St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church Services in English Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: Daily Masses: 4:30 pm 8:00 am & 11:15 am Monday thru Saturday 7:55 am; Monday 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: 7:55 am, 10:00 am & 6:00 pm; no vigil Mass First Friday Adoration: 8:30 am - 12 Noon (Oct.-May) Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm; by appointment Rosary: Monday thru Saturday 7:25 am; Monday 5 pm Novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Mon. 6 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday 3 pm Servicios en Español Misa del Domingo: Misa todos los Miércoles: Misa ultimo Viernes del mes Rosario: Miércoles Domingos Confesiones: Miércoles Domingos 1:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 12:30 pm de 6:30 pm - 7:25 pm de 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Serviços em Português Sábado Missa: 7:30 pm Domingo Missa: 9:30 am e 7:00 pm Missas Semanais: Terça e Quinta-feira 7:30 pm Adoração ao Santissimo Sacramento: Quinta-feira 8:00pm-10:00 pm Confissão: Sábado 7:00 pm-7:30 pm Domingo 6:30 pm-7:00 pm August 31, 2014 • 31 de Agosto de 2014 • 31 de Agosto de 2014 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 6350 NW 18 Street, Margate, FL 33063-2320 Ph 954-972-0434 • Fax 954-971-9411 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Rev. Matteo Didonè, c.s. Pastor Rev. Heitor Castoldi, c.s. Parochial Vicar Jane M. Gammon Sacristan Ana Stein Administrative Assistant Luz Peña Bookkeeper Gloria Bernier Bulletin Editor Mrs. Marie Hurley Director of Religious Education Juliana Bendetti Director of Religious EducationBrazilians Fred Schweitzer RCIA Coordinator, English Patricia Maher Music Director, English Carlos Agudelo Music Director, Spanish AUGUST 30 - 4:30 PM Lector: Maurice Leone Extraordinary Ministers: Jack Morell, Gwen Morell Pam Asselin, Diane Hebisen, Nancy Leone Altar Servers: D. Leone, M. Leone Ushers: Dennis Phenix, Sean Toner, Loretta Marotta AUGUST 31 - 8:00 AM MASS Lector: Janet Stone Extraordinary Ministers: Dorothy Adams, Irene Phenix, Cathy Gearing, Georgette Giannuzzi, Fred Schweitzer Altar Servers: M. DeFazio Ushers: Rich Popovic, Don Hefta, Angelo Sardo, George Hudak, Alessandro Carbonara AUGUST 31 - 11:15 AM MASS Lector: Nadine White Extraordinary Ministers: Evalina Van Lengen, Rusty Vets, Ray Alea, Ray Young, Sam Battaglia, Cathy Gearing, Jane Gammon Altar Servers: M. Hollinger, B-J. Quimio Ushers: Dan Pawlusiak, Sam Battaglia, Alan Roos, John Carcich 31 DE AGOSTO - LA MISA DE 1:00 PM Ministros Extraordinarions: Sara Montero, Liliana Agudelo, Gerardo Peñaloza, Miguelina Jimenez, Gustavo Rodriguez, Martin Narcizo MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY - AUGUST 30 4:30 PM †Vincent Murphy By his wife AND †Katherine & †Sal Consolo By daughter Rosemary AND †Edward Linsley By Joyce & Syl Marik. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - AUGUST 31 8:00 AM †Bob Hoyt (Happy Birthday in Heaven) By his wife Rita AND †Humberto Rodriguez By wife & family. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Anegline Soos By James Taylor AND For the Intentions of Don Pawlusiak By Respect Life. 1:00 PM †Claudia Caballero Y †Gilda Tamayo Pide familia Roldan Y †Juan Carlos Sanchez Rivera Pide su hermana Beatriz y Alejandra. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 1 7:55 AM For the People. 5:30 PM Jane Gammon (Special Intentions) By Monday Night Friends. 6:00 PM NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP. TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 2 7:55 AM For the People. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 3 7:55 AM For the People. 7:30 PM Misa en Español. THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 4 7:55 AM John/Natalie Snyder (71st Anniversary) By daughter Pam Asselin. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FIRST FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 5 7:55 AM †Butch Jordan (Happy Anniversary) By his wife AND †Edward & †Madeline Miller By Irene & Ed Miller AND †Luis Vazquez By sister Judy. 3:00 PM Divine Mercy. FIRST SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 6 7:25 AM Rosary for the Unborn 7:55 AM For the People 4:30 PM †Joseph Greco By Caroline Halloran AND For the People. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 7 8:00 AM †Hector Armstrong Jr. By Claudia Armstrong. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Betty Landi & the 3 sisters By Herbert Landi AND For the People. 1:00 PM Misa en Español. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. Page 3 Notes From the Pastor’s Desk Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Today's Gospel continues the story that began in last week's Gospel. Simon Peter was called the “rock” upon which Jesus would build his Church, and yet Peter continues to show the limitations of his understanding of Jesus' identity. Now that the disciples have acknowledged that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus confides in them the outcome of his ministry: he must suffer and die in Jerusalem to be raised on the third day. Peter rejects this prediction, and Jesus rebukes him severely, calling him “Satan.” In opposing this aspect of Jesus' mission, Peter shows that he is no longer speaking based on the revelation from God but as a human being. Jesus then teaches all of the disciples about the difficult path of discipleship: to be Christ's disciple is to follow in his way of the cross. Peter could not yet understand what it meant to call Jesus the Messiah. It is unlikely that the other disciples understood any better. Messianic expectations were a common aspect of first-century Judaism. Under Roman occupation, many in Israel hoped and prayed that God would send a Messiah to free the Jews from Roman oppression. The common view was that the Messiah would be a political figure, a king that would free Israel from Roman rule. This is perhaps what Peter envisioned when he was led to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. In this passage, however, Jesus is beginning to teach his disciples that he would be the Messiah in a different way. Jesus would be more like the suffering servant described by the prophet Isaiah than the political liberator. Those who would be Jesus' disciples would be called to a similar life of service. Perhaps this is what Peter feared most in Jesus' prediction of his Passion. He whom Jesus had called “rock” would also be called upon to offer himself in sacrifice and service to others. Christian leaders today are still called to sacrifice and serve others as Jesus did. Fr. Matteo Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario En el Evangelio de hoy continua la historia que comenzo en el Evangelio de la semana pasada. Simon Pedro fue llamado la “roca” sobre la cual Jesus edificara su Iglesia, y sin embargo, Pedro continua mostrando las limitaciones de su entendimiento de la identidad de Jesus. Ahora que los discipulos han reconocido que Jesus es el Mesias, Jesus les confia a ellos el cumplimiento de su ministerio; el ha de sufrir y morir en Jerusalen para ser resucitado al tercer dia. Pedro rechaza esta prediccion, y Jesus lo reprende severamente, llamandolo “Satanas”. En oposicion a este aspecto de la mission de Jesus, Pedro muestra que el ya no esta hablando basado en la revelacion de Dios, sino como un ser humano. Entonces Jesus les ensena a todos los discipulos sobre el camino dificil del discipulado; ser discipulo de Cristo es seguir su camino a la cruz. Pedro no podia entender que significaba llamar a Jesus el Mesias. Esto es poco probable que los otros discipulos entendieron mejor. Expectativas Mesianicas eran un aspecto comun del Judaismo del primer siglo. Bajo la ocupacion Romana, muchos en Israel esperaban y rezaban para que Dios enviara un Mesias para liberar los Judios de la opresion Romana. La opinion comun era que el Mesias deberia ser una figura politica, un Rey que liberaria a Israel del dominio Romano. Esto es quizas lo que Pedro visualizo cuando fue llevado a reconocer a Jesus como el Mesias. En este pasaje, sin embargo, Jesus comienza a ensenarle a sus discipulos que el seria el Mesias de una manera diferente. Jesus seria mas como el siervo sufrido descrito por el profeta Isaias que el libertador politico. Aquellos que quieren ser discipulos de Jesus deben ser llamado a una vida similar de servicio. Quizas es lo que Pedro temio en la prediccion de Jesus de su passion. El, aquien Jesus habia llamado “roca” tambien seria llamado a ofrecer su propio sacrificio y servicio a los demas. Los lideres Cristianos de hoy todavia aun estan llamados al sacrificio y a servir a los demas como Jesus lo hizo. P. Matteo 22º Domingo do Tempo Comum O Evangelho de hoje é a continuação do Evangelho da semana passada. Simão Pedro foi chamado de "pedra" sobre a qual Jesus construiria sua Igreja, e ainda Pedro continua mostrando as limitações de sua compreensão sobre a identidade de Jesus. Agora que os discípulos reconheceram que Jesus é o Messias, Jesus confia a eles o resultado do seu ministério: ele deve sofrer e morrer em Jerusalém para ser ressuscitado no terceiro dia. Pedro rejeita essa previsão, e Jesus o repreende severamente, chamando-o de "Satanás". Em oposição a esse aspecto da missão de Jesus, Pedro mostra que ele não está falando com base na revelação de Deus, mas como um ser humano. Jesus, então, ensina todos os discípulos sobre o difícil caminho do discipulado: ser discípulo de Cristo é seguir seu caminho da cruz. Pedro ainda não conseguia entender o que significava chamar Jesus de Messias. É pouco provável que os outros discípulos entenderam melhor. As expectativas messiânicas eram um aspecto comum do judaísmo do primeiro século. Sob a ocupação romana, muitos em Israel esperavam e rezavam para que Deus enviasse um messias para libertar os judeus da opressão romana. A visão comum era que o Messias seria uma figura política, um rei que iria libertar Israel do jugo romano. Este é talvez o que Pedro imaginou quando ele foi levado para reconhecer Jesus como o Messias. Nesta passagem, porém, Jesus começa a ensinar aos seus discípulos que ele seria o Messias de uma forma diferente. Jesus seria mais como o servo sofredor descrito pelo profeta Isaías, que o libertador político. Os que querem ser discípulos de Jesus seriam chamados para uma vida de serviço similar. Talvez seja isso o que Pedro mais temia na sua previsão da Paixão de Jesus. Aquele a quem Jesus havia chamado de "pedra" também seria chamado a oferecer-se em sacrifício e serviço aos outros. Os líderes cristãos de