2015 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital


2015 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital
Lorenzo Souza with Dad and Marsha Valentzas, R.N. at 2015 Health Fair.
ince our last letter to you in 2014, Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital has begun work on two major initiatives
that will add depth and breadth to the range of our
services to the Island community. We are converting
the Hospital’s former billing offices, known to everyone as
the Red House, to a crisis stabilization unit which will be
spearheaded by Martha’s Vineyard Community Services in
close collaboration with our Emergency Department. And in
the former Emergency Room of the Hospital’s 1972 wing,
we are building a new walk-in clinic to address the need for
convenient access to noncritical care. We are very excited
about these two important additions to our delivery of care.
Our formal mission statement speaks of “Providing
or arranging for the provision of” healthcare – an
acknowledgment that a small rural facility like ours cannot
offer every specialized service of a large urban teaching
hospital like our affiliates in Boston. But in fact, thanks to our
new physical plant, advances in telemedicine and a strategic
partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital now offers a growing list of new services on
the Island. Services such as urogynecology, infusion therapy,
pain management and cardiac ICD clinics that a short time ago
would have required a trip to Boston, can now all be done right
here at home.
Meanwhile, the miles of computer cable and months of
programming work involved in the creation of paperless
medical records are beginning to pay off in a big way, as
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital can now mine its own data for
opportunities to improve the quality of our service. In the
delivery of healthcare there really are no unimportant details
– and now that our data is digital rather than buried in rooms
full of paper records, we can begin to uncover efficiencies
and deficiencies in our delivery of care and share with our
providers meaningful ways to improve.
We are pleased to report that the financial health of Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital remains strong. However, the continued
red ink at Windemere, our independent living and skilled
nursing care facility, remains a challenge for us. Despite
Windemere’s five-star rating and award winning care, the
state’s reimbursements for the care of our seniors continues
to fall far short of the actual costs. We are working with the
Commonwealth on two fronts: to show how important having
a nursing home here on the Island is for local families, and
to show that the so-called “Island factor” has a very real and
burdensome effect on our cost of living. We remain confident
that in the end the state will come to fully appreciate the
wisdom and value of ensuring Windemere is always here to
serve the residents of Martha’s Vineyard.
Finally, we’re proud to announce that Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital was again named as one of the top 100 critical care
hospitals in the United States by Ivantage Health Analytics.
Additionally, and even more humbling, the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid just released a new rating system for
all hospitals that awarded MVH 5 out of a possible 5 stars.
This places our island hospital in the top 7% of all 3,553
hospitals in the country. This accomplishment is made all
the more impressive when you consider the challenges that
seasonality brings to the delivery of our care. Ramping up our
staff and services to serve well over 100,000 residents from
18,000 for three months of every year without missing a beat,
is no easy task but one that our health providers and support
staff do each and every year – and they do it exceptionally
well. We are very lucky and thankful to have such a dedicated
and professional team at MVH.
However, we remain far from satisfied. We are determined to
press forward, exploring every opportunity to further improve
the quality, availability and delivery of our care. We owe the
Vineyard community that so generously supports and sustains
this institution, nothing less.
Thank you again for your support and for entrusting us with
your care.
Timothy D. Sweet
Chairman of the Board
Timothy J. Walsh
President & CEO
Dear Hospital Supporters,
hat a winter! Among the snowiest on record for the
Vineyard. Yet despite the weather, it was business as
usual at the Hospital. When snow made travel nearly
impossible, physicians, nurses and other support
personnel spent the night to ensure that all of our patients were able to
be cared for – a testament to the culture of quality care that is at the core
of our mission.
Since I last wrote to you, we have been working diligently to further
our goals related to quality improvement. Coordination of care and the
patient experience has been a major focus. We have been transitioning
to a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model. Developed by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, this approach recognizes
that revitalizing the nation’s primary care system is foundational to
achieving high-quality, accessible and efficient healthcare for all. The
PCMH is a promising model that can transform an organization by
improving the delivery of primary care and as a result, also improve
quality, safety, efficiency and the effectiveness of our healthcare system.
Dr. Pieter Pil, Chief of the Medical Staff, introduces Robert Cornelius to the
latest in laparoscopic surgical tools at the annual Health Fair.
Here are just some of the highlights of the past year:
• Martha’s Vineyard Hospital was recognized as a five-star facility by Medicare on the government’s Hospital Compare
website www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare. Nationally, of the 3,553 hospitals included in the review, 251 hospitals
received an overall rating of five stars. In Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital was one of just three hospitals that
received the five-star rating.
• We now offer 3D mammography thanks to a very generous donor and a very supportive community. The new unit makes
a greater distinction between healthy and abnormal tissue, which means earlier cancer diagnosis and fewer false positives
requiring unnecessary callbacks.
• The Surgical Department was able to purchase a laparoscopic trainer thanks to another generous donor. The trainer
aids in teaching surgical assistants new techniques that help them support the surgical team during more complex
laparoscopic procedures.
• The Anesthesia Department developed tele-ICU services in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital to give us
the ability to provide further critical care to medically complicated patients.
• The Emergency Department now employs medical scribes – trained medical information staff who specialize in charting
physician-patient encounters in real-time during exams. This process reduces paperwork for our physicians, freeing them
up to spend more time with their patients.
And our work continues...
My thanks to all of the Hospital’s staff for their efforts and dedication to caring for the Vineyard community and our visitors.
And my thanks to all of you for your generous support and for joining with us to make our Island hospital the best it can be.
Have a safe and happy summer.
Pieter M. Pil, MD, PhD
Natasha Hartmann, Mammography Department supervisor and technologist, at left and Tina Maloney, Director of Diagnostic Imaging, with the new 3D tomosynthesis unit.
campaign to bring state-of-the-art 3D mammography to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, begun last fall,
came to a happy conclusion in January with a single generous gift of $400,000 from Shelley and Allan
Holt of Chilmark and Washington, D.C.
This May, a new Selenia Dimensions mammography system from Hologic went into service in the
Hospital’s imaging department, bringing an accuracy to breast screenings that previously was available
only with a trip to the medical centers of Boston.
The campaign to bring this service to the Vineyard was already winning broad support when Tim Sweet, chairman of the
Hospital board, received a call from Mrs. Holt offering to pay for a new 3D tomosynthesis machine with a single check.
“Allan and Shelley had already given generously to the construction of the new Hospital,” says Mr. Sweet, “and now they
were offering to help again. We can’t thank them enough.”
Digital tomosynthesis is a revolutionary new imaging method, producing a three-dimensional view that helps radiologists
study breast tissue with a detail never available to them before. Dr. Deborah Hall, a longtime radiologist at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital, still remembers her first experience with this new technology. “The very first 3D images I saw were
amazing,” she says. “This means earlier cancer diagnoses and fewer false positives requiring fewer call-backs, reducing
patient stress and anxiety.”
Explaining the thinking behind their generosity, Mrs. Holt said, “Now the women of Martha’s Vineyard have access, without
leaving the Island, to the latest and best mammography equipment for the detection of breast cancer.”
For Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, the Holts’ gift has had a double benefit. Vineyard women are now enjoying the
availability of the latest in diagnostic technology, and the supporters who had already given some $250,000 toward the 3D
tomosynthesis machine have agreed to redirect those funds toward a Philips Heart Monitoring system for the Hospital. The
new system allows for the transmission of a patient’s vital signs, in real time, into the electronic medical record.
Says Tim Walsh, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital’s president and CEO: “I am so grateful to Shelley and Allan Holt and all of our
contributors who joined in support of this effort. Thanks to them, we far surpassed all our hopes.”
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is pleased to welcome Dr. Sonya
Stevens who joined with Dr. Melanie Miller to provide patientcentered pediatric and adolescent care at Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital on July 1st.
With Dr. Stevens onboard, the Hospital
now has one unified pediatric practice
with two doctors, operating five days a
week and during select weekend clinics.
Joining the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital staff, Dr. Stevens says,
is something she and her family have been talking about for
years. “We have many family ties on the Island,” she says.
Her two grandmothers, Mary Stevens and Virginia Besse,
were founders of Featherstone Center
for the Arts in Oak Bluffs. She’s also
related to the Vose and Lovewell families
in Edgartown, and her great-uncle is
Reverend Alden Besse of Vineyard Haven.
Dr. Sonya Stevens has been coming to the
Island to spend time with her extended
family here for her whole life. She and
her family moved here full-time in June
2014, and as of July 1st this year, she
cemented that move by becoming a fulltime member of the Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital medical staff.
Her family’s transition from Sudbury to
Island life has been everything she hoped
it would be, Dr. Stevens says. She and her
husband, who works for the international
firm Genzyme, have four children – two
of them enrolled at the Tisbury School.
“We knew it would be a relatively easy
transition,” she says, “because we’ve been
spending so much time here for years.
Dr. Stevens, a board-certified pediatrician,
Our kids have a lot of friends who are
is a graduate of Brown University and
Islanders.” The Vineyard, she adds, is a
Dr. Melanie Miller and Dr. Sonya Stevens.
the University of California School of
perfect setting for some of her favorite
Medicine, San Francisco. She completed her pediatric residency
recreational activities: she’s an avid runner and enjoys sailing
training at Yale-New Haven Hospital, practiced from 1998and sailboat racing with her family.
2001 in Brookline, and most recently has been with Post Road
Pediatrics in Sudbury from 2001 through June 2015.
For an appointment please call: 508-693-3732
Office hours are:
Monday, Thursday & Friday 7:30am – 4:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30am – 7:00pm
Select Saturday clinics from 9:00am 12:00pm (patients should call the office for urgent appointments)
To parents of children without a current primary care provider, you are encouraged to call: 508-693-3732.
Hundreds of Vineyarders took time to attend the 20th Annual Health Fair this March. Hosted by Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, the
event drew a record number of providers who offered up demonstrations, screenings and information at no cost to the participants.
Fair goers were able to get hearing, glaucoma, asthma, body mass index, melanoma, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings;
attended seminars on the importance of childhood vaccinations and the hospital’s Baby-Friendly initiative, and learned how to sign
up for Patient Gateway, a secure and convenient way to access personal medical records and connect with your doctor’s office.
Three hundred attendees received free copies of Laurie David’s new book, “The Family Cooks.”
When Dr. Daniel Pesch came to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital in
2010 from a position as chairman of the OB/GYN department at
a large Chicago hospital, he began referring many of his Island
patients to Dr. Neeraj Kohli, medical director of Boston Urogyn.
Dr. Pesch’s patients gave glowing reports
of their experience with Dr. Kohli and a
professional friendship was born.
“The funny thing is that in the early days, people used to
confuse urogynecology with me going to Europe and operating
there. Actually, it’s a cross between urology and gynecology.
The terminology we now use is female pelvic floor medicine.
“We concentrate on conditions of the
pelvic floor, which most gynecologists
and urologists may not be familiar with.
These include overactive bladder; urinary
incontinence and pelvic prolapse; fecal
incontinence, pelvic pain syndromes,
urinary tract infections, post-mesh
complications and fistulas.”
“My patients have gotten excellent care
from Neeraj,” says Dr. Pesch. “He’s so
capable – I’ve had nothing but good
comments from patients who’ve come
back from seeing him.” In fact, says
Dr. Pesch, “We’ve been sending so
many patients up to Boston, we finally
decided: maybe it’s worth bringing him
down here.”
Most of the conditions Dr. Kohli treats are
chronic and worsen over time. “As Dan
sent me more patients,” says Dr. Kohli,
“and got positive feedback from them,
we realized there was an under-served
community here on the Vineyard.”
