Believing in Every Child - Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley


Believing in Every Child - Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Summer 2012
Believing Every
Child Deserves
Page 6
Inspiration in
Senior Care
Page 8
Erma’s House
Celebrates 15th
Page 18
Giving Hope
with Each Bag
of Groceries
Page 20
Believing in
Every Child
Page 3
Catholic Social Services of the Miami
Valley serves people of all faiths in
Auglaize, Darke, Greene, Mercer, Miami,
Montgomery, Preble and Shelby Counties.
Words from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
We invite you to review our newsletter as an update on our mission and with the hope
that you will be pleased to learn about our continuing efforts to support families and
children in the Miami Valley. Throughout our region, we are working to make a positive
contribution to the quality of life in the communities that we serve — from urban
Dayton to our northern communities that are recognized by the landmark church
steeples rising in the rural countryside of Mercer and Auglaize counties.
CSSMV Board of Trustees
The Most Reverend Dennis M.
Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati,
Board Chairman
Marc Martens, President
Carol Bauer, SC
Gary Codeluppi
Kevin Crotty
Tom Curtin
Karen Davis
Bernie Fullenkamp
Durelle Fullenkamp
Mary Gearhardt
Donald L. Grieshop
Fr. Gerald Haemmerle
Sharon Hairston
Brian Heitkamp
Robert Hickey, Jr.
Connie Homan
Ken Marcellus
Brian Meyer
Anna Jones Monnett
David D. Schoeff
Edward M. Smith
Jenifer Wilhelm
Donald Grieshop, President
James Bernhold
David Galbreath
Connie Homan
Kevin Kissinger
Rev. Douglas Klinsing
Kathy Nichols
Rev. Rick Nieberding
Nancy Niekamp
Alan Riethman
Jane Woods
In this issue of Good News, we share information about our services to address the
needs of young children. In our northern communities, we are pleased to offer an
Early Childhood Program that provides professional help and advice to coordinate
intervention by parents and teachers to help assure academic success. In Dayton,
the operation of the Miami Valley Family Care Center is highlighted as a center for
excellence in early learning.
These early childhood education programs are part of a continuum of agency services
that are helping children, seniors, families and our neighbors in need throughout
our Miami Valley. By rallying community support and by forming new collaborative
partnerships we have continued to grow our mission to serve in a time of need.
During the past year, we have touched and enriched the lives of over 23,000.
As you read the stories in this edition of Good News, we will pray that you may be
inspired to advocate and support Catholic Social Services and help us give witness to
God’s teaching through our services and with acts of faith, service and charity.
We will continue to strive to be good stewards of your goodwill.
Warm regards,
Laura J. Roesch
Executive Director
For questions or comments,
contact [email protected]
or call (937) 223-7217 ext. 1142.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
CSSMV Early Childhood Program Helps Parents and Teachers
Believing Every Child Can Succeed
by Lesley Jones
ast September when Alex, age 5, entered
preschool at Kinder Korner in Versailles, it
didn’t take long for teachers to realize he was
struggling emotionally and developmentally.
“From the first day of school, we noticed
Alex had a very difficult time sitting still and
often blurted out words at inappropriate
times,” said Tiffany Bergman, Kinder Korner
Director. “As the weeks went on, he began
exhibiting additional behaviors, such as eating
classroom objects like chalk or crayons. He
was easily frustrated and often lied to his
While some preschool programs might
have struggled with how to address Alex’s
disruptive behaviors, a collaborative program
with Catholic Social Services of the Miami
Valley (CSSMV) enabled Kinder Korner staff to
work with Alex and his family to put a stop to
these unwanted behaviors.
As part of the CSSMV Early Childhood
Program, consultants Kathy Vail and Rick
Williams serve as a resource for preschools
and daycares throughout a five-county
region, providing professional counseling,
child assessment and education programs
to promote healthy social and emotional
development in young children.
“Prior to receiving services from Rick
and Kathy, when we had a child with
development issues like Alex, we didn’t
have the resources available to us to provide
professional intervention,” said Bergman. “Now
we have experts on hand, ready to assist us
in both speaking with the child’s parents
and providing concrete feedback for how to
correct the child’s unwanted behaviors.”
In the case of Alex, with his parents’
permission, Bergman contacted Vail and
Williams to come into the classroom to
observe Alex, which they did on two separate
occasions. Following their observation
Good News, Summer 2012
sessions, they set up a meeting with Alex’s
“During the first meeting with the
parents, they shared some important changes
in the family’s life and discussed significant
influences in Alex’s life,” said Williams. “The
family had recently been disrupted when the
grandmother and two cousins temporarily
moved into the house, causing an incredible
amount of anxiety throughout the household.
In addition, Alex’s mother and father had
completely different perceptions of their son,
his behavior and what was acceptable. So,
getting mom and dad working toward the
same goals with their son, and, getting dad
to be more present in his life were starting
The CSSMV staff provided specific
suggestions to Alex’s parents so that they could
take a more holistic approach to parenting;
Children at Kinder Korner plant seeds and
nurture their plants as they grow.
Alex was to spend more quality time with his
father in an environment in which he could
receive positive praise. The parents also
worked to create more structure in Alex’s life
by posting a daily routine chart on refrigerator
and monitoring expectations.
“The result of the early intervention with
Kathy and Rick has been almost too amazing
to believe,” said Bergman. “In just a few weeks
Alex has changed completely. There is no
more lying, he can communicate appropriately
when he’s frustrated, and he interacts
positively with children and staff in the
classroom. Now that Alex is no longer being a
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
disruptive force, he and all the other children
are better able to focus on learning, which is
why they’re all here.”
Alex is just one of the many children
whom CSSMV consultants Kathy Vail and Rick
Williams have helped as part of the Catholic
Social Services Early Childhood Program in
Miami, Darke, Auglaize, Mercer and Shelby
counties. The Early Childhood Program began
five year ago as a federally funded initiative;
however due to state budget cuts last year, it is
now being supported by local philanthropic
businesses and private donors. The program
currently serves 20 preschool and daycare
centers in the northern Miami Valley area.
With additional support from fundraising
activities (See details on the Harvest of Caring
“The result of the early intervention
with Kathy and Rick has been almost
too amazing to believe. In just a few
weeks Alex has changed completely.
Now that Alex is no longer being a
disruptive force, he and all the other
children are better able to focus on
learning, which is why they’re all here.”
— Tiffany Bergman, teacher
on page 17.) CSSMV will continue the program
that is helping children at an early age.
“The first years of a child’s life are a time
of incredible growth and development. An
investment in the early care and education of
our youngest children can have a tremendous
and lasting effect,” said Williams.
Unfortunately, too many children face
a poverty of resources and a poverty of
experiences in their first years that do not fully
prepare them to succeed when they enroll
in kindergarten — which is where Vail and
Williams enter the picture. The duo is called
into daycare and early learning centers to
assist teachers and school administrators with
classroom issues that arise and provide early
detection and intervention.
“We serve as an extra set of eyes and ears,”
said Vail. “As silent observers in the classroom,
we are often able to observe behaviors that
otherwise may not be detected and make
suggestions based on what we see that can
Kathy Vail, a CSSMV staff member, assesses
preschool children during normal classroom
activities such as group reading time. She
discusses her observations with teachers and
parents to address behavioral concerns during
pre-school years.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
By observing the interaction of children in group
settings and in play, the CSSMV Early Childhood
Program staff is able to gain insight that helps
teachers and parents. The program is now
serving 20 preschool centers in the northern
Miami Valley.
improve the early learning experience for
these students.”
The CSSMV program staff has assisted
teachers in addressing everything from speech
and behavioral issues to how to improve
classroom structure and routines. If, for
example, they observe a child with a speech
problem, they might suggest the child get
his hearing checked. If a hearing problem
is discovered, that child can begin early
intervention immediately, when the problem
may have otherwise not been identified until
kindergarten or even first grade, when the
child has already fallen behind or started to
display bad behaviors.
“We’re all about early detection and
intervention,” said Williams. “We see many
children who are shy or reserved, and
sometimes it’s as simple as suggesting a buddy
system for them to teach them how to engage
with others on a less intimidating level. Or,
if a child has anger issues or struggles with
self-control, we might suggest a game of
red-light-green-light – the purpose being that
the student learns to control themselves and
follow the teachers’ directive in a fun way. In
the long run, they begin to internalize that
they have control over their own bodies. We
assume we all have these social skills. However,
in reality, preschool is when we are learning to
Good News, Summer 2012
communicate and behave appropriately. If we
don’t pick these skills up early, academics will
falter down the road.”
For Tiffany Bergman and her staff, the
help Williams and Vail have provided has
been invaluable:“The techniques Kathy
and Rick have suggested we implement in
our classrooms have been key to creating
emotionally safe environments for the children.
With their guidance, we’re seeing less temper
tantrums, less biting, less crying and more
problem-solving, sharing and respecting one
another. They have truly been an invaluable
resource in the social and emotional
development of our children.”
For more information about the
CSSMV Early Childhood Program
available in Miami, Darke, Mercer,
Shelby and Auglaize counties,
please call 800-521-6419.
CSSMV Daycare Gives Children “Three Star” Academic Foundation
Believing Every Child Deserves Excellence
hen Catholic Social Services opened a
day care in the basement of St. James Catholic
Church nearly thirty-five years ago, it made
a commitment to offer affordable, safe and
educational child day care. Located to best
serve the inner-city Dayton community, the
daycare was the first to offer child care with a
sliding scale fee structure to help low income
families. As it has served three generations of
Dayton residents, the center has grown from
a church basement operation to become the
Miami Valley Family Care Center (MVFCC), one
of the largest day care centers in Montgomery
The center is now among the elite early
childhood education programs with both
NAEYC accreditation and Ohio’s “Three Star”
rating for program excellence.Today, the center
is ranked among the top 3% of early childhood
education programs. MVFCC Director
Susannah Johnson is proud to describe the
innovations and growth at the daycare and is
most pleased to assure parents that the 170
preschool students and the 60 school-age
summer care children will have access to “an
academically rich and nurturing environment
that encourages success in school and in life.”
This year, Johnson, her leadership team
and 28 teachers and teaching assistants
worked throughout the year and during lunch
breaks to update curriculum, expand the
slate of enrichment activities and redefine
the classroom planning process to introduce
individualized assessment and academic plans.
“As a team, we had to learn in order to
better teach,” explained Trentae Taylor, MVFCC
Education Specialist.“The expectations for
the Step Up to Quality challenged us to assess
each child’s unique needs and make specific
learning plans for each child. Developing a
class lesson plan has become old-school!”
