PDF Specimen - Typeface design at Reading
PDF Specimen - Typeface design at Reading
Satira A multi-script type family for satirical purposes aлμn By Sergio Trujillo 3 Satira A multi-script type family for satirical purposes aлμn From ancient Greek plays and fables to modern novels and television shows, satire has been used as a tool for constructive social criticism. The present typeface is inspired by this rhetorical device, and by its ability to draw attention to particular and wider issues in society. 5 Characteristics Satira is a multi-script type family conceived for editorial purposes (satirical journalism). Its big x-height, small ascenders and descenders, and slightly narrow proportions make it a well-suited choice for magazines, newspapers or any kind of space-saving typesetting situations. Certain idiosyncrasies like the construction of the serifs, angular cuts, round terminals, and a slight swelling of the shoulders, aim to bestow Satira with a subtle quirky yet assertive character. With the intention to further enhance its visual impact, these idiosyncrasies are greatly exaggerated within the display version of the family. Satira’s italic counterpart is an angular and flavourful font, which both contrasts and harmonizes with the roman variant. Afnpy 7 Type family The Satira type family consists of six weight variants, ranging from light to black, which provide the necessary spectrum for complex typographic hierarchisation. Additionally, Satira counts with one display version for headlines, as well as any other applications where great impact is required. latin cyrillic greek tai-ahom Aa Aa Aa Script coverage Satira encompasses four different scripts (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and Tai-Ahom). Tai-Ahom was the script used by the rulers of the Indian state of Assam from the 13th century until the establishment of British rule in 1838. It consists of 29 consonants, 12 inherent vowels, ten digits, two numbers, and four punctuation signs. In spite of no longer being in use, the Tai-Ahom script retains cultural and religious significance. The script was added to the Unicode standard on the 15th of June, 2015. Бб Σα Ax Aa Aa Aa Aa Бб Σα 9 Script harmonization Swelling Round terminal Angular cuts latin greek cyrillic tai-ahom Los sátiros, relacionados con las Ménades, forman el cortejo dionisíaco que escolta al dios Dioniso. Pueden estar también asociados con el dios Pan. Algunas tradiciones consideran a Sileno padre de la tribu de los sátiros. Los tres mayores de éstos, llamados Marón, Leneo y Astreo, eran iguales a su padre, y por ellos fueron también conocidos como silenos. Según algunas versiones del mito, habrían sido ellos los padres de los sátiros (de los que entonces sería Sileno su abuelo). Los tres estuvieron en el séquito de Dioniso Οι Σάτυροι ήταν κατώτερα μυθικά όντα “δαίμoνες” της ελληνικής μυθολογίας, (πνεύματα των βουνών και των δασών), τους οποίους η Ποίηση και η Τέχνη τους απεικόνιζαν από τη μέση και πάνω σχεδόν ανθρωπόμορφους, φαλακρούς και με μυτερά αυτιά, με πόδια και ουρά τράγου, σε αντίθεση με τους Σειληνούς, των οποίων το κάτω μισό του σώματος έμοιαζε με αλόγου. Ήταν, όπως και οι Σειληνοί, υπηρέτες και σύντροφοι του θεού Διόνυσου, τον οποίον είχαν μεγαλώσει από παιδί. Αγαπημένη τους ασχολία ήταν Они териоморфны и миксантропичны, покрыты шерстью, длинноволосы, бородаты, с копытами (козлиными или лошадиными), лошадиными хвостами, с рожками или лошадиными ушами, однако торс и голова у них человеческие. Символом их неиссякаемого плодородия является фаллос. Они задиристы, похотливы, влюбчивы, наглы, преследуют нимф и менад (Hymn. Hom. iv 262 след.). Сатиры наделялись качествами диких существ, обладающих животными vI miubq linq nonqviN xOc[nqelj bOAkqxoeka pinqx tkqeka xonqknq cnqbo ema to[nqlu bokqxj hokeb fokqkianqp kinqckqmi vaxkqppIhunq xiabNtOdm bnqfAcbnbq cOtkqpin[q ekaA t[qvihia Anxibnq bIukq veApohj va nokanq xOepam foxp[q tOtbqbnqkj linq hokeb[ vI ema DlOxu[q coephkq ekocbqn mlkq[viN vnqfAcexn pova kqfex t[qvihia bnqfAc bokqxj nokanq nOexm kinqckqmi lIaxj ecnOf [ekhohu vehocn Apkxukq no[cO xiabNtOdm kOpkoev bIukq fokqkianqp ceDxupnq cmunOkaxj kinqckqmi no[cO xOepam xOc[nqelj pova tOtbqbnqkj ema vnqfAcexn ekaA xonqknq 11 Character set latin A Á Â Ä À Å B C D E É Ê Ë È F G HIÍÎÏÌJKLMNOÓÔÖÒPQRS TUÚÛÜÙVWẂŴẄẀXYÝŶŸ ỲZaáâäàåbcčdeéěêëèfghií îïìjklmnoóôöòpqrstuúûüù vwẃŵẅẁxyýŷÿỳzaáâäàbc deéêëèfghiíîïìjklmnoóôö òpqrstuúûüùvwẃŵẅẁyý ŷÿỳz0123456789$:;,…!¡?¿[]( )“”‘’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZabcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyzAÁÂÄÀBCDE ÉÊËÈFGHIÍÎÏÌJKLMNOÓ ÔÖÒPQRSTUÚÛÜÙVWẂ ŴẄẀXYÝŶŸỲZaáâäàbc deéêëèfghiıíîïìjklmnoó ôöòpqrstuúûüùvwẃŵẅ ẁxyýŷÿỳz1246790:;,.!