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NICHIREN SHOSHU TEMPLE FOR THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, EAST CANADA AND TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Myosetsuji News A PRIL 1, 2016 I SSUE 178 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the February Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony Good morning everyone! On this occasion of the February Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance. As you know, February is the month when our founder, Nichiren Daishonin, was born. On February 16 in the first year of Jō’ō (1222), 794 years ago, Nichiren Daishonin made his advent into this world at Kataumi, located in Tōjō County of Awa Province (presently Kamogawa City in Chiba Prefecture). The advent of the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin in the Latter Day of the Law already had been prophesized in the Lotus Sutra by Shakyamuni Buddha 3000 years earlier. Shakyamuni Buddha taught the following in the Wondrous Powers of the Tathagata (Jinriki; twenty-first) chapter of the Lotus Sutra: Just as the sunlight or the moonlight dispels the darkness, this person will practice [Myoho-Renge-Kyo] in the world and eliminate [the fundamental] darkness of all living beings. (Hokekyo, p. 516) Concerning this passage, the Daishonin teaches the following in the Gosho, Letter to Jakunichi-bō (Jakunichi bō-gosho): The sutra states, “Just as the sunlight or the moonlight dispels the darkness, this person will practice [Myoho-Renge-Kyo] in the world and eliminate [the fundamental] darkness of all living beings.” Carefully ponder on the meaning of these words. “This person will practice [MyohoRenge-Kyo] in the world” means that Bodhisattva Jōgyō makes his advent in the first five hundred years of the Latter Day of the Law, reveals the light of the five characters of Nam-Myoho-RengeKyo, and illuminates the fundamental darkness and the darkness of earthly desires. The efforts of (Continued on page 2) Gosho Quote for April 2016 On the Buddha’s Behavior (Shuju onfurumai-gosho) Devadatta was the foremost of good influences to Shakyamuni Buddha. When one looks at one’s present world, one can see that it is not one’s friends but one’s formidable enemies who will help him grow. (Gosho, p. 1063) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 2 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin (continued) (Continued from page 1) Nichiren and his followers to have all the people in the country of Japan embrace the Lotus Sutra are the work of the envoy of Bodhisattva Jōgyō. (Gosho, pp. 13931394) This passage from the Wondrous Powers of the Tathagata chapter of the Lotus Sutra is the very passage where Shakyamuni Buddha prophesized that Nichiren Daishonin would make his advent in the Latter Day of the Law. The Daishonin's transient status is [the reincarnation of] Bodhisattva Jōgyō (Superior Practice), while his true identity is the True Buddha from the infinite past of kuon-ganjo. Shakyamuni Buddha restrained the bodhisattvas [taught by the Buddha] of the theoretical teaching from propagating the true Law after his passing. Instead, in the Emerging from the Earth (Jūji yujutsu; fifteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, he summoned forth the bodhisattvas [taught by the Buddha] of the essential teaching, including Bodhisattva Jōgyō, the leader of all the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. He then transmitted to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth the essence of the Lotus Sutra, Myoho-RengeKyo as the essential Law in four phrases, entrusting them with future propagation in the Latter Day of the Law. The Daishonin made his advent in the Latter Day of the Law as the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Jōgyō. However, his status as Bodhisattva Jōgyō is a provisional identity in every regard. From the standpoint of his inner realization, the Daishonin is the reincarnation of the Buddha with the property of intrinsically perfect wisdom from the infinite past of kuon-ganjo. The Twenty-sixth High Priest Nichikan Shonin stated the following in his writing, The Meaning Hidden in the Depths (Montei hichin-shō): From the superficial perspective of his external status, he is Nichiren, the reincarnation of Superior Practice (Jōgyō). Based on the profound mystery of his inner realization, he is Nichiren, the reincarnation of the Buddha with the property of perfect wisdom. Thus, let it be known that the true identity is the Buddha with the property of perfect wisdom. The provisional identity constitutes Bodhisattva Jōgyō, and revealing the true entity is Nichiren. (Six-Volume Writings, p. 49) Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, Shakyamuni’s Lotus Sutra of the surface meaning of the words is no longer effective to cure the illnesses of all living beings. The attainment of enlightenment for those without the seed of Buddhahood in the Latter Day of the Law only can be realized through the advent of the True Buddha from the infinite past of kuon-ganjo and his supreme teaching. The Daishonin teaches the following in the Gosho, Reply to Priest Takahashi (Takahashi nyūdo dono-gohenji): In the Latter Day of the Law, (Continued on page 3) I SSUE 177 P AGE 3 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin (continued) however, the Hinayana sutras entrusted to Mahakashyapa, Ananda, and others; as well