Director Susannah Johnson (seated) and the
center’s administrative team accepted the
Three Star Step Up to Quality Award. Standing:
Deborah Ruscitelli, Trentae Taylor and Irena
The review also set in motion changes
that gave parents and pre-school children
access to new opportunities. Parents and
caregivers now enjoy “Family Café” discussions
and peer support. Pre-school children who
are predominantly from low-income families
gained access to dance and music lessons
and an expanded slate of cultural enrichment
activities. Regular, individualized child
assessments have also initiated more dialogue
with parents, providing a chance for resolution
to concerns before negative behavioral
problems impede learning success.
“The push to achieve ‘Three Star’
excellence has had many rewards for our
daycare,” explained Director Johnson. “There
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Children who attend the Miami Valley Care
Center, sponsored by CSSMV, enjoy a slate of
enrichment programs that include dance, music
and art. Field trips and special family activities are
Volunteers work at the center to provide reading
time, and nutritious meals and snacks are served
to encourage the formation of healthy eating
will be a financial quality incentive from the
state, but most importantly, we will be able
to celebrate the wonderful success of our
100% of the MVFCC children who
are eligible to enter public or private
kindergartens or first grade in 2012 have
demonstrated all the skills needed to pass
school entrance screenings and are prepared
for academic success. Congratulations to the
MVFCC community!
Good News, Summer 2012
Volunteers Find Inspiration In Senior Care
hep and I have an easy time finding things
to talk about. We are both from the east
coast,“ begins Eddy Boyle as he described
his experience as a CSSMV Senior Visitor. “I
am originally from New Jersey; he is from
Brooklyn, and we both like to tell stories!”
Boyle, an Oakwood resident, started
volunteering last year after his retirement
from Wright Patterson Air Force Base where
he served as a civilian Research Psychologist.
When asked why he chose to volunteer, Boyle
explained,“I like the pure interaction. It’s not
bureaucratic, and it is an authentic service on
a very basic level.”
“Shep” whose given name is Stanford
Rosen is an octogenarian who lives
independently with his wife, Phyllis. His
children and grandchildren live throughout
the U.S. He talks to them regularly by
phone or email, but as his blindness and
health issues now limit his travel and social
activity, he has become more isolated. Rosen
welcomes Boyle’s weekly visits. His wife also
appreciates visits from Boyle, as it allows her
to have a few hours of free time to relax or
accomplish needed tasks without worry. She
also enjoys making sure there is good food
ready to share on days when their favorite
visitor is expected.
Boyle and Rosen share stories about the
crowded neighborhoods, sports heroes and
favorite pastrami delicatessens. The visit time
often lasts beyond the regularly allotted twohour period, particularly when Boyle takes
dictation for Rosen’s verbal history. Together,
Boyle and his friend are recounting his life as
the son who immigrated with parents to New
York from Poland.
“For me, it is an opportunity to learn
about the times of my parents and gain
insight into a life of a man who has overcome
challenges and prejudice to find success in
Respite Care Staff Aide Kathy Kennard visits
with her friend Jean Hellmund. Kennard
provided relief and support during the time
when Hellmund was providing 24-hour care for
her husband.
our country,” says Boyle.“It is a pleasure to
be considered his friend.”
Boyle’s experience is not unusual.The
positive interaction and the receptivity
of clients of the CSSMV senior outreach
program are universally experienced by staff
and volunteers.
For senor aide Kathy Kennard who
has visited seniors for over a decade, the
experience has enriched her life. She has
befriended and cared for clients who were
bed-ridden and dependent on the care of
a spouse. As a respite care giver, she offers
relief to care givers who have the burden of
24-hour responsibility.
“The strength of the women and men
who care for their spouses with serious
health issues is remarkable,” says Kennard. “I
am so honored to be welcomed into their
homes and hope that I am able to offer
comfort to both the caregiver and the client.”
“I have shared many touching moments
with my families and have been there with
families at the end of life, witnessing the love
and commitment that was lovingly given and
lovingly appreciated. My work at Catholic
Social Services has shown that in giving we
do find great rewards.”
Elizabeth Howey, CSSMV Senior Services
Assessor/Case Manager concurs,“When I
knock on the door to visit one of my clients,
it is a smile that welcomes me.“I know that
by visiting, I have truly brightened the day of
another person. It is affirmation that blesses
each of our volunteers.”
Last year, CSSMV assisted 93 seniors in
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
their homes, reducing isolation and providing
in-home respite for care givers.
Volunteer training sessions for senior
visitors and respite care volunteers are
available throughout the year.
Those interested in becoming
a volunteer for senior visiting or
respite care, should contact
Cathy Guerrant at (937) 223-7217
ext. 1146.
Senior Visiting Volunteer Ed Boyle poses with
Stanford Rosen. The East Coast natives enjoy
visiting together each week and talk for hours as
they share stories and experiences.
Help Available for Seniors
Respite Care provides temporary
in-home support to help spouses
and family members who care for
dependent elderly adults at home.
Catholic Social Services will provide
a trained volunteer who will offer a
regular three- to four-hour respite
period, a break during which a
caregiver can relax and enjoy activities
that reduce stress. The trained
volunteer will provide companionship,
supervision, meal preparation and
some personal care.
Senior Visiting introduces a trained
volunteer to a socially-isolated senior
Good News, Summer 2012
who lives alone or is homebound. With
oversight and support from a social
worker from Catholic Social Services, a
Senior Visitor is assigned to a specific
client and makes a personal weekly
visit and/or regular friendly phone
calls. Routine visits of about two hours
provide time for the creation of a lasting
friendship between a client and the
volunteer. Volunteers offer support and,
at times, provide help with small tasks
such as watering plants, writing letters or
organizing photo albums. Clients often
enjoy activities such as reminiscing,
watching a movie, listening to music
or playing cards or a game with their
Senior Support Available
Family members or seniors who would
like to consider welcoming a volunteer
visitor may also call to arrange a
personal introduction to the home
visiting service.
Those interested in receiving
services should contact
Elizabeth Howey, Senior
Services Assessor/Case
Manager at (937) 223-7217
ext. 2143.
ow more than ever, Catholic
Social Services of the Miami Valley
is very grateful for support from all
of our contributors October 15, 2011
through June 15, 2012.
CSSMV appreciates your spirit of
giving, and we ask God's blessings to
reward your generosity. Again, thank
you so very much.
In memory of …
Dorothy A. Barga
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune
Regina Beamish
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Kay Campanile
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett F. Joseph
Patricia C. Clark
Ms. Wava Anthony
Ms.Theresa DeBrosse
Emma Cummings
Mr. Mark E. Cummings
Mary M. Daniszewskii
Mr. Robert Daniszewski
Louis W. Doenges
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune
John Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alig
Barbara J. Feverston
DLA Human Resources Services
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Beisner
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bertke
Mr. & Mrs. William Brunner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Custenborder
Mr. Mike Feverston
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Feverston
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Hickey Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Keller
Ms. Debra Leggieri
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Jan W. Massey
Mr. James Mogan
Ms. Laura Murnen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pohl
Ms. Donna Rutschilling
Ms. Donna J. Sarber
Ms. Marian L. Sensenbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Simoni
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.Young
Keith J. Gehle
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune
Theresa M. George
Ms. Kay A. George
Carol Gutman
Miller-Valentine Group
Premier Integrated Medical
Red Hats of Dayton
Ms. Amy L. Barnett
Mr. Dan Broerman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Coutu
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edly
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Gaboury
Mr. & Mrs. John Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. William Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Harrison
Ms. Grace Lee
Ms. Estelle Margolin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mescher
Ms. Elisabeth Ann O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rodriquez
Mr. & Mrs. George Scheu
Mr. & Mrs. James Schulker
Mr. Charles Wehner
Ms. Joyce Wellmeier
Ms. Joyce Wellmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Don Whiteaker
Thomas Haas
Mr. Terry Smith
George W. Hellmund
Mrs. Jean Hellmund
Kevin Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph J. Klein
Bob Lovelace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Haines
Mike Maxis
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Maxis
Gerry Meyer-Kruse
Mrs. Anne Flynn Johnson
Kevin Miller
Mrs. Patricia A. Johnson
James Schwindeman
Mrs. & Mr. Frances T.
Linda L. Simms
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Eckerle, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Mr. and Mrs. Mikel P. Koverman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Anne Soehner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Schmalhoffer
Pamela L. Starline
Ms. Cheryl A. Bolinger
Mary Tumbusch
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
Herbert Walker
Ms. Lou Ann Cousino
Jerome Westendorf
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Hirt
In honor of …
CSSMV Administrative
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
CSSMV Sidney Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Alan Baumgartner
Mr. James Lindholm
Ann E. Becker
Ms. Sharon Charbat
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cross
Margaret Begley
Mr. John Cooney
James J. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A.
Andria J. Chiodo
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Dreety
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Fogel
Barry & Nympha Clark
Mrs. Beverly A. Muraski
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Susan Coburn
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Michael W. Craig
Premier Health Partner
Rita Curtins
Ms. Virginia McDonald
Mary J. Davis
Ms. Feoshia Davis
Nihla Davis
Mr. Jason Davis
Barry, Lynda & Carrie
Mr. Arno Seidel
Regina A. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Whitney
Melvin & Sally Eifert
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Eifert
Mary Enigk
Ms. Jeanne M. Key
Fr. Joseph W. Goetz
Mr. & Mrs. John Holden
Carolyn Gollings
Mrs. Beverly A. Muraski
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Donald & Janet Grieshop
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
Jimmy Hopper
Ms. Jessica Reynolds
Howard L. Krisher
John D. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Laufersweiler
Sarah Leibold
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Eckerle, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Estep
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Ms. Mary Ellen Oomens
Pauline Lovelace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Haines
Ms. Sharon L. O’Neal
Clayton & MaryAnn Mathile
Ms. Donna M. Beeson
J. Thomas Maultsby
CareSource Foundation
Pene Miller
Mrs. Patricia A. Johnson
Beverly A. Muraski
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Leroy & Janice
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune
Tom Pieper
Ms. Lauren Farrell
Ruth Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alig
Frank Rabe
Mr. & Mrs. W. Edward Daley
Laura J. Roesch
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Levine
Joe & Judy Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Ned J. Sifferlen
Premier Health Partners
Elmer Speck
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
The Thomas Goetz
Rev. Joseph W. Goetz
David & Shirley Younkin
Mrs. Beverly A. Muraski
Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Achbach
Mr. & Ms. Howard T. Ackerman
Ms. June M. Adam
Ms. Andrea Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Adamson
Ms. Ruth Ann Addison
Mrs. Mary F. Adducchio
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Adler
Mr.Thomas Agnew
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Ahlers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alig
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Allaire
Ms. Pamela Allen
Mrs. Jeanne M. Amann
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Amos
Mr. & Mrs. Sujit Anand
Dr. Evangeline C. Andarsio
Ms. Lorraine R. Anderson
Ms. Karen Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Anglin, Sr.
