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PDF - Redstone Highlands
AN ANNUAL REPORT FOR JULY 1, 2013 – JUNE 30, 2014 AND A YEAR IN REVIEW FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2014 1 Message from the CHAIRMAN & CEO Dear Friends, We all know the feeling of dread as we’re driving down the road and come across one of those bright orange signs… WORK ZONE AHEAD. We are immediately on alert for delays and frustrations. It is easy to overlook the positive changes that the work zone may be creating. As we planned for a number of projects at Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare, we realized that some work zone signage would be in order. Focusing on the positive enhancements that these changes would bring to our communities, we went with the slightly different signage that you see on the front of this Annual Report…PARDON OUR PROGRESS. It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? This has been a year of tremendous progress for us at Redstone, both in bricks and mortar and in our service to our residents and the community. Here are the great accomplishments that were or will be finished by this year: • InSeptember,Redstonewasawardedwithafive-yearCARF CCAC(CommissiononAccreditationofRehabilitationFacilities /ContinuingCareAccreditationCommission)Accreditation asanAgingServicesNetwork.Wewere4thinthestate ofPennsylvaniaand20thinternationallytoreceivethis accreditation!Thisisahugeaccomplishmentandmilestonefor Redstone. • Renovationsof publicspacesinourhealthcarecenterin Greensburgarecurrentlyunderway,thankstogiftsgivenin PhaseOneofourPromisesKeptCampaign.InMarch2015,we lookforwardtocelebratingtheopeningofanewBistrowhichwill offerenjoyablediningexperienceforourresidents,employees,and guests.Thecentrallobbyandreceptionareawillbereconfigured andanewwellness/rehabilitationspaceisbeingcreated. • Highlandersgatheringspacesarenowcompletedonallofour campuses.Thewarmandwelcomingsettingsprovideenhanced lifestyleopportunitiesforourresidents. • OurColonialEstatesVillaCommunitycontinuestoflourish onourNorthHuntingdoncampuswith4newhomesunder constructionin2014. • 26membersofRedstone’semployeeteamhavemovedtoa dedicatedadministrativeofficebuildingonMathewsDrive.This hasfreedupspaceforotherpurposesatourGreensburgcampus, whileencouragingcollaborationasouradministrationcomes togetherforthefirsttimeunderoneroof. • SeniorIndependence,Redstone’saffiliateorganizationproviding HomeCare,HomeHealth,andHospicecontinuestogrow, makinggreatprogressasweseektomeettheseneedsforour residentsandinthelargercommunity. • ThedevelopmentofRedstone’sIDT(Inter-disciplinaryTeam) processhasallowedustobetteranticipatethechangingneedsof ourresidentsinallthreecommunitiesandsupportindependent livingforaslongaspossible. • Onceagain,RedstoneCommunitiesexperiencedhealthy occupancyrates.Infiscalyear2014,theaveragedailycensus was93%.Duringthisperiodnursingunitrenovationsbegan, necessitatingpullingunitsofflineforanaverageoffivedaysper unitinordertomakesignificantupgradestotheunits. We hope that you will enjoy reading more about these areas of progress in the pages of this report. In a time full of much change and progress, one thing that remains constant is our gratitude for the support that you provide to Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare in so many ways. As we reflect on the accomplishments of 2014, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your contributions to our work. Together, we live out our mission to provide the highest quality of care for those whose care is entrusted to us. Thank you for your generosity and your partnership in helping to make this mission possible. With Sincere Thanks, John Dickson President & CEO 2 James Gallagher Board Chair R E D STO N E P R E S BY T E RY I A N S E N I O R C A R E BOARD OF DIRECTORS MayorRobertJ.Brooks RebeccaDavidson DennisDiffenderfer JamesP.Gallagher GaryHayden Dr.JohnS.Parker AnnPauly RobertSchweikert Dr.LindaStumpf MarthaZatezalo,Esq. Not Pictured:Rev.J.CharlesMacPhersonIII,NicholasMarquis,Jr.,MichaelPassalinqua,MaryAnnPetrillo,Esq.,CharlesWest,Dr.CareyT.Vinson. OVERVIEW Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare 1036 seniors during 2014. 498 total people were employed. Over 900 generous contributors made donations in support of the mission and vision. More than 300 volunteers helped to enhance the lives of residents. Over 4000 served PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL John Dickson, Geoff Gehring, Mark Celigoi, Lisa Dormire, Frank King, Jim Hodge, Vicki Loucks, Kathie Brean community members attended Redstone events. 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Our Core Values Truth Teamwork Respect For All Quality Life Balance Lifelong Learning Our Mission Statement Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare is a Christian, non-profit organization open to all faiths, that is dedicated to providing living alternatives and high quality services that help to meet the changing needs of the community. Our Vision Statement Redstone Highlands will be recognized as the premier provider of dynamic senior care services and programs in its service area. Redstone Highlands will earn this position of trust and respect by consistent achievement of financially viable, well-managed facilities and services that insure high quality, healthy and caring environments in which to live, work and volunteer. 4 BALANCE SHEETS Fiscal Year Ended ASSETS 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-13 ($,000’somitted) ($,000’somitted) Current Assets $5,650 $8,416 Investments 5,275 12,379 Property, Plant & Equipment 42,127 42,450 Assets Whose Use is Limited 7,553 6,653 Other Assets 1,328 1,687 TotalAssets $61,933 $71,585 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Deferred Income Derivative Financial Instruments Net Assets TotalLiabilitiesandNetAssets STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE Residential & Nursing Services Ancillary Services Gross Revenue Allowances for Governmental Payment Limitations Benevolent Care Net Residential Revenue Gifts and Bequests Investment Income Loss on Disposal of Assets TotalRevenue EXPENSES Residential and Nursing Care Other Operating Expense Depreciation and Amortization Interest Total Expenses Revenues (Less than)/ Greater than Expenses Valuation (Loss) on Derivative Financial Instrument Loss on Refinancing Long-Term Debt Net(Loss)/Income $3,639 57,483 10,032 2,142 (11,363) $61,933 $4,318 64,484 8,468 0 (5,685) $71,585 $30,091 2,262 $32,353 $28,763 2,163 $30,926 (2,358) (1,444) $28,551 46 1,585 (26) $30,156 (2,193) (1,278) $27,455 110 1,328 0 $28,893 $16,937 7,533 3,166 2,310 $29,946 $15,647 7,123 2,916 2,632 $28,318 $210 $575 (2,144) (8) (3,792) ($5,726) 0 $567 CARF It’s an acronym or word that most people wouldn’t be familiar with. But here at Redstone, this became a very familiar term in 2014. CARF-CCAC stands for the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities/Continuing Care Accreditation Commission. Informed consumers know that accreditation is a sign of quality and reputation. CARF accreditation is a sought after indicator when looking for a senior services provider. Redstone first received accreditation through CARF in 2009. Because of the growth and changes in the organization over the past five years, the decision was made to seek accreditation as an Aging Services Network as part of the reaccreditation process in 2014. A task force was put together across the Redstone campuses to prepare for the CARF visit, with team members willingly embracing this assignment. Months were spent gathering data, reviewing policies, and preparing for the visit by the accreditation team in August. CARF International has surveyed hundreds of thousands of programs throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia since it was founded as an independent, nonprofit accreditor in 1966. During the survey, Redstone had to demonstrate that it conforms to the over 1500 internationally recognized CARF standards. to announce that in September, Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare has received a five year CARFCCAC accreditation for the second time! Our 2014 accreditation as an Aging Services Network positions Redstone as the fourth (4) organization within the state of Pennsylvania to obtain this designation and only the twentieth (20) world-wide. Attaining and maintaining CARF-accredited status requires a significant effort, strong teamwork, and a commitment at all levels of our organization to providing quality services and enhancing the lives of the people we serve. Furthermore, an organization that earns CARF– CCAC accreditation is commended on its quest for quality programs and services. Redstone’s accreditation comes in response to our continued efforts and commitment to providing quality services and programs that center on the satisfaction of those we serve – a public sign of the progress being made as we live out our mission of care. Based on the results of the survey, CARF prepares a written report of the provider’s strengths and areas for improvement. If a provider has sufficiently demonstrated its conformance to the standards, it earns CARF accreditation. We are proud 5 HIGHLANDERS A WELCOMING GATHERING SPACE A s Redstone Highlands continues to explore ways to enhance the lifestyle options available to our seniors, a new idea was developed. Creating a pub lounge area would offer a new gathering space for residents, create an atmosphere for socialization and provide a marketable lifestyle option. Our Murrysville community was the first to undergo this transformation in December of 2012 and the first Highlanders was open for business. North Huntingdon followed in 2013, and in June of 2014 our Greensburg community hosted its Grand Opening event. Each Highlanders features a bar, lounge seating, large TV’s and a warm and welcoming ambience. The pub setting is perfect for the traditional Happy Hour and Social Hour events that our residents 6 have historically enjoyed, but many other activities and events are hosted in these new spaces as well. The versatility of the spaces allows for a pub-like setting in which we can serve both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as presenting a coffee house feel. Wine Tasting, Murder Mystery Events, Steeler Parties, Men’s Grill, Cooking Demonstrations, Coffee Chat, Poetry Readings and Card Clubs are just a few of the diverse events enjoyed in the Highlanders. Not only are our residents enjoying the new enhancements, but the Highlanders has proven to be a popular location for our marketing clubs to meet, providing a wonderful opportunity to showcase our Redstone Highlands communities. And since Highlanders never closes, residents and their guests are free to utilize the amenities to enjoy a cup of coffee and some conversation any time. Most recently, our Murrysville campus obtained a limited use liquor license which allows the sale of beer and wine in the dining room as well as at select Highlanders Happy Hour events. We look forward to being able to offer this service at our North Huntingdon and Greensburg communities in the future. Although much of the emphasis on “progress” in this publication is about bricks and mortar, Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare is often at the forefront of progress as it relates to processes, too. One successful area of progress at Redstone has been the establishment of the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team). Progress of a Different Sort: THE IDT PROGRAM AT REDSTONE HIGHLANDS A s Independent Living residents age in place, challenges often arise requiring supportive services. As an organization, Redstone supports the resident’s desire to remain in an independent setting and recognizes that the need exists to provide services in the resident’s preferred location, rather than require the resident to move to a higher level of care. As a result, the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) process was implemented. Each of the three Redstone campuses holds a weekly IDT meeting attended by a full team