Saved with Anointing and Gifts - The Way of the Cross Church of
Saved with Anointing and Gifts - The Way of the Cross Church of
guarding my Saved with Anointing and Gifts I Timothy 4:14-16 Table of Contents Letter from NYFC President 3 58th NYFC Convention Contest Winners 4 5 Ways to Bless Your Pastor 5 Bethel WOTCC news 6 Christ Church WOTCC news 6 Faith Tabernacle WOTCC news 7 Jerusalem WOTCC news 7 City of Refuge WOTCC news 8 Triumph WOTCC news 9 New Beginning WOTCC news 10 Upcoming events 11 National Youth for Christ Fall Jubilee 2012 Saturday October 27, 2012 Volume 12 Issue 1 N AT I O N A L Y O U T H F O R C H R I S T FA L L J U B I L E E S AT U R D AY, O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 2 Claymont Elementary School 3410 Green Street, Claymont, DE 19703 9:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer and Morning Manna Presiding: Elder Travell Travis, Esq., NYFC President Pastor, City of Refuge WOTCC - Richmond, VA Speaker: Minister Allen Lewis, Jr. Refuge WOTCC - Baltimore, MD 10:15 a.m. Youth Extravaganza Presiding: Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr., NYFC 1st Vice President Pastor, New Beginning WOTCC - Washington, DC 11:30 a.m. Mid-Day Youth Revival Presiding: Bishop Eric L. Cannady, NYFC 2nd Vice President Pastor, Atlanta Metro WOTCC – Stone Mountain, GA Music: National Youth for Christ Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Douglas Hosmer, Syracuse, NY 1:00 p.m. Guarding My Vote Moderator: Elder Travell Travis, Esq., NYFC President Pastor, City of Refuge WOTCC—Richmond, VA 3:00 p.m. National Junior YFC Hour Presiding: Elder Eric V. Jackson, NYFC 3rd Vice President Living Waters WOTCC - Newport News, VA 4:00 p.m. Evening Youth Encounter Presiding: District Elder Elijah Page, New England Diocese YFC President Pastor, New Dimension WOTCC—Irvington, NJ Devotion: New England Diocese YFC Praise Team Music: Middle Atlantic Diocese YFC Choir Speaker: Elder Kevin Porter, Sr. Pastor, True House of Power WOTCC—Harrisburg, PA Concurrent Sessions/Lunch (Meeting times are approximate and will begin after the service ends.) 1-3 p.m. Children’s Church—Zion WOTCC Sanctuary 1-2 p.m. Missionary’s Meeting—Zion WOTCC Fellowship Hall 2-3 p.m. Deacon’s Meeting—Zion WOTCC Fellowship Hall (Tentative) 3-4 p.m. MAD Choir Rehearsal—Zion WOTCC Sanctuary 1-4 p.m. Lunch—Zion WOTCC Fellowship Hall/ Claymont Elementary School Cafeteria 2 The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International NATIONAL YOUTH FOR CHRIST NATIONAL OFFICERS: Elder Travell Travis, Esquire PRESIDENT Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Bishop Eric L. Cannady SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Elder Eric Jackson THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Sister Keevie W. Hairston EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Deacon Tony Williams TREASURER Mother Isabell B. Ford NYFC FOUNDER Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks NYFC ADVISOR Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. PRESIDING BISHOP Bishop Henry C. Brooks FOUNDER CONTACT INFORMATION: Office of the President P.O. Box 453 Hampton, VA 23669 757-726-2442 757-726-0194 Fax SOCIAL MEDIA: October 27, 2012 Dear National Youth for Christ, Greetings in the matchless and magnificent name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is a honor and privilege to welcome you to the 2012 Fall Jubilee, Friday, October 26 – Saturday, October 27th in Claymont, Delaware. The host for this great youth fellowship is Bishop Larry Whitfield, Sr., and the saints of Zion Way of the Cross Church. Our theme for this Jubilee is “Guarding my S.W.A.G” taken from 1 Timothy 4:14-16. Some of you may be wondering what the theme actually means. The word “swag” is complimentary slang term taken from the word “swagger” which refers to how a person walks and talks in a cool and confident way. For example, a youth might say President Obama got his “swag” because of his style, demeanor, and charisma. It is also a term to describe how one presents him or herself to the world or handles various situations. Consequently, it is important for the person to guard or protect themselves from anything that would cause them to lose their cool, confidence, or “swag.” In first Timothy, Paul encourages his son in the