Myosetsuji News July_14
Myosetsuji News July_14
NICHIREN SHOSHU TEMPLE FOR THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, EAST CANADA AND TRINIDAD/TOBAGO MYOSETSUJI NEWS I SSUE 157 J ULY 1, 2014 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the April Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony On this occasion of the April Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance, including many overseas believers. As we enter the month of April, one-fourth of this year has past. I believe you are striving forth toward the achievement of your shakubuku goals, day and night, based on the unity between priesthood and laity, in the spirit of itai-dōshin. Looking at the conditions of society today in Japan and abroad, we can see the manifestation of the chaotic, evil age of the Latter Day of the Law, defiled by the five impurities. Many people may be feeling anxious over an uncertain future. As we look upon the current state of confusion, we must be aware that correcting this dismal situation only can be achieved through the Buddhism of the Three Great Secret Law of our founder, Nichiren Daishonin. Hokkeko Highlights • • • • Nichiren Daishonin explains the reason for this world of confusion in the Risshō ankoku-ron (On Securing the Peace of the Land 84 Mosetsuji Hokkeko members have an audience with High Priest Nichinyo Shonin during Chapter Tozan to report our achievement of our 2015 Shakubuku goal All renovations are completed and refinished Joju Gohonzon returns in time for our 30th Anniversary Celebration July’s 1 hour Shodai campaign for all Nichiren Shoshu Priests and members from around the world The Urabon Ceremony to be held on July 20th through the Propagation of True Buddhism): When I, with my limited knowledge, read the sutras, I find that all people have gone against the correct Law and become wholly devoted to evil doctrines. This is why all the guardian deities have (Continued on page 2) Gosho Quote for July 2014 “Reply to Shijō Kingo” (“Shijō kingo dono-gohenji”) Accepting is easy, but continuing is difficult. But one must maintain one’s faith in order to attain Buddhahood. Those who uphold this sutra must be prepared to undergo hardships. (Gosho, p. 775) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 2 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 1) abandoned this country and sages have left this land, not to return. Seizing this opportunity, devils and demons rush in, bringing disasters and calamities. This is most fearful. We must speak out! (Gosho, p. 234; The Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 3) He clearly states that this world is in a state of confusion, misfortune and suffering because “all people have gone against the correct Law and become wholly devoted to evil doctrines.” This “correct Law” signifies the Three Great Secret Laws—the True Object of Worship of the Essential Teaching, the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching, and the Daimoku of the Essential Teaching. “Evil doctrines” signifies heresy, which is the slander of heretical religions and doctrines. In other words, the cause of disarray, unhappiness and distress is that people throughout the world have gone against the Three Great Secret Laws, the Buddhism of the True Buddha Nichiren Daishonin, and due to the delusion caused by the slander of heresy, they believe in erroneous teachings without any understanding or perception of the truth. Therefore, unless we break the people’s attachment [to these erroneous teachings] and eliminate the slander of the Law of these various sects, which is the root cause of misfortune and chaos, we will not be able to actualize world peace and the security of the nation, and above all, achieve our own happiness. Nichiren Daishonin strictly refutes slander of the Law in the Risshō ankoku-ron: If one desires peace to reign throughout the entire nation without delay, he should first and foremost put an end to the slanders that prevail throughout the country. (Gosho, p. 247; The Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 35) In “Reply to Soya” (“Soya dono-gohenji”), he further states: Trying to attain enlightenment without admonishing slander of the Law is like seeking water in fire or fire in water. How useless! How vain! (Gosho, p. 1040) As he indicates, it is impossible to bring true happiness for oneself and many others without conducting shakubuku— refuting heresy and revealing the truth. The Daishonin states the following in “On Practicing According to the Buddha’s Teachings” (“Nyosetsu shugyō-shō”): It is nonsense to seclude yourself in the mountains without refuting the enemies of the Lotus Sutra and carry out the practice of shōju at a time when the Lotus Sutra and pre-Lotus Sutra teachings are confused. You only will lose the opportunity to practice the Lotus Sutra. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, who is correctly carrying out the practice of shakubuku exactly as taught in the Lotus Sutra? Whomever you may meet, conduct shakubuku to the people and refute the teachings of the other sects. Proclaim repeatedly with all your might that the Lotus Sutra is the only teaching that will lead the people to Buddhahood, and that the various other teachings obstruct one from attaining enlightenment and are the root cause for leading one to fall into hell. (Gosho, p. 673) The phrase, “when the Lotus Sutra and pre-Lotus Sutra teachings are confused” indicates our present condition in the world, where erroneous doctrines and heretical teachings have spread to (Continued on page 3) I SSUE 157 P AGE 3 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 2) every corner of the globe. At times like this, those who do not admonish the enemies of the Lotus Sutra or perform shakubuku, and instead, adhere to the practice of shōju, are missing the opportunity when the Lotus Sutra must be practiced. The Daishonin sternly points this out. The Daishonin further states in “Attaining Enlightenment at the Initial Stage of Faith through the Lotus Sutra” (“Hokke shoshin jōbutsu-shō”): In any case, one should strongly teach and make people listen to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. Those who follow and take faith in it will be able to attain enlightenment, and even those who slander it will likewise attain Buddhahood in the end through the poison-drum relationship. In any case, there is no other sutra than the Lotus Sutra that enables us to attain Buddhahood. (Gosho, p. 1316) The supreme, compassionate act to save all living beings is shakubuku. It certainly enables those who hear and take faith in Myoho-RengeKyo to attain enlightenment. Moreover, even those who do not intend to hear the Law, by hearing it once, eventually will be able to attain Buddhahood through a reverse relationship. This is explained in the principle of the “poison-drum relationship.” Etching these golden words into our heart, we must form the unity of 2015, the 770th anniversary of the birth of Second High Priest Nikko Shonin. Although it seems difficult to accomplish this objective, we will feel tremendous joy when we achieve our goals after overcoming every adversity with unshakable faith. Thus, the Daishonin teaches us in “Reply to Ueno” (“Ueno donogohenji”): many in body, one in mind (itai dōshin), and take action as the followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. It is our most essential and urgent mission to carry out vigorous activities of shakubuku to refute heresy and uphold justice, so that we can achieve our goal of increasing the membership by 50 percent by the coming year of Even if you must endure some hardship for a while, your future happiness is assured. (Gosho, p. 1479; The Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 71) I sincerely hope that you, together with all the other members in your Hokkeko chapter, will devote yourselves to chant Daimoku, praying for the achievement of our objectives, and strive to conduct shakubuku with the benefits and joy from chanting Daimoku. I would like to conclude my address by praying that all the Hokkeko chapters definitely will accomplish their shakubuku goals this year. M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 4 Bronx Area Report by Vice Coordinator — Dena France High Priest Nichinyo Shonin designated this year as, "The year of accomplishing our Shakubuku Goal." Bronx members are determined to reach the goal given to us by our Chief Priest, Rev. Shinga Takikawa, and show our gratitude to the High Priest, while aiming toward our goals for the coming years of 2015 and 2021. From May 2013 until the present, Bronx members have been faced with multiple medical challenges, that include cardiac and respiratory problems, cancer (radiation treatments and chemotherapy), unstable chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension and various surgical procedures. Some members have had repeated hospitalizations. At one point, there were 4 members in the hospital at the same time and one person was admitted to a nursing home. In the Gosho, "Reply to Shi'iji Shiro” (“Shiro dono Gosho"), the Daishonin states, "The greater the hardship one encounters, the greater the delight one should feel." Bronx members realize the importance of a strict daily practice and have taken steps to overcome our obstacles. The members have increased attendance at the monthly Oko Ceremonies as well as being at Myosetsuji temple on other days for attending daily morning prayers, cleaning the temple inside and out, evening Gongyo, besides visiting sleeping members and encouraging them to participate in activities. We are promoting pilgrimages to the Head Temple for new believers, helping newer members request Toba memorial tablets for family and friends. Based on weekly Bronx Shodais, several members attended the opening of the Mieido in November 2013. We have planned together to attain our 2014 Shakubuku goal and assisted in the final cleaning of the Manhattan branch temple before its closing. In the past year, we always have