JTB 12-16 - St. John the Baptist
JTB 12-16 - St. John the Baptist
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President Columbus, OH 43211 WHY LIVE IN JUST A CUSTOM HOME… WHEN YOU CAN LIVE IN A WORK OF ART 4460 Kenny Rd. www.DeSantisFlorist.com National Investment Realty Painting Co., Inc. 614-268-9555 • FAX 614-268-4995 ROMANELLI & HUGHES BUILDING CO. 614-891-2042 Same Beautiful Flowers OPEN 8:30-5:30 DAILY CLOSED SUNDAY Ray Massa • 614-329-4358 FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION LIFE INSURANCE REVIEW, JUST CALL Sostene (Sos) Codispoti !"#$%&"'()*("(+,#)-(,./%0 (614) 5827366 [email protected] Monthly Rates – $1,000,000.00 of Coverage Female Male Insurance Available 35 $ 24 $ 27 Through Age 85 45 $ 48 $ 56 Ask About Long-Term 55 $108 $152 Care Alternatives Oldest American & Italian Restaurant in Columbus • Since 1929 Specializing in American and Italian Foods Catering “For All Occasions” Open for Breakfast Saturday: 9:30? !"#$"%&'()*+,-.+/01)"#2+,,3 Jason M. Despetorich, Esq. 100 E. Main Street, Columbus 43215 Banquet Room for Large and Small Parties Tel: (614) 224-7488 [email protected] RISTORANTE di FAMIGLIA® 1210 S. James Road, Columbus, Ohio 43227 T. Brausch STUDIO 614-833-4159 Livingston Center 85 N. Walnut St. • Lithopolis, OH www.tbrauschstudio.com Reynoldsburg @647%)4-$&94(8-()&06-2-)% FRANCESCO SCALI, Owner 614-235-7100 • 614-235-3744 Fax BerwickManor.com CHET, ERIC DEBELLIS 4770 NORTHWEST PARKWAY HILLIARD, OHIO 43026 E-mail: [email protected] Cell/Web/Text: www.614-419-2594.com EXIT TRINITY REALTY Building, Buying, Selling & Property Management Commercial, Residential, Apartments & Rehabs Available for Baptisms & Rehearsal Dinners 10241 Sawmill Parkway 614-791-8100 ENJOY A FREE BRUNCH ENTRÉE! Sanfillipo Produce WITH PURCHASE OF SECOND ENTRÉE www.vittoriacolumbus.com G. & M. PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Marino Palermini Robert Palermini Keith Palermini Hours: Mon-Thurs 4-10pm Fri-Sat 4-11pm • Sun 4-9pm Vittoria Commercial • Residential Remodel • Repair 2077 Joyce Ave. 614-263-1851 Fax: 263-1500 Joseph and Carol Pingue Day Off Wednesday – Stop By and Ask for Me! 5700 Britton Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017 614-718-1108 !"#$% 614-846-3900 properties, inc. Reno’s Floral & Fine Gifts SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS FROM 11AM-3PM 1803 OLENTANGY RIVER ROAD • 614-291-8210 Located at the Columbus Produce Terminal Retail, Commercial, Residential Rentals, Residential/Commercial Land For Sale Craig Ventresca – Furniture Consultant Present bulletin upon next visit. Limit one per table. Lennox location only. Not valid with other offers. Expires 12/31/2012. &%'()$)*+,-.%,#*%/-,012*-'3,0425/6, Hotels, Hospitals & Restaurants Open to Public Tues.-Sat., 8-3 4561 E. 5th Ave. – Tel.: 237-3300 Armando Concrete Construction, Inc. Y THOLIC CA S O OL CH TUTTLE FURNITURE GALLERY Armando Tempesta, Owner 83 W. Campus View Boulevard 588 W. Schrock Road, Westerville 899-9189!!!!!!"""#$%&'()'$*+#,'- Office: 6148461030 Mobile: 6144969511 Fax: 6144368058 Trinity Catholic School ,%(+)-)*&,-.-)*&,/.