OLP Weekly Bulletin - November 8, 2015
OLP Weekly Bulletin - November 8, 2015
PASTOR Msgr. John G. Johnson DEACON Dcn. Jeffrey Fortkamp PASTORAL MINISTERS Sister Barbara Kolesar, 614-263-4271 Sister Martha Langstaff, 614-268-3426 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Nathan Medley PARISH SECRETARY Debbie Mahler BUSINESS MANAGER Tom Kasberg Our Lady of Peace Church PARISH OFFICE 614-263-8824 Email: [email protected] OUR LADY OF PEACE SCHOOL Principal, Ryan Schwieterman 40 E Dominion Blvd. 614-267-4535 www.olpcolumbus.org 20 E. DOMINION BOULEVARD • COLUMBUS, OHIO 43214 www.olp-parish.org PARISH MEMBERSHIP Welcome to new members. Parishioners entering, leaving or moving within the parish should contact the Church Office. fourth Sunday of each month at 12:15 p.m. To register for the parent class, or to schedule a Baptism, please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, 3:15-3:45 p.m. and by Private Appointment Contact Msgr. Johnson to schedule. MARRIAGES Arrangements should be made at the Church Office at least six months prior to the marriage. Latest time on Saturdays, 2:00 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Thursday of the month, September through May, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending with Benediction at 6:45 p.m. Masses BAPTISMS Prior to the Baptism of your first child, a 90-minute Parent Preparation Course is required. The course is offered on the second Wednesday in: January, March, May, September and November, at 7:00 p.m. Baptisms are scheduled for the SICK CALLS Notify the Church Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the sick or shut-ins. BULLETIN DEADLINE Please e-mail notice to olpbulletin@ rrohio.com Deadline Monday at noon. Saturday – 4:00 p.m.; Sunday – 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. Holy Days: Holy Day Eve – 5:30 p.m.; Holy Day – 8:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Weekdays: Tuesday – 5:30 p.m.; Wednesday-Friday – 8:30 a.m. OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH MASS SERVERS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 4:00 p.m. G. Carter, C Kuypers, A Lang SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30 a.m. J. & R. Fortkamp, N George 10:00 a.m. A Huck, A. & E. Rabold 11:30 a.m. M.K. Bertsch-Jones, G. & P. Griffith EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 4:00 p.m. R. Wehner, N. Egelhoff, B. Fischer, K. Flynn, M. Heininger, J. Prendeville SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30 a.m. K. Savely, D. & V. Songstad, P. & T. Strange, D. Wolff 10:00 a.m. B. Chelwick, M. Fields, D. King, J. Kowalski, P. McCloskey, A. Thomas 11:30 a.m. M. Devine, K. Griffith, M. Hutson, M. Overmyer, M. Simmons, L. Stechschulte LECTORS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 4:00 p.m. P. Casper, R. Giesken SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30 a.m. J. Hrach, J. Ramlow, 10:00 a.m. M. Allen, D King 11:30 a.m. C. Chaney, D. Davisson READINGS NOVEMBER 15, 2015 First Reading: Daniel 12:1-3 Second Reading: Hebrews 10:11-14,18 Gospel: Mark 13:24-32 OFFERTORY TOTALS for November 1, 2015 Regular Envelopes and Holy Days........................ $6,968.00 Electronic.................................................. $8,528.06 Total........................................................... $15,496.06 Diocesan Tax............................................ $929.76 Net.............................................................. $14,566.30 Please include your envelope number on your check. Prayer Line – If you have a petition you would like the Prayer Line to join in praying for, please call Bunni Cosimati at 614-847-1826. Prayers are kept confidential. That Man is You! All men of the parish are invited to join us next Saturday at 7:00 a.m. for our next session Find God in Other People. The video presentation and discussion topics include A Rapper’s Challenges, God Dwells in Our Midst, Statistics of a TMIY Man and His Relationships, Technology and Its Effects on Others, Strive to See God in Every Person, Making Family and Others a Priority, and How Well Do I Treat Others? Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the Old Rectory. Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks and yarn and join us! COLUMBUS, OHIO OPERATION BUCKEYE – Next weekend, November 14 and 15, is the last opportunity to drop off items and/ or make a donation to Operation Buckeye for the boxes being sent to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Collection bags are in the Gathering Space. Operation Buckeye is an OLP Parish project. If you have a family member or friend in those two countries whom you would like to receive a box, please call Wayne King at 268-3355 or via E-mail [email protected] Please be sure to include their complete name and APO#. Christmas Flowers – We are now accepting contributions for decorating our altar at Christmas. Please complete the envelope, which was included in your offering packet of special envelopes, to remember a deceased loved one or “special intention,” along with a $10.00 contribution for each intention. If you do not have this envelope, please complete the dedication and give information clearly on a sheet of paper; place that in an envelope along with the $10.00 contribution per intention and mark the envelope “Christmas Flowers.” You may return either envelope in the collection basket or by mail to the Church Office. The deadline is Monday, December 14th, to be included in the Christmas bulletin. A Mass of Healing and Healing Service will be held on Monday, November 16, 6:30 p.m., at St. Joseph Cathedral. Fr. Paul Noble will be the celebrant and homilist. Following Mass, a Healing Service will take place beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Veneration of relics of the True Cross. Each person having the opportunity to speak individually with one of several priests present to discuss their particular situation and receive a prayer of healing; the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will also be available. The service will conclude with Benediction. All persons who seek healing – cancer, heart, all physical illnesses and infirmities – are invited, as are family members, caregivers, and medical professionals. For questions, please call St. Joseph Cathedral at (614) 2241295. Are you looking for a way to get involved in our parish community? Why not join the Greeter Ministry. This is a great way to meet new people! If interested, please E-mail Ed and Kathy Price at [email protected] or call at 614-506-7201. From the office of ╬ MINISTRY High School We are going to the March for Life! OLP is teaming up with St Agatha, IC, St Joan of Arc, St Brenden, St Catherine, St Peter, St Michael, St Patrick, St Andrew, St Mary, and Holy Spirit to go to the March for Life! The trip will also include a retreat on Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy and Mass at the National Basilica. With an estimated 225 interested youth and only 165 spots, please sign up via email ASAP! (spots designated by Parish). January 21 – 24, 2016 Out of school on Friday only. Cost around $120 (TBD). Middle School Save the Date! Our next is Saturday, November 21st ! The Rest of the Village… Next time you clean out your house - keep us in mind! We are looking for…. Catholic Bibles and prayer books Bulletin Boards Bean bag chairs / gently used furniture a coffee table Youth Minister, Maggie Weeks, [email protected] | Heavy Command strips Board games, Gift cards for pizza, grocery, iTunes, Volunteer to make Nine Square (game made from PVC pipes) Holy Medals, Holy Cards, Rosaries, Generation’s Gift Certificate for prizes PLEASE JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Saturday, December 5th, 2015, 9:00 am ‐ 11:30 am Our Lady of Peace Cafeteria Seating is limited. Please complete, return form and payment to: Tracie Telling Barzdukas via kid mail c/o Lija Barzdukas – Grade 3 or drop it in the office. Forms are due no later than NOVEMBER 20, 2015! Family Last Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child Name(s)/Grade(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakfast Tickets Number attending: ___________________________ x $5.00 per meal Please select your photo with Santa Number of Photos requested: Individual Photo: ________________________________ Printed 4x6 Photo with border Total: ________________________________ Sibling/Group Photo: ___________________________ ________________________________ x $2.00/print Total: ________________________________ Printed 4x6 Photo without border ________________________________ x $2.00/print Total: ________________________________ Digital Copy ________________________________ x $5.00/image Total: ________________________________ GRAND TOTAL (Breakfast and Photos) =________________________________ (checks payable to Our Lady of Peace HSA) Prayer Shawl Blessing As a part of our Christian calling to serve God and others, the people of Our Lady of Peace Parish wish to provide prayerful comfort and support to those of our community in special need of healing and consolation. Since the creation of the Prayer Shawl Ministry in April, 2009, members of our group have created and distributed over 230 beautifully knitted or crocheted shawls. Blessed by our pastor or deacon, these shawls have been given to members of our parish, and many others as well, offering to the recipient not only physical warmth and