St. Vincent Catholic Church
St. Vincent Catholic Church
Paradise by Giusto de' Menabuoi, c. 1378, dome fresco, Baptistery, Padua, Italy St. Vincent Catholic Church Services in English Saturday Vigil Mass: Servicios en Español 4:30 pm Sunday Masses: 8:00 am & 11:15 am Daily Masses: Monday thru Saturday 7:55 am; Monday 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: First Friday Adoration: Confessions: 7:55 am, 10:00 am & 6:00 pm; no vigil Mass 8:30 am - 12 Noon (Oct.-May) Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm; by appointment Rosary: Monday thru Saturday 7:25 am; Monday 5 pm Novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Divine Mercy Chaplet: Mon. 6 pm Friday 3 pm Domingo Misa en Español: 1:00 pm Misa los Miércoles y todos los primeros Viernes del mes: a las 7:30 pm Confesiones:Miércoles de 6:30 pm - 7:25 pm en la oficina y media hora antes de la Misa Dominical. Serviços em Português Sábado Missa: Domingo Missa: Missas Semanais: 7:30 pm 9:30 am & 7:00 pm Terça e Quinta-feira 7:30 pm Adoração ao Santissimo Sacramento: Quinta-feira 8:00pm-10:00 pm Confissão: Sábado 7:00 pm-7:30 pm Domingo 6:30 pm-7:00 pm May 18, 2014 • 18 de Mayo de 2014 • 18 de Maio de 2014 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 6350 NW 18 Street, Margate, FL 33063-2320 Ph 954-972-0434 • Fax 954-971-9411 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Rev. Joseph F. Pranzo CS Pastor Rev. Messias Albuquerque Parochial Vicar Jane M. Gammon Sacristan Carole Boisselle Office Manager Ana Stein Administrative Assistant Luz Peña Bookkeeper Gloria Bernier Bulletin Editor Sr. Maria Thengumthottathil, sabs Director of Religious Education Mrs. Marie Hurley Co-Director of Religious Education Juliana Bendetti Director of Religious Education, Brazilians Fred Schweitzer RCIA Coordinator, English Gerald Corbin Music Director, English Patricia Maher Music Director, English Carlos Agudelo Music Director, Spanish MAY 17 - 4:30 PM Lector: Jim Dougherty Extraordinary Ministers: Jack Morell, Gwen Morell, Nancy Leone, Maurice Leone, Pam Asselin Altar Servers: Ushers: D. Leone, M. Leone Dennis Phenix, Sean Toner, Loretta Marotta MAY 18 - 8:00 AM MASS Lector: Janet Stone Extraordinary Ministers: Fred Schweitzer, Irene Phenix, Dorothy Adams, Pat Kelly, Cathy Gearing Altar Servers: Ushers: M. DeFazio Rich Popovic, Don Hefta, Angelo Sardo, George Hudak, Alessandro Carbonara MAY 18 - 11:15 AM MASS Lector: Frank Voehl Extraordinary Ministers: Ray Alea, Rusty Vets, Evalina Van Lengen, Ray Young, Alan Roos, Cathy Gearing, Jane Gammon Altar Servers: Ushers: 18 DE G. Russo Dan Pawlusiak, Sam Battaglia, Alan Roos, John Carcich MAYO - LA MISA DE 1:00 PM Ministros Extraordinarions: Rosa Maria Smith, Miguelina Jimenez, Gerardo Peñaloza, Sara Montero, Gilbre Rincón, Gustavo Rodriguez MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY - MAY 17 4:30 PM †Veronica & †Bill Woods By Patricia Woods AND †Ann Murphy & †Theresa Aimi By Jo Murphy AND †Jerry Maher By Pat AND Margaret Kinosh By T. Turner. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - MAY 18 8:00 AM †Laurie Grimaldi By mother AND For the People. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Daniel Roumain By wife & children AND †Miguel Vasquez By Tito Vasquez. 1:00 PM †Nora Garcia By Ruby Sanchez. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. MONDAY - MAY 19 7:55 AM †Joan Picarone By her husband AND †Theresa Meyers By Rose Pugliese. 5:30 PM Thanksgiving for Fr. Joe Pranzo By Monday night friends AND †Al R. Phenix By loving mother AND †Mario Enrique Bravo By family Bravo Hunter. 6:00 PM NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP. TUESDAY - MAY 20 7:55 AM †Michael Halliesy By Saverio Picarone AND †Margery Meyers By Marie Russell. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. WEDNESDAY - MAY 21 7:55 AM †Mary McGowan By Saverio Picarone AND †Nathan, †Mary & †Ann Lewis By Ed & Irene Miller. 7:30 PM Misa en Español. THURSDAY - MAY 22 7:55 AM Lawrence Ho (living) By family AND †Rita D’Addario By Leonard D’Addario. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FRIDAY - MAY 23 7:55 AM †Mary Welgosh By brother, George Hudak. 11:00 AM †Tony LaRotonda By Italian American Club of Coconut Creek. 3:00 PM Divine Mercy. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SATURDAY - MAY 24 7:55 AM For the People. 4:30 PM †Ernest Castro By family AND †Tom Keenan By the Fox family AND Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Joseph & Lorraine Cisario By Bob & Arlene Madan. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - MAY 25 8:00 AM †Fannie & †Joseph (Jess) Caputo By daughter, Adrienne & family AND †Tom Bruno By his wife, Ruthe AND For the People. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Thomas White By wife & family AND †James Dean DuVall By his mother, Sonya John & family. 1:00 PM †Domingo Gomez Pide familia Gomez Y †Josefina Romero Pide su hija, Ruth Ahrens. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. Father Joe’s Corner Fifth Sunday of Easter The readings for the last few Sundays have been about the Resurrection, but today's Gospel takes us back in time to an event in Jesus' life before his Passion. Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father's house. He promises that where he is going, his disciples will be able to follow. Thomas, who will later doubt the disciples' reports that they have seen the Risen Lord, contradicts Jesus by saying that the disciples don't know where Jesus is going or how to get there. Jesus explains that he himself is the way, the truth, and the life. In knowing and loving Jesus, the disciples now love God the Father. Philip then makes a request that challenges Jesus' words. Philip wants Jesus to show the Father to the disciples. Recall that Jesus has just told his disciples, “If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” As a good teacher, Jesus responds to Philip by repeating and elaborating on what he has just told the disciples: they have seen and known Jesus, so they have seen and known the Father. Then Jesus offers another reassurance about his departure: because of faith in God and in Jesus, the disciples will do the work that Jesus has done and more. The connection between Jesus and his Father, between Jesus' work and the work of the Father, is made clear in today's Gospel. Jesus is in the Father, and God the Father is in Jesus. As God spoke his name to Moses, “I am,” so too Jesus speaks his name to his disciples: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” The revelation of the Trinity is completed in the passage that follows today's reading, and it is the Gospel for next Sunday. Because Jesus goes away, the Father will send in Jesus' name the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will continue the work of the Father and of Jesus. Fr. Joe Quinto Domingo de Pascua Las lecturas de los ùltimos Domingos han sido sobre la Resurreciòn, pero el Evangelio de hoy nos regresa al tiempo de un evento en la vida de Jesùs antes de su Pasiòn. Jesùs les dice a sus discìpulos que èl se va a preparar un lugar para ellos en la casa de su Padre. El promete que donde èl va, sus discìpulos podran seguirlo. Tomàs, quien màs tarde dudarà de lo que cuentan los discìpulos de que ellos han visto al Señor Resucitado, contradice a Jesùs diciendo que los discìpulos no saben donde èl va o còmo llegar a alla. Jesùs les explica que èl mismo es el camino, la verdad, y la vida. En conocer y amar a Jesùs, los discìpulos ahora aman a Dios el Padre. Felipe luego hace una peticiòn que confronta las palabras de Jesùs. Felipe quiere que Jesùs les muestre el Padre a los discìpulos. Recordemos que Jesùs acaba de decirles a sus discìpulos, “Si ustedes me conocen, entonces ustedes tambièn conocen mi padre. De ahora en adelante ustedes lo conocen a èl y lo han visto.” Como un buen maestro, Jesùs responde a Felipe repitiendo y elaborando en lo que el les dijo a sus discìpulos: ellos han visto y conocen a Jesùs, asì que ellos han visto y conocen al Padre. Entonces Jesùs les ofrece otra esperanza sobre su partida: Por la fe en Dios y en Jesùs, los discìpulos haràn la obra que Jesùs ha hecho y mucho màs. La conexiòn entre Jesùs y su padre, entre la obra de Jesùs y la obra del padre esta claro en el Evangelio de hoy. Jesùs està en el Padre, y Dios el Padre està en Jesùs. Como Dios le dijo su nombre a Moìses, “Yo soy,” asì tambien Jesùs les dice su nombre a los discìpulos: “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida.” La revelaciòn de la Tinidad se completa en el pasage que sigue a la lectura de hoy, y es el Evangelio para el pròximo Domingo. Debido a que Jesùs se va, el Padre enviarà en el nombre de Jesùs al Paràclito, el Espiritu Santo, que continuarà con la obra del Padre y de Jesùs. 5° Domingo da Pascoa P. Joe As leituras dos domingos anteriores têm sido sobre a Ressurreição, mas o Evangelho de hoje nos leva de volta no tempo para um evento na vida de Jesus antes de sua Paixão. Jesus diz aos seus discípulos que ele está indo para preparar um lugar para eles na casa de seu pai. Ele promete que para onde ele está indo, os seus discípulos serão capazes de seguir. Tomé, que mais tarde irá duvidar dos relatos dos discípulos que viram o Senhor ressuscitado, contradiz Jesus ao dizer que os discípulos não sabem onde Jesus está indo ou como chegar lá. Jesus explica que ele mesmo é o caminho, a verdade e a vida. Conhecendo e amando Jesus, os discípulos agora amam a Deus, o Pai. Felipe então, faz um pedido que desafia as palavras de Jesus. Ele quer que Jesus mostre o Pai aos discípulos. Lembre -se que Jesus apenas disse aos seus discípulos: "Se você me conhece, então você também vai conhecer o meu pai. A partir de agora você o conhece e o vê." Como um bom professor, Jesus responde a Felipe, repetindo e elaborando sobre o que acaba de dizer aos discípulos: eles viram e conheceram Jesus, então eles viram e conheceram o Pai. Em seguida, Jesus oferece outra garantia sobre sua partida: por causa da fé em Deus e em Jesus, os discípulos vão fazer o trabalho que Jesus fez e muito mais. A conexão entre Jesus e seu Pai, entre a obra de Jesus e a obra do Pai, fica claro no Evangelho de hoje. Jesus está no Pai, e Deus, o Pai, está em Jesus. Como Deus falou a Moisés: "Eu sou", assim também Jesus fala aos seus discípulos : "Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade, e a vida . " A revelação da Trindade é concluída na passagem que segue a leitura de hoje, e é o Evangelho para o próximo domingo. Porque Jesus vai embora, o Pai enviará em nome de Jesus o advogado, o Espírito Santo, que irá continuar a obra do Pai e de Jesus. Pe. Joe Page 4 Parish News & Events Jesus Is Waiting for You Come spend 30 minutes with Jesus every Friday at 3 pm in the Chapel. Join your fellow parishioners in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. VOCATION CHALICE/CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES Sat., May 17 and Sun., May 18 4:30 pm 8:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm Lesly & Rosie Joseph Jean Dickson Juliet Harris Domingo, 18 de Mayo Marcia Torres Saturday, June 21 − 9 AM - 7 PM Sunday, June 22 − 9 AM - 4 PM BROWARD COLLEGE North Omni Auditorium 1000 Coconut Creek Blvd., Coconut Creek, FL ALL ARE WELCOME Registration has started! Registration Fees: $50 (includes lunch for both days) POWERFUL TALKS BY INTERNATIONAL PREACHERS CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST SPIRIT-REVIVING PRAYER SESSIONS SOUL-STIRRING MUSIC | INSPIRING TESTIMONIES For more information and registration, visit or call us at (215)366-3031 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY May 25, 3 pm Archbishop John Favalora Church PILGRIMAGE TO TURKEY AND GREECE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ST. PAUL ACCOMPANIED BY FATHER JOE October 14 - October 26, 2014 We will visit the sites of the Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey and continue to Greece to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul to Athens and Corinth. While in Turkey we will visit the beautiful city of Istanbul located on two continents, the city of Pamukkale with its unique thermal pools and the ruins of the legendary city of Troy. In Athens we will visit the Acropolis and the magnificent Parthenon dominating the city. The cost for this wonderful trip is only $3,496.00 per person, double occupancy. It includes airfare on Swiss Air from Miami, accommodations in first class hotel, daily breakfast and dinner, and much more. Detailed information can be obtained from the church office during normal business hours. Deposit of $500 per person required at time of booking to reserve your seat. Second payment of $1,200.00 due August 1, 2014 and final payment of $1,796.00 due September 10, 2014. Congratulations Lorraine Cisario 50/50 Winner of $80 for May 10 and 11 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In the Gospel today, Jesus says “…whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. Through your almsgiving you are performing a good work; far greater than you think. The coins placed in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box bring Christ love and compassion to the poor. Call 954-213-4690 for help. To donate household goods, call St. Vincent Thrift Shop at 954-942-2242. giv 10 sat ww me C Eu he tra Yo bu ge Ea Ce po Page 5 PLEASE JOIN US AND SUPPORT THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY MAY IS MONTH SANTA ROSA DE LIMA CELEBRATION COMMITTEE St. Vincent and St. Andrew Catholic Churches (August 24 and 31, 2014) GRAND FUNDRAISING FIESTA We are collecting items for mothers-to-be in crisis pregnancies: Pacifiers, Large Baby Bottles, Baby Wash, Baby Shampoo, Baby Lotion, Diapers (newborn, sizes 1, 4 and 5), Receiving Blankets, Towels, Infant Clothing (new & slightly used). All donations go to Respect Life of North Broward. Respect Life - Cocogate Plaza 5115 Coconut Creek Parkway, Margate, FL 943-977-7769 Your generosity is greatly appreciated. God bless you all! A PLAY PEN WILL BE AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE CHURCH FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MAY Visit the Gift Shop for Communion and Confirmation Gifts The Gift Shop has many gifts for Communion and Confirmation on display. We have veils and ties in stock, along with missals and rosary sets for girls an boys. Many gift items are also available. We will be happy to do layaway and, if you request items that are not in stock, we will do our best to do special orders for you. NEW PEWS Thank you to all who have helped our parish by your donations to assume 50% of the costs of a pew. It is humbling to see how generous you all are in your support of the parish. There are only a few pews left: 2 1 24 In the Church $740.00 $915.00 $1,000.00 In the Chapel 8 $780.00 Again thank you for your generosity. Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM ENTERTAINMENT “NANDO AND HIS DIGITAL BAND” St. Vincent Church Community Center 6350 NW 18th Street, Margate, FL 33063 (Includes: dinner, soda, dessert) Donation: $ 30.00 Information: Carlos Iglesias Tereza Toranzo 754-245-0814 954-261-0043 Summertime Blood Drive Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:30 am - 2:30 pm All donors will receive an Official Blood Donor T-shirt and a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening! Help us serve you! Make an appointment online at and use sponsor code #4477. Please bring ID • 1-800-879-5020 CCD CORNER TO ALL CONFIRMATION STUDENTS,THEIR PARENTS AND THEIR SPONSORS: Sunday, May 18 is the Confirmation rehearsal. It will take place in the church from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please be on time!! After the rehearsal, the Confirmation robes and stoles will be handed out. If you have not yet paid for your robe, have your payment ready on May 18. Make checks payable to St. Vincent Catholic Church and put the student's name on the check. May 25 is the BIG DAY! Confirmation Mass is scheduled for 3:00 PM. Celebrating the Mass will be Archbishop Emeritus John Favalora. Page 6 PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF ALL OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL Lord Jesus, Savior of the world and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. LCpl Randal Adams PFC Russell Adams, Jr. S1stC Rachel Anderson USN Adam Alonge USA AMN Darek Baczewski USA William Balcazar USA Spec. Getulio Barbosa USA Anthony Barcellona, USMC Stf. Sgt. Jay Berman USAF Capt. Jessica L. Bishop USAF GSgt. John R. Brown USMC Chad Bryant USN Matthew Buceri USMC William Callahan USN PFC Peter Caravello USMC Pvt. Charles Clementino USA Mark Clementino USA Cpl V. J. Como USMC Bradley T. Curtis II USN Damian Dobbs USMC Jason Dobbs USMC Christopher Dodd USMC Michael Dore Sgt. Clifton A. East Maj. Sean P. Farley USA Brian Garzon USA Paul C. Garzon George Gehrke USA Carlo Gonzalez USMC Steven Grudzinski Taylor Harter USA Seaman 2 Erik Hettinger USN Ensign John D. John USN Major Cayton Johnson USA Major Robin Johnson USA LCPL Ryan Johnston USMC LCpl Jeffrey Kernen USMC Curtis