LANDLINES - Piedmont Land Conservancy


LANDLINES - Piedmont Land Conservancy
V O L U M E 2 6 · I S S U E 1 · 2 0 16
Skunk Cabbage —
Weird in Many Ways!
Pilot Mountain — A North Carolina Icon —
Receives Major Addition!
A strange thing comes to
the surface of wetlands in
the mountains and the
northern piedmont in the
coldest time of winter. It
can generate heat from a
bulb deep underground
and melt through ice and
snow. This is a plant that
can produce as much heat
as a small mammal in the
middle of winter. So what
is it? Skunk Cabbage
(Symplocarpus foetidus), a
native plant found in
wetlands all over North
America. The plant gets its
name from big floppy
green leaves which are
seen in midsummer,
although it is
(continued on page 5)
Piedmont Land Conservancy has
recently helped facilitate the
largest land addition to Pilot
Mountain State Park in over
30 years. The 70-acre expansion
will protect the Pilot Creek
watershed, create a new hiking
trailhead and provide other
benefits to the park, which
features miles of trails, camping,
climbing and views of the iconic
Pilot Mountain knob, rising over
2,000 feet into the Piedmont sky.
Pilot Mountain in Surry County —
a North Carolina landmark.
Matt Windsor, Superintendent of Pilot Mountain State Park, adds to the list of
benefits for protecting this parcel of land, “… we can hopefully link up with a
planned greenway in the Town of Pilot Mountain in the not too distant
future. Hikers on the Mountains-To-Sea Trail would then be able to travel all
the way from the Yadkin River to downtown Pilot Mountain
without ever leaving the trail. "
In addition, Windsor says the park has received a commitment
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for milkweed plants,
allowing the creation of a Monarch Butterfly waystation in the
expanded area.
(continued on page 5)
Piedmont Land Conservancy protects our region’s natural lands,
farms and waters for present and future generations.
PLC connects people with nature.
Serving Alamance, Caswell, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin Counties
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
A Note from PLC’s Director
Board of Directors
Steve Earp, President
Shane Shuler, Vice President
Grace Murray Broughton, Secretary
Edward W. Evans, Treasurer
Mary Ellen Boelhower
David Duff
Katherine Homiller
Michael Hough
N. Jane Iseley
Frankie T. Jones, Jr.
John A. McLendon, Jr.
Marcus L. Moxley
Scottie Galloway Neill
Joe Phagan
Marjorie “Missy” Moser Rankin
Sam Thompson
Board of Advisors
Carolyn Allen
Malcolm Brown
Patty Brown
Charles Brummitt
Eric R. Calhoun
Lucy Chatham
Richard Everhart
Pricey Harrison
David Jones
Cama Merritt
Robert Merritt
Dennis Quaintance
Bo Rodenbough
Bill Ross
Kay Stern
Kathy Treanor
Kevin Redding, Executive Director
Kalen Kingsbury, Associate Director
and General Counsel
Ken Bridle, Stewardship Director
Greg Keener, Development Director
Lynne Dardanell, Membership & Outreach
Jeri Donnelly, Office Manager
Palmer McIntyre, Conservation Planner
Mindy Mock, Land Protection and
Outreach Specialist
Taylor Owens, Database Specialist
In November I finally had to face up to knee
surgery. Not even the greatest doctor in
Greensboro could keep me from going under
the knife. Since the surgery, I’ve been on
crutches and am just now regaining my
freedom to walk.
When I call it “freedom to walk” I’m not joking. November
through January is my favorite time of the year. There’s duck
hunting to be done, trips to the coast to surf fish, New Year’s Day
hikes, footballs to throw and it’s a great time to be out meeting
landowners to talk about their properties. Unfortunately, I had to
miss out on those activities this go ‘round.
In 2016, I’m going to appreciate all of these opportunities, and
more, to the fullest. I encourage you, too, to appreciate all that we
have here in the Piedmont. Whether it’s hiking, mountain biking,
trout fishing, duck hunting or your own favorite pursuit, we’ve got
it all, and each and every outing in nature should be cherished.
From your friends here at PLC, thank you for helping
PLC make outdoor opportunities available for our
generation and those still to come.
Thank You for Helping
PLC Celebrate 25 Years!
PLC bids farewell to Board
member Sherry Duvall, who
chaired our 25th Anniversary
planning committee in 2015.
Sherry has been involved with
PLC for roughly 15 years in
various capacities, most recently
serving as Board President. She
begins a new chapter of her life in
Atlanta, GA — and we assured
her there is a land trust there too!
