Myosetsuji News Aug_15
Myosetsuji News Aug_15
NICHIREN SHOSHU TEMPLE FOR THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, EAST CANADA AND TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Myosetsuji News A UGUST 1, 2015 I SSUE 170 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the June Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony June 7, 2015 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji Shonin. Furthermore, we successfully conducted a series of ceremonies, including the commemorative Grand Ceremony, and we now have begun to move forward in high spirits to- ward our next goal—to achieve a membership of 800,000 Hokkeko believers by 2021. Good morning, everyone! On this occasion of the June Kōsen-rufu Shōdai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance. The achievement of our goal is a sublime mission given to us. Thus, we must accomplish this goal at all costs. When I look at the conditions of the world today, I see that ethnic conflicts are happening constantly across the globe. I also see mounting problems that might escalate into a war. This precisely shows the aspect of the defiled age of the Latter Day of the Law—the age of conflict, when the pure Law becomes obscured and lost. Also at home, the people’s minds are distorted, and this is leading to the increase and intensity The members of the Hokkeko chapters throughout the country achieved our goal of increasing the membership of all Hokkeko chapters by 50 percent to commemorate the 770th anniversary of the birth of Second High Priest Nikko (Continued on page 2) Gosho Quote for August 2015 On the Transmission of the Three Great Secret Laws (Sandai hihō bonjō ji) There are two types of Daimoku: the Daimoku chanted during the Former and Middle Days of the Law, and the Daimoku to be chanted during the Latter Day of the Law. Although Bodhisattvas Vasubandhu and Nagarjuna themselves chanted the Daimoku during the Former Day of the Law, they did so to practice for themselves only. During the Middle Day of the Law, Nanyue, Tiantai, and others did chant the Daimoku; however, they did it only for the sake of their own practice and not for teaching others. This type of Daimoku was practiced [in order to observe one’s mind] based on the theory [elucidated in the surface meaning of the words]. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, the Daimoku that Nichiren chants is different from that of previous ages. It is the Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo of the practice for oneself, and the practice for others. (Gosho, p. 1594-1595) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 2 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 1) of crimes. Recently, a volcanic eruption at Kuchinoerabu Island in Kagoshima prefecture occurred. These current situations are causing the doubling of the people’s anxiety over the future. The Daishonin teaches in his Risshō ankoku-ron (On Securing the Peace of the Land through the Propagation of True Buddhism) that the root cause for misfortune, confusion, and suffering in society is solely due to erroneous ideas, which are the poisons of the slander of the Law of heretical teachings. When individuals follow incorrect teachings, the three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity will build up in their hearts. Because of the three poisons, the people’s thoughts and views become distorted, leading to the impurity of one’s life, and the impurity of living beings. The continuing impurity of living beings in society results in the impurity of the age, which leads to misfortune in the world. The three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity are the earthly desires that will impair one’s tendency to do good deeds. When these three poisons prevail in society, not only an individual but also the entire nation will be led to misery. The Daishonin teaches in the Gosho, Reply to Soya (Soya dono-gohenji) (Gosho, p. 1386) that all misfortunes such as war, epidemics, and suffering from hunger and thirst will arise from the three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity. Unless these three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity are eliminated, agony and warfare will never cease. The Daishonin’s Buddhism is the supreme teaching that can save all living beings. It enables a person to transform one’s earthly desires of the three poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity into the three virtues of the properties of the Law, wisdom, and emancipation through the mystic Law (Myōhō) expounded in the infinite past of kuon-ganjo. In the Gosho, On First Hearing the One Vehicle of the Buddha (Shimon butsujō gi), the Daishonin teaches: Nagarjuna interpreted the single character “Myo” of Myoho as follows: “It is likened to an excellent physician skillfully turning poison into medicine.” What is poison? Poison indicates our three paths of earthly desires, karma, and suffering. What is medicine? Medicine indicates the three virtues [of the Buddha]: the property of the Law, wisdom, and emancipation. What is meant by “skillfully turning poison into medicine?” It means to transform the three paths into the three virtues. (Gosho, p. 1208) This passage precisely demonstrates the beneficial power of the great Law of Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which not only leads everyone to true happiness, but also purifies the whole world. We, as the disciples and followers of the Daishonin, must make the world realize just how many people are led into confusion and misfortune by erroneous teachings. There are those who are suffering the most dire distress. It is essential for us to rescue as many people as we can. Shakubuku is the ultimate act of compassion. We conduct shakubuku in order to remove every kind of suffering from this earth, and to eliminate conflicts and wars. This then enables us to establish a peace(Continued on page 3) I SSUE 170 P AGE 3 