouser, Bill and Fran Holbrook
In honor of Cassandra Funkhouser
Mr. Gerald Gilman
Mr. James L. Goodwin
In memory of Ed Meyer
Mrs. Sue Gorline
In memory of Virgil Stone
Mr. Art and Chaplain Jo Greenwood
Mr. Gerald Grosenheider
In memory of Ida Grosenheider
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haab
In memory of Bob and Alice Geddes
Mrs. Roxanne Handley
In memory of James Handley
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Harms
Mrs. Frances M. Heien
In memory of Gary Heien
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes Jr.
Mrs. Esta Hunter
In memory of Richard Lawson
Mrs. Doris L. Johnessee
In memory of Wayne Johnessee
Mrs. Audrey Keeney
Mr. and Mrs. William Kodros
In memory of Margaret Kodros
Ms. Tina Kristoff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lauschke Jr.
In memory of Marie Clemente
In memory of Roxanne Handley
In memory of Helen Ann Rhea
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Martin
In memory of Andrew Gerald Martin
Mrs. Donna Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore
For Eunice Smith Home Activity Fund
Mrs. Eleonore von Kern Nelson
Ms. Anna Norman
Mrs. Surapee Parich
In memory of Dr. Tanin Parich
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pinkas
Dr. and Mrs. Quentin Pletsch
In honor of the Templin Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Rhoades
In memory of Kim D. Rhoades
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Robbins
In honor of Emergency Department staff
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roberts
Schnucks eScrip
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Schranck Jr.
In honor of Dr. Edward Ragsdale
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sheppard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Ms. Beverlee Thomas
In memory of Gena Wells Fisher
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
United Methodist Village
In honor of Marlene Lewis
Ms. Patricia West
In memory of the Florence Martin family
White Cross Auxiliary
In honor of Jane Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Payson Wild
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wittman
Dr. and Mrs. Myles Yanta
Mrs. Verna Balsters
Mrs. Dixie Fehrmann Lohse
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hartrich
Hoagland Family Foundation
In memory of Helen Ann Rhea
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kamler
Merry Ellen McDowell Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore
In memory of Dorothy Eisenreich
Roxana Church of the Nazarene
Mr. David Sinclair and Narine Sargsyan, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Sidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wilson
Bertha Yoxall Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Balsters
First Presbyterian Church of Alton
First United Methodist Church of East Alton
Godfrey First United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Helmkamp Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Hinson
The Jacoby Foundation
Ms. Dorothy Kelley
Lions Club of Godfrey
For Diabetes Management
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lipstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pogue
In memory of Mary Pogue Lyon
and June Marie Pogue
Mr. Robert Reynolds
In memory of Opal and Leo Kruckeberg
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
St. Paul United Methodist Church
TKH, Inc.
United Methodist Village
Zion Lutheran Church
Pictures with Purpose Phase III
AMH OB Staff
Alton Pediatrics
Anesthesia Associates of St. Louis
Sara Cannon. MD
Dr. Rachel and Mr. Ryan Durham
Donald E. Hardbeck, MD
Helmkamp Construction Co.
Nikol McDonald, MD
Sonia Matthews, MD
Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery
Drs. William and Janis Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Talsky
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Turner
Jamie North Ware, MD
Drs. John and Kathie Wuellner
Vera Bock Diabetes Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Basola
Mr. and Mrs. Meryle Carmean
Mr. Trang X. Ha
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Kibort
Ms. Karla Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Martz
Mr. Michael Mathus
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Robbins
Ms. Debra S. Turpin
United Methodist Church
Friends and co-workers
Extra Mile Fund
Absolute Health Care Services
Ms. Laurel Baalman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brummett
Ms. Mary A. Carmody
Dr. and Mrs. Doug Cheatham
Ms. Marlene Devening
Elias Kallal & Schaaf Funeral Homes
Ms. Sharon Forrester
Freer Auto Body
Ms. Joan Gaffney
Ms. Tracy Gerner
Glenhaven Gardens of Alton
Ms. Christina Gress
Ms. Julie Hise
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hoog
Ms. Susan Jansen
Ms. Mary Ruth Kettenbach
Ms. Nancy Kilmer
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
Ms. Carrie Lane
Ms. Karla Lindsey
Mrs. Sally Manush
Marks Mortuary
Ms. Christy Miller
Ms. Lori Moore
Ms. Beverly Pence
Ms. Jeanette Pollard
Mrs. Judy Roth
Simmons Employee Foundation