¡? ¿ []()ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZabcde fghijklmnopqrstuvwxy cyrillic А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И Й К Л М НОПРСТФХЧЦШЩЯЬЪЫЭ Юабвгдеёжзийклмнопрс туфхчцшщяьъыэюАБВГД ЕЁЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТФХ ЧЦШЩЯЬЪЫЭЮабвгдеё жзиклмнопрстфхчцшщяь greek Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ ΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎ ΏΪΫαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςσ τυφχψωίϊΐύϋΰόώάέήΑΒΓΔ ΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦ ΧΨΩΆΈΉΊΌΎΏΪΫαβγδ εζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψ ω ί ϊ ΐ ύ ϋ ΰ ό ώ ά έ ή tai-ahom A B DJNbcdfklmnptvxy[ a i I ue o j O q ъыэю If you want to tell people the truth, Make Them laugh otherwise they’ll kill you Oscar Wilde 13 Black 56/67 Black 36/43 Italic 60/72 Small Caps 11/13 Display 61/74 Small Caps 58/69 Regular 9/10 Display Italic 101/121 Regular 43/51 No need for a punchline Monty Python (also known as The Pythons) were a British surreal comedy group who created the sketch comedy show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, that first aired on the BBC on 5 October 1969. B roadcast by the BBC between 1969 and 1974, Flying Circus was conceived, written and performed by its members Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. The Python phenomenon developed from the television series into something larger in scope and impact, spawning touring stage shows, films, numerous albums, several books, and a stage musical. A selfcontained comedy team responsible for both writing and performing their work, the Pythons had creative control which allowed them to experiment with form and content, discarding rules of television comedy. Their influence on British comedy has been apparent for years, while in North America it has coloured the work of cult performers from the early editions of Saturday Night Live through to more recent absurdist trends in television comedy. “Pythonesque” has entered the English lexicon as a result. The group’s influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles’ influence on the field of music. Black Italic 87/105 Italic 7/8 Black 18/21 While the first three series contained thirteen episodes each, the fourth ended after just six. The BBC had offered a full season, but the Pythons had come to a common agreement that there was only enough material, and only enough enthusiasm, to shoot the six that were made. 15 Το λεξικό του Διαβόλου Αισώπου Ένα σατιρικό βιβλίο λέξη γραμμένη από Ambrose Bierce The devil’s Dictionary A satirical word book written by Ambrose Bierce Λ Λατρεία. Λαϊκή μορφή εξαθλίωσης. Διαθέτει ένα κάποιο στοιχείο υπερηφάνειας. Ληστής. Ένας ειλικρινής επιχειρηματίας. Λογική. Η τέχνη να σκέπτεσαι και να βγάζεις σωστά συμπεράσματα, ακολουθώντας με απόλυτη ακρίβεια τους περιορισμούς και τις αδυναμίες του ανθρώπινου παραλογισμού. Λογοκλοπή. Λογοτεχνική σύμπτωση, που διαδραματίζεται μεταξύ ενός αχρείου πρωτοπόρου κι ενός έντιμου επιγόνου. Worship. A popular form of abjection, having an element of pride. Robber. An honest businessman. Logic. The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding. Plagiarism. A literary coincidence compounded of a discreditable priority and an honorable subsequence. M Μαγιονέζα. Μια από τις σάλτσες που χρησιμοποιούν οι Γάλλοι αντί για επίσημη θρησκεία. Μακροβιότητα. Ασυνήθιστη παράταση του φόβου για τον θάνατο. Μάννα. Τροφή που δόθηκε ως εκ θαύματος στους Ισραηλίτες, ενώ βρίσκονταν στην έρημο. Όταν σταμάτησε ο σχετικός ανεφοδιασμός, εγκαταστάθηκαν μόνιμα σ’ έναν τόπο, όργωσαν τη γη και σε πρώτη φάση χρησιμοποίησαν για λίπασμα τους ιθαγενείς κατοίκους της. Μάρτυρας. Αυτός που οδηγείται με ιδιαίτερη απροθυμία σε έναν ιδιαίτερα επιθυμητό θάνατο. Ματαιοδοξία. Ο φόρος τιμής του ηλιθίου Mayonnaise. One of the sauces which serve the French in place of a state religion. Longevity. Uncommon extension of the fear of death. Manna. A food miraculously given to the Israelites while they were rambling in the desert. When it was no longer supplied to them they settled down and tilled the soil, fertilizing it, as a rule, with the bodies of the original occupants. Martyr. One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death. Vanity. The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass. ύθοι Aesop Fables Directed by nora perez Picnic under the stars with family and friends. Performances are FREE with suggested donation. No monday performances visit www.aesoptheater.com The Jester Paid family leave Ask your doctor A standard test Nowadays there is no way to have a job and start a family How pharmaceutical companies spend their money Current policies are failing to stop everyone from failing 17 The recipe for a perfect war Ingredients Preparation 1 Trillion dollars Mix everything and cook for 40 years. It