sunday school - Saint George Greek Orthodox Church


sunday school - Saint George Greek Orthodox Church
November/December 2015
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«Φωνὴ βοῶντος ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, Ἑτοιμάσατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου» (Ματθ. Γ:3)
In This Issue
 Priest’s Message
 Stewardship
 99th Dinner Dance
 Philoptochos News
 GOYA News
 PTO News
 Greek School News
 Sunday School News
 Our Faith
 Announcements
Dear Faithful of our beloved St. George,
Our nation and the world continues to be
on a heightened state of alert with all this
terrorism we hear every day in the news.
Many people are confused and frightened.
In my younger years when I played
sports, I remember my coach teaching us the
greatest defense is a good offense. While
this has great meaning in sports, it can also
have meaning for us in faith. What is that
we have to fear? Our biggest fear is our
separation from God, which is sin, which is
darkness, which is loneliness. As American
citizens or those of us fortunate to live in
this great country, we are afraid because we
cannot move about with a feeling that we
are safe and secure.
How do we turn that feat into a form
which deflects the evil of the world? The
answer is right before us. It is up to us to be
connected to God. This connection to God is
our freedom from fear. Do not be deceived:
“Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Awake to righteousness, and do not sin (Cor.
15:33-34). I call to mind a part of a psalm
that is recited during the Divine Liturgy.
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my
deliverer.” We should all take this psalm and
copy it and put it in a prominent place in our
hearts. If the Lord is with us, then who can
be against us? Let us all dear brethren come
to understand that our greatest defense is our
faith in God. This defense is then our
offence when we confront difficult times
and the evil of the world.
In closing, let me share with you a part
of a verse from St. Paul’s letter to the
Corinthians. “Watch, stand fast in the faith,
be strong, be brave. Let all that you do, be
done with love” (Cor. 16:13-14).
With paternal love,
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Pastrikos
Αγαπητοί πιστοί του Αγίου Γεωργίου,
Το έθνος μας και ο κόσμος εν γένει
συνεχίζει να είναι σε καθεστώς επιφυλακής
με όλες αυτές τις τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες
που ακούμε καθημερινά. Πολύς κόσμος
είναι φοβισμένος και συγχυσμένος.
Στα νεότερά μου χρόνια, όταν έπαιρνα
μέρος σε αθλήματα, θυμάμαι ότι ο
προπονητής μας, μας έλεγε ότι η καλύτερη
άμυνα είναι η επίθεση. Αυτό το σκεπτικό
μπορεί κάλλιστα να εφαρμοστεί και στην
πίστη. Τι είναι αυτό που φοβόμαστε; Ο
μεγαλύτερος φόβος μας είναι η αποξἐνωση
από το Θεό, η αμαρτία, το σκοτάδι, η
μοναξιά. Ως Αμερικανοί πολίτες, ή ως
πολίτες που έχουμε την τύχη να ζούμε σε
αυτή τη σπουδαία χώρα, φοβόμαστε γιατί δε
μπορούμε να ζούμε καθημερινά χωρίς το
συναίσθημα ότι είμαστε ασφαλείς.
Πώς μπορούμε να μετατρέψουμε αυτό
το φόβο που αντανακλά το κακό στον
κόσμο; Από εμάς εξαρτάται να συνδεθούμε
με το Θεό. Μόνο έτσι θα ελευθερωθούμε
από το φόβο. Μην απατάστε: «Το κακό
διαφθείρει το καλό». Να είστε ενάρετοι και
να μην αμαρτάνετε (Προς Κορ. 15:33-34).
Σας υπενθυμίζω έναν ψαλμό: «Ο Κύριός
μου είναι ο βράχος μου, το φρούριό μου και
ο ποιμένας μου». Ας έχουμε αυτό τον
ψαλμό στις καρδιές μας. Εάν έχουμε το Θεό
στο πλάι μας, ποιος μπορεί να σταθεί εχθρός
μας; Ας κατανοήσουμε όλοι ότι η καλύτερη
άμυνά μας είναι η πίστη μας στο Θεό. Αυτή
η άμυνα είναι η επίθεση που μπορούμε να
κάνουμε ενάντια σε δύσκολους καιρούς και
στο κακό.
Κλείνοντας, θα μοιραστώ μαζί μας μία
φράση από την επιστολή του Απ. Παύλου
προς τους Κορινθίους: «Παρακολουθείστε,
παραμείνετε πιστοί, μείνετε δυνατοί, μείνετε
γενναίοι. Ο,τι πράττετε, να το κάνετε με
Με πατρική αγάπη,
Πατήρ Νικόλαος Παστρικός
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November/December 2015
Parish Ministries
Reverend Father Nicholas Pastrikos, Priest
Church Organizations
Parish Council
George Zalokostas
Vice President / Administration
Lampros Ε. Bourodimos
Vice President / Operations
George Athanasopoulos
Dimitra Bairaktaris
Peter Combates
Demetrios Anastasatos
Constantine Apostolakis
Thomas Kalanekos
Nicholas Koumarianos
John Mellos
John Millas
Jerry Moschonas
Perry Petsanas
Mona Sarafoglu
Dean Solomos
Philoptochos Society - “St. Barbara”
Parent Teacher Organization
Virginia Theokas, President
Maggie Stavrianidis, Vice President
Eleni Andronikou, Rec. Secretary
Kanella Anastasatos, Cor. Secretary
Georgia Kouridakis, Treasurer
Evangelia Manolakis, Asst. Treasurer
Helen Sirimis, President
Maria Petrou, Co-Vice President
Cantors and Choir
Dimitrios Fousteris, Director
Sunday School
Lemonia Malahias Miko,
Paul Stevens, Maggie Stavrianidis
Greek School
Panos Georgopoulos, Superintendent
Toula Karamarkos, Principal
Sofia Amaxopoulos, Teacher
Katerina Kourti, Teacher
Angeliki Papasavas, Teacher
Chrisoula Plias, Teacher
Maria-Regina Caputo - Co-Vice President
Irene Drakopoulos, Treasurer
Maria Kavouras, Secretary
Nicollette Polos, Co-President
Yiannis Apostolakis, Co-President
Alexis Mangafas, Vice President
Anastasia Kantilierakis, Corresp. Secr.
