March 2014 Newsletter - Dalziel St. Andrew`s Parish Church
March 2014 Newsletter - Dalziel St. Andrew`s Parish Church
Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church ‘The Kirk at The Cross’ Believing in Christ – Belonging to Christ – Becoming like Christ "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26) Kirk Matters Congregational Newsletter March - May 2014 -1- The Manse of Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dear friends Along with this edition of our congregational newsletter, is a brief note from our Stewardship Convener. In it, he outlines the precise situation we face presently. Put simply, it will be a real challenge to meet all of our financial commitments, both locally and nationally, by the end of 2014. And so, we felt it important to make you aware of this as soon as possible in order that you might consider your own response. Without doubt, in myriad ways, the Church of Scotland is facing a very difficult time in its history. Numbers of those in training for the various ministries of our church are at a low ebb, the fabric of old buildings needs ongoing attention, and many congregations (though not our own, thankfully) are experiencing a massive falling away of children and young people. If we are to fulfill the commission and commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must find ways of getting the Gospel message, in word and deed, out into the communities, which surround our church buildings. In Dalziel St. Andrew’s, we have tried, especially in recent times, to think creatively about our outreach, and how we can maximize a positive impact upon the town in which we are called to serve God. In the past few years, we have been blessed by the support of so many outside agencies, businesses and charitable trusts, through financial grants. But, the challenge remains for each one of us, as local church members, to play our part in the giving of our time, talents, and treasures in the cause of Christ and in building His Kingdom. As we approach Easter 2014, we remember again all that the LORD has given to us in the person of His Son. Whilst we can never repay Him, it is only right that we say “thank You” with all our hearts. In part, we can do this by reviewing what we give in our regular offerings. But, we must also consider if we can offer service in any way, through the range of organisations that always require leadership and support. I would ask you to prayerfully consider how YOU might respond, trusting that each one of you is blessed this Easter as we recall the depth of grace and love offered to us by our Lord and Saviour. Derek W. Hughes -2- Dates for your Diary Sunday 2nd March 2014 Service of all-age worship and Holy Baptism from 11:00am in our sanctuary Sunday 23rd March 2014 A.G.M. of congregation directly after morning worship Messy Easter from 3:30pm in the church hall Sunday 30th March 2014 Easter egg collection for Glasgow City Mission at 11:00am Sunday 13th April 2014 Palm Sunday praise at 11:00am in the sanctuary Sunday 20th April 2014 9:30am - Holy Communion for Easter Day 11:00am - All-age worship for Easter Day Watch out every Sunday for worship services, which are live-streamed, filmed and uploaded to our church YouTube channel. -3- Kirk Session Kirk Session Meeting October 2013 The Kirk Session met on Thursday 10 October 2013. There were 38 elders present, with apologies from 15. Jim Paxton, Reader in Training, also attended to observe the deliberations of our Kirk Session. The Moderator stated that lay readership plays an important role in the life of the church, and has done for centuries. Messy Church: The object of Messy Church is to encourage young families in the church and to reach out to those on the fringe. The first ‘Messy Church’ day would be entitled ‘We Wish You a Messy Christmas’ and would be held on Sunday 15 December between 3.305.00pm with a meal afterwards for those who wished to stay. Information would go out to the parish by advertising and leafleting. The Moderator encouraged the Kirk Session to pray for this initiative. Correspondence: Letters of thanks were received from Charis and Douglas Barr and Bill Millar thanking the Kirk Session for the flowers, prayers and support they had been given. A letter was received from Cathie Hastie thanking the Kirk Session for the presentation of her certificate marking 30 years of service as an elder and for the flowers. Presbytery Report: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session that at October’s meeting of Hamilton Presbytery the business had mostly been taken up with