Loeal Interest jSupt. Hulce IBlackout War Newsf Resigns Here I
Loeal Interest jSupt. Hulce IBlackout War Newsf Resigns Here I
v ** f.Sffl^^'M^t^ ry* . «J»J --<?T-r £~~- -r. T-ya-s^w^^apyr*-^ Piaclooe;, *Livinf*tea County, MfebifM Wednesday, May 26, 1943 Loeal Interest jSupt. Hulce IBlackout War Newsf Resigns Here I Here Tonight Catholic No. 21 Mich. Mirror j r* State Newsl^* U k H t N OMM£N Rev Francis Murphy *&t YEditor" Sun. masses 8 and 11 o'clock a. m The ' biy Jievva of Just week was Rules and Regulations for Tonights ^atechiBm Classes and Bible History All Persons A r , Uurgod to P 1 ' th S«v«r» Connections With Pmcknoy tows and Items Concerning the Boy* ;a5 f Winst Eight County nty Blackout Are Given . '-' ** '<* » w o r 8 n d junior claafteii Victory Gard.ns A * . V . « . t a b l . * ' ^ ^ ° ™ Churchill School Over Which Ho Has Pro.. Woo Aro to Xkm Service of Their mini of _ _ _ I meet Sun after mass and junior Shortag. L o o « . for Michigan \IT' "*' ^ J a n d beioTe the Ctott&try sidod lor Tho Past 5 Yoars Donald Leonard, state civilian def cl***«« Sat. At 10 a.m.. • " l L i > congress. This speech was l Wor d Sunday May 30, Memorial Day., Here is the pro-pert of food f or j %?*?** J * « « • "The ^ b a u n c " At a school board meeting Sat. ense director, announced today that The first June call for boys from 1 tnis the eight, county practice blackout IM:.LV. _ P speech j.s that u...... Novena devotions Fri. 12:20 & that *:,.«„• Great Britian Michigan, as revealed by Gov. Kelly this county to go to Detroit war night Supt E X . Hulce , head of the and dimout nert Wed. in south cen 7:45 p.m. followed by confessions. fact finding comm. does not intend to sell the US short; Pinckney school for the past five induction center is for the 9th. tral Mich, will start at 9:58 p.m. and Mr.Churchill said that when Germany years submitted his resignation. He Fri. is the third Fri. of the 18th Unless more residents grow more k conquored then the attention of A s usual fhere will be two calls in gave as his reason inability to find end with an all clear signal at 10:40 Novena.special intention for the boys food in victory gardens, Mich, will the Allies wiJ! be turned to Japan June. We understand it will probably a place to live in. The one he lives Counties involved are Clinton,Shia in service. Novena is held in conj have to import 70 per cent of its and she likewise will be crushed.This be July before boys who graduated in now he will have to vacate as was*ee, l . M i ; Ingham, I vmgst"the owner wants it himself. In his Jackson, Hillsdale and Lenawee. By unction with May Devotions. Expos vegetables in the next twelve month was in answer to critics and uncon.. will be called. acious or otherwise fifth coluinjiists, five years here he has moved three order of the army war plants will not l t l o n o f t h e b l e s 8 « i sacrament at period. A study of carload shipments ol who have been chanting that when participate. , second Mass Sun. Pf.e. Merlyn Lavey has been trans times. Germany is beaten Cireat Uritian wilJ The blue warning period will last We should devote the Memorial | fruit and vegetables into the Detroit Mr. Hulce has accepted a position fered from Ft. Leonard Wood Mo. withdraw from the war and leave 15 minutes. The red signal period D a y to commemoration of our dep I market alone reveals a 15 percent red as instructor at the Ford Bomber the L'.S to fight Japan alone.These to Greenville, Penn. This is where calling for a halt in traffic and crted Heros and Dead. It is an Am uction in supplies received. critics entirely ignore the fact that plant and started work Mon. He will Marshall Meabon Is stationed. blackout of homes & business place erican and Christian devotion.and Military and lend-lease are ffoinir Japan has seized more British will extend from 10:15 to 10:28 p.m. one is taught by his faith to proper to dip heavny into the uurmui supp.y esions than American ones. poss Petty Officer Gerald Vedder is The first signal that the general V care for the mounds of the de-dv available to civilians. This will b<. home on a furlough. He recently f i n . public will get will be a two minute Among intentions in thi no'y ma ,\> true not only of canned goods bu. ished a course in electricity at Pur An echo of the famous lawsuit of steady blast of the siren. This sign *b:s week are Sun. for the late also of potatoes and onions,much oi Jarndyce vs Jurndyce came up due University.Lafayette Ind. and rec al means that the enemy raid is pro Fr. Winters, Tues. for Fr Winters, which will be dehydrated in Mich. last week in the .suit against Dr.Wm, eived a diploma. He is due to report bable and defence units must report, requested by Mrs McCleer Wed.for Koch of the Koch Cancer Clinic in for duty at Bremerton, Wash., or to their posts. Civilians are required Matt Brady, Thurs. for Matt,broth plants. May 30. Bremerton is an embark Bad weather this spring,de)aying Detroit. He wtas accused of mislabel to black out their homes at once,& <er of Mrs Tessie McCleer. Fri for ment point for Alaska. street lights must be put out. Pede j the late Arthur McCleer, Sat. for the planting of crops, has already ing his products. The trial started last Jan. 5 and was just c mj.letoj strian and auto traffic may move members of the purgatorial society, prompted federal experts to'forecast Petty Officer Kenneth Lamont cj but with auto lights on low beam. . MUTTERINGS: One good thing you *: *'« percent decline in the 1D4: last week.running a total of 5 months the Great Lakes naval station is home j Unlike the Jarndyce trial made fam At the sound of the next signal,a can give and still keep is your word r-op as compared with 1942. on a furlough and is at the Louis f move to Cheisea, his former home three minute flunctuating sound, the ous by Charles Dickens, this was a Good health is like fellowship,it While the situation is not serious Goyle homejHe reports at San Diego | criminal suit. When the Jarndyce Calif, about June 1. When the late Supt. J.P/ Doyle signal of immediate danger, all traf is never appreciated until it is lost. continued unseasonal weather could .trial ended finally after man, years I resigned in 1938. Mr. Hulce suceeded fie stops, pedestrians must be off make it so. it was found the funds of the est P.F.C.Donald Smith of South Lyon the streets and all air raid wardens him. He had graduated from the Mich Consider for a moment what tate were no more, having been ent_ son of the late Lincoln and Mrs State Normal at Ypsilanti and g o t . fire watchers etc. must be on the the US is needing to feed our armed irely eaten up - by court costs. Mable Smith has graduated from alert. ! ten a degree at the U. of M. R«v. J. 14. McLucAt, Miniatei forces. the Instructors Radio Training Sch Always, following the Red or im Htrman Widmay«r, 3. S. Supt He had a sucessful five year term Federal demands for canned goods Wtayne county oiTirer.