2014 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital


2014 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital
Lew French “Ebb and Flow”
Healing Ar ts – just one of over 400 pieces in the MVH Permanent Ar t Collection. View the entire collection at www.mvhospital-ar t.com
from the Chairman of the Board and the CEO
Changes for the Better
The delivery of healthcare services is
undergoing historic changes across our
nation, and as unique as Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital is in so many respects, change is
coming here as well.
We’ve invested more than $2 million
this year in new technology and countless
hours of time on the part of our dedicated
staff, implementing the final pieces of a
fully-integrated electronic medical record
system. This system follows every patient at
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital from admission
to the point of discharge, either to home or
to another care provider. All inpatient and
outpatient records are now digital, and the
lines of communication among Hospital
departments and between our caregivers and
other hospitals in the Partners HealthCare
system – are open.
In June, one of the final pieces of the
electronic medical record puzzle was put
into place when the digital Patient Gateway
opened. The Gateway will give every patient
online access to their medical records within
hours of being discharged.
Electronic medical records meet an urgent
federal mandate, but they also advance our
mission of caring for the Vineyard community.
Patient safety and quality of care are the
biggest and most immediate benefits of our
new information systems and already these
systems are fostering a fundamental shift
toward preventive medicine and community
care. It’s possible now, for the first time,
to track the effectiveness of our medical
care not only in the case of one patient but
across the whole population we serve. With
this information, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
improve year in and year out, we are faced
with an unrealistic Medicaid reimbursement
system that does not even cover the cost of
care for more and more of our residents
who must rely on Medicaid. This continues
to make Windemere’s finances an ongoing
challenge. We have been working with the
Department of Public Health, seeking rate
relief that acknowledges the uniquely high
costs of providing care at Windemere. We
are hopeful, but it is discouraging when
an institution as well-run and respected
as Windemere, supplying such a vital
community service, cannot make ends
meet on the reimbursement it is receiving.
We remain confident, however, that if we
continue to focus on providing the very best
care for our Island’s seniors, we can find a
way to move beyond the financial shortfall
and continue to be the best we can be.
Finally, the delivery of healthcare
continues to undergo dramatic changes as
the Affordable Care Act is implemented.
Where these changes will lead no one is quite
sure, but we are very excited about all the
possibilities and are working hard to see how
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital can and will, be a
part of any change for the better.
We are grateful for and humbled by the
Island community’s continuing support. We
remain dedicated to delivering compassionate
care that is worthy of that support, this year
and in all the years ahead.
is beginning to reposition itself not merely
as the place that serves people during their
most serious medical episodes, but as an
institution that reaches out to support
community health in a much broader way.
Another big change this year at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital has been the launch of
full, around-the-clock hospitalist services.
Hospitalists are doctors who specialize in the
care of patients during their hospitalization.
They improve access to healthcare on the
Island, by taking pressure off our primary
care physicians so they can see more people in
their daily practices. And because hospitalists
specialize in the treatment of people whose
conditions are more acute, they will enable
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital to provide more
advanced care to patient’s right here, close
to home – sparing them the added stress of
hospitalization off-island.
Excellence in the quality of our care
and providing services to a community
separated from the larger medical centers
on the mainland, are two core goals that
drive everything we do at Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital. Responsible financial stewardship
is important mainly because we want to
be here in the years and decades ahead to
continue our service. On this front, we’re
happy to be able to report that the financial
condition of the Hospital is strong.
Over at Windemere, a major two-year
restoration project was completed this
year and in the latest Department of Public
Health survey this spring, we received top
ratings as a five-star nursing home and one Timothy D. Sweet
of the best facilities in Massachusetts. At Chairman of the Board
the same time, as our care continues to
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Timothy J. Walsh
President & CEO
from the Chief of the Medical Staff
I write to you while on a flight to Chicago where I will attend hands-on training with
some of the latest laparoscopic surgical equipment, including some not even commercially
available yet. It is on trips like this that I am reminded of how we are always working to
remain on the cutting edge of the constantly evolving delivery of care. If there was a theme
this year at our hospital it would simply be called change.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital of today is very different from the one I began working at
12 years ago. Not only has the delivery of care changed, but the speed at which these changes
occur has increased, requiring us always to be attentive and responsive to those changes.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is a microcosm of the transformations that are happening in
healthcare nationwide, driven in part, by the pursuit of affordable high quality care. Our
approach to these changes starts by putting you, our patient, at the center of our mission.
As a result of our ongoing pursuit to improve quality of care and access, a number of
significant changes have taken place at our Hospital in the last year.
This past June, MVH expanded its hospitalist program. Hospitalists are physicians whose primary focus is the care of
hospitalized patients. Because their sole focus is on the inpatient side, their undivided attention improves communication
among all members of your care team, improving continuity of care and your experience as a patient. The hospitalist program
also reduces the workload of primary care providers giving them more time to see their patients in the office setting.
Last fall, MVH primary care practices adopted the Patient Centered Medical Home model. Again, through better communication,
your care team is able to improve care across the spectrum of patient needs, resulting in the best use of our resources and
eliminating duplication of efforts. This resulted in improved patient satisfaction and a healthier patient overall.
And there’s more. To help our providers better manage your care, we invested in an office information system and in June,
the Patient Gateway was launched. This web-based electronic communication system gives our patients the ability to access
and review their medical records, communicate with their physicians, both on the Island and within the extensive Partner’s
HealthCare system, and encourages patients to be more proactive in their own care.
Over the course of the last 12 months, we successfully rolled out the inpatient electronic medical record (EMR) system. The
EMR gives all caregivers in the system the ability to better communicate about a patient’s care plan by being able to access the
same information at the same time. This increased communication streamlines and improves decision-making and decreases
medication errors and duplicate testing. Over time, moving from a paper to an electronic record will also reduce a physician’s
workload, giving us more time to spend with our patients. Yet another move toward patient-centered care.
At this time last year, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital furthered our collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital related to
both cancer and chronic pain services. These services clearly have fulfilled a need. To keep up with what has been a tremendous
demand, we expanded the service hours this spring of both clinics.
Surgical services also saw significant change as we continue to shift toward less invasive procedures. The Hospital has
invested significantly in specialized equipment and staff training, and to the great satisfaction of our patients, the department
is performing more minimally invasive procedures than ever before in general surgery, gynecology and orthopedics. For
example, the latest high definition equipment is being used during colonoscopies. Now carbon dioxide gas instead of air is used
to inflate the colon, resulting in greatly improved patient comfort.
One of my own favorite changes over the last year at the Hospital has
been the incredible expansion of our art collection. The amazing art that
lines our hospital walls helps patients focus less on disease and more on
healing by providing imagery of a world beyond illness. Equally important,
it provides those tasked with healing, brief mental respites as they care
for sick patients on a daily basis. I encourage you to visit the website to
view our collection at www.mvhospital-art.com. I think you will find
it inspirational.
Although the theme in the past year has been change, our focus remains
centered on you, our patients and supporters. I would like to personally
thank you for all that you do for us and to let you know that as always, we
are here to keep you healthy.
Pieter M. Pil, MD, PhD
For more information about a convenient and secure way to manage your health online visit: www.patientgateway.org
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h e a lt h fa i r 2 0 1 4
Our goal is to educate the public about
available health services and resources at
the local, state and national level. We aim
to increase our community’s awareness
by providing free screenings, health
education, information and demonstrations
to encourage healthy behavior and living.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital hosted its annual health
fair on March 15. More than 300 members of the
community were able to meet with providers and take
advantage of free screenings for cholesterol, MRSA,
melanoma skin cancer, glaucoma, Lyme disease,
hearing, lead levels for children and blood pressure.
Demonstrations of chiropractic care, massage therapy,
homeopathy and holistic pain management were also
offered. Attendees were able to take part in seminars
on breast health, tick-borne illnesses, life after stroke
and skin cancer prevention. Island health and safety
providers were on hand to meet and greet kids and
offer ambulance tours and the chance to check out an
Oak Bluffs police cruiser.
The 2015 Health Fair will be March 14th.
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hospitalists: improving on-island care
T h e H o s p i ta l i s t P ro g r a m m a k e s s e n s e f ro m t h e
s ta n d p o i n t o f o u r s e r v i c e t o t h e c o m m u n i t y.
One of the biggest changes Martha’s Vineyard Hospital made
to the way it delivers healthcare this year, was the expansion of its
hospitalist staff this June. Hospitalists are physicians whose primary
focus is the care of hospitalized patient and Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
now has three full-time and two mid-level providers devoted to this
new service.
Dr. Jeff Zack, the Hospital’s director of Emergency Services, led
the expansion of the hospitalist program over the past three years.
He’s a logical person to have overseen this change, because it’s usually
the ER doctors who see patients first and then help decide the best
place for them to receive further treatment – at home, perhaps in
Boston or here at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
A central consideration driving this change, Dr. Zack says, is the
difficulty the Hospital’s primary care physicians were experiencing in
what for many years were their dual roles: seeing patients every day
while also supervising their care if they were admitted.
“It’s become harder for primary care doctors to do both jobs,” says
Dr. Zack. “If they have to do both, something has to give, and that
usually comes in the form of not seeing more outpatients. So in a real
sense, the demand for primary care on the Island has been a main
driving force behind this change.”
Hospitalists are a proven and widely accepted part of the national
healthcare scene, says Dr. Zack: “Hospitalist medicine has come into
its own in the last ten years. This all evolved because it’s becoming
harder and harder to practice inpatient and outpatient medicine at the
same time – both from a regulatory standpoint, with all the paperwork
involved, and from an economic standpoint as well.
“From a community standpoint, this is about opening up access to
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primary care physicians on the Island. By taking away this portion of
their work, we’re freeing them up to see more patients in their office
Hospitalists, because of their specialized training and because they
spend all of their time in the acute care setting, are better equipped
to care for people who are much sicker than the patients usually cared
for by family physicians.
Now the Hospital’s primary care physicians can concentrate on
their outpatient practices while the hospitalists concentrate on caring
for inpatients. A hospitalist can be there to order tests, and then
be there an hour later to view the results of those tests and make
immediate decisions based on them. Their whole, undivided focus can
be on the patient in the hospital.
By expanding the program, it almost certainly means that fewer
Vineyard patients will have to be transferred from the Hospital. “We
understand the hardship involved in having to go off-Island,” says Dr.
Zack, “when you’re already facing a precarious medical situation.
Here you are, perhaps the sickest you’ve been in your life, going to
a place where you don’t have the same support from your family and
friends. We all realize what it means every time we send somebody up
north, and we don’t take that decision lightly.”
“In the ER, we discuss what might be the best place for a patient to go
next – it might be home, or Boston, or here. If we think the best place for
that patient is here, we review the case with a hospitalist to determine
the next best steps. With this new hospitalist service, the Hospital is
going to be able to take care of more people right here at home. This
makes sense from a business standpoint, but more importantly, it makes
sense from the standpoint of our service to the community.”
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electronic medical records:
a sea change for hospital
His best allies have been what Mr.
Cosgrave calls his “super-users,” members
of the staff who have embraced this new
technology and given him feedback as each
new system is implemented. “We involve a
core team for each new piece of software,
and we rely on them heavily for guidance to
make it better.”
Many nurses, physicians, and pharmacists
have contributed to the implementation of
the new technology. These clinicians were
involved with the design, testing, and rollout
of the new software.
The Hospital’s transition to electronic
medical records is partly about meeting a
government standard, but Mr. Cosgrave
says the more important bottom line is the
quality of medical care. The Hospital’s new
electronic systems will help eliminate the
cost and inconvenience of duplicated medical
tests, improve patient safety and privacy, and
will enable healthcare providers to analyze
trends across populations with a precision
that’s never been possible before.
The latest, most visible piece of the
Hospital’s digital revolution went live in
June, when Partners HealthCare, the parent
company of Martha’s Vineyard Hospital,
launched its Patient Gateway. The Gateway
enables patients at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
to log onto a secure website soon after their
discharge and access their own medical
record. “From the Patient Gateway,” Mr.
Cosgrave says, “you can log in securely and
view your history, download it, and transmit
it elsewhere if you want to.”
He is convinced this innovation will work
to everyone’s benefit. “Engaging patients
with their healthcare,” he says, “will improve
health outcomes and help drive down costs
all by itself.”
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Joshua Marowitz “The Nature of Existence”
A three-year quest to bring modern
information technology to Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital as part of a challenging set of
government standards for the healthcare
industry, known as “Meaningful Use,” is
making great progress.
