Sunday 19 July 2015 - St Mark`s Drummoyne
Sunday 19 July 2015 - St Mark`s Drummoyne
33 Tranmere Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Tel (02) 9181 1795 Fax (02) 9819 6406 Email [email protected] Parish Website Parish Priest: Very Rev Fr Michael McLean PP EV (Email: [email protected]) Priest in Residence: Fr Denis Minns OP Pastoral Associate: Ms Mary Cook (Email: [email protected] Tues, Wed & Thurs 9 am—5 pm) Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council: Mr John Perkins Acting School Principal: Ms Rachel Bourke Parish Administration: Mrs Debra Whaley (Mon & Tues) & Mrs Sue O’Neill (Wed, Thurs & Fri) Parish Office Hours: Mon & Tues 9 am—5 pm Wed, Thurs & Fri 9 am—3 pm 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B—Yr of Consecrated Life 19 July 2015 Jesus offers himself as the shepherd, to give us the much-needed direction that we need, and to give us our spiritual nourishment. But do we allocate the time in our busy lives that allows us to gain the spiritual nourishment that we need? ST MARK’S PARISH MASS TIMES: SATURDAY VIGIL: 6.00 pm SUNDAY: 9.00 am & 6.00 pm WEEKDAYS: Monday & Friday 8.00 am Tuesday & Thursday 9.30 am Wednesday 7.30 am Saturday 12 noon RECONCILIATION: Saturday 11.30 am EXPOSITION: Saturday 11.00 am to 12 noon BAPTISMS are on the first & third Sundays of the month at 10.30 am. During Lent no Baptisms are celebrated. Parents are asked to contact the Parish Centre (02 9181 1795) to make an appointment to discuss details for the Baptism of their child. *Contact Mary Cook at the Parish Centre for baptism information and bookings. M A R R I A G E S : Parishioners intending marriage are asked to notify the Parish Centre at least six months prior to the wedding. EUCHARIST FOR THE SICK: Anyone who is aware of a Catholic who is sick or housebound should notify the Parish Office so that they can receive the appropriate sacraments. T his week’s readings are an excellent reflection on today’s life. The readings reflect on Jesus as the shepherd of the lost flock, and on how Jesus brings together those that are lost and have separated from each other. The readings highlight how many get lost in the day-to-day life, and how some become so lost that they are “far from each other”, or even worse, are “against each other”. Today’s Gospel of St Mark is short in length, but long in meaning, as it also poses many questions for all of us. How often do we become overwhelmed with the competing demands of life. And more importantly, when we do feel overwhelmed, how do we find solitude and rest. Do we become lost, like the sheep in the flock, or do we become far from each other, or are we “against each other”. Jesus mentions that the crowd hurries to be with him and the disciples, and despite the need for rest, he realises that the need for the continual teaching of the crowd is even more important. Despite being weary, Jesus “teaches them at some length”. When we are weary, be assured that Jesus is always there to “continue his teaching” and to give us the spiritual nourishment that we need. John Perkins Chair—St Mark’s Parish Pastoral Council Today’s Liturgy How do we manage to find a place for solitude and reflection. With the many demands of life, we all know the need for a good “work life balance”. But when we need a place for reflection, where do we go to “get our work life balance”, in balance? Too often today, our spiritual nourishment is neglected in our analysis of our work life balance. Where do we get our spiritual nourishment from? There are so many competing demands in life that can drain our spiritual nourishment, so when we are drained, do we have a “place to rest” where we can enrich our spiritual nourishment. For many this may be Mass, for others it may be daily prayer, or reflection or meditation. Entrance Antiphon: Ps 53:6, 8 See, I have God for my help. The Lord sustains my soul. I will sacrifice to you with willing heart, and praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6 The remnant of my flock I will gather to me, and bring them back to their pastures. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 22. R. v. 2 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading: St Paul to the Ephesians 2:13-18 Christ, our peace, has made us one. Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 They were as sheep without a shepherd. Communion Antiphon: Ps 110:4-5 The Lord, the gracious, the merciful, has made a memorial of his wonders; he gives food to those who fear him. NEXT WEEK 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time— Time—Yr B 2 Kg 4:42; Eph 4:14:1-6; Jn 6:16:1-15 PULPIT POINTS: † Marriage is sacred: Don’t give in to bullying, says Archbishop. † The laity must fight ‘culture wars’, says Cardinal. † Swedish mega-church head took a shock turn on his road to Damascus. † You’re invited to attend Archbishop’s Investiture with Pallium. † Loreto Sisters celebrate 140 years in Australia. † Ordinariate showcases its heritage. † We must defend Mother Earth, says Pope Francis. † Keepers of Church memories meet in Sydney. † Crucifix gift remembers assassinated Bolivian priest. † Vista: what’s on in your parish and diocese. Fr Michael would like to invite parishioners to attend the Mass for the Investiture with the Pallium (a sign of office that an Archbishop has regarding pastoral concern for a surrounding diocese, in this case, the Diocese of NSW). Vestments are worn over the chasuble. An example of this is in one of our stained glass windows in the Church of St Patrick). Visit for more information about the significance of this event. The Mass (and light refreshments following) will be held on Saturday 25 July 2015 commencing at 10 am at St Mary’s Cathedral. Please advise Fr Michael or the parish office if you would like to attend. If you are attending, you will need a ticket for seating purposes. Tickets are available on the brochure stand in the Church foyer (printed on green paper). Please take one. We extend our warmest sympathy and condolences to those who have lost loved ones. Please note: Planned Giving donations received and banked by the Parish after 30 June will not appear on 2015 tax receipts and will attract the reduced tax deductibility of 50%. Please keep in your prayers these parishioners who have recently passed away— † Mrs Maryanne Cartwright—Librarian and much-loved staff member at St Mark’s School for over seven years. Our condolences go to her husband, Anthony and their family. † Mr Rosario Porfida—Our condolences go to his wife, Conceta and sons Anthony, Vince, Lina, Mel Macri and family. † Mrs Sylvia Liney—aged 102 and long-time parishioner of St Mark’s. Sylvia was married at St Mark’s in 1944. Our condolences go to Vivien and Ken Meredith and grandchildren Sheridan, Raelene and Trent. Tax receipts are now available and issued via email. If you require a printed copy, or have not given us your email address, please contact the parish office (02 9181 1795/[email protected]) Why does the priest sing at Mass? As assembly we are becoming more used to singing the common parts of the Mass and also the hymns. The priest or deacon might also sing greetings and dialogues and the rest of the assembly would reply – also in song. On special solemnities and feasts the presider might sing other parts of the Mass as well – the prayers and even the first part of the Eucharistic Prayer, the preface. Singing brings beauty and dignity to the liturgy and although it may not always have been our experience, it is usual for the priest to sing at Mass. In fact the liturgy of the Roman rite assumes that at least on particular occasions many elements of the Mass will be sung. For cultures other than ours it is inconceivable that the Mass would be celebrated without music of any kind. When we are especially blessed by liturgical musicians who lead the assembly in sung prayer – whether they be the priest or other ministers – let us be grateful. Carmel Pilcher rsj, Liturgy Consultant All parents who have children enrolled for Confirmation are reminded to attend the Parent Only Night on Tuesday 21 July from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm in the hall. Please bring $30 to cover the cost of resources and workbook. The correct amount would be appreciated. Thank you. ST MARK’S BRANCH OF THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE † Swing, Stakes & Southern Charm—annual fundraising event held on Sydney Harbour on Saturday 22 August. Mississippi Madness is the theme of the night. Tickets: $125 each concession and $150 adults. ( † September Immersion Trip: 18-28 September—places still available. The St Mark’s branch of the Catholic Women’s League will hold its monthly meeting on Friday 24 July 