Thank you, Sherry — for your
many years of service and
support of PLC.
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Your Lasting Legacy of Conservation
Our work at PLC is about the long term, the legacy, the world we will
leave for future generations. As a member of PLC you already provide
valuable support for our day-to-day operations and keep us moving
forward. As a member of The Forever These Lands Society you can ensure
your personal legacy of clean water, healthy family farms and protected
natural land.
Members of The Forever These Lands Society have made known their
intentions to support PLC with a bequest or other planned gift. If you are
one of these generous donors, thank you. If not, you can learn more about
setting up your planned gift at
You can also notify us if you have already made this decision so we may
acknowledge you as a member of The Forever These Lands Society.
Learn more about the ways you can join this group by visiting
Also … IRA Charitable Rollover Incentive Made Permanent!
Recently, Congress permanently extended several charitable giving incentives including the IRA charitable
rollover. This allows individuals aged 70 1/2 and older to make tax-free distributions of up to $100,000 from
their IRAs to charitable nonprofits. This provides an excellent opportunity to make a significant impact in
conservation work in our community. To learn more, talk with your financial advisor about IRA Charitable
PLC’s Development Director Greg Keener is always available to discuss these and other ways you can
support the mission of PLC. You can reach him at 336-691-0088, or [email protected].
Get Outside with PLC, in the Garden!
PLC sincerely appreciates all the Friends Volunteers who come out each spring and fall to work in the
Emily H. Allen Wildflower Preserve, Friendship Garden. We couldn’t maintain this special garden without
our amazing volunteers — plus, it’s fun!
Please join us this spring with like-minded folks and springblooming wildflowers!
Spring 2016 Friends Volunteer Workdays
Fridays — March 11, April 8, May 13
Saturdays — March 19, April 30, May 28
Virgina Bluebell (Mertensia virginica)
(all workdays are from 9:00 a.m. until Noon)
To sign up now or receive more information,
contact Mindy Mock at 336.691.0088 or [email protected].
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
PLC’s 2nd Saturday Outings March — May
Saturday, March 12th: Hike Flat Shoals Mountain at
Hanging Rock State Park, 10am-2pm. Ken Bridle will
lead a hike along Flat Shoals Mountain to look for black vultures
nesting in caves, signs of bear activity (they should still be
dormant!), and remnants of a prescribed burn conducted in 2015.
Expect about an hour climb to the top, enjoy a picnic lunch, then
explore for an hour or so before heading back down. Moderate to
strenuous, wear sturdy hiking shoes. Meet at 10:00am in the Food
Lion parking lot in Walnut Cove (address: 1072 N. Main Street).
Saturday, April 9th : Open Garden Day at Friendship
Garden, 10am-2pm. Tour this 6-acre wildflower garden in the heart
of Forsyth County, near Bethabara Park in Winston-Salem. Tour times
and sign-ups will be available closer to the event. The event is free and
open to the public – children welcome, no pets please. Donations in any
amount to stewardship of the garden will be accepted. .
Saturday, May 14th: WellSpring Mountain, Surry County, 10am-2pm.
WellSpring Mountain is an herbal medicine school and retreat center (site of the
former Camp E-mun-talee) that sits on a beautiful 496-acre nature preserve
protected by PLC, about ten minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway in Lowgap,
NC. We will enjoy a tour, a nature hike, and an herbalist talk from WellSpring
Director, Thomas Easley.
Visit their web site at for more information on
their programs and facilities.
Family Fun Day at Knight Brown Nature Preserve in
Rockingham County, Sunday April 17th, 2-4pm.
Everyone is welcome – it’s a family-friendly event
with hiking, nature exploration, crafts and more!
This event, as well as all of our 2nd Saturday outings,
are free and open to the public – bring a friend!
Visit our outings calendar at
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Salamander eggs can be found in wooded
wetland areas during late winter
and early spring.
(continued from page 1)
Piedmont Land Conservancy received a grant from the
N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund to assist
with the purchase. The remaining funds were provided
by the State Parks via the federal Land & Water
Conservation Fund (LWCF), a pr ogr am that applies
revenue from off-shore oil drilling leases and assists with
conservation of our nation’s most special places. LWCF
had previously expired in September after a 50-year
history. The federal spending package recently passed
included reauthorization of LWCF for three years and an
increase in funding for the first year. Senator Richard
Burr sponsored legislation calling for the reauthorization
of LWCF.