King USMC Matthew Latocha USN Sgt. Eric Lawton USA Michael Lisi USAF David Anthony Long John Paul Lubrani USN Michael Magnotta, USAF Scarlet Martinez Christopher McClain USMC Ryan McClain USN T. J. McGovern USMC R. J. McGraw USMC 2nd Lt. Chris Mendoza USAF Alexander Moscovich USMC HA Casey B. Mulloy USN Spc. Jeremy R. Mulloy USA Danny Murales Bryan P. Novy USN Capt. Ryan Pace USA Ivette Marie Pavez USMC PMI. John T. Peetling USS Sgt. Nelson Perdomo USA Lt. Daniel Reilly USCG Rodrigo Rivadeneira USA Fabio Sanchez, Jr. USN Mark F. Satira USA Spec. Barbara Schweitzer USA Capt. Charles Shinkle, USA Priv. Eduardo Tejada USA Jeremy Varsallone USA Guillermo Velandia USA Luis M. Vila USAR PFC Joshua Villette USMC LCpl Jason A. Wargin USMC 1st Lt. Patrick Wiley Sgt. Brandon J. Wright W ORLDWIDE M ARRIAGE E NCOUNTER Rekindle and renew your love for each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Available 2014 dates are: June 27-29; September 26-28; and November 7-9. Go online to register at: or For more info contact Ann and John Geer at (954) 785-5955 or [email protected]. To ensure a place, please register at least two weeks before the weekend. BUILDING & PROPERTY FUND: $209,250.46* HURRICANE RELIEF FUND: $108,829.59 AS OF APRIL 30, 2014 *Includes $25,000 transferred from Mass account (Carnival-2013) And all our Church military not listed here. Please let us know the names of those who are no longer members of the military. Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation Planned Giving Do you own an IRA? If your family’s needs are being met, you may want to consider including the parish as a beneficiary. Contact your IRA trustee and ask for change of beneficiary forms to name St. Vincent Catholic Church as a recipient of your faithful stewardship. For more information on how your gift can last forever, contact the church office or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Weekly Collection Report - May 10 and 11, 2014 Mass Day Mass Time Language Persons Collection Saturday 4:30 pm English 260 2,187.55 Saturday 7:30 pm Portuguese 252 2,173.75 Sunday 8:00 am English 187 1,817.00 Sunday 9:30 am Portuguese 715 4,047.65 Sunday 11:15 am English 340 1,693.50 Sunday 1:00 pm Spanish 306 1,001.65 Sunday 7:00 pm Portuguese 184 1,010.00 Total Env: 350 2,244 13,931.10 Special Accounts and Collections Children’s Envelopes 4 8.00 Candles (Votive) 327.85 Total Special Collections 335.85 Total of all Collections: $14,266.95 Page 7 PRAYER LIST Rosario Abate, John Abbruzzese, Myra Alea, Maria Augustino, Brooke Barberio, Debbie Barberio, David Bedoya, Corinne Betkowski, Tyler Boupaoza, Leon Bourgeois, Sarah Bouwkamp, Ryan Boyd, Donna Brady, Chad Brown, Elda Brown, Marty Brown, Miriam Brown, Mary Bruno, Ruthe Bruno, Sue Buzzi, Mary Caggiano, Susanne J. Campisi, Gina Cannone, Bettye Caruso, Josephine Cassadenti, Mary Cassidy, Mary Castro, Anthony Christina, Judy Christopher, Josephine Cinacore, Maria Cipolla, Vincent Cipolla, Carl Clemencich, Jennie Clementino, Ray Clinton, Ralph Colon, Mary Colombo, Kate Costello, Cheryl D’Alessio, Sylvester Denobriga, Cathy Donaldson, Manny Dossantos, John Eskridge, Rosemary Eskridge, Roger Evans, Tim Farrell, Bob Fedak, Jackie Fedak, Richard Ferina, John Finan, Josie Gallucci, Brad Gammon, Lisa Garavuso, Ralph Garrett, Jason, Gottesman, Shari Glynn, Hope Griffin, Karen Griffin, Marcos Antonio Guzman, Dorothy Hands, Patricia Hanna, Sharika Hanna, Charles Harrison, Rose Harrison, Ronald Haydon, Paul Healey, Cliff Hebisen, Robert W. Hettinger, James Hinckley, Louise Hodges, Steve Hodges, Braydon Hudak, Douglas Hughes Frank Hurley, Marie Hurley, Lois Hyzy, Naomi Jacobson, Angela Jakuboski, Isaac June, Ernie Keahey, Trey Kilgore, Mary Koch, Bernice Kosiolek, Carolee Kuzman, Steven Larsen, Frank Lettieri, Nancy Lettieri, Maria Lettieri, Luis Carlos Lima, Sarah Lohse, Marie LoRusso, Maria Luongo, Ursula Lynch, Philip Maher, Layla Marciano, Madison Marciano, Cerbellon Marrero, Jose Marrero, Kayla McGuire, Dian McMillan, Natrice McNair, Robert McNair, Angela McNeal, Ruth Messana, Dawn Meyers, Michelle Nethersole, Dale Newell, Mihail Nicolescu, Louise Nicoletta, Dorothy Noga, Marlene Novochadlo, Annette Ocasio, Maryann Parker, Ronnie Paar, Janice Pollack, Danny Parker, Ronnie Parr, Anne Phenix, Joseph Piccione, QL Piccirilli, Ida Pino, Carla Pranzo, Kenneth Pranzo, Jack Pries, Joan Primo, Nellie Puma, Etta Pursche, Donna Reilly, Jean Ritchie, Bob Rizzi, Toni Romeo, Nick Rubertone, John Rubertone, William J. Ryan, Leobardo Sanchez, Debbie Scavone, Grace Schinelli, John Schinelli, Lisa Schinelli, Vanessa Schinelli, Mary Schmidt, Geraldine Schweitzer, Mary Schweitzer, Keith Shannon, Patty Shannon, Mario Signorelli, Mary Signorelli, Cindy Siska, Flo Smith, Mark Solazzo, Marica Speziale, Vito Speziale, Darrell Squeeze, Leola Stevens, Judy Strong, Roy Strong, Natalie Swift, Jeffrey Szur, John Targonski, Gregory Tartamella, Stephanie Taylor, Evelyn Toner, Maria Velez, Louis Vernoia, Rita Vetrano, Mimi Visconti, Paula Vroman, Glenroy Whyte, Shavien Whyte, Jayne Widdenkind, Crystal Wolfenden, Jayne Womack, Carol Wood, The names of those who have been on our prayer list for six months or longer are removed, other than those we know are suffering from long term illnesses. If we have inadvertently removed the name of someone who has not recovered, please call the office at 954-9720434 and we will place their name on the prayer list. Thank you! RESPECT LIFE PREGNANCIES SAVED MOMS Brad Mattes, Director, Life Issues Institute –May 5,2014 Pregnancy is designed to be a beautiful, life-giving experience. And in some special cases, the gift of life is given in more ways than one-from the mother to the