M i t - Canton Public Library
M i t - Canton Public Library
Hockey night in Detroit is a hot ticket, 1D Making chocolates for the holidays, 1B Basketball scores, 1C Canton €>l)SerUer Volume 14 N u m b e r 40 The Canton Connection Parting view Before leaving the supervisor 1 > office, James Poole sent out a memo discussing his view of the township's moat serious problem. Poole said the sewage disposal issue remains the most presalag concern for Cantos Township and western Wayne County. An agreemfqt between and Plymouth at least five years to complete and needs to remain a prkirity m m newly elected board of trustees, Pooie said. The former supet visor also warned trustees that continued expansion west of Cantoo Center Monday. D e c e m b e r 5, 1988 Canton, Michigan 46 P a g e s Leaders discuss tax abatements By Peggy Aulino staff writer Plymouth Canton High School was crawling with elected officials Wednesday as office holders from two townships, one city and a school district met to discuss common concerns. The issue of tax abatements got the most attention as Plymouth city commissioners, Plymouth and Canton township trustees and PlymouthCanton Community Schools board members — as well as some administrators from the various areas — met for the second time this year. The group did not take any official action but decided to have representatives meet in smaller groups for T sewageproUnns. "Expansion in without a resolution of the sanitary sewer problem will that i people and perhaps the township will never recover from," Poole wrote. He also added a postscript "U la not possible to defy the law of physics and you have never been able to put six poinds of sugar in a five-pound bag." Though school officials generally tend to oppose tax abatements because they mean less tax revenue for districts, only one Plymouth-Canton school board member was adamant about his opposition Wednesday. further discussion on some of the matters. Though school officials generally tend to oppose tax abatements because they mean less tax revenue for districts, only one Plymouth-Canton school board member was adamant about his opposition Wednesday. E.J. McClendon characterized tax abatements as a "me-vs.-my-neighbor kind of thing," which he called "very destructive." N - — . i . #» y Imp J / v \ " * V Detroit area aria and human opportunity to receive 1*06,000 in i should call («U)-S70-«Slf or write to "Project Family," 11700 W. IS Mile, Suite US, Farmington Hills 48011. Cninilslail s p p j f H n n i m n A support documents must be postmarked by Dec. SI. Library help Now that you've had a i to examine the new library, browse in the wide atalee an take advantage of an that new space, you can do > the library The Friends of the i Public Library is l o o f e t o c r a e It is a non-profit A c stodto a Uak between the Christmas party all MUNICIPALITIES OFFER tax abatements as a means of attracting industry. Half of the industry's taxes are forgiven for an agreed-upoo number of years. They are offered by Canton and Plymouth townships but not currently used by the city of Plymouth. Supervisor Maurice Breen said Plymouth Township "adopted a policy that if the industry qualified we would grant it — not particularly because we like tax abatement but because it's a fact of life." Breen said industries that are denied abatements in one town usually locate elsewhere, but McClendon challenged that contention. "You assume it's automatically true. I can't assume it's automatical- Canton Care Center haa improved condit t e n s s i n c e a u r v e y a u a e d in a n a t i o n a l s t u d y BILL BRESLER/ttaff ptmtograptwr citing p o o r c a r e at t h e M i c h i g a n A v e n u e f a cility in C a n t o n , s t a t e o f f i c i a l a a a y . ly true," McClendon said. Canton Township treasurer Gerald "Jerry" Brown said American Yazaki "would not be in our community" if not for the tax abatement it received. School board member Dean Swartzwelter said he doesn't "like the idea of abatements," but be said he has "always been of the opinion that we should not make an issue out of i t " "I TEND to believe that in the long run, we are going to be better off as a school district because there will be a larger tax b a s e . " Swartzwelter said. Please turn to Page 2 Nursing home criticism based on old surveys By Diane Qale staff writer On target the three-year project to enrich and strengthen family life by providing support for affordable, quality arts i programs ii the chain's i A Target store is scheduled to open on Pord Road In Canton next year, lite company budgets S percent of federally taxable Twenty-five cents the Medicaid program, conducted a study of 15,000 nursing homes across the country. Results were released last week. A federal report listing Canton Care Center as one of 19 Michigan nursing homes with the most state CANTON CARE was listed with health code violations was based on state surveys up to two years old, a eight violations of the 32 criteria used for the federal study. The nursfederal spokesman said. ing home also has had problems with Major changes have been made the state. since the surveys were made, said Last August Canton Care was takBeverly Sciberras. Canton Care Cen- en off the state of Michigan's decerter administrator. tification list, which had placed the "There's a new paint job," Sciber- facility in jeopardy of losing its liras said. "There's a new director of cense. nursing. 1 think it's 100-percent im"They (Canton Care) were in a lot proved since I came here (in Decemof trouble at one point," said Dalber 1987)." phine Shott, Michigan department of The Health Care Financing Administration, which administers Medicare and the federal portion of Please turn to Page 2 Man arraigned for harassment By Diane Qale staff writer A Canton man has been charged with sending indecent pictures to and harassing a woman who had testified against him in a sex case three years ago in Plymouth. Randall Scott Horace, 26, was arraigned Thursday on one count of distributing obscene material and one count of telephone harassment in S5th District Court before Judge James Garber. He was released on 110,000 personal bond until his preliminary examination Monday, Dec. IS. A plea of not guilty was entered. Both charges are misdemeanors. The first carries a maximum 12 months in jail, and the second carries a maximum six months jail time. Horace has been convicted of indecent exposure nin» times including three times in Westland, two in Canton, three In Plymouth and one in Beverly Hills, Mich., which was his first conviction, in 1979. jail for one of the Westland cases, said Canton police Detective Charles Ray craft In the most recent Canton case, police received a call from a 17year-old Canton girl who reported having gotten obscene pictures through the mail, with Ronald McDonald written in the top left corner of the envelope, said Dave Boljesic. Canton police spokesman. She also reported having received threatening phone calls after getting the pictures, he added. "She was obviously quite terrified," Raycraft said. "He needs counseling along with anything else the courts decide, but I don't know what the answer is. It appears to me that he's not going to stop." In a telephone interview Thursday night, Horace said he sought counseling twice. "Obviously it didn't help," Horace said. "Maybe a different type of counseling would help. If the court will allow me to. I'm not working right now I can't afford it (counseling). I don't think I have gotten the HE WAS sentenced to 60 days in Please turn to Page 2 Arson suspected in fire at business Anon is suspected in a fire that earned aboet $50,000 worth of damage Thursday at Ron's Coach Craft iaCaatoa. At about S a.m. Cantoa public safety received calls about excessive smoke from the Ford and Lots Road Cantoa firefighters pet oat the to have started area of a INS J - Rooftop Geer Workers get down to buaineaa aa they put a new roof on Geer School. Reetoration efforts continue to get the echool ready for fourth- gradera next fall. Studenta will spend a week in the echool learning about IHe and education at the turn of the century. Christmas what's inside lights go on today Calendar Jeep Eagle, a police report said. The jeep was parked inside the building. The jeep suffered extensive damage, but the building was basically unaffected, except damage to the building drywall. Firefighters mid $50,000 was a high estimate for damage "From the initial Investigation it would appear it's an arson," Botjsak Christmas lights will brighten the skies near the Canton Town- The Canton arson team - Including officers and firefighters — re- and a raffle for children's stuffed The Cantoa tree lighting ceremonies begin at 7 p m. today at township hall. Canton south of Proctor The festivities . . . . 3A C.E.F . . C.F 8E Real e a t a t e . 1E Employment . . . E.F Creative IMng . . . . IE . . 2E Croeaword, Entertainment . . . .50 . . 4A Otoltuarlee 1C Sports O * — — a » n anW . . . . 1 0 o t r e e t s c e n e . Taate . . . . . . . ,1B NEWSLINE . 8 PORT SLIME WANTS AOS DELIVERY. . .501-2312 . 9S1-0000 . 801-0500 _ We make it So eesy to piece ad—just pick up the p h o n e We ll do the Mooday. December S. I960 OAS MJC). JC»A O&E Mooday. Deoember 5. 1968 Man arraigned for harassment Tax abatements discussed jConlinued from Page 1 • The other issues the group discussed included elections, sidewalks and recreation. Some government representatives wondered if schools could be closed on statewide election days. Cantoa trustee John Prenicxky said parking in the high school lot was a problem during the recent presidential election. "I was afraid somebody was going to get hit," be said. School representatives said it may be possible to close schools oo presidential and gubernatorial election days, which draw the most crowds to the (tolls. Breen wondered if the townships and city could unify their efforts daring election time. He said that is "something we in the administration from the various groups could get together on." Canton clerk Loren Bennett was put in charge of coordinating the effort. THE GROUP discussed the matter of installing sidewalks near schools. Canton's newly elected supervisor, Tom Yack, said he believes it is the township's responsibility to pay for the building of sidewalks. It 'doesn't really matter who spends it — it comes from the same place," Yack said. School officials are in the process of drawing up a priority list of the areas they believe need side- walks. In the area of recreation, officials expressed concern over the lack of soccer fields. Plymouth city officials are considering establishing a joint recreation program with the schools, which would make the cost manageable for both parties. When suitable land for soccer fields is found, officials will devise a plan for developing i t The elected officials agreed to meet again in three to six months. Continued from Paoe 1 Nursing home data was years old Continued from Page 1 — public health licensing officer. But after subsequent surveys, the facility was taken out of the decertification litigation process, she said. tions, but they were insignificant.' "We have lifted litigation because of improved performance," Shott said. AT LEAST 500 criteria are used when the state surveys facilities to determine if the health code is upheld. Sciberras said it was unfair that HCFA uses just 32 criteria for the study. Even the state surveys can be misleading, she said. "The sanctions were lifted Aug. 10. There were a couple of viola- "They (state surveyors) pick one day," she said. "I think it's an unfair way to measure. The survey doesn't show whether they are ongoing problems or problems that can be corrected immediately. Some of the problems can be corrected the very same minute, in fact." Brian Suter owns the Michigan Avenue nursing home, which is licensed for 91 patients. Canton Care has 51 residents. Five pay their own way. The other 46 are paid for by Medicaid, which means the state pays for their care. "WHEN YOU have Medicaid patients, there's only so much that we can do," she said. Volunteers keep an eye on conditions, Sciberras said. "I don't think we could get volunteers to come in here if the place was in such bad condition or the patients were getting such bad care," Sciberras said. Parishioner's jury trial date set for Feb. 8 By Doug Funks staff writer A parishioner of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, cleared O c t 7 of a trespassing charge brought by her pastor last spring, will go to trial Feb, 8 on a charge of Interfering with a police officer during the same incident Cecile T. Jean, 44, of Plymouth has requested a jury trial. Jean declined to leave the rectory after ordered to do so by the Rev. Richard Perfetto and city police. Police carried Jean out of the rectory, then ticketed her for trespassing and interfering with a police officer. District Judge James Garber subsequently dismissed the trespassing charge on grounds that Jean had a right to be in the rectory at that particular time for a parish meeting. Garber, however, declined to dismiss the interfering charge. A RECENT PRETRIAL conference between Ron Lowe, city attorney, and Robert Roetber, Jean's lawyer, failed to resolve the second charge. So a trial date was s e t "It will revolve around whether officers in a reasonable person's mind acted reasonably," Lowe said. "A person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. The question now is was it a lawful arrest? "Police officers did what they had to and the only thing they could do," Lowe said. "Even the police report indicates officers implored her to leave. "Cops aren't lawyers. If we get cops second guessing themselves, we'll subject them to getting hurt and not getting the job done." Lowe said. ROETHER SEES things from a different perspective. "Our basic posture is she wasn't trespassing and shouldn't have been arrested," Roetber said. "She didn't take an unreasonable posture to prevent i t She didn't kick, scream, curse or strike out. She certainly didn't resist the arrest. She was very dignified, very restrained." Jean has attributed prosecution to her opposition to liturgical changes at Good Counsel, a human sexuality course offered children on a voluntary basis and teaching materials used in the parish school. Lowe said he offered a plea-bargain during pretrial on the resisting charge. In exchange for a guilty plea and no similar occurrences for six months, the episode wouldn't be entered on Jean's record. Lowe also offered to waive the customary two-day community service work detail that usually accompanies such plea arrangements. The judge would have determined court costs. Jean refused. "She feels anything short of 100percent vindication would compromise her," Roether said. PLYMOUTH NURSERY Just 9900 A n n A r b o r R d 7 miles IVesf of 1-275 right kind of counseling through the court. "The court needs to be a little more diverse in the way of handling things," Horace said. "There's different kinds of help you can get and the courts haven't realised that. All they want to do is put you In jail, and they don't want to try all the alternatives first." "I've never even approached the girls," he continued. "I've never even talked to them (personally)." Horace said he received Individual therapy in 1979. He said be can't attribute his actions to any "one thing." "There's a lot of problems that (I) attribute It to," be said. "I never hurt anyone. Whatever I've done I've never hurt anyone." misdemeanors When other v departments run the name it wouldn't show that he had a criminal history. If every conviction was reported to the state then they would know about thoee cases. Morality crimes probably should be reported." Raycraft tracked down the cases in the other communities after he learned the most recent Canton victim had been the victim of an indecent exposure at P l y m o u t h ' s McDonald's on Ann Arbor Road. One case seemed to lead to another, he said. RAYCRAFT SAID there's a "possibility the system has failed." "There's a glitch in the law," Raycraft said. "He had no criminal history, because they were all local SINK SWIM? Ii > never too laic 10 lomhowtoiwira Jufttcallu* and sign up for a Red Crass swimming class American Red Cross H\ghV\gM Vour HoVvdaV Gift" Certificates Available ( J J a n t a n © b s e r u e r 663-670 PO Wished every Monday sod Thursday by Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. 36251 Schooteraft. Livonia, Ml 48150. Thlrd-cises poetage paid at Livonia, Ml 48151. Address ail mail (subscription, change of addrees. Form 3569) to P.O. Bo* 2428, Livonia, Ml 48151. Telephone 5910500 HOME OELIVERY SERVICE Newsstand . . . . per copy, 25« Carrier monthly. $2.00 MsJI yearty. $40.00 All advertising published In the Canton Observer is subject to the conditions ststedtatthe applicable rate card, copies of which are available from the advertising department. Canton Observer. 489 S. Main, Plymouth. Ml 48170. (313) 459-2700. The Canton Observer reeerves the right not to accept an advertiser s order. Observer & Eccentric adtake, s have no authority to bind this newspaper and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser'* order. N. MAIN PLYMOUTH Regular *30 to $40 Now t h r u C h r i s t m a s Receive '10.00 OFF With this Ad 459-3330 Hours Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Special memories: "WHEN AMERICAN GI's arrived on an island, the first thing they did was set up a hospital tenL" said Holmes, a research technician at Ann Arbor's Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. "Orphans were brought there for safekeeping. I'm sure my dad visited the tent on Okinawa because he liked kids." George Holmes must have seen something special in one chubbycheeked 2-year-old — a barefoot little gyy whose clothing consisted of a pillowcase and a sailor's cap. and whoee name no one seemed to know. The eoldier from Michigan nicknamed him "Charlie." *tfly dad had film, nice cameras., and a lot of time," Holmes said. "He made a movie called 'Battle Babes of Okinawa.' It's a documentary showing the way American GI's took care of orphans." THE FILM has been boused in the National Archives in Washington since 1845. The Holmes family has never seen i t But they have seen a sequel called "Who Am I?" produced by a Japanese broadcasting company. Holmes isn't sure how "Battle Babes" found its way to Japan. He does know his father's film has been shown to large audiences throughout Japan. "There's a m o v e m e n t in Japan, any incoming dry cleaning order. Excludes suede, leathers, furs, laundry and alterations. Good only until 12-8-88 called 'Ichi Feet' to find the relatives of orphans, because without their ancestors, the Japanese are consid- GIVE BLOOD, PLEASE. Also filmed was an interview at Schrader's Funeral Home, in which Charlie learns where George Holmes lived. > Charlie and the film crew found the home on Schoolcraft, but it was empty. The family had moved after George Holmes died, neighbors said. Charlie was already oo his way back to Japan when, from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Ken Holmes received a phone call from a Japanese-American who'd been travelng with Charlie. By M B OH ion staff writer • Outwardly, It'll seem like It's business as usual for Ken Holmes. But for the Plymouth resident and his family. Pearl Harbor Day will be a time for memories and melancholy Thoughts Dec. 7 will dwell on a now dead World War II veteran, his buddy from California and a young orphan they befriended in Okinawa. George Holmes was a cinema tographer from Detroit who in the early '40s honed his skills at Disney Studios in Hollywood. The photographer met Clark Gable and dozens of stars who entertained at USO shows, and played touch football with Ronald "Dutch" Reagan before the U.S. Army sent him to the Pacific to document the war. Holmes was only 6 when his dad became a combat photographer. Since then, be has become a fine historian. Ken H o l m e s ' f a t h e r w a s a c o m b a t p h o t o g r a p h e r during World W s r II. G e o r g e H o l m e s filmed a m o v i e c e l l e d "Ba ttle Babies." ered second-class citizens," Holmes said. "Charlie has become a symbol of the search for these Okinawan orphans and their families." "WHO AM I?" documents Charlie's fruitless search for his identity. Trying to discover something about his family, Charlie traveled in 1986 to Washington, D.C.; to Michigan to find George Holmes; and to California to look up Jack Minsker, Holmes' cameraman and wartime buddy At Arlington National Cemetery-, where Charlie went in hopes of finding out where Holmes lived, officials informed him that Holmes had died four years earlier and was buried in Livonia. "Charlie went to my dad's gravesite and put flowers on the grave." said Holmes, whose brother, Emmett, and sister. Gayle Caswell, still live in Livonia. "He broke down, saying that 'without this man. I wouldn't be alive today.' "Charlie thought my dad saved his life," Holmes said. "But in fact, my dad and Jack found him already in the hospital." Ironically, Charlie had become a carpenter. So had George Holmes after the war. Holmes said. CHARLIE TRIED but failed to find other members of the Holmes family. "Charlie came to the Livonia Observer and found my dad's death notice, which is shown in the film," Holmes said. • COLLECTING TOYS Nov. 22-Dec. 15 — Mels Golden Razor is collecting for the 9th year new and used toys from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 595 Forest, for needy, handicapped and abused children. located on Canton Center Road, south of Cherry Hill road. Items featured will be Victorian and Country Christmas items and much more. For more information, call 453-6084. • HOLIDAY AEROBICS Mondays, Nov. I I to Dec. 24 — The Women's Association of the First Presbyterian Church of Plymouth is sponsoring a holiday session of aerobics classes. To register, call 459-9485. EVENINGS • THURSDAY, D E C E M B E R 8 , 7 P.M., LIVONIA C O M E AND S P E N D T H E ENTIRE EVENING WITH US...WE'LL HAVE ENTERTAINMENT, SANTA, R E F R E S H M E N T S , AND LOTS O F IDEAS FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY GIFTS. DINNER FORffWO 11.95 AT 7 P.M., S E E T H E D I C K WASKIN PUPPET SHOW . . " T H E L I T T L E F U R TKEE"...IN T H E C H I L D R E N ' S AREA. H o , HO, HO, SANTA C L A U S WILL G R E E T THE C H I L D R E N IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING T H E PUPPET SHOW. J O I N P E G WATSON IN T H E K I T C H E N S H O P W H E R E S H E WILL MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 4 P M T O S P.M.. LIVONIA BE MAKING C H R I S T M A S AND HOLIDAY S W E E T S . S E E HOUDAY FASHIONS INFORMALLY MODELED. Before or a f t e r y o u s h o p , e n j o y a delightful dinner in t h e q u i e t , relaxing a t m o s p h e r e of our restaurant. C h o o s e f r o m our c h e f ' s d e l i c i o u s e n t r e e s for two: Roast Loin of Pork Braised S h o r t R i b s of Beef Chicken Stew i n Puff Pastry Catch of the Day Dinners include salad, vegetable, roll and butter. Jacobson's We wetcom* Shop J a c o b s o n ' s Charge. MasterCard? VISA* and Arrurrican K x p f t u * CONVENIENT HOLIDAY HOURS until 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Until 0 p . m . oil S a t u r d a y . "THEY WERE on a tight schedule and had to leave right away. I talked with him on the phone for about an hour," Holmes said. Holmes has written Charlie, and sent him some of the many photographs his dad took on Okinawa. He has received no response. "I'm not sure he ever got them." Holmes said. CHARLIE DID find Jack Minsker. He was living in La Mir a da. a Los Angeles suburb. 'Who Am I?" shows an emotional reunion of Minsker and one of the "small friends" he met in Japan. "Charlie had been hurt during the war," Holmes said. "He had a wound on his neck, and an injury to the wrist. The first thing Jack did was look at Charlie's neck and wrist and said, "You are Charlie.' " Sadly, Minsker's was still another place Charlie left none the wiser for his efforts. Minsker could tell Charlie nothing about his origins. TWO YEARS ago. Holmes and his wife, Joyce, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in Hawaii. Avid University of Michigan fans, the Holmeses saw the Wolverines play the University of Hawaii Rainbows Dec. 6. and visited Pearl Harbor the next day, the 45th anniversary of an event that catapulted America into World War II. "We arrived at the park at 8 a m . It was a beautiful, sunny warm day," Holmes recalled. "Our guide looked at his watch and pointed saying, 'Forty-five years ago, right now. Japanese planes came from that direction.' Just as he pointed, the Navy did a fly-by. It was the missing man formation, with one plane missing. photos by BJLL BRESLER/statt photographer G e o r g e H o l m e s t o o k t h o u s s n d a of p h o t o a while s t a t i o n e d in O k i n a w a . "There wasn't a dry eye when he was through with the tour. Back on the launch, tie told us. You can leave here two ways. Angry and bitter, or filled with the resolve that this will never happen again.'" community calendar • OPEN A veteran, a buddy, a boy are parts of unusual war story CONCERTS West Middle School's band and choruses will be presenting three concerts during the month of December. They are opened to the public and all are invited to attend. 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1 — Beginning and Advanced Bands; 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6 — Advanced Bands and Intermediate Bands; t p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 — Choruses. All groups will present Christmas music for your enjoyment • OSTEOPOROSIS Mooday, Dec. i — A health seminar on Osteoporosis will be held at 7 p.m. at the University ef Michigan M-CARE Health Center, 93*8 Lilley Road, Plymouth. Dr. Suzanne Swanson, obstetrician and gynecologist, will present the program. Topics will include diet, exercise, tkm, lifestyle in controlling rods as well as factors affecting the development and ptngi tmkm of the disease. A question and s n v period will follow Pi s t a g n a t i o n is requested by calling the M-Care Health Center st 459-00*0 A W fee is payable at the door. • CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, Dec. IS - The Canton Parts and Recreation Department Is its Annual Children party lor boys sad girts M S . The children win snfoy I s Jacobson's C O N V E N I ESNfTf SHOLIDAY o L I D M HOURS. until 9 p-m Momdmy through Pridmy. Until * p.m. am S a t u r d a y • CHRISTMAS BAZAAR t, Dec. 1041 I t s Canton Htotortcal Socto* Is from 9 a j a .to4 a m . at the SUNDAY CONCERT Sunday, Dec. 11 — Come share the spirit of Christmas with the Spirit of Detroit Chorus at our Christmas coocerts that will be held at 2 p.m. at Davidson School, Southgate; and 7 pjn. at St Paul's Presbyterian Church, Livonia. Tickets are $3 for seniors/students; general admission is $5 Call Betty Koch for tickets at 981-5708. • BARK IDENTFICATION Sunday, Dec. 11 — Holliday Nature Preserve Tours will be examining "Trees without Leaves" at 1 p.m. you will enter at the Kopperriick Road entrance in Canton. For more information, call 453-3833. • ADULT STUTTERING THERAPY Wednesday evenings — An Adult Stuttering iSerapy Group is being formed by the Department of Speech Pathology at the Oakwood Canton Health Center in Canton. Participants will learn techniques to control dysfloency, as well as discuss social and emotional problems often related to stuttering. The group will meet on Wednesday 5 30-4 30 p.m For more information, call Janice Pagano at 459-7030 The Oakwood Canton Health Center is at 7300 Canton Center Road in Canton. • OPEN SKATING The City of Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department will be offering the following open skating honrs at the Plymouth Cultural Center 1-2:20 p.m-, 7-0 p r n Monday, 8 30-10:40 a m , 1-2:40 p.m. and felt 5:50 p.m. Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a j n . and 1-3:20 pan. Wednsaday. 8:30-11:40 a.m. 1-1:10 p.m. and 4-1:10 1:10-19:40 i s , 1-1 7-1 pjn. Friday, soon to 1M P A an4 1:104 pm. 9u * Fees: adults 11 I t , children $1. rental to 71 cento. For call • PLUS PRC SCHOOL PLUS Pt sath.nl to taking who live in the attendance areas of Eriksson, Farrand, Field, Hoben and Gallimore Schools. Children must be 4 on or before Dec. 1, 1988. PLUS is operated by the Plymouth/Canton Community Schools in conjunction with a grant from the federal government. Classes for parents and children will be beld at Central Middle School, 850 Church St, Plymouth. For registration and more information, call 451-0656. • GIFTED AND TALENTED Steppingstone Center is an independent coed elementary school, which exclusively serves the needs of gifted students. It is accepting applications for fall 1988. For more Information, call the admissions office at 459-7240 • IPSEP The Plymouth Canton School District offers a special education program for children with special needs from birth to age 6. If you have a child who may have mental, physical or emotional difficulties or who may have a vision, speech or bearing problem and need special educational help, call the Infant and Preschool Special Education Program at Tanger Elementary School, 4516500. Plus to taking registration for 4year-olds and their parents who live in the attendance areas of Eriksson, Farrand, Field and Gallimore schools The dasess wiD be held at must be 4 on or before Dec. 1,. 1909. Plus to operated by the Plymouth/ Community SrtHWEto in conjunction with a grant from the federal gin i ii luiunt To register and for more Information, call 411• PARENT/CHILD GUIDE PROGRAMS P l y m o u t h Community YMCA's parent/child km at July 4th Psmlly Two pretty ways to warm up her winter Butterfly patterned wrap Or shell-design robe with m a n d a r i n collar and button front. Ivory or pink. quOted polyester satin, fully lined Sixes S-M-L, $133 Jacobson's Now Open Et>enings Monday. P«cfTH>»r 5. 1968 (ME OAE Monday. December 5. 1988 *54£L MBA aimed at day 'residents' Wf Tim 8mtth staff writer i Lawrence Institute of Technology* fledgling master's of business administration program will target advancement-conscious professiona l who work during the day In Southfield. "Candidates will need more than # ° d grades to be accepted in the program, which starts in March, according to Louis Petro, dean of LITs management school. J "The biggest thing is not to bring (students) not in the work field. 3 s bard to teach business to someone who's never worked," Petro said, adding that candidates will need "significant work experience and some references." '.Petro, management school dean since 1979-80, spent four years creating the graduate program. "The motivation was two-fold," he said. "Number one was the market need for an MBA program in this area." The second need was for a program "specifically designed for the professional market." "We go one step beyond academic qualifications. We want to see business qualifications," Petro said. WHATEVER THE CATALYST, quality, not student numbers, is Petro's main objective for the program. which will try to blend business theory and practice. "We have no desire to just round up bodies." There should be plenty of response to join LIT's new venture, Petro said, because of the college's central location and access to Southfield's heavy white-collar, daytime population, which be estimated at 220,000. Petro said about 500 inquiries about the master's program were LINNIE M. KELLEY BUT PETRO hopes to tap into surrounding areas as well. He admits that a lack of awareness of LIT and what it's about may be a problem. "I've found that a third of the people around Detroit never heard of it, another third have an erroneous concept of it and the other third knows about us in terms of only engineering and architecture." Petro said about the college. The new MBA program, coupled with a movement now under way to change LITs name to Lawrence Technological University, "is indicative of our changing with the times," Petro-said. "We're adding something to the school and the community, an option for people looking for something a little different." Entrance qualifications will be competitive with those of other area colleges having MBA programs, such as Wayne State University, University of Detroit, Oakland University and the University of Michigan at Dearborn, Petro said. Funeral services for Linnie M Kelley. 86, of Plymouth were Nov. JO at the Schrader Funeral Home with the Rev. Glenn P. Kopper officiating. Burial was in Glen Eden Cemetery in Livonia. Mrs. Kelley, who died Nov. 27 in Ann Arbor, was a bomemaker She was born April SO, 1902, in Hagensville. Mrs. Kelley is survived by two sons, Kenneth of Plymouth and Donald of Lakeland, Fla.; a daughter, Wava Carrow of Kalamazoo; a brother. Roy Lamb of Rogers City, eight grandchildren; and IS greatgrandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to St. John's Lutheran Church in Rogers City. CLARENCE R. NELSEN Funeral services for Clarence R. Nelsen, 75, of Canton were Nov. 28 at Lambert-Vermeulen Funeral Home with the Rev. Stanley Jenkins officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery, Plymouth. Mr. Nelsen was born Oct. 18. 1913, Kids can meet Santa Santa Claus has scheduled some time in his busy schedule to meet with Canton youngsters Saturday. A Christmas party with Santa, sponsored by the Canton Parks and Recreation department will be held twice that day. Youngsters 3-7 years old can attend at 9:30-10:30 a.m. while those 812 can attend from 10:45-11:45 a.m. The free party is at the Cantoa Recreation Center, Michigan Avenue at Sheldon. Movies, game:, refreshments and Several area reps decry school tax reform obituaries received in the past two years by word-of-mouth alone. By 1991, Petro said he hopes to have about 300 in the program, recently accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. • •• Meanwhile, part-time evening classes to be offered would be a perfect fit convenience wise for those working professionals, he added. "People who want to get an MBA in a part-time setting want convenience, both to home and work," Petro said. "A person who lives in Pontiac and works in Southfield wants somewhere in between (for classes), not in Port Huron." a visit from Santa are all part of the festivities. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 397-5110. in Minnesota He was a school custodian before his retirement. Mr. Nelsen is survived by two daughters. Alice M. McDonald of Cantoa and Rosemary Hering of Westland; a brother, Harry of Arizona; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. .FRANCES E PETERS Funeral services for Frances E. Peters, 89, of Plymouth were Nov: 30 at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Canton, with the Rev, Thomas A. Belczak officiating. Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery, St. Joseph. Arrangements were by Lambert-Vermeulen Funeral Home, Plymouth. Mrs. Peters, who died at home Nov. 27, was an elementary school teacher before retiring. She was bom March 17, 1899, in St. Joseph and graduated from Western Michigan University in 1919. She taught in Weyland and St. Joseph schools. Mrs Peters is survived by her husband. Carl O.; daughter. Mary A. Singer of Allen Park; son, Carl F. of San Diego; 10 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to the Arthritis Foundation. Venoy Continuing Center, Wayne, FRANK PERRY was a former part-owner of Tucker Memorial services for Frank Per- A Son Perrenial Gardens Nursery. ry, 74, of Cantoa were Dec. 2 at S t The business was in Belleville fen- 12 John Neumann Catholic Church. years before it was moved to SuperiCanton, with the Rev. Thomas A. or Township. Belczak officiating. • Mrs. Tucker is survived by a too. Burial waa in Holy Sepulchre Henry J. of Canton; four grandchilCemetery, Southfield. Arrangements dren; and seven great-grandchildren. were by Lambert-Vermeulen FunerMemorial contributions may be al Home, Plymouth. made to the Penricktoo Center, an A retired bricklayer, Mr. Perry establishment for blind children, at died Nov. 29 at Canton's Oakwood 265S0 Eureka Road, Taylor. Hospital. He was born Oct 16, 1914, in Italy. EDWARD W. HAJEK Survivors are his wife, Mamie; sons, Richard of Bloomfield Hills, Memorial services for Edward W. Eugene of Livonia, Donald of Can- Hajek, 81, formerly of Plymouth, ton; daughter, Virginia M. Dimsa of were Nov. 26 at Vermeulen MemoriWest Bloomfield; brothers, Giuseppe al Funeral Home, Westland with the of Canton, Salvatore of Livonia, Rev. Edward C. Coley and Martin Adorfo and Federico of Italy; sisters, Eisenstein officiating. Maria and Inlssa of Italy and Gina of Mr. Hajek, who died Nov. 23 at S t Argentina; and five grandchildren. Mary Hospital, Livonia, was a tool and die maker for Kelsey Hayes. He EVELYN E. TUCKER was a member of Sokol Detroit. Survivors are daughters, Karen E. Funeral services for Evelyn E. Tucker, 87, of Canton, were Nov. 29 Harvie of Howell, Charlene M at Vermeulen Memorial Funeral Schlott of Plymouth; son, Edward J. Home, Westland, with the Rev. Mi- of Lake St. Louis. Mo.; and seven grandchildren. chael Childers officiating. Memorial contributions may be Burial was in Cadillac Memorial made to the Michigan Cancer FounGardens Cemetery. Westland. Mrs. Tucker, who died Nov. 27 at dation or Sokol Detroit. • Safe driver discount • Seat belt wearer's discount • Reduced rates for drivers age 4 5 and up • Senior citizen discount • Mulh-car discount • And always prompt service We're part of the Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies. Making your future a little m o r e p r e d i c t a b l e mam farm bureau j* mim. ivsummce M Men. if you're a b o u t t o t u r n 18. it's t i m e t o register w i t h Selective Service at any U.S. Post Office it's quick SPECIALIZING IN FRESH & SILK HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS •nd Oldford 975 S. M a m Plymouth 459-7249 m GM-TS TOR H O M E Or BUSINESS LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY POINSETT LAS WREATHS AND TRIMS COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS WELCOME I t ' s easy. And i t ' s t h e law. WORLD S Don't Be Disappointed ORDER EARLY 477-8616 NEW STORE Located in Shopping Center Next to Joe'i Produce JJ018 tt" 7 MILE HVQN1A . Delivmry BIGGEST TOY throughout the Metro Area Twtca By Tim Richard start writer Many suburban lawmakers are unhappy with a state "school finance reform" plan even though it received the oeeded two-thirds vote last week in the state House of Representatives. The House substitute, passed by a 74-22 vote late Thursday, differs from a plan that won 26-9 Senate approval earlier Wednesday. "I can't believe such a bad bill passed." said Rep. Lyn Bankes, RLivonia, another no vote. "It's no good for Livonia, and it's no good for out-of-formula school districts (those which rely entirely on local property taxes with no state aid)." The supposedly "revenue-neutral'' bill will cost many suburbanites more taxes. Bankes said. "There's no finance 'reform' in this proposal," said Rep. James Kosteva, D-Canton. author of an earlier school tax reform plan "At best it's a tax shift." Kosteva's no vote is significant because he is close to the House Democratic leadership. THE HOUSE version, if the Senate concurs, would ask voters next May 2 to raise the sales tax a penny, from 4 cents to 5 next July 1, and give some property tax relief — 25 percent to households, 10 percent to businesses. Both chambers rejected amendments that would raise the proportion of the state budget spent on K12 education from 7.4 percent to 12 percent. Key differences in the two plans, Kosteva said, were: "1) The Senate limited the additional property taxation of business — it's perpetually capped. Only residential property taxes could be increased (by a vote of the people). 2) The House allocated $30 million for senior citizen and Teachers won't lose for striking The state Senate rejected a bill to strikes and New York State only 13. fine striking teachers a day's pay for "Take a look at what happens to a a day on the picket line. The vote (property tax) millage (increase) afwas 19 against and 17 in favor. ter a strike." Dillingham said. "Michigan leads the nation in teachers' strikes," said sponsor Nick OPPONENT LANA Pollack. DSmith. R-Hillsdale. "I'm willing to Ann Arbor, objected that the bill apmake their strikes legal as long as plies only to public schools and not we have similar penalties," he said. private schools. "Aren't you conSmith noted that industrial workers cerned about private schools?" she lose pay when they walk out while asked Smith. the state requires schools to operate "This is the Public Labor Rela180 days a year. tions Act (being amended). And public school teachers have tenure," AREA REPUBLICANS Republi Smith replied. cans Doug Cruce of Troy. Richard Sen. Gilbert DiNello, D-East DeFessler of Commerce. Robert Geake of Northville and Rudy Nichols of troit, backed Smith. "There's a difference between a public strike and Waterford supported it. a private (industry) strike. At giant Democrats William Faust of West- corporations, nothing happens to land, Jack Faxon of Farmington their product during a strike, and the Hills and George Z. Hart of Dear- workers lose pay. But a public strike born were opposed. hurts the product — students." Smith said he modeled his bill on a New York State law that actually Senate minority leader Art Miller, has stiffer penalties (two days of pay D-Warren, objected that "we always lost for each day on strike) than his put the blame for public education bill. on the backs of the professional Supporter Fred Dillingham. R- people. . . . It's a sad day when we Fowlerville, said that in 10 years tell teachers we're going to do away Michigan has seen 273 teacher with their bargaining rights." Discounts o n tUto I n s u r a n c e ! THE Daily. STORE! low-income renter relief " For two yean, the two parties and two chambers offered rival plans to reduce school property taxes, increase the sales tax and reduce the disparity between rich and poor school districts. Late in November, Gov. James J. Blanc hard sought to break the stalemate with the plan debated last week. The Legislature has only one more week to reach agreement before adjournment. If it fails, the process would have to start all over in 1989. MOST NERVOUS about the reform plans are suburban districts in the high technology belt from Rochester to Ann Arbor. Many have enough property tax revenue that they get no state appropriations. Their worry: if property taxes are cut, are they guaranteed enough state money in future years to maintain educational quality in districts where high proportions of high school graduates aspire to college? Rep Judith Miller, R-Birmingham, put it bluntly: "My school districts don't trust the state government because the state has a history of not reimbursing them. There is no guarantee the property tax relief will stay there." Some 20 percent of Michigan school districts are "out of formula," according to House Taxation Committee chairman H. Lynn Jondahl. D-East Lansing. AREA REPRESENTATIVES supporting the measure were Justine Barns, D-Westland, John Bennett, DRedford, and Gerald Law, R-Plymouth. Not voting was William Keith, DGarden City. The House spent much of Wednesday and Thursday in cloaed partisan caucuses to discuss the measure. In the two hours of debate Thursday afternoon, representatives spent the entire time discussing and voting on amendments; there was no debate on the merits of the proposal as a whole. SOME SENATORS strongly opposed the reform plan, despite the two-thirds vote Wednesday. Sen. William Sederburg, R-East Lansing, the Senate's expert oo higher education funding, filed a strong protest and was joined by William Faust, D-Westland, Lana Pollack, DAnn Arbor, and Vernon Ehlers. RGrand Rapids. "It's an overall tax increase.' Sederburg began "It creates a statewide system of funding our public schools . . . We have not. at the state level, treated education very adequately in recent years "Property tax savings are extremely limited," he said. "People say, 'CW, one-fourth reduction." But you then have to pay your sales tax increase; you lose your federal income tax deduction, and you lose Schoolcraft College students are being encouraged to enter short stories and poetry in a creative writing competition sponsored by The MacGuffin. the school's literary magazine. Art Linden berg, editor of The MacGuffin. said the competition was to help recognize writing talent at Schoolcraft and to make students more aware of the magazine. Deadline for entries is Monday, Dec. 5. s h i p m e n t s / ^ ' Shop tonight g 7 can't believe such a bad bill paaaed.' — Rep. $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 REBATE your circuit breaker." But other area senators supported the measure, including R. Robert Geake, R-Northville and George Z. Hart of Dearborn THE LOSS of the circuit breaker was Bankes' complaint, too. While many in the Livonia School District pay big property tax bills, she said, they also get circuit breaker property tax rebates averaging $488. "Many senior citizens get the full allowable $ 1.200 rebate," she said- Prizes in each category include a pair of dinner theater tickets for first place. $25 college bookstore gift certificates for second place and lunch for two at Schoolcraft's American Harvest restaurant for third T h e Sylvan Guarantee -*>ur child wi mpraw at least on* ft* grade >quMiert score « mail or reading state 36 hour* of nstructon. or «• «• ^onanue up »12 akMon* horn d retn*«on.tfnokrtwrcosi SSKETYSONS S i c h - O O T —We 3J £ 3A" 9 ASS J S S S o OF z e l d * Nintendo mntttodo _.. t t l EOSce? 462-2750 99 • 28" EXC1TE-B»* e FURNACE CLEAN and CHECK $36.00 ACTION AIR • 261-5506 Tyco yco ZERO GRAVITY CLIFFHANGERS NITE GLOW H.O. RACE SET RADIO CONTROL TURBO OUTLAW Ages 8-up <o. FINAL COST Woodhauen 'Your Source Of Peace Of Mind" FINAL COST OUR PRICE PRICE MAIL-IN (rOPGUN Christian Ages 7-up AA M n v w not »n<*ucMd) OUR Apostolic MAIL-IN REBATE SMILE * 1-275 Hlivonia Please pass the, bread. the "fotndj Drive W1 Nikko\ MtfMM Tyco G O L D RUSH SPECIAL TRAIN SET wo»*irvg Kxwara o* reverse' Ages Amp (TWO INDY TURBO H.O R A C E SET With turbo boost poW 10' trick 12' M l A g — ft-up ssts up 10 wsys CERTIFICATES Nikko\ RADIO CONTROL BIG BUBBA 2 ipMdi Ay» ft-up| NOW HIRING NEVER Tfwsta ANN AfWOft (In AitoorM Ma*) 261-9000 _ LOCATED IN LIVONIA Ao*« : uo YOU'LL U m Your American Express Card aod^got MAGNUM 4 4 0 RICHARD PETTY RACING S E T Sis layouts in on* RADIO CONTROL STREET RACERSI |1«4 KM 300ZX B Fiero or CorvetM aM fuN function > • Aon ft-up aa] OUTGROW US! 5 ) ( / S * "tar you! • ROSCV1LLI (Acroaa from Msec oi * M t • • O U T M O S T ! (Comer of M n k o* Uvonts Ma*) 0 • STVJtUNQ NUQNTS (Mart to MAOWON HHQHTS (South of Oakland MaV) • W I I T U N O (at Wm/rm ar •I of 13 Oafca MaM) • • MILK ROAD f itiLiin Vto Dyta * (Across from I m w M O N D A Y • SATURDAY S:00 A M - F D N I Q K T ; S U N D A Y T:00 A M • 10:00 APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN WOODHAVEN is licensed by the Michigan Department of Public Health as a Home for the Aged. • A beautifully furnished room complete with bedding and towels • Three meals daily including special diets • Nourishments around the clock as desired. • Maid Services daily. • Laundering of all linens and personal clothing • Distribution and coordina- • tion of all medications • Assistance with bathing and showers • Tray service in the room when ill. • Assistance with all activities of daily living. • Recreational and educational activities dally OPEN TO ALL FAITHS C H A R G E IT! VISA MASTSftCAM) AMCWCAM SXPfMSS OtSCOVE* place. First-place winners will be published in the spring issue of The MacGuffin. For more information, call Linden berg at 462-4400, Ext. 5292 i .. - jn > . . . . - 4 •' till lan. W ) <1 furnace is up to j j . 95% efficient! I J 1 _ Here's bow the current circuit breaker works: When property taxes climb above 3.5 percent of household income, the state Treasury gives ah income tax refund of 60 percent of the excess; for senior citizens, the state refunds 100 percent of the excess. And in many high-income, highproperty tax districts, one-third o r more of households get rebates. For those households, the reform plan wouldn't reduce property taxes at all. Bankes said, and they would have to pay a higher sales tax, too. (and n o p a v m e n t > The Trane XL 90 gas You can really save on energy use with the Trane XL90 gas furnace. It's a super efficient furnace...up to 95% efficient If your present furnace is over ten years old. chances are It's only 60-65% efficient Which means as much as 40% of the heat is going up the flue, not into your home. So replacing your furnace with the XL90 can make a big difference on the amount you spend for healing The Trane XL90 gas furnace is loaded with quality features , a hot surface ignitor instead of an old fashioned pilot light, and a unique 2-speed inducer motor for quiet operation. Call us today, so you can start saving energy with the Trane XL90 Lyn Bankes R-Livoma A gift from Meyer requires no assembling, no instructions and no installation. 682-7798 n * Schoolcraft's writers take aim at literary prizes KEN LAWRENCE — L ASSIS1 The Only Thing Lower Than His Grades Is His Self-Esteem. *&A ' 2 7 5 Under s 300 1 415 Under MOO. Buying a gift from a Meyer Treasure Chest" is not only a superb idea but a simple one. \ b u merely wrap it up pretty and give it to a special person. T h e beauty, the charm and the joyous moment will last for years. C o m e in to a Meyer Treasure Chest today and see these ideas and hundreds more. A n d there's n o special assembly instructions required. There's n o m i n i m u m p u r c h a s e or m i n i m u m d o w n p a y m e n t . either. L o o k h o w low vour p a y m e n t s c a n he: Amount financed $301 $450 451 600 601 800 801 1.000 1.001 1200 1.201 1400 1.401 1.700 1,701 2,000 2.001 2 4 0 0 2.401 2 800 2 801 3.200 3,201 3,600 3601 • 4 000 " H i apprcnwd crrdk A wu Kav* Monthly payments * $29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 „ 109 119 129 139 149 ¥*ir ;a\wni ma% hr highcT Kabrxr 2l U n d e r 20( reasure C IUIMUI Wl'OSiifn « Grand fW« Oowttnr C. r lM]f«a MS C ornrnm 3 Mtf c r mm OI Of ana « OvarAate C ft MM* l u M D n « « 9 M b i C 0*W«UMD»rN00NW>»*M •UOOFT ACCOUNT* M«T*D» OB Utt IBfcOTFWCABD «WCAN CXMESt • CBNTC «LMO« • 0 M M CLUS • Q&E Monday. Oscsmbt 5. 1968 •HP.C) (P.CTTA Moooey. December 5. 