gospel, Timothy, to guard and protect the gifts that were imparted into him. Today, we find many of our youth in the church are saved, gifted, and anointed like Timothy. Yet because they do not value, appreciate, or understand what has been imparted to them, they engage in detrimental activities, damaging relationships, and destructive behavior. Ultimately, the enemy wants our youth to lose confidence in who they are, what they have, and who they can become in Christ. But today, our goal is to remind our youth as Paul reminded Timothy, “Neglect not the gift that is in thee . . . be diligent in these things; give thyself wholly to them; that they progress may be manifest unto all. Take heed to thyself, and to thy teaching. Continue in these things; for in doing this thou shalt save both thyself and them that hear thee” ~ I Timothy 4:14-16 (ASV). We have a great day planed for you with powerful preaching and anointed singing. In addition, we have great concurrent sessions planned for the day to educate and inform us. To close out our Jubilee, we are privileged, and want to welcome to the NYFC, one of our newest pastors, Elder Kevin Porter, Sr., and the saints of True House of Power WOTCC, Harrisburg, PA. May God bless you richly this day and don’t forget to “guard your S.W.A.G.” Yours in Christ, Elder Travell Travis, Esq. NYFC President “This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face…” Psalm 24:6 3 58th NATIONAL YOUTH FOR CHRIST CONVENTION 2012 Contest Winners Oratory Contest Elementary 1st—Lincia Cannady 2nd—Christian Dukes 3rd—Vaughn Nesmith Bible Bee Challenge 1st—Jacklyn Fulmore, Evangelistic Temple, Kingstree, SC 2nd—Kobe Day, Shiloh WOTCC, Martinsville, VA Scholarship Winners LaTonya Adams Atlanta Metro WOTCC Missionary Betty Massey Memorial Scholarship—$500 Middle School 1st—Jacklyn Fulmore 2nd—Jessica Fulmore Savannah Smith Refuge WOTCC Bishop Willie and Ellen Jackson Memorial Scholarship—$500 High School 1st—Carlisa Simon Essay Contest Elementary 1st—Alexandria Whitaker 2nd—Christian Cannady Norjai Veras City of Refuge WOTCC NYFC Memorial Scholarship—$1,000 DeShae Love Living Waters WOTCC Missionary Marion Cooksey Scholarship—$1,000 Middle School 1st—Tommy Shaw, Jr. 2nd—Jacklyn Fulmore Joy Frazier Christ Church WOTCC Bishop John Edward Williams, Sr. Memorial Scholarship—$1,000 College 1st—Allen Atkins, Jr. 2nd—Tomesha Shaw 3rd—Jacqueline Barlow Carlisa Simon Galilee WOTCC Bro. Jeffrie & Sis. Sharon Long Educational Scholarship—$1,500 Membership Registration Category 3 Christ Church, Cheverly, MD Bishop Ronald Frazier, Pastor Ambassador’s Award Sis. Kirsten Martin Shiloh WOTCC, Martinsville, VA Category 2 Atlanta Metro, Stone Mountain, GA Bishop Eric Cannady, Pastor Sis. Keisha Bradley Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD Category 1 New Beginning, Washington, DC Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr., Pastor Sis. Deshae Love Living Waters WOTCC, Newport News, VA Sis. Lincia Cannady Atlanta Metro WOTCC, Stone Mountain, GA Grand Champion New Beginning, Washington, DC Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, Sr., Pastor Bro. Kirk Butler, Jr. Bethel WOTCC, Huntingtown, MD Bible Bowl First Place—$300 Shiloh WOTCC, Martinsville, VA Sis. Carlisa Simon Galilee WOTCC, College Park, GA Second Place—$200 Bethel WOTCC, Huntingtown, MD Sis. Joy Frazier Christ Church WOTCC, Cheverly, MD Third Place—$100 Greater Ransom WOTCC, Henderson, NC Bro. Christopher Bailey City of Refuge WOTCC, Richmond, VA Bro. Eric Person Greater Ransom WOTCC, Henderson, NC 4 5 Ways to Bless Your Pastor You may or may not know that October is more than the most beautiful month of the year. It's also Pastor Appreciation Month. For many congregations it carries the same weight as Arbor Day. It means very little, if anything, to most churches. Many people bristle at the idea of showing anyone extra appreciation or honor if they're being paid for doing their job. I once asked a Deacon if they were doing anything special for their pastor in October and he replied, "Yep, we're giving him a paycheck!" And he wasn't being cute. He was being serious. That attitude is completely opposite of what we are commanded to do in scripture. How can we honor and respect those God has called and equipped to lead us? How can we avoid worshiping a personality while simultaneously loving and blessing our pastors and setting them up to win and succeed in serving us? Here are five practical places to start... 