Inside - Kaneohe Yacht Club
Inside Nominees I14 & Moth Nationals Keiki Halloween November 2012 Volume LXXXVIII Number 9 KYC Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY November • December 2012 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 SATURDAY 3 KYC Annual Meeting 6pm November 2012 4 5 6 IRF E-3 Deckhands 6:30pm CG Aux #17 7 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 9 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 8 Snack Bar 11-4pm 10 KYC Volunteer Party 6pm CG Aux #14 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 11 12 Bulkhead Race 2pm Veteran’s Day Bar opens at noon Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 18 Cy Gillette Race KYC Awards Banquet Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 25 Marine Debris Lecture 6pm 13 Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 14 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 16 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 15 Snack Bar 11-4pm 17 F&P 6pm HYRA 6pm Mooring 6pm Fleet Ops 6:30pm 19 20 Membership 6pm PPUD 9am Club Ops 6:30pm Ladies RR Tennis 9am Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 21 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 23 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 22 THANKSGIVING Club is Closed PPUD 8am Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 26 27 28 Snack Bar 11-4pm 24 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 30 29 Snack Bar 11-4pm Myhre Miniature BOD 6:30pm Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm Bar Xmas Tree Decoration Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 1 December 2012 2 3 4 5 Joe Cochran Race Deckhands 6:30pm CG Aux #17 CG Aux #14 11 Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 12 6 7 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 13 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 14 Snack Bar 11-4pm 8 Commodore’s Ball Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 9 10 Bulkhead Race 2pm PPUD 6pm Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 16 F&P 6pm HYRA 6pm Mooring 6pm Fleet Ops 6:30pm 17 18 Membership 6pm PPUD 9am Club Ops 6:30pm PPLH 6pm Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 19 PP UD 6pm Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 23 Snack Bar 11-4pm 15 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 21 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 20 Snack Bar 11-4pm 22 KYC Christmas Dinner 6pm 24 25 Children’s Xmas Party Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 26 Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm 27 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm 28 Snack Bar 11-4pm 29 Cribbage & Bridge Express Window 5:30-7:00pm Locker 5:30-7pm Dinner 6-9pm Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:00pm Snack Bar 11-4pm Christmas Day Club is Closed Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm 30 31 Brunch 9-11am Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4pm On the cover: Charlie McKee just Mothinʼ around - Moth Nationals see page 11 for results 2 Photo: Jeff Baldwin Commodore Mark Logan Rear Commodore Chico Cantu Aloha Everyone! Your KYC Board of Directors, Management, and staff continues to prepare and lay the groundwork for an exhilarating 2013. Our Nominations Committee has proposed a sound slate of outstanding members to continue serving on or join the Board of Directors and lead our club through the upcoming year. Management has implemented several cost savings measures and continues to explore avenues for maximizing every operational dollar in these fiscally challenging times. The staff has worked tirelessly to attend to our membership’s concerns providing tremendous service and all the while maintaining and, in many cases, improving our facilities. We intend to highlight these and many other accomplishments and future plans during the General Membership Meeting on November 2, 2012. Please make every effort to attend this important gathering. As your commodore, I represent KYC at the Hawaii Commodores’ Association (HCA). The HCA holds monthly