a conference on the Local Church Review, which would replace Quinquennial Visitations. Sadly, Hamilton St. Andrew’s Parish Church is to be dissolved having failed to enter into a union with another congregation. The Revd Mark Lowey has demitted his charge of East Kilbride South after only a brief ministry. -4- Holy Communion: The Session Clerk informed the Kirk Session that at Holy Communion on the 6 October 2013, the total number of cards received had been 254 plus 3 visitors at the morning service and 17 plus 1 visitor at the evening service making a total of 275. This was 8 down on the total cards received at Holy Communion on October 2012. The Session Clerk thanked all the participating elders for their help in preparing and serving the elements. He also thanked the Moderator for conducting two moving and uplifting services. Eldership Consultation: The Kirk Session split into groups to discuss and answer the Eldership Consultation questionnaire from the Mission and Discipleship Council. After spending a considerable time studying these questions the Kirk Session decided to return to this item of business and complete their discussions at the next meeting. New Communicants: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session that it was with great pleasure that he put forward the names of five new members who had all completed a course of instruction. A suitable date for the admission of these new members has still to be agreed. The proposed new members are: Mary Durnion, 425 Merry Street, Motherwell, ML1 4BP. James Durnion, 425 Merry Street, Motherwell, ML1 4BP. Christine Fisher, 19 Range Road, Motherwell, ML1 2HT. Alan Millarvie, 21 Heron View, Motherwell, ML1 2FL. Nicola Mccullough, 21 Heron View, Motherwell, ML1 2FL. The Kirk Session was delighted. Choir: Helen Gibson and Julie Graham visited the choir on 9 October 2013. They passed on the good wishes of the Kirk Session. It had been a pleasure and privilege to hear the choir practice. Although down in numbers on the evening of the visit, due largely to holidays, the sound produced was a joy to witness. They thanked the choir for singing each Sunday, their commitment to attending rehearsals and serving the Lord in song. They also thanked Eric Geddes, Director of Music, for sharing his expertise and gave thanks to God that our choir are in good spirits. -5- Alterations to the Communion Roll In by Transfer Certificate: Ann McNaughton, 26 Grainger Way, Orchard Park, Motherwell ML1 3GY from Balerno Parish Church Out by Transfer Certificate: Dawn Inglis, 260 Ladywell Road, Motherwell to Crosshill Parish Church. Out by transfer to Supplementary Roll Esso Mwangi, 9 Loganlea Drive, Motherwell. Kirk Session Meeting November 2013 The Kirk Session met on Thursday 14 November 2013. There were 46 elders present, with 7 apologies. Graham Rennie: A letter was received from Graham Rennie returning the cheque made out in favour of Zimbabwe Mission. This was the proceeds from the retiral collection on 10 June 2012. The cheque should have been in favour of his father Alistair’s preferred charity ‘Church Survival in Malawi (Scotland).’ The treasurer would forward a new cheque to this requested charity. Wilson Devlin: A letter of thanks was received from Wilson Devlin thanking the Kirk Session for the flowers, prayers and good wishes received during and after his recent stay in hospital. Anne Kerr: A letter was received from Anne Kerr thanking the Moderator and Session Clerk for the church flowers and framed Long Service Certificate presented to her on Sunday 6 October 2013. Anne stated that it had been a privilege to serve God in this way for the past thirty years. -6- Presbytery of Hamilton: Communication was received from the Presbytery of Hamilton approving in principle the application by Motherwell: Dalziel St. Andrew’s to carry out roofing and stonework repairs and seek Grant Funding from the General Trustees. Presbytery also instructs congregations to include in their future Trustees’ Report, details of arrangements for remitting their current year’s Ministry and Mission contributions. Presbytery Report: Stephen Day presented the report from the meeting on 5 November 2013. Presbytery is promoting a variety of events, details of which are available on the Presbytery’s Resources web site (Connecting Points). Intimation was given that the Presbytery Clerk, Revd. Shaw Paterson, was stepping down. The Presbytery gave a vote of thanks for his ten years service as clerk. Submission of Form ‘E’ to Presbytery: The Session Clerk informed the Kirk Session that a Form ‘E’ application