hoje ainda são chamados a sacrificar e servir aos outros como Jesus fez. Pe. Matteo Page 4 Parish News & Events Jesus Is Waiting for You Come spend 30 minutes with Jesus every Friday at 3 pm in the Chapel. Join your fellow parishioners in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. VOCATION CHALICE/CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES Sat., Aug. 30 and Sun., Aug. 31 4:30 pm 8:00 am 11:15 am Loretta Moretta Ana Briganti Rosemarie Pantore Domingo 31 de Agosto 1:00 pm Sara Montero SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Saturday, Sept. 13 and Sunday, Sept. 14 SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Saturday, August 23 and Sunday, August 24 NEW PEWS Thank you to all who have helped our parish by your donations to assume 50% of the costs of a pew. It is humbling to see how generous you all are in your support of the parish. The following is a list of the remaining pews for which you can donate: In the Church 2 1 22 $740.00 $915.00 $1,000.00 In the Chapel 8 Again thank you for your generosity. $780.00 OFFICE CLOSED Monday, September 1 For Labor Day A DAY WITH MARY presented by Legion of Mary September 6, 2014 7:55 am Mass in the Chapel until 4:30 pm Mass in Main Church De Paul Center Guest Speakers: Fr. Matteo Didonè CS Pastor of St. Vincent Church Sister Philip Marie Burle CPPS Order of the Precious Blood of Jesus Paulina Allen MA Teacher and Member of the Legion of Mary Notable Guest: Sister Philip Marie Burle Sister Philip has authored many books, including Praying the Scriptural Rosary and Way of the Cross. Blessed Mother Teresa distributed over 70,000 of these books. Sister has been enthusiastically endorsed by the Pope, cardinals and many bishops all over the world. She has taught in the Retreats International program at Notre Dame University and has been featured on television in the United States, the Philippines, Zambia, the US Armed Forces Television Network in Japan and on EWTN, Mother Angelica Live and Women of Grace. Her books and CDs will be available for purchase. A free will offering will help her support her ministry and the retired sisters of her order. Please join us and bring a friend. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Rekindle and renew your love for each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Available 2014 dates are: September 26-28; and November 7-9. Go online to register at: or For more info contact Ann and John Geer at (954) 785-5955 or [email protected]. To ensure a place, please register at least two weeks before the weekend. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Today, we hear Jesus say to us, “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” The challenge is to let go so God can lead us. Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call 954-213-4690 for help. To donate household goods, call St. Vincent Thrift Shop at 954-942-2242. Page 5 Pancake Breakfast Date: Time: Place: Price: September 21, 2014 9 am until 10:30 am Community Center $6 adults $3 children 4 to 10 FREE for children 3 and under. Come and enjoy pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, juice and coffee after the 8 am Mass or before the 9:30 am and 11:15 am Masses. Sponsored by the Men’s Guild. CCD CORNER IMPORTANT INFORMATION VIRTUS TRAINING AND FINGERPRINTING FOR ALL PARISH MINISTRIES, TEACHERS AND PARENTS A. Virtus training for all ministries, who have not been through the program before, is scheduled for Saturday, September 20 in the auditorium from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon. The program will be offered in English as well as in Spanish. B. Fingerprinting for all ministries is scheduled for Monday, October 20, in the DePaul Center from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Appointments are necessary. Fingerprinting is required for all who have not been fingerprinted within the past 5 years. WHY ARE THESE PROGRAMS NECESSARY? The job of ensuring children’s safety is a challenging undertaking. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than awareness, education and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We are all responsible for giving the children the tools they need to overcome the advances of those who intend to harm them. The Virtus program is just such a tool designed to assist members of all ministries in this important task. Fingerprinting is just as important as the training because it affords the Archdiocese the opportunity to permit the FBI to do background checks on members of the various ministries who use the church facilities. ANY QUESTIONS? Call: Marie Hurley at 954-978-6124. Congratulations Lorraine Cisario 50/50 Winner of $60 for August 23 and 24 A POEM FOR LABOR DAY To you, O Divine One, from whose hands comes the work of creation, so artfully designed, I pray that this work I am about to do may be done in companionship with you. May the work that I will soon begin sing praise to you as songbirds do. May the work that I will soon begin add to the light of your presence because it is done with great love. May the work that I will soon begin speak like a prophet of old of your dream of beauty and unity. May the work that I will soon begin be a shimmering mirror of your handiwork in the excellence of its execution, in the joy of doing it