Annual Report 2009


Annual Report 2009
Vision Statement
To be a leading Australian-Greek community services agency in
Statement of Purpose
To empower members of the Australian-Greek community to reach
their full potential.
This will be achieved by undertaking service provision,
advocacy, policy development and research in an
innovative, culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.
Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd.
7 Union Street, Brunswick Victoria, Australia 3056
Telephone: (03) 9388 9998 Facsimile: (03) 9388 9992
Email: [email protected]
President’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
AGWS Board of Directors
Board, Staff Members & Volunteers
Building Community Capacity
Responding to Community Need
Quality Services
Encouraging Independence
Community Engagement and Partnerships
AGWS Radiothon 2010
Financial Statements
President’s Report
On behalf of the Board I am pleased to report that
Australian Greek Welfare Society (AGWS) has successfully completed another year of service provision to
the Australian Greek community. AGWS has been
responding to the needs of the Greek community
through the provision of culturally and linguistically
appropriate services delivered across metropolitan
AGWS operates quality services supporting individuals and families within the home and community
through programs offered in the following areas:
Mr. Nicholas Katris
• Aged & Disability Services with community and
home based services
• Family and Community Services including generalist casework
• Children’s Services with bilingual and multicultural programs
• Education and Training Services
To meet the increasing demand for services AGWS is
committed to further developing its capacity to meet
the needs of the Greek community across metropolitan Melbourne. Following the refurbishment of the
first floor level at head office in 2008, work began on
the ground level, as we witness here tonight, providing appropriate areas and amenities to serve the
community and the needs of our elderly citizens.
The AGWS strategic directions have given careful
AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
consideration to the government policies and directions and to the health and welfare needs of the
Australian Greek community. Some of the priorities
and challenges in the coming year include:
1. Partnership and relationship building with
government, Greek and mainstream services in
Melbourne and Victoria;
2. Mapping of community needs in particular
focusing on the aged care and increasing health
needs of the community and engaging community
3. Marketing/Promotion of AGWS services in demographically Greek populated suburbs to increase
access to services
4. Responding to the ever-increasing need for aged
care services including Home and Community
Care, Respite and Dementia Programs
5. Fundraising to supplement Government Funding; and
6. Increasing our capacity to respond to the needs
of the Greek community through regionalisation,
and in particular through the establishment of
a purpose built facility in the southern region of
We all look forward to next year as a year of exciting
challenges and expansion. On behalf of the Society I
like to extend our gratitude and thanks to the Federal
Government, State Government and Department of
Human Services for the funding and support which
makes it possible for AGWS to address the needs of
the Greek speaking Community of Melbourne and
In relation to the building fund, we thank the Bank of
Cyprus for nominating AGWS as the charity partner
of The Bank of Cyprus Australia Charitable Foundation. This donation will contribute significantly
towards our plans for a new centre in the South-East
We would also like to thank the Laiki Bank Radiomarathon Trust for their donation towards the purchase
of equipment for the AGWS Activity Room which
supports the programs for the older people and in
particular younger people with special needs.
This year’s Radio-Appeal exceeded expectations
and reflecting the hard work of everybody involved
and the support of the Greek community. In addition for the fourth year, the Australian Hellenic Golf
Federation nominated AGWS as the charity partner
for 2010 and we value the contribution made by the
Federation in supporting our work with the Greek
community. We would also like to acknowledge the
support of the Association of Elderly Citizens Clubs of
Melbourne & Victoria for their continued support.
On behalf of AGWS I like to extend our gratitude and
thanks to organizations, sponsors and donors, who
have generously contributed towards a very successful year. I thank all AGWS members’, friends and
supporters of this organization for their invaluable
support throughout the year.
In concluding, I would like to highlight the important
contribution made by the many volunteers, who
work tirelessly with the elderly, people with disabilities and those who are isolated in our community.
Their work is of enormous value and we thank them
for their ongoing commitment.
A special thanks to our friends in the media who have
supported AGWS in all its endeavors and in particular
I would like to thank Neos Kosmos, 3XY Radio Hellas,
Ta Nea and SBS Radio.
Kianidis Executive Director, for her valuable resource
of the Board and her leadership to AGWS. We value
and acknowledge the work performed by all our
dedicated staff named in the Annual Report that
work with conviction and innovation to meet the
needs of the Greek speaking community.
We at AGWS are proud of the accomplishments and
the high standards attained this year and look forward with optimism to meet the challenges the next
year will bring us.
Nicholas Katris
I thank all Board Members for their commitment and
continuous support over the year, namely: Anastasia
Contos Chairperson, George Spiliotis Honorary Treasurer, Litsa Kypuros Honorary Secretary, and Directors
Eugenia Grammatikakis, Magdalena Simonis, Ivy
Fatouros-Mimilidis and Krisanthi Stamboulidis.
I congratulate all re-elected and new members to
the Board and I look forward to working with you
all in fulfilling the future goals and directions of the
The Board recognises and thanks Voula Messimeri-
President’s Report
Αναφορά Προέδρου
Εκ μέρους του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, βρίσκομαι
στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας ανακοινώσω ότι η
ΑυστραλοΕλληνική Κοινωνική Πρόνοια - AGWS με
επιτυχία έχει ολοκληρώσει ακόμη έναν χρόνο παροχής
υπηρεσιών στην ΑυστραλοΕλληνική παροικία. Η AGWS/
Πρόνοια έχει ανταποκριθεί στις ανάγκες της παροικίας
μας με την παροχή κατάλληλων πολιτιστικών και
γλωσσικών υπηρεσιών που διανέμονται σε ολόκληρη την
μητροπολιτική Μελβούρνη.
Η AGWS/Πρόνοια χειρίζεται υπηρεσίες ποιότητας,
υποστηρίζοντας ανεξάρτητους και οικογένειες στο σπίτι
τους ή στην ευρύτερη κοινότητα μέσα από προγράμματα
που προσφέρονται στους παρακάτω τομείς:
κ. Νικόλαος Κατρής
• Υπηρεσίες Ηλικιωμένων & Ατόμων με Αναπηρίες
με βάση το ίδιο τους το Σπίτι ή με εξωτερικές
Κοινοτικές υπηρεσίες
• Οικογενειακές ή Κοινοτικές Υπηρεσίες
συμπεριλαμβανομένης Γενικής Συμβουλευτικής για
κάθε υπόθεση
• Υπηρεσίες για τα Παιδιά με Δίγλωσσα
Πολυπολιτιστικά προγράμματα
• Μορφωτικά και Εκπαιδευτικά Προγράμματα
Η AGWS/Πρόνοια για να ικανοποιήσει τις αυξημένες
απαιτήσεις για υπηρεσίες έχει δεσμευτεί στην εκτεταμένη
ανάπτυξη των δυνατοτήτων της, ώστε να εξυπηρετήσει
τις ανάγκες της ελληνικής παροικίας σε ολόκληρη την
μητροπολιτική Μελβούρνη.
Σε ακολουθία της ανακαίνισης του 1ου ορόφου των
κεντρικών γραφείων μας το 2008, ξεκίνησαν εργασίες
και στο ισόγειο, όπως μπορείτε σήμερα να διαπιστώσετε,
ώστε να υπάρξουν κατάλληλοι χώροι και εξοπλισμός για
AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
την εξυπηρέτηση της παροικίας και των ηλικιωμένων
Οι στρατηγικές κατευθύνσεις της AGWS/Πρόνοιας έχουν
προσεκτικά λάβει υπόψη τους αρχές και κατευθυντήριες
γραμμές στον τομέα της υγείας, αλλά και στην πρόβλεψη
των αναγκών της ΑυστραλοΕλληνικής κοινωνίας. Μερικές
από τις προτεραιότητες και τις προκλήσεις για την
ερχόμενη χρονιά είναι:
1. Οικοδόμηση συνεργασίας και σχέσεων με την
κυβέρνηση, τους ελληνικούς, αλλά και τους κύριους
Οργανισμούς παροχής υπηρεσιών στη Μελβούρνη
και στη Βικτώρια.
2. Χαρτογράφηση των παροικιακών αναγκών με
κύρια επισκόπηση την φροντίδα των ηλικιωμένων
και τις αυξημένες ανάγκες της παροικίας μας στα
περίπλοκα θέματα της κοινωνίας και στην υγεία.
3. Προώθηση των υπηρεσιών της AGWS/Πρόνοιας στα
γνωστά ελληνικά δημογραφικά προάστια, ώστε να
αυξηθεί, η πρόσβαση στις υπηρεσίες.
4. Να ανταποκρινόμαστε στην κάθε αυξανόμενη
ανάγκη για υπηρεσίες ηλικιωμένων,
συμπεριλαμβανομένων της φροντίδας στο
Σπίτι και στην ευρύτερη Κοινωνία, όπως είναι τα
προγράμματα της Ανακουφιστικής φροντίδας και
5. Να κάνουμε Εράνους για να συμπληρώσουμε τις
κυβερνητικές χρηματοδοτήσεις
6. Να αυξήσουμε τις δυνατότητες ανταπόκρισής μας
στις ανάγκες της ελληνικής παροικίας, μέσα από
κατάλληλη κατανομή ανά περιοχή και κυρίως με
την εγκαθίδρυση ενός κτιρίου, που θα προσφέρει
διευκολύνσεις στις νότιες περιοχές της Μελβούρνης.
Ανυπόμονα αναμένουμε την επόμενη χρονιά να είναι μια
χρονιά με συγκλονιστικές προκλήσεις και επεκτάσεις.
Εκ μέρους της Οργάνωσης θα ήθελα να επεκτείνω την
ευγνωμοσύνη και τις ευχαριστίες μας στην Ομοσπονδιακή,
στην Κοινοπολιτειακή και στην Πολιτειακή κυβέρνηση
και επίσης στο Υπουργείο Ανθρωπίνων Υπηρεσιών για τη
χρηματοδότηση και την υποστήριξη της AGWS/Πρόνοιας,
ώστε να εξυπηρετήσουν τις ανάγκες της ελληνόφωνης
παροικίας της Μελβούρνης και τις Βικτώριας.
Σε σχέση με τη χρηματοδότηση του κτιρίου, ευχαριστούμε
την Τράπεζα Κύπρου που επέλεξε την AGWS/Πρόνοια
σαν φιλανθρωπικό κομιστή του Φιλανθρωπικού
Καταπιστεύματος της Τράπεζας Κύπρου στην Αυστραλία.
Αυτή η δωρεά θα συνεισφέρει σημαντικά στην
πραγματοποίηση των σχεδίων μας για ένα καινούργιο
κέντρο στις Νοτιανατολικές περιοχές.
Επίσης, θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε τη Λαϊκή Τράπεζα
και το Καταπίστευμα του Ραδιομαραθωνίου για τη δωρεά
τους, ώστε να προμηθευτούμε εξοπλισμό για το Δωμάτιο
Δραστηριοτήτων της AGWS/Πρόνοιας, που υποστηρίζει
προγράμματα για ηλικιωμένα και κυρίως νεότερα άτομα με
ειδικές ανάγκες.
Αυτήν την χρονιά η Ραδιοφωνική έκκλησή μας ξεπέρασε
τις προβλέψεις μας και ανταπέδωσε τη σκληρή εργασία
όλων όσων κατέλαβαν προσπάθειες στήριξη της ελληνικής
παροικίας. Επιπρόσθετα για 5η χρονιά η Ομοσπονδία
ΑυστραλοΕλληνικού Γκολφ ανακήρυξε την AGWS/
Πρόνοια σαν φιλανθρωπικό δέκτη για το 2010 και είμαστε
ευγνώμονες για τη συνδρομή και την υποστήριξη τους
στο έργο μας για την ελληνική παροικία. Επίσης, θα
ήθελα να αναγνωρίσω τη συνεχή υποστήριξη της Ένωσης
Ηλικιωμένων Μελβούρνης και Βικτώριας.
Εκ μέρους της AGWS/Πρόνοιας θα ήθελα να επεκτείνω
την ευγνωμοσύνη και τις ευχαριστίες μου σε Οργανισμούς,
Χορηγούς και Δωρητές που έχουν συνεισφέρει γενναιόδωρα
για την πρόοδο μιας επιτυχημένης χρονιάς.
Κλείνοντας, θα ήθελα να υπερτονίσω τη σημαντική
συνεισφορά που έχει γίνει από τους εθελοντές μας, που
ακούραστα εργάζονται με τους ηλικιωμένους, τα άτομα
με αναπηρίες και αυτούς που ζουν απομονωμένα στην
παροικία. Η εργασία τους είναι ανεκτίμητης αξίας και τους
ευχαριστούμε για τη συνεχή δέσμευσή τους.