meetings in which each participating yacht club, organization, and association briefs their endeavors, challenges, and future plans. The USCG Captain of the Port attends the meetings as well as a representative of Hawaii Ocean Safety Team (HOST) ( It’s an excellent forum to share and learn from experiences and techniques that have proven successful and to also collaborate on improving and promoting safety and stewardship of the resources we love and enjoy through our respective memberships. During the most recent HCA meeting I took the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and sincerest mahalo to the USCG for their swift and successful rescue of the skipper and crew of Cowabunga nearly 35 miles off Kaena Point in the early morning hours of August 13th. The Captain of the Port’s comment to the HCA group was, “…the USCG could not have asked for a more perfect group of distressed mariners.” They had everything they needed to facilitate the rescue effort too, including life preservers, a waterproof VHF radio, and a portable GPS. In their words, “The skipper and crew were well equipped for such an emergency and just as importantly kept their calm, stayed together, and employed their safety gear to their collective advantage.” It’s time for me to make another donation to the USCG Foundation in appreciation for their valued service to all mariners. If so inclined, I would encourage you to consider doing the same at . Don’t let the shorter days of the fall equinox keep you from enjoying KYC and everything your club has to offer. I hope to see each of you on, in, or near the water very soon." Part of me refuses to accept that this year’s racing season is almost over. The other part of me is amazed at just how much time our volunteers have contributed to our club in order for us to have such a great racing season. Time is a valuable commodity and should not be taken lightly. As I look at everyone during the races or at the awards presentations I see one common element…everyone having fun and doing what they love to do. We are truly fortunate to have such wonderful people in our club that give so much of their time in support of these events. Your work does not go unrecognized. Thanks to Bill Riddle we still have our Winter Bulkhead races every second Sunday of each month. October was packed with our fleets’ state races, I-14 Pac Rim/Nationals, Moth Pac Rim and the Lipton Cup 2 One Design race. We have the following upcoming events in November: Nov 10 – IRF E3 Nov 11 – Bulkhead Race Nov 18 – Cy Gillette Race and Awards Banquet (This is a tribute to Cy Gillette one of the founders of Kaneohe Yacht Club) Nov 25 – Myhre Minature Nov 24-25 Imu Regatta We have nominated several candidates for the HYRA Yachtswoman of theYear from our club. Only one can win but we have several great contenders; good luck ladies. Don’t forget we have scheduled a one-day US Sailing Race Management seminar for Saturday, November 24. This course is intended to prepare people to serve on race committees, in particular as Principal Race Officer. The standard course fee is $20 for US Sailing members and $65 dollars for others. Lastly, my claim to fame this month was not on the water but in the parking lot when JD Adams and Victoria let me drive their 1920 Ford Model T. No I didn’t break it. Looking forward to seeing all of you around the club or in the water, Chico Chico's Trivia Corner: Q – What is the name of Captain Hook's ship in the book Peter Pan? A – The Jolly Roger. Q – What is the name of Captain Ahab’s Ship in the novel “Moby Dick”. A– The “Pequod” is a fictitious 19th century Nantucket whaleship that appears in the 1851 novel Moby-Dick by American author Herman Melville. Q - What was the name of Captain Nemo’s boat in “Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea” A - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine “Nautilus” as seen from the perspective of Professor Pierre Aronnax. Vice Commodore Chuck Cotton The last month has proven to be quite challenging for your Board of Directors. After the Special Meeting it was clear that