January 31 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
January 31 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church
2 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYER MEETINGS Bible Study Wednesday, 7:15PM (Parish Hall) Cenacle of The Blessed Virgin Mary Every Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Church) Divine Mercy Cenacle on the 3rd Friday at 7:30 pm (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room) Charismatic Prayer Group Thursday, 7:30 PM (St. Joseph Center) Legion of Mary Monday, 9:30AM & 7:15 PM (St. Vincent Rm) Portuguese Cursillo 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:00 PM (St. Joseph Center) Spanish Prayer Group (Grupo de Evangelicacion) Todo primer Viernes del mes, de 7:15pm-9:00pm 1st Friday of each month from 7:15pm-9:00pm “La Hora Santa” dentro de la Iglesia “The Holy Hour” inside the Church 2nd & 4th Viernes/Friday, 7:00PM (St. Joseph Center) Sabado/Saturday’s at 7:00PM (St. Seton’s Room) Estudios Biblicos/Bible Study Movimiento Familiar Cristiano (MFC) Reuniones de familias del I, II, y III nivel (en las casas) Para informes de reuniones llamar al: (562) 481 - 8546 DEVOTIONS Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Daily ~ 8:30AM & 6:15PM Eucharistic Adoration (Exposition Room) Mon. Tues. Thurs & Fri - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (Adoration Chapel) Wednesday - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm(Adoration Chapel) 2:00 pm - 6:15 pm(Church) First Friday - 7:00 pm (Church) No Adoration on Saturdays, Sundays and All National Holidays The Miraculous Saturday Devotion 1st Saturday of each month devotion after the 8:00 am Mass Rosary with 15 minutes Meditation. Liturgy of the Hour Monday - Saturday 7:40AM (Church) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesdays, 8:45AM (Church) after the Divine Mercy Chaplet and also after the 6:30pm mass Rosary Monday - Saturday, 7:15 am (Church) Rosary for Life Every Tues after the 8am mass & Divine Mercy. January 31, 2016 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:27; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-1 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — God appoints Jeremiah as prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19). Psalm — I will sing of your salvation (Psalm 71). Second Reading— Love with its many facets is the most important of the virtues (1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]). Gospel — When Jesus claims his salvific mission is for all people, not just the Jews, he is expelled by the enraged members of the Nazarean synagogue (Luke 4:21-30). SAINTS & SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Presentation of the Lord; Groundhog Day St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats St. Agatha; First Friday St. Paul Miki and Companions; First Saturday Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 Faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13 January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS (Parish Priest: Fr. RD = Fr. Raymond, Fr. JA = Fr. Joachim, Fr. JS=Fr. Joshua) (Visiting Priest: Fr. LP = Fr. Luis Proenca, Fr. RS= Fr. Raja Selvam) Monday, February 1 8:00am/ Fr. JS James Kessen(Special Intention) 6:30pm/ Fr. JA †Segundo & Esperanza Gonzales Tuesday, February 2 8:00am/ Fr. JS †Noemi Mariano Pierce 6:30pm/ Fr. RD †Jose & Maria Tristao Wednesday, February 3 8:00am/ Fr. RD †Norma Bernad 6:30pm/ Fr.JA Maria Del Castillo(Birthday) Thursday, February 4 8:00am/ Fr.JA Sofia Luna(Birthday) 6:30pm/ Fr. JS Mikaela Menjivar(Birthday) Friday, February 5 8:00am/ Fr. JS †Gina Tosta 6:30pm/ Fr. JA †Maria Del Rosario Ruiz Saturday, February 6 8:00am/ Fr. JA Dorothy Webster(Birthday) 5:00pm/ Fr. RD †John & Mary Nunes 7:00pm / Fr. MF †Brent Tapalla Sunday, February 7 6:30am/ Fr. MF Leo Rivas(Birthday) 8:00am/ Fr.JA †Susana DeChavez 9:45am/ Fr.JA Holy Family Parishioners 11:30am/ Fr.JS †William Dante 1:00pm/ Fr. LP †Antonio & Emilia Esteves 4:00 pm/ Fr. JS †Rojas