1. Obey The Bible The pastors (elders) who lead the affairs of the church well are worthy of DOUBLE HONOR, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. I Timothy 5:17 This is a hard verse to argue with. I can choose to pick that verse apart by finding examples of bad pastors that I don't think deserve it, or I can submit myself to God's authority and begin to give double (generous, gracious) honor to my leaders. Don't refuse to honor your pastor because you're afraid it will go to his head and cause him to be arrogant. How foolish! Honor and encouragement foster humility, not pride. 2. Verbally Affirm Them Dear brothers, honor those who lead you. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love. I Thessalonians 5:12 Not only should I use my mouth to encourage pastors, I should also use my hands. I can write a card, send a gift certificate, compose an encouraging email, or post on Facebook and Twitter how much I love and appreciate those who lead the church. I can brag on them in public and pray for them in private. 3. Consistently Defend Them Do not listen to an accusation against a pastor (elder) unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. I Timothy 5:19 At some point, people won't like something our leaders say or do, and they will talk about it. When we hear these comments, we should quote this verse and explain to the gossiper and anyone else who is listening that we won't put up with that kind of harmful slander against our pastor. I did this once in a restaurant when someone was berating a good friend of mine. I warned him twice to stop. He refused. And I caused a scene when I rebuked him for his cowardice (anyone can talk smack about a leader when the leader isn't there). You wouldn't let someone talk about your kids or spouse in front of you. Get your pastor's back! 4. Love Their Family Being the spouse or the child of a minister is akin to being married to a soldier who is perpetually deployed. They are on a mission and family can get overlooked. Everyone else wants and needs something from the pastor, and their families often get the leftovers. Try to understand the fishbowl that they live in and reach out to them with gifts, cards, words of encouragement and offer to help with small tasks. Invite the pastor and his wife out for coffee or lunch. Have them in your home. Have their kids over on a Saturday to play so he can rest and prepare for Sunday. Babysit so they can go on a date. Trust me...if you want to appreciate your pastor, love on his wife and kids. 5. Faithfully Bless Them For the scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while he is treading out the grain" and "The worker deserves his wages." I Timothy 5:18 Generosity is a biblical principle. So is blessing and taking care of those who lead us spiritually. Find out what your leaders enjoy and pray about giving it to them as a gift. This is above and beyond their salary. Here are some ideas... a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant or shop an iTunes gift card an overnight trip to their favorite getaway a surprise party on their wedding anniversary or the pastor's anniversary at the church tickets to see their favorite team, musical, play, or concert an invitation to use your beach house or mountain house as a getaway when they need time alone All my best friends are pastors. I am a pastor. I love pastors. And I know that the more we honor and care for our leaders, the better they will love and shepherd and serve us. They win and we win, and ultimately God is glorified and His church is advanced. Let's follow God's instruction by loving on our leaders. Pastor Appreciation Month is a great place to start. 