of staff members including the Vice President of Quality Services, the Campus Director, representatives from Activities, Dining Services, Rehabilitation, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Senior Independence, and others. These meetings provide the team with an opportunity to discuss residents who are experiencing challenges to remaining independent, those who are in need of a higher level of service, those who are currently hospitalized or in rehabilitation, and the needs of new residents. Outcomes are measured and analyzed in a variety of ways: a quarterly analysis report provides the team with trends in the community and, over time, demonstrates that the team has proactively been able to provide the right services to the residents to maintain independence. One noted trend is that the leadership in the communities are now very rarely caught off guard by the changing needs of Independent Living (IL) residents. This proactive approach has led to better planning regarding moves to Personal Care. The IDT team also reviews those residents who have recently completed their annual Senior LifeSteps evaluation. This program is administered by Senior Independence clinical staff members who have been trained to conduct the assessment. The assessment is conducted for every IL resident shortly after move in and annually thereafter. This provides a baseline of function and an annual review. Assessments are also conducted at the request of the IDT team if a change in status has been noted. Individual outcomes are also measured weekly via these IDT meetings. Minutes are maintained to allow for week-to-week progress of an individual. Based on the progress and evaluation, adaptations of services are made to assist the resident to maintain the highest level of function in the least restrictive environment. The IDT team provides families with routine updates and also seeks family input prior to the initiation of any services. Family input is also critical when the recommendation of the team is a move to a higher level of service. The assessment is used to provide data to the IDT team regarding the resident’s level of independence. If areas of concern are identified during the assessment, it is reviewed with the resident and his/her family. The innovation of the IDT process is improving quality of life and service at Redstone. Residents are able to remain independent in their apartment setting longer, leading to increased resident and family satisfaction within a safe and supportive environment. 7 Progress at Colonial Estates Our villa community in North Huntingdon experienced continued development this past year. Currently 19 villa homes make up the Colonial Estates’ neighborhood. Richland Properties, LLC, has four additional villas under construction with completion anticipated in early spring of 2015. As our fiscal year closed, Colonial Estates had a total of 32 residents with seven more scheduled to move in once their homes are completed. Residents hail from Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia and Texas. Their backgrounds and interests are as diverse as their reasons for moving into the community. 8 As the community continued to develop, the variety of activities broadened to reflect the interests of the residents. This past year residents, and a few guests, enjoyed an overnight trip to Lancaster as they ventured to the Sight and Sound Theatre to see Jonah. A Women’s Group was formed and a residentrun Parkinson’s Group was created. This summer several residents built remote-controlled boats as the Boat Club was launched. The season included our first Regatta and plans for next season are already underway. With its well-appointed Clubhouse, Colonial Estates hosted several clubs and special events that were open for the public to enjoy. Activities on campus included Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Card Club, Book Club, Grief Support, Golf Clinics and a host of educational, cultural and entertaining speakers at the monthly Lunch Bunch. Annual events included the Spring Fashion Show, Wine and Jazz Event and the Norwin Art League’s Art Exhibit. Our first Car Cruise was well attended this year and plans are being made to make it an annual event. Tolearnmoreaboutourvillasplease contactBrittanyat724-864-1429 DearFriends, It is hard to believe that I have been doing fundraising work for almost a quarter of a century (Proof positive that God has a strange sense of humor). In recent years, this work has really changed. I’m not sure if I would call it progress. The “Great Recession of 2008” set off a decline in charitable giving for the first time in decades. Fortunately, as the economy has improved, gifts are once again on the rise on a national basis. Changes in the tax code, including the lowering of the threshold for inheritance taxes, have also had an impact on estate gifts. The biggest changes that I have witnessed have occurred in the past two years. Until recently, gifts of support for a particular person or project, regardless of whether or not they are a non-profit entity, were mostly unheard of. Not anymore. “Crowd Funding” is the new way of giving as web sites like Kickstarter, Go-Fund-Me, and the like provide opportunities for one person to give to another, whether or not there is the benefit of a tax deduction! Progress? Only time will tell. This new way of giving reminds us of the reality that people give to people. We want to know that our gifts are making a difference in the lives of real people… people whom we care about. A gift to Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare provides our supporters with an opportunity to do just that. Your gifts listed on the pages of this report, be they large or small, are gifts to real people. People like Evelyn, Bob, Norma, Bill, Anne…. beloved residents of Redstone. Very real people who need our care and support to live out their years here in this place they have come to call home. Giving to Redstone has always been about supporting real people. It may be the latest and hottest trend in philanthropy… but we just call it LOVE. Thank you for your love and support for our residents. Gratefully, Lisa Dormire VP Fund Development “Itmaybethelatestand hottesttrendinphilanthropy… butwejustcallitLOVE.” 9 The Non-Profit Difference P eter Drucker, a leading management consultant, characterized not-for-profits as one of three major institutions in America, the others being government and business. His publication, Managing the Nonprofit Organization, suggests that government’s role is to protect and oversee, and the role of business is to generate an economy. “The role of not-for-profits, as one of three major institutions in America, is nothing less than to change lives.” As a non-profit, Redstone’s commitment to providing Benevolent Care to residents in need is at the heart of who we are and how we serve the community. The “Redstone Promise” is clear: When, through no fault of his or her own, a resident’s personal financial assets are depleted, Redstone continues to provide a home for life for that resident. Last year, Redstone provided nearly $2.5 million in free care to residents in need. Benevolent Care is provided for residents in two distinct categories. Direct Benevolent Care is provided to those residents living in Independent and Supportive levels of care on our Redstone campuses. This assistance comes in the form of a reduced monthly service charge, based on the resident’s current income. Approximately half of the benevolent care provided at Redstone falls in this category. Indirect Benevolent Care, making up the other half, is provided to residents in the Harbor (Healthcare Center) in Greensburg. When residents are unable to pay for a private pay daily rate, the difference between the reimbursement paid by Medicare or Medicaid is forgiven. 10 Through Redstone’s affiliate organization, Senior Independence (SI) blood pressure screening checks and opportunities to talk with a nurse are provided free of charge on a regular basis. These services are provided not only to residents in Redstone communities, but in settings within the larger community. In the past year, SI has provided screenings at Redmont Village, Pershing Square, and the Norwin Resource Center. Redstone also serves the region by inviting the community to enjoy its facilities for a variety of programs. Crochet Club, Fashion Shows, MahJongg, Tai-Chi, Yoga, Model Boat Club, Lunch Bunches and many other programs provide opportunities for the region’s seniors to participate in healthy physical and social activities. In addition, groups like the Red Hat Society, Parkinson’s Support Group, Card Clubs, Retiree Clubs, Association, Westmoreland County Food Bank, and the Humane Society of Westmoreland County. Teams of staff members and residents on each campus organize bingos, bake sales, donut sales, raffle sales, etc. to raise money for these charities. Two food drives annually collect hundreds of items for the Food Bank. Staff on the North Huntingdon campus made beautiful bracelets this year to support the American Cancer Society. Supporting these charities helps to create the culture that truly is a “Redstone” community. Redstone affirms Lifelong Learning as one of its core values, and this commitment is another way in which the larger community is supported. Redstone employees can take advantage of a tuition reimbursement program which allows them to advance their education in ways that might not otherwise be affordable. Furthermore, Redstone helps to teach high school students through the “Transition WORKS!” Program sponsored by Goodwill Industries role of not-for-profits, as one of three “The major institutions in America, is nothing less than to change lives. “ and Arts programs enjoy hosting their events in Redstone facilities. Each year, Redstone selects several charities or organizations upon which to focus the efforts of the “Redstone Gives” Program. In 2014, the charities of choice include the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, the Alzheimer’s of Southwestern Pennsylvania. This program allows qualified high school students to work with a job coach to prepare for a transition into the workforce. We have served 22 students this year in the Transition WORKS! Program at our Greensburg and North Huntingdon Communities. The students come from schools in Westmoreland and Allegheny Counties. The current districts include Hempfield, Greater Latrobe, Penn Trafford, Norwin, Yough, and South Allegheny. regular basis. The region is a safer place because of these CPR-prepared Redstone employees! The students can attend either for a half day (3 hours) or for a full day (6 hours). They work on a 9-week rotation, changing jobs every grading period. Some of the students’ favorite jobs are dietary, maintenance, housekeeping, materials management, and rehab. The students have some input into which jobs they choose, but they are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. Redstone employees are encouraged to treat the students as they would any other employee. A commitment to volunteerism provides an additional element of Redstone’s community service. The lives of our residents at Redstone are enriched by the efforts of volunteers who make friendly visits, bring pets for pet therapy, lead worship in chapel, assist with a variety of activities and transportation, serve in our gift shops, etc. Still others give very freely of their time and knowledge serving as members of our Board of Directors and on a variety of committees. Without the hours of service provided by over 300 volunteers, Redstone would be unable to offer such an exemplary quality of life and care. Redstone continually offers its leaders ongoing educational opportunities related to management. All of Redstone’s employees are required to be certified in CPR and participate in refresher courses on a The presence of Redstone Highlands, its residents and employees, has a huge impact on the economy in the region. Our residents shop, dine, and make use of healthcare providers and facilities in the