baby and back again. Today, I want to share with you some incredible heartwarming stories of extraordinary miracles that occurred because of pregnancy. Nicola Weller’s life was turned upside down when a tumor was discovered on her womb. Her thoughts immediately turned to her 8year-old daughter. It was terrifying to imagine her growing up without a mom. Weeks later, it was determined that surgery would need to be performed. Before the operation, she had a scan and what they discovered was unbelievable. The medical team said that her tumor had disappeared. Then they broke the news that Nicola was seven weeks pregnant. It was shocking, as she had not planned to get pregnant and had been using a contraceptive. Getting pregnant was unexpected in itself. Then the doctors revealed that it was the pregnancy hormones that caused the tumor to disappear. A biopsy was done on the small residue left behind by the tumor and it was found to be the early stages of cancer. “I was stunned to find out I was expecting a baby—but even more stunned to hear that this baby had caused my tumor to disappear. It was like he had been sent from above to save my life,” Nicola recalls. Now that she’s in remission, the family embraces their young son, Brandon, who’s rightfully nicknamed, “Superman.” Since the young age of nine, Jess Astill had suffered from eating disorders. Her struggles continued to increase into her teens. At 19, her anorexia was so severe, doctors were concerned about her fading health and hospitalized her. She weighed only 71 pounds at the time. The hospital admission came with another shock, Jess was pregnant. Because of her sickness, she had been told it was almost impossible for her to conceive. And the risks to the pregnancy were high. Doctors explained that a miscarriage was inevitable unless she overcame her eating disorder. It was a wake-up call for Jess. “My first thought was, what have I done? I was heartbroken to think I had been harming not only myself, but also my baby.” Her mindset completely changed from being self-destructive to thinking only of her health and the wellbeing of her child. She underwent an aggressive weight-gaining diet, challenged to gain 4 pounds a week. Jess considers the pregnancy “a divine gift” that saved her life. She’s now enjoying raising her young daughter, Cassandra. “When I see Cassandra toddling around, I still have to pinch myself that I’m so lucky.” Amy Hansen recalls the awkwardness of what it was like to be both pregnant and bald—facing the uneasy looks from strangers. It all began one day when Amy was experiencing abdominal discomfort. It was only because days earlier she had discovered she was pregnant that she decided to seek medical care. She went to the emergency room and doctors discovered and drained a cyst. Later, a pathology report revealed it was ovarian cancer. Amy’s doctor, Oncologist Diana Medgysey, knew that there would be challenges in treating the cancer during pregnancy. However, she understood the gravity of the situation. “We always get nervous when it comes to a pregnant patient because we think about two patients in the body of one. The first thought that comes to mind is ‘do no harm.’ That applies not only to your patient but also to the fetus yet to be born.” What a blessing to have the care of a physician who truly values the life of the unborn! After seeking multiple opinions, Amy and her husband, Andy, decided to move forward with a nine-week course of chemotherapy. Thankfully, baby Gavin was born happy and healthy in November. Amy is now in remission. The couple credits Gavin with saving Amy’s life. Andy stated, “The fact we found it so early because of him was a miracle. If we did not have him, she might never have known until it was too late. He really did save her life.” These women’s lives give hope, affirm life and reveal the fact that a diagnosis while pregnant doesn’t have to result in abortion. Respect Life Ministry “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Page 8 SCHEDULED MEETINGS Arts & Crafts Group Neocatechumenal Way Irene Phenix 954-973-6951 Tuesdays 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Community Center, Room #4 Fr. Joe Pranzo 954-972-0434 NO MEETING MAY 20, 2014 Tuesday at 8:00 PM Community Center, Room #6 Mass Saturday at 7:30 PM Chapel Baptismal Preparation Class First Sunday of month, 12:30 PM Call office 954-972-0434 for reservations Next meeting June 1, 12:30 PM De Paul Center CCD Sr. Maria 754-245-3278 Mrs. Marie Hurley 954-978-6124 September thru May Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM Saturday, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Community Center, all Classrooms & CC Hall Choir and Contemporary Music Practice Jerry Corbin 954-974-6635 Patricia Maher 954-261-8684 Every Thursday in the Church Music Practice begins at 6:30 PM Choir Practice begins at 7:30 PM Council of Catholic Women (CCW) RCIA Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604 September thru May Will Resume in the Fall Community Center, Room #7 St. Vincent De Paul Society Diane Hebisen 954-213-4690 Second & Fourth Monday 7:00 PM Next Meeting June 9 Community Center Rm 1&2 St. Vincent Men’s Guild NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AT MAY 19 MEETING Harry Placke 954-935-9965 August thru June First & Third Monday 7:00 PM Next Meeting May 19 De Paul Center Rose Scarpulla (954)957-8829 September thru May Third Tuesday at 7:00 PM Next Meeting May 20 at 6:00 PM De Paul Center Rosary Rally Crusade at St. Vincent Catholic Church Knights of Columbus 6350 NW 18 St. Margate, FL 33063-2320 Phone: (954) 972-0434 G.K. Angelo Sardo 954-548-7550 September thru June Second & Fourth Tuesday 7:00 