1988 0*£ 'Duckitis' grabs family Make holidays more than just another day IT tSNT every day oo* bears a 62yesr-okl man aay that what was supposed to be a hobby "without question has been the happiest chapter of my life; the people I have met have enriched my life so much you can't believe i f 1 The words were spoken by Kal Jabara, owner of the Wild Wings Galleries in Birmingham, Plymouth and Grosse Pointe Farms, where appreciation of fine art and gift items relating to the out-of-doors is a way of life. I His son. Dean, runs the Birmingham outlet at 155 S. Bates; a daughter, Louise, manages the one on the east side at 1 Kercheval Avenue; Kal's base is in the Plymouth gallery at 975 West Ann Arbor Trail. - Meanwhile, his wife, Julia, who claims they all suffer from a disease called "duckitis," pulls the strings of this family enterprise together behind the scenes. ; It all came about in a curious way after Kal had spent much of his adult life as a grocer in northern Michigan, then as a southeastern Michigan manufacturer, and finally as a real estate developer just about the time interest rates began to skyrocket and, as be recalls, "I needed a place to hang my hat and have something to do besides twiddle my thumbs." . DURING a shopping quest of my own, I interrupted him between customers to ask if he was truly an outdoorsman himself and was told. "Growing up in the Mancelona and Twin Lakes areas in Kalkaska County. I lived for that as a kid. I also had an interest in outdoor art even then, saving calendars that had outdoor pictures. At the end of the year I would cut the pictures out, frame them, and bang them in my bedroom." Life took a pivotal turn in the late 50's when a northern neighbor offered to sell a plant be owned in Plymouth for the manufacture of steel tanks for the petroleum industry. Kal wanted to get out of the grocery business anyway, got his younger brother, Jim, then working as a civil engineer in Grand Rapids, to come In on the deal and by 1960 the whole clan had moved south. Through the years, despite changing business interests, Kal never lost his boyhood zeal for the outdoors. "I started collecting wild life a r t per se in 1971," he remembered. "My wife and I were at the Mayo Clinic at Rochster, Minnesota, and in a waiting room I was thumbing through a magazine when I saw a small ad that said send for a Wild Wings catalog. "A MAN named William B. Webster at Lake City, Minnesota, who was sales manager for the Masterlock Company, had started marketing wildlife prints out of his borne as a hobby. In my endeavor to find wildlife prints, I never could find retail stores that had any, so for several years I bought through Webster's catalog. "We became fast friends by telephone and this relationship led to his granting me the first Wild Wings franchise. This was for the whole state of Michigan. Now there are about 25 nationally. We opened the Plymouth gallery in March 1980, Grosse Pointe Farms in 1982 and Birmingham in 1986. from our readers Band is not just a hobby To the editor To avoid continued misconceptions, I would like to clear up for students, parents, and the community Just exactly what the Plymouth Centennial Educational Park Marching Band is. ; I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to play in the band for three years. The band is a team that, Uke the football team, performs and competes very aggressively. • When you say, ' I t appears the band has turned into performers only," you are absolutely correct That Is all the band ever was, and all one could ever expect a band to be. It is an honor to be considered one the finest performing bands nationwide. Personally, the feeling I get from performing is such a high because the excitement and energy we generate can be appreciated by ev- national finalist marching band is more than I think people realize, and the importance band has in our lives is quite often underestimated. To achieve our goals, the marching band practices from 3:15-5:15 daily. Often we have sectional rehearsals on week nights as well. On Friday evenings we return to the school at 6:30 to march in football games. Early on Saturday mornings we return for practices which usually last five to six hours, depending on the time of competition. Next we leave on buses, compete, and return to Plymouth sometime around midnight This rigorous schedule Is continuous throughout the three-month season. As you can ace, marching band is not just a bobby. It is our goal to win, just as it is i he football team's goal. It feels just u s great when we win first in the s t a t e and fifth in the nation as it would for the football team to do so. Our prime goal is to succeed in comI>etition, just as competition is the fvflfct for which the football team \rorks so hard. It seems that some people feel If you have ever seen a Broadway marching band is second to football musical, you have some idea of the in importance, second as a priority, quality show we try to put on — the and second as a personal achievefeeling we try to create. The differ- m e n t I would like to point out a few ,m marching hand is things m o t also have precision and a kind band has about 170 members, probaOf "presence" oo the field. The accu- bly about the same number of people racy and technique necessary to be a a s there are football players, through bifocals Fred DeLano "Because of the friendship built up with Bill Webster, who is a man about my age, we just shook hands and I opened without a signed agreement. Now, I'm excited every morning when I get up. I'm having fun. Every day here is like Christmas." Jabara reflect great pride in two of the offshoots. One is the annual Michigan Duck Stamp Competition, a program in which a panel of judges selects a design .which then appears on the duck stamp that every hunter must buy and affix to his license. The artist who won for 1988 was John Martens of Rochester and enlarged images of his design are being marketed nationally by Wild Wings. The work being done by Ducks Unlimited. of which Kal is a national trustee, is also close to his heart He pointed out that with the leadership of such other outdoor devotees as Edson Gallaudet III, Of Birmingham who is national senior vice-president of Ducks Unlimited, "Michigan alone in 1987 raised over $2 million for creating habitat for waterfowl. Our chapter in Plymouth set a state record last May be sending in a check for $77,000, cleared from a one-night event." I guess Kal Jabara proves that sometimes boyhood dreams come true. cheerleaders, Chiefettes, and Rocket tes We aren't second in the number of students who dedicate their time and energy to the activity. Secondly, very few football players and parents came to cheer us on at our home competition, the Michigan Invitational, on Sept 24, but how could we expect them to? It is hypocritical to assume that football is any more important to us than band is to you. As a third point if the football team won first in the state, who would say, "Yes, but . .why don't they all come watch the band play?" I realize that football is important to a lot of people, and you would like as many spectators involved as possible, but band is equally important to us. It requires just as much dedication and deserves just as much respect You said, "Where would the band J Ml Tsar* - •2" ? SOME WERE single parents. Others were seniors with a fixed income. A few were homeless. But none were lonely — at least for one very special evening. They were the guests of Liz and Bill LaKritz of Farmington Hills, their children Gaven, 12, and Elyse, 9. and several relatives and friends. The occasion: a Thanksgiving eve dinner at the Knights of Columbus St. Francis Council Hall in Farmington Hills. "This is a real blessing." said Lt. Jonathan Rich of the Salvation Army Farmington Hills Corps Community Center, which extended guest invitations and provided gifts. "A lot of people here attend our church." he added. "I know them very well. And they didn't want to be lonely for Thanksgiving. "For them, Thanksgiving is nothing special. It's business as usual — trying to make ends meet." and I've made some new friends." That's exactly the kind of response Liz pfid Bill LaKritz hoped to elicit. Thjs year, they decided they wanted to.'glve something back to the community they've called borne for IS years. "People are always thinking about themselves," said Liz, a parent volunteer at Warner Middle School and Forest Elementary "It's a "me' society. I want to do something to help people. I'm really thankful to be able to help. "And I'm not talking about monetary help. I want to give time. I want to take that extra step. I also want my kids to be exposed to helping others." Bill, a commercial real estate broker, has been active with the Goodfellows In Detroit for 15 years. "So I've been exposed to the problems that come along at Thanksgiving and Christmas," he said THE HOLIDAY meal was a big hit in Dawn Griffin's eyes. A single parent, she attended with 3-year-old daughter Stephanie. "It was real special being Invited," she said. "The food is real good DONT BE fooled, says Lt. Rich The holidays can be one of the most depressing times of the year. "Suicide rates are way up mainly because of loneliness — the big enemy this time of year." 'It's a "me" society. / want to do something to help people. I'm really thankful to be able to help.' —Liz LaKritz be without the football team?" You must realize that band is no more an appendage of football than football is of band. Times have changed since the band was only a spectator activity. Today, we have high aspirations and an identity apart from football support. To meet our goals, we must use every second of available practice time to meet that end. If the school would like a cheering block, surely a group of students could be organized out of the 4,000 plus people In the student body to take on that role. If the concerned people would like "S" and "C" formations, perhaps they could ask the pom pon squad to try it. Q3WOVER HARDEN WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD A i Classic Interiors 2C292 Middlebelt, Livonia * South of 8 Mile 474-6900 The joy that Rich saw etched on the faces of the 80 guests last Wednesday, he said, "snugly fits the mission of the Salvation Army." John Smith had a poignant reason for attending. Divorced and laid off from a machine shop, the Farmington Hills man got to bring his three daughters; Jennifer, 6. Jacquelyn, 4 and Jessica, 2. "I love them so very much," said Smith, who spent the day with Jennifer ringing the Salvation Army bell beside a red kettle outside Hudson's at Twelve Oaks in Novi. "I don't get to spend a lot of time with my daughters," he said. "I can't really afford to do a lot with them. But their happiness means a lot to me. "That's why tonight is so special." The smiles, warmth and thankfulness exuded by everyone who feasted on turkey, ham and all the trimmings, no matter what awaited them when they left the K of C hall, made it a special night for me too. I felt privileged just to be on hand. It was a touching example of people brightening the lives of others — even if just for a few hours If you say we lack spirit, watch us carrying a banner with our school name in the nationally televised Orange Bowl parade. Then. . .bite your tongue. If you say the band lacks spirit, look at our ensembles that win top honors every year in the concert hall. See the wooderful support our band boosters give In the stands at our competitions. Where Quality Costs You Less! Sklar dubs in action • ALZHEIMER'S G R O U P S Tbe Plymouth Family Support Groups of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association will meet Dec. 5 and 7. Tbe evening group will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5. and the afternoon group will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7. Meetings are held at the Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 Farmer St. Groups are for caregivers, family members and friends of people who have Alzheimer's. Educational support programs are offered. For more information, call 557-8277. 50-UP CLUB The St. John Neumann Seniors, 50Up Club, will hold its annual Christmas party Tuesday. Dec 6. For more information, call Terry Brunner, club president, 495-0026 • THREE CITIES The Three Cities Art Club will meet Wednesday, Dec. 7, at a member's home. The club will hold a regular meeting Monday, Jan. 2, at Plymouth Township Hall, 42350 E Ann Arbor Road. • CANTON N E W C O M E R S The Canton Newcomers Club will meet Wednesday, Dec. 7, at the Faith Community Church, 46001 Warren Road, Canton. The potluck will be at 7 p.m., the meeting at 7:45 p.m. An ornament exchange and a Christmas project for First Step will follow the meeting. For more information, call Kim, 397-3970. N E W C O M E R S CLUB The Plymouth Newcomers Club will hold a Christmas open house Phone: 478-7860 W W fc X I / by Donald Brooks 50% OFF S t o r e w i d e Sale SAVE 50% OFF our entire s e l e c t i o n o f r e g u l a r l y p r i c e d in s t o c k merchandise. Custom framing, custom floral, class f e e s and already discounted merchandise NOT included. Sale ends December 2 1 , 1 9 8 8 Makm Robert'» your one-Hop thop for ail crmft, floroL, and holiday iffcorafinf ne+d*. s> cMla& Oo^Au>n COATS . • we i •• •Robert'sCrafts A Floral 427-#Ht wx «* m r •»» * m «•' 254-4570 <SincM. 9ut is a fony timz LnuiitmM.nl... Can you affoxA to buy yours anyuj&cxx (rut ^UtxicA % ? IMPRESSIVE SAVINGS UNIQUE PAYMENT TERMS 2 5 * Down and you don't receive a bill 'til February it-** a «•.»,*.) rrrt Wishing you the very best of the Holiday Season Plymouth 453-1200 V 532-2160 STORE HOURS 532-5646 WEATHER-MAKER HIGH-EFFICIENCY Sto^u. FURNACE t<% give. CHRISTOPHER T. DOIG, D.O. AND for the practice of Internal Medicine RUNNING UP TO 97.3% Efficient QUIET OPERATION WEATHER-MAKER HEAT EXCHANGERS ARE COVERED BY A STARTING FROM $179500 led Expertly designee nan i diamondInng rm Reg $369 S A L E $ 2 4 9 PLUS TAX AND PERMITS 58SX060 'INCLUDES *200M REBATE VBkarexft nmnflrirtaMa until you Lovely ruby ring encircled with diamonds Reg $899 SALE $599 CARRIER FURNACE T7 CASH AND CARRY • 68.9% EFFICIENT • 10 YR. LIMITED WARRANTY ON HEAT EXCHANGERS LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY CALL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CARRIER BOILER CASH A CARRY • AVMABLE ' ELECTNOMC lOwmON • HEAVY 0UTV CAST MON Blue topaz. tm 75 000 BTU INPUT g -a - Amethyst m *n attractive diamond wrung Reg $119 SALE $129 f Office Hours Daily Monday thru Friday Appointments Preferred 24 Hour Answering 348-2920 MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-7 SATURDAY 9-4 SUNDAY CLOSED HEATING COOLING PLUMBING 25429 W. FIVE MILE REDFORD S<% TTtueJi Northville Each account insured to S100.000 bv the NCUA. Equal Opportunity Lender. INSTALLED 462-2360 Canton 455-0400 BERGSTROM'S 7 ^ Hour* and O p e n Sc#-»c<wy HX fa* . ATTENTION SHOPPERS FREE MILK Great Scott! is extending a personal invitation to make Great Scott! your supermarket There is a convenient location to serve you on Ann Arbor Rd. & Sheldon in Plymouth Twp. As an introductory offer, fill out a Great Srott ? rherk fashing card application and we will give you a coupon good for one FREE plastic gallon of Borden Milk, of your choice. We at Great Scott! are proud of the Super- ; markets we operate and look forward to ser- J ving you Hope to see you soon. ;• Great Scott! Ann Arbor Rd. & Sheldon Plymouth Township • Open 24 Hours 7am Mon. thru Mid-Night Sat. Sunday 8am to 9pm. • Video Tfcpe Rental. • Service Butcher Shop featuring Certified Angus Beef. • Seafood Cove featuring Jet Fresh seafood daily. • New York Deli, featuring all your Holiday needs. • Fresh Baked goods from The Bakery. £ 4 8 1 W . A m Arbor Trai Plymouth • 455-3030 f y f n d t d Bu9tn«%* •C4U4C Dear Shopper, We're sorry to hear about the closing of a downtown Plymouth supermarket. The closing of a supermarket is an unpleasant situation and a burden on those who p a t r o n i z e the supermarket. Proudly announces the association of Stress Tests Pulmonary Function Tests Hofter Monitoring Echocardiography, Ultrasound Examination Upper and Lower Endoscopy are available at this office tftfacA HOLIDAY FUN The Plymouth Community Council on Aging will hold its annual Christmas celebration at 2 p.m. Monday, Seasons greetings and the happiest of holidays from your family at Community Federal Credit Union. ssrsss For your convenience and comfort we have consolidated to one location South of Eight Mile Rd. across from Meijers $2897 501 W. Dunlap, Northville 3 4 9 - 3 3 4 0 clean; 19900 HAGGERTY RD., SUITE 105 LIVONIA. Ml 48152 (Formerly located at 331 North Center. Northville. Ml and Travelers Tower. Southfield, Ml) < 8810. Keep your at our NEW LOCATION Natural Mahogany & Dark Dyed We have an elegant alternative in lodging Located in Northville's Historical District, a short walk to town GIFT CEITIFICATES AVAILABLE ul 462-2471 JOSEPH G. D'AVANZO, D.O. Board Certified Gastroenterology - Liver Disease Internal Medicine MORE HOLIDAY GUESTS THAN SPACE? (at 7 Mitt) U v o n l 8 doctt HOLIDAY SUPER SAVINGS Inn COUPON MUST B E PRESENTED W H E N ORDER IS LEFT FOR PROCESSING Robert's Crafts & Floral .4 Bed & Breakfast OFFER GOOD THRU 12-31-88 Imogine if you hod to osk for blood to save the life of someone you love. Next time the American Red Cross asks, give blood, please Mon . Thurv. Fri. 9:30-9:00, Wed., Sat. 9:30-5:30 T.G.I.F. DANCE T.G.I.F. Singles will hold a dance, party for singles from 8:30 p.m. to 130 a.m. Friday, Dec. 9, at the Airport Hilton Inn. 1-94 and Merriman Road in Romulus. This will be the group's grand-opening dance. The dance/party is for singles over age 21. Dressy attire should be worn (no blue jeans). Price is $4. For more information. call the. hot line, 843- *! ifcr ''Please, my little girl needs •blood? + The Atchison House • C o u p o n m u s t b« p r e s e n t e d w h a n o r d e r is left for p r o c e s s i n g . Weakly s p e c i a l s , s u e d e s , l e a t h e r s , w e d d i n g gowns and fur c o a t s excluded. when your joints ache? GIVE BLOOD, PLEASE KIWANIS CLUB The Plymouth Kiwanis Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13, at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Plymouth. Price for the dinner meeting is 88 per person. Speaker Monte Korn will discuss "Inflation and Deflation in the 80s." Limited seating will be available. For reservations, call Jim Vermeulen, 4592250 A L L INCOMING DRY CLEANING O tv The reason is that arthritis forces a change in the pattern of your gait. Even if your hips, knees, ankle or feet are tree of involvement, and only your shoulder joints are Inflammed, your motion is thrown off its natural rhythm. The muscular pulleys and levers that permit smooth motion are unbalanced since the joints that make up the fulcrums for these movements are damaged Your back attemps to create a substitute balance compatible with your arthritis gait. In response to this task, the back muscles alternately straighten, shorten, bend, and eventually go into spasm. You recognize these changes as backache. Under such conditions, treatment of the back pain requires gaining more control of the arthritis In the joints. Thus, your doctor is not ignoring your concerns, but Is responding to them, when your complaint of backache etlcts the medical response of more vigorous treatment of your swollen knee or shoulder. HOLIDAY PARTY A singles family Christmas party will be beld at 7 pjn. Sunday, Dec. 18, in tbe gymnasium of Oar Lady of Good Counsel in Plymouth. The party is for custodial and non-custodial parents and tbeir children. Those attending should bring a dish to pass. Reservations are required. For reservations, call 453-0326 • NEW YEAR S EVE Tbe Mayflower-LL Gamble VFW Post No. MM will bold a "New Year's Eve Gala" from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday. Dec. 31, at 1426 S. Mill, Plymouth. Tbe gathering will feature a catered dinner, a cash bar, live music and party favors. Price is $16 per person. Reservations should be made by Monday, Dec. 26. For reservations or more information, call 981-1231. ^COUPON5 2D WHY YOUR BACK HURTS WHEN YOUR JOINTS ACHE Any joint in the body can be involved in rheumatoid arthritis except the back. Then why does your back hurt, HANDCRAFTERS Handcrafters will present an arts and crafts show from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10. The show will be held at the Northville Recreation Center. 303 W. Main, west of Center Street (Sheldon) in Northville. The show will feature more than 70 quality artisans. Lunch will be available. Admission price is f 1.50. • • CLEANERS 3 0 % OFF fI! 18829 F a r m i n g t o n R o a d L i v o n i a . M i c h i g a n 48152 AMERICAN LEGION The American Legion, PassageGayde Post No. 391, will hold its business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, at 173 N. Main, Plymouth. Veterans who need general or claims assistance, or those interested in American Legion membership, should call Adjutant Bill Nicholas, 495-1633, or Jim Maahs, 455-5541. Dec 12, at the Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 Farmer St. All area seniors may attend Admission is free of charge; those planning to attend are asked to register with Geneva Guenther at the council office by Wednesday, Dec. 7. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To register or for more information. call 453-1234. • • Shelley Ketcham, (with support from "88-89 senior marching band members) Canton Rheumatology • • • Arthritis T o d a y J o s e p h J. W e i s s , M.D. from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8. For the location or more information, call 455-8203 or 420-0978. •wso or This offer available from Mon. Dec. 5th tfcni Sunday Dec. II, 1988. Only at Ann Arbor Rd. A •10A»(P,C.R.W.Q-SA) O&E Monday, Dscembf S. 1968 Friends of Rouge sets sights on '89 cleanup • y Tom Henderson staff writer Some 200 Friend* of tbe Rouge gathered at an awards luncheon last Wednesday to hooor some of those Involved in tbe IBM cleanup and to kick off tbe campaign for Rouge Reftee '89, which will be Saturday, J u i * S, throughout tbe metropolitan ity-one communities were for their participation in •"$ massive cleanup of the i River basin. me County communities so included Livonia, Plymouth ajM(Canton and Plymouth townships. Oakland County communities receiving honors Included Beverly Hilfr, Birmingham, Farmington Hills and Southfield north to Wayne In the south to Allen Park in tbe east. Several cars and at least one van, as well as numerous shopping carts, tires, appliances, farm equipment, bathtubs, tree trunks apd a forest worth of logs and branding were removed from tbe river. In three years of cleanups, more than a third of the basin's ISO logjams have been cleared. Murray said. "But we've still got a lot more work for you next year," be said. U5. REP. Carl Pursell, R-Plymouth, flew In from Washington for tbe luncheon and reminisced about his childhood days along the Rouge. "I used to swim there once in a while as a kid and I'd like to see it come back," be said. He spoke foodly of such former Rouge activities as canoeing, water slides and ice skating. "I'd like the opportunity to do a long-term project to make that 27mile parkway system fully usable," Pursell said. Pursell promised federal assistance through the efforts of him and U.S. representatives John Dingell, DTrenton, and William Ford, D-Taylor. THE KEYNOTE speaker was David Hales, tbe new director of tbe state Department of Natural Resources, who praised the Rouge cleanup as one of the "very exciting things going on" in the state regarding environmental improvements. He mentioned the 10th anniversary of the state's bottle law, recent victories for ballot proposals C and D, which provide money for cleaning up toxic waste sites and improving state parks; and pending state legislation to clean up leaking underground storage tanks. "What you've done," he told tbe Friends of the Rouge, "sends a clear message no one can ignore. It's heard in Washington and it's beard in Lansing. If you become involved, you do make a difference. Tbe conservation movement was born in this country, not of government regulation, but out of a love for our resources and environment." Companies honored for their participation or sponsorship of the '88 Rouge cleanup were: WJBK-TV, which has provided more than $500,000 worth of air time to promote the cleanup; Ford Motor Company, Waste Management Inc., which provided trash containers, trucks and free landfill space; Gannett Outdoor, City Management Corporation, which also proved containers and disposal space, Michigan Tractor Machinery; Farmer Jack; WCSX-FM, and the University of Michigan-Dearborn. 'What you've done sends a dear message no one can ignore. It'a heard in Waahington, and it'a hleard in Lanaing.' — David Hates DNR director T H E ROUGE River has a lot of work ahead of lt if we are going to turn It Into a resource we're proud of insffcad of embarrassed by," Jim Murray, president of tbe Friends of the3touge, told tbe gathering at tbe Faifrlane Club and Manor in Dear- Sewer break spills raw waste into Rouge fe are stuck with the legacy of past practices that are going to take a long time to clean up," be said. He praised tbe 3,000 volunteers who cleaned a total of 6,000 cubic yards of garbage and debris from 22 cleanup sites, from Salem Township in the west to Birmingham in the A break in a Detroit sewer line is dumping raw sewage into tbe Rouge River, county officials confirmed. Failure of a portion of the Middle Rouge Parkway Interceptor near Evergreen and Ford roads has forced raw sewage to be dumped into tbe river since Wednesday, Nov. 23, county Department of Public Services Director Russell Gronevelt said. Workers were called to the scene Thanksgiving Day for temporary repairs, Gronevelt said. Thursday, the GRONEVELT SAID the line could "There's a DNR penalty for the dumping, so, naturally, we want to end it as quickly as possible," Gronevelt said. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. FOR PARENTS O F 3-10 YEAR OLDS medical waste, officials said. "ALL GENERATORS of medical waste should be regulated," Dr. Kenneth Rowe of the Department of Public Health told the committee. He endorsed a "simple tracking system" to monitor such waste and severe penalties for violation. Tbe main bill approved by the committee would set out procedures to be followed by those who produce infectious medical waste. That would include handling by employees, containment, de-contamination, transportation and disposal. For example, hazardous Infectious waste would have to be sterilized and disposed of In a sanitary landfill. "What I think is going to do the trick is public awareness," said Sen. John Schwarz, R-Battle Creek and a medical doctor. "They're just telling people what they ought to be told." be fully restored within two to three months, but said dumping of sewage into the river could end by as soon as this week. COFFEE AND CONVERQATION Legislature moving on medical waste AP — Tbe Michigan Legislature is moving to force improvement in the handling and disposal of infectious medical waste. However, time is running short for approval of the legislation in the current session. All bills still pending when tbe Legislature adjourns this month will die and will have to be re-introduced In January. Six bills approved on 4-0 votes last week In tbe Senate Health Policy Committee now go to the full Senate for debate. But some parts of tbe package remain in committee The medical waste bills were prompted by several recent instances of needles and other medical debris washing up on Michigan's Great Lakes shores. Similar incidents were reported in Wisconsin and on tbe East Coast. Meanwhile, the federal government is developing rules on handling Wayne County Commission extended an emergency line of credit of up to $600,000 to pay for repairs. IF... you are the parent of a child who is intellectually curious, has a fine imagination, is very verbal, has a special talent or is a good problem solver. IF... you are searching for a school where children can use their creative minds, develop their understanding of themselves and their world, participate in decisions, learn about cooperation and using words to settle arguments. . THEN.. you may want to consider ROEPER — a school where children spend their days with adults who honor childhood. WEDNE8DAY, DECEMBER 7, 1988 fe00-11:00 a . m . ROEPER CITY AND COUNTRY SCHOOL BLOOMFIELD HILLS CAMPUS-Htll House 2190 North Woodward 842-1500 For millions of Americans, Christmas is known as a time of rejoicing and celebration. Not everyone can say that. But with your J help, we can all make a difference. This season, The Salvation Army will help Shirley Jcrtts. Acrress over six million people in J9ftS,\brrwa.i CTtnsfmas Chairperson need by providing clothing and temporary shelter for the homeless, food for the hungry, and toys and presents for needy children on Christmas morning. You can help make this season a time of sharing and caring. Support The Salv< Ivation Army. And spread the joy of Christmas to those w h o need it most. 11 SHARING IS CARING WINTER 1 v•• •. is coming! 1 • r • •* •• t. ' •• . NOW is the time for your FURNACE SAFETY & ENERGY CHECK-UP M a k a sura y o u r h j m a c a m raatfy tor M n t a r W a wW inapact haat axctialngar tor cartoon m o n o x M M laafcs. m s p a c t baits. fUlarm. luta a n d cMrrmay Inapaci a n d oil m o t o r a n d b»o»«r C h a c k a n d ad|uat t h a r moatat, fan. I M c o n t r o l s , a n d safety [>*ot Taat tor p r o p a r c o m b u s t i o n a n d p a r f o r m a n c a Oftmr ajqMra* OaoamOar IS. 19M DENMARK WARRANTY We back avary unit wa aa(l with a 2 yaar fraa parts and tabor warranty laay Financing ONLY $ 3 8 Of all king soft packs: 50* i V / ( U 1UJ11 IS 1 U W C 9 U C a n D a n r t w * Haat-ng & C o o l i n g , ona of Michigan's groonng B r y a n t D i a l i n , for a fraa a a f l m a t a t o d a y n Denmark Heating & Cooling (313) 722-3870 m 48 Portraits! v Includes 10x13 11 PACK 9m "— lliri WIrluUdib Featuring 18 Portrait Christmas Cards 48 Portrait I j 9WnW\n0aHM w you can o«* QvStrrm portraits • Including 110x13 •« tor juat$1&9& Thws't no appointment ~ i and groups Onaknaa ourMtocSon Ne(«_ par tarn* K aacfi at 1-10x13, 2-8x10s, Cards. FREE PACK WHEN YOU BUY ANY PACK OF CARLTON and a and K mart watcomea at no asdra c#wya Poaaa On* adwwSaed ipaow -rafl m acpranmaas rmusruotolocatkm* QAJtOCN CITY: FORD ROAD LIVONIA: PLYMOUTH ROAD PLYMOUTH: ANN ARBOR ROAD WKSTLAMD: WAYREt CHERRY M U RD. •TUOIO HOURS' mmdmr W1M.-IPM.B: » pm-7 pjm.; Sunday »0 m . 4 pm M 3 3 0 0 11AA71* X^Taste ® l j e ( © b s e r u e r Ethel S i m m o n s & i E c c e n t r i c N e w s p a p e r s editor/ 591 -2300 Monday, December 5. 1986 OAE A *1B aste buds chef Larry Janes Forget 'jellied' berries I jever was a big fan of that jellied junk that came out of a can during the holidays. Yeah, sure, there were pictures of something that resembled cranberry sauce and it was labeled cranberry sauce, but after tasting fresh cranberries for the first time, I knew nothing would ever compare. Most North Americans associate cranberries with the celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas, al though many people now consume them in one form or another throughout the year. The American cranberry is a major species that is and has been grown commercially in North America for decades. It is native to the swamps of the Northern United States and Southern Canada and tends to bare larger, more juicy berries than other species of berry Most species are very tart and r e q u i r e l i b e r a l a m o u n t s of sweetening to make them palat able. The fruit is harvested in September and October when the berries are fully ripened and are a deep red color. SURPRISINGLY SO, most of the major cranberry crop is used for processing into various cranberry juice cocktails and sauces. Only about JO percent of the crop is reserved for over-the-counter purchase When purchasing fresh berries for your holiday table, look for a fresh, plump appearance combined with a high luster and firmness. Poor quality is indicated by a shriveling, dull appearance and a soft berry. Fresh cranberries can be stored in a refrigerator for more than sev eral months or can be frozen for several years. However, the frozen berries become very soft upon thawing and should be used immediately to avoid spoilage. Chocolates sweet treat to dip into By Louise Okruteky staff writer O FFICIALLY, the holiday season begins early for tbe Higbie family of Beverly Hills. It arrives long before Thanksgiving, around Nov. 1, with the annual order of at least 200 pounds of chocolate. Holiday music includes the steady hum of the electric kettle Dora Higbie uses to temper chocolate. "My mother did this forever and ever." Higbie says. She's stationed at the work table nezt to the nearly three-foot-high kettle. "I took over for her. I have no idea when she started. I guess that's the reason I do it. I knew my mom couldn't do it forever." For the last decade, Higbie's annual project has filled the family home with the lingering aroma of chocolate. Each year, two long tables stacked with boxes of homemade candies threaten to take over the study decorated with Stephen Higbie's photographs of his wife's chocolates. SHE HOPES that one of their their daughters will continue making the recipes she learned from her mother. The couple has four children, ranging in ages from 8-17. "It's important to me. Family and tradition are real important to. me. They keep stability," Higbie says. When she finally passes the chore to one of her daughters, tbe new family candy maker will realize a project of this dimension means more than a day in the kitchen. Until Dec. IS, Higbie continues to make and package chocolates for friends, family and her husband's clients. "I don't do anything else. I get real tired of being tied to the house." She has mailed boxes of chocolates throughout the country and across continents to Australia and Europe. "It was a challenge to get it to Australia without it melting," she says. Her annual repertoire includes caramels, chocolates with cream centers, turtles, liqueur-filled treats and cherry centers. Each variety of candy is marked with a design that is key to its center. About to of her output is dark chocolate. The remaining to is light chocolate. The type of chocolate Higbie uses is at least 45 percent cocoa butter, extracted from the bean and called broc or burgundy nestles. This produces a rich-tasting candy. Tempering chocolate can be tricky business. A crucial step in making purer chocolate candies, it should be done at a room temperature of 60-65 degrees. IF USING a double boiler, water temperature on the bottom of the pan shouldn't exceed 120 degrees. Tbe chocolate itself needs to reach a maximum temperature of 110 degrees. This allows all the fat molecules to melt and homogenize, forming a smooth, silky, chocolate finish. Then, the chocolate is stirred until its temperature decreases to 85-95 degrees. Please turn to Page 3 STEPHEN CANTRELL/stafT photographar So here you are with a one-pound bag of the little red balls and you are totally stumped as to how they are prepared, eh? Fret not, folks, because cranberries are very versatile and lend themselves to many Munch peanut brittle, lap up these suckers First off, use fresh cranberries in centerpieces and as a fresh garnish around holiday foods. Green grapes and red cranberries make a festive accompaniment to the turkey platter. VERA"S PEANUT BRITTLE 2 cups sugar 1 cup corn syrup 4 cup water 3 tablespoons butter 1 pound (2 cups) uuroasted peanuts to teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teespooa water Combine sugar, corn syrup and water. Place over medium heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Cover and cook three minutes, uncover and cook to firm ball at 2S8 degrees on the candy thermometer. Add butter and peanuts. Stir constantly over medium h e a t reaching SOO degrees Remove from h e a t Combine last four ingredients and add to brittle. Stir for a few seconds and then pour Into a well-buttered cookie sheet Spread brittle as thin as poaaible with well- FRESH CRANBERRIES can be used for up to three weeks out of the fridge in cornucopia centerpieces before becoming s o f t Ditto for stringing them oo the Christmas tree or lacing them through boughs for mantel decorations. (Beginning to sound a bit like Carol DuvaU?) I like to use fresh cranberries in an uncooked relish simply by chopping them in my food proceesor with fresh oranges, apples and other raw f r u i t Then a m a t t e r i n g of honey or sugar and jroe have fresh alternative to that jellied canned stuff. You can also cook the berries and use them in jams, jellies, pies and sauces. Wash and place in a saucepan. Add water j u t to cover the berries and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the berries pop. If you have a recipe for rhubarb pie, you can substitute cranberries for a novel touch, or mincemeat lovers will wonder how you got that added zing to an otherwise basic mincemeat pie. If you're really Into naturalization, you can save the boiled harries, freese it K la the spring aa natural egg dye, but if yo turn to Papa 4 buttered fingers. Let cool. SUCKERS 1 cup sugar to cap light cor* syrup to cup water 8 drops of your favorite flavoring oil coloring Put the sugar, corn syrup and water into a saucepan and cook, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking without stirring until the temperature reaches 310 degrees oo the candy thermometer. When temperature is reached, remove from beat and add flavoring and coloring. For small suckers, drop from tablespoon on a smooth, greased slab or baking sheet Press one end of the sucker stick in tbe edge of each sucker. Loosen suckers from the slab as soon as they are firm, before they are entirely cold. Dora Higbie of Beverly Hills dips chocolates after tempering them in an electric tempering machine. She makes chocolates, beginning in November, for holiday gifts. Novice chocolate makers need patience and daring Take the mystique out of chocolate making and you're left with an operation that requires attention to detail, patience and for first timers, a spirit of adventure. Kitchen Glamor's Toula Patsalis provides novice candy makers with a simplified look at handling different kinds of chocolates. When using broc and burgundy nestles, made up of s t least 45 percent cocoa butter extracted from the bean, it's necessary to temper the chocolate first. Tempering chocolate allows the fat molecules to melt and homogenize, forming a smooth, silky chocolate finish. While this method is a bit more involved. It results in a richtasting candy. Here are some basic guidelines for tempering chocolate: • Room temperature in the work area should be between 60-65 degrees. e Work with a maximum of one pound of chocolate at a time. e Make sure chocolate is evenly cut or graded. (This does not apply to pellet-style chocolate.) e Use a chocolate thermometer. • Use a double boiler. e Water at the bottom of the boiler should not exceed 120 degrees. If It does, the chocolate gains s gritty texture. e Always keep chocolate away from the water. If chocolate is exposed to water, the candy will become rubbery or hard. Rubbery chocolate can be somewhat remedied by adding 2 tablespoons of oU per pound of chocolate and blending in a double boiler. Once chocolate hardens, though, it wont m e l t This is why it is slso important to work with chocolate in a cool, dry place. e Melt chocolate in tap part of double boiler over low b e a t 120 degrees at the very most Failure to melt chocolate In the 120-degree r l e a d s to white spots on the candy Hwm e With s chocolate thermometer, check melted chocolate temperature until it reaches 110 degrees. Remove from heat and cootinae stirring with a wooden spoon for S minutes Adequately stirring chocolate will avoid white spots oo the candy and Unea. • Add V* cup grated chocolate. Stir with wooden spoon and check temperature. Continue to stir until temperature drops to 19 degree*. At this point the chocolate is ideal for coating centers, bon bona, eclairs and trufflee. How the Willie Wonkas started candy careers etafT/wrttor Ask a chocolate maker how he or she ended up m a latter-day Willie Wonka, and they usually tall a tale of happenstance and a growing affection for the job ^ waa selling real eetata, " said of Cadi's Livonia. 1 One day I mot a gal b a beauty shop waa retiring (rem the lin and her mother wanted to start a candy and gift shop "They were going to travel and hunt for gifts," said her husband. Merle Hamlin. "But whan we got into it - it's a full-time joh." The family bought Klmnits Fine Candies and Gifts la Plymouth. Hamlin n*n—11 chocolate maker, a taak ha with Ma job aa a Realtor ^ for Leenard Grunwald derided to w o r t for himeeti That waa seven years aga, and today he and his wife. Faggy. operate GrusnrakTs Houee of Fudge la •V M r s Grunwald became involved in the venture when her Arm moved to S t Louis She declined to move with them becauae she would he too far from her grown children "My hueband knew how to make tbe beat fudge we'd ever had," she While working for hi employer, he began to note ways in which he would change ths recipe. "He's a detail man." Ma wile said "Ha kept about t&e behavior of fudge. I told him, taieday, youH aaed to do this for turn to Page 3 Cindy Smith, Plymouth (left). Mid r-: f Monday, Dtcsmtur 5. 1966 Q6E 04,E Monday. D a o f n b f 5. 19M Sweet treat to dip into OPEN D A I L Y * 9 A M TO 9 PM SUNDAY 9 I M TO 7 PM 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ' • • H i MONDAY• TUESDAY* WEDNESDAY• THURSDAY 5 MILE & FARMINGTON LIVONIA • PH. 261-6565 •TRIPLE •DOUBLE 38000 ANN ARBOR ROAD LIVONIA • PH. 464-0330 5 MILE & NEWBURGH LIVONIA • PH. 464-7570 MON TUES. WED THUR FRI SUN. 11 Continued from Page 1 Those wbo prefer to skip tbe tempering process can buy chocolate pellets, essentially a coating, made with vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter. Since vegetable fat withstands heating, tempering is unnecessary, advises Toula Patsalis, owner of Kitchen Glamor shops in Redford, Rochester and West Bloomfield. This product, called eastchester or Westchester, results in a less-rich-tasting candy but requires less detailed monitoring as it melts. However, when melting eastchester or westchester, the water at the bottom of a double boiler should reach a maximum of 140 degrees. Both processes require a thermometer and a wooden spoon. No matter the kind of chocolate MANUFACTURER'S COUPONS UP TO 35* VALUE FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY MANUFACTURER'S COUPONS UP TO 50* SAT. I 5 6 7 8 9 10 Copyright 1968. Food land. Wa Reserve The Right To FOOD STAMPS Limit Quantities. Store for Details • Good Mon., Dec. 5 through Dec.11,1988 product used, excessive heat and humidity cause it to crystallize, turn rubbery or acquire a gritty texture. Improper beating or direct exposure to water can result in white spots on the candy or lines and cracks. First-time chocolate makers should take heart. Although she learned the craft at her mother's knee, Higbie has perfected her skills through the occasional error. "I've had lots of catastrophes, "she says. One unseasonably warm year, the temperature outside waa about 70 degrees when she began to temper chocolate. "I wasted about SO pounds of candy," she says. NOW, IF THE temperature outside rises, the air conditioner is turned on inside, even in November. "Chocolate is temperamental. If OAK FARMS FRUIT it's cold or hot, it does a lot of things to chocolate," she says. Since it's advisable to work with only one pound of chocolate at a time, Higbie'» electric kettle keeps humming through the night. "1 put the chocolates in at 100 degrees at let it set there and re temper the next morning. It's hardly ever really off." Whether novices or pros, candy makers hone their craft through experience. "Even with a teacher, you learn your own technique. You learn to do what's easiest and most efficient for you," Higbie says. With the amount of time invested in making her annual batch of chocolates, she insists on buying the best chocolate she can. She buys ingredients without preservatives. "You can freeze them, but my chocolates don't last forever," she says. How Willie Wonkas began C o n t i n u e d f r o m Page 1 1 0 LB. M E A T SALE F r e s h E x t r a L e a n • 10 L b s . or M o r e Fresh G r a d e A * W h o l e * GROUND ROUND $4 CHICKEN LEGS ' 1 . 7 9 L B L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s 7 9 LB. G r a d e A * W h o l e * 10 L b s . o r M o r e Lesser Q u a n t i t i e s * 2 . 1 9 LB. 10 L b s . o r M o r e CHICKEN BREAST F r e s h • 10 L b s . o r M o r e U GROUND TURKEY Q V CHICKEN BREAST U . S . D . A . C h o i c e * 10 L b s . or M o r e $ 1.59 $ CUBE STEAK LB. Lesser Quantities * 3 . 1 9 L e a n * 10 Lbs. or M o r e BREADED LB. V E A L PATTIES LEAN SLICED BACON LB FRESH HOLIDAY $4 1 L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 1 . 9 9 LB. L e a n C e n t e r C u t * 10 L b s . o r M o r e $4 O A RIB PORK CHOPS $ Lesser Quantities * 2 . 8 9 L 2 *1IU9LB Lesser Q u a n t i t i e s * 2 . 3 9 LB. 4 Q !2.39 $ LB. 1• ". W 5 ^9L B Lesser Q u a n t i t i e s * 2 . 3 9 LB. S t a n ' s H o m e m a d e * 10 L b s . or M o r e 2 . 9 9 L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 3 . 9 9 LB O u r O w n C o u n t e r * 10 L b s . or M o r e Lesser Q u a n t i t i e s * 1 . 9 9 LB. U.S.D.A. C h o i c e B o n e l e s s • 10 Lbs. or M o r e ENGLISH CUT ROAST $-1.59 L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s » 2 . 1 8 LB LB. Fresh S k i n l e s s • 10 L b s . or M o r e • B o n e l e s s Lesser Q u a n t i t i e s * 1 . 4 9 LB BONELESS CHUCK ROAST 49* c B o n e l e s s * 10 Lbs. or M o r e * Beef $ KIELBASA DEARBORN . 3 9 LB. 1.89 LB. 1.59 LB. L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 2 . 3 9 LB " D e l i c i o u s " * 10 L b s . or M o r e LB. SMOKED SAUSAGE BABY SPARE RIBS L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 2 . 3 9 LB. Lean S l i c e d * 10 L b s . o r M o r e ^ LOIN END PORK CHOPS * 1 . 1 9 PEANUT BRITTLE poses a challenge to the pros. "You have leather gloves on to L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 3 . 6 9 LM 9 LB. Following is Marcia Sikarskie's recipe for Layered Cheese and Walnut Pate, which is suggested to be served along with Ginger Crackers. The recipe for the crackers was given in tbe Oct. 3 issue of Taste, in tbe story on make-ahead hors d'oeuvres. LB. LAYERED CHEESE AND WALNUT PATE cap golden raisins l k cap brandy or bourbon •A cap water (hot) 4 cap batter, room temperature 8 ounces cream cheese, room tempera tare 1 teasooo Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon Worcbestershire sauce 1-2 dashes Tabasco 8 oances shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1 H caps toasted walnuts, coarsely chopped • HYGRADE'S WEST VIRGINIA SPECIALS ^ GOURMET HAM 5 2 . 9 9 West Virginia Semi-Boneless LB. HAM 5 West Virginia Lean Sliced ^ 1 . 8 9 LB. BACON M . 8 9 LB. "Great for the Holidays" Kahn's COCKTAIL WEINERS or SMOKIES 5 2 . 4 9 Combine raisins with brandy or bourbon and hot water. Let stand 15 minutes or so, then strain, reserving liquid. In mixer, cream butter with cream cheese until smooth. Add Dijon mustard, Worcbestershire and Tabasco. Continue to cream until blended. Gradually beat in reserved liquid from raisins. Beat until fluffy. Add shredded cheddar and beat until evenly blended. Add reserved raisins LB. All Meat- ECKRICH only $ FRANKS 1 . 7 9 L 10 oz. • ECKRICH ^ SMOK-Y LINKS M . 5 9 GROCERY DELMONTE MORTON VEGETABLES 16 oz. Btuelake Cut Green Beans 16 oz. French Style Green Beans 17 oz. Whole Kernel Corn 17 oz. Cream Style Corn HUGGIES DIAPERS 66 Ct. Small Supertrlm 46 Ct. Medium Supert rim 32 Ct. Large Supertrlm 28 Ct. Extra Larga Diaper 33 Ct. Thick Large 46-Ct. Thick Medium YOUR CHOICE $ SURF 9.99 42 OZ 40* Off Label 15 oz. Wheat Chex 12 ox. Rica Chex 12 oz. Corn Chex 9 9 * D I L I ' 2 , 9 9 - EA. RED DELICIOUS *2.39 BEEF...._. APPLES LB. Gumba Joe's ^ * 2 . 6 9 L B POTATO SALAD - FOLDED PIZZA $ 5 LBS 7 9 9 „ CASHEWS NAVEL ORANGES $ 3 . 9 9 * 5 . 9 9 4 to 7 Blooms • 6 " Pots 1 . 1 9 e a 9 Michigan Green Jumbo 10 Lb. Bag ° LB. POINSETTIAS 1 Lb. Pkg. MUSHROOMS 9 PRODUCE CABBAGE 9 9 * <>"* ! 1 . 4 9 LB. $ * 3 . 9 9 EA. Line a 5-cup mold or loaf pan with plastic wrap. Sprinkle V* cup of toasted walnuts over the bottom. Spoon Vi of the cheese mixture over the walnuts and press gently. Top with V* cup walnuts. Spoon remain- ing cheese mixture over the walnuts and press gently. Top with remaining walnuts. Cover with plastic wrap and chill up to two weeks. To serve — unmold and remove plastic wrap. Position on attractive serving plate. Let stand at room temperature one hour before serving. Accompany with Ginger Crackers. Quantities Limited Come In TODAY! The Magic Needle j M11S Qrw* Ww * Or*» Fwimngw rsws FreeOfcrnya^AAW 8 x h Ltr. Btls. l 2.19 f d a p . 2 L t r . Btl. M . 1 9 + d e p . 12 ox. C a n s M . 8 9 + d a p . Qood Dac. 5 thru Dtc. 12,1M6 DISCOUNT POP _ m. + Pmmn 477-047* atflMk 421-4670 for making our first 6 months in your community a success. To Show Our Appreciation, We're Offering These HOLIDAY SPECIALS DISCOUNT BEVERAGE " t S f H o l i d a y Good December 5th thru December 11th, 1988 7-UP, DIET 7-UP, CHERRY 7-UP, CANADA DRY, SUNKIST ORANGE, DIET ANGE, HIRES, RC, DIET RITE S w e e t & Dry S T O C K VERMOUTH COOKS CHAMPAGNE * 4 6 0 m . 5 0 \ H 6; 1°°t COCA-COLA NUTS 6 P a c k 750 ml Bottles ••9S+DEP. 3 • * 1 0 + TAX 2 ? + TAX canton COU=NTK& | 4»-7M6 market mm $ 6-inch Pots H o l i d a y 750 ml Bottles 6111 N. CANTON CENTER RD. (M Mia North of Ford M.) PRODUCE MARKET, DELI, BAKERY A MEATS Walnuts, Hazel, Brazil, Pecans, Almonds, etc. Fruit & Gift Baskets Imported Cheeses, Chocolate Beer & Wines Order Now for Tbe Holidays SPIRAL SLICED HONEY BAKED HAM Sow in... CALDER'S FAMOUS EGG NOG! 99 2 Liter Bottle e LB. YOUR CHOICE Guaranteed Fresh • This Year's Crop J.Z. B r a n d ORANGE JUICE Trees • Douglas Firs • Scotch Pines • Frasers • Wreaths • Roping • Poinsettias PINK GRAPEFRUITS B Cans F L O R I D A POINSETTIAS Thousands to choose from Variety ANN ARBOR ROAD AT ANN ARBOR TR. • 464-0496 of colors Christmas 1.88 DELI Wishes You Happy Holidays and Thank You KEG BEER • POP • WINE • BEER I • Knitting Machines Sergers* Cabinets ORANGE JUICE 84 oz. Regular 84 oz. Country Style 64 oz. Calcium and beat just until incorporated. Set aside. MODEL SALE | IFL00R • Sewing Machines MINUTE MAID Whits or Assorted Pre-Price 99* R Eckrlch V M.88 LIMIT ONE 8 9 * oz. 175 CT. TISSUE "On a real moist day out it sticks to the knife," Hamlin said. r&NGER ! PIE SHELLS KLEENEX Consider that he turns out 90-100 pounds of chocolate creams in a morning's work. But the real challenge lies in turning out chocolate nougats, he said. It's a time-consuming task to take a three-by-six-foot slab of chocolate and cut it into %by-IV*-inch pieces. 1 PET RITZ 10 3 Lb. Bag 8UCIMQ M A ft BOLOGNA * 2 . 3 9 LB. CHEESE— 1 . 8 8 LB. Frash i 9 9 e A CORNED 1 4 ROLL 2 Liter Limit 2 • Eckrich All M m T OUVE LOAF Q Q Pressed TUNA SALAD or CHICKEN SALAD ^ 1 1 . 6 9 PEPSI DIET OR REGULAR RALSTON SPREAD y $4 TISSUE $ 28 oz. LAUNDRY DETERGENT BLUE B O N N E T 32 oz. M . O O WHITE CLOUD FRIED CHICKEN 2 FOR EVEN PROS get stung by humid weather. Hamlin still grimaces about tbe time last summer that hot weather helped ruin two batches of chocolate in one week because the chocolate set too fast. That snafu cost him 20 pounds of sugar, too. EACH CANDY maker credited culinary success with using good ingredients. None used chocolate with a wax surface. "People are tired of junk," Hessling said. "We don't make so much. We make small quantities. I make 10 pounds of creams at a time." Knowledge increases the chances for making good candy. "People buy milk chocolate. I try to tell them what to do but you can't put it on a burner," Hamlin said. "It'll scorch It has to be done very slowly with a double boiler. If you don't know what to do it won't come out." Leave as little as possible to chance, he advises. "You can't trust this to chance. Get a thermometer Do it the way it should be done." There's another hidden reward to making good candy, the professionals say. "When they come out right, there's a sense of pride there," Hamlin said. clarification L e s s e r Q u a n t i t i e s * 1 . 7 9 LB. West Virginia Boneless pull tbe brittle," Hamlin said. "You try to get it as thin as possible. We try to get it one peanut thick." The way Hamlin does it, it's a twoperson )ob. But it's tough to keep the peanut brittle from setting quickly. "We have three minutes to work on it." Hamlin said. A N D C 9 Lean B a r - B - Q * 10 L b s . or M o r e $ THEY ALL share the conviction that each makes tbe best there is. Like their amateur counterparts, they credit meticulous attention to detail for their success. Hamlin learned his craft from George Kimnitz, the s t o r e ' s namesake and former owner. "He stayed for six months and taught us the recipes. I still get out the recipes each time I make candy," Hamlin said. "I don't take a chance." Just as home bakers have discovered. Hamlin swears that timing, temperature and humidity act as crucial elements in chocolate making "Timing is essential," Grunwald said. "Fudge is the most exacting. It's so difficult to make and have it turn out perfect." •36 100% Pure $ ^ 3 9 Reg. or Diet 79 + dep. ALCAMOS Fresh SAUSAGE Plain Fennel or Hot 59 V* Gallon < • 4a* O&E Monday. DscamPsr 5. 1963 Forget 'jellied' berries Monday. Pacambar 6. 1066 OAE wounds. Tbe astringent effect contracts tbe wound and belps stop tbe bleeding. Continued from Page 1 aid in urinary tract infections. Seetns that the acid in the cranberries does something or other to dissolve miniature blockages that form infections. Add to that the fact that cranberries are a natural astringent and were used by the Indians to heal G SPICED CRANBERRY PUNCH Vi cup sugar 1 cup water to teaspoon whole clovea 3 cinnamon sticks 2 cups cranberry juice to cup lemon Juice 1 cup orange juice 3 cups ginger ale 1 fifth rum (optional) fresh cranberries to garnish FROZEN CRANBERRY VELVET - PIE 1 Vi cups crashed vanilla wafers 6 tablespoons butter/margarine, melted 1 cup whipping cream y* cup sugar to teaspoon vanilla 8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature 1 can (1 pound) cranberry sauce or to recipe of cran-orange relish Mix sugar, water, cloves and cinnamon in a saucepan. Boil for minutes. Strain; cool. Combine sugar water with remaining ingredients. Pour into a punchbowl and garnish with an ice ring made with fresh cranberries and orange slices. C h u t n e y C h e e s e Ball festive AP — No grating, no stirring — your blender or food processor does the tough stuff when yon make flavorful appetizer cheese ball, just right for upcoming holiday festivities. Shape the cheese mixture into tbe traditional ball, form a log or circle, or press into a 2-cup mold lined with plastic wrap. Allow cheese and margarine to come to room temperature. Put to of cheese in blender container or food processor bowl; cover and blend until chopped. Remove and set aside; repeat with remaining cheese. Return all cheese to blender, add milk, margarine, Worcestershire sauce and hot pepper sauce. Cover and blend with several on-off turns until smooth. Turn cheese mixture into a CHUTNEY CHEESE BALL 8 «harp chfMar cheese, mixing bowl. Stir in chutney. Cover, chill for several hours. Shape cheese cubed mixture into a ball; roll in chopped 2 tablespoons margarine or butter pecans. Chill. Serve with assorted to cap milk crackers. Makes 1 ball. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire saace dash bottled hot pepper saace Nutrition information per 2-tableto cap finely chopped chutney spoon serving: 103 cal., 4 g pro., 4 g to cap finely chopped pecans or pea- carb., 8 g fat, 19 mg chol., 120 mg nuts sodium. US. RDA: 11 percent calcium. assorted crackers d e h a d y f o r If you've never catered your own party for 20 or more guests, you'll find this little paperback very useful. After reading the 85 pages of text, it's rather obvious that the authors are experienced party caterers with a lot of common sense. As longtime Southfield residents, Wyn and Harold Landis have been professionally catering parties for 33 years. Charts list such information as how much coffee to use when brewing 100 cups, and how much fruit to buy when making a salad for 50100 people. Although this is not a comprehensive entertainment guide, any of the tips and ideas included are good inspiration even for veteran party people. IN THE introduction, the Landises suggest you "think of your party as a theatrical performance. TRUFFLES PETTTE PASTRIES CROB&ANTS TOKTESA CHEESECAKES All made from the finest natural ingredients, perfect for any holiday gathering. CHRISTMAS ORDERS CCEPTED T H R U DECEMBER 7QTH Located in the ^4 111 •L tf* i s i Ml • J0p i l l IMk T l l l l Laurel C o m m o n s C e n t e r Livonia (>r»/r< in >lurch 37120 W. 6 Mile 464-8170 HOURS: Tues.-Fri.-Sat. 9-5 O U R S AP - The basic dried bean is now a star on restaurant menus. You can feel good about ordering them or featuring them on your table because beans are a nutritional gold mine. • High in fiber. One-half cup of cooked beans contains 4 grams or more of dietary fiber. Soluble fiber, the kind in beans, may help lower blood cholesterol. • High in protein. One cup of cooked beans supplies about 15 grams of protein, the same amount of protein found in 2 ounces of cooked sirloin- steak. However, the incomplete protein in beans must be supplemented by serving with a grain, meat, eggs, cheese or nuts. • High in vitamins and minerals. Beans are a good source of calcium, magnesium, zinc, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and iron. • Low in fat. Only about 4 per• • I I • • • • • • • • • cent of bean calories come from fat, very low compared to other protein sources. • No cholesterol. Beans vary more in appearance than in taste. You can interchange cooked or canned beans in most recipes • Toss chilled cooked beans into pasta salads, tossed green salads or marinated vegetable salads. • In casseroles, substitute an equal amount of beans for the rice, potatoes or pasta specified. • Combine lima beans with a cheese sauce and bake for a meatless main dish. • Stir red kidney beans into cooked rice that's been seasoned with chili powder for a Tex-Mex side dish. There are two ways to soak beans: (I) In large kettle combine beans and enough water to cover (2 to 3 cups Bring in this ad and receive 50* off your order • Mon.-Wed. 10-7 Thurs.-Fri. 10-8 S a t . 10-6 OR We don't claim to be We'd rather let our customers ! I ^ 1 9 3 7 3 B M C » I Daly B u r g h a r the best. be the judge. d t ' S P E C I A L I Z I N G IN FRESH CUT MEATS Dec. 11 3 3 6 1 0 Ford Rd. 2 7 4 6 5 8 Mile Rd. Center Cut Kowalski HONEY GLAZED SPIRAL HAM lb. (Pra-Ordf Only) DELI S K O A L S "TSfV, '1.99» HirtMM '1.99 K srs^r'2.19^ SLICED FREE $ From Cheese Snack Trays From '1&£6 BUDWEISER AND BUD LITE MILLER AND MILLER LITE 1 . 7 9 Michigan $ i.b 10 Lbs. Michigan 2 . 8 9 LB. !£... 9 9 ' q OCEAN PERCH FILLET 5<? Lb' 1 . 9 9 C o l u m b i a - 1 2 oz. Pkg. Christmas EA California • Seedless NAVEL BAKERS ORANQBS FRESH GROUND f ^ . 13/99* TURKEY Grade-A Family Fresh Psk Vh Doz. LB. L A R G E EQQS Handmade Ornaments Q u a i n t &• C o u n t r u S h o p at: Q Q C 8 8 WE RESERVE THE MQHT TO U M T OUAMTTTC8 •••••••••••a 6 8 40' Save ..SO* Lb*ai> SaVe LB. Ow QOe v7%/ FREE 70* t o * 478 F e r e s t Ptymovtk 4U4SS4 Braadmet exeN mA 4 K(26 4I IV 4) Di r;dulO 'ber:inS ches cm W i t h gol highlights a n d hand-applied gold rim We O f f e r : Dog Grooming — ALL BREEDS 38741 ANN ARBOR ROAD LIVONIA 4 6 4 - 0 4 1 0 • • • • • 7 * Prices Good 12-5-88 thru 12-10-88 2 . 9 9 Eckrich All Meat B o l o j ji n a '49 ZZ&XxK. We are a registered dealer of tit* Bradford Exchange "Ladies...Help Your Special Mao Remember!" H A Gifts For The Executive. I ROFESSIONAL HAIR ' 1 . 9 9 LB. >• Flea Baths Dips Medicated Baths Specializing in Bichon Frise Veterinarian assisted de-matting ALWAYS PRICED VERYCOMPETTTfVftr ON OVER 40 PREMIUM BRANDS OF LUGGAGE AND BUSINESS CASES Navel $4 1QQ Oranges 'J ®* Cashews -> Mushrooms LB Q Grooming and Bathing Services to Dogs $ 3 . 9 9 Michigan Cooking Onions AMAHOA & MATTHEW 478-2424 Collector Plates • Fl^irtnes - 7 9 * 3 Lb. Bag Michigan Red Delicious LENOX HOLIDAY GIFTWARE 2 0 % OFF p r e e n P e p p e r s , Qreenl Onions, C u c u m b e r * or •6omM*fohe«H m stock pises* through Dec 20, 1888 Ic Sat 10-S Thura. 4 Frt. lO-S 1M mmtw West BtoomflskJ Orchsrd Mall fCornsr of Mapta A Orchard Lk.) Any Mstrix Perm CuttiiKj Comeri Hair & Nail Salon 7381 N. Uftsv Rd. (st Warren)CAWTON 8 AVE 10% wrrMAD BASKETS W BOWS 585 FOREST AVE. PLYMOUTH, MI 4 8 1 7 0 3 Holiday ; Berries j j *10 OFF!. I Haircut with [ F r s s CondtUonsr J I* I* Expirm 12/31/88 « 453-8090 ^OFF SKATEBOARDS Powell. Vision, Santa Cruz, GAS, Dogtown, ' Indy, Gull Wing, Tracker, Vans, Rector - _ Compiste Boards from ' 8 9 . 9 9 , a j D«cki ' 3 9 . 9 9 Van Skate Snosa ' 3 9 . 9 9 RsqsA Vt OFF HOLIDAY ; BERRIES AD BMX FREESTYLE GT, Dyno. (8 pc piaoe asttmna $77.96 aa. 12 or mors trs.00 aa.) Monday Hours: Mon.. Tuss., Wad . !»2" O F F «t>n» (313 ) 453 - 7733 HOURS: Mon.- Wed. 10-7 • Thur.-Frt. 10-S • SaL 10-6 • Sun. 12-5 Member American Luggage Dealers Association Discover sensational body with VaVoom* Volume Generator*!" the new hair core system by Matrix The difference Is dramatic. Your hair wH explode wtth volume. And have incredible shine VaVoom. Hgh+nergy hat for active men and women. Stop m today • COUSOM COUPON , (at filtered) 48170 Serving t h e Executive, Professional & C o m m e r c i a l I n d u s t r i e s Say farewell to flat hair. ©eorgia's (Sift (Snllrry 878 Forest Aw. • R j i n o n t h • Open 7 Days! Hours; T o s a . - W s d . - T h u r s 12:00-7:00 p.m. Frt. 10 a . m . - 4 p . m . Sat. 9 a . m - 3 p.m. Livonia ( 1 Blk Wsst sst 04 Farmingtc Farmington Road) "Picture-Perfect Babies" ea lumifor One PANACHE Walk-Ins Welcome 33487 S s v s n Mils W s s t The latest in Yolanda Bello's LB. At Expires 12-J1-8S Oh, You Beautiful Dolls! o 2M88 * 10 Includes Biowdry (With Greg - New Clients Only) Also Available "Sarah & Jennifer" Products + Dep. Haircut Only $ 8 00 and Cats Boarding at the Clinic. '5.49^ (Apples gg« • • S n o w White^H H O L I D A Y SPECIAL Located Drrtctly Adjacent to Parkway Veterinary Clinic, We Offer Convenient 41395 Wilcox Rd. We Are Your Pet Care Specialists Plymouth .— For Your Appointment Call (Bcwn. Haggerty 6c Hints Dr.) j 453-9488 Turkey Q Bologna w Models in Shop Refreshments Gift Wrap Available Sizes: Petite to 3X "The Adoration of the Shepherd." Bradea Number M-K41-19.4 Diameter 10M inches (26 ( • ) 16347 MfckUehelt Road • Livonia (Between 5 A 6 Mile) 261-5220 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-8; Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-5 Parkway Professional G r o o m i n g MON-.SAT. S-7; CLOSED SUNDAY e A s MEN'S NIGHT FRIDAY, DEC 9th 6 P.M.-9 P.M. ** * v . Fragrance Stick with every purchase over "5.00 HOME OF EVERYDA Y LOW PRICES Corned Beef S LB —Qc Melody Farms ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS A VAILABLE • ALZHEIMER S U P P O R T GROUPS Alzheimer support groups meet at 2 p.m the fourth Thursday of each month at Westland Convalescent Center, and 1-2:30 pjn. the third Thursday of each month at Oakwood Hospital. Westland Convalescent Center Is at 36137 Warren Road, Westlaui. For more information, call Sally Levay, 728-8100. Oakwood Hospital is at 18101 Oakwood, Dearborn For further information, call 593-7185. E "The Adoration of the Sttcphcrdt' 30118 Ford Road Garden City, M l 48135 LB Save SLICED BACON PORK LOIN END Unique (In Sheridan Square) Save 30' Lb. PICNIC HAM For Save Fresh Frozen Small fe d « CORNISH HENS 40< M . 3 9 Jumbo Freeh Many Times Dally In Our Store FLU SHOTS Tbe Southeastern Michigan Chap- Quaint & Country s • • POTATOES 10 Lb. Seedless All-Purpose • 7 . 9 9 $1.00 Lb..., *1.99 lb L a r g e Holiday Poinsettias W A S H E D 10 Lb. Bag POTATOES 9 9 * Ground '13.95 POLISH HAM Krakus (Sorry, no shaving at this tow price) LB. Wrapped In IpkQ oofy Relish 5 LBS 4 " to 7 " Blooms • 6 " Pot POLISH HAM PORK LOINS '2.59 thru Imported CARE CENTER A new walk-in/family care center, American Family Care Center, has opened at the Horizon Health and Surgery Center, Suite 104, 19900 Haggerty Road, Livonia. The center is directed by Dr. Mumtaz George, who is on the staff of St. Mary Hospital and Pontiac General Hospital. He also directs Save roduce & deli Effective Dec 5 Trimmed • e POINSETTIAS SALE The Metro Detroit Branch Branch of the Arthritis Foundation, Michigan Chapter, is conducting its seventh annual "Poinsettias for Progress" sale. Tbe foundation has six size of plants available in three different colors at discount prices. All proceeds go directly to help with research and local self-belp programs. For more information, call tbe Arthritis Foundation at 350-3030 V •A • L • U 6 7 6 9 Save . $1.00 L i * . . 2JU Unqualify Moo-Sat' 9-8 Whole • Boneless Custom Made To Your Order! s 5 LBS Eye of the Round Super FREE SCREENING The Tri-County Preventive Medicine Clinic at 31500 Schoolcraft, Livonia, offers free cholesterol /HDL screenings and provides self-assessment cholesterol treatment handouts Monday through Friday through the end of November. For more information, call 5225220 Veterinarian Formula HOURS: Tues. -Sat. 9-5 Closed Sun. 8c Mon. J 7 M i l e at Farmington Rd. NEW APPROACH The National Foundation for Ileitis & Colitis Inc., is sponsoring an open education meeting on "New Medications for I n f l a m m a t o r y Bowel Disease" from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, in the Harcourt Green Room, lower level, Bloomfield Township Library, 1099 Lone Pine, corner of Telegraph Road. Dr. Robert Veneri, internist and gastroenterologist at St John Hospital in Detroit, will focus his lecture on several new compounds which promise to be the first advances in 40 years in tbe drug treatment of Crohn's disease (ileitis) and ulcerative colitis. For more information, call 3546080. ter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association is offering free snli Inflsnsn inoculations to persons who have any of tbe 40 neuromuscular diseases covered by the association's programs. Children and adults with nsai omuscuiar disorders are considered at high risk of serious illaras, if infected with influenza viruses, and should receive flu shots annually. The chapter will pay for fla for all patients it serve shots are administered by personal physicians or by physicians at MDA clinics. For more information, call 7797860. V Videaol Ranl ,s4.99 WONDER BREAD Sun. Deluxe Meat & Cheese Small '19.95 Large *29.95 j n d 24 oz. GIANT ESPEC1ALL Y FOR THE HOLIDA YS • Fruitcake} • Holiday Tories • Springle and Pftffemuss Cookies B U R G H A R D T S BAKERY • • two other urgent care facilities — Royal Oak Medical Center and the Farmington Urgent Care Center — and co-directs the Kingswood Medical Center in Bloomfield Hills. The center is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mooday through Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sundays and holidays. It offers medical care for patients injured during the course of work, executive and individual physicals, airplane pilot examinations (authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration), family and immediate care, school/sports physicals and premarital examinations. Hamburger Made From 100% 22 oz. 2 LB. L O A F ALCOHOL SUPPORT Concerned about your drinking?" Need a new approach? Try Women for Sobriety, a new life program based on a positive self-image. Meetings are held at 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Newman House, 17300 Haggerty Road, between Six and Seven Mile, Livonia. For more information, call 5916400, E x t 430. GROUND MEAT SAL Krakus Imported (Good Ai Bakery Location OoJy) S "Crunchy outside, cool and chewy inside, | *'oupon the crust literally begs to be ripped away j THRU and devoured with gusto " - Patricia Charger ' 12"5,"#8 CANCER TREATMENT A new investigational treatment that enables doctors to zero in on a tumor and kill cancer cells will be performed for the first time in the state at tbe University of Michigan Medical Center. Physicians are accepting patients for the innovative treatment. The procedure, performed by only a handful of physicians throughout the country, involves treating a cancer patient with radiolabel monoclonal antibodies that attack a tumor without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Tbe investigational treatment is part of a 3 to-year, >4 5-million grant from the National Cancer Institute to use radioactive drugs for tbe diagnosis and treatment of cancer, particularly lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system), breast and bladder cancer, said Dr. Richard Wahl, director of general nuclear imaging • BLOOD X PRESSURE SCREENING Tbe American Heart Association of Michigan will sponsor a free blood pressure screening from 11 a j n . to 4:30 p.m Monday, Dec. 5, at the Whitman Center, 32235 W. Chicago, between Merriman and Farmington roads, Livonia. • (One Block East of Merriman) 4 2 7 - 3 1 0 0 TURKEY BREAST 1B TH THE LDQFU AA SL HIT IO RICK OVO EN YNED s FAMOUS GERMAN RYE BREAD • and principal investigator oo the grant. Simmer beans slowly. Cooking them too fast will cause the skins to break. Lipper 421-0710 M 31210 WE8T WARREN! PARTY TRAYS • For convenience beans, cook up a big batch, cover and chill up to 4 days or freeze up to 6 months. GROUND ROUND m public free of charge and meet from 7-9 p.m. Upcoming seminars include: "The Caregiver Role," Tuesday, Dec. 1* and "How To Utilize Community Services for the Older Adult," Tuesday, Jan. 10. For reservations, call 459-7030. SENIOR HEALTH Seminars for older adults will be offered at Oakwood Hospital's Canton Health Center. The center is at 7300 Canton Center Road, near Warren Road, Canton. All seminars are offered to the Hamburger Made from 537-5581 J 20<? O F F 33J09 ' O S T E O P O R O S I S SEMINAR A health seminar oo osteoporosis will take place at 7 p.m Mooday, Dec. 5, at the University of Michigan M-Care Health Center, 9398 Lilley Road, Plymouth. Dr. Suzanne Swansoo, obstetrician and gynecologist, will present the program. Topics will include the role of diet, exercise, medication and lifestyle in controlling osteoporosis as well as factors affecting the development and progression of the disease. A question-and-answer period will follow. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone mass decreases, causing bones to be more susceptible to fracture. With tbe increase in the number of seniors in this country, tbe scope of tbe problem is growing. Osteoporosis is said to affect 20 million people in this country, including 25 to SO percent of post menopausal women. • may be a side effect of eating beans, always discard the soaking liquid and cook the beans in fresh water PLaciqkuaogr* HOUSE OF QUALITY FOOD D«a(«r STANDARD FOOD c Produo*'t g _ M A R K E T & F L O R I S T Dairy 31226 Ford Rd. • Garden City S t a f r LIVONIA Assorted water per 1 cup beans). Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand 1 hour. (2) Soak beans in water overnight in covered pan. • One pound dry beans equals 2 V* cups. One pound dry beans equals 6 cups cooked beans. One 15-ounce can beans, drained, equals 1 cups. • To reduce flatulence (gas) that GROUND CHUCK COUSIN JACK PASTIES WESTLAND HOLIDAY GIFT BASKETS Mix together and serve with assorted fresh vegetables. Note: when serving raw broccoli, parboil 3 minutes, cauliflower 4 to minutes and string beans 2 minutes. Immediately plunge into cold water. b r i e f s / h e l p l i n e • Hamburger Made from Celebrating 30 Years Service • 10% Off Seniors. It's quick. It's easy. And it's the law. 261-5353 "You should write the script, cast the production and work out the props to set the stage for a smash hit," they say. Sounds like good advice? I couldn't have said it better myself. "Party Smarts" is available at Birmingham Bookstore. Bookpeople (Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield), I Browse (on Orchard Lake Road at Northwestern Highway in West Bloomfield) and Border's bookstore in Beverly Hills. To buy by mail, send $10.95 plus 11.50 pos- BEEF Men. if you're about to t u r n 18. it's time to register w i t h Selective Service at any U.S>. Post Office. 421-3433 FRESH VEGETABLE DIP to pound butter 1 to pounds cream cheese to caa flat anchovies, chopped fine, with can juice 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons capers to bunch green onions, chopped 5 heaping teaspoons paprika enough milk to soften m e d i c a l VALUABLE C O U P O N • 477-7153 TRADE VINE PARTY S H O P P E tage and handling to David W Palmly, Box 3210, Southfield 48075. The book contains just one recipe — for fresh vegetable dip, great served at gatherings. Dried beans filled with good nutrition •COUPON SWEFT TABLES g i v e r s Geri Rinschler ' THIS HOW-TO-TEXT takes tbe reader from the planning stages in Chapter 2, 'Casing the Castle,'' through chapters on such topics as invitations, tablecloths, color schemes, music, flowers, tents and car parkers. I I COOKIE Tiwys p a r t y cook's books J One coupon ! per person per visit. Choose From An Assortment Of Holiday Delights n ly, publishers, 1988, $10.95. Combine crumbs and melted butter. Press firmly into the bottom and sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Chill until firm. Beat cream cheese until fluffy. Combine whipping cream, sugar and vanilla and whip until thick but not stiff. Gradually add to cream cheese and beat until smooth and creamy. Fold in cranberry sauce or relish. Spoon into crust and freeze until firm. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving. Top with whipped cream and fresh berries to garnish. Wash and sort cranberries. Peel oranges; remove all membranes and seeds. Cut sections in half. Peel and dice apple. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Cool and store in the refrigerator in covered containers. i "Party Smarts" by Wpn and Harold Land is, David W. Palm- Tbe next time yoa visit the grocer or produce palace, pick up a pound of fresh cranberries — and give your holiday table a crisp, fresh, red zing. Bonappetit! CRANBERRY-ORANGE RELISH I caps fresh cranberries 4 oranges 1 apple Mi cup golden raisins 1% cups water cup sugar % teaspoon cinnamon Vfc teaspoon ginger % teaspoon ground cloves dash allspice u *SB RedUne, Diamond Back, Bike f r o m ' 9 9 . 9 9 BOB'S CYCLE SHOP 24470 5 MM roava OosdOse.f-Dss.lMh LAY-A-WAY M. W, SAT. 1 0 - 8 P.M.; T, TH, FW. : - : - - - - - - - - \ i M o o d a y . D « c « w t w f S, 1 9 M (P,C.R.W.G-€B)*7A QAE Showdown nearing over county budget By Wayn* PmI artafl writer A showdown over the Wayne County budget could occur this week between county commissioners and County Executive Edward McNamara. Under county law, today is the last day McNamara has to issue a budget veto. Commissioears are scheduled to meet tomorrow for a potential override attempt. As of Friday, however, no veto had been issued. "We're meeting with them (commissioners)," Deputy County Executive Michael Duggan said. McNamara threatened to veto all or parts of the budget because of commission changes to several of his original proposals. Because be has a line-item veto, McNamara can veto selected sections of tbe budget while leaving tbe bulk of the document intact. at least that much. "We see the change as a positive step," Duggan said. Tbe road patrol provides back-up police services in Ecorse, Inkster, Hamtramck. Highland Park and River Rouge. IN AN apparent concession, commissioners Thursday voluntarily reduced an increase they bad made to the sheriff's secondary road patrol budget, returning tbe money to tbe department's overtime budget. McNamara had said tbe $500,000 transfer from the sheriff's overtime budget could increase county debt by McNAMARA WOULD need six votes to sustain his veto. Nine commissioners, including Kay Beard, DInkster, and Richard Manning, DRedford Township, voted in favor of budget changes. Three, including Milton Mack. D-Wayne, voted against tbem. To block an override, McNamara would need to maintain the three no County boards eye 4-year term The state Senate voted Thursday to give county commissioners fouryear terms, but don't look for quick passage by the House of Representatives. "The likelihood that this will pass the House is zilch," said Sen. Ed Fredricks, R-Holland, as the Senate Local Government Committee reported out tbe bill a day earlier. Reason: State representatives have two-year terms. If county board members have four-year terms, they will be able td make mid-term runs for tbe Legislature without giving up their county seats. The Senate vote was 30-1. Tbe lone dissenter was Jack Faxon, D-Farmington Hills. There was no debate oo the Senate floor. THE BILL was supported by county commissioners from Oakland and many other counties. The Oakland board's legislative agent. Joe Mullen, said, 'Township officials were given four-year terms several years ago. It's time county commissioners got them." Other county officials — executive, sheriff, prosecutor and so on — have four-year terms. In committee, Fredricks won 4-1 approval of an amendment placing the measure before voters at the next statewide election — possibly May 2, when the school finance reform measure is to be decided. Dissenting was Sen. Rudy Nichols, R-Waterford. "I favor the bill, but I don't know that it's necessary (to have a public vote). I see oo reason to break precedent," he said. STATE REPRESENTATIVES Tiave two-year terms, as do U.S. representatives. State senators have four-year terms since the 1963 Constitution was adopted, and U.S. senators sixyear terms. State sentors like their four-year terms, not only because they don't have to run so often but because they can make mid-term races for Congress. Last November, three state senators ran for Congress. Higher ed is talk's focus "The United States Economy and Higher Education" will be the topic of a speech by MIT professor Richard Eckaus 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, on the Wayne State University campus. Eckaus will emphasize his work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. involving economic model- ing of the higher education sector of the economy. The speech will be hosted by the WSU economics department at the McGregor Memorial Conference Center. Eckaus is department chair at MIT. The lecture is open to the public. For more information, call 577-3345. votes and either change the minds of as many as three budget supporters or pick up support from three commissioners who were absent from the Nov. 22 budget vote. Absent commissioners included Susan Heintx, R-Northville Township. Beard's district includes Garden City and Westland. Mack's includes Canton Township. He^ptz also represents Livonia. Plymouth and Plymouth Township. DESPITE CHANGES in tbe road patrol budget, a number of other disputes between tbe executive and commission are still at issue. They include: • A M million transfer from revenue raised under tbe county's new 1 -mill jail tax. McNamara had earmarked most of tbe money for child care payments covering state Incarceration of young county offenders. Commissioners, however, put lt In a commission-created jail fund, without designating how tbe money would be spent They said they did so because they wanted more information on jail spending from McNamara. • County commission action barring McNamara from impounding county money. Commissioners said the action restores their own budget control; Engineer's review courses offered The Engineering Society of Detroit is enrolling engineers and engineering students in its two review courses. Course one is for graduate engineers and graduating seniors and is 57 hours of study in thermodynamics, systems, computer science and James Will chemistry for those about to take their state exams. - It is held two evenings a week from the end of January through March, at locations in Troy. Ann Arbor. Southfield, Flint and East Lansing. Course two is for engineers who have had at least four years of work after college and is oo four consecutive Saturdays beginning in March, at either General Motors Institute in Flint or Madonna College in Livonia. For information on times, locations and registration, call the society at 832-5400. BE A S S U R E D Y o u c a n g u a r a n t e e a n y future funeral e x p e n s e s are c o v e r e d at t o d a y s p r i c e s A s k a b o u t our r e g u l a t e d " T r u s t 1 0 0 * F u n e r a l PreA r r a r g e m e n t P l a n . " This, a n d other v a l u a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n is in our helpful b o o k l e t "Pre-Arrangement Makes Sense " McNamara has said tbe action sends the wrong message to the bond market, potentially threatening county recovery from debt. • A $310,000 increase in county commission spending. Commissioners said tbe increase was primarily necessary to cover salary and benefit increases for existing staff members unionized under a recent Michigan Employee Relations Commission ruling. McNamara said be believed the commission was using the money to boost its staff, contrary to austerity measures be had imposed to eliminate county debt. *20000 REBATE DELUXE FURNACE SALE w« Mr* not ooffTfortatrt* until you a n 1.NOH EFWCTENCY HEATW 2. LOW SOUNO LEVEL 3. » YA MEAT EXCHANGE WARRANTY 4. COMPACT SIZE 5. EASY UAJNTENANCC INSTALLED AND RUNNING FOR AS LOW AS >1195 Trust CJty pmrmlU «xtr» FREE "ComDanalion of Carrwr and NO COST Ofl OBLIGATION USEFUL MONEY SAVMG FACTS' TRU HMlirtg S T EMP CooMng, mc. ( P h o n e us or mail in this c o u p o n . ) WILL FIW'ERAL HOMES. I » C . 3 LOCATIONS — A L L NEAR F R E E W A Y S Redford — 25450 Plymouth Rd L i v o n i a — 3 7 0 0 0 Six Mile R d 837-3870 D e t r o i t — 4 4 1 2 Livernois A v e . Oertton City 427-8612 Yes I ' m i n t e r e s t e d in m o r e d e t a i l s o n p r e - p l a n n i n g Please s e n d m e your b o o k l e t ' Pre-Arrangement Makes Sense " Canton Twp 981-5800 Name: F O O D ' S IN B L O O M - Address City SEETASTE BUDS f v w y Monday In TASTE .State:. Zip: .Phone.. THERE'S NO GIFT LIKE A SPORTS GIFT FROM HUNDREDS O F ITEMS ON SALE Herman's we are sports WORLD OF SPORTING GOODS SPORTS GIF Save 5 4 ,o s 1 8 2 on S K I P A C K A G E S ! S K I W E A R S A L E ! 8 News that's closer to home • News that's clost V •« 20*25* SOCIAL SECURITY? MANY PEOPLE ONLY KNOW HALFTHE STORY. 2 0 £ 3 0 20*33*.;2J W M iDUkon 31-25" ACTIONWEAR NIKE. WILSON. D O L R N . PROFILE. M A I N E V E N T | Man's and women's! 2XK30Z E222Z3 Call 1-800-937-2000 v J f ' r t »<•'" Soc m l S e c u r i t y . It n e v e r s t o p s w o r k i n g . • • • w o o o t : * rrERUNO H D Q H T i l SOUTMQATE: U > % M o i O < £ t j e © b s e r u e r £ 3 > t u s p a p e r s Sports B r a d E m o n s , D a n O ' M e a r a editors/ 591-2312 Monday. Dec«mb«f 5. 1988 O&E (P,C)1C Chiefs boast senior-dominated squad By Dan O'Meara staff writer Seniors are supposed to be the backbone of every athletic team. Therefore, it's fair to assume Plymouth Canton will have a pretty good boys swimming squad in 1988-89. The Chiefs, who are Western Division champs two years running and were third in the Western Lakes Activities Association last year, return 26 members of that team. Canton was 6-4 in dual meets, losing four of its first five to state-ranked teams before sweeping its last five — all against division opponents. "We have good kids up front (in various events), and we can push for the conference title if they taper well," coach Hooker Wellman said. "Our depth is good." THE HEART O F Canton's team will be senior tn-captains Jeff Homan, Jim Hartnett and Scott Swartzwelter. Homan, an all-area selection last year, holds the WLAA record (1:03.62) in the breaststroke in which he is the defending champion. His talent is not limited to that event, however. Homan can also go in tbe individual medley and "can swim a decent freestyle," according to Wellman. He placed fifth in the IM at the league meet. Hartnett did extensive off-season training and has improved his physical stature and speed in tbe water. He was sixth-best in tbe WLAA as a backs troker "He works real hard, and I know he's going to do a fine job this year," Wellman said. Swartzwelter is an unusual athlete, competing in the rarely seen combination of football and swimming. He is still in the pro- cess of making the transition to the aquatic sport. swimmer I've ever had," Wellman added. Other seniors who will play major roles are Brad Flowers, Mike Helmstadter, Mitch Timberlake, Mark Levesque, Jeff Schwinn, Burt Brian and Steve Wertx. Flowers is a four-year diver, qualifying for state last season and ranking No. 2 in Observerland with a 243-point total. "HE REMINDS ME of a swimming brick right now. because he's so built up on top," Wellman said. "He doesn't have to lose much weight, but he has to make those fat, round muscles into long, lean muscles. "We have to lean him up, so it's easier for him to get through the water." Swartzwelter, who also was captain of the football team and is president of the national honor society (Hartnett is the VP), can swim the butterfly or backstroke. He was fourth in the latter at the league meet. "He works with as much desire as any HELMSTADTER IS tbe team's most versatile swimmer and can swim any freestyle event whethernt be the 50-yard sprint or 500-yard endurance test, and Timberlake will be Canton's top sprinter. "(Helmstadter) looks great and his strokes have improved," Wellman said. "If we have to juggle our lineup, it's nice to know we have him to put in where we need him." If there is a pivotal role to be played on the team it belongs to Timberlake, who was 12th among the league's 50-yard freestylers and will most likely be on both relay teams. swimming "We're counting on (Timberlake) a lot," Wellman said. "He'll have to develop and come through for us, and he knows it. "He's^i key person. If he can swim faster that he did last year, we'll have a much better shot at being a better team." Levesque is another four-year swimmer who specializes in the butterfly. Schwinn. Brian and Wertz provide depth in the freestyle events. WELLMAN HAS 43 people on the team — his largest ever — and a good many underclassmen will make contributions, too Like Helmstadter, junior Bryce Anderson is a multi-purpose swimmer who can help where needed. His best events are the butterfly and backstroke. Anderson was second only to Stevenson's Joe Saunders in the former last season, and he also placed sixth in the IM Please turn to Page 2 Canton cagers bite Bulldogs in opener By Larry O'Connor staff writer SILL BRESLEA/staff photographer Troy W a l d r o n c o n t e m p l a t e * a s h o t w h i l e b e i n g g u a r d e d by B r i g h t o n ' s G r e g P a w e l s k i . W a l d r o n s c o r e d 11 p o i n t s a n d s p a r k e d C a n t o n ' s c o m e f r o m - b e h i n d e f f o r t , r e s u l t i n g in a 55-46 victory. Blazers earn rematch By 8teve Kowatekl staff writer Livonia Ladywood sent a message Friday to Birmingham Marian that was loud enough for Marian's Miss Basketball candidate, Jennifer Shasky, to bear. Near tbe end of Ladywood's convincing 70-55 regional title win over Taylor Center, tbe Blazers fans began chanting, "We want Marian." No doubt Shasky, who was watching in tbe standi at Southfield High School, beard tbe plea. Tbe regional title means Ladywood (16-6) and Marian (22-1) will meet for a third time this year in a Class A quarterfinal game, 7 p.m. Wednesday at Southfield Lathrup The No. 1-ranked Mustangs won both previous encounter! against Ladywood en route to tbe CatholicLea rue chamniooshin. Shasky might be a little apprehensive about playing tbe Blazers again. "WEHJB REALLY pumped ap to beat them this t i m e r Ladywood senior guard Jenny Kennedy sakl. "Since we've lost to them twice, well try to shut down Shasky and the rest of them, too. "This Is what I*ve worked four years for. and It really feels g r e a t " Canter's itar - and One play off the Ladywood pet away Center (SS-X). girls basketball badly sprained her left ankle in a regional semifinal win Wednesday over Detroit Cooley Ladywood coach Ken Bechard said Barnett's status against Marian is "iffy." Translated, Barnett is doubtful for the quarterfinals. Ladywood missed Barnett Friday, but reserves Carri Mitter, Peggy Knittel and Janice Koocxal filled in admirably. KNITTEL, a junior forward, and Mitter, a junior center, scored 12 points apiece, and Koocxal added 10. Sharri Adams led the Bluer* with I I points, and the steady Kennedy poured In nine points, playing her typically sound floor game. "We won as a team," Bechard said. "The beach did a tremendous job They wanted It more, with Yvonne and Krista Campeau (out ill) both on the bench. We wanted to win as s team and we did. It's exciting. Knittel has really coma on and she's filled the gap wtth Yvonne gone. In the beglnnii* of the season she sprained an aakle and she played real timidly At one time, she wae the 12th player off the bench this year." Taylor Center brought a state Into the game, and the towed why early scored the first eight points of the game and led 20-11 after one quarter. Center led 24-20 with 4:33 left in the first half when Jamula picked up her third foul and sat the rest of the quarter The Blazers took advantage of her absence, outscoring the Rams 16-4 the remainder of the quarter to lead 34-28 at ha If time TWO FREE THROWS by Kennedy with 127 left before the half gave Ladywood its first lead, 29-28. Kennedy and Knittel led Ladywood's late first-half surge with six points apiece. Adams ended tbe half, converting a three-point shot at the buzzer "Without Jenny Kennedy we wouldn't have gone this far," Bechard said "She and Yvonne have brought us this far. She doesn't score as much, but she controls our offense and defense She's an excellent captain." Jamula led Center with 18 points (five below her average), but she made only five of 19 shots from the field. Center Jennifer Miller contributed 14 points and sophomore guard Helena Guth added nine. Ladywood made its first four shots of the second half snd opened up a commanding 51-34 lead after three quarters. The closest Center got after that was seven points. 5012, when Jamula converted a three-point play wtth 1:46 left "Our main goal was to frustrate her," Bechard said. "We wanted her to shoot farther ont We felt If we could take her out of her game. we could take the big player (Miller) out of the game, too." The Plymouth Canton boys basketball team could walk into a room covered with peanut shells and not make a sound. With little fanfare and dazzle, the Chiefs got down to business Friday in their 55-46 victory over visiting Brighton in the season opener. Canton moved slower than a caterpillar with arthritic knees in the first half. Then the Chiefs opened up for an 18-point outburst in the third quarter that sent the wind out of the Bulldogs like an untied balloon. Yet the Chiefs' comeback featured methodical, well-executed basketball. All of a sudden, after being down by nine points in the first quarter, Canton was threatening to blow out the Bulldogs. And doing most of tbe executing was the lanky, yet graceful 6-foot-5 Brian Paupore. The senior forward was 6-of-10 from the floor in the second half and connected for 10 points in the third quarter alone, finishing with a gamehigh 24. But before nominations go out for Paupore for mayor, keep in mind that others certainly had a hand in this win. "Our bench has always had depth in the past," Canton coach Tom Niemi said. "It's a total team effort" For example, there was Geoff Allen who came off the bench. The score book doesn't have him down for a single point in the game. But in the Rocks edge past Trojans on road Jeff Elliott kicked off his senior year of basketball Friday night by tossing in a career-high 27 points as Plymouth Salem opened with a 6859 victory at Trenton. The Rocks, who were outscored by 11 at the free-throw line, and the host Trojans were tied at half time (31-31) before Salem pulled in front 48-44 after three periods and outscored Trenton 20-15 in the finale. "It was ugly but we won," coach Bob Brodie said. "We had a difficult time getting oo track. It was an aggressive game with a lot of fouls." The Trojans went to the line 30 times and made 18 free throws. Salem was 7-of-13. The Rocks had trouble getting the ball inside early as Trenton packed in its defense. Elliott, however, countered by scoring 18 of his points, which included three triples, in the second half. The 6-foot-2 Elliott was one of the players moved from guard to forward this year. But when guard Craig Marshall got in foul trouble. Elliott went back to his old position where be had good reults. "He got a few nice offensive rebounds for putbacks early," Brodie said, "and be was making a lot of outside jumpers for us in tbe second half." Sophmore center Jake Baker scored 12 points — 10 in the first half — and pulled down eight rebounds. Junior guard Jeff Gold added 10 points. Trenton was led by Mark Schultz with 15 points and Jeff Neckel with 10. PLY. CHRISTIAN 41, FAIRLANE 35: The Eagles avenged last year's loss to Fairlane Christian with their victory Friday night at Stevenson Junior Higb. Senior Kyle Mavin, a 5-foot-11 center, led the way with 16 points and 18 rebounds. Bryan Davies was next with seven points. "It was a team effort," Plymouth coach Dan Brandel said. "(His teammates) had to get him tbe ball. He posted up and took it to them." Fairlane was led by Matt Hill, who scored 13 points. Please turn to Page 3 Mustangs topple Tech quarter — helped Marian take a 2610 halftime lead. Tbe Mustangs started the second half by throwing away two passes against the Technicians' re-energized press. After a Marian timeout Olden took tbe sting out of Techs' press by breaking it with a long pass to Jennifer Shasky, who scored By Mike Roeenbeum staff writer It seems to get easier for Birmingham Marian every year The Mustangs won their third straight Class A regional title on Thursday. 52-36, over Detroit Cass Tech at Berkley. Marian. 24-1. meets Livonia Ladywood — a team it has defeated twice this season in Catholic League competition — at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Southfield-Lathrup in the state quarterfinals. Should tbe Mustangs win that game, they will advance to the prestigious Class A Final Four this weekend in Grand Rapdis. Although the Mustangs' never led by less than 15 points in the second half, bead coach Mary LilUe-Clcerone said "It seemed like a barnburner to me. I was nervous throughout the whole game " The Technicians, who finished 144, gave the Mustanp — who like to press the opposition into turnovers — a taste of their own medicine Cass Tech used a full-court trapping press, something Marian's players have only faced in practice Marian had some trouble with the press "We choked a bit at times, " said Lillie-Cicerone. But that only served to keep the score spectable, because the played superior defense. Marian kept Tack's star Sherenda Mayo, away from the basket and forced the Technicians to shoot from outside. Marian also grabbed S6 steals, including a school 14 by Basel Olden Moat of girls basketball Marian then became the defensive aggressor. For the rest of the game, they constantly went after the ball, forcing turnover or jump-ball situations, keeping Tech off-balance and away from the basket to maintain their solid lead. Marian kept Tech's star center, Sheronda Mayo, away from the basket and forced the Technicians to shoot from outside. Marian also grabbed 96 steals, including a school record 14 by Hazel Olden. Marian's lead reached 22 points Is the quarter before Tech came back to brim It to 40-25 going Into tbe final period. Three different Mustangs Sba^y with. A a r p pi earty in the fourth quarter. IssiMng to two baskets and two free throws by the Olden's steals were not from the press, but from the half-court date come oet of la front of s Tech pass then, pushing or pssstng the ball down court IM lend and took a 14-4 the second quarter. After two free throws by Mayo made It 14-4, Marian b a a full-oourt. The Marian slowed the tempo Is the final forcing Tech to fouL The by Utting throws la gin grew 221 left sight of the quai to 2) p after first 11 free led all steals. Patty Boyle sisals and flee six steals while five assists. Mayo taltted II 2QP.C> OA£ Monday. D e c e m b e r 5. 1966 Monday. D e c e m b e r 5. 1 M 0 Chargers on roll S'craft escapes with 1-point win • Livonia Churchill completed a successful week of hockey Friday, routing Milford lakeland. 10-1, at Eddie Edgar Arena. In previous games last week, tbe Chargers (S-l overall) defeated .Southfield Lathrup on Thursday. 0-5, and Milford oo Wednesday. 9-2. In Friday's win over lakeland. Russ MacDooald, Derek Lucas and Joe Ahmet collected two goals each. Kevin Coffey, Mike Kneiding. Jamie J Gustkey and Chris Prayer had one goal apiece. Churchill led lakeland, 0-1, after two periods. •«- The Chargers had to rally Thursday to beat Lathrup. Kneiding's goal • with approximately four minutes left capped a three-goal third-period • surge. Churchill trailed S-3 entering the final period and at one time was .behind 5-1. * Ahmet had the hat trick for Churchill and Knettling. Durham and Jeff Rheaume collected the other soals for tbe Chargers. Jason Devlin played tbe enure way in goal for ChurchilL • Churchill routed Milford behind another three-goal performance from Ahmet Kneiding added two goals. Jeff Pendell, Kevin Coffey, Russ Macr Donald and Bob Summerville had one tally each. Pendell also contributed four assists. Devlin started in tbe nets for Churchill but gave way to Ian Icenbower midway through tbe game. R E D F O R D OC S. P I O N E E R 0: Jim Hobenscbmidt s c o r e d t w o goals s o d Paul Pirrooello added o n e Wednesday, leading tbe Shamrocks (2-0) to tbe win at r Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor. Goalkeeper J i m Dietrich stopped all 19 Piooeer shots to record tbe shutout Pirrooello's goal, assisted by Keith Bazyk, g a v e CC a 1-0 lead a f t e r o o e period. Scott Lock assisted on both of Hubenscbmidt's second-period goals, tbe first o o e . c o m i n g on a power play. P i r r o o e l l o also had an assist oo Hnbenschmidt's power play tally. L S T E V E N S O N 2 6 , S O U T H F I E L D 1: N o typos in thai scoreline. folks. Livonia Stevenson e a s i l y handled Southfield Thursday at Eddie Edgar Arena, winning its first P r e p Suburban Hockey League g a m e by an embarassing count Tbe win improved S t e v e n s o o ' s o v e r a l l record a t 1-}. Maybe Southfield should d r o p t b e sport? Josh Clark scored f i v e t i m e s for tbe Spartans and John Labodie scored four goals. Matt Cichy, John Brodhun and Kris Johnson all had hat tricks for Stevenson. Schoolcraft College got its first test of the women's basketball season Wednesday, and tbe Ocelots managed a passing grade. Coach Jack Grenan's undefeated ballclub, which woo its first five games by at least 15 points, held off Delta College for a 67-46 victory in Schoolcraft's home opener. Schoolcraft, 1-0 in tbe Eastern Conference and 6-0 overall, was down 36-34 at ha If time but had a 6663 lead with 50 seconds left to play. Delta, however, grabbed three successive rebounds, and Ronnie Evans made a J-pointer to tie with 48 remaining. The Ocelots worked the ball until Michelle Dyksinski was fouled, and she made the front end a 1-and-l to notch the game-winning point with 15 seconds oo the clock. "We did not play well at all," said Grenan, adding Schoolcraft allowed too many fast-break layups. "Did you ever see people with cement shoes? That's the way we played. "We're looking at this game as a loss and thinking we need to bounce back," he added. Darlene Bazner and Lisa DePlanche scored 13 points apiece, and the latter also had nine rebounds. Plymouth Salem product Barb Krug Amy Wazny scored a game-high 19 points and Meriesa Herbert scored 15 for previously unbeaten Delta. 0-1 and 4-1. "On the positive side, no matter what happened we hung in together, and the bench helped us win tbe game," Grenan said. He added tbe Ocelots overcame having an injured starter on the sideline and two others foul out SC M E N 82, SIENA HTS. J V 7 2 : On Wednesday, Royal Oak Shrine High School product Ed Hudson poured In 22 points to lead the Schoolcraft College men's t e a m to a victory against tbe host Siena Heights College junior varsity. Tbe O c e l o t s trailed 11-4 in tbe e a r l y going, but took a 39-30 h a l f t i m e advantage SC then opened things up in tbe second half, leading by as many as 18 points before c o a s t i n g home. Rob Harmon, a Bishop Borgess product, added 17 points, while A1 Hudson (Romulus) chipped in with 10. D a m e o o Smith (also of Borgeas) grabbed nine rebounds. SC shot 56 percent from the floor and m a d e 19 of 25 free throws. Siena Heights relied oo three-point shooting, making eight of 19 beyond tbe Continued from Papa 1 ' Junior Steve Geddes can swim the backstroke, breaststroke or freestyle, and junior Andy Lang Is a distance freestyler. Wellman would like to see Lang improve upon his lOtb-place finish in the 500 freestyle. Sophomores David Nevi, in tbe butterfly and freestyle, and Ron Trosiri, in the breaststroke, are up-and-coming prospects, too. "(Nevi) is right there with all the other butterfliers except Bryce," Wellman said. "(Trosin) came on well last year and looks to be starting off where he finished." Tbe Chiefs qualified for slate in the medley relay, and they should be just as good in that event since three of the four swimmers return. Swartzwelter (back), Homan (breast) and Anderson (fly) are the holdovers, and Timberlake b apt to replace the graduated Justin LaBond as the freestyler. Wednesday December 7, 7:30 p.m. For Tickets Call 927-1700 0 & E S p o r t s — m o r e than j u s t the scores • 0 NOTICE O F P U B L I C SALE CITY O F PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN that pursuant to S t a t e Law 257.252, the following item will be sold at public sale at BAB Towing, 934 Ami Arbor Road. Plymouth, Michigan, on Mooday. D e c e m b e r 12, 1988 at 11:30 a.m.: ASSEMBLED T R A I L E R PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE CITY O F PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY. D E C E M B E R 14.1*88 Inquiries regarding this trailer should be addressed to Officer Steven Hunder-smart: Plymouth Police Department, at 453-6600. LINDA J. LANG MESSEH, Deputy City Clerk Pnbluk Decanter 5. 1SU • l A regular meeting of tbe Planning Commission will be held oo Wednesday, I - D e c e m b e r 14, 1968 at 7:30 pan. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall to I consider the following: NR-68-29 1165 Starkweather - Site P l a n R e v i e w - Automobile Radiator S e r v i c e Facility. Zooed B-2 Central Business. A p p l i c a n t BAL Radiator. ;r^All interested persons a r e invited to attend. rs.ua it. The winter forecast is for savings. Ariens S T 2 + 2 S t a n d a r d S n o thro is n o w on sale. This efficient t w o - s t a o e S n o - T h r o Is A m e r i c a ' s # 1 rated c o m p a c t s n o w b l o w e r according t o a leading c o n s u m e r publication. 30650 Plymouth road Ifronto 422-1000 "homaof ofcMaahkxwd service' oak cupboard doors In nine sizes from SAVE $50 NOW '479 to as large as 12V4" x 16®" 15Vfc" x 28Vfc" O l2Q*9 @ '2610 • 2-stage power - throws snow 3" to 25' • Sett-propelled action • 20" snow clearing width • 5 year limited warranty =932015 make your old kitchen look new again with... d r d a . Ths JV t e a m m a d e just four at eight f r e e throws. T b a kids played hard, a very physical HEATING • COOLING • PLUMBING ^EDFSTOLE REG. $ 5 2 9 • 5 year limited warranty PREHOLIDAY SPECIALS! 'zr.zr 532-2160 532-5646 SCRATCH and DENT FURNACE SALE WAS NOW ONLY! $25500 • Sizes vary b e t w e e n 50,000 thru 150,000 • Air p r e p m o d e l s available • Carry full CARRIER warranty • Prices vary on e x t e n t of d a m a g e • In-stock quantities only! I INSTALLATION AVAILABLE 1 SAVE $50 $ O W 769* REQ. $819 • • • • Sun Visors Tattgsts Protectors Step Bumpers Tonneeu Covers • • • • 4x4 Access DursHners Running Boards Fog Lights • • • • Toot Boxes Grille Guards Bug Deflectors Swing Windows ti*si M c M 17V07S4 Resolution No. 86-11-29-44. Tbe Township Supervisor has presented a proposed 1989 General Fund Budget, together with Notes to the Budget, and WHEREAS. Public workshop Budget Meetings w e r e conducted and a Public Hearing has been conducted pursuant to law. and the Board being advised In tbe content: NOW. T H E R E F O R E . B E IT RESOLVED: That the General Fund Budget be adopted as an Activity Budget; and B E IT F U R T H E R RESOLVED: That tbe purchase of any item in excess of two-thousand dollars ($2,000.60) shall be first authorized by the Township Board of Trustees after consideration of public bids and quotes B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D That the Township hereby adopts tbe: 1. 1969 Budget foe D e p a r t m e n t of Public Works 2. 1969 Debt Service fund S. 1969 Township Improvement Revolving Fund The foregoing resolution was m o v e d by Mrs Brooks and supported by Mr. Horton. Roll C a l l Ayes: Hulsing. Brooks, Horton. Munfakh, Breen Nays: N o o e E x c u s e d Griffith. Stewart •A copy of tbe resolution is a f f i x e d to the official minutes WHEREAS. S O C C E R SIGN-UP In the first half, tbe Bulldogs could have set up a picnic table underneath the basket. Brighton appeared to score at will in the first eight minutes. Guard Kent Seckinger had the hot hand, netting a quick six points on layups. BILL BRESLER/«taft photographer Daryl M a g r e t a c o n t r i b u t e d five p o i n t s t o C a n t o n ' s s e a s o n - o p e n i n g victory, w h i c h s a w t h e ° f n m T t n < N o r e m b e r Coaches and parents of players in tbe Canton Soccer Club are requested to submit registration forms for the spring-1989 season as soon as possible. Completed forms may be returned to the coach or the Canton Township Recreation Office. They also can be mailed to the club at Box 87244, Canton, 48187. Registration forms are available at the recreation office Open registration will take place on Saturdays, Jan. 14 and 21, between 10 a j n . and 2 p.m. at the Canton Township Hall. Forms will not be accepted after March IS, 1989. The fee is 820 for returning players and pee-wee players, |S0 for premier and others who didn't play last fall. W e make it easy to get free checking. HAVE YOUR GIFTS PROFESSIONALLY WRAPPED USING BEAUTIFUL FOILS AND PAPERS. GIFT CARD FREE with each GIFT. Your Location or Ours CHRI8TMA8 Regular Checking Ai Standard Federal we know the money you usually spend on checking account charges and service fees could be put to far better use That's why our Regular Checking is so attractive. You only have to maintain a minimum balance of $250 for us to waive our $3 monthly service fee And, there are no per check charges Plus, when you open a new checking account, well also buy back the unused checks from your other bank at 5< per check up to $10.00, and give you 50 free checks with your first order Mrs- Hulsing m o v e d Resolution No. 66-11-29-41, approving the request f r o m "- • A c o p y at the r a e o t e t i o u ts a f f i x e d to the o f f i c i a l minutes R e q u e s t t o a c c e p t bids on i a i u u s t i ULUUU at g a r a g e area roof at Fire No. *• to*** r o o t Meks. Bids w e r e received on Mooday. November 26. 1666 Tbey AFC Things changed in the second half. Brighton's offensive attack dried up faster than spilled milk oo a desert CANTON S O C C E R Paganone, for up to a 16 d a y U i m Supported by M r s sr C h i e f s o v e r c o m e a slow s t a r t to d e f e a t B r i g h ton. INDOOR S O C C E R M r * H u U n g m o v e d to adopt the new P a r t Application F o r m s with continuous application numbers, a s w b m i t t e d . Supported by Mr Horton. Ayes, all It just shows what well do to keep you satisfied. •12,471.66 . 110,376 66 UMMN HM66 66 ^ «®d award tbe Md to R a y e o i * . to tbe amount of 116.176 66. for a by Mrs. freaks. A yea att. Offer expires 12-16-66 Prices may vary by So4d and Sarvtoad By: ^ L COMMUNICATIONS by Mr Munfakt Ayes all •t 6:46 pjn. by Mr. Q i l f n i h A y e s all AUTO SERVICE Wt • Engine Replacement • General Repairs • Towing Service SPECIALISTS toa G R A N D R I V E R R.V. > •« my ^ Z>y Z ' 1 / O O "We went with a trap in the second half." he said. "That was important We sort of crossed them up and closed down their inside game. Mrs. Hulsing m o v e d to not participate this year in tbe Michigan C o m m u n i t i e s of K r a w m i c E x c e l l e n c e Program, doe to lack of sufficient time to e f f e c t i v e l y m e e t tba deadline. Supported by Mr Griffith. Ayes: ell. * Mr. Griffith m o v e d to authorise tbe Township Attorney to draft an a m i c u s brief in r ^ - f u p p o r t o f a receiver being appointed to replace the current operation in the S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t Supported by Mr Munfakh Roll C a l l Ayes: Hulsing. Brooks. Griffith. Munfskk. Breen Nay*: Horton, Stewart M r Munfakh m o v e d to establish D e c e m b e r 13. 1966. for a public hearing for an Industrial F a c i l i t i e s Exemption Certificate for Toole©. Inc. Supported bv Mr Horton. A y e * all. ^ ** i m m * T>*i 4vrt7er*<«MMr Fast, Export InMUMon 264 2} Grand River, Red ford between Beech Daly A Inksrer • Supervisor Breen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. followed by the P l e d g e of Allegiance to tbe Flag. All m e m b e r s of the Board w e r e p r e s e n t Mrs. Hulsing m o v e d that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of N o v e m b e r 15. 