That’s just what Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital has done, launching a new
Dr. Neeraj Kohli brings new service to the Island.
urogynecology clinic in May that brings
Dr. Kohli to the Island for two days each month – doing
Dr. Kohli says the vast majority of the procedures he performs
procedures on Thursdays and seeing patients on Fridays.
can be done under local IV sedation on an outpatient basis with
excellent results. This makes urogynecology an ideal service to
Dr. Kohli is a nationally recognized surgeon in the emerging
be bringing to the Island, where patients can so easily go home
sub-specialty of urogynecology. He founded, and for eight years after an appointment at the Hospital.
headed, the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive
Pelvic Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. A
Dr. Kohli makes a few central points in explaining his medical
Fellow of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
sub-specialty: “First of all, most of these conditions are not a
since 2004, he is an assistant professor of OB/GYN at Harvard
normal part of aging – you shouldn’t have to suffer with them.
Medical School, has written dozens of articles in scholarly
Second, the vast majority of these conditions can safely and
medical journals, and has been invited to lecture at medical
effectively be treated. Finally, we have a range of treatment
centers and universities across the United States.
options from very conservative to a little more aggressive. Our
complication rate is less than 5 percent, and our success rate for
Urogynecology, he says, is such a new and rapidly evolving
treatment is probably in the 85 percent range.”
specialty that even its name isn’t entirely settled:
Senior managers and department directors take part in quality improvement project.
edside stools for doctors,
pneumatic tires for nurses’
carts, silent latches on
hundreds of cabinets –
all these are signs that
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is on a
mission to improve the quality of the
patient’s experience.
with the detailed reports provided by
Press Ganey, Mr. Walsh says, the entire
Hospital staff has embraced the effort.
Hospital management and staff are
breaking down the details of every
transaction from the moment of
admission to the doctor’s final entry of
summary information into the medical
record after a patient’s discharge. Two
tools have made this comprehensive new
effort possible, says Timothy Walsh,
Hospital president and CEO: survey
reports from patients and data mined
from the Hospital’s own new electronic
records system.
The patient survey data comes to the
Hospital from Press Ganey, a consulting
firm which works with more than
10,000 health care institutions across
the country. Press Ganey’s reports
drill down into the minutest aspects
of the patient’s experience, from the
helpfulness of the first person who spoke
with them on arrival, to waiting times
at each stage of their care, the courtesy
of doctors and nurses, the quality of
the pain control they received and the
home care guidance they were given
on their departure.
“There’s a huge investment of time
involved when you set out to understand
exactly what the process is and then
understand how to make it better,” says
Mr. Walsh. All told, it took Hospital
managers and staff the better part of
two months to craft strategies that have
improved the hand-off of a patient who
visits the ED and is then admitted to
an inpatient bed. Doctors who oversee
admissions to the inpatient care unit are
now expected to write orders within 60
minutes – and this timeframe will be
shortened to 30 minutes when the staff
becomes familiar with the process.
Turning their attention to the inpatient
unit, the Hospital’s quality improvement
team found complaints from some
patients about noise during their stay.
Brainstorming followed, and now the
cabinets in every Hospital room – some
300 of them – have silent latches. Now,
every cart that rolls through the inpatient
unit is fitted with quiet, pneumatic tires.
The Hospital now has its own decibel
meter, says Mr. Walsh, and is looking
closely for still more ways to quiet
things down.
This Hospital-wide effort is expanding
on a dramatically successful push to
improve service in the Emergency
Department. “Now,” says Mr. Walsh,
“our ED is outperforming 98 percent of
the hospitals that Press Ganey surveys in
the United States.”
No patient who could see how
obsessively Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
management and staff pore over these
Press Ganey surveys would ever again
wonder whether they’re worth filling
out. Staff go over them, line by line,
and the summaries are posted in break
rooms. “People take a lot of pride here,”
says Mr. Walsh, “when they see their
survey scores improving.”
Crunching the minutiae of the patient
experience and finding opportunities for
improvement is challenging work. But
For doctors, something as simple as
taking the time to sit down and speak
with a patient at eye level can make
all the difference in our patient’s
satisfaction with the hospital experience.
This spring, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
purchased stools for every room so the
doctors can do just that.
Another line of the Press Ganey survey
suggested that the Hospital could do
better communicating with patients
about their medications. “The Pharmacy
had signs made for every room that
say if you have a question about your
new medications, just call us and a
pharmacist will be happy to talk with
you,” says Mr. Walsh.
The success of this intense focus on
quality at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is
even beginning to draw attention from
other hospitals across the country, Mr.
Walsh is proud to report: “We’re getting
calls from Press Ganey saying there’s a
critical access hospital in Missouri that
would like to talk to the staff member
who worked on this quality improvement
project for you.”
Says Tim Sweet, chairman of the
Hospital board: “Incremental, constant
quality improvement is what we’re doing
here. What we’ve been able to do with
tools like the Press Ganey survey is get
the focus smaller and smaller – and the
results are larger and larger. These little
things really do make all the difference
in the world.
“This is about people being willing to
admit, although it might sound funny,
that we are a service industry, and we
need to act accordingly. All the little
things we can do to make someone feel
comfortable and feel watched over –
they’re important.”
(Right) Tiffany Vanderhoop and son, Carl Widdiss.
Each December, a tree at the Hospital is lit with hundreds of lights, each
one donated by an individual in honor or in memory of a loved one. We are
deeply grateful to all those who helped to light the tree in 2014 when it was
dedicated in loving memory of our co-worker Stacy Viera.
Jean Marc Levesque
Mannie Viera
Eddie, Sheila and Parker Ben David
Ian C. Araujo
Connie Lima
Sarah Viera
Debra Bosworth
Benjamin A. Araujo
Richie Madeiras
Mary D. Viera
Dorothy Bangs
Charles Mahoney
Miriam Walker
Carolyn R. Brown
Stuart and Dorothy Bangs
Julienne Marshall - My dear sister
Jolanne Warman
Marianne Cerniglia Broast
Diana Bardwell
Kathy Manning Maseda
John S. Wilbur, Jr.
Ernie Chaves & Family
Fritz Bardwell
Sam and Virginia McCormick
Rose Williams
Kenneth Chisholm
Maxine Bardwell
Danny Meader
Thomas Bardwell Sr.
Dr. Kaye Moody
Herbert and Hilde Combra
Dorothy W. Barker
David Munn
Pat and Kerry Alley
Jody Drake
Linda Ben David
Agatha Nagy
Joseph Butynski
Karen Flynn
Paul Bergeron
Joe Nunes
Mary Butynski
Helen V. Gelotte
June A. Bosworth
Raymond E. Olendzenski Sgt
Dr. Malcolm Dunkley
Dorothy Gregory
Bob Bows Sr.
Darla Patriacca
Norma Gaudreau
Virginia Hall
James Broast
Emma Pizzella
Pat Gregory
Jean Hay
Robert Buchanan
Nicholas Pizzella
Ebba Hierta
Island Theatre Workshop
and Cheryl Beaudoin
Shirley Cioffi
Jack Cameron
Diane Jackson
Al Carpenter
Carol and John T. Kane
Dorothy and George Cassell
Nancy M. Kingsley
Sheila Chisholm
Kathleen and Robert Lavieri
Chopper, Fritz and Chipper
Debra S. Levesque
Albert Ciampa
Sonya Lima
Ann Ciampa
Marjorie Look
Carol C. Clark
and Butynski Family
Neil Collins
Judy Lutender
Russell Combra
and Karen Duffy
Nancy A. Corwin
Susan Madeiras
Patricia Costa
Prudence Magee
- My dear sister
Kay and Rick Manning
Deceased Members
Maria Moody
- MV Antiques Club
MV Antiques Club
Arthur B. Dickson
The Nieces and Nephews:
Priscilla M. Dickson
Kendall, Emiley, Samantha, Mitchell,
Charles Drake
Nicholas Drake
Sally W. Dunkley
Ryan, and Brendon
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Stacy Viera’s family lit the tree in her memory.
Tim and Lorraine Nolan & Family
Michael Fallon
Frances Pizzella, Bri
Lorna Flanders
Virginia Pizzellla
Carol and Rick Humphrey
Pat Flanders
Robert “Edgar” Plante
Dr. John Lamb
Frank and Celeste Polagruto
Barbara Flynn
Nickolene Larsen Porter
Dr. Lewis Lipsey
Thomas L. Porter
William Flynn
Joan Porter
Christopher S. Look, Jr.
Marcella and Glenn Provost
Robert Gelotte
Joan Porter
David R. Look
Malcolm and Deborah Reed
Edward F. Grant
Anthony Rebello
William L. Look
Angela Rhoderick
Pat Gregory
Chris Rebello
Betsy Marshall
David and Angela Rhoderick
Alice Hafner
Marilyn Rebello
Bob Murphy
Mrs. Leigh Smith
William “Bill” Hanna
Frank Rocha
MVH Volunteers
Donna Stickles
Judy Hatt
Mary Rocha
My Family
Wendy Tillman and Ruth Rocha
Joanna Horgan
Lorraine Russell
David Rhoderick, Jr.
Deborah Tsitsos
Ray and Myra Houle
Matthew Shea
Jonathan Rhoderick
Penny Uhlendorf
Sam Jackson
Olga Larsen Simmerman
Lara Romeo
Amalie and Jack Kane
Procker Smith Jr.
Windemere Volunteers
Linda and Henry Unczur
Dorothy E. Kelley
Jack Sternbach
Katy Yolton
Jeff and Kathleen Verner & Family
Robert W. Kelley
Bud Stickles
Frederick W. Kingsley
Dick and Ethnè Thrush
Joyce and Walter Kistler
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tillman
Carol and Tom Bardwell
Nancy Luedeman
Stacy Viera
Barbara Baskin
and Meg Buchanan
and Scott Stephens
Jo-Ann Walker
Jeannie B. Wright
Windemere Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Featherstone Center
for the Arts launched the second Art & Memory program this spring.
The free five-week program for people with memory challenges, held
Monday mornings from 10:30-11:30, is led by artist Nancy Cabot.
Open to the community, the Art & Memory program was developed
to create a safe environment for art appreciation and art creation. With
about 10 participants, everyone has the opportunity to express their
feelings during the art appreciation sessions and use the materials
during art creation.
“We understand the fear that comes with the onset of memory
challenges, and art has the potential to allow the individual to become
immersed in an experience that is familiar, calming and restorative,”
says Mary Holmes, Windemere’s Memory Care Program Coordinator.
“Life does not end with memory obstacles, and creating programming
that embraces possibility is what we do really well at Windemere.”
Vévé Voudou III by Loïs Mailou Jones courtesy of MVH Permanent Art Collection.
For more information, contact Mary Holmes at Windemere Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center, 1-508-862-1933.
On April 15, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and Windemere honored the
many volunteers who work with both organizations to ensure patients
and residents have the best possible day. In just the past year, our
volunteers have completed over 10,000 hours of service.
This year, Jonathan Alden was honored as Volunteer of the Year. A
volunteer for seven years, he has logged 1,250 hours of service. Known
for his kind and gentle way with both residents and staff, Jonathan
leads activity programs, helps with outings and enjoys taking residents
out to the garden for lunch.
Jonathan Alden with Ken Chisholm, Director of Human Resources, and Volunteer
Coordinator Angie Rhoderick at this year’s Volunteer Awards.
Since March, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has been making it easier than ever
to connect with your doctor’s office and track your own medical information,
whenever and wherever you need it.
Patient Gateway, a new service developed by Partners HealthCare, lets you
manage your own health online – renewing prescriptions, requesting referrals
to specialists, and accessing reliable health and wellness information, all
securely and at your own convenience.
Hundreds of people served by Martha’s Vineyard Hospital have already
enrolled and created personal accounts, giving them online access to
information like test results, summaries of their medications, allergies,
immunizations, and the ability to request an appointments. Patient Gateway
is an easy and secure way to ask your care team basic, non-urgent questions
and to receive an answer without repeated calls. The Gateway’s summaries
of your personal health information are available and easy to share with other
caregivers, even when you travel far from the Vineyard.