Ακόμη, ένα ιδιαίτερο ευχαριστώ στους φίλους μας στα
Μέσα Ενημέρωσης που υποστηρίζουν την AGWS/Πρόνοια
σε όλες τις προσπάθειες της και κυρίως επιτρέψτε μου
να ευχαριστήσω την εφημερίδα του Νέου Κόσμου, το
ραδιόφωνο του 3ΧΥ, την εφημερίδα ΤΑ Νέα, το ραδιόφωνο
του SBS, το ραδιόφωνο του 3ΖΖΖ και τον καινούργιο
υποστηρικτή μας, την τηλεόραση του ΑΝΤΕΝΝΑ
τη Γενική Διευθύντρια κα Βούλα Μεσσημέρη – Κυανίδη,
για τις αξιόλογες εμπεριστατωμένες προτάσεις προς
το Συμβούλιο και τον τρόπο που διοικεί την AGWS/
Πρόνοια. Αξιολογούμε επίσης και αναγνωρίζουμε όλη
την εργασία που εκτελέστηκε από όλα τα αφοσιωμένα
μέλη του προσωπικού μας και τα κατονομάζουμε στην
Ετήσια Αναφορά για την επισταμένη εργασία τους και τους
νεωτερισμούς τους, ώστε να εκπληρώσουν τις ανάγκες της
ελληνόφωνης παροικίας.
Εμείς, στην AGWS/Πρόνοια, είμαστε περήφανοι για τα
κατορθώματα και τα υψηλά δεδομένα που πετύχαμε και
αυτήν την χρονιά. Γι’ αυτό και προσβλέπουμε θετικά στην
επιτυχία των προκλήσεων που θα μας φέρει η επόμενη
Νικόλαος Κατρής
Ευχαριστώ όλα τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου για τη Πρόεδρος
δέσμευσή τους και τη συνεχόμενη υποστήριξή τους καθ’
όλη τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς, ονομάζοντας τους κατά σειρά:
Αναστασία Κόντος – Προεδρεύουσα, Γεώργιος Σπηλιώτης –
Ταμίας, Λίτσα Κυπουρού – Γραμματέας και τα Μέλη: Ευγενία
Γραμματικάκη, Μαγδαλένα Σιμώνη, Ήβη ΦατούρουΜιμιλίδη και Χρυσάνθη Σταμπουλίδη.
Συγχαίρω όλα τα επανεκλεγόμενα και τα νέα Μέλη του
Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου και προσμένω να συνεργαστώ μαζί
τους για να εκπληρώσουμε τους μελλοντικούς στόχους και
τις κατευθύνσεις της Οργάνωσης.
Τέλος, το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο αναγνωρίζει και ευχαριστεί
President’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
During the 2009/10 financial year Australian Greek
Welfare Society (AGWS) pursued its multiple agendas
of advocacy, community education, service delivery
and policy development across all areas of operation
achieving quality outcomes for our service users and
the Greek speaking community generally in
Melbourne and Victoria.
Key highlights and program achievements include
the following:
Ms. Voula Messimeri-Kianidis AM
AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
• The provision of 6,500 hours of visitation via our
Volunteer programs funded by the Commonwealth and State.
• Specifically AGWS through the Commonwealth
funded Community Visitation Program provided
volunteer support to 77 isolated aged care residents.
• The recruitment retention and training of 200
volunteers, trained to provide support and companionship to isolated elderly at home and in
aged care facilities
• The development of training packages under the
Community Partners Project as a way of engaging community leaders in the area of aged and
health issues and partnership engagement with
• The recruitment and training of bilingual Community Care Workers bringing this pool of
specialist staff to 60. All staff have completed
the Certificate in Home & Community Care and a
new group are about to commence training.
Alpha Child Care continues to provide high level
care to Greek background children as well as to
children drawn from diverse backgrounds offering a bilingual and multicultural rich program to
over 70 families per year.
Casework and counselling client contacts
mounts to over 2,500 for generalist and men’s
and families. This was work undertaken with
limited resources, given the enormous demand
from the community.
The AGWS Greek Legal Information & Referral
Service supports approximately 65 clients per
year through the engagement of Greek speaking
volunteer solicitors. We would like to acknowledge all participating solicitors for their time and
commitment to the service.
35 community education activities were held
under the Community partners Program reaching 5183 people across Melbourne and the Men’s
and Family Relationships Program reached an
additional 1,000 people leading to an increased
level of enquires from the elderly cares and families.
Through a combination of State HACC funding
and Commonwealth direct grants AGWS was
able to provide substantial hours of service to
individuals and families in excess of 67,000 hours
this year.
• In addition and as a way of meeting demand by
members of the Greek speaking community and
specialist service providers AGWS continued to
develop and extend its Brokered Services Program working with 26 providers across Melbourne and providing 1,400 hours of service per
• The state funded Supported Access Pilot Project
has addressed key matters of access for elders
linking them to the aged care and health system.
A total of 317 client contacts this year making
this an essential element of access and equity for
this vulnerable group in our community.
• The continuation of the well utilised Greek
Cardiac Rehabilitation programs in Brunswick
and Oakleigh: 77 men and women used these
programs this year. We gratefully acknowledge
our partners: Oakleigh Rehabilitation Service,
Uniting Aged Care and the Royal Melbourne
• AGWS provided cultural briefings to a total of
256 professionals through the CPP program in
order to aid with skills development in working
with Greek clients.
• Partnerships and collaboration with other agencies formed the basis of AGWS work including
in the areas of elder abuse, diabetes, medicines,
recreation emotional health the needs of carers,
grandparents and others. (Details in the main
part of the report.) We gratefully acknowledge
all out partners and look forward to further joint
endeavours in the coming year.
• Successful launch of the fundraising arm of AGWS
working with business and others in our community to augment the funds we receive from
done under enormous funding constraints against
demand from the community.
Finally I extend special thanks to all our staff in each
and every area of work for your dedication and passion in servicing our community throughout the year.
A key highlight this year has been the construction of
the purpose build centre for the elderly and people
with disabilities at head office in Brunswick. This is
an exciting initiative which will enhance the quality
Voula Messimeri-Kianidis AM
of care to the frail elderly and younger people with
Executive Director
disabilities. In addition these works now complete the
refurbishment of the head office facilities adding to
the flexibility of service provision and modern amenities for staff.
I pass on my sincere thanks to Nick Katris, President
and all AGWS Board Directors for their guidance,
support and generous allocation of time to AGWS.
To all our volunteers: little would be accomplished in
social support without you. A very warm thanks for
your dedication and humanity in a very demanding
but equality rewarding area of AGWS work.
A special acknowledgement and thanks to
Tina Douvos Deputy Director and to our Unit
Managers: Stavroula Mavroudis, John Lioupas, Nikki
Efremidis, Maria Bellos and Stelios Piakis for work well
Executive Director’s Report
Αναφορά της Γενικής Διευθύντριας
Στη διάρκεια του Οικονομικού Έτους 2009/10, η AGWS/
Πρόνοια συνέχισε πολλαπλάσια να συνηγορεί σε ημερησία
διάταξη, να προσφέρει παροικιακή ενημέρωση, παροχή
υπηρεσιών και να δημιουργεί πολιτική διασχίζοντας όλες
τις λειτουργικές περιοχές, ώστε να επιτευχθούν ποιοτικές
εκβάσεις για τους χρήστες των υπηρεσιών και την
ελληνόφωνη παροικία γενικότερα στη Μελβούρνη και στη
Κόμβοι που πρέπει να επισημανθούν και επιτεύξεις
προγραμμάτων συμπεριλαμβάνονται στα ακόλουθα:
κα Βούλα Μεσσημέρη – Κυανίδη AM
10 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
• Η πρόβλεψη 6.500 ωρών επισκέψεων μέσω
των εθελοντικών προγραμμάτων, που είναι
επιδοτούμενα από την Κοινοπολιτειακή και την
Πολιτειακή κυβέρνηση.
• Συγκεκριμένα, η AGWS/Πρόνοια παρέχει εθελοντική
υποστήριξη σε 77 απομονωμένα ηλικιωμένα
άτομα που χρειάζονται φροντίδα, μέσω του
Κοινοπολιτειακού Προγράμματος Επισκέψεων.
• Στρατολόγηση, δέσμευση και εκπαίδευση 200
εθελοντών, που είναι εκπαιδευμένοι να προσφέρουν
υπηρεσία και συντροφιά σε απομονωμένα
άτομα στο Σπίτι τους ή σε Ιδρύματα Φροντίδας
Ηλικιωμένων (Γηροκομεία – Γηριατρεία).
• Η δημιουργία εκπαιδευτικών πακέτων από το
πρόγραμμα Κοινοτικής Συνεργασίας σαν τρόπος
δέσμευσης των συντονιστών για θέματα που
αφορούν την Υγεία, τους Ηλικιωμένους και τη
δέσμευση Συνεργασίας με το PICAC (Πολιτισμικές
Συνεργασίες για Παροχή Κατάλληλης Φροντίδας).
• Η στρατολόγηση και εκπαίδευση Δίγλωσσων
Κοινοτικών Υπαλλήλων Φροντίδας ανεβάζοντας
τον πήχη του ειδικευμένου προσωπικού στα 60
άτομα. Όλο το προσωπικό έχει ολοκληρώσει
το Πιστοποιητικό Φροντίδας για το Σπίτι & την
Κοινότητα, ενώ υπάρχει ήδη μια καινούργια ομάδα
που είναι έτοιμη να αρχίσει εκπαίδευση.
Ο Παιδικός Σταθμός ΑΛΦΑ συνεχίζει να παρέχει
υψηλό επίπεδο υπηρεσιών σε παιδιά ελληνικής
καταγωγής, εξίσου με παιδιά κι άλλων εθνικοτήτων
που συμμετέχουν, προσφέροντας ένα Δίγλωσσο
Πολυπολιτιστικό πλούσιο πρόγραμμα σε
περισσότερες από 70 οικογένειες κάθε χρόνο.
Σε περισσότερα από 2.500 φθάνουν τα άτομα
που εξυπηρετήθηκαν με Κοινωνική Υπηρεσία
και Συμβουλευτική γενικότερα ανά υπόθεση,
αλλά και από το πρόγραμμα των Ανδρών και
της Οικογένειας. Αυτή ήταν μια εργασία που
αναλάβαμε με ελάχιστους πόρους, προκειμένου
να εξυπηρετήσουμε τις αυξημένες απαιτήσεις της
Η ελληνική Νομική υποστήριξη και Παραπεμπτική
υπηρεσία της AGWS/Πρόνοιας εξυπηρετεί περίπου
65 υποθέσεις τον χρόνο, με την προσφορά
εθελοντικής εργασίας από έλληνες δικηγόρους.
Θα θέλαμε να αναγνωρίσουμε όλους τους
συμμετέχοντες δικηγόρους για τον χρόνο και τη
δέσμευσή τους σε αυτήν την υπηρεσία.
35 Παροικιακά Επιμορφωτικά Σεμινάρια
Δραστηριοτήτων πραγματοποιήθηκαν από το
πρόγραμμα Κοινοτικής Συνεργασίας, με 5.183
συμμετέχοντες σε ολόκληρη τη Μελβούρνη,
ενώ προσθέτονται άλλα 1.000 άτομα για να
αυξήσουν τον αριθμό των αιτήσεων για τη
φροντίδα ηλικιωμένων και οικογενειών μέσα από
το πρόγραμμα για τις Σχέσεις των Ανδρών και της
Σε συνδυασμό απευθείας επιδοτήσεων HACC της
Πολιτειακής και της Κοινοπολιτειακής κυβέρνησης
η AGWS/Πρόνοια χρηματοδοτήθηκε για να παρέχει
σημαντικές ώρες υπηρεσίας σε ανεξάρτητους και
οικογένειες, ξεπερνώντας τις 67.000 ώρες τον χρόνο.
• Επιπρόσθετα και για να καταφέρουμε να καλύψουμε
τις εκκλήσεις των μελών της ελληνόφωνης παροικίας
και των ειδικών οργανώσεων παροχής υπηρεσιών,
η AGWS/Πρόνοια συνεχίζει να αναπτύσσει και να
επεκτείνει το Πρόγραμμα Υπηρεσιών με Μίσθωση
σε συνεργασία με 26 διαφορετικές Οργανώσεις σε
ολόκληρη τη Μελβούρνη και παρέχοντας 1.400
ώρες υπηρεσίας το μήνα.
• Το Πιλοτικό Πρόγραμμα Υποστήριξης Πρόσβασης
Υπηρεσιών, που είναι επιδοτούμενο από την
πολιτεία έχει καταγράψει σημεία κλειδιά για τους
ηλικιωμένους δρομολογώντας τους σε υπηρεσίες
φροντίδας και στο σύστημα υγείας. Συνολικά
καταφέραμε να δρομολογήσουμε 317 άτομα που
επικοινώνησαν μαζί μας αυτήν την χρονιά, ώστε
να λάβουν τη στοιχειώδη και δίκαιη πρόσβαση σε
υπηρεσίες που δικαιούται αυτή η ευαίσθητη ομάδα
της παροικίας μας.