for its own sake, in my poverty of ownership over it, in my openness to failure or success, in my invitation to others to share in it, and in its bearing fruit for the world. May I be aware that through this work I draw near you. I come to you, Beloved, with ready hands. — Father Edward Hays in Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim Page 6 CONFERENCE CENTER and RETREAT HOUSE Retreats, conferences and business meetings, family reunions or time for vacation. PROVIDE: Comfortable and newest guest rooms with private bath. Meeting facilities for up to 120 people, including TV & audio equipment, and Wi-Fi Internet service, dining room, chapel, inside gardens and a lake adjacent to our home, outdoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi. For more information or to book your next event, please call at 561-921-4900, we will gladly assist you. 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Building # C Delray Beach, FL 33446 / CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA The Catholic University of America is the national University of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in Washington, D.C. It provides an academically rigorous education guided by the Catholic intellectual tradition to nearly 7,000 students every year. Over 4,000 students directly receive scholarship aid form this Collection, including many from our diocese. Next week is the National Collection for The Catholic University of America. Please be generous. Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation Planned Giving Increase your retirement income, receive a tax deduction and leave a gift to your parish. All of this will happen when you establish a Charitable Gift Annuity. To receive a personalized illustration, contact the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. YOUR PENNIES PROVIDE A SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY. PLEASE PLACE THEM IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! R ETROUVAILLE Has your marriage become troubled, stressed, uncaring, distant? Or perhaps you’re already on the brink of or amidst separation or divorce? There still IS HOPE! Get away from it all and join us for our next Retrouvaille retreat to be held at San Pedro Retreat Center, Winter Park, FL, September 26-28, 2014. For more information visit or call (352) 274-4614. Not counseling or group therapy. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. Become a Vincentian Bring the Love of Christ to Those in Need St. Vincent de Paul Society meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7 PM in the De Paul Center. We serve those in need in many different ways, among these are: 1. Arranging for St. Vincent Eucharistic Ministers to bring the comfort of communion to Catholic patients in Northwest Medical Center as well as offering them a scapular, rosary (handmade by Vincentians), prayer cards and church bulletin. To have someone to talk to, or just listen, will most often brighten their day and comfort them while in the hospital. 2. Food, that was most generously donated by you, is sorted and put in our food locker and later brought to people in need. We also visit these people to assess what other assistance they might require. 3. The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store and warehouse is also in need of volunteers. All that we do is a blessing to others, but the rewards we get in return are a hundredfold. So please stop in to say hello, ask any questions you might have, and see what being a Vincentian is all about. We look forward to seeing you! Weekly Collection Report - August 23 and 24 Total of all Collections: $12,405.25 Page 7 PRAYER LIST Rosario Abate, John Abbruzzese, Carlos Agudelo, Myra Alea, Barry Andes, Lee Arnold, Maria Augustino, Brooke Barberio, Debbie Barberio, David Bedoya, Marion Bell, Cathy Berman, Corinne Betkowski, Tyler Boupaoza, Leon Bourgeois, Sarah Bouwkamp, Donna Brady, Chad Brown, Elda Brown, Marty Brown, Miriam Brown, Mary Bruno, Ruthe Bruno, Sue Buzzi, Mary Caggiano, Veronica Camillucci, Bettye Caruso, Josephine Cassadenti, Mary Castro, Dolores Chery, Anthony Christina, Judy Christopher, Josephine Cinacore, Maria Cipolla, Vincent Cipolla, Carl Clemencich, Jennie Clementino, Luis Humberto Colon, Ralph Colon, Mary Colombo, Patrick Condon, Arlene Connolly, Jerry Corbin, Kate Costello, Rick Crocker, Cheryl D’Alessio, Ofelia D’Elez, Claude Delsoin, Annette DeMennato, Sylvester Denobriga, Cathy Donaldson, Manny Dossantos, Amy Dottlow, Patrick Dunne, Marjory Eldridge, John Eskridge, Rosemary Eskridge, Roger Evans, Tim Farrell, Bob Fedak, Jackie Fedak, Rosemary Ferina, John Finan, Stephen Friedman, Josie Gallucci, Brad Gammon, Lisa Garavuso, Ralph Garrett, Jason, Gottesman, Shari Glynn, Hope Griffin, Karen Griffin, Marcos Antonio Guzman, Dorothy Hands, Patricia Hanna, Sharika Hanna, Toni Harland, Charles Harrison, Rose Harrison, Ronald Haydon, Paul Healey, Diane Hebisen, Robert W. Hettinger, James Hinckley, Louise Hodges, Steve Hodges, Braydon Hudak, Douglas Hughes Frank Hurley, Marie Hurley, Lois Hyzy, Marie Ischia, Naomi Jacobson, Angela Jakuboski, Isaac June, Malachi Kilgore, Trey Kilgore, Mary Koch, Bernice Kosiolek, Carolee Kuzman, Joan Lancaster, Steven Larsen, Jourdan Lassiter, Frank Lettieri, Nancy Lettieri, Maria Lettieri, Luis