Patient Gateway is built on the idea that better-informed patients are better partners in the management of their own health care. The
service is compatible with iPhones and tablet computers, as well as PCs and Macintosh computers. Enrolling is easy – it starts with a
call to your doctor’s office to receive your Medical Record number, then a visit to Patientgateway.partners.org where you’ll click on
Enroll to create your secure personal account.
Contributions of $50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous (1)
James B. Corcoran Trust
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Stephen C. Luce Charitable Foundation
Contributions of $25,000 to $49,999
Louise, Sven & Anna Betty Carlson Fund
The Goff Family Foundation
Gertrude M. Goff
Mimi & Peter Haas Fund
J.M. Huber Corporation
Ms. Via Lambros
Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard
– Mayhew-Nevin Fund
The New York Community Trust
Contributions of $10,000 to $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Barnes
Agnes R. Butler Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Caruso
Brad & Dorothy Church Trust
Marcia Mulford Cini & William Lee Cini
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Dr. Lois de Menil & Dr. Georges de Menil
The ELMS Foundation
Farm Neck Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Goldstein
Merle & Stanley Goldstein
Lisina Monica Hoch 2012
Charitable Lead Unitrust
Jacobus Family Foundation
Dr. Karen A. Kennedy & Mr. Kevin W. Kennedy
Dr. Laura Roebuck & Dr. William Meehan
& the Meehan Foundation
Donald & Emily Mulford Fund
Mrs. Jane R. Newman
Mrs. Geryl T. Pearl
The Walbridge Fund LTD
Winnetu Oceanside Resort
Mr. Hansjoerg Wyss
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Maurice Amado Foundation
Susan & Robert Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Brown
Karen & Brian Conway
Thea Duell & Peter Cook
Cronig’s Markets & Healthy Additions
Mrs. Mary S. Cronson
Celeste Wetherell-Damon
Mrs. Frances I. Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Doyle
Louie & Ralph Dweck
The Families of Michael & George Eberstadt
Belinda Eichler
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Fink
Ms. Lee Morgan & Mr. James O. Fishbeck
Jennifer Caldwell & John Fisher
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Mr. R. Gardiner
Anne & Sal Giordano
Mr. Robert A. Goff
Carol Brown & Henry H. Goldberg
Graham Hunter Foundation
The Greater New Orleans Foundation
Debby & Martin Hale
Henry Schein, Inc.
. JANUARY 1, 2014 – DECEMBER 31, 2014
Renee & Dan Kaplan
Mrs. Dina Perry
The Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
Lippy & Ed Reade
Boatner Reily Family Fund
Migsie & Gar Richlin
The Rockinghorse Trail Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. E. Burke Ross, Jr.
Estate of Horace L. Salop
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Jacquelyne M. Schuman
Kathy & Paul Severino
The Evelyn Sharp Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Swartz
& The Swartz Foundation
The Swordspoint Foundation
The Tow Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Vineyard Propane
Mr. & Mrs. William Wrigley, Jr.
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (2)
ABM Healthcare Support Services
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bardwell Electronics
Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan
Mrs. Eileen O. Brown
Rosemary & Michael Bulkin
Cape Cod Healthcare
Columbia Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Durst
Ebersol-Saint James Family Trust
Edgartown National Bank
Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.
Betsy & Andrew Forrester
Patsy & Stu Gentsch
Jayne Lipman & Bob Goodman
Anne & Charles Hajjar
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hambrecht
Deborah Hancock & Hancock Real Estate
Charles H. Harff
Nan & Bill Harris
Isenberg Family Charitable Trust
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Contributions Fund
The Howard Johnson Foundation
Tip Kenyon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Beth S. & Seth A. Klarman
Mr. Paul E. Konig
Barbara N. Kravitz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Landreth
Kathleen & Frank Lauinger
Malachy Meade, Inc.
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency, Inc.
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
McGrath & Kane
Metric Corporation
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Sharon A. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Moore, Jr.
William Mueller Plumbing, Inc.
Neighborhood Health Plan
New England Refrigeration & Heating
Judy Newbold
Mr. & Mrs. John Noon
Dr. Karen Casper & Dr. Pieter Pil
Diane M. & H. John Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Rorer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Sacks
Dr. & Mrs. Louis W. Sullivan
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop & Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Claudia Weill & Walter Teller
Arthur Thornhill
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua J. Weeks
Agnes N. Williams
Ms. Lynne Williams
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (6)
AGFA Health Care
Marsha & Patrick Ahearn
Mrs. Caroline B. Akins
Liz Rose & Cindy Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Antonellis
Ms. Leslie K. Williams
& Mr. James A. Attwood, Jr.
Carol & Tom Bardwell
Barbara & Harold Bell
Ms. Helen Benham
Deborah & Robert Bennett
Constance Messmer & Stephen Bernier
Ms. Linda Lipsett & Mr. Jules Bernstein
Helen & Robert Bernstein
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
Ms. Linda Besse
Mr. & Mrs. J. Q. Bonanno
The Boston Foundation
Tess & Kib Bramhall
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Polly Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Budd
Hope B. Woodhouse & Richard J. Canty
Rae & Joseph Carter
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Chasin
Fran & Bob Clay
Coca-Cola Bottling of New England
Ms. Phyllis M. Cocroft
Ryna G. Cohen
The Griffin-Cole Fund
Carol & Ronald Conte
Barbara & Richard Couch
& The Couch Family Foundation
Chris & Bob Cox
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Denise Vose Croft
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. B. Bruce Cummings
Henriette & Norris Darrell
Judy & Ron Davenport
Mary & Bruce Donald
Barbara E. Edelin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Epstein
Barbara & Bill Everdell
Ms. Dianne S. Fanjoy
Feeley & Driscoll, PC
Gene & John Ferguson
Patricia & James Ferriter
Mo & Bob Flanagan
FM Global Foundation
Milton & Harriet Freedberg Foundation
Sylvia & Joe Frelinghuysen
Ms. Mary Gillette
Beth & Marc Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman
Harriett & David Gowell
Kay M. & William E. Griffin
Dr. Timothy E. Guiney
Elizabeth & Lee Guittar
Sarah & Geoffrey Gund
Marian R. Halperin
Jerry Hawke
David V. Hedley III
Michele & David Hedley
Ms. Veronica Hennessy
Minnie & Brent Henry
Hoch 2011 Family Charitable Trust
Sheila & Robert Hoerle
Miss Isabel B. Hooker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz
Ginny & Lou Hoynes
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Joy Street Foundation
Dr. Jane Martin & Stuart Katz
Kathy & Jerry Kauff
Kelly Family Charitable Fund
BeeBee Horowitz & Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Carol & Jerome Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Kirn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Knez
Elizabeth Brown & Dwight Kulwin
Tammy Coselli & Michael R. Kutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf J. Laager
Martha & Stuart Land
Kathy & Bob Laskowski
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Lawson-Johnston II
Sally G. Leahy
Mrs. Barbara F. Lee
Drs. Ann & Robert Lees
Linda Pennington & Michael Lehr
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Leibman
Clare & Richard Lesser
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lewis
Ms. Charisse R. Lillie
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy W. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lockhart
Diane & Walt Looney
Deborah & Joe Loughrey
The Lunbeck Charitable Fund
Virginia Mattern
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. McCaskey
Melick & Porter, LLP
Mr. John H. Mettler
Christina G. Miller & Stephen W. Miller, M.D.
Susan & Robert Morrison
Ellen & Richard Muglia
Rhoda Nussbaum & Dr. Sam Nussbaum
Mrs. Marianna M. O’Brien
Olive Bridge Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Olivier
The Pacer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Phiebig
Elizabeth & James Pickman
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Pluck
Lia & William Poorvu
Ann L. Prestipino
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Purcell
Mrs. Sharon A. Purdy
Edith M. Radley
Jill & Alan Rappaport
DiAnn & Sandy Ray
Laurie Walker & Don Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Rhone
Clara & Walter Ricciardi
Ms. Dana Ross
Suzanne & Allen Rugg
Bette & Richard Saltzman
Sandpiper Fund, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheuer
Allyne & Fred Schwartz
Samuel Schwartz Memorial Scholarship
Philanthropic Fund
Signet Electronic Systems
Mr. Sumner E. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Simpkins
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sinclair
Mrs. Leigh B. Smith
Mr. Edward B. Southworth III
Margaret Whitton & Warren Spector
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Stanton
Nancy Strauss
Nancy & William Strecker
Detta & Joe Tate
Eleanor H. Towles
Trinity Episcopal Church
Mary & Jerome Vascellaro
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Vietor
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Golf Club
Mrs. Barbara M. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Mason Walsh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Weinberg
Heidi Wild Photography
Skip Winnette
Gage & Rob Woodard
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
Patricia Bacon & Jeffrey Zack, M.D.
Contributions of $500 to $999
Anonymous (2)
John C. Anderson
Evelyn & David Auerbach
Baltimore Community Foundation
Elaine Phoutrides & Dana Bangs
Cheryl & Max Batzer
Paul F. Doherty & David A. Behnke
Ms. Marguerite H. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Berger
Sandy & David Berler
The Boneyard
Ms. Joan Bowman
Mrs. Leigh B. Braude
Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Bromberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Brooks II
The Honorable Ann W. Brown & Don A. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Ewart F. Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fenton J. Burke
Linda & Dan Campbell
Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Michal Cenkl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Chapman
Mr. Kenneth Chisholm
Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. George Wm. Coombe, Jr.
The Cottagers, Inc.
Mary H. Crary
Mrs. Sally S. Cross
Ms. Judith Venuti & Mr. Peter Cserjesi
Margery & Jeffrey Dando
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Darrell
Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dempsey
Colleen & Kipp deVeer
Dr. & Mrs. Jules L. Dienstag
Trudy & Don Dick
Mrs. Ineke M. Dikland
Karen & Paul DiMaura
Donna & James Dixon
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Sandy & David Dolinsky
Denise L. Dooling
Happy & Bob Doran
Andrea & Michael Dubroff
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dworsky
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ezequelle
H. Thomas Fisher
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
John O. Flender
Frame Center
Dede & Woody Frank
Diana & Norman Freed
Ann F. Freedberg
Mary S. French
Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Friedman
JoAnn & Jack Fruchtman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Fulenwider
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Getsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gilman
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Goldberg
Mr. Alan Gowell
Anne & John Grandin
Green Pastures Association
Don Griesdorn
Patty & Brad Griffith
Elizabeth Compton & Eric Grubman
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart D. Halpert
April L. & Albert H. Hamel
Ute & John Hargreaves
Jean Hay
Dodie & Dan Headington
Ms. Myra J. Green & Mr. Jeffrey L. Heidt
Cristine Russell Heineman
& Ben W. Heineman, Jr.
Robert F. Higgins Foundation
Carol & Roch Hillenbrand
Anna M. Hobson
Barbara & Larry Hohlt
Ms. Katherine A. Read & Mr. John Houston
Ms. Karen K. Hudson
Wanda McClain & Tony James
Becky & Walter Jewett
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Ms. Elita Kane
Drs. Kathryn & Dennis Karsh
Catherine Wheeler M.D.
& Andrew Kemper M.D.
Pedie & Bob Killebrew
Dr. Sue Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kramarsky
Dr. Katherine Lapierre & Dr. Peter Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan G. Langley
Lawrence-Lynch Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Lawson-Johnston, Sr.
Rosalind & Louis Lefeber
Mr. & Mrs. F. Andrew Leslie
Leslie’s Drug Store
Mr. Stephen J. Lippard
Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer Litt
Richard K. Lochridge
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Logue
Cindy & Ronald Low
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Veronica & William Lytle
Irene & John MacKenty
Emily Rose & James Marrow
Martha’s Vineyard Endodontics
Mr. & Mrs. Graham A. Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Mattison
Cathy & Scot McCulloch
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McElroy III
Medical Bureau of Economics, Inc.