2015 in the Parish Centre at 2 pm. New members warmly welcome. FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION Subscribe to ‘Act Justly’ the monthly newsletter from the Archdiocese Justice and Peace Office and keep up to date with social justice issues you care about. Learn about Catholic social teaching and find out what’s going on in the Sydney Archdiocese. To subscribe, view archived copies or learn more, visit the Justice and Peace Office website, Diary Date: The Feast of the Assumption is on Saturday 15 August 2015. Masses to celebrate this feast will be at 12 noon and 6 pm. All welcome. Welcome If you are new to St Mark’s please pick up an ‘Information for New Parishioners’ handout from the Leaflet Cabinet in the Church Foyer. This weekend (18/19 July) is the Catholic Mission Appeal. Catholic Mission operates in over 160 countries to support initiatives in 1100 dioceses, including remote Australia. In Madagascar, access to clean water for washing, cleaning, cooking and drinking is scarce. With no access to proper sanitation, thousands of children die each year from easily preventable diseases. Please give generously this weekend. All parish families with preschoolers and babies are invited to come along to St Mark’s School Playgroup. When: Commencing Term 3, 24 July on the Friday mornings listed below. Where? St Mark’s Hall. This Playgroup runs in Terms 3 and 4 each year. Please email: [email protected] if you are interested. Please note Playgroup is not on all Fridays due to other school events. Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 24 July 31 July 7 August 14 August 21 August 28 August 4 September 11 September 18 September Playgroup begins Playgroup No Playgroup Playgroup Playgroup Playgroup No Playgroup Playgroup Playgroup We welcome into our faith community this Sunday through he Sacrament of Baptism at St Mark’s: Harrison Alessandro Marchetta Boxall Azariah May Marrie Spiteri Mason Maras & Audrey Mae Woods and congratulate their parents. HSC MASS—Save the Date! Sunday 20 September at 6 pm. More details to follow. ‘SPARC’ YOUTH GROUP—Years 7 to 12—Trivia Night at St Charles Parish, Ryde. Gather some friends and come along on Friday 7 August at 6.30 pm at St Charles or get a lift from St Mark’s at 6 pm. RSVP: Deb Wing ([email protected]/0414 232 321) or Celine Cheng ([email protected]) † ST MARK’S PARISH PARSTORAL COUNCIL (PPC) PHOTOS— —There are photos of St Mark’s Parish Pastoral Council in the glass cabinet in the Church foyer. Take a look! † POPE FRANCIS’ ‘GoodNews’ - In the Church foyer are copies of Pope Francis’ newsletter, “Pope Francis’ GoodNews” (printed on blue paper). All articles are sourced from international news websites and summarised for your interest by Jesuit Communications Australia. View the full articles and you can sign up to the weekly newsletter at In your love and concern, please pray for the following ill members of our community—Carlo Balacco, Bruce Barter, Pat Castagnone, Zachary Chidiac, Evelyn Dann, Meagan Ficarra, Glen Firmstone, Daisy Gill, Alan Gill, Julie Grady, Kathy Kennedy, John Latin, Lynette Lord, Wendy Madden, Margaret Micheletti, John O’Neill, Carina Partington, Hilda Reeves, Bishop Geoff Robinson, Elizabeth Uno, Molly Wark, Anne Whitfield, Ceeying Wong and all community members unwell at this time. Recently Deceased: Amy Bate; Eileen Killian; Stella Depalo; Lucia Stizzi; Kathleen Yeomans; Clara Phipps; Janice O’Neill; Marie Therese Morahan; John (Jack) Francis Morahan; Maryanne Cartwright. Anniversaries and those we are remembering at this time: Salvatore Musumeci; Maria Ficarra; Giuseppe Signorelli; Luigi & Gina Sonego; Frank Hanvey; Margaret Bridge; Roslyn Iris Poppen; Grazietta Iacono; Francesca Iacono; Tracie Flannery; Ross Lagudi; Grace Kenny; Liam Edward McGill; Ferdinando Depalo. SPECIAL— SPECIAL—PILGRIMAGE COST IS DOWN 18% Join Fr Salas on a Pilgrimage to France and Italy in September The planned pilgrimage has been made shorter by four nights, thus making it more affordable, without missing out on any of the key destinations. Starting in Paris and concluding in Rome on comfortable coaches with a great group of people. Add Lourdes if you wish for a small extra cost, or make it your European holiday before or after the pilgrimage. Starting in Paris on Wednesday 12 September and concluding on Sunday 27 September 