-)* Celebrating 63 Years of Catholic Education Jim Silcott, Principal 614-488-7650 Since 1974 Armani Figurines, Capodimonte 20% off of Giftware w/ this ad 1099 Sullivant Avenue, Columbus 614-221-5153 Fax: 614-221-2225 www.midcityelectric.com 1440 Grandview Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43212 www.trinitycdeducation.org [email protected] Banquet & Conference Center www.tiberiforcongress.com [email protected] (614) 895-0900 Paid for by Tiberi for Congress www.villamilano.com Seats 50 to 1,000 Macaluso Fruit Co. The Arlington Bank Betsy Cooper !"#$%&'()(*%+ 614-444-1185 Antonio D’Alberto T 2005 Progress Ave. • Columbus 614-443-2212 For Your Heating/AC HAMILTON SAFE PRODUCTS CO., INC. 6142685530 1068 S. High Street, Columbus TRINI WENGER TEMPERATURE CONTROL Specializing in Fruits & Vegetables 4561 E. 5th Avenue 237-7458 Home of REGINA Grapes and Grape Juice For Wine Making 882-2058 THE PROFESSION/ALL LLC Commercial & Building Maintenance • Since 1993 Services Include: Janitorial • Duct Cleaning • Floor Restoration • Carpet Cleaning • High Maint. Floor Services • Construction Cleanup • Overall Janitorial Services Grandview PLEASE CALL 614-496-4438/206-4910 [email protected] FOR FREE ESTIMATES & CONSULTATIONS Thomas L. Costantiello Investment Advisor Representative 300 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 320 Worthington, OH Phone: 614.310.0269 Securities and advisory services offered through FSC Securities Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC and a registered investment advisor. 7*/2'8*$%,/%'()$%/,1""%'%9,-.'12+.,01*/2/,:%84-.,;8*8+%<%*-,='12>6,??0,8*9,)/,*1-,8"#4)8-%9,@)-.,A&0,&%$2')-)%/,01'>1'8-)1*,1','%+)/-%'%9, as a broker/dealer or investment advisor. TONY’S 0/+)%+&/"&AB&N-+24&@.%)6%&O&C(;8%4&D4+%%4 Priest’s Residence & Church Mailing Address: 720 Hamlet Street Columbus, Ohio 43215-1534 Priest’s Residence & Church Mailing Address: 893 Hamlet Street Columbus, Ohio 43201-3536 (614) 294-5319 Fax: (614) 294-4303 (614) 299-4191 Reverend William A. Metzger, Administrator Priest in Residence Reverend Joseph Klee (614) 372-5249 EP%++-4/+-(8&G(+-27&H&A24B&IJQRM E-mail: [email protected] Reverend William A. Metzger, Pastor 16 W. Beck Street Btwn. German Village & The Brewery District 11:30am-10pm M-F 5pm-10:30 Sat. ~ Partner Parishes of the Diocese of Columbus ~ MASSES/MESSE: PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart Sunday: 9:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist 11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart We welcome you into our Parish Families. Membership in the parish consists of two parts: Registration: This is done with the priest by either meeting with him after Sunday Mass or by appointment. Participation: As a member of the Church, you are accepting the responsibility of weekly worship as well as supporting God’s work here through giving of yourself, your time and talents, and a worthy Sunday offering to show your love for God and your gratitude for His many favors. WEEKDAYS AND HOLY DAYS: (See Mass Schedule inside bulletin) PARISH OFFICE/STAFF: Gerald Paglione, Business Manager Mary Jo Zimmerman, Volunteer Parish Secretary, St. John the Baptist Barbara Neiswander, )%*+,'&-./!(&;"1<#$((*=&&>%!*(0&?(%*$ /01)"+;&5'#2+<%:+=&*6+%*"+>-$%(#%?+ Tues.