1966, be approved as submitted. Supported by Mr. Munfakh. Ayes: all. Mr Munfakh m o v e d to approve p a y m e n t of the bills for November 1966. in the amounts of 9176,462.14 for General Fund. |6«.564.01 for Water 4 S e w e r malting a Grand Total of 6242,966.15. Supported by Mrs. Hulsing. Roll Call: Ayes: Hulsing. Brooks, Griffith, Horton, Munfakh. Stewart, B r e e n Nays: N o o e Mrs. Hulsing m o v e d to approve the revised agenda, dated November 28. 1986. as submitted. Supported by Mr. Horton. A y e s all. Mr. Stewart m o v e d to adopt Resolution No. 66-11-29-41. approving the application for an Industrial Facilities E x e m p t i o n Certificate for MLC Company. 14540 Jib Street, located In Metro West Industrial Park, Subdivision No. 3. Supported by Mrs Hulsing. Roll C a l l Ayes: Hulsing. Munfakh, S t e w a r t , Griffith. Breen Nays: Brooks, Horton *A copy of the resolution is a f f i x e d to the official minutes. Mr. Munfakh m o v e d to adopt Reeolutloo No. 66-11-29-42. approving the application for an Industrial Facilities E x e m p t i o n Certificate for Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc., located on Lot 24, Metro West Technology Park. Supported by Mrs. Hulsing. Roll Call: Ayes: Hulsing, Griffith, Horton. Munfakh. Stewart. Breen Nays: Brooks *A copy of the resolution is affixed to the official minutes. Trustees Stewart and Griffith asked to be excused from voting oo the 1969 Budget in a s much as they did not participate in the workshops. Mrs. Hulsing m o v e d to excuse Trustees Stewart and Griffith from voting on the 1969 Budget in accordance with the Charter Township Act. Supported by Mr Munfakh. Ayes: all. Mrs. Brooks read tbe following: OPTIONAL ELECTRIC STARTER AVAILABLE o^rtens a THEN THERE was Troy Waldron, who finished with 11 points for Canton. His twirling drive to the basket where he tossed in an underhanded layup from his belly button tied the score late in the second quarter. Brighton led 24-21 at the intermission. Waldron's bucket provided the spark for what was to come in the second half Until his basket, tbe Chiefs showed little life. Canton trailed Brighton by nine points in tbe first quarter and was turning over tbe ball like the Hare Krishnas passout flowers in airports. Things came together, though Niemi put his finger on part of the reason. Anyone interested in playing indoor soccer may call 397-1000 or 455-6620 between 10 a.m. and 4 pjn. daily prior to Saturday, Dec. 24. CHARTER TOWNSHIP O F PLYMOUTH BOARD O F T R U S T E E S - REGULAR M E E T I N G TUESDAY. N O V E M B E R 29, 1988 7:30 P.M. C N third quarter, there was Allen with five assists JUNIOR BASKETBALL Tbe Canton Soccerdome is accepting second-session team registrations. The session begins Tuesday, Jan .3. and is open to youth and adult teams. Tbe entry deadline is Thursday, Dec. 29. Tbe coat is 1600 per team for eight games. For information call 4635624 between 2-9 p.m. weekdays or noon-6 p.m. oo weekends. • *«32020 Opeonal h e e d ^ M shown Continued from Paoe 1 Ninth- through 12th-grade boys and girls can sign up to play in the Plymouth-Canton Junior Basketball Association between 9 a.m and noon on Saturday, Dec. 10, at Piooeer Middle School, located oo Ann Arbor Road. Tbe season starts in January. • 50,000 BTU INPUT BOWLING CHAMP Cheryl Stipcak of Canton woo her second straight Midwestern Women Bowlers title last mootb at Fiero Lanes in Pontine. Stipcak was third in the position round, but she rolled a 235 and picked up SO bonus pins to pans Alice Whitford (Mount Clemens) and Sandy Fuerst (St. Clair Shores) and enter tbe step-ladder finals as the topseeded bowler. Whitford defeated Fuerst 207-182, and Stipcak rolled 230 to beat Whitford, who had 202. It was Stipeak's fourth MWB victory. The next tournament will be at Luxury Lanes in Ferndale and is open to any women bowlers. • $ 4 2 9 0 0 STOCK Custom Truck Accessories STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday... 9-7 Saturday 9-4 Sunday CLOSED • of tbe tfcaQart*s Office. m M A— Aibar Bsnd. awalttog approval by Ike Beard at tba December 16,16M. Tbey may be rand at any Urn* dertaw 2011 Lotx Md. CANTOM 981-5599 sne« .1 i I t (P.C»C Chiefs succeed in season debut r COrd r t a r d l n * - * « P « i U « » of Finance Director. that this individual have a degree in finance and have several y e a r s experience in that type of position. Buy a sale-priced Ariens S T 5 2 4 - T h r o P o w e r e d with a 5 h p engine. This t w o - s t a g e s n o w blower c l e a r s a 2 4 " p a t h to m a k e clearing your driveway e a s i e r . • 2-stage power - throws snow 3" to 25' • 4 forward speeds and Quality Truck Covers game," said 8C coach D a v e B o g a U j . whose t e a m is 3-5 o v e r a l l "We w e r e able to get tbe ball inside and gat to the line." B E R G S T R O M ' S INC. UNIVERSITY of DETROIT vs. EASTERN MICHIGAN Canton veteran squad "WE HAVE A number of kids we can move in and out depending on the situation," Wellman said. Tbe freestyle relay might be another matter since the Chiefs were hit hard by the graduation of Mike Lustig, Tom Hone, Jim Riemenschneider and LaBond. r£Tbe swimmers who do win tbe spots on that relay "are going to have to work real hard to place at the conference meet," Wellman said. would like to see tbe relay finish at least fourth in the WLAA and for state. There is added incentive for tbe eventual relay members tbey will break tbe school record (2:23.04) by meeting tbe state cut 1.29). added 12 points and led with 10 caroms, and Dyksinski chipped in 10 rebounds. Q4,E £ Standard Federal road. Tbe Bulldogs were held to only three field goals in the final eight minutes. The team's other six points came OBTfree throws. Forward Greg Pawelski lead the Bulldogs with 16 paints, six of these oo free throws. Seckinger was held to a field goal in the secood half after scoring three in the first quarter. PAUPORE FOUND his touch from tbe floor Tike rest of the team followed suit Aaron Adkins scored five points in the third quarter. Daryl Magreta was another S-point shooter off the bench for Canton. Tbe Chiefs were definitely a welloiled piece of machinery in the second half. "I was real pleased with the patience and poise we showed in the secood half." Niemi said. Paupore was patient and displayed a lot of poiae In addition to his 24 points, be brought down 11 rebounds Center Fernando Johnson also had eight rebouxwte Paupore also set up his teammates with crisp passes. But unless you glanced at a scorebook. his 24-point performance might come as a surprise "He's so smooth, you don't notice him," Niemi said. "He was unselfish tonight He was giving the ball to other players all night He really helped us there." >*<P,C.R.W.Q-4C) O&E Monday. December 5. 1968 *KT Mon0«y, December S.-H988 QAE V V • A L • U M T A N N I M C AND NAIL SALON "TAN WfTMOUT BURNING" y NAIL ART • MANICURES PEDICURES • and NAIL EXTENSIONS SOLID H I S , r Easy Do-lt-Yourself Installation | Chrome Frame '83.88 Gold Anodized *99.97 ^ M I R R O R E D DOOA DOUBLE TOWSL SA* Chrome Frame '137.50 Gold Anodized '149.97 EUROPEAN LACE CURTAINS Featuring Gingerbread House. Hearts A Flowers and Goose Pattern Runners and Doilies $2»s t CHRISTMAS ± TREES 2 FT. • 3 FT. 6% FT. DtSCOUMT PRICES 31104 5 Mile • Livonia • 422-7177 ( M e m - F i r e PLaia) M a a . - T h a n . 10-6, Frt. l#-7. SaL 10-S 20 INCH SILK CHRI8TMA8 BONSAI WREATH Reg. $19.95 OSTlJ*, TREES MANY SIZES M AMD TYPES LOW PRICES OTHER SIZES ALSO — SILK PLANTS, SILK TREES S HANGING POIN8ETTIA 18 HEADS PLANTS MAKE EXTRA LARGE '^PQBP GREAT SURER LOW ^ | g s r PRICES CHRISTMAS GIFTS OTHER SIZES ALSO^» *14 l.v HUMMEL FIGURINES plus BELL SET • PLATE SETS 0 % O F F Any Selection • With This Ad STANDARD BEA UTY SUPPL Y 25505 W. 7Mile ___ Rcdford 255-2730 It's at 20% • • • • CHRISTMAS m STOCK - 50% O F F S t o r e is C o l o r C o o r d i n a t e d T h o u s a n d s of Rolls In S t o c k R o o m Displays Decorating Service j ! e L & e / e j < A / While-U-Wait FLOATING HEART p W/COUPON No P « « K . « N f ( n u n 1 CT/T.W. LADIES DIAMOND RING E i p i m 11-14 aa | $499 Westland Crossing Shopping Center • N. E. Comer of W«yn« snd Warren 34658 WARREN RD MMtcrCkrd >Nlei.-lMIMNmIv ; "J" COUPON 1 STEEL LAV SINKS ] 19" OR 20" * m $24881 W H I T E » • I Reg. '35.88 | Coupon Expires | _ ]2-1_2-88_ _ P h o n e 425-1505 I • "ARTY gume ' ' • — 1 FREE PA8TY WTTH PURCHASE Of FOUR At Regular Price Good inru 1-5-89 Lm l H 1 coupon p«r customer (He* good *tth any Ottwr dMcourrU! ! our 1st Anniversary tLhi iec w e ee*k. o f D e c e m b e r 5 t h - 1 0 t h we • A l l T e a c h e r Workbooks A T I R ' All Science K i t s (JR R • A l l Childrens Models • A l l C h i l d r e n s Books • All Stickers 20% (?%€AUvc (?<vutcnA 3 3 3 0 5 G r a n d River • F a r m i n g t o n § " /'* »/ • i% Christmas * L» Gift FREE*! i _ ! | PARTY SUBS *5.00 OFF 8 Foot S u b •2.50 OFF 3 Foot S u b Good thru 1-5-89 Urn" 1 coupon par customer (Not good witti any o f f w dwcountal Layaway SAVE A 40%-60% Off Retail 14 Kt Gold Chains. Charms. Bracete S a v e an Additional on G e m s t o n e Rings, Earrings and Pendants 4 7 7 - 4 2 4 5 - W E D D I N G Save on Lucien Piccard Watches BREAKFAST FOR TWO Receive two of our Breakfast Specials. Reg. Sl.99eecti. 2 eggs, bacon or sausage, haah browns and toast. (No Substitutions) COUPON eooo mm aj*.-1t«0 urn. Man. own Frt NO CARRY-OUTS - KVERAOC NOT MCUIOCO W»aa l> ••• i Coupon Ww On.^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . C o u p o n expires Deoember 21. 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 9 N. W a y n e R o a d Open Oaey 8 a_m. to «h30 p-m. Between Cherry Ha & Ford 7 2 1 - 3 7 4 3 A ANY WILD • Unity C a n d l e s . 15 Styles *pllCK4U4f • G»ke Tops, including lighted t o p s ' f u l l line of P r e c i o u s M o m e n t s S h o w e r I n v i t a t i o n s \ L A N E S BIRD Bridal A c c e s s o r i e s We specialize in HUSH ORDERS at NO EXTRA CHARGE/ Authorized Precious Moments Dtaler DOG AND ^ CAT BEDS IN STOCK Cux\As 6209 Middlebelt - Garden City 421-1086 C L O S E D FOR INVENTORY % 25th thru Jan. 2,1989 TT<vf^~ (Over 40 Styles • To Choose From) ! WITH COUPON i Large Assortment A WITH COUPON 12-31-68 asiA j3 10% OFFii 1 0 % OFF? 8 : 4 5 P.M. 'TIL 4 : 0 0 A . M . 1st Place Guaranteed *400.00 Party Favors, Buffet, Door Prizes *50 per coup* N • DOG & CAT TOYS BEDS • STOCKINGS TREATS•LEASHES • SWEATES AND MUCH MORE! Bridal Bags & G a r t e r s W e d d i n g Keepsake Albums 4 Ouesr Books • Anle Runtwrs »2 M CAKE A CANBV MAklKiS SUPPLIES.. MOLDS - CANDY- FLAVORINGS HOMEMADE CANDY MADE DAILY... TURTLES • CARAMELS • NUTS featuring CANDY TRAYS Filled With Our Delicious Homemade Candy SMALL TRAY LARGE T R A Y *20.00 * 35.00 Great for Hostess Gift or Office Party' 558 F A R M E R • P L Y M O U T H • 453-3132 Located In Connie's Catering PETS! tt"e a/so have discounts on: • Crhannaprif h a m p a g n e T o aTri s ta i nvri g rc* G l aC\la* sses 9 PIN N O - T A P M I X E D D O U B L E S NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY P I E S C h o c o l a t e ^ S t a t i o n VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY CANDY NEEDS! HAS EVERYTHING \ FOR YOUR «sasm£[ 10% S Chap's F e e d Store FESTIVAL- Why pay full price tor your wldding invitations at Bridal Boutiques and print shops* We have the same high quality invitations at a full 25 % D I S C O U N T ! ^ Available — presents — H O L I D A Y — 8 t ' P a s t r y S h o p BIRTHDAY CAKES CANNOLIS LAYER CAKES CREAM PUFFS DANISH PASTRIES BREAD & ROLLS PIES • COOKIES ECLAIRS COUPON 1 I During Grand Opening Dec. 5th t h r u Dec. 10th | FREE LOAF BREAD BAKER'S DOZEN I With purchase of 1 loaf bread Buy 12 Doughnuts, get 11 9 _ 2^2 JL ! FREE Oou^hnut_*2_-85 _j 3 5 8 5 1 F O R D RD. • W E S T L A N D - 7 2 2 - 8 3 9 0 (2 Blks. West of Wayne Road) HOURS: 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon.-Sat.» Closed Sunday DRAKESHIRE SHOPPING PLAZA 351 IS GRAND RIVER FARMINGTON. MI 4S024 MERRI B O W L 12-31-88 i WE CARRY A COMPLETE LME OF FEEDS i SUPPLIES FOR MOST : OF YO s PETS MEEDS FROM HAMSTERS TO HORSES! i 29216 F I V E M I L E s s Monday (Just E. of Middlebelt) • s thru LIVONIA s Saturday 9-7 421-4700 ^Amgl^aricln^n^ M ? MoiKlay Hour* Mon-Frt a-7 Sat B-« Sun 12-4 I' HAIRCOnCEPIS r i FAMi_Y HAIR STYLING i • GET READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS WITH lHAMKSOl V1MG SPECIAL! OUR S PERMS^ 25 :;NEXXUS (LONG HAIR A LITTLE EXTRA) WTTH COUPON THRU 12-17-88 Appointment! recommended but mat ntctusrj 16364 Middlebelt • Terrence Comers • Livonia 422*5730 • ' {5 blocks ^ of 6 Mi*) M-W-F 9-6. Tu 9-8; Th 10-8. Sa 9-4 * SNAPPER P R N S GYMNASTIC CENTER H K : M the R O C K E R . . . • COMPLETE STYLING SALON FALL SPECIALS AGE 2 THROUGH ADVANCE TEAM #ym wmtyom cMtta* totmm s HI-LITES* PERMS ACRY Reg $4100 MANICURES Reg 3 00 •5°® O F F 110 00 •10.00 OFF Womens Include, HAIRCUTS Ha/nut and Reg tX 00 i 00 Complete Style 5 OFF hrW< MEN S HAIRCUT & STYLE Hunu A CtmtU- UjU I O00 J4367 PLYMOUTH ROAD • LIVONIA4 2 7 - 8 2 2 8 CLASSES IN: E-SCHOOL GYMNASTICS • MOVEMENT EDUCATION AS WELL AS ADVANCED TEAM TRAWWO • R I M Q I I I AO FOR S O * W P U C T I O H OH - • M U S H I P P l l « 149 G ^ Other Rockers Starting at 110 ' i\ M sues Ptymqedi mj% Uk. KaNafMiiiliiiii e HOURS: NEW HOURS MON.-FRL ^ i n B H A l y r mon. PRL r w m SAT MUN SAT. *00-S 00 CLOSED SUNDAY n ncrn cinmav — CLIP A SAVE —i* VALUABLE COUPON , 5 0 0 mis »tol.TW. F» I«s-»rd iutUmJmim Wan .JOIaatasaa OFF C A R D S HARDEN SOLID OAK PRE-HOLIDAY CLEARANCEI! 3 5 % OFF ALL HARDEN THE R I G H T C H O I C E FOR W I N T E R . FAUCETS AND ACCESSORIES IN STOCK! JULimnaum •999 FINANCE s O F F PARTY - a 38424 WEBB DRIVE (At John Hlx) WESTLAND- 722-8470 Choosing the right snowthrower Is Owning a SNAPPER Is easy too! No down easy SNAPPER has combined all payment and OX interest wlm popular features Into just SNAP-CREDIT MrVe the right one single-stage unit. y—r7r» choice, get a Snapper 4 A Favorite for Ctiristmas I GYMNASTIC TRAINING Introducing: Fuller O'Brien line of paints and stains at CANTON STORE ONLY! A FUN PLACE TO SHOP AND SAVE! BATHROOM 10 or more people »• Offer expires 1-1-89 r COMBINATION J a m e s t o w n Line — Original Thirteen Colonies Heritage 6 %fii|ity'sFlsl*- • CARDS ALWAYS 50% OFF • UMQUE GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Gifts and Christmas Accessories For Everyone i 40%* EL I ANY O N * GIFT ITEM j TN tNe coupon «aw«». IS-SMS | mrHa L*T mtw.J j NEW MUaSt JOANNA ——«».. CU8TOM 25% to 4 0 % »oljs SHADES I OPEN 7 DAYS MON.-PRL MM SAT. 8-4 SUN. 11-4 UVOMA G R A N D ^ O P E N I N G E J*K5E8 bakery Sale ! 6 9 M • M19 15 Reg *99 00 - "199 00 Sold by Gram Wetghi BREAKFAST LUNCHES • DINNERS (5LAZ0S 9ESrAURANr P L Y M O U T H CARPET S E R V I C I N G . L L O % O F F i — [ ^ ^ T H B OOLP MINRTFSF* W 'pi-. § h o p p c T>* 9- 473-5925 L • U • P e r a o r u U i e d S'*pk.r.4 i M i t c h e s • Artcnd«nt Gifts • Car DecoratKJrvi ORDER YOUR N 427-4330 FOR S P E E D Y S E R V I C E C A L L A H E A D ! Serging - Binding - Repairs 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE .. Ed Soteau, »| C O Owner U P O "KKS, LIVONIA (lorm«r1y Sawrmlt40bi 16709 Middlebelt (k King, Mo. IXmn. S 0> • UMt 722-7827 Expert Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specializing in Orientals, Braided, Decorator & Wool Rugs 1175 STARKWEATHER • PLYMOUTH GARDEN CITY WE8TLAND 6024 N. Wayne (InWNMMPhi r Murray's Otaoount Auto) Center Cdnlox • 455-9440 , • 522-5633 G.irC_>r. • 422-3888 • • • • • • • • • • Sabs • Pasties* Salads C r e a t i v e Corners of L e a r n i n g I n v i t e s y o u t o join us in c e l e b r a t i n g \ REMOUNTS & REPAIRS i ^ F R E E h k *43#7 «8720 453-7450 B r o w s e r s Welcome • B u y e r s A d o r e d Choose from over 200 pieces , e e e e e e e • MATHIS0N HARDWARE 28243 P l y m o ' i t h 31535 F o r d Rd. 6130 C a n t o n W fLTMOUTW WO n auL WOT Q» WKSTIW IU Mil <73>7«OUTHnbO|3aLKSM OF11MU)M IT1T m-mt uticaitjmmo - OPEN 8UNDAY, 1 ^ PEERLESS SHOWER STALL FAUCET Reg. *58.00 Chrome Frame '149 Gold AnoNtzed '166.88 V • A • S NAUTILUS BATH FAN NO.NMI $1488 TUB ENCLOSURES CON DESIGM MO^FGLA V1 OFF 8PECIAL SILK POWSETnA-ja^ Rag. $5.95 jgdEI ' S - -COUPON TtMKKD GLASS DOUBLS TOWEL SAM T A B L E S AND C H A I R S Beautifully Hand Finished (Specializing in Custom Matching) Oak Furniture & Accents N (ONE I PIECE 'TOILET White *229 Bone Bon© *299 Color Less Seat v Coupon Expires 12-12-66 ' Coupon Expires 12-12-88 OAK Hiokie O ISTEEL BATH TUBS< ! ^ B e a u t y W a r e j SILHOUETTE. Get the HOLIDAY LOOK right down lo yourfingertip*!Many Designs to Choose from or one of your own I 722-4677 T COUPON r Put a Gift of Summer Sun Under the Tree -GIFT CERTIFICA TES A VAILABLE2390 S. WAYNE ROAD WESTLAND A E NOM-WMUCaWTEW TAUmUCIAJKS Snapper Power Equipment/! Hurry! Offer Ends Soon. DtvWon ct Fuguo Industries. CANTON HAMVMD SQUAW CCWTVM •maHaDcwMOAO mm PLYMOUTH ROAD UVOMA 525-0980 InCe i Lawn Care a'1999 32104 PLYMOUTH ROAO , 4 f mr" »r, LIVONIA • 4?1 6070 HOURS 10 f Daily 1?-S Sunday 124 N LAFAYETTE SOUTH LYON* 43/ 1590 " y r fi %jtnrH y CHERRY FURNtTURI J * ALL CHRISTMAS ¥ * TREE ^ 1 ORNAMENTS m MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM SALE ENDS DECEMBER 30. 1988 MATHISON'S D HARDWARE ft BATH 8HOPPE ^-Y MHPFCANFII* HMNNIM IDICaMaaCaaNr . .1" . c UVOMA OAMMNCITY CANTON SAT. 9-0 . SUN. 12-4 ; 25% OFF * Cerds* Wraps * • Balloons • Sports r >18-* - W®dd.nfl A Party * invitations • Lay-A-W• y * * v* «•* »*• » * * * >+ » • A M A T H I S 0 N HARDWARE ! Monday. Daoambar 5. 19M C L A 6 6 I F I E D ADVERTISING •74 Marcury 871 OktemoM* T - 8 M 0 1888- Turbo may loadad. 7 MOS old. 7.000 maaa. >14.000 540-2130 LN7 1863-aiacA. S . M a w m M a looka g o o d runa una good, »6t 8686 CUTLASS 1877. V-8. r w i a waa. aa. graal tiraa. M M r u a t g o o d c«n(8tion >800 8284028 TEMPO 1946 - GL. 4 door 5 apaad 49.000 m M a . a m - l m caaaatta. n o ruM. >3800 421-4816 manor Bk. naw Jonday oMy LN7 1983 CUTLASS. 1878 SUPREME V6. eu•tic. powar w i n d o w , klocka H I . 41.286 mflaa Muat aaa Monday/Thuraday 8 - 8 JEFF BENSON CAR C O 582-7011 TEMPO 1968 GL. 4 door automat C. air. atarao caaaatta. 28,000 maaa >5500 937-3299 644-1070 Oakland County 591-0900 Wayne County 088-3222 Rochester/Rochester Hills immacuiala. 87000 or • o r * . na 528-37 M O R E MICHIGAN'S LARGEST AUDI DEALER DAYTONA IMS 9 TurtW. p o r t a b o n >878. CLASSIFIEDS Must M * 14300 or M M oMar. 4S8-3S58 or 422-44B8 This classification . .i J « i i C COOIUHMO ii or™ n r . OAYTONA. i s s 7 N r . - a n a l t l . vary c M n M M 280-0224 A u d i R A M SO. 18S7. 8 *>or«a package 5 n M a Mual eaa. a p t s d . 22.000 963-2743 86.800 U 7 5 0 or 844-7 >67 LANCER. 1885 E8 TurtM. Loadad. prt0adt0MB.S4.84S P l y m o u t h Rd. - Juat Waal d 1-27S TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED C A R S 353-1300 s USED CARS The Area's largest used car d««l«r for high quality and unbelievable pricae! 437-4872 O M N I 1878. 74,000 maea Oood t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , aaklng 1850 484-8377 S 981-4873 ESCORT S T . 1887 - Loedad. E*cat1am condition. Undar 31.000 mBaa Undar warranty O o n ' l warn to aafl. Out must $7300 387-1374 LTD 1975 58.000 original aC. aome ruM Oood tranaportauon $550 Daya. 453-4141. Other. 237-7740 LTD, 1877. A M F V I Power iteenrvg 8 Drakea I W « J | M $600 536-7786 DOWN!* ESCORTS 40 m Mock TEMPO'S Oood Sanction MUSTANG VAN CONVERSIONS Loaded from $9,995 4 WHEEL DRIVES t e TO CHOOSE • on approved cradlt pkje lax & l a g Extra on aeMct modeN. A U D I 90's 5 apaad. ak. caasstta. *53SO 1962 SAAB 9008 1985 BUICK SKYHAWK Automatic, air, • u n r o o f . 50.000 mSaa. 4 door, automatic, air. alarm. Must •5400 1987 NISSAN PULSAR NX-8E 1987 HONDA ACCORD LX 4 door, automatic, ak. fun power, real hBBury. Twin cam. 16 vatva. Ilka naw. 10,000 maea Phona: 4 5 3 - 3 6 0 0 ESCORT 1982 W a g o n Naw brakaa. battery, Urea ffcma g o o d l 1850 or M M otlar 642-0746 MUSTANG 1981 H a l c f t b a c * . 4 speed good condmon. naada a * fiauat d a m p . >1500 453-0814 ESCORT. 1982 Graal Ctvlatmaa gift tor OiM tavome N g h echool or o o M g a atudanl >800 Larry 761-3700 ESCORT - 1882 No fuel. aOck. 63.000 m M a . raM g o o d condition. t ' 650 arm. 537-S838 MUSTANG. 1883 GT, 5.0. Ml M a c * . 4 speed. T-topa. air 8 mora. 84.000 m M a . > 3 8 0 0 / M M Evea 473-4044 Mr. SUBARU AND JUSTYS FOR ALL ESCORT >3.500 or I for 3 y e a r s or 50,000 m i l e s * * FARMINGTON HILLS 471-0044 LX Hatchback. 3SS?5 MUSTANG 1966 LX Hatchback, 4 cy«ndar 4 apaad. r r n l M r Mua l o a d M . muat aMI >6.900 356-3467 MUSTANG. 1986 LX Automatic, av. daan. >4.996 GORDON CHEVROLET 427-6200 M U S T A N G 1986 >5,950 ESCORT MEL FARR FORD967-3700 "MSi ESCORT. 1847 GT Fu6y a q u l p p a d including air. ajica8ant c o m " " Or+f >6.996 STARK HICKEY FORD 588-817> ESCORT. 1887 >6.960 MUSTANG 1847 GT. 5 I p a a d 17.000 m M a . Loadadl T-topa. E * • l U n l l >10.900 or baa» 344-2281 MUSTANG. 1887 o r Fu«y loadad. low m M a . outstanding comJWont Pnoad l o aMI >8.886. STARK HICKEY FORD S38-4T78 MUSTANG, 1988 GT Automatic. Mr. T-topa. >12,986 North B r o t M r s Ford 421-1376 MUSTANG. 1968 9.000 m M a . 8ava >8.785 North Brothara Ford 421-1376 MEL FARR FORD967-3700 ESCORT. 1848 GT, 5 apaad. l o a d a d . pramlum aound ayatam. 17,600 444-4270 or 468-6433 >700 or < i ruat. w a M Coaat c a r . Evaa. 268-0787 PWTO 1840 tranarmaawn. _ rtor axlartor. g o o d mpg. ESCORT 1888. GT. k M y a q u l p p a d 663-1888 I n d u c i n g Mr. A m F m alarao. . 7.800 m M a . PROSE. 1989 G L Automatic. Mr. 348-7818 mora. 3.000 m M a . >13.385 North Brothara Ford 431-1378 ESCORT. 1968% L X Naw Body M y M Ju6y loadad. only 4.600 m M a . Loadad SignM 23100 Woodward 3 B l o c k s N o r t h of 9 Mile STARK MICKEY FORD >38-8178 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. MONDAY A THURSDAY O P E N LATE MON. & T H U R S . Until 9:00 P.M. MUSTANG. 18M t. automatic, brakaa. B c M air. ESCORT 1886. A i r f m . g o o d coodkllpn. >3.200 373-3863 ESCORT 1847 - S L . g o a d oondHlon. 26.000 m M a . a m - l m atarao. 8 4 4 0 0 364-4111 H0DGES-4-SUBARU G R A N D R I V E R A T 10 M I L E MUSTANG 1984 Sunroof A m F m c H u m ExoeBantf Powar brakeasteering O . 0 0 0 llrm 538-4566 MUSTANG. 1985 GT Convertible 5 0 automatic. l.arBea car. CaB tor apaoal price Hlnaa Part U n c o * Marcury 425-3036 ON FORD ROAD IN GARDEN CITY 1848. automatic, powar , 36.000 m M a . V a r y g o o d oondMoiC >3800. 536-6346 Includes $0 Maintenance cost MUSTANGS BIG, BIG SELECTION 2 1 to chooae trorr '83-88 B4I Brown Ford 522-0030 MUSTANG. 1881. automatic, a m - l m caaaatta. vary g o o d c o n d i t i o n . >1,200 or M e l offer 723-6478 453-4600 *THE MOST INEXPENSIVE 4x4 *FREE 36 MONTH/36,000 SAS WARRANTY * RUSTPROOFING WITH 8 YEAR WARRANTY *ZERO DOWN PAYMENT with approved credit TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED CARS 353-1300 ESCORT 1962-Naw p a S i l part*. aiicMMnt condwton. 12000 or 478-6501 Plymouth Rd. - J u M WaM o( 1-375 20,620* ERHARD BMW MUSTANG 1978. 3 door, manual, rabutii N g h partormanoa 5 0 * M r . >1500 540-8651 LOU L a R I C H E CHEVY/SUBARU $ >10,0 k vary o o o d condMon. ( 1 . 0 8 8 . ROBS'S GARAGE. 28100 W 7 M M . Radford 538-8647 ESCORT, 1985 Automatic. a M r p a a t ona In t M a r a a 25,620 REBATE - <5,000 GT-1987. loadad. c 16.000 m M a . 348-6382 MUSTANG GT 1968. 5.0 Mar. 5 speed. bright rad. loadad, u n r o o t >14.800 ESCORT, 1965 A r o m a t i c . Mr, aterao. >3.985 Hlnaa P a r t LmcomMercury 426-3036 $ 547-8800 CMI altar 4pm. 274-0111 EXP 1883. runa. wM a a l aa p a r t a o r or M M oMar. A Altai l t a r "g y r 581 TAURUS LX 1867, 28.000 m M a . niM proofed, loadad. aiiCMMil oorvdmon. >10.500 Aft ar 6pm 420-0314 '1 * * 2 - 1 1 ! ' * •Mant condMkon. >1780 Tyma TAURUS 1888 a * , powar. a m - l m . cruMa. powar atndoaa'mfcrora. I condmon. f Altar 4pm. 386-7478 878-1807 EXP - 1887 3.500 I mane. Mr. 4 apaakai TAURUS. 1947 WAGON LX Fully loadad. low m M a . Immacuiala condition Only >8.886 STARK HICKEY FORD 538-8178 T-B4RD 1 9 7 8 air. cmMa, 181. a n o Oraa and m o r a V8. 43.000 m i Ex . rad. auto- oaMnt c o n d M o n >2700 Altar 13% w . naooo362-8888 T-BIRD 1978- BaM ( EXP. 1948 G r a M condmon. taka v peymanta. 6 3 4 - 3 1 7 0 542-1311 T-BIRD 1978 oar. 83.000 I FAIRMONT 1878-2 t o n * brown, i •mac. radto. Mr. low m l n g i . i a l M c t t 431-3 M 2 T-BIRD 198S - Turbo coupa. taac _ naw Waa. 88880 O a * a l M S p m FIESTA 1878. Sport C o i « a , naw an(iva g M . brakaa 8 W a a EncaBant « T W O . 1847 VS. Iu6y loadad. low d M o n >V400 AMi tor J M . 4 2 8 - 1 m 4 a a . U M n * a r 88.186 Good -x«v*l«r. MESTA 1878 STARK H C K S Y PORO • 1 . 0 0 0 . C t f alM 538-8178 I J E A N W O T T E PONTIA C-GMC TRUCKS (A 8700 AMUng > 1 1 8 0 0 474 Holiday Specials tSALUAMCIDL 14,000 mltas. air. 1909 G R A N D A M LE M . « M R aa UST D«COUNT pwarnuK UBT '1140Q* a s r mojoo* aa '12.461 FIRST T M SUVCROMCOUNT '10.748* a a r 1SRSOSNCY •MORANOAMLI '1o.145• CONTINENTAL. 1987 Full powar naw car trada. >16.900 i-Unaa Park Lincom-Marcury 426-3036 CONTINENTAL 1978 T o w n Car Cartiar aarwa. dark graan wtth laatlv f mtanor aa powar 460 angina. 96.647 original mdaa. g a r a o a k a p t . nt >4.000 4 74-4254 LINCOLN, 1985 LSC 37.000 mllaa. moonrooT & more. >12.995 North B r o t M r a Ford 421-1376 MARK VII - 1964 Bd! BJasa goKtorv rod. ongirval ownar low milaaga, $8500 336-639 > MARK VII. 1965 LSC A» optlona <nclodmg moonroot Encaaant condition >11.395 STARK HICKEY FORD 538-6178 MARK VII 1966- Bia Biaaa >12.500 Uka rww Futl powar. aunrooi. ramota aacurrty ayatam Naw t> 52.000 maaa- 70% Mgnway M u s i mm Can Paul, d a y * 533-6565 Evaa o- waakands 6 6 1 - 5 9 0 2 MARK VB 1968, LSC. m o o n roof JBL radio factory alarm loadad >19850 - 331-1111 MARK VII 1988 LSC only 13,000 mllaa Ilka naw, black M*auty Hinaa Park Lincolri-Marcury 425-3036 SIGNATURE 1968 - dark c a b a r r w t • l i e n o r matching wathar intanor tu4 powar. alarm ayatam, aupai shield pami prcrtacto- >23.500 Can a l a r 8pm 524-1276 MERKUR tl apaad. blua. Tur bo. Mr. eunroof 39'.500 maaa Eicallent condition >7.950 661-5036 MERKUR. 1986 XR40 3 to cAooaa. luty loadad auci««i From >7.995 STARK HICKEY FORD 538-6178 SABLE 1966 GS. « c all ant condlnon. 45.000 milaa. >7.000 397-8021 SABLE 1986 LS W a g o n , hke naw. wntta/gray. >9.250 296-0654 SABLE 1966 LS. 4 door aadan. 26.000 m M a . m a d i u m rad. loadad >8000 Batora 5 p m 471-5000 SABLE. 1986 Mint c o n d m o n . powar widow* 6 locks a m - t m caaaatta. digital computar daan Naw tiraa 8 b r a k e . 80.000 maea >5750661-6720 SABLE. 1966 - 23.000 m M a . r a d Loadad A m r t m caaaatta Emended warranty t« March >8000 455-7443 SABLE 1967 LS Wagon, wile s car. non-amoker loadad e x c e l ant condmon Gray m e t M l c >10.500 274-9800 or 455-2735 TOPAZ 1984 - 4 door. 40.000 m M a . automatic, air. powar alearmg 8 brekee cruiae caaaatte atarao 8330H 641-8155 TOPAZ. 1985 LS Automatic, air power windows powar floor locks siareo.'caaaarte onry 34 006 maea $aie Priced'" TOWN CAR. 1978 Cartiar Edition, »er> d a a n everything w o r k s naw e i i e u a t - s h o c k s >2200 348-8632 ' O W t l CAR 1964. rmdnaght blue, high mllaa w M cared tor >7600 335-9291 TOWN CAR - 1965 L o a d a d naw tiraa. d a a n . e x c a M n t condition. >9.900 348-2878 TOWN CAR 1986 Signature, sandiewood. M options, m o o n r o o l . laaltier. computer daan carriage etc rnHae 462-2278 root 66.000 S e H S r E * * 34 gaBwt taw*. §t III. 4 T 0 H s*" 11 * WASttMT a * u • Fully I maculate condition >13.995 STARK HICKEY FORD 536-6178 1983 CONTINENTAL 1965 CONTINENTAL 1987 CONTINENTAL 1868 MARK Vtl LSC >6.950 >10.950 $18,950' $21,950 MEL FARR FORDS67-37QO TURISMO 1887 2 door, automatic, tua powar Mr. toaumaaa. a M r p . >4 985 J TOWN 8 COUNTRY OOOGE 9 M M 8 G r a n d Rhmr 47. 880 DELTA 88 1880, >3.300 1874. DaiLa S8 >500 Matt i RacMior 478-0540 5 r < S % a asr 4 1 *9344 r r A M d U P T S T LOU L a R I C H E CHEVY/SUBARU F1ERO GT 1986'^- black manuM. alarm, bra >7500 Evaa 855-3312 Plymouth Rd - J u M Waal Of 1-375 GRANO A M 1986 LE. loaded. lent condition, l u v o o f 5 M . 0 0 0 or baM oflar 444-3733 GRAND A M 1846 - 4 door. d a a n . non smoker, ona ownar. g r a M condition. >6300 GRANO AM. 1847 - 4 d o o r . n o o n roof. V-4 437-1281 GRAND AM. 1888. LE. a i u M a n l *MI " * • - A conomon, n u n i arr*^, m ooor anranty 8700 m M a . >10.700 644-4673 GRANO AM 1888 LE. 4 door, awiroot. M . automatic, p o w a r 8 locks. 8 mora. >8600. 422-7812 MEL FARR FORD967-3700 FIERO 1966. GT. condmon, muat sa* Daya 535-1434 REGENCY 96. 1988 Btoal 12.500 mllaa >14.000 Days, 866-7865. avaa 532-7368 1988 TEMPO GL 4 DOOR TORONADO. 1961 f \ M powar. tM. crvaaa. low iMtoa Muat aaa and drNM Only >4 .495 Opan Monday/Thuraday 9-9 JEFF BENSON CAR CO 562-7011 S p e c i a l Units 25 to c h o o s e air c o n d i t i o n i n g . p o w e r lock g r o u p , tilt, a u t o m a t ic. r e a r d e f r o s t e r . » W a s '11,128 NOW TORONADO. 1983. naw Draa 8 battary. original condition >5 .295 TORONADO 1984 k e p t , naw M i c h e « n a / b r M e e / e i hauat >6400 535-7658 or 526-8300 $ 7895 TORO 1976 d e a n , no ruat. naw area 90,000 m M a >950 455-2374 878 Plymouth HORIZON 1967 4 door, automatic, powar steering/brakes, stereo, sharp. >4.895 TOWN 8 COUNTRY OOOGE 9 M * . 4 Grand River 474-6668 RELIANT 1964 automatic good condition gray Muat liquidate aetata C M weekdays 9AM-5PM 455-7401 875 Nissan RELIANT 1985 LE Wagon. Mka naw ina>de 6 out loaded $4500 C M Mter 7PM. 363-3817 ^4ICHINS0N T0RD Sarw-ij I A rta.rv MAXIMA - 1962 Automatic air. loaded, good oondition. low mUea. refcatue 16500 'negoliao»e 655-3563 NtSSAN 300ZX. 1964 Automatic Loededl 62,000 maaa >6.500 961-6065 TAMAROFF BUICK > good. >1,750 SENTRA 1883. 5 apaad, M . 525-9052 n a n . >2.495 CAPRI 1865 - 30 000 maaa Automatic a r . ataroo, poemr iocfca/w«hdows E i c e M n t >5500 553-0637 COLONY PARK-1984 wtwte with wood trim loadad. 60.000 maaa. >5.500. 474-4851 876 low Oktemobito CALAIS SUPREME 1966 • ythmg. 31.000 miles >7700 COLONY PARK. 1981. W a g o n loadad low maae. a r . S3 450 459-6134 COUGAR LS 1987-Loadad Blua book. >9600. muM eM. >8000 346-3660 OERA 1985 Brougham. 4 door, loadad. ancMant c o n d m o n 61.000 maea. >5300 478-2348 COUGAR XR7 •eather loadad >7 968 ClERA. 1965 B r o u g h a m 2 door aIr. tin H U M powar windows powar door locks only 33 000 m M a Extra Clean" TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED C A R S 353-1300 COUGAR 1964 - Mr >3200 456-7611 runa g o o d 459-3203 COUGAR 1884- 34.000 mllaa amlm caaaatta M . >5500 C M M o n Wad Frt after 6pm 363-4454 COUGAR. 1985 XR7 T u r b o fuky loaded 531-3118 BILL COOK BUICK 471-0800 CIERA 1966 wagon, low maaa M . stereo caaaatta. MM naw, ratlraa $6600 or ofler 55V6178 CIERA 1968 Brougham. 3 8 war. V8. 4 door sedan, low mileage, 4400 maaa Air eruwe powar aaat 8 moat other optlona. U M price naw >15.854 GM Executive 3 cars only 2 drivers Make an oflar 648-2418 COUGAR. 1846 FuB power naw car trade, it'a rad. It'a pretty! >7 995 Hlnaa Park Lincoln Maroury 426-3036 CUTLASS CIERA Brougham. beige 4 door, loadad. axi cond $4 >00 or beet 380-2884 C O U G A R 1887 LS T o u r i n g HO.r , 17,000 North BroChara Ford CUTLASS Cwra S. 1848 - Automatic. M . Wt c i n ana gray U 21.000 nMaa. >7386 878- SUPREME. C O U G A R 1846 XR7 11,000 m M a , C U T L A S S BROUGHAM Ntoa d a a n car I auiomatic. loadad. >13.886 North Brotttara Ford 431-1378 Rraah. Gold atrtpa ra«y a * >2.886 Monday/Thuraday 8-8 GRANO MAROUIS 1884. 4 d o o r . M - JEFF BENSON CAR C O 583r H i t condmon. >8.000 or baat 1877. r a b u M engine r w v 348-4378 nmg but naada w o r t . >600 or M M GRANO MAROUtS 1848 L S FuBy oflar C M a a a n m g a 423-1066 loaded and m ancaM >6 985 CUTLASS. 1978 S u p r a m e 2 d o o r STARK HICKEY F O R D M . tBt. atarao. V8. only 30.000 actu538-6178 86 RANGER XL 4 * 4 86 M U S T A N G LX HATCHBACK DEMMER U S E D C A R S P H O N E 721-5020 1981 B U I C K RIVIERA V-4. air. atarao. loadad & sharp 1985 E S C O R T 4 D O O R YOUI •1895 1984 M U S T A N G " L X " Automatic, atr. starao. tut. cruiaa. only 34,000 mllaa. •4395 1983 F O R D C R O W N VICTORIA 4 DOOR V-8. automatic, powar windows & Mat, tm. cruisa, air. starao. loadad. only •5495 IAC GRADUATE IANCE PLAN uaswaB 4 5 3 - 2 5 0 0 ")h)SwA«M<v 9 6 3 - 7 1 9 2 •3395 1968 E S C O R T S 4 D O O R S 4 2 D O O R S 8 To Chooae. all have under 11. 000 miles, automatics with air. poorer steering and brakes, rear defoggera roar Okmcw *670Q 1968% E S C O R T S 4 D O O R S 3 To Chooae From, automatics. air. powar steering 4 brakes. undar 4.000 miles Ymm m rfi i * 7 5 0 0 Signature Equipment. 11.000 miles, white, dova gray leather '17^0(1 COUNTY DUMP TRUCKS X Dandum axles. 10 yard. 2 to chooae. Runs great. '59Qfc 1967 XLT BRONCO II '3895 V-6 engine, automatic, tm wheel. cruise control, air. low mileage. s won't last •3195 1984 L T D B R O U G H A M 4 D O O R V-6. automatic, air. stereo, tilt, cruise, power window and seat. j, vinyl roof. '3995 1984 T - B I R D " T U R B O C O U P E Automatic, air. stereo cassette. tRt. powar windows and locks. •4995 aluminum wheals, loadad 1982 F O R D C L U B W A G O N V-8. automatic, air. starao. tilt . iojoc cruise. 4 captains chairs. Only 3495 12,900 1965 FULL SIZED BRONCO 351. V-8. automatic, atr conditioning. starao, tm & cruise. Extra Clean. Black with rad interior _ . *10.688 1988 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 10.000 mites, tufty loaded, deep maroon with matching leather interior Won t Last , _*21,900 1965 COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON Automatic, air. tm wheel, cruise control, and many more options. White with woodgraln side luggage rack. 1967 MUSTANG GT 5 spaed, air. tilt wheel, cruiae control, red with charcoal gray Interior, super sharp. 1962 DODGE RAM SNOW FIGHTER •4895 1983 F O R D F - 1 5 0 P I C K - U P 6 cylinder. 4 spaad overdrive, AM/FM stereo, dual tanks, step t bumper, bedMnar. Automatic. V-8 engine. 20.000 actual mHaa. wtth snow plow Hurry. 1966 AEROSTAR CARGO VAN 3995 Charcoal grey, powar steering. Extra Clean. Ready tor work- 37410 MICHIGAN AVENUE At Northwest Corner of Newburg^ PHONE 721-5020 IN PL YMOUTH LOCAL 4 5 3 - 4 6 0 0 METRO 9 6 1 - 4 7 9 7 40875 Plymouth Road, Plymouth Corner of P l y m o u t h Rd. & Haggerty T*urwLT ^ Jt»t WMt o* I-27S V I S F A R M I N G T O N HILLS CHRYSLER « PLYMOUTH N E W '89 RIVIERA $393m* p#r month "THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS SAV E ON ALL THESE USED CARS COMPLETELY WINTERIZED ttM CENTURY LTD •Tooon SEDAN! •87 DODGE CHARGER 2+2 Black, automatic, low miles, air. •4798 *84 HORIZON MUSTANG LX CONVERTIBLE Air, automatic, low m*aa& more. Loaded, low miles, extra sharp. *S905 •ltd 1989 S K Y H A W K Extra Nioel •SMI EtCOKTS A TW •6 HLEBAR0NQTS >87 DODGE OMNI 4 DOOM Premium t u r b o , leather ft loadad. to aal al Low m4ae. axoa4snt tr- •17,118* *9510* • M N TMiSPOJ Tama 14,495 ftJlark uirllE3uHi« F.\RMIN(.ToN I 12 MILE a v JSE D C A R A l E R ' G R A N D R I V E R AND M I D D L E B E L T 453-1 100 196S T A U R U S a n d S A B L E S 4 D O O R S 10 to chooae. 3 0 V6 angina. automatics, air. powar windowe a locks, tm wheal, cruiee control. mMes from 10,000 to 19.000. good ooior selection Low interest rats & 60 month v financing. Won t Last Long. 9875 Ch°rc* S U B A R U 87 B R O N C O XLT 4»4 PICK-UP XL V-4 angina, low mSaa "SPECIAL PURCHASE" 1968 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 4 DOOR HOURS: 0-6 Tuea., Wed. ft Fri. f 0-0 M o n . ft Thuro. •Ptua Tax. TWa and f USED CARS LOT #1 "SPECIAL PURCHASE" 1985 P O N T I A C FIERO ,onn_ 5 spaed, slerao Only 'JiW!) 1983 J E E P J-10 P I C K - U P 4 wheal drtve. 8 cylinder, automatic. stereo, nice truck & ready fori 888 0014 J A C K •3495 •1995 1984 B U I C K L E S A B R E 4 DOOR LIMITED V-8. auiomatic. all powar. starao. sharp. S S f c A U t E Y CHCVT P H O N E 721-6560 1985 E S C O R T STATION WAGON 5 spaad. AM/FM. powar staaring 6 brakaa. '85 DODGE CARAVAN SE |2 doors 4 4 doors, automatic 4 sir 7389 r Lou £ jHES/HOLST " S L I T C O O K BUICK 471-0800 . USED CAR SAVINGS FOM> MOTOR •^LAMJUSTOMSRS WELCOME 87 F - 2 5 0 P I C K - U P •M T E M P O 5 0 i.i«?r p n a m a 4 s c - i h - ( 2 door. 5 apaad. air. star bo cruisa control, powar staarlng A brakaa. 17MONCOR Automatic, air. caasatta. cruiaa control. tW whaai. powar windows A locks, raar dafroatar FOR SUBARU ONL Y AT LaRICHE CUTLASS LN7 1985 body IMr. >860 m M a oflar Altar 5 p m 961-3768 c 464-7011 OERA 1983, 4 d o o r ona I W old lady owner 6 cyarider. stereo caasette. 6 way powar aaat 8 moral >2950 Select Auto 476-2277 1966 automatic low mUee. only THE SUBARU LEAST EXPENSIVE 4 WHEEL DRIVE Z E R O D O W N * 1st T I M E B U Y E R NO PAYMENTS T I L L MARCH FACTORY REBATES UP TO $ 1 0 0 0 ° ° HUGE DISCOUNTS UP TO , 3 3 0 0 ° ° LARGEST INVENTORY AVAILABLE IN MICHIGAN TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED CARS 353-1300 CAPRI 1863 GS V6 Special E d l lion automatic M , a m - t m caaaatta Good condition 463-0963 LOU HAS XTs, JUSTY, S T A T I O N W A G O N S , SEDANS, HATCHBACKS PULSAR NX 1964, automatic. M . aunrooi. low maaa. rad a n d ready only - >4.766 r .. 9800 BELLEVILLE RO.. BELLEVILLE • 697-9161 ewrranry M . 8 8 0 or aaal PONTIAC 8 0 0 0 LE 1888 M . c n M a . m. aaai. i w m ra*. m m * or y a M tm ^ S s JEANNOTTE PONTIAC C M 483-2800 af SSST1SB. I'llll. 1982 M U S T A N G " G T " 5.0'L. * spaad. T-tops. air, stereo cassette. TRX package. Sharp & ready. SPECIAL UNITS 25 TO CHOOSE RELIANT WAGON-1961 2 6 4 cyt . power, and m o r e Vary d a a n > 1 3 0 0 After 4PM 458-3835 18.000 LE. La >17 1986 E S C O R T 4 D O O R 5 speed, power aeat & brakes, clean, only HORIZON 1968. EF1 malic. M . M options Excellent condition Tranalerable added warranty $6250 646-6986 NISSAN 1967 300ZX Turbo, mint condition. maaa, leaving country >7500 After 10PM, 346-0335 P R K 1087 nMa. 88600 A F F O R D A B L E 453-4600 4 spaed, tr P O N T M C tSSS-SOOOSTE. I L 8 a imi M i . M . cnaaa Good m » * • a n . > 4 0 0 w baat t 0 m . Oaya 488-8784 t . a — M 728-7823 JACK GRANO AM. 1805 ad. extra sharp FIEFtO 1964 >3.950 UNCLE 78.000 "^AMAROFF BUICK BONNEVILLE - 1966 L E >11,600 G M aaacutiva w M ' a car loadad. M t m . 7 300 maaa 358-0612 FIERO 1884 - wftfle m M a . lAGMant condmon. >17.500 After 5 P M . 373-1483 ' M a Tpa? 353-1300 Ponhac FIERO 1984 SE. AM. stereo stick vary good condition >3600 C M altar 6pm 651-0082 353-1300 t-| 1 , 2 2 9 * 14949 S h e l d o n Rd., P l y m o u t h (Jml N. M M-14 M M a Pwf) P0NT1AC BUYER FWANCE P1AM 31,000 OUALITY U S E D C A R S TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED CARS 353-1300 MEL FARR FORD967-37QO 1SS1- s^issr*' —-s G R A N D AM. 1886. LE. 6 c y M d a r . l u i powar loadad a t L M a r i l o o n d non. low m M a >4390 788-0073 FIERO SE 1944. auiomatic. loaded, only >3.995 TRACER 1968 Mr. dow delroat electronic A M - F M caasarie. 5 speed e i l a n d a d warranty M a n y e r t r e a $7600 591-1321 I — r r a w t y . 15 »o •12,396* 17 BONNEVILLE. 1979 4 door, loadad. good body, high T i l l a g e >1.250 Day* 5 l 2 - 1 8 0 0 avaa DELTA M . 1884 RoyMa. 4 door V8. wtata. oomplalM) rabu8t angina 8 t r a n a m l a a i o n at 4 1 . 0 0 0 m M a . NISSAN 1966 200SX >7 950 LI ORAND PROILE 1888-Low i GRANO AM SE 1088. V-8. automal e evary option. 30.000 m O n - OMy VALIANT 1874- Body good. I > naw tiraa Engine naada >200 538-3133 CUTLASS 1887 CMra great c o n d m o n wNh no ruat. Aaklng I>6450 C M M•^•478-5813 QUALITY USED CARS -H788 p w c a owned. TURIVSMO 1946. n i c M a n l condition 1 ownar. low m M a . >4500 or baM oflar C M M i k e Wr 84.000 532-0777 BILL COOK BUICK 471-0800 874 1988n GRAND PRIX m .nils \* g w V-8. auiomatic 8lr. £355 PRDC 427-6200 •0405 COUPS e y a n d w . buckali maaa. no mat. g o o d c o n d m o n . cobpar ootor > I S O O o r M M 878-71*8 >11.000 TOWN CAR 1987 Signature. 46.000 •rales $14,700 Daya 7 5 5 - 7 3 2 0 ffvemngs 641-9246 CAPRI RS 1978. 6 K, ak. looks arid i or beet oflar ORAMD M. ON FORD R O A D m GARDEN CTTY 1985 Clara. f**9ur«Jy brakaa 8 >a i a ' i ' i i i •a. >5300 Automaac. GORDON CHEVROLET CUTLASS 1981 Suprame Brougham. 2 door. 65.000 m M a . V8. amalaarlria t brafcaa. n. M c a M •r i t conO661-3882 CUTLASS n o TURISMO 1946 atarao >2 995 RELIANT 1963 wagon. 51.000 m M a . brakaa 8 liraa cteen. am-lm. >2100 461-0652 Loadad raa*y aharp *6405 .<400 blua MERKUR - 1985 - XR4ti automatic, air aimrool. p a n . blue. 54.000 mllaa. axcaMnt c o n d m o n (4000 or beetoftor Attar 6 p m 591-3465 MUSTANG rag* k e p t MUSTANG 1979. Maanng and brakee. no ruat Ttaa weak only 11199 Tyma 485-5566 ESCORT. 1966 GL wagon. 5 air. atarao/caaaatta. aaciaBar dmon. >3.500 AJlar 6 p m 261-8316 MAROUIS 1965- Mld-rMght powar ataanng brekaa. CONTINENTAL 1964 - Spotlaaa. 50.000 mllaa. rww tvaa Datlary brakaa tuna-up >9 500 4 74-3964 ESCORT 1982 GL Wagon. Mr. radto. powar i t e e r l n §1485 sunsiHin E HOI1DA > 4 960 M 950 >10.950 >10 950 >12 960 MAROuiS- 1965 'Oodga Artaa-1866. both ai a x c a M n t c o n d m o n FMI powar aM aak at at aholaaala. daughter m coaaga C a t 553-8483 MERKUR 1985 XR4T1 32.000 m M a . axcaftant Aaklng >8200 420-0469 352-6030 1205 Ann Arbor Rd.. V/, Miles West of I-275. Plymouth LX GT GT LX 5 0 GT MARQUIS 1877 - 4 d o o r , i i r a a . n l condition. 50.000 mdaa. >1500 881-2642 CONTINENTAL - 1984 ExcMlanl condition 36.000 maaa. >11.000 559-0626 MUSTANG LX 1986. automatic. a * , low maea. 85.966 ESCORT 1963 W a g o n , automatic. ltr. pewer eteahng-brakae. 54.000 m8aa. >3.900 After 6pm. 288-4100 MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG LYNX 1964 - W a g o n , 5 black . >1900 C M aflar 5 p m 458-7260 MERKUR 1965 XR-4 Tl Black T ^ bo, 5 i p a a d , aunrooi, air, a x t r a c Mami 17.900 mdaa >9.500 464-6485 ESCORT S T A T O N W A G E N 1885-6 i p a a d . 4 door. 13300. no raaacin. Otlar ratuaad 981-3423 5 apeed. Mr. very snappy. 1966 1966 1967 1988 1986 LYNX 1942 4 door a u t u n _ . Mr AmFm, 74.000 m M a . g o o d c o n o ixxi, >1,800 489-0842 CONTINENTAL 1970. w a n d naw tiraa. axTtauat lyatam. battary «>oallanl condttKm Daya 421-1300 ESCORT QT 1988-Loaded. excellent. warranty. >8600 453-0422 1985 TOYOTA COROLLA MEL FARR FQRD967-3700 LYNX-1982 LS w a g o n . >2.800 Mr. powar Maanng/brakaa. ancaBanl c o r d manuM traha. 477-4204 MERKUR XR4T1 1986-Sunroof. 5 •paad 35.000 ml. muat aal. >7750 616-388-0735 or 313-646-2113 522-0030 1985 CIVIC WAQON >6 960 >6.960 >10 950 >10.950 >12.950 LYNX OS 1883 5 aleerma/brakee. AC. vary good •nape >1450 4 5 3 - 7 5 1 3 . 6 6 4 - 1 8 3 7 872 Lincoln FORD Y o u r C a r ' s G e t t i n g O l d e r A n d It's G e t t i n g C o l d e r LX GT GT LX 5 0 GT >2085 Tyma LTD. 1981 Crown Victoria, loaded. M M f t * red. 82.000 or M M 425-1619 BILL B R O W N AVAILABLE ON MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG MUSTANG lalour MEL FARR FORD987-3700 MUSTANG QT 196 low mUaa. maroon. 5 i p e e d . loadad. $9,650 477-0354 AEROSTARS 1986 1986 1967 1968 1968 Mvar. burgundy LTD 1978. o o o d oondWon, 1400 or M M oltar CaBafter 7pm 397-OS21 MAVERICK 1975. 6 cyandar a u t o matic. oood winter ride. Only ( 3 8 5 • BENSON CAR C O 562-7811 O r S 8 ConvarWMe Oood OaMctton 5 0 0 0 CASH REBATES THUNDERBIRO-1987, Turbo Coupa. rad with gray Inianor. auto compialaly loadad mint c o n d n o n . 8.000 maaa. >12.500 346-1876 GRANADA. 1880 |>1.000orM^M CaB "0" ESCORT G L 1884-2 d o o r . 6 ipead. air. c n M , mm M i r a l i e n s . n c » M m oondMon. 4 1 X 0 0 mBaa, o n g M ownar. >3000 0 M ^ S37-A30 ESCORT QT 1888 . low m a a a Loadad wWi optlona. iary d a a n . ST M 0 >38-8015 or M a t oNar 453-4600 O M N I 034 1878. 4 r u n * 9 0 1 . M a t oflar BILL B R O W N Me Ford LOU LaRICHE CHEVY/SUBARU OAYTONA T U W O Z 1884, only 34,000 mBaa. muat a 478-0034 O M M t S S I - M8C*•bectL atarao c o n d M o n . >886 R O B ' S G A ^ A G E . 26100 W 7 M M >38-8647 Radtord SIC M i n i baat oftor Gray, aurtnMa. d a a n 436-5331 root, loadad. 65 >5.000 OMNI. 1881 - H a K n b a c k atick Vary 878 Plymouth 866 Ford (PjCJk.*.Q-7C)+1Q OiE 4 5 3 - 1 3 2 7 531-8200 476-7SOO 4 DOOM S E D A N ! OAE 10C»(P.C.R.W,G-8C) n o Pontiac Monday. December 5. 1988 880 Pontiac 880 Pontiac n o Pontiac POMTIAC aooo 8TE laae- «MM«POMTIAC aooo aaaoon L£ U K . POMTIAC aooo PONTIAC aooo M-iaaa. mack. oondWon. man, automat « M a A grey W 9 ! loadad. 43.000 Excatam u u i d w toman. Marp 33.000 mam. M TOO Altar 8pm. 474-6223 Or mm. $7200 478-47S8 MO Pontiac . low maaa. Mr. 88490 884 VoHuwagan taaa-2«,ooo QTt 1984. Mr. orulea. aun root, am/ tm cassette, exceaem oondmon $3500 negotlabM 375-1582 POMTIAC aooo. 1984 station M o on. very ctaan. aw. saweo. K M i CMI S to 5 Mon -Frt 824-7070 X T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 884 Vofcawaoan SUPER BEETLE 1974. fta-up or VW 1987 Pox. Spon Waoon parts c w . good sngme. $200 CaB ad. aMh warranty 28.000 i after 6 p m 563-8132 88.300 Laeve mssssgi 482-2631 1989 THUNDERBIRDS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SUM8IRO QT iaae. automatic Mr. turbo, m m a n Won't Mat at o n * sa.aaa Ii TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY US€D CARS 353-1300 II ISUZU INTRODUCING THE ISUZU LINE UP SUMBIRO 1984 Hadt f o w ataarmg-Orakaa 4 apaad. alerao. Ml. raw 3*1 OJ. sunroot. ruatprool ftuna graatt 13,900 or baat U7-9239 <•500 A RED 8 P O R T 8 CAR IN T I M E FOR C H R I 8 T M A 8 SUNWRD 2000 1«84. hatchback automatic. Mr. A M - f M warao. torn msoegs. ax oondmon 84195 Aftar 8PM. 549-1273 TRANS AM 1902. good oondmon. 83100 826-0778 u . TRAMS AM, 1983 - Loadad. i, V-8. T-topa Oood condition 85500 383-2015 1988 20 P I C K U P S I S U Z U Stock #2011 Pickups, 2 wheel drive & 4 wheel drive •paad. automatic* K- J A C K DEMMER FORD AND LION'S CLUB OF WAYNE TRAMS AM. 1985 88.960 MEL FARR FQRD967-3700 H 5 A avery option T top. 2 ? 0 0 0 ^ t 88.900 or baat oMar Evaa 981-5488 $ 6 9 5 7 Robot* '500 882 Toyota CAMRy LE 1988. V-8. leather, aun root, rxxi smoker*. 8.700 mBaa, 115,900 455-3298 1988 T R O O P E R OUALTTY USED CARS F a r m i n g t o n C O C O _ WAS $11,068 I M O W *M« ©•••OiMwt imc AM >adM3 fttMO a^aan c»orf fwr> mrc J A C K S rr Uj > O • m . RATED , , U JA I ' ' • M . V / . D E M M E R NOW* 6795* 19W CROWN VICTORIA LX 4 OR. 113 PACKAGE L«ainar o• drobgNam F O R D FOR THE 3RD C O N S E C U T I V E Q U A R T E R A W A R D E D THE O U A L I TY C O M M I T M E N T P E R F O R M A N C E AWARD BY FORD M O T O R CO. ++ + ++ I W A S $74">8 I4M REBATE • W « o r » S'OC» ay645 W A S $20,269 NOW ' 1 5 , 1 9 5 * .MANAGERS SPECIAL •89 AEROSTAR WAGON DEMO AS RATED BY OUR CUSTOMERS k Ou®c cact-atr* cMara a«ur*« MM pCiar | ——"m o«o*e Stod WAS $18,911 NOW RABBIT 1984. WoMaburg EdNton. automatic, air, am-tm cassette, low mites. $3,988 TAMAROFF BUICK QUALITY USED CARS 353-1300 A . ' • • • • , »• - n V •• B e - • , r d ' T( % ¥ I | V V V W 5W ! ) S Ej. lot Open Monday & Thursday until 9:00 F O R D 884 Volkswagen Hills v w 1978 RatXXt tua. $949 275 ' 1 4 , 9 9 5 * (JBCH DEHMEB TOYOTA 1986 - k ateering & brakaa. automatic, over drtve. extras $7860 582-3180 R o a d *8495* 1989 E S C O R T P O N Y TERCEL 1984. 2 door hatchback. 5 apaed. aar Qreel corvdltionl Very dependabW $2,900 344-2688 28200 West 8 Mile I UO* CM" a Sta «00170 $500 W A S S 16,1 REBATE MQW%12,373* SUPRA - 1987 Low maaa. exoeaeni condttlon. loaded. eMetilc sunroof $18,500 Afler 5:30 pm 852-8187 ISUZU # 0e«ogg«r MgfM youe ITI | SUPRA 1984. automatic, aar. leather ThM cw haa n at. priced to sea 88 886 TAMAROFF BUICK PRICE*9866 8 tMr >otaf c J DO CEUCA. 1987. QTS. Rad, sunroof, caaaatta. alarm, new c w In, muat aak 8l1.990orbae1 offer. 851-5819 353-1300 a # CAN I REBATES A T SUPRA. 1986*4. Week, ptuan ntartor. loaded. 58.000 maee, $13,500/ beat Cal 9am to 7. 892-6560 ^ WE 1 4 , 8 9 5 1989 T A U R U S GL 4 D O O R SMMK> C—afia 'Oc** pan* I THER $ 1989 T E M P O GL 2 D O O R CELICA 1983. QT. 5 sr. am-tm. $4200 COROLLA 1981 SR5 Liftbeak, •m starao, extra cSaen St.396 ROB S QARAOE. 28100 W 7 Mae. 538-8547 MOW * 8 7 6 6 * 1 * o i r ^ 8 5t» aw CELICA, 1979. QT. 5 runa great, one owner. 81200 788-9039 1988 I S U Z U L - M A R K ^ JACK DEMMER FORD AND , THE LiONS CLUB OF WAYNE ARE PROUD TO SPONSOR A FOOD DRIVE ON BEHALF OF THE PENRICKTON CENTER FOR BLIND CHILDREN. SIGN UP TO WIN A 19" COLOR T V. WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR DONATION rmm condmon. 88800 Joor. automatic, front wheel d " v e a i » Sloe I S t e r e o , rear da'roet, en nip root and mora L*t » 15. 864 Stock a 760 QTS 1985-Red. automatic. Mr. am-tm caaaatti. Georgia cw- N O W * 1 2 , 3 6 9 Rabat9 T50 H 1888 PROBE G T CELICA WAS'14J35 s''fiMkt II WAS $9969 NOW%7695* CEUCA QTS 1988, r M . K w , maaa. 5-apeed. Mr. loaded, alarm. immaculatB 812.500 542-3135 8 t o c k #2013 V o t e d 4 w h e e l vehicle o l the year by O H R o a d M a g a z i n e 4 d o o r 5 speed, stereo. 4 w h e e l drive. LIST tgM group oo-»r s«w>ng *v t*rrn«f1«nt 'Mr de#og qm% group Ootaf OOC* <%jm marrors r*>o»« bl» t M 1989's SUN BIRD 1988 QT turbo (tearing, automatic, air. 11.000 maaa. 332 NO M r * 1 2 , 3 1 6 1889 E S C O R T LX 2 D O O R O N SUN8IR0 T987 QT turbo. ancaiarH condmon. loadad. 87.500 Evenings Mt-tW WAS'14.418 A L L N E W 1989 THUNDERBIRD ON DISPLAY NOW!! ORDER YOURS TODAY!! REBATES SUNBIRD 1988 - Match. 2 looa automatic. poww •taertng/brakaa. am/tm mr cruMe. tat M a brafcaa. shocks a struts CjcaBant condmon. 528-1398 Zero Down » 2 6 3 M " "" 1988 I M P U L S E 8lock #2028 UJ SUNBIRO-1B84, 4 door. $ doth "Manor w> orakaatront tiraa 12 200 Ahar SPM S34-5878 Lotus tuned suapenaion. 5 (paad Mr. tut wheal. 1I u. crutaa control. aunrooi, caaaatta wnh apeafcara 884 VoBcawagen 884 Volkswagen JETTA. 1986 - 4 do1 root, a*, starao cm, twned $8000/baat offer Livonia Plymouth A. B. X. 2 Plan Waicoma • Osar^srn ACROSS FROM FORD'S WAYNE ASSEMBLY P U N T Ann Arbor Vpsllsnli aallenlla Worth*! Ma Mavi C«nt«n 37300 MICHIGAN AVE AT NEWBURGH RD. • WAYNE, Ml Tranaportanon S K R ™ * . 721-2600 • 1-80O-878-FORD LOU L a R I C H E CHEVY/SUBARU 1-278. E u l t a 2 2 , 2 M i l e a E a a l * Pius f r e i g h t , t a x A t i t l e . & r e b a t e a s s i g n e d t o J a c k D e r n m e r F o r d Plymouth Rd - Juet Weat o11-275 About IS Minutea From Ererywtws 1989 THUNDERBIRDS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 453-4600 THE CONTINUING SAGA OF BILL BROWN FORD... /'RT QROLNG- TO (TST START OF MY OUT y o u At / Ail U/AY / / DRIVE NEVER SS AT BILL BROWN FORD \ 1989 FULL SIZE AND AEROSTAR CONVERSIONS IN STOCK NOWI NO SPECIAL PURCHASE ONE SALE PRICE! YOUR CHOICE... BIVOUAC, VAN EXPRESS OR SANDS CONVERSIONS All equipped wtth 302 V-8 automatic overdrive engine, air, power windows & locks, cruise control. tltt wheel, c a s s e t t e . Vista Bay windows, running boards, pleated soft s h a d e s . 4 captains chairs, seat bed & morel W A S >23,500 U p°Y s 1 8 , 2 9 4 * 1889 T A U R U 8 4 D O O R Cloth a p m / b a n c h M a t s automatic, f r o m A rmr f l o o r m a t s , r e a r w i n d o w d a t r o e t w . a i r . atarao caaaatta S t o c k « 1 7 8 9 WAS'13.341 YOU PAY • 1 0 , 9 4 5 * SELECT QAOUP OF FESTIVAS •TICKED PRICED ALL AT ON* LOW PfWCE OF COUPON 1989 V A N EXPRESS SUPER S A V E R S THE SAME QUALITY OTHERS CHARGE THOUS A N D S M O R E FOR: Air. powar windows & lock*, caaaatta. auxiliary fuel tank handling package, cruise c o n t r o l , tltt whaat. 4 captains c h a i r s wtth q u i c k release aaat b a d , indirect Mghts. p l e a t e d s h a d e a / v s lancas. a n d m o r a l Stock »2201 NEEDED/ GIVE YOU MORE SHOP INSIDE S M tho Van Spmcialiat At Bill Brown Ford A sale is only as g o o d as t h e p r o d u c t you offer. W e carry Van Express, Bivouac & S a n d s f r o m the m o s t l u x u r i o u s t o the most e c o n o m i c a l , we re your f a c t o r y a u t h o r i z e d discount dealer. 1988 TAURUS LX 4 DOOR SEDAN W A S *23,010 YOU PAY W A S '17,784 p 2 y f 1 4 , 2 8 7 * ALL WITH a u t o m a t ic. air. rear defroster, s t e r e o cassette, premium sound system, tilt w h e e l . , p o w e r locks. S O V-S a n g i n a , air. d a h o a t w t m l r r o r a . coneoie. m a t r u m a n t a t l o n v o u p , w tMxMSe s p o r t aaata. p o w a r s t e e r i n g A brekee Stock » 1 2 2 0 6 B S » 1 2 . 4 9 5 * YOU R( )W N ' I OR!) WAS From >11,814 to '12,087 !S * 9 5 9 9 * 421-7000/ 937- LI 900 C A R S & T R U C K S AVAILABLE FREE TANK OF G A S WITH EVERY NEW CAR OR TRUCK PURCHASED' 1989 VAN EXPRE88 AEROSTAR CONVERSIONS Air. Cfutee c o n t r o l , tut w h e a l t i n t e d glass tight g r o u p p o w e r w i n d o w s A l o c k s , i n e t r u m e n t at Km cluster p o w e r m i r r o r s stereo caaaatla. 4 c a p t a i n s chairs, r a w seat b e d , r u n n i n g b o a r d s Limoue d a a i g n w p a i n t , m a g wheals A m o r e WAS '22.526 S AT THIS PRICE NOW! 20 T O CHOOSE F R O M A M / F M 4 s p e a k e r stereo caaaatta t l n t a d glaaa. a p a a d o o n t r o i . eitarval w t p w s . t M • h a a l . aaar d a f r o a t w Sght aecurtty g r o u p e o c t 81^2. . . n i , 1989 1 M RANQER 4x2 8UFCRCA8 PICKUP - 1W E8C08T QT 2^008 HATCHBACK ALL NEW YOU # $ PAY 16f077* _1MI RANGER 4x2 STYLE SIDE PICKUP 1988 T E M P O L X 4 - D 0 0 R WAS '10,831 1888 MU8TANQ SEE THE IN STOCK REBATES Air, p o w a r lock g r o u p , dual eieclrtc c o n t r o l f W T o r s . ia« aitieW. rear da*roatar. light g r o u p J 5 " i s t i s s t s t r l m rtnga. S t o c k « i i M . FOR YOUR TRADEI T-BIRD 1988 TEMPO GL 2 DOOR 8EDAN WA3'11*27 e WE'LL angtns eksl skaMnu • 1 6 , 9 6 0 * • 5 4 8 8 * 1989 P R O B E 8 tm STOCK FOR * 3 Q O OUT-OF-TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-878-2658 OPFNMON A THURS 1 ? ? ? ? Pt Y M O U T H R D t * TIL 9 P M LIVONIA WAS '12.145 YOU 80307 • WAS' 10.1 *8094* F-150 1988 T-WRD TURBO COUPE - s r r s a ; « r s i r » . - s w>w«.MtBn»ai. uwvuintiai i w a r - w * e » i i >13,699* T-BIRD 2 DOOR • i ^ r r a WAS '14.000 8< ^ ^ t o u > 9 1 7 9 # ISM ESCORT LX M K X M HATCHBACK RXETTI .rr.JR. S A O M MR W STOP A; FACILITY WR OVER ^00 R AF TRUCKS AND VANS ON DLSPI A> i Inside Reggae ready ON-XYZ Is a band celebrating 10 years of performing reggae around tbe Detroit area. Find out why this band's music touches the subatomic in your body and gets you on the floor to dance Please turn to Page 3D. ffljp M o n d a y . D e c e m b e r 5. 