2012 Annual Report - Roper St. Francis Foundation


2012 Annual Report - Roper St. Francis Foundation
2012 Annual Report
Changing moments
Through Giving
Dear Friends,
The Roper St. Francis mission – healing all people with compassion, faith and excellence – is simple in phrase but momentous
in meaning. Our mission is a guiding and unifying force, which links the quality care our doctors and teammates provide with
the patients who seek it.
Our ability to fulfill this mission is strengthened by the involvement and generosity of community members like you. On behalf
of everyone at Roper St. Francis, thank you for your support of the Roper St. Francis Foundation in 2012. Last year, donors like
you committed more than $6.4 million in gifts and grants to enhance the quality care provided to our patients.
There are many reasons for giving to Roper St. Francis. You may have given because quick access to emergency care saved your
life. You may have given because your mother was treated with unmatched compassion at the end of her life. You may have
given because the nurse who cared for you did so with an unexpected level of excellence. You may have given because, like
us, you believe that every moment matters. Your motivation for giving may be personal, but your support reaches out to the
broader community, helping more people receive excellent care. We are sincerely grateful for your support of Roper St. Francis.
I hope you enjoy reading about the impact of your generosity in this 2012 Roper St. Francis Foundation Annual Report. I am
certain the powerful stories enclosed will instill confidence that your gifts are being used to provide world-class care.
As we look to the future and the ever-changing face of healthcare, philanthropy will be more important than ever. The needs
of our community will continue to grow, and your giving ensures that we will be able to meaningfully change moments for the
people we serve.
With gratitude,
David L. Dunlap, FACHE
President and Chief Executive Officer
Roper St. Francis
Dear Generous Donors,
One Roper St. Francis physician also stands out for his exceptional commitment to the Roper St. Francis
Foundation. We are delighted to recognize Dr. J. Chris Hawk III as the 2012 Roper St. Francis Foundation Physician
Let us begin by simply saying thank you. Your gifts are creating life changing moments and making a positive impact on the
Champion, a prestigious award sponsored by Lillibridge Healthcare Services.
health of our community.
Dr. Hawk has committed three decades towards the advancement of high quality healthcare in the Lowcountry.
The Roper St. Francis Foundation’s ability to secure and direct your donations is only possible through the help of volunteers.
Many volunteers commit their time, knowledge and resources to ensure charitable giving at Roper St. Francis is strong. Though
all of our volunteers are important to our success, two stand out among the crowd.
We are honored to recognize Jack Hoover as the recipient of the 2012 Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd Board Leadership
Award. Jack’s unyielding commitment to the Roper St. Francis Foundation began in 2005 when he joined the
Foundation’s Board of Directors. During his first year of service, Jack was instrumental in recruiting the first year
of Roper Xavier Society donors. He helped the Foundation gain more than 300 Rx Society donors that year, and
membership has since grown by more than 70%.
Jack approaches projects with sincere passion, leading donor-funded initiatives from the Meditation Garden at Bon Secours
St. Francis Hospital to the most recent Roper Hospital rooftop helipad project. It was in his honor that the first visiting
He is a tireless advocate for the Foundation, leading by example and encouraging other to get involved. His involvement
with the Foundation goes beyond his personal giving. Most recently, he helped launch the Roper St. Francis Foundation
Legacy Circle, which recognizes donors who include Roper St. Francis in their estate plans. His support of the Roper St. Francis
Foundation is just one of his many contributions to Roper St. Francis, but we are truly grateful for his support.
Thank you, Jack and Dr. Hawk, for making every moment matter for our community. Thank you, donors, for your support of
the Roper St. Francis Foundation. The progress made in 2012 toward a healthier Lowcountry would not have been possible
without you.
professorship in the Heart & Vascular Center was launched. Over the last eight years, he has had a tremendous impact on our
healthcare system and the people we serve.
Susan S. Keenan, CFRE
Executive Director
Roper St. Francis Foundation
John B. Holloway, Jr.
Roper St. Francis Foundation
Board of Directors
A Moment for Hope
Two days before Thanksgiving in 2009, Bill and Betsy Saal were resting in their home on Kiawah Island when an alarming call
from Bill’s doctor changed their lives forever. His doctor had detected cancer and scheduled Bill for tests the following day.
Three days later, the Saals learned that Bill had melanoma. Suddenly, they were confronted with a whirlwind of procedures and
medical terminologies that were completely new to them.
Bill’s cancer proved more aggressive than they could have imaged. Betsy said, “Bill fell one afternoon and my first thought was
that he had a stroke. I rode in the front of the ambulance down Bohicket Road, which was a harrowing experience, to the Roper
Hospital Emergency Room. Once we arrived, Bill was back in the ER within minutes and then, unexpectedly, Bill’s oncologist
appeared in the waiting room. My heart dropped.” Bill’s cancer had metastasized to his brain.
Despite the somber news, Betsy was determined to stay positive for her husband. She said, “I think back fondly on the Roper
St. Francis staff, especially our radiation oncologist, for respecting my role as a caregiver. She and I would meet in a room
privately for a full report, and then we would see Bill together remaining positive and upbeat.”
As his cancer progressed, Bill and Betsy returned to their home in Michigan. Bill lost his battle with cancer less than a year later.
“Bill always said, ‘support your church and your hospital.” Betsy knew she could make a difference, in memory of her husband,
for other families undergoing the cancer process. The Saal Family made a gift to the Donna Fielding Cancer Wellness Institute
to provide hope to families when they need it most.
The Donna Fielding Cancer Wellness Institute was founded upon the belief that effective cancer care goes beyond the
elimination of disease. Endowed by the transformational generosity of the Ronald H. Fielding Family, in memory of the late
Donna Fielding who also bravely battled melanoma, the Institute brings together the latest cancer fighting tools with support
therapies for emotional well-being. Patient navigators stand figuratively, and often literally, hand-in-hand with patients as they
go through the cancer journey.
“Exercise therapy, nutrition support and the help of a navigator all provide peace and hope for patients
and for caregivers like me,” said Betsy.“It would have been nice to have had the Institute in place while
we were going through Bill’s diagnosis. After all, it is hope that helps you get through day to day.”
A Moment Saved
Dr. Pat Kelly has cared for thousands of patients over the last 20 years as an emergency physician at Roper St. Francis. “In
emergency medicine, we are the safety net for all who need healthcare. We care for people young or old, rich or poor, all day
and every day of the year,” he said.
From broken arms and twisted ankles to heart attacks and strokes, Dr. Kelly has met and cared for many of his neighbors. He has
lived the majority of his life in the Lowcountry, growing up in Georgetown. He has a deep connection to his community. Waking
up each day to fight for the health of the Lowcountry is just one of his many contributions.
“I have experienced illnesses in my life just like everyone else. Fortunately, none of these have been life threatening. I have,
however, taken care of both friends and family with a variety of illnesses and injuries, and I know emergency care saves lives,” he
said. Dr. Kelly recognizes that the lives of parents, children and grandchildren are in his hands every day. He also understands
that a patient’s access to care can be the difference between life and death. Last year, he turned this knowledge into a passion.
After long days in the emergency room, he dedicated countless hours making presentations on the impact of a rooftop
helicopter landing pad at Roper Hospital. “Every moment matters during a medical emergency, especially in cases of a heart
attack or stroke. Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in the Tri-county,” he said. “Through philanthropy, I knew
Roper St. Francis could work to change this statistic.” He called on community members to pledge their support to make the
helipad possible. A year later, with more than $1.8 million in donations, the helipad became a reality.
“Roper Hospital can now care for airlifted patients at least 15 minutes faster. I’m so proud to be a
member of this community – a community that joins together to make life-saving projects like the
helipad possible. My family gives to Roper St. Francis because I see the impact of donations every day.
I see the efforts we all make to maintain and further enhance the excellence of care provided at Roper
St. Francis. I know giving back makes a difference.”