-; are find ool at Sioux Falls, S.D. and is now during which he put the school j>n mediate danger signal, will be the Alfred LA»«, A M I . S. 5. Supt. will average 50 percent of alls can ing it difficult to convict the hund an instructor in code at the air a high plane. Shower bath and l o c . blue signal repeated which means Mrs. Florence Baughn, OrganWt ncd goods of the following: Spinach, red people who were indited by base there. and Choir Director ker rooms were added. A kitchen that although immediate danger is snap beans, lima beans, peas beets Judge Fergusons grand jury. Last Howard Poole, seaman first class, built on the school, completely eq past, there is a possibility of them Morning worship arid sermon carrot, tomatoes, tomato juice,sweet week there were several acquittals 10:30 of Manhatten Beach, N.Y. is home on uipped and a hot noonday lunch pro returning and it may be necessary to corn, pumpkin,squash,catsup ",tomato in regard to the housing project si nal in case of ret Surdiy School 11:30 New \ r e t u r n t h e ^ S a furlough which he is spending with gram was put into effect. there. Among those acquitted were enemv C. E Society 7:00 paste. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard coures were added and the laboratory ! u r n o f t h e Dehydration of vegetables will also L>V. Lyle Ling, dentist, former Fowler Sunday May 30th will be the re at i equipped. He was also active in pno | W h e n ^ 1 d a n ^ e r i s P a s t a W h i t e Poole in Howell and his wife remove subtuntial amounts of xege ville resident.He was charged with the McCrorie home at South Lyon I lie affairs,, and%as chairman of the .signal will be given, distinguished cpening of the church anctuaiy ai accepting a bribe lo get James Ciar u *,K drives, and honor 'w>m the rest by the difference in ' -:v the rpcr.it repairs and dec >t t'nr. tables from the civilian market. We m a n e o , n n r f class scrap drive,bond Leonard Alber,seaman,second class i rol' fcomm. »All of these» went over ij length, being one minute in duration S p e c i a l singing by the c hoh. Tho Rev quote from the governors food repoit lick, Detroit councilman to vote in who has been stationed on the At "The government is greatly exp favor of the housing project. An all three times with intervals H arold Skidmore D.D. State Super, his m o t n e r the top in fine shape. Under him the repeated lantic coast is visiting woman jury acquitted him.Years ago playground was improved and a cem' o f t w o minutes of silence between i n t e n d e n t o f Cong'l churches will anding its program for the production Mrs. Maze Bennett,near South Lyon Lyle was the star shortstop on the of dehydrated vegetables which is ent tennis court constructed. i signals. Then all lights may be turned ^Q]^0Y t ^ e s e rmon at the 10:30 ser The school board voted to offer !<>n> and only then will the Defense v i c e a n d R e v W m Hainsworth of best evidenced by the fact that there Fowlerville base ball team, which in Pvt. Earl Berquist writes from eluded such players as Major Brave Scott t i e l d , 111. that the soldiers there the s u p e r i n t e n d ^ ^ 4M—4h& school Units be permitted to leave their ^ ) e x t e r w m deliver the sermon at 3 : were fifteen, million pounds produced Pot Luck lunch at noon with coffee in 1941 and is expected to increase^ Tmr, Freezy Westmorland,Floyd Mun have been pressed into service to to Mr.Wesley Header principal and P o s ^ to at least seventy million pounds sell and others. do flood control work.The Mississippi athletic coach here for the past 3 , (Read these ii stmctions o^er twice v s e v e r e c j by the church. A large attend in 1940. a n c e 0 f friends and members is d<n. has overflowed its banks and done years. Mr. Reader is a graduate of | so you will not forget them). The city of Lansing has decreed Two other plants have been approv Western state teachers college where j ired. All are welcome much damage there. that minors who purchase liquor shall ed: a potato dehydrating plant at Daily Vacational Bible he was awarded a degree. He is a C J R C U T COURT NEWS School.will be equally guilty with the person Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bennett rec fine teacher and has had good atht begin May 31st and concluded June Greenville and an onion dehydrating who sells it to them. This offense eived news from' the war dept. letic teams during his three years , arrainged on rob 4th. Classes for all ages including the plant at Marshall. Present plans call rhnrU... y w m e r for these plants to be in operation shall be classed as a misdemeanor that their son, Ed. has been seriously here. His home was in Oak Grove ' 'arme^ c h a r g e a n ( i his trial was 8th grade, by August 1. The Greenville plant and be punishable by a $l(;o fine wounded in the fighting in north and he attended Howell high school * Q v e r t Q g e p t J a m e s shriver and will be the largest of its kind in or \H) days in jaii. iicictofor the sel. Africa on April 27th last. This is, , w h e Horace Bassett pled guilty to a ler was the only liable U> the law. * ^ a t esorry d American. rather puzzling as a letter rec eived I While wfe^ uare to lose Mr. breaking and entering and will be 'However,the one weak point about al] In the frozen food market the from him written on May 1st fail. Hulce' and sincerly appreciate his sentenced on June 2. The following Meouettlte governor's report states that the U.S. liquor legislation i.s the enforcement ed to mmention it. BBill Dillion. form enti n iU d in We eXt d Bera Beachy ta^or ° "• ^"wiuXii^ » * r\ T" L" ^ ^ ^ "citizenship: Irene Mil end of it. The only danger is that was also er Pinckneyite lis taking over 70 per cent of 1943 . vT _vi_ AMK„* a\r,o0 th* <rover; our " " best wishes to his sucessor Mr. : ldr Vincent Dark. Lena KrebsfJoh Superintendent «arvia Sliirey production. the fjirst minor convicted might be L in North Africa but since the gover, ^ ^'vmcPl • N e e d l a m c Qer Sundav School !0:0« and confident that he What about the commercial truck come a martyr like the famous pronmental notice nothing more has ^ ^ ^ n e w p o s i t i o n . annes Joranson, C. Needlam, C. Ger& Sunda> _ WorshipSchool Service 11:00 good fa A. Kulbock, Westley Snell hibition violator who got a life sent r been heard from him. . I rnam, oung Peeples Meeting 7:30 grower?. ence for selling a pint of liquor. In the Detroit area it is apparent Carmen Garrison. Boys from Pinckney now in North L A S T WEEK OF SCHOOL Divorce^ were granted to Fred W-Mi'-ly Prayer Service Wed .. 