Mike Cosgrave, the Hospital’s information
services manager, has been overseeing
the massive transformation. “We’ve been
introducing a lot of change in a very short
span of time,” Mr. Cosgrave says. “We started
rolling out this software two years ago,
building a pyramid of services, with the top
of that pyramid being the physicians’ ability
to order tests and procedures electronically.
But before that can happen, you need
an electronic formulary in place in your
pharmacy, you need to have patient histories
in the system, and you need to have the
patient registered in the system properly.
“It really goes all the way back to the
moment when a patient walks in the door.”
There have been many milestones during
the process that leads to verification – a 90-day
period that began in May 2014 to demonstrate
the system meets certain requirements for
Stage I of the standards.
• October 2013: Electronic system for
clinical documentation went live for all
the Hospital’s nurses.
• February 2014: Bedside verification of
medications went live using barcodes that
match each medication with a patient’s
medical record.
• April 2014: The last piece of the
Hospital’s comprehensive new electronic
system – the Emergency Department
Information System – went online.
• June 2014: Launch of Patient Gateway.
This transition has meant learning
new skills for almost every member of the
Hospital’s staff.
Pa i n M a n a g e m e n t
“Pain is the fifth vital sign,” says Dr. Sanjeev Chhangani, chief of
anesthesiology at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. “There’s heart rate,
blood pressure, body temperature, respiration – and pain.”
Of all the human vital signs, pain may be the most difficult to
measure – no thermometer or stethoscope can help a doctor here, but
that hardly makes it less medically urgent. And now the anesthesiology
department at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has expanded to include a
pain medicine program that connects Island patients with the expertise
of the Center for Pain Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.
The program, organized last fall, involves consultations by
telemedicine with doctors in Boston on three Wednesdays a month.
And on two days each month – the schedule was doubled this spring
to meet Island demand – doctors perform procedures at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital that previously were available only in Boston.
This new program is meeting a clear and urgent Island need. The
Island pain medicine program has had more than 100 transactions
with clients in its first six months. Cheryl Kram, RN, a member of the
clinic’s team, says, “Low back pain is the most common complaint.
Patients we see have degenerative disease along their spine. We see
patients with headaches. We’ve had patients with other nerve issues.
We’re advising as well as treating. By having this connection with
Mass General, it opens other connections for our patients with
services they can provide.”
Supervising the program and making regular visits to treat Island
patients is Dr. George Hanna, anesthesiologist and pain management
physician at the Center for Pain Medicine at Mass General. Pain
medicine services being performed now at Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital include procedures which until recently, weren’t available
here: steroid injections, joint injections, trigger point injections,
nerve blocks and radio frequency lesioning are among them.
Massachusetts General Hospital has been providing anesthesiology
services to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital since June of 2011. According
to Dr. Chhangani, “Before Mass General took over anesthesia here,
the trend was just to symptomatically treat the pain. With this
service, our goal is to provide more comprehensive assessment and
continuity of care.”
Ms. Kram agrees wholeheartedly. “We’re not saying medication,
medication, medication. It could mean yoga, aqua therapy, physical
therapy. We look at non-traditional approaches because when pain is
chronic, we’re not going to stop the pain entirely. The misconception
some patients have is that their pain is going to be zero. What we ask
our patients is where does your pain need to be for you to be able
to function? We’re trying to be mindful about where each patient is
and what will benefit them. And we do talk to patients about getting
off of narcotics, because long-term, they’re just not the best way to
manage pain.”
One of the central satisfactions of his work as an anesthesiologist,
says Dr. Chhangani, is the simple experience of bringing relief to a
person in pain. “In anesthesia and critical care, you see such quick
results. You see how the patient feels after the pain is taken care of.
The other day we treated a person with a fractured humerus and when
we administered the nerve block, it took care of her pain right away.
An internist or office physician might order tests, wait for the results
to come back, prescribe medications and then wait. In anesthesia, we
see the results right away and it’s very satisfying.”
The Island’s new pain medicine program grew out of Dr.
Chhangani’s conversations with physicians at Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital who sought his help referring their patients to the Boston
pain center. A dialogue grew out of his referrals, and the new program
was born. Dr. Chhangani says, “Now patients can see a physician via
telemedicine who can make the initial assessment and if a procedure
needs to be scheduled, we can get it done right here.”
Concludes Dr. Chhangani: “It’s meeting a real need here on the
Island, and so far it’s been a huge success.”
“our goal is to
provide a more
assessment and
continuity of
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Honors for Dr. Guiney
On May 5th, Dr. Timothy Guiney was appointed as the first recipient of the Paul Dudley White, MD
Distinguished Service Chair in Cardiology in honor of Dr. Guiney’s 40-year career at Massachusetts
General Hospital. With a long history in caring for patients with heart disease, beginning with Dr.
Paul Dudley White, the father of American cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital has fostered
a culture where cardiologists uphold an unwavering commitment to compassionate care for their
patients and their families.
Photo: Corsiglia Fotografica
Like Dr. Guiney, Dr. White was born in Boston and educated at Harvard Medical School.
In 1913, Dr. White worked in London with Sir Thomas Lewis and brought the first
electrocardiogram to Massachusetts General Hospital and established the specialty in diseases
of the heart. Dr. White’s distinguished career was marked by many honors including the
presidency of the American Heart Association and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Dr. Guiney embraced the principle and practice style of Dr. White and has provided
extraordinary care for his patients in Boston, on the Vineyard and around the world.
Welcome Back Dr. Richard Koehler
In January, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital was pleased to welcome back Dr. Richard H. Koehler
to the medical staff.
A practicing physician for 25 years, Dr. Koehler was graduated magna cum laude from
Boston College and earned his medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine.
He completed his post-graduate work at the National Institute of Health/Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute and Tufts New England Medical Center in General Surgery. A board-certified
surgeon, he specializes in abdominal laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Koehler is also a Fellow of the
American College of Surgeons.
A p p o i n t m e n t s o r r e f e r r a l s m ay b e m a d e by c a l l i n g 5 0 8 - 6 9 3 - 9 0 1 2 .
C e l e b r a t i n G
e x c e l l e n c e
Seven members of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and
Windemere staff were honored for their outstanding service
at the annual Partners in Excellence Awards ceremony.
Individual awards went to: Dr. Sanjeev Chhangani, director of
anesthesiology, for his leadership of the medical staff on pre and post-op
care, improving care in the ICU and organizing and teaching courses
on new critical care concepts, to lab director Lena Prisco, PhD, for her
outreach between the laboratory and patient accounts department to
improve billing practices and to Janine Thatcher Moreis from Windemere,
for the extraordinary care she provides to residents in the memory
care unit.
The team award was given to the Meditech Nursing Documentation
Build Team for their collaboration, mentoring and willingness to put
in the extra time required to help build the documentation tools for
implementation of the patient care unit’s electronic medical record
system. The team included nurses Laura Hilliard, Tamara Dinkel, Helen
Green and June Miller.
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Innovations and Achievements
at WINDEMERE Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
For the third year in a row, Windemere was listed as a top nursing home by U.S. News
and World Report. In February, the publication released its findings for nursing homes
in every state and nearly 100 major metropolitan areas. The ratings cover almost 16,000
nursing homes nationwide.View the results at www.usnews.com/best-nursing-homes.
Windemere also received high marks again this year during its annual survey by the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, with no deficiencies noted.
Exterior renovations to Windemere were completed as well, giving a bright and much
needed facelift to the nearly 20-year-old building.
Windemere continues its creative and innovative programming – this year launching the
Memory Cafe on the third Friday of each month. This is a community event, open to
anyone with memory loss and their caregivers. The Café provides a place to socialize and
enjoy light refreshments as well as entertainment by Michael Haydn on the piano. There
is no cost and no reservations are required. For more information call 508-862-1933.
The 2014 annual auction in support of Windemere’s Recreation Department, raised over
$26,000. The program costs are approximately $30,000 annually. Every day includes
meaningful and community-inspired activities and programs. The funds raised at the
auction help pay for musicians, non-traditional therapists, exercise and yoga classes and
gives residents the opportunity to attend many special events that our Island offers all year
long. A heartfelt thanks to our community for supporting Windemere’s endeavors to create
and foster the best possible life for our residents.
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Every December, a tree at the Hospital is lit
with hundreds of lights, each one donated by
an individual in honor or in memory of a loved
one. We are deeply grateful to all those who
helped to light the tree this past year when it was
dedicated in loving memory of Dorothy Bangs,
Hospital volunteer & Vineyard icon.
William Flynn
Mary Goodman
Gretchen Asmussen
Edward F. Grant
Dorothy & Stuart Bangs Anna & Louis Guny
Diana Bardwell
Shirley D. Hamby
Maxine Bardwell
Judy Hatt
Thomas Bardwell, Sr.
Carlotta Holmes
Dorothy W. Barker
Ray and Myra Houle
Betty Meyers Baskin
Penelope (Penny) Huff
Edward E. Belisle
Amalie Kane
Mary W. Brown
Fredrick Kingsley
Richard C. Brown
Edward Knapp
William A. Brown
Gregory Knapp
Helen Chamberlain
Jean Marc Levesque
Laurel Chapman
Connie Lima
Sheila Chisholm
Nancy Benno Liphardt
Gredta Ciná
George S. Lockwood, Jr.
Bill Coffee
Lee W. Lockwood
Carol Combra Clark
Michael Maciel
Neil Collins
Kathy Maseda
Russell Combra
John McGorry
Brewer Corcoran
Molly McGorry
Laura R. Corcoran
Virginia McVeigh
Marguerite & Eric Cottle Danny Meader
Richard DeBettencourt Lester J. Millman
Marijane Delekta
Lillian & Jacob Millman
Olive Denniston
Donald Mitchell
Arthur B. Dickson
Dr. Kaye Moody
Priscilla M. Dickson
Barbara Morrison
Mel Dunnayer
Scott Murdock
Sally Dunkley
Christopher Neumann
Sharon Ehleringer
John Peter Neumann
James Joseph Ferriter
Joe Nunes
Lorna Flanders
Raymond E. Olendzenski, SGT
In Memory
In honor
Past Members of the Martha’s
Vineyard Antiques Club
Darla Patricca
Arthur E. Peckham
Mary & Frank Pero
Dorma Petrofsky
Nickolene Larsen Porter
Niel Quinlan
Anthony Rebello, Sr.
Chris Rebello
Marilyn Rebello
Elsa Schmid
(Mrs. J. B. Neumann)
Bruce D. Scott
William & Ruth Scott
Olga Larsen Simmerman
Procter Smith, Jr.
Bud Stickles
Gerald Sullivan
Helen Downer Tallman
Peter G.Valentzas
Maysel Vanderhoop
Ricky Vanderhoop
Margaret Walsh
Ann Warren
Virginia Pecham Welch
Patricia Westlund
John S. Wilbur, Jr.
Rose Williams
Arthur E. Winters
Virginia I. Winters
Pat Luce Wyatt
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Rudy Acosta
John F. Coleman
Rich & Mary Denzer
Lara Elizabeth Donnelly
Norma Gaudreau
Sheldon Hackney
Dr. Lewis Lipsey
Lynne & Wayne Morris
Helen K. Neumann
Peter G. Neumann
Erniestine Pecham
Joan Porter
David Emlyn Rhoderick, Jr.
Jonathan William Rhoderick
Lauren Riggs
Carol Bardwell
Janice & Julie Belisle
Carolyn R. Brown
Polly Brown
Chave Family
Kenneth Chisholm
Mara Coleman
Kathryn Collins
Herbert & Hilde Combra
Lara Elizabeth Donnelly
Karen Duffy
& Judith Lutender
Joan Dunayer
Robert & Virginia Giacobone
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Chuck Hodgkinson
John T. Kane
Nancy M. Kingsley
Patricia Knapp
Kathleen & Robert Lavieri
Debra Levesque
Sonya Lima
MacDicken & Barnett Family
Rick & Kaye Manning
Maria Moody
MVH Operating Room
& CSR Staff
Diana Murray
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Nolan Family
Anne Ordway
Polagruto Family
Thomas L. Porter
Glenn & Marcella Provost
David & Angela Rhoderick
Anne Rittershofer-Neuman
Constance P. Scott
Leigh Smith
Penny Uhlendorf
& Scott Stephens
Donna M. Stickles
Henry Tallman
Linda & Henry Unczur
Rachel Vanderhoop
Phyllis Vecchia
Verner Family
Carrie Welch
Laura Westlund
Margaret J. Winters
V o l u n t e e r s
On April 30, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and Windemere Nursing & Rehabilitation Center recognized their volunteers with a luncheon and
awards ceremony for hours of service. Cynthia Schilling was honored as volunteer of the year for her dedication and professionalism in her
role as a greeter at the information desk and her willingness to always lend a hand wherever needed.