we needed to provide the membership with much more information regarding the club’s financial situation and the need for a dues increase. With input from several members including three past Treasurers, the Finance and Planning Committee and those involved in repair of “G” Pier, we have a plan ready for the membership at the annual meeting. You have all received the Notice of Meeting with the proposed dues increase. The BoD did change its position on which plan it recommended. After determining that “G” Pier will eventually need to be replaced we feel it is better to err on the side of having more money, than not enough, and we are therefore recommending Plan “A”. We do need a dues increase in order to correctly fund CapEx and continue normal Club Operations. In all other areas our club has a healthy balance sheet and can operate successfully for many years to come. I encourage everyone of you to attend the Annual Meeting and to support Plan “A” so that we can continue to provide a high level of services and maintain our assets for all to enjoy. 3 Junior Sailing Director Jesse Andrews It is that time of the year again for the HYSA Season's points awards. These will be given out at the HYRAAwards Banquet on November 17th at Waikiki Yacht Club. Kaneohe Sailors again did very well this year winning five out of the eight classes and receiving 11 total awards. Congrats to Aaron Kiyotoki and Lindsey Andrade for placing first and third in Lasers, Leah Ford, Zachary Kaan, Kiana Heitzman, Thomas Henshaw for winning El Toro A, B, C and C-2 classes. Kai Heitzman, Kahealani Heitzman, Malia Johnson, Mansfield Bacon and Mathew Butler will also be receiving awards in their prospective classes. We are also having KYC's Annual Awards Ceremony at the Cy Gillette Day on November 18th. I will be contacting the families who are receiving awards at this event personally. Thanks for a great year and looking forward to another year of great sailing and classes at KYC! Port Captain Bob Hurd Aloha KYC stickers are required for every boat and trailer brought to the Club. These stickers tell us that a Club member owns the boat and trailer. No boat may come on the property without a sticker unless it is for a sanctioned regatta or event, and the race officer has granted permission. Why this policy? Simply, liability. These facilities are for members and guest racers only. Please do not bring a friend’s boat and trailer, paddleboard or a boat that you are considering purchasing to “Just to try it out”. This does not mean you may not host a friend in his or her boat that arrives by water, for a limited period of time. We can check them in as a visiting yacht. Check with the office or me for the availability of spaces for the guests. Haul-out season is with us again. The North bulkhead work area will be filled with eight large boats on cradles for two-week periods, leaving little or no room for trailered boats to perform maintenance. Plan to complete any work on your boat kept at the Club before November 17. Haul out will last until January 26. Check with me if you need to work on your boat during this period. The Dry Mooring area collects a lot of stuff over time, and it is beginning to look shabby. Marina Regs state that there shall be no litter, dock boxes, assorted canvas items or other things left on the ground. Please remove the stuff in your dry slip. We will form a work party to clean the area up during the haul out season. If you do not want to lose that spare mast or dodger, take it off the ground and put it on your trailer or take it home. The Wait Lists for Wet and Dry mooring are updated and posted monthly and are in the showcase across from the Club office. You can see that many applicants for a slip have not specified the dimensions of the boat they wish to moor at the club. Those entries will be moved to the Inactive Wet or Inactive Dry Wait Lists in the December edition unless the entries are updated with complete information. If you have requested a slip and do not have a boat, please tell me to move your request for a slip to the Inactive list