Jason Stavrianidis, Rec. Secretary
Gerasimos Georgopoulos, Treasurer
Kristina Doninger, Historian
GOYA Advisors
Fotini Mangafas, Head Advisor
Chrisoula DeLaurentis, Aliki
Doninger, Evie Georgopoulos, Sandy
Kalogridis, George Kostis, Rita Polos,
Peter Sirimis, Effie Vlahos
JOY/HOPE & Love & Faith
Christina Heiden, Anna Lorino
The Voice of St. George
Church Committees
Published bi-monthly by the
St. George Greek Orthodox Church,
1101 River Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Tel.: 732-463-1642
Fax: 732-699-9309
E-mail: [email protected]
Editor in Chief: Alexandra Avgitidis
Committee Members: Katina Kehayas,
Katerina Makridaki-Rompos.
Periodical postage paid at Kilmer, NJ
08817, Permit # 379. The Voice of St.
George is produced entirely in-house.
Past issues can be found on the internet
Subscription is free for the members of
St. George Greek Orthodox Church.
We need your help! Sign Up, Make a Difference, Have Fun!
Call the Church Office 732.463.1642
Annual St. George Dinner Dance
Capital Improvements
Events/Fund Raising
Greek Festival
Greek Independence Day Parade
Greek School
Historic Committee
House & Grounds
Memorial Fund
Parking – Rutgers
New Parking Lot
Public Relations
Religious Artifacts
Sunday School
Technology Services
Voice of St. George
To Our St. George Parishioners
POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to St. George GOC, 1101 River Road,
Piscataway, NJ 08854
The above ministries are the lifeblood of our parish and perform many activities to promote the
growth of our church. Your participation in these organizations makes our community more
spiritually complete.
November/December 2015
Page 3
Matins 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Weekday Services 9 a.m.
Όρθρος 9:00 π.μ. Θεία Λειτουργία 10:00 π.μ.
Καθημερινές ώρες 9 π.μ.
Saints Kosmas & Damian
Synaxis of the Archangels
8th Sunday of Luke
Entry of the Theotokos
9th Sunday of Luke
Saint Catherine
13th Sunday of Luke
Saint Andrew
Friday 4
Sunday 6
Saturday 12
Sunday 13
Sunday 20
Thursday 24
Friday 25
Saint Barbara
Saint Nicholas
Saint Spyridon
11th Sunday of Luke
Sunday before the Nativity of Christ
Christmas Eve
Nativity of Christ
Κοσμά & Δαμιανού των Ανάργυρων
Σύναξις Ταξιαρχών Μιχαήλ καί Γαβριήλ
Η΄ Κυριακή του Λουκά
Εσόδια της Θεοτόκου
Θ΄ Κυριακή Λουκά
Αγίας Αικατερίνης
ΙΓ΄ Κυριακή Λουκά
Αγίου Ανδρέα
Αγίας Βαρβάρας
Αγίου Νικολάου
Αγίου Σπυρίδωνος
ΙΑ΄ Κυριακή Λουκά
Κυριακή προ της Χριστού Γεννήσεως
Παραμονή Χριστουγέννων
Η Γέννησις του Χριστού
Αγίου Στεφάνου
All donations to the Memorial Fund are greatly appreciated. As we all know, we have a beautiful Memorial Tree
located in the Memorial Room of the Community Center. Anyone wishing to purchase a leaf ($350), a dove ($2,000),
or a stone ($1,500) in memory of a loved one, “May their memory be eternal,” please contact either John Stroumtsos
or Fr. Nick Pastrikos by calling the church office 732.463.1642.
August 30
Daugther of Maria & Michael Anthony Flores
Godparent: Kyriaki Apostolakis
October 4
Son of Niki & Arthur Brachowski
Godparents: Nikolaos Kostopoulos
& Christina Lavin
September 13 Dimitri Giannios & Melissa Lauren Knez
Koumbaroi: Vasiliki & Christos Andreadis
September 27 Emmanuel Rodoussakis & Stephanie Pereira
Koumbaros: Alexandros Trastelis
October 11
Theodore Adamos & Maria Nikki Banis
Koumbaroi: Chris & Maroulla Dallas
May Their Memory Be Eternal
September 15
Despina T. Danas
September 30
George M. Boulegeris
October 15
Thomas C. Alexander
Page 4
November/December 2015
The Altar Boy groups for 2015-2016 have been formed, but not closed! If your son would like to serve in the Altar
and he is 10 years old or older, please let Fr. Nicholas know as soon as possible. Altar boys are required to be in the
Altar on the Sundays that they are scheduled, no later than 10:10 a.m. All Captains are asked to be in the Altar a little
earlier, by 10:00 a.m. to make sure that everything is ready to and to set instructions from Fr. Nicholas as to what will
be happening for that day. As always, the appropriate dress code for all Altar boys that are serving, without exception
is recommended: dress shirt, tie, dress socks and dress shoes. No one will be admitted in the Altar with a polo shirt,
jeans, sneakers or boat shoes. All Altar boys, if they are not serving in the Altar, are required to be in Sunday School.
This rule will be strictly adhered to, because attendance will be taken every Sunday for All Altar Boys.