for financial assistance from Grant Funders would have to be completed by the Session Clerk on the Kirk Session’s behalf and submitted to Presbytery. The Kirk Session was made aware of the terms of Act IX 1998. This would enable an application to be made for funding help with the repair of roof and stonework. The Kirk Session agreed that the Session Clerk should complete Form ‘E’ and submit this to the Presbytery Clerk. Eldership Consultation: The Kirk Session split into groups to further discuss and answer the Eldership Consultation questionnaire from the Mission and Discipleship Council. The completed questionnaires would be collated by the Moderator and Session Clerk and then forwarded to 121 George Street. Lawson Bequest: The Treasurer, Willie Brown, stated that the total interest accrued this year from the Lawson Bequest was £2400. The Kirk Session recommended that this be distributed as follows: Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade £775 each, Brownies and Rainbows £500 and the Sunday School £350. The Youth Fellowship is not meeting at -7- the present time and the Young Adults Group have intimated that they do not require funding for the time being. Free Will Offering Envelopes: these are now available for distribution by the district elders. Christine Mathie was thanked on behalf of the Kirk Session for organising this as it entailed a great deal of hard work. Philippines Disaster Appeal: The Moderator asked if the Kirk Session thought it appropriate that we help as a congregation by contributing to the Philippines Disaster Emergency Appeal. The Kirk Session agreed that the congregation be given an opportunity to contribute through a retiral collection at the earliest juncture. Property: Douglas Graham, Property Convener, requested that the Welcome Groups ensure that the exit doors to the Sanctuary were unlocked during any service and then relocked at the end of the service. The reinstatement of the bell rope to the vestibule was being investigated, as this would enable the bell to be rung without members of the welcome group having to access the bell tower. School chaplaincy: The Moderator informed the Kirk Session that he had been in touch with the head teachers in Muir Street Primary School and Braidhurst High School to clarify North Lanarkshire Council’s statement on leafleting by church organisations. Both head teachers are happy with the current arrangements regarding chaplaincy. A meeting would be arranged with a representative from North Lanarkshire Council Education Department to clarify the position further. -8- Alterations to the Communion Roll The Kirk Session was sad to hear of the death of Alex Richmond, 62 Hillhead Crescent, Motherwell. The Moderator thanked William Harvey for the glowing tribute he had given Alex at the funeral service. Crawford Moffat Session Clerk Annual General Meeting This year’s AGM will be held in the large hall after morning worship on Sunday 23 March. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. -9- Church Makeover Project “Forward for Jesus” Update to end of January 2013 Organ: With an annual maintenance bill for the organ scheduled for this year Janette Boyd kindly organised another ‘Left Over’ Ceilidh on 4 January, which raised £350! Well done, and thanks. Lift: Tenders have been checked by the Quantity Surveyor for the proposed lift. A grant application to Lottery has been lodged and a decision is due in March. If successful, a 6 week contract is anticipated. Roof: Tenders have been returned from 5 contractors. First grant of £5,000 has been awarded from Scottish Churches Trust. A further £29,329 has been promised by Viridor Credits who have supported us before. Allchurches Trust sent a cheque for £2,850. A most welcome start to fundraising. Other grant applications have been lodged and various meetings held with General Trustees, Presbytery and Architect. We are still striving for a June/July start on a 12-week contract. Award: Following the most encouraging receipt of the £2,000 Cheque from Biffa Award, work is planned (31 January) to add a screen in the sanctuary; make the hall screen “live”; address some lighting and sound issues. Glenview Court: We have been pressing Bield Housing Association for a meeting to progress our proposed link to Glenview Court. Meeting now scheduled for 29 January to see if we can make progress. Thanks: Thanks to all who continue to help in any way. Recommendation - 10 - The Kirk Session and Congregational Board are asked to note progress being made in the various phases of the Makeover Project – Forward for Jesus. Douglas