comfort, but also an embodiment of the parish community’s constant prayer for them as they seek God’s grace and healing in a time of physical, spiritual or emotional need. This weekend, some of our newly created shawls are displayed in the Baptismal area and Monsignor Johnson will bless them at the conclusion of the Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Mass. If you know of someone in your circle of friends or family to whom the gift of a shawl would be beneficial, please contact the parish office, Lisa Gallant (262-3277) or Elaine Guilfoyle (447-1863) and a shawl will be provided. Please know that no need is too small and that the recipient need not be a member of our parish. Many thanks to all who have contributed time, service and materials to this ministry. If you are interested in joining us, we meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the old Rectory space. Our next gathering is Tuesday, November 10, 2015. All are welcome! Our group includes very talented handworkers as well as those just starting to learn to knit or crochet. Bring your handiwork, questions and fellowship. Call Lisa Gallant or Elaine Guilfoyle with questions. Rest in Beauty: Work, ministry activity, and volunteerism can sometimes take a lot from us. Increasingly, those on the front lines of defending life, family, and faith risk suffering from compassion fatigue or ministry burnout. The Rest in Beauty mini retreat will take a look at this issues and their solutions. The retreat will be held December 5th from 12:30 until 4:00 p.m., with keynote Sr. Mary Frances Seeley and an opportunity for praise and worship, adoration, confession, and prayer. There is no cost to attend, but preregistration is required. Learn more information or register today at www.gcrtl.org/retreat. Nominations now open for the 2016 Catholic Man of the Year. The Catholic Men’s Luncheon Club is accepting nominations for the Diocese of Columbus 2016 Catholic Man of the Year. This annual award recognizes one lay man who, through his daily actions, words, and prayers, exemplifies the “good and faithful servant.” Bishop Frederick Campbell will present the award on Friday, February 5, 2016 at the Catholic Men’s Luncheon. Nominations will be accepted through December 28th. For details and nomination instructions, go to www.plugInCatholicMen.com. Completed nominations and supporting letters should be emailed to [email protected]. Submit a nomination and let everyone know that your husband, father, son, uncle, brother or friend is the Catholic Man of the Year! St. Charles Drama Department presents Good ‘N’ Plenty The St. Charles Preparatory School Drama Department is proud to announce its fall production, Good ‘N’ Plenty, a new comedy by Jeffrey Hatcher. Good ‘N’ Plenty will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 19, 20, and 21 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 22 at 3:00 p.m. in the St. Charles Campus Theatre, 2010 E. Broad Street. Adult tickets are $10.00, student tickets $5.00. Reservations may be placed by calling the St. Charles main office at 614-252-6714 Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A Women’s Day of Recollection: Becoming an Instrument of Peace Join us for an Uplifting Day of Prayer and Reflection Saturday, December 5, 2015 8:30 a.m. –4:00 p.m. Holy Family Catholic Church 584 W. Broad Street, Columbus Mass, Adoration, and 2 inspirational talks by Father Stash Dailey Admission: Diapers, Baby Item, or nonperishable food item Freewill Offering for Continental Breakfast and Lunch For more information or to RSVP, visit Holy Family Confraternity of Christian Mothers’ Facebook page or call Mary Gamble 614-221-4323, ext. 103 Healing Service and Inspirational Talk with Issam Nemeh, M.D. Sunday, December 6, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. to be held at Embassy Suites – Dublin, OH. Path to Faith is pleased to host Dr. Issam Nemeh, a Roman Catholic known as “The Physician of Unshakeable Faith,” featured on the Dr. Oz Show, 700 Club and currently working with Dr. Jeff Rediger (Harvard Medical School) on bridging spirituality and science. “The Lord has touched Dr. Nemeh in a very special way. So many miracles have been reported. Dr. Nemeh gives all credit to God.” – Auxiliary Bishop Roger Gries, Cleveland Diocese To learn more about Dr. Nemeh, get additional information and to purchase event tickets, please visit our website: www.pathtofaith.com Or, call Ticket Leap at 877-849-5327. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 8, 2015 WHAT’S COMING UP AT OLP SCHOOL Sunday, November 8 Scrip Store Open – 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 10 6th Grade Opera – 10:00 a.m., 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 11 Class Mass – Grades 1-3 – 8:30 a.m. 6th Grade Opera – 10:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. 