Gerasimos Georgopoulos
Louis Kavouras (Captain)
Dean Stavrianidis
George DeLaurentis
Seraphim Sirimis
Demitri Hirshman
Iacovos Georgiou
Andreas Hadjiloucas
Jason Stavrianidis (Captain)
Philip Catanzaro (Captain)
Dino Zalokostas
Vasilios Petrou
Kyriakos Sirimis
Demetrios Kontos
Yianni Petrakis
Julius Bourodimos
Evangelos Kambitsis
Andreas Apostolakis
Yianni Apostolakis (Captain)
Christopher Henriquez
George Gianoukakis
Konstantino Hantsoulis
Apostolos Petsanas
Nicholas Kehayas
Gabriel Sirimis
George Bizos
Tasos Chronis
Konstantine Lyssikatos
George Wadsworth (Captain)
Nicholas Koutsoubis
Demetrios Gad
Michael Gianoukakis
Antonis Kalogridis
Demetri Kalogridis
John Kavouras
Alexander Wadsworth
Sunday, November 1
Group B
Sunday, December 6
Group C
Sunday, November 8
Group C
Sunday, December 13
Group D
Sunday, November 15
Group D
Sunday, December 20
Group A
Sunday, November 22
Group A
Thursday, December 24
Group B (Christmas Eve)
Sunday, November 29
Group B
Friday, December 25
Group C (Christmas Day)
Sunday, December 27
Group D
November/December 2015
Page 5
Dear Faithful,
Jesus said unto him “Thou shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”
(Matthew 22:37).
God said it; Jesus reiterated it: “Thou shalt love the Lord
your God with all your heart.” Thus, he binds us to Himself in
the totality of out being. Everything comes under allegiance to
Him, including what we do with our possessions.
When we recognize this we will also recognize that what
counts in our giving is not our share in the budget of the
church, but God’s share of our income.
Systematic, proportionate giving is the only suitable way
to do this. From this basis, let us worship the Lord with our
love offerings.
Our Stewardship program is a way for us as Orthodox
Christians of St. George in Piscataway to meet our Church’s
obligations with responsibility, dignity and equity.
Our Stewardship program is the only way to participate
totally in the work and mission of the Church.
Our Stewardship program is the only way through which
the support of our Church becomes a matter of conscience
instead of coercion.
Our Stewardship program is the only way that considers
the support of the Church as a personal obligation and a matter
of commitment.
Our Stewardship program is the only way our Church is
able to meet the needs of its faithful now and in the future
based purely on Christian principles. At the core of any
stewardship program, are the Stewards of the Church. A good
steward is neither a miser nor a spendthrift. A good stewards is
not one who economizes but one who is a good manager of
what has been entrusted to him.
If we believe that we come into this world with nothing
and leave this world with nothing then we must admit that all
we have ruing our lifetime belongs to someone else. That
someone is God - to whom belongs everything. We have only
been entrusted with it to manage it here on earth to the best of
our ability. A closer look at the parable of the talents tells us
very clearly that a good manager and a good steward will earn
both success on earth and favor with God.
As members of our beloved St. George, we have, by our own
choice, undertaken a responsibility to become managers or
stewards of this Church and parish. That is, to love it, to care
for it, to be concerned about it, to support it and promote its
Christian work and mission. How well we accomplish these
acts of Stewardship will determine our success as Christian
In order to successfully manage the spiritual and material
aspects of this parish, we have to give of our time, our talents,
and our material wealth. There is nothing else we can give. We
must give enough of all these to assure the smooth operation
of the parish, so the spiritual, educational, cultural, social and
philanthropic needs of our parish are met.
Please keep this article in mind when contemplating in
becoming a Steward for 2016.
May God bless you and yours with abundant health and
spiritual prosperity for many years to come.
Rev. Fr. Nicholas Pasrikos
Any person can give any amount for Stewardship. However, to be
considered a member in good standing, to participate in the
sacraments of Baptism or Wedding, and to have one vote in the
General Assembly, the following minimums must be met:
 $350 for single adult or husband and wife (age 18-64): one
vote (if both the husband and wife pay $350); ($700 total,
both can vote)
 $250 for a married senior couple (Age 65+): one vote (if
both the husband and wife pay $200); ($400 total, both can
 $200 for single senior and college student (age 18-24, must
show proof of attending college full time)
 Greater than the required contributions: those who have
been blessed financially, should consider a greater
Ο καθένας μπορεί να προσφέρει ό,τι μπορεί. Όμως, για να
θεωρηθείτε κανονικό μέλος, να μπορείτε να πάρετε μέρος στα
Mυστήρια της Βάπτισης και του Γάμου και να έχετε δικαίωμα
μίας ψήφου στην Γενική Συνέλευση, απαιτούνται οι κάτωθι
ελάχιστες εισφορές:
 $350 ανά ανύπαντρο άτομο ή οικογένεια (18-64 ετών): μία
ψήφος (εάν ο σύζυγος και η σύζυγος πληρώσουν $350
έκαστος (σύνολο $700) ψηφίζουν και οι δύο)
 $250 ανά ηλικιωμένο ζευγάρι (άνω των 65 ετών): μία ψήφος
(εάν ο σύζυγος και η σύζυγος πληρώσουν $200 έκαστος
(σύνολο $400), ψηφίζουν και οι δύο)
 $200 για μόνους ηλικιωμένους και φοιτητές (18-24 ετών,
πρέπει να αποδείξουν ότι είναι φοιτητές): μία ψήφος
 Πέραν του καθορισμένου ποσού: όσοι έχουν ευλογηθεί με
οικονομική ευχέρεια, θα πρέπει να προσφέρουν περισσότερο
από ό,τι καθορίζεται ανωτέρω.
Page 6
November/December 2015
We are looking forward to a great year with Joy & Hope, as well as Love & Faith. To
accommodate all of our young parishioners, and make it easier for families who have children
of mixed ages, we have decided to run these programs together. All children up to 6th grade will
fit into this program. If you have older ones who want to join, we always welcome them to
come and help with the activities.
November 6th – Welcome: Join us at the church for question and answers about our
religion. Later we will make a thanksgiving craft and play some games. Please bring a can
of food to donate.