• Φυσικά, υπήρξε η συνέχιση των ιδιαίτερα ωφέλιμων
και με μεγάλη συμμετοχή Ελληνικών Προγραμμάτων
Καρδιακής Αποκατάστασης στο Brunswick και
στο Oakleigh – με 77 άνδρες και γυναίκες να
χρησιμοποιούν αυτά τα προγράμματα κάθε χρόνο.
Αναγνωρίζουμε ιδιαίτερα τους συνεργάτες μας: την
Υπηρεσία Αποκατάστασης του Oakleigh – Uniting Aged Care και το Βασιλικό Νοσοκομείο της
• Η AGWS/Πρόνοια παρέχει πολιτισμικά σύντομα
σεμινάρια σε συνολικά 256 επαγγελματίες, μέσω του
προγράμματος Κοινοτικής Συνεργασίας, ώστε να
τους βοηθήσει να αναπτύξουν τις ικανότητες τους
για να συνεργάζονται με έλληνες πελάτες.
• Συνεταιρισμούς και Συνεργασίες με άλλες
Οργανώσεις για να συγκροτηθεί η βασική λειτουργία
της AGWS/Πρόνοιας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των
τομέων για τη βία στους ηλικιωμένους, το διαβήτη, τα
φάρμακα, τη συναισθηματική αναψυχή υγείας για τις
ανάγκες των φροντιστών, παππούδες-γιαγιάδες και
άλλα (Λεπτομέρειες θα βρείτε στο κυρίως μέρος της
Ετήσιας Αναφοράς).
• Με ευγνωμοσύνη αναγνωρίζουμε όλους τους
συνεργάτες μας και προσμένουμε να ξανασμίξουμε
τις προσπάθειες μας την επόμενη χρονιά.
• Με επιτυχία εγκαινιάστηκε το τμήμα Εράνου της
AGWS/Πρόνοιας που συνεργάζεται με επιχειρήσεις
και ευρύτερα στην παροικία μας για να επαυξήσει
τους πόρους που λαμβάνουμε από την Κυβέρνηση.
Ιδιαίτερες επίσης ευχαριστίες και αναγνώριση στην
Τίνα Ντούβου – Αναπληρώτρια Διευθύντρια και στους
Διευθυντές μας: Σταυρούλα Μαυρουδή, Γιάννη Λιούπα,
Νίκη Εφραιμίδη, Μαρία Μπέλλου και Στέλιο Πιακή για την
πολύ καλή εργασία που προσέφεραν κάτω από μειωμένες
χρηματοδοτήσεις ανάλογα των απαιτήσεων που υπάρχουν
από την παροικία.
Τέλος, επεκτείνω τις ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες μου σε όλο το
προσωπικό σε κάθε και όποιο τμήμα εργασιών, για την
αφοσίωση και την υπομονή τους να εξυπηρετήσουν την
παροικία κατά τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς.
Κάτι ξεχωριστό που πρέπει να αναφερθεί για φέτος είναι η
ανοικοδόμηση του Κέντρου Πολλαπλών Χρήσεων για τους
Ηλικιωμένους και τα Άτομα με Αναπηρίες στα κεντρικά
γραφεία μας στο Brunswick. Αυτό είναι μια συναρπαστική
καινοτομία που θα συμβάλλει στην ποιότητα για τη
φροντίδα των ανήμπορων ηλικιωμένων και των νεότερων
Βούλα Μεσσημέρη – Κυανίδη ΑΜ
ατόμων με αναπηρίες. Επιπρόσθετα, αυτές οι εργασίες
Γενική Διευθύντρια
έχουν τώρα ολοκληρωθεί με την ανακαίνιση και των χώρων
λειτουργιών των γραφείων μας, ώστε να προσθέσουν
ευκαμψία στην πρόβλεψη παροχής υπηρεσιών και
μοντέρνο εξοπλισμό για το προσωπικό.
Απευθύνω τις ειλικρινείς ευχαριστίες μου στο Νίκο Κατρή –
Πρόεδρο και σε όλα τα Μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου
της AGWS/Πρόνοιας για την καθοδήγηση, υποστήριξη και
γενναιόδωρη προσφορά του χρόνου τους στην AGWS/
Σε όλους τους εθελοντές: Ελάχιστα θα είχαν
πραγματοποιηθεί χωρίς εσάς όσον αφορά την κοινωνική
υποστήριξη. Ένα πολύ θερμό ευχαριστώ για την αφοσίωση
και τον ανθρωπισμό μας σε μια τόσο ευαίσθητη αλλά εξίσου
ανταμοιβόμενη περιοχή εργασιών της AGWS/Πρόνοιας.
Executive Director’s Report
AGWS Board of Directors
Mr. Nicholas Katris
Ms. Anastasia Contos
Ms. Litsa Kypuros
Mr. George Spiliotis
Nicholas joined the Board in 1995 and
served as a Chairperson in 1998 and
1999. He is now serving his fifth term as
President, a commitment and
responsibility that has become part of
his daily routine and life.
Anastasia joined the Board in 2004 She
has worked as a psychologist and project
leader in the community,
educational and psychiatric sectors
for twenty years.
Litsa joined the Board of AGWS in 2005
because she believes that people have
the capacity and responsibility to shape
the kind of community in which they
wish to live.
George joined the Board in late 2006. .
Anastasia has also worked in the areas
of migrant and ethnic affairs as well as
with people from socially disadvantaged
backgrounds and is committed to high
ethical standards in practice as well as
working towards social justice.
She enjoys working with people who
want to create change and who are both
dedicated and committed to assisting organisations such as AGWS in developing
and delivering solutions to build stronger
and therefore, healthier communities.
Currently, Anastasia works in private
practice as a Human Services
Consultant and also provides a
clinical service to individuals, couples
and families as well as training and
supervising practitioners in the field.
Litsa has had over 20 years experience
as a Speech Pathologist and Audiologist.
She is a clinical and certified practising
member of Speech Pathology Australia.
Nicholas expertise and career is
in the discipline of Architecture
and Interior Design.
His strong interest in Greek Culture and
History lead him into further Studies in
Classics and Archaeology enjoys part
time teaching in Design History
at Tertiary level.
He has a lifetime experience from his
involvement in community affairs since
1960”s and is an honorary life member
of a number of organizations. In 2001 he
received the Centenary Metal Award for
Services to the Greek Community.
12 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Her involvement on the Board of the
Australian Greek Welfare Society provides her with the opportunity to make a
contribution to the
Greek Australian community.
In addition to her private practice, she
currently works for Student Support
Services in the Department of Education
and Early Childhood Development in the
Northern Metropolitan Region.
George is a lawyer with considerable
experience in the areas of Commercial
Litigation, Dispute Resolution and
Employment Law. He is currently a
member of the Court Practice Committee for Litigation Lawyers Section of the
Law Institute of Victoria and has been a
member of other Committees.
George’s first involvement with the AGWS
was as a founding volunteer with the
Australian Greek Welfare Legal
Information Referral Service and
remained a volunteer with the Referral
Service for 10 of years.
Dr. Magdalena Simonis
Ms. Ivy Fatouros-Mimilidis
Ms. Krisanthi Stamboulidis
Ms. Eugenia Grammatikakis
Magdalena Simonis joined the AGWS
Board of Directors in 2009.
Ivy joined the Board of the Australian
Greek Welfare Society in 2007 as a way
of making a positive contribution to the
welfare of Greek Australians.
Krisanthi joined the Board of AGWS in
2004. Her qualifications are a Bachelor of
Arts and a Diploma of Education where
she majored in Greek, English and ESL.
She also has a Certificate II in Applied
Language for Spanish.
Eugenia has over twenty years experience in the ethnic and multicultural field
particularly in policy development, social
planning, research and analysis, language services, community development
and cross cultural communication.
She has been involved with the
teaching of Greek and the maintenance
of all aspects of Greek culture in school,
at several Saturday morning Greek
schools and in private tutoring from 1984
to 1994 and in 2005.
Professionally she has managed multicultural programs and services for
Commonwealth Departments and more
recently in Local Government.
She is a Fellow of The Royal College of
General Practitioners, also holds a diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Her
career objectives include a commitment
to disease prevention and empowerment
of migrant men and women.
As an Australian born of Greek migrant
parents, who works in full time General
Practice, Magdalena is keenly aware of
the ongoing need to bridge gaps between our expansive Greek community
and the social and support services that
either are available or need to be created
to deliver the standard of care and support that are increasingly needed as the
population ages and family
structure along with socio-cultural
dynamics change.
Ivy has extensive experience as a secondary school teacher in the disciplines
of History, English and Modern Greek,
particularly in the middle to senior years
and has undertaken numerous roles in
educational leadership.
She is passionate about improving the
learning outcomes of young people, extending their life experiences and providing a mentoring role in their emotional
and intellectual development.
Ivy has the utmost respect for the elderly
in the Greek community and an appreciation of the sacrifices and contributions
they have made in sustaining the Greek
traditions and maintaining the
values of family life .
While teaching, as a secondary teacher,
she was the Languages coordinator for 5
years, securing an International Teaching Fellow to assist with LOTE material
Krisanthi has been involved in various
projects of Greek curriculum writing, for
advanced and beginner programmes, for
secondary schools in years 9, 10 and VCE.