5 Bishop Darnell Easton, Pastor We send you greetings from the Youth for Christ Ministry at Bethel Way of the Cross Church, Inc. We are elated and thrilled about what God is doing in our midst. There are great things that are happening and taking place in city of Huntingtown, MD: up to the saints. The teen ministry set a challenge for all teens. Bro. Justin Johnson challenged the teens to get a GPA of 2.65 or higher. At the end of the year the ministry will have a celebration acknowledging everyone. Over the past few months, Bethel’s Youth have been engaged in several services, accomplishments, and various church activities. Baptisms: Bro. Isaiah Heigh—July 1 Church Services/Activities: The young adult ministry had their first service on August 19, 2012. The topic for this service was “I’m so glad I’m saved”. The service consisted of testimonies from young adults to encourage the body of Christ, a panel discussion, and the reenactment of a powerful skit called Everything by the group Lighthouse. The teen ministry service was held in September. Many of the teens stepped out of their comfort zone by opening up service and singing various solos. Bro. Joshua Randall sung ‘Awesome God’ and Sis. Destiny Jones sung a solo. Sis. Cayla Chase and Sis. Khadaijah Janey gave encouraging words. Some of the teens expressed the difficulties they were facing and a space for altar prayer was opened Wedding Bells: Bro. Alvin Jones, Jr. and Sis. Juanita Moulden were joined together in holy matrimony on October 20, 2012 at 2:30 pm at Bethel WOTCC. We, as a youth body, are so excited for Bro. Al and Sis. Juanita. We want to say congratulations to the happy couple and we pray that God will continue to show His grace and mercy as they continue their lives together as husband and wife. Upcoming Events: Bethel is planning several events and fellowships for the remainder of the year. One event in particular is Friday Night Live. This event will happen on a Friday, and this will be where the youth can come out and just praise God in their own way. It gives the youth an opportunity to be free and not be con- fined to a traditional way of having service. We are planning to host various bands, choirs, and talents and freely worship God in our own way without constraint. Our Youth for Christ Annual Homecoming will take place the third Sunday in November. The youth body is planning a wonderful weekend to celebrate our Homecoming services. All are welcome to join us. The youth are planning upcoming youth socials for the youth to bond and fellowship. Please stay tuned. The next teen service will be called “Raging War,” God’s army raging war against the enemy. The date will soon be announced. Please continue to keep our youth department, youth leaders, and youth directors in your prayers. The enemy knows the good work that is going on here in Huntingtown, MD, and we want to pray that God continues to keep us and work through us for there are souls who are lost and need to know they can find a friend in Jesus. May God continue to bless and keep all of you in Jesus’ precious name. God bless! Bishop Ronald Frazier, Pastor Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! We are experiencing a blessed and busy season at Christ Church WOTCC. In August, we were honored to receive a Membership Registration trophy, Category C, at the Convocation in Arlington, VA. We were also blessed to see Sis. Joy Frazier receive two scholarships for her academic excellence: the Mother Isabelle Ford Memorial Scholarship and the Bishop John E. Williams, Sr. Memorial Scholarship. Sis. Joy is not the only youth winning the world for Christ. In September, Sis. Tiffany Burroughs left to serve our country in Afghanistan for a year. Bro. Brandon Henry recently enlisted with the United States Air Force, and Bro. Michael Massey, Jr. is continuing to serve our country in the United States Navy. Academically, Sis. Janel Frazier has just received a national tutoring certification from the College Reading and Learning Association. Our young 6 ladies are still applying to their lives what they are learning in “Girls Empowered to Mature and Succeed” (GEMS). We have also had the pleasure of celebrating the marriages of Timothy and Ashley Leak and Dea. William and Marry Harris. It is our prayer that God will continue to bless us as we approach this fall season with more opportunities to win the world for Christ. Bishop H.M. Smith, Pastor Currently ranked #2 in her class, Moriah S. West, was recently selected as WATCHFOX 57’s Teen to Watch! http:// v=2Ucel2RCKHM& Sis. Moriah is 17 years old and is a senior at W.J. Keenan High School in Columbia, SC. She is the daughter of Dea. and Sis. Rolanda West. She is President of the National Honor Society, captain of the