Kevin Redding, executive director of Piedmont Land
Conservancy, adds, “A project like this is a perfect, local
example of why the LWCF and the Clean Water
Management Trust Fund are so important to our
region’s quality of life”.
As the North Carolina State Park system celebrates its
100th anniversary, PLC is proud to have assisted with land acquisition at all four parks in our region —
Hanging Rock State Park, Haw River State Park, Mayo River State Park and Pilot Mountain State Park.
Skunk Cabbage: Weird in Many Ways
(continued from page 1)
the flower that generates heat and appears in mid-January. The heat not only helps melt ice and snow but
allows the production of a stinky smell that attracts insects on the warmer days of winter. The flower looks
like a cupped hand and has a central spike of flower parts like its relative, Jack-in-the-Pulpit. The flies and
beetles that find this flower seek the heat in the winter and also pollinate the flower.
The seeds that result from pollination fall onto the surface of the wetland and germinate. The plant then has
to grow and produce a bulb that is below the level of freezing in the next winter. This is done by another
weird adaptation: contractile roots. These are roots that grow down and pull the embryonic plants down until
they reach a depth of three or more feet below the surface. The big cabbage- like leaves at the surface pump
the bulb full of resources for the cycle to repeat the next winter.
Skunk Cabbage occurs in several locations in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Look for it this winter and
early spring while you are out hiking!
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
PLC’s Annual Land Jam Concert — Always a Good Time!
Thanks to Land Jam sponsors Blue Mandolin
Marketing & CK Productions, PLC has
plenty of marketing, signage, public relations,
and even a brand-new land conservation
video each year! Land Jam is made possible
by many generous sponsors, and these two
signature groups (and the individuals behind
them) deserve an extra big shout-out.
THANK YOU to Blue Mandolin
Marketing & CK Productions!
Old friends re-united: Land
Jam 2015 headliner David
Grisman and Land Jam 2012
headliner Tony Rice.
Behind-the-scenes making of the annual Land
Jam video — a generous contribution by CK
Productions and Blue Mandolin Marketing.
Pictured here: PLC staff member Palmer
McIntyre being interviewed along the banks of
the Deep River in Randolph County.
PLC Corporate Contributors
Analog Devices, Inc.
Earth Share of North Carolina
Bank of America/US Trust
The Forum
Linda C. Brinson Writing and
Blue Mandolin Marketing
The GE Foundation
Master Plumbers of NC LLC
Great Outdoor Provision Company Nature's Select Premium Turf
Services, Inc.
Greensboro Science Center
New Age Builders
CK Productions
Indera Mills Company
Oxner & Permar, PLLC
Community Foundation of Greater Katie Jo Icenhower, Realtor
Simply Meg's
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton
Conservation Fund
Triad Home Inspections
Craft Insurance Center
United Health Care
Blue Ridge Geological Services,
PLC Connects Local Students with Nature
Last fall, PLC hosted 250 8th graders from Western Rockingham
Middle School at our Knight Br own Natur e Pr eser ve to hike and
learn about ecology and water quality indicators. Thanks to Rockingham County Community Foundation for funding this pr ogr am.
PLC will be doing more field trips and a Family Fun Day this spring!
Field Trip Helpers: Carla Ashley, Kaly Clark (AmeriCorps Member, Piedmont Triad Regional Council), Henry Fansler, Amy Farinelli (Dan River
Basin Association), David Farrier, Joy Fields (Piedmont Triad Regional
Council), Krista Hodges (Dan River Basin Association), Bill Hoffman,
Chad Lange (Nature Freaks), Jennifer Phelps (Greensboro Parks & Recreation), Ivy Rutledge, Heather Sparks, and Carol Thompson. Thank You!!!
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
PLC’s Kalen Kingsbury educates students
about mushrooms in the wild.
Stewardship — Fulfilling a Promise
It’s all too easy to measure our progress by numbers such as acres protected,
dollars raised, or members served. But the real story of conservation is much
deeper. It’s about preserving our natural communities of plants and animals,
ensuring prime soils for family farms aren’t lost forever, and providing quiet
places for people to enjoy nature. It’s about the relationships with caring
landowners who’ve made a commitment to future generations. It’s about
introducing young people to the wonders of nature through our 2nd Saturday
Outings program and field trips to our Knight Brown Nature Preserve. And
it’s about our promise to protect our conserved lands forever, which we call
PLC Stewardship Director Ken Bridle
constantly educates people on the
importance of stewardship.