7:30 that they do not intend to increase Africa are: Gene Soper, Leo Bettes, •__ Borton from Ethel Borton, and iH'el The Detroit Free J'res.s carried a production because of lack of labor. Russell Giover,Sammie Lafata and . | p r y Jewell. (WOMEN IN INDUSTRY This g t h e lagt a n d final w e e k of en J e w e l l f r o m er Outstate our survey shows that grow statement or taunt by Judge (iuy Lt. Thomas Young. ] s c h o 0 , a lthrough the exams were j A .quiet title decree was granted. Congressman ers will not increase production In Miller last week in the Uingay c:>l Wo are hoM last week and about all the 1 i n the case of David Hoover vs Geo • >v* a r e Btackney for the following figure* some sections there will be less pro umn to the effect that if there had Ambrose Kennedy is bel eved to do rge Pennock been no airplanes then; would have be in the war zone area » Uie A L V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Jury was called Mon. when theI'datively to women in industry :Tr. duced. been no World War II. The judges What can we do about it? eutions as he was there wnen inn ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Wolverine Entertainers vs li»00 there were 5,319,912 women fcdd &, ^ Here are the recommendations of titude was that the plane anniliat heard of. , p , M C last Friday. Dinner on the pot, Lawrence Dunham is set for trial working in factories. In 1943 we find jng distances made it possible for 18,400,000 employed nearly 5,000- Mich food experts. Robert Martin writes that he grad ] uc fc o r ( j e r w a s served in the gym & The co. puts out music boxes and people to go to foreign countries in 1. If you have not planted a bip rOOO of these are in war industries. uates from boot camp at the Great | ^ a j r e s etc. were p'oyed. '^Dunham runs a sandwich shop in ishort space of time and build up a The question i^ will the women victory garden, do so. f1 Lake naval training station Thurs j p n e 7 t r i a n d 8th grades held a; Howell. 2. Grow enough food to take can business there which resulted in return to homes after the war?Many and will be home on a furlough.He e-l i>. game of base ball which the 8th ] Qn June 1 the case of the Francis think industry will absorbe the ser of your family needs next fall, winter present complications. His reasoning graders won 10 to 7.Ronnie Darrow' Engineering co. vs the City of Wow expects to come to Pinckney during vice men when they come home as and spring. That means home can is fai fetched and he docs not say for trial, slid Dale M*abon pitched for t h e | u j e s s e t how the perfection of tho airplane that time. On June 22 the case of Carl Gu ! thousands of refrigerators now in ning. the cas Ft griders and James Meyers caught. could have been prevented. It was in Pvt. John Teeple,18, son of Mr. Grow non.peri4hal|Ve Vegetables will | use will become obslete. • New home VanCamp mfg. co. YVes P a > i t r & Jerry Clark was the the cards to arrive and it did. If enther vs and Mrs Volney Teeple of Sault St i will have to be built and avaition which may be stored such as potatoes hftttery f^r the 7th grade. the Wright Bros, had not invented be tried. Marie and grandson of Mr. and Mrs now just emerging from swadeling and carrots. it some one else would. Such is pro. The case of John Clark vs J.J R.H. Teeple of Brighton is in the Avoid waste, sell surplus crops. ine case oi I clothes will expand. gres:-,. All efforts to block it are as Field Artillery Service of the a r m y | S C H O O L BOND SALES r Thera is still time, it is not too futile as sweeping the ocean back Pearson is set for trial May ^ . in Camp Roberts Calif The Junior class of PHS who had litle,too late. Clark alleges injuries when he was with a broom. charge of the Bond Sales sold a total By the Snoopers RATION CALENDAR of $6010 bonds in the school. Miss ran into a bicicle ridden be P e a r . Although Nigara Falls is consider AUTO ACCIDENT SUNDAY NEW HOUSING PROJECT son. Genevieve Rybka was chairman. ed as a place for honeymooners the Canned goods: Blue G. H. Jt coup An auto accident took place here AT YPS! APPOINTED SALVAGE two that make up the tea party Sunday after noon in which Peter ons valid through May 31. A new housing project built by LIMIT TALK TO 5 MINUTES did not go there together. However Barrett, a old man suffered a broken CHAIRMAN the F^rical Housing Authority at Beginning Mon. May 24, don't be Meat: Coupons E & P valid through to show that she was always on knee cap. The car was a Ford pick- Hawkir«, Frederick & Mich. .ivnoi'S surprised if the telephone operator Mrs. Roy Smollett has been appoint his mind W.U. presented J.C. with May 3 1 up driven by Charles Betts who in Ypsilanti will open its doors on asks you t o limit your long distance ed salvage chairman for Putnam to a present on his return home works for Mr. Smithers, owner of May 24. The project contains 72 Shoes- Stamp 17- one pair, June 15. call to five minutes. wnship a n l is making an appeal Tor ^ b & r g o f t h e w e d d i n g march the Graves farm and was headed reorr« for Mtigie'men, 48 war apart On that date, the Bell Telephone salvage articles wanted for the war j p l a y e d f r o m t h e stecker piano the Sugar: Stamp 12 5 lb exp. May 31. south. It got out of control and hit me its for married couples or groups Co. will institute the new practice in (effort. , „ ! Deacon preformed three solumn a telephone pole in front of the of two women. In the single room Coffee Stamp 23- 1 lb. exp. May 30. order to help conserve time on o v e r j ^ m o n g the articles most wanted ceremonies . The participants were Putnam town hall,breaking it off & part ph.wcr, toilets etc. are concen rubber, iron, tin cans, silk and a freckled sophomore boy Fuel Oil Period 5 coupons good for loaded telephone lines. and a went across the street striking the e On such cal s the operator will 1 B y l o r h o s e ( f a t s . I f y o U have any of | c l a g s r n a t € a Gregory sophomore & north comer of the Gene Mann house trru»*••.! "n ui.e room and maid service 11 g»llAns good until fall. say:««Please limit your call to five 1 ^ ^ m u c h needed articles to con, d a M m a t e ft a with such force as to smash the sid is ? .'