until you are ready for a slip. When you are ready to put a boat at the Club, call the Port Captain and ask that you be place on the active list. You do not lose your place in line, because the date you first applied for a slip remains your “Seniority date”. The Marina Regulations state that if you are offered a slip you have one week to accept the slip and two weeks to place a boat in the slip. Stay safe, have fun, and I’ll see you on the water. HAWAII YOUTH SAILING ASSOCIATION SEASON'S POINTS 2012 REGATTA PHYC MCBH WYC PYC HYC WYC KYC MKYC Best Slim Margaret Connie 4of8 Lambert Haig Smales March March May June July July Oct. Oct. 3 17 5 15 12 13 6 7 LASER A Lance Miller 1 Grant Christopher * Lindsey Andrade * Morgan Merrill * 1 2 LASER B Aaron Kiyotoki * 3 Kukii Falahee * * Colby Curtis * * Jason Evans 2 * Michael Magnussen 6 8 7 6 27 * 1 * 1 2 7 2 * * 4 4 3 5 1 7 10 2 1 2 4 6 3 5 4 3 4 10 4 6 3 11 13 15 17 27 1 9 7 2 4 12 5 17 18 26 6 4 14 10 6 8 10 12 31 2 3 10 19 13 1 9 15 13 11 11 20 36 39 45 5 8 3 7 16 28 14 27 24 34 49 66 9 17 19 53 66 5 21 23 25 17 47 73 78 79 83 2 8 1 5 EL TORO A Leah Ford Dylan DiMarchi Mathew Butler Nathan Allman Aaron Kiyotoki 1 3 9 11 12 6 * 2 * * 2 1 10 * * 3 3 1 1 6 1 3 13 EL TORO B Zach Kaan Kai Heitzman Evan Twigg-Smith Andrew Shoji * 2 5 9 1 4 10 * 5 7 3 * 2 4 * * 7 2 2 7 8 10 EL TORO C Kiana Heitzman 4 Kahealani Heitzman 14 Kai Funakawa 6 Dylan Adolpho 7 Nicolas Hunt 18 8 9 * * 12 9 6 16 * 12 9 6 5 * * 4 5 4 6 11 10 8 12 EL TORO C2 Thomas Henshaw Mason Comerford Mansfield Bacon Zach Cutter Kawika Tumilowicz 10 16 17 * 24 7 5 23 18 25 11 8 14 24 33 7 13 12 * * 9 5 12 17 11 15 EL TORO C3 Claire Rossi de Leon Nathan Cutter * Sandy Park Dayna Park Luca Berg * * 16 * * * 17 30 22 25 20 19 * * * * 14 15 18 23 13 16 18 27 EL TORO C4 Nolan Laramore Paris Sato Malia Johnson Megan Fetterley Samuel Cutter 14 21 * 20 22 17 26 23 29 28 15 16 17 19 14 19 21 20 22 4 * * 21 20 * 2 1 4 6 14 11 14 17 20 23 22 15 26 23 27 Notice of Nomination for Club Officers and Directors 2013 Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5 of the by-laws of Kaneohe Yacht Club, the Nominating Committee submits the following slate of nominees for each elective office for the year 2013. As provided in the same Article the membership may submit additional nominees to this list by petition of fifteen voting members no later than October 5, 2012. The entire slate, to include additional nominees, will be posted no later than October 15, 2012. No nominations may be made from the floor at the annual membership meeting. Office Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Director Treasurer Name Term Charles Cotton 2013 Charles Cotton 2013 Rick Villalobos 2013 Lucrecia Fry 2013 Ralph Goto 2013-2015 Greg Le Lesch 2013 Ralph Goto Nominee for position of KYC Director 2013 - 2015 Respectfully Submitted, Richard Osborne, Jr Chairman Members: Tom Valentine Fred Harper Clark Fremgen Ray Sanborn Bill Atherton Lucrecia Fry Nominee for position of KYC Secretary I was born and raised on Oahu. I am married to Eldon Fry , have a daughter, stepson, and two granddaughters, one in college. I am a graduate of Castle High School, Honolulu Beauty College, and Hawaii Healing Arts College. I owned and operated my own beauty salon for thirty five years, recognized several times as Business Woman of the Year and was on the State Board of Cosmetology for seven years. KYC has been a part of my life since 1981. I've been extremely active in club affairs serving as Deckhand Treasurer, Fishing Fleet Secretary, Regatta Chairperson, Race Committee, Pacific Cup SDO and Lei and Trays, as well as three years as Entertainment Chair. For the past two years, I have attended almost every Board meeting and I now look forward to being the best I can be on the KYC Board as your Secretary. Thomas Pochereva Nominee for position of KYC Rear Commodore I earned a diploma in Pure & Applied Science from John Abbott College and a Bachelor of Business Administration from University of New Brunswick. I am currently President of Computer 1 Associates, Inc. I have worked there