January - NSTNY.org
January - NSTNY.org
NICHIREN SHOSHU TEMPLE FOR THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, EAST CANADA AND TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Myosetsuji News J ANUARY 1, 2016 I SSUE 175 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the November Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony Good morning, everyone! On this occasion of the November Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance. with the Kamakura government, as well as the Imperial court in Kyoto. This is the month when the Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin passed away. It is taught in Articles to be Observed after the Passing of Nikko (Nikko ato jōjō no koto): As you already know, in the third year of Genko (1333), when the Kamakura government fell and the imperial regime was established by Emperor Godaigo in Kyoto (the Kenmu Restoration), Nichimoku Shonin resolved to carry out his last remonstration. In October of the same year, prior to his departure, Nichimoku Shonin transferred the Heritage of the Law to Nichido Shonin. Then, he started his journey from Taisekiji to Kyoto, accompanied by his disciples Nichizon and Nichigo. However, Nichimoku Shonin became ill en route at Tarui in Mino Province and passed away on November 15, at the age of 74. Nichimoku devoted himself to remonstrating with the Imperial Court for fifty long years, from the eighth year of Kō’an (1285) until the second year of Gentoku (1330). Such achievements are superior to those of the other priests. I leave this as documentary proof for the ages to come. (Gosho, p. 1883) As this passage shows, Nichimoku Shonin devoted his whole life to propagating the true Law throughout the world. When we revere his behavior with the determination of not begrudging his life, I keenly feel that we must follow his high aspirations, and powerfully chant Daimoku It is said that Nichimoku Shonin remonstrated more than 42 times (Continued on page 2) New Year’s Eve Gongyo - Thurs., Dec. 31, 2015 at 12 Midnight (Temple opens at 10 PM) New Year’s Day Gongyo - Friday, January 1, 2016 at 10 AM Gosho Quote for January 2016 Reply to Sennichi ama (Sennichi ama gozen-gohenji) In the five years, from the eleventh year of Bun’ei (1274) to this year, the first year of Koan, that have already passed since I came to live here in the mountains, you have sent your husband from the province of Sado to visit me three times. How great is your sincerity! It is firmer than the great earth, deeper than the great sea! (Gosho, p. 1253) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 2 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 1) based on firm faith, no matter what difficulty or obstacle may arise. We then must make strenuous efforts to do shakubuku—refuting heresy and revealing the truth—aiming toward worldwide propagation, while engraving the following golden words into our hearts: “One’s life is insignificant while the Law is supreme.” The achievement of kōsen-rufu is the very will of the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin. When I look at the chaotic situations at home and abroad in recent years, I strongly feel that each of us must be aware that the root cause for these disasters is the poison of heretical teachings. This was clearly taught by the Daishonin in his Risshō ankoku-ron. We must teach those who suffer the horror of slander of the Law and sow the seeds of the Buddhism of our founder Nichiren Daishonin, the True Buddha in the Latter Day of the Law—the secret Law that will save all living beings. We then must shakubuku as many people as possible in order to save them. The Daishonin teaches in the Gosho, Reply to the Wife of Abutsubō (Abutsu bō ama gozen-gohenji): Those who take faith [in the Lotus Sutra] will attain enlightenment; those who slander it will fall into the hell of incessant suffering. This is what is meant by, “If a person fails to take faith and slanders this sutra, he will sever all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world….When his life comes to an end he will fall into avichi hell.” (Gosho, p. 905) Furthermore, the Daishonin expounds the following in the Gosho, Questions and Answers between a Sage and a Foolish Man (Shōgu mondō-shō): The world today is defiled with impurities. People’s minds are distorted, filled with envy, and provisional and slanderous teachings abound. This makes it difficult for the true Law to be propagated. At such a time, it is of no use to practice the reading, reciting and transcribing of sutras, or to contemplate, meditate, or discipline oneself. You simply must perform shakubuku. You should powerfully vanquish slanderous teachings and use