girls tennis team, and a member of the South Carolina Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. She volunteers every summer with the Boys and Girls Club and this summer she volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club and Turning Pages, an adult literacy program. Sis. Moriah is a life member of Faith Tabernacle and is active in the youth choir and youth department. She is the youngest of three children and plans to attend Vanderbilt University next fall. Her desire is to become a surgical oncologist. Elder Clieve Adams, Pastor Praise the Lord from Jerusalem WOTCC! We are excited to share what the Lord has been doing in Rocky Mount! The 3rd Sunday of each month is designated as “Youth Sunday” at Jerusalem WOTCC. The youth are encouraged to participate fully in every aspect of the service on this day and are in charge of opening up Sunday school devotion, rendering the music for the service, giving the morning welcome, assisting with the offertory part of the service and much more! The youth always arrive with excitement on Youth Sunday and continue to do a great job with giving God their all on “their” day. On Monday, September 3, Pastor Adams and some of the youth from Jerusalem journeyed to the campus of Ferrum College to participate in their annual Praise on the Patio event. Jerusalem was able to give away over 100 gift bags to college students. Information about Jesus was also shared with these students and each of them received a warm invitation to worship with us at Jerusalem during our scheduled services. As a result of this event, there are now several college students attending our Sunday worship services and some of our Bible Study classes! The Events Committee sponsored our Youth and Community Fun Day on Saturday, September 15. Those in attendance enjoyed indoor and outdoor games including musical chairs, miniature golf, an inflatable Jacob’s ladder, bad minton, football, basketball, horse rides and FREE food!! So many members of the JWOTC youth department and the community as a whole came out to enjoy the food, fun, and fellowship on this beautiful day! The JWOTC’s SSAIC Ministry (Single Sisters Abiding in Christ) had their 2nd Community Service meeting and fellowship dinner on Sunday, October 7. The sisters really enjoyed being 7 with each other as they talked about the Lord, discussed various chapters within the book entitled “Not a Fan,” shared fundraising ideas and voted on upcoming Community Service events. The 3rd Annual Youth Harvest Fest Celebration was held on Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 6:00 pm. Special Guest preacher will be our National Youth for Christ President, Elder Travell Travis, Pastor of City of Refuge WOTCC in Richmond, VA! God has been and still is doing great things with the youth of Jerusalem WOTC. Continue to keep us in your prayers. God Bless! Elder Travell Travis, Esq., Pastor Friday, August 24, 2012 – Pastor Travis travelled to the Queen City, Charlotte, NC, to be in service with District Elder Moses McKever and the saints of Cornerstone WOTCC. It was a great fellowship service along with Bishop Darrell Hairston and the saints from Shiloh Temple WOTCC. Saturday, August 25, 2012 – Pastor Travis traveled to the Star City, Roanoke, VA, for a one-night Back-to-School revival at Triumph WOTCC. This was a great service and we were appreciative of the saints from Shiloh who drove up from Martinsville to be with us in the service. Sunday, August 26, 2012 – City of Refuge held its annual Back-to-School Rally. The church was able to bless several students with school supplies. Our pastor preached a powerful message and prayed for all the students and their parents. Friday, September 7, 2012 – The Youth for Christ department sponsored its first Back-to-School Revival. Our guest was Elder Alfred Hart, Jr. from Faith Temple P.A.W. Church in Colonial Heights, VA. Saturday, September 15, 2012 – City of Refuge hosted its first “Morning Glory” Prayer Breakfast. Our guest speaker was Elder Christopher S. Hairston, founder and pastor of Triumph WOTCC in Roanoke, VA. In addition to a powerful word and delicious food, we were encouraged by the inspirational testimonies and blessed by the songs of praise. We were favored by a special selection from the Coleman Sisters, the six