Ms. Wava Anthony
Mr. Ralph J. Arlinghaus
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Armbruster
Dr. Dwight Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. William Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Asebrook, III
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. August
Mr. Eugene August
Ms. Jennifer M. Avery
Ms. Iralene C. Aziz
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Bach
Ms. Kimberly K. Bachert
Mrs. Nancy A. Baker
Ms. Ann Baldwin
Mr. Nathan Baldwin
Mrs. Patti D. Ballard
Ms. Kathleen E. Ballman-Parks
Mr. William Baney
Mr. Robert Bangerter
Ms. Stephanie Banna
Mr. James H. Bard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Barhorst
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore J. Barhorst
Ms. Dorothy F. Barlage
Mr. Michael A. Barlow
Ms.Tavis Barnett
Ms. Amy L. Barnett
Ms. Melissa Barton
Mrs. Marie A. Bashaw
Mr. Kenneth J. Basista
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Batista
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Bauer
Sister Carol Bauer, S.C.
Mr. James M. Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Beach
Mrs.Timothy J. Beach and the late
Mr. Beach
Mr. John L. Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Beall
Ms. Deborah A. Beams
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Beck
Mrs. James Beck
Mr. & Mrs. William Becker
Mr. George H. Becker
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Beckmann
Ms. Donna M. Beeson
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Begley
Mrs. Meg Begley
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Good News, Summer 2012
Ms. Anne J. Brumbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. William Brunner
Mr. Bradley L. Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Brunswick
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buchwalder
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Buckman
Dr. & Mrs. James Budde
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Budde
Mr. Mark C. Bueltel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Buescher
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Bull
Mr. & Mrs. Gene P. Burbey
Mr. David Burkardt
Mrs. Laura F. Busse
Ms. Pam Byrd
Ms. Heather D. Cain
Ms. Heather Calhan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Callaway
Ms. Molly Wall Cammerer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Colin C. Campbell
Ms. Claire E. Cappel
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Caramet
Mr. Leroy Carbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Cardilino
Ms. Elaine Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Carlile
Deacon & Mrs. John K. Carlin
Ms. Susan Carr
Mr. John H. Carr
Ms. Susan B. Carrafiello
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Carrigg
Mr. Charles R. Carroll
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carroll, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Carter
Mr. Joseph Caschera
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Casella
Mr. Robert L. Casper
Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Cassidy
Dr. & Mrs. Ceferino J. Cata, M.D.
Ms. Diane Cathcart
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Cavanaugh
Ms. Alison Cawley
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. A. Cerny
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cerny
Mrs. Cheryl Chabali
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Chabrian
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard T. Chadwick
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Chamberlin
Mr. Stephen L. Chapman
Ms. Sharon Charbat
Mrs. Pamela Charbel
Mr. & Mrs. John Chelman
Ms. Sharon Christ
Ms. Patricia B. Christoff
Mr. Clark A. Christopher
Mr. Anthony M. Ciani
Mrs. Jeanette M. Citrigno
Ms. Lindsey Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cleary
Ms. Debbie Cleary
Ms. Brenda K. Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. John Clune
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Codeluppi
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Colaizzi
Ms. Nicole Collier
Ms. Karen Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Coltrain
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas M. Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Colussi
Dr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Connon
Mr. John Cooney
Mrs. Katherine Cooper
Ms. Nancy P. Cooper
Dr. James D. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Corbin
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cordonnier
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cordonnier
Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Cormier
“The Voice” of CSS Retires
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Beisner
Ms. Julia M. Belden
Ms. Margaret M. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Randal J. Bellinger
Ms. Dottie Bely
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bendik
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Bensman, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn C. Bensman
Mrs. Sharell S. Benson
Dr. & Mrs. Alan P. Berens
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Berger
Mrs. Catherine D. Berger
Ms. Mary Ann H. Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Victor G. Bergman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Bernhold
Mr. & Mrs.Tim Berning
Ms. Shirley Berning
Mr. Steve F. Berns
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berry
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bertke
A. Bertleff
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bertrand
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Betche
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Beust
Mrs. Claire A. Beyoglides
Mr. William N. Bianco
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bieber
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Biegel
Mrs. Kathleen A. Bierlein
Ms. Anne M. Bissacco
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Bittner
Miss Brenda J. Blake
Ms. Michelle M. Blasko
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bleckmann
Mr. Joseph H. Bockelman & Mrs.
Barbara Driehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boeckman
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Boehmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bohrer
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Bok
Ms. Cheryl A. Bolinger
Mrs. Bernadine Bolka
Dr. & Mrs. Barrett H. Bolton, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore J. Bon
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Borchers, Sr.
Ms. Diane P. Borchers
Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Borchers
Ms. Kathleen Borchers
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Borchers
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Borgerding
Ms. Deborah L. Borovitcky
Reverend James Bosse
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Bosslet
Ms. Margaret E. Boudinot
Mrs. Marie K. Boulet
Mrs. Erica M. Bowden
Mr. Rick T. Bowers
Ms. Susan M. Bowman
Mr. Edward Boyle
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy T. Brabender
Ms. Patricia Bradley
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Braunlin, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Randall E. Breaden
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas G. Breitenbach
Ms. Emilie Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brockman
Ms. Jane A. Brockman
Mr. Dan Broerman
Mrs. Beverly B. Broesti
Ms. Suzanne M. Brooks
Mrs. Mary J. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas D. Brown
Reverend & Mrs. Charles S.
Brown Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Brown
Ms. Patricia A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Brown
Ms. Colleen Browne
Ms. Julie C. Broyles
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bruggeman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bruggeman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff S. Brumbaugh
At a time when the average
person changes careers seven
times in their adult working
life, Sarah Leibold’s tenure of
forty-two years at Catholic
Social Services created a new
hallmark of dedication and
“Good morning, Catholic
Social Services of the Miami
Valley” — the always pleasant
voice first greeted callers
to the agency in 1970 when
Sarah joined the CSSMV staff in 1970 as a high school student in
the secretarial program at St. Joseph Commercial High School. She
quickly became the “voice” of the agency.
The eldest in a large family, Sarah would work after school at
the agency to help support and care for her six younger brothers
and sisters. She was quickly promoted to a secretarial position and
was eventually named as the Executive Secretary for Director Ronald
Eckerle. Sarah supervised the clerical staff for many years, and
attended more meetings than anyone in agency history. Her legendary
“shorthand” skills, kept the records and comments of over 184 Board
Members during her tenure in the Executive Office. In 2005, Sarah
joined the Development Department and assisted with the capital
campaign and building projects. Many committee members attribute
the success of many fundraising events to her “calming” style and
communications skills.
“You always knew a warm and friendly voice was waiting for you
on the other line when you called” noted Donald Grieshop, long time
board member and supporter of CSSMV.
During the reception this past January, Sarah was presented
with congratulatory letters from former Executive Director Ron
Eckerle and the Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis Schnurr. Past
Executive Director Elaine Jelly and Archdiocesan Director of
Community Services Kathleen Donnellan also offered special remarks.
Executive Director Laura Roesch and Development Director Regina
Estep expressed appreciation and presented her with commemorative
“We will miss her as a member of our staff, but we are grateful
that our pleasant voice of experience has agreed to stay on as a
volunteer working on our agency history,” added Roesch.
Catholic Social Services would like to recognize the
retirement of Sarah Leibold. Sarah was a dedicated
member of the CSSMV staff for 42 years.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Corpstein
Mr. Mark Correira
Mrs. Maria T. Cosler
Despina Costandinidis
Ms. Lou Ann Cousino
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Coutu
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Cowan
Ms. Denise L. Cozart
Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Craig
Mrs. Carolyn R. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. Nick G. Crnkovich
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cross
Mr. & Mrs. L. William Crotty
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Crotty
Mr. Mark E. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curk
Dr. Daniel Curran & Dr. Claire
Ms. Cynthia Currell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Custenborder
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Custenborder
Mrs. Catherine M. Custenborder
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Custenborder
Mrs. Leah Ann Dabbelt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. W. Edward Daley
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore C. Daniel
Ms.Tracie L. Daniels
Mr. Robert Daniszewski
Ms. Eileen Dapore
Ms. Mary V. Dashewich
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dashewich
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett W. Davies
Mrs. Karen L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Davis
Mr. Peter M. Kilmartin & Mrs. Mary
Jo Davis
Ms. Feoshia Davis
Mr. Jason Davis
Mr. Jeffrey S. Dawley
Ms. Barbara Dawson
Mr.Thomas Day
Mr. & Mrs. Paschal S. DeAloia
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. DeBrosse
Ms.Theresa DeBrosse
Ms. Kristen L. Decamp
Mr. John W. Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Deger
Mr. & Mrs. James Deime
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Deis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deis
Ms. Megan Dell
Ms. Judith A. Delong
Miss Deborah A. Deloye
Ms. Mary Kay Democko
Ms. Christina Dendy
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Deneski
Ms. Maria Deng
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Denison
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Derringer
Ms. Patricia Deschaine
Mr. Lawrence J. Detamore
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DeThomas
Ms. Kathy Dierker
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Diller
Chris Dine
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. DiPasquale
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dirckx
Mr. & Mrs. William Ditzel
Ms. Regina A. Dixon
Ms. Donna Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley C. Dobbs
Ms. Barbara M. Doerr
Ms. Nikhil Dole
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Dorn
Ms. Benita J. Dorn-Collins
Mr. John P. Downer
Mr. Scott K. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Doyle
Mrs. Cynthia R. Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Dreety
Mrs. Mary Ann Drewry
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dudon
Deacon & Mrs. Roger Duffy
Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Duke, M.D.
Ms. Deborah Dulaney
Mr. Daniel D. Dull & Dr. Cynthia
A. Dull
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dungan
Mr. Matthew T. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Dupps
Mr. Joseph J. Durczynski
Ms. Melissa A. Durst
Ms. Emilie S. Dymond
Mr. Ronald E. Earhart
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Echols
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Echols
Ms. Rose A. Eckart
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Eckerle, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Eckhart
Mrs. Barbara R. Eckley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Eckley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Edly
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Edsall
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Eifert
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Eifert
Ms. Marcia A. Eilerman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Eilerman
Mrs. Dorothy M. Eisenhauer
Mr. & Mrs. James Eiting
Ms. Melanie J. Elliott
Ms. Mary M. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs.Ted J. Elsass
Ms. Mary Jane Embree
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Englefield
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Enouen, Sr.