Carlos Lima, Sarah Lohse, Lorraine London, Ursula Lynch, Philip Maher, Layla Marciano, Madison Marciano, Cerbellon Marrero, Jose Marrero, Joann McGee Kayla McGuire, Dian McMillan, Natrice McNair, Robert McNair, Angela McNeal, Barbara Medieros, Ruth Messana, Dawn Meyers, Jane Moran, Peter Morley, Joseph Mullaly, Michele Nethersole, Dale Newell, Mihail Nicolescu, Louise Nicoletta, Dorothy Noga, Marlene Novochadlo, Annette Ocasio, Ronnie Paar, Christie Penniello, Anne Phenix, Joseph Piccione, QL Piccirilli, Janice Pollack, Jack Pries, Joan Primo, Etta Pursche, Donna Reilly, Jean Ritchie, Bob Rizzi, Stephanie Rocourt, Toni Romeo, Nick Rubertone, John Rubertone, Marguerite Rubie, William J. Ryan, Carol Samela, Leobardo Sanchez, Tony Sant’Elia, Debbie Scavone, Grace Schinelli, John Schinelli, Lisa Schinelli, Vanessa Schinelli, Mary Schmidt, Geraldine Schweitzer, Mary Schweitzer, Keith Shannon, Patty Shannon, Mario Signorelli, Mary Signorelli, Marion Simmons, Cindy Siska, Flo Smith, Mark Solazzo, Ronald Spacek, Marica Speziale, Vito Speziale, Alice Spinnato, Darrell Squeeze, Leola Stevens, Judy Strong, Roy Strong, Natalie Swift, Jeffrey Szur, John Targonski, Gregory Tartamella, Stephanie Taylor, Evelyn Toner, Maria Velez, Louis Vernoia, Rita Vetrano, Mimi Visconti, Paula Vroman, Florence Wagner, Scott Wallace, Glenroy Whyte, Shavien Whyte, Crystal Wolfenden, Jayne Womack, Carol Wood, The names of those who have been on our prayer list for six months or longer are removed, other than those we know are suffering from long term illnesses. If we have inadvertently removed the name of someone who has not recovered, please call the office at 954-9720434 and we will place their name on the prayer list. Thank you! PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF ALL OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL Lord Jesus, Savior of the world and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. LCpl Randal Adams PFC Russell Adams, Jr. S1stC Rachel Anderson USN Adam Alonge USA AMN Darek Baczewski USA William Balcazar USA Spec. Getulio Barbosa USA Anthony Barcellona, USMC Stf. Sgt. Jay Berman USAF Capt. Jessica L. Bishop USAF GSgt. John R. Brown USMC Chad Bryant USN Matthew Buceri USMC William Callahan USN PFC Peter Caravello USMC Pvt. Charles Clementino USA Mark Clementino USA Cpl V. J. Como USMC Bradley T. Curtis II USN Damian Dobbs USMC Jason Dobbs USMC Christopher Dodd USMC Michael Dore Sgt. Clifton A. East Maj. Sean P. Farley USA Brian Garzon USA Paul C. Garzon George Gehrke USA Carlo Gonzalez USMC Steven Grudzinski Taylor Harter USA Seaman 2 Erik Hettinger USN Ensign John D. John USN Major Cayton Johnson USA Major Robin Johnson USA LCPL Ryan Johnston USMC LCpl Jeffrey Kernen USMC Curtis King USMC Matthew Latocha USN Sgt. Eric Lawton USA Michael Lisi USAF David Anthony Long John Paul Lubrani USN Michael Magnotta, USAF Scarlet Martinez Christopher McClain USMC Ryan McClain USN T. J. McGovern USMC R. J. McGraw USMC 2nd Lt. Chris Mendoza USAF Alexander Moscovich USMC HA Casey B. Mulloy USN Spc. Jeremy R. Mulloy USA Danny Murales Bryan P. Novy USN Capt. Ryan Pace USA Ivette Marie Pavez USMC PMI. John T. Peetling USS Sgt. Nelson Perdomo USA Lt. Daniel Reilly USCG Rodrigo Rivadeneira USA Fabio Sanchez, Jr. USN Pfc. Jorge Salinas, USMC Mark F. Satira USA Spec. Barbara Schweitzer USA Capt. Charles Shinkle, USA Priv. Eduardo Tejada USA Jeremy Varsallone USA Guillermo Velandia USA Luis M. Vila USAR PFC Joshua Villette USMC LCpl Jason A. Wargin USMC 1st Lt. Patrick Wiley Sgt. Brandon J. Wright And all our Church military not listed here. Please let us know the names of those who are no longer members of the military. Are you suffering from the pain of a past abortion experience? God’s greatest desire is to forgive! For confidential help, contact Project Rachel Ministry 954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673 Individual counseling or retreat weekend available. Come back to Love and Mercy! PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR CHURCH IN YOUR BEQUESTS. Page 8 SCHEDULED MEETINGS Arts & Crafts Group Irene Phenix Tuesdays 9 AM-11 AM 954-973-6951 Comm. Ctr, Rm #4 Baptismal Preparation Class To be announced at a later date CCD Mrs. Marie Hurley September thru May Will Resume in the Fall 954-978-6124 Comm. Ctr. Choir and Contemporary Music Practice Patricia Maher Every Thursday Music Practice begins at 6:00 PM Choir Practice begins at 7:30 PM 954-261-8684 Church Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Rose Scarpulla September thru May Next Meeting September 16 (954)957-8829 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM De Paul Center Church Gift Shop Eileen Ferrigno (954)979-5179 Yvonne Gorman (954)993-5269 Clara Villanueva (Español) (954)695-9965 Christiane Silva (Português) (954)839-7342 Before & after Sunday Masses and by appointment. Knights of Columbus G.K. Don Hefta 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7 PM Next Meeting August 26 954-548-7550 De Paul Center Legion of Mary Marie Victorin Saturday after 7:55 am Mass 561-716-1416 Comm. Ctr, Rm #4 Neocatechumenal Way Tuesday at 8 PM Mass Saturday at 7:30 PM Comm. Ctr, Rm #6 Chapel RCIA Fred Schweitzer September thru May Will Resume in the Fall 954-790-9604 Comm. Ctr, Rm #7 St. Vincent De Paul Society Diane Hebisen 2nd & 