A Moment for Home
Ella’s day begins with several voice messages from clients needing her help. “My phone rings constantly with people requesting
assistance with the basic human right of housing. We have clients who are sleeping in abandoned buildings or sitting in 24-hour
gas stations all night,” she said.
Ella Fleming is coordinator for the Hope Housing Program, which provides housing assistance to eligible Roper St. Francis Ryan
White Program clients. The Ryan White Program, now in its eleventh year, provides clinical and supportive services to people
living with HIV/AIDS. Most of the program’s 525 patients are uninsured and nearly all are living in poverty. More than half of the
men and women are subject to homelessness on any given day.
Natalie called Ella hoping for a new start. Ella said, “Natalie is an addict in recovery, and she recognized that her housing
situation surrounded her with triggers to use again. She was working at a local fast food restaurant but wasn’t making enough
to make ends meet. We assisted her with her rental payments as she began to save a little money. With Hope Housing
assistance, she was able to save enough money to pay for the transportation needed to get a second job. I am proud to say
that Natalie now has her own apartment, her own transportation and a full time job. She is seeing her doctor regularly, is
receiving counseling for her addiction and is still in recovery.”
Housing is one of the greatest unmet needs for people living with HIV, and the need continues to grow in South Carolina.
Through Hope Housing, stable housing is helping patients gain better access to medical care and remain compliant with
medications. Ella said, “Natalie stops by the office frequently to show us pictures of her new apartment; she is so proud of
where she lives and how far she’s come. She is a true success story.”
Ryan White Program HIV/AIDS services are made possible through gifts and grants to the Roper St. Francis Foundation. Since
2008, grant funding from the City of Charleston Department of Housing & Community Development HOPWA Program, M·A·C
AIDS and Bon Secours Health System Mission Fund has supported hundreds of our neighbors living with HIV by providing
stable shelter and a path to stable health.
Patient name has been changed for privacy.
“With Hope Housing assistance, she was able to save enough money to pay for the transportation needed
to get a second job. I am proud to say that Natalie now has her own apartment, her own transportation
and a full time job.“
Moments Changed Through Giving in 2012
Giving to the Roper St. Francis Foundation creates life changing moments by improving the health and well-being of our
community. In 2012, gifts and grants supported our mission of healing all people with compassion, faith and excellence by
enhancing more than 20 Roper St. Francis programs and services.
Your gifts allow Roper St. Francis to:
Bring compassionate, quality care to all patients when they need it most
Engage and retain world-class doctors, nurses and staff
Keep pace with cutting-edge technological advances
Expand and enhance facilities to better meet the needs of our community
2012 donor designations
Cancer Care
Community & Mission Support
Emergency Services
Greatest Need
Heart & Vascular Services
Home Health & Hospice
Nursing Scholarships & Education
Quality & Capital Improvements
Rehabilitation &
Neuroscience & Spine Services
Ryan White HIV Program
Senior Services
Women & Children
Emergency Services
Donations expand access to emergency care when people need it most. In 2012, philanthropy funded the creation of the Roper
Hospital Rooftop Helipad, the peninsula’s first hospital rooftop emergency helicopter landing pad. Grant funding continued
the AED HeartSave program, which places automatic external defibrillators in hundreds of public places, allowing trained nonmedical personnel to quickly help our citizens undergoing cardiac arrest.
Ryan White Program
More than 500 people living with HIV rely on the Ryan White Program and Wellness Center for their care. Gifts and grants
received in 2012 allowed the Ryan White Program to continue providing comprehensive clinical and supportive services.
Funding allows enrolled patients to receive clinical care, medication assistance, mental health services, wellness care, housing
assistance and more.
Nursing Scholarship Program
Nurses are the heartbeat of Roper St. Francis, and well-trained nurses are vital to the health of our patients. Recognizing this
important role, the Nursing Scholarship Program supports nurses pursuing an advanced degree. Last year, donations provided
21 new scholarships to nurses continuing their education, ultimately improving clinical excellence and making the patient
experience the best it can be.
Area of Greatest Need
To learn about the many ways you can give, visit www.rsfhfoundation.org/waystogive.
Donations designated to the area of greatest need allow Roper St. Francis to fulfill the immediate needs of its patients, staff,
facilities and community. Unrestricted gifts made in 2012 are being used to support the Center for Spinal Cord Injury at Roper
Rehabilitation Hospital, allowing the Center to better serve our neighbors living with spinal cord injuries.
Cancer Care
Philanthropy ensures patients of Roper St. Francis Cancer Care have access to innovative cancer fighting treatments provided
by world-class physicians. In 2012, generous gifts to the Donna Fielding Cancer Wellness Institute established an endowment,
Annual Contribution Growth
2012 Donations
which funds navigational support to enhance the cancer patient experience. Philanthropy also supported a continued emphasis
on prevention with community screenings and education.
Rehabilitation and Neuroscience & Spine Services
Generosity advances Roper Rehabilitation Hospital’s ability to help people reach their fullest functional potential. Last year, gifts
and grants to the Center for Spinal Cord Injury continued to ease the healthcare navigation burdens of our neighbors living
with spinal cord injuries. Donations also supported the future renovation of the Neuro-Spine Center operating rooms, creating
a seamless match between advanced technologies and the facilities that house them.
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 & above
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 & above
Documented Future Planned Gifts
Society Members
Roper Xavier Society
Anonymous (5)
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Abess*
$1,000 to $4,999
Named for our founders, Colonel Thomas Roper and Sister Xavier Dunn, the Roper Xavier Society recognizes those leaders who
support the Foundation with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. The Roper St. Francis Foundation is grateful for the 614 members
of the 2012 Roper Xavier Society.
Etoile M. Alexander
Walter D. Blessing, Jr. and
Drs. Lori and Stephen Campbell*
Dr. Susan and Mr. Joy Datta*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Cantey III
Scott and Lesly Davidson*
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Blue*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Davis
Dr. John G.P. and Dr. Barbara S.
Charles and Mary Page Carmody
Donna S. Dawson
Drs. Jon and Hayley Carter*
Ms. Dawn C. Dean
Dr. and Mrs. William C.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. DeMarco*
Anne H. Blessing*
J. Robert Alexander Jr., MD*
Bon Secours St. Francis Volunteers
Ms. Donna Allen
Mr. J. Sidney Boone Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Allen*
Vickey Boyd - Moultrie News
Carter III*
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mrs. Alexander W. DeMasi
Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher C.
Chairman’s Circle
Henry and Laurel Greer
Ann and Leo Higdon
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Boyer*
$1,000,000 or more
Bartley E. Antine, MD*
Wendy and Keith S. Wellin
Hinchey, Murray &
Dr. Susanne Bradford and
Ronald H. Fielding
Russell Holliday
Drs. Lou and Arnie Applebaum*
Wells Fargo
Pagliarini, LLC
HR Allen, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Appleby*
Young Clement Rivers, LLP
Linda and Bill Hollingsworth
William and Anne Bradley
Mr. Albert Aquino
John and Martha Holloway
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Brady*
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Chambers*
Jeffrey D. and Margaret K. Armfield
Bret and Kelly Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brams
Elizabeth Christian*
Wendy and Bruce Armon
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jordan Jr.
Ms. Cathleen Brannigan
M. P. Church
Dr. and Mrs. Randal Atkinson*
Dr. Pat and Carol Kelly*
Bridge Dental
Jean and Terry Clark
Debbie Dingler
Mr. and Mrs. Billie F. Attaway Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Khoury*
Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Brilliant*
Dr. Anc Clarkson and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. DiNicola
Mrs. Lorraine C. Backman
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. King
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Brisson*
Dr. M.J. Clarkson*
Mickey and Patti Bagg*
A. Lawrence Lemel, MD*
Judith M. Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cline
Lawrence Dodds
Susan Parsons and Angus
Wanda J. Brockmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen
Faith and Doug Dodge
President’s Circle
$100,000 to $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoover
Roper St. Francis Physicians
Mrs. Carole King
Mrs. Karyn Lee
Lillibridge Healthcare
Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McNab, Jr.