1 9 8 8 ©bsrrurr & fcrrrntric Nruispaprrs O&E * * 1 D * * r t . ' V r ] , * $ - ' t t # T h e R e d W i n g s are p a c k i n g t h e m in with f i r s t - r a t e hockey action. H Hockey night f 'i x A ) ' 'DETROIT By Tom Henderson staff writer What's the hottest ticket in town? Tbe Pistons? Nah. Sinatra and Minelli? No way. Forget Bruce. Without a doubt it's the Detroit Red Wings. Consider Last year, in 40 home games, the Wings average attendance was 19,638, which is more than tbe seating capacity of the riverfront arena. Each game, an average of 363 fans paid $14 to stand in the aisles, and this year, they're paying $16 for tbe pleasure of standing there for 3 hours to see fragmented bits and pieces of the ice as the heads in front of them bob and weave. For 79 straight games, the Wings have drawn more than 19,000, dating back to Feb. 26, 1987, and 72 of them have been sellouts. There has never been anything like it in the history of the National Hockey League — the NHL attendance records for both a season and a game belong to the Wings, who somebow wedged 21,019 into the arena the day after Thanksgiving in 1983. Think you might want to buy a season ticket for next year and avoid the hassle? Get in line. There are already 700 ahead of you, on the waiting list in tbe slight event someone who has season tickets now won't renew them. Better to marry into a family that has them, then sue for divorce and custody of the tickets. Here's a primer on the sport that has intoxicated the town. HISTORY: Tbe first game was played March 3, 1875 by a bunch of McGill University lacrosse players in Montreal who were looking to stay fit in the off-season. Tbey were going to use a ball and smack it around with sticks, but after some prospective spectators at the Victoria Skating Rink expressed fear at being hit by tbe ball as it flew into the stands, tbe players decided to use a flat, circular piece of wood. The nine-men-a-side in the first game later became six, and tbe wooden disc became a rubber puck, which despite original intentions, flies into the stands with regularity, not to mention fearsome impact Some purists moan about the modem game, wishing to return to tbe good old days of the "Original Six." That refers to tbe pre- expansion days before 1967, when the NHL had just six members — Detroit, Boston. Chicago, New York, Toronto and Montreal. Today. it has 21. Actually, the original six is a myth, as are many of the claims to superior play in tbe good old days. In truth, players then knew little of nutrition or conditioning, equipment was atrocious and, without synthetics, incredibly heavy. Players were much older, much slower, much smaller, and almost none of them could shoot the puck. The NHL was organized in 1917 with five teams, the Montreal Canadiens, the Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa, Quebec and the Toronto Arenas (snappy name, that). In 1918, the first franchise folded when Montreal's Westmount Arena burned to tbe ground and the Wanderers decided to take a hike. The first American franchise was established in Boston in 1924, and in 1926, tbe Victoria team of tbe Western Canadian League switched leagues and moved to Detroit, playing as tbe Cougars, then as the Falcons and, beginning in 1933, as the Red Wings. Teams came, teams went. Not until 1942 did the so-called "Original Six" exist in that form. "} • * H 1 u- F >i H* - i / * 0 photos by DAN DEAM/Maf! p h o t o g r a p h * T h e s t a n d i n g r o o m c r o w d ( a b o v e ) a t J o e Louis g e t s t o s e e all t h e action — b u t only t h a t of t h e p e o p l e w a l k i n g in f r o n t of t h e m . R e d Wing s e a s o n t i c k e t h o l d e r s Vince S i l v e s t r o a n d Erin M u r p h y a r e avid Red Wing f a n s . $4 i V> STm z This fan is there for every faceoff By Tim Smith staff writer What to get lor the vulture who has SMsrythtog: w * r * . J f f V - k Please turn to Page 4 Karlos Barney Holiday Gift Guide A hotday road-kM i * 'm I . V THE MODERN ERA: Most sports have one modern era. With baseball, it began in the Twenties with Babe Ruth and the rabbit ball. In basketball, it was when the jumpshot replaced tbe set shot, and the game began to be played at rim level. But hockey has had as many modern eras and as many facelifts as Phyllis (Is My Forehead Still Tight?) Diller. Some say it began when tbe league doubled in size in 1967. Others say it was in 1979, when the Russians humbled the NHL AllStars over a three-game series. Others say it was when Bobby Hull and Frank MahovLich invented rocket-power slapshots in the Fifties. Others say it came in 1943-44, when tbe center red line was painted on tbe ice. leading to shorter passes and faster skating. Here's a vote for 1940, when a guy named Frank Zamboni rigged up a truck that drove on the ice and melted the top layer. Suddenly, players had good Ice for three periods, and rapid improvements in finesse were possible. $ • t . * V • M i When you go to Joe Louis Arena mare than 30 times a year to watch Red Wing hockey, which season ticket holders such as myself do, you'd better know all the ins and outs. And If you're a trendy newcomer to tbe ice box op tbe Detroit River, take heed: There's more to attending Wing dings than chanting "Probie" or "Jacques." Tbe first thing is securing hard-tocome-by-and-very-expensive (most seats between $1S-SS) tickets. Since tbe team has become competitive, gone are the days of stepping ap to the ticket window on game day and buying seats for the lower bowl, the prime area now called the "executive level." Also gone are most of the tickets, in advance So yoa'd batter know a saasoe ticket holder (sorry, I go to aserty all the games), a scalper, or flad a desperate soul trying to soloed aa extra decat or two the Joe. tickets la only the ning of what waits in store for both rookie and veteran fans. For this veteran, although I still enjoy tbe sport immensely, going to games has gooe from "special occasion" to "routine. " And having a routine is essential if you want to find a parking spot, grab refreshments and get into your padded red-and-white seat before tbe puck is dropped RULE NO. 1: Never get caught in a pre-game traffic jam. I always chuckle when I bypass chains of crawling cars on various arteries leading to the arena. Of course, many of thess folks are jammed en route to the JLA parking garage. It never hurts to plan oe getting to the general ares no later than 7:IS p.m., 20 minutes before game What I do, as a westaidsr usually coming la on the Jeffries (I-**) Freeway, la curl left onto the ramp to I75, then quickly exit near Tiger Stadium, at Rosa P a r t s Boulevard. Don't merge onto the Next, I )og up a Mock or so to If you're arriving from the north suburbs, take 1-75 south, to the I-J75 bypass, to Jefferson Avenue, then make a right-hand turn and follow all the way to Cobo. Where the rued ends is where the parking garage entrance begins. WmUkAmt and t t o w l r s t residents, you're on your own. The reel fun begins soon after making tbe loag-and-ehMlIng walk through the balls of Cobo, and up the steep JLA i Like I said before, try to gat to the A benefit of this Is to Street Smith Red Wing knows the Ins and outs c4 t h e turn left. that an to the Ooho Hall costs & apart >tum to Page 4 7 Monday, December S. 19SS OAE * > • » Mooday. 'Tequila Sunrise' doesn't pack punch "Clime Zoae" (•) R David Carradine in a futuristic Hell oo Earth. MUSIC NOTES "Naked Gea" (D) (PG-1S) 90 minutes. Obviously David Zocker doesn't know the difference between comedy and magging Satire takes more than repetition of cliches so miss this chUdish, overly broad farce which never gets off the ground. staff writer Grading the m o v i e s A+ Top marts • sure to please A Close behind-excelent A- Sdlin ruming tor top honors *Z B+ Pretty good stuff, not perfect . Good "Teqeiia Sunrise" (C+) (R) 115 B- Good but notable deficiencies minutes. Slick, glib production gets lost trying for high concept, hi-tech look C* Just a cut above average in an old fashion, hard boiled detecIMocn tive story. Retired drug dealer. Dale C McKussic (Mel Gibson), and best C- Not so hot and slipping fast friend, L t Nick Fresda (Kurt Russell) of LA- narcotics squad tangle D+ The very best of the poor stuff over beautiful restaurateur, Jo Ann Poor Vallenari (Michelle P f e i f f e r ) . 0 There's also a big shipment of drugs, It doesn't get much worse lots of money, the shadowy Carlos, a D. Mexican policeman Commandant! Truly awful Escalante (Raul Julia) and an un- F pleasant, bumbling drug enforceReserved for the colossally bad ment officer McGuire (J.T. Walsh). Z Dsqiite the good acting and slick * No advanced screening surface, this Tequila doesn't rise above complicated cliches which are sometimes confusing and seldom poorly depicted and not at all conwork well. vincing. Some Aussie accents are inaudible and camerawork leaves much to be desired. Despite good STILL PLAYING; acting, tbe film is unpleasant with no "The Accused" (C) (R) 109 min- redeeming quality, just a dippy hallelujah ending. utes. Sara Tobias (Judy Poster) is gang"Ernest Saves Christmas" (C+) raped by three men, but Deputy D.A. Kathryn Murphy (Kelly McGillis) (PG). sells out to defense, realises her misJim Varaey has the role of a lifetake and prosecutes spectators who time in "Ernest" and is wisely trying encouraged tbe rape. This poignant to make lt pay while the market is drama about mishandled rape cases hot This time out there are consistis too long and slow to be effective. ent, but predictable, chuckles and a Rape scene is particularly horrible. very earnest Douglas Seale as Santa Reviewed by Kim Brown. Claus in search of a replacement In age wben kids flock to see a man stop bleeding by exploding gunpowd"Barter" (D) (R) 90 minutes. Boring, cliched British gangster er in tbe wound, "Earnest Saves film based on the IMS great train Christmas" is a refreshing change. robbery. Phil Collins fans may enjoy Earnest P. Worrell is what we used to call good, clean fun. Knowhabut the advice here is "Miss it!" timean, Vera? Reviewed by Susan Fincham. "Child's Play" (B-) (R). Horror story about a mother who "Everybody's All American" (A-) buys possessed doll for son's birthday. Plot Is a bit corny at times, but (R) 127 minutes. film makes up for it with great speIn the best sense, a fine, sentimencial effects and unintentional humor. tal, nostalgic look at a quarter centuReviewed by Fred Baker. ry (1956-1981) of America, centering on a Louisiana football hero, tbe "Cocoon: The Return" (B-) PG 115 "Grey Ghost" (Dennis Quaid), his sweetheart, the "Magnolia Queen" minutes. Hi£dy unlikely, overly sentimen- (Jessica Lange), and his schlarly tal — bordering on tbe dippy — but nephew, (Timothy Hutton). The intripleasant enought family entertain- cacies of their relationships and soment for the holiday season as all cial change in that period are nicely the old gang are back to save a co- blended. Excellent acting carries this long film past soap opera and coon-being. should cause a lot of sighs for the "Crossing Delaacy" (A) (PG) 95 good old days. miimtM "A O r Is the Dark"(C±) (PG-1S) 120 minutes ' Lindy Chamberlin (Meryl Streep and Sam Neill) are ciamptag in Australia's Northern Territory with their three children whan the baby is killed by s wild dog. But police Thania and pubUc hysteria lead to Unity's indictment and conviction for the child's murder. It doesn't matter that this story II true because the film falls to convince as that such an Incredible story ocean ed. Tbe police motivation to prosecuting the case and the geaW alive force for public hysteria are 4t? " Dan Qreenberg By Larry O'Connor B Isabella "Izzy" Grossman (Amy Irving) is s liberated young New Yorker with her eye oo author Ivan Maes (Jeroen Krabbe). But never mind that modern stuff. Grandma Ida (Reixl Bozyk) hires matchmaker Hannah Mandlebauzn (Sylvia Miles) to arrange things wtth Sam the pickleman. Don't worry about true love, this romantic comedy will charm and delight everyooe. Area rockers give the gift of music t h e movies / "A Pish Called Wanda" (A) (R) 110 minutes. A very funny film with the whackiest gang in town. Principals include Jamie Lee Curtis as Wanda the Wonderful, jewel thief extraordinaire. Kevin Kline's inspired performance as a beserk American gunsel in London is matched by John Cleese's proper barrister. The whole thing is beyood words. The only solution Is to see the movie. "Fresh Horses" (•) (PG-1S) Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy as seductive rural girl and conservative college senior. "The Good Mother" (A+ ) (R). Superb acting by entire ensemble creates memorable film whose haunting images will remain with you long after final credits. Anna Dunlop (Diane Keaton), a single parent, Is liberated, in part, from a conventional background by the love of sculptor, Leo Cutter (11am Neeson). However, their relaxed attitudes of- t m tr ON-XYZ puts charge into reggae w • \\ By John Cortex special writer \ h " T e q u i l a Sunrise" s t a r s M i c h e l l e Pfeiffer s s s woman caught b e t w e e n two c «. - j * l o n g t i m e friends played by Kurt Russell and Mel Gibson. fend ex-husband Brian (James Naughton), who sues for custody of daughter Molly (Asia Viera). Sixyear-old Miss Viera is a talented charmer in her film debut. Jason Robards, Ralph Bellamy and Teresa Wright are excellent in supporting roles. Based on Sue Miller's best seller of the same name, with fine direction by Leonard Nimoy. "High Spirits" (•) PG-13 Another supernatural jobbie that didn't make it in time for Halloween. This time it's a romantic comedy with Daryl Hannah, Beverly d'Angelo, Peter OToole and Steve Guttenberg. "Iron Eagle II" Soviet-American strike team pitted against terrorist forces. smokes, drinks and sleeps with the girl? Confusing and disturbing violence and sexuality. Reviewed by Kim Brown "Madame Soasatzka" (A) (PG-13) 122 minutes. Lush, sensuous photography, inspired music and brilliant acting plus John Schlesinger's fine direction equal an excellent film. This touching portrait of Madame Sousatzka (Shirley MacLaine) and her obsessive piano-teaching techniques also tells the story of a young genius, Manek Sen (Navin Chowdhry). His desire to please his mother (Shabana Azmi) and his teacher, Madame Sousatzka, tears at him as does his desire for success and his awakening sexual impulses focusing on a slightly shopworn singer, Jenny (Twiggy). Land Before Time" (A) (G) 75 minutes. Touching story of a group of young dinosaurs and their journey to the promised land. Excellent animation combined with many heart-warming scenes make this film great entertainment for all ages. Reviewed by Fred Baker. "Mystic Pixxa" (A) (R) 102 minutes. Warm, wonderful comedy about three young women dealing with life's unpredictable experiences in a pizza restaurant where they work, sharing the joys and pain of love and friendship. Reviewed by Kathy Guyor. "Last Rites" (C-) (R) 95 minutes. Father Michael Pace (Tom Berenger) is uncredible as a priest trying to rescue his brother-in-law's mistress, Angela (Daphne Zuniga), from the Mafia. What kind of priest "Oliver and Company" (A) (G) 70 minutes. Wide range of voices — Billy Joel, Bette Midler and Cheech Marin for example — place this film with the best of Walt Disney animation. It's sensitive, heart-warming and entertaining with good music to boot. Reviewed by Patrick Harris "Punch Line" (B) (R) 120 minutes. Being a standup comedian is not always funny, or easy. Lila (Sally Fields) is a housewife who wants to make people laugh. Stephen (Tom Hanks) is a medical student who makes laughter his life. Struggling in a New York comedy club they learn more than bow to be funny. Comedylove story teams Hanks and Fields in convincing performances. Reviewed by Kathy Guyor. "Scrooged" (B + ) (PG-13) 90 minutes To get you in tbe holiday spirit, try an updated romp through Die ken's "Christmas Carol" starring a very off-beat Bill Murray. He's the modern-day Scrooge, Frank Cross, a television network executive who doesn't know the meaning of nice. Star-studded cast includes Karen Allen, Buddy Hacket, Mary Lou Retton, Robert Mltcfaum, Michael Pollard, Carol Kane, John Forsythe and Bobcat Goldthwait. A f f o r d a b l e Wintnr R a t e a - D e c 1 2 , ' 8 S - Mar 15, ' 8 9 INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH & ENJOY MANY HAPPY RETURNS RESERVE NOW FOR CHRISTMAS t NEW YEAR'S 3 Meal* Daily Supervised by Dietician • Massages • Facial • Herbal Wrap paa tor Man & Woman • Unlimited E u r o s * * *>ga Claaaaa • Sauna-Steam Fraa Tannta * Chmc . Gott (Avail) « Nrtaty Dinner Dancing A Shows 1 andRva The $960 Answer to Apple 1108 "They Live" (•) (R) Alien ghouls manipulate subconscious with high-tech. And a very happy Halloween to you, all-yearround. "U2: Rattle and Ham" (C) (PG-13) 101 minutes. This is not a film about tbe inside, personal views of U2 and thair lives off-stage. It is a movie about music, a combination of some very brief but poor documentary work and footage derived from two shows. For a band with such a social conscience, I expected more than two hours of MTV. Reviewed by Kim Brown. "Withoot a Que" (B) (PG) 105 minutes. In an amusing comic twist, Sherlock Holmes (Michael Caine) on his own turns out to be a bumbling, bufoonish sleuth without the foggiest notion of how to solve crimes. Dr., Watson (Ben Kingsley) is the mastermind as Arthur Conan Doyle's stories are turned around with good performances and lots of laughs. 1-800-S PA-SLIM N BAY VILLAGE FL 33141 COME IN SIT DOWN fpLAY ITAR stopping it start JO^ST^AIRFARE^ and Good Grades, too! •SPECIAL OFFER • 520ST I Personal Computer ABOUT B H w n ITEN TheS208T rmrnamrn Many way) • POWERFUL SOFTWAAC • CASE OF OPERATION MMa The 0/XTs T V happiest Mtion at the ytm can also be the loneliest unless there* some one lo rfiaie tt wtth Your ph enables The Salvation Army to rail institution •hard m m . women, and children across the country l b apraed the holiday spirit to thoae who need it moat And give them a Christmas that thryll always remember SHARING IS CARING NORTHWEST wtm • • AIRLINES • • B>< Afi. | LOOK TO US We find them for you—whether it's for business or pleasure travel! , T R A V E L T O P L A C E S L I K E FLOfUOA, CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA O R E V E N LONDON! WE ARE A FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY. LET U S SERVICE ALL Y O U R TRAVEL N E E D S AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL AGENCY Hurry In. . . Supply to Umttmdl COMPUTIPt M S O U V I C I S 3895 W. 12 M*a, Barclay 6 4 7 - 5 5 4 0 DaSy 1©-6. Friday K>-S DEARBORN THERE'S A BARGAIN WAITING FOR YOU IN TODAY'S CLASSIFIEDS OOW PeMmToas DaartJom. 48126 336-4200 To say that ON-XYZ is a versatile band is like saying Da Vinci did a few odd jobs and was pretty good with his hands. Khalid Shakoor. leader of ON-XYZ (pronounced "onyx"), describes their sound as a blend of Talking Heads, Black Uhuru, Miles Davis and Sun Ra Formed in 1978 as ON-XYZ: Seal of the Funk, the band quickly realized there were more funk bands in Detroit than streetlights. They embraced reggae and became known as ON-XYZ. "Subatomic Nuclear Funk Fission Reggae Band." "That meant that we felt our music originated more in Atlantis." said the lanky Shakoor. "We felt that our music was sensitive enough to affect the sub-atomic particles in every person's body. We wanted them not only to dance to our music, but to heal themselves to it." With the addition of a horn section and an extensive African rhythm liament/Funkadelic. "I think the strongest part of our live show is communication with the audience," Shakoor said. "The main thing is to touch the people, to move them. If we see the audience is not responding, we try to find out why so next time it won't happen." Shakoor also cites the band's unpredictability in concert as a strength. "Every ON-XYZ show is different," he said. "The audience sense our enjoyment of the music. It is something that is not contrived." On a recent night at Ann Arbor's Blind Pig, vocalist Kareem Baaqi warns the audience. "I hope you guys like dancing 'cause this ooe may move ya!" ON-XYZ then kicks into "Shake Up Yourself," a gritty, urban-edged funk tune with a reggae backbeat. Shakoor, perched behind his keyboards. provides a melodic rhythm set to blazing percussion, while Baaqi and Shirley Hayden wail on the vocals. Guitarists Randy Smith and Daud trade licks, while the crowd section, the group is preparing to release a new mini-LP, "Shake Up Yourself," under the name ON-XYZ: Primal Electronics. According to Shakoor. this moniker reinforces the group's original purpose. "We began with an inspired dream to play positive music for people the world over, and that still guides us," he said. "Primal electronics blends acoustic and rhythmic instruments from all the continents with electric ones.'' The band's stage show reflects this notion. The players dress in flamboyant outfits representing African. Eastern and European fashions They play original songs, and cover anything from Bob Marley to Jimi Hendrix, or "anything the audience wants to hear." THEY HAVE taken their electrifying act everywhere from Iowa City to Chicago to Toronto to New York's famed CBGB's. They also opened for such renowned artists as Black Uhuru, Jimmy Cliff and Par- All and Banjos sd15 Priced for the Holidays. THE®TRING SHOP 31114 HAGGERTY ROAD FARMINGTON MILLS MICHIGAN 4 4 3 3 1 661-2106 Hours: MonThurs 118 • Fr»-Sat 11-6 tramples the small dance floor. ONXYZ is on. A similar scene will unfold on Saturday, Dec 17. at Alvin's near the Wayne State campus. ON-XYZ will celebrate its first decade in the business with a 10th anniversary performance. Former members of the band will reunite for a set of its earlier "subatomic" material, and then the present lineup wiH sway spectators to its "primal electronics." Their unique brand of reggae' fusion has attracted the attention of a few major record labels. Shakoor said he has a verbal commitment from at least one label. He cannot release details, but he hopes to complete a deal soon. IN THE MEANTIME. ON-XYZ continues to explore new musical galaxies. Indian and Eastern music are favorites of Shakoor, and may influence the road ON-XYZ will travel. But their sound will remain as indescribable as the universe in which it echoes. IN CONCERT a HOLYCOW8 a Holy Cows will perform tonight at the Blind Pig. 208 S First, Ann Arbor For more information, call 996-8555 Bad Company will perform at 7:30 p.m. oo Wednesday. Dec 7. at the Royal Oak Music Theater Tickets are $17.50. For more information, call 546-7610 a WAS (NOT WAS) Was (Not Was) will perform at 10 p.m. Monday. Dec. 5. at the Nectarine Ballroom. 510 E Liberty. Ann Arbor. Tickets are f 12.50 in advance For more Information, call 99-MUSIC. Pontiac For more information, call 3369292 SAD COMPANY S JUNK MONKEYS Junk Monkeys will perform on Friday. Dec. 9. at Lib's 21, 2930 Jacob. Hamtramck For more information, call 8756555 a IDENTITY Idenity. a reggae band from Cleveland featuring former Ire members, will perform on Wednesday, Dec 7, at the Blind Pig. 208 S. First, Ann Arbor For more information, call 996-8555 a SEE DICK RUN See Dick Run will perform with special guests. Walk tbe Dogma, oo Saturday, Dec 10. at Alvin's. 5756 Cass, Detroit. For more information, call 832-2355 S STEVIE WONDER Stevle Wonder will perform at 8 p.m oe Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 5-7, at tbe Fox Theatre in Detroit. Tickets are $27.50. For more information, call 5676000 a KEITH RICHARDS Keith Richards will perform at 8 p.m. Thursday. Dec. 8, at the Fox Theater in Detroit Tickets are $20 For more information, call 567-6000 a DETROIT BLUES BAND The Detroit Blues Band will perform oo Saturday. Dec 10, at Griffs Grill. 49 N Saginaw. Pontiac For more information. call 336-9292 a J.O. LAMS 8 DAY 7 NITE SPA PACKAGE A V A I L A B L E 7900 LARRY P A S K O W W A V UUGS & KISSES 5 • •as • * Reggae outfit ON-XYZ will celebrste its first d e c a d e in the b u s i n e s s with a 10th anniversary performance Saturday, Dec. 17, at Alvin's, Cass Avenue, nesr the Wayne State campus in Detroit. VZjJ larbor AATARf • *30 STREET BEATS RECENT RELEASES; Film releases slow down so you can do your Christmas shopping Tune in next week as the holiday rush begins oo your local screen. Q4tE December 5. 1986 REVIEWS J D Lamb will perform on Friday, Dec 9. at Griffs Grill. 49 N Saginaw. FISHERMAN'S BLUES PEEP SHOW — Siouxsie Sioux Siouxsie Sioux has consistently released great singles since forming tbe Banshees with guitarist Steve Severin wsy hack In 1976. Ranging from their first British hit, "Hong Kong Garden" to the unique "Happy House," the powerful "Christine,'* the wild "Spellbound' through to the recent -Cities In Dust," her singles have all been easily indentlflable "Siouxsie." She deserves credit for the fact that she has maintained true to her original motivations and, as a result, has carved a niche as the Queen of Avaat-punk." This LP, "Peep Show" (Geffen), Is. their eighth studio album and they have expanded from their nucleus of Siouxsie, S t e v e Severia snd d m n w . Budgie to ladsds s new guitarist, Joe K M a This band rhangss guitarists like underwear Their claim oa this record Ii that they stripped away a tot d the "sounds" and concentrated on coming with "simple songs" Sounds Ilka they've bean studying at the same reck hand workshop as those wacky, fsnstsr songwriters US. Is truth, though, there are some IMS oa this album Unfor- — Waterboys — — tunately, they still suffer from the same problems of monotony over the course of an LP. Too much of a good thing . . . The single you MTV junkies probably know Is "Peek-a-boo," a musically quirky look at softcore pornography and the dehumanizing of women. Tbe other highlights of the album are the powerful "Scarecrow," wtth power guitars thundering along, snd the excellent "Killing Jar." These songs make ap the first three on side one and from there on the quality of the songwriting degenerates until we are left with the overblows "Rhapsody," a song dealing with the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union- This has always been an obvious theme for songwriters throughout history While her visual image has always besn oae of Mai knees and exotica, her s o a p range from qnfcrky punk to the grandioaa Ob this LP Stouxle's strength lies In s minority of songs But that minority is sxcuf d. . — Cormoe Wright Well, aren't we getting a bit folksy. Tbe violinist here has become a "fiddle player " That's the first clue. So lt is that "Fisherman's Blues," (Chrysalis) the long-awaited followup to the critically successful 'This is the Sea" LP from the Watefboys is a trip on the back roads of a mystical Celtic musical experience. This is a stripped down, mud up to the top of your boots, back to your roots LP But so often when a band makes a foray into the manic of the past the i to be ashed is; b it new? In the Wsterboys' case, not always. The sincerity Is there This BOOT8EY X a Bootsey X will perform on Saturday, Dec. 10, at Lili's 21. 2930 Jacob. Hamtramck. For more information, call 8756555 a ROMANCE Romance will perform Thursday through Sunday. Dec 18. at Daytona's. Rochester Road, near 14 Mile, Clawson For more information, call 528-1550 a FRANK ALLISON Frank Allison and tbe Odd Sox will perform oo Friday, Dec. 9, at tbe Blind Pig. 208 S. First Ann Arbor For more information. call 996-8555 a TRACY LEE Tracy Lee and tbe Leonards will perform oo Saturday, Dec. 10, at the Blind Pig, 208 S. First, Ann Arbor. For more information, call 996-8555 pji Tis the season to give, and plenty of people in tbe Detroit music scene are doing just that. First off. on Wednesday. Dec. 14. Caruso, See Dick Raa and Robb Roy will band together in a benefit for the Gleaners Food Bank and the Food Bank of Oakland County. Tbe concert will take place at The Ritz, 17580 Frazbo. near 101* Mile Road. Roseville. Doors open at 8 p.m. Also dropping in are Karea Monster, Romance and some other surprises. Tbe benefit is being organized by the newly formed Detroit Music Network. Caruso's Mike Caruso, who's involved in putting the Network together, said the group is in its infancy. But hopes are that it will grow into something big. "The general direction of the network is that there is some room for good will," Caruso said. 'Too many bands think of themselves as islands and that they're in competition with everyone else. . . . We think something like this can only upgrade the standard of music in Detroit" Along with Caruso, those active in forming the Detroit Music Network include Jim Edwards of See Dick Run, Bob Miachella of Romance and Monster Caruso would certainly like more musicians to join the ranks. Similar organizations exist in other cities, like the Chicago Music Coalition for example. The basic idea is to share information, and lend support to the Detroit music scene. One of tbe complaints made by some musicians in Detroit is that there are too many cliques. As a result, there hasn't been much of a cooperative effort in getting the word about Detroit area musicians. "I think it's important that somebody takes the first step forward." Caruso said. "What can happen'' It can only go uphill from here." Doors open for the benefit show Dec. 14 at 8 p.m. Admission is | 2 plus a can of food with a dollar knocked off for every additional can of food (Organizers perfer to collect canned meat or high-protein tuna). ANOTHER SPIN for a good cause is the "Local Riffs" compilation cassette and compact disc that hit tbe racks today. The album features nine Detroit bands, including J J). Lamb, Circular Motion, Secood Order Thtakiag, The COLLEGE Here are tbe top-10 albums on WAYNAM. campus station of Wayne Stat* University. Ctvlliaas, Roulette, The Shake, Taajeat Image, Oraage Roughies and See Dick Run. The compilation was the end result of the WRIF-FM s "Local Riffs" competition this year Bands were selected by listeners in weekly and monthly competition. Some 900 musicians sent in tapes to WRIF-FM The CD is $10 and the cassette is IS. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Child Protection Team at Children's Hospital. The Child Protection Team is a group of professionals who intervene on behalf of children when abuse or neglect is suspected A series of Saturday night concerts will take place in conjunction with tbe release at The Ritz in Roseville. Tbe Civilians. Tbe Shake and Tbe Orange Roughies will perform on Dec. 10. On Dec. 17, Secood Order Thinking, Tanjent Image and See Dick Run will take the stage. Three bucks or three cans of food will get you in the door Cash proceeds will benefit Children s Hospital; the cans of food will be donated to tbe Southeastern Food Coalition. And while we're on the subject of album releases. Broken Yoyo will release its new LP. "The Big Picture," on its own label Fiasco Records any day now. The eightsong album comes after two 7-inch single releases in the past. With a band of this scope, a full-length LP might be what tbe rock'n'roll doctor ordered. This band deserves national recognition. CLASSICAL Here arc tbe moat requested selection oo Dick Wallace's show oo WQRS-FM 1 "Capncoo Espangnol." Rimsky-Kor- sahs*. J. J 4 5 ' T o r tbe Beauty of tbe Earth," Ratter. 'Horn Concerto No 4." M o u r i Eapana. Chabrter. "Fanfare for tbe Common Man," Cop- 6 "String Serenade." B e a r . 7. "Symphony No. i , " B w i k w n I "Voices of Spring." J . Straaas Jr. 9 "Concerto No. • is A minor." VtvaldL 10 "Air Oo A String.'" Back. COUNTRY Here are tbe top-iO airplay on w Www-FM receiving I. -1 Know How It Feels.' Reba McEal . "New Shade of Blue," fiufWrs P a d f - . 4c. 1. "All Right for President," Ail. 2 "All This and Nothing." Psychedelic Fars. 3 "Seven Simple Songs. O r a a g e Roeghies. & 4 "Truth and Soul," Fishkaor. 5 Demo Cassette," Lastte ttst 6 "Every Dog Has Its Day." Let's A n t r a . 7 "Commoo Ground." Rhythm Corps. 8 T o o Much Ain't Enoogh." SeSoce. 9 "Kick Out tbe Jelly." Jaol 10 "Test KlL" Radoo Add. 3 -Chiseled in S t o n e . " V e r a G e e t l a . 4. "I Wish That I Could Fall in Love To-, day." Barbo 5 "Spanish Eyes," 6 "If You Aint Lovta' I V At AO. GrifetMrf PARTNERS IN TIME —Mr. B with J.C. Heard Include working with U1 and In Tea To steal a lyric, "It dont Nua, does an outstanding job haro on thing If it a i n t get that i the violin " * ~ Then the Waterboys veer off on melancholy avenue. The music on side two Is traditional Irish ia every and than sense of the word. Acoustic and the fiddle are the basis foi i WU1 We Be Mar- bor-hi OHaDaraa*B Tlpparary Pah. . That's not to say the Watartoys don't do s good )ob of playing this stuff. Really, there's s quality to "And A Bang on thn: "We WID Not Be Lovers" this This fiddle-filled LP has sa tensity thet has beea the hallmark of the Wsterboys' music is the peat — Larry CTCommor a Baa J 4D** O&E Mooday. December 5. 1968 Monday. O a o f n b f 5. 19SS STREET WISE street seen Charlene Mitchell Street Scene reporter Charlene Mitchell is always looking for the u n u j u o i and the unique. She welcomes comments and suggestions from readers and enterprising entrepreneurs. Write her in care of this newspaper, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150. or call 591-2300. Ext. 313. Evening elegance This beaded bag and belt set sre the kind of accessories you can use for years to come. Elegant beading on black with dark red, emerald gold and midnight blue accents. Metal chain can be tucked in so purse can either hang on shoulder or be used s s s clutch. Coordinating belt looks great with a plain black dress or evening pants — which are bigger than ever this season. Monique Shoetique, 302 S. Washington, Royal Oak. First andiast Getting a word in edgewise is in vogue these days st sll kinds of parlies snd social gatherings — just maks sure it's the right word. That's whst the new board game Word Quest is all about — helping you find the right word. Word Quest appeals to all age groups, with a special attraction for folks who enjoy a challenge a s well a s readers, writers snd crossword puzzle enthusiasts. Developed by Hollywood's Tony Randall, the g a m e sells for $30 and is svsilable at K mart, Mei)ers and Toys R Us. Rsndall, incidentally, will give a nationwide plug to the game on the David Letter man show next Monday night. Lego of this Little kids' toys sure have grown up. Take this Legolookalike phone. Just about everything one can possibly construct with t h e s e fun snd challenging Lego s n a p blocks has gone into this phone. It may look like a fake, but it's for reaL A slide-out drawer on the side can hold phone numbers. $49.50. Msrmell Gifts, 28857 Orchard Laks Road, Farmington Hills. Downhill flick Irish Folk Forget popcorn and M&Ms. Better bring some ear muffs and a scarves to this movie. Don Thomas Sporthaus snd tbe Royal Oak Music Theater will present the Michigan premier of tbe film, "Skier's Dream," starring World champion skier, John Eaves on Saturday, Dec. 10, at the Royal Music Theater. "Skier's Dream" is an actioo packed ski adventure film. The story focuses on a young executive with a vivid imagination, played by Eaves, who is a six-time world freestyle champion and James Bond stuntman. Tbe movie showcases many aspects of skiing and take each discipline to the absolute limit. He dreams of extreme skiing down 60degree slopes, where one fall could be tbe last. Showtimes on Saturday are 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Tickets at the door are $7.50 and advance tickets are $6 and only available at Don Thomas Sporthaus, 6600 Telegraph, Bloomfield Plaza, Birmingham Who said you have to go to Dublin or Galway to hear the best in traditional Irish music? The sounds of the Emerald Isle can be beard in your back yard this Friday. Ireland's Diva, Dolores Keane, will perform in concert at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, at tbe Monaghan Knights of Columbia Hall in Livonia. Performing with Keane will be Martin O'Connor, Phil Cunningham, John Faulkner and Brendan O'Regan. Keane is widely recognized as one of the finest singers to come from Ireland. She has performed with such Irish groups as Planxty, De Dannan and the Cbeiftains. Rave reviews have followed wherever she's appeared. The Sunday Tribune said, "A voice from the earth that caresses the very heavens." Liam Fay of the Irish music magazine Hot Press added, "She almost singularly in Irish music, manages to convey the matter-of-fact timelessness of traditional singing which as its best is like a boundless, calm mist over a landscape that can be as weatherbeaten as a rugged shoreline or as smooth as Connemara marble " Tickets are $10 and are available at Irish Imports in Dearborn. For more information, call 537-3488. Ypsi lights The Christmas lights shine brightly in Ypsilanti. Hundreds of lights have been strung in trees through Riverside Park, near historic Depot Town. The display is free and located in the park, which runs along the Huron River banks between Cross Street in Depot Town and Michigan Avenue, a few blocks from Eastern Michigan University. Tbe lights are oo 6-10 p.m. through Jan. I. Viewers can walk or drive through the park. In addition there are occasional carriage and — weather permitting — sleigh rides through the park. Some of the lights are on loan from Domino's Farms, which is not repeating its traffic stopping display this year. The Riverside Park program is sponsored by the Ypsilanti Visitors and Convention Bureau. New nightclub shakes, rattles and rolls Holiday concerts By Debbie Skier special writer The Wayne State University Con cert Chorale and the Choral Union, along with a number of other groups, will perform free holiday concerts this season in the WSU Community Auditorium. Cass Avenue, between Ferry and Palmer, north of Detroit Public Library. This season's lineup includes: • The Symphony Orchestra Con certo Concert will take place at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6. Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" and Rossini's "Barber Seville" will be performed. Michael McGown and Ken Robinson will be featured in Vivaldi's "Concerto for Two Trumpets" and Sam Martin will be featured in Weber's "Clarinet Concerto." • The Jazz Lab Bands I and II will perform at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 7. • The University Choruses and Symphony Orchestra will have their last concert of the holiday season at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11. Hockey pointers for the avid fan master outlet on Dec. 1 and be there promptly at 10 a.m. Since it's now TERMS: You gotta speak the lan- Dec. 5, you're out of luck. Want to go guage. The worst thing you can do is to a game in February? Then you'll ask "How many points do we have?" have to be in line, money in hand, on Or, "What quarter are we in?" You Jan. 2. want people to think you're from, Or you can go down to the arena say. California? Of course not. Scor- on game day and buy from scalpers. ing is kept in goals. Not points, not You don't have to find them, they'll runs. And they play periods, three of find you. "em. Not quarters and definitely not Once you find the arena, that is. thirds. You can see Joe Louis from lots of OFFSIDES: Football has onsides places. You park downtown and (kicks) and offsides (players). Hockey there it is. But try to get to i t Hah! only has offsides. None of them has After your third trip across Wayne anything to do with being either on County Community College, give up or off. Don't you worry about them. trying to find it yourself and look for a bunch of nerds in oversized Red That's what they pay officials for. ICING: Another thing officials are Wing jerseys. Follow them. paid to detect. As with offsides, it reJoe Louis looks like a huge waresults in a stoppage of play. house from the outside. Tbe only POWER PLAY: Making a move way you'll know it isn't are THE on the boss" wife at the company S T E E P E S T STAIRWAYS ON Christmas party. Or, in hockey, what EARTH. If you can make it to the results from such common and often top, you're ready for hockey. It's not encouraged infractions as tripping, a game for the weak. elbowing, boarding, cross checking or fighting. The guilty player leaves STANDING (NON)ROOM: Since the ice for various durations, de- all the seats will have been gone for pending on the sin, during which his weeks by the time you decide you'd team plays a man short. Tbe team like to go. and your pockets likely with the advantage is on the power aren't deep enough to hold tbe monplay. ey you need to buy from a scalper, THE STANLEY CUP: No, it's not you're going to have to buy standing worn by Stanley for protection. It's a room. silver cup bought by Lord Stanley of Which means that in addition to Preston in 1883 for $48.67, when be asking "Who scored?" or "Who's was governor-general of Canada. fighting?" all night to tbe guy next to The cup is awarded to the winner of you, who can't see, either, you get to the playoffs each year and was so play Usher Tag. lightly regarded in the old days that Another neat game is Count the at various times it was drop-kicked Ads. Out in Auburn Hills, THE into a canal, thrown from a car and PLACE WHERE NO ROADS GO, tossed into a graveyard. they bill the Palace as a state-of-theHAT TRICK, OVERTIME, AS- art arena. This means lots of conSISTS, PULLING THE GOALIE, crete surrounded by lots more conHIP CHECK, PENALTY SHOT, crete in the parking lot Joe Louis, FORWARDS: All good terms, no on the other hand, is state-of-the-ad. doubt. But, as Casey Stengal used to They're everywhere, painted on say, "You can lot* it up." What do the boards at ice level, circling the you think this is, a dictionary? inside of the arena, floor to ceiling throughout the concourse, backlit, ADVICE: Now that you know the neon, printed or painted, most of history of hockey and the NHL and them urging you to eat and drink. have a working knowledge of tbe To make eating and drinking easicrucial terms, you're ready to go to a er, food and beer booths are everygame. For that, you 11 need advice. where. Unlike the Tigers, who think Where are the best places to sit? if you're crazy enough to drink the Since the Wings sold 16.000 season near-beer there, you should miss the game, the Wings sell you real beer, tickets this year, at an average price and installed color TV monitors at of $17.42, you don't have to worry the concession so you'll never have much about choosing tickets. You to leave the line to see the game. take what you can get. If you want to go to a game, say, in January, you Tbey even have ads hanging from have to go to Joe Louis or a Ticketthe TVs: " home appliance and Continued from Page 1 electronics." What's nezt? "Light bulbs by Westinghouse?" Somehow, it all works. Joe Louis is as colorful as a Day-Glo painting under a black light. The food is good and the beer is real and cold.The hockey, since Jacques Demers arrived as coach, has been wonderful. Even the tunes on the PA are great. (You don't hear Jim Morrison breaking on through to the other side at Tiger Stadium.) And the sightlines are excellent. Except for you. You've got standing room, remember? Which brings us back to. . . USHER TAG: About 6 p.m. — games begin at 7:30 p.m. — the first standees take their place in the aisle that separates the upper and lower bowls. To make Usher Tag competitive. management sells tickets for a row of folding chairs in the aisle right behind the last row of permanent chairs. This cuts down considerably on the room to maneuver. "Hie back 10 inches of the aisle is for the standees, who are supposed to line up behind a red stripe painted on tbe floor. This leaves, in theory, several feet between the folding chairs and the standees for customers to take food and drink back to their seats. In theory, they only sell enough standing-room tickets to fill the space behind the red line. In reality, they sell enough to cram the aisle solid. Late comers get yelled at by the early arrivers, who are wedged up against the wall and unable to see any ice at all. And they get sloshed on by people on the way to their seats, barging through with cups roughly the volume of inverted Egyptian pyramids. After the game starts, and everybody has gotten contortioned into position so they can see at least part of the ice and occasionally even a player, along come the ushers. They say, and this is a direct quote: "You folks are going to have to move somewhere. You can't block the aisle. Go find a seat or something." Like on tbe waiting list for '83-84. So. you move down the aisle, or wait for the usher to give up and move on. Better yet, pretend you have a seat and are on your way there. Circle around the bowl in front of all the standees, watching the game as you go. Y o u ' l l see E X C I T E M E N T ! FIGHTS! An incredible hockey player in Steve Yzerman. Good goaltertding by Greg Stefan and Glen Hanion And you'll hear, every time the Wings score, tbe SIREN FROM HELL Wings' fever. Catch i t Better map out a plan for a night at The Joe Continued from Page 1 od either to the — you guessed it — food counters and rest rooms But even hockey nuts get hungry. I usually wait until a stoppage of play in the last minute of a period before excusing myself. That way, I can beat the rush and also lessen chances of having an entire section throw garbage at me for blocking their view when Yzerman scores again. Once I push my way past the standing-room-only fans who circle the executive level, I'll either purchase a hot pretzel, in a portable stand located in the concourse directly behind my section, or walk around the bend for an ice cream cone, both priced at $1.50. Hunger satisfied, regular "Joes" settle back into their chairs to watch the third period. Those who are not so regular fans typically miss several minutes per period, after fighting the concession/ rest room masses. Of course, another important rule is to take off early for home. Once again, departure is preceded by a stoppage of play with time running out. That way, this fan is in his car and back on the road, before trendy newcomers gulp down their last mixed drink. The only downer about leaving in a hurry, is muaing out on any exciting overtime periods But for ticket holders, there's always er game, usually only a few away. Tbe Big Apple, Chicago and England may have their famous hard rock cafes. But thanks to ooe local nightclub trendsetter, the Motor City can finally boast about its own "in" spot. Nino Cutraro, whose name is synonymous with Taboo in Detroit, opened the doors to his long-awaited Metropolitan Music Cafe in Royal Oak recently. "It's been a long haul, but we finally did it," Cutraro said More than 250 guests paid a visit to the opening of the cafe/nightclub, which was also a benefit for the Ronald McDonald House of Detroit. The MMC is open seven days a week. Located at the newly renovated Washington Square Plaza In downtown Royal Oak, tbe Metropolitan Music Cafe took more than eight months to complete. From a ooce dusty and decrepit interior to the now highly visible varnished floors and freshly painted walls, the MMC has come a long way since the owner first set his eyes on it. ' 1 chose Royal Oak because it just felt right, and I predicted back then that it was going to be the next hot spot." he said. "The opportunities were just too good to pass by, and other cities just didn't have what I was looking for." What the city now has is a rock'n'roll-style diner where the visitor can either come in and enjoy the music, dance or just have a bite to eat. 'THIS NEW cafe was inspired by the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City, but this cafe definitely has a Detroit flavor," Cutraro said. Walking into the MMC is like taking a step through rock'n'roll history. Memorabilia ranging from Peter Frampton to Elvis Presley graces the walls in almost every direction. "I've traveled around tbe world bidding on rock'n'roll stuff for this place," he said. "I've also got people out there at auctions everyday looking for things." On this particular evening, it appeared that several of the large Lucite frames that encase celebrity clothing were causing the most commotion. One of Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin's dresses is on display, as is a yellow satin baseball jacket worn by John Travolta in the movie Grease." Other items spotted included a dress worn on Johnny Carson's 'Tonight Show" by letterturner Vanna White, an outfit Madonna wore during her "Clao" Italy The newly opened Metropolitan Music Cafe in Royal Oak is s rock'n'roll talgia trip. tour, and the gold Porsche sunglassTHE INTERIOR was designed by Ron Rea of Peterhansrea in Birmingham, a Michigan-based commercial design firm specializing in restaurant and retail interiors. Rea also created an unusual bar that's shaped like an electric guitar. Also on hand is a 1960 pink Cadillac that rests in the corner of the upper level where there are several intimate tables. As for the MMC's dining menu, which will be serving both lunch and dinner, there is a variety to choose from including escargot, N.Y. strip steak, burgers, sandwiches and delicious desserts. Cutraro said that his new club differs from Taboo because, "it is more of a comfortable, casual atmosphere. People can come in and wear table has you In a tattspin, a lazy swean from An*The swean (they In Bk, utilizing Den 1 the only That may be the general rule, but many of Detroit* trendsetters were out in full force on opening night. of music stars, such as guitars ooce owned by members of the Rolling Stones, members of EH ton John's band, and other collage-like menageries dedicated to Elvis Presley and tbe Beatles. Those attending the opening included WNIC-FM radio personality Jim Harper, Detroit Lions Eric Hippie and Chuck Long, along with numerous well-known hairdressers, mayors and a special appearance by tbe rock group the Romantics, who dedicated and signed a guitar for the MMC As for the proprietor, a native of Grammicbele, Italy, who has been in tbe United States since 1975 when he came over oo a vacation, ' T m glad we're finally open, and I'm hoping people will enjoy what I've enjoyed bringing to them." 