as the Mahayana sutras entrusted to Bodhisattvas Manjushri, Maitreya, and others; as well as the Lotus Sutra entrusted to Bodhisattva Medicine King, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and others—all these teachings can no longer work as medicine to treat the people’s illnesses. Only the words of these sutras are still in existence. The illnesses of the people will be too serious while these medicines are too ineffective. At that time, Bodhisattva Jōgyō will make his advent, in order to bestow upon all people in the entire world the five characters of Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo. (Gosho, p. 887) The mystic Law (Myōhō) that the Daishonin upholds now is not just the five characters of Myo-HoRen-Ge-Kyo as the title of the Lotus Sutra. It is, in fact, the five characters of Myo-HoRen-Ge-Kyo of the true Law of the infinite past of kuon-ganjo. These five characters of Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo Latter Day of the Law. In terms of constitute the original Law through the Law, it is the true Law of the which Shakyamuni Buddha as well as infinite past of kuon-ganjo. Furthermore, the Daishonin expounds the following in the Gosho, Reply to Ueno (Ueno donogohenji): Now, in the age of the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras have the power to all the Buddhas of the three save the people. Only Nam-Myohoexistences attained enlightenment. It Renge-Kyo can lead all people to is the fundamental Law that saves all Buddhahood. (Gosho, p. 1219) living beings throughout the three existences. The five characters of Myo-Ho-RenGe-Kyo, the true Law of the inconceivably remote past of kuon, signify the MyohoRenge-Kyo of the oneness of the person and the Law. In terms of the person, it is the reincarnation of the Buddha with the property of intrinsically perfect wisdom of the infinite past of kuonganjo. It is the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin, who made his advent in the This is the month when our founder Nichiren Daishonin, the True Buddha in the Latter Day of the Law, was born. I sincerely pray that all of us will offer our sincere congratulations on the birth of the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin. At the same time, I wish that, as disciples and followers of the Daishonin, the priests and lay believers will unite in the spirit of itai dōshin and devote themselves to their practice without begrudging their lives, aiming toward the achievement of kōsen-rufu throughout the entire world. Our immediate goal is to achieve a membership of 800,000 Hokkeko believers by 2021, when we will commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the Advent of our Founder Nichiren Daishonin. I sincerely hope that all the chapters will achieve their own goals without fail, so that, with this achievement, we will be able to repay our debts of gratitude for the vast and boundless benefits of our founder Nichiren Daishonin. M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 4 Long Island Area report by coordinator — Sandy McIntosh This year, Long Island has begun a definitive climb up the mountain. We've just given a presentation at the Introductory meeting about Nichimyo Shonin, the lady, who with her small child, travelled on foot from Kamakura to Sado Island to visit Nichiren Daishonin, a distance of more than 284 miles. This May, Long Island members will themselves be going on Tozan. But the long journey up the mountain for Long Islanders actually began in January, when many members who had joined us during the last several years, but who lived far from Long Island, transferred to areas closer to their homes. That left us with our core membership and the necessity to recognize that we had, once again, returned to our beginnings, with fewer members living at farflung points over the full 118 mile stretch of the Island. This is really a great opportunity for those of us practicing on L.I. Now, it's up to us to practice harder, do more shakubuku, take more responsibilities for meetings and bringing members and guests to the temple. And, at the very base of this opportunity, is our chance to wake up early and chant more Daimoku, and then meet with each other more frequently to chant and plan our campaigns. Our determination is to accomplish our shakubuku goal, bringing in new members who will come to share our passion for the happiness of our neighbors, friends and relatives on lives, and our determination to chant Long Island. Like Nichimyo Shonin, together to share the rewards of that we are on the road with only the faith with others. basic necessities for the journey: our faith in and experience with the Gohonzon to enrich our personal FAITH EXPERIENCE BY Long Island member — Tita Rivas In Spanish Buenos días. Mi nombre es Tita y quiero compartir esta experiencia con ustedes. Hace 5 años hablando con Teresa Malihan ella vió algo en mí, y me dijo: “Tita te invito al templo. ¿Te gustaría ir? Yo te recojo por tu casa”. Ella vivía en Long Island, más lejos de donde yo vivo, pero pasaba por el mismo expressway. Yo le dije: “Está bien”. El domingo siguiente me paso a buscar a las 9 de la mañana. Yo estaba lista. En el camino, me preguntó si quería recibir Gojukai, y yo le dije que sí. En el templo, completamos el formulario y recibí la ceremonia. Ella me enseñó a hacer el Gongyo. Me resultó difícil pero aprendí. Desde entonces, me levanto a las 5.30 de la