Trustees’ Circle
The Sonny Mevers Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. F. Duffield Meyercord
Air Methods
Moore & Van Allen
Martha and Pat Waters
Buddy and Lissy Morgan
Directors’ Circle
$10,000 to $49,999
Anonymous (3)
Angelica Corporation
Complete Building Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Barnes
Belimed, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Bottcher
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Burner
Mr. D. Grant Carwile
Charleston Pathology, P.A.*
Charleston Ride For Hope
Louise B. Clay
Charles and Joanne Cole
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLP
Pamela and David Dunlap
Alec and Tamar Ellison
First Citizens Bank and Trust
Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Friedman
Morrison Healthcare Food Services
NBM Construction
Company, Inc.
Nexsen Pruet, LLC
The Novello Family Fund of Coastal
Community Foundation
Novus Architects
Pepsi Beverages Company
Edmund and Janice Puckhaber
Stephen and Jill Rawe Family*
Robins & Morton
South Carolina Electric & Gas
Seremet Family Foundation
Share Our Suzy - SOS
Anne and Doug Surrett
Mike and Rose Tanenbaum Haber
and Mark Tanenbaum
O. L. and Toni Thompson
Trident Construction, LLC
TRUMPF Medical Systems, Inc.
Benefactors’ Circle
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Paul C. Aughtry III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson
Berly III
The Boeing Company
Douglas and Regina Bowling
Robert and Joan Breyer
Dr. and Mrs. W. Raymond
(Ellen) Brown III
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Buck Sr.
Carnes Crossroads Associates
Allen and Mindy Carroll
Lonnie and Laurie Carter
Charleston Anesthesia
Group LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy*
Dr. David and Julie Ellison*
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell
First Federal
Herzman-Fishman Foundation
(Carol and Leo Fishman)
Bill and Martha Fogle*
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Grayson*
Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Green
Dr. Jeb Hallett and
Dr. Linda Austin*
Doug Harrison
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Lend Lease (US)
Baker, MD*
Mr. David Martin*
Cathcart III
Derrick Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Marco L. Cavazzoni
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dhein*
Ms. Laura J. Celia
Mark C. Dickson
Emma J. Chambers
Dr. Alison E. Dillon and
Mr. Matt Dillon*
Mrs. Karen DiLorenzo-Thames and
Mr. Bob Thames
Andrew and Stacey Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Brooks
Tracey J. Cole, MD*
Jon and Berta Donaldson*
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Barber
Levern and Larry Livingston*
Scott and Mika Broome
Dr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Collins*
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Dorrity*
Drs. Frank and Izabela Barnes*
Alton G. Brown Jr., MD*
Julie D. Collins
George W. Douglass, MD*
Andrietta Wright Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. James Marianski
Glen and Grier Brown
Linda Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Driggers
Drs. Paul and Lisa Baron*
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brumley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Condon
Marc and Kris Dubick*
Dr. Sy Baron and
Kathleen Bryson, RN
Rex and Alberta Conner
Katherine and Michael Duffy
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Construction Inc.
Lakeside Foundation
Ms. Gloria Adelson*
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Molony
Merritt and Eddie Buck
C. Ronald Coward
Bob and Mary Barrineau
Susan and Chris Momeier
James and Barbara Buckley
Robby and Kim Cox
Lee Bastian
Physicians Eyecare Plan
Bill and Sharon Buehler
Dr. Mary Hart and Dr. Brian Craig*
Dr. and Mrs. Ted A. Dunn*
Mr. and Mrs. David Bauhs
Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company
Dr. Lauri E. Bullen and
William E. Cramer, MD*
Hugh D. Durrence, MD*
Mr. William T. Baxley
Publix Super Markets Charities
Phil and Sandra Creger
DWG, Inc. Consulting Engineers
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beall
The Royall Family Fund of Coastal
Drs. Troy and Katielyn Bunting*
Mary and Richard Garcia and
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dyke Jr.
Ms. Robyn G. Beam
Ms. Barbara Burgess and
Community Foundation of SC
Drs. Timothy and Jennifer Beatty*
Mr. Jason M. Bullen*
Mr. John Dinkelspiel
CresCom Bank
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Dukes III*
Mr. Frederick Edgar
Greg and Jenny Edwards
Matt and Ashley Severance
Chuck Beischel*
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro*
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Burns*
Athena Beldecos and
Beth and Larry Burtschy
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Crymes*
Dr. and Mrs. Haskell Ellison*
Woodie and Carleen Smith
Amir Shakya*
Crymes Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ralph Edwards
James E. Warmoth, MD*
Mrs. Julian T. Buxton Jr.
Hutchie and Jerry Cummin
Morris and Deborah Ellison
Susan M. Bennett
Gene and Charlotte Zurlo
Byers Design Architecture
Dr. and Mrs. William B.
Berchtold Corporation
Byers Design Group, LLC
Dr. David Dalu and
The Alwyn Berlin Family
Byers Design Landscape
Mrs. Jaclyn S. Berlinsky
Bambi Rae Caffery
Bart and Cindy Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Epperson*
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Bianco*
Eugene P. Cahalan
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Daniel*
Jan and Manly Eubank
John and Judy Bleecker
Beth L. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Cas F. Danielowski
Charlotte and Strait Fairey*
Dr. and Mrs. Kenny Caldwell*
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Darby
Dr. Olivia Titus-Dalu*
Ellison Jr.*
Judith and Thomas Embrescia
David and Rhonda Falk Family
Christopher and Lindsay Glenn
Nancy and Homer Klock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall
Mrs. Margaret Hawk O’Brien
Roper Hospital Auxiliary
Dr. Lindsay Stewart*
Carin L. Hosler, RN
Glen and Kelly Koepenick
Adriane and John McAvoy
Thomas P. O’Brien Jr.
Dr. Sam and Sara Beth Rosen*
Melanie and Anthony Stith
Peter and Judy Hubbard
Dr. and Mrs. Marc H. Kolender
Ms. Karen K. McCay
Dr. and Mrs. Troy J. Ockerman*
Barbara and Danny Rowland
Beth M. Stone
John Kresse and Dr. Sue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McCoy Jr.
Blake L. Ohlson, MD*
Ron and Jackie Roy
Georgette K. Stone
Dr. and Mrs. John J. McCrosson*
Preston and Susan Oliver
Dr. and Mrs. Harry (Rhett) Rudolph*
Diane Story
Robert R. Oliverio Jr., MD*
Pat and Donna Runey
Mr. Alexander Strain
Shanon W. Honney, MD*
John Golding
Frank and Dorothy Farfone
Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Goodnight*
Drs. Steven Feingold and
Robin S. Googe
Matt and Susannah Hubbell
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood C. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Calvert W. Huffines
Cindi May*
Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Feldman*
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Graham Jr.*
Dr. Tara Hulsey
Martha B. Lackey
Drs. Rick and Danyel McEvoy*
Ms. Allison Fennell
Ms. Julie Graudin
Jeanne M. Hunt
Mr. Albert A. Lacour III
Dr. and Mrs. John A. McFadden*
Mr. Robert P. Olson
Maria I. Sample
J. Wade Strong, MD*
James and Brenda Orcutt*
Nancy Strother
Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell
Mrs. Melissa D. Gravlee
Joy Huntington
Drs. Joseph and Michelle Lally*
Thomas and Starla McGorty
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Greenebaum
Laura Icard
Mark and Mary Lamb
Bill and Kathryn McGowan
Ms. Kelly Pabst
Anne and Douglas Sass
William S. Stuhr
Greg and Tina Padgett
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E.
John and Mary Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Finn
Drs. George and Charlene Grice*
Iowa Health
Ms. Cathy O. Landis
Teresa McLean, MSN, PCCN, RN
Jennifer H. Fiorini, MD, FACS*
MAJ GEN and Mrs. John S. Grinalds,
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R. Ivester Jr.*
Mr. Hugh C. Lane Jr.