Ms. Julie L. Erbaugh
Mr. Matthew Erkkinen
Mrs. Margaret Erwin
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Estep
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Etter
Mrs. Jean L. Evenden
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
Adoption Picnic Filled with Fun
Mr. Anthony J. Evers
Ms. Maryellen F. Fargey
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Fariello
Mrs. Joanne L. Farmer
Ms. Lauren Farrell
Mr. and Ms. William Favorite
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Federspiel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Feighery
Mr. John P. Feigleson
Ms. Mary Ann R. Fenwick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ferguson
Mrs. Nancy S. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ferneding
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Ferry
Mr. Mike Feverston
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Feverston
Ms. Janice A. Fidishun
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew V. Filipic
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore J. Fink
Mr. & Mrs. R. Peter Finke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Finney
Mr. Robert M. Fiore
Mr. Richard P. Firsdon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fischbach
Mr. Richard V. Fischer Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fishbach
Mr. James B. Fisher
Ms. Christine Fletcher
Ms. Donna E. Fletcher
Ms. Eileen M. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Focke
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Fogel
Mr. Dean Fogt
Ms. Joan C. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Foley
Judge & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley
Mr. Jerry Folk
Ms. Paula L. Folk
Mr. Andrew H. Foos
Mr. Martin A. Foos
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Fornes
Ms. Rose Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Francis
Mrs. Suzanne Frankenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Franklin
Mr. Matthew T. Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Fredette
Mr. & Mrs. Don Frericks
Mr. Mark J. Friedman, Attorney
Mr.Thomas J. Fromholt
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Fromholt
Mr. Joseph T. Fromm
Mr. & Mrs. James Frommeyer
Ms. Nikka Fukada
Mr. Albert E. Fullenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fullenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Furrer
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Gaboury
Mr. Richard Gabriel
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Raymond H. Gaier
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Galbreath
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gallagher
Mr. Edward W. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ganger
Ms. Jennifer Gardner
Ms. Renee E. Garman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gase
Mrs. Ruth V. Gates
Ms. Adele M. Gattes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Gearhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Gehle
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Geise
Mr. Virgil Gelormino
Dr. & Mrs. John Genovesi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gentry
Ms. Kay A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gerlach
Ms. Carolyn J. Gersch
Ms. Gloria Getter
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ghory, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Gideon
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Gillotti
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gillotti
Mr. Steve B. Glardon
Mrs. Robyn Gleadle
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Gmeiner
Rev. Joseph W. Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gollings
Mr. Jeffery A. Gonya
Mrs. Colleen Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Goodrich
Ms. Gail Gordon
Judge Barbara P. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Ivo Gottemoeller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gottschlich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gottschlich
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Graber, II
Mrs. Janet M. Graul
Ms. Joan M. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Green
Mr. James R. Greene, Jr.
Ms. Kay M. Greenman
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin
Ms. Cheryl Griffin
Mrs. Constance S. Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Groesbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Grosjean
Mr. Daniel P. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Gross
Ms. Catherine W. Grow
Mrs. Cathy J. Guerrant
Ms. Ellen H. Guest
Mr. Bruce D. Guindon
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Gunlock
Mrs. Mary Gural
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. John Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. William Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haas
Father Gerald R. Haemmerle
Ms. Nancy L. Hafer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Haines
Mrs. Sharon E. Hairston
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Haley
Ms. Felicia S. Hall
Ms. Julia L. Hall
Ms. Katherine C. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haller
Mr. Lyle Hallum
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Hamant
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hammond
Keno A. Hampton
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Handorf
Ms. Laura Haney
Dr.Thomas N. Hangartner
Judge & Mrs.Thomas M. Hanna
Ms. Greta C. Harlett
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harris
Mr. David R. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Harrison
Mr. David Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Sr.
Mr. Joseph C. Hartenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Harting
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hartings
Mr. Gary Hartman
Mr. Leo E. Harty
Ms. Rosemary A. Haubert
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hausfeld
Mr. Brian A. Hausfeld
Mr. David L. Haverkos
Ms.Tricia Hawkins
Ms. Janette Heberling
Mr. Karl G. Heckmann
Mr. Gene Hedrich
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Heid
Ms. Marjorie Heinrichs
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Heitkamp
Mr. Brian C. Heitkamp
Mr.Thomas W. Held
Mrs. Jean Hellmund
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Hemler
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hemmelgarn
Mrs. Jan Henninger
Ms. Sarah Hensley
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Herbig
Drs.Thomas & Marylynn Herchline
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hess
Mr. Mark P. Hess
Ms. Marcia Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Hickey Jr.
Mr. Sidney R. Hickman
Dr. & Mrs. Andy Higgins, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. F. J Hilbing
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Hirt
Mr. Blaise Hirth
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Hoagland
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hochwalt
Ms. Maureen R. Hodgson
Mr. & Mrs. Franz J. Hoge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hojnacki
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Holden
Mr. & Mrs. John Holden
Mrs. Julie A. Holder
Ms. Julie Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Orval Homan
Mr. David M. Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
Mr. Gary T. Honnert
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Hood
Mr. & Mrs. William Horton
Mr. Nicholas A. Hosford
Mr. David L. House
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Allan W. Howey
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Howick
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Howorth
Families who were assisted through the adoption services of Catholic Social Services came together
to enjoy an afternoon picnic at the Indian Riffle Park in Kettering. Over 80 parents and children joined
in the fun on May 19. CSSMV adoption counselors were invited to celebrate with the group.
Mr. & Mrs. Marcellus Hoying
Mrs. Nancy L. Hoying
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Huck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Huels
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Huether
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Huffman
Ms. Patricia A. Hull
Ms. Sandra Hunt
Ms. Marie Hurley
Mrs. Carrie M. Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Hurr
Ms. Gloria T. Hurwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hutter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Hydell
Ms. Joan E. Ioas
Mr.Thomas D. Jackson
Mr. Charles B. Jackson
Mr. Joseph H. Jacobs
Mr. Alan M. Janiszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Jauch
Mrs. J. Elaine Jelly & Mr. Raymond J.
Mr. Andrew F. Jenca
Ms. Marie Jenkins
Ms. Abigail E. Jenkins
Ms. Elaine Jensen
Mrs. Carmella Johnson
Mrs. Lindsay M. Johnson
Mrs. Patricia A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Johnson
Mrs. Susannah Johnson
Mrs. Anne Flynn Johnson
Ms. Marie Johnson
Ms. Patricia A. Johnson
Ms. Mary K. Johnson
Ms. Melba P. Jones
Ms. Suzanne M. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Jones
Mr. Paul Jones
Ms. Patricia Jones
Mrs. Marilyn J. Jordan
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Joseph, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett F. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Jurick
Ms. Becky Kahn
Ms. Colleen Kandel
Mrs. Irene S. Kangas
Ms. Wilma G. Karl
Mr. William F. Keck
Ms. Lois Keil
Mr. Joseph W. Keim
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Kelley
Mr. Gary L. Kelly
Ms. Judith A. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Kendall
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kendo
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Kent
Mrs.Tina Keough
Mr. James E. Kester
Ms. Jeanne M. Key
Ms. Kelly Kilfoyle
Ms. M.E. Kimbro
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Kimmich
Mr. John M. & Judge Judith A. King
Ms. Patricia King
Dr. & Mrs. Jack E. King
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kinnear
Mr. & Mrs. John Kinsel
Mr. George C. Kinzeler
Mr. Kevin Kissinger
Mrs. Bernice Klaben
Dr. Robert C. Klamar & Dr. Anne E.
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph J. Klein
Ms. Erin T. Kleismit
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Klenke
Mr. Paul F. Klips
Mrs. Lisa A. Kloppenberger & Mr.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Good News, Summer 2012
Refugee Resettlement
Seeks Parish Volunteers
Mark R. Zunich
Mrs. Jennifer C. Klosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Knapke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kniess
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Knor
Mr.Thomas A. Knoth
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Koelker
Mrs. Rosalie C. Koesel
Ms. Laurie J. Koester
Mr. & Ms.Thomas L. Kohl, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. Mathias L. Kolleck
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kollmann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Koons
Ildiko Korenyi-Both
Ms. Patricia A. Korte
Mr. & Mrs. Mikel P. Koverman
Mrs. Mary M. Koziej
Ms. Patricia L. Kraft
Mr. Larry Kralovic
Mr. Daniel E. Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Krebs
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Krebs
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Kreischer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kreitzer
Ms. Christine A. Kremer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kremer
Mrs. Paula Kreusch
Ms. Janice S. Krisko
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Kroger
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Kronauge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Krug
Mrs. & Mr. Vincenzina P. Krymow
Mrs. Kristen Kuck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kueterman
Ms. Barbara J. Kuhns
Mr. & Mrs. Ben F. Kuhns
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kunkel, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Kuntz
Mr. John F. Kuntz, III
Mr. Joseph G. Kuritar
Mr. David Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Laage
Mr. Steven Lail & Mrs.Teresa R.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Lain
Mr. & Mrs. Will Lakoff
Mrs. Celeste M. Lane
Mrs. Nancy A. Lang
Ms. Denise R. Langston
Ms. Ruth E. Laprocina
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Larger
Mr. William J. Lauber
Mr. Darrell B. Lauderback
Dr. Peter K. Lauf, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Laufersweiler
Ms. R. Agnes Laux
Ms. Molinda Lauxmiller
Ms. Patricia L. Lavy
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Lazor
Mr. & Mrs. William L. LeCain
Ms. Grace Lee
Margaret Leese
Ms. Rebecca Lefeld
Ms. Debra Leggieri
Ms. Janet L. Lehmann
Ms. Mary T. Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lehmann
Dr. & Mrs. James T. Lehner, M.D.
Ms. Nancy E. Lehren
Ms. Sarah Leibold
Mr. & Mrs. Regis J. Lekan
Ms. Pamela R. Lemke
Ms. Jill Lenhart
A. M. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs.Todd Leventhal
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Levine
Mr. Robert W. Lewis
Mrs. Raymonde J. Lewis
In 2011, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley’s Refugee Resettlement program received 144 refugees for resettlement services.
The program continues to provide supportive services to assist refugees develop independence, self-sufficiency, and vital community
relationships as they acclimate to their new lives in the United States.
The Welcome Stranger Ministry is a vital part of this process. This ministry is designed to greet, receive, and appreciate refugee
families and individuals integrating into our community through CSSMV and parish volunteers. Catholic Parishes and church communities
can help by providing ESL tutoring, supporting cultural mentoring, organizing a donation drive for furniture, household and personal care
items, assisting with employment skills such as resume writing and interviewing, or by forming a Welcome Team.
The Welcome Team greets arrivals at the airport, prepares meals for new arrivals and assists with apartment set up. Through the
support of local parishes and faith communities, newly-arriving refugees have a better chance to accomplish self-sufficiency. Peggy
Seboldt, Director of Social Services, says, “It’s an essential way to minister to the stranger and welcome them to our communities of faith.”