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Along yet another wall are black and white photographs of Cutraro posing with some of his friends and of stars who have visited his other nightclub. Taboo, like Tristan Rogers from "General Hospital," Connie Stevens. Tony Orlando and Dick Clark only to name a few. Other walls are adorned with gold and platinum records from a variety Cat MB aw for m/ormaxtou ALLUsavnsEAimc PLUS... Knock on wood jeans and not have to worry about dressing up." Investor^Paily • Choose from over 50 different styles of "Nstural looking" artificial trees - Vi OFF • Fantastic selection of Lights - both indoor & outdoor fl r nd • "" * *60 G&E C A— Btt) - - SUBSCRIBE NOW _ Tonight Redford Livonia Oakland an MmtroVlmlon Channel 25 Channel 30 Channel 40 CmtoUt T.V. Phone 538-1313 Phone 422-3200 Phone 553-7300 60** O&E Monday, December 5, 1988 Tinsel Town with a Motown twist Area film shoots for big screen By Debbie Wallis Landau special writer There are three mysterious murders. There's the almost palpable tension between the scrupulous sports writer who has witnessed one slaying, and the girl whose past is suspect, but whose help he needs. Follow them down a deserted railroad track, where she entreats him to trust her. Picture the stark contrast between secret meetings in murky settings and a police frisk of the wrong man in searing daylight. Add to those elements an all-Detroit cast and crew and scenes shot near the Belle Isle riverfront, at the Detroit First Precinct and near Meadow Brook, and you have "The Big Story," an original screenplay by area writer/director Brian Lawrence, who lives in Royal Oak. With his first full-length featurefilm. Lawrence joins the growing ranks of independent filmmakers aiming for the big screen. When his romantic suspense thriller debuts sometime in 1989, Detroiters will not only get to see home-grown talent but a movie made to compete with some of the finest big-budget films coming out of Hollywood. "Detroiters are going to want to see this film," said Paul Turner, associate producer. "It jumps around a lot and has the kind of tension, sexiness and excellent photography which distinguished such recent thrillers as "No Way Out" and "Body Heat. "But what's different from a production angle," he added, "is that we are competing with mainstream films made by major studios. We worked within a budget of $250,000 -- raised from colleagues and contacts — and normally that's a range that yields a lot of slasher films or films that have sacrificed some quality." ACCORDING TO Turner, independent films comprise about half the motion pictures currently made for the box office and video market today. "The market's wide open," he said, "because of the explosion of video and cable production possibilities. An independent film can be made and distributed for a relatively small amount of capital but has potential for a very large return on investment. And suspense films have been the biggest revenue busters since Hitchcock's time. Films dominate the stock market today." He cites Spike Lee's movie, "She's Gotta Have It," as a movie made with a $175,000 budget which went on to gross at least $2 million to date. Whether Lawrence's "The Big Story" will reach that same financial pinnacle will depend, of course, upon audience response and the shrewdness of the deal they hope to make with a distributor. The options are varied: They can sell domestic rights and retain foreign rights, for example. "The movie title, T h e Big Story,' - is a working title," Turner said. "Either we or an agent or a distributor photo* by JERRY ZOLYNSKY/ataff photographer Actor Brian Schulz of Warren (left), a c t r e s s Ksra Miller, who's from New York, a c t r e s s Sussn Michalak, who's formerly of Birminghsm, and director Brisn Lawrence of Royal Oak talk over the script. will probably give it a grabber like 'Fatal Attraction' when it's released to the public." Brian Lawrence's goals won't seem lofty when you consider he's a graduate of the same Michigan State University film program as directors Sam Raimi ("Evil Dead" and "EMI Dead II"), Jim Cash and Jack Epps, Jr. The latter pair gained fame as the writers of "Legal Eagles," "Top Gun," and "The Secret of My Success." He was also in a unique position to draw up Detroit's broad range of actors and technical professionals. Lawrence is an owner and founder of The Studio in Royal Oak, a video and film center which operates as both a training center for actors and a resource center for The Independent Film Producers Association of Michigan. He teaches four weekly acting sessions at The Studio, which also hosts casting sessions for other filmmakers and screens new films. "PRACTICALLY ALL the local actors people see in Detroit — in commercials and short films — have at one time attended workshops here," Lawrence said. "Detroit's extremely strong tradition as an industrial film capital offers directors some of the finest technical resources. And we had an opportunity to offer work on a creative feature film to many technicians who otherwise focus on industrial and training films for tbe auto industry." Many of the crew have experience in Hollywood. Assistant cameraman Art Brown and key grip Charlie Smith w e r e j ^ a r t of the production teams of "E^il Dead II" and "Dead Heat." Actor Gary Haight's 20 years of film and television experience includes tbe films "Day of the Locust" and "The Trial of Billy Jack." Does Lawrence see himself as a successor to such writers as Raymond Chandler or directors Hitchcock or Pulanski? "Perhaps to the extent of the development of atmosphere and relationships," he said. "The intrigue and the sexiness. But a director is really dictated by experience and practicality. "I greatly admire Fellini and Bergman, but I could no more be them than I could Hitchcock. You do what you know. You not only have a moral responsibility to your investors but to your ultimate reputation." Filming in Detroit was natural for Lawrence, not only because his professional roots are here, but because he believes the talent is competitive with talent in markets like Los Angeles or New York. Brian Shulz, who plays the sportswriter, Richard Murphy, has an impressive array of credits drawn from work at The Fisher Theatre. Meadowbrook, The Attic Theatre and national companies. IN ADDITION to her numerous acting roles, Susan Michalak was noted in the January 1987 issue of Metropolitan Detroit as "Detroit's sexiest model." Actor John Williams has taught classes himself at The Makeup artist J e a n Dussblon of Northville applies m akeup to actor John William of Detroit. Studio and worked in England's Pinewood Studios and Denham Studios as a youth. "One of tbe downsides of hiring great people is that, if they are good, they're going to move on to other roles in other cities," Lawrence said. "One of our actors is currently in Paris, and one is in New York. Be- cause we started shooting later in August than we planned, we've had to defer some shooting 'til next spring, and somehow we have to get these people back." Logistically, the film didn't run into too many snags. "Out of the more than 1,000 minutes of footage we've shot, we've traversed the tricounty area and offer a wealth of locations ranging from Indian Village, the Stroh's Plant, the northern suburbs," Turner said. "It kept the action moving. "We could not have done all of that without Aida Munoz, our production manager. She spent countless hours on tbe phone and driving all over to get sites that agreed artistically Srith Brian - Lawrence's script." There were some touch-and-go minor incidents like having some tough street people worry the crew near St. Cecilia's gym in the Davison area in Detroit. And.there can be times, in any film, when you get to a location, tap into the power supply and need to get a generator to increase output. A lot of negotiating goes on regarding how much the production team is going to have to pay to film in a location. "WE DIDN'T run into too much trouble filming scenes at the Detroit News, which is great because it lends authenticity to the sports writer's habitat," Turner said. "The only place real legalities were involved was at tbe First Precinct." While Turner believes "The Big Story" will prove to illustrate that a high-quality film can be made from a smaller budget, be said, "Financing is every producer's and director's nightmare. In New York or LA., grants are always available, but that's not the case in Michigan. When and if the situation changes, we may see more products worldwide that were made in Detroit exclusively." Things are crystal clear visiting Ireland in Ireland. Not surprising, considering that 70 percent of the crystal produced is sold to Americans. Walk into one of the four glass furnace areas and you begin to understand why Waterford is both very heavy and very expensive. Teams of glass blowers work on platforms surrounding huge circular furnaces, each platform serves 12 furnace pots By Iris Sanderson J o n e s contributing travel editor I have had two questions from readers who want to know whether travelers can buy Waterford crystal in Ireland for less money than they pay in the United States. One Is from a bride- to-be who listed Waterford on her bridal gift registry: "Waterford is very expensive in the U.S., so I don't expect to get many pieces as gifts. I have family in Ireland. Could they buy lt cheaper at the Waterford factory?" The secood letter is from a reader who started collecting Waterford wine glasses when she got married eight years ago: "Family members sometimes give me a piece for Christmas. This year I plan to boy myself a piece for Christinas. However, I have friends traveling to Ireland in the spring. Can they buy it for less in Ireland? Wouldn't it be cheaper at a duty-free airport shop? A third question came from an associate who read those letters. "Why is Waterford glass so expensive? Is it really any different than other crystal?" THOSE ARE the same questions I asked myself the last time 1 saw Waterford on a bride's gift list. Why should a Waterford wine glass cost $15 to MS? Would the bride be happy with a single glass ? A tour of the factory la Waterford MICKY JOMES C o u n t y W s t s r f o r d in I r e l a n d is w h s r s t h e y m a k e W a t e r f o r d Crystsl. City, Irelandd, answered all of those questions for the in a harry. The quick answers are: DO. you c a n t bay It cheaper in Ireland; yes, it is different from other crystal. Whether it is worth the price or not depends oo bow much you like iL A lot of Americana like lt a lot Most brides would be delighted with one wine glass Waterford Crystal Ltd.. in County Waterford, near the southeast coast of Ireland, may be the only major glass producer in the world that still does everything by hand. Each piece of glass is hand-blown, hand-cut, hand-engraved and hand-polished, using many of the same tools used when the Penroee brothers opened their doors in 1711 The company closed in 1151, and did not reopen for nearly 100 years, but many of the eighteenth-century patterns are incorporated in the current catalog. A tour ef the Waterford factory Is one of the most popular excursions saal IN K-4, where the heavy vases and decanters are made, ooe team creates the bottom of a vase, a secood creates the top. It Is a slow meticulous process, much like tbe process used in the Middle Ages. Ooe glass blower takkes a glob from the furnace with a long metal pipe; he blows through the rod into the molten ball, turning It wtth a wooden instrument, until t h e red-hot glass Inflates like a balloon of the desired size. At this point a second glass-blower adds more molten glass and repeats the process,blowing and turning, until it can be lowered into a moid, where the blowing and turning continues until the desired hollowed shape is created Eventually, the two pieces of the vaae are joined together. In another furnace room, where stemware Is made, the small blows bowl of a wise glaas Is passed oo to s secood team, which adds two more molten globe that become the stem and the b a s e At this point, the glass Is slowly cooled, so that It won't shatter, the rough edge that beld it to the blowing tool is cut off and tbe glass is polished. All you have after all that work is a glass blank. Most crystal companies in Ireland import those blanks from Europe. The real job is ahead In the cutting shop, where patterns are hand-cut into each piece. Each crystal blank is marked with a grid (later washed off) to guide the cutters hand, but the actual pattern is not marked oo the glass. It took the cutter five years to learn his trade and he is expected to have the pattern Is his head. That is why no hand-made artifact looks exsctly like another. THAT EXPLAINS why Waterford crystal is so expensive. If you ever wondered what the difference Is between "glass" and "crystal,'* here it IK any glaas containing more than 14 percent lead Is called crystal. Waterford glass contains $1 percent lead. That's what makes it so heavy. The question that everyone asks at the factory Is "Can you buy it at a discount?" Waterford Crystal Lid. never sells st s discount, aor do they allow the sale of dsfective crystal. There are no "seconds." Anything that doesn't meet the standards is According to a Wstsrford you can not buy crystal at a dJecosn Ireland. The list price Ii you pay at the elaborate factory store or at a department store in Dublin. That price includes twenty-percent tax , which tourists need not pay, it can be deducted in any shop or reimbursed st the airport for a handling fee of about $5. You can also avoid that 20 percent tax when you buy at the duty-free store in Shannon airport American stores sometimes discount Wstterford, however, so you can sometimes match that tax-free price in the United S t a t e s Example: A goblet in the Lismore pattern costs 25 20 Irish pounds in Ireland; at the current exchange rate of $1.50 s pound that is $1011 US. Without the twenty percent tax It •ells for $13 17 If the dollar continues to drop in value, the goblet will cost more. I s the 1001-00 Service Merchandise catalog, the same goblet sells In Michigan for M l 07 pies Michigan state tax. Note: S e r v i c e M e r c h a n d i s e charges $11.07 for each of four difof la Ireland the smaller CI is still sot to make it home, or paying for i Per information on Wstsrford factory, or any formation on Ireland, contact the I r i * Tourist Board. 7»7 Third Aus, New York, N Y , 10017 or (llD410-< © b e (©bseruer & lEccentric N e w s p a p e r s Creative Living M o n d a y . D e c e m b e r 5. 1 9 8 6 O&E *1E 'Ugly Mix' turns off tree thieves organizing Dorothy »Lehmkuhl Q. We have collected every photograph since our marriage 37 y e a n ago. Can I throw them oat without feeling guilty or moat I save them for historical purposes? Is there a way to organize them efficiently? A. You might not feel guilty throwing out all your photos now but you or your family might be sorry later. If you have photos lying around in different places, at least establish one place for them. Ideally this would be in albums, but pictures need organizing first. As an interim measure, use covered oblong boxes — like shoe boxes or long card file boxes from the office supply. Make or buy cardboard dividers, arranging your photos according to year, trip, child, etc. Then set aside specific times to work on them — perhaps one evening a week while you watch television — or get the family to help during reunions. As you sort, record the names of the persons pictured, the year and location — or as much as you can remember. Don't spend unwarranted By Earl Aronaon special writer amounts of time trying to recall information, nor thinking you have to write clever ditties on each one. Pare down drastically by keeping only the best samples from events and also by pitching duplicates and snaps of people you can't even recognize. Try dividing up your pictures for your children. Set up a box or album for each one, rotating first choices among the children. (It's ideal to begin photo albums at birth, continue them through childhood and present them as wedding gifts on that Big Day.) How about having a photo shop videotape your pictures before throwing them out? (This is called having your tape and pitching too.) They will still need to be organized first, however. Two final notes: Beware of placing your pictures in albums made of polyvinyl because the chemicals can damage your photos. Polyester or Polypropylene are all right. Also, review the types of old photos you enjoy and then think twice before creating more unwanted memorabilia. H ORTICULTURISTS at Cornell University in upstate New York figured that a temporarily unattractive Christmas tree was better than no tree at all. So, to discourage thieves, they painted their evergreens pink, using a non-toxic "Ugly Mix" they concocted. " T i s the season to be wary" for many homeowners with attractive trees in their yards, but Cornell has a larger problem than most; its 67acre arboretum has hundreds of valuable trees that attract neighbors. Horticulturist Gerado Sciarro in- vented Ugly Mix, which is easy to make, temporary — and messy! To make enough pink Ugly Mix to uglify several trees, combine 2 gallons of warm tap water, 20 ounces of hydrated lime, 4 ounces of Wilt-Pruf (a plant conditioner available at garden shops) and 2 ounces of red food coloring. Any color will do if it isn't too similar to the tree's natural green or blue, says Sciarro. He suggests orange as a good "ugly" color, with the intention of making a tree appear too sick to be worth stealing. APPLY UGLY MIX with a brush or sprayer when the weather is dry and the temperature is above freezing. The mixture takes about a half- hour to dry, so it will wash right off if it's applied during rain or snow. If the air is too cold, the mix will freeze as soon as it's applied to the tree and fall off when the temperature rises. If left alone, the coloring will disappear with the elements within several months. Or, you can wash off the mix with a hose after the holidays. Most of the ingredients, particularly the lime, are good for the soil. This warning from the inventor of Ugly Mix: Don't wait too long. Last year, the university waited until the first week of December and lost several hundred dollars' worth of trees to thieves. (Earl Arcmson is the garden writer for the Associated Press. For his "AP Guide to House Plants." send tl.50 to: House Plants, AP Newsfeatures, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10020. clarification Glass artists Barbara Wallace and Herb Babcock of the Center for Creative Studies will give a talk and demonstration for the Founders Society at the Detroit Institute of Arts on Wednesday, Dec. 7. The date given in the story on Wallace in last Thursday's Creative Living section was incorrect. condo queries C LUXURY APARTMENTS^) Robert M. Melsner Q. When I bought my condominium unit, my real estate agent told me that I could have three dogs, based upon representations made to him by the managing agent of the association. I never confirmed that fact and never got anything in writing. Now tbe association Is pursuing me in court, claiming that I have violated the restrictions. Do I have a chance? A. You may be obligated to comply with the condominium documents, but you may have a claim against your r e a l t o r for misr e p r e s e n t a t i o n . Obviously, you should have reviewed tbe Condominium Documents either on your own or through legal counsel, before you purchased. You would have, no doubt, noticed the requirement for written approval regarding pets. Failing same, you probably do not have any defense against the association except for, perhaps, detrimental reliance on the statements of an agent; however, you may be able to pursue the realtor for negligence and/or misrepresentation and, per- haps, the managing agent. Q. I am a principal of a condominium association management company and am disgusted at some of the Realtors who fail to recognize the association's rights with respect to back assessments when tbey close. Many of us want to take some action. What can be done? A. It is a matter of educating real estate companies as to the realtor's responsibilities in connection with the closing of condominiums, both with respect to back assessments and any restrictions which may affect the purchaser. I would write the real estate company involved as well as the multi-list Board of Realtors requesting that additional educational seminars be provided to realtors. I would also write the Michigan Association of Realtors. This writer has, on occasion, spoken to real estate groups wfio have been receptive to the needs of condominium purchasers and condominium associations. Perhaps more continuing education is necessary. M fl- Jit BLOOMnELD W-LAOE SptckMit pfHifid collonW on a choice oomar lot In the VM«p>» So much n i mu si "-* room • n n1wkI ma dMnQ m M UUH wvui MM|TLO M Movoronma room room W om», Uhrars HDriry, -* T rorrriai irriiig for gracious ewtsctah•Aewe A IAMUH L m m . MLTK ai, —-1nqhmm tclHKrftS27M00H-M4Z1 w IVVVIJ lamiiy rimiiv wrai otimi t&v' VT / i nT "TfHZ G len O a k s is a perfect blend of lush n a t u r a l b e a u t y in a w o o d l a n d setting with p o n d s a n d streams, a n d of sleek sophistication—that's the Glen O a k s A p a r t m e n t C o m m u n i t y . It's a lifestyle a head of its time, a n d ifs availalbe to you today. Security, privacy, t h e ultimate in l u x u r y . . .all of t h e things you're looking for in a h o m e are thoughtfully integrated into the design. M a k e s move from a place to l i v e . . .to a lifestyle. M a k e a move to G l e n Oaks! Hannett, Inc. Realtors From $1,100 wm O P E N D A I L Y 12-5 pm ( C l o s e d T u e s d a y ) For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n Presented by: A 8 9 n 0 * Real E s t a t e Group 3 4 8 - 7 5 5 0 Adjacent to Twelve O a k s Mall 2 € * OAE M o n d a y , D e c e m b e r 5. 1900 Monday. Dacamoar 5. 19M CREATIVE LIVING CREATIVE CLA66IFIED REAL ESTATE REAL E6TPTE OAE *3E LIVING 5 9 1 - 0 9 0 0 CLA66IFIED RE PL E5TPTE 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 D i s p l a y C R O S S W O R D PUZZLER A r a w t r to P r w i o w 42 Narrow. flat txwa* 45 S t — o n a , t o i 4 "—I « Aetna* WWmlnghanv etaL 11 131 precious 47 48 SO 52 •QQG • a n a Knocks Large M r d b Cbttne -Tha — • • y • 18 I ie r n T 0 I t Tantalum 19 A b o v e 2 1 Dry 22 " 24 • 2 teto 0E u a n u t j • u E' B 30! 303 304 305 306 307 301 309 a s u a • • • • I R M R I A I N • M M • • • • • q d q 310 311 312 313 314 o a a u u u u y 1 Drink Kowty 2 Injury 3 Otd pronoun 10 Irtah — ( d o f l l 12 N e o n s y m b o l 14 Fluk) Oraasing tor maat 17 S t a l a m a t a * 20 Unedutt- 324 325 326 327 328 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 336 339 340 342 346 351 23 You a n d m a 24 S b M n i u m symbol 25 M a r r y 27 P a r f o r m t 30 M i x 32 B u n d M 3 5 S-pUsT: 3 7 T i b a t a n prtaal 38 Raaidue 39 Sinks suddenly 4 1 F)rap4aca p a r t 43 Commotion wtth graat u p r o a r 44 S t r u t t e r s 10 46 Yttrium •ymbol 48 O d o r 51 Hurried 53 G r a a t Lafco 57 K a t l v a m a t a i 58 A continent: abftr 60 Aftarnoon 3 I 11 1* 12-6 © 312 Livonia COUNTRY MOOERN North Uvonta lor M s modem 1979 2 i dMne 100m lath l a i f i doors to c o a r a d porch, 2H bethe. UnMied beeement. 1st floor laundry, cnatral air. and a 3 car gerage. $127,900 HARRYS. priced stn.no. CENTURY 21 Hartford South WOLFE 464-6400 352 353 354 356 356 360 361 362 364 312 Lhronia 312 Livonia GRAND COLONIAL 4 bedroom and dan In graat Waalam L M X M 2 H b a d * . 1st floor M*idry. tsmfly room. flrepleoe. oen- NEW CONSTRUCTK3N SAVE 15.000 - Chrta North g at I Uwonla 's Woods Sub Buy m Oecarnber end the txjflder pey your Ooelng am style> ranch How about a flreel^room (144.900 mg WOLFE UVOMA4AREA UVOMA-TTFA MA-TIFF ANY PARK 3 bed- Coventry Gardens utaar Irani Me (brary or croaa country Md to your oam g r l . a u bflSTCoOOfLiZs^lcS 322-4333 ' The Michigan EVERYTHMO YOU COULD WANT A LNorUa at a price you can brick ranch with 3 b Realtc 591-9200 wood dack. prNafle yard. MMi ATE O C C U P A N C Y I 9 9 2 . 9 0 0 (L938oo) C M 522-5333 UVOMA-Steteiy 4 bedroom. 2H balh pflMred colonial located In daSkabM O t Y E HILLS ESTATES TIM 474-5700 Larga 2 Mery home m piaaauluui OueMr T o n Sub. Large * acra lot M M no iMgbtooi M O y v f l TM* 3 M m n M b a k M k i 1SM hee i in a home FOUR BEDROOMS. 2 bathe. brie* renc*. temby room/flreplaoe. raI'liciMlid kRcMn/beai. beeement. 2 car garaoa. U m I i condbton. muat t e e to apprsicete $64,900. D M 937-3640 eves. 427-4S37 MY-O-MY •aar thm la m a 3 badioorii men « « h iVk attacnad 2 car garaga. on larga lot. C E N T U R Y G r e a tJ - o c a t i o n COLDWELL BANKER ROW 2 1 464-7111 OPEH HOUSE - SAT t SUN. Noon to 8pm. 5 Mfla 4 Laoan. • y a a w . 4 badroom ookrtaL TA 459-0000 r k M CENTURY 21 21 BOW 464-7111 badroom ranch - r t h 1V» b a r * , la ly room « M i wood burning stove end tma lumaca. e l on a country t e a treed lot 163.900 WOLFE lerge (brary. country kitchen. herdwood floors under carpeting. m « M r badioora auNa wllti m a t k i i cloaet and b a n and tat floor laundry $15® .800 (L29E11) Cafl 522-5333 SCHtWU I I k H REAL ESTATE BETTER HOMES 4 QAROEM8 WOLFE CONTEMPORARY C O L D W E L L B A N K E R $ri£Sbo,50° main floor laundry. 2H car garage. Byowner $234,900 646-7«6 LIVO»^IA BIRMINGHAM - New conetrucbon. waking dlatance lo downtown Ouaflty bUR 3 badroom Tudor, many custom taeluraa $379,000 SURA BUILDERS MC 524-3133 PIYMOUTVI 2M temfly room, recreeoon room. Ilreplece. larga lot. 2'A car Owner wfll co-op $192,000 642-5638 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 «07 408 410 412 413 414 415 416 Apartments Furniture Ran l b Fimshaa Apartment j Rental Agency Houaet Property Mgmni Fumohad Houses MoOde Homes DipMaes Flats Townhoiaas/Condominiums Time Stltrt Ftondt Rentals Vtcahon Rentals Hate 417 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 42« 4JS 432 436 ftaadenca to Exdiange MobM Home Space Rooim Uiflng Quartan to Shirt Wintao to ftent W m a d lo (Mn-Reaor Rroparty Houia Smng Senflca Con lataecent Nurvng Homai Home Heefth Cart Foutr Cars Hoaiae for ma Agafl GaragablMi Stortga Commaroa/RatM Ofica Bubnaat Space contemporery 3400 4 bedroom, 2W beih home with quaHty leeturaa n d u d M g white ceramic tfle toyer, axtra lerge kltcJv en with spectacular cablntry. skyflghts. aoemg u a l i g a . 2 flre(Mnes. ttemed oek doors, peno- ONE C A L L DOES IT A L L 316 Waattand Garden City WOLFE A ABSOLUTE BARGAIN 421-5660 F a r m i n g t o n Hills NOW TAKJN(fftE8ERVATK>N8 3 bedroom brtck. Ier( kitchen, rtnorwfl. aunker bethe. deep lot. 2 car gara&r 459-6000 CASTELLI 5 2 5 - 7 9 0 0 HARD TO FMO 4 bedroom m WeMland with UvonM Schoola. Famfly ravine lot and much, much more. C M lor axduelve Miowlng $S9.900 (C-444X The Michigan 347-3050 STATELY SQE COtOHIAL Bnck 1977 buflt home wtth sunkm •vtng room, torma d M n g room. 20 0 country kitchen wtth weflcln penTHE SO S MOST SOUGHT AFTER try, family room with flrepieoa. FLOOR PLAN - a now a a k i H l i In UM NnMhed Uaasmsnl snd 2 LNonte'i moat preetlgloue aubdMston TNs neerty oomptated home $114,900 large panorsn of the extra leeturee Don ! mlaa M e luat Sated home $212,000 HARRY & WOLFE 421-5660 TRANQUIL PRIVATE WOODED SETTING - a N. Canton bee! describee M s overaOed 1.700 sq. ft. 3 bedroom k a brtck ranch. Tha Is truly ihe aterpeat. tua nmehad baaement you wN flnd compteM with mat bar and aeplaca dona to perleoflon. 2 tufl bams on mam level. 2 car man llama garage. Naw carpet end miNil •"•W 2 years mrougnout Large lamfly room w t » natural braptace backing to a beeu« M treed setting. Centra tkr and oaaru lana. Juei Hated at $119,900 Priced from the 591-9200 LEGACY ESTATES Weyne's newest luxurWxa slon - F u M yois dreem by haotno s ranch or colonial buflt with your own baths, n a k r a flrepleoea. atteched 2 Oarages and I by S 4 its Ouflflty conemjctMn con r s Models open 1-6 ome Btaders .1 Thursday Prices sten et $114,900* $121,900 HARRY & WOLFE ...In Praati0kxt9 ROLLING OAKS WEST REDUCED $10,000 I Mr doee-out sale Both 4 bedroom, 2'A bath, & great rooms. Priced at... $274,000 & $264,000 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for Mormebon cafl 474-5700 RUOY DORMAIER 476-2320 PICTURE P E R F E C T R 4 C Cuaiom Homaa. Sic. No better vekje In town - 2 bedrom a a t i n ranch, hewrtam lerge lot. newer Mndowa. aMngles & plumb- 3170 sq. fL of ing. pkja garage, oniy $41,900 out. Tudor a e t a ^ B beth bridge with 3 cer garage, hak :anOacac»ng on I I T l i a O ' treed Ma. Super kJtctten wflh cuetom cebma- l i n n M i l l home! 1.594 sq. IL of •»- C O M M U N I T Y o o S H A R P) $44,900 Beautiful R a n c h CentuiV21 m i 01 .994.900. C A S T E L L I 421-5660 WOLFE 474-5700 RANCH HOME with 2 bed-ooms 2 Ml baths, M n g room wtth natural fireplace, fflnmg L. large utltty room 22 » 26 f t garage, oo 150 « 192 n lot, $79,900 Cell 476-1270 WORRY FREE 6 PRICED RIGHT Ouaflty abounds n theee 3 new cuetom bum ranchea In Fermmgton MRS Ottering. 3 bedrooms i snd 2 beths. M l beeement. 2 cer atlacned oarage Priced trom $99 900 to $119,900 Brokers welcome Homesteed Buflders mc 477-3632 477-3317 WAYNE-3 bedroom rench. larga Svmg room 6 knenen. 2M> bethe. extra kitchen 1 bar m flnMied t i a n r i e n t central ex. 2 cer gerege. aRueted on larga ncely lender eped comer lot $64,800 Open Sun. 1-4. 595-1770 321 Livingeton County HOT STARTER Ba 1st lo see this deluxe Uvona Scnoas brick 3 badroom ranch Erv|oy a 2 cer gerege. skarflnum trim, newer vinyl mndcwa and a flne M bnck subdmalon $54 900 HARRY S WOLFE 421-5660 326 Condoe A NEW CONDOMINIUM GREENPOINTE W. B L O O M F I E L D 2 bedroom. 2't beth townhouea 2 car attached gerage. flreplece. central air tufl beeement. private i aflifl courtyard. $ 109.990 661-4422 B I R M I N G H A M C O N D O Updated Condominium water mg hem 2 bedroome. IV* beths. new kitchen with i dfrang area plua laundry ememtlee Ooea to Someraei M M A keaeai Qraet buy. priced In mid $ 7 0 * 540-6194 BL HILLS- Condo for aaW by ownar 2 bedroome. 2 bathe, beicony cathedral ceamg f more New mortgege only After 4pm 334-7818 BUILDER S CLOSEOUT! R O C H E S T E R HILLS BRICK TOWNHOUSES f\M Paeament • Attached Gerags 305 Brighton, Harttand, Walled Laka BRIGHTON ooHotiipotaty coloniel leeum twee 4 plus car gerege. beaemem. Ibrery. huge 1st floor leLmdry. greet room wttn fteidstone flreplece. a tormel d m n g room with Weded gless French doors. Neer Oek Pointe Golt Course. $318,900 (3364) Aak lor Kan Ivee The Michigan Group. 313-227-4600 dMng room, attactied garege. 1 »ear home warranty, oory fltapiaai CENTURY 21 HOME CENTER 476-7000 10 M M 4 Orchard Lake LOVELY 3 bedroom m 9 Defy area. 1H bat mem on a guMt one Schoola within abating $67 ,000 Sanoue Mqiflnee 356-4306 acre lot Oetance only 569-0906 OPEN HOUSE DEC 11. 1-6 207(3 Wakadon. S o u M a d For more mtonnaaon caft 924-7100 Red Carpal Kaan Colonial Lakea SOUTHRELD - Ranch on 2 ecree. 3 bedroome. VA bathe. I v g e lot aa*i treea. tiaeamwii gerage. dec* 4 2 car o ' Reduced to $110 000 307 South Lyon 5 2 5 - 7 9 0 0 SOUTH LYON-3 MVNER M Ftraa'Mbai. H M - 4 oona. 2 M M rtneh style 19 s tamay room wbh woodourmrm a o e Larga aeMn idaaen. a t 7 ' B I M M . M e room. asan( smab albca. Matary. W car WESTLANOS FMCST CENTURY 21 Hartford South WOLFE acre l o t $ 134 900 inch, lerga oountry kJtchen. Iniiflltia e 314 Plymouth 309 Royal Oak-Oak Park 320 Homee Huntington Wooda Wayne County M B h u i l HI i ill I • • I Mirroro-fitgntana NEW COSWTRUCnON 3 bedroom. 2 beth rencn brick/ 728-8000 Be ROCHESTER/ROCHESTER HILLS 652-3222 MEADOWBROOK WOODS Specious 1972 buflt 2300 buflt 2300 SQuere ft 4 bedroom rench 2H bethe. l i t floor leundry, 'arrvfly room with flrepleoe. baeemani, central air. akimlnum trim and tormel dining room Towering mede treea on a lot $ 169,500. HARRY S from $96,900 FREE! Your Choica a Spedel Onaiiceig '$5 ,000 In optlona • Or aoemg coeu HAMPTON ON THE GREEN C O N D O M I N I U M S S52-6565 or 350-9090 Open l-6pm dafly except Tlwraday 855-0101 474-5564 CONTINENTAL REAL ESTATE FARMKIGTON H L L S - WaodareM V K m n u k / u h M M M Uooer unit. 2 bedroom. 2 beth. garage ekibhouae 4 pool Move In corabtion $84,500 737-9164 FARMINGTON HILLS oondo. • 2 bedroome. 2 k a babta. wabt >i (Soe$73,900 995-6326 UVOMA CONOO oRarmg a fantastic open floor plan The huge mea to s bew»1kx aun pore*. There's even a prtvatelaiaidry room M b Via una WOLFE 474-5700 LUXURY COttOO U V M Q of Ann Arbor Raeteu i 4 eunaara _ ^ $256 000 CM Mary Jene FMter 971-4070 Evwe. 999-9937 CHARLES RONMART CO m wan oory bapleue. NORTHVILLE argayarl. 9 M J 0 0 437-6221 Better T h a n N e w Many addfltona to M s 3 year old LAND CONTRACTft 1 0 * DOWN colonials. hseuflM «Mw boat M wlndoan tm more m, 990.(00 C O L D W E L L P O R T C H A R L O T T E 2 bedroom. 2 beth condoe Pre-conatructlon discount FROM $39,900. BARGAIN - 3 bedroom 2 beth terrv1 (8001 541-2063 ly room, fireplace, central air. Owner POVtA-BALLANTlNE CORP uansferred Out ot stste must set M o b M Home Brokers 595-0606 LAKELAND - double wide 2 bedBAY VIEW 1974-12X36, 1 bedroom room. 2 bath, acrssn room, peved Some furniture included N<ceWeel- carport in one ol centra Florlde's niiend part $5500 or reeeonabie of- cest adult perks Clubhouse, pool 4 «er 261-6173 tecum Web to Tiger Stadnxn $39 500/negotiable. 313-553-2053 DARLING MANUFACTURED LEESBURG. Florida. Furreahed MoHOMES 12 « 66 f t , heel, central Announcee the operung of their bmenome. porch 816-275-7962 naweat selee location in Plymouth sir screened or sftsr 4pm 313-464-0542 Hills 65 sduft aaae lo open aoon New 4 used homes on display m exNEED READY CASH isting family sres lor immediele oc- Have over J ! 15.000 In beeutrtu cupency 459-7333 manutectured home, on the iflth lee in Leke Favways. N Fort Myers FL FARMINGTON HILLS Loeded with extras w a take oflar 1-813-731-5007 LESS THAN $365 Mo Suitable tor a couple 73 Lfttls Valley 8 M M 4 Merriman Rd SARASOTA. FLA - The 474-6500 Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, Imng 4 aming rooms, larga kitchen. FARMINGTON HILLS/NOV1 AREA 20 steps to pool sdiecem to iflth H I G H L A N D HILLS Hole ol Golf Course 813-377-9065 1986 SKYLINE 14 i 70. Houee type wdlng. shingle roof, centra a* 2 bedrooms 2 tut baths wood shed. 339 Lota and Acreage WlVghts island kitchen Must be • sen immsdlala occupanFor Sale cy $27,200 ACREAGE <2V*| - TWO LOTS 165 ft frontage pond 1960 MARLETTE 14 i 70. Prammm lot. cenlrel air. wsaher/dryer stove, view 3H meea N ol Clertston 625-2733 'efngerslor. storms 5 screens, lerge $31,500 eech covered porch. 2 bedrooms. l'-y BLOOMFIELD HILLS - 1 acre lot baths, large cloeets This home is completely wooded ravine, private camtorteCMe tor one two or three road magnificent Snon term persons Vary clean $26,200 $130,000 786-0262 661-5777 1961 VICTORIAN 14 i 70 with 7/24 aipando - 1106 aq ft of living •pace two large bedrooms !*• baths new «nchen cupboards end floor, ell kitchen appflancee. Areplace new cerpet extra storsge. covered front porch immedtete occupency $28 200 A 1982 VICTORIAN 14 i 70 wrth 1 ! 24 expendo central elr, lerge Fionas room with atteched shed New Thermo pene wmoows through out entire home pantry ewnmga. extra msutenon Immediate occupency Priced to sen $34 700 CANTON TOWNSHIP 7'* acre corner Michigan 4 Beck. S00 < 750 . water, gas. aawer avaflsbls $100,000 Terms 836-8731 FARMINGTON HILLS 2 13 scree, afl utsmea zoned OS-1. enceflant lor P r c ' l i l i JTial Services/ Medicel-Oental Sale or buad to auK. 477-3306 352-5440 FARMINGTON HILLS - Two reeldentiel bunding lots Grsnd RNer,' Middlebelt aree $13 000 eech Cel Donne coaect 616-562-2611 FARMINGTON HILLS - BaeutikA vacant lot Exceaent aite to buad your dreem houee Over an acre of pnvecy wtth a streem m the beck $36 500 553-8700 1982 VICTORIAN 14 > 70 with 7/24 expendo 2 bedrooms. 1H beths. M appliances beautiful Honda room, covered front porch, houae type aidThompson-Brown ing. shingle root, wood ahed Uke new Pnced at only $35,800 LOT. wooded. Troy, Odder Corridor, Bemmghem Schools. C M HIGHLAND HILLS Is located 649-4535, sfter 6 30pm 649-5341 On S aeley Rd N of Grend River on Mte w or Haggerty M1LFORO PINE MEADOWS 24 b e a u t * * roWng 4 wooded 2 - 4 CALL JOANNE acre homeeltea m this new developMon-Fn 10AM-4PM for appt ment sd|ecent to Kensington Perk 2 MMs H of 1-96 on S Mlltard Rd 474-0320 For more inlormatlon cafl 342-4150 ollered by Q U A L I T Y NO VI 14x70fl PrnanOga 1986 ' room, front mg. /dryer. P L Y M O U T H HILLS & LITTLE V A L L E Y "11 Doeen I Get Any Batter To M In beautiful Plymouth eree. can any ol theee locetions 474-6500 699-2026 946-9340 397-1110 ACADEMY POINT A new Mobile Home Community WE'RE CELEBRATING A GRANO OPENING $1,000 REBATE To spend at you want Hurry tor prime lot selections WAYNE/YPSILANTI 397-1110 YPSILANTI/ANN ARBOR . 572-0690 TAYLOR 946-9340 BELLV1LLE 699-2026 FARMINGTON 474-6400 Utte Vafley MW3GINS LAKE eree - 3 bedroom. I'-i belh sge. leke association. ss park docking. $35 $79,900 Century 21 River Country. Real Estate Inc Roecommon Ml 1-600-432-4595 ext C21 LAR QUICK $26 500 sme with expendo. g M TUCSON A2. 1944 BngadMr 14x70. root, wrap aroiaid deck, large lot. 355-2739 3 bedrooms 2 beths, k a awning, 63B tower, new w M storage Med. M major appflancat. children ok. $17,000 429-8764 342 Lakefront Property 333 Northern Property For Sale BLOOMFIELD HILLS LAKEFRONT Enioy M aports Squers Lake Horn tha 2 bedroom. 2 belh condommium leelurlng M appflanrea. eaahsr. LAKES OF THE NORTH-MX19S lot. dryer 4 muck more $98,000 248 r i l l trom Detroit neer Gaytord Bloomfleid on Square Lake Condo14 hole goM course, ctubhouee with narauma. 1992 KAnganarrvth swimming pool private M strip Open 1-4 Dtby. Cloaad Thursday Camping gromde. winter aporta 2 332-4344 private i M e e $12,000 271-0663 ROSCOMMON - Horse Ranch. 30 ecree. fence 4 croaa lenoe. i t i n e r a rights. 3 large bame. terme avabatka $49,900 Century 21 River Country Reel Estate Inc. 1-800-432-4595 axt C21 RSR ROSCOMMOMS •oded $10,000 or beat oner Must aal Days 999-9695 or M l 797-917( ATTRACnve 353 IndJWarehouae Sale Or Laaae ROSCOMMON - I M Acraa hee aepoc 4 alii k U . land com tarme i t t i t i l . | W 2 WO Century 21 River Country M a Eatata Inc. m 1 -(00-432-4996 axt C21 .Jt 356 Inveetment Property WAYNE COUNTY - 3 bedroom bnck homs ss is Chrysler redevelopment area Pnce Negotieble 357-3657 360 Buaineea Opportunitiea The water Street swi on Laka Charlevoix m BoyneCby For Momtabon or t|4191992-2111 346 Cemetery Lot* CHRISTIAN MEMOMAL 525-7900 You BREWERY Adnen t mosl popular mte spot Exceptional opportunity to acquire the long establiahed buaaness 4 valuable reel eatate In Adrian • new jwth comdor A bargain st 50.000 Tsrma possible Ask for Rex Giover B LAWN 4 QAROEN Sales 4 aernce m A-1 location Adrian Dialir tor brand mowera. tractors 4 snow blowers 5.500 aq ft btdg could be divided for additional business operation $150,000 Terma poetible Aak for Mergle Jeffrey or Vlcki Gang COLDWELL BANKER Glover Real Estats Aaeooetea 517-263-4646 CONDOM VENDING Todeys hottest opportunity Earn huge proflts m last growing msrtst C M HeeRh Aids. 1-600-541-5110 COSMETIC-SKIN CARE manufacturing laboratory buamsas lor sals I n tea forces sale, poaeibie partnersnip OMy wncera partial reply to 557-5215/r Investors Wanted week. day; Buttder's Special LAST TWO UNITS Our company la very conaervstive and haa mede aubstanllal profits on M ol our developments Mlmumu Invsstments ol $100,000 Kindly contact ua If you would Mks mors information on Our future protects Please tend inquiries lo Bo* 314 Observer 4 Eccentric Newspspera. 36251 Sctioolcrsfl Rd Uvonla. Michigan 46150 LADIES CLOTHING BOUTIQUE 23900 W 9 Mas Road Southftsid 354-7870 LIMOUSINE SERVICE - t t k e over M bookings now Custom 10 peseenger white 1968 Lincoln. Bra new. many extras. For d e l M t 421-7200 MEAT MARKET High volume, quaflly operation Downriver. W ^ i trsfffc area Excellent nets 4 arowth growth opportunity oopcrnanty Plan Pien lo retire Quaflflad party't only. Chenceof • Meoma 876-4158 Part-time Buakieei Opportunity •mar relocating 4 muat a M 10 Yr Old private TiRonng Service Plymouth/Canton area to run a p.m. over week Friday. 10.000 and FORD/WAYNE RD AREA Fri- days. Call earty so we can be your sure ad in to the get next C r a n b r o o k Place A p t s P h a s e IV Mon-Fr. 10-«. Set 9-5 iciosed Thurs4 Sunl YORKTOWNE AN OPPORTUNITY to move up to French Querters Apts 1 4 2 bedroom units from $350 month Microweve oven, security alarm. 24 hour gate houee Credit report 4 refer encea required Evergreen 4 Jeftnea X-Way aree 835-9086 835-9475 DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM Studio apartment $545 per Mo 1 bedroom Apt.. 98b6 per Mo Both t yam maaa 942-7400 or 646-7500 BIRMINGHAM AREA 2 badroom. 2 bath luxury Apt avabable No pets $910 par Mo Pleaas c M 642-9660 or 646-7500 BIRMINGHAM - Attractive 1 bedroom. exceaent condmon Walk to shops Meat, water 4 tarpon $485. month C M Ann after 6pm 647-4234 BIRMINGHAM beautiful 1 bedroom. newly decorated, carpeted immediate occupency $500 month Eton-Maple Days 356-2600 Eves 649-1650 BIRMINGHAM'BLOOMFIELD 2 bedrooms. 2 oaths, central sv balcony, carport Pool tennia courts Bloomfleid Hits schools Cat between 9am-5pm 645-0026 BlRM INGHAM-Desirable location Walk to banks. Ubrary. churcftes. and restaurants One badroom spertment- $655 s m o . Studio $525 s mo Heel 4 water included 644-8105 BIRMINGHAM - DOWNTOWN Coey 1 badroom, futy carpeted, dienwaaher. cable reedy aecurtty bunding $425/Mo 649-1414 BIRMINGHAM - DOWNTOWN T1M6ERLANE APTS AVAILABLE NOW 1 BEDROOM includes Water Brand new carpeting Many amenities C M Susan QLO, INC 540-6040 BIRMINGHAM Downtown Hk-RMe i bedroom, luxury bufldmg Concierge terrace, underground perking. $7a0 /Mo 433-3921 BIRMINGHAM - Elegant Victorian apertmem. microweve dMawaahar. aecurity alarm system $850 month Merrtfl m 644-7102 Contemporary design Modern kitchene wtth disnwesher indrvKtuady controlled heeting and air conditioning Pnvele balconies or patios Swimmeig pool and much more Bloomfield Place 338-1173 6 4 4 - 1 0 7 0 8 5 2 - 3 2 2 2 T»egraph Rd N of Square Lake Bioomf.eid Townamp BRIGHTON Beeutitul. spacous 1 4 2 bedroom apartments Some of our amenitiea include the following Announcing Plymouth a most siegant rental community overlooking HWvea Ptrk Walk to Town Bunt to condominium specifications Sound proofing throughout Soms of the meny leeturee include 1 4 2 cer geregee with door openers, 2 or 2't bsths. flrepisces at appksnces including wssher dryer microwsve ude-by»da refngerstor. teH-deenmg oven dishwssner dieposei Stsns at $745 mo Contact Ray Lee. 591 -9200 The Mtcfvgen Group Reekors Model Hrv Noon-6pm 455-5650 b a • b b • From $440 5 9 1 - 0 9 0 0 ALL QUALIFIED PEOPLE Save 50% Rent SHARE LISTINGS • 642-1620 384 So Adems. Bermnghsm Ml AMBER APARTMENT COLONIES Royei Oek/Clawson/Troy l - stop soerlment ahooping Sornethmg tor everyone Come Sunday Dec n t h 12 45PM 4000 Crooks Royal Oek or caw tor epct 280-2630 Some of our amanrtiea include the Open Dally S Weekends 10AM to 5 PM A Village Green Community b a b b b b a intercom Air Conditioning Dishwasher Dispose! Swimming poo" Leundry facilities And belcon.es STAY WARM AT OUR EXPENSE!! Quiet Irving where the rem trom $480 rndudea the heat, water and air conditioning Now teetunng a apeciel on the aecurity depoatt Fo» more information, cM 274-7277 between 8 AM and 6 PM CARRIAGE PARK APARTMENTS 27201 Canfleld Dr . Deerborn Heights ADULT COMMUNITY BRIGHTON COVE APTS FROM $415 MONTHLY Evening & Weekend Hours CAMBRIDGE APTS. CANTON CARRIAGE COVE LUXURY APTS. (ULLEY 4 WARREN) 1 MONTH FREE RENT One 4 Tare Bedrooms from $460 Short term leaeee eveflabie Ws after Transfer of Employment • m our Leaeee. Donerty. proper CANTON - Cozy 1 bedroom $350/ MO including neat 4 water ReMranews 4 aecurtty deposit required 890 LoO Rd After 6pm 571-8321 274-4785 A York Management Community WEST OF 7 MILE - 1 bedroom from $350-9360 ncludea heat 4 water. First Month Free. DOWHT OWN BIRMINGHAM Studio . on W 11 WILL at flwaaa St with baat. very cozy C M EFFICIENCY - studio apt $325 1 bedroom $400 - 2 bedroom apt $450 includes heat 4 water, pool 4 fountain 534-0340 • FARMINGTON • Canton FAIRWAY CLUB Gotfside Apts. 1 & 2 Bedroom Free Gotf Heat & Hot Water Free Carport Included 728-1105 C H A T H A M HILLS • SPECIAL" FREE ATTACMEO GARAGE • On Select 1 Bedroom Unas • NO SECURITY DEPOSIT Heeted Indoor Pool • Saunas Sound 4 Fireproofed Construction 4 More BEST VALUE IN AREA from $425 FREE HEAT Quiet country aettmg sound-conditioned apartments Pool Saixia. Cable Large Ooeeta Pel option available ON PALMER W of ULLEY Dairy 9-6 397-0200 Heathmoore Apts. 1 bedroom apartment n e M b l a . angle story prtvaM antranca. utflby room wrth washer 4 dryer hook*), abundant storage 4 mora. Locatad on Haggerty Rd . S of Ford Rd neer 1-275 VMt Mon -Frt. 12-6 or, Call: 981-0994. ext. 201 CANTON Jan 1st Security dapoM paM $425 month mctodee heel 4 water Ford 4 1-275 Leave I migi M1-0003 t w a n g V U l aecnon Cafl or nan batweer 2 30-8 14950 FAIRFIELD TELEGRAPH AREA FREE HEAT! TROY Modem l 4 2 Bedroom Apertments Heal 4 water included Oahweaher t lerge storage trees No pets' Carports available QUIET OFF-STREET LOCATION 362-1927 FREE RENT! beorooma ivt bebie. $540 Modern 2 Badroom Apartments Meat 4 water Included Dahwasner 4 large storsge araae. No petal Carportai QUIET 0FF-8TREET LOCATION $575 reduced to $550 BIRMINGHAM FARMS Open Mon - Frt. 9am-5pm and by appointment 851-2340 362-1927 FREE RENT ft MONTH) CHARMING LARGE i bedroom apt W Mapie/Haggerty area Heat. air. pool, cable. No peta. $410 644-1163 624-0760 1 Month Free Rent LUNA APARTMENTS Specious 1 bedroom Model open Tuea.-Sun. Call office...425-0930 COLDWELL BANKER bedroom apartments. 9375 month, mckjdee Heal 4 Water ice h o i * * 9am-5pm. Monday thru Friday onty 522-0460 QAROEN CITY-2 bedroom lower, tccaanoaa. OMI laundry. > I A N H I I included no pets. $4b5 H GRAND RTVERAANSER-1 476-4660 261-4700 T k a above laMpi ui • •umber is net new. aar haa • M a i a » " 1 aWatatf mm, Caatary 21 Geta- Haute h a ' 1 •<*- $ beMroam kMt a I n Of aw n u ' i M r w PMMiatMtafliM9M.&or RARRY $ BIRMINGHAM HOUDAY SPECIAL On 2 bedroom spt Mows in by Dec bed- Deluxe 2 badroom units FROM $550 1 month FREE rent with mimecflate occupancy immanum 1 peer laaee) ORBAT BUY 9t "Hatfwr" mnM home R k a t on one and one-hart tend oa rve. of * 8 tie tad t o t a m •eonaWf acre H o m a d H n t t t yaar-rouiO v M k y l o c a M in q u i n t OarVston \ M t i just 2 0 % d o a n o n L a n d C o n t r a c t t e r m s S o aaa f » o N W « « b | i a Lana, a. a> a M b . ar at , J ^ % S.2S9»1 NorttivMto Cap6 C o d 4 tiaiiiis, l a a t i m a a a i M e a t i e r " « M i «a n a w angle c o m e m p o r i ML Nanfly and 1 aar m M m a M ft » PMM 547a 846-2 I M AMrSpm: BIRMINGHAM C A P A P T M C W GREAT L0CATI0M GREAT APARTMENTS' GREAT R A T E * coma. M M H A N N E T T , INC. Michigan t h e h o m e o» y o u r d r e a t a ot your d r e a m s « 2 D C W r t o n BO. C l a k j i o n M • *4% lUcA W a d . T h u s - t t o 7 | o m Frt. Sot. S u n - 1toflpm COLDWELL BANKFR 186 6000 H»rnmmM M a twaaw a net now, aar MaTtaaa aawe t t M , I*—11 1 was. Oaraury *1 Gota- RCALTQR8 • CM 9UNO&Y l-4~ aeaaewm On Ford Rd.. JUM E at 1-275 981-3091 DaUy 9-7 Set A Sun. 9-8 Evaa by appt FARMINGTON HILLS TIMBERIDGE 14 2 BEDROOM lerga dekma E*AI 4 1 from $475 SYLVAN ON THE L A K H ARTS. L M M t M M a aa Obflfl 4 Sylvwn Ljbas m larga 1-2 babroam t a t s a Mi M i M M 947ft (Serry^ee U Open Maa Pn 8 M m . Sat t 9un ay M M M M M a - 591-9200 1 aere treefl kM OMai aaia ^ e s a k M s $M9.900 maebgawftOb tn-er r * " j - M a » - CALL FOVt MORS DETAILS!* TN iMxe-t >19 ii . W E S T E R N - - ri — r — mui - i 4 * i • M , 4 - S i M - 9 - ^ WTfl-iAND . « l i l n i i , M M a r • M f l M . 9 mers aM l e e b ] K M HOLIDAY SALE C A S S LAKE FRONT APARTMENTS "In ate Heart of the Laae" 1 Badroom 2 Badroom 591-0900 Wayne County 644-1070 Oakland County mi Wa pay for: A one week stay In a luxurious 2 bedroom furnished apartment, PLUS *400 Move In CASH BONUS! 77$-atoo 459-1310 FREE PASSPORT TO CANTON • A 421-5660 i D XSSTX? or 471-SOM F ALL SPECIAL s U f l i T HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Saourtty d M O M a n M i M ^ 648-8200 Realt< I M M bMb gab c o u n t , tebwmbtg bomSabOiaMl-WM 1 Badroom for $409 2 Bedroom lor S&40 SI WOLFE J T P Y N E W O O P OFFICE; 775-8200 Greaa Location - Pert Setang •te TrM - Heat WINDSOR WOODS £CALL us HARRYS 758-7050 471-5020 Modal open daby 1-S Except Thursday QRANO RTVER - 8 MILE 644-4700 from $420 Counay Sailing • LMaa Arei HEAT D t a i P P P I M O N T H L Y KENT lonbfla aM of aqulpmanl RaM Fbtrta Ona sTVr M The c a h g i . and 9 1 of a i n d n v s A n d aaa h o w 1 can ba y o u n $ • NOVI • WATERVIEW FARMS $455 ahoppmg 4 aiprasaaais. FARMINGTON HH.LS - arga 2 bedroom. 2 belh. cerport 737-9093 or 254-5790 BOTSFORD PLACE wrOTORO MACARTHUR MANOR Enter on Tutene 1 block W ot MiddMbM on the S akM oI Grand TONMO SALON Turn AN'up at MUX - Priced la a M Audrie Frlwdman 349-7743 |W of Sheldon Rd • 8 M M S BIRMINGHAM - Luxurious 2 bed- CHARLES REINHART CO 474-5700 HOOVER AREA TOWNHOUSES FREE FIRST MONTHS RENT WITH 1 YEAR LEASE* units oniy SPECIAL OUNDINGS CEDARIDGE OPEN UNTIL 7:00pm L M a t 4 hot w a M . WOLFE NORTHVILLE GREEN 533-6915 QRANO RIVER - MIOOLEBELT GREAT LOCATION From $435 Free Heat $200 Moves You In J i s r s s z 421-5660 WOLFE twelylSaeMM.^aSSS S r w S r t w S eC M PON THE HOUQAYB aaufly M M 9 NINE MILE 400 Apt*. For Raetf dklonad. $300 FARMINGTON HILLS - 1 bedroom et $445 includea neet M . appaancee 4 c i p e t m •g C M ie TV aeafl476-9719 LUXURY APARTMENTS HARRY* B manors. 2 bedroom. GARDEN CITY: 1 Bedroom Apt Ham caipeung. Riuflei'iraa. Air Con- basement, parking, beautidmomng. heat 4 water included fully decorated. $400 a month. NopawCMAganL 4T»-7«ao CM Maa OougMe »71-6070 i r a ^ o M room. M lor 9M.900 C 2 1 Dave Kaby Re/Maa M a a u « v a H |737-4bl>a. 737-M13 NORTHVILLE KINQSIZE APT. MAYFLOWER HOTEL - $S50 starting Dafly room aarvlce 24 hour aege a e r x e Color TV No ee immedMM occupency Contact Oeon Srrwih 453-1620 Some ol our tmerMBet include the G A R D E N CITY TERRACE 529-9619 or 9994716 o o a r r WAIT TO CALL ON Ttae naM and ctaan RsdSord rench t M pNak oarpat. naanr k m a c e a n SPECIAL OFFER DEC. RENT FREE 349-7743 V I L L A G E SQUIRE THtbVMO RE9TAURAHT tiubntat tree of m- ora, (65-3640 Be aoee TROY 23078 MtddiebeIt. 2 Mdroom. 2 bath, carpal, ab. MPflanoea. carport 473-5180 eveflabie. $540 FARMINGTON Hk-LS. M M M b a b 4 10 Mae L a r M _ J B HI • • NORTHVILLE GREEN OASIS OF CONVENIENCE > Storage F&ciRttes • Laundry Faculties CANTON BIRMINGHAM room-pkie Nat Garden at M pets Cafl 346-9250 or i Swimming Pool BlO BEAVER 4 CROOKS AREA 842 NORTHVILLE AREA - 2 ba Apt evaflabie. $545 per Mo > Parking TOWNE APTS Open Deby 10-8 Beneacke 4 Krue • Dishwasher ' Disposal CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! APARTMENT $465 LOFT $515 348-9590 Intercoms > Deluxe carpeting Den FARMINGTON - Jownto bedroom, $475. wet 4 I ^ X D L ed 476-1955 Farmington H M We are -oceied an m e cozy i NortnvflM 4 nave a a o a M aatting Beautiful spacious decorated apartments Some of our amenities Include: TOWNE APTS. BIG BEAVER 4 CROOKS AREA . 476-8080 Open Oa#y 9am-7pm Sat 4 Sun 12noon-5pm FARMINGTON - Downtown SpaClout 1 bedroonIL No pets Omat eduk community $495 heat n d u d 474-47S3 ed. After 5 pm: A very apecaai apanmem •aapwg o k 4 cabtadral oeb to me tvmg area bol o.wed perking MAPLE 721-0500 FROM $485 Sat 4 Sun by appt - CANTON- en Cupboeras. heal 4 > COUNTRY COURT APTS On Old Grand River bet Drake 4 Heisteed • CANTON • FRANKLIN PALMER TREE TOP LOFTS COMPLETELY REMOOELEDI New Carpeted Decoreted Park-tka aatllng Ooee to ahoppmg Ooee to sxprssewer Owner peid heel DEARBORN HTS. Exceaent location - walking distance To mopping center church, etc 1 4 2 bedroom deluxe apts Newly modernized 229-8277 LIVONIA Suburban Luxury Apartments One Bedroom - $475 421-3776 p h o n e s get very busy - Only $200 459-6600 Beautiful apeooua l 4 2 bedroom Contemporary Living for Career-Minded Adutts 1 4 2 Bedroom Apts. our on Tuesdays and V I L L A G E 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT btnde. ample aioraga carport 4 " - j •rcom fOOU $475 * aaiect ixetsoniy 728-2880 Stove 4 refrigerator Diehwssher Cerport 5:30 publication. -&> 851-8659 8-5 ads Birmmghem/'Southfield locator- ottering brand new luxury 1 4 2 bedroom apts in wooded setting Includes decorstor color schemes cainedrsl ceilings, microwave ovens 4 24 hour smergency maintenance AREA ROCHESTER AREA Smefl apeoelty 4 gM boutique " Dflbant Kk#62-7770 a.m. L O C A T I O N L E X I N G T O N Evening 4 weekend floure WINTER SPECIAL 1-75 and 14 Mae Next to Abbey Theeter 569-3355 J U S T V A L U E G R E A T 2 bedroom apart4 In a WESTLAND WOODS Smoke detectors Sprinkler system FROM $395 Aptm. F o r Rent N O G I M M I C K S Westwood laae Apts. FORD/WAYNE RD AREA 478-3303 Fves CM Anns 832-5361 TRMAOUHT C O N C O R D T O W E R S 1 4 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 400 LTVOMA AREA FIREPLACES vertical bands 4 jianwflflftw m mans Amber Apenmants Royal OM. Ctaatan 4 Troy 1 4 2 bedroome Cbfldrenl A w e ' A M 7 Days. 290-2S30 Evee 29^4714 One Unk. One Unit. 2 I Eech have 2 bathe end n cludee nicSarvrea and 18 month builder warranty From $64,990 hours 400 Apta. For Rent 400 Apt*. For Rent CITY OF PLYMOUTH HIOOEN RIDGE the Monday-Thurs- We Absolutely Great! your of Office 8 p.m. 400 Apts. For Rent place a n y d a y are AVAILABLE Large 1 bedroom Apartment wrth neat 4 water balcony Included Greet location on 13 Mae Rd near Greenfield Waa-memtamed $460 /*S00 a month Mon -Frt. 10-flpm. 549-7047 expanding nt operstion by lomt ventunng land development. condominium, lamlly residences golf coursee. and recreenonal can ad 644-0059 ATTENO THE HIGHLY acclaimed The Nuts 4 Bolts of Improving Your Own Independent Busmssa Sponsor University of Detroit SM. Dec 10th $195 Cat. 313-335-1200 Good Mother Oaugtnar FVm 4 tone Rich altar Century 21 Days - 565-2015 Eves - 1-493-3153 REDFORD TWP - 3 buildings. 1 000 sq.ft eech Commeroel or Industrial 7 Mile 4 mkster aree 474-3668 or 632-5132 PIZZERIA - ROCHESTER I. conveyor ov $35 000 down NEW GUARANTEED SALE Also If In Foreclosure Or Need Of Repe* HOME BUILDER beeves amM lota MAPLE/CROOKS •howroom apace DON'T WAIT UNTIL DEADLINE! CASH TODAY OR C A S T E L L I AVAILABLE FOR LEASE Telegreph/Orchard Leke 12750 aq.fl. lavel afllh offlce 4 enrk i 75. $1M.900 immedia cy » r owner Display Advertising 362 Real Eatata Wanted B Y R O N W. TRERICE Accepting bKM t l Dec 15th Cafl Pat at tha Academic Aaaieianoa Tutoring Service 522-3578 RESORT CONDOMINIUMS FURNISHED FROM $69,500 (BMDwnarahip) BIRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom. $000 month/1 bedroom. $635 Neafly decorated cer port air. heal included 2755 E Mapae beteeen Eton 4 Cooeoge BIRMINGHAM 2273 E CASH9S for &>!»• taxea any pur- bedroom central a poee. uee your home equity credit carport Adults No pets Leeee problems O K Mongsge America $490 643-4428 1-400-676-2570 BLOOMFIELD HILLS-1 $ CASH $ For BAs. Tsxes. Any Pur- lurraehed ideal lor treneternng expose Uee your home equity CredK ecutive Maid aemce avaflebie Problems Ok Pttons Mortcsge $695 per mo 644-2932 or 642-1620 Amsrtca 1-600-234-7500 Ven Dyke Greet rate• $9 SOgroea 5C CM Randy Temow 540-1000 Optional computerized bflflng/lflmg.' tutor caant malctwig system atao lor aeleOBM Compebbisk 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 400 Apta. For Rent 400 Apta. For Rant BUSINESS 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS $50 000 to $10,000 000 National financial network Fields 4 Associates 423-5055 OFFICE MEDICAL SPACE from 850 sq ft. CLARK9TON LAKEFRONT HOME. Ubrary 5 ha* b a A a FatMy rooai a t a f i t n t TWO GRAND LAWN Plots m De21 $900 2 car garage 997 800 AM lor Rae trtbt OMer M * 9ecbe each Evee V-799-MiO Dag* 137-9440 COL DWELL BANKER WHITE CHAPEL. 'Gardtn at Pray^ f c a l Eataae AeaacM er". 9 M M Vabie 9940 CUSTOM STYLED CANTON Commercial strip oemer. 