Mr. David and Dr. Kelly McSweeney*
Pantheon, Inc.
Mary E. Ivester
Vincent and Joanne Lannie
Robert and Louisa Mead
Dr. and Mrs. Telfair Parker*
Drs. Gene and Julia Saylors*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Tarwater
James Island Yacht Club
Kathy LaPorte
Gleim Family
Susan and Ned Payne
The Doctors Matthew and
Michael and Kimberly Taylor
Edwin S. Pearlstine Jr.
Casey and Sue Fitts*
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Fitzgerald Jr.*
Rear Admiral and
Mrs. James H. Flatley III
Mr. Kevin F. Fleming
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Grossman*
Kathy and Wayne Hall
Dianne H. Jenkins, RN
Leading Edge Software Solutions
Clay and Karen Hallmark*
Dr. and Mrs. Matt Jenkins*
Drs. Daniel and Leslie Leaf*
Ms. Michelle Mejia
Laurie and Allen Pendarvis
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Schabel*
Peter and Stephanie Tecklenburg
David and Pennie Peralta
Lisa Schafer
Delinda and Steve Terry*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Jason, Cathy and Michaela Therrell
Leslie Scarlett*
TD Bank
Hall’s Chophouse
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Jenkins
Mr. Kershaw and Dr. Anne LeClerq*
William and Bonnie Mello
Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Cleave Ham*
Dr. Noelle Jennings and Mr.
Ms. Marie E. Lee
Julie J. Mendenhall RNC
Joan Perry
Ted and Tricia Legasey
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Metzler
David and Maemillicent Peterseim*
James and Miriam Leib
Mr. Charles Mewshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Alton C. Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Willy Schwenzfeier*
W. Tony Thomas
Wilbur E. Johnson
Mr. Rick Widman and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Meyer
Dr. Elizabeth Philp
Bill and Sarah Settlemyer
Dr. and Mrs. H. Edward Thompson*
William D. Johnson
Mrs. Linn Lesesne
Wayne and Anna Mickiewicz
Ms. Cindy Plavney
Gerald J. and Donna Shealy*
Joseph J. Tierney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prendergast
Kim Sheldon
Rebecca A. Timmons
Elizabeth A. Handy
Mrs. Margaret E. Flores
Ken and Robin Hanger*
Anne S. Flynn, MD*
Judy Tarleton
Ms. Nancy L. Meek
Rev. Dr. Terence K. Fleming
Jerry W. Flury
Saunders III*
Congressman and Mrs. Thomas F.
Alexander Jennings Jr.*
Ms. Susan M. Johnson
Schoderbek Jr.*
Kathy and Denny Thomas
Francis Marion Hotel
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Hawk III*
Kenneth W. Johnstone, MD*
Drs. Daniel and Madeline Lewis*
James R. and Ann J. Middleton
Chris and Karen Fraser
Drs. Andrea and James Hawk*
Roger Jolley
Limehouse Produce
Dr. and Mrs. Francis G. Middleton
Sheila and Bill Prezzano
Elden P. Sherman, MD*
M. Keith Tomlin, MD*
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Price Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Shuman*
Ms. Diana F. Topjian
Ms. Hyacinth Freeman
Polly Beth and John C. Hawk IV
Greg and Elizabeth Jones
Ms. Annelle C. Limehouse
Mrs. Phyllis P. Miller
Susan T. and Eric G. Friberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawthorne
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Jones*
Wynde Limehouse
Richard and Sharon Mills*
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Principe*
T. Grange Simons
Town of McClellanville
Dr. Katherine A. Minnick and
William H. Prioleau Jr., MD*
James G. Simpson, MD*
Josephine Traina
Fund of Coastal Community
Robert M. Hay, MD*
Ms. Danya M. Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Line*
Foundation of SC
Dr. and Mrs. Geoff Hayden*
Dr. Marshall Kalinsky*
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Long Jr.
Richard J. Friedman, MD and
Sandra Brett*
Jim and Barbara Hayes*
The Glasspro-Heinauer Family
Ayala Asherov Kalus and
Ram Kalus
Bernard and Anne Puckhaber
Sisters of Bon Secours
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Traynham*
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lopez
Kim B. Pugh, MD*
Sisters of Charity of Our
N. T. Tsai and Michael Quayle*
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter Louis Jr.*
Mr. David L. Mitchell
Dick and Susanne Query
John A. Mitchell, MD and
Danny and Lisa Quirk
Mr. Jonathan Skelley
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Tucker*
Dave and Carrie Gabriel
Fund of Coastal Community
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Kanich*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. W. Lowery*
Mr. William Gallant and
Foundation of SC
Ms. Kimberly A. Keelor
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Lucas Jr.*
Ms. Julia McConnell
Ms. Geraldine Gallashaw
Dr. Cynthia M. Heldrich and Mr.
Frederick J. Heldrich*
Dr. Frank Karpiel*
Mitch and Vivian Mitchell
Holly C. Mitchell, MD*
Lady of Mercy
Dr. James S. Tucker, Pharm. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Radabaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Sloan
Thierry and Melinda Vandyck
Dr. and Mrs. James Morris Ravenel*
Sherrel Smith, MSN
Mrs. Judith S. Vane
Wilbur S. Smith and Stephanie E.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Vineyard
Mrs. Harriet H. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lucas
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Moe*
Susan and Neel Keenan
Dawn Ludwig
Robert and Sissy Moise
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Redfern
Ashley and Mark Redmond
Mr. Richard C. Gallier
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Henry*
Sharon Keene
Ms. Laurie Lybrand-Busby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Montgomery
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Gatgounis*
Lloyd and Joan Hepburn*
Cathy Hallman Kenner
Meghan E. Lynch, MD*
Audrey and Bill Moody
Geoffrey E. Renk, MD*
Dr. Billy and Gina Snyder*
Mr. and Mrs. Angress Walker Jr.
Mary Helen Condon Moore and
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes*
Dr. and Mrs. D. Tod Sokevitz*
Dr. and Mrs. John Walters*
Dr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Geer*
Cary and Renee Hickman*
Dr. and Mrs. George P. Keogh*
Dr. Thomas G. MacDonald*
Charles C. Geer, MD*
Ms. Amy B. Hider
Kindred Hospital Charleston
Dr. and Mrs. John C. MacIlwaine*
C. J. Geilfuss, MD*
Barbara and John Hildreth*
Lois D. King and James Talmage
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Geils Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hill*
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kirkland*
Dr. and Mrs. George
Frederick Geils Sr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Waddell H.
Gilmore III*
Drs. Douglas and Kenosha Gleaton*
Jimmy Moore Sr.
Smith-Philips Foundation*
Volcano Corporation
Michael and Elizabeth Ricciardone
Southeastern Freight Lines
Kurt and Joan Wassen
Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Maile*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris
Ms. Georganne Ridgill
John and Linda Spratt*
Arlene, Leigh and Erin Watrobski
Bobbie Maner
MRO Resources, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rife
Ms. Jennifer B. Sprecher
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wattay
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P.R. Rivers*
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Staempfli
Charles S. Way Jr.
Diane and Bruce Hoffman
Drs. Jonathan and Amy Kirshtein*
Bruce and Cheryl Manigo
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Murphy Jr.