Mrs. Lillian R. Meleney
Mr. Joseph K. Melrod
Lynn Mercer
Jeffrey Hert, Nadja Michel-Herf, Claire Mollard,
Ben Nebb, Colin Weil, Joshua Weil
& Sonya Michel
Elaine & Howard M. Miller
Nancy & Herb Milstein
Mink Meadows Golf Club
Trudi Mishara
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mitchell, Jr.
Pamela D. McKoin & Dr. Laurence C. Morse
Virginia L. Mortara
David Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Sherif A. Nada
Robin Bray & David Nash
Nasiff Fruit Company
Jean Needy & Dr. Carl Needy
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ollwerther
Our Island Club
Jeffrey Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Partel, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Davis & Mr. Luis R. Penalver
Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard
– Ruth J. Bogan - Ruth Redding Memorial Fund
Cassie Murray & William Plapinger
Lucy Axtell & John Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ranalli
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Randall
Ms. Joan F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Robb III
Sharon & David Robinson
Ms. Andrea C. Ross
Kay & Stan Schlozman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schulte
Schwab Charitable Fund
Jackie & Henry Shaub
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sheehan
Betsy & Richard Sheerr
Carol & Ron Shilakes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Shweder
Lee & Allen Sinai
Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Smith
Margery Meltzer & Cheryl Stark
Deborah Zetterberg & Stanley Startzell
Richard E. Steves
Lisa & John Stout
Suskram Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Thayer
Ms. Kate R. Whitney & Mr. Franklin A. Thomas
Nick Thorne
Neva D. & Melvin D. Thornhill
Tilton Tents & Party Rentals
United Way of Rhode Island
Vineyard Scripts
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Warshaw
Karl W. Weckman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Wheeler
El Edwards & Alan Willens
Ms. Lucy C. Mitchell & Mr. Rez W. Williams
Dr. Shirley H. Wray
Jane W. Zimmerman
Contributions of $100 to $499
Anonymous (12)
20 Main & Nell
Nancy-Alyce & Brian Abbott
Marilyn & Herbert Abrams
Ezola & Earl Adams, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Adelstein
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Alaimo
Rachel & Jonathan Albert
Alchemy Bistro & Bar
Ms. Mary E. Alley
Alliance Print Group
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Anderson, Jr.
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
Katherine & Paul Armstrong
Nancy & Joel Aronie
Mr. Roger B. Arruda
Lenore E. Asher
Jean & Tom August
Maria & Jesse Aweida
Maria & Alan Badey
Elizabeth A. Baker
Bananas Clothing Etc.
Julia & John Banks
Emma & Archie Bankston
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barrett
Trish Barry
Ms. Dorothy C. Barthelmes
Basement Designs, Inc.
Ms. Caroline A. Baum
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bayer
The Beach House
Ruth Faden & Tom Beauchamp
Harriet Louise Bechtold
Becton Dickinson & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bena
Marcelle & Arthur BenDavid
Mr. Edward S. BenDavid, Sr.
Barbara & Bill Bennett
Mrs. Pauline M. Bergantino
Francie & Jack Bergquist
Trudy & Chuck Berman
Mrs. Louise H. Bessire
Eleanor & Harvey Beth
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Blacklow
Buzz Blankenship
Ms. Dorothy L. Poole & Mr. Thomas C. Block
Blue Ribbon Coffee Cake
Sandra & Bob Blythe
Anne E. Bonnet
Ms. Elizabeth B. Borden
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. M. Boyle
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Catherine Brennan
Cecilia & Kevin Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Brennan
Nancy & Alan Brenner
Mrs. Lorraine D. Bressler
Dr. Joseph D. Bronzino
Mr. John O. Brooks
Francine & Pierre Brosens
The Brown Family
Brooke & Eric Brown
Mr. & Mrs. H. Harding Brown
Robert M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Brown
Mr. Victor Brudney
Lynne & William Bruno
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry I. Bryant
Patricia A. Bryant
Ms. Pamela D. Bundy
Dr. Stanley J. Burba
Ann & Herbert Burger
Mr. Frederick H. Burrell
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Butterick
Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Campbell, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Capobianco
Mary Jane & Glenn Carpenter
Barbara P. & Barry J. Carroll
Mr. J. Kevin Carroll
Mr. Robert J. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Casburn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Casella
Mrs. Jean Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Casey
Ms. Dede Rabaioli & Mr. Ronald Cavallo
Wendy & Bob Cavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cazeault
CB Stark Jewelers
Carmine Cerone
Central Jersey Pathology Consultants, PA
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home
Chappaquiddick Golf Club
Mr. Whitney P. Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chastang
Chesca’s Restaurant
The Chicago Community Trust
Margaret & James Chirgwin
Shelley Moore Christiansen
Ms. Catherine D. Young & Mr. James T. Chudy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Clark
Dr. Merrie Beth Dodge & Mr. Philip Clatworthy
Louise & Marston Clough
Margo & Irv Cohen
Sally & George Cohn
Mr. Harold R. Colvin, Jr.
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Comer
The Community Foundation
for the Greater Capital Region
Connolly & Company, PC
Joan & Bill Connolly
Carolyn Connors
Conroy Apothecary
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Conway, Sr.
Charlotte Cook
Mrs. Judith H. Cook
Jenny Young & Donald Corner
Ms. Constance Corsiglia
Mike Cosgrave
Mr. & Mrs. Ian I. Cotterell
E.C. Cottle, Inc.
Neil, Brooke & Zoey Covington
Ms. Laurie Forkas & Mr. David Cox
Candace & Peter Cramer
Crane Appliance and Sound & Vision
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Crawford
Mr. Peter Cronig
Janet Crovatto
Jennifer & Casey Cunniffe
Judy Cunniffe
Rosemary Cunningham
Sally & Russell Dagnall
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo P. D’ambrosio, Jr.
Stephanie & David D’Angelo
Gail & Jerome Davidson
Dr. John A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Ms. Stella L. Dawley
Barbara & Robert C. Day
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Cornelia Dean
Caryl & James Dearing
Betsey S. Delaney
Mary Lou & Jeffrey DeLong
Mr. Celio M. deOliveira
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Derose
Ann C. & Richard J. DeWitt
Jane & Philip Dietterich
Alexis & Daniel DiPietro
Marie & Joe Doebler
Ms. Debra Dolliver
Barbara Rogers & Ron Domurat
Ms. Prudy Carter-Donovan
& Mr. Robert Donovan
Ms. Barbara S. Torrest & Mr. Peter Dormont
Susan & Donald Douglas
Doyle Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Diana M. Dozier
Mrs. Jacquelyn L. Driscoll
Dorothy & John Dropick
Ms. Celeste M. Drouin
Richard & Anna Jo Dubow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Dupuis
Patricia & John Durfee
Mrs. Karen L. Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert P. Earle, Jr.
Edgartown Golf Club
Edgartown Marine
Jenny & Garth Edwards
Judy & Steve Eick
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Eisendrath
Mr. & Mrs. Aziz S. Elias
Elkind Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. G. Corson Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ellis
Ms. Alan S. Emmet
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson F. Eno
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Erdman
Peter E. B. Erdman
Deborah & John Evangelakos
ExxonMobil Foundation
Ms. Carol Dallos & Mr. Michael J. Fabrikant
Dr. Lisa Kantrowitz & Dr. Elliott Fankuchen
Betty & Rod Farrow
Mr. Robert S. Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. Edson Favoreto
Ms. Juliette E. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Fearey, Jr.
Judy & Roger Feingold
Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Feinstein
Donna & Steven M. Feldman
Ursula & Frank Ferro
Lynne & George Fifield
Oliver D. Filley
Joan B. Firman
Mr. John G. Fitzgerald
June & Andrew Flake
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Flam
Jeffrey Y. Flynn
Mr. Thomas L. Flynn Jr.
Ruth & Dan Foland
Carol & Frank Forgione
Ms. Tracy Pollan & Mr. Michael J. Fox
Emily Braun & Andrew Frackman
Gerald Franzago
Dr. Denise Fraser & Mr. James Fraser
Richard M. Freeland
Robert S. Fresher
Dr. Joel P. Friedman
Donna Lee & Richard Frisch
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fruhan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Furtaw
Emily B. Gadd
Neal P. Gade
Ms. Natasha I. Hartmann & Mr. Jason Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Neal T. Galligan
Robyn & Dale Garth
Sharon & Irving Gates
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Gatti
GE Foundation
Beth Gelfond
Mr. Edwin B. Gentle III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Gentle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gershkowitz
Dr. Tracy C. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Gibney
Mary Jane Gilday
Margaret & Frank Gildea
Dr. & Mrs. Brian A. Giles
Cathi & Maurice Gilmore
Drs. R. & M. Gnanadesikan
Henry W. Goethals
Dr. Ellen McMahon & Mr. Arik Goff
Judy & Bruce Golden
Ms. Laurie W. Douglas & Mr. Eugene Goldfield
Mary Lou & Tim Golding
Dr. Meryl & Rabbi Mark Goldman
Ms. Barbara Goldmuntz
Dr. A. Deborah Goldstein & Dr. Joel B. Goldstein
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Goldstein
Anne & Meverell L. Good
Goodale Construction Co., Inc.
Helen Gorenstein
Ms. Lynn McKinley-Grant & Dr. David Grant
Sue Carroll & Jared Grant
Dr. & Mrs. Clifton A. Grayer, Jr.
The Great Put-On
Christie Coon & Allen Green
Carmin C. Reiss & Eric D. Green
Beverly & Arnold C. Greenberg
Ms. Fay E. Greene
Jennie Greene
Mindy & Anton Greenville
The Green Room
The Grill on Main
Neil Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Gurnitz
Dr. Dana Guyer
C. E. Hager
Susan Schaefer & Christian Halby
Deborah & Philip Hale
Gretchen Anderson
& Benjamin Lambert Hall, Jr. & Family
Bill Hall
Marcia & Daniel Halperin
Sarah & Robert Hammett
Mr. John P. Hanavan
Judy & Todd Harff
Sally & Steve Harr
Cynthia & Paul Harriman
Susan Whiting & Flip Harrington
Dr. Clare J. G. Harrington
& Mr. Robert D. Harrington, Jr.
Marge & Jamie Harris
Ms. Linda J. Harris
Gertrude C. & James C. Hart
Anne & Maury Hartigan
Mrs. Elinore F. Hartz
Hartzband Property Management
Terry & Gerald Hass
Susan & Rodney Hass
Mildred & Dick Hasselman
Kathleen & George Haubner
Helen & Sandy Havens
Virginia & Russell Hawkins
Linda & Glenn Hearn
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Hearn
Kathleen F. Hedlund
Phyllis & Peter Heerwagen
Janet & Peter Hefler
Lynda & Dr. Richard Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Fergus Henderson
Nancy & Roy Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Hingham Hockey Boosters
Eric Hintsa
Cathy Hoffman & David Gersch
Sally & Eric Hohenthal
Eleanor & Norman Hohenthal
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
Aurora & Brad Holley
Kathy Coe & Tom Hollinger
Marilyn & Warren Hollinshead
Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Holst-Knudsen
Bette & Bill Hoskins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Huffam III
Mr. John T. Hughes
Carol K. Hulsizer
Lee & Jamie Hunsaker
Nancy A. Huntington
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Hurd
Ms. Aiko Hydeman
IBM Matching Grants Program
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram
Ironwood New England Regional Sales Team
Island Outfitters
Island Source MV
Island Tire & Auto Service
Island Transport, Inc.
Mr. Frederick A. Jacobi
Mr. John R. Jacobs
Mr. Travis B. Jacobs
Ms. Judith Jardin
Tom Jardin
Mrs. Olivia Y. Jenney
Vernon Jernegan
Jewish Endowment Foundation
of Western Massachusetts
J. McLaughlin
Dr. Deborah Wells & Dr. Theodore Jochsberger
Ms. Jeanne E. Staples & Mr. Douglas H. Jones
Karen & Frick Jones
Linda & Gerald Jones
Ms. Sarah Catchpole & Mr. Ward S. Just
Betsy & Bill Kaden
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Kahn
Joan & Eugene Kalkin
Clare & David Kane
Kelly Jo Karneeb
Ms. Pamela Furtsch & Mr. Tom Karoff
Karpet Kare, Inc.