Dec 13th – Christmas Celebration: Communion Breakfast – In conjunction with the PTO
celebration, please join us for breakfast, a craft and a surprise visit.
Jan 8th – It’s a Playdate! Get away from winter blues and meet up with some of your friends from the church. Location TBD
(Tentative idea: Bounce Factory, Imagine That Museum, Roller Skating).
Feb 5th –Share some Love: Come bake and decorate cookies for Valentine’s day that will be shared with the local nursing
March 19th - Spring is coming. Join us for a fun day at the park and mini golfing. (TBD based on weather) Colonial Park mini golf and park playdate
April 17th - Join us after church where Father Nick will tell the children about the Easter Holiday and Traditions. After we
will decorate Easter eggs and there may even be a surprise visit.
May 13th - Church Cleanup and Plantings
June (Date TBD) – End of Year Picnic
A formal evite will be send out before each program confirming the details. If you have not received an email about
this program, please reach out to Christen Heiden at [email protected] to be added to the distribution list.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Christen Heiden at [email protected] (908)-331-2120 or Anna Lorino
[email protected] (732) 672-7312.
As part of the 100th anniversary of our community the St. George Greek Orthodox Church is seeking to recognize and
honor past/present people from our community who served in the U.S. armed forces. If you are among those, or are
aware of anyone, please contact:
Manny Manioudakis
St. George Church Office
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 201-523-1364
Phone: 732-463-1642
Τα παιγνίδια ποδοσφαίρου του πανεπιστημίου Rutgers έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει, και πάλι προσφέρουμε
χώρο για στάθμευση αυτοκινήτων. Το επόμενο παιχνίδι είναι 14 Νοεμβρίου 2015. Χρειαζόμαστε
εθελοντές για να βοηθήσουν για το παρκάρισμα των αυτοκινήτων. Έστω και μία ώρα από το χρόνο
σας θα βοηθήσει το έργο μας και την Εκκλησία μας πάρα πολύ! Τηλεφωνήστε στο γραφείο της
εκκλησίας στο 732-463-1642 για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή.
The Rutgers football season has already started and the next game of the season will be on Saturday,
November 14, 2015, and again we will be parking cars in our lot. We need everyone to volunteer to
help us park cars. Even if you come and help for an hour, this will help our mission and Church very
much. Please call the Church Office at 732-463-1642 to register.
November/December 2015
Page 7
On October 17, 2015 we had our 99th Anniversary
Dinner Dance at the AHEPA Hall of our Church and it
was a great success! From the decorations, to the food,
the music and excellent organization, everything went
smoothly and our Honorees Mr. & Mrs. Kostas
Hantsoulis had a great time!
We are honored to have parishioners like Mrs. Vivi and
Mr. Kostas in our Church, and we wish all the best to
them and their beautiful family!
Page 8
November/December 2015
The fall season is upon us,
bringing with it the beauty of the
changing leaves, cool weather
and busy preparations for the
meeting was held on Tuesday
evening, September 22 nd at 6
p.m. We fulfilled our National
and Metropolis obligations as
well as satisfying other appeals
asked of us. Our next meeting
was held on Saturday, October
17th at 11 a.m. in the Memorial
On Saturday, October 3rd, together with the Daughters of
Penelope, and despite the inclement weather, 21 ladies and one
gentleman travelled to The Holy Protection Monastery, Agia
Skepi, in White Haven, PA. It was a wonderful, spiritual and
enlightening experience for us all, especially for many who
had never been there. The nuns gave us a tour and explanation
of the beautiful church and icons and grounds and prepared a
delicious lunch for us. We hopefully will take another trip to
the Monastery in the spring.
Collection for the Community Christmas Card will
continue to take place after church in the AHEPA Hall until the
end of November. We will be taking orders and selling
spanakopites and baklava, which will be homemade by our
ladies. Also, Christmas bread and Vasilopites will be sold in
On Friday, December 4th we will be honoring our patron
saint, Saint Barbara, with a Liturgy and Artoklasia. On Sunday,
December 6th we will enjoy the annual Saint Barbara
luncheon after Liturgy at a restaurant, with details to follow.
The year 2016 is a very special and important milestone
for our Saint George community. The 100 year celebration of
our beloved Saint George Greek Orthodox Church will begin
with many exciting activities and celebrations. The annual
Vasilopita Celebration will be held on Sunday, January 10,
2016 with a luncheon held in the AHEPA Hall. This year we
will be honored with the presence of the children of Saint Basil
Academy joining us for this beautiful tradition. All proceeds
will benefit and help the wonderful children of the academy.
Please plan to join us in making this a truly special and
memorable afternoon.
We invite all the ladies of our community who are not yet
members of our Philoptochos Society to join us. Our next
meetings are scheduled for Saturday, November 21st at 11 a.m.
and Wednesday, December 9th at 6 p.m. Hope to see you
The Ladies Philoptochos Society invites you to attend
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Έχει έρθει το φθινόπωρο, και ο Σύλλογός μας ετοιμάζει
πολλές δραστηριότητες για όλους εσάς.
Αρχικώς, η περισυλλογή δωρεών για την κοινοτική κάρτα
θα συνεχιστεί μέχρι το τέλος Νοεμβρίου στην αίθουσα
ΑΧΕΠΑ. Επίσης θα λαμβάνουμε παραγγελίες και θα πουλάμε
χειροποίητες σπανακόπιτες και μπακλαβά. Επιπλέον, θα
πουλάμε βασιλόπιτες και τσουρέκια τον Δεκέμβριο.
Την Παρασκευή, 4 Δεκεμβρίου θα τιμήσουμε την
προστάτιδά μας Αγία Βαρβάρα, με λειτουργία και αρτοκλασία.
Την Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου, θα απολαύσουμε το ετήσιο γεύμα
μας για την Αγία Βαρβάρα σε εστιατόριο που θα σας
ανακοινώσουμε λίαν συντόμως.