since 1998. Our specialty is computer networks, installation and support. I have sailed in Hawaii since 1978 became a member of Kaneohe Yacht Club in 1999 after a Summer Circuit regatta. Both my sons went through the KYC Junior Sailing program, raced in high school and are now members of KYC. Since joining KYC I have held the position of Regatta Chair three times, and have served as Rear Commodore. I race actively in Classboat and IRF fleets. As a volunteer I have been General Chair for Pacific Cup, the 49er World Championship, International Moth Pac-Rim regattas and PRO for regattas such as the Lipton One Design Challenge Cup. Within the Hawaii sailing community I have served on the board of the Hawaii Yacht Racing Association as Treasurer, Vice Commodore and Commodore. While assisting and supporting the Hawaii Youth Sailing Association as Commodore and on the High School Sailing committee, I coached the Punahou School sailing team to ILH championships for 8 years. I helped found the Hawaii High School IMU Invitational Regatta as well. Currently, I am an active US Sailing Club Race Officer (over 10 years) 5 and a US Sailing Judge certificate (since 2010) I started sailing at the Kaneohe Yacht Club in the 1970’s while crewing for my future father-in-law, Tom Mountain, on MP’s, 110’s, Cal and Newport 20s, and a Ranger 26, the infamous “Imua,” logging countless nautical miles in Kaneohe Bay, around the island of O’ahu, and in the channels between Molokai, Maui, Lanai , Kauai, and O’ahu. I have been a member of KYC since 1984, and have spent the past 28 years sailing, fishing, paddling, motoring, diving and enjoying the beauty and uniqueness of Kaneohe Bay. I have been a regular racing crewmember on the J-33 Troubadour, and have been on KYC’s Lipton Cup crew for the past two years on the “red boat.” My wife of 38 years, Roberta Mountain, and I have lived near Kaneohe Bay since we were married in 1974, and raised our two adult sons, Clark and Scott, on the windward side, enjoying the bay and spending many hours at KYC. Roberta (BS Nursing) and I (BA Philosophy) are both graduates of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I have been the Director of the City and County of Honolulu’s Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Services Division since 1981. I oversee all aspects of the City’s beach lifeguard operation which employs 240 professional open water lifeguards with an annual budget of over $8 million. In this capacity, I serve as a primary resource for ocean safety (rescue, prevention, and education) and professional lifeguard matters in the State of Hawaii. I am an advisor to the Hawaiian Lifeguard Association, and a member of the Board of Directors of three non-profit organizations in Honolulu, including the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation and Kama’aina Kids. I am the President of the Pacific Islands Region and a life member of the United States Lifesaving Association, the professional organization of open water lifeguards in the United States. I look forward to serving on the Board of Directors of the Kaneohe Yacht Club, and hope to bring my administrative and practical experience to the challenge of keeping KYC fiscally sound while meeting the realistic expectations of its members. Aloha nui loa. 6 !" #" $ %&' !" ( ) !" *+)) ,-. //%.%0 12 //%'&%//0 34!"#"#$5# ! "#$ % & ' & & ' & ( ) * + & , - & , - - . /0&&12 ' / %3332 4 % , 5 & 6 4 & , 7 & , ( & , 8 9 : & 3 0. * ;1 ; 01< = 0, 5 &1 > = 0& ,1 ?$ /?#@ A2 % = = = .% - B CA 6 !# 6)7)! )7 7!6$ !#6 ! " ! 8 9)#)9!7 $))5 * - 'D ! !A@$EA"@E@ : C. ,C.> ),F;&CC) +,5 *,& 7; B,& ,* .