Stewardship is one of the most important activities we do. Each year, our
Stewardship Director, Ken Bridle, spends countless hours visiting protected
properties to ensure conservation values are intact. We also try to improve
our protected lands to benefit wildlife and water quality.
One small example is our partnership this year with the U.S Fish and Wildlife
Service’s Save the Monarch Project in North Carolina. This fall,
PLC was selected to receive milkweed plants from the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, which were propagated by the N.C. Botanical
Garden. The common milkweed provides critical food for monarch
caterpillars and adults, and this project’s goal is to boost the
monarch’s declining numbers through widespread plantings. PLC
planted milkweed plugs at four of our properties - the Hill Farm on
the Dan River, Knight Brown Nature Preserve, Pilot Mountain
State Park and Price Park, about 1.5 acr es of land total and 25
A bumblebee hovers above a blooming milkweed at
plants on each property. Hopefully with this boost, we can do our
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in
Greensboro, NC (photo by Dan Whittaker).
part to help the beautiful monarch butterfly.
Helping the Monarchs
One of nature’s wonders is seeing a monarch butterfly. One of the
most remarkable things about monarchs is their impressive migration
up to 3,000 miles to travel from the United States and Canada south
to Mexico for the winter.
Monarch sightings are becoming increasingly rare though, due to
greater uses of pesticides and herbicides, abnormal patterns of drought
Photo by Gary Carter
and rainfall, and loss of winter habitat in Mexico. In North America,
we have lost 175,000 acres of milkweed, the monarch’s primary food source. Over wintering habitat in
Mexico is now less than 2 acres, down from more than 50 in the mid-1990s. Population numbers of monarchs
are down 90 percent in the past two decades. There are now efforts underway to place the monarch on the
endangered species list.
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Thanks for Your Conservation Gifts Received
Your gifts make it possible for Piedmont Land Conservancy to protect additional land. Thank You!
Since these gifts are for September—December only, actual memberships may be at a higher level than listed.
Donor Categories
PHS………….……… $5,000+
PCS …………...$2,500-$4,999
PLS ……….......$1,000-$2,499
Conservator ……… $600-$999
Steward …………...$300-$599
Protector …………. $150-$299
Patron ………….….. $75-$149
Friend ………………. $35-$74
Donor …………..… up to $34
Piedmont Heritage
Society (PHS)
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Patty and Malcolm Brown
Dr. and Mrs. David Collins
Conservation Fund
Hillsdale Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hough
Indera Mills Company
John & Barbara McLendon
Family Foundation
Mr. Tim Sweeney
Piedmont Conservation
Society (PCS)
Ms. Cecilia Brown
Earth Share of North Carolina
Ms. Amy L. Leander
Piedmont Lands
Society (PLS)
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ansbacher
Drs. James and Cary Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.
Bill and Betty Gray Davis
Advised Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boren
Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cawood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Clegg, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Craft
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Davis, II
Eden Garden Club
Thomas K. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Patricia W. Gwyn
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Huffaker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Kelleher
Land and Woods Realty
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Maxwell
Kim and Gray McCaskill
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McLendon, Jr.
Mercedes-Benz of WinstonSalem
Drs. Lawrence and Claire Morse
Oxner & Permar, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pepper, Jr.
Pugh Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. David Raper
Ms. Linda A. Shue
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Toon
Mr. and Mrs. Monty White
Mr. Robert M. Whitnell and Ms.
Anne G. Glenn
Vicki & Tommy Alexander
Eli & Jordan Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Britt
Mrs. Martha Cook
Mrs. William H. Craft
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Fountain
Google Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. William Hervey
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hykes
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Joslin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lassiter
Ms. Anne P. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor G. Owens
Molly and Stephen Poleskey
Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Rankin, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Ross
Mrs. Sarah P. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Segal
Mr. William P. H. Stevens, Jr.
Mr. James M. Torrey and Ms.
Ellen P. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. H. Michael Weaver
Mr. William T. Wilson III
Susan & Mark Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. John Boelhower
Charlie and Lois Brummitt
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Carrison, III
Dr. M. Lee Chambliss and Dr.
Carola J. Westermann
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Duff
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Eberle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Enos
Dr. Robert Fried and Mrs. Martha
A. McCarty
Mr. Robert C. Greear, Jr.
Ms. Janis Hammett
Susie Hodnett
Mr. and Mrs. C. Royce Hough III
Ms. Nancy C. Huettel
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice N.
Jennings, Jr.
Ashley and Frankie Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kriner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Lambeth
John & Kathy Lang
Ms. Alexis Lavine
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Lutman
Ms. Nancy Y. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin
Dr. Sandra L. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Murphy
Ms. Anne Presnell
Mr. Norris W Preyer and Dr.