For more information about how you or your parish can help, please call Amy Hart at 937-223-7217, ext. 1140. For donations, please
call Bonnie Bazill-Davis at 937-223-7217, ext. 1103.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Libby
Mr. Michael W. Liberty
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Limbert
Mrs. Christie B. Linard
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lincoln
Mr. James Lindholm
Mrs. Eileen Litchfield
Mr. & Mrs. Kregg Litten
Mrs. Anne E. Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Lopez
Mrs. Maryanne M. Lopresti
Lt. & Mrs. Nathan Loyd
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas P. Lubinski
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Lucente, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Luckett
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ludwig
Ms.Teresa M. Luedeke
Ms. Diane Luteran & Mr. Paul Spaeth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Luthman
Mr. David Lyon
Mr. William E. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Grant MacDonald
Dr. Gregory A. MacNealy, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Mader
Ms. Sally A. Madigan
Mrs. Christine D. Magee
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Magoteaux
Mrs. Kathleen Magoto
Mr. & Mrs. William Magro
Mr.Theophile J. Majka
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mancuso
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W. Mancz
Kim Manigault
Ms.Teresa Manning
Ms.Terre Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Mannix
Ms. Linda Mansfield
Ms. Estelle Margolin
Mr.Timothy J. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Marks
Ms. Deborah L. Marr
Mrs. Barbara J. Marriott
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Martens
Mr. Richard T. Martin
Ms. Debra A. Martin
Mr. John O. Martin
Mr. Scott Martin
Ms. Susan L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Martin-Hanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Armand A. Martino
Ms. Karen Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Jan W. Massey
Rev. Joseph D. Massucci
Mr. Philip G. Masten
Mr. Joseph Mattera
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Matthews, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs.Thurman J. Mattingly, Jr.
Mr. Joel A. Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Maxis
Ms. Nancy Maxwell
Mr. Robert F. Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McAtee
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. McBride
Ms. Ruth McClellan
Mr. Malcolm McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Phil McClurg
Judge & Mrs. Michael McClurg
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy J. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas W. McDermott
Ms. Virginia McDonald
Ms. Patricia McEldowney
Ms. Debra McElroy
Mr. Michael J. McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. McGinnis
Ms. Jennifer L. McGrail
Mrs. Suzanne L. McMahon
Ms. Mary Ann McMullen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Mechenbier
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Meckstroth
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Meixner
Ms. Mary C. Melia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Melia
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Menart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Mendenhall
Mr. Daniel J. Menke
Ms. Christine A. Merta
Ms. Marilyn A. Mescher
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mescher
Mrs. Rose Mescher
Mr. Marc Mescher
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mescher
Ms. Sherry Mescher
Ms. Patricia A. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Meyer
Ms.Teresa A. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Meyer
Mrs. Jodi L. Michalo
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Michaud
Mrs. Catherine Michelini
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. J. Martin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Miller
Mrs. Marygrace Y. Miller
Mr. LeRoy E. Miller
Mrs. Pene Miller
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas W. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Miller
Ms. Michelle M. Mills
Mr.Thomas R. Milord
Ms. Mary M. Miltenberger
Ms.Toni Mindlin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Miner
Ms. Jodi L. Minneman
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas T. Miske
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Missall
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas S. Mitter
Mr. James Mogan
Mr. Henry T. Mohlman
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Molinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Molnar
Ms. Jennifer L. Monahan
Mr. Daniel Monahan
Mr. & Mrs. John Monnett
Mr. Michael K. Monnier
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Monnig
Mrs. Mary I. Monnin
Ms. Letitia M. Montavon
Mrs. Christine Montour
Mr. Dale V. Moore
Mr. Patric J. Moorman
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Moroney, Ph.D.
Ms. Helen M. Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Moser
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Moser, M.D.
Ms. Karen Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Muhlenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff A. Mullins
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mullins
Mrs. Beverly A. Muraski
Ms. Laura Murnen
Mrs. Jane Murphy
Ms. Lorraine M. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Myers
Mr. Douglas J. Myers
Ms. Leilani L. Myers
Mr. Kevin Myers
Ms. Patricia Naas
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Nagy
Ms. Odilia N. Ndefru
Mr.Thomas S. Neel
Continued on next page
Ms.Theresa Nelson
Ms. Sarah Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Neroni
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Neumeister
Ms. Karin F. Nevius
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nichols
Ms. Kerry Nickell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nicodemus
Mr. Mark Niederkohr
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Niekamp
Ms. Victoria L. Nilles & Dr. J.Thomas
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy S. Nolan
Mr. Robert J. Noss
Ms. Lisa Nueslein
Ms. Georgiana C. Nye
Mr. Ralph O’Bleness
Ms. Jo Ann O’Brien
Mr. Daniel V. O’Callaghan
Ms. Denise O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Connell
Ms. Elisabeth Ann O’Connor
Reverend James J. O’Connor
Rev. William O’Donnell, CPPS
Mr. Robert V. O’Donnell
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. O’Donnell
Mrs. Kathleen E. O’Hearn
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy O’Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. John C. O’Malley
Ms. Sharon L. O’Neal
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Neil
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas O’Neill
Ms. Celine M. O’Neill
Mrs. Amy Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Obringer
Mrs. Christine F. Olinsky
Mr. Mark R. Olson & Mrs. Barbara
Ms. Josie Olsvig
Ms. Mary Ellen Oomens
Ms. Bonnie Orlins
Mr. & Mrs. James Orrill
Mr. Gary C. Ostdiek
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ostendorf
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Osterbur
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Pacheco
Mrs. Brandi Palmer
Mrs. Patricia Palmisano
Ms. Kacie A. Pape
Mr. Gregory M. Paquette
Drs. Howard M. Part & Christine A.
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Paul, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Paulus
Mr. Anthony Paulus
Mrs. Rosemary Paulus
Ms. Christina M. Pavlak
Mr. Michael J. Payne & Mrs. Jennifer E.
Mrs.Trina M. Pearson
Col. & Mrs. James Pendergast
Mr. & Mrs.Todd D. Penrod
Ms. Sara Perchak
Mrs. Cheryl Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Perfilio
Mr. Steve Pestke
Ms. Linda L. Petric
Ms. Julia Pfeil
Mr. & Mrs. James Phelan
Judge John S. Pickrel
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Pickrel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Pickrel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pinti
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Pitts
Ms. Brandy C. Pledgure
Sheriff Phil Plummer
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin J. Poeppelman
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Pohl, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pohl
Ms. Joan M. Pollock
Ms. Barbara Ponder
Ms. Mary E. Popp
Mr.Tony Poppleman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Porcino
Mrs. Jacqueline Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Post
Mr. Howard E. Poston
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. David Poynter
Ms. Carole A. Prahst
Mrs. Christine Prakel
Mrs. Jennifer L. Prinz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Proud
Mr. & Mrs. Jay F. Purpus
Ms. Elle Queen
Dr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Quinn
Drs. Paul & Carol Quinter
Ms. Sue M. Rahn
Ms.Yvonne Rall
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rankin
Mr. Michael P. Rarick & Mrs. Pamela
Mrs. Seng H. Ratep-Schankin
Mr. & Mrs. James Raterman
Mrs. Carolyn B. Rathweg
Mr. David W. Rawers
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Rehg
Ms. Mary L. Reid
Ms. Katie Reid
Mr. Kevin Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Reier
Ms. Jessica Reynolds
Mr. David B. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Riazzi, Jr.
Mr. Antonio N. Ricciuto
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rice
Mr. Norman D. Rich, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Patrick Richter
Mr. Robert B. Riethman
Mr. Richard Riethman
Mr. Clarence Rihm
Ms. Mary L. Riley
Mr. David M. Riley
Ms. Lyric A. Rillera
Mr. & Mrs.Tim Riordan
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Samuel A. Robinson
Mr. Paul S. Robinson
Ms. Valerie Rodriguez-Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rodriquez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roesch
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Roesch
Mrs. Linda Rohde
Dr. John M. Roll
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Roll
Ms. Evelyn Roman-Amador
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Romeo
Dr. & Mrs. Mark D. Romer
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Romer
Mrs. Ruth M. Romer
Drs. Douglas E. & Nancy G. Romer
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Romer
Ms. Gayle Rominger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rosenbauer
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Rosenkranz
Dr. Joseph E. Ross, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Ross
Ms. Julia Rothe
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Rouse
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Royer
Ms. Julie Rude
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rudolph
Ms. Elsie M. Ruetschilling
Dr. Stephen Ruhenkamp D.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Ruscitelli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Rush
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Russell
Ms. Nancy P. Ruther
Ms. Donna Rutschilling
Mr. Chris R. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Ryan, Jr.
Mr. Michael F. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas L. Sableski
Ms. Amy M. Salyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt P. Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Hector F. Santiago
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Santomieri
Ms. Donna J. Sarber
Mr. & Mrs. Chad M. Sass
Mrs. Margaret A. Satzger
Ms. Amy T. Sauer
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Savage
Ms. Colleen Saxen
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Sayer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Scarbro
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Scarpelli
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Schade
Mrs. Carrie L. Schade
Ms. Isabel K. Schaeffer
Ms. Mary B. Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Scheiding
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Schelling
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Scherbauer
Ms. Maria Schertler
Mr. & Mrs. George Scheu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Schimpf
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Schindler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schipfer
Ms. Maureen E. Schlangen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Schlater
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schleppi
Mr. George F. Schlotterer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Schmalhoffer
Ms.Tina Schmidt
Deacon John Schmiesing
Mr. Mark J. Schmitmeyer
Ms. Jeanne Schneble
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schneible
Mr. Michael N. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Schneider
Mrs. Sharon Schnippel
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Schoeff
Ms. Deborah A. Schrubb
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Schuerman
Mr. & Mrs. James Schulker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Schwendeman
Mr. Jay Schwieterman
Mrs. & Mr. Frances T. Schwindeman
Mrs. Joy L. Scoates
Mr. Richard P. Seas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Seboldt
Ms. Karen Seger
Mr. Arno Seidel
Ms.Theresa E. Seidenschmidt
Mr.Thomas E. Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Seifried
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Seigle
Drs. James & Marie Seiler
Mrs. Karen A. Sejas
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy S. Sell
Ms. Leigh A. Sempeles
Ms. Marian L. Sensenbaugh
Mr. William L. Serra
Ms.Teresa Sevor
Mr. & Mrs. David Shappie
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Barton A. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shenk
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shimp
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shine
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Shinkle
Mrs. Sue Shira
Martens Named Board President
Continued from previous page
Laura J. Roesch,
Executive Director
of Catholic Social
Services of the
Miami Valley, has
announced the
election of Marc
S. Martens as
President of the
CSSMV Board of
Trustees. Martens
has served as a
trustee since 2007
and will lead the volunteer board for a one-year term. Martens
succeeds Jeff Mullins, Partner-in-Charge of the Dayton office of
Taft, Stettinius and Hollister LLP.