daughters of our church mother, Missionary Sarah Coleman. Make plans now to join us next year for our prayer breakfast. Sunday, September 16, 2012 – City of Refuge traveled to District Heights, MD, to have service with District Elder Troy Carter and the saints of Open Heart WOTCC for their 11th Pastor and Church Anniversary. Sunday, September 30, 2012 – The Lord met us in a special way during our Rhema Revival. Our guest speaker was our national evangelist, District Elder Melvin Easley, Jr., from Refuge WOTCC in Baltimore, MD. We are very appreciative of Elder Easley and his family for making the sacrifice to come share the word of God with us. Friday, October 5 – Sunday, October 7, 2012 – City of Refuge held is 2nd annual Women’s Weekend. On Friday night we held our Women’s Fellowship service. Our guest for the evening was Mother Sophia Jackson and the women of Living Waters WOTCC in Newport News, VA. We were inspired by the great teaching of Mother Jackson and the great support by the saints from Living Waters. On Saturday, we held our Women’s Conference filled with teaching, training, and testimonies. Our keynote address came from our national missionary president, Mother Cecilia Williams, who is the grandmother of our first lady, Sis. Sherina Travis. In addition, we were blessed by teaching from our church mother and local missionary president, Missionary Sarah Coleman, and from our first lady, Missionary Sherina Travis. Additional sessions on health and fitness were lead by Sis. Sheleka Eley from Greater Ransom WOTCC in Henderson, NC, and Missionary Cynthia Mason from Philadelphia, PA. On Sunday we held our Women’s Day service. The service featured our theatrical ministry and our women’s day message was delivered by Missionary Cynthia Mason, mother of Elect Lady Sherina Travis. “For greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this City” 8 Elder Christopher S. Hairston, Pastor Praise the Lord saints, from the Triumph church family. We enjoy sharing with you the activities, accomplishments, and blessings the Lord has afforded our church this season. On August 12, we were excited to be in fellowship with Bishop Earley Dillard and Shiloh WOTCC. This service was held at the Holiday Inn – Tanglewood, Roanoke, VA. We enjoyed the singing, fellowship, and most assuredly the Word! Every seat was taken and it was a pleasure to see so many come from Martinsville to support the ministry in Roanoke, VA. We held our first Back-to-School Revival on Saturday, August 25. Our very own National Youth for Christ President and Pastor of City of Refuge WOTCC was the guest speaker. The message was anointed and spirit of God was present in the place. God used Eld. Travis to bless us with a word we needed. Afterwards, we distributed book bags with school supplies and snacks to the children in attendance. We prepared 25 bags and distributed half of them. The other half was distributed over the next few weeks to other visiting children and college students. Afterwards, we had an Ice Cream Supper with all the toppings! Triumph celebrated three years ministering in the Roanoke Valley on Sunday September 9. Evangelist Cody Akers from Crossroads Apostolic Faith Church, Dublin, VA, ministered to us. What a fantastic message from a consecrated young man! Following morning service, the saints prepared covered dishes and headed to an outing at the shelter on top of Mill Mountain. It was a nice pleasant afternoon of fellowship and the saints’ dishes were delectable! We enjoyed splendid views from the Star of the Roanoke Valley and God’s glorious splendor and creation. Elder Christopher Hairston preached at the Morning Glory Prayer Breakfast hosted by City of Refuge WOTCC, Richmond, VA, where Eld. Travell Travis is pastor. The Lord met us early in the morning, before we even had a chance to enjoy the bountiful breakfast that was being prepared for us. The testimonies of the saints were strength and spiritual nourishment to our soul. The food and continued fellowship throughout the morning was natural nourishment. On Sunday, September 16, we participated in National Back-to-Church Sunday. We held open forum bible study and refreshments. Triumph Church and Eld. Christopher Hairston also ministered in song and word to Jerusalem WOTCC that same day. We Fa ll Ba ck… always