.T'able. The apartement* are s m a l l fre9hman Gas. No. 5 stampB in A book now -minutes, completely furnished except for bed others are ^ waiting.'j1 ^ ^ f o r the war effort you should j b k m d g e n i o r T h e o t h e r g U M t g a 8 _ i™-. ^ - ~ -™ itinepj ing and knock the radio in the house valid.No. 6 Stamps in A book good The new practice is important to the ding, dishes and cooking facility.The notify Mrs. Smollett. ! sisted. across the room. Deputy Murray through May 22 to July 2 1 . rental office is at 515 Franklin St. Uervice because restrictions on the —— ' We are happy to say that Fred Kennedy investigated the accident Ypsilanti where applications are beuse of materials make it impossible THANKS J Singer did not fall and cut h r Dr. Ray Duffy examined Peter Bar ing received. CARD OF . . . , . , . , . . . * , » I to add sufficient circuts to busy cen rot and when his knee cap was found I wish to express my sincere thank? forehead while be chased into Joe s t e n for handling additional calls.If to be broken he was taken to U n A cafeteria lunch, will be ser 6 u r c^gtomers generally will limit the to all my frienda who so kindly j by Don Jones as was rumored enr iversity hospital Ann Arbor in the remembered me with cards and letter Thurs. night, • e d in the parlors of the Cong'l c a n ^ f 4 v e m i n u t e s or less, delay Swarthout ambulance . Betts was ar.. Robert Warren Carr esq. visited on my birthday. They were greatly Church Thurs. P.M. May 27 b e g . i | n o w experienced can be reduced. Bob Singer spent the week end I rested for reckless driving and fined relatives in Detroit Saturday and inning at 5 p.m. until all are served . T h e p u r j n c is being informed of appreciated and enjoyed. Mrs. Nettie Vaughn j t t Bed* 128.75 in Howell justice court Mon. Sunday. LA-S. Comm ficially of this through advertising. Com* Con**! Gospel Mission SCANDAL COLUMN Notice! I HrtaiUfru^'- lx T^]--^mfm^ F - +$.«*. > 4 V " * * • • ^.•*T*' « C* ^4., ,t DISPATCH Wednesday, May 26,1943 a^£ THE AVON T h ^ Stockbridge, m V M f THEATRE CHELSEA, e^ MICH. 1 Friday & Saturday,May 2 » - 2 9 u REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY' Gay Musical with ANN MILLER, WILLIAM WRIGHT.MILLS BROS. DUKE ELLINGTON & ORCHESTRA Cartoon Sportreel New» Sunday, Monday & May 30,31. June 1. Tuesday, "6TAR SPANGLED RYTHM" BOB HOPE & B1NG CROSBY WITH ALL STAR CAST Cartoon.. Para Troop*. Sunday Matinee 3:00 Cont. Wednesday 2.5. & Thursday June "IDAHO" Outdoor Drama With ROY ROGERS, SMILEY BUR. NETT, BOB NOLAN Pius "LAUGH YOUR BLUE AWAY" A Comedy with JINX FALKENB^RG. GORDON *"'Cimfcr: L "Happy BERT Mick. r>. "T; jf directors of the •unty Fiar have decid the fair this year. Dextt. has iiraugerated something novel in the way of commencements All the class parts will be given on j .S3 KEY" i Cluss Day Night. On graduation only , i, '.Jiice starring WAAC, a naval officer, Army of j _ . Y.VERONICA fifi-r, an employment mgr.and a farm , . ALLAN LjADD labor mgr. will talk. "THE ft;:: Willi A SMILE" HAS A NEW MESSAGE k \ • * . • $ $ A My BRI.•••.:« . LAK Also .. Cartoon. "Greetings Bait". ! Only 20 votes were cast at the ,'We Refine to Die".."Point Rat. '' election in Dexter last week to ap_ ioning o? Foods" Sun. and Tues. May 3 0 . . J U J e 1. "CASABLANCA" prove a 30 year franchise for the Detroit Edison Co. There were 18 for approval and two against. One of the greatest Picture* of Mod. The Dexter Kiwanis Club will def ern Times starring ray the expenses of the Honor Roll i HUMPHREY BOLGART, INGRID to be dedicated there May. 80. BERGMAN, P A U L HENREID. Mrs. Minnie Pyper,70, wife of Ai. "News" and cartoon"The Hairbrain.. Pyper died at her home in Unad ed Hypnotist 1 '. ilia May 14. Noter 3 showes Sen May 30th, 5p.m. Big Efforts are being made to ret continuous. Coming:.. "Random Action" ain the Sfcockbridge hospital and keep " I c e Capades Revue" it running, Mrs. 0. Culver, R.N. has Harvest" "Stand By For j n o w ta^^ it over# ' Mra. Norman Topping of Stockbridge who recently underwent an operation at Mercy hospital,Jackson has returned home. Casper Farrell of Gregory had the misfortune to lose two fingers in an accident last week. Miss Minnie Porter of Howell who has retired after 48 years as court reporter was given a reception in circut court at Howell last week and presented with a gold wrist watch. Miss Hazel Giberson is the vale dictorian of the Brighton HSgh School senior class. '. • *ti-f «?. Go" Lucky", <The Powers Girl", " P r i d e of hit': The Yankees' The Howell Theatre Wff ease limit p u r caff ,,. to 5 minutes. Oftlers are wafting «*" tax on all tfck*t» Thurs. and Fri. May 2 7 . . 2 8 . ^ JOE E. BROWN IN : "CHATTERBOX" JUDY CAN OVA Comedy Novelty Sat. May News 29th M»t. Sat. 2:00 p. m. U c 22e DOOM FOR DESPERADOES! t.'v M^VEN In wartime, wc*' 'ike to your call to 5 minutes, please knew give VOM protrm* service on U i.^ uis- it's because others are waiting* tance call-.. l\<ui ulcpli:>ii<' \..n •> u> Von can help speed the handling of ill calls, including your own, if you make this your resolution: r many »».»in'> > <w nrp .*»> mo-wir*'. and :i.mi ci..i*3 i«.i >i are ur^i.it delayed. "7 will make only absolutely "HEART OF THE GO When circuits are rvtr.i ' the operator r e q u e s t >oi*. L,> LDEN WEST" with ROY ROGERS Bothered by meat rationing? Vlut HE'S A RIOT! LEE TRACY \ LET ME HELP YOU! an " THE PAY OFF*» *** Cartoon If,. U Sun. Mon.A Tues. May and June 1. GARY 30,31 COOPER IB . "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES" With TERESA WRIGHT, WATTER BRENNAN, BABE RUTH BICE DICKEY Novelty Cartoon News Wed. June 2nd. AH Adults 17c CONSTANCE COMMINGS, ROBERT MORLEY in '•SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" Plua PATSY KELLEY,ROSCOE KAKNS *• » in 'THE HERO" Comsat: "Swinr Your Part. * r AT FIRST SIGN OF A ; if '• "I'm your electric waffle iron — and you ^ ••-'t need any ration stamps to enjoy the c / , golden treat that I prepare on a few minutes' notice. Made of milk, eggs, flour, and .shortening, waffles are a wholesome d..>h. And waffles help lave meat for our armed forces. "You can serve waffle* for breakfast with poached eggs, with creamed codfish, or simply with marmalade or syrup. For luncheons, cheese waffles can-be served with vegetables or fish, or you can use waffles to dress up left-overs. To add zest to evening meals try Welsh Rarebit Sauce over Crisp Bacon and Tomatoes on Waffles, or Egg: a la King on Waffles, or Spiced Musnroonis with Chicken on Waffles. The interes^ng wafHe combinations possible for desserts ire almost endless: Waffles'with Crushed Pineapple Snuce, Waffles topped with Vanilla Ice Cream and Caramel Sauce, etc. " He re are just a few of the many different varieties of waffles: Cheese Waffles, Blueberry Waffles, Bacon Waffles, Corn-meal Waffles, Apple Waffles, Gingerbread \ v \01es, Chocolate Brownie Waffles, Orange Waffles and Pecan Waffles. WaiBei are c to make and easy to serve—-a helpful i -extender to save your ration ampoas. Vi.c Detroit Edison Company. *l V, - u >. i.. neces* "V)l f;;iry tang distance calls. . . . If I must luiii n.'i lot-g (Upton??? 