Katydid, Inc.
Mrs. Linda Katz
Ms. Jean K. Kay
Beth Kehoe
Mr. & Mrs. J. Howell Kelly
Mrs. Clara B. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Kerr
Eleanor & John Ketcham
Mr. & Mrs. Warren S. Kimber III
Stephanie & Bob King
Mr. Frederick H. Kingsbury III
Ann & Mark Kington
Mr. Elliott H. Mittler
& Mr. Howard M. Klebanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Klein
Trude Kleinschmidt
Londa Weisman & Sidney R. Knafel
Patricia M. Knapp
Ann & Fritz Knight
Suellen & Tom Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert E. Knipmeyer
Patricia C. Kolbe
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Kopans
Karen Weitz & James Kopf
Barbara & Alvin Krakow
Marianne & Ralph Krause
Dr. Anton O. Kris
Mr. John LaBell
David Lambert
Debbie & Glenn Larsen
Marie & Peter Laursen, M.D.
Ms. Madalyn P. Mattoon & Mr. Carl Lawrence
Ms. Susan H. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Leckerling
The Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation
& David M. Lee, Trustee
Eileen & Gary Lefer
Jan & Bill Lehmberg
Barbara & Kenneth Leish
Mrs. Ann Leonard
Burton A. Lerner
April & Michael Levandowski
Dr. Richard S. Levine
Lois & Edward Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Lewis
Merle & Ray Lincoln
Cece & Rick Lindequist
Ms. Susie Lisa
Mr. & Ms. Norman H. Lobb III
The Locker Room
Margaret Logue
Ms. Joan Z. Lonergan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Long
Ms. Carly Look
Lookout Tavern
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lott
Dale & Frank Loy
Ann & Bill Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Lucas
Lawrence Lucier
Kathy & Ed Ludwig
Joy Carter Luke
Ms. Patricia M. Lyman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Lynn
Mr. William H. Mabie
Maggie MacCowatt
Anne & Tom MacCowatt
Ms. Beverly M. Wright
& Mr. Robert B. MacDiarmid
Joan & Joe MacDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Lanning MacFarland
Lisa & Michael MacKenty
Joan & Douglas MacMaster
Sylvia S. Mader
Mr. & Mrs. William Mahoney
Eileen & Timothy Maley
Hannah L. Malkin
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Malm
Carol & Bill Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mansfield
Evie Miller & Bill Marane
Fay & Robert Marchman
Ms. Audrey J. Marcoe
Ms. E. R. Marshall
Jonnie C. Marshall
Martha’s Closet
Martha’s Vineyard Auto Supply, Inc.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Medical Records Staff
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Radiology Staff
Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust, Inc.
Caroline & Bob Maruska
Mr. Peter J. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Mayhew
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. McCormick
Connie & Max McCreery
Rosalee & David McCullough
Sandy & Tom McGee
Cynthia J. McIntosh
Ms. Jennifer L. Estabrook
& Mr. James J. McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Mechur
Else Membreno
Betsy & Paul Mendelson
Katherine Logue & Ernest P. Mendenhall
Jacqueline L. Mendez-Diez
Irene Hallie Mentzel
Marie & Stan Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Mercier
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Merjos
Claudia Metell
Tricia & Bill Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mezger
Nancy & Harvey Michels
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Middleton
Patricia Fraser & Edgar Milford
Mary B. Miller
Shelley & Paul Miller
Mrs. Susan S. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Moore
Diane & Robert Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Morgan, Jr.
Ms. Angela H. Morris
Mrs. Ana R. Morrow
Dora & Av Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Morse
Ms. Muriel T. Morton
Jo Ann & James Mosley
Judy & Carl Mueller
Carol & Peter Muldowney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin
Dr. & Mrs. Alan M. Muney
Mr. & Mrs. John Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Yasuko Nakajima
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Nalven
Dr. & Mrs. Francis E. Nasser, Jr.
Susan & Stuart Nathan
National Philanthropic Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Mansfield C. Neal, Jr.
Ms. Anita N. Neiman
Mr. F.A. Nelson III
The Net Result
Jane & Andrew Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Newbold
Nancy & Jon Newman
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Judith A. & Stephen F. Nichols
Nike Golf
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Barbara Norfleet
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Norton, Jr.
Ms. Alexis J. Anderson
& Mr. Alexander A. Notopoulos, Jr.
Nancy & Peter Nottonson
Mara Williams Oakes
Kristine A. & William F. O’Brien
Jeanne & Bob Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. O’Leary
Richard Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Ostrow
Barbara & Frank Pados
Mrs. Herman Page
Mr. & Mrs. James Pagliuso
Judith F. Palmer
Helen Schwiesow Parker & J.B. Riggs Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Passarelli
Past & Presents
Ms. Sarah Pattison
Mr. & Mrs. Allen H. Pease
Judy Salosky & Jim Pepper
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Deacon Perrotta
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. James Perry
Ellen & Daniel Pesch, M.D.
Mrs. Landon Peters
Mrs. & Mrs. Tycho Peterson
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Beatrice Phear
Susan Phelps
Mrs. Marjorie H. Phillips
Ann Milstein & Frank Piccione
Ms. Anne Bennett & Mr. Paul D. Pickard
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Pikor
Mary Lou & Anthony Piland
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Lucille & Charles Plotz
Mr. James P. Pober
Gayle Poggi
Mr. & Mrs. Giulio Pontecorvo
Davina E.J. & W. Fergus Porter
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Post
Ms. Ann E. Heron & Mr. Thomas Prendergast
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Price
Priestley, Smadbeck & Mone Real Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Heinz H. Puetthoff
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
Mr. & Mrs. Sumner C. Putnam
Peggy & Rick Quagliaroli
Bill Quinn
Karen I. Bressler
Mr. Donn A. Randall
Karen & Bill Rankin
Ms. Jane Kaplan
& Mr. Ronald H. Rappaport, Esq.
Diane & Brian Reed
Eulalie M. Regan
Diana & Richard Reische
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
Mr. & Mrs. Auguste E. Rimpel, Jr.
John A. Roberts, Jr.
Asta & Lowell Roberts
Belmira T. Robinson
Judy & Craig Robinson
Eileen Robinson
Mr. John H. Rollins
Mary Ann & Randolph Rompola
Jacquelyn & Paul Ronan
Kathy & Steve Rose
Mr. Harry Rosenzweig
Jean Ritchey Ross
Dr. Deidre A. Ling & Mr. Edward H. Russell
Kathleen & Thomas Ruta
Joyce & Vincent Sabatini
Ms. Zoe Zarkades & Mr. Chris Saint-Amant
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Salkever
Sandpiper Realty
Dr. Deborah A. Hall & Dr. Robert C. Sarno
Pamela Willis Savarese
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Schechter
Barbara K. Scherlis
Ruth & James Scheuer
Ms. Linda M. Schlageter
John Schley
Audie & John Schneider
Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn, Inc.
Sally & Jack Schott
Joyce & Stephen Schultz
Cheryl & Bart Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwier
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Sclafani
Mr. & Mrs. Hal S. Scott
Mr. Melvin Scott
Pamela & Christopher Scott
The Seafood Shanty
Linda & Bob Senior
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Dr. & Mrs. Ryan Shea
Richard D. Sherman
Shirley’s Hardware
Ralph Shunk
Ms. Geralda Silva
Dr. Karianne S. Silverman
& Dr. Adam M. Silverman
Kyl & Alan Silverstone
Mrs. Laura M. Simmons
Amy & Edward Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Sirignano
Mr. & Mrs. Barton B. Skeen, Jr.
Diane & Arthur Smadbeck
Smith Bodfish & Swift Company
Mr. & Mrs. Colin L. Smith
Karen & Fredric Smith
Rebecca & John Smith
Ms. Mary S. Smith
Nelson W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Smith
Trina H. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Snider
Ms. Jessie P. Snyder
Ms. Stacey Sperling & Mr. Robert J. Soiffer
Heikki M. Soikkeli
Betsey & Rick Solberg
Kathy & Joe Sollitto
Mr. & Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen
Ms. Anne C. Speakman
Ms. Sharon R. Siegel & Mr. Arnold D. Spevack
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Spillman
The Hon. & Mrs. Norman H. Stahl
Dr. Julia C. Stunkel & Dr. Glenn J. Stalgren
Tony Starr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Steed
Ms. Martha C. Nowycky & Mr. John H. Steidl
Debbie & Gary Stein
Gary S. Stein
Dr. Daniel Steinberg
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Andrea Quigley & Ned Sternick
Ardelia Stewart
Dr. Linda Stewart
Alma & Hans Stibolt
Donna Stickles
Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Stiller
Ms. Heather Hohenthal & Mr. David W. Stone
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Mrs. Sylvia V. Storey
David Stork
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Storti
Ms. Christine H. Ferrone
& Mr. George W. Story, Jr.
Rosemary Chalk & Michael Stoto
Pamela & Jack Street
Geniel & Marcus Strock
Lin & Neal Strohmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stuart
Eva & Eberhard Suhr
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
Gemma & Tom Sullivan
Summer Shades
Ms. Joan B. Leibovich & Mr. Ted Sutton
Carolyn B. Swain, D.D.S.
Claudia & Ed Swan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Swartz
Gerri & Kenneth Sweder
Annabelle & Allan Tait
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tangredi
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
Ms. Kara L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas
Dr. John B. Thomas
Mrs. Mabelle A. Thompson
Janet & Samme Thompson
Julia & Sam Thoron
Erin & Zeb Tilton
The Tisbury Printer
Mr. John Titus
Tony’s Market
Susan & Guy Tufo
Wendy & Skip Ulrich
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
& Merrimack Valley
Janet & Ted Urban
US Foodservice, Inc.
Andrew Vagelos
Mr. & Mrs. Ira L. Van Irvin
Susan & Robert van Roijen
Betsy VanLandingham
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Vaughan
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Judith Villa
Vineyard Cash & Carry
Vineyard Imprints
Vineyard Medical Services, PC
Vintage Jewelry
Lisa Wiesner & Fred Volkmar
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Vorenberg
Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Vose, Jr.
Ms. Julie Smith & Mr. Stuart Vose
Carolyn M. Wadsworth
Mrs. Adele H. Waggaman
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip G. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Washington
Deborah Silliman Wass & Jeffrey Wass
Mr. & Mrs. John Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Colin B. Weir
Ronnie & Mitchell Weiss
Cora & Peter Weiss
Ms. Catherine Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Werthwein
Ms. Jane G. West
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wezniak
The Wharf Restaurant & Pub
Mr. Richard Wharton
Lynne P. & Granville White
Julia & Pendleton White
Susan E. Thompson & Jonathan M. Whiting
Anne & Bob Whittemore
Irene & Arnie Widman
Martha & Bill Wightman
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher H. Wiley
Kathy & Steve Wilkerson
Gregory Willett
Doris I. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph Williams, Jr.
Richard Willinger
Susan & David Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Woerpel
Ann & Mead Wyman
Felice & Henry Yager
Sylvia & Frank Yeomans
Pam & David Young
Patti Young
Drs. Deborah & Paul Young-Hyman
Norma & Arnold Zack
Susan & Lawrence Zielinski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zoll
Lolly Delli-Bovi & Bill Zucker
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (6)
Mr. Jon Abeles
Karen & Michael Achille
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Addazio
Ms. Patricia E. Permakoff & Mr. Barry B. Adler
Gloria & Albert Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Among The Flowers Cafe
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Amstel
Mr. & Mrs. John Andrades, Jr.