will not cool down, consume at your own risk. 1 Lack of legalization 6 Fighting drug cartels 1 Pinch of corruption Social effects Prision population per 100,000 (2009) Weaker sex Penalties for drug crimes among American youth almost always involve permanent removal from opportunities for education, strip them of voting rights, and later involve creation of criminal records which make employment more difficult. Thus, some authors maintain that the War on Drugs has resulted in the creation of a permanent underclass of people who have few educational or job opportunities, often as a result of being punished for drug offenses which in turn have resulted from attempts to earn a living in spite of having no education or job opportunities. In his essay The Drug War and the Constitution, Libertarian philosopher Paul Hager makes the case that the War on Drugs in the United States is an illegal form of prohibition, which violates the principles of a limited government embodied in the Constitution. Annual cost $ 16 B In billions of dollars $ 15 B $ 14 B or no sex at all The seeds of Lysistrata: feminism from ancient Greece to the present day $ 13 B $ 12 B $ 11 B $ 10 B USA Russia Rwanda Israel Iran Mexico England Australia China Canada France Venezuela Japan India “The War on Drugs in the United States is an illegal form of prohibition” $9 B 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Paul Hager 19 Poppy Tea Ancient narcotic Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy, is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. The Latin botanical name means the sleep bringing poppy, referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. A poppy is a flowering plant in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. Wild poppies are confined to the coastal areas of the Western Mediterranean. It is suggested that wild poppy was domesticated by the indigenous people of Western and Central Europe between 6000 and 3500 bc. Poppy tea is any herbal tea infusion brewed from poppy straw or seeds of several species of poppy. The species most commonly used for this purpose is Papaver somniferum, which produces opium as a natural defense against predators. In the live flower, opium is released when the surface of the bulb, called the seed pod, is scratched. For the purpose of the tea, dried pods are more commonly used than the pods of the live flower. The walls of the dried pods contain opiate alkaloids, primarily consisting of morphine. The tea is consumed for its narcotic effect, and in small amounts for analgesic, anti-diarrheal, and sedative effects. This tea is depicted both in Asian literature and Western literature, and is depicted as being available in opium dens. nbOAxoeha tucqm assamese tea blend poppy paradise Assamese tea is a temple for your palate. Our hand-picked full-leaf teas are made with the most carefully selected ingredients. nbOAxoeha tucqm miubq linq nonqviN xOc[nqelj bOAkqxoeka pinqx tkqeka xonqknq cnqbo ema to[nqlu bokqxj hokeb fokqkianqp kinqckqmi vaxkqppIhunq 21 Chapter I George Orwell ANIMAL FARM M r. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the popholes. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring. As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings. Word Глава I All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. М истер Джонс с фермы “усадьба” закрыл на ночь курятник, но он был так пьян, что забыл заткнуть дыры в стене. Ткнув ногой заднюю дверь, он проковылял через двор, не в силах выбраться из круга света от фонаря, пляшущего в его руке, нацедил себе последний стаканчик пива из бочонка на кухне и отправился в постель, где уже похрапывала миссис Джонс. Как только в спальне погас свет, на ферме началось беспокойное движение. Весь день ходили слухи, что Text sources Pages 8-19 text adapted from www.wikipedia.org Pages 20-21 text adapted from Animal Farm by George Orwell Tai-Ahom text adapted from original manuscripts Image list Herman Van Swanevelt – St. Anthony meeting the Satyr Wenceslas Hollar – The Bridge over the waterfall Wenceslas Hollar – The Bridge over the waterfall Wenceslas Hollar – Autumn the Wine market J. D. Watson – Friends in Council Wenceslas Hollar – A peony Unknown – Athena Wenceslas Hollar – Fox and Crow Unknown – Indian Temple in the Black Town, Bombay Myles Birket Foster – At the Cottage Door Unknown – Pig engraving All images taken from commons.wikimedia.org Acknowledgments I would like to thank: Gerry Leonidas, Gerard Unger, Fiona Ross, Michael Twyman, James Mosley, Victor Gaultney, all visiting lecturers, MATD classmates and alumni, my beautiful wife, friends and family. Typeface and specimen designed by Sergio Trujillo Submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, 2015. www.sergio-trujillo.com 1 cm.