Martens is the President of the Good Samaritan Hospital
Foundation-Dayton. He has also held leadership roles in higher
education, government and business. Martens is a retired
Lieutenant Colonel, USAF.
Other members of the CSSMV Board of Trustees elected as
officers include: Bernie Fullenkamp, Vice President; Jenifer Wilhelm,
Secretary, and Tom Curtin, Treasurer. Don Grieshop will continue
to serve as the Chairman of Northern Advisory Committee (Sidney).
Newly named trustees who will provide volunteer leadership
include Edward M. Smith and David D. Schoeff.
Catholic Social Services annually assists over 23,000 area
residents in Greene, Montgomery, Preble, Darke, Miami, Mercer,
Shelby and Auglaize counties. The agency operates a continuum of
services including emergency food assistance, adoption, pregnancy
counseling, infant foster care, senior services, refugee resettlement,
supervised family visitation, early childhood education and daycare,
mental health counseling and social service case management and
support for young parents.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas M. Shivers
Mr. & Mrs. Ned J. Sielschott
Dr. & Mrs. Ned J. Sifferlen, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Sigritz
Dr. & Mrs. John Sikorski
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Simoni
Mrs. Charlotte Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. John Skarzynski
Ms.Theresa Slater
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Sliemers
The Honorable & Mrs. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Smith
Mr. James P. Smith, Sr.
Mr. Oria J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Smith
Ms. J. Dannette Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith
Ms. Sabrina M. Smith
Mr.Terry Smith
Mr. Herman G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Smith
Mr. David J. Smith
Ms. Kimberly J. Snowden
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Barth A. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery F. Solarek
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Sonnenberg
Mr. John M. Soter
Ms. Janet M. Spang
Mr. James K. Sparrow
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Spearman
Mrs. Lynn V. Specht
Mr. & Mrs. Morris F. Spees
Ms. Margaret S. Spencer
Ms. Kathy Sperry
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Spivey
Ms. Cathy P. St. Pierre
Ms. Kathleen M. Stachowski
Ms. Cindy S. Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold R. Stammen
Mr. Charles J. Stammen
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stammen
Chef Edward Stanziano
Mr. John E. Staten
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Staton
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Hayden
Ms. Mary Ann Steinbruner
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Steinbrunner
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas I. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steppel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Stevens
Mr. Richard Stiffler
Magistrate Elaine M. Stoermer
Mr. William Stoermer
Ms. Kelly Stolz
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stork
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stout
Mr. Joseph G. Strines
Ms. Paula Strolia
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Strominger
Mrs. Jodi Strope
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Strukamp
Dr. Sally A. Struthers
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt J. Stueve
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Stueve
Mrs. Patricia J. Stump
Mr. & Mrs. Denis L. Subler
Dr.Thomas A. Sudkamp
Ms. Christine L. Summers
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Mr. Zeno Sutter
Mr. Gary J. Sutton
Ms. Susan Sutton
Mrs. Elsa E. Swire
Mr. & Mrs. John N.Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S.Taylor
Ms. Judy A.Taylor
Mrs.Trentae Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. John Teserovitch
Ms. A. Karleen Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thimons
Mr. & Mrs. John H.Thoma
Mr. Kevin A.Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.Thompson
Mr. Dennis Tisler
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Towne
Mrs. Mary Russell Townsend
Mr. Joseph Tracy
Ms. Kathy A.Trangenstein
Mr. Eiron M.Trent
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J.Trentman
Mrs. Deborah M.Tripp
Mr. Richard J.Trouten
Mr. & Mrs. James B.Tsui
Ms. Irene Turckes
Dr. Robert P.Turk USAF, MC, Ret.
Ms. Lula M.Turner
Ms. Sarah E.Twill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Uchtman
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Uhl, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Uhlenhake
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Vail
Ms. Wilma J. Valdizon
Ms. Cherie L. Vallo
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Vanderhorst
Ms. Jan Vargo
Ms. Patricia A. Varno
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Vendely
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Ventura
Mr. Richard F. Venus
Mrs. Nina Victor
Reverend David P. Vincent
Mr. Rick Vogel
Mr. Ronald S. Volkerding
Mrs. Linda F. Vollbrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Von Dohre
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Vondenhuevel
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Vonderheide
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Vorholt
Ms. Karmen K. Vradelis
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Vukin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Wahl
Mrs. Shannon N. Wahrhaftig
Ms. Wetona E. Walchner
Ms. Mary B. Walusis
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Wampler
Mrs. Dorothy L. Ward
Ms. Julie Wasoki
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Watercutter
Ms. Connie Watson
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Weckesser
Mr. Charles Wehner
Mr.Tom Wehrkamp
Mr. Charles F. Wehrman
Ms. Ann M. Weimer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Weir
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Welfare, D.D.S.
Ms. Joyce Wellmeier
Mrs. Constance A. Wells
Ms. Florence M. Wenning
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wenstrup
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wenzke, M.D.
Mrs. Deena M. Werbrich
Mr. Cecil E. West
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Westbrock
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Westcott
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Western
Mrs. Mary Jane B. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. James Whalen
Good News, Summer 2012
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Wheeler
Ms. Judy Whelley
Mrs. Evelyn A. Whilding
Mrs. Sharon White
Ms. Christina White
Mr. & Mrs. Don Whiteaker
Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wick
Mrs. Mary T. Widner
Mr. Jeffrey T. Wiedeman
Mr. Dan S. Wigton
Ms. Carole A. Wild
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilhelm
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Will
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Will, Sr.
Mr. Robert J. Will
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wilson
Mrs. Mary Ellen Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wimsatt
Ms. Kathy Winner
Mrs. Brenda A. Wirrig
Ms. Miriam J. Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Wissman
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Wissman
Ms. Jill Witherspoon
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Witt
Mr. Michael Witt
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Woerner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Woodall
Mr. Paul R. Woodie
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Woolard
Mrs. Janice D. Wooles
Ms. Diane Wortham
Mrs. Ann Wourms
Mr.Thomas Wuebben
Mr. Kenneth Wuebker
Mrs. Kit Wymer
Mrs. Deborah Yahle
Mr. Mark Yandrick
Mr. & Mrs. Jayson Yap
Ms. Marilyn E.Yencha
Mr. & Mrs. David B.York
Mr. & Mrs. John York
Mr. & Mrs. David A.Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B.Young
Mr. & Mrs. David R.Younkin
Ms. Mary Ann Zapatony
Mrs.Thecla L. Zech
Mr. George R. Zeck
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Zengel
Mr. & Mrs. Karl L. Zengel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Zimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Zimmer
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Zimmerman
Ms. Sherri Zimmerman
Ms. Rebecca J. Zimmerman
Ms. Della M. Zona
Mr. & Mrs. Marion T. Zwolski
4 Over, Inc.
Adventures through Learning
Air Tran Airways
All About You
Anderson Security
Angel Heaven
Archbishop Alter High School
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Art Frame Gallery
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Audelott Equipment, Inc.
Bank Of America Matching Gifts
Baumer Construction, Inc.
Beavercreek High School National
Honor Society
Bernhold Insurance Agency, Inc.
The Berry Company
Bethesda MBC
Bilbrey Construction, Inc.
Bing Design
Bob’s Barber Shop
Bocholt Foundation
Boring & Associates, CPA, Inc.
Brickhouse Cafe
Bruns Animal Clinic, Ltd
Buckeye Ford Lincoln of Sidney
Buschur Electric
C.H. Dean, Inc.
Cabinetry by Ebbing/Cornerstone
Cami Daycare
CareSource Foundation
Carroll Catholic High School
Catholic Charities USA
Chaminade-Julienne High School
Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts
Choice One Engineering Corp.
Church of the Ascension
Church of the Holy Angels
Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Transfiguration
Connor Group
Cornerstone Book & Gift Shop
CSSMV Administrative Staff
CSSMV Adoption Dept.
CSSMV Family Center
CSSMV Sidney Staff
Curly’s Custom Meats
Curry’s Video Plus
Dave Knapp Ford - Lincoln - Inc.
Dayton Catholic Women’s Club
Dayton Country Club
Dayton Exchange Club Foundation
The Dayton Foundation
Dayton Women’s Basketball
Dayton-Phoenix Group, Inc.
Design My Stress
Discovery Cottage
DLA Human Resources Services
Erma Bombeck Memorial Fund
Falcon Financial Services
Faulkner, Garmhausen, Keister &
Fifth Third Bank Employees &
The Foodbank, Inc.
Forty Nine Degrees
Fox’s Pizza Den
Francis Furniture
Fraternal Order of Police
Frisch’s Restaurant
Galbreath GMAC Realty
GE United Way Campaign
Goddard School of Centerville
Goodrich Corporation PAC
Gordon Orthodontics
The Gosiger Foundation
Greenville National Bank
The Hair House
Hair Performers
Harrigans Tavern
Henry H. Hollencamp Foundation
Holten Wellness Center
Holy Angels Catholic Church
Holy Rosary, St. Marys Catholic
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
Holy Trinity, Coldwater Catholic
Homan & Stucke Construction Inc.
Home Products for Seniors, Inc.
Hospira Employee Giving
Houser Asphalt & Concrete, Inc.
Hoying & Hoying Builders, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Immaculate Conception, Celina
Catholic Cluster
Immaculate Conception Parish
Inn at Versailles
Jeni’s Hallmark
Job Corps
Jones Lang LaSalle
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Kare Excavating, Inc
Kaup Pharmacy
Kelly Bohrer Well Faith Group
Kettering Medical Center -- Spiritual
Care Department
KeyBank Foundation
Ladies Ancient of Hibernians
LexisNexis Cares Fund
Lincoln College of Technology
Linked Technologies, Inc.
The Little Bake Shop
Louise Kramer Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Manning Real Estate Holdings, LLC
Marianist Sisters
Marianists of the University of
Marianists Province of the United
Mary Help of Christians, Ft.Recovery
Catholic Cluster
Mathile Family Foundation
Medco Health Solutions Charitable
Match Fund
Miami Valley Centre Mall
Michael Anthony’s at the Inn
Miller-Valentine Group
Minster Auto Electric Ltd.
Minster Florist
The Moody’s Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Monnin Upper Cervical Chiropractic
Monsignor Robert A. Amann
Montgomery County Prosecutor’s
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
Mother Suds Soap Company
Murray Wells Wendeln & Robinson
CPA’s Inc.