mañana para hacer el Gongyo de la mañana porque yo trabajo en la ciudad y tengo que llegar temprano. Teresa me dijo que el siguiente paso era tener Gohonzon en mi casa. Ella me ayudó a preparar el altar para el Gohonzon y así recibí al Buda en mi casa. El siguiente paso fue viajar a Japon para hacer Tozan y orar ante el DaiGohonzon. Yo le pregunté: ¿Cuántas horas de vuelo son? Ella me dijo que eran 14 horas en vuelo directo. Yo pensé: “es lejos”. Pero dije que sí. Esa fue mi determinación para el viaje. El Tozan fue en febrero. Yo estaba muy contenta. Todo salió de maravilla. Llegamos a Japon, pasamos un día en un hotel y después viajamos al Templo Principal. Desde el primer momento que llegué sentí tranquilidad, paz, armonía con todos los compañeros. Todo es unión. Se siente bonito. Hasta me olvide de Nueva York como si me hubiera transportado a otro mundo. Y aunque algunas veces hay que levantarse a la 1.30 de la mañana y caminar por el Templo (Continued on page 5) I SSUE 177 P AGE 5 FAITH EXPERIENCE BY Long Island member — Tita Rivas (continued) The following Sunday, she picked me up at 9 am. I was ready to go. Principal para participar de Ushitora On the way she asked if I wanted to Gongyo, se siente bien. Yo quiero receive Gojukai, and I said yes. In decirles a las personas que nunca han the temple, we completed the form ido a Tozan que hagan todo lo posi- and I received the Gojukai ceremoble para ir. De ese modo podrán sen- ny. tir y experimentar lo maravilloso que She taught me how to do Gongyo. es. Orando con fe al Dai-Gohonzon It was difficult but I learned. Since por la concreción de todos nuestros then I've gotten up every morning at objetivos. Sin dudas, veremos los 5.30am to do Gongyo because I beneficios. Oremos Nam-Myohowork in the city and I have to get Rengue-Kyo con mucha fe para que there early. tengamos resultados positivos. Teresa told me that the next step Muchas Gracias. would be to have the Gohonzon enIn English shrined in my house. She helped me Good morning, I'm Tita and I want to prepare the altar for Gohonzon. And so, I received the Buddha in to share my experience with you. (Continued from page 4) Five years ago, I met Teresa Malihan. I think she saw something in me because she asked, "Tita, I'd like to invite you to the temple. Would you like to go? I'll pick you up at your house. " She lived on Long Island, quite a distance from where I live, but she had to travel the same highways. I said, "Okay". From the first moment I arrived at the Head Temple I felt tranquility, peace, and harmony with all the members. I felt much closer to everyone. It felt nice. I even forgot New York as if I had been transported to another world. And although sometimes on Tozan you have to get up at 1.30am and walk around the Head Temple to participate in Ushitora Gongyo, it still my home. The next step was to travel to Japan, to go on Tozan and pray in front of the Dai-Gohonzon. I asked: How many hours will we be flying? Teresa told me it was a fourteen hour direct flight. I thought, "It is far." But I said yes. That was my determination for the trip. feels good. I want to tell everyone who has never been on Tozan to do everything possible to go so that you can experience how wonderful praying with faith to Dai-Gohonzon for the realization of our objectives is. There is no doubt that you we will see the benefits. Let's chant Nam-Myoho-RengeThat Tozan was in February. I was Kyo with faith to have positive revery happy. Everything went so well. sults. Thank you so much. We arrived in Japan, spent a day at a hotel and then traveled to the Head Temple. M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 6 FAITH EXPERIENCE BY A Young Brother in Prison Well let me start off by saying I’m currently in the SHU (Segregated Housing Unit) or what we call the hole (locked in a cell 23 hours a day). I’ve been back here for seven weeks now. After reading the “Lord of the Rings,” three times and starting a fourth time, for some reason I kept glancing at the copy of “Nichiren Shoshu, Basics of Practice” you sent me in 2012 that the Chief Priest signed for me. I said to myself “ah . . . why not, let’s finally read it.” I started reading and soon found myself actually studying it. The next or maybe two days from when I started the book, I found myself chanting Daimoku and doing Gongyo. I immediately felt a sudden change in myself. I felt calm with a strong will. I felt happy, regardless of my circumstances or predicament. I was faithfully doing morning and evening Gongyo every day. Let me give you a little insight into a problem I had with my immigration status. I came to this country at a real young age, 9 or so. Though, I was a legal resident, I never applied for U.S. citizenship. Many years later I found myself in jail, not only facing 14 years with a maximum of life, but also facing possible deportation. I found out that being that I came to this country a minor and my father being a U.S. citizen at the time of my arrival, I had the opportunity to be naturalized. I filled out the immigration form in 2012 and in late 2015, received notice that my request was granted and that I would be required to appear before an Immigrations and Customs officer upon my release from prison to receive my certificate of United States citizenship. Even with this letter, I was still being labeled as a possible deportation on my institution files. I showed my case manage