Iona Andrews
Mary Ann Angelone
Ms. Joanne F. Arezzi
Sandra Machado & Keiliana Assis
Judy Athearn
Dr. & Mrs. Steven W. Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Aughenbaugh
Wiet & John Bacheller
Betty & Bill Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bakey
Nancy & Ted Balcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Balfour
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. Virginia D. N. Banks
Patricia & William Banks
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barboza
Ms. Norma Barfield
Ms. Evelyn Barish
Ms. Patricia M. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barter
Sue & George Bashian
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Basque
Ms. Jo-Anne L. Bates
Ms. Brenda J. Gerosa-Beal
& Mr. Robert F. Beal, Jr.
John Bean
Mr. & Mrs. John Becker
Diane & Lewis Becker
Nancy & Bill Becker
Ms. Adelle M. Bedrossian
Ms. Lisa Belcastro
Ms. Robin S. Cornick & Mr. John Benvent
Mr. Kenneth A. Berkov
Ms. Marlene Berman
Jean C. Berry
Ellen & David Berube
Ms. Marcy Bettencourt
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Bettencourt
Tracy & Keith Biebelberg & Family
Big Dipper Ice Cream
& Carousel Ice Cream Factory
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Black
Ms. Sherlie Blaise
Ms. Rea Blakey
Nancy & Charles Blank
Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar L. Block, Jr.
Ms. Carol A. Bloomberg
Jo Ann & H. Lee Blumberg
Susie & Woody Bowman
Dr. L. Susan Branche
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley A. Branton, Jr.
Linda & Gary Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Brewer, Jr.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Britt
Rhenda & Clarence Brodnax
Mrs. Joann P. Brown
Ms. Nikki Brown
Sandy & Mike Bruscino
Ms. Katurah Bryant
Carolyn & Chris Buchholz
Mrs. Kristin A. Buck
John H. Bunker, Sr.
Leslie I. Bunker
Ms. Robin Burgess
Ms. Karen D. Burke
Mrs. Gloria Burkin
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Cafaro
Mr. Joseph H. Calamia
Mr. James Calhoon
Martha & Randolph Cameron
Ms. Francie A. Camper
Julie A. Caputo
A. Carballo
Ms. Linda M. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cavanaugh
Lydia & Robert Chidsey
Ms. Holly Heslop & Mr. Charles Christopher
Reverend & Mrs. William C. Cline
Cody, Cody, Cusaon & McCarthy, LLC
Reverend & Mrs. Timothy B. Cogan
Dr. Jordan J. Cohen
Sheila Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Coleman
Ms. Felicia Collins
Ms. Carlene Gatting & Mr. Frederick M. Condon
Marguerite & David Cook
Ms. Emily Cooney
Susie & Steve Cooper
Ms. Valerie Cooper
Patricia K. Correia
Ms. Evangeline Costa
Patricia A. Costa
Ms. Deanna L. Cote
Dr. Nancy S. Cotton & Dr. Paul G. Cotton
Connie & George Cowan
Mrs. Shirley Craig
Mr. Daniel Crehan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Creighton
Ms. Eileen G. Cronin
Ms. Janet Cronin
Jane L. Culbert
Ms. Theresa J. Culletto
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Cunningham
Dr. Dorothy B. Cunningham
Mr. Lawrence Czaplewski
Ms. Elizabeth H. Daniels
Nevenka Kovacevich Daniels
Mr. Edmilson A. Dasilva
Marion & Leo Dauwer
Ms. Deidre Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. De Felice
Ms. Monica Dean
Carol Deanow
Evandro Deoliveira
Aaron Levan Dettra Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Dewar
Ms. Nancy A. DeWolf
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Deyo
Mr. David Diriwachter
Mrs. Marie J. D’Olimpio
Ms. Mary S. Donahue
Ms. Sherrie S. Cutler & Dr. Robert M. Donahue
Jennifer & Doug Donovan
Lal Dowley
Ms. Lisa D. Downing
Ms. Deborah Downing-Ogbolu
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
Mrs. Cassandra F. Drake
Betsy & Craig Dripps
Mr. Alfred M. Duallo
Mr. David Dufour
Suzan Bellincampi & Jean-Marc Dupon
Toni Durkee
Mrs. Carole G. Early
Carolyn Y. Eddy
Edgartown Books
Ms. Rashida A. Edmondson
Garth Edwards 1994
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Ms. Anna Elefant
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Elliot
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Elliott
Sarah Traynor, Charles D. Traynor
& Beatrice Ellis
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Marion & Mark Ellis
Mr. Sheldon H. Elsen
Ms. Brooke Emin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Enrich
Ruth Epstein
Robert E. Erlandson
Mrs. Dorothy G. Esposito
Espresso Love, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Everett
Ms. Connie S. Fishman & Mr. Jeffrey A. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Falchiere
Dr. Adelaide G. Farrah
Ms. Ashley R. Fauteux
Kim Feeley
Samuel M. Feldman
Marcia & Richard Fenn
Merrily & Frank Fenner
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Ferrucci
Ms. Cheryl Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Finley
Karen & Skip Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Flathers
Ms. Mary L. Flynn
Ms. Linda Frances
Ms. Lisa Francine
Mrs. Alice H. Franklin
Betty G. Frazier
Ms. Dorothy R. Freedman
Margaret H. Freydberg
Barbara Seidman & Kim Fuson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Gager
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Gallagher
Zelda & William Gamson
Jeannine & Daniel Garab
Lisa & Chuck Garabedian
Linda & Bobby Garland
Dr. Frances Gaskin & Dr. Conrad Gaskin
Bonnie & Robert George
Ms. Alisson Gerrish
Cynthia & David Gibby
Helen & Dennis Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie F. Giles III
Michele McNiff Gilligan
Mr. Louis J. Giordano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Giordano, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Giordano
Frank Giovanangelo
Mr. William Glazier
Mr. Thomas R. Goethals
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goldfarb
DelRene Goldsmith
Mrs. Maureen A. Gordon
Mr. Saul Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gorman
Mary Gould
Alice Goyert
Mr. Herbert G. Graham, Sr.
Ms. Constance B. Green
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Green
Ms. Dorothy Libron-Green & Mr. Larry C. Green
Donna & Sol Green
Robert H. Grose
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gross
Ms. Ann Marie Reilly & Mr. Timothy L. Grove
Mr. & Mrs. Roy N. Gundersen
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott S. Hall
Nancy & Bob Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hand
Elizabeth & Eric Handler
Ms. Mary M. Holmes & Mr. Adam M. Hanjian
Hanschka Fine Metalworks
Nancy Tutko & Whit Hanschka
Kathryn & Gary Harcourt
Mr. Edward H. Harris III
Ms. Karen M. Flathers & Mr. James R. Hartman
Ms. Jodi Harvey
Theresa & Robert Hasan
Ms. Elisabeth Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Heffernan
Vivian & George Henn
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Hess
Mr. Paul Hillman
Ms. Eleanor R. Hinds
Mr. Daniel B. Hogan
Ms. Peggy E. West & Mr. Charles M. Honart
Ms. Louise Horton
Laurie W. Howick
Ms. Pamela L. Hoxsie
Ms. Sharon M. Hubregsen
Ms. Sue Hubregsen
Dr. Terry F. Kriedman
& Dr. Deurward L. Hughes
Paul Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Humbert
Dr. Shawn Humphries
Ms. Cynthia D. Jones & Mr. Frank B. Hundley
Mr. & Mrs. Herb C. Hundley
Rick Huss Murphy Painting
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Huss
Ms. Josie Iadicicco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Island Cove Adventures
Mr. Kenneth Ivory
Geri Jackson
Judy & Bob Jahries
Judie & John Jaycox
Nancy Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Jennings
Mr. Nicholas Jerome
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Joel, Sr.
Susan & Berkeley Johnson
Bonnie & Bill Johnson
Ms. Wendy M. Johnson
Mrs. Barbara J. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel K. Jones, Esq.
Sandy & Michael Joyce
Dale & Bob Julier
Ms. Barbara A. Kajdi
Dr. Warren & Harriet Kantrowitz
Rosalind & Mark Kaplan
Ms. Iris Gold & Mr. Steven Katz
M. Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Keating
Mr. Thomas R. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kendall
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Kiley
Ellie & Charles King
Ms. Anna L. Kinser
Joyce Morinutz & Jules P. Kirsch
Mr. Jesse Kirshbaum
Mr. Jason Kish
Elaine & Robert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Kleinhans III
Mr. Peter B. Knowlton
Betty & Michael Kogen
Ms. Beth Kostman
Ms. Kait Kram
Ms. May Baldwin & Mr. Elliot Kronstein
Mary & Werner Kuhn
Ms. Linda S. Kurth
Ms. Judith W. La Marque
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Langenauer
Ellen Langreth
Dr. Deborah P. Langston
Mrs. Mary Ellen Larsen
Jane & Tod Laudonia
Jane & Paul Lawrence
Ms. Catherine LeBlanc
Ms. Mariah LeBlanc
Mrs. Eleanor M. Lee
Mr. Guillermo Leiva
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Lenkoski
Carol & Arthur Lerner
l’etoile Restaurant
Ms. Carol Levine
Sandy & Mike Lindheimer
Mrs. Dolores A. Littles
Sylvia D. Loferski
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Ms. Bernice J. Lopes
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
John Joe Lynch
Janet & Michael Macdonald
Marcia & Don MacGillivray
Marcia & Jason Macres
Ms. Jill Macy
Susan H. Macy
Ms. Deborah J. Magiera
Nancy & Robert Magill
Helen & Luis Maldonado
Ms. Tina L. Maloney
Ms. Debbie L. Mandelker
Katherine G. Manning
Susan Markwica
Lisa Bergantino Marquis
Mr. Joao G. Martins
James Masek
Ms. Cassandra A. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mayo II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Mayo Jr.
Ms. Jade Mazza
Beverly & Michael Mazza
Mr. Peter S. McChesney
Ms. Rosemarie McDonald
Ms. Carlene McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. McNally
Ms. Margaret Rogers-Meagher & Mr. Edward
M. Meagher
Mr. Charles Meenan
Donna & Garry Meyers
Ms. Tiffany Michalski
Stefan Miljanic
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton S. Mitchell
Mohawk Rubber Sales of N.E., Inc.