1 Wlft be brief." Ji^.VI! £ < • • < * " • *!»ANY ~T->-- fiiiiiiiiniiaiuiiPimniimiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiinitniimnmiiiiimiHiiiitftHUiHiHi^ HAMBURG Church services were held at St. StephenNs Episcopal church Sun. morning conducted by Rev. BLatchfo rd of Detroit assisted by Arlain Tay < 5 lor. of Royal Oak, lay reader, Holy' § communion was celebrated. "" The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George DeWolf, Thomas Guy, was baptised+He is the great,great,great grandson of Dr. Peter Galatian who 1 founded St.Stephens in 1845. Today ^there are floating in the lit tie cemetary of Hamburg 5O US flag" marking the graves of those who fought for our freedom. Hamburg cemetary is one of the PHONE 4»P4 < oldest if sot the oldest cemetary in Livingston Co.having been organized llltllllilllllliilllUllIillllllllllUlUllltffllllllMfllllllltlllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIifliiiC in the little log school house in District No.l, Jan. 22,1844 under the name of Hamburg Burial Ground BE PATRIOTIC Mr. and Mra E Wray IHinchey attended the regular meeting of the , Webster Grange Thurs. night at the Webster Congregational Community Ours is A VimUj EutntaJ Salva«« Or§aais«tiea house. Mrs. Nellie Pearson had the mis DARUNG'S FARM ANIMAL REM OVAL SERVICE fortune to fall a few days ago 1 ^breaking a bone in one of her hands 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Domke of 1 Detroit were at Bob White Beach I HOGS, CALVES A#D SHEEP Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Queal 1 accordinff to S I M and coadUtioBS went to Detroit wkh them to spend DARLING A COMPANY a few days. PHOffE COLLECT TO LIVE STOCK HAULING ami GENERAL TRUCKING I i Weekly Trips Made to Frank Plasko SALVAGE SPELLS VICTORY HORSES $5.00 CONSERVATION NOTES HOWELL 4SO | Despite the neat shortage the state j 14 fish hatcheries are still operating. They are fed principally with horse There were 24rarr«sts for eons ervation in March. The high number j was in April 1942 when arrests tot aled 854. . The < onun. Is stocking Mich.stream and rivers with fewer but larger fish this year. Predator trappers had this best month fci April when they caught 6 wolves worth $110,10 bobcats wor th $50 and 284 coyottes worth $4110 I All but $80 was paid to upper penn insula trappers. CATTLE $4,00 ^lzea ' SALE: U ^ NJ cook ^ ^ i u m Buzzard,Pinckney ' BuwawLPlnrW,, Pvt. Chas. Porner of Calif,form ery from Ann Arbor called at Ben White's home Mon.,alao Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Jame* (Bbrner, ail from Ann Arbor. Miss Helen Feidler 'who has been spending a couple of months in Pla. will return home this week. TOP THAI BUYWARBONDS "^^•w" w^^mmmp -.J-*- T -*t .-^.i w " ^ „ W I •"•, fVM'j' M ,- TL1 •*m»,i P1NCKNEY DISPATCH .. Wedne«<Uy. M*? 26,1943 PINCKNEY DISPATCH Canned Goods Bnterad at potioffiee Pinckney, Mica feeond elass ustter. Subscription $1.26 a ym**< Paid la Advance. A Complete* Assortment CORN, Bantam 2 29c AN0.2CANS ^ r CORN, WHOLE KERNAL.FANCY ON0.2CANS O r „ CORN, CREAM STYLE. FANCY STANDARD PACK n NO. 2 CAN? O Q | PEAS, S1FTED OR CREAM STYLE PAUL NO. 2 CANS Mr. and Mrs. L.W Martin of Det..\ , roit,were Sunday guests of Mrs.Villa\ j Richards and Blanche Martin. c c Rev. and Mrs J. M. McLucas en tertained at a five o'clock dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Camp bell and son Dick,Mrs. Otto Paulson and Miss Gloria Craft in honor of their daughter Pauline's birthday* c PEAS MELTING ^ N0.2CANSOCc * GOOD PACKS DEFIANCE n NO. 2 CANS TOMATOES, 29' TOMATOES, BRAND O NO. 2½ CANS 35* FANCYPA n NO. 2 CANS GREEN BEANS, ^ 33« NO 212 C A N S C Pumpkin* Lake Shore 2 29 8 1 c Catsup, Symons, 214 oz^ ^^ ^ 23 Catsup, Fancy, a BOTTLES OQC Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Ledwidge and family of Detroit were Sun.gue sts of Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill t>f Detroit spent the week end at the Abbot farm they purchased last fall Mrs. Nettie Vaughn observed her birthday last Thurs. The litt iw nguests present: Mrs. Norma Merrill, Mrs. Roland Shehan and daughter and Mrs. Millman and Orville Ben nett of Jackson. Mrs. A.L. Niabett and Mrs. Lil Uan Wylie attended the 8th grade commencement ercerises at Howell Sat, •( :¾ c c c OATS, WHEAT, BARLEY ,R YE, MILLET, SORGHUM, CORN^OTATOE S / a I * PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED * 1 Kennedy^ Drag Store ! Dead or Alive Mrs. A. Palmer, daughter, Helen and Lance Hughes of Detroit were Sun.guesta of Mr.& Mrs. HLPalmer Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Palmer were in Detroit last Tuea. and Wee, and attended 6 shower for Miss Helen Palmer. c X' t Mr.and Mrs. Frank Aberdeen were In Howell Sat Mr. and Mrs. (Herbert Sneed and ) Mrs. Alice Mauk and children were Pri. visitors at the Frank Aberdeen 1 •nome. *• ^PYH^PAPMXF ^ 4 ° ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ° ^ ASPARAGUS LIMA BEANS itffc&D VEGETAPLES, BEETS, BABY FOODS, PEAS AND CARROTS MIXED 7% OZ. PKG, ^ Q Dates, Dramsdary 15 OZ.PKG 4 K Raisins, Mission Brand Raisins, Mission Brand 9 LB.PK" 292 1 LB. P»G. Prunes 35t 2 NO, 2 CANS ^1 C Grapefruit 0 NO. 1 CANS QQp Fruit Cocfc*Tail 2N0.2CANS J g Pineapple Juice Fresh Eggs per 4*z. 35 24¼ LB. SACK &* Pillsbury Flour Formaldehyde w. CURLS l i rosumss HORSES $5.00 COWS »4 00 Farm Animals Collected Promptly Modem Equipment Capable Men E. L. PARKER. Agent Phone 88, Pinckmtv 1 he FASTEST Dead Stock Service in Michigan Central Dead Stock Co 1 1 Miss Jessie Green and Mrs. Weltha ; Vail spent the week end at Plesant Lake with Dr. and Mrs. A.B. Green Potted Plants and Flowers j Richard Tasch and family of Ann Arbor were Sunday guests of Mr »1 and Mrs Robert Taach. | Mrs. W. C< AtLee entertained her For the Cemetery and flie Lawn j card club Mon. ' Sunday guests of Mrs. ErdleyJ VanSickle were Mrs. Eliza VanSickJe and Mr. and Mrs. George Erwin of Also Tomato, Cabbage and Pepper Plants ' Detroit, ! Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Clinton were in Ann Arbor Mon. , THE OLD JUDGE SAYS.,, Mrs. Clarence Walsh of Redford ^ Open Every Event ig was a guest at?