Service award recipients this year included:
1000 Hours
Jonathan Alden . M. Anne Cummings . Marianne Honey . Angela Rhoderick
500 Hours
Lorna Andrade . Karen Bressler . Mary French . Deborah Glasser . Patricia Harris . Darlene Pachico . Elizabeth Searle . Nancy Tesch
100 Hours
Rachel Berman . Chantal Booker . Samantha Bunker . Carroll Buress . Alexander Campbell . Marianne Cerniglia . Roger Colla
Rae Filley . Ann Floyd . Imani Foster . Luke Sudarsky . Sophie Ulyatt . Marilyn Wey
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has over 70 volunteers and averages 650 volunteer hours per month. Our volunteers provide valued services in
many departments: Lab, Radiology, Maternity, the Gift Shop and on the patient care unit, to name just a few.
The volunteers also complete activity assessments for patients. The assessments help volunteers provide individualized activity programs such
as iPad tours of the art collection, games and one on one visits.
The program is continuing to grow. For more information about volunteering at the Hospital or Windemere, please contact Volunteer
Coordinator, Angela Rhoderick at 1-508-957-0195.
Golf trickster, Dan Boever, having fun with a
guest at the 2013 MVH Golf Tournament cocktail
party. The Tournament is held each year on the 3rd
Monday in July at Farm Neck Golf Club.
Volunteers celebrate the 25th Annual Sullivan Run/Walk in 2013. The race
raised a record-breaking $66,500 for patient care. The 2014 race will be held
on Saturday, August 23rd.
For more infor mation or to get involved in any of our upcoming events visit: www.mvhospital.com.
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In grateful appreciation of our supporters
Contributions of $50,000 to $99,999
The Boston Foundation
Mona D. Corbin Trust
James B. Corcoran Trust
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Jacobus Family Foundation
Stephen C. Luce Charitable Foundation
The Jess R. Talbott 2011 Revocable Trust
Contributions of $25,000 to $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Brad & Dorothy Church Trust
Garth Edwards 1994 Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Mimi & Peter Haas Fund
Dr. Karen A. Kennedy & Mr. Kevin W. Kennedy
The New York Community Trust –
Wallace Special Projects Fund
Contributions of $10,000 to $24,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Louise, Sven & Anna Betty Carlson Fund
Marcia Mulford Cini & William Lee Cini
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt
Farm Neck Golf Club
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
The Goff Family Foundation
Gertrude M. Goff
Hoch 2003 Charitable Lead Trust
J.M. Huber Corporation
Londa Weisman & Sidney R. Knafel
Rosalee & David McCullough
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Donald & Emily Mulford Fund
Mrs. Jane R. Newman
Mrs. Geryl T. Pearl
Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard –
Mayhew-Nevin Fund
Mrs. Dina Perry
Kathy & Paul Severino
Vanguard Charitable
The Walbridge Fund, LTD
Winnetu Oceanside Resort
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Barnes
Deborah & Robert Bennett
Constance Messmer & Stephen Bernier
Susan & Robert Bishop
Agnes R. Butler Trust
The Capital Group Charitable Foundation
Columbia Construction Company
Karen & Brian Conway
Cronig’s Markets & Healthy Additions
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Doyle
Louie & Ralph Dweck
The ELMS Foundation
Ms. Lee Morgan & Mr. James O. Fishbeck
Jennifer Caldwell & John Fisher
Anne & Sal Giordano
Robert A. Goff
Merle & Stanley Goldstein
Ms. Jayne Lipman & Mr. Robert Goodman
The Greater New Orleans Foundation
Debby & Martin Hale
Charles H. Harff
Hasbro Children’s Fund
Carol Hole Trust
Jewish Communal Fund
. January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lewis
Lippy & Ed Reade
Boatner Reily Family
Migsie & Gar Richlin
Mr. E. Burke Ross, Jr.
Rymes Propane & Oils, Inc.
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Jacquelyne M. Schuman
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Swartz
& The Swartz Foundation
The Swordspoint Foundation
The Tow Foundation
Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
Vineyard Propane
Mr. & Mrs. William Wrigley, Jr.
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Alliance Print Group & Steve Rosseel
Maurice Amado Foundation
Alison & Norman Axelrod
Bardwell Electronics
Carol & Thomas Bardwell
Ms. Helen Benham
Ms. Linda Lipsett & Mr. Jules Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Biondi, Jr.
Mrs. Eileen O. Brown
Polly Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bulkin
Nancy Kramer & Christopher Celeste
Cigna HealthSpring
Cintas Corporation
Thea Duell & Peter Cook
Leslie Cory
Mrs. Mary S. Cronson
Edgartown National Bank
Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.
Patsy & Stu Gentsch
Charlotte, Lily, Madeline, Samuel & Robert Goff
Carol Brown & Henry H. Goldberg
Beth & Marc Goldberg
Hamel, Marcin, Dunn, Reardon & Shea
Nan & Bill Harris
Carol & Roch Hillenbrand
Bette & Bill Hoskins
Johnson & Johnson Family
of Companies Contributions Fund
The Howard Johnson Foundation
Renee & Dan Kaplan
Kit & Tip Kenyon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Beth S. & Seth A. Klarman
Barbara N. Kravitz
Clare & Richard Lesser
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency, Inc.
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Metric Corporation
Sharon A. Miller
Richard W. Moore
Network Health
Dr. Karen Casper & Dr. Pieter Pil
Diane M. & H. John Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Rorer
Soundview Millworks
Dr. & Mrs. Louis W. Sullivan
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop & Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Claudia Weill & Walter Teller
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (6)
AGFA Health Care
Mrs. Caroline B. Akins
Ms. Cynthia R. Anderson
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Amy & Clifford Aronson
Ms. Leslie K. Williams
& Mr. James A. Attwood, Jr.
Pat & Geoff Banfield
Mr. Mark W. Banks
Barbara & Harold Bell
Ms. Susan H. Berger
Helen & Robert Bernstein
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
Mr. & Mrs. J. Q. Bonanno
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bown
Tess & Kib Bramhall
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Karen & David Brush
Hope B. Woodhouse & Richard J. Canty
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Caruso
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Chasin
Fran & Bob Clay
Coca-Cola Bottling
The Griffin-Cole Fund
Carolyn & John Connors
Mr. & Mrs. George Wm. Coombe, Jr
Barbara & Richard Couch
& The Couch Famiy Foundation
Chris & Bob Cox
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Mr. & Mrs. B. Bruce Cummings
Henriette & Norris Darrell
Judy & Ron Davenport
Harriet & Bob Dewey
Mrs. Ineke M. Dikland
Joan & Edward Doherty
Dr. Stephen Dretler
Andrea & Michael Dubroff
Mrs. Barbara E. Edelin
Judy & Steve Eick
EOS CAA Healthcare Receivable Solutions
Ms. Linda A. Simpson & Mr. John R. Ettinger
Ms. Linda A. Fairstein
Feeley & Driscoll, P.C.
Gene & John Ferguson
Mr. Jacob Ferreira
Pat & Jay Ferriter
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Fink
Sylvia & Joe Frelinghuysen
Dr. Margo Cox & Dr. Robert F. Gagel
Mr. R. Gardiner
Tana & Jim Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman
Susan & Malcolm Goodridge
Harriett & David Gowell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Graham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Grandin III
Kay M. & William E. Griffin
Elizabeth & Lee Guittar
Sarah & Geoffrey Gund
April L. & Albert H. Hamel
Deborah Hancock & Hancock Real Estate
Jerry Hawke
Margaret & Thomas Healey
& The Healey Family Foundation
Michele & David Hedley
Cristine Russell Heineman
& Ben W. Heineman, Jr.
Ms. Veronica Hennessy
Minnie & Brent Henry
Olga Hirshhorn
Hoch 2011 Family Charitable Trust
Isabel B. Hooker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz
Ginny & Lou Hoynes
Jill & Ken Iscol
Thomas C. Israel
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Joy Street Foundation
Dr. Ann R. Karnovsky
Kauff McClain & McGuire, LLP
Dr. & Mrs. Jay H. Kaufman
Lillian & Raymond Kellman
BeeBee Horowitz & Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Carol & Jerome Kenney
Pedie & Bob Killebrew
Gail & Stephen Kittenplan
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf J. Laager
Martha & Stuart Land
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan G. Langley
Kathleen & Frank Lauinger
Sally G. Leahy
Mrs. Barbara F. Lee
Drs. Ann & Robert Lees
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy W. Lloyd
Diane & Walt Looney
Deborah & Joe Loughrey
The Lunbeck Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Lanning MacFarland
Joan & Douglas MacMaster
Massachusetts General Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. McCaskey
McGrath & Kane
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mettler
Ms. Sharon Davies & Mr. Alan C. Michaels
Christina G. Miller & Stephen W. Miller, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Morby
Mr. George S. B. Morgan
Ellen & Richard Muglia
Carol & Jerold Muskin
National Philanthropic Trust
New England Refrigeration & Heating
Judy Newbold
The New York Community Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Norton, Jr.
Rhoda Nussbaum & Dr. Sam Nussbaum
Mr. Russell Oasis
Mrs. Marianna M. O’Brien
The Pacer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Phelan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Phiebig
Elizabeth & James Pickman
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Pluck
Lia & William Poorvu
Lucy Axtell & John Porter
Ann L. Prestipino
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Purcell
Edie Radley
Jill & Alan Rappaport
DiAnn & Earle Ray
Laurel Walker & Don Reese
Clara & Walter Ricciardi
Suzanne & Allen Rugg
Bette & Richard Saltzman
Sandpiper Fund, Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Allyne & Fred Schwartz
Signet Electronic Systems
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Simpkins
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Solomon
Mr. Edward B. Southworth III
Mr. John R. Stafford
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Stanton
Lawrence E. Stewart
Nancy Strauss
Mrs. Rose B. Styron
Detta & Joe Tate
Arthur Thornhill
Trinity Episcopal Church
Susan & Robert van Roijen
Mary & Jerome Vascellaro
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Vietor
Vineyard Golf Club
Vineyard Vines
Estate of Anita Vivian
Mrs. Barbara M. Walker
Helen & Timothy Walsh
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Warshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua J. Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Wheeler
Agnes N. Williams
Gage & Rob Woodard
Contributions of $500 to $999
Anonymous (4)
John C. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Applegate
Dr. Erika L. Whitmore & Dr. Thomas H. Aretz
Kay Matschullat & Allan Arffa
Evelyn & David Auerbach
Baltimore Community Foundation
Elaine Phoutrides & Dana Bangs
Mr. Douglas K. Bardwell
Ms. Caroline A. Baum
Paul F. Doherty & David A. Behnke
Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Berger
Ms. Judith R. Birsh
Joseph L. Bower
Ms. Joan Bowman
Helen H. Bowring
Mrs. Leigh B. Braude
The Honorable Ann W. Brown & Don A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Bush
Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Michal Cenkl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Chapman
Rosalie & Bertram Cohen
Ryna G. Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Cohen
Sally & George Cohn
Carol & Ron Conte
The Cottagers, Inc.
Mary H. Crary
Mrs. Sally S. Cross
Mrs. Gertrude Cutler
Margery & Jeffrey Dando
Faye & Bob Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Dean
Mr. Marcus DeFlorimonte
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dempsey
Trudy & Don Dick
Dr. & Mrs. Jules L. Dienstag
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Sandy & David Dolinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Donald
Denise L. Dooling
Happy & Bob Doran
Mr. William T. Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dworsky
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Ellsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ezequelle
Samuel M. Feldman
H. Thomas Fisher
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
Mo & Bob Flanagan
John O. Flender
Frame Center
Dede & Woody Frank
Diana & Norman Freed
Ann F. Freedberg
JoAnn & Jack Fruchtman
Patty & Brad Griffith
r e p o rt
pag e
Betsy Compton & Eric Grubman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Guernsey, Jr.
Dr. Timothy E. Guiney
Anne & Charles Hajjar
Susan Schaefer & Christian Halby
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott S. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart D. Halpert
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hancock
Mrs. Maria B. Harman
Henry Schein, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hess
Robert F. Higgins Foundation
Anna M. Hobson
Barbara & Larry Hohlt
Ms. Karen K. Hudson
Igreja Evangelica Assembeia
De Deus Semear, Inc.
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Drs. Kathryn & Dennis Karsh
Ms. Amalie M. Kass
Dr. Sue Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Kirn
Barbara & Alvin Krakow
Tammy Coselli & Michael R. Kutsch
Dr. Katherine Lapierre & Dr. Peter Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Lawson-Johnston, Sr.