-Fri., 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 10% OFF WITH THIS BULLETIN RESTAURANT 836-3056 Pizza • Pasta • Subs • Beer • Wine • Open For Lunch • Free Delivery In Groveport We Cater 619 Main Street • Groveport, OH Please patronize our advertisers. To place an ad, call 777-8700 11-27-12 llc 65599 RECONCILIATION/CONFESSIONE: One-half hour prior to weekend Mass or by request/appointment. BAPTISM/BATTESIMO: Preparation is required for the reception of the sacrament. Parents are encouraged to call the Rectory and set up an appointment before the @05+#+,$*%$+"#& ".& A"$'& 6%*+,'(,& +,& 0"#(& $'*"<3'& $'(& "./!(& %$& birth of their child. St. John the Baptist – 168 E. Lincoln Street. Requests for copies of sacramental records, scheduling of Masses and other sacramental MATRIMONY/MATRIMONIO: celebrations, hall rental and other non-emergency needs should be Arrangements should be made at least six or more months in advance. 5%0(&0<*+#3&*(3<1%*&"./!(&'"<*,8&)1(%,(&#"$+.2&$'(&)%*+,'&-./!(&".& A marriage preparation program is required. any changes, such as address or telephone, etc. BULLETIN DEADLINE: MUSIC MINISTRY: ITALIAN RISTORANTE Classic Italian Cuisine • Banquet Rooms Available Private Party Rooms Available 224-8669 0/+)%+&/"&AB&,-)$/8)&()3&C(;8%4&D4+%%42 Announcements must be submitted in writing by Tuesday. 614-486-0700 Ask me about 5% CDs CATHOLIC CHURCH DIRECTORS: ANTHONY TIBERI•JOHN QUINT TIBERI•JOSEPH QUINT TIBERI Banquet Rooms Available for 20 to 400 People. Enjoy Our Martini Lounge 4199 Dublin-Granville Rd. For All Occasions Family Owned Since 1955 Sacred Heart SINCE 1870 614-889-9431 Berwick Manor Catering 236-1392 CATHOLIC CHURCH EF(4-/)(8&94(8-()&G(+-27&H&A24B&IJKLM ARTWORK • MURALS • FAUX Scali Ristorante 1903 State Rt. 256 St. John the Baptist Serving Columbus for over 80 years. Gina M. Bishop, Director, St. John the Baptist (614) 272-8373 John C. Huffman, Organist, Sacred Heart (614) 361-8514 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK/INFERMI: In cases of emergencies, please call anytime. Please notify the Parish /01)"+ 0&'+ 3&4456(&6+ )-77#+ %&+ %*"+ #()82+ #*5%9(6#:+ Due to privacy laws, if parishioners wish to be visited in the hospital, they should !"#$%!$&$'(&)%*+,'&-./!(&0+*(!$12&%#0&3+4(&$'(&+#."*5%$+"#&*(3%*0+#3& the hospitalization. If you are scheduled for surgeries or other medical procedures, 61(%,(& !"#$%!$& $'(& )%*+,'& -./!(& +#& %04%#!(& ,"& $'%$& 7*8& 9($:3(*& !%#& administer Anointing of the Sick prior to the procedure. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH MASSES AT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Sun. 12/16 9:30 a.m. Evalina Arminio by Tony & Jackie Polletta Mon. 12/17 No Mass Tues. 12/18 1:00 p.m. Padre Pio Kay Ciccone by Antoinette Carfagna Wed. 12/19 7:00 p.m. At SH Thurs. 12/20 Noon Helen Jaconette by Donato & Miryam Altieri Fri. 12/21 Noon Tony and Carmela Quaranto by Lillian Penzone Sat. 12/22 1:00 p.m. At Prison for SJB & SH Parishoners 4:00 p.m. At SH Sun. 12/23 9:30 a.m. Joe Penzone (Anniversary) by Lillian Penzone Sanctuary & Marian Light Intentions Marian: Sanctuary: Egisto DelGreco by Dave & Rita Kreuser Mark Petty by Mary Ann Petty PLEASE REMEMBER OUR KNOWN ILL AND ELDERLY IN YOUR PRAYERS** AT HOME: Larry Benintend, Cassie Compton, Jack Conie, Jr., Chester & Anita Croce, Ann DeCesare, Lucy Gatto, Wanda Kleinman, Mary Rossetti ANGELINE MCCRORY: Maria Tarantelli EMERTIUS AT OUTLOOK MANOR, WESTERVILLE: Barbara Cosentino STERLING HOUSE OF WESTERVILLE: Dante Asmo TRILLIUM PLACE: Yola Rossi VILLA ANGELA: Pauline Weinsteger WESTMINSTER THURBER: !"