Mr. Stephan W. Moore
Ms. Christopha Moreland
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Morgan
Ms. Nancy Morris
Martha & George Moses
Mr. Rock Mullens
Mr. & Mrs. C. Donald Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Murphy
Mrs. Valerie N. Murphy
Ms. Barbara Murray
Lucy Myers
Ms. Patricia Nagel
Drs. Denise Shapiro & Martin Nager
Ms. Lucille Nash
Ms. Christine Nebiar
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neumann
Ms. Kay Nicolls
Mr. Arthur Norman
North River Outfitter
Mr. Floyd C. Norton
The Oatway Family
Mary E. & William F. O’Brien III
Jo Ann Weiner & Finbarr O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Maruice L. O’Connor
Ms. Sandra L. White-Olden
& Mr. Kenneth Olden
Mr. & Mrs. David Oliveira
Mr. Louis Oliveira
Our Market Corporation
Ms. Barbara A. Wallen & Mr. Gary W. Paraboschi
Heidi & James Parrinello
Emily & Arden Paulhamus
Patricia S. Pease
Donna & Ralph Perricelli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Perrone
Mrs. Ann Perry
Mr. Jonathan Peters
Cynthia & Gerald Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pettenati
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Peura
Ms. Jeanne B. Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Pinn
Judy & Gordon Plank
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Polansky
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Pontes
Margaret & Allen Post
Ms. Samantha L. Potter
Nisa & Peter Poulos
Ms. Lateefah A. Pree
Ms. Patricia M. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Garret Quiring
Mrs. Myrnice M. Ravitch
Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Read
Mr. & Mrs. Bertam Rechtschaffer
Ellie & Joe Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Regan
Sue & Rich Regen
Pavla & Jevon Rego
Lyn & Glenn Reiter
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Ricci
Ms. Kelley R. Risdal
Jennifer Riseborough
Mr. Howard Roche
Pat & John Rodgers
Ms. Gladys C. Rodman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rose
Ms. Carol Rosenthal
Linda & John Rosentreter
Ms. Mary-Patrice Ruocco
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sabin
Mr. Mark A. Saliture
Ms. Patricia P. Sands
Steve Saxonis
Ms. Angie D. Schack
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Schepici
Robert L. Schiffman
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnee L. Schultz
Teresa Scilipote
Mr. William H. Scott
Ms. Paula Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Shemit
Mr. Ralph E. Sherman
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Sherman
Ms. Terilyn Shropshire
Dr. & Mrs. Hanns J. Siegrist
Ms. Danielle Slate
Ms. Chanelle Small
Ms. Anne T. Smith
Beth Smith
Mary Dixon & Tim Smith
Ms. Lindsay Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Solomon
Mrs. Gloria Sonnabend
Alan Sooho
Ms. Carol Springett
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Staszak
Ms. Kimberly Kirk & Mr. Reaan Steenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Stein
Ms. Leslie Stein
Josene Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Stephens
Elizabeth & Robert Sterrett
Christiane & Donald Stevens
Mrs. Kathryn B. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Stotz
Jane F. Street
Sullivan & Worcester LLP
Ali & Rick Sullo
Mr. & Mrs. James Sundheim
Dennis R. Surprenant
Gus Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Swartz
Mr. Arthur Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. William Sweet
Ms. Leslie Tarr
Katherine, Derrick & Philip Teel
Jane & Roger Thayer
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Ms. Anne E. Thompson
Ms. Gretchen Thompson
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Ms. Alexa Thorne
Mr. Robert Tignor
Barbara & Fred Tilden
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Torres
Ms. Annette H. Tran
Teri & Lloyd Trotter
Ms. Anna C. Truckey
Ms. Marla Tucker
Ms. Susan D. Ultan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Unczur
Sheila & Tom Urmston
Jane Creed Vera & Joseph Sequeira Vera
The Verret Family
Vineyard Gynecology
Ms. Lois Virtue
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Walker
Ms. Dawn Larkin-Wallace & Mr. Kevin Wallace
Mr. Alex Walley
Ms. Grace K. Warnecke
Dr. & Mrs. Charles B. Watson
Dr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wattenberg
Penny & Philip Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Weisman
Ms. Katrina Brown & Mr. David P. Welch
Sara & Rolfe Wenner
Mrs. Margot S. Weston
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Whatley
Ms. Joanna White
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Wholley
Mrs. Jane A. Wilbur
Linda Wildermuth
Ms. Marilyn Williams
Ms. Miriam H. Willinger
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Wilson
Wish You Were Here
Mrs. Gabriella H. Woese
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Yapp
Ms. Marilyn S. Yas
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Yelenak
Ms. Dianne Young
Terre & Scotty Young
Dr. Stefan H. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil J. Young, Jr.
Mr. Lindell Younger
Ms. Anna Yu
Peggy & Steve Zablotny
Ms. Jill Zamarro
Moira Gigliotti & Heather Zarkadas
Ms. Cheryl Bakey & Mr. Alden Zecha
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zeller
Ms. R. Jean Zevallos
William Bettencourt
Sondra & Alfred Gelfond
The Marriage of Mary E. Ferriter
Ruth M. Blasi
Katharine Bunker Getsinger
& Michael R. Adams
Robert Bowes, Sr.
Billy Glad
Clarissa Allen
Barbara Bronzino
Reverend John Golding
Thomas Benedict
Dorothy Estelle Brooks-Brown
Thomas Gordon
Reverend Alden Besse
Patricia A. Brown
Pat Gregory
Jeremy Biggs
Jim Cannon
Jerome Gross
Polly Brown
Marie Casey
Thomas Hale
Dr. Karen Casper
Thomas Winn Casey
Marjorie & Alfred Hall
Dr. Lee Ciccarella
Sheila Chisholm
Sheila M. Hanavan
Charleane T. Corrigan
Antonetta C. Ciampa
Mark R. Hanschka
Molly & Jack Crawford
Pauline Coffee
J. Donald Hare
Dr. Judith Davenport
Bertram Cohen
Marion Harff
Dagmar Dockery
David Burns Corfield
Harold H. Hill
Dr. Merrie Beth Dodge
Stacy Viera
Dr. Russell S. Hoxsie
Sandy & Dave Dolinsky
John Coward
Barbara Hughes
Andrea Dubroff
Carlyle & Phyllis Cronig
Wendy Weisman Jenkinson
& in honor of Andrea Dubroff’s
75th Birthday
Adrienne S. Ellis
Dr. Judith Fisher
Noreen Flanders
The Carol Coe Fowler Family
Helen Green
Ellen Carroll Guiney
Dr. Timothy Guiney
Shelley & Allan Holt
Lucille A. Joel
Tuna Kiersted
& in honor of Tuna Kiersted’s
60th Birthday
Dr. John Lamb
Sarah Lolley
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Emergency Room
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Emergency Room Staff
Charles Morano
Ted Morgan
Marci Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. James H. K. Norton
Mary Louise Passarelli
Elissa Holman stretches for physical therapist, Susan White.
The Children
of Shirley K. Powers
Marcella Provost
David Cunniffe
Phoebe Jensen
Barbara Prowe
Maureen P. Cunningham
Ratan Kaur Joshi
Michael Ravitch
Marilyn M. Damon
Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz
The Robinson Family
Lucille Day
Elkan Katz
The Saint-Amant Family
Betty Dickinson
Larry Kehoe
Deborah Hall & Robert Sarno
Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin
Louise & Frank Kernick
Robert Schwier
David M. Ellis, M.D.
Gregory Knapp
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan
Dr. Sam Fankuchen
David H. Kogen
Timothy D. Sweet
Henry Fauteux
Joanne V. Konig
Eleanore Tompkin’s 90th Birthday
George H. Feil
Mindy Kostman
Monina von Opel
Judge John E. Fenton, Jr.
Louis S. Larsen
Deb Silliman Wass & Jeff Wass
Lauress Fisher
Florence & E. Irene Larson
Dr. Jeffrey Zack
Sandy Fisher
Charles Leighton, Jr.
Deirdre Frank
Sam Leighton
David Franklin
Dr. Tommy Littlejohn
Benjamin Araujo
Joan A. Fresher
James Littles
Dorothy & Stuart Bangs
Stephen Friedman
Lee Lockwood
Robert S. Basque
Grace Frye
Viola & Constantine Lopes
Linda A. BenDavid
Robert Geiger
Julienne Costa Marshall
Dr. Thomas McFarland
A. Donald McGrath
Helen McGrath, R.N.
Gail Mayhew Mercer
Alfred M. Metell
Donnie Robert Mills
Rose Morris
Dr. Robert Nevin
Gail Cottle Nichols
The Honorable
James L. Oakes, Sr.
Judith Freiman Olson
Bradford Pachico
Susan H. Parker
Carl Poehler
John Potter
Susan Hurd Quinn
Dr. David Rappaport
Dr. Laura Reid
Polly Ann Ridings
Ted Riseborough, M.D.
Kathleen Conway Roberts
Rupert H. Robinson
Dorothy Lagar Rohrer
Manuel L. Ruiz
Richard Saint-Amant
Horace L. Salop
Adeline Santos
Jane Santos
June E. Shunk
Herbert F. Slater
Georgia Mickle Smith
Margaret Smith
Jack Sternbach
Bud Stickles
Estelle B. Surprenant
Alice Swartz
David Teagan
Katherine & Peter Teel
Frances Tenebaum
Ann J. Tuccelli
Barbara C. Verret
Cynthia Viera
Donna Vose
Helen Warner
Stanley Washburn, Jr.
Basil Welch
Dorothy West
Edith D. Whiteman
Joseph C. Whitney
Susie Whittemore
Ruth & Raymond Young
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Ms. Deborah H. Relyea
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lane Bates
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gertrude M. Goff
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Auxiliary
Debbie & Jim Carter
Diane & Paul Watts
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (1)
Carol & Thomas Bardwell
Deborah & Robert Bennett
Polly Brown
Linda & William Brown
James P. Cahen Fund
Mr. Kenneth Chisholm
Louise & Marston Clough
Barbara & Richard Couch
& The Couch Family Foundation
Patricia & James Ferriter
Carol Brown & Henry H. Goldberg
Marian R. Halperin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kram
Ms. Jean W. Lince
Moses in the Bullrushes
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Olivier
Marcella & Glenn Provost
Lippy & Ed Reade
Rotary Club of Martha’s Vineyard
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop & Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Contributions of $500 to $999
John C. Anderson
Wiet & John Bacheller
Bartlett Tree Experts
R. Britton
Hope B. Woodhouse & Richard J. Canty
Margaret & James Chirgwin
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Cronig’s Markets & Healthy Additions
Corsiglia Fotografica
Jennifer & Casey Cunniffe
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. daRosa III
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
Miss Isabel B. Hooker
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Kiest
Irene & John MacKenty
Madeiras Landscape
Dr. Laura Roebuck & Dr. William Meehan
Joseph Mendolia
Sharon A. Miller
Nancy & Herb Milstein
MVY Radio
Ms. Suzanne Nagy
DiAnn & Earle Ray
Diane & Brian Reed
RM Packer Company, Inc.
Mr. Edward B. Southworth III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walsh
Ruth Welch
Ms. Laurel Redington & Mr. Ray Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zadeh
. JANUARY 1, 2014 – DECEMBER 31, 2014
Contributions of $100 to $499
Anonymous (2)
Corinne & Gerald Adler
Ms. Mary E. Alley
Alley’s General Store
Aurora Electric Solutions
John Bean
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
Kerry & Frank Binder
The Black Dog Tall Ships
Ms. Dorothy L. Poole & Mr. Thomas C. Block
The Boneyard
Book A Boat
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Catherine Brennan
George Brown
Buckley’s Gourmet Catering
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Butterick
Mr. James Buzzuto
Nancy & Dan Cabot
Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Caldwell
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Chappy Ferry
Chesca’s Restaurant
Chilmark Chocolates
Chilmark Chocolates’ Customers
Mrs. Margeret Chisholm
Ms. Rose Chisholm
Shelley Moore Christiansen
Dr. Olga Maranjian Church
Classic Aviators, LTD
Ms. Constance Corsiglia
Judy Cunniffe
Ms. Anna Marie D’Addarie
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo P. D’ambrosio, Jr.
Margery & Jeffrey Dando
Ms. Stephanie Danforth
Judy & Ron Davenport
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Mr. Helio De Oliveira
Jane & Philip Dietterich
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Andrea & Michael Dubroff
Patricia & John Durfee
Barbara E. Edelin
Edgartown National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Egerton, Jr.
Ms. Nancy H. Evoy
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mrs. Edith J. Falcone
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Fearey, Jr.
Gene & John Ferguson
Fiddlehead Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua M. Flanders
Ms. Ann B. Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Franklin
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Milton & Harriet Freedberg Foundation
Henrietta Gallagher
Dr. Tracy C. Gibbons
Mary Jane Gilday
Henry W. Goethals
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Goldstein
The Granary Gallery
Sue Carroll & Jared Grant
Deborah & Philip Hale
Ms. Kathleen Lingren & Ms. Helen M. Green
Beverly & Arnold C. Greenberg
Jennie Greene
Dorothy & Patrick Gregory
Dr. Timothy E. Guiney
V. Jaime Hamlin & Sons Catering
Ms. Mary M. Holmes & Mr. Adam M. Hanjian
Susan Whiting & Flip Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hebert
Louise & Bill Hendry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Ms. Mary J. Hillman
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
The Homemakers Club of Oak Bluffs
Mr. & Mrs. William O’Gorman
Nancy A. Huntington
Dr. & Mrs. Melvyn Hyman
Island Alpaca Company of Martha’s Vineyard
Island Classic Charters, Inc.
Island Propane, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacobs
Jardin Mahoney, Inc.