area. Ninety Exciting Growth S enior Independence of Southwestern Pennsylvania (SI) continues to experience exciting growth as the home and communitybased provider within Redstone Highlands. The Hospice division received initial Medicare certification to add this service to the greater variety of programs. The Home Health department maximized the internal market in the continuum and has expanded with external partnerships, with revenues exceeding the one-million dollar mark. All of this progress allows for the original mission for high-quality care to be extended to seniors throughout Westmoreland County and not just limited to the local campuses. The collaboration of care between Redstone Highlands and Senior Independence was verified by the five-year accreditation received from CARF/CCAC (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation percent of Redstone employees live in Westmoreland County, making this workforce a major contributor to the economy through their purchasing power and taxes paid to local municipalities. Through generous programs of Benevolent Care, the Redstone Gives Program, supporting local charities, sharing of facilities, commitment to educational programs, a dedicated corps of volunteers, and a strong consumer workforce, Redstone lives out its commitment as a non-profit dedicated to the service of the larger community. We are in the business of changing lives… on our campuses and beyond! Facilities / Continuing Care Accreditation Commission) as an Aging Services Network. Their unique care management system was identified as an exemplary program. This recognition elevates the entire program as the premier provider for long-term living and post-acute services in the region. Senior Independence currently has over fifty employees on staff ranging from Personal Care Aides to Registered Nurses, up from only ten at inception in 2011. All of these positions have been able to be added because of the consistent census that has been stabilized with a business model. To further support this growth, SI added Karen Rose in a newly created Executive Director position in 2014. She brings over twelve years of non-profit senior management experience in this region. This role will allow for an increased focus on strategic planning and partnerships to enhance operations. 11 20 14 1 12 In February, a Bingo event was held to raise funds for the American Heart Association as part of the Redstone Gives program. This program is one of the many ways that Redstone Highlands gives back to the larger community. There are committees on each campus that meet monthly and plan fundraising activities for six organizations that are selected by Redstone’s residents and staff. This year’s organizations included the Westmoreland County Food Bank, the American Heart Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, the American Cancer Society, the Humane Society, and the 2014 OUR YEAR IN REVIEW Benevolent Care Fund. 2014 marked the fourth year for Redstone Gives, and over $8,000 was raised for the charities. The Big Event is held every spring on each of our Redstone campuses. The event brings entertainment, food, and games to our residents based around a specific theme. This year’s theme was “Lights, Camera, Action.” On May 15th, the Chairman’s Appreciation Luncheon was held at Ferrante’s Lakeview in Greensburg, PA. This luncheon provides Redstone with an opportunity to say “thank you” to our volunteers, our most generous donors, and those who belong to the Toman 2 3 4 Legacy Society. Additionally, President and CEO John Dickson (picturedleft)and Board Chair James Gallagher (picturedright) presented the Chairman’s Appreciation Award to this year’s honorees, Arthur and Sheila Caramella. Murrysville employees Karen Papay, Chelsea Wolfe, and Therese Saunders dressed in themed attire on “DecadeDay” during our 2014 Homecoming Week. This special week of activities is endorsed and encouraged by LeadingAge, an association of not-for-profit organizations dedicated to making America a better place to grow old. LeadingAge invites 1 2 7 8 9 5 6 7 3 organizations like Redstone to host celebrations on our campuses during the last week of May. These celebrations are an opportunity to highlight the positive contributions that Redstone makes to its surrounding communities. Redstone Colonial Estates launched the Remote Control Boat Club this year. The club met every Friday afternoon over the summer and will resume this spring. Participants enjoyed food, conversation, and running their boats during these pond-side club meetings. The Greensburg campus opened Highlanders on June 27th. Each campus now has one of these special social areas where residents, family, and friends come to gather. Resident Gilfert Mihalich and Executive Director Kim Kelly cut the ribbon to inaugurate the opening. On July 13th, the Presbytery of Redstone and Redstone Highlands Communities held the ordination of Rev. Rebecca Siddle, Chaplain of our Murrysville Campus. Redstone employees and residents attended the event in the Brooks Chapel along with Rebecca’s family and friends. We were honored to have shared this special day with her. Congratulations to Rebecca! 8 The third annual Dove Recognition Banquet was held for Redstone Highlands and Senior Independence employees on September 9th at the Delmont Volunteer Fire Department. The evening included dinner, prizes, and recognition of employees who go the “extra mile” for our residents. 9 Redstone Highlands Communities was named one of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette’s 2014 Top Workplaces! What a wonderful evening it was on October 1st when John Dickson, President and CEO, and Jim Hodge, VP of Human Resources, accepted the award on behalf of Redstone! 10 The Fund Development department held a “Mini Fling” on each Redstone campus to bring elements of the 2014 Highlands Fling fundraiser to our residents and staff! Since the theme of this year’s event was “A Night at the Castle,” photo 4 5 10 booth props and crowns were taken to each campus for our residents to enjoy a fun photo op! 11 In 2014, Redstone acquired a building to be utilized for its corporate offices and administration. The Chapel Hill Professional Building is located approximately a quarter mile away from the Greensburg campus. The departments of Administration, Finance, Fund Development, Marketing, and other various directors are housed here. On December 18th, residents, employees, and friends of the community were invited to the dedication of these offices at the Holiday Open House. 12 On Saturday, December 13th, the Greensburg campus hosted “A Morning with Santa” event that was open to the public. Guests enjoyed a complimentary photo with Santa, a take-home craft, pastries, coffee, and hot chocolate. Many employees and residents took this time to get their photo taken with Santa! 6 11 12 13 AN HONOR ROLL of DONORS Current Residents: We are grateful to all those current residents who give above and beyond to support Benevolent Care, Staff Appreciation, the special projects of the Promises Kept Campaign, and other initiatives. Your lives and your generosity inspire us. Anonymous Ms. Joyce B. Adams Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mrs. Joanne Alexander Ms. Helen E. Allen Ms. Lois D. Alworth Mr. Charles W. Ammer Ms. Dolores M. Ammer Ms. Bess C. Anderson † Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Bales Mr. and Mrs. James V. Baney Mr. and Mrs. John Banks Ms. Lois M. Barger Miss Agnes Barkley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Barnett Ms. Judith R. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Bassler Ms. Peggy Beasley † Ms. Elva Beatty † Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Benevento Ms. Patricia A. Benko Ms. Grace E. Berriker Ms. Mary M. Betz Mr. Robert J. Bilott Ms. Janet B. Blaho Mrs. Audrey R. Bohlin Ms. Alice M. Bones Ms. Virginia T. Born Mr. and Mrs. Aksel A. Bothner-By Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd Ms. Louise H. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Briner Ms. Eleanor R. Brown † Ms. Irene M. Brunclik Miss Edith M. Bryen Ms. Edith M. Burdis Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Burk Mrs. Isabelle Busan Ms. Eleanora Carfang Ms. Mabel A. Carlin Ms. Carolyn L. Carnahan Mrs. Shirleen C. Casteel Ms. Betty Jean Christofel Mr. Walter K. Christoff Ms. Helen M. Ciavarra Mrs. Eileen A. Clark Mr. † and Mrs. James Clark Mrs. Katherine M. Clohessy Mrs. Dolores B. Conley Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cooper Ms. Shirley Craddock Mr. Calvin D. Crawford † Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Crouse, Sr. Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Daniels Mrs. Sylvia R. Dennison Ms. Antoinette M. DeRose Mr. Angelo E. DeSantis Mrs. Mary E. Dickie Mr. and Mrs. † Harry B. Dixon Mrs. Mae M. Doban Ms. Eleanor L. Driggers Mr. and Mrs. James Duff Mrs. Mary H. Dull † Mr. Robert W. Eakin Ms. Jane C. Earnest Mr. Robert F. Edwards † Ms. Onile B. Elder † Mr. Clifford Eve Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig Mrs. Evelyn L. Farmer † Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Farneth Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Feathers Ms. Alberta M. Feightner Ms. Angela Ferri Dr. James C. File † Ms. Frances Finley Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Flebotte Ms. Ruth S. Floyd Mrs. Avis E. Freeman Ms. Nancy J. Fronk Miss Eleanor J. Fulton Ms. Stefina Garcia Mrs. Mary Lou Garrity † Mr. Dominic Gavatorta Ms. Elizabeth R. George Mrs. Jean R. George Ms. Hope L. Gettemy Mr. Charles G. Geyer Ms. Jennie A. Gillis Ms. Marilyn E. Giron Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Glaser Mrs. Lois B. Groomes Ms. Dorothy F. Gruskiewicz Ms. Christina Gudzan Ms. Jane Guerrieri Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Haertjens Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. George S. Haller Mr. Samuel B. Hampton † Mrs. Leona K. Hanks Mr. Harold N. Hauger † Mrs. Mary Louise Heilman Mr. Richard D. Hileman † Mrs. Lucille Hilliard Mrs. Joan Hilty † Ms. Virginia M. Hixson Ms. F. Joyce Hochard Ms. Dorothy Hoffman Mr. Michael Holupka, Sr. Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson Ms. Dolores Huber Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunkawitz Mrs. Carol W. Jacobs Ms. Linda L. James Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jamison Ms. Jean L. Jeffries † Mr. Thomas F. Jodon Mrs. Ruth M. Johnson Ms. Helen F. Kanach Ms. Jean F. Keys Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Klinkenberg Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Ms. Doris J. Lakatosh Ms. Mary K. Lamb † Mr. and Mrs. † Albert M. Lander Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried Mr. and Mrs. Edward Landini Ms. Carol H. Langston Wolfe † Ms. Ada L. Lape Mrs. Luella E. Larimer Mrs. Eleanor B. Lashley † Ms. Marion I. Laughner Mr. † and Mrs. Paul C. Lazor Ms. Donna Leasure Ms. Davida Leshock Ms. Edith L. Letham Mr. and Mrs. James R. Livi Ms. Lois E. Lore Mrs. Virginia J. Lucini Ms. Dorothy J. Luke Mrs. Emma H. Lyons Mrs. Betty B. Maclay Ms. Anna Mae Mansfield As you read through the names of the donors listed in this publication, you will see a “ ” beside some of those names. This symbol indicates that the donor has made a special gift to the efforts of the Promises Kept Campaign. We remember with gratitude those donors who passed away after making their gifts. Their names are marked with a “ †” in the listing of donors. 14 Mr. † and Mrs. Robert N. Manson Mrs. Madge S. Mansour Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion Mrs. Margaret A. Martin Mr. † and Mrs. Thomas F. Martin Ms. Janet R. Matchett † Mrs. Janet R. Matteucci Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann Mrs. Helen S. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCormley Mrs. Marguerite E. McFarlane Mr. Donald McKee Dr. and Mrs. Orison McLean Mrs. Norma McNamara Ms. Barbara A. Melvin Ms. Evelyn R. Mennow Mr. † and Mrs. Joseph Micire Ms. Jean M. Mignogna Honorable and Mrs. Gilfert M. Mihalich Mr. and Mrs. † Robert A. Miller Ms. Dorothy R. Mintus Ms. Mary Ann Mobley Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Ms. Jane Mudrak Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Myers Ms. Irma C. Nath Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nehrig Ms. Jeanette Neiman Mrs. Nancy L. Noga Ms. Mary M. Novotny Ms. Alice G. Oberleitner Ms. Elizabeth O’Bradovich Mrs. Carol A. Ocheltree Mrs. Fadra Oesterlin † Mr. Harry K. Oldham Ms. Marian M. Pallitto Ms. Sara M. Palone Mrs. Margaret J. Parsons Col. † and Mrs. Dale B. Peckman Mr. Samuel A. Petracca Mrs. Gloria L. Pfost Mrs. Carol G. Pollock Ms. Josephine Ponsi Mrs. Toni T. Posner Ms. Mary J. Pottmeyer Ms. Mary M. Quinlan † Ms. Jo Ann Rager Mrs. M. Susan Regan Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Remaley Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Ms. Annabelle S. Renquest Mrs. Dolores Rhodes Ms. Margaret E. Richter Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ridinger Mr. Frank H. Rittenhouse Mr. † and Mrs. Thomas Rizzuti Mrs. Cynthia M. Robinson † Mrs. Izabel D. Roskosh † Mr. Charles R. Ross † Ms. Ruth Ruble Mrs. Ellen A. Rudolph Mrs. Dorothy B. Ruoff Mr. † and Mrs. John W. Ruyak Mrs. Rita Sapp † Mrs. Rosemary Scala Ms. Norma G. Scheidemantel Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schmidtke Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. † Robert P. Schweikert Mrs. Vivian E. Schwing Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio Ms. Juliet H. Selia Mrs. Dorothy S. Sell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Senko Ms. M. Ellen Sheehan Ms. Margaret T. Shick Ms. Carol R. Simmons Rev. Andrew G. Slade Mrs. Mary Louise Smith Ms. Ruth I. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smiy Ms. Gertrude M. Smola Ms. Sue A. Spahr Mrs. Patricia A. Sperber † Mr. and Mrs. William W. Spier Mrs. Nancy G. Sprenger Ms. Anneli Sprengling Ms. Pearle Stark Ms. LaDorna L. Stephens Mrs. Glenna M. Stewart Ms. Mary Stipanovic Mrs. Mildred Striner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Sullenberger Mrs. Irene O. Swacus Ms. Kathryn Taber Mrs. Helen M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Temple Mr. Jack W. Thomas Ms. Josephine L. Thomas Mrs. Nancy M. Thompson † Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. Trimble Ms. Irene W. Truxal † Mrs. Ann Marie Valli Ms. Anna L. Van Fleet Ms. Clara M. Vana Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Visocky Ms. Marjorie A. Vrable † Mrs. Dorothy Vrudney Mrs. Mary J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waicis Ms. Patricia Walter Mrs. Ruth M. Weyman Mrs. Pearl N. Whetzel Mr. Charles W. White Mrs. Mary Louise Whitehead Ms. Anne M. Wiley Mrs. Goldie L. Wilson Mrs. Doris F. Wood Ms. Catherine E. Wray Ms. Genevieve M. Yennerell Ms. Margaret R. Zelezniak Friends: The “Friends of Redstone” provide a backbone of support for all that we do. We are grateful to the former residents, the family members of current and former residents, former employees, the community leaders, and all those who simply believe in the Redstone mission, who have given generously. These gifts, along with your prayers and encouragement, sustain us. Anonymous Ms. Dolores M. Aber Ms. Laura M. Aber Ms. Sherry Acalotto Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Acita Ms. Beth A. Allwine Mr. and Mrs. Chad Amond Ms. Janet Angelopoulos Ms. Sharon Arlotti Mr. and Mrs. David G. Assard Ms. Nancy Atkins Ms. Beverly E. Balest Ms. Helen V. Barkley Ms. Patricia A. Barley Mrs. Brenda L. Barth Mrs. Paula Bauerle Ms. Cathy Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Beard Mr. Jonathan Bell Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Benzinger Mr. Joshua Bergman Ms. Robin Berriker Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Biasucci Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bistok Mrs. Jean W. Blice Mr. and Mrs. William T. Blick Ms. Betty J. Boggio Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bohinski 15 Ms. Lori Bollibon Ms. Anna M. Bombulie Mr. Eric E. Bononi and The Honorable Michele G. Bononi Ms. Lorin Boonie Mr. Daniel Boshinsky Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boughner Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bower Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Boyer Mr. Robert L. Bozurich Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Braun Mr. and Mrs. John N. Brenzia Ms. Mariam L. Brinkmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Bronson Mayor and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Brosk Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bucci Mr. Kurt Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Loren Burkett Ms. Tana Butler Ms. Emily Cameron Ms. Jeanne Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Caramella Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Cass Ms. Gloria Cavada Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Cestra Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Charley Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Cheppa Ms. Barbara J. Christner, Esq. Ms. Evelyn Christofel Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ciappa Mr. Vincent G. Citriniti Mrs. Barbara L. Clarey Mrs. Jean M. Coates Mrs. Dorothy M. Come Ms. Sue Anne Connors 16 Mrs. Jeanne M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Cook Ms. Josephine Costanzo Mrs. Daina Coury Dr. and Mrs. William B. Courtney Ms. Alison M. Cox Ms. Denise M. Cribbs Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cribbs Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Davidson, Jr. Mrs. Beverley Davis Dr. Janice Davis Ms. Patty DeBone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Degentesh Dr. and Mrs. Angelo DeMezza Mrs. Susan Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. † Dennis Diffenderfer Mrs. Elizabeth Dillon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dils Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dolnack Ms. Delinda J. Donovan Mrs. Patricia Dovie Ms. Roxanne Dreher Mrs. Louise M. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dunnett Mr. and Mrs. John F. Duran Ms. Patricia A. Eberts Ms. Autumn E. Eichner Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Eisaman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellinger Ms. Ethel M. Engelbrecht Ms. Deborah Engle Mr. and Mrs. Harding Erwin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey Mr. Bryan D. Evans The Estate of Mrs. Florence M. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fajt Ms. Carolyn Falcon Ms. Linda I. Falcone Mr. and Mrs. James Farneth Mr. Dennis Farrell Mrs. Elizabeth J. Fausold Ms. Joanie Faust Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. Feldman Mrs. Ann R. Fishell Mr. Dale Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fogelsanger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Foley Ms. Beverly J. Forsyth Dr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Foster Ms. Lois R. Frischolz Ms. Shelley Fullum Mrs. Norma Fulton Mrs. Karen M. Furin Mr. and Mrs. Barry F. Gaetano Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gallatin Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi Ms. Karen Gavula Mrs. Mary F. Gazze Ms. Robin L. Georgino Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Getkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson Lynn T. Giever Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gilbert, Jr. The Estate of Daniel and Mae Gilmour Mr. and Mrs. Washington Gjebre Ms. MaryLynn Glamp Mr. George Glarner Mr. and Mrs. Max Glauben Ms. Jacqueline D. Good Ms. Marjorie F. Goody Dr. and Mrs. Mark Gottron Ms. Heather Goughnour Mr. Michael Graft Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack I. Grams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Graney Mrs. Mechtild E. Grapes Mrs. Marsha L. Green Mrs. Geraldine Greene Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener Ms. Karen A. Grillo Ms. Bernadette Haase Ms. Vicki Habarka Ms. Mary M. Haines Ms. Barbara Hall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Hall Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hamilton Ms. Janice W. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. William N. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Hanks Ms. Erica C. Hartland Mr. Leonard C. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Heffelfinger Ms. Joyce Helmetzi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Henry Mrs. Evelyn W. Herring Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgson Mrs. Grace Hoffman Ms. Susan V. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hohn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Holup Mr. Richard Holzer Mr. and Mrs. David Hooke Ms. Ann Marie Horrell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hyde Ms. Faith Jack Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jamison Mrs. Robin S. Jennings Mr. Kenneth E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Althea J. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kacin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Kasberg Mrs. Lois M. Kerr Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kettering Ms. Ricarda H. King Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W. Klyce, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy C. Knepper Ms. Patricia Kooser-Wall Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Kreger Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Kreger, Jr. Mrs. Patricia A. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis R. Kuyat Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lacher Mr. and Mrs. David Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Langston Ms. Jill Laquindanum Ms. Jessica Lawson Ms. Judith A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lightcap Ms. Kathleen O. Lindell Ms. Suzi Loechle Ms. Melissa S. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Machek Mrs. Marjorie R. Machesney Rev. and Mrs. J. Charles MacPherson III Ms. Linda Madden Mr. Anthony Marciano Ms. Joan M. Marcinko Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Markley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas T. Marquis, Jr. Ms. Janet Mason Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matchett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matrisch Mrs. Linda B. McGinnis The Estate of Ms. Betty K. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. James C. McHugh George and Bonnie Meanor Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mellyn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Mensch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Merlino Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Merrill Ms. Nancy A. Metzger Mr. John A. Mika Ms. Barbara J. Mileski Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Miller Ms. Maureen H. Miller Ms. Eleanor Mitinger Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Mohler Ms. Patricia A. Monroe Mrs. Susan E. Moon Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Morris Rev. John R. Morrow Mrs. Kelly S. Mulzer Ms. Elizabeth A. Murray Ms. Geraldine S. Murray Ms. Pamela Murray Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neal Ms. Barbara J. Newbrough Mr. Paul Nickoloff Dr. Jawdat A. Nikoula Mr. Charles Northrup Mr. and Mrs. Randall Oates Mr. Alan L. Obley Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Terence O’Halloran Ms. Margery Okonak Ms. Janice O’Leary Ms. Jane F. O’Mara Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Ott Rev. Sarah E. Ott Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Otto Mr. and Mrs. David S. Owens Dr. and Mrs. John S. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parker Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Passalinqua Ms. Virginia A. Pastor Ms. Rosemarie A. Patetta Ms. Karen R. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pauly Ms. Kimberley Y. Peoples Ms. Sarah Perri Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Perricelli Ms. Mary Ann Petrillo, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Pifer Ms. Nancy Pioli Dr. and Mrs. Paul Plucker Mr. and Mrs. Carl PoggiJenkins Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Proietti Ms. Linda L. Radakovich Ms. Judith Radocaj Stephen J. Renn Family Mr. and Mrs. William R. Repko Mrs. Joan K. Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Kirk D. Riffer Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Riley Ms. Linda M. Ringbloom Ms. Cheryl Ritter Ms. Catherine Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ross Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ross Mr. and Rev. Ronald Russell Ms. Meaghan T. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. James Sacriponte Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Santora Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Saul III Ms. Dawna Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scala Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schreckengost Mr. and Mrs. Chester Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott Mr. Charles M. Seamens Mr. and Mrs. Rodger C. Searfoss Mr. George Shaner and Mr. Michael Philopena Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Shearer Mrs. Louise J. Sheffler Ms. Sally A. Sheppard Ms. Coreen Sheridan Ms. Kathleen Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Skrgic, Jr. Ms. Pam Smith Dr. Sharon P. Smith, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Smitrovich Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Smiy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Snyder, Jr. Ms. Helena Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sobota Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Souders Ms. Jeanette M. Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley Sprunt Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Staffen Mr. Joseph Stefano Mrs. Arena E. Stevenson Ms. Susan Stillitano Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stitt Ms. Meghan Stoner Mr. Kenneth M. Strader Ms. Heidi Stratton-Minor Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Strayer Mr. and Dr. Frank X. Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sumner Mr. John Swacus Ms. Lori Swettlen Ms. Wilma Swiger Mr. and Mrs. Regis J. Synan Mr. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David Tilstone Ms. Cathie Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Turner Ms. Janice Twele Ms. Karen Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Van Fleet Ms. Michele M. Vanetta Mr. Steven Veach Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Veyo Dr. and Mrs. Carey T. Vinson Mr. David C. Vrable Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Walker Mrs. Sharon A. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Terry Walker Mr. John R. Wallis Mr. Richard Wallis Ms. Angela Walter Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wandrisco Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wannagat Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ward, Esq. 17 Ms. Susan Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Weber Ms. Marilyn Weightman Mrs. Doris M. Weinert Mrs. Carolyn L. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. West Ms. Tamara Wetmore Karen Weyman-Mann Mrs. Kathryn A. Whitacre Ms. Viola M. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. D. Alan Williams Ms. Virginia Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wintergreen Ms. Valeria D. Wolk Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wrobel Ms. Martha A. Zatezalo and Mr. Dennis J. Gounley Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Zelezniak Mrs. Jean I. Zellers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zigmond Ms. Elaine Zimmerman Board of Directors: Redstone Highlands is blessed by the completely voluntary service of a creative and concerned Board of Directors. In addition to their time, members of the Board also make generous gifts to support Redstone’s mission. Our thanks for all that they do cannot be expressed strongly enough. Mayor Robert J. Brooks Mrs. Rebecca L. Davidson Mr. Dennis Diffenderfer Mr. James P. Gallagher Mr. Gary Hayden Rev. J. Charles MacPherson III Mr. Nicholas T. Marquis, Jr. Dr. John S. Parker Mr. Michael J. Passalinqua Mrs. Anneliese Pauly Ms. Mary Ann Petrillo, Esq. Dr. Paul Plucker Mr. Robert P. Schweikert Dr. Linda R. Stumpf Dr. Carey T. Vinson Mr. Charles E. West Ms. Martha A. Zatezalo Honor Gifts: Throughout the year, Redstone receives many gifts “In Honor” of special persons who have touched lives in meaningful ways. We celebrate their recognition and thank the donors who have chosen to honor them in such a way. Printed in bold is the name of the person being honored; donors are listed below the name. In Honor of Ms. Helen Allen Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W. Klyce, Jr. Round Hill Presbyterian Church In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bassler West Newton Presbyterian Women In Honor of Ms. Mary M. Betz Mrs. Elizabeth Dillon 18 In Honor of Mrs. Lila June Bower † Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bower In Honor of Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig Ms. Mary M. Haines Ms. Sally A. Sheppard In Honor of Ms. Mercedes H. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Boyer In Honor of Ms. Bernadine B. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bennett In Honor of Mrs. Eileen A. Clark Mrs. Daina Coury In Honor of Ms. Beverly J. Forsyth Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dils In Honor of the Dickson Family Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dickson IV In Honor of Mrs. Jean R. George Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Beard Mrs. Ann R. Fishell In Honor of Mrs. Johanna Gillis † Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Pifer In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Glaser West Newton Presbyterian Women In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Haertjens Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer In Honor of Rev. Philip Jamison St. John’s Lutheran Church In Honor of Ms. Mary E. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi In Honor of Ms. Margaret T. Shick Mr. and Mrs. David Hooke In Honor of Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Ms. Sherry Acalotto Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers Mrs. Janet R. Matteucci Mrs. Helen S. McConnell Round Hill Presbyterian Church Round Hill Thriving Survivors Senior Group In Honor of Mrs. Bebe Landfried Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried In Honor of Rev. Dr. Richard L. Morgan St. John’s Lutheran Church In Honor of Rev. Andrew G. Slade West Newton Presbyterian Women In Honor of Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hewitt In Honor of Ms. Sarah L. Opaluch Ms. Mary Ellen Opaluch In Honor of Ms. Gertude Smola Anonymous In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park Miss Edith M. Bryen In Honor of Ms. Marjorie E. Tilstone Mr. and Mrs. David Tilstone In Honor of Mrs. Leona Hanks Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Hanks In Honor of Mrs. Rachel A. Hatch † Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Davidson, Jr. In Honor of Mr. William Herrup † Mr. and Mrs. Brinkley Sprunt In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hewitt Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Landini West Newton Presbyterian Women In Honor of Mrs. Luella E. Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hohn In Honor of Ms. Geraldine Lee Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ciappa In Honor of Ms. Dorothy J. Luke Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Jones, Jr. In Honor of Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Holup In Honor of Mr. † and Mrs. Ed Renn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi In Honor of Mrs. Jane E. Renn Ms. Lois R. Frischolz In Honor of Mrs. Sharon Scimio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Barnett In Honor of Ms. Anna Van Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Van Fleet In Honor of Ms. Marjorie A. Vrable † Mr. David C. Vrable In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waicis Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Proietti In Honor of Mrs. Ruth M. Weyman Karen Weyman-Mann Redstone billboards are found throughout Westmoreland County. 19 Memorial Gifts: Many of the gifts that Redstone receives are given “In Memory” of a loved one, friend, neighbor, or colleague. We give thanks for the lives of all of those who have been remembered in this way. We also want to express our heartfelt thanks to those donors who have chosen to remember in a way that touches the lives of our residents. Printed in bold is the name of the person being remembered; donors are listed below the name. In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Dante C. Accurti Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bohinski In Memory of Mrs. Kathryn Alberta Mr. and Mrs. James Sacriponte In Memory of the Deceased Members of the Ammer Family Mr. Charles W. Ammer Ms. Dolores M. Ammer In Memory of Frank and Marie Ammer Mr. Charles W. Ammer Ms. Dolores M. Ammer In Memory of Mrs. Eva H. Andrews Mrs. Mary H. Dull † Mrs. Robin S. Jennings In Memory of Ms. Jenny K. Armen Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. Feldman In Memory of Wilmer and Mary Auckerman Ms. Gertrude M. Smola In Memory of Mr. William R. Baumann Ms. Cathy Baumann Ms. Deborah Engle Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lacher Rotary Club of Greensburg Mr. George Shaner and Mr. Michael Philopena Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Snyder, Jr. 20 In Memory of Ms. Peggy Beasley Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio In Memory of Ms. Elva Beatty Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer In Memory of Mr. Frank V. Benevento Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Benevento In Memory of Ms. Rose Mary Bengel Ms. Patricia Kooser-Wall In Memory of Mr. George Blaho Ms. Janet B. Blaho In Memory of Ms. Hertha F. Boggs Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bones Ms. Alice M. Bones In Memory of Mrs. Martha P. Bonidy Ms. Betty J. Boggio Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Merlino In Memory of Ms. Margaret J. Boughner Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boughner In Memory of Mr. Harry E. Bower Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bower Mrs. Lois M. Kerr In Memory of Mrs. Mary J. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers In Memory of Mr. Joseph B. Boyd Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dunnett Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener In Memory of Ms. Eleanor R. Brown Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson In Memory of Mr. Charles Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cooper In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellinger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Veyo In Memory of Mrs. Elinor Larue Casedy Mrs. Norma Fulton In Memory of Ms. Carmella J. Citriniti Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Brosk Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Cestra Mr. Vincent G. Citriniti Ms. Josephine Costanzo Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dolnack Mr. and Mrs. Max Glauben Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wannagat Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zigmond In Memory of Mr. James Clark Mrs. Katherine M. Clohessy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCormley In Memory of Mr. Charles E. Claspy Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Ms. Mary Jane Coldren Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Ms. Lori Bollibon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio In Memory of Mrs. Maxine F. Cooper Anonymous In Memory of Mr. Donald E. Cope Mrs. Susan Dietrich In Memory of Ms. Alberta Curry Mrs. Dorothy C. Knepper In Memory of Mrs. Ruth D. Dailey Round Hill Presbyterian Church In Memory of Mrs. Edith L. Degentesh Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Degentesh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Degentesh In Memory of Mr. Joseph DelTorre DNP IMS America Corporation Ms. Michele M. Vanetta In Memory of Mr. Eugene L. Dennison Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion In Memory of Mr. James A. Dennison Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion In Memory of Mrs. Maria DiBartolomeo Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Katherine C. Dixon Ms. Sharon Arlotti Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Mr. Robert R. Dixon Ms. Ruth S. Floyd In Memory of Mrs. Mary H. Dull Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Acita Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd Ms. Louise H. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Charley Mrs. Jeanne M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Cook Dr. and Mrs. William B. Courtney Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cribbs Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann Dr. and Mrs. Angelo DeMezza Mrs. Mary E. Dickie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fajt Mr. Dennis Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fogelsanger Dr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Foster Mrs. Grace Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kettering Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Ms. Suzi Loechle Ms. Joan M. Marcinko Ms. Janet Mason Mrs. Kelly S. Mulzer Ms. Margery Okonak Ms. Nancy Pioli Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Renal & Electrolyte Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Repko Mr. and Mrs. Chester Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Rodger C. Searfoss Mrs. Dorothy S. Sell Mr. and Mrs. William Smitrovich Mr. and Mrs. William R. Snodgrass Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Staffen In Memory of Mrs. Sylvia Eve Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mr. Robert F. Edwards † In Memory of Mrs. Mary Lou Garrity Ms. Louise H. Boyle Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson In Memory of Mr. Calvin L. Ewig Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neal In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gazze Mrs. Mary F. Gazze In Memory of Mr. John Earnest Ms. Jane C. Earnest In Memory of Ms. Dorothy K. Garland Ms. Janet Angelopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Eisaman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fajt Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matchett Mears, Smith, Houser & Boyle, P.C. Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Edwards Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio In Memory of Mrs. Evelyn L. Farmer Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Faye Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey In Memory of Mrs. Marian File Dr. James C. File † In Memory of Mrs. Marianne M. Flaherty Mr. Dale Flaherty In Memory of Mrs. Lucile Forsythe Mrs. Dorothy C. Knepper In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fowler Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright In Memory of Dr. James H. Freeman Mrs. Avis E. Freeman In Memory of Mr. Kenneth Fronk Ms. Nancy J. Fronk In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Genes Mr. and Mrs. John F. Duran In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. F. Clay Gibson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hauser In Memory of Mrs. Johanna K. Gillis Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Pifer In Memory of Mr. James Giron Ms. Marilyn E. Giron In Memory of Ms. Geneva Gooden Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dils In Memory of Mrs. Nancy B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Graham, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Clarence Greene Mrs. Geraldine Greene In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Griffiths Ms. Janet B. Blaho In Memory of Ms. Mary Jo Grimm Ms. Ricarda H. King 21 In Memory of Mr. Kirk E. Hall Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bowers Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Mitchell Power Station Round Hill Thriving Survivors Senior Group In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haller Mr. and Mrs. George S. Haller In Memory of Ms. Helen Gram Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hamilton Ms. Janice W. Hamilton In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Hareczmak Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smiy In Memory of Mr. Paul Hareczmak Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smiy In Memory of Ms. Grace E. Hartman Mr. Leonard C. Hartman In Memory of Mr. Gordon P. Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Davidson, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Harold N. Hauger Redstone North Huntingdon Activities Fund In Memory of Mr. Donald P. Heffelfinger Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Heffelfinger In Memory of Ms. LaVerna Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neal 22 In Memory of Ms. Doris B. Hiller Mrs. Elizabeth J. Fausold Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Ms. Marie Hoak Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi In Memory of Ms. Ruth A. Holtzer Mrs. Genevieve H. Ewig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Foley In Memory of Ms. Anna E. Holzer Ms. Helen V. Barkley Mr. Richard Holzer Mrs. Susan E. Moon In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hommey Mr. and Mrs. William T. Blick In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W. Klyce, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Kathryn W. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W. Klyce, Jr. In Memory of Mr. G. Lewis “Sonny” Iannuzzo Mrs. Jeny I. Boyd Ms. Joan M. Marcinko In Memory of Ms. Dorothea Imhoff Mrs. Jean I. Zellers In Memory of Mr. Cooper James Mr. Dominic Gavatorta In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Ms. Linda L. James In Memory of Ms. Jean L. Jeffries Ms. Nancy Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bistok Ms. Marjorie F. Goody Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Redstone North Huntingdon Activities Fund Ms. Jeanette M. Spangler In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Johnson Mr. Kenneth E. Johnson In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bill Johnson Dr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Foster In Memory of Mrs. Patricia R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. Saul III In Memory of Mrs. Anna O. Jordan Mrs. Dorothy M. Come In Memory of Ms. Edna Kallie Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth J. Kallie Mr. and Mrs. Albert Essey In Memory of Mr. Tom Kerila Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Klyce, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine W. Klyce, Jr. In Memory of Mr. Ron Landfried Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried In Memory of Ms. Carol H. Langston Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Cheppa Lynn T. Giever Mr. and Mrs. Jack I. Grams Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Kasberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ross Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Souders In Memory of Mrs. Eleanor B. Lashley Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer In Memory of Mrs. Gretchen W. Lauffer Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mellyn, Jr. In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch Mrs. Annetta P. Hall In Memory of Mr. Lauren Lyons Mrs. Emma H. Lyons In Memory of Mr. Joseph F. Marion Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion In Memory of Ms. Marion S. Martin Mrs. Louise J. Sheffler In Memory of Col. Drue McMillan Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mensch Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Mensch In Memory of Mrs. Jane Mika Mr. John A. Mika In Memory of Ms. Dorothy G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Chester Schuman In Memory of Rev. and Mrs. Frank H. Miller Mr. Robert A. Miller In Memory of Mrs. Joanne N. Miller Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Bennett Mrs. Jean M. Coates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgson Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matrisch Mr. Robert A. Miller Northrop Grumman Aircrew Training Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Shields Ms. LaDorna L. Stephens Ms. Marilyn Weightman Dr. and Mrs. W. Daniel Foster Mrs. Robin S. Jennings Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Ms. Pamela Murray Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schreckengost In Memory of Mrs. Eleanor J. Oates Mr. and Mrs. John Bales D.L. Couch Wallcovering, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Kreger Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Kreger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Randall Oates Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Vescom America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wrobel In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Oates Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Kreger In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy Momeyer Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley In Memory of Ms. Elis Pearl Obley Mr. Alan L. Obley In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Morris In Memory of Ms. Patricia A. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John E. O’Donnell In Memory of Mrs. Laureen Morrow Rev. John R. Morrow In Memory of Rev. William M. Oesterlin Mrs. Fadra Oesterlin † In Memory of Ms. Ruth F. Mullin Mrs. Jeanne M. Cook In Memory of Mr. Robert Pallitto Ms. Marian M. Pallitto In Memory of Mrs. Helen E. Murray Ms. Helen E. Allen Ms. Alice M. Bones Ms. Louise H. Boyle Mrs. Mary E. Dickie Mrs. Mary H. Dull † In Memory of Mrs. Margaret Panzino Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Gallo In Memory of Mr. William S. Petrosky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bucci Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer In Memory of Ms. Bernice L. Purnell Mr. Jonathan Bell Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William Smitrovich In Memory of Mrs. Muriel Quinto Mrs. Annetta P. Hall In Memory of Mr. Edward N. Renn Mr. Robert L. Bozurich Calvin United Presbyterian Church Ms. Lois R. Frischolz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaudi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Graney Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Carl PoggiJenkins Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Stephen J. Renn Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Scott In Memory of Ms. Pauline Roach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barozzini In Memory of Mrs. Izabel D. Roskosh Ms. Patricia A. Barley Big R Management Co. Herbein & Company Inc. Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer In Memory of Mr. Charles R. Ross Ms. Carolyn Falcon Ms. Beverly J. Forsyth Mrs. Robin S. Jennings Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stitt In Memory of Mr. John W. Ruyak Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Mrs. Toni T. Posner Mrs. Frances D. Ruyak In Memory of Dr. Luciano C. Scala Ms. Lois K. Albrecht Mr. Robert F. Edwards † Mrs. Norma T. Hopkinson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio In Memory of Mr. John Schlirf Mrs. Barbara A. Schlirf In Memory of Mrs. Coral E. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Turner In Memory of Ms. Grayce T. Schroyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barozzini In Memory of Ms. Sonia Schupra Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smiy In Memory of Ms. Margaret M. Seamens Mr. Charles M. Seamens In Memory of Ms. Helen Simola Ms. Gertrude M. Smola In Memory of Mrs. Audrey A. Simpson Mrs. Daina Coury In Memory of Mr. Peter J. Skrgic, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Skrgic, Jr. In Memory of Ms. Shirley Slade Rev. Andrew G. Slade 23 In Memory of Mr. Stanley Smith Ms. Lois K. Albrecht In Memory of Mr. Robert H. Stevenson Mrs. Arena E. Stevenson In Memory of Ms. Mary Stough Ms. Catherine E. Wray In Memory of Mrs. Helen H. Strader Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jamison Mr. Kenneth M. Strader In Memory of Dr. J. Richard Swacus Mr. John Swacus In Memory of Mr. James C. Tallant Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Nancy M. Thompson Mrs. Katherine M. Clohessy Dr. Janice Davis Redstone North Huntingdon Activities Fund 24 In Memory of Mr. Nelson C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scimio Mr. Robert Thompson In Memory of Mr. David Linn Titler Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann In Memory of Miss Ada G. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. D. Alan Williams In Memory of Mr. Clifford B. Tracy, Sr. C.B. Tracy & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Charley Dr. and Mrs. William B. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gallatin Mr. Charles M. Seamens Mrs. Carolyn L. Weiss In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Vana Ms. Clara M. Vana In Memory of Ms. Anna Veach Ms. Patricia A. Eberts Mr. Steven Veach In Memory of Mr. O. Lee Wallis Mr. John R. Wallis Mr. Richard Wallis In Memory of Mr. Harry B. Whitehead Mrs. Mary Louise Whitehead In Memory of Mr. Jay Alan Whitehead Mrs. Mary Louise Whitehead In Memory of Mr. Joseph J. Wolk Ms. Valeria D. Wolk In Memory of Ms. Dorothy Walter Mrs. Jean W. Blice In Memory of Ms. Elizabeth Work Mrs. Evelyn W. Herring In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Ward Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ward, Esq. In Memory of Ms. Pearle Wray Ms. Catherine E. Wray In Memory of Mr. Samuel T. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hyde In Memory of Mr. Wilson Troy Ms. Gloria Cavada In Memory of Mr. George F. Weinert Mrs. Doris M. Weinert In Memory of Mr. Pete Van Fleet Ms. Anna L. Van Fleet In Memory of Mrs. Wilma B. White Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Mrs. Toni T. Posner Mr. Charles W. White In Memory of Denzil E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wright In Memory of Ms. Susan K. Yale George and Bonnie Meanor In Memory of Ms. Thelma Zimmerman Mrs. Karen M. Furin Foundations, Corporations, and Organizations: “It takes a village” to carry out the mission of Redstone Highlands. Support from churches, local organizations, businesses, and foundations help to make Redstone’s mission possible in many ways. For this, we thank you. Churches Calvin United Presbyterian Church Connellsville Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg First Presbyterian Church of Irwin Grace Community Presbyterian Church Latrobe Presbyterian Church Latrobe United Presbyterian Church Maplewood United Presbyterian Church McClellandtown Presbyterian Church Poke Run Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church - Greensburg Round Hill Presbyterian Church West Newton Presbyterian Women Women’s Association of Community United Presbyterian Church Women’s Association of Grace Community Presbyterian Church Women’s Association of Springhill Furnace Presbyterian Church Businesses & Foundations A.E. Troutman Memorial Fund Alexander J. Graham, O.D., F.A.A.O. Alliance Rehab HVA, LLC Amcom Ameriprise Financial Around Back Cafe Baker Tilly Beeghly and Company Jewelers Big R Management Co. Bill Rethage Roofing & Remodelers Brown Calabretta Architects Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC C.B. Tracy & Associates, Inc. Cabin Hill Maytag Carbis Walker LLP Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Commercial Bank & Trust of PA Community Foundation of Westmoreland County Deluzio & Company, LLP D.L. Couch Wallcovering, Inc. Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote DNP IMS America Corporation Duncan Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. Dunkin’ Donuts Erzen Associates, Inc. Excela Health - Westmoreland Hospital Ferri Pharmacy First National Bank of Pennsylvania Friends of Norwin Public Library Inc. Friends of Tyler Courtney Giant Eagle - Murrysville Hampton Office Products Hart Funeral Home, Inc. Hefren-Tillotson Herbein & Company Inc. Highmark HomeTown Medical Equipment Industrial Relations, Inc. Intelligent Electronic Systems, Inc. Irwin Family Care James A. Fox and Elizabeth M. Fox Funds John V. Graziano Funeral Home, Inc. Kepple-Graft Funeral Home, Inc. L. F. Hollingsworth Trust Lawn Sense, Inc. Leo M. Bacha Funeral Home Inc. Louis F. Bruning Jr. Fund Luehm Candy Company McDonald, Snyder & Lightcap, P.C. Mears, Smith, Houser & Boyle, P.C. Michael Baker Corporation Foundation Mitchell Power Station Molyneaux Tile and Carpet Northrop Grumman Aircrew Training Phyllis’ Fashions Prism Response, Inc. Private Wealth Advisors, Inc. Raimondo Construction Co., Inc. Ranier’s Pharmacy Redstone Highlanders Redstone Highlands Volunteer Network Redstone North Huntingdon Activities Fund Re/Max Realty Access Renal & Electrolyte Associates, Inc. Robert Marion Piano Service Rotary Club of Greensburg Round Hill Thriving Survivors Senior Group S&T Bank Senior Independence of Southwestern PA Shirey Engineering Shrader’s Dairy Queen Standard Bank Turner Dairy Farms, Inc. Unified Alerts LLC Vescom America, Inc. Ward & Christner, P.C. Warren D. Corrie Electric William Snyder Funeral Home Ziegler Capital Markets Group 25 Gift-In-Kind Donations: Throughout the course of the year, many non-cash gifts are given to Redstone. These gifts come in many forms, including: ■ Items donated for auctions or raffles at the Highlands Fling ■ Food products donated for various events ■ Lovingly made lap robes and blankets ■ Stocking stuffers for Harbor residents ■ Special snack items for the staff at the holidays ■ Furnishings of former residents ■ Services by a variety of vendors Each of these, and the many other Gift-in-Kind donations, touch and enrich the lives of everyone within the Redstone family. Thank you for your generosity. The Aerobic Center Allante’ Hair Designs & Spa Inc. Ms. Jennifer Amundson Ms. Bess C. Anderson † Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Anderson Ms. Ann Andrejcak Mr. † and Mrs. Wayne Arnold Arnold Palmer Motors Arnold Palmer’s Latrobe Country Club Around Back Cafe Ms. Cheryl Averi Aw Else Boutique LLC Mr. Ronald Bachowski Mr. Joseph Barowich, Sr. Ms. Marjorie Bauer Ms. Betty S. Baughman Mr. William R. Baumann † Beeghly and Company Jewelers Ms. Patricia A. Benko Ms. Robin Berriker Bradford Renaissance Portraits Mrs. Sheryl Brinker Mayor and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks Mrs. Helen B. Bush Canvas On Demand Carnegie Science Center Chick-Fil-A City of Greensburg Recreation Department Mr. † and Mrs. James Clark 26 Mr. Charles E. Claspy † Ms. Lisa Colarusso Cold Stone Creamery Complete Family Dentistry Mr. Eugene R. Cooper Covelli Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Crouse, Sr. The Cupcake Shoppe Mrs. Joy T. Dahlmann Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Davidson, Jr. Dr. Janice Davis DiCola Insurance & Financial Services Mr. Dennis Diffenderfer Dino’s Sports Lounge Ms. Michelle Dixon Ms. Lisa M. Dormire Mr. Robert W. Eakin EFD Associates Ms. Onile B. Elder † Ms. Opal V. Evans Ms. Carolyn Falcon Fantastic Sam’s Ferrante’s Lakeview Ms. Bernadine B. Fisher Five Guys Operations, LLC Ms. Ruth S. Floyd Mr. Steven Floyd Fotorecord Print Center Ms. Nancy J. Fronk Ms. Rosemary M. Fry Gabby G’s Florals Ms. Linda Galati Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gardner Mrs. Mary Lou Garrity † George Conte Design Consultants, Inc. Glengarry Golf Links Ms. Karole Good Green Mountain Coffee Mrs. Elaine A. Greguric † Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Mr. Harold N. Hauger † Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hayden Mr. Richard Hileman, Jr. Ms. Doris B. Hiller † Mr. Donald Hilty Ms. Wanda K. Horvath Integral Ballroom Irwin Family Care Janet’s Dance Studio Ms. Jean L. Jeffries † Mr. Brandon D. Kerr Ms. Linda A. King The Kitchen on Main Ms. Judith Kocinski Ms. Shirley Kohlhammer Dr. and Mrs. † Herbert Kramer Ms. Angelina Kustra Mrs. Theresa E. Ladika † Mr. and Mrs. † Albert M. Lander Rev. † and Mrs. Mark H. Landfried Mr. and Mrs. Pat LaSitis Latrobe Area Hospital Charitable Foundation Laurel Caverns Geological Park Laurel Highlands River Tours Ms. Ginny Lavella Ms. Maxine Lenhart Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lightcap Ms. Lucy Lombardo † Lowe’s Ms. Dorothy J. Luke Rev. and Mrs. J. Charles MacPherson III Maloberti Produce Mr. Ralph S. Marinelli Marshall’s Mr. † and Mrs. Thomas F. Martin Ms. Janet R. Matchett † Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCann McFeely’s Gourmet Chocolate Ms. Francene Melocchi Ms. Barbara A. Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Merrill Michelle’s Bella Boutique & Day Spa Mr. † and Mrs. Joseph Micire Mr. and Mrs. † Robert A. Miller Mrs. Shawna L. Miller Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Ms. Pamela Murray Never Enough! Boutique, LLC Mrs. Eleanor J. Oates † Mrs. Fadra Oesterlin † On Site Dermatology Mr. Nick Oswald Outerwall Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Palko Mr. and Mrs. Brien Palmer Dr. and Mrs. John S. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Passalinqua Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pauly Penn-Franklin News Ms. Ida R. Pfeifer † Philco Builders Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Inc. Pittsburgh CLO Pittsburgh Magazine Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Ms. Paula G. Purnell Ramada Hotel and Conference Center Ramada Ligonier Redstone Candies Mrs. Marcia M. Remaley Rialto Cafe & Baldy’s Pizza Rob’s Auto Detailing Mr. Frederick Ross Ms. Barbara L. Rudolph S&T Bank Mrs. Blanche L. Saviski † Ms. Regina Schuba † Mr. Robert P. Schweikert Sedona Rouge Hotel and Spa Seven Springs Mountain Resort Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shirley Shrader’s Dairy Queen Ms. Rebecca Siddle Ms. Jean A. Skinner † Smail Auto Car Wash & Detail Center Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sobota Mr. Robert South St. Emma Monastery St. John’s Lutheran Church Stage Right! Ms. LaDorna L. Stephens Studio 2 Advertising Mr. and Dr. Frank X. Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. John Swacus Ten Fox Salon Mrs. Nancy M. Thompson † Totteridge Golf Course US Foodservice Mrs. Ann Marie Valli Vargo’s Hallmark Mr. Michael Viscusi † Ms. Agnes T. Visser † Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wallace Walmart - Delmont Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ward, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. West Westmoreland Choral Society and Children’s Chorus Westmoreland Museum of American Art Ms. Myrtle J. Worthy † Mr. George Wray Ms. Martha A. Zatezalo and Mr. Dennis J. Gounley Ms. Margaret R. Zelezniak Current Employees: Choosing to work in a non-profit setting is choosing a life of service. In addition to giving of themselves with the highest level of professionalism and compassion, many employees also make financial gifts in support of Redstone’s residents and mission. Your service and your giving are inspiring to us all. Ms. Patricia A. Acita Ms. Amber Ammann Ms. Leigh Bach Mrs. Barbara Barozzini Ms. Marjorie Bauer Ms. Jacquelyn Bell Ms. Emily Bippus Mr. Junes Bos Mrs. Katherine O. Brean Ms. Patricia Y. Butter Mr. Mark J. Celigoi Ms. Linda Dalzell Mr. Dominic D’Amico Mr. Drew DeCrease Mrs. Kathleen Del Cotto Mr. John R. Dickson IV Ms. Lisa M. Dormire Ms. Amy L. Dovie Mr. Timothy Dunlevy Mrs. Phyllis L. Eichner Ms. Marsha Ellig Ms. Phyllis E. Frye Mr. Geoffrey E. Gehring Ms. Annabell Gross Ms. Nichola M. Heller Ms. Megan L. Henninger Ms. Catherine M. Hill Ms. Diane M. Himes Mr. James W. Hodge Mrs. Linda Hodge Ms. Donna Ickes Ms. Sandra Kemerer Mr. Brandon D. Kerr Mr. Francis J. King Ms. Megan King Mrs. Tarra Klingensmith Ms. Myra Kourkoulis Mrs. Malerie Krepps Mrs. Kristy Krivda Mrs. Connie L. Landis Mrs. Wendy Lieberum Mrs. Vicki L. Loucks Mrs. Laura Malacki Mrs. Vanessa M. Mangery Mrs. Valerie R. Markish Ms. Corazon Martir Ms. Monica Massari Ms. Carrie McClurg Mr. Daniel Morelli Mrs. Rebecca A. Nallo-Macalus Ms. Mary Ellen Opaluch Ms. Toni Oslosky Ms. Jennifer M. Pachesky Mrs. Cindie L. Palko Ms. Cathy Pavlovic Mr. Michael Peltz Ms. Jennifer B. Posgay Ms. Cynthia Raley Ms. Delilah Ressler Ms. Rebecca Roberts Mrs. Therese Saunders Ms. Sheryl Shevchik Ms. Nancy J. Sickenberger Rev. Rebecca