£he Wm. Shehan • home several days last week. I ICE CREAM, CANDY CIGARS, TOBACCO ETC. Lucius Wilson was in Detroit on business last week Tuea.. j Mrs. Haria Dinfce.1 i| spending a month at the^ heme of her son John. Mja* Fred Smith of Evart Mich. spent part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Devereaux, Roy Taylor of Detroit who has «*< a cottage at Base Lake and works Mr. and Mrs. Robert Read and son .aMmimiumiiimm,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, for the Walker Adv. co. was a of Grand Rapids are spending two — and A n h u visitor at the Dispatch office Sat. He was a school mate of the editor some 30 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W.C Miller were in • § 4i 1 I Rev. Fr. Murphy was called to packson on business Sat I« Rochester, %TI» N.Y I... by ^Lthe illness of* his MI v._ Robert Meyers found a carrier t g IN HOWELL sister last week pigeon with two bands on his leg 5 UNDaK F£l>t-RAL Mrs. F. Kavanaughvof Jackson was last Wed.He fed it but it returned £ SUPERVISION the guest of her sister Mrs. Jennie in two days. He turned it over to S Mei»ti>cr Federal Deposit InsDevereaux a couple of days last t w c > M i n e r ^ c&\]ed t h e COnservat 5 g week. ion dept. who told him to let it 5 uranc Corporation. AM depotMrs. Florence Ryer of Lansing rest a few days and then release it. s its Inaored up to 6.0U0 for aack is spending the week with her daug Mrs A.L. Nisbett attended the pic ' 5 Depositor. hter," Mrs.Asher Wylier nic given by the teacher, Mrs. L. g TRAVELER'S CHEQMr. and M?s. Medure Hmchey of Wylie at the Green school Fri. ,C Pah Grove were Sunday callers at UES Sunday guests at the home of G. S 1 the WJH. Meye? home. Arbor, Miss Efter Read of Dexter I Mr and Mrs. John Martin spent THE SAFEST WAY TO : Mftbon home were Wm.Dow •.( Ann X > - « » B S - 3 E a 5 - •••• - - - . : » . .»:+ ''." ' v / V • Sun. at the John Mayer home near Arbor, Miss Ester Read of Dexter CARRY GASH also mentioned a booklet written about ''Just one more question before you go, 1 Ypsilanti. V.G. Rouse of Detroit and Corp. Hitler's government telling how Hitler's Judge. What is this thing called propaganda Mrs A.L. Nisfcett, Mrs. Ella Mercer Marshall Meabon of Springville Penn 2 Even if you lost yotartraveLars gang wants to maintain contact with foreign you hear so much talk about these days?" cheques....you don't losfc<<your Mrs Nora Mercer and Albert Dinkel temperance organizations and how it con"I'll give you an example, Hank. Last Mrs Ona Campbell and daughter S money. and wife attended the OE.S. friend tributes annually to an international temnight I was reading an interesting little book Leona were in Ann Arbor Sat. ! B Anything can happen to your ;sftip meeting at Fowlerville. perance union. called'Hitler is in Favor'. It told how Hitler • Mrs. Olive Brogan of Ypsilanti Mrs. Eloyse Campbell spent la.st S money when you travel these "You can bet Hitler isn't interested in. would very much like to see Americans fight1 spent the week end at the Arthur week with relatives in Grand Rapids £ days....it may be lost!...it may seeing prohibition, advanced in our country ing among themselves over prohibition bebe stolen. But you can't lose Bullis home. e Mr and Mrs. Wm. Darrow anu son for any reason except that he knows it's a cause that would create disunity, waste the 1 your cash if you carry it in Mrs. Lulu Lamb and son, Ford of Buck lake were Sun guests at good way to stir up trouble. That ! what time of Congress and legislatures in wet-dry the form of Traveller's Cheq. they mean by propaganda, Has*." were in Detroit Sunday. arguments and cripple our war effort It the W.E. Darrow home. Frank Bowers, local supervisor was | uea.They are spendable every Arthur Bullis has been home frpm where like cash,but unlike cash Willow Run plant a couple of weejes taken to St Joseph's hospital in Ann •...•_— t,' '..^^afifrt \*. * » * • * • , + -r* t 9 " " » ! Gtnf00Rt$ 9f nJpM0nc MMMBt InnUhitM, /at. tt.*1 •»*•• if they are lost or stolen, you I on account of illness. Arbor for treatment last week. do not lose....your money is Mr. and Mrs* Twiy Canton were Mrs. Florence Bahnmiller of Chelrefunded. This protection costs ; ' t in Detroit on Business last Thurs. H sea spent several days last week with ' sT" only 75c per $100. Minimum I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith of Perry Mr. and Mrs El win Hulce. ^^** Miss Margaret Curiett of Detroit | cost 40c for $10 to $50. IssuedV. 'cpent last Friday at the home of WANTED in denominations of $10, $20, Mrs Lulu Lamb. was homo Sunday. $50 and $100. Get them at this Mrs. Harold Tooman of Man&est Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. bank. or «pent a couple of days tast week M.E-Darrow were Mrs Evelyn Gillen at 'he Ross Read home, "Where is all the money comof Lansing, Richard Loomis and wife Wo have ample funds avatable ing from to meet the 13 billion Elmer Bullis. is spending some of Detroit Richard Loomis jr of Flus § for sound loans WITH dollars of the Second War Loan time hera reparrtnglawn mowers. hing,Long Island. Mrs. Richard Loo; MORTGAGE RRAL KSTATE There will be a Cash and Carry goal?*' is a question heard on Mr and Mrs. P.H. Swarthout atten mis Jr and son,Dickie of Flushing s 0 R PERSONAL AT &SASONSTOCK ML TOOLS many si£*s. 1': v ID come oat p| lea Station at ded the picnic and entertainment have been spending a week there. \ the 45-bilikm dolfea snrnhw ABLE RATES 80 ACRES OR MORE at the Winans school given by Mr earnings, «4 ltM*^ according to The Misses Marion Shirey and CHAS. CLARK'S staUatios raported by Treasury RENT A SAFE DHPOMT ! Don Swarthout tin) teacher Goldie Markes left for the west on "•—" CASH BUYERS WAITING experts. BOX ror Y&U* WA» BONOS j Roy Clark has purchased the farm SERVICE STATION a two weeks trip Sunday. Goldie During 1941 personal savings AND OTHER VALUABLB of his mother. will visit friends at Salt Lake city la Ftnckftay About JOB* 1. of individuals amounted 1<J 9 PAPERS. TRB COST W LOW Messera Ona CampelU Clifford and Marion at San Francisco Calif. billion dollars. During 1943. this Par* Artifikiai Ie« from DaMiller, John Martin and P.W. Cur surplus or nrqspeetive savings troit will b« cUUvMd daily 207 H E. GRAND RIVER will increase by 38 bllllttol* lett wore in Lansing the first of lea may BOW ba bad at John HOWELL Urs over 1941 when co"v PHONE 183 1 the week and attended the annual RowaU'i PattorsoB Laka aad fiMK'-j *vere easy to set. conclave of the Michigan Grand Lod Mt Airy, UkaUn<J Miss Joyce Isham closed her torsi Now that prices are high, ge F.ft A.M. thrifty people will make their a* the Hale scnooUnear Somulaa Michal Roche has terned sheep her goods last longer and place Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCartJ Wto with a picnic Fri.She has signed more money In War Bonds. «rr. Newman and family ,, . , „ >. „ . ., 3 of Det dor and now has about 100 of them _- u . , J and daughter Betty ofM Brighton were to teach there next year. the Lodwidco *0itb»ve arrived at their cottage, S u n < U y ^ ^ a t ^ h o w e o f Un •* oLLaid lake for the summer. | Nannie Amburgey, Kennedy's Gen. Store JOE GENTILE lH Z™. "* *" 1 | *"*•• N a t i o n a l 1 Bank • ^ • - FARM » • ' • * • • « 1 Ws« Hat The Moiey For Ui War Lou? i Herb Sneed i •••'tetbu.tS, »;<«W >•»** T? Hr^ *fc*tt&dte. wWM.im "ii -AnW ^ tefi •• t >» ^ ••>."