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 2) ful land, and the people around the world will be led to true happiness. The Daishonin teaches the following in Questions and Answers on Embracing the Lotus Sutra (Jimyō hokke mondō-shō): Since the Law that one embraces is supreme, the person who upholds it also must be supreme. (Gosho, p. 298) This passage expounds that a person who upholds the Gohonzon, the supreme object of worship for the entire world, certainly will become the supreme person in the whole world, through the vast and boundless beneficial power of the Gohonzon. I sincerely wish that based on this great conviction, each of us will stand up and uphold our vow to save all living beings in the Latter Day of the Law. I then hope that the members of each chapter make concerted efforts to do shakubuku, aiming toward our new objective—to achieve a membership of 800,000 Hokkeko believers by 2021, so that we can establish true happiness for ourselves and others. F AITH E XPERIENCE BY B RONX A REA M EMBER — S IJANTRA L EE My name is Sijantra Lee and I would like to share my experience regarding a recent health issue. the 2nd High Priest, Nikko Shonin and then continue on to Australia, Indonesia and Sri- Lanka. This past April, my plan was to go to Japan on Tozan, to attend the 770th Anniversary of the Birth of This visit was supposed to take six months, but the trip was canceled abruptly as I almost lost my life after two hours on the airplane. Though, I have a diagnosis of congestive heart failure and diabetes, my own ignorance led to unnecessary suffering. I did not check my sugar level the night before the flight, nor the morning of the flight A few days before leaving my whole body felt like a bomb ready to explode. My cardiologist was not available and I did not feel comfortable with the treatment from the another physician after I complained of liquid in my lungs and pain with tenderness in the back of my left shoulder. Despite this, I felt better in the morning before leaving and even had breakfast at McDonalds. Once on the airplane my chest felt heavy and I became short of breath. I tried to calm down, but only felt worse. After speaking to the flight attendant, I went to the back of the plane using a walker and drank water. I found no relief and began gasping for air. They gave me or(Continued on page 4) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 4 F AITH E XPERIENCE BY B RONX A REA M EMBER — S IJANTRA L EE ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 3) ange juice to increase my sugar level. At that point, I realized I had not packed insulin. There was a Chinese doctor holding my hand putting pressure on my fingers. Also, a fellow Nichiren Shoshu member was telling me to picture the Gohonzon and chant to it and I would be okay. I was told her name was Jacinta from Trinidad and Tobago, I also heard Geeta chanting while Fatu, a nurse, was busy looking for all my medications to no avail. She decided to ask the pilot to fly back to JFK to prevent my lapsing into a coma. Someone told me to blink if I could hear them. The pilot announced there was a sick passenger and the plane would have to fly back to JFK. The last words I heard were, “we will help you into the wheelchair.” When I woke up I was in Jamaica Hospital with tubes in my mouth to help me breath. Since then, I have finally overcome an illness that has been tormenting me for two years. It all started while I was visiting my sister and her family in Australia. It began as an incredible pain in my head, face and neck. After multiple MRIs and medications, the neurologist could not determine the source of my pain. I had to sleep sitting up for two years. I could not lie down and would sit there crying and chanting in front of the Gohonzon, until finally I’d fall asleep. At one point I considered suicide. But, I remembered Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho, when he states, “Suffer what there is to suffer. Enjoy what there is to enjoy. Consider suffering and joy as facts of life and continue chanting Nam -MyohoRenge-Kyo. And then you will be able to experience boundless joy from the law.” The DaiGohonzon's protection is absolute. My apartment manger recently demanded an in person visit to the office. I would have been unable to comply if my plans had not changed and would have lost my apartment. I would like to thank all Myosetsuji Temple members for chanting for me. My sincere regards to the pilot and co-pilot for flying me back to JFK. Also, to the doctors, nurses and paramedics for their medical care. And thanks to members that visited me in the hospital: Tyrone, Dena, Veronica and Lois Burkett. I am happy that although the airline originally said that the flight would have to be canceled, they changed their decision, so that my fellow members and other passengers where able to arrive on the same day as scheduled. I am grateful to the Gohonzon for a second chance to practice shakubuku on this earth. I SSUE 170 P AGE 5 F AITH E XPERIENCE BY B RONX A REA M EMBER — K ELLY C OOKE Hi, my name is Geeta and I attended the Commemorative Tozan in April 2015 to celebrate and repay my warmest gratitude to the Second High Priest Nikko Shonin. He was the great master of propagation who devoted himself to study the doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu and serve the True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. While traveling to Japan a member became ill when we were over Canada and the crew made the decision to return to the United States for her to get medical care. When we landed in New York it was announced that the flight was cancelled. I went back to my seat and silently chanted NamMyoho-Renge-Kyo and sent Daimoku to the pilot's heart. Then mystically the next words we heard was there will be a night flight. This experience enabled me to think only about Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo deeply in my thoughts. Although Sijantra Lee was not able to