enjoy the fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Rocky Mount, VA! The Kingdom Kids enjoyed a fellowship activity on Friday, September 28, at the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre at Veggie Tales, God Made You Special. Each Sunday in October, one family in the church blessed the pastor with a token of appreciation for his commitment to the ministry at Triumph. And on Sunday, October 28, the membership and any guests will conclude Pastor Appreciation Month with a fellowship at The Homeplace in Catawba, VA. We are so grateful that God has blessed us to branch out in ministry to students at Radford University. We have three students and have contacts for more. Please pray for us that God will bless us in this portion of the vineyard. We thank and praise God for a 14-yearold young Amari being baptized in water in Jesus name. Keep him in your prayers that God will lead him and guide him in his new found walk. On Sunday, October 21, Triumph rendered service at Crossroads Apostolic Faith Church in Dublin, VA. We praise God for this new fellowship. It was a great service! Praying and moving forward in Jesus! I t ’s t h a t t i m e a g a i n . . . Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 4, 2012. At 2 am, turn your clocks back one hour. Enjoy a little extra sleep before church! Election Day is on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Pray and ask God for direction as you exercise your right to vote! 9 Our Celebration of BISHOP BENNETT B. GAMBLE’S 11th Pastoral Anniversary & the Opening of NEW BEGINNING ~ SOUTH 11064 LIVINGSTON ROAD #102 - 104 FORT WASHINGTON, MD New Beginning Way of The Cross Church ONE Church in TWO Locations SOUTH ~ 11064 Livingston Road, #102-104, Fort Washington, MD 20744 NORTH ~ 4928 Blaine Street, NE, Washington, DC 20019 Please visit our website for additional photos and current information: 10 11 Thank You! Anointing by J. Moss Eyes have never seen Minds have never dreamed Thoughts have never conjured up Man tries to tear it up But I know what it is I know what it is It's the anointing It's the anointing Thank you to all youth leaders for submitting formation to this issue of the MESSENGER! The following individuals are credited for supplying this youth news: Eld. Tavell Travis, Sis. Sonjai Harrison, Sis. Anita Hairston, Sis. Jacqueline Barlow, Sis. Janel Frazier, Sis. Keturah Clements, and Sis. Shirley Johnson. Books try to explain Movies try to portray Novelties dress it up Documentaries mess it up But I know what it is I know what it is It's the anointing The anointing Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. I Timothy 4:14-16 In a world where doubting faith Is running at an all-time high Lord equip me with more More of Your power from on high If you have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost, God has most assuredly supplied you with gifts and talents to help progress His kingdom. It is your duty to seek God if you are unsure of the measure he has afforded you. Once God has anointed you to work in His vineyard reaping souls for the kingdom, you must guard against the one who has only come to kill, steal, and destroy. The evil one does not want to see your prosper in your anointing and gifts. Stay prayed up, keep fasting, reading, studying and seeking. Never leave even a crack for Satan to slip in and steal God’s gifts. Chorus Surround me with your anointing Endow me with your anointing Douse me with your anointing Your anointing As I come and I go Use me as I flow in your anointing Mountains can be moved And demons removed Blinded eyes open up And diseases can be cleared up Does anybody know what it is That anointing Please remember the MESSENGER is published three times annually—Winter Jubilee, Convocation, and Fall Jubilee. Begin preparing now for your contribution to the next edition. We want to hear the youth testimonies, praise reports, and upcoming events at your local church. Chorus Surround me with your anointing Endow me with your anointing Douse me with your anointing Your anointing As I come and I go Use me as I flow (Repeat) God bless you! MESSENGER EDITOR Sis. Keevie W. Hairston, AAS, CAP-OM [email protected] or [email protected] 540.676.5902 Cell or 540.204.4207 Home 12
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