2015 in Rome. Included is breakfast and most dinners, plus all transfers. The estimated cost per person is $4,495 per person for 15 to 19 people and $3,845 per person for 20 to 24 people. Air fares estimated at $2,500 per person, subject to availability. For more details please contact Cathy at Laze Away Travel on 02 9712 1177 or email [email protected] The feast of Our Lady of Terzito will be celebrated with Mass at 1.30 pm on Sunday 26 July, at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Cnr Victoria & Westminster Roads, Gladesville followed by a procession in the street. The feast day will be preceded by a triduum in the Church with Fr Daniel McCaughan celebrating Mass at 7.15 pm including the Rosary on Thursday 23, Friday 24 and Saturday 25 July. Everyone is warmly invited and welcome. SAMEEVOLUTION OR DECONSTRUCTION OF SAME-SEX ‘MARRIAGE’: MARRIAGE & THE FAMILY—Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP will deliver a lecture FAMILY to assist Australian Catholics to understand and articulate their faith. The Archbishop will be talking on an issue of great contemporary importance, covering Marriage and Family and their role in the social fabric. Date: Wednesday 22 July. Time: 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start. Location: The School Hall, St Mary’s Cathedral College, Cathedral St, Sydney. Venue & Parking Access: Hall entrance is from Cathedral Street. Paid, secure parking is available at the Cook & Philip Park Aquatic & Fitness Centre. Supported by the Order of Malta NSW in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Sydney. To register: [email protected] PARISH DIARY 2015 CCR NATIONAL LEADERS’ RETREAT—A Time of Transformation. Retreat Director – Fr Ken Barker MGL. A two night live-in retreat from 21-23 August 2015 to be held at Palloti College, 80 McNamaras Road, Millgrove, Victoria. All inclusive, registration cost: $250 (until 24 July 2015) Registration closes: 24 July 2015. BYO linen and towels or hire on request $12.50 per person. Enquiries: Ann Brereton on 0408 539 629 or NSW CCR Centre 02 9810 2499. THE MUSTARD SEED BOOKSHOP ANNUAL SALE from 23 to 25 July, in-store only. Save up to 85% off selected items, with a minimum 20% off everything in store! Catholic books, DVDs, CDs, pious goods, statues and T-shirts—3 Keating St, Lidcombe - 9646 9000— POSITIONS VACANT CATHOLICCARE, DIOCESE OF BROKEN BAY— CatholicCare, Diocese of Broken Bay is seeking applications for two senior appointments: Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer – Social Care. For a confidential discussion and copy of the Information Pack contact Anthony Spata, REACH Human Resources, on 0402 210 055. Applications close Friday 31 July 2015. AQUINAS ACADEMY COURSES—Visit for all the latest courses available. Brochures are in the Church foyer. GROUNDING THE SACRED THROUGH LITERATURE AND THE ARTS—A conference and post-graduate seminar at the Australian Catholic University, 25A Barker Road, Strathfield NSW from Thursday 23 July to Sunday 26 July 2015. Enquiries: [email protected] or [email protected] A SHORT COURSE IN CHRISTIANITY—The Sydney Cursillo is running a “Short Course in Christianity” at the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, from Friday evening 21 August to Sunday evening 23 August, continuing with a follow-up evening on Friday 29 August at Moorebank. Bookings essential. Enquiries: Wendy Tourle 9755 2448, 0414 471 702 or email [email protected] (please put the word ‘Cursillo’ in the subject line). Online applications are also available through the following link . This weekend is a wonderful opportunity to look at our faith as adults. All welcome. FOR MUSICIANS INTERESTED IN THE HISTORY OF THE MASS— Presenter: Marie Levy rsj. Venue: Strathfield ACU (25A Barker Rd, Strathfield). Topic: Lead Up to the First Musical Cycles of the Mass Ordinary (accompanied by many slides) on Friday 24 July at 9.30 am. Visit: about_acu/faculties, institutes and centres/education and arts RETREAT FOR WOMEN—Join Sr Mary Rachel OP, Francine Pirola, Fr Epeli Qimaqima, Sr Judy Bowe MGL, Elizabeth Arblaster and others for an inspiring retreat. This event is for any single woman (18-35 years) who is seeking to enter into a deeper relationship with God and take a step towards a fuller sense of the purpose of her life. Includes talks on prayer, scripture, discerning