Mr. Henry L. Holliday III
Sam and Mitzi Kirshtein
Sherrie A. Mannarino, RN, MSN
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Rodelsperger*
Rich and Jennifer Statuto
Betty and Leo Weber
Mr. and Dr. Robert T. Rogerson*
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stelling
Dr. Lynn W. Crymes and Dr. Johnny
Mr. and Mrs. James Kevin Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Kleckley*
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Marino*
Mr. Duane Nicholson
Carol Holt
Drs. Richard and Elizabeth
Ms. Debbie Marlatt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nistad
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Rojugbokan*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stelling
Sarah and Alex Marshall
Dr. Alan and Neda Nussbaum*
Mr. Tim and Dr. Patti Roland*
John and Hannah Stewart
Jennifer E. Holtsclaw
Kline & Family*
C. Weeks*
Michael and Michele Weiner
Frances C. Welch
Mr. Inbrahim Bah
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wendell
Ms. Andrea M. Bailey
Joan L. Wherley
Ms. Benita S. Baird
Dr. Janet O. White and
Ms. Suzette Baragona
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Barden
Mr. John White*
Ms. Tiffan’e S. Craig
East Cooper Baptist Church
Ms. Deborah R. Geard
Ms. Marie T. Harlan
Patricia and Steve Jarrell
Mr. Edward G. Bryan III
James E. Craigie, MD
Ms. Laurah Ebai
Ms. Judy S. Geitner
Laurie J. Harle
Ms. Catherine D. Jenkins
Ms. Lesley A. Bryan
Ms. Jennifer R. Crawford
Ed and Markita Ebersole
Ms. Edwina Germain
Ed and Betty Harmon
Mr. Thomas Jennings
Ms. Kimberly F. Bryant
Bonita W. Crosby, RN
Ms. Susan J. Eckel
Ms. Miriam Gillies
Joseph M. Harmon, MD
Mr. William E. Jensen
Ms. Tavia E. Buck
Ms. Carolyn R. Culberson
Edisto Island Lions Club
Ms. Cheryl A. Girtman
Ms. Kimberly D. Harrelson
Ms. Amy L. Johnson
Ms. Denise Y. Harrington
Ms. Annette Johnson
Mardrie and Gary Brown
Jimmy and Shelia Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barker
Alice M. Bunnell, RN
John W. Cullum
Mr. Edward Effler
Jonathan and Alexis Wilks
Bill and Rhett Barker
Ms. Genovaite T. Butski
Ms. Karen M. Cummings
Ms. Crisha N. Eldridge
Dale and Jimmy Glenn
Ms. Jarelle P. Harrison
Ms. Blanche P. Johnson
Mr. Frederick H. Glore
Mr. and Mrs. J. Heyward
Ms. Florine S. Johnson
Elizabeth and Gardi Willis
Ms. Cynthia Barnett
Ms. Karen M. Cain
Grace and Douglas Cunha
R. Charles and Diane Eldridge
Leah S. Willis
Ms. Julia B. Barnhill
Ms. Sarah Christopher and
Ms. Amberosya T. Dallas
Mr. Michael Ellegood
Ms. Sheri Goetsch
Ms. Kristen M. Daly
Ms. Stacy M. Ellingston
Ms. Milagros Gomila
Ms. Jayne Harvey
Ms. Pamela Johnson
Ms. Lonice O. Daly
Mr. Frank K. Ellington III
Ms. Erin F. Goodell
Ms. Kathleen D. Harville
Ms. Amy N. Jones
Ms. Linda A. Gordon
Jacinte O. Hawkins
Joseph Beth Booksellers
Ms. Donna J. Wilson
Ms. Wanda G. Barrett
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson*
Ms. Elizabeth B. Barrineau
Mr. Remley R. Campbell
Mr. Michael Cannon
Harvey Jr.
Ms. Lisa P. Johnson
Yvonda Wilson
Ms. Josephine Y. Basconcillo
Ms. Meghann E. Carey
Ms. Christy Davidson
Ms. Tonya Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Witz
Ms. Judy A. Bean
Ms. Cassie A. Carroll
Ms. Jenna Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II
Mr. James B. Gosnell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heider Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Carium Joseph
Mr. Darwin Goucher
Mrs. Harriet F. Henderson
Ms. Laurie M. Josiger
Beth Wolf and Mr. Fiorenzo
Marcia Beazley
Melissa Carson, RN
Mr. William S. Davies
Lanie and Randy Epting
Mrs. Camilla M. Bennett
Mr. T. Heyward Carter Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Davis
Ms. Bobbie Evans
Debra R. Graf, RN
Mr. Cecil Hernandez
Ms. Liza M. Jurey
Ms. Charline R. Grafton
Ms. Violeta V. Herrera
Ms. Gay Justice
Mrs. Linda D. Womack
R. C. Berg, Jr., CLU, CHFC, AEP
Mr. John P. Case
Mrs. Dena Davis
Ms. Kristin R. Exline
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wooden
Ms. Linda L. Bertucci
Mr. Anthony T. Castelli
Ms. Jacqueline F. Davis
Ms. Kimberly A. Fairchild
Ms. Brittany M. Graham
Ms. April J. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. James Kane II
Mr. John Graham
Rick and Donna Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kapp
Thomas D. Wooten Jr., MD*
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bigham III
Mr. Sidney M. Cauthen
Ms. Melissa K. Davis
Ms. Mara D. Fairman
Dr. and Mrs. G. Fred Worsham*
Ms. Delsa L. Biorn
Ms. Amanda L. Celia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Davis
Ms. Christy G. Farrell
Ms. Sherrie M. Graham
Ms. Erin M. Hill
Ms. Carol Kelly
Grand Strand Master Gardeners
Karen Ritter Hill, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James Kempson
Mr. Francis Wyckoff Jr.
Ms. Kerry A. Bisaccio
Ms. Pamela A. Chaplin
Ralph and Marlene Deacon
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Farrow
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Yantis III*
Mr. Howard Blackburn
Ms. Robyn L. Cherry
Ms. Nancy Deason
Ms. Lou Anne Fellers
Ms. Sheilah D. Hill
Ms. Sylvia D. Kennedy
The Decker Family Fund
Sarette Roberts Fender
Ms. Taneyha N. Grant
Mr. Kirk E. Hinders
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Kerrison
Ms. Ella A. Fleming
Ms. Tesha M. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hineman
Ms. Dana Keyes
Mr. Jimmy L. Green
Mrs. Sarah B. Hipps
Barbara and Maxton King
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter zur Loye
Carey Ann and Bobby Blankenship
Mrs. Susan R. Chewning
* Roper Xavier Society
Mr. Steven J. Blanton
Christ Episcopal Church
Physician Members
of the CCF
Ms. Donna G. Blew
Elizabeth K. Chubb, RN
Ms. Rachel Dedmon
Amanda and Kevin Flynn
Ms. Susan B. Board
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Deer Jr.
Ms. Erynn S. Fontenot
Mr. Robert L. Green
Mr. Derick E. Hodgkins
Mr. Robert W. King
Ms. Molly Greene
Ms. Deborah L. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. W. Doug King
Patron Donors
Mr. Michael Boensch
Ms. Becky L. Clemens
Mr. Robert M. Defee
Michael and Kathleen Forbes
$1 to $999
Ms. Sherry L. Bohne
Christie Clerc
Ms. Martha C. DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Fiedling Foreman
Ms. Sarah E. Greene
Holsclaw Family Trust
King’s Daughters and Sons
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Griffith
Ms. Elizabeth Livingston Holstein
Ms. Nicole L. Klvana
Anonymous (5)
Mr. William H. Bohne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Clyburn
Mrs. Linda L. Dewitt
Ms. Eileen Forsgren
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Acanfora
Bolinski Consulting, LLC
Beverly Coates
Ms. Britney O. Diaz
Ms. Milyssa L. Fountain
Mr. Kelsey L. Groezinger
Ms. Lisa M. Holum
Ms. Wendy Knapp
Virginia M. Grose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoopman
Mr. David F. Knight
Reverend David M. Adams
Myra Bonnell, RN
Mr. Matthew J. Cogdill
Ms. Amanda S. Doran
Mrs. Pauline Frampton
Ms. Nicola J. Adams
Patricia Bozard
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cohen
Ms. Diana B. Dorn
Ms. Britney T. Frasier
Mr. Barry K. Grover
Ms. Sharon M. Hoving
Ms. Mildred B. Knowlton
Ms. Christine Gwinn
Mr. James E. Hovis
Diane Koehler
Becky Airheart
Mr. Stephen P. Bradley
Ms. Norma J. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Dorn Jr.