Linda Pennington & Michael Lehr
Mr. & Mrs. F. Andrew Leslie
Leslie’s Drug Store
April & Michael Levandowski
Steve Lippard
Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer Litt
Magy Littlejohn
Richard K. Lochridge
Sarah & John Lolley
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Irene & John MacKenty
Martha’s Vineyard Endodontics
Mr. & Mrs. Graham A. Marx
Virginia V. Mattern
Cathy & Scot McCulloch
Mary & Jay McElroy
Sandy & Tom McGee
Medical Bureau of Economics, Inc.
Helen E. Meleney
Lynn Mercer
Elaine & Howard M. Miller
Nancy & Herb Milstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Molinari, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Morgan, Jr.
Susan & Robert Morrison
Virginia L. Mortara
Carol & Peter Muldowney
David Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Sherif A. Nada
Nasiff Fruit Company
Jean Needy & Dr. Carl Needy
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder, M.D.
Kristine & William F. O’Brien
Our Island Club
Susan & Jeffrey Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Partel, Jr.
Mary Lou & Anthony Piland
Cassie Murray & William Plapinger
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Rhone
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Robb III
Sharon & David Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rukeyser
Kay & Stan Schlozman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sheehan
Betsy & Richard Sheerr
Carol & Ron Shilakes
Jacqulyn C. Shropshire
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Shweder
Ms. Geralda Silva
Lee & Allen Sinai
Mr. Stephen L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Spongberg
Deb Zetterberg & Stanley Startzell
Richard E. Steves
Lisa & John Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Thayer
Ms. Kate R. Whitney & Mr. Franklin A. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Thompson
Neva D. & Melvin D. Thornhill
Tilton Tents & Party Rentals
United Way of Rhode Island
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Scripts
Marigil & Mason Walsh
Karl W. Weckman
Ms. Kathleen C. Whelen
Heidi Wild Photography
El Edwards & Alan Willens
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
Patricia Bacon & Jeffrey Zack, M.D.
Contributions of $100 to $499
Anonymous (17)
Chris & John Abrams
Karen & Michael Achille
Ezola & Earl Adams, Jr.
Joan & Siamak Adibi, M.D.
Corinne & Gerald Adler
Mercedes F. Agard
Mr. & Mrs. John Alaimo
Alchemy Bistro & Bar
Enid C. Allen
Ms. Mary E. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Blake P. Allison
Mr. James H. Alston VI
Mr. & Mrs. Claude K. Amadeo
Mrs. David Ames
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Anderson, Jr.
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Atwood
Maria & Jesse Aweida
Wiet & John Bacheller
Back Door Donuts
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Badey
Betty & Bill Bailey
Elizabeth A. Baker
Sheila M. Balboni
Bananas Clothing Etc.
Julia & John Banks
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Baril
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan L. Barmakian
Ms. Sarah J. Hughes & Mr. A. James Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Barnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barrett
Basement Designs, Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bayer
The Beach House
Harriet L. Bechtold
Mr. & Mrs. G. Paul Becker
Diane & Lewis Becker
Janice Belisle
Marcelle & Arthur BenDavid
Ms. Marguerite H. Benson
Francie & Jack Bergquist
Trudy & Chuck Berman
Mrs. Louise H. Bessire
Ann Maley & Art Bingham
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Blacklow
Jodi & Hadden Blair
Estate of Dorothy Bloch
Ms. Dorothy L. Poole & Mr. Thomas C. Block
Blue Ribbon Coffee Cake
Sandra & Bob Blythe
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Bologna
The Boneyard
Anne E. Bonnet
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. M. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bracken
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Catherine Brennan
Cecilia & Kevin Brennan
Linda & Gary Brenner
Mrs. Lorraine D. Bressler
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bridwell
Susannah & Brian Bristol
Dr. Joseph D. Bronzino
Mr. John O. Brooks
Francine & Pierre Brosens
The Brown Family
Brooke & Eric Brown
Mr. & Mrs. H. Harding Brown
Robert M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Brown
Lynne & William Bruno
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry I. Bryant
Eunice & Art Buckland
Judy & Fred Buehler
Kathleen & Cornelius Bulman
Ann & Herbert Burger
Nancy & Dan Cabot
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Cahouet
Ms. D. M. Caldon & Ms. Kerry J. Caldon
Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Callahan
Hope & Brock Callen
Linda & Dan Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Campbell, Jr.
Ms. Francie A. Camper
Ms. Joyce Capobianco
Catha & David Carlson
Charlie Carpenter
Mary Jane & Glenn Carpenter
Carroll & Vincent Real Estate
Mr. Robert J. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Carroll, Jr.
Ms. Dede Rabaioli & Mr. Ronald Cavallo
Wendy & Bob Cavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Cavazuti
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cazeault
CB Stark Jewelers
Carmine Cerone
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Mr. Richard H. Chamberlain
Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home
Chappaquiddick Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chastang
Ms. Athena Cherry
Chilmark Chocolates
Margaret & James Chirgwin
Shelley Christiansen
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Clark
Reverend & Mrs. William C. Cline
Louise & Marston Clough
Mr. & Mrs. Wole C. Coaxum
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Coffman
Margo & Irv Cohen
The Collection
Susan Collinson
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Comer
The Community Foundation
for the Greater Capital Region
Joan & Bill Connolly
Conroy Apothecary
Robert H. Conway
Diana & Bill Conway
r e p o rt
pag e
Charlotte Cook
Ms. Judith H. Cook
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Cook
Jenny Young & Donald Corner
Mike Cosgrave
Cottage City Home Appliance
E.C. Cottle, Inc.
Connie & George Cowan
Kit & Ross Cowan
Ms. Laurie Forkas & Mr. David Cox
Crane Appliance & Sound & Vision
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Cron
Janet & Arthur Crovatto
Judy Cunniffe
Maureen Cunningham & Rosemary Cunningham
Terry & Les Cutler
Sally & Russell Dagnall
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo P. D’ambrosio, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David D’Angelo
daRosa’s Corporation
Bobbie & Sheldon Davis
Barbara & Robert C. Day
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Cornelia Dean
Caryl & James Dearing
Neila & Chris Decker
Betsey S. Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Dello Russo
Mary Lou & Jeffrey DeLong
Karen & Paul DiMaura
Dagmar Dockery
Marie & Joe Doebler
Ms. Debra Dolliver
Barbara Rogers & Ron Domurat
Ms. Sherrie S. Cutler & Dr. Robert M. Donahue
Ms. Prudy Carter-Donovan
& Mr. Robert Donovan
Ms. Barbara S. Torrest & Mr. Peter Dormont
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dorsey
Doyle Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Diana M. Dozier
Jennie & Jeremy Driesen
Betsy & Craig Dripps
Mrs. Jacquelyn L. Driscoll
Anna & Richard Dubow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Dupuis
Patricia & John Durfee
Toni Durkee
Barbara & David Dutton
Amy & William Dvorak
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert P. Earle, Jr.
Edgartown Golf Club
Ms. Frances C. Edwards
Jenny & Garth Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Eisendrath
Ms. Shirley A. Strother & Mr. George H. Elferink
Elkind Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. G. Corson Ellis
Teddie & Ray Ellis
Ms. Alan S. Emmet
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Erdman
Peter E. B. Erdman
Deborah & John Evangelakos
Barbara & Bill Everdell
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Fanelli
Dr. Lisa Kantrowitz & Dr. Elliott Fankuchen
Betty & Rod Farrow
Mr. & Mrs. Edson Favoreto
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Fearey, Jr.
Morton L. Fearey Family
Ruth & Arthur Feder
Judy & David Federowicz
Ursula & Frank Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Fialkow
Oliver D. Filley
Joan B. Firman
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Flam
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Flathers
Ruth & Dan Foland
Carol & Frank Forgione
Cathy & Woody Forns
Sally & Stephen Fortlouis
Ms. Tracy Pollan & Mr. Michael J. Fox
Mr. Gerald Franzago
Mr. Milton S. Freedberg
Richard M. Freeland
Fala Jane Freeman
Robert S. Fresher
Dr. Judith A. Merion & Mr. Richard M. Fried
Joyce & Mark Friedman
Donna Lee & Richard Frisch
Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Fritz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fruhan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Fulenwider
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Furtaw
Emily B. Gadd
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart D. Gager
Ms. Catherine A. Gallagher
Robyn & Dale Garth
Sharon & Irving Gates
GE Foundation
Beth Gelfond
Cathy Hoffman & David Gersch
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Gibney
Ms. Jane Gilday
Cathi & Maurice Gilmore
Gita & Peter Givertzman
Drs. R. & M. Gnanadesikan
Henry W. Goethals
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Goldberg
Mary Lou & Timothy Golding
Dr. Meryl & Rabbi Mark Goldman
Ms. Susan S. Goldman
Ms. Barbara Goldmuntz
Dr. A. Deborah Goldstein & Dr. Joel B. Goldstein
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Goldstein
Anne & Meverell L. Good
Ms. Mary Beth Grady
Dr. David Grant
Sue Carroll & Jared Grant
Grant Family Trust
Mr. Christopher Gray
Dr. & Mrs. Clifton A. Grayer, Jr.
The Great Put On
Christie Coon & Allen Green
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Green
Ms. Anne Barry & Mr. Daniel W. Greenbaum
Beverly & Arnold C. Greenberg
Jennie Greene
The Green Room
Dorothy & Patrick Gregory
The Grill on Main
Sue & Don Guiney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Gurnitz
C. E. Hager
Bill Hall
Marian R. Halperin
Ms. Abbey A. Rockefeller & Mr. Lee S. Halprin
Mr. Robert Hamel
Sally & Bob Hammett
Daniel T. Hanavan
Mary Jane Hanavan
Vicky & Armen Hanjian
Sally & Steve Harr
Cynthia & Paul Harriman
Marge & Jamie Harris
Ms. Linda J. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hart
Anne & Maury Hartigan
Mrs. Elinore F. Hartz
Hartzband Real Estate & Property Management
Mildred & Dick Hasselman
Kathleen & George Haubner
Helen & Sandy Havens
Ms. Kathy Hayes
Dodie & Dan Headington
Linda & Glenn Hearn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hebert
Kathleen F. Hedlund
Phyllis & Peter Heerwagen
Janet & Peter Hefler
Ms. Myra J. Green & Mr. Jeffrey L. Heidt
Lynda & Dr. Richard Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Fergus Henderson
Nancy & Roy Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Eric Hintsa
Catherine Hoffman
Sally & Eric Hohenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hohenthal
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
Aurora & Brad Holley
Marilyn & Warren Hollinshead
Mr. Carl T. Holst-Knudsen
Ms. Peggy E. West & Mr. Charles M. Honart
Ms. Cynthia Starks & Mr. Albert A. Hopeman
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Horan
Ms. Katherine A. Read & Mr. John Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hout
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Huffam III
Carol Hulsizer
Isabelle & Tom Hunter
Norma Holmes & Walter Hunziker, Jr.
June A. Hutchinson
Ms. Aiko Hydeman
IBM Matching Grants Program
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Iseman
Island Outfitters
Island Tire & Auto Service
Mr. John R. Jacobs
Mr. Travis B. Jacobs
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Jaff
Karen & Bob Jaffe
Ms. Wanda J. McClain & Mr. A. Anthony James
Ms. Judith Jardin
Mr. Thomas Jardin
Judie & John Jaycox
Vernon Jernegan
Becky & Walter Jewett
Jim’s Package Store & Island Market
J. McLaughlin
Dr. Deborah Wells & Dr. Theodore Jochsberger
Richard A. Joel
Mrs. Barbara J. Jones
Ms. Jeanne E. Staples & Mr. Douglas H. Jones
Karen & Frick Jones
Linda & Gerald Jones
Margaret Jordan
James E. Joyce
Ms. Sarah Catchpole & Mr. Ward S. Just
Betsy & Bill Kaden
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Kahn
Joan & Eugene Kalkin
Joy & Douglas Kant
Ms. Susan L. Kantrowitz
Mrs. Joan P. Karasik
Karpet Kare, Inc.
Katydid, Inc.