Lucy Preyer
Mr. and Ms. Steve Reeder
Drs. Jennifer C. Schaal and Fred
H. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Stone
Mark and Ann Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Herold J. Weiler III
William & Sara Wells
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Alford
Mr. J. Christopher Almerini
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Mr. and Mrs. John Appel
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sarah B. Barnhardt
Mr. Chad D. Beery
Dr. Calhoun Bond, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Bowman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Bridle,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd G. Brinson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. R. K. Brown, Jr. and Mrs.
Carole Campbell-Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burkart II
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chaden
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Barden W. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Crawford
Ms. Abbie Suddath Davis
Mrs. Doris P. Deal
Dr. and Mrs. Larry C. Dekle
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Donnelly
Miss Sherry Duvall
Mr. Jeffrey Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Eichinger
Dr. Karl B. Fields and Dr.
Deborah L. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Friedman
Allison and Robert Greiner
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griffin
Roy Hantgan and Julie Edelson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser
Dr. Kathryn Hecker and Mr. Rick
Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Hiers
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holder
Mac Sherrill and Matt Holland
Sue Homewood & Matt Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Larry O. Howard, Jr.
Ms. Barbara T. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin
Dr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Dr. Frederick W. George IV and
Ms. Kalen A. Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis
Linda C. Brinson, Writing &
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lombardo
Ms. Linda H. Mabe
Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Magrinat
Mr. and Mrs. David Mandalinich
Mr. John H. Martin and Ms.
Marcia E. Mohney
Mr. and Ms. Craig McCleary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McKim
Dr. Elizabeth Meyerdierks
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Miller
Mindy and David Mock
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Morgan, III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Murray
Mr. & Mrs. T. D. Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Olmstead
Mr. A. Thomas Paulson
Mr. William C. Payne, Jr. & Ms.
JoAnn Smith
Scott Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ponzoni
Ms. Marie Poteat
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pudlo
Ray and Sheri Raymer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Redding
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rutter
Ms. Carolyn A. Sakowski and Mr.
Alton C. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sandridge, Jr.
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas
D. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scurry
Susan Shelmerdine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Shope
Mr. David Shuford
Mrs. Katherine G. Stern
Idus Stinson
Ms. Preston Stockton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Truslow
Dr. Anna Voytek
Mr. Thomas L. Watkins
Ginny Weiler & Claudine Legault
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Weill, Jr.
Ms. Patricia N. Whisnant
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Coates
Ms. Sue Ann Cole
Ms. Angela C. Cook
Mr. Thomas A. Cors
Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davis
Carolyn de Berry
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dewees
Nancy Dunn
Gwendolyn Gosney Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans
Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Faires
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Felts
Ms. Margaret Felts
Paul & Lisa Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Fraser, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Fuller, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Gamble and Mr.
Peter Lichstein
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Gaskins
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Gearhart
Ms. Ellen W. Gerber and Ms. Pearl
Ms. Patricia A. Griffin
Mr. Wright H. Gwyn
Paul D. Haag & Renee Clark Haag
Mr. James G. Hanes III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Harbaugh
Ms. Jane D. Harris, Sarah & Ben
Ms. Karen Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. George W. House
Mr. Merrill P. Howard and Ms.
Karen Katula
Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Hummel
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Jezorek
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan II
Ms. Karen Katula and Mr. Merrill
P. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Keeney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Latture
Jay E. Leutze
Mrs. Caroline G. Maness
Ms. Jane McCallum
Wild Flower Club of Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Ms. Jacqueline A. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Grover F. Yancey
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGuinn, Jr.
Jay Young
Mr. and Mrs. William A. McNeil
Mrs. Evelyn Michelle
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Morien
Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillip Moseley
Mrs. Louise Mowbray
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Muse, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Alson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. North
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barry
Dr. Karen S. Oles & Dr. Peter Gal
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie C. Bass
Mr. Bruce Patram
Bessemer Group, Inc.
Blue Ridge Geological Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Y. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Blue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Alan V. Pugh
Mr. Lewis A. Brandon III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brandon Mr. Randy D. Pugh
Mrs. Della P. Pulliam
Reverend and Mrs. Rodney C.
Art and Ann Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. F. Dillon Robertson, Jr.
Chris and Susan Bush
Brent & Beverly Rockett
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Carr
Mr. & Mrs. S. Leigh Rodenbough, IV
Mr. Frank E. Cavadi, Jr.