>C) 8 Fishing Fleet Rick White The 2012 KYC Fishing Fleet tournament season has come to an end. In a year where tradewinds were far above average, we fished 6 out of 8 planned events. Overall, fleet participation and competition were good. At “start fishing” in the October tournament finale, 9 captain’s boats were in contention for the coveted fisherman of the year award. Only one Captain, Craig Lemquist, fished every event in 2012. He was also the only boat to fish on Saturday, October 6. All other captains elected to fish on Sunday. Craig and his crew headed for MM buoy aboard his 18’ “LOKALIA”, one of the smallest boats in the fleet. After arriving at “MM” they began catching some nice yellowfin tuna. When the action slowed on the surface, Craig turned to deep jigging to continue catching. Once the bite stopped, Craig headed “LOKALIA”, towards “LL” in search of more action. Shortly after their arrival at LL one of the 12 or so boats fishing at the buoy began shooting flares accompanied by a distress call on Channel 16. Craig immediately sprang into action and minutes later, with hope of more fish dashed, unselfishly began the menacing task of towing the vessel some 15 miles back to port. After dropping the thankful crew at He’eia, Craig headed to KYC to weigh his fish. As he did in the first tournament of the year, Craig weighed a total of 9 fish. The largest Ahi weighted 38 lbs and eventually became the only qualifier of the monthly tournament. Not only did Craig win the October tournament, his point total beat out yours truly (who lost 5 qualifying fish on Sunday) to win the status of the KYC Fishing Fleet 2012 Fisherman of the year. No one is more deserving as Craig participates, catches, and saves, all in one motion. Congratulations buddy! We still have one month left in the annual tournament. The standings as of this printing: Largest Ahi Kaholo Kai #160.8 Largest Mahi Opae Nui #28 Largest Ono Unreel # 28 Largest Aku Menehune # 17.2 No marlin registered as of this date. The KYC Fishing Fleet is sponsoring a club wide briefing on tsunami debris on November 12, 2012 at 7:00 PM conducted by representatives of NOAA and the University of Hawaii. The fleet will also conduct a meeting prior to the event at 6:00 where we will continue planning the year end party and the 2013 schedule of events. If anyone is interested in participating please stop by. Fishing Fleet Upcoming Events: NOAA Tsunami Debris Briefing November 12, 2012 7:00 p.m. Lecture 6:00 p.m. Fleet Meeting Above: Fisherman of the year Craig Lemquist Below left: Craig and crew with their March 2012 tournament catch of ono and mahimahi. Hawaii’s SOLAR Authority Interested in Going Solar? Call Mike Barker at (808) 554-8984 or e-mail at [email protected] 9 Tommy Henshaw and Leah Ford at the I14 Youth Clinic Elise Leroux and Doug Gordon Leah Ford center, Ian Andrewes right I14 photos: Kai Andrade 2012 International 14 U.S. National Championship Oct. 15-17 Final scores; nine races with one discard; 1. Hayter/Neighbour . . . . . . . .9 points (Seven bullets) 2. Ruetnik/Murray . . . . . . . . . .26 points 3. Goodson/Diercks . . . . . . .33 points 4. Bersch/Hanseler . . . . . . . .33 points 5. Gleeson/Buffalo . . . . . . . . .38 points 6. Bundy/Lanzinger . . . . . . . .46 points 7. Henderson/Andrewes . . . .54 points 8. Rutz/Radjowski . . . . . . . .56 points 9. Twardowski/Hamilton . . . . .61 points 10. Arnold/Gremaux . . . . . . . . .82 points 11. Laflin/Henderson . . . . . . . .86 points 12. Rogers/Burks . . . . . . . . . . .93 points 13. Schumaker/Johnson . . . . .101 points 14. Reinsch/Shenstone . . . . . .102 points 15. Pochereva/James . . . . . . .109 points 16. Leroux/Gordon . . . . . . . . .117 points 17. Hey/Keefe . . . . . . . . . . . .144 points 10 Tom Pochereva and Shelly James 2012 International Moth National Championship Oct. 19-21 Results: Anthony Kotoun Eric Aakhus Dalton Bergan Matt Knowles Charlie McKee Zack Maxam Ian Andrewes Simon Propper Alain Huggler 19 Mach2/KA MSL 16 38 Mach2/KA MSL 10/13 48 Mach2/Raptor 50 Mach2/KA MSL 10D 57 Mach2/Raptor 62 Mach2/North 93 Mach2/Raptor 112 Mach2/KA MSL 10 136 BR'er/Raptor (His 16 was in the stuck container) KYC Member Ian Andrewes sailed in both the I14 and Moth Nationals Moth photos: Jeff Baldwin 11 Hours: Sunday 10:00 - Noon Thursday 5:30 - 7:00 Bay Dream Cover Up $20 Ladies Polo - $25 pink & blue Pintuck Tunic - $28 pink, white, aqua & black Men’s Regatta T - $16 Infant & Toddler T - $12 (6mo - 4T) Turtle, Three Sailboats Youth Regatta T - $12 Sleeveless Dream Tee - $16 Men’s