the doctrines to censure erroneous teachings to the best of your ability. (Gosho, p. 403) I firmly believe, just as these golden words teach, that if we are convinced of the vast and boundless benefits of the Dai-Gohonzon, and all the members of each chapter make concerted efforts to propagate the Law throughout the entire world, we will achieve our goals without fail. The Daishonin also teaches in the Gosho, The Selection of the Time (Senji-shō): When I, Nichiren, first took faith in the Lotus Sutra, I was like a single drop [of the ocean] or a single particle of dust [that makes up Mount Sumeru] in the whole land of Japan. If two, three, ten, or hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred millions— eventually countless people start to chant the Lotus Sutra, they will form the Mount Sumeru of the final stage of enlightenment, or the ocean of great nirvana. You must not seek any other way to become a Buddha. (Gosho, p. 868) Taking these golden words to heart, if each of us strives hard to do shakubuku, aiming toward the propagation of the true Law throughout the entire world, we will be able to receive the vast benefits for oneself and others and build an unshakable life condition of Buddhahood. We have only two months remaining this year. If there are chapters that have not yet achieved their goals, I sincerely pray that the members of those chapters will become united in the spirit of itai dōshin and accomplish their shakubuku goals for this year, so that they will be able to report their achievements to the Gohonzon. I SSUE 175 P AGE 3 “C HECKIN ’ IN ” M IDTOWN /D OWNTOWN /S TATEN I SLAND A REA , D IANE L APSON , C OORDINATOR This year we were all horrified to see more terrorist attacks. Within seconds the world changed for so many people: feelings of insecurity for oneself and loved ones returned to society; fear of using public transportation and gathering in large spaces. The weather has been very unusual as well, all over the world. You just don’t know what to expect and a “normal” day is not so normal. That is why we are grateful to have this daily Buddhist practice to stabilize our lives when events could easily lead to chaos. Especially in frightful times, people spend their lives looking for sacred spaces. We are fortunate to be able to create a sacred space in our own homes. Twice a day our members find themselves in a safe, healthy, joyful environment when they sit in front of their altars and recite morning and evening Gongyo and chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (Daimoku) to the true Gohonzon. As we chant, we center ourselves and our world is affected. Having an altar in one’s home is like an oasis on a desert. Receiving the Gohonzon for our own home is like having a beacon on a dark night at sea – it is the light and the direction for our enlightenment. This year, our members found great solace and encouragement right in front of their altars by practicing; and attending the temple activities with our wooden Joju Gohonzon enshrined and our wonderful Chief Priest and Assistant Priest to welcome and guide us. We had a great time preparing for our study presentation of “What is Gokuyo” for the beginner’s meeting in October. Members really put a lot of effort into coming together to chant and rehearse despite work, school, homework and so many other commitments. The teamwork and effort felt great. Chanting together, we can help change this world – and yes, have Kosen-rufu – world peace, based on individual enlightenment. It occurred to us many times this year. The medicine for a sick world is Daimoku and sharing this Buddhism and practice. MDS wishes all of our members the Best NEW YEAR and great success to our Myosetsuji Temple in 2016. Crossword - NST Terms Complete the crossword below 1 2 3 4 5 6 Buddha Nichinyo Gokuyo Gokaihi Gojukai Shakubuku Bodhisattva Tozan Across 1. Pilgrimage to the Head Temple in Japan 5. Help others attain enlightenment 6. Ceremony to join Nichiren Shoshu and have the seed of happiness planted within your life Down 2. Current High Priest __________ Shonin 3. Introduce the practice to someone 4. Audience with the Dai-Gohonzon 5. Enlightened One 6. Offering to the Three Treasures M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 4 M IDTOWN -D OWNTOWN -S TATEN I SLAND M EMBERS S HARE THEIR 2016 F AITH D ETERMINATIONS [We thought it would be a great cause and inspiring to share some of our members’ determinations in faith for the coming year. New Year’s is always a time to think about where we have been and where we would like to go. Hope this encourages you to make your own great determination. - Diane] can receive the benefits of the Gohonzon.” - Vinson German "My determination for 2016 is to make 1 hour chanting the base line of my daily practice with stronger focus, confidence, compassion and determination. I will build a strong life condition day by day with a more focused practice to show by example “My determination is to continue to the immense benefit of Nam-Myohogo deeper into my Buddhist practice Renge-Kyo. I will strive to never and keep spreading the word about hesitate to share my personal experithis wonderful way of life. I want ences, teach others about Buddhism happy, healthy, prosperous and more and encourage fellow members by enlightened lives for myself and eve- chanting together.” - Melissa ryone in this universe, both now and Haggerty in the future. In so doing, it is my “In the coming year, I would like to hope that all of us will become proschedule more home visits to memgressively better human beings, conbers, in order to chant with them and sistently becoming more loving, more get to know them better. Everyone in giving and more tolerant towards ourNYC has busy schedules, however, selves and each other. Smiling inside when we have had home and out! Thus, making our experiget-togethers, I was able to develop ence on this earth much happier and more compassion and patience as a more productive each and every Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist. The memday!” - Ward Nixon bers who participated also came to the temple more than they did the "My determination is to not only continue to guide people to Nichiren previous year.” - Rosa Curry Shoshu, but to do whatever I can to “My determination for the new year help raise our new members so they is to not get anxious over everything in my life! And, to shakubuku (introduce) more people to this Buddhism!” - Donna Waters (joined in 2015) about Buddhism so I can have more spiritual knowledge.” - Sabrina Thompson (youth member, High School) “My determination is to shakubuku my family, especially my future husband and be able to do Kosen-rufu in Kuwait.” - Karima Bourabah, (living in the Middle East). “My Determination for 2016 is learn to fuse my life with the Gohonzon twice a day no matter how busy I get with work. - Teresa Malihan Haggerty "My determinations for 2016: Keep the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, "To carry out the practice of the Buddha Way, at the center of my Myoho-Renge-Kyo, to do shakubudaily life. Make my first pilgrimage ku and to study.“ (from: On the Four to our Head Temple, Taisekiji, in JaStages of Faith and the Five Stages pan (Tozan). Complete and publish of Practice Gosho) - Mizan Kirbymy memoirs, dedicated to the efficaNunes cy of Nichiren Shoshu True Bud"Our family determination is to dhism.” - Salvatore Clemente have at least one shakubuku, go to “My determination is to introduce Tozan and open our house for meetas many people as I can to Nichiren ings once again.” - CaraballoShoshu Buddhism, and to share the GChanglerth family (Millie, José, wonderful experience of going on Vinceht & Vaneshka) Tozan to have an audience with the “I am determined to learn more (Continued on page 5) I SSUE 175 P AGE 5 M IDTOWN -D OWNTOWN -S TATEN I SLAND M EMBERS S HARE THEIR 2016 F AITH D ETERMINATIONS ( CONTINUED ) which will contribute to a more peaceful world. Encourage others to Dai-Gohonzon with new members.” – come to meetings and temple. Go further in my voice-over career. Deal Marnee May with some dental issues and develop “I am determined to overcome my an even deeper faith.” – Victoria health issues in 2016, which will also Brooks help encourage others to practice and join this wonderful Buddhism.” – “I am determined to see reality more and more clearly so I can transFelicia Balicer form negative aspects of my life and "By the end 2016, I will do my abpersonality into positive ones. Chant solute best to help my new members more with other members. Successpractice correctly and share gratefully fully encourage my guests to practice in the joy of our benefits by doing shakubuku. I will take to heart and concentrate my mind on accomplishing daily goals of good health, financial stability and family unity. I will complete 1,000,000 Daimoku by December 30th, 2016 and will follow the guidances of our High Priest and Chief Priest to understand more deeply the teachings of our True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. I will participate in Temple activities and will go on Tozan in 2017!" – Susan Dobbis (Our member in France.) (Continued from page 4) “My determination is to chant more and take care of my health!” – Diane Stein “My determination is to sponsor a new member to join Nichiren Shoshu know what is around the corner; to be kind to all people because