attend this April Tozan, I feel she changed her negative karma. As the Gosho says, “...if ones illness is caused by immutable karma, even medicine will turn to poison. But, if we believe in the Lotus Sutra, poison will change into medicine.” This obstacle made Myosetsuji members stronger in communicating and helping each other. When we reached Narita Airport at 11:00 pm Rev. Takikawa was there to greet and assist us. The next morning we were all able to travel together to the Head Temple. This GOHONZON is truly profound. for the year: Increase daily chanting, attend all Oko ceremonies, awaken sleeping members, attain our shakubuku goals, unity among members, show actual proof to friends and relatives, attend Tozan and increase our meeting places. We are showing progress presently as the Bronx has 7 new members. We also were participants at the April Commemorative Tozan and others will be attending Summer Study Tozan and the experiences in this newsletter show actual proof. that passed away this year, Robert Mc Clean age 91 and Minnie Mae Burgess 61. They are in our prayers daily. We are encouraging all the new members to make an effort to attend the May 2016 Chapter Tozan, since it will be especially for them. We have explained, "The pilgrimage to Nichiren Shoshu’s Head Temple, Taisekiji to have an audience with the Dai-Gohonzon, literally translates as to ‘climb the mountain.’" B RONX A REA R EPORT Bronx members held their first meeting of the year with the priest on January 7, 2015, on one of the coldest days this winter, it was 11 degrees .When Rev. Takikawa arrived he was greeted by 7 members and 2 guests. Once Gongyo was completed, we gave the following determinations There were two members Even though we continue to struggle with problems regarding illness, finances, housing and family disunity, these obstacles do not prevent us from fully advancing in our faith in this year of "The Year of Kickoff Towards 2021 Through the Achievement of the 2015 Objectives." Higan-e Ceremony September 20, 2015 The Higan-e Ceremony is held on the days of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. On these two days, the length of daylight and darkness in a day is exactly the same, and the sun rises due east and sets directly in the west. As the sutra expounds, "The Buddha desires the Middle Way." For this reason the benefits of performing positive deeds on these days are superior to those practiced at other times. The word "higan" is a translation of the Sanskrit word "paramita,” and it means, "arriving on the other shore." In his writings, Nichiren Daishonin states: “In the great sea of sufferings of life and death, the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings are but a raft or, at best, a small boat. Even if the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings can transport us from this shore of life and death to another shore of life and death, it cannot take us across the great sea of life and death to the shore of great happiness.” Thus, the fundamental significance of arriving at the "other shore," or higan, is that it is extremely important for us, as living beings, to attain enlightenment in our present form through the Daishonin's Buddhism, and in a sprit of appreciation, to present memorial offerings for our ancestors. All Toba requests must be received by September 13th Please Print Clearly Name of Applicant General Gokuyo (if any) $ Name of Deceased Gokuyo for Tobas ($10.00 ea.) $ 2 Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM MDS & New Jersey Cleanup 9 Oko Ceremony 10 AM Japanese Oko 12:30 PM (Residence) Youth Mtg 12:30 PM (Main Hall) Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Uptown & Bklyn Cleanup 16 Gongyo 10 AM Korean Oko 12:30 PM (Residence) Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Bronx & LI Cleanup 23 Group Memorial 10 AM Chinese Oko 12:30 PM (Residence) Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Qns & West Cleanup 30 New Member's Study Mtg 10 AM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM Children's Mtg 12:30 PM (Children's Rm) Support Staff Mtg 12:30 PM (Main Hall) Kosen-rufu Chanting 10 AM Qns & West Cleanup Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 2:30 PM Saturday August 2015 Myosetsuji Temple (Amsterdam & Broadway) 215 W. 98th St. #3B Intro Meeting Manhattan 31 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM 24 25 26 27 28 29 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Myosetsuji) 17 18 19 20 21 22 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Manhattan) 10 11 12 13 14 15 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Myosetsuji) 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 10 AM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Gongyo 6:30 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 2:30 PM (Manhattan) Tuesday 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 9:30 AM 9:00 AM Saturday Sunday & Holidays Monday 9:00 AM 8:00 PM 7:20 AM 6:00 PM Monday - Friday Re-opens on Mon/Tue/Thurs & alternate Fridays Sunday Close Open M YOSETSUJI T EMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. (Entrance on Parsons Blvd.) Flushing, NY 11355 NICHIREN SHOSHU MONTHLY Subscription Form Please send subscriptions to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple 143-63 Beech Avenue Flushing, NY 11355 Please make checks or money orders payable to: Nichiren Shoshu Temple Name VISIT US ONLINE AT O U R N E W WEBSITE: W W W . N S T N Y . O RG Address City State Zip Email Please check one: United States: 3 mos. ($9.00) 6 mos. ($18.00) 12 mos. ($36.00) Canada: 3 mos. ($18.25) 6 mos. ($36.50) 12 mos. ($73.00) International: 3 mos. ($27.00) 6 mos. ($54.00) 12 mos. ($108.00) N ICHIREN MYOSETSUJI TEMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Rev. Shinga Takikawa, Chief Priest Rev. Joryo Nagasawa, Assistant Priest S UBSCRIBE TO THE S H O S H U M O N T H LY M AG A Z I N E T O D AY !
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