Ms. Dawn Fratello
Ms. Rebecca Albers
Ms. Mary Pat Brennan
Ms. Megan Collier
Ms. Stephanie D. Doss
Mr. and Mrs. John Frawley Jr.
Chellon N. Habersham-Porcher
Charles Hubbard
Ms. Erin E. Kosak
Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Douglas
Sharon F. Fries, RN
Ms. Rose Maree Hadaway
Ms. Doris Hughes
Ms. Tracy Kosut
Ms. Katherine Collins
Ms. Nancy E. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Furchert
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Hall
Ms. Dana M. Hunt
Ms. Janie E. Kramer
Ms. Kelley Hallman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunter
Dr. Scott Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Ms. Maria N. Al-Drubi
Ms. Patricia C. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Brewster Jr.
Ms. Loretta P. Alexandre
Mr. George S. Brezenski
Ms. Megan O. Collins
Mr. John E. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Furr
Mr. Douglas Alge
Ms. Amy Brinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Collister
Drayton Hall-National Trust
Ms. Erica M. Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Ham
Ms. Martha L. Hutto
Ms. Kari Hamblin
Ms. Jennifer Hynes
Hamilton Electrical &
Ms. Connie C. Inabinet
Ms. Jean C. Howe
Ms. Pamela G. Infinger
Ms. Rachel M. Laddaga
The Jackson-Ledford Family
Lake Murray Baptist Church
Ms. Selena O. Anderseon
Ms. Brenda K. Brinson
Mr. John H. Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey W. Dry
Dianne Gainey, RN
Mrs. Dorothy M. Anderson
Mr. Harry D. Broadway
Diane M. Connolly, RN
Ms. Wendy Dukes
Fielding and Gally Gallivan
Mrs. Florance Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Q. P. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cooper
M. Dumas & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gant
Ms. Allison N. Ani
Mr. Joseph L. Broughton
Ms. Lillian Cooper
Mr. Walter M. Dunlap
Mr. Astropher R. Gapusan
Cheryl and John Hamilton
Karen H. Hanahan, RN
Fund of CCF
Plumbing, Inc.
Lacour Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Antle
Ms. Eglazia E. Brown
Mr. Michael R. Corneil Jr.
Ms. Helen Eadie
Mr. Charles Garred III
Karen M. Arnold, RN
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Cott
Stewart and Sharon Eads
Ms. Adrienne K. Garris
Ms. Janice M. Hankins
Mr. Brett Jacobs
Mr. Richard Lan
Mrs. Francina C. Eady
Ms. Lakeshia Gathers
Mr. James C. Hardin III
Ms. Susan J. Jacoby
Ms. Sonya Law
Mr. Christopher A. Attard
Mr. James Brown
Ms. Barbara D. Cox
Ms. Tiffin D. Lamoreaux
Mr. Joseph A. Lawless
Ms. Molly A. McBrayer
North Charleston Sewer District
Ms. Christie L. Rice
Ms. Debra M. Sheldon
Ms. Marissa B. Stevens
Ms. Allison T. Wagenlander
Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Woodfield
Juwon A. Lawson
Ms. Erin Mccauley
Ms. Margaret Nutt
Wilma W. Rice, RN
Ms. Annette Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stewart
Ms. Elizabeth S. Wagner
Ms. Frieda Wynn
Ms. Beth C. Leaphart
Ms. Mary Lynn McCollum
Ms. Abigail H. O’Connell
Ms. Lynne Rich
Ms. Mary Shockley
Ms. Lisa C. Stewart
Ms. Anne Walker
Ms. Donna C. Yarbrough
Curt and Ginny Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leon McDonald
Richard F. O’Connor, RN
Jack Richardson
Beth and Chris Shull
Ms. Deborah Still
Mrs. Jean L. Wallace
Ms. Kari A. Yocum
Sema Lederman and Wayne
Ms. Abby C. McDougall
Mr. Mark C. O’Neill
Mrs. Anne Worsham
Ms. Molly L. Shultz
Ms. Toni L. Stillinger
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Ward Sr.
Ms. Stephanie A. Young
Mrs. Myra McLaughlin
Ms. Judith Ormson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Siegrist
Amberlee K. Stringer, RN
Kelly Ward
Ms. Beth Zampino
Ms. Maureen Lehman
Ms. Karla A. Meadows
Mr. Harry O. Orvin
Mr. and Mrs. L. Curtis Rickenbaker
Ms. Kristin E. Sigman
Ms. Jennifer P. Strock
Mrs. Cynthia Roe Ware
Renee Zepp, RN
Mr. S. J. Leonhardt
Ms. Marites Meria
Ms. Anna Osment
Mrs. Adah M. Rieker
Ms. Elaine Siles
Patricia Sturbaum, RN
Rob and Candace Washburn
Mr. John Zimmer
Ms. Aqueelah N. Lesesne
Lynn and Keith Merrill
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Oyer
Ms. Sharyl A. Ritchey
Ms. Melissa D. Silva
Ms. Crystal L. Suarez
Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. Ty Leslie
Margaret Metcalf, MD and
Ms. Kimberly Palmer
Ms. Mary E. Ritchie
Ms. Keisha L. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sullivan
Ms. Patricia M. Palmer
River Hills Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Simons
Ms. Michele Summers
Ms. Kylie T. Weddington
Mr. Jeremy M. Simpson
Summerville Catholic School
Mr. Thomas Weeks
Carol and Dean Lewis
John C. Von Lehe
Wasilewski Jr.
Ms. Frances C. Lewis
Mr. Todd J. Metz
Janet M. Parke
Ms. Alice D. Linder
Catherine S. Meza
Ms. Kelly A. Parks
Ms. Faye W. Robbins
Ms. Susan C. Simpson
Hy Sussman, MD
Ms. Melody M. Weidman
Karen C. Linder
Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller
Ms. Stephanie C. Patel
Mr. Peter W. Robbins
Ms. Faith B. Singleton
Ms. Annette L. Sweeney
Ms. Julie G. Weiss
Mr. James G. Lindley
Jamee A. Miller
Ms. Helen Diane Patton
Ms. Holly J. Roberts
Mr. Hugh D. Singleton
Ms. Katherine A. Tabor
Jodi Welborn
Ms. Barbara R. Lineham
Ms. Leonotia J. Miller
Ms. Polly C. Peagler
Ms. Melissa Robertson
Ms. Katharine C. Skanchy
Ric and Kelly Tapp
Ms. Brittany A. Welch
Mr. Gary Link
Ms. Sandy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Peckworth
Ms. Cheryl A. Robinson
Mrs. Karen W. Slanker
Ms. Brittany M. Taylor
Ms. Yvonne Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Link
Ms. Arielle M. Minnick
Ms. Sherry L. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Slawson
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Taylor
Ms. Kimberly Wells
Mr. Thomas Little
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal D. Mize
Ms. Michelle Peterson
Ms. Rondessa Robinson
Betsy and Jim Smiley
Ms. Bridget M. Tetor
Ms. Lindsay N. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boyd Loadholt
Ms. Joely Moctezuma
Ms. Alice Phillips
Ms. Stefani D. Rockers
Kathy and Emerson Smith
Mr. Dewey Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert West
Ms. Cynthia Lockaby
Ms. Elizabeth J. Moll
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Phillips
Mr. John Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Smith Jr.
Ms. Rebecca D. Thomas
Ms. Terri A. Whalen
The Lois Hauber Memorial Lifeline
Susan and Chris Momeier
Felicia C. Pierce, RN
Ms. Annette Rollins
Mr. Darrell M. Smith
Mr. Samuel D. Thomas
Christian R. White
Wm. Bonner Thomason and
Ms. Shannon White
Fund of CCF
Services, LLC
Mrs. Azalee Moore
Ms. Megan J. Pinion
Ms. Ione Sack
Ms. Eliza Smith
Mr. Lawrence W. Long Jr.