#$%#&&'()*+,-.&/ WILLOWBROOK AT DELAWARE RUN: Benny Andreoni WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN VILLAGE: Raffaella Carrocce **If you know of any additions or corrections, please call the Parish !"#$%&'()%'*+',-./0$1'20345'3%'6%,%76'+7'1+)-'.7,)*& !""#$%&'("!)*+',-.&)(&'(/&01,23' December 9, 2012 Number of envelopes used: 56 out of 187 mailed In Envelopes: $2,116.00 Loose Money: $344.25 Regular Collection $2,460.25 Less Diocesan 5% Assessment $ 123.01 NET COLLECTION: $2,337.24 Votive Lights $ 9.00 Christmas $ 100.00 Immaculate Conception $ 201.00 Solemnity of Mary $ 20.00 Retirement Fund for Religious $ 492.00 Human Development $ 5.00 Diocesan Charities $ 10.00 St. Anthony Bread $ 22.00 Capital Improvements $ 20.00 Christmas Flowers $ 120.00 50/50 $ 30.00 $1,029.00 ? $ ? $ ? !"#$%&$&'($)"!*+&$,"%*-.$$ ? $ ? THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT LITURGICAL MINISTERS Lectors Dec. 16th: Tania Wade, Ed Pagnanelli Dec. 23rd: Donna Veri, Ed Pagnanelli Eucharistic Ministers 0.$&#.(!'$#',1(+,2/,#/()*+&3."2/1 Andrea Myers, Bill Nightingale, Donna Veri, Margaret Harn Pat & Liz Rossetti, Andrea Myers, Bob & Marge Contino, Judy Pishitelli 2012 Liturgical Calendar & Mass Readings December 16 – Third Sunday of Advent Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18 *Fr. Timothy Hayes December 17 – Late Advent Weekday Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17 *Fr. Jerome Stluka December 18 – Late Advent Weekday Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25 *Fr. Arthur T. Zuber, Dec. December 19 – Late Advent Weekday Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25 *Fr. Andrew Hohman, Dec. December 20 – Late Advent Weekday Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38 *Fr. Stephen Krile December 21 – St. Peter Canisius, Priest & Doctor of the Church Sg 2:8-14/Lk 1:39-45 *Fr. Patrick Byrne December 22 – Late Advent Weekday 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 *Bishop Edward Herrmann, Dec. December 23 – Fourth Sunday of Advent Mi 5:1-4a/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45 * Fr. Kevin Lutz * Pray for our Priests and Seminarians. Attend Mass and Receive Communion for the Priest of the Day! Requiescat in pace! In the charity of your prayers, please remember the family and friends of: !" Albert Corna, who died and was buried this past week from SJB. EASTER SUNDAY marked the beginning of a Capital Campaign to address the many challenges of our aging facilities and our environs. The generous response on your part has enabled us to complete Phase 1 (main church entrance, steps and piazza); Phase II (west steps and sidewalks and Sala Hall entrance) of the project is currently underway. Please continue to give prayerful consideration to your participation in this important campaign for our parish! We ask you to help us identify those outside of our parish who may wish to participate. We are grateful to those who have generously responded so far!