Family 5:30pm/ Fr. RD All Souls in Purgatory 7:00 pm/ Fr .MF Marisa Rodriguez(Special Intention) **The Priests’ Schedule Subject to Change** WE PRAY FOR THE SICK Rafael Aceves, Joan Aimerito, Armando & Armanda Adonis, Augustine Aguilo, Debbie Allen, Olivia Aranjo, Benita Barrios, Barbara Barnum, Rafael Basco, Ray Baugh, Pedro Benzon, Adam Berdugo, Norma Bertrand, Tony Bibal, Frances Boudreau, Andres Buco, Raul Cabrera, Nido Canlas, Renee Canlas, Ricardo Cardiel, Gloria Carillo, Rachel Castro, Ma. Luisa Ceja, Noe Cevallos, Mayburn Chaney, Joe Coelho, Ernesto Cordero, Marcelina Corgado, Frank Cruz, Elvis Daza, Anthony, Marcelina & Sebastian De Guzman, Alonzo Delgado,Yolanda Dirlam, John Doria, Isabel Doria, James Doria, Richard Doria, Cindy Monroy Dulguime, Marvin Dumlao, Lourdes Espiritu, Mary Esteves, Rosa Faria, Jorge Flores, Nick & Flo Gandolfo, Esther Garcia, Olga Gomes, Rocio Gomez, Mary Grace, Efma Grecia, Leona Gurrola, Robert Henley, Christopher Hinojos, David Hughes, Lota Hughes, Urbano Iñiguez, Janessa Javier, Maria Jumaday, Dulce Kapuno, Diana Kenna, Sean Kenna, Josefina Limtao, Danilo Llamas, Ernesto Llamas, Ira Llamas, Frank Lopez, Mark London, Santiago Luna, Grace Lyn, Ed Manila, Otoniel Marquez, Juan Martin, Christine Martinez, Becky Moss, Herminia Niebres, Andrew Nieto, Robert Norman, Estrella Nufable, Fernanda Otero, Kyla Orr, Nina Pham, Hugo Pennock, Mercedita Perez, Martha Plasencia, Maria Prieto, Carlito Rafanan, Dante Ramos, Ronald Rivera, Rudy Rivera, Ruel Rivera, Lupe Rodriguez, Althea Robertson, Etelvina Rocha, Mario Rodriguez, Phillip Ruiz, Louie Salamanca, Rita Salas, Elenita Santos, Rita Santos, Linda Sarno, Alexander Sasbone, Klaasja Sasbone,Lily Silveria, Damrong Sithichai, Clay Solancho, Guadalupe Tadeo, Sergio Tamayo, Jun Tan, Ray Tanguay, Alexis Teodosio, Joseph & George Tharaniyil, Frank Tom, Ryon Tom, Catherine Unanka, Reina Uyan, Thea Van de Mortel, Rufino Valenton, Nanette Vergara, Cresencio Villegas, Marcus Walton, Paul Yasutake, Josie Yu, Joe Zamora. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Rest in Peace ~ We Pray for and remember those who have died . Richard Flores Manuel Gokim Erlinda Maglonso Ernestina Singson “Whoever believes in Me, even though that person dies, shall LIVE.” 3 In order to maintain our services, meet our expenses, and restore savings, the parish needs an average of $22,000.00 in its weekly collection. January 23th & 24th, 2016 $18,936.00 Building Fund Collection January 23th & 24th, 2016 $2,921.00 ~ Thank you for sharing what God has given you with our Parish ~ 4 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE It’s Your Turn!!! If there is a star next to your name you are the Lead Altar Server for that Mass. Please be sure to call a substitute if you are not able to serve. We thank all of you for the continued commitment to your ministry. God bless! Saturday, February 6 5:00pm R Villegas*, R Villegas, E & M Salud, K Thekkinedath 7:00pm J Nacua, F Padilla, A Elomina Sunday, February 7 6:30am J Van Tassell 8:00am E Honeycutt, I Monterroso 9:45am B Feliciano*, C,C & C Dulay, S Pascual 11:30am A Caballes*, A,C 7 C Caballes, M Parsons, K Nunez 1:00pm R Martins, M Barcelos, C Avila 4:00pm S Victoria*, J Victoria, A Dagoc, A Vito, A Medrano 5:30pm G Urrea*, D Borres, V Orellana 7:00pm M & A Apego, L, L & A Bates, K Kastner Parish Leaders Meeting Mark your calendars! There will be a mandatory meeting for all Parish Leaders on Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00pm. Held at the St. Joseph Center. It is important that you send a representative if you are unable to attend Wednesday, February 3rd January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 6 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 February 10 Mass Schedule 6:30am, 8am, 10am, 12:15pm, 5pm, 6:30pm 7pm (Bi-lingual Portuguese/Spanish) Parish Hall, and 8pm CONFESSIONS Wednesdays of Lent- 7:30-8:30pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays after the 8am Mass @5pm- English & 7:30pm Portuguese/Spanish Men’s Retreat February 6 Women’s Retreat February 13 Noche de Reflexión -Español-29 de enero Reflexão Quaresmal-Portuguese – - 27/28 de fevereiro Parish Penance Service-March 2-7pm Lenten Fish Fry /Soup Dinner Fridays of Lent (except Good Friday) 4:45-7:30pm What Can I Do Before Lent Begins? Anything worth doing is worth preparing for. Just imagine that this Lent is going to be different from every other Lent we've experienced. Imagine that there will be many graces offered me this year. Let's even imagine that God is going to help transform our lives, with greater freedom, greater joy, deeper desires for love and service. If we want it, we will choose it. Lent will be this wonderful season of grace for us if we give ourselves to it. And, we will give ourselves to it to the degree we really want it badly. So, in these days before Lent, we need to prepare our hearts. We need to prepare by realizing how much we want to grow in freedom, how much we need to lighten our spirits and experience some real joy, and how much some parts of our lives really need changing. So, preparing our hearts is a process of preparing our desires. This means practicing our sense of anticipation. If I imagine Lent as an "ordeal" or a time I dread in some way, then I've already pre-disposed myself to not get very much out of it. These days before Lent are a time to start anticipating something wonderful that is about to happen. Our Focus: On what God wants to give us. It doesn't take a lot of time to prepare for the beginning of Lent. It just takes desire and focus. God can do so much with that. We can give God more of a space to touch our hearts if we begin to establish some simple patterns. We could wake up each morning, and for something like a half a minute to a minute, stand by the edge of our beds, and just ask the Lord for the grace to let this day be one in which I long for the beginning of Lent. Perhaps we need to ask for specific helps or graces to get ready to begin Lent. Whatever we try to say, our Lord can understand the Spirit trying to speak through our simple words. And all it takes is the time to find and put on our slippers. And each night, in the days ahead, we can practice giving thanks to God before I go to bed. This simple pattern, in the morning and evening can stir our spirits to look forward to and prepare for Lent, as a season of grace. May our Lord bless us all on this journey ahead. January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer of Pope Francis for the Jubilee Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. 7 Señor Jesucristo, tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos como el Padre del cielo, y nos has dicho que quien te ve, lo ve también a Él. Muéstranos tu rostro y obtendremos la salvación. Tu mirada llena de amor liberó a Zaqueo y a Mateo de la esclavitud del dinero; a la adúltera y a la Magdalena del buscar la felicidad solamente en una creatura; hizo llorar a Pedro luego de la traición, y aseguró el Paraíso al ladrón arrepentido. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” Haz que cada uno de nosotros escuche como propia la palabra que dijiste a la samaritana: ¡Si conocieras el don de Dios! You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. Tú eres el rostro visible del Padre invisible, Del Dios que manifiesta su omnipotencia sobre todo con el perdón y la misericordia:haz que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro visible de Ti, su Señor, resucitado y glorioso. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with His anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. Tú has querido que también tus ministros fueran revestidos de debilidad para que sientan sincera compasión por los que se encuentran en la ignorancia o en el error:haz que quien se acerque a uno de ellos se sienta esperado, amado y perdonado por Dios. Manda tu Espíritu y conságranos a todos con su unción para que el Jubileo de la Misericordia sea un año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con renovado entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres proclamar la libertad a los prisioneros y oprimidos y restituir la vista a los ciegos. Te lo pedimos por intercesión de María, Madre de la Misericordia, a ti que vives y reinas con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8 Religious Education Office Hours Mon-Thurs 5:30pm-9pm Friday - Office is closed Saturday - 8am-1pm Sunday - 8:30am-1pm Office is closed on holidays (562) 860-5973 Classes will resume Sunday-January 31 Parent Faith Formation Yr. #2 February 1 - 7-8:30pm - Fr. Raymond January 31, 2016 Confirmation 1 Sunday, January 31 2:00pm class, 4:00pm mass Chapter 14 - The Organization of the Catholic Church Confirmation 2 Parent and Sponsor Faith Formation Yr. #2 February 1 - 7-8:30pm Fr. Raymond Tues/Thurs, February 2/4 - Mass 6:30pm, Class 7:00pm Lesson - Chapter 26 - Honoring God Junta de Padres ano #2 Sábado - 6 de Febrero -11:30am En el salon St. Joseph SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN DID YOU KNOW? Kik Messenger and the dangers of anonymous messages. Sometimes, kids need a place to go where they can say what they want, and they won’t be immediately punished or have to deal with a negative reaction. It’s important to make sure your child has such a space or time – after dinner conversations, an ice cream spot, riding home from school – where they can tell you what’s on their mind, good or bad, and you can just listen and discuss, without taking the instant parental approach. If your children feel safe talking to you openly, you are better equipped to notice and handle any red flags in their lives. PROTEGIENDO A LOS NIÑOS ~ ¿SABÍAUSTED? Kik Messenger y los peligros de mensajes anónimos Sitios de redes sociales están disponibles a cualquiera con una conexión de Internet (computadora, teléfono, tableta). Sus hijos pueden estar compartiendo sus vidas con completos extraños y los padres de familia deben estar al tanto de los sitios que ellos usan, lo que comparten y quiénes son sus amistades. La aplicación móvil Kik, es considerada como el sitio más peligroso para depredadores de Internet porque los usuarios pueden enviar mensajes a cualquiera con un teléfono celular, incluyendo niños pequeños. Kik no tiene opciones para control de los padres de familia, dejando a los niños expuestos a toda la Web. January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 10 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 by Virgilio T.J. Suerte Felipe What does Holy Communion really mean? We have long thought of Holy Communion as assimilating Jesus inside us just as we digest food in our internal organs. On the contrary, it is our individual selves that are assimilated and transformed by Holy Communion. This can be seen from the very words of Christ himself, and as taught by Saint Paul, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis and as revealed by the Rite of Holy Communion. Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). When we receive Christ in Holy Communion, our union with him is not an exclusive union as in the union of husband and wife. The marital love of the spouses excludes other men and women. Our union with Jesus is an inclusive union of the branches with the Vine. We are the individual branches that are united with the one Vine who is Jesus Christ. We all remain in the one Vine in Holy Communion. Saint Paul says, “Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread” (1 Cor 10:17). In Holy Communion, “we unite ourselves to Christ who makes us sharers in his Body and Blood to form a single body” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1331). Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI further explains, “It is not the eucharistic food that is changed into us, but rather we who are mysteriously transformed by it. Christ nourishes us by uniting us to himself; ‘he draws us into himself’ (The Sacrament of Charity, 2007, 70). And Pope Francis states, “The Lord Jesus, by becoming bread broken for us, pours upon us all of His mercy and His love, so as to renew our hearts, our lives, and our way of relating with Him and with the brethren. It is for this reason that commonly, when we approach this Sacrament, we speak of ‘receiving Communion,’ of ‘taking Communion’: this means that by the power of the Holy Spirit, participation in Holy Communion conforms us in a singular and profound way to Christ” (General Audience, February 5, 2014). This communitarian character of Holy Communion is clearly expressed in the Rite of Holy Communion. At the Lord’s Prayer, we call God as Our Father. The Sign of Peace signifies communal charity. The Breaking of Bread points to ecclesial unity. The purpose of the Communion chant “is to express the communicants’ union in spirit by means of the unity of their voices, to show joy of heart, and to highlight more clearly the ‘communitarian’ nature of the procession to receive Communion” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 86). Collection of Palm Branches Palm branches that were received last year on Palm Sunday are being collected. Last year’s palms will be burned at a ceremony on Tuesday, February 9, following the 8:00am Mass. The ashes from these burned palms will be blessed and used for our services on Ash Wednesday. Labeled boxes have been placed in the Vestibule and side doors of the Church. Please put the palm branches in these boxes. Please remove any plastic or paper that may be on the Palms Palm Burning Ceremony All are welcome to the ceremony for the burning of palm branches that will be held Tuesday, February 9, 2016- Following the 8:00am Mass All parishioners are invited to attend this ceremony. The ashes from these burned palms will be blessed and used for our services on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016 January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 12 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time An Invitation! Spiritual Adoption Spiritual Adoption is a program where an individual adopts an unborn unknown child so that he or she will be spared from abortion and be allowed to live the precious life given to him by God. January 22 is the 43rd anniversary of Roe vs Wade, so please spiritually adopt an unborn baby and faithfully pray the prayer below for nine months to help save the unborn babies from abortion. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. The unborn babies are counting on you!!!For more information please contact The Prolife Ministry at 562-412-0405 or [email protected] January 31, 2016 Information about ROE VS WADE January 22, our nation marks 43 years of legalized abortion –it is a day to memorialize the unjust Roe V Wade Supreme Court decision , where unborn children are unjustly killed in all 50 states in our country. The Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting women's health. Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the trimester of pregnancy. The Court later rejected Roe's trimester framework, while affirming Roe's central holding that a person has a right to abortion until viability.[1] The Roe decision defined "viable" as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid", adding that viability "is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks." The Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, thereby subjecting all laws attempting to restrict it to the standard of strict scrutiny.