4th Monday 7 PM Next Meeting August 25 Community Ctr Rm 1-2 954-213-4690 De Paul Center St. Vincent Men’s Guild Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 August thru June 1st & 3rd Monday 7 PM Next Meeting September 15 De Paul Center BAPTISM The sacraments are not denied to anyone, but certain conditions must be met: 1. Attend a preparation class; 2. Be a Baptized Catholic; 3. Be living according to the rules of the Catholic Church. Parents must be active members of the parish with regular participation for at least 6 months. If the sponsors belong to another parish or community, they must submit letters of recommendation signed by their pastor stating that they are active members in good standing of their parish. Registration for Baptism: Registration and guidance is available by appointment with one of the parish priests in the Church office between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm two months in advance of administering the sacrament of Baptism. A copy of the birth certificate is required at the time of registration. The preparation class for parents and godparents is the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm. Baptisms are held the last Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm. Important: Registration must be completed in the church office with one of the priests. MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of the Parish, using envelopes. Call for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital, nursing home or assisted living, and wishes to be visited. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Persons entering the hospital or hospice are encouraged to be anointed ahead of time. To make an appointment, call the office or see Father after daily Mass. NORTH BROWARD RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY 5115 Coconut Creek Pkwy, Margate, FL 33063 954-977-7769 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 954 973--0454 954--973 CCD Grades 1-2 Saturday 9:00 am - 10:15 am Grades 3-8 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for adults is for those interested in becoming Catholic. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Room 7 in the Community Center. For more information, please call Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604. Page 9 ORGANIZAÇÃO LITÚRGICA E ATIVIDADES ADORAÇÃO AO SANTÍSSIMO SACRAMENTO: Quinta-feira às 8pm na Capela ACÓLITOS: Melanie Procópio Bryan Dias (954) 857-3182 (561) 584-0903 BATISMO: A preparação para pais e padrinhos na 2ª sextafeira de cada mês, às 7:30pm; batismos no 1º e 4º sábado do mês durante a Missa das 7:30pm. Chegar com 15 minutos de antecedência. Coordenadores: Alex e Waneska Adame Informações: (954) 972-04-34 segunda à sexta-feira de 2pm às 9pm SACRAMENTOS Os Sacramentos não são recusados a ninguém, apenas algumas condições deverão ser preenchidas: 1. Preparação. 2. Ser Católico Batizado. 3. Ter vida em conformidade com as normas da Igreja Católica. PARA O SACRAMENTO DO BATISMO CARCERÁRIA: Elizane Ribeiro (954) 821-6940 Wadson Abreu (954) 708-5626 CATEQUESE DE EUCARISTIA: (Sábado às 5pm) Juliana Bendetti (954) 826-7752 Edineide Sales (954) 592-9226 CATEQUESE DE CRISMA: Helcio Campos (561) 674-5113 Rosangela Campos (561) 674-5113 C.E.S: Centro Educacional Scalabrini: Luzeth de Oliveira Doralice Rabelo (954) 871-9434 (754) 367-1391 CORAL PINGO DE LUZ: Fátima Silveira DÍZIMO: Marcela Lima Regina Oliveira (754) 214-1913 (561) 674-2268 Os pais devem ser membros da comunidade por assídua participação (católicos praticantes com no mínimo de seis meses de participação na comunidade). Sendo os padrinhos de outra paróquia, deverão apresentar cartas de aprovação e recomendação do seu último pároco. EVANGELIZAÇÃO: Luzeth de Oliveira (954) 871-9434 FAMILIAR: Anselmo e Marilene Carvalho (954) 309-3702 JOVENS: (JOBUC) (Jovens entre 18 e 25 anos) Jessica Abrão (754) 235-9992 Marcela Mazei (954) 865-5498 IMPORTANTE: A ficha será preenchida somente por um dos padres com dois meses de antecedência. Necessário cópia da certidão de nascimento da criança. (954) 232-0916 LITURGIA: Sirlene Oliveira Luciene Marcelino (203) 526-7715 MINISTROS EXTRAORDINÁRIOS DA SAGRADA COMUNHÃO: Marcio Santana (561) 502-5999 RELATÓRIO DO DÍZIMO MÚSICA: Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 Ronald de Oliveira Silva (954) 793-7346 PASCOM: Sirlene Oliveira (954) 232-0916 PASTORAL DA ARTE: Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 PAÍS: (Projeto de Assistência ao Imigrante Scalabrini) (754) 235-5713 RENOVAÇÃO CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA: José Elias (Zeli) Rocha da Silva (954) 226-4752 TERÇO: Laura Ramos Cina DaSilva (561) 305-6409 (954) 825-1456 23 de agosto 7:30pm $ 530.00 24 de agosto 9:30am $1,790.00 24 de agosto 7:00pm $ 640.00 __________________________________ TOTAL $2,960.00 Page 10 LABOR DAY / DIA DO TRABALHO SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 1º DE SETEMBRO, O ESCRITÓRIO ESTARÁ FECHADO DEVIDO AO FERIADO OUTUBRO 18 - Sábado 19 - Domingo INFORMAÇÕES Anselmo e Marilene 954-309-3702 Rogério e Mariza 754-366-2526 CASAMENTO COMUNITÁRIO INÍCIO DA CATEQUESE PRIMEIRA COMUNHÃO 13 de setembro, às 4pm CRISMA 14 de setembro, às 9am O coral pingo de luz estará retornando suas atividades no sábado, 6 de setembro, às 4pm. Também estamos aceitando inscrições. INFORMAÇÕES Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 Juliana Cardoso (954) 495-2011 NOVOS BANCOS PARA A IGREJA E CAPELA 29 de novembro Casais interessados favor ligar no escritório 954-972-0434, para marcar horário com um dos padres. DOCUMENTOS NECESSÁRIOS 1. Certidão de batismo atualizada (6 meses). 