Ms. Shelley Rutkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sandercock
Ms. Nancy Schaefer
Mr. Stephen Schiavone
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Schrum
Mr. Glenn M. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Baldwin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Steen Spove
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Sprinkle
Mr. and Mrs. John Steffan
Mr. Andrew J. Stern and Ms. Judy
Mrs. Eileen M. Stirling
Mrs. Melrose M. Stocks
Ms. Fanny Stronach
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tate
The GE Foundation
Christian, Terrie, and Gabe Thoma
Arlene Edwards Thompson
The Honorable Deborah S.
Thompson and Mr. Grady
Mr. and Ms. Ray T. Treadway
Ms. Nancy Wall and Ms. Cynthia
Ms. Elizabeth C. Wright
Ms. Kimberly Yarbray and Mr.
Anthony T. Rabun
Andy Allen
Ms. Helen L. Allen
Ms. Sharon R. Applegate
Mr. Dan R. Ariail
Alex & Stephanie Ashton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Belton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bergey
Mary K. Bergey
Ms. Blanche S. Berkowitz
Ms. Dorothy R. Blanchard
Arthur & Betsy Bluethenthal
Mr. Jim Boitano
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond
Stacey & Sean Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Braswell
Dr. Teresa S. Bratton
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Brigham
Ms. Donna M. Burke
Ms. Polly Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Byrne
Mrs. Betty J. Byron
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callicutt
Mr. and Ms. Jerry Campbell
Ms. Anne M. Cassebaum and Mr.
John C. Herold
Chips Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Chatham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon C. Cook
Ms. Betsy Crone
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Crow
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Davis
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Denham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Fulcher
Michael and Jennifer Goff
Ronnie S. Grabon
Mr. Jason M. Graves
Ms. Annette Green
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Green III
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Groome
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gutsell
Mr. John C. Hagan
Mr. Jonathan Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Harkavy
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hudson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Murrell M. Johnson
Dr. Jeffrey D. Katz and Ms. Ila
Ms. Claire Kelleher
Mr. William H. Kiser
Ms. Barbara R. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford A. Leonard
Ms. Annabel Jones Link
Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Lowrance
Jo Ann Main & Carol Nichols
Mr. Thomas W. Mann
Karrie Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey McIver
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Moore II
Ms. Deanna C. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niegelsky
Mr. James A. Nitsos
Julia Opaleski
Ms. Jennifer L. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Patsiga
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Pearce
Ms. Charlotte O. Plyler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Pollard
Mrs. Joan N. Poole
Mr. John D. Potter
Ms. Laurel T. Purvis
Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Roosa, Jr.
Mrs. Marion P. Ross
Mr. Douglas P. Sanecki
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schroeder
Ms. Hellen Shore
Mr. and Mrs. David Shuping
Ms. Margaret N. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian C. Sommer
Mr. Robert P. Spurrier, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Stevens, Jr.
Ms. Jane S. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stubbs
Mr. Otis J. Stultz
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Styers
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Teichman
Mr. and Mrs. George Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thomas
Ms. Nancy S. Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Tobaben
Mr. Ulrich Tomlinson and Ms.
Lisha Mejan
Mr. W. Michael Trogdon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Uhlin
Ms. Mary K. Wakeman
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Waldrep
Mrs. Helen F. Walton
Mr. Jerry S. Weston
Mr. James W. Willis
Jeanette Windham
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Windham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodrow
Mr. S. Kyle Woosley and Ms. M.
N. Smith
Ms. and Mr. Germaine Yahn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beach
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. & Mrs. William Bell
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Boles
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Booke
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Ms. Dale Box
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
AmazonSmile Foundation
Annette Bradsher
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ehinger
by Robin Brueckman
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Englar
Annette Bradsher & Jay
Mr. Jerome R. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Friedman
by Ms. Jayne B. Mazyck
Mr. and Mrs. Coney O. Gentry
by Ms. Mary Hill Midyette
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Gideon, Jr.
& Mrs. Malcolm Brown
Mr. Tony L. Hammer
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heise
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrickson
Rick & Carole Brown
Ms. Ruth B. Hughes
by Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McNeil
Ms. Joan Johnson
& Mrs. Royall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Lail
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Ms. Mary G. Lockhart
Ms. Janice Smack Mack
Mr. & Mrs. John Burress
Ms. Everdina B. Nieuwenhuis
by Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall
Dr. Nissim Shimoni and Ms.
Christopher, Jr.