Elise and Wayne Moore
Ms. Margaret E. Player
Saint Mary’s Episcopal &
Ms. Harrietta Smith
Ms. Josie M. Looper
Ms. Melissa A. Moore
Katherine W. Pogorzelski, RN
Mr. James W. Smith
Ms. Lisa D. Thompson
Ms. Connie J. Willders
Ms. Heidi Lowe
Ms. Terri Moret
Ms. S. Poland
Mr. Lloyd Saladino
Kay Smith
Ms. Sue A. Thompson
Mrs. Ann E. Williams
Ms. Jackie B. Lucas
Ms. Carole Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Polansky
Ms. Sharon T. Salisbury
Ms. Nikita M. Smith
Mr. William F. Thompson
Ms. Ashley M. Williams
Ms. Tiffany L. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Moxley
Ms. Octavia C. Porter
Richard O. Salmony, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Ms. Destiny D. Thompson-Bendell
Ms. Charmis A. Williams
Mr. Christopher D. Mackey
Roper CT SCAN Moylan
Melissa R. Postell, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Ms. Ross Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Williams,
Ms. Julia Mackey
Mr. Gerard Mullane
Ms. Beverly Poston
Ms. Shamika M. Smith
Maureen and Jason Tokarczyk
Ms. Pamela F. Mahaffey
Mr. Michael R. Mullikin
Ms. Esther B. Powell
Ms. Louise C. Sandvig
Sharon Greer Smith
Tolly Law Firm
Ms. Brittany L. Major
Ms. Marsha Murray
Ms. Sterling Price
Alfons J. Schirduan, RN
Starr and Philip Snead
Ms. Maria E. Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Williams
Ms. Erica M. Malachowski
Mr. Justin Murrie
Ms. Crystal B. Pridmore
Ms. Ruby Schweers
Mr. Benjamin M. Sokol
Ms. Deborah K. Trippi
Ms. Pamela G. Williams
Ms. Gloria I. Malander
Ms. Jean M. Murrill
Prudential Kapp/Lyons Realty
Colonel Alden A. Scott
Panera Bread
Liza J. Turcotte
Ms. Terrie Williams
Ms. Mary R. Malone
Linda A. Nance, RN
Ms. Susan C. Rakestraw
Ms. Carolyn Scott
Ms. Leah Sparks
Ms. Tammy Ulm
Ms. Elizabeth Williamson
Ms. Jane Mann
Ms. Mitzi D. Neely
Mr. Randall Ramsey
Ms. Christine M. Seabrook
Ms. Donna L. Spencer
Mr. Thomas W. Utsey
Ms. Yolonda Williamson
Jack Marahrens & Faimily
Mr. Richard Nelson
Ms. Anne P. Read
Ms. Suzanne M. Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Spratlin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Van Cott
Ms. Sarah Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcus
Heather A. Nemeth
Ms. Cynthia Reck
Ms. Stacey Seipel
Ms. Lyann Stackley
Ms. Grace Vanderhorst
Ms. Karen Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Margolis
Mr. Charles A. Neshat
Mr. C. Ford Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Seitz
Ms. Crystal L. Stafford
Ms. Mary Beth Vanlerberghe
Ms. Paulette A. Wingard
Ms. Patricia Marquis
Mrs. Sally L. Newman
Laurin G. Reeves, RN
Mr. Steven Sellers
Ms. Clarice Stafford-Levine
Ms. Mary Vansickle-Bonney
Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Marshall
Ms. Deborah Newsome
Ms. Patricia P. Casaw and
Mr. James P. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Stahly
Marty and Debbie Vermillion
Ms. Diana Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marvi
Steve T. Nisbet
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Shear
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Stamper
Ms. Linda Victurine
Michael Wiser
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mather
Mr. Trent E. Nobles
Ms. Margaret Reilly
Ms. Terri Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Stanford
Ms. Desiree C. Voegele
Cynthia B. Wolfe, RN
Ms. Donna W. Matlock
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Noll
Ms. Sshune Rhodes
Rebecca Shehane
Linda and Jack Sterne
Ms. Susan Q. Wade
Ann Woodfield and Ralph Wood
Mr. Henry V. Reid
Lutheran Church
Sandel, Jr.
Barbara A. Thomason
Ms. Nannette Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Bob White and
Mr. and Mrs. Rob White
The Roper St. Francis Foundation
also extends its appreciation to the
sponsors and participants of events
in 2012 that supported the mission of
Roper St. Francis.
Honor & Memorial Giving
Many donors give in honor or in memory of a loved one, friend, colleague or caregiver. Tribute gifts in 2012 were made in
honor or memory of the individuals listed below.
Learn more about honoring a caregiver or loved one through philanthropy at www.rsfhfoundation.org/honor.
In Honor of Caregiver
Ms. Sharon G. Hutchinson
Ms. Emily Taylor
In Honor of
In Memory of
Dr. Charles W. Kisabeth
Ms. Sherri Arsenault
Ms. Patricia Johnston
Ms. Melissa Tice
Mr. Allen P. Carroll
Mr. Russell Abraham
Mr. Arthur C. Lacour
Dr. Frank Barnes
Ms. Lillie Joyner
Nickey Teghtmeyer, RN
Mr. Charles T. Cole Jr.
Dr. Betty L. Antia-Obong
Ms. Lona A. Lacour
Ms. Amanda Beckmann
Ms. Shelly Knier
Joseph Timmerman, RN
Mrs. Karen DiLorenzo-Thames
Mr. Cecil M. Armfield
Mrs. Beverly Lane
Mr. Stanley J. Beltowski
Ms. Natalia Lykins
Ms. Jessica Trego
Ms. JoAnn Duncan
Mrs. Lynn F. Bernstein
Ms. Maradee Lowrey
Ms. Kelley Bianchi
Ms. Kathryn T. Lynn
Ms. Debra Tuell
Dr. Richard H. Fitzgerald
Ms. Ava M. Bradshaw
Mr. Michael McLaughlin
Ms. Dana Blomquist
Ms. Lorraine Mack
Ms. Michelle L. Turner
Mr. Fred Geer
Dr. Julian T. Buxton Jr.
Mrs. Norma B. McMahon
Mrs. Deronda Bradford
Ms. Jan Makens
Leslie Tyner, RN
Dr. George F. Geils Jr.