Graham & Alex Baird Property Convener & Chairman of the Congregational Board Congregational Board The Congregational Board continues to meet most months of the year to oversee the financial, property and social aspects of our congregation’s life. We are very indebted to all members who serve so faithfully on the Board but are always on the lookout for some more. If you think you can help for just an hour each month (other than July and August) we would be delighted to hear from you. Do speak to either of us at any time. Thank you. Marion Taylor & Alex Baird Clerk & Chairman of the Congregational Board - 11 - Bibles for Africa “There is one Book that speaks to me of God; it struck within a sacred flame that will not die. This Bible tells of other men who felt as lost as I; who came with childlike trust and found He did not lie. Is it so hard to believe when we record the day he came to cut our time in two? Who else but Jesus showed us God made flesh, the perfect Man who cannot be denied? What other launched a life like His to lift this world in love, then cheated death to send us power from on high? And now when earth-men walk among the stars I know that the Creator walked my world. William Alfred Pratney Book Aid, who have organised distribution of Bibles to developing countries advise that in September last they dispatched their 300th container of Bibles, this time to India where, although there is opposition in some parts, there is a growing Christian Church. I am again asked to thank all who continue to find bibles which I can pass on and so help spread God’s Word where it is so much needed and so very much appreciated. In 2013 there was almost a weekly bundle of bibles given to me. Now bibles are arriving from churches in Hamilton to add to the wonderful package of Love and Hope we are able, through Book Aid, to send to all over the world. Thank you all so much. In His Service Alex Baird - 12 - Girls’ Brigade As Easter approaches all the girls and officers are working towards competitions and the completing of the years badge work by the end of April. Three of the Brigaders also begin leadership training at the end of February. Teams were delighted to gain one first and two seconds in the Divisional Competitions at the beginning of February. While some Brigaders are skating towards their physical badge, others ‘aim for Gold’ – in soft archery! Camp has been postponed till the next session as there has been some new training and two of our officers are getting married in April Kirsty Irwin and Alice O’Hara! From all the Company we wish them a great memorable day and a very happy future. We are organising a day away in June to Heads of Ayr Farm Park which everyone enjoyed on the last visit. Parents and friends night will be the 14th May. The girls will entertain before being presented with their new awards (all new style badges), All are invited. Please come and support the girls – old and new! (and those not so young!) Liz Bogle Girls Brigade Captain - 13 - Our first Messy Church event, just before Christmas 2013, was a massive success, with almost 100 people, adults and children, in attendance for an afternoon of MESS and a positive MESS-AGE. Below are a few of photographs taken on the day – visit our church website to see many more. - 14 - Messy Easter will take place on: Sunday 23 March 2014 @ 3.30pm Messy Easter is aimed at families with children up to the age of Primary 7 We will begin informally at 3:30pm in the hall with tea, coffee, juice, biscuits and cakes, taking time to get to know each other. This is followed by a period of crafts and games on an Easter theme, a very brief time of relaxed, informal and totally interactive praise in the church sanctuary. Finally, for those who wish to stay beyond 5:00pm a simple meal will be provided (all at no cost to you!) and a chance to speak with other folk and get to know them. If you missed Messy Christmas, you certainly won’t want to be left out when it comes to Messy Easter! Please email the church office with your contact details, as well as an indication of how many adults and children would be in your party. For catering purposes, we would especially love to know how many wish to stay for the evening meal, and this must be done (at the latest) a week before the event. Please do come along and enjoy this innovative approach to sharing with others in fun, friendship and faith. More information and details of how you can be involved in “Messy Church” are available through contacting either Lorna Geddes or Lesley Angus. - 15 - Reachout Project Donations of tins and