Mutual Federal Savings Bank
NAACP Youth Council
NCR Country Club
New Bremen Massage Clinic
Niekamp Farms
The Night Club
Oakwood High School
Our Lady of Good Hope Parish
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Paul Neff & Associates
Permanent Make-up by Deb
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Phelan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Physicians’ Charitable Foundation of
the Miami Valley
Picture Perfect Photo & Design, LLC
Pizza Hut #102
PQ Systems
Precious Blood Church
Premier Health Partners
Premier Integrated Medical
Purses by Durasean
Queen of Apostles Parish
Queen of Martyrs Parish
Rachel Lynn Buschur Memorial Fund
Red Hats of Dayton
Red Lobster
Reynolds & Reynolds Associate
Rita A. Flahive Charitable Fund
Roderer Shoes
Romer’s Catering, Inc.
Roses to Memories
Samaritan Behavior Health
Schmacker’s Photography
Scott M & A Corporation
Second Harvest
Second National Bank
Sell, Hegemann & Zimmerman
Co., LPA
Sidney Electric Company
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
(Leadership Council)
Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur
Sisters of the Precious Blood
The Society of the Precious Blood
Spiritual Center of Maria Stein
St. Albert the Great Church
St. Augustine, Minster Catholic
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
St. Charles Diakonia Fund
St. Francis of Assisi Church
St. Henry Tile Co., Inc.
St. Joseph Parish
St. Joseph, Wapakoneta Catholic
St. Jude Court #2189 Catholic Order
of Foresters
St. Leonard Nursing Home
St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran
St. Michael Church
St. Patrick Catholic Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
St.Teresa of the Infant Jesus
Stillwater Valley Golf Club
Takeda Pharmaceutical Employee
Giving Campaign
Teradata Cares
Think Patented
Tillar-Wenstrup Advisors
Trame Mechanical Inc.
Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist
Trinity Avenue Community
Tuesday’s Book Club
U.D. Student Development
U.S. Bank
United Retail Logistics
United Way of Auglaize County
United Way Of Central Ohio
United Way of Darke County
United Way of Greater Dayton
United Way Of New York City
United Way of Shelby County
United Way Of Troy Ohio
Unity National Bank
University of Dayton
University of Dayton Dining Services
University of Dayton Research
University of Dayton School of Law
W.O.M.E.N.S Club
We Knead U Massage & Reiki Center
White Springs Golf Club
WorkflowOne Employee Foundation
Wright State University
Wright State University.- Dept. of
Social Work
Wright-Patt Credit Union
YSI Foundation Inc.
Zechar-Bailey Funeral Home
This year’s CSSMV outing
winners (right to left) were
Derek Brumbaugh, Jeff
Brumbaugh, Steve Smith,
and Jack Jamison.
Northern Counties Golf Outing
Success Supports Northern Area
olfers gathered at Stillwater Valley Golf Club
in Versailles on Friday, May 18 for the 17th Annual
Northern Counties Golf Outing. Participants finished
18 holes and enjoyed a beautiful day and great
Golfers took to the course with a shotgun start,
utilizing purchased mulligans, skirts, throws, kicks and
“pro tee” shots to chase the title.This year’s outing
champs were: Jeff Brumbaugh, Derek Brumbaugh, Steve
Smith, and Jack Jamison.
The event featured a $5,000 Consecutive Putting
Contest. Golfers who entered the contest had a chance
to make three consecutive putts to split the prize with
CSSMV. “While no one was lucky enough to hit all three
putts, everyone had a great time trying,” explained Kim
Custenborder, CSSMV Coordinator. The putting contest
was sponsored by Sell, Hegemann & Zimmerman, Co.,
Participants also had an opportunity to win
other major prizes. A Hole in One prize on #17 was
sponsored by the Dan Hemm Automall, and a live
auction at the outing featured a golf package with a
round of golf for four donated by the NCR Country
Club in Dayton. The golf package was won by Pat
All event proceeds will benefit Catholic Social
Services – Northern Counties, the regional office based
in Sidney which provides: adoption services, pregnancy
counseling, mental health counseling and supportive
senior programs.The CSS Northern Counties serves
people of all faiths in Auglaize, Darke, Mercer, Miami
and Shelby Counties.
CSSMV wishes to express appreciation to
participating golfers, golf outing chairs Jim Bernhold
and David Galbreath, volunteers from Brumbaugh Law
Firm and the many business sponsors who made the
successful event possible. Sponsors for this years golf
outing were:
Zimmerman, Co., LPA, and Don and Janet Grieshop;
PAR SPONSORS - Forty Nine Degrees, Phelan
Insurance (Pat Custenborder), St. Denis and Holy
Family Parishes, Kaup Pharmacy, and Spirit Medical
Transportation, LLC;
CART SPONSORS - Monnin Upper Cervical
Health Center
TEE SPONSORS - Baumer Construction, Amedisys
Home Heath Care, Bernhold Insurance Agency, Inc.,
Bocholt Foundation, Boring & Associates, CPA’s, Bruns
Animal Clinic, Brumbaugh and Associates, Buckey Ford
Lincoln Mercury, Buschur Electric, Cabinetry by Ebbing,
Greenville National Bank, Doug Hausfeld, Falcon
Financial Services, Galbreath Realty, Miami Valley
Center Mall, Dave Knapp Ford, James Bernhold Attorney
& Counselor at Law, Dale & Kathy S. Nichols, Minster
Auto Electric, Murray, Wells, Wendeln & Robinson
CPA’s, Prosperity Promotions, Scott Family McDonalds
Second National Bank, St Patrick Catholic Church, SMS
proTECH, St, Augustine Catholic Church, Unity National
Bank, and Zechar-Bailey Funeral Home,Trophy Sponsor;
Regal Awards, Auction Gift Sponsors; NCR Country Club
and 5/3 Bank.
“In addition to the outstanding community
support, we wish to acknowledge the contributions
and support that we received from fifteen Catholic
Parishes/Clusters,” stated Custenborder. The increased
sponsorship support will allow us to extend our
helping services in our communities in the northern
Miami Valley area.”
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Red Hot Jazz 2012
Red Hot Jazz 2012
17th Annual Jazz Party to benefit
Catholic Social Services’
17th Annual Jazz Party to benefit
and Jazz
17th Annual
benefit Catholic Social
Catholic Social Services’
Care Programs
Adoption and Infant Care Programs
Friday, November 16, 2012
Moraine Country
November 16, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Moraine Country
Club Country Club
Reservations are limited
are limited.7RSVP before November 7.
RSVP before November
Reservations are limited
ext. 1141
RSVP before November
7 ext. 1141
937-223-7217 ext. 1141
Harvest of
Celebration 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
“Sweetest Day”
Stillwater Valley Golf Club
CSS to Hold Pat Rupp
Memorial Golf Tournament
atholic Social Services of the Miami
Valley will be holding its 7th annual Pat
Rupp Memorial Dayton Golf Tournament
on Monday, July 23rd at NCR Country
Club’s North and South Courses in
Kettering, Ohio. Registration for the event
will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch
at noon and a Texas scramble-shotgun
start at 1:00 p.m. Immediately following
the golf tournament, a cocktail reception
and dinner will be provided.
The cost of the event is $200 per
golfer, which includes lunch, golf and cart,
dinner, tournament shirt and prizes.Team
registration is also available at $800, which
includes the chance to win the Pat Rupp
Memorial Championship Trophy in either
the men’s or women’s division.
A Golf Ball Raffle will provide a
climactic feature of the tournament as
numbered golf balls will be dropped
from the sky. Tournament players as
well as members of the general public
will have an opportunity to participate
in the raffle by purchasing one or more
of the numbered golf balls. The purchaser
of the numbered ball that goes in the cup
or is closest to the pin, will win up to
$10,000 (half the proceeds from the sale of
numbered golf balls).The numbered raffle
balls may be purchased for $20 each.
Proceeds from the event will benefit
children and family services of Catholic
Social Services of the Miami Valley. To
register for the event, the Golf Ball Raffle
or to support as a sponsor, please visit our
website at
For more information on the event or
the range of sponsorship opportunities,
please call Catholic Social Services
Development Department at (937) 223-7212
ext. 1141.
A special thanks to our major event
Heick Hester, Smith &
Dinner | Auction | Dancing
Reservations are limited.
RSVP by October 8
to (937) 214-1146.
Scan code with your smart
phone for more information.
Erma’s House Celebrates 15th Anniversary
Erma’s House Supervised Visitation
Center opened in 1997 to meet a
community need for child protection.
Erma’s House quickly
became a very busy
community service; the
number of visits grew
steadily, requiring a new
facility. The program
stayed on Brown Street
and was located in the
CSS Center for Families.
n the mid-90s, the tragic instances of
child abuse and domestic violence shocked
Dayton into action. As a community, we
made a commitment to protect our children.
Government and private organizations
worked together to develop and implement
abuse prevention strategies,” recalls
CSSMV Social Services Director Peggy
Seboldt. “Judges, lawyers, social workers
and concerned community groups joined
with a shared vision and worked together to
create a safe place for families, a place where
family conflict would de-escalate to prevent
domestic violence.”
This shared community vision gave form
to Erma’s House Supervised Visitation Center
in 1997. For the past fifteen years, the center
has served as a safe haven for more than
800 children. Children of all ages and their
parents have felt the warmth and safety of a
place they have known for its family times
and happy memories. Non-custodial parents
separated from their children by divorce,
court action or family conflict have used
Erma’s House to restart their relationship
with their children — and children have
benefited from the opportunity to enjoy
times with parents they may never have
otherwise known.
With a team of volunteer-visit monitors
who are trained and supervised by three staff
members, Erma’s House has offered a caring,
enriching environment for children and their
parents. On evenings and weekend days, five
or more visits may be in progress at Erma’s
House. The brightly-colored visiting rooms
are filled with toys, games and the artwork
of young children. Special areas for toddlers,
school-age and teens are appropriately
designed for comfort and age-appropriate
Named after Dayton-native Erma
Bombeck, a well-known local writer, Erma’s
House has grown and changed tremendously.
Originally housed in a turn of the century
frame house at 1024 Erma Bombeck Way
(Brown Street), the center moved to its
current location at 1046 Brown in 2006. The
center is now housed on the first floor of
the CSS Center for Families. The new center
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
provides additional space for craft making
and an outdoor play area for children. In
addition, with private charitable support, the
Erma’s House program has grown to include
special reading projects and offers special
birthday and holiday celebrations for the
Perhaps most importantly, Erma’s
House maintains a unique role in the
Dayton community. The center has gained
statewide recognition and CSSMV staff
has provided leadership in starting similar
visitation centers in several Ohio counties.
Montgomery County judges from Domestic
Relations and Juvenile Courts continue to
show their faith in the center by sending
numerous, and sometimes the most difficult,
clients to Erma’s House — All share the belief
that this special place will promote family
bonding and peaceful relationships.