She has been an active community
member and has served on a wide range
of Boards and Committees including past
President of Australian Greek Welfare
Society, Member of the Australian Multicultural Advisory Committee, Executive
Member of the Ethnic Communities
Councils of Tasmania and Victoria and
Director of the Greek Orthodox
Community of Melbourne and Victoria
and current Senior Deputy Chair of
Board of Directors
Board, Staff and Volunteers
Hon. Secretary
Nicholas Katris
Anastasia Contos
Litsa Kypuros
George Spiliotis
Magdalena Simionis (from 08/09/09)
Ivy Fatouros-Mimilidis
Krisanthi Stamboulidis
Eugenia Grammatikakis (from 06/04/10)
Voula Messimeri-Kianidis AM
Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos
Administration Officer
Receptionist / Secretary
Coprporate Services
Maria Bellos
Betty Smyrnios (till 30/06/10)
Eleni Economou
Ramtin Paivar (till 31/12/09)
Lillian Zhang
Fundraising & Marketing
Events Coordinator
14 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
John Lioupas
Thalia Ioannidou
Mr. Savas Augoustakis
Mr. Jack Bisas
Dr. Conn Constantinou
Ms. Eugenia Grammatikakis
Ms. Eugenia Mitrakas
Mrs. Margaret Moraitis
Dr. Spiro Moraitis
Mr. George Papadopoulos
Mr. Nick Polites
Mr. Tony Toumbouros
Mr. Petros Yiallouris
Team Leader, Men’s & Family
Relationships Counsellor
Men’s Project & Community
Services Officer
Social Worker
Social Worker
Case Worker
Dementia Project Officer
Dementia Project Officer
Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos
Poppy Hearn
Antonios Maglis
Marianna Margaritis
Dimitris Bouras
Nikolaos Vrousgos (till 11/09/09)
Nina Xarhakos
Mary Kolyvas
Acting Manager
Coordinator Volunteers Program
Planned Activity Coordinator
Aged & Disability Servicer Officer
Aged & Disability Servicer Officer
Aged & Disability Servicer Officer
Aged & Disability Servicer Officer
PAG Supervisor
PAG Supervisor
PAG Supervisor
PAG Supervisor
Supported Access
Pilot Project Worker
Stavroula Mavroudis
Nikki Efremidis (Jul ‘09 - Dec ‘09)
Paraskevi Tsingas
Georgina Papanikolaou
Tanya Beavis
Dimitrios Korexenos (till 21/08/09)
Christine Paraskeva (from 17/11/09)
Stacey Papamanolis (till 28/05/10)
Chris Bellos
Chris Dimokranitis
Foula Moraitis
John Rakkas
Coordinator Respite & Brokered
Services Program
Respite & Brokered
Services Officer
Nikki Efremidis (from 01/01/10)
Niki Matziaris
Zoe Bozovitis
Fotini Zahariou
CACP Case Manager
Marianna Margaritis (from 17/11/09)
CACP Case Manager
Anastasia Economou (till 30/10/09)
Training & Education Coordinator Elizabeth Rossiter (till 31/12/09)
Judy Wolff (till 01/05/09)
Vicky Pertile
Kathy Agalidis (from 01/02/10)
Mina Castos (from 01/02/10)
Margaret Tardarello
Chrissoula Anastasiou
Ana Greco
Christos Agneskis
Magdalini Aliferis
Andreas Aloneftis
Sofia Anagnostou
Stavros Andrian
Maria Bakopoulos
Paraskevi Bakopoulos
Soula Berdenis
Afrodit Boukouris
Angela Bozovitis
Fay Christidis
Paula Christoforou
Kathy Chrysostomou
Andrea Dimitriou
Nina Xarhakos
Board, Staff & Volunteers
Board, Staff and Volunteers
Chris Dimokranitis
Maria Fenner
Joyce Frittulini
Rania Georges
Eve Hadjioannou
Nicki Hatzis
Demetra Ioannou
Irene Ioannou
Maria Karabatsos
Theodora Kairuz
Loula Karefilakis
Aleka Kargiotis
Tina Karlos
Chrissoula Katsaros
Antonia Kessaridis
Rita Kontopoulou
Helen Kourkoutzelos
Melba Korras – Osianlis
Dimitra Kurubilis
Elefteria Laoutas
Maria Lazari
Georgia Loupetis
Mothercraft Nurse &
Kindergarten Teacher
Maria Loe
Eleni Lazaropoulos
Niki Manoli
Dimitrios Mavroudis
Anna McIntosh
Effie Michalopoulos
Panorea Padela
Metaxia Papadopoulos
Katerina Pazios
Harry Peidis
Georgia Petrakis
Georgia Polydorou
Olga Psyllos
John Rakkas
Ann Rozanitis
Sophie Sarantos
Mossi Tountzis
Theo Tsalkitzakos
Paraskevi Tzimopoulos
Connie Vamvoulidis
Helen Yianni
16 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Mother Craft Nurse
Certificate III Childcare Worker
Child Care Worker
Casual Child Care Worker
Stelios Piakis
Nina Belskaya
Angela Vidinopoulos
Iris Gavrilovics
Roula Palavras
Anna Giannopoulos
Kalliope Ioannou
Alex Paktitis
Christina Nteris
Joanna Zotos
Sara Taylor
Neeru Duchana
Eve Nikols (till 03/0510)
Vicky Mesarvitis
Ellie Bougiotis
Sujata Kumar
Helen Van Der Stam
Stefan Whitehouse
Iqbal Kaur-Hayer
Sophie Lazenkas
Eleni Pirdis
Auynh Ngo
Eva Kalatheris
Sophie Agaliotis
Kyriakoula Agelinas
Andreas Aloneftis
Sofia Anagnostou
Stavros Andrian
Irene Andrianakis
Nafsika Andrianakis
Konstantina Androutsopoulos
Athanasia Antoniadis
Maria Antonopoulos
Vicky Arabatzis
Mary Arapoglou
Stavros Arapoglou
Maria Axiotis
Soula Berdenis
Sofia Bitras
Rony Bololias
Vicky Bouranis
Helen Brand
Aikaterini Choleva
Constantinos Chrisant
Soultana Chrisant
Stella Christodoulou
Ekaterini Chrysostomou
Con Constandineas
Alice Costopoulos
Vassiliki Crilis
Irene Dagianda
Angela Dalianis
Poppy Dandris
Koula Delonas
Iordana Dimos
Poppy Doufas
Eleftheria Drakopoulos
Mary Earp
Anna Economidis
Denia Eleftherakis
Toula Eleftheriou
Ana – Maria Espino
Vaso Farais
Maria Fokianos
Toula Ftaras
Anagnostis Ftaras
Ekaterini Galanakis
Angeliki Galanis
Ourania Georges
Daphne Gialamantzis
Maria Giamoukoglou
Eleni Giannopoulou
Simela Gigis
Zaharina Grapsas
Ekaterini Grigorakis
Agni Hadjipantela
Victoria Hagiefremidis
Mary Hatginicolaou
Giannoula Hatzivasiliou
Solon Illiadis
Dana Illiadis
Marlies-Dorthe Johnson
Poppy Kalinikos
Anna Kaloudis
Maria Kantianis
Dimitra Kapodistrias
Con Kapouleas
Glykeria Karaiskos
Stella Karayiorgis
Alexandra Kargiotis
Dimitra Kassioras
Vasiliki Katselas
Poppy Kefaloukou
Savvas Kessaris
Christina Kiriazis
Dionisios Kiriazis
Katina Klepkas
Helen Kofteros
Dimitris Kokkinis
George Kondou
Athanasia Kondou
Soumela Konstantinidis
Helen Kordaris
Melpo Korras - Osianlis
Amalia Kotsonis
Andreas Kotsonis
Georgina Koulis
TriandafylloS Kourtis
Voula Koutroumanis
Fotini Kouzoumis
Dimitra Kurubilis
Eleftheria Laouta
Andreas Laoutas
Eleni Lazaropoulos
Mela Limperis
Vasiliki Litinakis
Sophia Lyras
Litharo Manidis
Dimitrios Manoulakakis
Olympia Mantoulidis
Vassiliki Mastrantonaki
Antonia Matarakis
Dimitrios Mavroudis
Despina Melapsos
Vaso Mersina
Maria Michalopoulos
Vicky Miliangkos
Melia Miltiadou
Irene Mingos
Anthony Misserlis
Anna Moschidis
Spiros Moschidis
Bessy Mougos
Maria Nelis
Anna Nichola
Andreas Nicolaou
Eliana Pakouta
Dimitra Panagiotou
Dimitra Panagopoulos
George Papadimitriou
Vicky Papadimitriou
Asimina Papadopoulos
Soultana Papafotiou
Ellie Papantoniou
Anna Parellis
George Parvakis
Anna Pasakalos
Polychronia Patsouris
Stergios Patsouris
Panagiota Pavlidis
Katina Pazios
Eleni Pehlivanis
Eva Petsetas
Evangelia Pilaki
Efterpi Piplios
Nick Polites
Denise Politis
Antonis Polykarpou
Toula Prantalos
Rebecca Provataris
Arthur Provataris
Maria Psaraki
Athina Raftopoulos
Elias Rentzis
Voula Rentzis
Margaret-Rose Roobol-Hill
Agathi Savva
Maria Savva
Vicki Simoglou
Konstantina Siora
Sofia Sourlos
Anna Spyriadou
Eleni Stavrakis
Helen Stavropoulos
Vanessa Stratos
Alexandra Sycamnias
Anna Themistocleous
Andriana Theodoropoulos
Eugenia Tsegos
Ritsa Tsolaki
Roula Tsotsoros
Vicky Tzortzoglou
Irene Vettos
Chrisoula Votaris
Maria Voulanas
Sonia Vrettos
Kostantinos Xenos
Eleni Yianni
Iris Young
Panagiota Zacharias
Angela Zacharias - Pantazis
Demetres Zois
Board, Staff & Volunteers
Building Community Capacity
Developing community capacity has
been a major focus of all AGWS funded
programs. This has been attributed
primarily to the need for providing
members of our community with
greater access to services and an increased awareness of systems and their
application. It has also mobilised the
community around priority areas such
as aged care, mental health, families
and elder abuse.
Each year AGWS increases its access to
the Greek community in response to
community requests for information
and resources. The active engagement
of the Greek community through the
development of culturally relevant
activities has enabled program areas to
consult and foster open discussions on
pertinent issues impacting the Greek
community today and informing the
future work priorities for AGWS’s program areas.
Strategy targeting CPP funded
organisations and aged care service
provider to increase their capacity to
provide culturally relevant care.
The need to work collaboratively with
Greek community leaders and professionals is an integral part of our
strategy to build community capacity.
As a result, through the Community
Partners Project (CPP) two training
packages were developed. The first is
a train the trainer package for Greek
community leaders. Engaging community leaders is crucial to developing
a resilient community, one that has increased capacity to address local aged
care and health issues. The second, in
partnership with PICAC, the Effective
CALD Community Engagement
The Men’s & Family Relationship Service (MFRS) delivers programs that build
the capacity of men and their families
to address pertinent issues impacting
on wellbeing of families. Strengthening the capacity of men through the
provision of skill development and
support group activities improved the
capacity of many families to effectively
negotiate responsibilities in their family, work and community settings.
Volunteer Training - Northern Region
18 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Through its Volunteer Programs, AGWS
employs a holistic approach towards
its facilitation. Volunteering within the
organization is recognized as a third
tier responce to the needs of an ageing
Greek population. In the last twelve
months the Volunteer Program provided in excess of 6,500 hours of visitation
across the Melbourne metropolitan
area. Volunteering is further acknowledged as an activity with immense
benefits to the health and well being
of the volunteers as well as the client
group receiving the service.
Well for Life - Swimming Program
The volunteer program currently supports 200 volunteers who are actively
involved in ongoing structured training and development programs to
facilitate the execution of volunteer
functions. Training however has acted
as a vehicle for personal growth, confidence building and an exploration of
other strengths, interests and vocational opportunities for all volunteers.
Non-accredited and accredited training
such as literacy and language tuition
have provided pathways for further vocational training and specialist training
at a Certificate II or III level.
AGWS is currently in its fourth year of
vocational training for its Community
ing a culturally sensitive and responsive service.
The demand for trained workers is
increasing and we train on average 10
new staff per year to meet the demand for community care. There has a
significant growth to the pool of staff
from 20 in 2006 to a current staff level
of 60 active community care workers.
Well for Life - Cooking Activity
Care Workers (CCW). To date 60 staff
members have completed this traineeship with an additional 8 currently
completing their Certificate III in Home
&Community Care. The majority of
Community Care workforce is over
the age of 50, has Greek as their first
language, and has come to us from
different employment sectors such
as hospitality, construction and the
private business sector.
The Community Care Workers undergo
9 months of study and workplace training to become skilled in working with
clients who have complex and multiple
care needs. The workers develop skills
in manual handling, personal care,
monitoring and reporting and provid-
In the area Children’s Services, Alpha
Child Care Centre(ACC) support children to develop their sense of community through the incorporation of community language and other programs.
More than 50% of the ACC families, are
from a non-English background, with
the majority being of Greek origin. The
Greek language program meets the
cultural and linguistic needs of this
group through the delivery of activities
ranging from singing songs and conversing in Greek all of which is facilitated by Greek speaking members staff
that are present in all of the children’s
rooms. It suffices to say that this program also benefits non-Greek speaking
children who are given the opportunity
of being exposed to another language
and culture. The importance and
benefits of bilingualism have been well
documented in recent years.
Alpha Children’s Centre also acknowledges the invaluable assistance of the
Greek Government and in particular
the Consulate’s Education Office for the
out posting of the Greek Kindergarten
Teacher wich offers extensive language
and cultural programs. All the Kindergarten children benefit enormously
by this linguistic and cultural injection,
which consolidates their learning of
previous years and ensures that they
grow up being proud of their heritage.
Of equal importance, is the multicultural program complements the
language program, and also recognizes
that Australia is a society comprising of
many ethnicities, and their language
and culture is valued. Throughout the
year children learned about various
cultures by celebrating important anniversaries. Activities revolved around
Diwali (Indian), Moon Festival (Vietnamese/Korean), Chinese New Year,
and also Greek National Day celebrations. Australia’s indigenous culture
had a prominent place, with week-long
activities during NAIDOC week. Local
aboriginal workers came and played
the didgeridoo, danced with the children, told dreamtime stories and did
dot face painting. We strongly believe
that Australia’s social fabric and harmonious living of the ethnic communities
can only be enhanced by our multicultural program.
Oakleigh Greek Cardiac Program
Building Community Capacity
Responding to Community Need
Through its vast experience of the
Greek community and well developed
strategies for access and service delivery AGWS has great capacity in addressing the needs of the community.
The responses developed range from
one to one contact with individuals to
group and community approaches??
Casework and counselling services are
a core function of AGWS responding
to the immediate needs of individuals
and families. The clients who access
these services seek assistance in areas
such as aged care, health and mental
health, financial assistance, domestic violence, family relationships and
parenting, substance abuse, accommodation amongst other. Language
and cultural barriers continue to exist
making access to services an ongoing challenge for many clients. In the
last financial year casework services
recorded 2199 client contacts and the
men’s counselling program recorded
329 new client contacts.
Increasingly, this work has involved
working in partnership with other
organisations within the health and
aged care sectors, to support access
to services and improve the quality of
life of clients. Providing information
on the service systems and the role of
various organisations has become an
integral part of the work in supporting
clients to address presenting issues.
Grand Parenting Seminar Oakleigh
20 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Fifteen percent of the direct services
are related to matters of the law, more
specifically family related issues including domestic violence. The Greek Legal
Information & Referral Service, now in
its twelfth year of operation, responds
to the initial needs of clients through
information provision and identification of options. Referrals to Greek
speaking solicitors and other community legal services are made where
follow up is required. The service is
provided by bilingual volunteer Greek
speaking solicitors and the demand for
this service steadily increases with an
average of 65 new clients accessing the
service yearly.