$/0112$-345026$ Budgeted Offertory for Fiscal Year (7/1/12-6/30/13) Budgeted Actual Difference ($) (%) This Week: $ 3,822.15 $ 2,460.25 ($ 1,362.90) (-36%) FYTD: $91,710.60 $71,063.25 ($20,647.35) (-23%) To date we have received: 104 Pledges $453,630.00 Pledged $256,067.00 Paid SJB Collection Counters for Monday, December 17, 2012 Steps BG>84&$58F78:& BG>84&"84G58?;&PIJQ&& <EGR;F&$58F78:&POQ&& '7F;&"84G58?;&PITQ&& Pavers ULVUL&.5R;G&PSQ& TLVTL&.5R;G&PWIQ& ITVTL&.5R;G&PIOXQ&& Gen Knouff & Mary Spellacy EVENTS THIS WEEK Sun. Mon. 16th: Advent Communal Penance Service 2:00 p.m. – SJB 17th: -456758&97665:;&<54=>67?&@;83A&B;66>CA=7D 6:00 p.m. – Marrapese Hall Tues. 18th: Padre Pio Mass – 8(0*%'9:07;%'()%'*+'<+2.601= 1:00 p.m. – SJB Chapel B>E8F;GA3&<7G?6;& 2>8Z'D;?7[?&+>8547>8A & & Available &L& &L& &L&& IL& &O& &IL& &ITS& & HIJKLLL/LL&M& N&O HIJKLLL/LL&M& HILKLLL/LL& H&&SKLLL/LL& H&&OKLLL/LL& N&I N&IJ N&O& N&T HIJKLLL/LL&M& N&T H&&UKLLL/LL& N&TI H&&TKJLL/LL& N&WY HITKOWL/LL& N&TW DECEMBER 16, 2012 Diocesan Charities Collection: A special collection, which will be taken up during the Christmas Masses, is for the Diocesan Charities. (?:%-%' .4' 07' %7/%2+,%' .7' 1+)-' @+7*:21' ,0$B%*&= These funds are used by Catholic Social Services within the Columbus Catholic Diocese to fund their many outreach programs throughout the year. Thank you in advance for your generosity. 7%,",%8%9 (The Twelve) is the title given to the 2013 Traditional Art Catholic Calendar in Italian provided to SJB parishioners through the generosity of the Maeder Quint Tiberi Funeral Home, 1068 S. !0:;$&<322<=$8>1?@A?B((:;#$(9.'"*$(%'&.,<'"(;'$('$(#2$(2;.=.(2;.( 12 apostles with reproductions of famous art depicting the apostles from museums and churches from around the world. Maeder Quint Tiberi has also provided English calendars for SH parishioners. Please feel free to pick one up for your home this weekend. Mille -34502 to Tony Tiberi and all at Maeder Quint Tiberi! Advent: • ';2$/4:C0DE4<$FGH2C<$8>@I4C0>C(>/"(?."$/,'&@>'=#&9(".A.%2#/,( and prayer is available as well as the /4:C0DE4<$8>@I4C0>C$J>3$ the Year of Faith for parishioners of both parishes. • The Communal Penance Service, sponsored by the south parishes of the North High Deanery, will be held on Sunday, December 16th, at 2:00 p.m., at Saint John the Baptist Church. Come join the priests and people of Holy Name, Sacred Heart, and St. Francis of Assisi at this service where individual Confession will be offered by the three priests who serve these parishes. <=G7A4\5A& <=76FG;83A& <=>7G: Again this year, we will be having a <=76FG;83A&<=>7G singing for the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at '4/& 0>=83A/ We are inviting children, ages 4 and up, to come and join us for this special annual event! We will have practices on the following three Sundays immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Mass.( B2( #$( CD( #>( 9/E( %',*2( ='F.( .8."9( ".;.'"$'&G( !"'%2#%.( will take place from approximately 10:45 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on each Sunday.(:;.(H;#&<".,*$(H;/#"(5#&&($#,-(/,(Christmas Eve and again for the celebration of La Befana in January. If you have any questions, please contact Gina Bishop at 614-272-8373. Children DO NOT need to be members of St. John the Baptist to take part! /F-*%K%8F'$NEWS: Over 50 persons have responded to subscribe to the monthly /F-*%K%8F'( The bulk order has been placed and we have received January 2013 issues. (There were no ,2E2@A23$ 0BB?2B$ 4H4014A12(L The single subscription cost will be $30.00. Copies are available and are labeled with your name for pick-up for those who subscribed. C01@%7*'6%*0.24'3.22'D%'.7$2)6%6&'?:%-%'0-%'0' "%3'%E*-0'$+,.