Vernon Jernegan
Beth Kehoe
Lillian & Raymond Kellman
BeeBee Horowitz & Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Tip Kenyon
Stephanie S. & Charles B. Kernick
Eleanor & John Ketcham
Ms. Doreen Kinsman
Kitchen Porch Catering
Kye 2da Core Training
Wendy Weldon & James Langlois
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. LaPorte
Larsen’s Fish Market
Ms. Michele I. Leonardi
Ms. Carol Klein & Mr. Bruce L. Levett
Lickity Split Logs
Lindsey Morris Provost Photography
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Little
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Mr. Rajendra Maharaj
Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Mallegol
Ms. E. R. Marshall
Martha’s Vineyard Framing
Patsy McCornack
Ms. Allison M. McKinley
Katherine Logue & Ernest P. Mendenhall
Jacqueline L. Mendez-Diez
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Merjos
Ruthie & Claudia Metell
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Ms. Barbara J. Moore
Mr. Fielding Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. George S. B. Morgan
Maggie & Alex Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Morse
Ms. Kathryn Shands & Mr. Joseph Mulinare
Network for Good
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Robert Nicholls
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Norton, Jr.
Nancy & Peter Nottonson
Ms. Cherrie A. Nunes
Glenna Barkan, Laura Befee, Ruth Schaffner
& the Oak Bluffs Council on Aging
Mary E. & William F. O’Brien III
Michelle O’Grady
Ms. Alida O’Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. O’Neill
The Orange Peel Bakery
Our Island Club
Outermost Inn
Pandora’s Box
Jeffrey Parker
Mrs. Beatrice Phear
Susan Phelps
Lucille & Charles Plotz
Gayle Poggi
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
Karen I. Bressler
Edith M. Radley
Mr. & Mrs. John Rancourt
Karen & Bill Rankin
Reclaimed Island
Eulalie M. Regan
Ms. Joan F. Rice
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
John A. Roberts, Jr.
Elizabeth Rose
Macy & Bruce Rosinoff
Ms. Linda M. Schlageter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Seafood Shanty
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Alison Shaw Photography
Dr. & Mrs. Ryan Shea
Ms. Geralda Silva
Ms. Carly Simon
Mrs. Leigh B. Smith
Deborah Zetterberg & Stanley Startzell
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
Carolyn B. Swain, D.D.S.
Claudia & Ed Swan
Sweet Neck Farm
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
Ms. Kara L. Taylor
Tea Lane Caterers, Inc.
Neva D. & Melvin D. Thornhill
Erin & Zeb Tilton
Mr. John Titus
Anna Lowell Tomlinson
Ms. Anna C. Truckey
Verner Fine Gardens
Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Vose, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Washington
Ms. Prudence M. Whiting
Heidi Wild Photography
Christine & Richard Williams
Ms. Katherine Wilson, LMT
Skip Winnette
Winnetu Oceanside Resort
Pat Wittig
Woodbe Farm
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
Sylvia & Frank Yeomans
YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard
Patti Young
Terre & Scotty Young
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Aldrin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Ms. Carmen E. Amadeo
Mr. & Mrs. John Andrades, Jr.
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
The Aquinnah Shop
Art Cliff Diner
Judy Athearn
Bayes Norton Farm
Harriet Louise Bechtold
Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium
Mr. Edward S. BenDavid, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Benedetto
Ms. Marlene Berman
Peyton & Andrew Berry
Betsy’s Dog Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Biros
The Bite
Ms. Helen Blasi
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Britton, Jr.
Rhenda & Clarence Brodnax
Bryn Walker
Julia Burgess
Ms. Betsy Burmeister
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Ms. Abbe Burt
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Cackleberry Farm
Ms. Jacque Cage
Connolly / Cesaro
Chilmark Coffee Company
The Chilmark General Store
Mr. & Mrs. David Christensen
Fran & Bob Clay
Carolyn Connors
Robert H. Conway
Marguerite & David Cook
Patricia K. Correia
Betty & Henry Costabel
Sally & Russell Dagnall
Dairy Queen
Nevenka Kovacevich Daniels
Mae & Chas Deary
Ms. Gloria deBettencourt
Mary Lou & Jeffrey DeLong
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Derose
Dagmar Dockery
Dock Street Coffee Shop
Susan & Donald Douglas
Lal Dowley
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
Dorothy & John Dropick
Edgartown Inn
Edgartown Pizza
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Marion & Mark Ellis
Ms. Brooke Emin
Entertainment Cinemas
Elaine Eugster
Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary
Joan B. Firman
Helen Fischbeck
Karen Flynn
Mr. Adacir Fogaca
Diana & Norman Freed
Frosty Hollow Orchids
Helen & Dennis Gibson
Good Dog Goods
Good Ship Lollipop, LLC
Mr. Herbert G. Graham, Sr.
Christie Coon & Allen Green
Mr. Kenneth R. Gross
Ms. Elizabeth L. Hamilton
Gertrude C. & James C. Hart
Heather Gardens
Janet & Peter Hefler
The Home Port
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Huss
Hy-Line Cruises
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Island Entertainment
Geri Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Jennings
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Kirchmeier
Marianne & Ralph Krause
La Choza
Mrs. Mary Ellen Larsen
Mrs. Marion H. Lavy
Linda Jean’s Restaurant
Cece & Rick Lindequist
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Link
Lisa’s Studio
Little House Cafe
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Mrs. Marjorie H. Look
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
Lucky Hank’s Restaurant & Cafe
Marion & Robert MacKay
Susan G. Madeiras
Nancy & Robert Magill
Helen & Luis Maldonado
Susan Markwica
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Red House Staff
Caroline & Bob Maruska
Patricia & Thomas McCarthy
Christine P. McGhee
Ms. Margaret Rogers-Meagher
& Mr. Edward M. Meagher
Menemsha Galley
Marie & Stan Mercer
Jo Ann & James Mosley
Murdick’s Fudge
Roz Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nord
Mr. Louis Oliveira
Richard Olson
Om of Motion
On the Cliffs
Linsey Lee & Brendan O’Neill
Elaine M. & Daniel G. Pace
Susan Papanicolaou
Ms. Barbara A. Wallen & Mr. Gary W. Paraboschi
Ms. Annie Parsons
Emily & Arden Paulhamus
Mrs. Ann Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Phillips
Phillips Hardware
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Plane View Restaurant
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Polansky
Ms. Linda B. Carroll & Mr. John J. Powers
Ms. Erin Pye
Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. Rabbitt, Jr.
Rainy Day
Red Pony Farm
Mrs. Annemarie Reid
Reliable Market
Vhonda L. Ridley
Mr. & Mrs. Auguste E. Rimpel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Rivers, Jr.
Eileen Robinson
Pat & John Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict H. Saurino
Robert L. Schiffman
Audie & John Schneider
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Pamela & Christopher Scott
The Secret Garden
Vera Shorter
Donna Siciliano & Atty. Joseph Siciliano
Dr. Elizabeth A. Slaughter
Alan Soohoo
Artis Sparkman
Carolyn & Arthur Spengler
Square Rigger Restaurant
Nancy Stark
Donna Stickles
Stony Creek Gifts
Ali & Rick Sullo
Mrs. Carrie B. Tankard
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Ms. Alice J. Thompson
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Richard L. Tutt
Julie R. Newell & A. Bowdoin Van Riper
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Grocer
Ms. Lois Virtue
Mrs. Adele H. Waggaman
Jo-Ann Walker
Waterside Market
Dr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wattenberg
Penny & Philip Weinstein
Cora & Peter Weiss
Ms. Rosalyn Welsh
Sara & Rolfe Wenner
Mrs. Margot S. Weston
Mr. Richard Wharton
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Whitney
Mr. Zachariah K. Wieler
Ms. Mary Jane Williams
Withers & Withers, LLC
Halloween fun at Windemere.
The Bailey Family
Virginia Blakesley
Helen Blasi
Ruth A. Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Bryan
Betsy Burmeister
Pam Butterick
Ken Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Constantino
The Cornell Family
Charleane T. Corrigan
Phil Dietterich
Sylvie & Paul Farrington
Doris Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Hargrove
Mary Holmes
Beth Kehoe
Nancy Anderson & Vin Marcello
Mr. & Mrs. Vin Marcello, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Sessoms
Mr. & Mrs. David Simas
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Simas
Dorothy Soquist
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Spear
Joyce L’Heureux
Viola & Constantine Lopes
Lillian Ludwig
John Mayhew
Mrs. Ellen Michael
Judy Morse
Connie Noyes
Doreen & Michael O’Neill
Susan Parker
Catherine D. Paull
Joan Porter
Barbara D. Reed
Kathleen Conway Roberts
Adeline Santos
Myrtle Simmons
Mrs. Bernice W. Slaughter
& Judge Henry Anton Slaughter, Sr.
Herbie Tilton
Leola Tutt
Ricky Vanderhoop
Jeanette C. Vincent
Violet M. Cleveland Waters
Barbara & Norman Whitney
Lillian Whitney
Mary Ellen Yakeley
Timothy D. Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Williams
Windemere Nursing
& Rehabilitation Center Staff
Windemere Recreation Department
Drs. Bonnie & Jim Yankaskas
Kathy Yolton
Linda A. Bendavid
William Bettencourt
Cornelia & Robert Bodkin
Dr. Joseph R. Calder
Henry N. Chaffee
Sheila Chisholm
Phyllis H. Conway
Patricia A. Costa
Lois Tilton Daniels
Salvatore W. Falcone
Pat Gregory
Bill Hanna
Helen G. Hines
Eleanore Hoar
George “Sonny” Jackson
Mary Landers
Dear Friends,
hen I graduated from medical school in 1967, the chief of medicine
at the State University of New York wished us all “an illness
requiring hospitalization – and a full recovery.” He wanted each of
us to know what it’s like to be a patient, to experience the fears and
uncertainties, the vulnerability and the dependence a patient has on his physicians.
As I practiced medicine at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital from 1976 to 2003, I often
remembered his wish as I cared for my patients. I finally got my professor’s wish
in the summer of 2014, when I suddenly developed a leg infection after returning
from a kayaking trip in Idaho. My physician, Pieter Pil, admitted me to Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital – and my initiation as a patient began.
I was very sick – even fearing at one point that I might lose my leg.
Dr. Pil immediately started me on potent antibiotics and then contacted his
infectious disease colleagues at Mass General who provided guidance with my
treatment. After one week, with only limited improvement in my condition, Dr. Pil
arranged for my transfer to Mass General so that the specialists could evaluate my
condition in person.
My transfer to MGH was seamless: all my medical records including my x-rays
were immediately available to the specialists in Boston. It was a great example of
the perfect integration of medical care across the system. This was very reassuring
to me as a seriously ill patient. I spent a full week at MGH before I was well
enough to return to the Island to complete my recovery at home.
Here at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, I experienced care in almost every department
– radiology, ultrasound, the lab, physical therapy and the operating room. Everyone
I interacted with confirmed I was in good hands. Even the cafeteria staff was
thoughtful and helpful, bringing an extra meal every day so my wife could join me
for supper.
I came away from my experience feeling grateful for my professor’s wish of
many years ago – but more grateful still for the competent and high quality care,
resources, and the simple kindness I experienced during my stay at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital.
Compassion is one of the most important things a physician can bring to the work
of caring for patients. Being on the receiving end really drove that home. I hope
you’ll be generous in your support of the MVH Annual Fund this summer, so our
community will be able to continue to experience this exemplary care, right here at
home, for many years to come.
Dr. Michael Jacobs
Design & Layout: Hayes Design Studios
Photos: Heidi Wild Photography
and courtesy Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Michael Jacobs came to the Island in 1976 beginning an association with Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital which continued for 38 years. In 1987, Dr. Jacobs established
the Vineyard Medical Services walk-in clinic, where he practiced until last year. He
continues to write and teach on the subject of marine emergency medicine. Dr. Jacobs
resides in West Tisbury with his wife, Genevieve Jacobs.