Twill Shorts - $35 KYC Tote - $25 12 Beach Bag - $33 Duffel Beach Bag - $33 6SHFWDFXODU .DLOXD %HDFKVLGH +RPH Tennis Fleet Donlei Darnell The Clare Lang Tournament was the highlight for October with 10 teams competing for the coveted trophy: Kit and Terry Beuret, John and Sime Gross, Greg and Cindy Siok, Doug and Margaret Peebles, Jack and Sissy Aaron, Rob Rietow and Gail Hutchinson, Bob Yoder and Sally Bogert, Aaron Phillips and Betsy Denzer, Andy and Connie Lopez, Leonard Gollub and Peg Tatum, and Rich Heaton and Jean Fernie. Finishing in second place was Greg and Cindy Siok and the winners were Andy and Connie Lopez. They played eight sets to earn the trophy and that's a lot of tennis folks! Thanks to Rich Heaton for setting up the tournament and being on site the whole day. That's over and above and very much appreciated. Following the tournament was the delicious potluck featuring our best German recipes and it is guaranteed that no one went home hungry. Making all this good eating possible are the efforts of Chuck and BJ Schrader, who make sure we have all the necessary supplies. They have been doing this for several years and have it mastered. What a wonderful support they are to the fleet….so the next time you see them, please let them know you are aware of all they do. November will see fleet members tasting chili recipes from our best cooks and trying to decide which ones they like best. We are hoping for cold weather to make the hot chili even better. Before the tasting there will be a round robin tournament and we invite all KYC members to join us on the courts for some friendly tennis. Details to follow. Planning has started on the fleet Christmas party to be held at KYC on December 15. The theme will be 'Santa" and anyone interested in decorating a table should contact Donlei Darnell. You may choose any size table to decorate and remember, the theme is 'Santa'. More information will be announced soon. I'd like to thank Ron Dodini on behalf of the whole fleet for enlarging and refreshing our Tom Collins Trophy. We had run out of room and he solved the problem and then cleaned and shined the whole trophy. Now we can add winners for years to come. What talented fleet members we have! For any information on the Tennis Fleet call Donlei Darnell. 7KLV ´GHVLJQHU SHUIHFWµ WKUHH EHGURRP WKUHH EDWK EHDFK VLGH UHWUHDW KDV RQH RI WKH EHVW ORFDWLRQV LQ SUHVWLJLRXV .DLQDOX 3DUN ,W LV GLUHFWO\ DFURVV IURP WKH SULYDWH JDWHG DFFHVV WR WKH IDPRXV ZKLWH VDQGV RI .DLOXD %HDFK )HDWXUHV TXDOLW\ FRQVWUXFWLRQ RSHQ EHDP ÁRRU SODQ UHPRGHOHG NLWFKHQ DQG EDWKV DQG WURSLFDOO\ ODQGVFDSHG \DUG ZLWK D VSDUNOLQJ SRRO 2IIHUHG DW 5HÁHFWLQJ ([FHOOHQFH LQ 5HDO (VWDWH &RQQLH &DUYLOO 5HDOWRU &56 *5, ´<RXU :LQGZDUG 2DKX 6SHFLDOLVWµ 1 .DODKHR $YH 6XLWH $ .DLOXD +DZDLL 2IÀFH 7ROO )UHH )D[ ZZZFDUYLOOFRFRP Winners Connie and Andy Lopez Spectators enjoying the match. 13 Greg and Cindy Siok, Andy and Connie Lopez Annual KYC Christmas Tree Decorating Party Deckhands Ann Bachmann Halloween has vanished, and the Turkey is flying to the table. It's time to remind you about the Keiki Christmas Party with snow, arts and crafts, face painting, balloons and dear old Santa. Sandwiches and punch will be served. Just in time to help with your Christmas shopping, here's some Locker News: Ladies Christmas "Bow-wow" and "Meow-meow" shirts are available in red and black. As always, we have a great selection of t-shirt designs for both men and women, caps and hats, KYC glasses, towels and lots of other merchandise. Have a very "Gobble-ly Good Thanksgiving", and see you when the snow falls! Kaneohe Yacht Club traditionally holds a Christmas tree decorating party in the bar on the Wednesday following Thanksgiving Day. Members come with a lovingly created homemade ornament and a pupu. The ornament is tagged with their name and year before it is hung on the tree. Everyone helps to decorate the huge Norfolk Island pine tree that is sometimes donated by a member. MEMBERSHIP REPORT It is fast approaching that time of year again! First on the agenda: WE NEED A TREE! Does anyone have, or