Το 2016 θα γιορτάσουμε την 100η επέτειο του
αγαπημένου μας Αγίου Γεωργίου, και θα ξεκινήσουμε αυτή
την εορταστική χρονιά στις 10 Ιανουαρίου με ένα γεύμα στην
αίθουσα ΑΧΕΠΑ. Φέτος θα έχουμε την τιμή να παρευρεθούν
τα παιδιά της Ακαδημίας του Αγίου Βασιλείου. Όλα τα έσοδα
θα δοθούν για να βοηθήσουν αυτά τα θαυμάσια παιδιά.
Όσες κυρίες δεν έχετε ακόμα γραφτεί ως μέλη, μπορείτε
να το κάνετε και τώρα. Είστε όλες ευπρόσδεκτες! Σας
περιμένουμε στην επόμενη συνάντησή μας το Σάββατο 21
Νοεμβρίου στις 11π.μ. ή την Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου στις 6 μ.μ.
November 21st and 22nd
Place your orders early!
Koula Athanasopoulos, 732-469-6298
or Niky Gerondelis, 732-356-5844
Christmas Bread sold Dec. 19 & 20
Vasilopites sold December 27
Following the Divine Liturgy on January 10, 2016, the
annual luncheon and cutting of the Vasilopita will take
place in the AHEPA Hall. We will be honored with the
presence of the children of Saint Basil Academy. Let us
all attend this traditional event as a family and make it a
special and beautiful day for the children of the
academy. You may also make a donation by mailing a
check payable to: Saint Barbara Philoptochos Society
with a notation ‘Vasilopita.’ Mail to:
Saint Barbara Philoptochos Society - Vasilopita
1101 River Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854
November/December 2015
Page 9
Dear St. George Parishioners:
We are rapidly approaching that time of the year when the Philoptochos will prepare the St. George Community
Christmas Card which will be mailed to ever y member of our par ish and which will carr y our holiday greetings to all
our parishioners.
This Community Christmas Card becomes possible through your donations. However, not only does your donation
extend holiday greetings to all but, more importantly, it is used for the much needed assistance to the needy of our
community. Your contribution truly represents the Christian spirit of helping those in need. And so we ask you, once again,
to give your donation to the Needy Cases Fund. In so doing, you will be helping those in need and you will be assuring that
your name will be included on the Community Christmas Card.
You may give your donation by filling in the for m below and br inging it to the church or by mailing it to
PHILOPTOCHOS, c/o St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1101 River Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Please make checks
payable to the ST. GEORGE NEEDY CASES FUND. To assure that your name is included on the Christmas Card, your
contribution must be received no later than November 22, 2015. The names of contributors received after November 23rd
will be listed in the January church bulletin.
In addition, if you are employed by a company that participates in a ‘Gift Matching Program’, please bring the
necessary forms so we may benefit from this program. Obtain a gift matching form from your personnel office,
complete the employee’s section and bring the form to us. We’ll do the rest.
Thank you and God Bless you always,
Detach and return the form below with your donation no later than Sunday, November 22, 2015.
============ ==========================================================================
I would like to participate in the ST. GEORGE NEEDY CASES FUND. Enclosed you will find my donation for
Please list my name on the Christmas Card as follows:
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________________________
It’s that time of the year when corporate management will be asking their employees to participate in the 2015/2016 United Way
program. Consequently, since our parishioners are participants in that program, we ask that they and their many friends consider our St.
George Needy Cases Fund be earmarked for their contribution. In the past sever al years the St. Geor ge Needy Cases Fund has
benefited dramatically and this has allowed the Philoptochos to assist those in need. The Ladies Philoptochos Society extends its
appreciation and thanks to our many St. George parishioners who have taken the initiative to arrange for their United Way deductions to
be sent to the St. George Needy Cases Fund. We are most grateful to all for their continued support.
Remember to direct your United Way donation
to the St. George Needy Cases Fund
United Way Reference Number 032224
Page 10
November/December 2015
The start of a new year can be pretty hectic, especially
with school and G.O.Y.A. But as a dedicated group of kids, we
seem to make it work. Though the year just began, we have
already had events, with more events to come!
On Sunday, September 13th we had our first day back as
Goyans. Following church services we had the Installation of
Officers for the upcoming year as well as an Artoklasia. We
held our 1st Goya Mtg and welcomed new and existing goyans
and their families.
On September 19th, 12 of our GOYAns attended St.
Basil’s Academy Walk-A-Thon. It was a beautiful day to have
a walk especially for such a good cause!
Despite the fact that it was freezing cold on September
27th, four of our very own GOYAns dove for the cross at
Asbury Park. Though our church didn’t receive the cross this
year, congratulations to our Sr. Girl Diver (Nicolette Polos),
Sr. Boy Diver (Konstantine Lyssikatos), Jr. Girl Diver (Angela
Polos), and Jr. Boy Diver (Dean Stavrianidis) for representing
St. George.
On October 11th was the Mr. & Miss GOYA Pageant.
Representing our church were Nicolette Polos and Gerasimos
Georgopoulos! Gerasimos won 1st Place Mr. GOYA 2015 and
Nicole won 4th Place Miss GOYA 2015. Congratulations to
Our GOYA will be hosting a religious retreat called
“Hallelujah Night”. All GOYAns are welcomed to join us on
October 30th. During “Hallelujah Night”, we will have church
services, watch a movie and will also host a speaker. This is a
lock-in event where we will also begin our Big Brother - Big
Sister Program. The Big Brother - Big Sister Program is
something new that we have started. It will help the newer/
younger GOYAns make friends, participate in all our events
and ask questions whenever they need help.
Due to inclement weather, our Gyro Sale Fundraiser was
rescheduled to Sunday, November 1st. All GOYAns are
welcome to help make and sell gyros. We encourage everyone
to come and help support the GOYA after church services!