packaged food are always welcome to help those less fortunate within our town. There are donation zones within the church building should you wish to contribute. Many thanks to everyone who has made a donation – all donations are very much appreciated. Social Committee The Committee has been busy since Christmas having a Makeover Table in January and the popular Cupid's Lunch in February. There will be 2 Makeover Tables before Easter - Sunday 9 March and 6 April. These are still proving to be very popular with over £100 being given to the Makeover Fund each time. Also planned is an American Brunch, which will be held on Sunday 6 July. All events will be advertised in the Weekly Notice Sheets – look out for the details. Thanks to everyone who contributes in any way or attends any of our events. Your support is very much appreciated. Janette Black Social Committee Convener - 16 - As always the session this far with the 2nd/4th Motherwell Boys’ Brigade Company has been very busy. Between normal company evenings, badge work, competitions and other activities it has been non-stop. However this has meant that all of the boys are taking part in a variety of new activities and learning new skills and gaining new experiences. The Anchor Boys continue to be full off enthusiasm and, after a leaflet drop at the start of the session, saw their numbers increasing by 200% which is very encouraging. They have recently been taking part in some different themed nights including a health evening where they all took part in some light aerobics, different healthy games, tried lots of different fruits and designed a healthy meal. The Junior Section is currently well underway in preparing for the Battalion Figure Marching competition and working hard in for their badges. We’ve recently welcomed David Young who has started coming along as a parent helper (for now, no getting away now David!). The Company Section has been busy with normal activities with the addition of building a bottle greenhouse, which should be completed by the Spring, competitions and working at completing the 125 miles for our 125th anniversary. - 17 - Photos from past walks are available to see on our notice board in the large hall including our recent walk at Strathclyde Park where over 60 people joined us! To celebrate 125 years of the Boys’ Brigade in our Church we have some events planned at the end of the session. These are: Annual Parents Night – 16 May Celebratory Dinner – 17 May Service of Thanksgiving – 18 May Full details will be made available closer to the time. Colin Weir Boys’ Brigade Captain - 18 - Befriending Motherwell We have now moved into Group Befriending with three Groups up and running. A very exciting development but, at the same time, quite a challenge! We are already always in need of volunteers to assist in our One-toOne Befriending network and now seek helpers to assist us in our group work. It is great fun and very rewarding as we bring company into the lives of our elderly people. We have been so very fortunate in receiving confirmation of continued financial support for our project from Go For It (Church of Scotland) who have awarded us £11,250 for this year and also for next year. If you can spare just an hour each week to help in either the one-toone Befriending or the new Group work, please do get in touch and I will gladly explain what is involved. You can contact me by calling into the church office on either Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, or by emailing: [email protected] or by telephone at 07796012462. Thank You. Liz Magunnigal Befriending Co-ordinator - 19 - What a Friend we have in Jesus What a privilege to carry everything to him in prayer On the wings of Prayer our burdens take flight And our Lord of care becomes bearably light And our heavy hearts are lifted above To be healed by the balm of God’s wonderful love (Helen Steiner Rice, Expressions of Joy) Prayer Groups meet in the Prayer Room Monday 7.30pm – 9.00pm & Wednesday 1.00pm – 2.00pm ALL ARE WELCOME Requests for prayer can be made via the prayer boxes at the front and rear church doors or via our church website. Why not join one of our prayer groups for quiet meditation. All are welcome The Prayer Groups - 20 - Every day millions of Christians are persecuted because of their faith. The World Watch List ranks the 50 countries where persecution is most severe. Worldwide, the list reports that pressure on Christians intensified in 2013. The situation deteriorated most rapidly across North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf, in countries