As the Greek community rapidly ages,
the needs of carers and the many carer
issues they are experiencing have
increased. Casework & counselling
services provide immediate responses
to crisis situations for carers and works
closely with carers to access appropriate respite and care services to address their needs. Dementia is causing
significant anxiety and stress for many
carers as they experience changes in
their loved one and their role as a care
Speakers from victim of crime support
giver. The introduction of the Carer
Counselling Program at AGWS in partnership with Carers Victoria will further
support the person-centered care
provided to carers and clients.
On a broader scale the need for information, resources and education by
the Greek community has greatly increased. Community education forms
Grand Parenting Seminar
Oakleigh Speakers
Oakleigh Greek Cardiac Program
a major part of the work undertaken
to respond to the changing needs of
the community. Through the AGWS
Community Partners Program (CPP)
there were 35 community education
activities organised reaching 5183 people across metropolitan Melbourne.
Furthermore, the MFRS accessed 1000
people through its education and skill
Alpha Children’s Centre
development programs offered in
the northern and southern regions of
Melbourne. The information and referral service received 359 enquiries from
the elderly, carers and families regarding aged care, residential services and
HACC. There was a noticeable increase
in request for information on health
In the last financial year, AGWS
continued to provide person-centered,
holistic support to older persons,
younger persons with a disability and
their carers with the aim of maintaining their independence. With ongoing programmatic funding provided
through the Department of Health and
Ageing and Department of Health,
respectively, AGWS has achieved and
exceeded its deliverables in responding to the needs of the Greek community. The ongoing constraints in funding through both levels of government
for direct service provision however,
has compromised our ability to meet
the growing demand for social support services. As a result, AGWS has
managed extensive waiting lists for its
centre based social support programs
as well as for the in-home and
facility-based friendly visiting service.
The social support services have continued to address the social, physical
and emotional needs of its service
users through coordinated, structured,
centre-based activities, voluntary visitations within the home and the provision of support and companionship to
individuals residing within aged care
facilities. Through these intrinsic services, AGWS has provided in excess of
67,000 hours of service to 320 individuals, their carers and families weekly,
through independence-promoting
services underpinned by the principles
of healthy and active living and
positive ageing.
Preston Planned Activity Group Younger people with disabilities
The Supported Access Pilot Project
funded by the Department of Health
has been instrumental in addressing community need by providing
intensive assistance to HACC eligible
individuals residing within the North
and Western metropolitan regions of
Melbourne. This project has addressed
the multi-faceted and often complex
Well for Life and Emotional Wellbeing Program
Physiotherapy Seminar Clayton
Responding to Community Need
Responding to Community Need
needs of older persons by undertaking a service coordination function
whilst linking individuals with generic
aged, disability, allied health and other
related services.
AGWS’s Co-ordinated Care programs
are currently operating at full capacity
in all the metropolitan regions of
Melbourne. The waiting lists for these
programs are also full in all areas,
including the in-home & recreational
respite programs and the CACP program currently operating in the East.
Packaged Care includes case management and care planning by Greek
speaking case managers, culturally
appropriate home cooked meals, assistance with home care, shopping
and escorts to medical and other
allied health appointments. Clients
accessing AGWS services also have
the benefit of receiving culturally and
linguistically responsive care by trained
To assist those clients who are on the
waiting list, AGWS actively refers these
carers to carer services to obtain additional funding. This assists AGWS to
provide short term assistance whilst
the carer and client are waiting for
longer term assistance through our
funded programs.
In addition, the Brokered Services
Program currently provides up to 1400
hours per month to over 26 Service
Providers across the Melbourne metro-
AGWS Volunteer Xmas function
22 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
AGWS Volunteer excursion to Williams Rickets Sanctuary
politan region. AGWS provides trained
bi-lingual community care workers to
Services Providers such a carer services,
local councils, respite service providers
and case management service providers of CACP, EACH & EACHD packages.
In response to the needs of families
and their children who have limited
opportunities to see and interact with
Australia’s flora and fauna and the
processes of the natural environment,
the Alpha Children’s Centre has
developed programs that provide such
opportunities. A mobile animal farm
visited the Centre, bringing children in
contact with chickens, goats, rabbits
and sheep. In addition, the processes
of nature and the seasons were highlighted through the chicken hatching
program, where children were able to
see six fluffy yellow chicks hatching
from their egg.
In regards to Australian animals, the
Wildlife program allowed children to
touch blue tongue lizards and even a
snake (non-venomous).
tanks (so do our toilets). The latest addition is the installation of water-saving
taps for children’s use, which complement the other components of the
Acknowledging that many urban
families have pets, the Centre offers a
Responsible Pet Ownership program.
A trained officer brought her wellmannered dog and the Kindergarten
children were offered the opportunity
to learn how to care, but also how to
interact with dogs in a safe way.
In addition, the Vic Roads traffic safety
program ensures that the children are
familiar with the dangers around our
busy streets. They learn how to behave
inside a car, and to be alert when crossing a road, a must-have skill, especially
for those children going to school next
Well for life & Emotional Wellbeing - Balwyn PAG
Environmental awareness enjoys a big
part at our Centre. It is driven by community expectations, and our will to
respond, by offering relevant programs
and activities. The children are thus
taught the benefits of recycling and
waste minimization. Our garden crop is
planted and cared for by the children,
and watered through our rainwater
Alpha Children’s Centre
Responding to Community Need
Quality Services
Quality in service is important in developing high quality programs and improving customer satisfaction. The use
of quality practices has enabled AGWS
to understand and improve operational
processes, identify reliable service performance measures, respond to issues
in a quick and systemic manner and
regularly measure client satisfaction
and other performance outcomes.
As part of AGWS’s continuous improvement processes all program
areas undergo yearly program reviews
incorporating program planning days
and the development of yearly work
plans incorporating strategic priorities of the AGWS. Funded programs
continue to meet the Department of
Preston PAG
Younger People with Disabilities
Health & Ageing (DoHA) and Family
and Housing, Community Services and
Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) funding
body outcomes at the highest level
and program audits ensure that AGWS
is service and industry compliant.
All program resources and materials
are of quality standard with upmost
consideration of the culturally and
linguistic relevance of information developed. All activities facilitated within
the community are formally evaluated
informing service development and
community priorities. Staff participates
in internal and external training activities to continue professional development, encourage networking within
the sector and to encourage contribution towards the development of improved processes and service direction.
As part of its quality improvement
processes, AGWS has commenced a
process of integrating the Department
of Health’s Active Service Model in the
various levels of its operations. This
involved a number of formal and informal discussions with staff at management, coordination and direct service
24 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Well for Life exercise program - Balwyn PAG
delivery levels. Formal consultation
with staff formed the basis for a selfassessment process which highlighted
areas of strength in adopting the new
model and identified areas requiring
further improvement. External training
on the principles of an ‘active’ approach
in service provision was delivered to all
coordination, assessment, community
care staff and volunteers. This work will
continue to be embedded within the
AGWS’s operations and will be adopted
as a new philosophy in the care and
support of its Greek clients.
In July 2009 our Commonwealth
funded programs underwent a Quality
Reporting Audit. Programs included in
the audit was the Community Visitors
Scheme (CVS), the Community Aged
Care Packages program (CACP) and the
National Respite for Carers Program
(NRCP). The programs were audited
to ensure that we were compliant with
the Commonwealth Community Care
Standards. We are pleased to announce that AGWS was compliant in
areas, providing quality services to 620
clients per year across the Melbourne
metropolitan area.
The CVS program provides volunteer
support to over 77 residents in aged
care facilities and the Commonwealth
Respite program provides centre based
and in-home respite to over 70 carers.
The CACP program provides case management support to 15 clients residing
in the Eastern regions of Melbourne.
Quality Improvement and Accreditation System is also an integral part of
Alpha Children’s Centre’s (ACC) efforts
to maintain high standards of quality
care. Part of the process is the review
and evaluation of all policies and procedures, in partnership with families
and specialist agencies. The process
involves a revision
and the submission of a self-study
report followed by an external validator visiting the Centre. The last stage is
the moderation findings, which informs the final Accreditation decision.
We are confident that the Centre will
maintain its high quality ratings, which
is reflected in the daily programs and
Our Staff are the important link between quality policies and procedures
and the care offered to children.
Currently the Centre benefits from
long-serving staff, who have a wealth
of experience and offer stability and
continuity of care to children and their
families. Our Centre supports continuous improvement processes and
supports staff to undertake studies to
gain further qualifications in Diploma
in Children’s Services. The up skill of
staff qualifications is valuable and is
fully supported by our Centre, as is the
keeping up with new developments in
early childhood.
Children are offered breakfast, lunch
and afternoon tea, with all meals
cooked on the premises. Offering
nutritious, hearty meals to children
is paramount. In maintaining and
improving best practice in nutrition
and food service, ACC participated in
the Start Right Eat Right (SRER) Award
Program. It involved thorough revision
of the menu and the nutrition policy.
ACC was successful in achieving the
required standard, and received the
Start Right Eat Right award.
Support for children with additional
needs included their successful integration and participation to all aspects
of the program. This was made possible
through consultations with the family, involvement of specialist agencies
and professionals and careful planning,
tailored to their specific needs. Applications to the Inclusion support agency
were made for additional workers, to
support staff in rooms to cater for their
Starting school is a big step for every
child. The introduction by the Victorian
Good nutrition is an integral part of
delivering quality care at ACC.
Government of the Transition Learning
and Development Statements summarizes a child’s strengths and interests,
and how they can be supported at
school. The ACC’s Kindergarten Teacher
participates in the “Transition; a positive start to school” initiative, which
requires Kindergartens to provide
transition statements for all children
entering school.
Participation to this initiative, as well
as to the Victorian Early Years Learning
and Development Framework, ensures
adequate preparation of children for
school and lifelong learning.
Community Care Worker Training
Quality Services
Encouraging Independence
AGWS’s work within the service areas
has increasingly adopted an enabling
and empowering approach, promoting independence within the Greek
community. Clients and community
are encouraged to participate in community activities to increase awareness
on health and wellbeing issues and
maintain community connectedness.
The Active Service Model (ASM) denotes a new way of thinking that
is premised on the Department of
Health’s’ priority to encourage and
maintain independence in the HACC
target group. This new philosophy
in service delivery maintains that a
person’s ability to live as independently as possible is dependent upon
the degree of restorative care, capacity
building and social inclusion that is
made available to individuals receiving
community based support services.
Fundamentally, the model proposes
a ‘doing with the client’ instead of a
‘doing for the client’ approach, placing
as such the individual at the centre of
care, goal-setting and active participation during the delivery of the service.
The ASM reflects the organization’s
mission in supporting individuals to
meet their full potential. In moving
forward towards the integration of the
Greek Cardiac program Evaluation Session in Oakleigh
26 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
HACC ASM, the HACC funded programs
undertook a number of self-assessment and review processes which
resulted in the implementation of a
number of innovative service delivery
Over the last six months staff consultation, training needs analyses and
training delivery has accelerated at
all operational levels to ensure adoption of the new model by all program
areas. A review of policies and procedures including assessment tools, care
plans and monitoring tools is currently
underway to incorporate elements
of this new ‘active approach’ to care.
Employee position descriptions and
work plans have all been amended to
include performance measures and
outcome-based goals. Legal and occupational health and safety requirements are being reviewed to minimize
the associated risks and budget planning for increased resource dedication
has occurred for the following financial
Planning for future PAG, Respite and
Volunteer-related services has seen the
development of new activities and employee/volunteer tasks which focus on
increased physical activity, independence promoting functions and mutual participation between client and
worker in the delivery of the service.
Ongoing work in this area over the new
financial year will involve the development of a communication strategy and
consultation processes with service
users, their families and primary carers
around the active service model and
the implications for future service planning.
The Well for Life project funded by the
Eastern metropolitan region Department of Health focused on addressing
the emotional well being of participants attending AGWS’s PAG centre in
the East. The project combined physical activity, nutritional education and
health information to highlight the
importance of these in maintaining
positive emotional well being.
The project’s success facilitated the
redevelopment of the PAG activities
program which has included an enhancement to activities that encourage
independence and active living. The
model has been replicated across the
organization’s other PAG centers operating in other metropolitan regions.
AGWS operates two Greek Cardiac Programs, Brunswick and Oakleigh, (partnership) which contribute significantly
to the wellbeing of Greek people who
have experienced a heart condition.
Cardiac rehabilitation improves the
quality of life of individuals and well as
restoring their independence through
regaining their abilities and help individuals to return to normal activities
within their home and community.
leigh Rehabilitation Service, Uniting
Aged Care, and Royal Melbourne Hospital has contributed to success of the
programs and the physical, emotional
and mental recovery of participants.