life can sometimes be very scary and to work through my own fear. And I hope for peace throughout the world and to find the peace and happiness in myself.” – Judi Miraglia “I am determined to go on Tozan in 2016 (pilgrimage to Head Temple Taisekiji in Japan), shakubuku at least one person and work with my son to eradicate our family's negative karma.” – Diane Sack “My determination is to introduce this Buddhism to everyone and have them want to meet the great Mystic Law.” – Norma Paniciolli daily and join the temple. Overcome my challenges and help change our world into a happy and peaceful, enlightened planet! And to utilize my writing and art commercially.” – Diane Lapson “My determination for 2016 is to be able to strengthen my practice and continue to make my relationship with the Gohonzon stronger so that I am confident in my decisions throughout the year.” - Gabi Sasson “My determination for 2016 is to have better time management and clarity when choosing responsibilities, so as not to spread myself too “My determination is to chant more thin. This will allow me to have a in 2016 to help me accomplish the more routine chanting schedule and following: Be a better person, enjoy more time and mental space to dedieach day, stay active. To accept the cate to my practice.” - Linda Lynch new person that I have become due to “My determination is to have a conunforeseen circumstances and learn sistent practice, no matter what.” to be gentle on myself.; to take life second by second because you never - Chrysa Chin “Our determination is to do more compassionate shakubuku.” – Caroline and Ken Donato M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 6 Y EAREND P RIEST ’ S VISIT TO T ORONTO Please Join Us May 25 to June 1, 2016 for Our Group Tozan Pilgrimage to the Head Temple Taisekiji to Pray to the Dai-Gohonzon Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Uptown & Bklyn Cleanup Gongyo 10 AM Korean Oko 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Group Memorial 10 AM MDS & NJ Cleanup Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Qns & West Cleanup Gongyo 10 AM Chinese Oko 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Youth Meeting 12:30 PM Japanese Oko 12:30 PM 18 19 20 21 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM (Manhattan) 11 12 13 14 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM (Myosetsuji) 25 26 27 28 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM (Myosetsuji) 31 24 17 10 Bronx & LI Cleanup Oko Ceremony 10 AM 12 Midnight 1 29 22 15 8 Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM New Year's Gongyo 10 AM 31 MDS & NJ Cleanup Friday 2 30 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM 23 Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 2:30 PM 16 Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 2:30 PM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 2:30 PM 9 Gongyo 2:30 PM Gongyo 10 AM Saturday January 2016 Myosetsuji Temple 4 5 6 7 Kosen-rufu Chanting 10 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Children's Meeting 12:30 PM (Manhattan) Support Staff Meeting 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 3 Uptown & Bklyn Cleanup Friday……………………………… 6:30 PM Shodai, 1/2 hr. w/ Intro Mtg. New Year's Eve Gongyo Thursday Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs………….. 6 PM Shodai, 1/2 hr. w/ Evening Gongyo Wednesday Open at 10 PM Tuesday (Amsterdam & Broadway) 215 W. 98th St. #3B Manhattan Intro Meeting Sat, Sun & Holidays……………….. 1 hr. Shodai with Morning Gongyo January Special Shodai Monday 9:30 AM 9:00 AM Saturday Sunday & Holidays Sunday 9:00 AM 8:00 PM 7:20 AM 5:30 PM Monday - Friday Re-opens on Mon/Tue/Thurs & alternate Fridays 3:30 PM 3:30 PM Close Open M YOSETSUJI T EMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. (Entrance on Parsons Blvd.) Flushing, NY 11355 NICHIREN SHOSHU MONTHLY Subscription Form Please send subscriptions to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple 143-63 Beech Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Please make checks or money orders payable to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple Name VISIT US ONLINE AT O U R N E W WEBSITE: W W W . N S T N Y . O RG Address City State Zip Email Please check one: United States: 3 mos. ($9.00) 6 mos. ($18.00) 12 mos. ($36.00) Canada: 3 mos. ($18.25) 6 mos. ($36.50) 12 mos. ($73.00) International: 3 mos. ($27.00) 6 mos. ($54.00) 12 mos. ($108.00) N ICHIREN MYOSETSUJI TEMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Rev. Shinga Takikawa, Chief Priest Rev. Jokyo Nagasawa, Assistant Priest S UBSCRIBE TO THE S H O S H U M O N T H LY M AG A Z I N E T O D AY !
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