Towards the end of November, we will be having our
annual Taverna Night. It will be held on November 21st at our
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristina Doninger, Historian
November/December 2015
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November/December 2015
Dear Parents,
The children will be decorating a tree and there will be a
surprise guest as well. We welcome all families to attend this
We would like to remind you, the PTO is a parent volunteer
organization that supports the school by organizing volunteers
for various programs and by providing financial assistance
through fundraising for enrichment programs and other items
not available through school funds.
Please consider volunteering your time and talent to the
PTO. If each St George family volunteered for one event or
activity it would spread the work load of this wonderful
organization and make it more manageable, enjoyable and
successful for everyone.
As the parent/guardian of a St. George student, you are
asked to support the PTO by attending the meetings to be
announced by email
New ideas and suggestions are always welcome! Teach
your children by example - be involved! We can't do it without
Upcoming Events:
Bake Sale — November 8th after Divine Litur gy in the
Ahepa Hall. Please stop by and purchase a delicious dessert.
Also if you would like to bake and donate for bake sale please
contact the PTO at [email protected].
PTO Executive Board Officers:
Helen Sirimis, President
Maria Regina Caputo, Co-Vice President
Christmas Communion Breakfast and Christmas Tree
Lighting — December 13th after Divine Liturgy in the
AHEPA hall. If you would like to volunteer to assist for this
event we need help in photographing families, aiding the
children with the crafts, fruit juice and paper goods donation,
setting up and serving food.
Maria Kavouras, Secretary
Irene Drakopoulos, Treasurer
PTO e-mail address: [email protected]
Thank You!!
St. George PTO
PTO Christmas Communion Breakfast
and Christmas Tree Decoration
The St. George PTO invites you to a morning of joy with our
families. Please join us in the AHEPA Hall for our annual lighting of
the tree and breakfast on Sunday, December 13, 2015 following the
Divine Liturgy.
Join us for a festive morning featuring:
The PTO will help all the children decorate the St. George
Christmas Tree. Join us to make decorations for our Christmas
Tree as well as other holiday crafts with Joy and Hope, Love
and Faith.
Professional photographer will be available to take your
pictures. Part of the proceeds will go to PTO.
Also the PTO will be collecting unwrapped new toys or $5 gift
cards for under privileged families in the area.
A special surprise guest for all the children!
November/December 2015
Page 13
Dear Parents and Members of our St. George Community,
On behalf of Father Nicholas and the Catechism staff, we
would like to thank you for your support in providing an
Orthodox Christian foundation of faith
and values to our children. We are very
proud of our Catechism program, and
our volunteer staff. We want to express
our deep gratitude to all our staff
members for their efforts, dedication
and perseverance.
The curriculum we follow each
Sunday was developed by the Greek
Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Department of Religious Education. It is
accompanied with participation in our
hymnology, and involvement in
Father Nicholas with Mrs.
Meropi Martini (lead teachcharity projects that are organized
er of 10-12th grade class)
throughout the year. I would like to
present you our 2015-2016 Catechism staff.
You will note that we are in need of teacher assistants. If
you are interested in volunteering your time or talents, you
Photograph of our students from the 10-12th grades with Father Nicholas and George
P. Father Nick received a beautiful ‘Pittsburg Steelers’ blanket made by these loving
may e-mail us at [email protected] or speak to any one of
us on Sunday morning.
Please know that you do not have to be a teacher nor have an
expertise in our Orthodox faith; you just need a loving heart, a
love for God and a love of children.
Respectfully in Christ
St. George Catechism Staff
First Grade
Mary Christodoulou
Marigoula Keller
Evangelia Makropoulos
Sofia Feggulis
Fifth Grade
Maria Petrou
Georgia Papanastasiou
Jason Stavrianidis
10th, 11th and 12th
Peter Combates
Meropi Martini
Chrisoula Kalogridis
Anna Kalogridakis
Syndie Vaskopoulos (Nursery/PreK)
Naomi Bourodimos
Helen Sirimis
Second Grade
Georgia Preite
Zoe Makropoulos
Louisa Sirimis
Sixth Grade
Maggie Stavrianidis
Theodore Vaskopoulos
Louise Lambros
Third Grade
Irene Rompos
Evangelia Kontos
Nicolette Garthe
Kyra Sirimis
Seventh Grade
Maria Boyiadjis
Athinoula Bizos
Georgia Lambros
Lea Petsanias
Ellie Patsakou
Fourth Grades
Sandy Kalogridis
Eleni Apostolakis
Nicolette Polos
Eighth and Ninth Grades
Maria Demos
Maggie Stavrianidis
Lemonia Malahias Miko
Support Staff
Overall Administrator
Paul Stevens
Georgia Peterson
Ted Lambros
Georgia Peterson
Peter Sirimis
Malvina Wilkins
Mary Boulageris
Georgia Peterson
Maria Regina Caputo
Page 14
November/December 2015
Αγαπητοί Γονείς,
Καλωσορίσατε και φέτος στο σχολείο μας. Ευχόμαστε σε
όλα τα παιδιά καλή σχολική χρονιά και καλή πρόοδο.
Τα μαθήματα του Ελληνικού Σχολείου άρχισαν στις 14
Σεπτεμβρίου. Την ημέρα αυτή, ο πάτερ Νικόλαος έκανε
αγιασμό για τα παιδιά, τις δασκάλες και τους γονείς και αφού
μίλησε για την σημασία του Ελληνικού σχολείου και των
παρευρισκόμενους, στην συνέχεια αγίασε όλες τις τάξεις του
Παρ’όλο που τα μαθήματα έχουν αρχίσει, υπάρχει καιρός
ακόμη να γράψετε τα παιδιά σας στο σχολείο μας και να τους
δώσετε την ευκαιρία να μάθουν την ωραία ελληνική μας
γλώσσα, τα ήθη, τα έθιμα, την
ένδοξη Ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό
της Ελλάδας. Θα χαρούμε πάρα
πολύ έστω και λίγο αργά να
δούμε αυτά τα παιδιά στο σχολείο
Το σχολείο λειτουργεί από
Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή από τις
4:30 μ.μ μέχρι τις 6:30 μ.μ και οι
παρακολουθούν μαθήματα μόνον
μια μέρα την εβδομάδα. Επίσης
το σχολείο μας λειτουργεί κάθε
Τετάρτη από 6:30 μ.μ μέχρι 8:30
μ.μ για τα Regents. Εφέτος το
βραβείο από την Αρχιεπισκοπή
για τα Regents το πήρε ο Γιώργος
συγχαρητήρια και εις Ανώτερα.