your vocation, marriage, consecrated life and more. Opportunities for private spiritual guidance, Confession, Adoration and Mass. Cost: $190. Venue: Mt Schoenstatt Retreat Centre at Mulgoa. Enquiries/bookings: [email protected] or 9307 8425. THE CONFESSIONS OF ST AUGUSTINE—Presented by Bishop David Walker at The Centre for Christian Spirituality, Randwick. Dates: Wednesdays 12, 19, 26 August and 2 September, 7.00 pm-8.30 pm. Course cost: $40 limited spaces. Bookings Essential. Register: or 9398 2211. ALTAR SOCIETY GP 4— 4—Kathryn Hayward & Kristin Sharpe ROSTERS— ROSTERS—The rosters listed below are a reminder only. Please ensure you check your roster for your service times. LITURGICAL MINISTERS 19 July 2015 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B THIS WEEK: WORD VIGIL (Saturday) 6 PM Vigil C Griffith P Griffith 9.00 AM (Sunday) L Boulos D Reilly N Goodman COMMUNION K Sharpe M Hanvey M Griffin C Drury K Drury SERVER/ JEM (jnr euch. min) JEMS: A Chrystie Confirmation Parent Only Evening 7.30 pm—9.00 pm: Hall Friday 24 July Catholic Women’s League Meeting 2 pm—Parish Centre 2nd & 4th Monday of the month) St Vincent de Paul Society 7.45 pm—Parish Centre Mondays to Fridays Morning Prayer 15 minutes prior to Mass Tuesdays Italian Ladies’ Prayer Group 1.30 pm—Parish Centre Thursdays (3rd of the month) Sunshine Club Lunch 12 noon—Five Dock RSL Fridays (4th of the month) St Mark’s Catholic Women’s League 2 pm—Parish Centre Regular Gps: SCHOOL REFERENCES FROM FR MICHAEL— MICHAEL If you require a high school reference from Fr Michael, please submit to the parish office all of the following documentation— 1 The relevant part of the School Nomination Form to be filled out by the Parish Priest with details—such as the name of your child, start year for the high school, Parish and Parish Priest; 2 A photo of your child who is being nominated, with the other members of the family, if possible (family photo); 3 Details of the family’s major involvements and commitments in the life of the parish and primary school, past and present, including membership in the Parish Planned Giving Envelope system if appropriate; 4 Other relevant information, eg community roles, other financial commitments to the parish and schools; 5 A stamped, pre-addressed envelope addressed to the school. The Parish Priest Reference is sent directly to the high school. Thank you. PLANNED GIVING—Planned Giving, which helps run the parish of St Mark’s, offers a 50% tax deduction. To give, please contact the office on 02 9181 1795 or [email protected] COMMUNITY GATHERINGS FOR BAPTISM FAMILIES FAMILIES FIRST SUNDAY AFTERNOON OF EACH MONTH: HOSPITALITY HELP NEEDED—St Mark’s Parish is seeking a few parishioners NEEDED to assist with the next Community Gathering for Baptism families on Sunday 2 August from 4 pm-5 pm. Families come together to meet Fr Michael and each other. Children are present. Afternoon tea is offered in the parish centre upstairs meeting room. If you would like to assist with this hospitality, please contact the parish office on 9181 1795 and leave your name and contact details. INVITATION TO FAMILIES FAMILIES BOOKED FOR UPCOMING BAPTISMS, OR FAMILIES FAMILIES WHO HAVE HAD A CHILD BAPTISED AT ST MARK’S THIS YEAR—Parents: If you YEAR have missed out on a Community Gathering for whatever reason, please contact Mary Cook on [email protected] and come along to meet other young families and their children on the first Sunday of the month at 4 pm. Fr Michael is keen to meet all families, and afternoon tea will be provided. Next gathering is Sunday 2 August from 4 pm-5 pm, then every first Sunday of the month at 4 pm in the Parish Centre. NEXT WEEK: CHILDREN’S LITURGY R Zoccali A Griffin Tuesday 21 July Younger Gp: K Cramp Older Gp: K Reid WORD LITURGICAL MINISTERS 26 July 2015 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr 6 Family Mass, Marriage & Family Sunday, Confirmation Enrolment—Year B COMMUNION VIGIL (Saturday) 6 PM Vigil J Pattenden T Pattenden M Griffin A Latham 9.00 AM (Sunday) J Denehy M Fernon N Rice M Woods C O’Neill Y Lee 6.00 PM (Sunday) N Macaulay R Casey S Iacono C Iacono T Boccalatte 6.00 PM (Sunday) D Wing K Hope I Boccalatte J Price JEMS: L Cramp SERVER/ JEM (jnr euch. min) CHILDREN’S LITURGY A Griffin M Casey JEMS: G Chiera T Griffin JEMS: A Murphy No Children’s Liturgy Due to Yr 6 Family Mass