Mr. Charles M. Chambers
Mr. George W. Miller
Ms. Renee Brown
Ms. Alli McCraw
Ms. Grace Tyson
Mr. Dennis Haddock
Mrs. Mary E. Collins
Mr. David A. Molony
Ms. Brenda Brown
Dr. John J. McCrosson
Ryan Vickers, RN
Dr. J. Chris Hawk
Mr. Thomas F. Daly
Mr. Norman Mronzinski
Dr. Kenneth M. Caldwell
Ms. Marites Meria
Natalie Walker, RN
Jena Jones and the Marketing
Dr. Alexander W. DeMasi
Ms. Jeanette R. Nave
Ms. Lillian Cooper
Dr. Gregory B. Miller
Dr. James E. Warmoth
Ms. Abigail C. Farrow
Dr. Gerald J. Quinn
Mr. Sean Corbett
Dr. Robert R. Oliverio
Dr. Stanley M. Wilson
Ms. Danya M. Jordan
Mrs. Donna Fielding
Mrs. Geneva C. Rawe
Ms. Jennifer Crawford
Ms. Teresa Pischner
Ms. Kari A. Yocum
Ms. Virginia Kleinert
Mrs. Pearl Fisher
Mrs. Anne W. Richardson-Paszek
Ms. Desiree Dais
Ms. Vanessa Reid
Mr. Jayson Zeigler
Ms. Angelyn Ladue
Mrs. Joan P. Flint
Mrs. Norma W. Roe
Jennifer Elrod, RN
Mr. Adam Richmond
Renee Zepp, RN
Reverend Capers H. Limehouse
Ms. Suzanne Freeman
Mr. Paul Scheno
Ms. Yolanda England
Ms. Mary Francis Roper, RN
Mrs. Lisa C. Schafer
Mr. John R. Friend
Mrs. Louisa L. Searson
Chaplain Harry Ervine
Roper Hospice
Mr. Clifford D. Sillivant
Mrs. Wilhelmena G. Gallashaw
Mrs. Margaret C. Shealy
Mr. Yaussef Francis
Ms. Joann Rouse
Ms. Melanie G. Stith
Mr. Michael Garr
Mr. Louis Tanenbaum
Ms. Dawn Fratello
Ms. Virgnia J. Sandel
Dr. W. Bonner Thomason
Ms. Anne Gildea
Mr. Edward C. Till
Dr. Charles C. Geer
Ms. Stephanie Shaffer
Mrs. Stephanie Tucker
Mr. Gilbert M. Gillespie
Mrs. Ellen R. Torrey
Ms. Lesley Goodnight-Patterson
Ms. Tosya A. Shilling
Mr. Angress Walker
Mr. Ted Grafton
Mr. Jack Vane
Ms. LaQuandra Greene
Ms. Marissa N. Sioson
Dr. Stanley M. Wilson
Mrs. Beatrice Belvin Sease Hill
Ms. Denie White
Mr. Kelsey L. Groezinger
Ms. Eliza Smith
Ms. Ann Woodfield
Mrs. Prinella Haygood
Ms. Della J. Wilson
Dr. William J. Grossman
Dr. William H. Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Woodfield
Mr. St. Clair Huggins
Mrs. Sara Wilson
Dr. John W. Hallett
Ms. Jennifer B. Sprecher
Mr. David Johnson
Mrs. Theresa N. Winders
Mrs. Jametta Brisbane Hamilton
Ms. Sarah A. Stone
Mrs. Mary R. Jones
Mrs. Sara D. Worsham
Mrs. Karen K. Hodge
Ms. Laura B. Stoudenmire
Mrs. Mary S. Jones
Ms. Yvonne C. Hunt
Ms. Amberlee K. Stringer
Mr. Hasham P. Khoury
Mr. John F. Kondasch
The Roper St. Francis Foundation received more than $3 million in grant support for system programs and collaborative
partnerships which address issues related to the health of our community, including the region’s most vulnerable
residents – the chronically ill, the homeless and the uninsured.
Granting Agency or Funder
Grant Program Designation
Gift Amount
Granting Agency or Funder
Grant Program Designation
Gift Amount
FallProof Balance and Mobility
Replication Project
HRSA Office of Pharmacy Affairs
Ryan White 340B HIV Federal Pharmacy
Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
Ryan White HIV Hope
Housing Program
Lance Armstrong Foundation
Cancer Care Pillars4Life Program
Lowcountry Affiliate of Susan G.
Komen for the Cure
Seamless Breast Healthcare through
Community Partnerships
Ryan White HIV Hope Housing Program
Medical Society of South Carolina
AED HeartSave
National Council on Aging
Aging Mastery Program Pilot
SC Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
SC Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Hospital Preparedness
SC Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Newborn Hearing Screening Program
SC Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Ryan White HIV Drug Assistance
Program (ADAP)
$ 301,813
The Beryl Institute
Nursing Resources Conference
Trident Area Agency on Aging
Senior Services Regional
Wellness Program
C.R. Bard, Inc.
Women’s Health Education
& Awareness
Cardinal Health Foundation
Keep Your Heart at Home Medication
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Spinal Cord Injury Peer
Mentoring Program
Department of Housing &
Community Development
Health Resources & Services
Health Resources & Services
Henry and Sylvia Yaschik
Foundation, Inc.
Ryan White HIV Housing (HOPWA)
Ryan White Part C Early Intervention
Services Program
Ryan White Program HIT Enhancement
Spinal Cord Injury Patient Assistance
$ 143,281
$ 655,648
HIV Wellness Center Physicians
& Providers
Ryan White HIV Provider In-Kind
$ 355,910
Hospice of Charleston Foundation
Annual Ethics Symposium
continue >
Roper St. Francis Foundation 2012 audited financial information.
Board of Directors
Fellows Program
Foundation Staff
John B. Holloway Jr., Chairman
James T. H. Buxton, Chairman
Susan Keenan, CFRE, Executive Director
Charles T. Cole Jr., Vice Chairman
Todd Richardson, Vice-Chairman
Maureen Tokarczyk, Executive Assistant
Edmund Puckhaber, Treasurer
Amy S. Condon
and Office Manager
J. Anderson Berly III
Philip M. Dalpiaz Jr.
Terry Clarkin, Grants Coordinator
Steven P. Bottcher
Leonard C. Greenebaum
Danya Jordan, Director of Major Gifts
D. Grant Carwile
Randall Lannie
Anne Weston Sass, Director of Grants
Sandra Fennell
Vincent P. Lannie, PhD
Annette Sheppard, Finance and
Randolph Friedman
John Osborne
Database Administrator
Linwood Grady
William Dunne Saal Jr.
Liza Turcotte, MPA, Director of
Hope Grayson
Caroline Barone Schultz
Annual Giving
Karl V. Green
Courtney L. Tart
Lindsay Wells, Development Specialist
Ann Higdon
Joseph J. Tierney Jr.
$ 6,847,213
John R. Hoover
Physician Advisory Council
Forbes, former staff member, for her contributions
John M. Jordan Jr.
Patrick J. Kelly, MD, Chairman
to the Foundation’s success in 2012.
Patrick J. Kelly, MD
Louise B. Clay, MD
Gerald W. King, MD
Brian G. Cuddy, MD
Frank E. Lucas
Alison E. Dillon, MD
Dan H. Martin
David M. Ellison, MD
Joseph McDonald
F. Strait Fairey Jr., MD
James R. McNab Jr.
J. Michael Grayson, MD
F. Duffield Meyercord
John W. Hallett Jr., MD
William A. Moody Jr.
Kenneth H. Hanger, Jr., MD
Betsy S. Saal
James M. Hayes, MD
Matt Sloan
David S. Peterseim, MD
2012 Gift Revenue
Hospital Service Lines
Indigent Care, Community
Health & Other
2012 Disbursements
Indigent Care, Community
Health & Other
Temporarily restricted
Hospital Service Lines
Permanently restricted
$ 6,159,493
Total net assets
$ 6,816,869
Hospital programs and services
Net assets
$ 3,682,347
Foundation expenses
$ 1,429,402
Total expenditures
$ 5,111,749
Anne K. Surrett
Stephen E. Rawe, MD, PhD
Changes in net assets from operations
$ 1,705,120
Toni Thompson
Steven D. Shapiro, MD, DMD
Eugene J. Zurlo
Stanley M. Wilson, MD
Net investment activity
$ 3,303,653
Total increase in net assets
$ 5,008,773
G. Frederick Worsham Jr., MD
The Foundation wishes to acknowledge Kathleen
Changing Moments Through Giving in 2013
Continue supporting Roper St. Francis by visiting www.rsfhfoundation.org. Large or small, every gift makes a difference in
the lives of our patients and in the community we serve.
Contributions to the Roper St. Francis Foundation in 2012
$6.4 million
Roper St. Francis programs enhanced by philanthropy
Nurses advanced their career through a donor-funded scholarship
HIV clients received care and support through government and foundation grants
In community support received to build the Roper Hospital Rooftop Helipad,
providing improved access to life-saving care
$2 million
Individuals and organizations joined the Roper Xavier Society
Donors advanced the Roper St. Francis mission through philanthropy
Caregivers honored by grateful patients and families through the
Honor a Caregiver Program
Roper St. Francis, Every Moment Matters
Roper St. Francis is the South Carolina Lowcountry’s only private, not-for-profit healthcare system. Our healthcare system
consists of 90 facilities and services in seven counties. With more than 5,100 employees, Roper St. Francis is Charleston’s
largest non-governmental, private employer. Its medical staff includes nearly 800 physicians representing every medical
Contact Us
125 Doughty Street, Suite 790 I Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 720-1205 P (843) 724-2820 F