Kathy & Richard Katz
Mrs. Lydia P. S. Katzenbach
r e p o rt
pag e
Ms. Susan B. Katzenberg
Mr. Joshua Kaufman
Beth Kehoe
Mr. & Mrs. J. Howell Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Kende
Clara B. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Kerr
Eleanor & John Ketcham
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Khantzian
Stephanie & Bob King
Nancy M. Kingsley
Mr. Elliott H. Mittler & Mr. Howard M. Klebanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Klein
Trude Kleinschmidt
Mr. David C. Kloss
Patricia M. Knapp
Ralph L. Knapp
Ann & Fritz Knight
Suellen & Tom Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert E. Knipmeyer
Mr. Peter B. Knowlton
Carol Kolodny
Deborah Lodge & Bob Krieger
Dr. Anton O. Kris
Elizabeth Brown & Dwight Kulwin
Barbara W. Kummel
Mr. John LaBell
David Lambert
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Laskowski
Ms. Madalyn P. Mattoon & Mr. Carl Lawrence
Kay & John Leaird
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Leckerling
The Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation
& David M. Lee, Trustee
Rosalind & Louis Lefeber
Barbara & Kenneth Leish
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lengel
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Leonard
Mr. William T. Leonard
Carol & Arthur Lerner
Dr. & Mrs. Marc J. Levine
Linda & Paul Levy
Willee & Finlay Lewis
Ms. Charisse R. Lillie
Merle & Ray Lincoln
Sue Richmond & Rob Livernash
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Lobb III
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lockhart
Margaret Logue
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Ms. Joan Z. Lonergan
Ms. Carly Look
Look Vineyard Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lott
Cindy & Ronald Low
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Lucas
Mr. Mark F. Lucier
Kathy & Ed Ludwig
Joy Carter Luke
Maggie & Paul MacCowatt
Ms. Beverly M. Wright
& Mr. Robert B. MacDiarmid
Joan & Joe MacDougall
Stephanie Mashek & Ken MacLean
Sylvia S. Mader
Mary & Hugh Maher
Eileen & Timothy Maley
Hannah L. Malkin
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Malm
Carol & Bill Maloney
Evie Miller & Bill Marane
Ms. Audrey J. Marcoe
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Marek
Ms. E. R. Marshall
Martha’s Vineyard Glassworks
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Medical Records
& Quality Departments
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. May
Mr. Peter J. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. McCormick
Marguerite Maloy McCullough
Ms. Janet R. McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Luke McGuinness
Cynthia J. McIntosh
Ms. Margaret Rogers-Meagher
& Mr. Edward M. Meagher
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Mechur
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Meegan
Mr. Joseph K. Melrod
Else Membreno
Katherine Logue & Ernest P. Mendenhall
Jacqueline Mendez-Diez
Marie & Stan Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Mercier
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Merjos
Ms. Robin Shanus & Mr. Stephen M. Merkel
Claudia Metell
Mrs. Ruth D. Metell
Tricia & Bill Meyers
Nancy & Harvey Michels
Martha Eddy & Blake Middleton
Patricia Fraser & Edgar Milford
Mary B. Miller
Mink Meadows Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Moore
Dr. Karen Moore
Martha Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Morgan
Ms. Angela H. Morris
Ms. Nancy Morris
Maggie & Alex Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Moskow
JoAnn & James Mosley
Judy & Carl Mueller
Dr. Susan Wendel & Dr. Peter Mueller
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Mueller
Ms. Kathryn Shands & Mr. Joseph Mulinare
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. John Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd P. Murray
Marty Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Nalven
Robin Bray & David Nash
Dr. & Mrs. Francis E. Nasser, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mansfield C. Neal, Jr.
Mrs. Judith P. Neeld
Mr. & Mrs. Mason Neely
Ms. Anita N. Neiman
Mickie & Don Nelson
Mr. F.A. Nelson III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nessen
The Net Result
Jane & Andrew Neumann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Newbold
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Robert Nicholls
Judith A. & Stephen F. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. A. Nicol
Mr. David A. Nimick
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Barbara Norfleet
Ms. Sara C. Norris
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Norton, Jr.
Ms. Alexis J. Anderson
& Mr. Alexander A. Notopoulos, Jr.
Nancy & Peter Nottonson
Mara Williams Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. O’Connor
Jeanne & Bob Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ollwerther
Mr. Stephen C. Olsson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Opiola
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Ostrow
Our Market Corporation
Barbara & Frank Pados
Mrs. Herman Page
Mr. & Mrs. James Pagliuso
Judith F. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Panetta
Parker Carpets
Helen Schwiesow Parker & J.B. Riggs Parker
Past & Presents
Mr. & Mrs. Allen H. Pease
Mary Jane A. Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Pellegrino
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pepe
Judy Salosky & Jim Pepper
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Perkins
Mrs. Landon Peters
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Petkus
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Beatrice Phear
Susan Phelps
Mrs. Marjorie H. Phillips
Bernice & Raymond Phillips
Ms. Anne Bennett & Mr. Paul D. Pickard
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Dr. David F. Pincus
Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Pinn
Susan & Daniel Plaine
Lucille & Charles Plotz
Gayle Poggi
Mr. & Mrs. Giulio Pontecorvo
Mr. Everett H. Poole
Margaret & Allen Post
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Price
Cynthia Provost
Dr. & Mrs. Heinz H. Puetthoff
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
Peggy & Rick Quagliaroli
Bill Quinn
Abby Rabinovitz
Karen & Bill Rankin
Dr. & Mrs. Vassilios D. Raptopoulos
Diane & Brian Reed
Deborah & Malcolm Reed
Regen Family Stork’s Nest LLC
& David G. Stork
Tina & Len Reich
Diana & Richard Reische
Suzanne & Phil Reppert
Ms. Irene Resendes & Ms. Jo-Ann Resendes
Mary Jo & Richard Reston
Lynn & Alan Retik
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Reynolds
Dianne & Donna Rhoades
Ms. Joan F. Rice
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
Lois & Mike Robbins
John A. Roberts, Jr
Belmira T. Robinson
Judy & Craig Robinson
Eileen & Rupert Robinson
Rocco’s Pizzeria
Mary Ann & Randy Rompola
Jacquelyn & Paul Ronan
Ms. Mary-Patrice Ruocco
Dr. Deidre A. Ling & Mr. Edward H. Russell
Kathleen & Thomas Ruta
Mr. & Mrs. David Salkever
Joan Karol & Irving Salloway
Amy & Gilbert Sanborn
Sandpiper Realty
r e p o rt
pag e
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Savage
Pamela Willis Savarese
Thalia & John Scanlan
Ms. Pamela Schaenen
Barbara K. Scherlis
Robert L. Schiffman
John Schley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Audie & John Schneider
Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn, Inc.
June & Irving Schoppe
Cheryl & Bart Schwartz
Pamela & James Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwier
Mr. & Mrs. Hal S. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scott
Edwin Seabury
Shirley Searle
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Mr. Donald S. Sexton, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Jackie & Henry Shaub
Shirley’s Hardware
Susan & Stanley Shuman
June & Ralph Shunk
Ms. Laura D. Roosevelt
& Dr. Charles H. Silberstein
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. Silva, Jr.
Dr. Karianne S. Silverman
& Dr. Adam M. Silverman
Kyl & Alan Silverstone
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Simmons
Leslie & Warren Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Barton B. Skeen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric L. Smith
Becky & John Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Smith
Trina H. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Snider
Ms. Jessie P. Snyder
Jose Barbosa Sobrinho
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Solberg, Jr.
Kathy & Joe Sollitto
Mr. & Mrs. Hans J. Solmssen
Ms. Anne C. Speakman
Ione Bissonnette, CNM & Arthur Spector, M.D.
Ann Boyer & Everett Spees
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Spillman
Vivian & Lionel Spiro
Ms. Ruth C. Spohn
The Hon. & Mrs. Norman H. Stahl
Ms. Margery Meltzer & Ms. Cheryl B. Stark
Ms. Martha C. Nowycky & Mr. John H. Steidl
Debbie & Gary Stein
Gary S. Stein
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Steinberg
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Andrea Quigley & Ned Sternick
Elizabeth & Robert Sterrett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Stevenson, Jr.
Ardelia Stewart
Alma & Hans Stibolt
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Mrs. Sylvia V. Storey
Pamela & Jack Street
Geniel & Marcus Strock
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stuart
Susanna Styron
Eva & Eberhard Suhr
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Sullivan
Gemma & Tom Sullivan
Summer Shades
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Sutphin III
Carolyn B. Swain, D.D.S.
Claudia & Ed Swan
Gerri & Kenneth Sweder
Annabelle & Allan Tait
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tangredi
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
J. Elliott Taylor, M.D.
Katherine, Derrick & Philip Teel
Jane & Roger Thayer
Mrs. Marie O. Thompson
Janet & Samme Thompson
Julia & Sam Thoron
Erin & Zeb Tilton
The Tisbury Printer
Mr. John Titus
Tony’s Market
The Toy Box
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Tsoi
Allene Turner
Wendy & Skip Ulrich
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
& Merrimack Valley
Janet & Ted Urban
US Foodservice, Inc.
Andrew Vagelos
Faith Van Clief
Ms. Suzanne Brown & Mr. Alexander Van Dijk
Patty & Skip Vanderwarker
Betsy VanLandingham
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Vaughan
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Veale
Ms. Judith Villa
Vineyard Bottled Waters
Vineyard Cash & Carry
Vineyard Imprints
Vineyard Nursing Association
Lisa Wiesner & Fred Volkmar
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Vorenberg
Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Vose, Jr.
Carolyn M. Wadsworth
Mrs. Adele H. Waggaman
Ms. Claire Walls
Ms. Cynthia H. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip G. Walters
Dr. Arthur L. Walton, Jr.
Alice S. Wang
Ms. Grace K. Warnecke
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weinstein
Mr. Colin B. Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Weisman
Ronnie & Mitchell Weiss
Cora & Peter Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Welch
Barbara Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Werthwein
Ms. Jane G. West
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Westrich
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wezniak
The Wharf Restaurant & Pub
Mrs. Hope A. Whipple
Lynne P. & Granville H. White
Julia & Pendleton White
Susan E. Thompson & Jonathan M. Whiting
Mr. Timothy Whiting
Ms. Suzanne S. Whittemore
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher H. Wiley
Kathy & Steve Wilkerson
Gregory Willett
Doris I. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph Williams, Jr.
Susan & David Wilson
Mrs. E.A. Winnette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Woerpel
Lois & Ben Wolkowitz
Jeremy Scott Wood
Felice & Henry Yager
Sylvia & Frank Yeomans
Pam & David Young
Patti Young
Drs. Deborah & Paul Young-Hyman
Norma & Arnold Zack
Jeanne Zenker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zoll
Dr. Laurent Delli-Bovi & Mr. William A. Zucker
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (14)
Nancy-Alyce & Brian Abbott
Ms. Deborah Abbott
Ms. Denise M. Acquaviva
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Aglieco
Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Alberich
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry H. Alley
Alley Cat
Mr. Jose Alves
Among the Flowers Cafe
Ms. Angela Amos
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Amstel
Mr. & Mrs. Victor P. Anesini
Mary Ann Angelone
Nancy & Joel Aronie
Judy Athearn
Dr. & Mrs. Steven W. Atwood
Ms. Annette O. Auerbach
& Mr. Charles Auerbach
Mr. James Austin
Mrs. Geraldine S. Averill
Lynn & Steve Axelrad
Irma & Bob Bachman
Anne & Gerry Baker
Mr. George J. Balco
Nancy & Ted Balcomb
Mr. James Banghart
Dorothy Bangs
Dr. Virginia D. N. Banks
Patricia & William Banks
Emma & Archie Bankston
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barboza
Ms. Evelyn Barish
Ms. Janet B. Barker
Ms. Patricia M. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barter
Sue & George Bashian
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Basque
Ms. Jo-Anne L. Bates
Ms. Martha Battles
Ms. Brenda J. Gerosa-Beal
& Mr. Robert F. Beal, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bean
Mr. & Mrs. John Becker
Nancy & Bill Becker
Mr. Edward S. BenDavid, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bendavid
Ms. Sydney Bender
Barbara & Bill Bennett
Alicia Berrocales
Ellen & David Berube
Bespoke Abode
Ms. Ivy Best
Ms. Marcy Bettencourt
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Bettencourt
Carol & Robert Bick
Mr. Michael Bittner
Nancy & Charles Blank
Ms. Sally Blinken
Ms. Carol A. Bloomberg
Jo Ann & H. Lee Blumberg
Ms. Emanuel Boasberg
Susie & Woody Bowman
r e p o rt
pag e
Dr. L. Susan Branche
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley A. Branton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Brewer, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Brewster
Ms. Dineo Brinson
Rhenda & Clarence Brodnax
Ms. Carolyn Brooks
Patricia & Neil Brooks
Nancy & Peter Brooks
Miss Mary J. Broussard
Ms. Kathleen Brown
Ms. Paulette Brown
Sandy & Mike Bruscino
Carolyn & Chris Buchholz
Julia Burgess
Ms. Karen D. Burke
Gail & Walter Burke
Ms. Betsy Burmeister
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Ms. Jessica Cabral
Mr. Joseph H. Calamia
Martha & Randolph Cameron
Ms. Claudia Canerdy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Carnicelli
Carousel Ice Cream Factory, Inc.