Ms. Jenna Speich
Ms. Becky Streubel
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Webster
Friends and co-workers
You’ve Got a Friend Fund
Ms. Laura Bastin
Ms. Cassie Beck
Mrs. Leasha Bennett-Cox
Brittany Youth Shooting Group
Ms. Patricia Buchanan
Ms. Sara Carpenter
Ms. Carla Christopher
Mrs. Pamela Colley
Ms. JoEllen Corona
Ms. Amy Darr
Ms. Jaime Dwiggins
Mrs. Mary Eisler
Ms. Victoria Garvey
Ms. Jessica Grasle
Ms. Christina Gress
Mr. Roy Griggs
Mrs. Debra Hardin
Mrs. Julie Hart
Ms. April Irby
Ms. Nancy Kilmer
Ms. Sarah Lewis
Ms. Karla Lindsey
Mrs. Margaret McKeever
Ms. Karen Medlock
Ms. Christy Meisner
Ms. Tammy Merritt
Ms. Christy Miller
Mrs. Michelle Moehle
Ms. Lisa Pace
Mrs. Monica Raymond
Mrs. Julie Rogers
Ms. Michelle Rondi
Ms. Deborah Schneider
Ms. Amy Schwegel
Ms. Patty Smith
Mrs. Kathleen Strow
Mrs. Amy Toenyes
Ms. Amy Webster
Mrs. Deanna Wreath
Friends and co-workers
Duck Pluckers Deer Skinners &
Fish Hookers Ball Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Julian
Simmons Law Firm
Trophy Buck
St. Louis Cardiology Consultants
Bass Busters
Ameren Illinois
Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery
The St. Louis Trust Company
1st MidAmerica Credit Union
AMH Medical Staff
Anesthesia Associates of St. Louis
The Family of Homer Clark
Donnewald Distributing
The Family of Kathleen Duncan
Helmkamp Construction
HeplerBroom LLC
Olin Corporation
Piasa Motor Fuels
Roberts Ford – Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center
St. Peters Hardware and Rental
TheBANK of Edwardsville
United Site Services
Supporters of the Duck Pluckers Ball
Mr. and Mrs. James Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amizich
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Artis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Balsters
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. John Baumberger
Mr. Gary Bellm
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bollini
Ms. Lisa Bone
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. David Braasch
Mr. and Mrs. Monty Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bryant
Ms. Dee Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carruthers
Ms. Jane Cavin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Churchill
Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Clemente
Ms. Margaret Cohill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cordia
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cousley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cousley
Mr. and Mrs. John Cox
Mr. Scott Darr
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Deeny
Mr. Lee Deiters
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dixon
Mr. Scott Dorris
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dudzik
Mrs. Joyce Dunham
Ms. Deanna Eberts
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eppel
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fetter
Mr. and Mrs. David Fritz
Ms. Cass Funkhouser
Ms. Katie Funkhouser
Mr. Bill Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gates
Mr. Tom Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gislason
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Goacher
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gori
Mr. and Mrs. John Gottlob
Dr. Brandon Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Green
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gross
Dr. and Mrs. Kyle Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Harman
The Honorable and Mrs. Clarence Harrison
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Harrow
Dr. Jim Hartig
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. David Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hebel
Ms. Diane Hedenkamp
Mr. David Heyen
Mr. Matt Hindley
Mr. Nathan Hindley
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoefert
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoefert
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoffman
Angela Holbrook, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hunsaker
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hurford
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hutchison
Ms. Sarah Hutchison
The Honorable and Mrs. David Hylla
Mr. Tony Ingles
Ms. Kylee Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jackson
Rev. and Mrs. John Jaffry
Mr. Mark Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Jehle
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Johnes
Ms. Meg Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jolly
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jones
Dr. Richard Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Julian
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jutting
Mr. T.K. Kinkead
Ms. Rachel Kirchner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Koesterer
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuchar
Ms. Deb Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lauritzen
Mr. and Mrs. James Lauschke
Mr. Christopher Lauschke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lauschke Jr.