where sectarian violence has advanced unchecked by impotent central governments. When you ask persecuted Christians what they need, almost without exception they answer, “Prayer.” Prayer is the one thing that border guards and religious police cannot keep out. Prayer reaches the most remote villages and infiltrates the most inaccessible labour camps. Prayer changes things. The church is shaken, bruised, grieving. But the church is growing. The church is enduring. The church is alive. And the church needs our prayer – NOW! - 21 - Helping the Deaf & Hard of Hearing? With our live-streaming of services, and also our recorded services available on You Tube, we have started on our journey of helping the deaf by signing one of our prayers each Sunday morning. Those working with the deaf have indicated that Derek’s spoken word is very acceptable for lip reading and we are able, at time of sermon, to zoom closer to help even more. Please do pray for success as we strive to touch more lives for Jesus in this way. Can you help? Do you sign? Do you know of anyone who is able to do so? We are indebted to Rae Blagg who is leading on this important work. If you think you can help do let us know. Thank you. Alex Baird Toddlers Did you enjoy dressing up as a child? Most of us did at some time! We have quite a few between 1 1/2 and 3yrs who would love to do this together on a Tuesday morning. If you know of anyone who is passing on ‘dress up clothes’ please mention us, so that we can start filling our empty box, ready to make memories. With grateful thanks. Mrs Pollock, Mrs Liz Bogle & all the excited laughing totts! - 22 - Pipe Organ Thankfully Eric now regularly uses our pipe organ in worship again. Given the extent and detail of the complete restoration, which took place over the past few years, there are inevitable teething problems which crop up. Gerhard Walcker, who carried out the restoration, is returning to address these minor problems and also carry out the annual maintenance. Gerhard hopes to visit in February or March. We continue to be advised by our Organ Consultant Mr James Mackenzie who is overseeing all work. Douglas Graham Property Convener If the world is sane, then Jesus is mad as a hatter and the Last Supper is the Mad Tea Party. The world says, mind your own business, and Jesus says, there is no such thing as your own business. The world says, follow the wisest course and be a success, and Jesus says, Follow me and be crucified. The world says, Drive carefully – the life you save may be your own – and Jesus says, Whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. The world says, Law and order, and Jesus says, Love. The world says, Get, and Jesus says, Give. In terms of the world’s sanity, Jesus is crazy as a coot, and anybody who thinks he can follow Him without being a little crazy too is labouring less under the cross than under a delusion. “We are fools for Christ’s sake” Paul says, faith says – the faith that ultimately the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, the lunacy of Jesus saner than the grim sanity of the world. Frederick Buechner - 23 - Give Thanks The Revd Alistair M. Rennie served as minister at Dalziel North Church (now the Glo Centre) from 1948-1955. Revd Rennie died in November 2013. We give thanks to the Lord for this faithful ministry. Revd Rennie and his wife Ruth Letters and Cards Sincere thanks to the Revd Derek Hughes and the congregation of Dalziel St Andrew’s for the lovely flowers on my 82nd birthday. My appreciation also goes to Mr & Mrs Baird who delivered them. William Paton - 24 - I would like to thank you all for the flowers I received on my birthday. They were lovely and very much appreciated. Mary Dick I would like to thank all at Dalziel St. Andrew’s for the lovely flowers I received for my birthday, and also Christine Mathie who delivered them. It was greatly appreciated John Sneddon, 10 Imlach Place I would like to thank Derek and my elder, Susan Duncan, for their visits to me in hospital and at home. I also want to thank my friends in the church, the Guild, decoupage and carpet bowls groups for the visits, gifts, get-well and Christmas cards that I received in hospital and at home. Also thank you to the Revd Ian MacKenzie for his visit and delivering the lovely Christmas plant to me. I feel very lucky and indeed all this has helped me in my progress back to good health. I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year. Elma Lory, 6 Duke Street I would like to thank Derek and all the church very much for the lovely Willow Tree figurine and the flowers