AGWS underwent the Australian Qualification & Training Framework (AQTF)
quality training audit to maintain its
Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
status and has been re registered as a
RTO till 2015. Through this work AGWS
has identified the need to provide
innovative community education
programs that will support community
members to develop knowledge and
skills to access information about services in the community.
An example of this was the identified
need of computer literacy for older
members of our community who are
over the age of 65. Basic computer
literacy and access to the internet were
some of the initial needs that were
identified for this group. As a result,
AGWS will be introducing computer
classes in 2011 that will be targeting
this group.
AGWS English Classes
Furthermore, the project involved the
development of partnerships with allied professionals and recreational providers within the City of Boorondara. At
its conclusion, the project marked an
increase in the level of understanding
and recognition of one’s self worth was
The program involves weekly education seminars and low to moderate
level exercise program delivered in a
culturally relevant setting. In the last
year 75 Greek men and women participated in the cardiac programs with
some participants continuing on to
maintenance programs. The work with
partner organizations such as the Oak-
Well for Life Cooking Activity
Encouraging Independence
Community Engagement and Partnerships
AGWS engages the Greek community
to identify, understand and develop
strategies to address and respond to
the identified and emerging needs. It
is also a constructive means for including the views of the Greek community
in the planning and decision making
Community engagement at a local
level has focused on health education, aged care service orientation and
encouraging participation in social and
recreational activities. The utilization
of guest speakers, the organization of
group activities focusing on swimming,
walking and dancing are examples of
comprehensive activities within regional Planned Activity Groups (PAGs).
Furthermore, group activities that focused on physical activity, highlighted
the positive effects of recreation on
physical and emotional health and
well being of individuals. In addition,
the opportunities provided through
planned activities underpinned by
cultural and linguistic appropriateness,
have been effective in maintaining client engagement and increasing their
participation in the wider community.
A number of initiatives were undertaken by the CPP project access the
AGWS Brokered Services Case Manager Breakfast
28 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Greek community and inform them on
health, family and aged care issues and
to seek their views on the relevance
of services and resources and identify
needs. The organization of 2 carers’
workshops involving 40 elderly carers
highlighted further the social isolation,
lack of knowledge of aged care entry
and the health needs of this group.
AGWS, as a project partner of the
Australian Greek Community Centre for
Diabetes Victoria University, facilitated
2 focus groups on the issue of diabetes
receiving valuable information from 23
participants on their knowledge base
in the management of the disease.
AGWS was funded by the National
Prescribing Services to organize and
deliver 2 seminars focusing on the safe
use of medicines. The seminars had
more than 400 participants attend on
the day who received Greek language
resources and more importantly highlighted the many issues and misconceptions held by people when using
prescribed medicines. This expertise
gained by AGWS is utilized across relevant program areas to inform partici-
pants of the pertinent issues relating to
medication management and health.
One of the main issues identified within the MFRS was grand -parenting and
in particular access to grand children
after divorce of the parents. A forum,
73 participants, was organized involving the Chadstone Family Relationship
Centre, Broadmeadows Family Life, Anglicare Victoria Parentzone and solicitor
to inform grandparents of their rights.
At this forum it was an opportunity for
participants to raise concerns relating
to matters of law, access to family and
understanding systems that support
the rights of children. The forum also
provided insight into the concerns
for access to grand children and the
difficult family relationships impacting
on access issues. In response to the
identified issues AGWS organized 14
grand parenting and family law information sessions across metropolitan
Melbourne reaching approximately
1112 people.
AGWS has actively engaged service
providers and professionals in address-
ing culturally appropriate care for the
Greek community. AGWS, through the
CPP project, facilitated 7 cultural briefings to aged care and health professionals in residential facilities, hospitals
and community services across metropolitan Melbourne. A total of 256 professionals participated in the sessions
increasing their knowledge and skills
in working with Greek clients accessing
their services.
Community engagement through
the Alpha Children’s Centre (ACC)
was achieved through activities that
invite participation and interactions,
from the community. An example of
the activities that were organized can
be highlighted by the Mother’s and
Father’s day breakfasts which offered
the opportunity to parents to come
and have an enjoyable time with their
children, but also interact with other
parents at ACC.
In addition, the extended family unit
has been identified as a vital part in
the care of our children. For example,
Grandparents play an important role in
families and one of the roles undertaken by grandparents is in the dropping
off or picking up of their grandchildren.
To acknowledge their contribution, we
introduced a Grandparent’s Breakfast.
Children have the opportunity to have
breakfast with Yiayia and Pappou, and
then play and interact with them, in
pre-arranged activities.
The engagement of the community
was also incorporated into the ACC’s
regular fire drill’s and other emergency
procedures by inviting the local fire
brigade to observe and assess our
procedures. This in turn had the added
benefit of educating both parents and
children as well as staff about the importance of being fire ready and have
an effective evacuation procedure.
ACC also participates in the local Council’s Municipal Early Years planning
committee. Strategies and initiatives
undertaken are discussed and evaluated, whilst feedback is given from a
community point of view.
Volunteer Community Outing
Community Engagement and Partnerships
AGWS has a vision for its future and the
role that it has in meeting the needs of
a rapidly ageing population. In fulfilling this vision, AGWS understands the
importance of providing philanthropic
opportunities to the broader community through its fundraising programs.
AGWS believes that the virtue of philanthropy is one that lies within each
and every one of us.
With the decline in funding opportunities over the last 10 years, AGWS has
experienced some constraints in the
development and delivery around new
programs due to access to appropriate facilities and access to appropriate
funding to create the spaces required
to meet the ageing needs of the Greek
AGWS “Apokries” Tavern Night
community and particularly the ageing
Furthermore, the development of purpose built facilities from which these
programs can be delivered has also
been difficult due to the lack of appropriate funding.
As a result AGWS has had rely heavilly
on the generosity of the Australian
Greek community who over many
years have donated to AGWS’s fundraising activities such as the annual
Radiothon, raffles, functions and donations in general.
This years Radiothon, was an exceptional effort by our community, who
helped us raise more than $75,000
This generosity, over many years has
enabled AGWS to undertake projects
such as the renovation of our Brunswick premises in order to provide a
purpose built Planned Activity Group
facility, community activities and direct
services that meets the needs of our
ageing community.
30 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
The development of purpose built facilities was identified as one of AGWS’s
key strategies for the future. More specifically, the establishment of a purpose
built “Community Centres”.
In meeting this strategic objective,
AGWS has developed fundraising and
marketing strategies that will assist in
raising the necessary funds required in
the future so that it can deliver this objective as well as develop and deliver
new programs and services.
Our community is well known for its
generosity and over time it has demonstrated a capacity to assist many
community organisations
in raising funds to complete a wide
ranging number of worthwhile
Finally, the needs of our community
are changing and as our population is
ageing rapidly, their is a growing need
for services and programs that will assist families in keeping their loved ones
at home longer and ensure that they
maintain an acceptable quality of life.
AGWS Easter Raffle Appeal
Nicholas Katris & Litsa Kypuros
(Hon. Secretary)
AGWS Antipodes Festival Stall
Sofia Anagnostou - Afternoon Tea
Fundraising Event
2010 AGWS Charity Drive
Ms. Chrissy Angelodimou (P
i Developments
Pty. Ltd.)
Mr. Con & Mrs. Kia Antoniadis
Mr. Frank & Mrs Angela Brodie
Mr. Chris Cambel (Cambel Sharpe Accountants)
Mr. Steven Carson - Barrister
Ms. Dimitra Donoudis (City Fashions (Vic.) Pty. Ltd)
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Helen Demitris
Mr. Chris Dolkas (RND Lawyers)
Mr. Rob Dyer - Barrister
Mr. Andrew Ellis & Mr. Jim Palmos (Ellis Palmos Lawyers)
Mr. Bob Galbally (Galbally Rolfe Lawyers)
Mr.Arthur Georgopoulos (Arthur G. Designs Pty. Ltd.)
Mr. Nick Giasoumi (GPZ Lawyers)
Mr. Dennis Gibson - Barrister
Mr. Ross Gillies QC
Mr. Malcom Gray - Barrister
Ms. Georgina Grigoriou - Barrister
Ms. Maryanne Hatzis
Mr. Paul Henderson (Slater & Gordon Lawyers)
Mr. Andrew Ingram - Barrister
Ms. Varvara Ioannou (Food for Thought Women’s Network)
Mr. Phillip Jewell SC
Mr. John Jordan SC
Mr. John Hrysikos, Mr. Shane Bellos
& Mr. George Moragiannis (Keeping It Green Pty. Ltd)
Mr. Andrew Keogh SC
Ms. Bree Knoester - Barrister
Ms. Terri Konstantinou - Barrister
Mr. Paul Kouris - Barrister
Mr. Kon & Mrs Sylvia Kourkouvelis
Dr. Louis & Mrs. Andrea Loizou
Mr. Richard Mc Garvie QC
Mrs Mary Mantzis (Sleepeezee Bedding Australia Pty.Ltd.)
Mr. Ron Meldrum QC
Mr. James Mighell SC
Mr. Jeff Moore QC
Ms. Virginia Nakas
Mr. Paul O’ Dwyer SC
Mr. Max Ouzas (Max Ouzas Prestige)
Mr. Lindsay Paine Barrister
Mr. Andrew Panna SC
Ms. Helen Papagelou (Villa Romana Restaurant)
Mr. Nicholas Papas SC
Ms Eirenie Paraskeva
Dr. Miranda Paraskeva
Mr. Paul Paraskeva (Paul Paraskeva & Co. - Lawyers)
Mr. Gino Pierorazio - Barrister
Ms. Maria Pilipasidis - Barrister
Mr. David Purcell - Barrister
Mr. Peter Rattray QC
Mr. John Richards SC
Mr. John Riordam - Barrister
Mr. Jack Rush QC
Mr. James Samaragis - Barrister
Mr. Paul Scanlon QC
Mr. Tim Tobin SC
Ms. Patsy Toop (Clark Toop & Taylor Lawyers)
Ms. Maria Tsikaris Barrister
Mr. Bill Velos (Velos Lawyers)
Mrs. Olga Vlachos (Christopher Ari)
Mr. Nick Venizelakos (Venizelakos Lawyers)
Ms. Kathy Wilson (Melbourne Injury Lawyers)
Mr. Michael Wilson SC
Mr. James Yianoulatos (James Harris Lawyers)
Mr. Paschalis & Mrs Lia Zaparas (Zaparas Lawyers)
Anthoula Paraskeva & Voula Messimeri-Kianidis
presention of cheque for 2010 Charity Drive
AGWS Radiothon 2010
A. Chrisohoidis
A. Marakis
Adamantia Lantzakis
Afroditi Markos
Agathi Savas
Aggeliki Tsiligiris
Alekos Andriotis
Alekos Hatziefstathiou
Alex & Fotini Zahariou
Alex Brothers Jewellers
Alexandra Andriopoulos
Alexandros Haitas
Alexia Kassionis
Amaze N’ Games
Anastasia & Christos Koulis
Anastasia Alexandropoulos
Anastasia Barbaniaris
Anastasia Floria
Anastasia Giannaki
Anastasia Giannarou
Anastasia Makridou
Anastasia Samara
Anastasia Zafiropoulos
Anastasios & Ekaterini Grigorakis
Anastasios & Theodora
Anastasios Arapakis
Anastasios Gionis
Anastasios Kosmidis
Andonia Kokkinos
Andreas Diamantis
Andreas & Asimina Alexandratos
Andreas Cozis
Andreas Hatziyiannis
Andreas Tsioyas
Andreas Venizelakos
Andriana Vihas
Androula Dimitriou
Androula Michael
Anemones dance Group
Angela - Oakleigh Fresh
Angela Arkoudis
Angela Charalambous
Angela Chrisos
Angela Giakas
Angela Kalaitzopoulos
Angela Kalpakidis
Angeliki Gervalla
Angeliki Kaimenopoulos
Angelo & Helen Kafritsas
Angelo Matsas
Angelos Porfiris
Ann Rozanitis
Anna & Theo Demitriou
Anna Agelopoulos
Anna Anonymous
Anna Giannakakos
Anna Gripiotis
Anna Ioannou
Anna Kadas
Anna Kaloudis
Anna Krokos
Anna Margaris
Anna Maria Espino
Anna Mc Mennemin
Anna Meimarakis
Anna Mihelakos
Anna Moschidis
Anna Moumtzogou
Anna Papadopoulos
Anna Pasakalos
Antigoni Chouliaras
Antonios Voutas
Antonis Polykarpou
Apostolos & Fotini Koukoulis
Apostolos Daglas
Areti Folos
Areti Kalokathis
Argyro Sideridis
Argyro Taxakis
Arianthi Kehagia
32 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Aristea Hatzidimas
Aristi Dilinis
Aristotelis Alamidis
Arsenia Tsohas
Arsenis & Dona Zervilis
Artemis Zamanis
Arthur Evriniadis
Arthur Perdios
Arthur Tsouhantaris
Aspasia Markopoulos
Aspasia Servini
Athanasia Dimopoulos
Athanasia Kondou
Athanasios Damaskopoulos
Athena Malamas
Athena Skapetis
Athena Zoumakis
Australian Greek Ex-Servicemen
Elderly Citizens Club of
Australian Greek
Ex-Servicemen’s Association
Avgi Evripidou
B. Smith
Barry Plant
Basile Ginis
BIBELO in Oakleigh
Bill Kokkinos
Brighton Greek Seniors Club
Broadmeadows Greek Women’s
Club Inc.