Ms. Sarah Lauschke
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Liley
Ms. Erma Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McKey
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McManus
Ms. Sharon McRoy
Mr. Mark Maggos
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mendenhall
Ms. Brooke Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George Milnor
To our 2013-2014 donors, many thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mohler
Mr. Mike Morrison and Ms. Meredith Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mottaz
The Honorable William Mudge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mueller
Mr. Allan and the Honorable Kyle Napp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norman
Ms. Jeanette Pingel
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pogue
Mr. Fred Pollard
Mrs. Carol Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Williams Price
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pytlinski
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rahn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ransom
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reddo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. John Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Alley Ringhausen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Roberts
Mrs. Vicki Rothe
Mr. James Ruppert
The Honorable and Mrs. Dennis Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rynders
Mr. and Mrs. Dan St. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Mike St. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schrimpf
Mr. and Mrs. David Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Selby
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sheley
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Simmonds
Ms. Nancy Simpson
Mr. Jim Spain
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spain
Mr. Joe Springman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Suchanek
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Suchanek
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Suessen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tchoukaleff
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Towey
Ms. Stephanie Travis
Ms. Debbie Turpin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Velsor
Ms. Jennifer Vucich
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waldrop
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walters
Mr. Todd Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wesling
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wheaton
Mr. Chris Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Willenborg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Willmore
Mr. Maury Wilmes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson
Drs. John and Kathie Wuellner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zupanci
Every effort has been made for accuracy.
If any information has been omitted
or misspelled we apologize.
Foundation Board of Directors
Joanne Adams
Kenneth E. Balsters
David Braasch
Gay Bryant
Linda Chapman, EdD
Stephen A. Cousley
Bruce Hartrich, Treasurer
John G. Helmkamp Jr.
Saundra Hudson
C.J. Jacoby III
Dorothy Kelley
Kelli Lauschke
Paul R. Lauschke Jr., Chair
Ron Milligan, Secretary
R. William Schrimpf
Arthur Williams, Vice Chair
Rev. Gary Wilson
James L. Goodwin, Emeritus
Advisory Board
David Riedel, MD
Sylvia Roberts
Alton Memorial Health Services Foundation
A special thank you to the individuals who appeared in this report:
Financial Highlights
on the COVER
Sources of Support in Fiscal 2014
Community Support through the Annual Appeal
Building the Best Care Close to Home Capital Campaign
Duck Pluckers, Deer Skinners & Fish Hookers Ball
United Methodist Church
Funds Distributed in Fiscal 2014
LCCC Nursing School
Mary Alice McCarthy Fund
Parish Nurse Program
Athletic Trainer Program
Templin Education Fund
Duck Plucker Ambulance
$ 80,400
$ 33,002
$ 280,000
$ 100,000
$ 63,298
$ 79,895
Community Schools Outreach
$ 35,000
$ 671,595
The White Cross Auxiliary raises money for hospital equipment, expansion projects and special
services that enhance patient care at Alton Memorial. Proceeds from the hospital gift shop and
various fundraising activities make these projects possible.
Sample of items purchased:
EKG machine for Lab & Cardiology
Hydraulic stretcher for EMS
Bilicheck machine & cart for OB
Sleep Saks for newborns for OB
Pro press tool for Plant Operations
Sleeper sofa for Eunice Smith Home
Services provided:
Social Services for patient medical prescription assistance & transport
Coffee for visitors in Surgery Waiting Room and Digestive Health
(ambulance, l-r): Paramedic Travis Bryson, Squad Leader
Don Millitello, Paramedic Kelly McCreary, Paramedic Jeremy Lair,
and Jason Bowman, EMS Supervisor
(revelers, l-r): Jim Lauschke, Sarah Lauschke, Brandon Gray,
Kelli Lauschke, Jane Cavin
(l-r): Toni Brummett, RN, Michelle Ross and Malea Watson, RN
Michelle Ross
Sheri Ventimiglia
Joel Simmons, MD and Michelle Ross
(l-r): Holly Rain, RN, Michelle Campbell, RN, and Jessica Mossman, RN
Alton Memorial Hospital White Cross Auxiliary
Funds distributed in 2014
Elisa Fessler, Grace Fessler, Grant Fessler and Amanda Ebbeler, RN
165 White Cross volunteers worked a total of 20,120 hours in the past year, valued at $445,658.
Grant, Elisa and Grace Fessler
Kevin Feldott
(l-r): Father Stephen J. Pohlman and Cathie Ketterer, RN
Cathie Ketterer, RN
Mark Jeffries
Diane Ukena, LPN
(l-r): Endocrinologist Julio Leey, MD, Mary Jason and Lisa James, RN
Lisa James, RN and Mary Jason
Kala Halleman, Samantha Hammack
Jennifer Brown
(l-r): Diane Strebel, RN and Lisa Wilson, RN
Our mission is to improve
the health of the people
and communities we serve.
(l-r): Orthopedic surgeon Aaron Omotola, MD, Alaina Trosley,
Physician Assistant Casey Newgent, and athletic trainer
Aaron Suessen
One Memorial Drive
Alton, IL 62002