Rae & Joseph Carter
Ms. Linda M. Carter
Mr. & Ms. Dave Cattanach
Mr. Will Chamberlin
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Chapman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Chapman
Mr. Sam Charny
Mr. Daniel Chauvin
Ms. Kerry Armstrong & Mr. Andrew Cheney
Ms. Kimberly Kirk & Dr. Robert J. Cherry
Lydia & Robert Chidsey
Mr. Kenneth Chisholm
Mr. David Chmielewski
Holly Heslop & Charlie Christopher
Reverend & Mrs. Timothy B. Cogan
Mr. Joel Cohen
Dr. Jordan J. Cohen
Mr. & Ms. Seth B. Cohen
Ms. Maurita K. Coley
Mr. John Collins
Katharine & Frazier Colon
Ms. Carlene Gatting & Mr. Frederick M. Condon
Marguerite & David Cook
Ms. Emily Cooney
Susie & Steve Cooper
Patricia Correia
Patricia A. Costa
Mr. Mike Cotrone
Mr. & Mrs. Ian I. Cotterell
Mrs. Marguerite B. Cottle
Mrs. Shirley Craig
Ms. Nancy S. Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Creighton
Jane L. Culbert
Ms. Vivian W. Culin
Ms. Dorothy B. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Curelli
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Curtis
Mr. Lawrence Czaplewski
Mr. & Mrs. Rene P. Da Silva
Mr. Valteir A. da Silva
Nevenka Kovacevich Daniels
Mr. Robert S. Daniels
Marion & Leo Dauwer
Dr. John A. Davis
Reverend Paul S. Dawson
Ms. Monica Dean
Carol Deanow
Ms. Clara Kisko & Dr. Deirdre DeCarion
Mr. & Mrs. Francois Delphin
Mrs. Frances I. Dennison
Evandro Deoliveira
Ms. Maria Desouza
Aaron Levan Dettra Memorial Fund
Mrs. Margaret P. DeVane
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Dewar
Ms. Elizabeth W. Deyo
Rhoda L. Diamond
Ms. Judith Dickerson
Jane & Philip Dietterich
Angelo L. DiMeglio
Hedda Rubenstein & Michael Dimenstein
Mr. David Diriwachter
Richard M. Divver
Mr. Keith A. Dodge
Mrs. Marie J. D’Olimpio
Susan & Donald Douglas
Mrs. Bernice Dourmashkin
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Dresser
Dorothy & John Dropick
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Duffy
Mr. David Dufour
Mr. John Durant
Charlotte & Sanford Earle
Ms. Sandra L. Reynolds & Mr. John G. Early
Carolyn Y. Eddy
Edgartown Books
Edgartown Hardware, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Edmonds
Belinda Eichler
Ms. Anna Elefant
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Marion & Mark Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Emery
Ingrid E. Engel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Enrich
Mrs. Ruth Epstein
Robert E. Erlandson
Espresso Love, Inc.
Gene & Peter Evans
Ms. Connie S. Fishman & Mr. Jeffrey A. Fagan
Ms. Susan Fairbanks
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Falchiere
Edith & Sal Falcone
Dr. Adelaide G. Farrah
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Farrington
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farrington
Gail Farrish
Ms. Betty Ann Faunce
Ms. Tara Favors
Ann Fielder
Ms. Virginia Finigan
Ms. Cheryl Finley
Marilyn Fish
Mr. James Fitton
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund D. Fitzmaurice
Mr. Adacir Fogaca
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Foy
Ms. Linda Frances
Betty G. Frazier
Dr. Joel P. Friedman
Ms. Daniele Frost
Lori & Simon Furie
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Gager
Jeannine & Daniel Garab
Lisa & Chuck Garabedian
Linda & Bobby Garland
Dr. Frances Gaskin & Dr. Conrad Gaskin
Ms. Lori A. Gebhardt
Ms. Alisson Gerrish
Cynthia & David Gibby
Helen & Dennis Gibson
Ms. Amber N. Gill
Mr. Louis J. Giordano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Giordano, Jr.
Frank Giovanangelo
Mr. Thomas R. Goethals
DelRene Goldsmith
Donna & Avrum Goldstein
Mrs. Maureen A. Gordon
Mr. Saul Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gorman
Dr. Michele J. Gottlieb & Dr. Robert Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Gould
Mary Gould
Mrs. Alice F. Goyert
Ms. Alison Graham
Ms. Ann B. Graham
Ms. Elizabeth Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Grann
Beatrice & Carl Green
Carmin C. Reiss & Eric D. Green
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Green
Donna & Sol Green
Robert J. Grinch
Ms. Ann Marie Reilly & Mr. Timothy L. Grove
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grunden
Ms. Erin N. Gwen
Ms. Carol Haffield
Dr. & Mrs. Leon L. Haley
Ms. Nancy E. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hall
Marcia & Daniel Halperin
Ms. Deborah Hammett
Elizabeth & Eric Handler
Ms. Mary M. Holmes & Mr. Adam M. Hanjian
Kathryn & Gary Harcourt
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Harff
Mr. Seth Harlow
Barbara & Daniel Harnen
Susan Whiting & Flip Harrington
Ms. Florence A. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Zsolt P. Harsanyi
Judy Hartford & Thad Harshbarger
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hartin
Ms. Karen M. Flathers & Mr. James R. Hartman
Theresa & Robert Hasan
Mr. & Mrs. Arnoldo C. Hax
Jean Hay
Ms. Sherry H. Henderson
Elizabeth W. Henrikson
Mr. & Mrs. Dareld D. Herrera
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hewett
Mr. William B. Hill
Ms. Carolyn Hilliker
Mr. Paul Hillman
Mrs. Harriet B. Hoar
George Holmes
Ms. Laura Honey
Laurie W. Howick
Mr. John T. Hughes
Paul Hughes
Ms. Jean C. Hundley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Huss
Dr. Sonya Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Ms. Kathleen G. Indigaro
Marian R. Irving
Sarah S. Isenberg
Island Cove Adventures
Helen F. Issokson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ivory
Geri & George Jackson
Ms. Sarah Jackson
Mr. Frederick A. Jacobi
Judy & Bob Jahries
Ms. Jill R. Jaycox
r e p o rt
pag e
Rita & Peter Jeffers
Mr. Frederick Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Jennings
Mr. Nicholas Jerome
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel K. Jones, Esq.
Ise & Temple Jorden
Dr. Warren & Harriet Kantrowitz
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kaplan
Rosalind & Mark Kaplan
Mrs. Linda M. Karako & Mr. Ronald C. Karako
Mrs. Linda Katz
Ms. Iris Gold & Mr. Steven Katz
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Kaufmann
Dr. Toby Gordon & Dr. Bruce A. Kaup
Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Keith
Ms. Earline D. Kendall
James P. Kennedy
Stephanie S. & Charles B. Kernick
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kilcullen
Mr. Frederick H. Kingsbury III
Joyce Morinutz & Jules P. Kirsch
Mr. Jason Kish
Elaine & Robert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Klim
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Kopans
Ms. Christina C. Kopec
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Krauthamer
Ms. Sarah Cox & Mr. Kevin D. Kroeger
Ms. May Baldwin & Mr. Elliot Kronstein
Mary & Werner Kuhn
Mr. Richard C. Kurker
Ms. Linda S. Kurth
Mr. Jeffrey LaBell
Mr. Rick Laferriere
Mr. David M. Laikin
Mr. Delos Lander
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Langenauer
Mrs. Mary Ellen Larsen
Ms. Catherine Bush-Lattanzi
& Mr. Albert A. Lattanzi
Jane & Tod Laudonia
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Lawrence
Mr. Eliot Leaf
Ms. Catherine LeBlanc
Bernadette & Garry LeBlanc
Mrs. Eleanor M. Lee
Jan & Bill Lehmberg
Mr. Guillermo Leiva
Mr. & Mrs. William Lenzi
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Leon
Ms. Carol Levine
Leslie & Bill Lichtman
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Lieblich
Ms. Sara Borges & Mr. Robson B. Lima
Cece & Rick Lindequist
Sandy & Mike Lindheimer
Sylvia D. Loferski
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Logue
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Lopes
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
Ms. Patricia M. Lyman
John Joe Lynch
Mr. Andrew B. Lyon
Janet & Michael Macdonald
Marcia & Don MacGillivray
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander MacMaster
Ms. Jill Macy
Susan H. Macy
Ms. Deborah J. Magiera
Nancy & Bob Magill
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Mahoney
Helen & Luis Maldonado
Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Mallegol
Mr. & Mrs. James Maloney
Ms. Tina L. Maloney
Ms. Debbie L. Mandelker
Susan Markwica
Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust
James Masek
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm E. Matthews
Mrs. Shirley W. Mayhew
Ms. Ryshelle M. McCartney
Mr. Peter S. McChesney
Pat & Terry McCracken
Ms. Mary M. U. McGuire
Ms. Noelle McKeon
Ms. Claudia McKoin
Ms. Salem Mckurea
James W. McNeil III
Mr. & Mrs. William T. McSweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Meleney
Stefan Miljanic
Mr. Robert L. Montague III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moore
Ms. Christopha Moreland
Morning Glory Farm
Ms. Cynthia M. O’Callaghan
& Mr. Thomas R. Morrell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Morrison
Mr. Rock Mullens
M.J. & Paul Munafo
Mr. & Mrs. C. Donald Murphy
Lucy Myers
Drs. Denise Shapiro & Martin Nager
Ms. Camille Napier
Ms. Melanie Napier
Ms. Penny Nemzer
Nora & Tony Nevin
Nancy & Jon Newman
Chloe D. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd C. Norton
Ms. Cherrie A. Nunes
Pedro Nunes
Mary E. & William F. O’Brien III
Ms. Elizabeth O’Connor
Ms. Sandra L. White-Olden
& Mr. Kenneth Olden
Mr. & Mrs. David Oliveira
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Osinski
Renee O’Sullivan
Mr. Wayne Pacconi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pagano
Mrs. Mary V. Palmer
Ms. Barbara A. Wallen & Mr. Gary W. Paraboschi
Ms. Sarah Pattison
Mr. & Mrs. Arden L. Paulhamus
Mr. Robert Pearlman
Patricia S. Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Peaslee
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Perkins, Jr.
Donna & Ralph Perricelli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Perrine
Mrs. Ann Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Peters
Mr. Jonathan Peters
Cynthia & Gerald Peterson
Petunia’s LTD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Peura
Barbara Magnuson Phillips
Ms. Sandra Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Pikor
Kristen Pinto
Judy & Gordon Plank
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Polansky
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Polishook
Edith W. Potter
Nisa & Peter Poulos
Mrs. Shirley K. Powers
Ms. Lateefah A. Pree
Ms. Eileen Preston
Ms. Kedra Priest
Ms. Lorraine Wells & Mr. James S. Pringle
Ms. Arlene S. Prisco & Ms. Ursula L. Prisco
Bob Provost
Mr. Matthew Quirey
Mrs. Clara S. Rabbitt
Sydell & Arnold Rabin
Betty A. Ranslow
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Rashba
Joan & Henry Rauch
Mrs. Myrnice M. Ravitch
Mr. Christian B. Reade
Mr. Tracy C. Reade
Mr. Alfonzo Reed
Mr. & Mrs. W. Creighton Reed, Jr.