PM Next Meeting May 27 DePaul Center Legion of Mary Marie Victorin 561-716-1416 Saturday after 7:55 am Mass Community Center, Room #4 Saturday, May 31, 2014 Assembly Time: 11:00 am by Our Lady’s Grotto Rosary Prayers: 11:30 am Our Blessed Mother Mary invites all to join Her Rosary Rally Crusade in the Public Square in participation via satellite with Mother Angelica and the nuns of Our Lady of Angels Monastery. We will pray. PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR CHURCH IN YOUR BEQUESTS. Page 9 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES BAPTISM CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Parents must be registered, active members of St. Vincent for two months before they can register for the Baptismal class. The classes are held monthly for parents and godparents, as needed. Baptisms will take place the last Sunday of the same month at 2:30 pm. Please come to the church office with the birth certificate to make arrangements. Blessings Tuesday, May 20, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, May 21, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church CONFIRMATION Sunday, May 25 at 3:00 pm in the Church OFFICE CLOSED Monday, May 26 for Memorial Day MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of the Parish, using envelopes. Call for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Please call the office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital, nursing home or assisted living, and wishes to be visited. Blessings ANOINTING OF THE SICK Tuesday, May 27, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, May 28, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church ROSARY RALLY CRUSADE Saturday, May 31 By Our Lady’s Grotto Assembly Time: 11:00 a.m. Rosary Prayers: 11:30 a.m. See Page 8 for details. BLOOD DRIVE Persons entering the hospital or hospice are encouraged to be anointed ahead of time. To make an appointment, call the office or see Father after daily Mass. NORTH BROWARD RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY 5115 Coconut Creek Pkwy, Margate, FL 33063 954-977-7769 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 954 973--0454 954--973 CCD Sunday, June 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Grades 1-2 Saturday 9:00 am - 10:15 am Grades 3-8 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION The Rite of Christian Initiation for adults is for those interested in becoming Catholic. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Room 7 in the Community Center. For more information, please call Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604. Tuesday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. Repeated Wednesday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. Location: Church R.C.I.A. YOUR PENNIES PROVIDE A SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY. PLEASE PLACE THEM IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Page 10 ORGANIZAÇÃO LITÚRGICA E ATIVIDADES ADORAÇÃO AO SANTÍSSIMO SACRAMENTO: CRISMA Quinta-feira às 8pm na Capela ACÓLITOS: Melanie Procópio (954) 857-3182 (561) 584-0903 Bryan Dias A.R.C: Adolescentes Reunidos em Cristo DOMINGO 25 de maio, às 3pm Rocio Cabral (954) 479-2066 BATISMO: Favor comparecer no escritório entre 2pm e 8:30pm, de segunda à sexta-feira, para preencher a ficha e receber orientação com dois meses de antecedência. A preparação para pais e padrinhos na 2ª sexta-feira de cada mês, às 7:30pm; batismos no 1º e 4º sábado do mês às 6:30pm Coordenadores: José e Leda Almeida (954) 548-5258 Favor trazer cópia da certidão de nascimento Arcebispo John Favalora CARCERÁRIA: Elizane Ribeiro (954) 821-6940 (954) 708-5626 Wadson Abreu CATEQUESE DE EUCARISTIA: (Sábado às 5pm) Juliana Bendetti (954) 826-7752 Edineide Sales (954) 592-9226 CATEQUESE DE CRISMA: Rodrigo Souza (754) 235-5593 (754) 245-2495 Karla Pinto C.E.S: Centro Educacional Scalabrini: Luzeth de Oliveira Doralice Rabelo (954) 871-9434 CORAL PINGO DE LUZ: Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 (754) 214-1913 Regina Oliveira (561) 674-2268 DÍZIMO: Marcela Lima (754) 367-6640 Luzeth de Oliveira (954) 871-9434 EVANGELIZAÇÃO: Mauricio Macedo FAMILIAR: Anselmo e Marilene Carvalho (954) 309-3702 JOVENS: (JOBUC) (Jovens entre 18 e 25 anos) Jessica Abrão Marcela Mazei (754) 235-9992 (954) 865-5498 (954) 232-0916 (954) 803-2148 LITURGIA: Sirlene Oliveira Regiane Sotto MINISTROS EXTRAORDINÁRIOS DA SAGRADA COMUNHÃO: Marcio Santana (561) 502-5999 (754) 367-1391 Ronald de Oliveira Silva (954) 793-7346 MÚSICA: Fátima Silveira PASCOM: Sirlene Oliveira (954) 232-0916 PASTORAL DA ARTE: Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 PAÍS: (Projeto de Assistência ao Imigrante - Scalabrini) (754) 235-5713 RENOVAÇÃO CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA: José Elias (Zeli) Rocha da Silva (954) 226-4752 TERÇO: Elenytamares Ferraz Silva (954) 258-8232 RELATÓRIO DO DIZIMO 10 de maio 7:30pm $1,616.00 11 de maio 9:30am $1,652.00 11 de maio 7:00pm $ 495.00 __________________________________ TOTAL $3,763.00 Page 11 PASTORAL FAMILIAR VISITA A Pastoral Familiar está realizando visitas a casa de pessoas que gostariam ou precisam receber uma bênção ou oração. Informações com Mari 754-2354607, Beto 754-235-0527 ou após as Missas com membros da Pastoral Familiar. CASAMENTO COMUNITÁRIO (29 de novembro) Comunicamos que haverá casamentos comunitário este ano. Os interessados em casar-se, procurar os membros da Pastoral Familiar após as missas, ou ligar no escritório 954-972-0434, após às 2pm, para mais informações. DOCUMENTOS NECESSÁRIOS 1. Certidão de batismo atualizada (6 meses). 2. Certificado do casamento do civil. 