21.000 aq fl Ownar must aM immed»ta»)t 354-2600 340 Lake-Rhrer-Raaort Properly HIGGINS LAKE AREA - 3 bedroom 1 bsth chalet $49 900 Century 21 RTver Country Reel Estate Inc , 1-600-432-4595 extC21. Lar There s a new kid on the biockl 334 Out Ot Town Property For tale 352 Commercial / Retail For Sale MUST SELL - BY OWNER Bloomfield HIM - 6 adjacent -OOP ed lots, Bloomfleid HtM acTiooie Appro* '<» to v» ecre eacn. Buyer* $30,000 eech. $165,000 tor afl only. $: Lewis 642-1091 6 CM Emeet I C M 792-9147 317 Cat CERTIFIED REALTY. INC 471-7100 MILFORO TOWNSHIP - Nice 1 1/2 acra lots Ready lo bund Land conable From $25,000 665-6161 H O M E S B A N K E R 347-3060 261-4200 315 GULF COAST ACTIVE 1970, 12 » 80 2 pertlaby remodeled. $5000 Even•ngs 4 weekends « 11 pm 669-1736 PRICE REDUCED PI a M . Large wooded lots 4 merry CANTON - Rench. 2 badroome, 2 aactrae. Come aae our model. Open Owner treneterred knmeculete 3 beths. country kMchen 4 i bedroom home on s qulei cui-OeSel-Sc»v 12-5pm or by appt. aac. trst floor leixtdry. queflty end 1-5442 Offlce 766-0020 basement aa $09,900 397-8994 many extra buHI-lna Brighton Schools Ask lor CANTON WINDS-Very dean. 2 bedBIG NEW R A N C H room townhouse. 114 bathe. M . Win Williams i Fermmgton H M . Over 1,750 sq pod. sttrectNe pebo 4 merry i4>IL. 3 bedrooms. M brick on big grsdss $66,500 397-8650 REAL ESTATE ONE w o o d a d l o t . Many faetures 227-5005 DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER $139,900 • Luxury raai dentil C O L D W E L L B A N K E R bedroom. 2 bath. 1300 eq ft 335-1043 476-4660 261-4700 306 Southfiekt-Lathrup "The above Mephone r u n b e r a not LATHRUP VILLAGE - Chemung 3 now. nor hee 11 been (aanoe 12/99). bedroom Cape Cod. newly remod- F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S aftaeied wBh Century 21 Qold- eled A decorsi ed 3 beths. 2 fireHICKORY RIDGE CONDOS places. 2 car atteched. ivtng room, AFFORDABLE dining room. den. efl new kitchen Buadera Cloeeout - 4 UMts plus more. Rent with option. KrTare bedroom unk trom $64,990 mahed $1100 Sale $115,000 After 4PM, 662-5614 MkfcMbeB S ot 10 M M umrted Ome. tree waabar 4 dryer 'LOVELY" OPEN SAT 4 SUN 12Noon-4PM treed pn.sae yard beaut n u home > Century 21 WELL MAINTAINED and 591-0900 332 Mobile Homee For Sale Builder's Last Two Homes Realtors 474-5700 HARRYS Pre-construction 80's Century 21 B A N K E R T h e abovs telephone number « not now. nor hea N been lmem 12/86], sfMiated with Century 21 GoKJ- CENTURY 21 10 M M 4 Orchard Laka FANTASTIC TAMARA KISTEMAKER C O L D W E L L "V4 A C R E P L U S ' •rpluet offers lo bay windowed room nee room tor the wftofc overaoed garage and room to add! HOME CENTER 476-7000 In this superbly decorated 3 beo- landecaped extre large lot on commons. Aaklng $92,500 Cafl: Farmington Htta ALMOST AN ACRE Custom 2700 tquere ft. 4 bedroom i p M level in an tree of high deee hornet 2 tufl and 2 hen bathe, huge lemfly room, 3 flreplaoae. tormel cflnlng room TTia one must be seen! $135,900 HARRYS DON'T MISS THE EXTRAS WAYNE COUNTY TERRIFIC BUY REDUCED $10,000 lor hoAdeys MimvedMIe Occupency RoNng Oeks Weet Beeutrtul luxury executive home. 4 bedrooms. 2H lerge beths. mester bedroom • 1st floor. 2 web m cloeets - lerge bethW BLOOMFIELD - 3 bedroom. 2V* room with whirlpool tub * stM KJtcnen Jenrv-aire 'angs. beth brtck oolonlel on oa-de-eec. Air. greet room, cethedial ceAng. IW apiece. 2 car garage, aprtnklars. dowa s n d r e c e s s e d l i s t 1 ' * , $164,900 Buyersonly 061-4591 lendecaped. central air. elerm. over 3,050 aq ft., $274,900 0. J. Btetl and Aaaocaetes. inc. 304 Farmington 655-1450 646-5666 AJ wfeenamg pvoaahac n The Obaanat ft Eccentric « u b f t c t » Ihe condkiona ttetao n me appacabla -ate c a m cop— or ere • t f l t l i i i !?" AOrenamg Oeparlmeni. Ooeerver & Eccanmc N m t w m 34251 ScnooCreh Road L*or»e. Mi 4«IS0. (31!) 591-2300 rt«a •beeper & Ecoantnc reeenoe l t « ngW not lo eccapt en M w l e v i »<Nr Obaerver & Eccentric Ad-Tafcert nava no authority to Wnd ffat Ta«iapap» end onty puoacailon or en • o< the eoverteer » order 313 Canton 644-1070 GREAT INVESTMENT REDFORD OFFICE BUILDMG 3600 W - a n ft Oood Caen Flow 336 Florida Property BOYNE CITY BAYWOOO COLONY VILLA - SereLovely 4 unit spertment. eech sota 2 bedroom. 2 bath «tth carwith 2 lerge bedroome. newer root pon 4 Lanai New cerpeting. freshly end ges tumaoee Aluminum aiding pemted. movw-m condmon mterGood thenar 4 mveetment - 9% re- coaem view Ctubhouee. pool 4 acturn Gross income $14,700 Price. tivity center $76,900 Cafl 629-4116 $109,800 20% down on LC Cafl Mr C BsJogh FT MYERS Spacious 2 bedroom. 645-2500 Evee 646-6102 2 beth Eagle Ridge oondo. on golf Crenbrook Assoc Inc Reellora pool, tennis, merry extras Beet offer C M coflect: 313-651-7876 OAKLAND COUNTY NEW CONSTRUCTION on this custom 2.000 plus aquers loot rsnch with wafli-oul beeement * My Mastar bedroom leeturee a fashion beth with tub and anower Greet deck, tprtnkler. alarm A more room with vaulted ce—ngi end fsntsstic view of ravine lot F>rtced at $187,500 $339,900 • 30 dey occupency HARRYS RlCHTEfVSTONEWOOO MocM - 655-1666 Offlce - 856-4646 i t r WOLFE G r a BUILDERS MODEL OAKS AT MAPLEWOOOS FABULOUS NEW Contemporary Acroee IromWMnut a Lake. Orametk entrance. Dreem kitchen Larga nook wtth iJuorweM. Superb aurte 2nd floor Matdry EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY greet r o o m Formel d n k i g wtth wet AM raa< t s u r * »a*wnmme rt rfm m v a p * a tubfct to if* f+3m fm bar 2 fcjmecee Much more Beech Nouenp Act or '956 « n e f makac t -aepw m -mn, pmtarwnca 6 boet prtvbagee $379,000 Buyers trmtanor or <*acrmn#oon tm—O or rwem. cotor. 'wtgnn. m i or ntmtttv only 855-9112 to makt any sue* prrtmwm. mmanon cr Oacnmrmhon ' Ttm <*» not knomrtofy tcctpt arry KS+mane lor raw mtmtt an m a i l e rHILLTOP DOLL HOUSE, W g e treed orm»lr» Our '—Omrs r» naratry r*orm*3 mmt H Owmngt r< double lot. Walnut Lakei prwaegea. rr» nawtpapa, arm avmHaOta on ar oouw c**K*Tunr> ana METICULOUS SUNSET HILLS la a moat Heeattiit aubdMaion end 3 bedoroni colonial, ceramic tfla tMs M e moet deekaate house Mith a rmser furnace, root, and carpel throughout Evan tha kachan haa carpal throughout, dack and enbeen updated and M a home w- doeed porch overlooks ravine and ctudea an Ihe Mtcnen epplanoae woods. $115,000. C M ; Jual $79,900. LORENA McMULLEN HARRYS. C O L D W E L L B A N K E R 474-5700 303 Weet BtoomfMd Orchard Lake Pent 421-5660 WOLFE 330 Apart men t9 M O N D A Y ISSUE: 5 P.M. FRIOAY T H U R S D A Y ISSUE: 5 P.M. TUESDAY • bedioom. 2V» beth oolonM Ubrary. 351 Bua. i Protoealonal 361 Money Bldgs. For Sale To Loan - Borrow 335 Time Share For Sale NOVI - 3 badroom townhouae. 2'A BEAUTIFUL CAPE COO bathe, weikout basement, oecx. at- Ilaapi 4 3rd week in July - prima tached 2 cat gerege. 1-<t veer old time! $l0.000/must sen Please cafl mos decor 349-5558 after 8pm 517-546-3028 DEADLINES FOR CLASSIFIED "LINERS~ BIRMINGHAM- H o * Neme/Ouerton Laka area. 4 badrooma. 2'A beths IMnq. dkkng 4 tamfly room Ubrary 3 car gerege. lerge lot. neer loan $246,000 Owner 647-7634 room 2 bath home, kitchen and low421-5660 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Ba qulc* lo snavar lite eel tor thmfloors In living room, now carpeting haratkii war Mdng ai NarMi Uao in lower level. profeasloneOy HARRYS. COLDWELL BANKER 478-4660 261-4700 * T M ebove i m p h n n e rsenber I i not nam, nor haa R Daan (Mice 12/9SV, tflBMed wkti Canary 21 GokJ- LORENA McMULLEN 302 Birmingham BtoomfMd CANTON'S BEST BUY NOW REDUCED TO $69,900 Don't rmee this brick rench In lemay sub Cul de sac location Cathadrel ceamga. tut beeement 1H betha and Overy tendecaped lot. Perfect lor iswesa or young tamay. Excelmd high effldenty lumaoe « - lent schools snd mtnulee from MiooId $179,050 p « o Cai Leurs Edwards. Preview Propemee lor additional into: HARRY S 313-229-9316 or 313-474-2431 WOLFE 421-5660 421-5660 COME OVER AND I SELF M a I 1,600 eg. A i i M ' t aMaat i oaMig In Meby room. oeey I and InaMdlata occu 1115.000 (P-72BV Wasttand-Gardar City Radford Oaartorr-Oaarbom Haunts Groaaa Poaita Nomas Wayna County Homas-Lwirigston Ccwrty Mom si MscomC County Horrat W e m enn. County Othar Suburban Homas Raa Estate Sarncas Condos Naw Homa BmfcJar* O^laxaa-TcMmteuaaa Apamnants UoeasHomaa Northam Property Out d Toam Property TrnaShari Fterids Property Farms Ccuntry Kjmet Lots I kcrncM Laka RKarRaaort Property Laka Front Property Cematary Lots Busaieasi PreaaaauiiM Bu**ngs Commartial/natM lndu«r1«/Wtrariouae Sale or lease income P-operr. rn.wtmarH Property UorlgagN/Land Contracts B u r n e t OpporUanOat Money to Loan-Borroe Rati Eststa Wantaa Latmgs Wmted 8.-00 A.M. • 5:30 P.M. M O N D A Y - THURSDAY ANO FROM 8.-00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY lot. ntoe picture «•> w d . L i t 000 Aak k r R O C K ST ER 328 Duplexee Townhouaea 347-3050 Bamn^wnv-etaemflakl waw OtoondlaM-Orcharq H M Fanangton-Farmngion H«s Bnghton. HarOand. Wsflad Laka Soutaao^sthn« South Ljwi, Minora, rtghland Aochastar-Troy 0M-0Ni f w t Hirtmgtcn Woods WtaonvCommarca-Unon Laka Oakland Cotxtty nomas Lwons Canwn Plymouth 1968 Umtad Feature Syndlcala 312 Livonia BUDGET WISE Bargain 316 317 311 319 320 321 322 323 YOU MAY PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FROM inner's Luck 315 Worgwaa-Now 4 P e r u v i a n ctty 5 Fruit of t h a oak « Y o u n g IbdMe 7 T l m a g o n a by ft R a g a 9 Latin c o n( u n c t i o n M Frencn article 5 7 AJrttoa i n f o 317 6ole [H a a a a a a o i a a i i i i Q a Concerning Otnaa Fasten tightly Equally Ptunqaa 1 [8]TJ • • • • •u •u •u u • •• y u a a a • • • • • • • • • • • a 2B Dry, a a t r i n e 29 i 31 33 34 36 3® 40 • •u y • Puzzle U • • o • H i d Place your Classified Real Estate Advertisement in more than 150,000 affluent Suburban Detroit Homes A d v e r t i s i n g 5 9 1 - 0 9 0 0 EkSe 477-6464 H N J . 8 1 A 2 Bedrooms • FREE H E A T e M i n u t e s f r o m ( - 0 4 ft 2 7 5 WAYNE FOREST 1,2 A 3 $459 $525 HEAT FO*Ds*vnmm*MA MERRIMAN WOODS Coaw>r>' 326-3280 *0M 4 ^9?"77 ammm-9300 4 € * O&E M o n d a y . D e o e m b e r 5. 1 0 M Monday 400 Apts. For Rant 400 A p t s . For R a n t WESTLAND AREA AMAZING! C R E A T I V E L I V I N G 5 9 1 - 0 9 0 0 CLP56IPIED REfiL E5TPTE 400 400 Aptp. For Root Apts. For Rent NOVI NORTHVILLE/NOVI THOMAS VILLE LUXURY APTS. Brand naw 1 4 2 badroom apt*. srtth cantral Mr patio. balcony, warltcta bund*. micro eeve. washer 4 dryar. SEEITl Irom (519 On 8 M8a W oI 1-275 LAST 4 AVAILABLE- naaae c a l B E L I E V E IT1 4250 caah bonus limited occupancy L E A S E IT! V P KOMAR 4 ASSOC 14^-8700 Our I badroom. 1 bath. 2 bedroom, Open Sal 4 Sun 1-5 1 bath; or 2 badroom, 2 bath Apts. leelurs waahar. dryar. micro—»a oven, aeM-derfroetrig ralrigaralor. self-cleaning oven. private anIrsncas, carpeting, patio or balcony, pooi Cwoorta aiMlalils Fountain Park NOVI TREE TOP MEADOWS Wa ftava a 1 4 2 badroom luxury apartment avaalaDM with ovaraaad rooms, neutral decor carport, batcony 4 deluxe kitchen. From $495 EHO Locatad on 10 MMa 4 Maadcwtwoo* Roads m Nov) All From $550 Mo. PLYMOUTH First floor 2 I.MI 4 U W Streets, cupancy Prh L e w * * bands throughout, new carN ROYAL OAK- Ona Bedroom peting. aa appliances wtth free apartment Carpeted Near 1-75 washer-dryer ladNtles. an naw bath 8420 month.heat 4 water Mdudad 4 fixtures Individual storage, sepaAdults. 841-0285 or 754-3438 rata furnace with oentral a r . mdlvtduafly metered servlcas. security mlsr-com, smpls parting 4 moral se»5 monthly 2 and 3 badroom lownhouaee Days: 737-7077 Evaa: 591-1964 ranging from 8380 to $500 •ndudae a« utaniae OAKBROOK VILLA Open Mon. Wad . Fn. Tuee. 4 Thurs. Sat. 11am-2pm Bvn-5pm 8am-8pm Ctoeed Sun 15001 BRANDT ROMULUS 841-4057 • NOVI • WESTGATE VI NOVI/LAKE AREA FROM $460 • Quiel • Spacious Apartmants • Attractivefy landscaped • Lskss Area. • Nsar Twalva Oaks Mali • Cantral Air • Pooi • Carport. W a * n n Cloaata • Patios 4 Balconies Pontiac T r . bat Wast 4 Back Rds 624-8555 Beaut rtiri spaoousapts Soma ol our amenities Include fo*owmg has units svsaabie located conveniently al Sheldon 4 North Territorial 1 mils S ol M-14 Immadiata occupancy Just stop by or caS lor a psrsonnal ahowing HOURS MON THRU FRI . 8 TO 5 1-455-2143 • HILLCREST CLUB $200 Security Deposit (Limited Time) •Park aerung• SpacKxja Suites • Ak Conditioning • Outdoor Pool • Immacuiala Orounds 4 Bldgs • Beet Value In Araa Near Plymouth 4 Haggerty Evening 4 weekend hours by sppt 453-7144 De*y - 9-6pm 824-3375 2* hr Manned Entrance Frss H u t Maonkficant Clubhouse Lwtn Lamticapmg Townhomes » Gsrsoes 4 Covered Carport* • 2 4 3 BR Townhomes • Saunas Sat - 10-2 - PLYMOUTH - Apts. For Rant L O W R E N T Choose a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment at a new low rate plus: PLYMOUTH-2 badroom I. appliances, carpet 4 a * i a m s 5 a Mo ndudee Ni utamea Canton, 2 bedroom. 8485 458-0391 PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom. Plymouth Rd . 4 Hoaxook Stove, refrigerator carpeting, drspee. air conditioning Available Immediately 8420 plus utmtlee Adults M \ m 8 PM 453-8194 PONTRAIL APTS o n P o n t i a c Trail In S. L y o n Spacious 1 4 2 badroom apts - Private community atmosphere • Close to downtown Plymouth • Pool 4 other amenfflea • Heel included Between 10 4 11 MSe Now renting 1 4 2 Bedroom Units from $380 Liaey Rd S of Ann Artxx Rd Including haet 4 hoi water • ell electric kitchen • Mi conditioning • carpeting • pool • laundry 4 storage tacabie TV • no p e a • adult 455-3880 A York Managamenl Community ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR SENIOR CITIZENS PLYMOUTH - New lovely 2 bedroom lower. Including stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer efcah washer, air conitlonirvi, vertical blinds, decor to town 8550 plus seacor Cioee Close 1 curity Available Jan. 1st Call 459-4199 437-3303 QUI€T, wea located apartment community seeks mature isanlents BtoomAald West Apartments 628-1508 PLYMOUTH MOW TAKING RESERVATIONS 1 4 2 bedroom apartments. Baicoraee/peooe. cantral Nr. Individual lumecea Ceramic ilia bath, G E kitchen, large basement storage 4 work area. Beautlfut.y landecaped. starting al 8480 including heal North aids of Ann Arbor Trail. E of 1-275, office hours Mon thru Frt 9 im 8. Sst 10 t » 2 Call 453-2800 • OLD BEDFORD - 8 MUe/Laheer, amen 4th Koor studio, carpeted, appliances heat mctodad. cat ok. Squaaky daan 8220 month. 8330 depoelt Ideel for student 354-0882 REDFORO'DETROfT Ana: Newly decorated 1 4 2 bedrooma. Studios lor 8270 Heat 4 Water Included Befw Schooicraft 4 Plymouth Rd . on W Outer Or 531-2280 REDFORD MANOR PLYMOUTH • Joy-kikster Rd. spacious 2 bedroom apt In quiet adult complex, good storage cable TV exceSenl transportation 837-1820 559-7220 P l y m o u t h Hills DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER. 2 badroom lower graat location, quiel mature adult No amokera or pets. $560 mo includes heat 658-2584 Apartments 7 6 8 S. M i l l St. ROCHESTER HILLS Modern 1 and 2 Bedroom Unique ranch style 2 bedroom spartmants leature waaher/dryer hook-ups, private entrances. In-umt storage and more a W a s h e r - D r y e r in Each Apt. a Easy A c c e s s t o I-275 B Air Conditioned a Fully C a r p e t e d a Dishwasher & Disposal a No Pets a Vertical B l i n d s in Selective Units ROANOKE APARTMENTS 375-1696 Walton EWvd E of Adame Rd ROCHESTER HILLS 2 badroom, carpeted. garage, on 6 acres. Prtvele. No pets Adults $725 per Mo 642-1620 (new residents only! OFFICE HOURS Mon Fn 9 7 Sal 9 5 4 Sun I? 5 274-5662 358-4954 2 3 2 7 5 R I V E R S I 0 E OR • S O U T H F I E L D Park Forest Apartments Telegraph and Warren Rds. Dearborn Heights ROCHESTER Ftocheater A r m a Apts. ties yMar Santa have arrived early (Ma and left something fust lor you Rani before Dec 28. I M S to raoafve Santas gin 1 and 2 badroom Apts form MAS. heat and water Included Call now lor detala. Charles Hamlet Apts. 278-8319 Santa has smvad early this year and Apts. For Rant DON'T WAIT UNTIL DEADLINE! You can place your ad anyday of the week. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8-5 p.m. Friday. We run over 10,000 ads a week and our phones get very busy on Tuesdays and Fridays. Call early so we can be sure to get your ad in the next publication. 591-0900 644-1070 852-3222 ROYAL OAK f u l en M m Mile Read Between Laltttr 4 Telegraph Oppastts Plum Hollow Sell Course I ROYAL OAK 11 M I L E & M A I N ST Beautiful spartmia 1 4 t bedroom apartments Carpeted, decorated. 4 laundry facamas FROM $430 Evening 4 week and hours WAGON WHEEL APTS 548-3378 D I S T I N C T I O N h i i r m o n t l \ P a r k In Farminqton Hills Hafer A p A i I tl ^ I O l Pl \ U H II t i l l a g e pr^r E N T s "PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN OWE S T W O BEDROOM A P A R T M E N T 8 featuring \ l l l RYAN/10 MILE AREA WARREN M •465n^ INCLUDES: • • • • Free Gas H e a t and Water Porch or Balcony o wirTn i niig r o m Community BkJg Baa a m a m S t o r a g e CmK Utmo* mt. 453-1597 OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Visit O u r Newly Decorated C o m m u n i t y Beaut tftcation Winner 3 y e a r s in a r o w . Comfortable living Beautiful spacious decorated 1 and 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t s . S o m e of our a m e n i t i e s include the following: • Intercoms • Air Conditioning • O w n e r paid heat • Dishwashers • Disoosai • L a u n d r y Facilities • Parking a Deluxe carpeting • Sr. Discounts Spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. A c o m m u n i t y setting near d o w n t o w n Plymouth. Heat included. Full appliances. Pi > \ k h m L a H e f r o p t MANOR A P A K I \1i M S A p a r t r p e p t s • POOL • Thru-unit maximum „.u nrn wot® unn d a a l g r tor privacy 4 . M nt11 rn rtnuiiTior C o n w i i t f l l lo rPMXMir>G a n o p p i n g 474-2510 O p e n d a i l y until 6 p m Balcony or petto Air oondNtonlnfl L a u n d r y In a e c h building [J N E W 1 & 2 Badroom Apartmants from A C H H O U S E A York Management Community 2 B e d r o o m f r o m 2 B e d r o o m T b w n h o u s e s S v ® P h o n a : a Featuring: " • Air Conditioning • Laundry Facilities • 2 S w i m m i n g Pools • FuDy Carpeted • Clubhouse • Vertical B l i n d s • Sauna • 24 H o u r E m e r g e n c y Maintenance C h e r r y HILL In addition • • • • • • • • • • • • • M A N O B " j A P A P T M t N T X) "Apartment Living with Style" Attractive O n a a n d Itoo B a d m m n Apartmants HEAT MCUJD6) A O p e n M. L a n e cm P r o v i d e n c e D m * just N o r t h ot W . N t n e M i t e R d . m S o u t h f i e l d of Greenfield R d > >0*r For i i O p e n 7 Days 1 » i 1 ; l i m i t e d t i m e o n l y o w a choose r d s f r o m y o u r the m a n y 5 5 7 - 0 8 1 0 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LARGE DELUXE UNITS WINTER SPECIAL 1 & 2 BEDROOMS FROM $465. 9 a . m . - 6 p . m . : 10 a . m . - 2 p . m . 24 Hr • Great: Great Storage Large t • indMdud Central Air/Heat ' Dakuxe Appaanoee mdudkig SUNNYMEDE APTS. 561 KIRTS (1 trfk S of Big Beavar. between Llvemoie 4 Crooks) NOON-6PM 362-0290 TROY 4 ROYAL OAK Presently sveaaOie 1 4 2 bedroom apartmanta Firepiaca. oak floors or TROY SOMERSET AREA PRESTIGIOUS LIVING From only $405 monthly VILLAGE APTS Come 4 experience a country NBlop environment wtth a view you won t beaave on 12 M8e rd mat east ol O p e n M o n . - F r i . , 9 a m - 5 p m Telegraph Spadoue luxury 1 4 2 and by a p p o i n t m e n t badroom apts. are prepared msi lor you with plueh carpet, ver" bHnds. gourmet kitchen. mteri_... system. 4 low of closet > 4 storsge Community oenter. a •sic lee room 4 sauna 4 healed pooi Carports. TROY - 1 bedroom heat mdudad/ Rents from $600 p o d Pet OK $638 Realty Show-aaa - Ona Stop Rental ONE MOUTH FREE RENT 388-3225 SHORT TERM LEASES AVAILABLE Shoppmg 362-0245 SOUTHFIELD RO Nai 12 Maa i badroom. immediete occupancy Newty decorated. SS1S/mo Weekdays 9-Spm. SOUTHFIELD - Studto/1 bedrooms from $4a0 Realty Shovcaee Ona Slop R a n t a i ^ M ^ ^ VENOY PINES APTS CENTRALLY LOCATED IN WESTLAND e 14 2 bedroome e (Some with fireplaces) OPod e Tsnnts court • Out) houee e Central air SOLTTHFIELD-Soti lasta Jan-June e Laundry fadBaae 7 bedroom, 2 Bam. Knoe v me e BaauHUy landscaped Woods 1400 eq lt For further mlor maaon p i n t ! caa. 352-1039 261-7304 A York Management Community SOUTHFIELD 1 bedroom, oentral air. filth i i dubhouee. pod. $495/month 353-8750 WESTLAND ESTATES SOUTHFIELD 6843 WAYNE wood deck on atuaONe revtne set(near Hudson's) ting. Carp eta a Large kitchen, stove Omy $200 dapoalt/approved creda 'ertrtgeralor UtBttea 4 private part mg area Mdudad $450 mo due aa- 1 bedroom $4 to. 2 badroom: $406 curny After 4PM. 380-2157 i n c l u d e s a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g STERUNQ HEIGHTS U MBa E of h e a t • c a r p e t - s w i m m i n g Van Dyke Modem 1 - 2 pool. No pets. Mature cwpeeng. adults call 721-6488 WESTLAND Bslconiss Carports Swimming Pod 4 Park Arees Storage m Your Apartment WESTLAND SHOPPING CENTER Araa - 1 4 2 badroom apartments $480-$555 including heal No pets t 281-4830 or 848-7500 Ford Rd 1 bik E of Wayne Mon - Frt 9em-5pm Sst 4 Sun 1-Spm WESTLANO - 1 bedroom dean Evening appointments svsHeble Ouiat area. Appliances private erv "Special Seniors Program trence. $350'mo plus security A vaaabie immediately 281 -5525 ke One 4 Casch Many extras '4 month free rsr*. $480 4 up. 470-0845 1.258 sq It lownnousa wtth S beeement now avaaeble Open Weekdays 9am-5pm Sat 4 Sun 1-5 363-7545 W DEARBORN AREA Cherry Hltl Village Charming brtck colonid setting wtth mature treea In an idad environment lor retlreae Including - Heat, water 4 gas lor cooking . Efficient kitchen wtth new troet tree refrigerator 'rearer 4 new gae W 7 MILE BEAVERLANO bedroom, seonty parking 631-3378 W 7 Mils 4 Fenton St 1 4 2 bed room spts - 1 bedroom $370 2 Bedroom $430 «c*uOes heal 4 water 266-0073 401 Furniture Rantai FURNITURE FOR YOUR 3 Room Apartment For $79 Month m *vtng Larga pacture room 4 dmmg . lost units havs kitcnen 4 Modem ceramic bathrooms - Carports - Open 7 Deys - 400 Apartmants For Rant • ALL NEW FURNTTURE • LARGE SELECTION . OPTION TO PURCHASE FARMINGTON. 474-3400 STERLING HEIGHTS 828-9801 SOUTHFIELD 355-4330 TROY 588-1800 400 Apts. For Rant • Heat Included and 2 bedroom Newburgh between Joy & Warren Banaicka S Krue 348-9590 FREE HEAT FREE C O O K I N G • G A S 1 S 2 Bedroom • 1 1 * Baths • Central Air • Pool • Tennie • Carports • Clubhouae Laundry S Storage • Cable Ready M o d e l Open 9-5 Daily 12-5 Weekends y s . 642-8686 Model Open 9-5 Daily 455-4300 t=J THE RIGHT ADDRESS NOVI-FARMINGTON Livonia's Finest Location G R A N D O P E N I N G CANTERBURY PARK SURN1SHED4 MONTHLY LEASES Preferred by the Executive ideal for Holiday visits FINEST QUALITY 4 LOCATIONS IN monOi I APARTMENTS 4 TOWNHOUSES V AE •si 313-385-5313 or LUXURY AMENITIES! ' Utilities Included FROM $625 4 2 1 - 4 9 7 7 30500 WEST WARREN Pnvite sepsrsfp i-ntiance Wast«f i i r t 0r»er m apartment Between Middlebelt Roed end M e m man Roed Corporate Apartmenta A vailabte A: Cif kilt hen » rn Duift " a a l a r t a rl ^ - i > a TOf M w c i t G a p r m . mcnmisve cleaning own ar Health Out) fatiM*" JoOQing frail MNth 3? fitness statiorts Senmmng pi« 1 tertnrs court Shel'e-el c a w of t»-rony Carpcit ImciiwJeft n tent) Cathedral ceilings f a jWe irtimefliate occusinry f um-.hed 8«eaitiw aoalTients availatue • ' D r o f H a g q ^ ' t v Hts tnd D M . . able Jan 16. 8 i HOME AWAY FROM HOME. 84C Snort leeee EJeganOy lurreahad 4 Ceder cea 845-1387 epmppeil 1 2 or 3 bedroom apartments No peta kom $880 828-1714 SAVE TIME CALL US FIRST LUXURY EXECUTIVE SUITES, INC. 1 TV 4 imcroeeie Shon lerm k aveaieoie $600 per mo 588-5756. 851-0111. 823-8430 $ses/mc $875 s month plus Caa 5pm ai 847-8111 month 775-8200 SHAM - gorgeous, c porary with 3 bedrooma suns wan large Caafcii «rtr double enatpool oven, cook lop. Sisplatii. 3 car gaCsa a m * - S88-2015 400 Apts. For Rant NORTHRIDGE APARTMENTS 1-2 BEDROOM * 4 8 0 Eat in Kitchen Walk In Cloeets Waeher/Dryer Available Fumiahed Units As Open Dally 8 30-5 Saturdays " One Mile Weet ot V-Z7S off 7 Mila, North viMa 348-9616 N o v i / L a k e s Area W E S T G A T E c ~s460 Open • VI BIRMINOHAM. 18210 l l a i g u i a i . $ badroom. 22.000 aq IL Claan 4 I i S i n ooc*aianc» (plus security 648-1 ounga«t*«. ' o s i r cm e e a i . a^l Samiaa. rac room, garsgs uauc gas gr«. lanoad No psas $760Aao + dapoaa. 1 w laaaa 844-3188 S^SnHo9* BiRMINOHAM 3 badroom 1H baat. garage, e a a l i n . 2 baa. S al 14 m £ t m Ptsroa « » a r anod $750 • s e o n t y 433-1488 Long L a i <*mm. RtNass roaa $4800 par monat Caa S m or MarkSSI SSOC BLOOMFIELD HILLS 1464 Inwoode Circle CL 4 0 0 ft. Of LOW- Until 7 P.M. You've paid the price for high cooling bills this s u m m e r . Now let us pay your heating bills this winter. Heat included on all rentals. 1 & 2 Bedroom k B l Apartments Q A N K L I N aan^ton From...*440 1 I Spacious country setting I Contemporary design I Modern Kitchens with dishwasher I All window treatments Included I individually controlled heating and air conditioning I Private balconies or pattos I Cable ready I Swimming pool and much more (SQUARE C A P A D T M E N *aii«r Daily 9 a m - / p m • Other T r - e s p . A. 624-8555 ,™ ® 4 9 0 Attractive 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Featuring: H E A T INCLUDED Spacious 1 and5 2 bedroom apartments Vertical Blinds • Heated Swimming Pool Fully Carpeted • Clubhouse \ i r Conditioning • Laundry- Facihties Beautiful Grounds • Lighted Parking • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance offering l o o m f i e l d | o c e 5? Pnvatc balcony or patio 3" Fully equipped kachen with dishwasher and pantry 3 Spacious storage locker included with each apartment 3 Private swimming pool 3 Planned community activities 1 bedroom - $560 per month 2 bedroom - $615 per month Open Daily SOUARE I A * E r o T 1st M o n t h ' s R e n t F R E E ! Just a Stroll Away From Downtown Farmington 4 Weekends 10 A M to 5 P M 338-1173 ^ 2 J T 7 4 7 4 - 2 8 8 4 Open Mon.-Fri- 9-6; Sat, k Son. 11-5 Lacalrd on 5 M i l * Rd B c t w e n M x t t l e b r l ! and Inkslrr Rd in Livnnia OPEN 7 DAYS 427-6970 ^ — - Living Hills planned C a l l o r See... Tbe People Who Care" ^ S u m m e r Is Never Over... Meet new friends and relax at. . . sssjS Superlative Rental Living In The Hills of West Bloomfield a la v i s i t t y features. I A 2 bedroom apartments 2, 3 A 4 bedroom towohouses S200security deposit Free gas heat A gas utilities in most units 19 floor plans to choose from Indoor Olympic pool Exercise room and sauna Luxurious clubhouse Dens, fireplaces, spiral staircases Covered carports Laundry facilities/hook-up in townhouses Pets allowed Families welcome M o n d s y - F r i d s y further IO-6. S a t u r d a y i n f o r m a t i o n 10-5. S u n d a y .. me fling ihe chattenge l o o k i n g lor f u r m M e a p p b a n c w » o«he» h o u s e n o i a Hams'' l e t c l a s s M e d he*> y o u m e e t • C f y j U e n g e For B>e rnoaf u C H o Oo»a m e r c n a n c t a e i n t o r m a h o n corvm* daswfied 12-5. plesse call 455-2424. i T o i visit: F r o m H s s g e r t y 1-275, exit Road. F o l l o w A n n A r b o r R o a d South to Joy Road, West <* W e s t l a n d T o w e r s ! to East o n Joy &>teertier & J E t t p n t r i c GLPdolpED PDVERTI6ING 644-1070 Oakland County 591 0900 Wayrm County 852 3222 Rochester/Avon S p o o o u s o n e a n a h*> Oetlroom apartm e n t s o«s» t v g r - r e e M r t a • Spectacular t x * o f > *ew$ e K » a r fOuncJ e w i m m l n o fhe Inooer leotea p o d e A l n a w C l u b o n a G a m e ftoom • tennl$ courts e TV-monHoraO secure entrances • FBE€ p r t v a l a h a a i i h c M > w i l h eiercaa ioom and sauna • An d e a l locaMon - Q n a C*oc* trom W a U r O MaB - - S e a r 1 - 2 7 5 . 1-04 a n d m o t o r s ^ r t o c e eaass mua ds signed pnor «o O k t YTAWESTIAND aTOWERS 4 » * I t W I N t I m - u n iootma arm aock w a t f <* (toatx i foKS arc W d n a n toods Beautiful I & 2 BediMM Apattmeitb FtMt $345 HEAT INCLUDED Air Conditioning Balcony a CaMa TV mo 84* 1153 404 Houaaa For Rant B'RMtNQHAU to» lease 4 bedroom COO IOMH 2H 1 sppaancas. Viahad baaa- gN parson 1800 UNITS FROM $650. baths, .•a"-6231 msrtts. 2 car sttacnsd garage 1814 Absolutely Immaculate rarrmngton ma 4 Nov! I laafng BiRMiNQHASS rant*. 3 bedrooms^ 1 from $1,200 mont h 645-1200 549-4500 na. 2 ha* bathe Ham Mkclwi perni KARRIMAN REAL ESTATE carpal Fkaplaoa. M (ANYTIME) 477-4464 'ached garage | 1 J (3 b l o c k s E of Farmington Road) East of 1-275 ModeJ Open Daily 1-5 Closed Thursday 473-3983 par 540-8830 PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN Across Irom Uayftover Ham $860 per 16 NnmaoAaie bu*dmg locations ti month Fssi month $800 No laaaa serve your needs 220 umts «i s« W saner 4 dryer 4 UtaMes included F-ee heeith and racquel Out Qo« and Tsnrw Contact Oeon Smith 463-1820 Swimmru Pools TROY - Somerset Park SutMl 1 Room Service bedroom «eth carport Comptaaaly MaK) Service lurmaned Avaaabie lo June 1 1888 Pet Samoa 528-3800 Meeting Rooms The omy lull aervice faoety serving the SE Mich busmees community «nth luxury accomodations SINCE 1977 ABSOtUTELY PERFECT HOMES • I P " mmadistery $7S0 1S825 14 MBa. C M . BIRMINOMAM - Clean 3 bedroom ranch, garaoa. carpal throughout I Vspiaoe. secluded 8880 par month >64-0002 or 887-7827 INKSTER EFFICIEklCV APART- I BIRMINGHAM Coacn Houee. 2 be MENT 1 person par una only ideal kx i-ecree Cnerryma and waatar ares 422-24*0 BIRMINQHAM Cory 4 » l i n av LIVONIA/PV r » * p u T H Rem my i bedroom l o ^ f e V n a a h e d apartmam Avaaahla lor 3 mornha jtjkties included $760 par -north $825 /mo - security 866 9 s e a m y depoea No pets Ask tor 458-0718 N WOOOW ARC Aree- 1 bedroom. F R O M $ 6 0 0 O A Q "i'lOfl j 4 0 ' I I t U mppng $7SC 737-2114 ; 2 r ~ acnooN DOWNTOWN HOME SUITE HOME FURNISHED HOUSING 7 Mila Road Corner Mayfield Brand new large deluxe 2 b e d r o o m , 2 bath units. L a u n d r y hook-up within a p a r t m e n t , carpeting, vertical blinds, deluxe appliances, balcony or patio. Near s h o p p i n g . Limited time offerI Open 7 Davs 9 6 ULTIMATE LIVING & LIFESTYLE I ihrougnBEVERLY HBXS BEAUTY. 1 Dad rant month lo room randi. 2 t welcome MC. Attractively turTsaned 1 and 2 badroom Apts with aa m i W a 7 great locations Monthly Maaae A E M C Visa accepted TEMPORARY AueUNN HILLS. * BIRMINGHAM/ROYAL OAK Fumaafted kuury ana bedroom prime aree Cdor TV Special 737 FARMMQTON HILLS - 1 bedroom •Baa paid 2 unaa aeourVy A Mahla Irom S80C •aaa 477-7186 — Immediate Occupancy — RENTAL OFFICE Contemporary Living for ^ Career3; Minded ^ Adults ig acceea lo aa a-ways i Caa snytans 649-1414 S « KX/ 8 M M TENANTS 4 LANOLOnOS Birmingham-Troy Aree r ^ ' 4 3 5 Located on Novi Road. Jusl N. ol 8 Mile Road O P E N DAILY 10-e SAT 9 - 4 . S U N 12-5 Executive Uvlng Suites 474-9770 E»ecuti*» Garden Apartments HOMES FOR RENT courts Weekly U m S 4wwca aeaSaue MC V 4 AE care* en. apaad Jnmatdiad personal aarMod Relocating" Temporary ' aergr m e n f We heve corporate apartments lor ahort term laaaa lur- Scotsdale Jlpartmenfs If you like what you see. our apartments are what you are looking for. Some with woods view. Pleasing to the pocketbook too. $ 2 Bedroom 515 1 APARTMENTS SHORT TERM LEASES Adua 4 Fampy Units 10 prima au»- ABBINGTON LAKE GLOBE RENTALS 274-1933 r\i apartments - 2 bedroom. VA bath townhouse, Air Conditioning — Private balconies with insulated sliding glass door walls — carpeting and CATV available. Huge closets — Gas heat — 2 swimming pools — Ample parking — Carports available — Semta at your doorsteo W E S T L A N D 6200 North Wayne Rd. STUOIO - $378 1BEDROOM-8418 2 BEDROOM $430 HEAT 4 MOT WATER INCLUOED 422-1007 WESTLANO - 2 badroc>m. cantral air. banda paid gas S • dMte occupancy. 5 mo •aae $408/ mo • sscuray dspoafl 427-8086 Apts from only $425 unta 1-1-86 WESTLAND q u e l dean. 1 bed room apartment M a i $410/mo mduded. Cal 722-8886 or 589-0705 12 Mile at Telegraph SOUTHFIELD - Mne IMe/Telegraph area. Prtvala ona $450 per month. 425-6070 •Ths Place To LNe" kn I Spacious 1 4 2 bedroom apts SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIALI of tbe Rouge Riven Ann Arbor Tr /Mamrvtsn WHITE LAKE TWP on Modem 2 bedroom Apartment As condRKmed. h * y carpeted app*ancee. cable ready Heal 4 hoi water included. From $390/mo • security BarsudorArma 722-5888 729-4020 WE8TLANO 2 bedroorr « l . $466 per mo . includes heat. carpon 8 402 FwrnMiad Apts. For Rant 402 Furnished Apts. For Rant - Individual private enDryer Hook-up aued 17x10) PLEASING TO THE EYE on the banks 478-8438 Mon-Frt 9-5 HAMPTON COURT APARTMENTS RIVER BEND al BRIARWOOD APARTMENTS CONDO LIVING LOW MOVE-IN C O S T S SECURITY DEPOSIT ONLY $150 STOP BY OR CALL Ask About Ow Winter Heat Special SOUTHFIELD 356-0400 F r o m $ 4 5 0 FreeHeat m a BaautMd Park Salting Call or s t o p by t o d a y , near P l y m o u t h a H a q r j e r l y Weeher 4 Dryer n some Units 1-2 bedroom, heat 4 water mduded Security bueding - 8 mo. leaee Swimming pool - storage aree Carport - garage parking avs*atMa B e a u t i f u l s p a c i o u s d e c o MOVE-IN SPECIAL rated 1 and 2 b e d r o o m Mon - Frt 9-5 - Sal 9-noon apartments & studios. 557-0388 S o m e of our a m e n i t i e s include B e a u t M Urge 2 badroom apts • O w n e r paid heat ipton on Lahear Rd • S w i m m i n g Pool Civic Canter Or Reasonable rem 358-1538 549-7220 • L a u n d r y f a c i l i t i e s SOUTHFIELD cuetom dac oral ad 2 • B a l c o n i e s o r p a t i o s bedroom. 2 bath, e e l rig Ian In • Parting • Intercoms • Beautiful carpeting eaapscer In bath 4 kltcnen. • D i s h w a s h e r s much more. 8675/month Ca( <m • Disposals days. 9am I p m 353-5 • Air C o n d i t i o n i n g • Cioee t o shopping A expressway FRANKLIN RIVER APTS. • Quiet Park Setting • Spacious Suites • Outdoor Pool • Air C o n d i t i o n i n g • I m m a c u l a t e Grounds & Buildings 12350 Risman 453-7144 356-3780 WINDSOR PARK SOUTHFIELD $460 to $565 Special *200 Moves You In ILimited Time) 1Yi B a t h s in 2 B e d Unit Free H.B.O. & C a r p o r t cooking gas Included In moet Meny Wtth vemcal binds Chadran? Pets? : studio apartment Ask! AMBER APARTMENTS i naw carpet, new naw microwave Cat Jan Eves: 258-8714 353-7270 or Davtd. 433-3088 HKJHLANO TOWER APTS 1 bedtoom spts rraaable Senior CttOansOnly 10 4 OreanftekJ Contact Sue. Moo-Set 588-7077 Beat Value In The Area F r o m *440 • Free Heat SPACIOUS & ELEGANT WESTLANO 1 oedruom. cer paled sioue. reangsraaor $280'mo $300 di ipoan 328-8300 r e n t . * Professionally managed by Qolben. 2 7 7 - 1 2 8 0 r e c e i v e exciting to Honeytrea. til 12 M i l e & N o r t h w e s t e r n 2 4 3 bedroom. 2 bath ranches and apartmants. 1.450 Sq Ft Cantral tr. appkanoea pkjs dlehweahar and Jlepoeal. laundry room, bafcomee. patioe. carport, private entrance end Special rant starling at $840) (per Mo. lor new tenants TROY JUM W M H a a Rd WESTLANO • Plymouth • HILLCREST CLUB B e t w e e n S o m e r s e t & 1-75 WAYNE WESTLANO SHARP 1 bedrocvn speittnem AC Carpalmg 4 appksnoes Prtvala anIrance 0 7 S per monei Nawburgh Coiomei Apertments 721-8899 On Ann Arbor Trail 400 Apts. For Rant WAYNK-Oroom WNMn wa«ung M i ®350 C O U P O N T Available • M o d e m Appliances WAKEFIELD A p a r t m e n t s For Rent dryar. new Mack kitcnen eppkancee 828- 1S08 HUNTINGTON ON THE HILL 400 Apts. For Rant 7 2 9 - M S O v • Storage Areas 754-7816 SCHOOLCRAFT/OUTER DRIVE AREA - Newly decorated 1 bedroom studio apartments Air condmonlng. carpeting, drspea. heat, garbage disposal, panting apace From $280 4 up Call after 2:30PM 531-8100 400 WEST BLOOMFIELD Spacious 1.400 sq II 2 badroom • WESTLAND • *6£ Opan Hon. - SaL « - ft. * m . U • • FIRST M O N T H ' S RENT F R E E - • HEAT INCLUDED H o u r s M o n . - Fri. 9 a m - 5 p m and by a p p o i n t m e n t TROY A p a r t m e n t s ' 5 0 0 FROM $415 MAYFLOWER APTS An established apartment c o m m u n i t y In a c o n v e n i e n t location. Rents f r o m $535 THREE OAKS V. m i l s E . o f C r o o k s o n W a t t l e a at 1-75 362-4088 f w m F o r 1 4 Beautfflcation Winner 3 y e a r s in a r o w . TROY AREA 1 bedroom apertmeni on second floor wtth balcony. New carpeting, new mini blinds, centrally located Friendly neighbors. 649-5660 682-8900 400 Apts. For Rant Apts. For Rant WAYNE 1 bedroom $379 /mo 2 bedroom $418/mo memdea keel S water Freshly pemted Private entrance Cable ready Sorry No Petal 505-7923 04E NByna 4 N e a b u r g h M s l a ( A P A P T H C N T 6 ) Attractive 757-6700 BC a t t ! \ N D I N G S O H o u r s M o n . - Fri. 9 a m - 5 p m a n d by appointment I I $ 4 0 0 First M o n t h ' s Rent F R E E C FR0M $415 PINECREST APT. 455-3880 RYAN/10 MILE AREA WARREN REGENCY APTS. Sherman Or naw 11 MBe^d^Hsal 4 ipptotncw. ftreptecs. NMr brantportstton. 4*4-6042 QUI! Apts. For Rant 1ST MONTH FREE PLYMOUTH- 1 bedroom, living left something Just lor you Rent s 1 room, dining L. kitchen Includes sp- bedroom Apt before Dec 25. 1988 Cal lor our HofkMy Saaaon Special pHancaa Newty decorated Storage lo recMve Santas gift 1 badroom on lovely 1 8 2 bedroom apta with new carpeting, vertical bands, heel ares Adults No pals 453-4821 Apta. at 8480 Cal now for delate Included 288-8115 569-7220 852-0311 PLYMOUTH - 1 4 2 badroom apartROYAL OAK ments with 2 fun baths and deck off ROCHESTER. Large 1 4 2 bedroom CAMELOT APARTMENTS living room AJ appllanoes including m town Great location Air. carpetQUIET, secure 1 4 2 bedroom wssher 4 dryer In unit Gs4 Ray Lee ed. large kitchen From $450 apartmants. 850 lo 1200 sq ft The Michigan Group 591 -9200 658-8188 254-6592 852-3673 Dishwasher, pantry, dining room. 2 PLYMOUTH - 2 bedroom, move m ROCHESTER LUOLOW APTS baths. 3 waa In doeeta. wsfc out before Christmas, months rant 1 4 2 Badroom Apts From $400 pool. kJ» basement. free. 8485 month Cioee lo frewweys Heat 4 Water Included Heal 4 water Includand ao—nlown After 7pm. 455-7405 651-7270 ed From 8S8C 288-1544 400 400 ROMULUS - 2 badroom apartman i B e a u t i f u l s p a c i o u s d e c o water 4 appliances Included $390 941-0790 r a t e d 1 a n d 2 b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t s . S o m e of o u r NORTH ROYAL OAK Sharp, quiet. 2 bedroom, adults, no a m e n i t i e s I n c l u d e t h e f o l pete, haet mdudad. 8805/month lowing: 528-9008 • Intercoms • Air Conditioning • Owner paid heat • Dishwashers FROM $435 Includes heat, carpel and window • D i s p o s a l treatments Umlted oflar on s e n d • L a u n d r y F a c i l i t i e s umts- Caa 9 to 5 548-2824 • Parking ROYAL OAK. ediecarrt lo Baaumom Hoepnal. charming 1 bedroom. n»»- • D e l u x e c a r p e t i n g ly decorated, carpeted. $425 month • S r . D i s c o u n t s 436-3492 ROCHESTER HILLS Dally !2-6pm except Frt. 4 Sun Offer ends December 15, 1988 Apts. For Rant ROCHESTER HILLS: t'4 balh Townhouse 8875./mo. No pets) Heat, weter 8 carport Included. Avon Court Apts 851-7980 From $415 E l e c t r i c 400 Apts. For Rant a PLYMOUTH MANOR & PLYMOUTH HOUSE APTS VILLAGE GREEN OF WATERFORD A d v e r t i s i n g 400 H e a t G a s D i s p l a y PLYMOUTH LUXURY APTS 2 bedrooma. 2 baths washer dryar. carport. 8800 par month * 458-8401 455-4721 CENTRALLY LOCATED TO • D o w n t o w n OelfOM • All Maio< F r e e w a y s • Metro A n p o ' t • Shopping S Mo v ies • l a k e s & Recreation • Day Care & Schools 5 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 400 A p t s . F o r R a n t PLYMOUTH LIVE O N T H E P A f t K 1 Bedroom - $415 2 Bedroom - $430 Heel 4 water Included, carpet ad living room 4 ha*, cantral Nr. kitchen buiO-ms. parking, pool Adult section Raaidy for occupancy Saa Manager 40325 Plymouth Rd.. Apt. 101 455-3682 BROUGHAM MANOR APTS. 400 & 12350 RIsm an FROM 8340 PER MONTH 1 bedroom 8435 2 badroom 8475 Veer Leasa Heat 4 Water Paid Adults No pats 455-1215 Large Apartments Free Heat SPECIAL • Decorated Apartments For Rant Enjoy A Luxurious Lifestyle! PLYMOUTH • From $440 • Indian Visage Area • Bum m features • Carpeted NOVI - Sub Laaaa 8 months, Una Club Apartments. Modern 2 badroom. 2 bath, washer/dryer m unit, micro wave 1850 par mo. ORCHARD LAKE ROAD 347-2487 naw Tslegrsph Beautiful woodad setting. 1 badroom apts Carpal. Air NOVI HOLIDAY SPECIAL condHionar. heat included. On 2 badroom apts. snd 2 badroom FROM $365 tosnhouaaa Move m by Dec. Jan ORCHARD WOODS APTS rasldsnti only P l i n i c— 348-8200 334-1878 • • • • PLYMOUTH HERITAGE APTS 348-0626 348-9590 642-8686 Bananka 4 Krue NOVI SCHOOLS - Ur g e 2 badroom. 2 belh. microwave. prlvata laundry. •uMa«/t710 347-5848 400 400 A p t s . For R a n t 42101 Fountain Park Sun. 12-5 NOVL houee, h a •raa 8800> month plue security 348-8675 or 229- 7884 Apt*. For Rant N.ROVAl OAX-Oaan. quiet 1 bedroom, carpeted air No pe«S 8425 OAK PARK O t a badroom apt. heal hot malar, coin operated laundry, Locatad on Grand River between pool, carpeted Senior dttzana welMsadowbrook and Nov! Roads come. No pets 546-7524 Opan Mon thru Frt 10 30 to 8:30 PARKER HOUSE APTS Sat. and Sun.. Noon to S Open dally 10-6 Sat 9-4 400 WOW! Security depoeit only $ 100 I Limited time only) SPACIOUS 1 4 2 bedroom apts Carpel, patio air p o d Heal Inckidad nook-up s d t * 4 lamfly locations 1 BEDROOM - $420 Planned s o d d acttvMee 4 24 hour 2 BEDROOM $488 emergency mamtanarme Ca* BLUE GARDEN APTS Weekend's FMael Apartmenta Cherry HM Near l i a m m a n Daily 1 lam-apm - Sat 10am-2pm 720-2242 Mon-Frt 10-8. Sal 9-8, 8un 12-5 WAYNE - 1 bedroom ranch/duplex No peta $295 per month pkje I/Ukliea 1 month a rent 4 aeevfty • i a - i1790 ; Rents from 38« par aq. It A lot of room lor a utile money V>ery large 1 4 2 badroom apartmentsB i s e t ^ t n g apertmeni 400 D e c e m b e r S. 1 0 6 8 e Swimming Pool 8 Clubhouae ' • Convenient to 12 At Pontiac Trail and Back Roads In Wixom (Exit f-96 at Bac* Road then 2 MU— North to Ponttmc Thatl) Opan Mon. - Sal. 9 - 6 Sun. 11 - S e e. M o n d a y . D e c e m b e r 5. 1 0 0 6 O&E 401 For Rant CMMran ou» STSMaa. • DeTnorr-H.w-4 M , TMMMH S O U T H F K L D - Newly decorated 2 b a d r o o m . M n g r o o m . d M n g room, garaga. 1 4 7 5 m o . p u e e a a v y d s - cualom b u M noma, ^uniplala. C a l A M or 422-2104 SOUTHF1ELD 1. 9460 oar 244-4644or • 637-4444 SOUTHFIELD A aharp 3 badroom M . sppkanres. »»& S C T S t f i ? S O U T M F K L D - 12 mka 4 Qrparv « M M g n M L >1300. 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 M d . 3 b a d r o o m . 1 both, a l app4snces. 2 car g a r a g a 4440 'mu C s l afl 12pm 640-3044 421-0144 SOUTHFIELD - 12 M4ST|W|JSSH C o n t e m p o r a r y 4 b a d r o o m oofantaL 1* U V O N U - Raactwaima ooupla tor I II l u m l s n a d homa Jan 4 S t o n l , taOOfmo.. ptua uHMas. Pats No a m o k m g 421-5031 $1300 s s s r 407 For Ront SOUTHFIELD - 3 ranch, aoma app4anraa, naw ft*naoa. 2 car garaga. A«a4aMa Jan. 1. 4 4 5 0 + security 471-3142 406 S Y L V A N LAKE-5 rooma. 1 bath. f A R M M O T O N H f t X S . » bedroom. 3500 par m o n t h plua s s a r l f y , 4 references N o p a t * Adult comptak a m o n t h . 3 b a d r o o m . Baearnertt. ga- C a l . 6 2 * - 4 4 0 3 or 642-4346 r a g * . N o ^ t o . S 7 M a month. subt i c * ta crodn r e p o r t . a m p k i y i i a i i i TAYLOR - A t t r a c t s 2 badroom M r A p M I O I I I U I I . A S K F O R b n c k r a n t * UUkiy r o o m garaga. kltcftsn sppkanres. tanoad immediROY OR JOANNE a l 474-7006 ata occupancy. $610 553-9055 FMMMOTON • r*» 2 TROY - Bt-Laval on 2 ' * acraa. 4 ' • n o t * , lamky l o o m , 2 6 i g k r a g a . w o r k m o p , lanced yard, badroom. 2 b e t f a . tlrsplece. cerpelctoke to team. $aoc 963-4134 ra. garaga. a* sppksnces. rawly dscorstiad N o p e l s $475 After 67^6431 FARMINGTON. S b a * o o m . garage. 6pm. U f s m i r i t . a k . 4460 First - laat TROY - 3 badrooma, 2 Dettis. 2 car plue security A o u i t s No P M 4 7 7 - 4 7 * g v s g s . fireplace. Casement Avaasb<s tmmadiatary $425 par month FERNOALE-Lovely 3 badroom car- No pets 261-0223 p e t e d noma • » applanoaa 4 4rep M e t S6SO/UO plue security de- TROY-3 b a d r o o m ranch. 2't Baths, cantral Nr, l e t Door laundry a l spg - a — O « . n o p m 662-3948 pkanoss. S h o r t / l o n g a r m OK m i o i 7pm-i pia occupancy $1100/mo 440-4426 G A R D E N CITY- Cozy 2 badroom. 1* WATERFORD Security ad garaga. Cioaa r e e u k a d . Caa altar 4 p m or leave m m mm 421-6204 Low u M H I a a T 7 5 0 / m o plus security 725-9301 641-7252 Q A R O E N CITY- 3 badroom. RnMAad baa a m am. c a r p e l drapes. 2 batoaJ W A Y N E - 4 5 5 0 / M O . 3 b a d r o o m 2 * 2 c a r garaga. Abaohitoly no p r o car garaga. lanoad yard, no pats. Security dapoalt. good credk required C a l altar 12noon. 595-3223 G R A N D RfVER-TELEGRPH arak-2 b a d r o o m . cornar l o t carpeting. ap- WAYNE RD / W A R R E N - Clean 3 1st month + b a d r o o m with 1 * baths, baaamam. 773-2224 cantral air. b u M - m app4ancaa. lanoad yard, garaga. m nice araa. LAKE, guaal house. S Avak. Dac 15 Mual have good ralaranoaa 4 aacura amptoymant $750 m o n t h ptua dsposk. Acxatk No pats. par month pkia aacurlty dapoalt 343-1010 C a l altar flpm 721-0440 h3£er''&ss 400 aq. ft 944-3596 412 Townhouass . Condoo For Ront 412 TownhouaeaCondoo For Ront 412 TovmhouoeaCondoa For Rent B I R M I N G H A M 2 bedroom, oentral kk.appkanciM W»si.ati.«g Complex- 4 4 7 5 / m o Caa sfter 5pm. 244-4414 SLOOMFIELO HILLS. Adams W o o d s d s k n e toamhouee M oond o . 2 bedroom. 2 ' * Beth. $1300 D m M : 446-6306 Eves 9 - 4 462-1246 B I R M I N G H A M - 2 badrooma, M baa anient, ak a p p l m c a a . oarpattno. mtnM>4nds t t v o u g h o u t . Ill saner » dryar $ 7 5 0 / m o n » i 944-3174 BLOOMFIELD H4M - G o o d location. 2 bedrooms. 2 bakta. s k . appksnoes. no p e t s $475 Includes heat 4 water 940-74*2/442-1420 BOULDER PARK 52023 W. 14 Mke Rd(W c* Orchard Lake Rd.) Lusurtoua 2 bedroom. 1900 ft. Q»P.1 eettmg. 2 M b e l f a . large Utohan with labia space p r N a l k a u n d r y r o o m , alarm system. ampMi storsge From $746. 461-4*0 B L O O M F I E L D HILLS - 3 t a d r o o m s . 3 beths, 1 car attached g a r a g e Lease wNh o p t i o n 11500/month plue security After 4 pm: 427-4741 BERKLEY - 12 M4a 4 W o o d w a r d Naw c o n d o . 2 badrooma. 1 bath iva • t t a c h a d garaga/ opanar A C 4400 m o Immadlala occupancy441-4464 living • F a r m i n g t o n Hills D D A • 2 B e d r o o m s E R N T O M A E N K T S f r o m . . . $ 4 9 5 f r o m . . . $ 5 5 S $40 o f f each m o n t h f o r 12 m o n t h s or 12th m o n t h ' s rent F R E E * $45 o f f e a c h m o n t h f o r 12 m o n t h s or 12th m o n t h ' s rent F R E E * S p e c i a l O n e C o u n t r y O a k s M a l l . t i o n e d , Pontiac Trail D a i l y 477-2471 Air. of area, 6 n e a r S o u n d Pool. b e t w e e n • 2 b y 4 I I mnr< I 200 Moves You In If y o u think Great Location • Park Setting Spacious* Bike Trail• Heated Pool Sauna* Sound Conditioned Cable & Tennis On Ford Road. |ust E. of 1-275 Open Until 7 P.M. ,r iits m o n t h ' s r e n t f r e e f o r n e w Unique 1 & saving fun free 30 days. at you'll - & & B e c k S u n . 0 0 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE 2111 STARR ROYAL OAK 2 large piele bnck wfOi wood bwntng V e p l e c e In r o o m , large coi*vtry style lerge yard Dieliwaafter oven retrtgarator tralalr. 447S MILFORO eree - m bedroom m i l . lerge LiMttly room. After 4pm Schooner Cove Daily 9 - 7 - Eves by A p p t . - Sat & S u n 9 - 6 p l e a s u r e s of living o n Ford L a k e In w i n t e r . the s n o w m o b i l i n g , cross-country tops. (So is the skiing, ice-skating indoor fun and of n e w interiors your days from contemporary 1 pleasant, and the to cabinets inside or 2 - b e d r o o m to See apartments • Adult C o m m u n i t y - 50 Years Pins • Private, Tree-lined Courtyards S • Pool/Clubhouse • Self-Cleaning Oven. Frost-Free • Heat Included • Senior Citizens' Special 4 7 7 - 5 7 5 5 On Mnrrm*it Ro*J ! Orcha'J Lakt KeaJf I Rick Somth of a Milt Rood Opt* Daily 10-6 p.m.. Sunday Soon - i p m 8 C 5 H - O 8 Farmington C o n d i D i s h - A t t r a c t i v e 1 6 decor all t h a t Some ol our smenretee Include me 2 N 6 E A p a r t m e n t s R o a d s 12-4 4 S 4 7 C 0 12 bedroom I Centre! etr conditioning I Carpeting t Herdwood Floors I Fua baeemeni All trom 4400 par morrtfi 758-7050 can offer you free N o w . 0 N - F 0 R D - L A K E 5 • s h o p p i n g C o l o r Patto A • • S w i m m i n g Pool T V • A C A C a r p o r t s Available D V C R s t e r e o W a l k m a n M i c r o w a v e on 12 & Mile Road Orchard Lake o n a t h e A T N L S Y A U B U R N 0 5 0 H E I G H T S M A ABSENTEE OWNER W A L T O N P L A C E A P T S . 3 7 3 - 6 1 1 0 a Private O N W A L T O N . H E A R I-75 & U N I V E R S I T Y D & • iQPEM 7 0 A Y 8 A W E E K H • Air • Cable c a l l A h e G r e e n H i l l d i f f e r e n c e * : D a y s vers B u t P h o n e : 6 8 1 P * « c o g a t e h o u s e " * • Y^z>^ c MIkSSl. I S I ^ t e O Most apartment iving measures P P over 3,000,000 s q . ft Green H i 7 5 - a c r e e s t a t e s e t t i n g of tranquBty. You're 600+ right sq. ft CXJTS measures residents enjoy * gorgeous W H A T M T R N » 5 4 0 O n l y B e d r o o m l i a i l i . . m i l % , i 495 \ | i n i > o o a m i n d a n d p r t v a t < a t t a c h e d E R M E E O N R E T N H T TV The Dual Master Suite: S * A M O N T h r o u g h n n e d T H BOYNE H I G H L A N D Lovely 4 badroom. 2 ' * b e t h c o n d o Mmutee from skang O r t a t m a s and weekends available Ca4 424-0344 BOYNE H t O H L A N O e - 3 bedroom t u r n M i e d C o n d o - 5 nan trom ski aopea. i saaaneble rates. Ca« after 4pm 517-323-7307 BOYNE HtOHLANO AREA Luxtay chelet. 4 bedroome. 3 k j f l bathe, t i n p t 10 Healed garage Week or waakanda. 541-0422 HARBOR S P R M Q S CONOO-Oeluxe aqulppad. U n c i 8. indoor pool, low retea. 442-2447 TROY AREA B e a u t i f u l 2 b e d r o o m , 2% b a t h t o w n house wtth carport In lovely setting centrally located. Eating space In kitctten. separate dining r o o m , new carpeting, new mini blinds, full tiled basem e n t , walk-In closet. Cafl for details. 649-5660 HARBOR SPRINGS - Naa 5 badroom. 4 b a t h house In town, on water. wtth great view o l hartsor Completer, furraarted O r t a t m a a to New Years, 42500 447-7424 TROY C o n d o . ranch HARBOR SPRINGS - 3 bedroom. 2M bath o o n d o Accommodatee 4 Highlands d o e e by Chrtannaa weak 4 winter rentals 624-7534 2 Bedroom. 4pm 440-4444 o f a T h e r o u n d - t h e - c l o c k e l e c t r o n i c d o o r e n t r i e s o n l y a b u n d a n c e . b * t e o light, s o a n d " y L o t a m a n y e a t i n g w i n d o w s , s p a c e in m o s t Patto. B e a u t i f u l o f s t o r a g e , h u g e s o i n « m u c h k i t c h e n s . w i n d o w c l o s e t s . C o v e r e d p a r k i n g . i n c r e a i o j y l a r g e p o o l w i t h s p a . T h e e d light- t e n n i s a n d i«• K 595 S q HARBOR SPRINGS Bkctseood 4 b a d r o o m houee. 3 baths, d o e s to B o r n e Htgiaanda. A a f c N i 12-14 thru 12-24. 479-7424 or 427-7141 HARBOR SPRINGS - Chalet 1 m4e trom Boyne IHtghlenda 4 Nuba Nob Breethtakmgi »tew up «i the l * . a* the ai neiHtlaa o I h o m e 1100/ mom. 1120/rac^t lor hoaday« 737-4041 H O M E S T E A D CONOO llraplaoa. I a n a n . tJownm* 4 croee country skang. 241-2554 H O M E S T E A D CONDOMINIUM 4 bedroome. 2 bathe. Misplace on o r retee lor MQ weeks or Cal: 440-5545 sees M NORTHVILLE-Sleepeig room, t h e r e a bath, p r t . e i e entrance, nort-amok"0 NOVI - tO I M . 4260 month. 3^V147 ^ • 2 P A Y N O FEE Unt4 You Sea Listings o l QUALIFIED PEOPLESHARE LISTINGS e 442-1420 444 So A d a m e . BkmSigham. Ml C23-30L attractive b a d i u o m houee WekLktg J N l a n c a to town. S233/MO. p k j s £ i/tanses A I l i t a Jan 1 C a * KJm. 9 a m - 5 p m at. 442-3422 BIRMINGHAM wanted to ahere townftouae. rton smoker, 4 3 4 7 / m o plus h a * utattiss. security 454-4021 - 445-0043 B I R M I N G H A M - lemsne l o o k i n g ta seme lo m e r e 3 b e d r o o m h o i a e 4400 per m o n t h Includes u f lies 440-3057 BIRMINGHAM FARMINGTON H«_LS s p t 4275 474-4309 FEMALE R O O M M A T E w e n t e d to a Troy c o n d o t * » i same. 4246 includes h e e l Immsrttots occupency Muat b e e m p l o y e d 441-4675 FREE EXPRESS FOR TENANTS' HOME-MATE SPECIALISTS a r t " K E L L Y 4 C O " TV 7 T asses. Occupations. " ar" i p . ^ FOR RENT - Somaraet DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER 3 6 5 0 7 W . 10 Mile Rd. . S 4 lOaye) 526-0020 4 tsasaTTTi i g i Mala tiklij It n s l i r 1150/mo BIRMINGHAM mare :IR* 4 TsMgrspht Su>baeeee or renegottete on 524 aq. ft (2 l e r g t ecepaor, area, large storage I $671/mo Options r / s k s w e Cak 365-0420 OHrom. BLOOMFIELD HILLS TELEGRAPH/SQUARE LAKE RD Approximately 1400 sq ft "mm 647-7171 N rega parking. Nseeme.il storage Cak Joftn Poponee l a s o o a i e s 334-9644 WOODWARD g M 4 pkyatotogM Caa. 644-0440 BLOOMFIELD HILLS at an altordecae pnoe AltsmaBvs to the ra- OFFICE SPACE 5 0 0 7 0 0 s q f t . 10 Mil*/ mstoeeee o l n a a i t s a w i g s toky fled 4 emappetl orttos Move In a private o t t e e etth 1 ironthty tor U k e or A n d y OFFICE SPACE _ BLOOMFIELD HULLS-Two ofltoaa. Southfaao araa. 230 eq n each including >eusp4un 1940 8 q . F 1 Unk knOudes area. $300 par mo s a w Conven- g r o u n d p a r k i n g Far M b . cak E E R n F C D M & r T CO. f^r-nefw^ga, snd PLYMOUTH s m p i e parking U4-4141 H f l T O R C MARKHAM BUEDWO Appro* IOOO aq. IL Excakant parking 446-7373 BUCKINGHAM OFFICE PARK PLYIkOUTH TWP. For laaaa 1.000-24^00 aq. ft L o c a M d at Scftoolcraft/'Jannae 4 Immediate Occupancy 3000 Toaat Cantor. 2144 Raaey to occupy Cak I Ask lor Lan Toeto- John Gordy 540-1000 Byron W. Trarice Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REDF0RD DEARBORN HEIGHTS C o m e r o l Ford Rd 4 Beech Daly ' ' ~ , £ a p p r o k I O O O aq- ft Wa- | D E L U X E OFFICE SUITES st tor o M c e 54V7943 | FOR 1EASE DELUXE two s p p r o I a l t l ) 1900 24440 JOT NO. 21 eq ft ofltca suit door $1940 par mo total l e r / B l g Beever Troy &24-1200 ' • < DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM "otS5S^25lty 471-7140 200 s q . f t . t o 3 0 0 0 a q . fL Ona * VALE REDFORD TfS 540-8444 DOWNTOWN BRWMTON - scr OSS Irom Ota MM P o n d Opanmg r a w lower level Maki Street Emparkan. For a e e s 3 SUM alBca. 