Eulalie M. Regan
Mr. Peter L. Regan
Lyn & Glenn Reiter
Frances V. Resendes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Ricci
Vhonda L. Ridley
Mr. Anthony Rinaldi
Asta & Lowell Roberts
Mr. Jeffrey A. Robinson
Pat & John Rodgers
Ms. Gladys C. Rodman
Ms. Tierney Roggiolani
Ms. Suzanne G. Roman
Ronald Rose
Jean Ritchey Ross
Mr. Survival Ross
Ms. Judy E. Venonsky & Mr. Michael L. Rothwell
Ms. Jennifer Royal
Mr. & Mrs. Duane P. Royce
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Rudnik
Ms. Anneliese Ruggeri
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sabin
Mr. & Mrs. Moosa Salman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Salsgiver
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Salvo
Ms. Cleo A. Samuel
Mr. David Sands
Steve Saxonis
Ms. Marilyn R. Scheerbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Schepici
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schiller
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Jay E. Schofield
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnee L. Schultz
Teresa Scilipote
Sally & Marshall Segall
Mrs. Marie M. Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Shemeth
Mr. Michael Sherman
Richard D. Sherman
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Sherman
Mr. C. Morgan Shipway
Cynthia & Brian Sills
Inku Sim
Ruth B. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Smith
Mary Ann & Stanley W. Snider
Mrs. Gloria Sonnabend
Alan Sooho
Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Spain
r e p o rt
pag e
Carolyn & Arthur Spengler
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stackpole
Ms. Kerry A. Stakem
Mr. Richard W. Steamer
Ms. Kimberly Kirk & Mr. Reaan Steenkamp
Gloria J. Steere
Ms. Leslie Stein
Josene M. Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Stephens
Ms. Marion Stepter
Christiane & Donald Stevens
Ms. Heidi Stevenson
Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Stewart
Mrs. Kathryn B. Stewart
Dori K. Stibolt
Donna M. Stickles
Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Stiller
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Storti
Rosemary Chalk & Michael Stoto
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Stotz
Jane F. Street
Ms. Margaret I. Striepe
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Sudderth
Ali & Rick Sullo
Super Stop & Shop
Mr. James Supple
Ms. Joan B. Leibovich & Mr. Ted Sutton
Ms. Priscilla L. Sylvia
Ms. Sarah Sylvia
Ms. Yvonne E. Sylvia
Ms. Erica Szule
Ms. Joelle Tartaglio
Ms. Teresa Temple
Dr. John B. Thomas
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Ms. Anne E. Thompson
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Ms. Patricia Thompson-Reid
Mr. & Ms. John V. Tiernan
Barsha & Ron Tolin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Trani
Ms. Anna Truckey
Mr. James Uleman
Sheila & Tom Urmston
Ms. Anne L. Josephson & Mr. Dolph J. Vanderpol
Ms. Camille Vasquez
Jane Creed Vera & Joseph Sequeira Vera
The Verret Family
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Wade
Mrs. Barbara K. Walsh
Mr. Thomas Walsh
Richard Washington
Dr. & Mrs. Charles B. Watson
Dr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wattenberg
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Webb
Bonnie & Paul F. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Webster
Ms. Renee J. Weeks
Penny & Philip Weinstein
Ms. Tamara Weiss
Ms. Trina Brown & Mr. David Welch
Ms. Carol White
Ms. Dorothy H. White
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. White
Mr. Quentin M. White
Maclin D. Whiteman
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Whitney
Irene & Arnie Widman
Mr. Andrew J. Wiener
Linda Wildermuth
Mrs. Jane C. Wiley
Ms. Marilyn Williams
Mr. Merele Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Williamson
Roberta C. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Williamson
Richard Willinger
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Wilson
Mr. John Wilson
Windemere Recreation Department
Ms. Jocelyn Winston
Pat & Bob Wittig
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wright, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Wurtz
Dr. Stefan H. Young
Ms. Ashley Younger
Mr. Lindell Younger
Ms. Christina Zghibarta
Susan & Lawrence Zielinski
In Honor of
Clarissa Allen
Jeremy Biggs
Harding Brown’s Birthday
Polly Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Connolly’s
Anniversary & Dear Friendship
Molly & Jack Crawford
Judith Davenport
Sandy & Dave Dolinsky
Mrs. Bernice Dourmashkin
Dr. Judith Fisher
Noreen Flanders
The Fowler Family
Loved Ones of the Fritz Family
Carla & Steve Furtaw
Dr. Ellen McMahon
Meverell L. Good
Helen Green
Everett Healy
Kent Healy
Joel Holmberg
Dr. Jeffrey Horenstein
Tuna Kiersted
Sarah Lolley
Seshagiri Rao Mallampati
Chloe Markell
Edward Miller
Charles Morano
Ted Morgan
Milla Mueller
Marci Nichols
Dr. Henry Nieder
Mr. & Mrs. James H. K. Norton
Dr. Pieter Pil
The Children of Shirley K. Powers
Marcella Provost
Barbara Prowe
Michael Ravitch
The Robinson Family
Dr. Deborah Hall
Dr. Mark Scheffer
Robert Schwier
Alma & Hans Stibolt
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan
Timothy D. Sweet
Barbara M. Verret
Tim Walsh
Lorre Polinger & Donald Wertlieb’s
40th Anniversary
Dedie Wieler
Dr. Jeffrey Zack
In Memory of
Joseph J. Alconada
Cathy Allen
Carmen Alves
Albert P. Angelone
Daniel Jonas Aronie
Dorothy & Stuart Bangs
Diana Churchill Bardwell
Mary L. Barrett
Robert S. Basque
Edward Belisle
Linda A. BenDavid
Henry E. Bessire
Do & Kurt Blumberg
Sandy Bristoll
Scott Brockmeyer
Jane Legge Brown
Gray MacW. Bryan
Tom Burke
Dr. Joseph R. Calder
Jim Cannon
Dick Carol
Carol Carrick
Marie Casey
Henry N. Chaffee
Lucinda Chandler
Sheila Chisholm
Ray Clark
Phyllis H. Conway
John Correia
Phil Craig
David Cunniffe
Daisy Cunningham
Sheryl Cunningham
Priscilla M. Dickson
Willem K. Dikland
Donald M. Douglas
r e p o rt
Carole Cowan Dunscombe
Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin
Ray Ellis
Nancy Evans
George H. Feil
Justin Feldman
Anne & Tony Fisher
Carol Irving Francis
David Franklin
Joan A. Fresher
Eleanor & Frank Gadd
H. Gary Garab
Janet Gazaille
Sondra & Alfred Gelfond
Mabel George
Reverend John
& Josephine Golding
Loretta & Bill Grunden
Sheldon Hackney
Joanne Hall
Sheila M. Hanavan
Lincoln Hanson
J. Donald Hare
Geraldine Harrold
Dorothy Johnson Henry
Eunice Honey
Mary Ann & Russell Hoxsie
Richard R. Huffam II
Dr. S. Bernard Issokson
Sheryl Jaynes-Andrews
Wendy Weisman Jenkinson
Larry Kehoe
Louise & Frank Kernick
Frederick W. Kingsley
Mary & Charles Kurher
Helene M. Lesieur
Dr. Tommy Littlejohn
James Littles
Lee W. Lockwood
Emma Machmer
Priscilla Magnuson
Stella Markey
Julienne Costa Marshall
W. Gray Mattern
Susan “Ticket” May
pag e
Todd Follansbee
Ruth H. McFadden
Dr. Thomas McFarland
A. Donald McGrath
Gail Mayhew Mercer
Alfred M. Metell
Edna Monthero
Rose Morris
Gail Cottle Nichols
Bailey Nieder
The Honorable James L. Oakes
Beatrice Pacheco
Bradford Pachico
Reuben Tyler Palmer IV
Gedeon Pil
Helen L. Ridley
Kathleen Conway Roberts
Carolyn & Paul Roedel
Emily Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Ross
Sabarah P. Sabin
Jane C. Santos
Colleen Sharkey
Proctor Smith, Jr.
Georgia Mickle Smith
Susan Lorraine Sotherden
Jack Sternbach
Mary & Bill Stevens
Ronald L. Stewart
Bud Stickles
Edward L. Strauss
Aaron Struthers
Alice Swartz
Peter Teel, M.D.
Mary Maloy Walker
Basil Welch
Timothy G. Wey
Edith D. Whiteman
Rosemay Whiting
Barbara & Norman Whitney
Joseph C. Whitney
Dr. James A. Wolff, Sr.
Ruth & Raymond Young
In grateful appreciation of our supporters
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Polly Brown
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Auxiliary
Lippy & Ed Reade
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Mary E. Alley
John C. Anderson
Carol & Thomas Bardwell
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lane Bates
Barbara & Richard Couch
& The Couch Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Kiest
Martha’s Vineyard Museum
Dr. Laura Roebuck & Dr. William Meehan
Mr. Joseph Mendolia
Sharon A. Miller
Moses in the Bullrushes
Mr. & Mrs. John Rancourt
DiAnn & Earle Ray
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop & Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Vineyard Golf Club Foundation
Estate of Anita Vivian
Diane & Paul Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zeender
Contributions of $500 to $999
Anonymous (1)
Pat & Geoff Banfield
Bartlett Tree Experts
Ms. Helen Benham
Constance Messmer & Stephen Bernier
R. Britton
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Margaret & James Chirgwin
Mr. Kenneth Chisholm
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Mr. & Mrs. Casey Cunniffe
Ms. Anna Marie D’Addarie
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio G. daRosa III
Ray Ellis Gallery
Pat & Jay Ferriter
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
Jen & Bill Goodspeed
Mr. Daniel J. Hastings
Isabel B. Hooker
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Ms. Carol Klein & Mr. Bruce L. Levett
Irene & John MacKenty
Martha’s Vineyard Center for the Visual Arts
Nancy & Herb Milstein
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Pellegrino
Marcella & Glenn Provost
Rotary Club of Martha’s Vineyard
Ms. Geralda Silva
Helen & Timothy Walsh
Contributions of $100 to $499
Anonymous (2)
Chris & John Abrams
Corinne & Gerald Adler
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bean
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
. January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013
Betsy’s Hands
Kerry & Frank Binder
The Black Dog Tall Ships
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Blacklow
Ms. Dorothy L. Poole & Mr. Thomas C. Block
Anne E. Bonnet
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Catherine Brennan
Rhenda & Clarence Brodnax
Ms. Louisa Williams
& Mr. Christopher R. Brooks
Linda & William Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Buckley
Buckley’s Gourmet Catering
Ms. Betsy Burmeister
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Butterick
Dorothy & Bruce Campbell
Elaine C. Carroll
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Chappy Ferry
Chilmark Chocolates
Chilmark Chocolates Customers
Ms. Margeret Chisholm
Classic Aviators LTD
Fran & Bob Clay
Louise & Marston Clough
Morgan & Joe Coffey
Jocelyn & Boyd Cowper
Creative Concrete Designs
Ms. Judith A. Cronig
Judy Cunniffe
Mrs. Gertrude Cutler
Terry & Les Cutler
Ms. Stephanie Danforth
Judy & Ron Davenport
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Mr. Helio De Oliveira
Caryl & James Dearing
Mae & Chas Deary
Jane & Philip Dietterich
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Michael P. Downs
Barbara & David Dutton
Barbara & Kenneth Edelin
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Fearey, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Filiault
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Flam
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Mr. Milton S. Freedberg
Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway
Dr. Tracy C. Gibbons
Henry W. Goethals
Mr. James Gouthro
Susan & Rob Graap
Granary Gallery
Ms. Kathleen Lingren & Ms. Helen M. Green
Ms. Anne Barry & Mr. Daniel W. Greenbaum
Jennie Greene
Elizabeth & Lee Guittar
Ann T. Hale
Marian R. Halperin
V. Jaime Hamlin & Sons
Ms. Mary M. Holmes & Mr. Adam M. Hanjian
Charles H. Harff
Gertrude C. Hart & James C. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hebert
Louise & Bill Hendry
Edward Higham
r e p o rt
pag e
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Ms. Mary J. Hillman
The Homemakers Club of Oak Bluffs
Laurie W. Howick
Huntington Controls, Inc.
Nancy A. Huntington
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram
Island Classic Charters, Inc.
Island Propane, Inc.
Island Spirit Kayak
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Jaff
Vernon Jernegan
Jewish Communal Fund
Karen & Frick Jones
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Renee & Dan Kaplan
Karpet Kare, Inc.
Lillian & Raymond Kellman
BeeBee Horowitz & Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Kitchen Porch Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kram
Bernadette M. & Raymond P. LaPorte
Michele LeBlanc
Rosalind & Louis Lefeber
Mr. Francis Leonardo
Lickity Split Logs
Little Rock Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Look
Mr. Mark A. Lovewell
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Susan G. Madeiras
Mr. Rajendra Maharaj
Jardin Mahoney, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Mallegol
Ms. E. R. Marshall
Martha’s Vineyard Framing
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McHale
Mrs. Patricia McLeod
Helen E. Meleney
Katherine Logue & Ernest P. Mendenhall
Ms. Lucy A. Menton
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. George S. B. Morgan
Ms. Lindsey P. Morris
Ms. Nancy Morris
Maggie & Alex Morrison
Mr. Warren C. Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Mulbry
Nelly Nasch’s Daughters
Mickie & Don Nelson
Network for Good
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Robert Nicholls
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder, M.D.
Ms. Alice Northrop
Nancy & Peter Nottonson
Mrs. Marianna M. O’Brien
Mary E. & William F. O’Brien III
Mr. & Mrs. William O’Gorman
Michelle O’Grady
Linda & Ray O’Neill
The Orange Peel Bakery
Our Island Club
Our Market Corporation
Outermost Inn
RM Packer Company, Inc.