Τώρα ετοιμαζόμαστε να
γιορτάσουμε την 28η Οκτωβρίου
και την γιορτή του Αγίου
Δημητρίου με σχετικά μαθήματα, εργασίες και απαγγελίες
ποιημάτων από μαθητές και μαθήτριες στην εκκλησία μας
μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία.
Θα θέλαμε να ευχαριστήσουμε όλους τους γονείς, που με
κόπους και θυσίες φέρνουν τα παιδιά τους στο σχολείο για την
ωραία συνεργασία που έχουμε μαζί τους. Επίσης, θα θέλαμε
να ευχαριστήσουμε τις ακούραστες κυρίες του P.T.O που μας
είχαν έτοιμο όλο το υλικό του σχολείου.
Ευχόμαστε και πάλι σε όλα τα παιδιά υγεία και καλή
πρόοδο στην καινούργια σχολική χρονιά. Με τον ερχομό της
γιορτής των Ευχαριστιών και των Χριστουγέννων, σας
ευχόμαστε να περάσετε αυτές τις μεγάλες γιορτές με υγεία,
χαρά και ευτυχία.
Με εκτίμηση,
Οι Δασκάλες του Ελληνικού Σχολείου
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year! We wish everyone a
productive and successful school year.
Classes in our Greek School began on September 14. On
this day, Father Nicholas blessed the children, the teachers and
the parents and after he talked about the importance of Greek
School and Greek letters, he blessed all the classrooms.
Although classes have already started, there is still time to
enroll your children in our Greek School and give them the
opportunity to learn the Greek language, traditions, customs
and the glorious history of Greece. We will be happy to see
them enrolled in our school.
Classes are held in our school Monday to Friday from
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. The students of each grade attend class
only once a week. Please, note that every Wednesday from
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Prep class is held for the Regents Exam.
This year’s winner of the Archdiocese Regents award is
George Bizos. We congratulate him for his success and wish
him the best in his future endeavors.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the
parents for the time and effort to bring their children to school
and for their cooperation. Furthermore, we would like to
express our gratitude to the members of the P.T.O for
providing us with the necessary school supplies.
Once again, we wish all our children every success for the
new school year. With the coming of Thanksgiving and
Christmas, we wish everyone to enjoy these great Holidays
with Health, Joy and Happiness.
The Teachers of the Greek School
November/December 2015
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November/December 2015
“ We have seen his star in the east,
and have come to worship Him.”
(Matthew 2:2)
With these words the Magi explained to
the bewildered people of Jerusalem their
burning desire to know where the newborn
King was to be found. From afar, across
desert and mountain, they came, not at the
bidding of a prophet, not in response to
Scripture, not in obedience to a dream or
ecstatic vision. It was a single star that
brought them, leading them westward from
palaces of glory to a humble stable in
Bethlehem of Judea.
Thus began in Bethlehem the
reunification of the human race. Age-old
divisions melt away under the light of the
Star of Bethlehem. Rich and poor come together in worship, educated and illiterate, young and old, male and female, Jews and
Gentiles, saints and sinners, angels and humans and even beasts of the field. All creation pauses to bask in the joy of the moment,
to bow down and worship the incarnate Son of God.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are called to be the Christmas star. We, who have basked in the healing rays of the sun of
Righteousness, who have tasted the joy of His Kingdom – we are called to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), leading those
around us to the knowledge of our Incarnate Lord.
Ours is the task of pointing our fellow men to Jesus Christ. Quietly, patiently, like that bright star of old, we endeavor to bring
together people of every nation and race and station to the manger of Bethlehem, where the Newborn Savior, is waiting to give
light to those in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:7-9).
May the light, the peace and the joy of Christmas be with homes and families today, and in the dawning New Year, and always
as you worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
At the District Convention this past June, our Chapter, Tethys #229, was again voted BEST LARGE CHAPTER in our District.
Congratulations to all our Sisters who worked very hard and a heartfelt Thank you!
Also, Congratulations to Sister Evangeline Emanuel who was selected as Penelope of the Year.
This year the Daughters of Penelope will be selling
commemorative ornaments celebrating the 100th
anniversary of our beloved St. George community.
Look for our display!
SAVE THE DATE: Friday, December 4, 2015 for our SURPRISE EVENT.
More information will follow
November/December 2015
Page 17
Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be here. Before time
gets the best of us, let us make some reflection and preparation
for this important day.
Since childhood, we have trained to say thank you when
something is given to us or done to us. Though it is meant to
come from our hearts, it often becomes a mechanical response:
very empty of meaning and sincerity.
Let us all be careful of this in life and
on Thanksgiving Day in particular. Let us
make Thanksgiving Day truly a day upon
which we give thanks. It is not "turkey day"
as many call it. Let us be sure to keep
thankfulness in Thanksgiving Day and
make it a day in which we will echo the
words of Psalm 67, "that God has been
gracious and thusly is due a hymn of
I would like to wish all of my St.
George faithful a very blessed “Thanksgiving Day.” Let us take
the time and meditate on the Greatness of our Lord and Savior
and Praise Him, for His Gift of Love and His many blessings.