guests at our meeting with the priest. We understand that there is no appreciation of summer without a harsh winter. This year we are struggling to attain our Shakubuku goal and the answer is Nam-MyohoRenge-Kyo. Of the five Bronx members who went on the recent Chapter Tozan, 3 of them faced large medical obstacles. One member that reconnected with the temple after many years is Robert McClean, who is 90 years old - the same age as Abutsubō when he went on Tozan – and Robert had the same spirit. This is actual proof that "human beings never fail to prosper when they make good causes." Since our return from Japan a few sleeping members have called to inquire about ceremonies and discuss life. We have embraced them and are encouraging participation in all activities. Faith Experience by Bronx Member — Sijantra Lee Hello, my name is Sijantra Lee. I met this Buddhism as a very small child because my mother was a member. I was interested at first because I thought I was speaking Japanese and it would be good to learn the language. I liked to chant and I was being exposed to a new culture like women in kimonos and eating sushi. One of the first benefits of practicing this Buddhism I noticed was that I stopped being so angry at myself. One of my problems was when my mom was not happy she would abuse me. When I became a teenager, I told all my relatives I wanted to go overseas, as living in Indonesia wasn't enough for me. There was strong opposition from my elders that I had to overcome in order to move to Hong Kong. While living in America, I met a man. We were married and I moved to Brooklyn. After the move I became depressed and unhappy. It was a big culture shock leaving a beautiful house in Jakarta to live in an apartment that felt like a prison. By then, I had received the Gohonzon but I stopped practicing, not knowing its true value in my life. I divorced my husband and began a wanton life of abundant music, parties and dancing. I went in and out of transient relationships and again my depression appeared. Fortunately my sister in Australia kept encouraging me to start chanting again, so the strength returned and I chanted. I took out my Gohonzon but did not enshrine it. At this time I was chanting 3 (Continued on page 5) I SSUE 157 P AGE 5 Faith Experience by Bronx Member — Sijantra Lee (continued) times a day but I decided to see if I could learn more about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. I made contact with the members in Manhattan, and they encouraged me to come to a meeting, which I really did not want to do, but I was interested in learning more. Some of those members came to my house to re-enshrine my Gohonzon. Gohonzon until I learned what this Buddhism is about and began a full practice. That is when I really began to try to understand and I started going to meetings again. On February 16, 1989 (Nichiren Daishonin’s birthday) I received my third Gohonzon. It was a true sign I was still living in an ignorant state of the compassion of true about the true value of the Gohonzon. Buddhism. I ran away from my current boyfriend and left the Gohonzon. Soon, I was I decided to go on a personal Tostrongly encouraged to go back to get zan to see the Dai-Gohonzon at the the Gohonzon, but it was too late – it Head Temple Taisekiji. Before leavwas gone. When I asked for a secing, I was able to shakubuku someond Gohonzon, members encouraged one. Since that time, I have been on me to receive the Kankai ceremony many Tozans and have deepened my as well to redetermine my faith and re faith, practice and understand-connect to the practice. I was living ing. Once, when I was on a personal with a friend and sleeping in the liv- Tozan, I was stranded at the Tokyo ing room. Since I could not enshrine train station, but this gave me a wonit properly, I carried my second derful chance to talk to the Police Gohonzon in my pocketbook every Commissioner and tell him about true day. One day my purse was snatched Buddhism. - again I lost the Gohonzon! After Soon, I visited my sister in Australreporting it, I was told strictly that I ia and my mother in Indonesia. I left would not be able to receive a New York and lived in Philadelphia for a few years, Upon returning to New York I did not have a place to live. I moved into a homeless shelter. They taught me culinary skills, and when I completed the course, they hired me. Through all my ups and downs and big mistakes, Gohonzon has always protected me. In a recent court battle where I was sued and might have to pay thousands of dollars, the case was suddenly dropped and as a result of it all, I was given a beautiful apartment with a gorgeous view of the Bronx. Faith Experience by Bronx Member — Robert Mcclean My name is Robert McClean, I joined Nichiren Shoshu in 1983. The following year, things happened in a big way with the arrival of the Myosetsuji wooden Joju Gohonzon in New York. It was exciting and I had the great good fortune to be able to help lift it off the truck. The 67th High Priest Nikken