%4'0/0.20D2%'"+-'402%& WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP AT SACRED HEART December 9, 2012 Number of envelopes used: 28 out of 99 mailed Loose Money: $646.00 Money in Envelopes: $861.00 Regular Collection: $1,507.00 Less Diocesan 5% Assessment $ 75.35 $1,431.65 Votive Lights $ 32.00 Immaculate Conception $ 181.00 Capital Repair $ 35.00 Retirement Fund for Religious $ 500.18 Christmas Flowers $ 105.00 $ 853.18 M$.$M$.$!>N$%&$&F8OP,$!PFO'$,"%*-.$M$.$M$. Budgeted Offertory for Fiscal Year (7/1/12-6/30/13) Budgeted Actual Difference ($) (%) This Week: $ 1,800.00 $ 1,507.00 (-$ 293.00) (-16%) FYTD: $43,200.00 $30,713.97 ($12,486.03) (-29%) SH Collection Counters for Monday, December 17, 2012 Mary Ann Bontely & Virginia Russell SACRED HEART CHURCH MASSES AT SACRED HEART Sun. 12/16 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 12/22 Sun. 12/23 11:00 a.m. Leopold & Johanna Brigel by Estate No Mass 1:00 p.m. At SJB Padre Pio Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. Anthony & Neil Brigel by Estate Noon At SJB Noon At SJB 1:00 p.m. At Prison for SJB & SH Parishioners 4:00 p.m. "678>G&<=54[;6F&by Estate 11:00 a.m. David DeVillers by Mary Jo Zimmerman LITURGICAL MINISTERS Sat., December 15th: Sun., December 16th: 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Lectors: Don Wessels Emily & Susan Rorris Eucharistic Virginia Russell, Bob & Peggy Lorain Ministers: Andy Mirolo Acolyte: Jim Merckling Jack Kopf, Jim Merckling, Carolyn Thomas Ushers/ Glory Merckling Mary Rykowski*, Greeters: Christy Estes, Dave & Gilda Cottrill Sat., December 22nd: Sun., December 23rd: 4:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Lectors: Andy Mirolo Aggie Howard, Mary Rykowski Eucharistic Paul Clutter, Virginia Russell, Ministers: Tricia Wessels Diane Barnes Acolyte: Jim Merckling Scott Fulks, Jim Merckling, Carolyn Thomas Ushers/ Glory Merckling Bob Lorain*, Peggy Lorain, Greeters: Dennis Jacob, Barbara Neiswander *indicates Head Usher PLEASE REMEMBER OUR KNOWN ILL AND ELDERLY IN YOUR PRAYERS** AT HOME: Beverly Isabel, Katherine Condo, Thomas Fry, Carol Houseman, Art & Anna Ippolito, Anna Laudermilt, Dan Mahoney, Sally Randall, Patrick Sleffel FIRST COMMUNITY VILLAGE: IDA JACONETTE “FAITH ALONE, TRUST IN THE ACTION OF GOD, GOD WHO DOES NOT ABANDAN US, IS THE GUARANTEE THAT WE ARE NOT WORKING IN VAIN.” POPE BENEDICT XVI IN THE GOODNESS OF Holiday Mass Schedule December 24 Christmas Eve (SJB) 5:00 p.m. Christmas Mass at Night (SH) 8:00 p.m. Christmas Mass at Night (SJB) 10:00 p.m. December 25 Christmas Day (SH) 10:00 a.m. December 31 4.5(6.'"*$(78. Mary, Mother of God Vigil (SH) *4:00 p.m. *(>+*%'9:07;%'.7'?.@%'+"'A044= January 1 4.5(6.'"*$()'9 Mary, Mother of God (SJB) 12:00 p.m.
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JTB 12-9 - St. John the Baptist
Catholic Calendar in Italian provided to SJB parishioners through
the generosity of the Maeder Quint Tiberi Funeral Home, 1068 S.
High Street, Columbus.(<:#$(;.'"*$(%'&.,4'"(:'$('$(#2$(2:.9.(2:.(