Good News, Summer 2012
To mark the 15th anniversary of Erma’s
House, Administrative Assistant Wilma
Valdizon, Assistant Manager Janette
Heberling and Manager Shannon
Wahrhaftig will extend special appreciation
to volunteers who serve as visit monitors.
Erma’s House
15th Anniversary
Thank you, volunteers!
This year, Erma’s House will supervise
over 1,100 visits and 500 exchanges
between non-custodial parents and
children. Each visit will be organized and
documented under the supervision of a
small staff of three and a legion of caring
“Our program is possible because
of volunteer support. Volunteers who
understand the necessity of hours of
training and the importance of careful
record keeping work with us to assure
that children are safe and protected at
all times,” explains Janette Heberling,
Erma’s House Assistant Manager.
Manager Shannon Wahrhaftig adds,
“Our volunteers share a commitment
to make visits a positive and enjoyable
experience. With the assistance of 26
wonderful volunteers, we work each day
to give parents and children opportunities
to build positive relationships and prevent
dangerous family conflict.”
Since the program began in 1997,
over 700 client families have been helped.
Giving Hope With Each Bag of Groceries
he CSSMV Food Pantry, with the support
of private benefactors, garnered sufficient
support to assure that emergency food
assistance was available to respond to 11,446
requests for help in 2011.
2011 was an extremely busy year, and
the number of requests for help has not
subsided in 2012. Marilyn Horton, CSSMV
Pantry Supervisor/Case Manager explained,
“Requests for food assistance are continuing
to rise as financial stress and employment
opportunities are not reaching our urban
Horton has continued to ramp up food
distribution, and prays daily that CSSMV’s
philanthropic friends and organizations
will maintain their generous support and
commitment to fight hunger.
“Requests for food are continuing to
rise because families are financially stressed,
and there are not enough jobs in our urban
service area,” explained Horton. “And many
who do have jobs and are working have had
their hours cut and simply don’t have enough
money to pay rent and buy food.”
The pantry has streamlined and
computerized operations and recruited
a team of social work students from area
universities. Stephen MacDougall, MSW, has
recently joined the staff part-time to provide
student supervision, client case management
and help investigate opportunities to
collaborate with local efforts to stabilize
families and support clients who need job
readiness skills and training.
“We are recruiting college interns to
listen, care and advocate for those who need
help to recover from job losses or financial
setbacks,” explained MacDougall.
Horton and MacDougall and CSSMV’s
administrative staff are meeting with
other agencies and representatives from
the Montgomery County Job and Family
Services to coordinate efforts to promote
self-sufficiency and give encouragement
to those in the community who have been
unemployed for many months or years.
A slate of motivational and educational
seminars is being offered in 2012 and
individualized case management and support
is being offered to pantry clients.
In partnership with the Ohio State
University Extension Office, the CSSMV
Pantry is now providing nutrition education
and cooking classes. The classes will be
Pantry Supervisor/ Case Manager Marilyn Horton
and Family Stabilization and Support Program
Manager Steve MacDougall review the increasing
number of pantry clients who are in need of
held on Tuesday mornings from 10 to 11:30
a.m. through August 28. The classes will
provide practical instruction and provide
creative, healthy advice on how to use the
commodities that are often distributed
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
through the pantry.
“We see 50 to 120 pantry clients each
day. Many are hungry for more than food
and want to find new paths in their lives,”
explained CSSMV Executive Director Laura
Roesch. “We are working to provide new
opportunities to encourage clients with case
management and job-readiness skill building
support to give hope with every bag of
groceries that we provide.”
Contributions to the food pantry are greatly
appreciated such as this recent donation from
Fifth Third Bank’s Shield Day sales supporting
hunger programs through out the Miami Valley.
Ken Webb, CRA Officer at Fifth Third Bank
presented the check to CSSMV Executive
Director Laura Roesch and Pantry
Supervisor Marilyn Horton.
The contribution will be used to
purchase supplemental food and
This year over 14,000 Miami Valley residents will turn to Catholic Social Services
Food Pantry for help. In partnership with the Food Bank, CSSMV encourages you
to help fight hunger though food drives and with your contributions.
Your help will empower the agency to assist those who are struggling to put
food on their tables.
For information about the local fight against hunger, contact Marilyn Horton,
CSSMV Food Pantry Supervisor at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1144 or send an email to
[email protected]
Good News, Summer 2012
Legacy Society Shares Trust and Hope for the Future
s the size of the Good Shepherd Legacy
membership has grown, it has formed a
unique group of friends who have found that
they share a commonality of purpose and
trust. They would like their life and work to
have a lasting and meaningful impact…and
they trust that Catholic Social Services will
be a good steward of their goodwill.
hours in service. “I hope that my volunteer
contribution has made a difference… and I
like the idea that my charitable interests will
Matt and Beth Savage
Don and Janet Grieshop
Don Grieshop, a current CSSMV board
member, donor and volunteer, has served
on the CSSMV Northern Advisory and the
Finance Committees for over 20 years.
As a volunteer he has given hundreds of
continue into the future,” explained Grieshop.
Beth and Matt Savage, parents who
adopted a child from CSSMV, became
members of the Legacy Society last year. Beth
Savage is now volunteering with the agency’s
development committee as an advisor to
“We have been blessed in our lives and
wanted a way to “pay it forward.” The
Good Shepherd Legacy Society enables
us to make a meaningful contribution
to meeting the future needs of those who
are served by Catholic Social Services of
the Miami Valley.”
— Tom and Nancy Russell
encourage understanding of the planned
giving process and the benefits of legacy gifts.
“The agency has certainly enriched our lives,”
contends Savage.“I hope our sincere gratitude
can be expressed by helping to continue
the blessings
we have been
given through
Catholic Social
Tom and
Nancy Russell,
after reviewing
many charitable
decided to join
the Society five
years ago.
Tom and Nancy Russell
“We have
been blessed in our lives and wanted a way to
“pay it forward.” ' The Good Shepherd Legacy
Society enables us to make a meaningful
contribution to meeting the future needs
of those who are served by Catholic Social
Services of the Miami Valley.”
Volunteers, former clients, agency
Staff Good Shepherd Legacy Members
(left to right): Executive Director Laura Roesch,
Accounting Manager Joan Carson, Human
Resource Manager Cathy Guerrant, Quality
Improvement Manager Carrie Craig
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Legacy Society to Convene:
New Members Welcomed
staff members and retirees have become
members of the Good Shepherd Legacy
Society. Employees and retirees make up
about a third of the membership. Joan
Carson, CSSMV Accounting Manager and a
Legacy Society Member, explained,“We all
work hard and want the agency to continue
and have the financial support that will be
needed in the future.”
Executive Director Laura Roesch
agrees.“I have been with the agency
since 1989, and it is my life’s work. It
is a rewarding arrangement to have an
opportunity to preserve our mission and
have an enduring impact that may help
future generations,” says Roesch. Cathy
Guerrant, CSSMV Human Resources
Manager also likes to point out that:“Joining
the Society can be as easy as putting the
agency on a list of beneficiaries of a life
insurance policy!”
The support that is generated by the
Good Shepherd Legacy Society will help
preserve the mission of Catholic Social
Services for future generations. The
opportunities for planned giving can also
be financially beneficial and maximize the
transfer of assets to family members. But
for Legacy members,“It is the warmth of
giving and sharing that makes the society
and its annual dinner gathering so special,”
concludes Roesch. “We certainly hope
others will join us.”
For information about the Good Shepherd
Legacy Society and charitable gift planning,
those interested are encouraged to call
Regina Estep at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1142 or
send an inquiry to [email protected].
Those who express an interest in July will be
eligible to attend the 2012 Good Shepherd
Legacy Society dinner.
Good News, Summer 2012
On Wednesday, August 22, Catholic Social Services Good
Shepherd Legacy Society will hold its sixth annual dinner meeting.
The group, which now includes nearly fifty members, will convene to
discuss community service progress with agency
managers over a gourmet dinner. They will also
enjoy the company of people who have become
friends who share a concern for Dayton and the
belief that Catholic Social Service is a worthy
cause to be supported with a planned gift some
time in the future.
“We look forward to getting together each
year,” explains Lou Homan, one of the founding
members of the Legacy Society. “It is always a
great dinner with great conversations. We also
look forward to welcoming new members into the
The only requirement to join the Good
Shepherd Legacy Society is a verbal
confirmation that a planned charitable gift
has been arranged to support the mission
of Catholic Social Services. The size of the
legacy gift, the type of charitable vehicle to be
used and the CSSMV program area that will
benefit is unique to each member and known
only to the member.
“Legacy giving is commonly
provided through a bequest in
a Will. Some society members
may make charitable trust or gift
annuity arrangements,” explains
Development Director Regina
Estep. “Others have qualified
for membership by listing
CSSMV as a beneficiary of
a portion of a life insurance
policy. We do not ask
for a specific donation
amount or require official legal
documentation... only a verbal confirmation.”
Potential Legacy Society members have access to free
professional advice. Beth Redden, Dayton Foundation Legacy
Partnership Officer, works closely with Catholic Social Services
staff to offer confidential consultation services that can help donors
maximize their giving, assure retirement income and/or reduce tax
CSSMV Service Locations
Center for Families
1046 Brown Street
Dayton OH
(937) 223-7217 or 800-300-2937
Catholic Social Services
of the Miami Valley
922 West Riverview Ave.
Dayton, OH 45402
Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Dayton, OH
Permit No. 1156
Eckerle Administration Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton OH
(937) 223-7217 or 800-300-2937
Miami Valley Family Care Center
4100 W. Third Street, Bldg. 401
Dayton, OH
(937) 268-0336
Northern Counties Center
1201 Fairington Drive
Sidney, OH
(937) 498-4593 or 800-521-6419
Holiday Help A Family…
Sharing the Joy of Christmas with Local Families
ith summer vacation in full swing,
the last thing on your mind is making
preparations for the Christmas season. That
is not the case with the members of our
Holiday Help a Family Committee Members
who are already hard at work planning for
Christmas at Catholic Social Services.
Last year, the generous donors to the Holiday
Help a Family program and Santa’s Shop, were
able to provide Christmas gifts to over 2,000
local children.The need is anticipated to be
even greater this year.
Become a Friend of
Stay plugged in to what’s
happening at the agency.
Receive information about
upcoming events, update
your own information and
check your donor record,
E-newsletters about agency
services, and more. Visit our
website at
and register today!
The collection of new toys, pajamas, gift
cards, and financial gifts has begun. If you
would like to help by making a donation or
hosting a pajama drive for use at Christmas
and throughout the year, please contact
Jessica Echols at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1141.