Buffalo Glass
C & S Katsoulis
C. Koulis
Charalambos & Voula
Chez Maria
Chris Dimokranitis
Chrisanthi Kyriakidis
Chrisanthi Rossis
Chrisoula Kolligas
Chrisovalanti Andrianopoulos
Christina Antonopoulos
Christina Ganitis
Christina Patriki
Christina Rererakis
Christine Pimpilidis
Christoforos & Maro Tavrou
Christos Bastas
Christos Dimogerontas - Piazza
Cafe Gelato
Christos Kazakis
Christos Kyriakoy
Christos Moutidis
Christos Niolakis
Christos Rekalis
Christos Serafim
Chrysoula & Anastasis
Chrysoula Katiforis
Chrysoula Poufti
Chryssoula Sarkissian
Chrystalla Lambrou
Commitee for Common
Celebration of Greek
Australian National Days
Con Kapouleas
Con Likidis
Con Louca
Con Natsis
Con Outsikas
Con Saristavros
Con Tangalakis
Constantinos Lymberis
Costas & Efrosini Hatzistavrou
Costas Alexandrou
Crystal Poultry
Cypriot Community of
Melbourne & Victoria
Elderly Group
Demetris Moutzouris
Denia Eleftherakis
Denise Politis
Dennis Kostopoulos
Dennis Papadatos
Dennis Tsouhantaris
Desma & Con Kyrou
Despina Anastasiadis
Despina Karaoutsadis
Despina Lykopoulos
Despina Moisidou
Despina Papageorgiou
Despina Sergakis
Diamantis Diamantopoulos
Dikea Tsingoidis
Dimitra Alateras
Dimitra Apostolopoulos
Dimitra Aristidopoulou
Dimitra Kassioras
Dimitra Likisiotis
Dimitra Moraitis
Dimitrios Karamanidis
Dimitrios & Irene Theofanous
Dimitrios Amiridis
Dimitrios Dimakos
Dimitrios Fountas
Dimitrios Kagarakis
Dimitrios Karidis
Dimitrios Kerios
Dimitrios Manolakakis
Dimitrios Mavroudis
Dimitrios Mavroudis
Dimitrios Mittas
Dimitrios Moschos
Dimitrios Panoutzos
Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Dimitris & Despina Pashalis
Dimitris Amiridis
Dimitris Costa
Dimitris Froutzis
Dimitris Koutoulas
Dimitris Tsambasidis
Dimitris Tsolakis
Dimosthenis Papantoniou
Dina Karadimos
Dina Mitropoulos
Dina Sartinas
DINOS Family Restaurant
Dionysia Mannis
Doquile Perret MeadeGroup
Dora Papaioannou
Dora Poulakis
E. & T. Zianas
Effie Diniotis
Effie Mihalas
Effie Mihalopoulos
Efstathia Athanasopoulos
Efstathia Paizis
Efstathios Stamos
Efthimios Tsialtas
Ekaterina Zahariou
Ekaterina Zahariou
Ekaterini Balloukas
Ekaterini Tsoupis
Eleftheria Koulmandas
Eleftheria Markopoulou
Eleftheria Syrgianou
Eleftherios Panagis
Eleftherios Papadogiannis
Elena Tsotsou
Eleni & Kostas Kalamboukas
Eleni & Nikolaos Kioussis
Eleni Evripidou
Eleni Hatzineofytou
Eleni Kamateros
Eleni Lidis
Eleni Loukas
Eleni Nathanael
Eleni Sarrinikolaou
Eleni Zigouris
Elias & Hrisafia Capouleas
Elizabeth Gikas
Elizabeth Soulemezis
Elli Kiamiloglou
Elli Moisis
Ellinis Greek Taverna
Elpida Sotiriou
Elpida Telli
Elpida Tellis
Emmanuel Kotis
Emmanuel Zairis
Ermioni Zanios
Eugenia Athanasakos
Eugenia Seitanidis
Eugenia Theoharakos
Euro Bites Souvlaki
Europa Meats
Eva Petsetas
Evagelia Atzemakis
Evagelia Katris
Evalasting Iron Works
Evangelia Koulakis
Evangelia Pikos
Evangelia Theodoropoulos
Evangelia Vakalis
Evangelini & Gavin Myers
Evangelos Giangoulidis
Evangelos Katsaros
Evangelos Markou
Evangelos Petroulis
Evanthia Mantzoros
Evanthia Papanagiotou
Evdoxia & Fotis Apokis
Evgenia Plakidis
Evlabia Gregoriadis
Family Kindilas
Family Kormidis
Family Laspas
Fedra Andoniou
Fillanti Rakas
Fillipas Katsigiannis
Flora Vafiadis
Floros Toskidis
Fotini & Stavros Raftopoulos
AGWS Radiothon 2010
Fotini Stylos
Fotis Bizos
Fotis Makris
Foula Moraitis
G. & Anna Economidis
G. & F. Panas
G. & V. Yiannakopoulos
G. Pepes
Galbally Rolfe Barristers &
Solicitors - Brian Rolfe
Genovefa Friderikou
Geoergios Zamborgis
George Sakellaris
George & Chrysoula Psomas
George & Dina Sartinas
George & Evangelia Zissis
George & Helen Papoulis
George & Koula Myrianths
George & Melia Miltiadou
Addamo Fresh
George & Peter
George & Sofia Alexiou
George & Tasoula Kapotis
George Athanasiadis
George Catsourakis
George Galanis
George Halikias
George Hronopoulos
George Kakoulis
George Karagiorgos
George Katsampes
George Katsaros
George Katsourakis
George Kokkinos
George Koufogiannis
George Kouitoros
George Koulouris
George Kyriazis
George Lekakis
George Moraitis
George Natsis
George Noulas
George Parvakis
George Patriki
George Roniotis
George Sarrandis
George Soultanakis
George Tsatas
Georgia & Nikos
Georgia & Yiannis Lekkas
Georgia Cominos
Georgia Kerasiotis
Georgia Koromillas
Georgia Kouloubos
Georgia Mentes
Georgina Petrakis
Georgina Stefanos
Georgios Bitaxis
Gerry Morakis
Greek Australian Recreational
& Instructive League of Vic.
Greek Citizens Club Kensington
Greek Cypriot Elderly
Comminuty of Glen Eira
Greek Elderly & Pensioners
Association of Brunswick
Greek Elderly Citizens Club of
Greek Elderly Club of
Port Melbourne
Greek Orthodox Community
Box Hill & Districts
(Ladies Auxiliary)
Greek Orthodox Community
of Melbourne & Victoria
Greek Orthodox Community
of Whittlesea
Greek Senior Citizen Club
of North Balwyn & Districts
Greek Senior Citizen Club
Greek Senior Citizens Group
of St. Kilda
Greek Senior Club
of Airport West
Greek Women Traditional
Greg Kaias
Grigorios Theodoroulou
Groutos Kymakou Gouletsas
Harry Georgakas
Harry Zorbas
Helen Braid
Helen Karayiannis
Helen Kordaris
Helen Lucas
Helen Mihalakis
Helen Sakellaridis
Helen Sarimichaelidis
Helen Toklis
Helen Zairis
Hellenic Stegi Seniors Citizens
Club of Darebin and members
Hellenic Writers Association
Hera Ladies Club
Highett Greek Senior
Citizens Club
Hrisoula Tsourtsakis
I. Karas
Iliana Pakouta
Ilias Salamanis
Ilias Stefanopoulos
Imvrians Society of Melbourne
Ioanna Anastasopoulos
Ioanna Batsoukas
Ioanna Kontos
Ioanna Ktistaki
Ioanna Makriyiannis
Ioannis & Ekaterini Ganis
Ioannis Proestakis
Iosif Mytilinios
Irene & Emmanuel Papadakis
Irene Karakousis
Irene Lobo
Ismini Exintaris
Jack Androulikakis
James Theodoridis
Jenny Arapis
Jenny Athanasakos
Jenny Mikakos MP
Jim Grapsas
Jim Grigas
Joanna Hatzirodos
Joanna Liakakos
Joanne Stavrou
John & Nikki Lioupas
John & Soula Fountoulis
John Aitsinis - Yiannis Tavern
John Apostolou
John Dernikos
John Kargiotis
John Katsanias
John Pandazopoulos
John Rerakis - Philhellene
Provincial Greek Cuisine
John Skenderis
Kaliopi Sirp
Kalipso Kotsonis
Kaliroi Gotsis
Kalli Rolfe
Karina Velonis
Katerina Dimitropoulos
Katerina Laskari
Katerina Nianios
Katina Spiropoulou
Katrina Pazios
Kay - Cafe on Eaton
Kensington & Flemington Club
Kerry Koulouriotis
Kiki Sapounas
Kiki Zianas
Kleio Kiatou
Konstandia Panagiotidis
Konstandina Karas
Konstandina Karlos
Konstandinos Kokonas
Konstantina Giannetas
Konstantina Matheou
Konstantina Smagas
Konstantinos Pappas
Konstantinos Tavlas
Konstantinos Tsourdalakis
Konstantinos Zafarakis
Kosmas Domenikos
Kosta Banos
Kostantina Kormanos
Kostas & Giannoula Messimeri
Kostas & Paraskevi Tsingas
Kostas Antoniadis
Kostas Dabourlos
Kostas Giftakis
Kostas Karagkounis
Kostas Malpanis
Kostas Sevastopoulos
Kostas Syngeniotis
Kostas Tsourdalakis
Kostas Xenos
Kostas Zagoritis
Kostoula & Chrystalla Iordanis
Koula Kemeridis
Koulis Kondogiorgis
Krystallo Hourmouzis
Kyriaki Smaragdiou
Kyriakos & Maria Barackas
Kyriakos Spiropoulos
L Manidis
Laiki Agora
Lambs Lygon
Lazaros Mizis
Lazaros Topalis
Lazaros Vasiliadis
Lefteris & Margaret Kyriakou
Lemian Community of Victoria
Seniors Group
Lemian Community of Victoria
Seniors Group
Lemnian Community of Victoria
Lemnos Tavern
Lemonia Agelis
Lily D’Ambrosio MP
Limnos Butchers
Litsa Tomazos
Loizos & Eleni Loizidis
Louisa Nichola
Mag Wheel & Tyre P/L
Marcos Gogonis
Maria & Con Xarhakos
Maria & Michalis Ballas
Maria Axiotis
Maria Barohtsis
Maria Gavrela
Maria Giamoukoglou
Maria Goumas
Maria Iosifidis
Maria Katsimadakou
Maria Kiosses
Maria Konstantinou
Maria Koutsodimitropoulos
Maria Michalopoulos
Maria Nelis
Maria Nikolis
Maria Nikolopoulou
Maria Papamihail
Maria Parlamentas
Maria Psaraki
Maria Savidou
Maria Sfakianakis
Maria Skimagas
Maria Skirgiotis
Maria Tsakiridis
Maria Tsavtharidis
Maria Tsogas
Maria Voulanas
Marie Nikou
Marika Ozbajci
Maritsa Akras
Maroula Stergiou
Marriot Australia Pty Ltd.