[25] Roe v. Wade reshaped national politics, dividing much of the United States into pro-choice and pro-life camps, while activating grassroots movements on both sides. For most Americans, the 43rd anniversary the Supreme Court handed down its decision will be a day to mourn — a day to mourn the loss of tens of millions of unborn children — sons and daughters, brothers and sisters lost to a world that values choice over compassion. It will be a day to mourn the damage abortion does to women — the medical problems, the mental health issues, the damaging of relationships with friends and family, and the destruction of relationships with God. Since that fateful day in 1973, there have been an estimated 58,662,169 abortions. January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January 31 Feburary 1 Febuary 2 Feburary 3 Feburary 4 Feburary 5 Feburary 6 9am – 11am Knitting Group ST. VINCENT RM. 2pm – 6pm Adoration CHURCH 6:30pm Mass Conf. 2 CHURCH 7pm Class 11am OLF 1ST Friday Mass / Awards CHURCH 8am – 1:30pm Beatitudes Lay Carmelite Monthly Mtg ST. SETON RM. 5:30am – 6:30pm De Colores Choir CHOIR ROOM Class Resumes 9:45am PS Class REL. ED. 2pm – 4pm Conf. 1. Class 4pm Mass CHURCH 9:30am – 10:30am Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM 7pm – 8pm Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM. 7pm – 8pm Sac. Prep Class REL. ED. 7pm – 8:30pm Parent Faith Formation Yr. 2 #4 Fr. RD PARISH HALL 7pm – 9pm De Colores Choir CHOIR RM 7pm 9pm RCIA Catechism Classes ST. JOSEPH CTR 7pm- 9pm UTC General Mtg. JOHN PAUL II CONF. RM 7pm- 9pm CCW Mtg. GOOD SHEPHERD RM. (PATIO RM.) 10am – 12pm Spanish Intercessory Group ST. SETON RM 6:30pm Mass Conf. 2 CHURCH 7pm – 9pm Class 7pm – 9pm Knights of Columbus Mtg. GOOD SHEPHERD. RM 6:30pm JH Mass CHURCH 7pm -8pm JH Class 7pm Parish Leaders Annual Mandatory Meeting ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7:30pm - 9pm Bible StudyApologetic PARISH HALL 7pm - 10pm Charismatic Prayer Group ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7pm - 9pm Grupo de Evangelización ST. JOSEPH CTR 8:30am/ 10am/ 11:30am Sat. Class REL. ED. 7:30pm Chinese Community 11:30am Bible Study SP Eucharist Parent 7pm - 9pm Mtg. Portuguese Cursillo GOOD SHEPHERD RM. ST. JOSEPH CTR. ST. SETON RM. (PATIO RM.) 7pm - 9pm Estudios Biblicos para el Grupo de Evangelización ST. SETON RM. 7:30pm-9 pm Youth Choir ST. ANTHONY DE PADUA Parish Priests - To contact them thru e-mail: Rev. Raymond Decipeda, MMHC - [email protected] Rev. Joachim Ablanida, MMHC – [email protected] Rev. Joshua Santos, MMHC – [email protected] Parish Finance Council Members: Angela Amenero, Maria Ayerdis, Remy Dulguime, Danio Fajardo, Karen Hillman, Lizzie Juan, Jason Machado, Raymond Mangahas, Roger Pavon, Jeanelle Padre-Tom, Hugo Vega. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: [email protected] Parish Pastoral Council Members: Frank Cardiel, Diosdado de Leon, Vina Dungo, Ronnie Espinosa, Maria Luisa Lapidario, Betty Lou Ormonde, Linda Sarno, Nenita Solancho, Skip Vega, Joe Vicente. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: [email protected] Parish Ministry: Adoration Chapel – Mafalda Canlas (562) 865-2185 ext. 405 Bereavement – Hector Gomez (562) 865-2185 Business Manager – Karen Hillman (562) 865-2185 Confirmation – Abigail de Jesus (562) 860-5973 Finance Council – Roger Pavon (562) 865-2185 Liturgy Coordinator – Maggie Gudino (562) 924-8024 Office Manager – Sofia Luna (562) 865-2185 ext. 223 Pastoral Council – Joe Vicente (562) 402-4496 Plant & Property Manager – Hope Vega (562) 865-2185 Publication Team – Abigail de Jesus (562) 726-2735 RCIA – Rudy & Mila Perpinan (562) 924-5075 Religious Education – Teresa Paulino (562) 860-5973 Safeguard the Children – Ulises Perez-Flores (562) 865-2185 School Principal – Juan Nagore (562) 865-1621 School Secretary – Jessica Perez (562) 865-1621 Web Master – Bobby Canseco (562) 607-8839 Young Adult Ministry – Michael Maglonso (562) 865-2185 Hospitality- Ed/Lou Carlos & Ushan/Fiona D’Alwis Homebound Ministry- Willie & Wilma Simbol (562) 926-0720 Youth Ministry – Evan Dizon (562) 412-1188 This bulletin is printed free of charge thanks to advertising revenues which go entirely to our publisher. Ads placed in our parish bulletin are 100% tax deductable. THANK YOU, ADVERTISERS! If interested in placing an ad in our bulletin please contact: Bernie Mendoza - (562) 631-1111 The bulletin coordinator is Abigail de Jesus. The bulletin editor for the week is Theisa T. Ann
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