you presented to me at the Church. They were much appreciated. I enjoyed my 33 years distributing Kirk Matters. Jeanette Reford, 45 Kirknethan, Wishaw Hugh and I would like to thank you for the lovely plant that we received on our Golden Wedding Anniversary. Also thanks to the lady who delivered it on such a wet day! Janette & Hugh Logan, 7 Lodge Tower Julia, Liam and I would like to thank Derek and all our church family for the lovely flowers and cards we received in December in remembrance of Alex. Your prayers and kindness are very much appreciated. - 25 - Madge, Julia and Liam Ross Just a few words to express our thanks for the lovely flowers received from our Church family. A special thanks to those involved in the preparation and delivery of them. George & Mary Colquhoun I would like to say a sincere thank you to Derek and the congregation for the lovely Church flowers and the accompanying card I received for my birthday. Also to friends of the Wednesday prayer group for cards and gifts, and to the Sisterhood for the signed card, beautiful ‘aqua pack’, flowers and for the lovely birthday cake we all enjoyed together. I am very grateful. Chris Wilson I would like to express my sincere thanks for the beautiful flowers and good wishes I received on my birthday recently and to the young lady who delivered them and all those involved. Emily Wilson, 36 Strathclyde Road Thank you for the lovely poinsettia plant I received for my birthday. Thanks also to Mr MacKenzie who delivered it and taking the time to have a chat. It was much appreciated. Evelyn Millward I would like to express my sincere thanks to Derek for the lovely service in the Church and also at the cemetery for our sister-in-law Lena from America. You went out your way to help us. Thanks again. Margaret and Benny Hands Scott and Karen Cameron, together with Irene Dalton, would like to thank Derek and the congregation for their prayers and good wishes on the birth of their son and grandson, Luke. Many thanks for the flowers, cards and gifts that we all received, they were much appreciated. Scott and Karen Cameron & Irene Dalton - 26 - Letters, cards, e-mails and telephone calls have also been received from the following people, expressing appreciation for cards, prayers, flowers and support Isabel Pollock, Jeanette Boyd, Helen Japp, Susan Miller, Effie Brant, Tom Sneden, and Susan Miller Congratulations Belated congratulations to Janette & Hugh Logan, 7 Lodge Tower who celebrated 50 years of marriage on 22nd November 2013 The LORD richly bless you. If anyone has a special date or event they would like to have noted in Kirk Matters please let us know by either contacting the Church Office or emailing [email protected] - 27 - For Easter Time .... “Why should He Die for such as I?” In everything both great and small We see the hand of God in all, And in the miracles of spring When everywhere and everything His handiwork is all around And every lovely sight and sound Proclaims the God of earth and sky I ask myself, “Just who am I?” That God should send His only Son That my salvation would be won Upon a Cross by a sinless man To bring fulfilment to God’s plan. For Jesus suffered, bled and died That sinners might be sanctified, And to grant God’s children such as I Eternal life in His home on high. (Helen Steiner Rice) (Authentic roman nails crafted, by Mr Peter Hastie, into a cross and placed in our prayer room within the sanctuary) - 28 - Congregational Register BAPTISM: the LORD bless you and keep you Mary Durnion, as an adult, on profession of faith, Sunday 17 November 2013 Lexie Bogle, infant daughter of Richard and Debbie (nee Reynolds) Sunday 24 November 2013 Claudia Margaret Walker, infant daughter of Michael and Lesley (nee McNaughton) Sunday 1 December 2013 Catherine Violet Millarvie, infant daughter of Alan and Nicola (nee Mccullough) Sunday 19 December 2013 FUNERALS: left this world, but not forgotten David Griffiths, 6 Braidhurst Street, Motherwell Robert McNeill Rae, 11 Earnock Avenue, Motherwell Christina (Chrissie) Carnochan, 62 Forgewood Road, Motherwell Isabella Ewing, 18 Baillie Court, Motherwell Norman Hutchison Tulley, 42 Davaar Drive, Motherwell Heather Margaret Syme, 22 James Street, Motherwell Jean Ross Park McMillan, Park Springs Care Home, Motherwell Margaret McPheat, 15 Nethan Street, Motherwell Angela (Angie) Jamieson, 21 Tulley Wynd, Motherwell Jean Rowland Neill, 40 Baillie Court, Motherwell Margaret Jennings, 341 Main Street, Coatbridge Florence (Flo) Goodhall, 48 Leven Road, Coatbridge Lena Hands Faulkner, United States of America Evelyn Anne Kent, Smith, 8 Prince Albert Road, Glasgow Mary (May) McDougall, Park Springs Care Home, Motherwell - 29 - Flowers in the Chancel March 2014 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th April 2014 6th 13th 20th 27th May 2014 4th 11th 18th 25th Jem Jarvie & Margaret Neilson In Memoriam Jean Wyper, Bellshill Road Anna Gibson 37 Airbles Drive A.H. In Memoriam Helen Gibson, 13 Kerr Grieve Court Irene MacGregor In Memoriam Margaret Stewart, 57 Glassford Tower Elma Lory, 6 Duke Street Alistair Stewart, 14 Sharp Street Betty Murray. 