Papa’s Stained Glass
Susan & Jeffrey Parker
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Petkus
Petunia’s LTD
Mrs. Beatrice Phear
Elizabeth & James Pickman
Dr. Karen Casper & Dr. Pieter Pil
Gayle Poggi
Positive Rewards Dog Training
Ms. Linda B. Carroll & Mr. John J. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Price
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
Pure Life Massage & Body Work
Edie Radley
Karen & Bill Rankin
Reclaimed Island
Diane & Brian Reed
Eulalie M. Regan
Dianne & Donna Rhoades
Ms. Joan F. Rice
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
Belmira T. Robinson
Eileen W. & Rupert H. Robinson
Macy & Bruce Rosinoff
Annie Ruth Scarville
Dr. Joan G. Scheuer & Mr. Richard J. Scheuer
Linda M. Schlageter
The Seafood Shanty
Alison Shaw Photography
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Ms. Carly Simon
The Procter Smith Family
Ms. Dorothy Soquist
Ann Boyer & Everett Spees
Square Rigger Restaurant
St. Andrew’s Church
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Andrea Quigley & Ned Sternick
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
Carolyn B. Swain, D.D.S.
Claudia & Ed Swan
Mrs. Louise W. Swartz
Sweet Neck Farm
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
Tea Lane Caterers, Inc.
Mr. Craig Tharpe
Erin & Zeb Tilton
Mr. John Titus
The Trustees of Reservations
Janice P. Van Riper
Verner Fine Gardens
Vineyard Grocer
Wendy Weldon
Sara & Rolfe Wenner
Ms. Prudence M. Whiting
Dedie Wieler
Christine & Richard Williams
Mr. Steven W. Winkelman
Mrs. E.A. Winnette
Withers & Withers, LLC
Mr. Walter Wlodyka
Lois & Ben Wolkowitz
Woodbe Farm
World of Reptiles & Bird Park
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard
Patti Young
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zadeh
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Zephir, Jr.
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (8)
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Aldrin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Alley’s General Store
Al’s Package Store
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Antone
The Aquinnah Shop
Mr. & Mrs. David Araujo
Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Araujo
Artcliff Diner
Judy Athearn
Wiet & John Bacheller
Mrs. Glenna Barkan
Mr. Gordon Bassett
Bayes Norton Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Bayne
Harriet L. Bechtold
Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium
Barbara & Bill Bennett
Alicia Berrocales
The Bite
Jodi & Hadden Blair
Ms. Claudia Bowser
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Brewer
George Brown
Gail & Walter Burke
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Nancy & Dan Cabot
Martha & Randolph Cameron
Canine Clippers
Electra & Rodolfo Cardona
Barbara P. Carter
Judith & Peter Case
Ms. Anna Mae Cecilio
Chilmark Coffee Company
The Chilmark General Store
Mr. & Mrs. David Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Clark, Jr.
Mr. Dale S. Collinson
Susan Collinson
Carolyn & John Connors
Coop’s Bait & Tackle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Copeland
Patricia Correia
Patricia A. Costa
Connie & George Cowan
Sally & Russell Dagnall
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo P. D’ambrosio, Jr.
Ms. Gloria deBettencourt
Ruth Britlius Decker
Dock Street Cafe
Dagmar Dockery
Ms. Sherrie S. Cutler & Dr. Robert M. Donahue
Lal Dowley
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
Betsy & Craig Dripps
Dorothy & John Dropick
Helen L. Duarte
Patricia & John Durfee
Ms. Sandra L. Reynolds & Mr. John G. Early
Edgartown Inn
Edgartown Pizza
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Edwards
Elizabeth Skin
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Entertainment Cinemas
Marion & Mark Ellis
Edith & Sal Falcone
Gail Farrish
Judy & David Federowicz
Fella’s Take Out
Merrily & Frank Fenner
Kathleen Ayers-Ferland
Doreen Fiedler
Marilyn Fish
r e p o rt
pag e
Diana & Norman Freed
Ms. Dorothy R. Freedman
Frosty Hollow Orchids
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gaffey
Beth Gelfond
Judy & Bruce Golden
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Goldstein
Good Dog Goods
Good Ship Lollipop, LLC
Mary Gould
Dorothy & Patrick Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Gwynn
Deborah & Philip Hale
Sally & Bob Hammett
Kathryn & Gary Harcourt
Susan Whiting & Flip Harrington
Helen & Sandy Havens
Heather Gardens
Janet & Peter Hefler
Mrs. Harriet B. Hoar
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
Mr. Bernard M. Hollander
The Home Port
Ms. Geraldine Brooks & Mr. Anthony Horwitz
Paul Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Huss
Hy-Line Cruises
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Island Alpaca Company of Martha’s Vineyard
Island Entertainment
Judy & Bob Jahries
Nancy Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Jennings
Ms. Lottie M. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Basil C. Jones
Beth Kehoe
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Kirchmeier
Dr. Marianne Schuelein & Mr. Ralph M. Krause
Ellen Langreth
Mrs. Mary Ellen Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Larsen
Larsen’s Fish Market
Mrs. Marion H. Lavy
Ms. Madalyn P. Mattoon & Mr. Carl Lawrence
LeRoux At Home
Mrs. Lyn Lewis
Linda Jean’s Restaurant
Lisa’s Studio
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Little
Little House Cafe
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
Lucky Hank’s Restaurant
Marcia & Don MacGillivray
Marion & Robert MacKay
Nancy & Bob Magill
George Magnuson
Helen & Luis Maldonado
Susan Markwica
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mavro
Mrs. Jean C. McCarthy
Patricia & Thomas McCarthy
Patsy McCornack
Jacqueline Mendez-Diez
Menemsha Galley
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Merjos
Claudia Metell
Mrs. Ruth D. Metell
Donna & Garry Meyers
Ms. Stephanie K. Michalczyk
JoAnn & James Mosley
Murdick’s Fudge
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stackpole
Myra & Leslie J. Stark
Mrs. Kathryn B. Stewart
Tapas Hot Yoga
Edward Thomas
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Barsha & Ron Tolin
Richard L. Tutt
Ms. Helen M. Uusitalo
Mr. Jacob Vanderhoop
Vineyard Gazette
Carolyn M. Wadsworth
Ms. Grace K. Warnecke
Jackie Washington
Waterside Market
Penny & Philip Weinstein
Ms. Catherine Welch
Mrs. Margot S. Weston
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Whitney
Heidi Wild Photography
Kathy & Steve Wilkerson
Roberta C. Williamson
Mrs. Patricia S. Wittig
Your Market
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Rivers, Jr.
John A. Roberts, Jr
Pat & John Rodgers
Dr. & Mrs. B. Hoagland Rosania
Mr. Robert G. Roy
Linda & Craig Rydin
Amy & Gilbert Sanborn
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict H. Saurino
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Ms. Ruth Schaffner
Audie & John Schneider
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnee L. Schultz
Marie F. Scott
The Secret Garden
Mr. & Mrs. Armin Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Shemeth
Vera Shorter
Atty. & Mrs. Joseph Siciliano
Dr. Elizabeth A. Slaughter
Ms. Susan Merrill & Mr. Mike Snowden
Jose Barbosa Sobrinho
Alan Sooho
Carolyn & Arthur Spengler
Michael Johnson “Joy”
Roz Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neumann
Nora & Tony Nevin
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Not Your Sugar Mamas
Valerie M. O’Donnell
Ann & Peter Palches
Pandora’s Box Designs, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Papanicolaou
Ms. Annie Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Arden L. Paulhamus
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Peters
Susan Phelps
Bernice & Raymond Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Phillips
Phillips Hardware
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Plane View Restaurant
Amy S. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Potter, Jr.
Edith W. Potter
Kathleen Purcell
Mrs. Clara S. Rabbitt
Rainy Day
Red Pony Farm
In Honor of
Mary Ann Alwardt
Catholic Rosary Group
Ken Chisholm
Charleane T. Corrigan
Sylvie & Paul Farrington
Ted Morgan
Joan Porter
Dianne Rhoades
Dorothy Soquist
Rhoda Tappan
Good Care
Unit 4 Staff
Past, Present & Future Residents
Kathy Yolton
In Memory of
Joseph J. Alconada
Kathryn Allen
Alfred M. Metell
Doreen & Michael O’Neill
Catherine D. Paull
Barbara D. Reed
Roy Renfro, M.D.
Kathleen Conway Roberts
Rupert H. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Otis A. Rogers, Sr.
Alice Rose
Myrtle Simmons
Mrs. Bernice W. Slaughter
& Judge Henry Anton Slaughter, Sr.
Ida May “Holly” Thomas
Leola Tutt
Jeanette C. Vincent
Esther M. Waller
Jessica J. Weaver
Betty White
Barbara & Norman Whitney
Lillian Whitney
Thelma Willard
Martha Ann Winkelman
Dorothy K. Bangs
Bill Bettencourt
Ruth M. Blasi
Nathaniel Briggs
Dr. Joseph R. Calder
Helen Chamberlin
Sheila Chisholm
John Correia
Margaret Downs
Carole Cowan Dunscombe
Robert H. Edwards
Mary R. Fisher
Sondra & Alfred Gelfond
Sandra Jensen
Henry King
Viola & Constantine Lopes
Richard Mackey
John Mayhew
r e p o rt
pag e
Timothy D. Sweet, Chairman
Edward F. Miller, Vice Chairman
Earle A. Ray, Treasurer
Mary R. Brown, Secretary
Timothy J. Walsh, President & CEO
Pieter M. Pil, MD, PhD, Chief of Staff
Susan C. Crampton
Judith M. Davenport, DMD
Brent L. Henry, Esq.
A. Anthony James
Edward T. Kenyon
Ann L. Prestipino
Ronald H. Rappaport, Esq.
John H. Schaefer
Warren J. Spector
Walter S. Teller
Andrew L. Warshaw, MD
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
An Affiliate of
Massachusetts General Hospital
& a Member of
Partners HealthCare
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
One Hospital Road
PO Box 1477
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557
Development Office
Design & Layout: Hayes Design Studios
Photos: Heidi Wild Photography
unless otherise noted
Dear Friends,
Sight-unseen, but with the feeling it could be the right place for me, I abandoned the
corporate world in 1997 and moved to the Vineyard. Chalk it up to serendipity – I met
my now-husband Jeff in the parking lot of Alley’s General Store and Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital saved my life – three times.
In the spring of 2005, I had no idea there was anything wrong with my health. After
routine blood tests, Dr. Ellen McMahon, my Hospital primary care physician, noticed
I was slightly anemic and my kidney readings were suspicious. Further tests didn’t
confirm any specific problems, but she was still uneasy. “Perhaps this is just an anomaly,”
she said, “but I’d like you to come back again in three months.”
In retrospect, I realize I was avoiding her. When I didn’t show up, Dr. McMahon
called and persuaded me to undergo additional testing. All my diagnostic work – x-rays,
bone marrow biopsy and blood work – were all done right here at our hospital. In
January of 2006, I got my diagnosis: amyloidosis.
Amyloidosis, an abnormal protein build-up in tissue, afflicts only eight people in
every million. Most doctors work a lifetime without ever encountering this disorder.
It’s often confused with more common diseases – kidney disease, heart disease and
multiple myeloma among them. So the fact that I got my diagnosis here was amazing.
Dr. McMahon immediately connected me with the Amyloidosis Center in Boston
where I underwent a brutal course of high-dose chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant.
This involved completely destroying and then re-starting my immune system. Only 50
percent of patients survive the treatment I underwent in Boston. I am so lucky to be
one of them.
However, as it turned out, that medical crisis was not my only experience at
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Sometime later, the Hospital’s mammography department
discovered I had breast cancer. Proving that bad news comes in threes, I was later found
to have a hyperthyroid condition. Very fortunately, all three medical issues were caught
early by our Hospital. I am eternally grateful for the excellent medical care I received.
As a result, Jeff and I are currently composing our will to include a planned gift
to support the Hospital. I encourage you to support Martha’s Vineyard Hospital as
generously as you can too. Please do not underestimate how important our Hospital is
to the health of your family, friends and yourself.
Deborah Silliman Wass
Deborah Silliman Wass, the daughter of diplomats, has lived all over the
world, from Europe to Iran, Pakistan and the African Congo. After a career as
a graphic designer and art director for Mobil Corporation, she moved to the
Island where she met her future husband, Jeffrey Wass, an Island builder. Deb
has written for several magazines and is also a calligrapher.