know of someone who has, a 12 to 15-ft. Norfolk Island pine that they would like to donate (or get rid of) to KYC ? Please contact Iwalani Stone ASAP with information (Phone: 239-7105 or (c) 222-9541). We must secure a tree no later than Sunday, November 25. by Rick Villalobos Membership Count as of October 1, 2012 SENIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .600 LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 ASSOCIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 INTERMEDIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 LIFE FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 JUNIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . .99 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .868 WHAT: KYC Bar Christmas Tree Decorating Party WHEN: 1800 hours (6:00 p.m.), Wednesday, November 30 WHERE: Inside the KYC Bar HOW: Bring an ornament (preferably hand-made) and a pupu to share. All members are welcome! Sponsoring members should bring their new member friends and introduce them to this fun tradition. Wear something festive and prepare for holiday cheer! Art Nelson Sailmaker Ullman Sails Hawaii 1163 Kona Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 808.593.9958, 808.591.9056 Fax e-mail: [email protected] Awnings & Canvas • Riggers & Sailmakers by Trade Open Monday thru Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Contact our sailmaker Marc Barra for pick-up and delivery to KYC. OUR PRODUCTS COME WRAPPED IN OUR SAILING EXPERIENCE. Hardware Line Epoxy Rust Protection Antifouling Paint Remember, Ullman Sails, the fastest sails on the planet. Visit Art Nelson Sailmaker for your boating needs. Special order equipment is welcome. 14 Keiki Halloween Party 15 16 17 18 YOUR FRIENDS AT THE KYC GALLEY HAVE PARTNERED UP WITH THE BEST NEW RESTAURANT IN KAILUA AND WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU THE FOLLOWING FOR A DINING EXPERIENCE AT THE GROVE. 2 ( 03 < ( ( / ( > DISCOUNT OF 10% OFF ANY DINING EXPERIENCE AT THE GROVE 0 0º W W W .G R O V E K A I L U A . C O M 33 AULIKE STREET KAILUA, HI 96734 808-262-2898 (OFFER NOT VALID ON THURSDAYS, HOLIDAYS, OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER PROMOTIONS) *PRESENT YOUR GATE CARD FOR PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP UPON ARRIVAL* ENJOY SEASONAL MENUS AND SPECIALS TRY THE NEW “SMALL PLATE” MENU FRESH, LOCALLY SOURCED PRODUCE, SEAFOOD, AND MEATS WEEKLY BAR SPECIALS AND MORE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads are free to KYC members. Please submit your ad copy by the 15th of the month prior to publication. [email protected] - 247-4121 Mahalo BOATS ONE MAN KAREL FIBERGLASS OUTRIGGER CANOE. Good condition, one owner. Includes paddle. $1,200. Call Mike or Shannon at 595-2914 RANGER 33 - lots of sails, spares & extras, diesel engine. Perfect for sandbar or neighbor island cruising . . . See it at KYC E -14 -- Contact Jim Fleming 754-5626 33’ DONZI Z33 CROSSBOW TWIN 460 COBRA Less than 2 hours on them. Forward berth, head, (2) freshwater sinks, refrig/freezer. Soft ride, tops at 70 mph. Brand new, 2011 Triple Axle Aluminum trailer with 6 disc brakes. $51,500 636-1622 38’ CATALINA / 2000 / $121K / KYC G 62 / contact Don Brown 262-7001 Hawaii’s Hawaii’ s ONLY IIn-Water n-Water Yacht Ya Y acht Brokerage Brokerage The One-Stop Shop For: T he O ne-Stop Sh op F or: Sales Repairs Sa les • Maintenance Maintenance • R epairs Offering Moorage For O ffering Pre-Sale Pre Pr e-Sale Mo orage F or Boats Boats Up Up To To 80’ 8 0’ Located L ocated iin n Ko’Olina Marina Marina (808) (8 08) 256-5206 256-5206 w [email protected] MISCELLANEOUS 19 TRAILER RENTAL WANTED: for a Ranger 23 for one week in order to do some bottom work and polishing. George Marsden 305-360-2890 Telltales Kaneohe Yacht Club 44-503 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744 Telephone 808-247-4121 Fax 808-235-8180 Email: [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Commodore’s Ball Saturday, December 8 Cy Gillette Race KYC Awards Ceremony November 18
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