3 Gavin Street Effie Brant, 3 Allan Street Carole McKinley, 24 Brandon Court Helen Gibb, 22 Sharp Street Marion Taylor, 5 King Court Rae Blagg, 97 Fife Drive Margaret Anderson, 140 Manse road Etta Warnock, 61 Douglas Street Flower Fund (donations welcome) Helen Walker, 38 Campsie Road, Wishaw Eleanor Weir, 42 Emily Drive Sybil Miller, 5 Young Wynd, Bellshill Mrs Simpson May Dudgeon, Highfield Crescent Flower Fund (donations welcome) Dorothy Arthur, 23 Dalzell Drive Janette Black, 20 Queen Elizabeth Court - 30 - Flowers in the Vestibule March 2014 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th April 2014 6 13th 20th 27th Elizabeth Devlin, 23 Airbles Crescent Morag young, 24 James Street Chris Wilson, 24 Cunningham Street Etta Thomson, 59 Calder Grove May 2014 4th 11th 18th 25th Anne Allan, 25 Elvan Street Flower Fund (donations welcome) Betty Graham, 552 Merry Street Anne Brown, 5 Wellpark Road th Betty Patten, 39 Lamlash Place Elsie Bett, 68 Brandon Court Charis Barr, 6 Cobbet Road Anne Kerr, 8 Cassels Grove Elizabeth Baxter, 1 Woodlands Street Thank you to everyone who kindly donate to the flowers which beautify the sanctuary during worship. If you would like to make a donation towards the flowers or if you could help to prepare and/or deliver the flowers on any given Sunday please speak to Aileen Hamilton or Rae Blagg. - 31 - Organisations & Activities Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 11:00am 11:00am 12:00 Noon 3:00pm 6:30pm Morning Worship in Main Sanctuary Crèche, Sunday school & Bible Class After service tea/coffee bar Worship at Glenview Court (Monthly) Evening Worship (as announced) Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 9:30 – 11:30am 2:00 – 4:00 pm 5:15pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Crafts Group in Small Hall Carpet Bowls in Large Hall th 19 Motherwell Rainbows th 19 Motherwell Brownies Men’s Club in Small Hall Prayer Hour in Sanctuary Quiet Room Tuesday 6:30pm Tuesday 6:30pm Tuesday 7:00pm Hamilton Presbytery st (1 Tuesday of Month) Hamilton Presbytery Committees rd (3 Tuesday of Month) The Church of Scotland Guild Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 1:00pm 2:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm Prayer Hour in Sanctuary Quiet Room Sisterhood in Small Hall rd 3 Motherwell Girls’ Brigade Choir Practice in Lower Rooms Thursday 2:00 – 4:00pm Thursday 7:30pm Thursday 7:30pm Carpet Bowls in Large Hall Kirk Session in Small Hall nd (2 Thursday of Month) Congregational Board in Small Hall rd (3 Thursday of Month) Friday Friday Friday 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Anchor Boys nd th 2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Junior Section nd th 2 /4 Motherwell B.B. Company Section nd - 32 - th Abbeyfield The Abbeyfield House, 17 Douglas Street, Motherwell, provides supported accommodation. We currently have rooms available, which would suit someone who would enjoy the company of a small group of friendly residents. Lunches and evening meals are provided by our staff. If you are interested and would like more information, please telephone 01698 263 309 or 0131 225 7801 Next Edition of Kirk Matters Please send your contributions for the next edition of Kirk Matters to Linda Irvine, either via email [email protected] (please note change in email address) or place in my pigeon hole no later than Sunday 4 May 2014 - 34 - Thank You to everyone who helped produce and distribute Kirk Matters including; EDITING: Linda Irvine PRINTING: Helen Lawson COLLATION: Margaret Anderson, Alex and Doreen Baird, Janette Black, Robert Crowe, Bill Jack, May Johnston, Betty Morton, Margaret Reid, Irene Struthers, Margaret Walker, Eleanor Weir. DISTRIBUTION: Helen Lawson, along with the large team of volunteers who deliver our quarterly newsletter. Remember for all the latest news and information you can visit our website or follow us Motherwell: Dalziel St. Andrew’s Parish Church is a Registered Scottish Charity - SC 015503 - 35 -
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