•»»£•... »« ,Ai*» -.« V PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, May 26, 1943 fl imtmiiuuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiimitiuiuiiiuiiiiiinimiif = ' • • • * i; Classified 1?" Want Ads Save w i t h This TWG Ccct Method Apply one coat of Boydell House Paint Primer which will spread evenly and cover well. Then apply a coa: of Bo> J.L.1 LJ:»W.J House Paint. Result, a smooth d><rr'Me finish equal u> three coats in ordinary paint. PROFESSIONAL CORNER Married at St. Joseph's church inj Howell, Sat Miss Genevieve Pipp to Win. P. Dailey of Pinckney. Mr. | Dailey left Tues. for Fort Custer. HERB SNEED Pinckney high school took part Phone 183 807 M E. Oread ettve in the field day at Howell last Fri. and covered themselves with glory Howell, Ray M. Duffy, M. D. Pinckney, Miehigan Real Estate, li and metals. The crack relay team FOR SALE Pump jack and wind Office Hour*: City, Lake and F< mill pump. Also 40 1% in pipe and composed of Lorenzo Murphy, Ed. 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. A Speciality Brown, Roche Shehan and Bert Mc3 1 4c ft. of 2 in. pipe. 7:00 to 9i00 P. M. List Your Property With Me Cleer won first prize jRoche Shehan "3 I Nick Katoni won first in the 100 yard dash aad FTJ3T SALE. Sow and 8~piga. Ed. Brown and Roy Campbell first Bond Horn*) Imp. Cfe DR. G R. McCLUSKEY George Parker and third in the 220 yard dash.The ROOFING SIDING, and ASBESTOS FOR SALE Two heating stovet,one baseball team however lost 6 to 0. DENTIST SHINGLES 3 circulating, burns coal or wood. 1 1 2 £ H'Mtchifaa j Pinckney also won first in the art "All WorkmaaaWp fiejassntiai s I Vince Dark. Telephone* exhibit. Office, 220 Reeidepca, 123J 3 ' WANTED.... Twin Outboard motor WILLIAM D A T * Sat. June 1 is "Heart Day" on apply: Pinckney Tavern! Evenings by Appoint meat 123 North G o v t Sfreet 1 which hearts will be sold for the bene Howe*, Miofaigen Howell, MieHstaa For Sale- Pair base ball shoes size fit of the Child Welfare League. Miss 9 and pair of base ball panta.S8.50 Josephine Harris is chairman. There was a big fire at Lakeland for both. Percy Ellis CLAUDE SHELDON MARXIN J LA VAN Mon. when the Mayworm store was WANTED~To let 20 acres of land at Law ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR destroyed and the Floyd Watters on sha*es. Mike Pankoff Brighton, Mieftjga store damaged. 15 motor boats were Phone 13 WANTED-Wool, all grades. Piuckney, Mich. destroyed. Phone 19F12 VanWioWe & VanWlAie Lynn Hendee, Phone 35F»2 Oscar Heisig of New York City Don W. VanWinkie FOR SALE:~Baby Cribaad mattress. who has enlisted in the navy is visit Charles K. VanWinU PERCY ELLIS Good eond. Phone 114, Mrs. O. Beck ing at the G.W.Dinkel home. Attorneys at Law Lee Tiplady was given an honor AUCTIONEER For Sale- 12 in Oliver tractor plow. First State end Savings Bank able discharge from the army last James Muphy. Monks farm. Howell, Mtchigar PHONE P4NCKNEL 18FU week. FORTSALETA~piano andfalso a vio*Joe Quint, a former resident died lin. Will be sold reasonable. Inq- in a Jackson hospital of scarlet fever _ uire at the Dispatch office. last week. LEE LAVEY 11 FARM FOR RENT- Walter Reason. FUNERAL HOME v The Spinsters Return, with a cast GENERAL INSURANCE 1547 Buena Vista, Detroit,Mich of 17 local men and women will be Modern EquipxaeaM Ambulance Servfee Phone S9-F3 FOR RENT - Farm on shares, 12 put on at the opra house here May Phone 39 Plnehmey, Michig» Pinckney, MUUfa* acres of good land idle about 8 yrs. 31. BOYD ELL HOUSE i AINT Here's a house paint you can depend upon—the old reliable that has protected homes for 77 years! It is so good you can get three-coat quality out of only two coats of Boydell house paint. Easy to buy and easy to apply! NOTES of 25 YEARS AGO. The Raotoey Sanitarium 1 P. H. Swarthout & Son A. Samborski 712 E. Catherine St Ann Arbor Mich Phone 24189 NOTES OF 50 YEARS AGO Games next week: held at the city of Howell in said Teeple & Cadwell are erecting a Mon... Miller vs. Shehan. County on the 10th day of May I AD. .\943. WANTED Buy five or more ^two story building, south of Brown's Wed.. Chanyi vs Ledwidge. acres fruit and vegetables farms.good blacksmith shop for a carriage store Present, Hon. Willis L. Lyons. •^um.tiilMmiMllllMIIHHIIIIIUHl^ WANTED: Lawns to mow and other Judge of Probate. home and barn. On lake if possible room, i inckney or Gregory district Would Dick Reason of Anderson lost 30 odd jobs. . . I n the Matter of. the et'.ate of were Sunday guests at the W.J.Nash , consider an old stone or brick house, sheep last week by a mysterious il Westley Palmer,Sucessor to R. Clark. Marijane Perkins, Minor. home. LOCAL NEWS I home# } Advise lowest price on easy terms. .vlness. FOR SALE :.9 month old - Duroc. William M. Betterly and Edith Poland China boar. Chas. Den&more May Betterly having filed in said . j Court their Declaration of Adoption, _ J Mr. and Mrs. Max Parkinson and e x a c t location and full description The hotel here has changed man r rnTllarold Planck~of Fort Max daughter of Ann Arbor were Sun. o f l a n d ^ d buildings. ^agement again. James Eggieston has •STATE OF MICHIGAN I p r a y i n g that an order be made by Sat.irjlL evening callers of Mr. and Mrs »A friend of Detroit were guests at the W.Hendee home. i Q.M. Collins, 10099 Aurora St., gone back to White Oak and Mrs. Miss Jane Wittwer was home from j a tn i Circuit Court tor the County \ said Court finding that L'Nita Ruth FOR SALE-Fine Frame Barn, Perkins is the sole parent having cy Texas ana m t n u _ ^ ^ . , Detroit, Mich.? B.J. Allen is running it. Henry Johnson. Ypsie over the week end. of Livingston in Chancery. able to build house or cottage. g ^-_j Work has commenced in the Mc... Jesse Henry & Alraeda Henry, legal authority to make and execute Roberta McArtor was in Ann ArC. W. Hooker wife and two sons Intyre brick yark here of making a W. C. MiHet said consent to adoption* and that VS. Ice cream will be served at the j Plaintiffs, bor Monday. of Ann Arbor were week end guests order of tile. said L'Nita Ruth Perkins has abandTO RENT ON SHARE- 80 acre big Lankin school Fri. night for the Thompson Grimes, executor of the at the J.HjHooker home. i Miss Nancy Clawson spent Sun. will of Alvin, Mann, deceased, Alvin oned said child for a period of more Km§wley -arm on iHJow*" rodd benefit of the pastor. than one year last preceding the date with her,parents, Mr. and Mrs. £ d Mrs. Mary Blades Denfby of Ann Willard Bennett 242 Curtis St. A bill forbidding the operation of Mann, J. S. Nash, Thompson Grimes, on filing of said Declaration and Clawson. Arbor fell and broke her leg there Jackson Mich, barber shops on Sunday has passed Emilie M. Grimes, Joel Brooks M.D. Carr and William Hi Stevens,or their that an order be made by said Court or inquire of Andrew Campbell both houses and become a law. Mr Wm. Kennedy of Detroit hat last week. that said William M. Betterly and moved to his farm. I Tues visitors at Lansing were F 0 R SALE-60 acres of land on the | Andrew Roche has gone to Detroit unknown heirs, devisees legatees, Edith May Betterly,his wife,do stand Defendants. 