Rhonda Outlaw
Mr. & Mrs. Archer Butler
Ms. Celia Snavely
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Ms. Judy L. Stierand
Ms. Nancy S. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. James Butler
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
In Honor of…
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Byrne
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Adams
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mary and Eric Calhoun
by Dr. and Mrs. James D.
Tina Adams
by Mr. Phillip Howard
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Alsup
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mrs. Martha McRae Alsup
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Campbell
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Vance Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cannon
by Mr. Robert E. Beerman and
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Ms. Teresa Rasco
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ashworth
Dr. Coley Cassiano
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
by Dr. Kimberlee Shaw and
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Drs. Tony and Katherine Atala
Mr. Reid Chisholm & Mrs. Juli
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Raymond Bagley
by Dr. Elizabeth Dewey and
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Clapp
Mr. John E. Dewey
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Baker
by Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall
Joanne Craft
Christopher, Jr.
by Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Jones
Judi Bastion
by Ms. Lynn F. Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Deleot
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Douglas
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Driscoll
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. Rob Ehinger
by Dr. Kimberlee Shaw and
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. & Mrs. John Fagg
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Flintrock Farm
by Ms. Susan K. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fulk
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. & Mrs. Dulaney Glen
by Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall
Christopher, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Ann Glenn
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Lisa L. Gould
by Ms. Dee A. Lamb
Dr. Elaine Griffin
by Dr. Kimberlee Shaw and
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Barbara A. Hall
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Madeline Harold
by Mr. Michael G. Weaver
Mike Harris
by Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Korte
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hauser
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hauser
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Judy & Tim Hoag
by Ms. Linda C. Heller
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Holmes
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. & Mrs. Greg Holthusen
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dale, Becky & Gretchen Hustad
by Brian and Spencer Fre
Mr. & Mrs. Logan Jackson
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
John R. Jezorek
by Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jones
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Laurie B. Joslin
by Senator & Mrs. Richard
M. Burr
Jim & Marcia Kane
by Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lee
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
Rexford J. Keener and parents,
Molly & Greg
by Mr. and Mrs. J. Tracy
Joseph B. Kelleher
by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Black
Dr. & Mrs. David Kelly
by Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall
Christopher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kelly
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Kornegay
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Michael & Michelle Leonard
by Ms. Anne Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lewis
by The Summit School
Margaret F. Lewis
by Mrs. Peggy R. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. David Lubin
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Martin
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McNally
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. John Mickey
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. Dean Mitchell
by Dr. Kimberlee Shaw and
Mr. Stephen Shaw
J. Kevin Moore
by Mr. and Mrs. Lindley S.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Morgan
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Morgan
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Murphy
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Murphy
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Julia Opaleski
by Karrie Manson
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Orr
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Our Family
by Mr. and Mrs. M. Bryant
Our Friends
by Martha and Brad Peete
Mr. David Parker
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. William Petree
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Marjorie M. Rankin
by Ms. Cornelia L. Rankin
Mrs. Bonnie Ray
by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor G.
Steele & Clarice Redding
by Mr. and Mrs. Herold J.
Weiler III
Ms. Noelle Redmon
by Dr. Kimberlee Shaw and
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Reid
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Rodelli
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Kim & Todd Rogers
by Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Faires
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Rowe
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Stephen S. Ruehle
by Ms. Cathy M. Poole
Mark, Grace, & Pearce Ruffin
by Ms. Betty Ruffin
Dr. & Mrs. Wilson Russell
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Nancy B. Ryckman
by Mr. Brian Ryckman
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Schmulling
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. David Steele
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Steele
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. John Steele
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Stokes
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Steve & Lee Tate
by Dr. Karl B. Fields and Dr.
Deborah L. Fields
Peggy R. Taylor
by Mrs. Margaret F. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Teeter
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Thompson
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Kathleen L. Treanor
by Ms. D. Michelle Irwin and
Ms. Patricia L. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Mosby Vogler
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Susan B. Wall
by Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall
Christopher, Jr.
Brooke Ward
by Joe & Cindy Hughes
Herold J. Weiler
by Mr. and Mrs. S. Steele
Virginia Weiler
by Mr. and Mrs. S. Steele
Helen Welsh
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whaling
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. John Wigodsky
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wikle
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willis
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Young
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Dr. & Mrs. Kyle Young
by Mrs. G. W. Joyner
Grandma Jane
by Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hall
Artie Lee Gunn
by Ms. Shirley Ann Gunn
Marvin L. Hall
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Josephine Holbrook Hill
by Otis & Pam Durham
Larry J. Jones
by Mrs. Anne Markey Jones
Susan L. Jones
by Anonymous
by Mr. Warren C. Jones
William Joslin
by Dr. and Mrs. David C.