the letter, but she said there was nothing she could do. was doing. Being that I’m in the SHU, it’s not like I can leave the cell and go somewhere to be by myself to do Gongyo. I got a celly about a week ago and somehow I felt a little hesitant, a little embarrassed and I Two weeks after I started practicdidn’t do evening Gongyo, But, the ing, my case manager came to visit next morning, I mustered my courage me in the SHU. She told me that I and said, “celly check this out, I’m a would be released in September 2018 Buddhist and I do morning prayers and that I was a United States citiand evening prayers. I’m going to zen. I said: “Excuse me, what did you need for you to give me my space just say?” She began “your current and respect when I’m getting my prayers done. All he said was, “That’s cool celly, I don’t have a problem with that.” And then he said “if you don’t mind me asking, what is that? What is Buddhism about?” I said to myself, wow it was that easy. I explained about the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect and how we have the power (potential) to become a Buddha (enlightened) by way of NamMyoho-Renge-Kyo and what karma was and how we can eradicate our negative karma by chanting Namrelease date is . . .” I interrupted, “not Myoho-Renge-Kyo. that part, what you said after that.” She answered “you are a United Now, people ask me: “you’re a States citizen.” She went on to exBuddhist. . . Are you serious, a Doplain that Immigration had wrote her minican Buddhist, don’t you have to saying that they didn’t need anything be Chinese or Japanese or something further from me and that I was now a like that to be a Buddhist?” All I can United States citizen. Instantly, I real- do is laugh because that’s how ignoized that this was the power of Nam- rant we can be at times. But you know, I break it down for them and Myoho-Renge-Kyo. give them a broad understanding of When I broke the news to my what Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism friends and family, everyone was reis all about. ally happy for me, especially my brother. I told him how I felt happy Please do me a favor and give the and at peace, no matter my circumChief Priest my regards and tell him I stances since I started practicing. He really appreciate him taking the presaid “Wow bro, that’s great man. I cious time to inscribe the book should be practicing.” Before I even “Basics of Practice” for me. That really means a lot to me, I never got realized it, I was doing shakubuku. the chance to express my gratitude. I When I started practicing I was in hold that book dearly, I feel special a cell by myself, which was great that he would do something like that because I didn’t have to worry about for me. I hope to hear from you soon. having to explain to anybody what I 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 9:00 AM 8:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:20 AM 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 9:00 AM 6 Thursday 1 Saturday 2 24 17 19 20 25 26 27 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM 18 22 23 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Manhattan) 28 29 30 21 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM New Member's Study 10 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Korean Oko 12:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Risshu-e Ceremony 6:30 PM (Myosetsuji) Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Japanese Oko 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Uptown & Bklyn Cleanup Group Memorial 10 AM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM MDS & NJ Cleanup Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Children's Meeting 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Qns & West Cleanup 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Oko Ceremony 10 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Support Staff Meeting 12:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM (Myosetsuji) Youth Meeting 12:30 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Manhattan) Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Myosetsuji) 7 8 9 Friday April 2016 Myosetsuji Temple 215 W. 98th St. #3B (Amsterdam & Broadway) Manhattan Intro Meeting Kosen-rufu Chanting 10 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Bronx & LI Cleanup Sunday Monday - Friday Re-opens on Mon/Tue/Thurs & alternate Fridays Saturday Sunday & Holidays Close Open M YOSETSUJI T EMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. (Entrance on Parsons Blvd.) Flushing, NY 11355 NICHIREN SHOSHU MONTHLY Subscription Form Please send subscriptions to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple 143-63 Beech Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Please make checks or money orders payable to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple Name VISIT US ONLINE AT O U R N E W WEBSITE: W W W . N S T N Y . O RG Address City State Zip Email Please check one: United States: 3 mos. ($9.00) 6 mos. ($18.00) 12 mos. ($36.00) Canada: 3 mos. ($18.25) 6 mos. ($36.50) 12 mos. ($73.00) International: 3 mos. ($27.00) 6 mos. ($54.00) 12 mos. ($108.00) N ICHIREN MYOSETSUJI TEMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Rev. Shinga Takikawa, Chief Priest Rev. Jokyo Nagasawa, Assistant Priest S UBSCRIBE TO THE S H O S H U M O N T H LY M AG A Z I N E T O D AY !
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