Siddle Ms. Linda Siefert Ms. Lucy Sphon Mrs. Karen L. Sprumont Ms. Brandi L. Stoner Ms. Glenna Storey Ms. Lisa Szalanczy Ms. JoAnne Turnbull Mrs. Judith Ungvarsky Mr. Mark H. Wargo Ms. Connie Williams Mrs. Pamela J. Williams Ms. Cathleen M. Wood Ms. Jo Ellen Youst 27 In Memoriam: The following is a list of Redstone residents and employees who died between July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. We join with their families and friends in celebrating their lives and the memories that are cherished. It was our honor and privilege to care for them all. Bess C. Anderson Wayne Arnold Barbara L. Bartolomucci Peggy Beasley Elva Beatty Hertha F. Boggs Edward B. Booher Lila J. Bower Richard Brisbane Eleanor R. Brown Olivia R. Chase Agnes L. Chasler James Clark Donald E. Cope Calvin D. Crawford Thomas W. Devaux Ruth G. Diffenderfer Katherine C. Dixon Robert F. Edwards Onile B. Elder Joan Evans Evelyn L. Farmer 28 James C. File Marcolina C. Flesik Lois Furlan Anna C. Gavatorta Nina G. Goughenour Elaine A. Greguric Mary Jo Grimm Samuel B. Hampton Rachel A. Hatch Henry Hawley William Herrup Richard D. Hileman Doris B. Hiller Joan Hilty Marie M. Hoak Alice Hoover Pauline N. Hrehocik Margot A. Ingersoll Kathryn H. Jamison Jean L. Jeffries Gladys F. Johns Carolyn B. Jones Ellis R. Jones Jay H. Kelley Louise M. Kilgore Dale E. Klamut Phyllis L. Kramer Theresa E. Ladika Mary K. Lamb Arina Lander Mark H. Landfried Eleanor B. Lashley Dorothy E. Latta Helen L. Lewis Rosemary Lewis Lucy Lombardo Evelyn H. Mansour Scott Martin Thomas F. Martin Janet R. Matchett Frances McGrath Joseph Micire Elizabeth R. Miller Joanne N. Miller Katherine E. Miller Thomas A. Miller Stanley Mohler Ursula Mohler William L. Newmyer Fadra Oesterlin Florence M. Olecki Dale B. Peckman Marjorie L. Potts Mary M. Quinlan Edward N. Renn Burhl E. Riley Thomas Rizzuti Cynthia M. Robinson Betty Roskosh Charles R. Ross John W. Ruyak Rita Sapp Regina Schuba Dorothy Seliy Ida B. Serena William K. Shiery Patricia A. Sperber Nancy M. Thompson Clifford B. Tracy Irene W. Truxal Marjorie A. Vrable Charles L. Wagner Virginia M. White Catherine Zerkowsky Mary J. Zimmerman The Dorothy A. Toman Legacy Society Dorothy Toman resided on the Greensburg campus from 1996 until the time of her death in 2001. Grateful for the care that she received, Dorothy made a substantial legacy gift to Redstone Highlands. In 2006, the Toman Legacy Society was established in her honor. Membership in the Society is open to anyone who has indicated that they have made a Planned or Estate Gift to Redstone Highlands. Legacy Gifts Received The Estate of Mr. Elroy Albright The Estate of Ms. Lois J. Anderson The Estate of Ms. Margaret V. Baker The Estate of Mrs. Marion Bartoletti The Estate of Ms. Ruth Beemer The Estate of Ms. Martha Anne Brown The Estate of Ms. Sara Hunter Brown The Estate of Ms. Mildred Cadzow The Estate of Donald and Margaret Carroll The Estate of Ms. Jennie Cramer The Estate of Clarence R. Drylie The Estate of Miss Florence M. Ewing The Estate of Mrs. Evelyn L. Farmer The Estate of Clarence T. Fletcher The Estate of Ms. Elizabeth Fox The Estate of Mary Felton Frye The Estate of Daniel and Mae Gilmour The Estate of Ms. Maurine Glasgow The Estate of Ms. Anna Jane Gorton The Estate of Daniel and Virginia Graue The Estate of Mr. Kirk E. Hall The Estate of Mr. Raymond P. Harrison The Estate of Ms. Elva A. Heasley The Estate of Mr. William Hicks The Estate of Ms. L.F. Hollingsworth The Estate of Mrs. Esther Hornung The Estate of Ms. Gertrude Hugus The Estate of Ms. Kathryn W. Hutchinson The Estate of Herbert E. King The Estate of Mrs. Louise Liddell The Estate of Mr. E. F. Lockard The Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long The Estate of Misses Mary L. and Marjorie S. Lord The Estate of Mr. R. Marshall The Estate of Margaret R. McDivitt The Estate of Miss Harriet M. McKee The Estate of Ms. Mary Sloan and Edward K. Miller The Estate of Misses Doris E. and Ruth Nevin The Estate of Mrs. Emily D. Noel The Estate of Mrs. Virginia G. Noel The Estate of Mr. Edward H. Noll The Estate of Ms. Helen Oursler The Estate of Mr. Dale Porter The Estate of Ms. Muriel Quinto The Estate of Mrs. Elsie H. Ranck The Estate of Mrs. Sylvia S. Schweikert The Estate of Ms. Helen S. Seanor The Estate of Mrs. Audrey A. Simpson The Estate of Ms. Jane M. Summers The Estate of Ms. Elsie Tilbrook The Estate of Mrs. Dorothy Toman The Estate of Mr. Jim Underwood The Estate of Miss Catherine S. Vaughn The Estate of Mrs. Margaret Welty The Estate of Mrs. Helen W. Williams The Estate of R. Nelson Williams The Estate of Ms. Edith A. Wohlgemuth The Estate of Ms. Grace E. Wright The Estate of Mrs. Dorothy S. Yard The Estate of Ms. Mable Zeth Mrs. Kathleen D. Marion Mrs. Dorothy B. Ruoff Ms. Norma G. Scheidemantel Mr. Robert P. Schweikert Mrs. Nancy G. Sprenger Mrs. Helen M. Taylor Legacy Gifts In Process The Estate of Mr. Robert R. Dixon The Estate of Ms. Doris B. Hiller ThepreviouslistsincludeallPlanned andEstategiftsofwhichwehavebeen notified.Ifwehaveinadvertently omittedanyonewhoshouldhavebeen included,wewouldliketocorrectthis. IfyouplantoincludeRedstoneinyour legacygiving,pleaseconsidernotifying ussothatwecanincludeyouinfuture listingsandeventsfortheTomanLegacy Society.Pleasecontactusat724-8328402,Ext.353. Legacy Gifts Promised Six Anonymous Gifts Ms. Helen E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John N. Brenzia Ms. Mabel Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Daniels Mrs. Sylvia Dennison Mrs. Linda Feightner Mrs. Jean R. George Mrs. Annetta P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter Keibler Mrs. Marjorie M. Landfried Mr. Edward and Mrs. Louise Landini Mrs. Donald Machesney 29 Touch the Future with Hope Become a member of the Toman Legacy Society What kind of legacy do you want to leave… to those whom you love… to causes or organizations that you hold dear...to the world? Thinking creatively about your estate planning provides you with a meaningful way to express gratitude for what you have been given and to invest in the future of those persons or organizations that are important to you. There are many ways to leave a Legacy gift. The easiest, is to have your attorney attach a CODICIL to your will that indicates simply that you wish to make a gift to Redstone Highlands. You may designate either a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residual of your estate. The language should say, eath to Redstone “I give, devise, and bequ e Presbyterian SeniorCar ___ The sum of $_______ Or te ________% of my esta Or te.” d remainder of my esta All the rest, residue, an Perhaps you would want to consider the following possibilities as you think about your legacy: Could your gift be a double blessing? If you or your spouse work for a company that provides matching gift opportunities, your gift to Redstone Highlands may be doubled or even tripled! Some companies even extend their matching gift programs to retirees. The following is a list of some of the companies that may provide such matching gift opportunities: AT & T, AK Steel, Allegheny Technologies, Aramark, ALCOA, Equitable Resources, Fisher Scientific, H.J. Heinz, Merck, Merrill Lynch, Peoples Gas, Prudential Financial, Sprint, PNC, PPG, Verizon, Westinghouse, Highmark, and others. For more information contact Lisa Dormire, VP for Fund Development ■ Most of Redstone’s Legacy Gifts do come in the form of a simple bequest. Some will use a codicil to indicate that they want to remember Redstone with a certain dollar amount in their will, or that they want to give a certain percentage of the residual of their estate once all of their obligations have been settled. Either way, this gift is a wonderful way to provide support for Redstone’s residents. ■ Although most Redstone residents live for many years after making their home here, some have unexpected health issues and pass away while a portion of their initial deposit remains. You may simply add a letter to your records here at Redstone indicating that if you pass away before your initial deposit has been depleted, that you would like to donate the residual. ■ Some residents have chosen to make a Legacy gift by naming Redstone as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or a retirement account. This may also provide a positive tax benefit during your lifetime! ■ Another way to provide yourself with a benefit during your lifetime is to establish a Charitable Gift Annuity. This may provide you with some tax savings, an income stream for the rest of your life, and an ongoing fund providing support to Redstone after your death. Sometimes, efforts to be a good steward and to preserve our assets stand in the way of our desires to be as generous and charitable as possible to causes that we believe in. Planning for a Legacy Gift provides us with a wonderful opportunity to do good with our resources once we no longer have need of them. How joyous it is to plan for a legacy that has the potential to touch so many lives. To talk more about the legacy that you want to leave, contact Lisa Dormire, VP for Fund Development at 724-832-8400 Ext. 353. The names listed in this Celebration of Giving all made gifts between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this publication, mistakes do occur. Please advise us of any error so that we may correct our records. Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The official registration and financial information for Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free, within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Redstone Highlands is operated by Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare. 30 Continuum of Care Greensburg Units Senior Apartments ...........................75 Personal Care ....................................33 Personal Care Plus ............................16 Nursing ..............................................77 6 Garden Center Drive Greensburg, PA 15601 Total ................................................201 Phone 724-832-8400 Fax 724-836-3710 Murrysville Units Senior Apartments ...........................90 Personal Care ....................................24 Terrace (Memory Impairment) ......20 4951 Cline Hollow Road Murrysville, PA 15668 Phone 724-733-9494 Fax 724-733-9495 Total ................................................134 North Huntingdon Units 12921 Redstone Drive North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Senior Apartments ...........................95 Personal Care ....................................20 Terrace (Memory Impairment) ......20 Colonial Estates Phone 724-864-5811 Fax 724-864-3618 Units 772 Frontier Drive North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Villa Homes .......................................19 Total ................................................154 Summary Phone 724-864-1429 Fax 724-864-3618 Units Senior Apartments .........................260 Personal Care ....................................77 Personal Care Plus ............................16 Terrace (Memory Impairment) ......40 Nursing ..............................................77 Villa Homes .......................................19 Total ................................................489 www.redstonehighlands.org Redstone Presbyterian SeniorCare serves all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, handicap or disability. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 31 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #681 Greensburg PA 6 Garden Center Drive ■ Greensburg, PA 15601 Visit Sisters Bistro on our Greensburg campus for a healthy, reasonably priced meal beginning in late March. Breakfast items, salads, sandwiches, burgers, wraps, flatbread pizzas, side items, desserts, coffee, and beverages will all be available. Operating hours will be from 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday, and noon to 6 pm Saturday and Sunday. Dine-in and take-out service available. Public welcome! Stop by to see our culinary team in action and enjoy a fresh meal! 32 Ashley Moyer and Jane Moore, Bistro Staff