2. Certificado do casamento do civil. 3. Certificado do curso de preparação. Obrigado a todos os que ajudaram nossa paróquia com suas doações de 50% do custo de um banco. É maravilhoso ver a generosidade de vocês apoiando nossa paróquia. Abaixo, está a lista dos bancos que ainda estão disponíveis para doação. 2 $740,00 1 $915,00 22 $1.000,00 Na Capela 8 $780,00 Mais uma vez agradecemos sua generosidade. Page 11 Centro Educacional Scalabrini Nosso ano já vai começar!! CURSO DE PREPARAÇÃO PARA EXAME DE CIDADANIA Escola de Português para Crianças TODO 2º E 4º DOMINGO DO MÊS HORÁRIO: 6pm LOCAL: Lott English Academy 3773 North Federal Highway, Suite 210 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 PREÇO: GRÁTISSS!!! INFORMAÇÕES: 754-235-5713 ________________________________________________________ ADVOGADA DE IMIGRAÇÃO TODA 2ª TERÇA-FEIRA DO MÊS Assistência sobre assuntos de imigração com a advogada Inna Shapovalov LOCAL: Centro Comunitário HORÁRIO: 4pm - 7pm Para marcar horário favor ligue para 754-235-5713 CASA DE RETIRO E CENTRO DE CONFERÊNCIAS Retiros privados ou de grupo, conferências e reuniões de negócio, reuniões familiares ou para descansar. OFERECEMOS Habitações cômodas com banheiro privado, salão de conferências com capacidade para 120 pessoas, TV & audio e internet Wi-Fi, sala de jantar, capela, jardins e lago, piscina e jacuzzi. Para mais informações ou para realizar seu próximo evento, por favor chamar 561-921-490 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Building # C Delray Beach, FL 33446 Alfabetização, Letramento, História Brasileira, Cultura e Folclore. Prepare seus filhos para o futuro! Aprendendo outro idioma, ele terá muito mais chances profissionalmente! Escola de Inglês Para Adultos Aprenda inglês!! Você pode!!! Três níveis: Básico, Intermediário, Avançado Conversação e Gramática Dê mais um passo rumo ao seu sucesso profissional!!! As inscrições para o ano letivo de 2014/2015 iniciam-se dia 9 de Agosto Após as missas.. Maiores informações e inscrições 954.871-9434 Ou no escritório da Igreja 954. 972-0434 (Ana) REENCONTRANDO COM JESUS SE VOCÊ ENTENDE ESPANHOL, VENHA PARTICIPAR! DATA Sábado, 6 de setembro, 2014 / 9am - 6pm LUGAR Centro Comunitário da Paróquia St. Vincent DOAÇÃO $12.00 por pessoa incluindo almoço Estarão presentes o casal Alfredo e Ingrid Pablo e a cantora Claribel Melcier, que, juntamente com o falecido Padre Emiliano Tardif, fundaram “La Comunidad de Siervos de Cristo Vivo”. Haverá exposição e adoração ao Santíssimo Page 12 AVISO IMPORTANTE Los sacramentos no se les niega a ninguna persona, pero algunas condiciones deben cumplirse: 1. Preparación; 2. Ser Católico Bautizado; 3. Tener la vida de acuerdo con las reglas de la Iglesia Católica. Los padres deben ser miembros de la comunidad por participación regular (Católicos practicantes con al menos seis meses de participación en la comunidad). Si los padrinos pertenecen a otra parroquia o comunidad, deben presentar cartas de recomendación y aprobación de su último párroco. Registración para Bautismo: Para llenar la registración y recibir orientación, por favor llamar a la oficina para poner una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Preparación para el Bautismo: El primer miércoles del mes a las 7:30pm, en DePaul Center. Celebración del Bautismo: Último domingo del mes, durante la misa. Nota importante: La registración debe ser llenada por uno de los sacerdotes, por lo menos con dos meses de anticipación. Naida (954) 638-4840 Jessica (754) 245-0814 MINISTERIOS / REUNIONES VOCERO DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Concepcion Medrano T. (954)330-8274 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO EN LA MISA Coro / Musica Carlos Agudelo T. (954)865-7632 Guillermo Izaguirre T. (954)601-6529 Lectores Victor Muvdi T. (954)394-3829 Ministros Extraordinarios Comunión Sara Montero T. (954)292-7698 Acolitos y Monaguillos Julio e Irene Rodriguez T. (954)934-4337 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO Y FORMACION Visita a las Carceles. Ultimo martes de cada mes Lisett Llovera T. (954)773-4185 Visita a los Enfermos. Ney Colon T. (954)984-0617 Bautizos. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Crecimiento Matrimonial. Ayudan a la vida matrimonial poniendo a Jesús en el centro de Matrimonio. Jueves 8.00pm. Concepción y Nayda Medrano T. (954)638-4840 Emaús. Preparan retiros de conversión y ayudan en varios servicios de la parroquia Emaús Hombres: Cada Martes a las 7:30 pm Cesar Arena T. (954)368-9925 Emaús Mujeres: Cada Viernes a las 6:00 pm Gilbre Rincon T. (954)461-1905 Desayuno, Tercer Sábado 9 am. Grupo de Oración Se vive una experiencia de fe y oración en comunidad. Miercoles 7:00 pm en la capilla. Lilita Agudelo T. (954)601-6495 Jóvenes Acrecientan el amor de Dios a los jóvenes de nuestra Parroquia vista desde su perspectiva. Eyessky Sanabria T. (954)554-6879 PAIS - Proyecto Asistencia Inmigrante Scalabrini Realizan diferentes actividades en favor de todos los inmigrantes en este país. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Legión de María Promueven en el hogar la devoción a nuestra Virgen María. Jueves 7.00 pm. Jose Vasquez T. (954)798-4693 Sacristana Carmen Guzman T. (954)648-6524 Page 13 OFICINA CERRADA LUNES, 1 DE SEPTIEMBRE PARA EL DÍA DEL TRABAJO CASA DE RETIRO Y CENTRO DE CONFERENCIAS Proveemos: Retiros privados o de grupo, conferencias y reuniones de negocios, reuniones familiares, o para descansar y disfrutar de sus vacaciones. Habitaciones cómodas, con baño privado salón de conferencias, con capacidad hasta para 120 personas, cuenta con equipo de TV & audio y servicio de internet Wi-Fi, comedor, capilla, jardines y lago. pisina y jacuzzi. Para más información o para reservar su próximo evento, por favor llamar al 561-9214900, con gusto le atenderemos! 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Building # C Delray Beach, FL 33446 / VIVAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Podemos orar para que se nos conceda la fortaleza con el fin de poder responder valientemente a la llamada que nos hace Jesús para perder nuestra vida por él. Pedimos poder discernir la manera en que podemos ofrecernos diariamente “como sacrificio vivo, santo y agradable a Dios”. REENCONTRANDONOS CON JESUS Dia: Sábado 6 de Setiembre / 9.00 am – 6.00pm Lugar: Salón Parroquial Parroquia St. Vincent Donación: $ 12.00 por persona incluye almuerzo. Estarán los esposos Alfredo e Ingrid Pablo, y la Sra. Claribel Melcier fundadores junto al Padre Emiliano Tardiff de la Comunidad de Siervos de Cristo Vivo y la música estará a cargo de su ministerio de música. Habrá exposición y adoración al Santísimo. Curso de Preparación Para el Examen de Ciudadanía Segundo y Cuarto Domingo de cada mes HORA: 6 P.M. LUGAR: LOTT ENGLISH ACADEMY 3773 N Federal Highway Suite 210 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 Sin costo alguno Para más información por favor llamar Anely 954-830-3479 Proyecto PAIS, le está ofreciendo GRATIS!! 2nd Martes del mes Hora: 4-7 p.m. Lugar: Centro Comunitario Asistencia sobre asuntos de inmigración con la Abogada Inna Shapovalov, Esq. Solamente por cita previa, para más información Anely: 954-830-3479 A smile happens in a flash, ...but its memory can last a lifetime. Gabriel R. Duailibi A D U LT S • S E N I O R S • C H I L D R E N General Agent No Appointment Needed • Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome! HOLIDAY SPECIAL Se Habla Español • Oral Exam (D0150) Dental Insurance, HMO’s • Full Mouth and PPO’s accepted! X-rays (D0272) Flexible payment plans offered! REG. $150 • Cleaning (D1110)* Humana Gold Plus Plan, 75 $ CarePlus, Solstice Low down payment International Driver’s License Inexperienced Driver or Bad Record? No Problem 2550 N. Federal Highway • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 New Non-Insured Patients Only. With Ad. *Unless gum disease is present. 1509 N. State Road 7, Suite H Margate, FL 33063 954-974-8550 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Ronna Simons 800.432.3240 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. YOUR PLACE FOR NEW TIRES AT WHOLESALE PRICES! Best Auto COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SHOP Galo Striedinger, Parishioner LARGEST USED TIRE INVENTORY IN MARGATE! SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 13 YRS. 5250 NW 15TH ST. • Margate 954-9176923 (West Side of Banks Rd.) 954-917-6923 WEB SPECIALS: FREE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT INSPECTION ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Includes All adjustments. Most cars. 45 $ With coupon. Exp. Dec. 31, 2014 BRAKE SPECIAL 69 $ Front or Rear *regular price $100 *most cars With coupon. Exp. Dec. 31, 2014 “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 800-566-6150 • 514009 St Vincent Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” MIKE’S AUTO REPAIR ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Complete Auto Repair • Foreign & Domestic Patronize One of Our Advertisers SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL SVC. AND AIR CONDITIONING 1931-33 Mears Pkwy. Margate 973-9589 A Iris de seus Olhos revelan a sua Saude Problemas digestivos, circulatorios, depressão, dor da prostata, descontrol hormonal, menopausa. Iridiologo e Especialista en Medicina Natural Daniel Giani (754) 422-5047 / (561) 451-2631 5440 N. State Rd. 7 • Ft. Lauderdale Daily Early Bird Special Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 10% Discount up to $10.00 off! I am patronizing your business because of it! Ph. 484-0400 St. Vincent KRAEER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTER Serving the Catholic Community Since 1952 1 North State Road 7 Margate (954) 246-5252 / 2249 WEST HILLSBORO BLVD. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal (954) 972-7340 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning Se Habla Español An ideal companion for personal prayer. Se Habla Español In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Complete Traditional Catholic Funeral and Cremation Services The Only Family Owned Funeral Home in Margate “Caring For Families And Their Financial Concerns” 2950 N. State Road 7, Margate, FL 33063 Attorney Donald Buikus 1402 N. 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