3 miles where he hu<? accepted a position of land assigns, in the place of parents of said child Mrs. Maria Dinkel is spending a Mr. Westley Reader, Herbert Palmer Pinckney-Gregory road, bi'akfeman on the Mich. Central raill Suit pending in the 35th Judicial Fredrick Singer, Donald Griffiths. ^ Pinckney. Inquire of and that the name of said child west month with her son John. road. I Circuit in the circuit court for the H. Lyons, Chelsea Shoe Shop be changed to Shirley Anne Betrtely. The Wilson.. Howlett wedding at county of Livingston, in Chancery, Mrs. Rachel Rose and son of Det Phil Bentile started to work at It is ordered,That the 1st day oi H©RFBRB HOG Fee, 32.00. Time of I the Albert Wilson home here May 4 the 12th day of May, 1943. roit and Miss Mable Nash of Detroit King Seeley's in Ann Arbor. June AD. 1943 at ten o'clock In the service; Th>mas Love Farm, i was one of the big events of the Before Hon. Jiosepn H. Collins, forenoon, at said Probate Office.be & —•*— season.Little Mable Montague acted Circuit Judge. is hereby appointed* for heaxinf '*** 'as ring bearer. A large number of It appearing from the sworn bill said petition. | guests were present and partook of of complaint filed in said cause that It is Further Ordered,That Public J „ . t.1 .^ j _• _ . ^ mi l ' j » j a a.mMionus dinner. The bridal coup [plaintiffs have not been able after notice thereof be given by publlcat I le will visit the Chicago World's Fair diligent search and inquiry to ascer. ion of a copy of this order for three defendants are suceesive weeks previous to said day Frank Burden, Will Stoddard- & Ot tain whether said to. Pool are shearing sheep in this alive or dead or where they may of hearing in the Pinckney Dispatch reside if living or if they have any a newspaper printed and circulated section. W,H. Placeway has his new barn personal representatives or heirs liv- in said county. nearly completed. ing or where they or any of them Willis L. Lyons,Judge of Probate John McCabe, 76, died at his home may reside,or whether title,interest or f(4A true copy.) near Hudson Sat. Funeral at Dexter claim, lien or possible right of said Celestia Parshall,Reg. of Probate Monday. defendants has been assigned to any i other persons or whether such title SOFT BALL NOTES j interest, claim.lien, or possible right Established 1963 In the soft ball league last week!has been disposed of by will by said rain caused both games to be post- defendants; Incorporated 1916 poned. However, the Shehan..Chanyi It further appearing that plaintiffs game was played on Tues Jiight and Tdo not know and have not been able ' won by Shehan 16 to 5. The score after diligent search and inquiry to ' was 8 to 5 up to the 7th inning when ascertain the names of the persons the latter scored 8 runs. Stanley Din who are included as defendants with kel pitched for Chanyi and was not out being named and that it cannot be ascertained in what state or coun J hit * * * * hard 4 * * * * * * but Iris support was spotty. JL' Friday Frida the Miller team lost its try said defendants or any of them V first g&j game of the season to Ledwidge reside; a>|9 to 2. Singer pitched a 2 hit game On motion of Shields & Smith for Ledwidge. Errors figured largely! attorneys for plaintiffs, it is ORDER of Safe Banking ED that the above named defend J in tne runs scored. Batteries.. Chanyi Dinkle & L. ants and their unknown heirs devis OvorSiztj'Eigot Years Swarthout, Shehan,B. Singer & ees, legatees and assigns cause their Reader. appearance to be entered herein with V Miller Lin three months from the date there JIHT BECAUSE THE SECOND H of A that in default thereof aaid AB WAR LOAN IS OVER IS NO 2 P. Swarthout, 3 0 bill of complaint will be taken as REASON TO RELAX ON Cliff Miller 2b 8 0 0 confessed by said defendants & each BUYIN WAR BONDS Hulce,p 8 0 1 of them. Reader/ c, 8 0 O The proceeds of this loan will It is further ORDERED that plain Clare Miller, rs, 2 0 tiffs cause this order to be published finance our war effort for approx0 F, SifigerJi, 2 0 within 40 days in the PINCKNEY imately three months so you see 0 Gentile,lb. 2 0 DISPATCH, a newspaper printed, we must continue to put all of our 0 0 published and ciculated in said coun.. savings into war bonds. And Why Shehan, Is, 2 0 0 ty once in each week for at least' not? There is no better investiment L. Swarthout, 3b, 2 0 0 Clark,rf 2 1 [six successive weeks in the world. Ledwidge Joseph H. Collins, Circuit Judge When the war is over you wMl H AB The above entitled cause involves & have a backlog of funds to buy the -Mr J. Ledwidge J _ JB_ 0 is brought to quiet title to the fol things you want when they are avail Eichman,lf "^' 4 2 lowing described land: 1 able again. Lavey, c. " " 4 2 1 (The Southeast Quarter of the K. Ledwidge,ls 4 1 8 Northeast Quarter and the Southeast B. Singer,p, '** 8 0 1 quarter of section sixteen in town* 0 Baughn 8b, 3 0 ship one north of range four east, 2 Chanyi,cf 8 Putnam Township, Livingston county, 1 Pahner^f, W 8 Michigan. 1 Burnavrf * I Shield* ft Smith 0 Amburgy, 2b 2 Montr to loan at reasonable rata* Attorneys lor Ratotatfs 1 YOU GET BETTER MEATS AT Jonea^s " 8 InteMst paid an Sayjk^n W e t * tad Bnseaeae Atdreas Official Standi*** Time Ceseileaeaj af • * ! * * . Howell, Uhfctgaa Won Lott Pet. MUe%iaan Mat* Bank Miller 5 1 .625 ST4TE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County . Shehan 4 2 .666 All deposits np to $6,000.00 IBV* of Livingston I l^dwWge ' 8 3~ eared by oar membership in ~th* Fed1 Chanyi 0 6 At A aaid Passion of said court .000 , era] Deposit Insurance Corporation. LAVEY HARDWARE I Housewives!!! SAVE YOUR WASTE FATS The United States Government Needs them McPherson State Bank for EXPLOSIVES Leave Them at this Store McPherson Stale B u i Clarks '.if.