Jean & Robert McCoy
by Lyn McCoy & Jane
Winnifred McDonnell
by Ms. Claudette S. Hill
George W. Morgan
by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H.
Hoolie Norman
by Mr. and Mrs. David B.
Noah Tucker Overbey
by Ms. Polly M. Bowman
In Memory of…
by Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith
Mrs. Emily H. Allen
by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C.
by Ms. Rebecca F. Brown
by Dr. Herman Eure and Dr.
by Jeff & Kelly Creed
Kelli K. Sapp
by Ms. Carolyn R. Dial
by Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.
by Laura C Gentry & Monroe
by Ms. Ann M. Williams
by Dr. and Mrs. Francis W.
Dr. William B. Alsup
by Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
by Patty Herbin and Becky
Paul E. Brackbill
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I.
by Dr. and Mrs. Thomas
by Cile Johnson and Amy
Walter and Viola Braxton
by Mrs. Dorothy S. Mason
by Don & Donna Joyce
Gordon C. Brown
by Mike Kelly Forestry
by Mr. and Mrs. Gary N.
Services, Inc.
by George Morgan & Cynthia
Susan Brown
by Ms. Dianne S. Powel
by Nathan & Tara Mullinix
William H. (Bill) Craft
by Mr. Charles D. Simpson
by Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Frank Overby
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Carol Dimling
Bridle, Ph.D.
by Peter and Elyse Jung
Mamie A. Owens
Peter Dingeldein
by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
by Ms. Janet B. Dingeldein
Bridle, Ph.D.
Duane Harry M. Eames
by Mr. and Mrs. Joe F.
by Mr. and Mrs. Loren L.
by Mr. & Mrs. Michael G.
Tommy Earles
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
by Mr. and Mrs. Jukka Kayhko
Cora W. Parsons
W. A. Golding
by Mr. and Mrs. David H.
by Mr. & Mrs. Steven L.Wrenn
Parsons, III
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1
David Parsons
by Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Parsons, III
Fred Pell
by Mr. Hal E. Pugh and Mrs.
Eleanor Minnock-Pugh
William N. Reynolds, II
by Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Jane R. Richardson
by Mr. and Mrs. Caswell A.
Stuckey Rives
by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.
Tommy Ruffin
by Ms. Betty Ruffin
Harry and Betty Short
by M. Carol Short
Zachary T. Smith
by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Jane Sugarman
by Dr. Kenneth Caneva
Virginia Thomas
by Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Thomas, III
Benjamin Walker Weber
by Mrs. Andrea Thomas
Kermit & Janice Whiteman
by Ms. Christine I. Whiteman
Elizabeth Windsor
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
For the Birthday of …
C. Royce Hough
by Mr. Mark H. Hough and
Mr. W. D. Roberts
For the Wedding of …
Emily and Daniel Fields
by Mrs. Anne Markey Jones
Gift Memberships …
Miss Jordan Britt & Mr. Eli
by Mr. & Mrs. Robin Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom French
by Ms. Nancy Y. Madden
Julia Opaleski
by Karrie Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sherman
by Ms. Nancy Y. Madden
Ms. Hellen Shore
by Mr. Jim Boitano
Alan Summerlin
by Rene' Summerlin
Piedmont Land Conservancy
P.O. Box 4025
Greensboro, NC 27404
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Greensboro, NC 27420
North Carolina’s land trusts preserve land and water quality to safeguard our way of life
for future generations. We work in local communities to ensure that lands are voluntarily
protected for clean drinking water, recreations, tourism and farms.
Friends Garden Celebrates
Ten Years!
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Emily H.
Allen, Friendship Garden volunteer program!
Thanks to countless volunteers over the past decade,
the Emily H. Allen Friendship Garden continues to
amaze visitors with its year-round beauty: spring
ephemeral wildflowers, lush summer greenery, autumn leaves, and winter’s woodland wonders.
Volunteers are faithful in carrying out the vision
of the late Emily Allen for her “Friendship
Garden”, and they sure have fun doing so!
During these first ten years, Friends Volunteers have cumulatively donated over 4,330
hours to maintain this unique 6-acre wildflower preserve in Winston-Salem.
Thank You!
*For a list of spring garden workdays, see page 3; an outing to the garden, see page 4.
email: [email protected] / web: / phone: (336) 691-0088 / fax: (336) 691-0044
LANDLINES, Vol. 26, Issue 1