3. Certificado do curso de preparação. CONSULADO ITINERANTE 7 E 8 DE JUNHO Sábado, 7 de junho, de 7am às 4pm Domingo, 8 de junho, de 12pm às 4pm Local: Centro Comunitário CIDADANIA - CURSO DE PREPARAÇÃO SEXTA-FEIRA: 23 DE MAIO Horário: 7pm às 9pm Local: De Paul Center Preço: $30.00 material incluido Informações: 754-235-5713 CONSULTA GRÁTIS TODAS AS SEGUNDAS-FEIRAS O Projeto PAIS oferece consultas GRÁTIS com Psicóloga, Terapeuta de Família e Casais. Pessoas que passaram por uma experiência traumática em sua vida: Divórcio, Acidentes, Sequestro, Roubos, Violência Doméstica, Abuso Emocional ou Físico. Atendendimento somente com hora marcada. Local: Centro Comunitário de 4pm às 9pm Informações: 754-235-5713 ADVOGADA DE IMIGRAÇÃO 2ª TERÇA-FEIRA DO MÊS Assistência sobre assuntos de imigração com a advogada Inna Shapovalov. Local: Centro Comunitário de 4pm às 7pm Informações: 754-235-5713 PEREGRINAÇÃO TERRA SANTA E FÁTIMA Guia Espiritual: Padre Carlos Anklan, c.s. Novembro 1-15, 2014 Informações: Bella Travel (561) 394-6210 Page 12 GRUPO DE JÓVENES MINISTERIOS / REUNIONES VOCERO DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Concepcion Medrano T. (954)330-8274 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO EN LA MISA de la Parroquia San Vicente Todos los Viernes a las 7 pm Edad: de 16 a 19 años Inscripciones abiertas después de la Misa o en la oficina o llamar a Eyessky Sanabria 954-554-6879 Guillermo Izaguierre 954-601-6529 Juaquin Diaz 954-638-0098 BAUTISMO Tener partida de nacimiento del niño y llenar formulario de Bautismo. Antes de solicitar el Bautismo recomendamos registrarse en la parroquia. Para obtener más información para Bautismo, venga a la oficina de 9 am a las 8:45 pm o llamar al 954 -972-0434 o también Anely 954-830-3479. • PARTICIPAR DEL CURSO DE BAUTISMO Para los padres y padrinos: Primer Miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm en De Paul Center. • CELEBRACIÓN DEL BAUTISMO Ultimo domingo del mes a las 1:00pm. Los padrinos catolicos casados por la iglesia o solteros. MATRIMONIO 2000 Ministerio en la Arquidiócesis de Miami Para la Convalidación de Matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica “Para Parejas Que No Han Recibido El Sacramento Del Matrimonio” El programa, Matrimonió 2000, es una preparación para matrimonios que llevan anos de casados por lo civil y no han recibido el Sacramento del Matrimonio (Convalidacion). El programa es de un día de duración se realize en la Iglesia Catolica Saint Timothy de 8:15 a.m. a 5:30 p.m, y en el participant parejas de las distintas parroquias de la Diocesis de Miami. El proximo sera el domingo 20 de Julio. Haga su reservación llamado al 305-821-0002 o fax a 305-821-0772. Por que esperar mas por el Sacramento que ustedes desean recibir y Cristo y su Iglesia quieren brindarles? Coro / Musica Carlos Agudelo T. (954)865-7632 Guillermo Izaguirre T. (954)601-6529 Lectores Victor Muvdi T. (954)394-3829 Ministros Extraordinarios Comunión Sara Montero T. (954)292-7698 Acolitos y Monaguillos Julio e Irene Rodriguez T. (954)701-7693 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO Y FORMACION Visita a las Carceles. Ultimo martes de cada mes Lisett Llovera T. (954)773-4185 Visita a los Enfermos. Ney Colon T. (954)984-0611 Bautizos. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Crecimiento Matrimonial. Ayudan a la vida matrimonial poniendo a Jesús en el centro de Matrimonio. Jueves 8.00pm. Concepción y Nayda Medrano T. (954)638-4840 Emaús. Preparan retiros de conversión y ayudan en varios servicios de la parroquia Emaús Hombres: Cada Martes a las 7:30 pm Cesar Arena T. (954)368-9925 Emaús Mujeres: Cada Viernes a las 6:00 pm Gilbre Rincon T. (954)461-1905 Desayuno, Tercer Sábado 9 am. Grupo de Oración Se vive una experiencia de fe y oración en comunidad. Miercoles 7:00 pm en la capilla. Lilita Agudelo T. (954)601-6495 Jóvenes Acrecientan el amor de Dios a los jóvenes de nuestra Parroquia vista desde su perspectiva. Eyessky Sanabria T. (954)554-6879 PAIS - Proyecto Asistencia Inmigrante Scalabrini Realizan diferentes actividades en favor de todos los inmigrantes en este país. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Legión de María Promueven en el hogar la devoción a nuestra Virgen María. Jueves 7.00 pm. Jose Vasquez T. (954)798-4693 Sacristana Carmen Guzman T. (954)648-6524 Page 13 POR FAVOR ÚNASE A NOSOTROS Y MINISTERIO RESPETO A LA VIDA MAYO ES MES DE Estamos colectando artículos para mujeres en crisis de embarazo: Chupetes, Grandes y Pequeñas Biberones, Toallitas, Champú, Loción, Crema para Bebe, Panales (recién nacido, tamaños 1, 3, 4 y 5), Ropita para Infantes (0 – 24 meses, (nuevos o ligeramente usados), Asientos de Carro (en buena condición). Todas las donaciones irán a la oficina de Respeto a la Vida Respect Life - Cocogate Plaza 5115 Coconut Creek Parkway, Margate, FL 943-977-7769 Su generosidad es muy apreciada. Dios los bendiga a todos!!! CORRAL DE BEBE ESTARÁ EN LA PARTE DE ATRÁS DE LA IGLESIA POR TODO EL MES DE MAYO! Proyecto PAIS, le está ofreciendo GRATIS!! Cada Lunes Hora: 4-9 p.m. Lugar: Centro Comunitario Consultas gratis con la Psicóloga, Terapeuta de Familia y Pareja: Personas que hayan tenido una experiencia traumática en su vida: Divorcio, accidentes, secuestro, robos, violencia domestica, abusos emocional o físico. Atendiendo solamente por cita preveía, para más información llamar Anely: 954-830-3479 2nd Martes del mes Hora: 4-7 p.m. Lugar: Centro Comunitario Asistencia sobre asuntos de inmigración con la Abogada Inna Shapovalov, Esq. Solamente por cita previa, para más información Anely: 954-830-3479 Curso de Preparación para el Examen de Ciudadanía Mayo 2014: Viernes 23 Hora: 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. Lugar: De Paul Center Costo: $30.00 con material incluido Para más información por favor llamar Anely: 954-830-3479 CONFIRMACION DOMINGO 25 de mayo, 3pm Arzobispo John Favalora En la iglesia COMITÉ PRO CELEBRACIÓN A SANTA ROSA DE LIMA St. Vincent y St. Andrew Catholic Churches (Agosto 24 y 31, 2014) GRAN FIESTA PRO FONDOS Sábado, 24 de mayo, 2014 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM AMENIZA “NANDO Y SU BANDA DIGITAL” Salon Parroquial Iglesia St. Vincent 6350 NW 18th Street, Margate, FL 33063 (Incluye: Cena, Soda, Postre) Donación: $ 30.00 Información: Carlos Iglesias Tereza Toranzo 754-245-0814 954-261-0043 EMAUS MUJERES La experiencia de Emaus Retiro de mujeres Este retiro se basa en el Evangelio de San Lucas capitulo 24,13-35 El tema principal es descubrir o redescubrir a Jesús en nuestras vidas, y la importancia de que mujeres hagan retiro para mujeres y hombres para hombres. Fecha: 27,28,29 de Junio 2014 Lugar Iglesia San Vicente Costo $100 (incluye alojamiento 2 noches, todas las comida y el programa) Mas información, llamar a Gilbre (coordinadora Emaus) TLF:954 461 1905. VIVAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Oramos para que el Señor nos dé la fe para confiar en su palabra cuando dijo que nos prepararía un lugar permanente donde viviremos con él y con todos los que nos han precedido. Oramos para que esta seguridad que tenemos nos fortalezca para vivir como si ya estuviésemos allí. A smile happens in a flash, ...but its memory can last a lifetime. Gabriel R. Duailibi A D U LT S • S E N I O R S • C H I L D R E N General Agent No Appointment Needed • Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome! HOLIDAY SPECIAL Se Habla Español • Oral Exam (D0150) Dental Insurance, HMO’s • Full Mouth and PPO’s accepted! X-rays (D0272) Flexible payment plans offered! REG. $150 • Cleaning (D1110)* Humana Gold Plus Plan, 75 $ CarePlus, Solstice Low down payment International Driver’s License Inexperienced Driver or Bad Record? No Problem 2550 N. Federal Highway • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 New Non-Insured Patients Only. With Ad. *Unless gum disease is present. 1509 N. State Road 7, Suite H Margate, FL 33063 954-974-8550 Giant Inflatables • Arcade Music & Lights • Parties Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Plan Your Next Party With Us! An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • (954) 344-9727 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 5000 Coconut Creek Pkwy., Suite B • Margate, FL 33063 Blessed Art Thou Following Jesus Every Day: Mother, Lady, Mystic, Queen Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 800-566-6150 • 514009 St Vincent Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” MIKE’S AUTO REPAIR ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Complete Auto Repair • Foreign & Domestic Patronize One of Our Advertisers SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL SVC. AND AIR CONDITIONING 1931-33 Mears Pkwy. Margate 973-9589 A Iris de seus Olhos revelan a sua Saude Problemas digestivos, circulatorios, depressão, dor da prostata, descontrol hormonal, menopausa. Iridiologo e Especialista en Medicina Natural Daniel Giani (754) 422-5047 / (561) 451-2631 5440 N. State Rd. 7 • Ft. Lauderdale Daily Early Bird Special Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 10% Discount up to $10.00 off! I am patronizing your business because of it! Ph. 484-0400 St. Vincent KRAEER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTER PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Serving the Catholic Community Since 1952 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB 1 North State Road 7 Margate TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months (954) 972-7340 Your ad Se Habla Español Complete Traditional Catholic Funeral and Cremation Services The Only Family Owned Funeral Home in Margate “Caring For Families And Their Financial Concerns” 2950 N. State Road 7, Margate, FL 33063 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning Se Habla Español could Attorney be in Donald Buikus this 1402 N. State Rd. 7 Margate space! 974-2704 REASONABLE FEES (Across the street from Northwest Medical Center) 954.977.5244 Wills/Probate/Bankruptcy William “Bill” Savino Owner and Licensed Catholic Funeral Director Personal injury/Auto Accidents Title Insurance/Real Estate Closings FREE Phone Consultation Air Around the Clock AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE SERVICE Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. SALES — SERVICE — INSTALLATIONS • 10% Support Your Church & Bulletin. Off Repairs (with Ad) • Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MSGR JOHN J. O’LOONEY Call Ronna Simons 11840 NW 41st Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 [email protected] Broward (954) 742-5544 COUNCIL 6590 WE SUPPORT THE CHURCH FROM MARGATE TO ROME 800.432.3240 514009 St Vincent Church (B) Boca (561) 395-7799 954-548-7550 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Ed’s Auto Repair, Inc. Support South Florida’s Homeless and Helpless Brakes • Tune-Ups • General Repairs All Work Guaranteed PLEASE donate your 954-971-9210 used furniture TODAY! 2936 N. State Road 7 • Margate Same Day Furniture Pickup Available Inpatient and Outpatient Programs Available 1401 S State Road 7 North Lauderdale, FL 33068 24 Hr Emergency Towing 954-972-0855 / J&J Towing Treating Drug and Alcohol Addiction for 38 Years, since 1976 Facilities in Broward and Palm Beach Counties 561-736-6501 Call Leo: Cell 954-266-9622 or Office 954-903-7234 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. 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