Shonin officiated at the opening Ceremony, and it was beautiful. Sometime after I allowed my practice to drift away, but recently I have been reconnected and I received the Kankai Ceremony. I go to Myosetsuji Temple every Sunday now and I was selected as one of the members to attend the Chapter Tozan, which was my first visit to the Dai-Gohonzon. I am 90 years young and I am actual proof that it is never too late! I did go with a group of 83 fellow Hokkeko members and Chief Priest Rev. Takikawa on the Tozan. It was a wonderful experience, seeing the Dai-Gohonzon 4 times. We had an audience with the High Priest and visited other temples, including a trip to the Izu Peninsula, where Nichiren Daishonin was first exiled. I want to thank Blanche Tolbert, Dena France and Tyrone Johnson for their support and encouragement. URABON CEREMONY July 20, 2014 “The Venerable Maudgalyayana put his faith in the Lotus Sutra, which is the greatest good there is, and thus not only did he himself attain Buddhahood, but his father and mother did so as well. Not only that, but all the fathers and mothers of the preceding seven generations and the seven generations that followed, indeed, of countless lifetimes before and after, were able to attain Buddhahood, amazing as it may seem.” On the Urabon MWND, Vol. VII, p. 172 Since the early days of Buddhism, the Urabon Ceremony is a time set aside for people to pray for the peace and happiness of the deceased. Since no single part of the universe is separate from all of the rest, Buddhism teaches that we must help the insentient world achieve enlightenment, too. However, the most important thing is that first we ourselves attain enlightenment through our practice to the Gohonzon, so as to remove the delusions afflicting us in the Latter Day of the Law. We send the benefits of enlightenment to the deceased to ease their present suffering and ensure To request Toba Memorial Tablets, please complete the application below and return it to the Temple by July 13th with the appropriate Gokuyo. Please Print Clearly NAME OF APPLICANT NAME OF DECEASED General Gokuyo (if any) ________ Gokuyo for Tobas ($10.00 ea.) ________ Tuesday 1 Wednesday 8:30 PM 3:30 PM 9:00 AM Close 2 (Myosetsuji) Thursday 3 Friday 4 July 2014 Saturday Myosetsuji Temple 20 Shodai 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Korean Oko (Main Hall) 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 30 (Myosetsuji) 31 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM 29 Bronx & LI Cleanup Intro Mtg 10 AM 28 215 W. 98th St. #3B bet. Amsterdam Ave. & Broadway Manhattan Intro Meeting Intro Mtg 7 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 27 Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Japanese Oko (Main Hall) 12:30 PM Urabon Ceremony 10 AM Uptown & Qns Cleanup Urabon applications due 25 21 22 23 (Manhattan) 24 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Intro Mtg 7 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Chinese Oko (Main Hall) 12:30 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM 18 14 15 16 (Myosetsuji) 17 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Youth Mtg (Residence) 12:30 PM Oko Ceremony 10 AM MDS & NJ Cleanup 13 Intro Mtg 7 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:00 PM Children's Mtg (Residence) 12 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM 7 8 9 (Manhattan) 10 11 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Shodai 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM 6 Support Staff Mtg (Main Hall) 12 PM Kosen-rufu Chanting 10 AM Bklyn & West Cleanup Sat/Sun….….......1 hr. Shodai with Morning Gongyo Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 10 AM Shodai 6:30 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri…………...Shodai at 6:30 PM Shodai 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7 PM 1/2 hr. with Gongyo Gongyo 7:00 PM July Special Shodai Monday 6:00 PM 9:00 AM Re-opens on Mon/Tues/Fri Saturday, Sunday & Holidays Sunday 7:20 AM Monday - Friday Open 26 19 12 5 M YOSETSUJI T EMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. (Entrance on Parsons Blvd.) Flushing, NY 11355 NICHIREN SHOSHU MONTHLY Subscription Form Please send subscriptions to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple 143-63 Beech Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Please make checks or money orders payable to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple Name VISIT US ONLINE AT O U R N E W WEBSITE: W W W . N S T N Y . O RG Address City State Zip Email Please check one: United States: 3 mos. ($9.00) 6 mos. ($18.00) 12 mos. ($36.00) Canada: 3 mos. ($18.25) 6 mos. ($36.50) 12 mos. ($73.00) International: 3 mos. ($27.00) 6 mos. ($54.00) 12 mos. ($108.00) N ICHIREN MYOSETSUJI TEMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Rev. Shinga Takikawa, Chief Priest Rev. Joryo Nomura, Assistant Priest S UBSCRIBE TO THE S H O S H U M O N T H LY M AG A Z I N E T O D AY !
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