4th & 5th Grade Poppy Project for Veterans Day Thursday & Friday, November 12 & 13 OCEA Convention – No School The 72nd Pizza Sale at OLP School is underway. The items for sale include bake-at-home pizzas, buckeye candies, OLP spice, and gift certificates to local restaurants. The proceeds are used to pay for a variety of curriculum enrichment programs. You may place orders until Tuesday, November 10th. For your convenience, the 8th grade class will be taking orders before and after the Masses this weekend November 7-8. In the event of bad weather, we will set up a table inside the former parish rectory. BISHOP WATTERSON OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their parents is November 22 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. at 99 E. Cooke Road. Principal Marian Hutson will give a presentation at 2:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to meet faculty, staff and coaches and take a guided tour of the Bishop Watterson facilities with a student and register to win a $500.00 tuition grant. CYO BASKETBALL – High School Boys and Girls in grades 9-12 interested in forming a parish CYO team need to have forms turned in by November 18, and the High School Sport Information Sheet (found at cdeducation.org/ diocesanrecreation) must be submitted to hold your spot. Once your team is formed, please notify Patty Shipe at [email protected] (girls), John Phillips at jonosu76@ columbus.rr.com (boys), or Marty Raines at 241-2580 or [email protected]. League starts in December. Bethesda Healing Ministry – For 22 years, Bethesda Post-Abortion Healing Ministry has and continues to minister to countless men and women who have come to know God’s mercy, which is not withdrawn and is everlasting. Please contact us on BHM confidential phone lines at 614-309-0157 and 614-309-2651 for more information about our ministry of support and love, or contact us at www.bethesdahealing.org. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 4:00 p.m. Joseph Bossetti (Wayne & Mary King) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 8:30 a.m. Deceased Members BWHS 1970 Class 10:00 a.m. Margie Dittoe (Tina & Kim Elsea) 11:30 a.m. Our Parishioners TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 5:30 p.m. Daniel J. Kramer (Irene Sova) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:30 a.m. Sean Flanagan (Margaret Clark) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:30 a.m. Alvey & Opal Giesken (Bob & Piera Giesken) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:30 a.m. Olga Kalmar (Dorie & Greg France) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 4:00 p.m. Anna & Andy Rozum (Fran Ridenour) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:30 a.m. Violet Panzone (Nicholas Panzone) 10:00 a.m. Madelyn Abbinante (Mary & Donnie) 11:30 a.m. Our Parishioners 11th Annual Christmas Cookie Sale – St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church, located at 5858 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, is holding its 11th Annual Christmas Cookie Sale on Saturday, December 12th from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Phone orders for the following: Tray of 6 dozen assorted Christmas cookies - $35.00: 11” long Homemade nut, apricot or poppy seed rolls - $10.00: Potato and cheese, Sauerkraut, and Prune pirogies sold frozen in pkgs of one dozen per filling - $6.00/pkg. Phone orders will be taken through Sunday, November 29th. Call 614-882-6103 and follow the prompts to place your order. Euchre Tournament & Chili Night at St. Michael Church in the Cafeteria (undercroft) on Friday, November 13. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Tournament begins at 7:00 p.m. Prizes include $100.00 to high scorer, $50.00 to most loners & $25.00 to low score. Cost includes: tournament, chili, beer and soft drinks. Cost is $25.00 per player, preregister on St. Michael Sports Website at www.smwarriors. com. $30.00 per player at the door and all players must be 21 years old to play. Register now and come out for a great night of euchre, chili and fellowship. Rutherford Funeral Homes & Crematories “There is a Difference” Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home 515 N. High St. 614-885-4006 General Dentist “We Welcome New Patients!” NOW DOING T-SHIRTS Rutherford Funeral Home 2383 N. High St. 614-299-1153 Funeral Pre-Planning Available [email protected] • www.rutherfordfuneralhome.com THE NORTHEND WRENCH 4330 Indianola Avenue • 263-4978 www.instantsignstshirts.com Robert J. Rosati Parishioner ph +614 267 7761 mb + 614 571.0124 [email protected] www.instantsignsco.com 4578 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214 Certified Technicians 614-885-4754 “Your Preventive-Maintenance Experts!” Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. www.drlordo.com Eagle Visit our new web page ROOSTERSWINGS.COM Specialty Remodeling Enjoy $1.00 OFF your next dine-in food purchase 4920 Reed Road, Ste A Columbus, OH 43220 The Carskadon Family 326-0011 1832 W. Henderson Rd. • 326-0216 FLORIST & GIFT SHOP CLOSED SUNDAY Auto • Home Life • Business www.desantisflorists.com 4460 Kenny Road 451-4414 VISA MasterCard Long Term Care and Annuities Safe Electric, LLC Matt Wehrle 206-4979 Residential • Commercial Your OLP Realtor! JEFF MAHLER, Realtor 3650 Olentangy River Rd #100 Columbus OH 43214 PARISHIONER 583.2200 Call 614-832-7139 “PARISHIONER INCENTIVE!” Premier Choice GET A FREE HOME INSPECTION WHEN YOU LIST WITH ME 5354 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214 www.columbus.firstlighthomecare.com Call 614-556-4222 Today! “Extraordinary People. Exceptional Care” 410-0914 PARISHIONER 5074 N. High St. Call 614-431-1010 www.HearOhio.com FREE Hearing Check $120 Value $50.00 OFF Patrick Dillon, P.A.-C.R. 421 Georgesville Rd. Columbus, OH 43228 272-5500 University Pain Centered Trained General Dentist providing services in: • Orofacial Pain • Headache, • TMJ and • Sleep Disorders 614-451-3600 Located across from Riverside Hospital www.painandsleepdoctor.com SUGARBUSH GOURMET GIFT BASKETS WAKES-CONGRATULATIONS-GET WELLS-THANK YOUS THE SHOPS AT WORTHINGTON PLACE SHOP BY PHONE 262-1240 www.sb-gourmet.com Co Bu 614-261-0900 mers’ Cho ice nsu Award ~ 1999 For ce s ine ss Excellen “Simply Compare” 777-6022 Cruise Quarters & Tours Mike Established 1924 Financial Planner Edward J. Price, Parishioner Ed Steinhaus Financial Group 7650 Rivers Edge Dr., Columbus, OH King Steinhaus 614-854-1991 Financial Group Michael J. Agriesti and Edward J. Price are registered representatives of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., a broker/dealer (member SIPC) and registered investment advisor. CRN201203-2065615 Assistive Technology of Ohio TO Donate YOUR used computer Call Eric at 614-688-3222 4730 KENNY RD. 451-1401 Wesley Glen Retirement Community 614-888-7492 www.wesleyglen.com LOVE 297-0927 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Planting • Stone • Pavers • Garage Doors C lintonville Open • Entry Doors A utomotive Mon.-Fri. 2300 International Street, 7-6 R epair Columbus, OH 43228 S ervice 263-5551 585 Oakland Ave. clintonvilleauto.com 614-481-2020 www.columbusdoorsales.com 10% OFF WITH THIS AD 4511 N. High Street • 614-784-9000 EGAN RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE ® Begley Upholstering Specializes in Custom Upholstery. Customer Satisfaction, Quality & Unique Furniture are Our Priorities! Showroom Hours: M-F 9-5, Sat 10-1 3293 N. 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Welsh, CPA, JD MIKULA SPEECH THERAPY SPECIALIZING IN PEDIATRIC SPEECH THERAPY AUTO HOME LIFE BUSINESS HEALTH 378-5430 4900 Reed Rd., Ste 130 Timothy A. Rabold Tricia Mikula, M.S/SLP-CCC 885-8536 fax: 885-7991 Parishioner DR. CHARLES J. KISTLER, JR. DR. DAVID A. RATH Buy & Sell Pre-Owned Vehicles Steve Reither, Owner 614-802-2590 • 614-565-7041 (C) 5438 Byers Circle West • Exterior & Interior Repairs • Auto body Repairs • Insurance Claims REALTOR® THOMPSON-CUNNINGHAM Power, Clarity, Invisibility Openings now for Speech Evaluations & Therapy! CBR 25 Million Dollar Club Ask about my Parishioner Incentive [email protected] Insurance Hearing Aids • Audiology COSMETIC AUTO RESTORATION LLC Don’t be fooled by the name... I work on new as well as old! cosmeticautorestoration.com Missy Ellis, CRS, GRI Excellent Companion, Personal, and Dementia Care Services for seniors or anyone that needs a little help in the home. Dr. Mary Lou Luebbe, AuD 5921 North High Street, Worthington 888-8124 • 888-5344 fax www.franceins.com Family Friendly Dentistry in Beechwold Since 1961 Erin Whittaker DDS, LLC Jeffrey Bixler DDS Stephen Larson DDS 11 W. Cooke Rd., Columbus 43214 614-267-4243 flossyourteeth.com www.egan-ryan.com Owned & Operated by the Same Family Since 1859 NORTHWEST LOCATION 4661 Kenny Road • 451-5900 CENTRAL LOCATION 403 E. Broad St. • 221-6665 Norworth Location 888-4553 Worthington Location 885-0408 A Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 1030 High 6830 N. High St., Street, Specializing in Alzheimer’s Care & Worthington, Worthington, Short-Term Rehabilitation OH 43085 OH 43085 www.laurelhealth.com Please Patronize Our Advertisers. To Place An Ad, Please Call Kati Albanese at 614-777-8700. #76275-JD-9/22/15
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