4 9 0 0 / m o Light and bright decorated. Ugfrted. Naair Our flrat vacancy In 3 yra. (betw HaNStta 4 Heggerryl Cak 220-6307 or Strip Center 4.000 Sq-Ft Corner Unk Dynamic Location. Cal... CERTIFIED REALTY, INC 471-7100 FORD 4 TELEGRAPH AREA 400 aq ft Oftlca or r a t a l Cak Gene 541-4020 or 475-4140 928-8509 227-4430 EXECUTfVE SUTTE m Maaortc txktomg m downtown Plymo u B i F<4 sarvtca n c k j t k n g word lecixscai a t — t o . dsas naaa grapisca. a g a p r a N . laaar printing, lax. etc. RNar 4 Fartitktgton Rd araa. I tar ntfg rap., conoukant. mc. I par ma includes storage. 477-1 Ellc Yale Lull t FOR LEASE Fermmgton - Grand RNar - OrcRard snapping Lake. Naw Pizza One. Tubby* s. etc. Only 4 stores ramatn Soaa I r o m 1024 sq. ft C o m p o M M a STOREFRONT Ideet ft lantaI no uumpaWkan 434 Roada. Ona person < 190 sq ft FARMMQTON HKLS 1400 sq.ft. i FARMINGTON HILLS Southfield 34345 W. 14 Mke RdAVAILABLE 1.000ton,X.000 9o.FI ttedtoto ateaaatokZTS 4 1-444 CSRT**E> REALTY. MC 471-7140 Center-Ford Rd I I n d / W LeeaaorSala » 941-4463 to or E i a a 241-1211 645-5839 LAX RJTZ-WEBER 4 C O - LIVONIA 14600 k k d d M M k Tnssr 7 4 6 MkeL SOI sq It o FORD RD 4 I ratak or oMoa I GARDEN CITY. >066 sq ft Sard O —ieie age 2C-30 oll f t o O r t n . aa. SSOO/monVi plua 1/2 i*4k Rd 6 pm S22-4244 cy Cak 422-2440 l^ktoe^ U V O M A OFFICE SPACE 4 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 sq h Eaay aooaas to BIRMINGHAM EXECUTIVE Ofllees OTJETWL FARMINGTON HILLS wNh C P A Space svskataa m m g Alec For Sale - Commercial c o n d o 1.000 - 6.000 aq ft For Laat 600 - 1200 sq ft 336-KM3 assigns 4 In O M Engkm Tradklon wtth leaded ataaa 4 srtoquas 000 aq.IL AaktorESry. 444-7040 at i LIVONIA - 444-2466 B I R M I N G H A M OFFCE SPACE Fuk serv®s. oocupen S m g M oflkce or a j k e 4400 a 4 up 442-7474 30666 SouChAaM Rd . S o u t h k e k j 4 p m Rob M O U N TA M C M M . | ENGLEWOOO near Saraeota. 4 acHusa 6>4r—m oondo, icmaa to beach 4 •0. n a a k y m e a e o r e t o d . All w k My, Dac 1 - Apr 44 Baal dock Iiaoowara. 2*3-7070 444-2140 pool (373 a* Wrne 6 Oaks. 24141 E. Olympte. Piatta Gorda. FL 33060 mono*, Or LawtsSmNh LARGE STORAGE 12x55 - $240/mo 9 M l e 4 Fsnmnglon 474-2290 644-6845 JVOkkA 614-347-7444 GARAGE FOR RENT - New 2 0 x 3 0 , 220 h o o k - u p Private a c c e e s lao a r e a $200 per m o n t h C a l oatore 3 p m 752-5217 y o w t g non• U V O M A - Pi ulss atonal atratgM n a t o looking tar a n aa ortomatoto share 3 t a i k u u m h a ma. $ 3 0 0 j ^ M o •ndudee u M t o e . T l 1-47 U Rami a i o r s g s CANTON Fountain Square - 1-279 4 Ford Rd . next to Mei Condommum T m nmiBiasetai'ti MKtagan Over 200 acraa o I lovely r o e n g aoodNnda. prtvete oc0 4 t a n r t a t f i r i i to ak j.ISSII. n s l s i s n n a a p l s a k k Far raa- Bel U;_; CIamaa AVAILABLE MOW BRAND NEW 3ar sges Greenhsld neer 13 Mke Great tor storage or aa Geragaa C a l Now246-1137 DEARBORN. F M to share, k e y «ur msrted 4250 / m o Includes phone 4 sa utauea. ideal tor y o u r ^ w n ^ w LAKEFRONT APARTMENT to mere M non smokatg mata. 2935 M r s . A l i m n Jan 15 $310 447-3514 PETOSKEY o n WALLOON LAKE. 429 Qerages A 432 Commercial / Retail For Ront PETOSKEY AREA WHDWOOO O N WALLOON COUNTRY LIVING - AFC home lor slderty Lady Persons, cere 24 h o i v s u p a r v t a o r Sam. or private r o o m 624-7302 624-0065 LIVOMA Juat cat j e f t n e s f i m a i Pstty " s r " ° ™ 6 4 l - 9 M 7 B I R M I N G H A M OFFICE mar oparang AmpW p e r k i n g 3rd FEMALE 3 0 p k a to « « a p t with same. 1340 p k a m a m a s 2 bedroom. 2 beth unk overlooking POOL Cak 332-4220. or aAar 6pm. 3 * 2 - 1 4 6 4 MTHTU MACH Irom condc 428 Homes For Tho Aged i Jan. 1st 4305 m.444-4202 Street m n " . o n Lake Chertevotj Boyne City For rental or satsslnto • XimlcU Weeoend 261-5300 gsTbed^ rrm Avak443-0154 IN BOYNE COUNTRY Deluxe C o n d o 4 bedroome. Meeps 15 mtn. to 3 iseorta- Furrashed 4400 per m o plue heal F a m l y ptan lor t u t o r . Cak M r . C BNogh. 445-2900 • M M S102 1-800-632-8003 425 Convaieacant A Nursing Homos B I R M I N G H A M - TROY t Cak (313)447- SEMI-RETIRED Pr iitsseional rnMe seeks m i «mir«j n Ftocneeler • Troy /BloomBeld HBe w 435-0491 or 751-71 GARAGE/STORAGE SPACES A ekablt tor • J t o m o b l e a BtrmmghervTroy area Cak 640-2444 FEMALE r o a m f l u MCS. near 1-75 4 94. 8 4 ^ t d o m e 4 oe. N o n amokar. no pola. 4260/ + vt uOSttok C a l Bonrws M o n thru F n days 332-4443 Ownar. e i e r a n g t tmmmw*. sac, y e a a a i , 4 » mak 4 pnone att» i I B M snaaartng C a k M a r H>rry l i ' l i i u oWsr Cak L l o y d ' BIRMINGHAM DOWNT OWN McKiraey Properties 313-744-4620 124 a 1-279 4 4 M L E to 4606 Pteeee c a l . 442-4742 mg. 2 -U.as» w«-e rooms snd tew s- Days 524-0103 Evenings 649-1463 FEMALE « *O O XO J y/ m o . ( M u d e ei W T u . 4 security dspoafl c X HOMESTEAD t RELIABLE yoiktg couple Irom good background w o l o v e l o h o u e e Ml 4 take eare o I peta lor ttte wwner Seeking reeprmel bM. rion s m o k i n g N n i a N . wNh ratarencee. to stiare c l w m i n g 4aL 4350 plus u M M a a 447-3440 BIRMINGHAM FREE RENT B W M » t G H A M DOWNTOWN Aces 400 W ^ H GARAGE room. 2 b a t h a p t w able Dac 30. 4 4 4 5 / n (WEBTIANDAREA) HOUSE/PET SITTER Cieen. honeai. f « a m u great raSarancaa J e m N r Days 473-6000 loam, tenoad yard 4245 m o Aak lor Robert, early A M 540-2073 S340.00 • * ua.. aecurtty dap Cak Kka 442-7440 Of Evas FVienc FLORIDA - HAWAII SINCE 1976 HOMESTEAD. Glen Arbor New houae o n ski slopes 4 croes country HOMESTBAD - rwm 2-3 b e d r o o m oondo. wtth spectarakar laka «»aw * - C o u n t r y 4 d o w n M at your door W N altar Dac. 31. dNcoiaM lor prior to Dec. 15. Days. 1-442-4430 Evas.. 1-424-2172 424 House Sitting Serv. NIGHTINGALE NEST Nursing Home serving the WesOend/Lrvorva/Gardan City aree* 'or 20 yeera Cak MR Berger 4365 M e w t x r g h HILLS pi olaaaluiiat. nonI a m ale 24-30 to m a r e . 2 r J e n 2nd. C M b WANTED - heeted gerage lor namvari Plymouth. Canton area Need 7 dayaccees 45»-0014 421 Living Quarters To Shore C HOLIDAY PARK OFFICE CENTER N ft. prime oMoe Faonce B k j g - 2nd % M e p M A . n i t i l i 7/1/44 414-447-2322. or 4M 422 Wanted To Ront YOUNG EMPLOYED w a n a itislapts tor houee sitting during a n t e months Relerenoee upon requeet Ajke Eves 440-2414 A L L CITIES 430 Office /1 438 Office/ home w Wrsyne/Wseoand a r a a 4275 par mo includas uMRMa. -esner/dryer 324-7644 - ARordeble t v t n g suee m quae! a r e a laundry perking Flrapleoe.la 557-1123 WEST1ANO - Nice t u m w n e o room e pr> eeges lor r e i s t j i s . |A5 week working, nor, s n o t w 721-1321 plus 446 SOUTHFIELD HOMESTEAD C O N D O - Q t m Arbor M i d i 2 b e d r o o m , 2 Bath on tha B e a m Croea C o u n t r y / D o e n h B Skang 424-2517 443-4746 DtSNEV/EPCOT - Luxury 2 snd 3 Bedroom. 2 bath condo. aashsr. dryar. microwave, pool. Days. 474-S150DtSNFI/EPCQT 4r£j?07 241-0014 SEVEN M I L E / G R A N D RTVER a r e a Extra lerge r o o m 445 per week with kitchen pili4atfas Cak 534-0014 B R A N D NEW ranch. 2 bedrooma. 2 bathe, window trom 12 Oaks ROUQE PARK A R E A - Room lor smpuved es $54 ps W A S H I N G T O N TWP.-2 bedroom condo.. b r a n d s« appkances Iu4y carpeted, mint Bands S p e d o u e o o n d o n k n k a n antes evekJ425'mo 443-3444 stas tor the seaaon or tor the raght l o r t h e m Mtchagan's moet uraque 11 MILE 4 INKSTER 1900 sq t l CARTIVA ISLAND. 2 bedroom. 2 bath, b a e c * houae Sleeps 4 her 4 dryar. pool, t a n a s , beech Weakly Ca4 404-304-4446 Endless possibilities under one roof. Fountain Park-Wcsdand introduces a perfectly planned two-bedroom apartment that's ideal for shared living. AM without compromising the c o m fort, convenience and privacy of living alone O u r new dual master suite features , . • t w o spacious, identical size bedrooms, each with full bath and large walk-In d o c e t • a large central living area • m o d e m kitchen with General Electric appliances and microwave oven • individual full iiae waiher and dryer • sheltered parking available • pool, lewd* and m o t e } Located in the Livonia school dfcertel, fountain P a r k * t e t i a n d Is close t o 1 275 and 1-96 and jutt a short drive from TOsdand Shopping Cencet and t h e o r y of Plymouth with its s p « ± d r y shopping. 7 b learn more, please call or weekdavs, K):30 a.m. - £ 3 0 m a n n e d a r e HARBOR SPRINGS. Harbor Co»e luxury c o n d o g l a s p i 9.Indoor pool. ! * " • " A i aaetils lor winter t k i vecanons- Days 945-0409 414 Florida Rentals G a t e h o u s e . s s w a v 1050 855-4110 S LYON 2-Story. 2 bedroom. atg a 'Sksfil. T h e n , t h e r e ' s I I I i I n n , , .jlfr L o o i i i !«»•*«> m u c h t r e a t m e n t s a n i l 2 B e d r o o m Ft. of r o o m . W i n d o w s l i n t ' s . Im-iIi 1 M M u i r w o o d ' • T h e r e ' o t o i l r o o m s k i l r month SOUTHFIELD - t l Mae/Evergreeri For teas Or rent 2 story 2 Bedroom condo. 2M beth attached 2 cer geEvergreen M e e d c w s Rd ol cram B A H A M A S Larga 1 b a d r o o m Cond o on G o * C o i « m Time Share. Poot immeculete graundal i V ' S E E K ? % \ l i ; i l i l i ' l i i x r i l i u i l i l i - S q Y O U i s < l i i s i ' l s . s h o | i | » i i t i : 9 5 0 M ^°P eado w/S I I I \ u r \ M . ' l l k - i n 1 T e O t i ' r s i / p i l h i t s S c A p a r t m c t ] t s L U X U R Y l i e n M I»;II<*<»IIM'S. Do y o u c o m e h o m e t o an a p a r t m e n t o r a 7 5 - a c r e estate? fj 1 6 6 1 p a r t o f r BSNTWITM omoM TO auvH O 2 4 - H o u r % NOVI. Luxury condo. astmmmg pool, reonis court 2 Beorooms. fireplaces. 1% Bs m s r t e d Besement. wssfter. dryer. sppttsnces. BOYNE H I O H L A N O S ^ I u e S NOB Skkng. Luxurious aooomodauona. Indoor pool. e a r n , (art g i t a n d e e i | / i l r o o m 10 k m country ski t r a f a Trout O a a k Condominiums 1-400-474-3923 413 Timesharing You Can Get I n t o M u i r w o o d - 6 ^ 4 . A TV F T P Lake 9 7 1 - 2 1 3 2 F 10 ^ or Patio O 7 2 4 3 Badr oom Townnoueee • e s e m e n t i Wsehsr 4 dryar hook upe. tuky e q w p p a d liltcHene, mini bknde o ' 101 BOYNE COUNTRY Town 4 Country log home on w a a o n L a k e 4 b a d r o o m a ptua M l 2 V e p t e c a s A S4SBI« lor the sk) 1-400-454-4311 rtmm. 2 7 3 5 0 F r a n k l i n R o a d , S o u t h f i e l d , M l (313) 356-8020 Scenic 737-4002 O p e n NOVI Twelve Oaks Townhouses BOYNE COUNTRY Chalet I V 1 4 . 2 Free Iflghts with a i a r y rental. V C R T V 4 3 bants Al/Nora. 313-444-4240 MINUTES F R O M THE MOUNTAIN t o d a y . Available Pool NOVI'S Country Place . 2 bedroom. T * bath lownhouee. petto Beeamant. garage 4 c e n t r a ak Available now C a l 144-1064 S Conditioning Balcony Carpeting Income Property Mgmt. Farmington HMa Entry Appliances " W A L L E D LAXE - 2 bedroom. 114 baths, lake prNHegea. $400 Indudea heal 4 a p p l i a n c e s 344-4239 is 22 A FIRST PROPERTY COMMUNITY ATTRACTIVE 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS J U S T $ 3 5 5 3 7 3 - 0 4 2 0 BOYNE CITY - 2 eveaebae n o w t n r u 12-24 4 after 2-5 tlon, privacy and aacurlty Locatad in preettgioue OkiomHeld HMa on your o w n prtvala. spring lad laka r or>!aga wtth beautiful rolling g r o u n d s Ultra contemporary assign o l white brtck with expansive glaas 43000 m o n t h 1 year minimum i nelai ern.es. Further M o r m e tton or prtvala m o w i n g : Mr Bryant 534-0734 C A P T S . A p t tor 2 - 3. caa WABEEK O N THE LAKE B u t o f f e r su 2y> s p e c i a l C h r i s t m a s 4 7 6 - 1 2 4 0 A d o o r . t h i s S o o f Ma O BOYNC CITY way. 10 mtn. t o Boyne Mt. TROY 3 b a d r o o m c o n d o Central atr Araafted Baeemam Mova-ai c o n d m o n 1,2. or 3 y lease $875 g r e a t U qua* Itom B A H A M A S C o n d o . large Studio Luxury l a m i a courts, pool, turn w e d W a a S d y / M o n M y Rental 444-4744 tWESTLAND working temeM 126-34) l o m e r e 2 bedroom '.ownnouae wkti seme 4260/mo plus s e c u l t y 424-2475 Y O U N G M A M TO SHARE race large k lor wortung 415 Vocation Rentals TROY - 2 b e d r o o m condo. * 7 5 0 Heat, water, aaeooetton tee Included Ftnufted Bsssmsnt m . carport Ask tor F s * . 342-4044 b e a u t i f u l y o u r l i m i t e d . a n e a r a n d al h u r r y , Roads. h e a t , l a k e , s t o p s 12-4. S a t . & S u n . 12-5 D E P O S I T f e d E M U , b u s between f r e e l o c a t i o n a n d Middlebelt S E C U R I T Y get s s p r i n g O p e n M o n . - Fri. 12-5:30, W e d . 422-1714 y o u c e n t r a l Located Country The ultimate condominium oflsrmg P l u s Don't be left out in the cold, check us out. NORTHVILLE upper 2 bedroom. 2 bath, waefter. dryar 4 e* spp4awcas, ! catang 4 naittcal drapery i m m e d »700vmo<73-4175 TROY T 2 -> bath per mo plus • Pleasant atmosphere In a n Ideal location ar. $ M s . W. of H u l a . $640 plua u l — i t . 44 d ^ i a aecurtty depoalt. 4 Moa. laaaa. E n p l o y m a n l 441-4477 4715 m o • security Broker Oays 546-TB00 evee. 346-7331 i ban. utcn. LIVONIA - Plymouth 4 MKtdMtMk. I SEVEN Springs Club- N o l Tempe Q o « o n 2 1 4 - M l e ooureee. 2 l^sNrancs badroom, 2 bath vMa on c o m A . saanie m o n t h o l Jan. 441-3227 MAPLE-INKSTER srea O e a n . comlortaMe r o o m , carpeted. IdlcfMn 4 leundry p i t i k s g e a Non-amoker 475 k 737-4451 TROY CONDO- 14 4 John R 2 bedroome. t b e t h petto with prtvete entrance. p o o l , c l u b h o u e e . air. f a r / d r y a r . t u l beeement Ava4s b t e n o w 1445 mo C a l u n t t 4pm S4»-S064or Attar 4 p m 4 waakands 424-3224 To begin with, nobody but nobody can offer you a better Southfield location In addition, you will have a w a r m a t t r a c t i v e a p a r t m e n t at a very reasonable r a t e . Throw f r e e heat into the deal, and you just can't beat our offer. Come join us at Franklin P a r k Towers, new friends a r e waiting. s p r e e K e n w o o d INKSTER 4 7 MILE - I v r a M i e d . prv e» 2 yrs old immeculete wnmedietety After 7pm 447-4645 It's an offer you can really warm up to. p f l i S - w h e n y o u lease, c h o o s e o n e o f these g i f t s : • Air C o n d i t i o n i n g • - 1 - b e d r o o m s . . . j u s t $399! 2-bedrooms...just $499!! $ 2 5 0 Private Balcony E S A M B C L iSt-ANO Lmnjrioue 2 U a d i o o m . 2 baB> oondoe on OuH AM amanlDea inOudtng pool 4 t e r n s Weekly 132-2777 badroom Jen thru heal 344-1044 20049 •eepang room s m p l o i e d Over 40 422-4346 NORTHVILLE. neer 7 M M Newly decor e l ed 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Utcft- beeamant. attecAed pano immaculate' X L Cei 421 Living Quarters To Share fijoo 244-5733 tones, a* apptlancee » 7 1 0 . " n o 471-5047 o*d&eu*ce w o k • C o n v e n i e n t to I r e e v o y a . shopping, and b u s i n e s s districts • V 6 B e d r o o m f r o m R GARDEN c r r * - NORTHVtLLE-H«ghiand Lakes, k * n o n e d 2 b a d r o o m ranch. Dac 20Jan or Fail I 7 5 C . M O ptua a a c u l t y . it no pats 344-4444 MAC ARTHUR MANOR FREE HEAT! S o these Pick your Christmas gift n o w . Hills & O 420 Rooms For Rant Mao—— JUL Display Advertising * * RT CHARLOTTE - Condo on laka. * $950 per fall designer outside NINE MILE HOOVER AREA TOWNHOUSES are s n o w Y o u ' l l especially enjoy the totally appliances will be ice-boating watching through your balcony window.) tenants. 981-3891 for NORTHVILLE Comptetery t u m o n a d 2 rancti. m o n term leeee. Uercr. 4750 / m o n c k i d e e No pats 591-0900 591-2300 414 Florida Rentsls C O N D O - Fermtngt o n / N o w t 2 B e d r o o m Apartments A p p o i n t m e n t 0 love Plus you'll love the 365-day snowman-building, 4 T w e l v e T e n n i s . West Sat. T i m e s I 535 C l o s e t s . 9-7 O t h e r I F r o m 435 — F r e e H e a t 5 7 P.M. S p a c i o u s . L o t s U FARMINQTON HILLS-14 Mite/ Norttiweeteiii Hwy. 1 b a d r o o m oondo. aMmrtilriu. tenrSa court 4610 Ca« between 7 - 8 p m . 443-5150 s Refrigerator, Dishwasher, M i c r o w a v e l a k e s C e n t r a l w a s h e r . WESTLANO - M t d d M i a l t / A n n Arbor T r a l . Ctaan 3 b a d r o o m . anp4anrai. s e t t i n g , NORTHVILLE. HlgMand Lakes Cand o 2 b e d r o o m e 1 * batfte. t r e p4ece sppaencas. beeement. * csudee r m * 4 water AveaaUe No* 15m 4475>mo • security 444-4446 in F a r m i n g t o n / L i v o n i a • NOVI • WATERVIEW FARMS F r o m s420 WESTLAND Nlca 2 $ 4 3 6 / m o . Ca4 4 - 4 p m , 1 * A P A R T M E N T S Present T h e Rent Event. ' B a w d oo 11 m o n t h occupancy, new tenants only Until FARMMQTON HILLS. 13 4 MMdtobelt Woodcreek Lower 1200 aq.n 2 bedroom/2 bam. garage, p o o l K O 0 ' m o Mctudee heet. A l i i t u Jan 1st Mr Fin*. «<«e. 441-4444 VILLAGE SQUIRE MERRIMAN PARK S • 557-4520 FAHMWIGTON HILLS - 12 M a e / O r t Lake, naarty oecorated i badroom c o n d o Appaancea carport and p o o l Alter 3:30pm. 45&-0144 • Canton • Free Attached Garage 2 B E D R O O M B E D R O O M Open M C H A T H A M HILLS G E appliances, c e r a m i c baths, c e n t r a l air. c a r p o r t s available, i n t e r c o m s , pa Uos/balconies a n d m o r e .all on a b e a u t i f u l w o o d e d site. H a n d i c a p u n i t s a v a i l a b l e . W E S T L A N D - Ford. Nawburg Rd. araa. Ctaan! 3 badroom, 1 * bath. Basamanl. Jual pamtad, carpal, no » . 4460. 541-9163 U • S o u t h f i e l d P 412 Townhou— Condoo For Rent 400 Apts. For Rent " O n Selec.i 2 B e d r o o m 842-5353 J For Ront living A 412 Townhou— Condoo For Rent LUXURY TOWNHOUSE (LOVE CHILDREN 4 PETS 2 Dedroom. 1Vt b a t n luxury town106 Ameae - N Royal C M house Fu«y e q u l p c M kitchen, fua beeement.. carport, central aar. prv- 2 t i g s o a d badrooma. spacious »>mg room Ms vaetibute » o o d Oum.ate petio lanced In bee* yard mg t r e p i e c e ertm log holders, f o r m a $675 EMO dmmg room. t H b a m s w e to M l cualom c l o s a u baeemera. certtrM Also svsaaeie wrtn temay room air dtsnwaenar sen d e w oven, reIrigerator. lerge (Hdureeque wood642-6686 ed yerd $450 544-7337 Bene«cfce 4 K n j e the summer? 476-8080 WEST BLOOMFIELD Cottaga. Walnut Laka. 2 badrooma. $425. Idaal lor bacftator or bacltalorana 466-5047 S B I R M I N G H A M Newly ramodstsd 2 b e d r o o n townhouee available, prtvala entrance, fireplace, cantral air. p a t i o Great location 444-1300 m o n e y ' s I 412 TownhouMoCondoo For Rent 14 Mae 4 C r o o k s Aree Apto. For Ront 1 Condoe For Rent Flat* W E S T L A N O 2 b a d r o o m Lower, carpeting. drapes, epplencea. A b s o lutely - N o P e a 454-4266 H GLA66IFIED REAL E5TPTE CLOISTERS HEAT INCLUDED BIRMINGHAM - SPACIOUS 3 b a d r o o m lownhouee a n a l a b U el the Glene of BloomAeld 642-4220 BIRMINGHAM C O N D O - Spacious 1 b e d r o o m , s p p l a n c a s . garage. $aSO mo-, includes heat Days. 567-0606. Evas 451-2426 CREfiTIVE LIVING 412 400 Apts. For Rent ROCHESTER A R E A u w w r studio Sat lor single paraon. NORWAYNE. 2 badrooma. updatad kIIChan & bath, utwty room, karga yard, carpatlng t h r u o u t , $344./mo plus IVk moa. aacurlty 274-0282 Sti CANTON CONOO 3 bedroom, washer dryar. Sheldon 4 W » r m a e e . $400 m o n t h ^ ^ ^ BLOOMFIELD L A K E CONOO lake prNkegsa. 2 bedroom. 2 bath, central ak, sppaancisa. pool. $776 per m o heel included 424-6742 B I R M I N G H A M - DOWNTOWN L u x u r y town home. 2 badroom. 2 H beths. every poeslbls amenity IV 1-7742 $1,500 per m o n t h (1 mm W o l Woodward) Morv-Fn. 10-4. Sat. 9-5. Sun 12-5 5 4 7 - 9 3 9 3 DEARBORN, qklat n e i g h b o r h o o d BaautHU spacious 2 b a d r o o m upper flat In Tudor B y t e home. 15 mexrtea Irom dow ntow n, d o e e to major ahopplng areas and schools. Leaded glass windows, carpeted t h r o u g h o u t laundry hookup, patto $465 ptua u t m t e s . 646-0252 DEARBORN DUPLEX. Ford Foundatio<>-Sprtngwal Park. 2 badroom. 1 b a t h ^ K W . » » q . Days9-3 Evas 5 - 6 452-1245 4 dNpoaal. Start a l $745 m o Contact Ray Lea. 541-4200 T h a Michigan Group. Realtors M o d * Hrs . Noorw4pm. 456-5460 10711 W . 10 M U s Rd. BIRMINGHAM - CWaa l o town, lowar 1 b a d r o o m plua d a n or 2nd b a d room $640 Inckidaa a l u t M l a a $500 aacurlty No p a t s 642-3433 CANTON Naw d u p w . 3 b a d r o o m , IVt bath, n a m a n t cantral ak. app«$725 m o n t h 476-4206 274-4202 U V O M A . a M r p 3 badroom. M n g 410 PtymouWis moat c o m m u n i t y ovanootUng C t t Walk to Town BUM lo oondorr condominium specifications S oKind und p roofing pre Some o o ll the the many tsathroughout Some many N aturae Include 1 4 2 ear g a r a g a wNh d o o r openers. J or W bethe. SrePtaoee al app4anoaa N M n g waaher. dryer, niteroaia»a. slde-«y- of H u n t i n g t o n W o o d s 400 A p a r t m e n t s BIRMINGHAM. M - l o w n townhouaa. 3 badrooma. h a r d w o o d Itoors. Ilraplaca. basamanl. garaga. $400 C a l Dac 15 C a l avanlngs 644-4463 I N K S T E R - M l d d l e b a l t / P e r k w o o d WEST BLOOMFIELD s p u B c u l l t o r nice 3 b e d ! prtvaagas. prtvala ckjbhouaa and • j AvskaMs Jan. 1st <800 Cozy ona story 2 badroom [ p k » security ] | (10X12. 11X121. 1 bath. uMky room, natural llraplaoa m I M n g room, a l M o a 3 b a d r o o m brtck W B S X * 42T?9 I T - bad- WESTLANO d u p k n . trtdga 4 atova. $450 a D u p t o x w For Ront 400 2 >. n o p a t a . 4426 . 14400 aacurlty ARar 9pm: 442-3442 MobHo H o m o o F A R M M Q T O N LOCATION. 1 badroom. asrw-kjrnlahad. i a«ai ancas 4 raqiarad N o p a t s C a l basacurtty raqulrad 474-4317 Iwaan lOam-Spm dryar hook-up, ' - c a r garaga. very d a a n $479 m o Bob: 645-5031 KEATING TON TROY- O U P t E X . 14 araa. Nawty r alur tiN had. mo. Sacurtty dapoalt raC a l Kant. M a r r H Lynch 451-4460 SOUTHFIELD- 3 bedrooma on 3 acraa. 2 car g a r a a No apm o p . 4790. m o 444~40u0 ST Ctatr Shores- 2 bedrooms. M n g Townhouae4 1y*. 11040 - Village O r g a n Oaya 443-6000 Evenings 477-0646 Y O R K T O W N E 2 b a d r o o m toaiihijuaaa m park-«ka aacang N a h g t n g , p r t v a l a main entry 4 patto raar antry, b u l t - k i microwava 4 dHhwaahar, mtM-Hlnds. I n d M d u a l intrusion alarm. M l baaamam wtth aaahar 4 dryar oormactiona 4 c h l d r a n a tot lot C o m a «4ait our Modal Cantar today or c a l SOUTH LYONS - specious 2 bed- TROY - Country M n g . Somarsat araa. 3 b a d r o o m r a n c h , garaga. dan. 1 acra. $ 6 7 5 / m o . plua sacAjfit* 643-4427 ROCHESTER - 3 b a d r o o m towrv M M y a u u . i g i . i . . J to- C o n d o * For Ront P o r t e c t l OAK PARK Newly ramodw sd. 2 b e d r o o m tuk tiaaamsnl waa 394-1943 $446/140 ptua itaMee Cak Diana. T o w n h o u — Announcing tuples - 2314-14 Daerftatd C t 3 b e d r o o m . $360 monto. C a a a R e 4:30pm 722-0023 442-4440 412 T o w n h o u — • A b s o l u t e l y LIVONIA - 2 b a d r o o m brtck. p r W a N M W t l . _ B » a ni appa$626 plua •acurity Altar 6 p m : • 1-4444 LAX EVIL LE L A K E - N o l W n O i s l l i r 10 a d a to. p t c t w a q u a a aatuno on LakaVSa L a i n F u m M « a d 3 bad- 1* M M B . M a 4 uSh 52S--S?- ^ tosTSe* b K « * M 4 0 p » a aeewfty 441-1732 412 Condoo For Ront FARMINGTON HH.LS • r 2 b a d r o o m 400C MO Sacurir, J * > o a k 4 4 C a l 362-0444 complataly lurnMhad and c a i p a t a d 3 badroom. eeoi««y 4 t t f k e e . A j k tor Catoy at 8 W 0446. or 834-7474 laundry 2 cm Mt-4420 D u p t e x M For Rant For (tent ROYAL OAK 04BM4 • M M . I 1 7 M per n a n * . #7E OOE M o o d a y . O e o a m b e r 5. 1 9 8 8 aan 1-275 4 l l a a b i a * > R t M M k i l o a k Cake CO, FARMINGTON HILLS 23400 ORCHARD LAKE BODELUXE OFFCE^H»CAL SPACE 5446 Sq Pl 640-7402 MATURE. R e S P O N f M a r e Noe houae In D y a l O a k $290 TAKE Char Leeee- T r e j A C - - 3 C04I004 VILLA VACATIONS RUnssr ski 4 gok paokapas SUNCOAST TRAVEL 31M6-M10 1-800-874-6470 o o u w a o r r A W A Y ^ H • f e S t s a a . 14 hots a HUTCMMaON ALAND D.Mgrir an. t N 4 1 nreen BMKIenraa poaL Ms 474^5*4 or Bo*- 347-3274 4t§ HOLIDAY MODEL CLEARANCE • a M S M A T V OCOJRAJSCY 647-7171 EN BEACH. Bk •ert - Ikeke *. Mart* 4 e *a April atakMy 343-7344 •UNO - 44 ekta I S Oaks MM on Lake arefti 2iseoaaaa. 2 kaa ' S e T t l a i 4M4(tak.-R»r. » Lake tnr* m e e evekskSs A New Choice For Ronton GLENWOOD GARDENS O P O I DAILY Ft. COMMERCE MEADOWS park and vvoodUnd, peace and n e x t d o o r t o t h e 1-275 c o r r i d o r , • • • ri WHlaaeyriiHn a L a ^ s U ^ « » l e a « ^ -- . — • So^ctooa Y erd Michigan's m u M - b f t o n d o l a r explosive y o w t h area and just m i n u t e s a w a y f r o m 1-96, a d r e c t r o u t e t o d o w n t o w n D e t r o i t See our moctmn* m l l « • » i . o » sa • a i n 11 . r * b e » » TH FAMJES WaCOME SEMOfi cffoSSottCOWITI V and 2 - b e d r o o m luxury apartments, terrace residence* and coiffttry t o w n h o u s e s o n 9 M l e , IVI mies west of M V i a . M k s M O k N I W k F a r m n g t o n R o a d in F a r m i n g t o n H f c |12 e x c t t l n g , g r e e n hill s n d 1| 2 b e d r o o m AfAITHfNTS M • W I M *M(47» O P E N SAT I ; t S w s F A R M W 6 T 0 N HILLS i m i M ' I I M D A I L Y 1 0 - 6 9-4. SUN I I K I A o r ^ 12-5 K i t ^ I We offer the comforts ol your own homo PLUS tho convenience of rentlnQ. OPEN 7 DAYS Monday A T U m d n r t f l • K 721-8111 Directions: FROM MIO/Month T s k e Weyne Rd. t o t o 27S4 I I U s \ - - SC* 04E Monday. 0 « « m M r 5. 1»&8 GLfi66IFIEDflDVERTI6ING TRC REACH MICHIGAN'S FINEST MARKET BlRMIhOUM 6 4 4 - 1 0 7 0 O a k l a n d C o u n t y 5 0 1 - 0 9 0 0 W a y n e C o u n t y 8 5 2 - 3 2 2 2 R o c h e s t e r / R o c h e s t e r Hills FAfiMM^TON *\b PU. INDEX REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 302 303 304 305 306 307 306 368 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 318 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 326 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 342 348 351 352 353 354 356 358 360 361 362 364 Birmingham-Btoomfietd West B i o o m f t e i d - O r c f w d Lake F a r m i n g t o n - F a r m i n g t o n HMIa B r i g h t o n . H a n lana Walled Laka SouthfteM-Lathrup S o u t h L y o n . Milford. Highland Rochester-Troy Royal O a k - O a k Park Huntington Woods W i x o m - C o m m e r c e - U n t o n Lake Oakland County Homes Livonia Canton Plymouth Northville-Novi W e s t l a n d - G a r d e n City Redtord D e a r b o r n - D e a r b o r n Heights Grosse Pointe H o m e s - W a y n e County H o m e s - Livingston County H o m e s - M a c o m b County Homes Washtenaw County Other S u b u r b a n Homes Real E s t a t e Services Condos New H o m e BufMers Duptexee-TowrViousea Apartments Mobile Homes Northern Property O u t Of T o w n P r o p e r t y Time Share Florida Property Farms Country Homes Lots & Acreage L a k e River Resort Property Lake Front Property Cemetery Lots Business & Professional Buildings Commercial/Retail I n d u s t r i a l / W a r e h o u s e Sale or Lea Income Property Investment Property M o r t g a g e s / L a n d Contracts Business Opportunities M o n e y to L o a n - B o r r o w Real E s t a t e W a n t e d Listings W a n t e d RENT REAL ESTATE 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 406 Apartments Furniture Rental Furnished Apartments Rental Agency Houses Property Mgmnt Furnished Houses Mobile Homes Duplexes 500 M p Wanted 412 413 414 415 416 417 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 432 436 Townhouses/Condominlums Time Share Florida Rentals Vacation Rentals Halls Residence to Exchange Mobile Home Space Rooma Living Q u a r t e r s t o S h a r e W a n t e d l o Rent Wanted to Rent-Resort Property Houae Sitting Service Convalescent Nursing Homes H o m e Health Care Foster C a r e H o m e s tor t h e A g e d Garagee/Mmi Storage Commercial/Retail Ofttoa Business Space EMPLOYMENT. INSTRUCTION 500 502 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 522 523 5?4 Help W a n t e d Help W a n t e d - D e n t a i / M e d i c a i Help W a n t e d - O f h c e ' C l e r i c a i Food-Beverage Hetp W a n t e d Sales Hetp Wanted Pari Time Help W a n t e d Domestic Help W a n t e d Couples Sales Opportunity Entertainment Situations Wanted. Female Situations Wanted. Male Situations Wanted. Male/Female Child Care Bderty Care & Assistance SommerCamps Education/Instructions Nursing Care Secretarial Business Services Professional Services Attorneys/Legal Counseling Ta* Service 600 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 612 614 Personals (your discretion) Lost A F o u n d (by the w o r d ) Hearth. N u t r i t i o n . W e i g h t Loss Announcements/Notices Glad Ads Legal Notices insurance Transportation/Travel Bingo C a r d s Of T h a n k s In M e m o r i a m Death Notices Wanted: Bright, articulate persona to work In our Customer Service Oft»ce Permanent 4 temporary part ume poamone T a B s M a Flexible hours No espananoe neceaaary. we * M tram. Ca* tor Interview 558-6340 MERCHANDISE ACCOUNTANT - * 18-820.000/YR Caa Today Only Fee 886 887-1200 Job Network ACCOUNTING manufacturing c c a a p a n hee an opening m Its i counts receivable A accounts able dept. W e seek eggraaaWe. i mg ax. offlcaa. r l i a n n l working environment 8 M beiieWa. Pteeee sand reauma ft salary hletory l o Box S224 r ft Eccentric 38251 Schoolcraft R d , Uvonla. Michigan 48150 INSURANCE AGENCY - SouthlleM neede experienced Accounts Payable person, experienced m company payables. b e t s arm ACCOUNTING Oood math a p t Caa Permanent A temporary p o d V o o i I Pi 353-5800 tM levels Cafl for appointment. An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTANT OkmHigham CPA firm needs vwsetSe ataft accountants wtth 2 or mors years experience m tax preparation. compBebon ft r e v u e W e need an experienced person who haa the ebWy ft dealre to accept further responatoBHlea and prow with o x " r m Send raeume ft astery -ecyuireCPA S. 18205 W 14 M M R d „ Birmingham Ml 48000 S00 802 804 806 807 808 810 812 813 814 816 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 852 854 856 858 360 862 864 866 872 874 875 876 878 880 882 864 Auction Sales Collectibles Antiques Crafts Rummage Salee/Flea Markets Wearing Apparel Garage Sale-Oakland County Garage Sale-Wayne County Household GoodsOakland County 709 Household G o o d s - W a y n e C o u n t y 7 1 0 M i s c for S a l e - O a k l a n d C o u n t y 7 1 1 M i s c for S a l e - W a y n e C o u n t y ACCOUNTANT SENIOR needed tor buey South held CPA Arm 3 years pubac eocouriting exBeta* Cham e x p a n d i n g Previous perience required Exceaent benem-store tales or r a t a l management fits ft ^IIMIII opportunity. experience. Benefits Bonuses C P A 2*877 Northwestern H w y . Protlt ehartng. Extra perks! Uneotn Suite 200. SouthMd. Ml 48034 Park. Westland ~ ACCOUNTANT tramck. RoeevOto. East Detroit. Start accountant tor local CPA Arm Starting Heights. Warren & Port wrth experience through amaB bueiHuron, etc Perfect tor peiemis •nth neee financial statements ft taxes fast 'cod. ronvenlonos store, or Write o r t y O J . a - C P A 26032 Five mini-mart experience. Mae Rd . Redtord. Mtah 48238 ACCOUNTANTS ONE 354-2410 24133 North eeelam Hwy S o u t M M d . Ml 48075 Employment Agency Fee PaK ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE First National Enterprteee Experienced 335-2757 500 Help Wanted DATA PROCESSING RECRUITER Tachnafyats C o r p o r a t i o n is a waft eetabilshed d a t a prooeeeing aarvtoaa o r g a n i z a t i o n p r o v i d i n g contract p r o g r a m m i n g services l o m a j o r d a t a p r o c e s s i n g clients in the M e t r o p o l i t a n D e t r o i t area alnca 1968 W a h a v e been Hated m F o r b e s T o p 200 S m a l l C o m p a n i e s m A m e r i c a for 4 of the peat 5 , ears. W e are c u r r e n t l y aaainng t o a d d to our m a n a g e m e n t staff if you are s e l f - m o t i v a t e d ft poeeees thai rare c o m b i n a t i o n of a m b i t i o n , business s e n s e a n d a k n o w l e d g e o t d a t a prooeaalng. w e w o u l d Mka t o d i s c u s s a n o u t s t a n d i n g career o p p o r t u n i t y wtth y o u AeaponaibWtkaa i n c l u d e identifying as waB aa quaBfytng ft hiring data p r o c e a e l n g p r o f e s s i o n a l s Tachnalysis o f f e r s a c o m p e t i t i v e salary, c o m p l e t e beneltts p a c k a g e , sa « a i a s a g e n e r o u s bonus p r o g r a m <1 r e s u m e m c o n f i d e n c e to: Kan Jmrama, Branch Manager TECHNALY8I8 CORPORATION . Chrtc Center Dr., ' T { C H N ALYSIS [CORPORA! Household Pets Pet S e r v i c e s Horses, Livestock Equipmeni AUTOMOTIVE/ TRANSPORTATION 700 701 702 703 704 706 706 707 708 500 Help Wanted ABOVE AVERAGE? ANIMALS 738 740 744 ANNOUNCEMENTS A Assistant Retail Manager Can make to $18K 1st yr. FEE PAJD Employment Center II 540-4130 712 A p p l i a n c e s 7 1 3 B i c y c l e s - S a l e ft R e p a i r 714 Business & Office Equipment 715 C o m p u t e r s 716 C o m m e r c i a l - I n d u s t r i a l E q u i p m e n t 717 L a w n . G a r d e n . L a w n & Snow Equipment 718 B u i l d i n g M a t e r i a l s 720 Farm P r o d u c e - Flowers, Plants 721 Hospital E q u i p m e n t 722 Hobbiee-Cotns S t a m p s 723 J e w e l r y 724 C a m e r a a n d S u p p l i e s 726 M u s i c a l I n s t r u m e n t s 727 V i d e o G a m e s . T a p e s . Hi-Fi 7 2 8 V C R . T V . S t e r e o . Hi-Fi. Tape Decks 729 C B Radios. Cellular Phones 730 S p o r t i n g G o o d s 734 T r a d e o r S e l l 735 W a n t e d t o B u y Recreational Vehicles Snowmobiles Airplanes Boats/Motors Boat Parts & Service Vehicle/Boat Storage Insurance. Motor Motorcycles. Go-Karts. Mimbikes M o t o r c y c l e s , P a r t s ft S e r v i c e Campers/ Motorhomes/Trailers A u t o / T r u c k s , Parts A Leasing A u t o Rentals. Leasing Auto Financing Autos Wanted Junk Cars Wanted T r u c k s lor Sale Vans Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive Sports A Imported Classic Cars American Motors Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Ford Lincoln Mercury Nissan Oldsmobiie Plymouth Pontiac Toyota Volkswagen BUSINESS DIRECTORY 3 Accounting 4 Advertising 5 Air C o n d i t i o n i n g 6 A l u m i n u m Cleaning 9 Aluminum Siding 500 Help Wanted 500 Help Wanted A c c o u n t Payable Rep Downtown growth company seeks en individual with a minimum ol 2 years of high volume account* payetwe experience Accuracy and apaed ampnaaaad CRT experience required ExceSent benefits, perking providsd Send reeume/sslary requlremsnis lo: N J Stetoe. 1400 Woodbridgs. Detroit. Ml 48207 An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE $2,000/M0. Company eipenelon Sharp entfiua»ssnc persons wanted In oompsny advertising Must be comtortsbis wrth pubac Ags. expsnsnos not ea important aa atabaity ft herd work Six poemona t o IB. Call nowl 537-7088 A C C O U N T S RECEIVABLE CLERK 1 to 2 years experience necessary You must be experienced m computerized biting end accounts recetvsbis systems, including the use ol CRT Must be a aetl-etarter w«h good snatytical akias and attentive todetaaa ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUPERVISOR ACT NOW EARN $$$ FOR THE HOLIDAYS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS • Assembly • BmOsry • Packaging • Warsnouss We hsvs s vsnsty ol long Isrm 40 hour per week positions in Uvoms ft auTTOundrng areas Dey ft eftemoon shifta available No experience needed Must heve own transportation Apply Mon.-Fri.. 9sm-3 30pm SOMEBODY SOMETIME 18320 Middtsben (Psrkalde PevWon) (Between 6 ft 7 Mile) 477-1282 ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION Excellent opportunity tor experienced mdnrtduel with high corporate communication suae Abmty to write end deevs to I earn and be re•ponelOle lor internal operstlone ol a dynamic Southfield compeny Sal ery commensursts with sbaity and performance Pis sea lend resume to P O Box 300. SoutMleid Ml 48037 City of Novt - Poace Depertment e accepting appkcatione tor the positlon of Administrative Assistant Salary Miniry range t21.000-24.000 121.000-24.000 M Mmumi quekflcetions 4 year degree in Criminal i n s l Justice. Oiamsss Admmtetratlon or rsistsd f M d Pi stoned queHtaciions 1-2 yeers sxpensncs in municipal or p u b i c ssfsty edmmletratton. computer eclencae and atatletlcei analysis Obtsln and submit application by Jan 6. 188B. ADIA PERSONNEL DEPT 45175 W 10 Mile Rd Nov). Mi 48050 An Equel Opportunity Employer Bom. WAREHOUSE WORK 525-0330 AEROBIC INSTRUCTORS Fltneae USA - Ladtee DMeion has openings tor snthusiasOc mdMdusIs thai ere Quashed r * r n f l e d matructors Must nave o w -outlnss H o w s can be erranged to fit yots achedMON/WIEO /FRI - 23080 Micnigan Ave, Deerbom TUCS /THURS /SAT - 7877 Wayne Rd Weetland ADIA Persormsl SenMoss An Equal Opportunity Employar 500 Help Wantad ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT American NUKEM Is en Industry leader m the treat ment ol hezerdoue w e s u An exciting opporhxsty hea become evaaable at our Southfield Sales Office tor alve aert-stan ar to coordinate o*hce activity general adrrunietretion. and report directly to the Salee MeneTms nsnds-on position rsquirae a mkiimium ol 5 administration. oral and written commumcetlon processing and 3 yeers experience. IBM. PC on corrvpetible e must. D Seee a We oflar a competitive salary. excellent benefits end a stimulating and modem atmoephare if you ars seskmg s chsttsngs and not )ust s job, we invtle you to lorward a resums. snd salary requirements and letter stating why you qualify to: A m e r i c a n NUKEM 21350 Metroes Avenue Suite 1 Southfield. Michigan 48075 Equel Opportunity Employer M/F AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR Enthusiaaticaxpanenced metructor/ educator Evening hours. Top pay CertKlcatlon s ptua Caa A FEW H O U R S PER WEEK can earn you extra caah during yvwr spare time Thaaa door to door de•very JoOe m your neighborhood otfer competitive retea paid weakly We w « tram Mo setee or coftecttone Must bs mature heve car ft be dapendebla For Sifoimatlori caa American Flak) Marketing 946-6520 AGGRESSIVE YOUNG Individual lor Coordmator tor a laat rvgra minimum to atari Ca* Rues et NRI tor mi I t e r . l e w 542-8800 A GREAT PLACE TO WORK I Sma* Computer company haa fuB/ -time Salsa. CtartcaL Cuetomer 500 Help Wanted ASSEMBLY PACKAGING WAREHOUSE 100 People Needed Nowl Going Around in Circles looking for a new home? A p p l i a n c e Service Art Work Architecture Asphalt Asphalt Seeicoating A u t o Cleanup A u t o A T r u c k Repair Awnings B a r b e q u e Repair Basement Waterproofing B a t h t u b Refinishing Bicycle Maintenance Brick, Block & Cement Boat Docks B o o k k e e p i n g Service Building inspection Building Remodeling B u r g l a r Fire A l a r m B u s i n e s s Machine Repair Carpentry Carpels C a r p e l Cleaning & Dyeing C a r p e t L a y i n g ft R e p a i r C a t e r i n g • Flowers Caulking Celling Work C h i m n e y Cleaning C h i m n e y Building & Repair C h r i s t m a s Trees C l o c k Repair Commercial Steam Cleaning Construction Equipment D e c k s , Patios Doors Draperies D r e s s m a k i n g ft T a i l o r i n g Drywall Electrical Electrolysis Energy Excavating Exterior Caulking Fashion Co-ordinators Fences Financial Planning Fireplaces Fireplace Enclosures Firewood Floor Service Floodlight F u r n a c e Installed, Repair F u r n i t u r e , F i n i s h i n g ft R e o a i r Glaas. Block, Structural etc Glass , Stained'Beveled Garages G a r a g e Door R e p a i r Greenhouses Gutters Handyman Hauling Heating/Cooling H o m e Grocery Shopping Housecleanlng H o m e Safety Humidifiers I n c o m e Tax Industrial Service Insurance Photography Insulation interior Decorating ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2 to 4 yeers supervisory experience with coaage degree In Accounting Experience with computerized MBeccounts rscaivsbto eystsma ft a . Must have good written and orsl communication tftBta Exosllent benefit peckage Send resums to: Box 280. Observer ft Eccentric M«aapapers. 38251 Schoolcraft Rd . Uvonla. Mlchigsn 481S0 Equal Opportunity Employer Msls/Femele/Hendicepped/Vel Adta hee wsrshouss work avsaebie near the Jeftnea (i-9«yFarmington area C a l tor appointment 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 36 37 39 41 42 44 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 78 81 87 90 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 102 105 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 120 U v o n l a • Novl a W l x o m Locations Intervtewlng Mon. t h r u Thurs., 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Referral Bonuses — Bring a Friend J M A R T I N VICTOR T E M P O R A R I E S 36215 W. 10 M i l e between Haistead A Haooerty AIOE FOR Latchkey Program Mon thru Fri 7am~eam ft lpr-- #orr O a r a n c e . ^ e School Dtetnct CaB RoaeGovig. 473-8833 AIRPORT SeCUWTV- Men ft women. M ft part time Must bs w88ng t o a n r k Aexibie hours Cea between 11am-3pm 722-0030 ALARM INSTALLER - Expenecned. 88-810 par hour, ptua baneltta Caa. 738-5400 AMBITIOUS Walk-in§ are welcome 175 178 180 181 198 200 215 219 220 221 222 223 224 229 233 234 235 237 241 245 249 250 251 253 254 255 260 261 263 265 269 273 274 275 276 277 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 287 289 293 294 296 297 298 299 Janitorial Jewelry Repairs A Clocks Landscaping L a w n Mower. Repair Lawn Maintenance Lawn Sprinkling Linoleum Lock Service Management Marble Machinery Maid Service Mobile Home Service Moving - Storage Mirrors Music Instruction M u s i c I n s t r u m e n t Repair New H o m e Services Painting - Decorating Party Planning (Food -Flowers-Services i Pest C o n t r o l Photography Piano Tuning-Repair-Refinishing Picnic Tables Plans Plastering Plumbing Pool Water Delivery Pools Porcelain Reflnishing Printing Recreational Vehicle Service Retail H a r d w o o d s Refrigeration Roofing Scissor, Saw 6 Knife S h a r p e n i n g S c r e e n Repair Septic Tanks Sewer Cleaning Sewing M a c h i n e Repair Slipcovers Solar Energy S n o w Blower Repair Snow Removal Storm Doors Stucco Telephone, Service/Repair T e l e v i s i o n . R a d i o ft C B Tennis Courts Terrarlums Tile Work Tree Service Truck Washing Typing Typewriter Repair Upholstery Vacuums V a n d a l i s m Repair Video Taping Service Vinyl Repair V e n t i l a t i o n ft A t t i c F a n s Wallpapering Wall Washing Washer/'Dryer Repair Water Softening Welding W e l l Drilling Window Treatments Windows Woodworking Wood burners 500 Help Wanted A Kelly j o b is money in the bank To go to work right away. w«houl Oeiey. visit the Ke«y Services office L i v o n i a . . .522-3922 Rd G a r d e n City 422-0269 29236 Ford Roed Plymouth. 451-7226 754 S MeinSt a DEADLINES •. FOR C L A S S I F I E D " L I N E R S " MONOAY IftSUE: S P.M. FRIDAY THURSDAY ISSUE: S P.M. TUESDAY Ail real estate adventsing in this newspaper is subject to the Fe<Jefal Fair Housing Act o( 1968 which makes it illegal c advertise "any preterenca, imitation or dtscmnination based on race, color, religion, sex or an intention to rr.aita any such preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will noi knowingly accept any advertising lor real estate which is m violation of the law. Our readers are beret* informed that all dwellings advert-sed n th« newspaper are avataWe or ar aqua1 opportunity bass Ail adverting pubishedin TheObseryer 4 Eccentric s subject to the conditions staled m the applicable rate card, cop«es of which are available 'rom the Advertising Department, ObserveS Eccenrc Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Uvona. Ml 48150, (313} 591-2300 The Observer & Ecceninc 'eserves • ihe nght not to accept an advertiser's order Observer & l Eccentnc Ad-Takers have no auth.onty to txnd this newspaper anjj^oo>y puWxation of an advertisement shall cons5We Sna!1 acceptance of the advertiser's order The Observer & Eccentric will issue credit to' typographical or other errors only on the first insertion o' an advertisement. If an enor occurs, the advertiser must notify the Customer Service Department in time » correct the emx before the second insertion EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 500 H d p Win ted 500 Hsip Wanted 500 Holp Wanted AREA CONTRACTOR expanding needs ak«ed help Apply I0am-2pm deny 24353 Plymouth Rd Redtord ASSISTANT MANAGER lor dry cleaners quekfted person, must be experienced or w « tram nght person Days 482-2500 AUTO BOOY Parson ft Body helpers - full time LNonia 522-8540 Electrical distribution oompsny m W s s t s m suburbe nee He aeasmblsrs Good starting aelery and benefits Send reeume to Box 274, Obeer.er ft Eccentric Newepapars. 38251 Schootoafl Rd U v o i l s Michigan 48150 AMERICAN MAIDS We need hardworking individuals to '.ASSEMBLERS time Mon thru Fri Muel have own tranaportsnon Good pay plus benahts CaB Today! 855-1848 Electronic Arm aeekmg rsBeble people tor elec.li unk. aaaamWy ft general lst>or SoiOermg experience hetp»4» M but not to $5 per CaB Mr 541-3800 Warns You to b s p a n of our i accounting, bocklaborers. clerical, dets entry k g * industrial. Isgal secretsnee recepttontsts. eecretarles. tstsmerkatart. ft word procaaDon t Welt today to est up ar spposnmsrit ft go to s g f k im553-2444 APPLICATIONS BONO accepted tor wrecksr drtww s Experience pre- B S ® work Ca moa eaed. . ft have a good iwochemcal a b 8 * y Ouparitaory ft N - l o expaiianca le h a * * * Saiary -ago Web la Sand resume t a 877 AmeSe St.. Plywiou*. Ml 48170 I orgenoa new p e r Apply st WssMsnd Car gty In parson person st: Care Cantor. 7888 N Wayne Rd APPLY NOW If you i mg tor extra Christmas money. otr Not ASSISTANT MANAGER low etmeptirig appaceilone tor Vie oemon ot Ustal si 11 l l a r agar Apthe ebBRy to move to a meriagw p B a t o n S S o p p o r M W Apply at: oomar o I Mam ft tm. •en* i Equel OpponwWy Employer 459-1166 THE 855-8910 ADIA Personnel ServKee NEVER A FEE EOE ATTENTION' LAIO-OFF WORKERS Fres Trammg (8 Mates), lo be Copy Mechrne Repair Tsctveaens. CaB Waahianee Commuifty Coaage Job Training School now a t 486-8811 tor information on acholersMps and to meal with interested employers Funded by die Governor s OfBoe For Job Trsmmg EOE/trslner Automotive Engineers Bilingual (Japanese) Experience pretai red, degreed, vehicle bund/development electrical systems, components, emissions.' testing Generous saisry and benefits Fee Paid Personnel Systems 459-1166 761-5252 AUTOMOTIVE SHEET METAL FABRICATORS-Requvs K**naymen ft up-graders 1-5 yrs sxpsnsnce Esc all am opportunmee luB benefits Retroective holiday pay Apply a t 25220 Northtma. Taylor Ml 48180 AUTO PART SALES Auto experience helpful but not neceeeery FuB-tkne poeTHone evekebie Apply m person to: Roy Clschks st Moooay Chevrolet. 30250 Grand River, Farmington MBta AUTO PORTER Auto d s s l s r W p • asskinc s tun ume ft p a n time car porter Muat be M e n d * ft i driver" l pey * I or Pal Hogan. Bob SeBer'i Pontiac GMC Trucks. 38000 Grsnd River 478-8000 AUTO PORTER - Experience helpful Apply m person st Jsck Dsmmer Ford. Mtcmgar Ave ft HeePumr m Wayne Sea Slave Vtol ' Working o n y o w own 80% o l the ame? oettmgc by 2 30pmiT BILL BROWN FORD 32222 Plymouth Roed Lworee •A«7£Si work Foods Corp. is taring tar Oouglee ft eetaMMted apaiala Mon-Fn Our ourraat d r t v ars 8 oooks s a m tiMmaiii 82758425 par weak plue paM Swjranoaa. m a d e is ft vecattaaa Good ArMng record maah ePMy. f ni'igawW per aonaBty ft 8 a p i d a 8 B » , reeMred We wdl Mach you Me raett Apptr at Ouiiulea Foods C o r p . 3*418 indust r t a t l t o Garden Cay 437-8300 ATTORNEY I 8JJS? toSSy 11731 AUTO MECHANIC - h shop Experienced m heavy repair ft engvie performance Master ft AET certified Exceaeni aegea ft oenettts CaB 421-5533 AUTO REPAIR e l opening kn our 14 Bay Entry level Rape* today AAamoons •anoe tor edvenoemenl a* aiowtna company Davie Auto C e r e • 0 7 Oohany O r l N o r M t o 348-5118 AUTO ASSISTANT MANAGERS ncome. My l 8 m y staA has had no I P A V T O R DOLLAR T R A M T Q C a l Mr Rswioida 421-8100 available In Novl (Grand Rlver/Haggerty area). These are long lerm assignments In a super d e a n working environment. Cafl now lor more Information. AUTO MECHANIC Musi be expensnced vi lets mods! drtveebwty ft leieet diegnostic testmg soulpment Rlghi person cen eam 150.000 » per yeer Apply *i person NOVI MOTIVE 21530 Now Rd I Oaf ween t l « Mile Rd i Novl. Ml AUTO PORTER F t i m e 86.00 par hour to start W ATTENTIONI Mors great people asread Home ctoersng. weakly pey. earn up to 85 • AUTO PORTER-FuB U n a Musi be ASSEMBLY CLERKS over 18 with good driving record Long lerm aaalgnmant Si Canton $7 par hr Part time Car needed Experience required Musi bs rs8CaB Merry MaKIa: 525-7280 Light eeeemtty ft quaMy control Appiy In parson The Corvette work WOMEN ancouragad to apShop , 21875 T Te Rd SouthATTENTION ply Monthly bonus program CaB 8?sr ThM could ba your big breek. Our up Linda tor an appointment ACRO SERVICE C O R P , 581-1100 AUTO PORTER dMone tor tomato beck-up amgers AJ we aak • mai you can carry a ASSISTANT COORDINATOR k m s CaB to echetMe tor an aud^ good d r M n g record Apply 1 ERHAROBMW 358-5038 FuB ame ftaxtola hours, benefits. Won Aak tar Metthew 24130 Telegraph Roed Cea Mon. Tuaa or Wed m o m m a or 352-8030 Thurs or Fri sftsmoon 847-7810 ATTENTION!!! AUTO PORTER ASSISTANT FOREMAN tor amaB Woi4d f o u ereoy AMERICAN TEMPORARY SERVICES OF FARMINGTON HILLS ARCMrrfCTURAL 8:00 AM. - M0 P.M. FRIOAY ASSEMBLERS The "Ke»y Girl" People Not An Agency. Never A Fee Eaual Opportunity Employer M / F/M AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Needs temporary telephone help Hourly wege Beginning Jan S tor TE weeks Seniors i nomamakar* welcome CaB 271-4180 THIS IS NO JOKE M 0 AJtt. - 5 4 0 PM. MONOAY- THURSDAY ASSEMBLER tor marme angmae and power LXMS Must have mechanics training, dieeel experience preferred Send leeuma to: ISUZU Dieeei, 4118S WwanB Court. Novl. Ml 48050 KELLY SERVICES ARBOR TEMPS YOU MAY PLACE A CLASSIFIED A D V E R T I S E M E N T FROM ASSISTANT TEACHER - Psrt tune needed during eftemoon s f i * l tor Intent toddler progrem 5 day poe> W Y N D H A M NOVI HOTEL Hon Alao Sunday eeeietenta needed le looking tor a tow wdMduale to from Bam-12 noon West Bloomfleid complete our Stan EiceBeni wegea aree C M 881-1000 ext 255 4 oenehta including FREE tlaals. ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER FREE UnHorme. ft FREE Hotel Room n i g n u 2 weeks paid vacation Mam frams sxpsrlsnca FuB charge bookkaapmg H8-820K. Benefits after a yeer Fes paid B HAMIL PERSONNEL - HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISORS • HOUSEKEEPERS 424-8470 • FOOO ft BEVERAGE VIC TANNY has I He opening SUPERVISORS tor Atlandents m our Southfield • FOOO SERVERS womene gym Mature, dependable parson Pleaas caB tor eppnmtmant. Applications are beeig eccapted 557-4700 NOW at the from deek 42100 C/eecent Blvd.. Novl 48050 ATTENDENTS - mele/lemeM. tua ft 11-98 ft Novl Rds. | p a n time, epply at Colony Car No Phone CeBe Plssssi Weeh, 302 W Ann Arbor Rd PlymEOE M/F/H/V outh or call 455-1011 ARE YOU TIRED ol bsmg trustrslsd looking lor work"? Tired of working A T T E N T I O N •or minimum wege? Then why not cell ue HOMEMAKERS services NO KIDDING If you fee m Oakland County. caB Southfield Community Placement 354-8187 Light Assembly work Is e g o o d pay e vecatlon pey e bonueea e achedule to W your needs 2»449 W Six LIVONIA PLYMOUTH ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SECURE JOB WITH A SOLID COMPANY? If you re looking lor a way to add to bank eccount, KeSy Services s r , tha periect answer We heve aerm-axMed and unaklSed |obe available m the Cam on aree You I flat Voung men 33 years old lust Opened 4th buatnaaa In Detroa area Ordsrs coming laaaw than we can put them out) Need peopts M s l aa maeialed ft amblltous as rwyea* to r>ei H e operation ft o l e r s ptanrad imeme Freeway l l i f t a Buadmg next door to Wenoye) 474-8722 123 126 129 132 135 138 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 155 157 158 165 166 LMs Sfyto N o n a s Harper Aeeoc 15888 W 10 M auuthltotd. Ml 48075, 567-1700 CtTY O f TROY Rei»e ea a JO ' crertned l e a 500 H d p Wanted Dec 14. 1888 to P e r s o n * * . SOB W 1 AUTO TOCMM •CUM • you arsnt m*mc ear 840 000 par jr. ttm taiiai ft you are a«greaakne. hart wort us'aie have the oparanga • your *e good awa^p. Ws ^ a nasd general Ocseiaar SarJtas"' 8tore<l"t*4»4 W M M N at 7 MBa Lkroms AUTOITRUCK 8PReiQ REPA^t trsssi MB 8PM Men •aatara MBft AUOTTOR tar TEAM CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ,.the Creative Living section of CMM* cat m t - a m m O N M cm** CM $m- t > ©terrurr & Itcmtrit Exptoeh* srowtti by Michigan's moat dynamic ttra and auto service company haa created many openings tar experienced profeseioneis in: • S T O R E MANAGEMENT • TIRE S A L E S Pajw.II ^ i,xxnp*jTitiVff w i g M i a • A U T O SERVICE S A L E S • CERTIFIED M E C H A N I C S M a l a n t e a r l , - a a u i m i ^ i i •> iai - —— ra a n n 8li • " O • T i n m r X r OPPO*TurwTy f o r C w M r Q f u w i n a n Join the Bene Tin Teem Appfyet: 22843 Orchard Lake Road, F a r m i n g t o n 2 3 9 0 1 A l l a n R o a d , W o o d h av a n 433 W. A n n A r b o r Road, Plymouth I f r o e are A l a l i t o g • t e a c k u ( i a | careen - rfciak sheer rtws Aa a Rsslaer Aaeectose y e a caehevsihe i i i i p i i l eece mt b e t a g y e a r e w e hoes. aa year e M acha4alss. MO.OOO sa fOMtO a r i a i amd a aatara teaw i s A l a a r • s a i a e r we'O B i . r a a i cfcssMMM c*s r M f i BM! i h e e e ^ e a e g e t ot ihe reel m m M n i f Wednesday, December 7 , 7 P i t AUDTTOR8 to 938.000 MS tae RaaMaM ate awpltia ~ r CRA a pkai but eat • ww - • mg a a . s — Oreal •MRvtmy c y m a c Ca l a t t r a i n i k R i *m a a i L i i pRooucnoai O n M K j i MABTKMU> >>911 Onmd tiea*. K e lifii M M a M a s n Caa tor m m m m m m M t W k e m 887-8888 K B l t S 5