Zorbas Family
Martha Valsamoulis
Mary Ganoulis
Mary Georgiou
Mary Loulakis
Mary Nikou Ignatiou
Matheos Kouvelas
Mathiew Bilias
Matina & Kostas Sachinidis
Matina Athanasakos
Mavridis Family
Mela Limberis
Melpa Goldfas
Melpo Vrantsis
Menelaos Paterakis
Mezedakia Greek Restaurant
Michael Nikolitsis
Michael Skazas
Mihalis Kassiotis
Minas & Kathy Vlahos
Mossi Tountzis
Mr & Mrs Domenikos
Mr. & Mrs Capouleas
Mr. & Mrs. Christoforou
Mr. & Mrs. Karkaletsis
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotopoulos
Mr. Dimopoulos
Mr. Elie Apostolou
Mr. Mandikos
Mr. Pippas
Mr. Trakas
Multicultural Senior Citizens
Group of Kingston
N. Alexis
N.K. Motors
Nafsika Stamoulis Foundation
Natalia Mitsou
Neopoula Kotsopoulos
AGWS Radiothon 2010
AGWS Radiothon 2010
Nicholaos Dimotakis
Nicholaos Gnafakis
Nick Koultoukis
Nick Margaritis
Nick Marinis
Nick Mougos
Nick Nicola
Nick Nteris
Nick Polites
Nick Tremoulas
Nick Zampellis
Nickoleta Jackomus
Nicola Louisa
Nicolaos Arabatzidis
Nicoletta Stavridis
Niki & Angelos Karkaletsis
Niki Ballis
Niki Chrisohoidis
Niki Galatsi
Niki Georgoulos
Niki Megas
Niki Paterakis
Niki Rekatsinas
Nikiforos Georgiou
Nikitas (Nick) Fragakis
Nikolaos & Anastasia Gadakis
Nikolaos Chiridis
Nikolaos Dimatakis
Nikolaos Giannousis
Nikolaos Kostandinidis
Nikolaos Panagiotidis
Nikolaos Smyrneos
Nikolaos Tsourdelakis
Nikoletta Katsoulis
Nikos & Artemis Zamanis
Nikos & Maria Panagiotopoulos
Nikos & Maria Vetzikas
Nikos & Sofia Sourlos
Nikos Dyonisiou
Nikos Karagiannis
Nikos Katahiotis
Nikos Keramaris
Nikos Litinakis
Nikos Nomikos
Nikos Platanas
Nikos Sotiropoulos
Nikos Zografos
Oakleigh Dry Cleaners
Olga Gotsis
Olga Papadaki
Olga Samas
Olympia Adamopoulos
Orexi Souvlaki Bar
P. Barbis
Pagona Saltis
Pallaconian Brotherhood
Elderly Committee
Pallaconian Brotherhood
Panagiota Antoniadis
Panagiota Contos
Panagiota Douvos
Panagiota Giamoukoglou
Panagiota Koutiva
Panagiota Liberogianni
Panagiota Nicolaou
Panagiota Serfelis
Panagiota Vassiliou
Panagiotis & Katerina
Panagiotis Arabatsis
Panagiotis Barbis
Panagiotis Genias
Panagiotis Kapetanakos
Panagiotis Nikolakos
Panagiotis Parthinos
Panagiotis Stathakis
Panagiotis Zisis
Panayia’s Kamarianis
Elderly Club
Panayiotis Kotsonis
Pandelis Hatzipandelis
34 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Pandelis Tektonopoulos
Panos Pandelidis
Panpyliaki Brotherhood
Navarinon of Melb. & Victoria
Pantelis Giokas
Pantelis Hatzipantelis
Pantelis Hatzis
Paraskeva Family
Paraskevi Anaplioti
Paraskevi Battani
Paraskevi Kolliniatis
Paraskevi Koutroumanis
Parea Senior Citizens Club
Parthena Kostaraki
Paschalis Peter Zaparas
Patricia Kontogonis
Paul Mihelakis
Paul Polinikis
Periklis Neofotistos
Peter Christofi
Peter & Despina Batsakis
Peter Katsambanis
Peter Lazari
Peter Nastas
Peter Nifakos
Petros & Efthimia Coustoubardis
Petros & Katina Yiallouris
Petros Balakas
Philanthropic Society of
Philanthropikos Syllogos
Liggeri Kozanis
Philip Dellis
Phillip Sakkas
Ploutis & Sofia Pallas
Polly Mastrogianni
Poppy & Bob Hearn
Poppy Kallinikos
Poppy Kefaloukou
Poppy Sidiropoulos
Rita Markos
Ritsa Tsolaki
Rodi Georgopoulos
Rodopi Bourandas
Romano Bonzinga
Rosa Panagopoulos
Roula & Stelios Tsiolas
Rye & Peninsula Greek
Women’s Group
Saint Spiridon Seniors of
Clayton Incorporated
Sam Farfaras
Samios Family
Sapho Carydis
Sarandis Pondikakis
Savvas & Mary Lioupas
Senior Citizens Club
St Basils - Brunswick
Serafim Kyprianou
Sevasti Axialis
Society of Kastorians - Mr. Nick
Sofi Anagnostou
Sofia & George Dimitriou
Sofia Bitras
Sofia Kritsidimas
Sofia Ninis
Sofia Papadopoulou
Sofia Sohoritis
Sotiria Aritoklidis
Soula Berdenis
Soula Efthimiou
Soula Garlounis
Soula Petropoulos
Soula Seretis
Soultana Papafotiou
Soultana Tsetsos
Spiros Filios
Spiros Korosidis
Spiros Kousoulas
Spiros Pergiou
Spiros Vlahos
Spiros Vlassopoulos
Spyros & Angeliki
Stambo’s Group of Companies
& Stamboulidis Family
Stathis Antonopoulos
Stathis Kassos
Stathopoulos Family
Stavros & Eugenia Kannas
Stavros & Marina Provatas
Stavros Christoforakis
Stavros Katsaris
Stavroula Bilias
Stavroula Gonopoulos
Stefanos Aravidis
Stefanos Kontsakotsas
Stefanos Litinakis
Stefanos Manos
Stella Athanasia
Stella Halvadakis
Stella Maugeris
Stella Papageorgiou
Stergios Patsouris
Steve Angelodimou
Steve Todas
Strathmore Heights Greek
Senior Citizen Club
Stratigoula Papageorgiou
Stylianos Pashitis
Suzie Doulgeridis
Tasos & Lucy Kikas
Tasos & Sotiria Stathopoulos
Tasos Kikas
Tasos Tzimos
Tee -Jays (AUST) Pty Ltd
Teresa Krokidis
Terry Alexandrou
Nestor - Peter Tsoronis
& Elias Tsarpalas
Thecla Dimitriou
Thelma Couvalia
Themis & Eleni Ioannou
Theo & Litsa Kypuros
Theo Fotakis
Theodora Sapanidis
Theodoros & Panagiota
Theodoros Hahalis
Theodoros Kategiannis
Theodosios Nomikos
Theofilos Hamhougias
“Thessaloniki Association The White Tower”
Thomas Tsakanias
Tina Koutrigaros
Tony & Paula Stathopoulos
Tony Chrisostomou
Tony Misserlis
Toula Ftaras
Toula Georgiou
Toula Pranbalos
Triagiani Tsaftas
Triandafilia & Alexander Vekris
Triandafillia Iakovis
Trifon Spiliopoulos
21st Century Communications
Vanilla Cakes & Lounge
Vasiliki Christopoulou
Vasiliki Economou
Vasiliki Fourikis
Vasiliki Litinakis
Vasiliki Stathis
Vasilios Bezas
Vasilios Doudoulis
Vasilios Grilas
Vasilios Katsigiannis
Vasilios Kyriakopoulos
Vasilios Totikidis
Vasilis & Giannoula Liakakos
Vasilis Bilalis
Vasso Bosnakis
Vasso Mavros
Vicki Garoufalis
Vicky Barbouni
Vicky Katselas
Vicky Menexes
Vicky Tsiotras
Vicky Tzortzoglou
Vicky Vasiliou
Victoria Funerals
Voula & Elias Rentzis
Voula Koutroumanis
Voula Papachristodoulou
Voula Papas
Xanthipi Nikolaidou
Y. Karakatsanidis
Yiannis & Soula Barbaresou
Yiannis & Stella Sofianopoulos
Yiannis Xydias
Yiota & Voula Stavridis
Zoe Misios
Zoe Rossis
Zoe Triandafillidis
1. Jenny Mikakos MP & Voula Messimeri Kianidis AM
2. David Davis, Shadow Minister for Health & Ageing, Nick Katris and AGWS Staff.
3. Nicholas Kotsiras MLA, Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs & Citizenship,
Voula Messimeri-Kinadis, George Spiliotis, AGWS Treasurer and
Krisanthi Stamboulidis AGWS Board member
4. Nick Wakeling with Nick Katris and AGWS Staff
5. Premier Brumby & AGWS Staff
6. Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Community Development & AGWS Management
7. Ted Bailieu, Leader of the Opposition with Maria Bellos & Nellie Kougras
Australian Greek Welfare Society
Financial Statements
38th Annual Report
(1st July, 2009 -30th June, 2010)
38 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Financial Statements
Directors’ Report
Independent Audit Report
Auditor’s Independent Declaration
Statement by Directors
Profit & Loss Account
Balance Sheet
Notes to and Forming Part of the Financial Statements
Statement of Cashflows
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Directors’ Report
The Directors of Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd, submit herewith the balance sheets as at 30th June 2010 and the profit and loss account for the financial year then ended. In
order to comply with the provisions of the Corporations Law, the Directors report as follows: The name and particulars of the Directors of the company in office at the date of this report are: Nicholas Katris
Anastasia Contos
Litsa Kypuros
George Spiliotis
Krisanthi Stamboulidis
Ivy Fatouros-Mimilidis
Magdalena Simionis
Hon. Secretary
Director (from 08/09/09)
The principal activities of the company in the course of the financial year were Welfare Agency and Community Services.
During the year there was no significant change in the nature of those activities.
The net amount of profi t of the company for the year was $98,178.
During the financial year there was no significant change in the state of affairs of the company other than that referred to in the accounts or notes there to.
There has not been any matter or circumstance, other than that referred to in the accounts or notes thereto, that has arisen since the end of the financial year, that has signifi cantly
affected, or may significantly affect, the operation of the company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the company
in financial years subsequent to this financial year.
Since the end of the previous financial year, no Director has received or become entitled to receive a benefit (other than a benefit in the aggregate amount of
emoluments received or due and receivable by Directors shown in the accounts, or the fixed salary of a full-time employee of the company or related corporation),
by reason of a contract made by the company or related corporation with the director or with a firm which he/she has a substantial financial interest.
Signed in accordance with the resolution of the Directors.
On behalf of the Directors
Nicholas Katris
22nd day of Novemeber, 2010
40 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
George Spiliotis
Independent Audit Report
To the Members of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd.
I have audited the accounts of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd. for the year ended 30th June 2010.
I have conducted an independent audit of these accounts in order to express an opinion on them to the
members of the Society.
My audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance
as to whether the accounts are free of material misstatement. The procedures include examination
on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the accounts, and the evaluation
of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken
to form an opinion as to whether in all material respects, the accounts are presented fairly in accordance
with Australian Accounting Concepts and Standards and so as to present a view of the Society which is
consistent with my understanding of its financial position and the results of its operations.
In my opinion, the accounts of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd. are properly drawn up:
a) so as to give a true and fair view of:
(i) the Society’s state of affairs as at 30th June 2009 and of its result for the year ended on that date; and
(ii) the other matters required by Division 4 Part 3.6 of the Corporations Law to be dealt within the accounts;
b) in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations Law; and
c) in accordance with the Statements of Accounting Concepts and applicable Accounting Standards.
D.C. Douglas (Number 15038)
Dated on the 22nd day of Novemeber, 2010
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Auditor’s Independent Declaration
Accountant & Registered Company Auditor
To the Members of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Inc.
Auditor’s Independence Declaration
under Section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001
This declaration is made in connection with my audit of the financial
report of the Australian Greek Welfare Society Inc for the financial year
ended 30 June 2010 and in accordance with provisions of the Corporations Act 2001.
I declare that, to the best of my belief, there have been:
No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the
Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit;
No contraventions of the Code of Professional Conduct of the
Australian Society of CPA’s in Australia in relation to the audit.
Yours sincerely
Don Douglas
Registered Company Auditor no. 15038
Date: 22nd November 2010
42 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Statement by Directors
In the opinion of the Directors of the Company:
The accompanying profi t and loss account is drawn up so as to give a true and fair
view of the results of the Company for the fi nancial year ended 30th June 2008.
The accompanying balance sheet is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of
the state of affairs of the Company as at the end of the fi nancial year.
At the date of this statement there are reasonable grounds to believe that the
Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.
The accompanying accounts have been made out in accordance with Australian
accounting standards and applicable Approved Accounting Standards.
This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors and is signed for and on
the behalf of the Directors by:
Nicholas Katris
George Spiliotis
22nd day of Novemeber, 2010
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Profit and Loss Statement
44 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
as at the 30th of June 2010
Balance Sheet
as at the 30th of June 2010
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Account Notes
46 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
of June
of June
Account Notes
for the
of June
Notes to and forming part of the
for the
of June
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Account Notes
48 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Notes to and forming part of Accounts for the year ended 30th of June 2010
Account Notes
Notes to and forming part of Accounts for the year ended 30th of June 2010
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
Account Notes
50 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Notes to and forming part of Accounts for the year ended 30th of June 2010
State of Cashflows
as at the 30th of June 2010
AGWS Financial Statements - 2009 / 2010
52 AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
AGWS - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd.
7 Union Street, Brunswick Victoria, Australia 3056
Telephone: (03) 9388 9998 Facsimile: (03) 9388 9992
Email: [email protected]