May we keep in mind those who are poor and less fortunate and
express our love and concern for them through our benevolent
Πριν το καταλάβουμε έφθασε κι αυτή η όμορφη ημέρα. Ας
ετοιμαστούμε λοιπόν.
Από μικρά παιδιά μας μαθαίνουν να λέμε «ευχαριστώ»
όταν μας δίνουν κάτι. Και παρ’ όλο που πρέπει να έρχεται από
καρδιάς, τις περισσότερες φορές το ευχαριστώ έρχεται
αυτόματα, χωρίς αίσθημα.
Ας δώσουμε σημασία σ’ αυτήν την
σπουδαία ημέρα. Δεν είναι «ημέρα της
αποκαλούν, είναι ημέρα που στο μυαλό
μας πρέπει να φέρνει τον 67ον ψαλμό που
λέγει: «Ο Θεός είναι αγαθός και του
πρέπουν ύμνοι και ευχαριστίες».
Εύχομαι σε όλους τους πιστούς του
Αγίου Γεωργίου «Καλή Ημέρα των
Ας προσευχηθούμε στον Μεγάλο Θεό
και Σωτήρα μας και ας Τον δοξάζουμε για
το δώρο της αγάπης και για όλες τις ευλογίες Του.
Ας μην ξεχνάμε τους φτωχούς και δυστυχισμένους που
χρειάζονται την βοήθεια μας.
The Giving of Gifts is an important part of our observance
of the Nativity of our Lord. One of the main hymns of the
Church for this great Feast Day which is sung during Vespers,
deals with this exact matter of gift giving. It says, "What shall
we bring you O Christ when you were born and put on this earth
for our sakes. For each creature created by you has brought you
forth their thanks; the Angels with their songs, the Heavens with
the stars, the Magi their gifts, the Shepherds their Wonder, the
Earth a cave, the wilderness the Manger. But we, the Virgin
These same sentiments are also expressed in the icon of the
Nativity. The Angelic choir proclaims glory to God and peace to
men of good will. The Heavens open to let a star pierce the
darkness of earth and point its fingers of light to the Newborn
King, the Shepherds wonder at the miracle that has come to
pass, the Earth offers the Cave, a bleak wound in the land symbolizing the sin that engulfs mankind, the Wilderness offers its
refuse where man can come and feed on the Bread of Life...
But we? Well, Humanity offers the Mother, flesh of our
flesh, bone of our bone, the one full grace and faith, the Handmaiden of God who accepts His will and becomes the Temple
for the Only-Begotten Son of God. To all this the icon adds the
presence of Joseph who will care for the child.
In the center of the icon is the Christ-Child, born in a type
of tomb, wrapped in swaddling clothes that are not unlike the
garments of burial. Yes, even in birth we are reminded of the
destiny that awaits the Lord: to die that we might live.
Soon, my friends, we will be celebrating the birth of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Many gifts will be given as an expression of
our love and affection. Acting in the same spirit, it is only fitting
and proper to remember Christ, whose birthday we celebrate on
Christmas Day. Our Church, the house of God, is our Home as
well as our spiritual refuge where we receive His Heavenly
Blessings in ample abundance at every Divine Liturgy.
Please remember to set aside a gift for your church during
this very important Holiday, and send it whenever you can. Our
Lord will bless you ABUNDANTLY FOR IT!!!
Page 18
November/December 2015
Thanksgiving Day Liturgy on Thursday, November 26th
Dear Faithful,
Thursday, November 26th, Thanksgiving, is a day especially set aside to thank
our most gracious and generous Lord for the many blessings He has bestowed
upon us as a Nation. God has blessed us with a wondrous country, to which we
should be very appreciative and thankful for. And for us Greeks and our
background, we should be grateful and very thankful for the many blessings
and opportunities God has given us here in America, knowing fully well that
none of these opportunities would have been possible for us if we were still
living in Greece. And so again, we will be celebrating a Divine Liturgy on
Thanksgiving Day, beginning with a 9:00 a.m. orthros and 10:00 a.m. Divine
Liturgy, to praise God and to give Him our heartfelt thanks for what He has
done for us.
St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church
& National Shrine
The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National Shrine being built at the World Trade Center will be a
house of worship for the Greek Orthodox Community and a place of prayer and solace for all people. As part
of a national initiative to support St. Nicholas, Philoptochos is asking for a $100 donation from each member,
or any amount higher or lower that you are able to give, to collectively support our chapter goal of $10,000.00.
Philoptochos board members will begin to reach out to members individually, and we of course welcome and
encourage donations from non-members. Please ask a member of the Philoptochos to learn more.
November/December 2015
Page 19
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Page 20
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Have a Wonderful Holiday Season
Καλές Γιορτές
We keep trying to improve The Voice of St. George and we welcome your comments and suggestions. We cannot do it without your
help. Our email is [email protected]. The Voice is produced entirely by volunteers but, still, we are responsible and apologize
for any omissions, delays, and imperfections associated with this and any other issue. Please help us make the next one better.
Συνεχίζουμε τις προσπάθειες μας για συνεχή βελτίωση του δελτίου μας. Προτάσεις και υποδείξεις, για το πως να κάνουμε αυτό το
δελτίο πιο χρήσιμο είναι πάντα ευπρόσδεκτες. Το δελτίο αυτό είναι μεν αποτέλεσμα εθελοντικής εργασίας, είμαστε όμως υπεύθυνοι και
ζητούμε συγγνώμη για όποιες καθυστερήσεις, παραλείψεις, ή λάθη αναπόφευκτα γίνονται. Ζητούμε την κατανόηση σας και την βοήθεια
σας να κάνουμε το επόμενο τεύχος καλύτερο. Το ηλεκτρονικό μας ταχυδρομείο είναι [email protected].
[email protected]
If you want your business and/or professional skills to be
seen by hundreds of families in your area as well as online
at our Church website, don’t wait: Call now at
732-463-1642 and place your advertisement! The rates
apply for both paper and online advertisement!
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