
Sunday 1st November at 11.00am
Service led by Robert Allan & Kay Brown
Sunday 8th November at 11.00am
Remembrance Sunday
Service led by Robert Allan & Kay Brown
(9.45am Service at Cenotaph – all welcome to attend)
Sunday 15th November at 11.00am
Service led by Kay Brown
Sunday 22nd November at 11.00am
Service led by Robert Allan & Kay Brown
Sacrament of Baptism: Darragh Struan Ritchie
Sunday 29th November at 11.00am
First Sunday in Advent
Service led by Robert Allan & Kay Brown
Rev Robert Allan, Minister, 625124, [email protected]
Rev Kay Brown, Assistant Minister, 617352, [email protected]
Rev John Jenkinson, Pastoral Assistant, 625498, [email protected]
Mrs Morag Jenkinson, Session Clerk, 625498, [email protected]
Mr Gordon England, Deputy Session Clerk, 714320, [email protected]
Gillian Gardner, Business and Development Manager, Church Office 611017, [email protected]
Please note that we now stream Sunday Services on line. Although there may occasionally be times when the
congregation is seen, the main focus will usually be towards the front of the Church. If anyone wishes to discuss
this, or has any concerns, please speak to the Minister.
Church News for December
Please send to the Church Office via e-mail ([email protected]) or hand into the office by Tuesday 24th
November. Thanks!
Charity Number
Charity Number SC000652
Published 1 November 2015
Church Diary
 Kirk Session meet on Wednesday 4th November at 7.30pm in the
Main Hall
 Christian Growth Team meeting on Thursday 26th November at
7.30pm in the Main Hall
You will have noticed that our Sunday service has recently taken on
a slightly different look – we aim to make the first part of every
Sunday service more family friendly with all-age worship, with the
rest of the service geared towards adults. The order of service may
vary from week to week, but variety is the spice of life!
Worship Forums
The Kirk Session has agreed to set up “Worship Forums” led by
the minister. What are they? Evenings when those who are
interested can gather to share ideas about worship and make
plans for some of the forthcoming Sunday services – just come
along if you are interested! If you wish to let the minister know
you are coming beforehand then draft papers can be sent to you.
When are they? At 7.00pm in the Sanctuary on the following
 Preparing Advent/Christmas: Tuesday 3rd November
 Preparing Lent/Holy Week/Easter: Wednesday 13th January
 Preparing Pentecost/Summer: Wednesday 30th March
 Preparing Harvest/Remembrance: June 2016
Falkirk Trinity Church Choir Practices September - December
Special Notice : Sunday 11th November – Pre-service Choir
practice commences at 10.00am in the Sanctuary.
All practices will run on the following Thursdays from 7.30pm9.30pm:
 12th November in the Main Hall
 3rd December in the Main Hall
 10th December in the Main Hall
 17th December in the Main Hall
The choir also practices before each Sunday Service at 10.15am
prompt in the Archway Room. New members are always made
welcome. Anyone interested in joining the choir should speak to
Bob Tait or contact him on 01324 713746 or
[email protected]
The flowers which decorate the Sanctuary and vestibule
are provided by donations from the congregation throughout
the year. A special date can be requested, for example, to mark an
anniversary or commemorate a loved one. You can arrange the
flowers personally or this can be done for you. The list of those who
donate is being updated and if you are on the list or would like to
be added to it please speak to Marianne Pattison (716087).
Trinity Guild
Trinity Guild meetings continue during
November on Wednesdays at 1.45pm. All
welcome! Further details from the Office.
Prayer Tree
We have a beautiful prayer tree in the
Vestibule. Please leave a message on this if
you want prayers said for yourself or others.
Minister’s Annual Leave
Our Minister will be on annual leave from
Monday 9th to Monday 16th November, both
dates inclusive. For any urgent pastoral
concerns, please contact Kay Brown or John
Jenkinson (contact details on front page).
Elders and Pastoral Visitors boxes
These can be found in the room in the
Sanctuary (nearest to the hall) – please check
these regularly for information.
Wanderers Outings
Our next trip is on Monday the 16th of
November. If you are interested in coming
along, please contact Christine Tait (tel.
713746) or Margaret Burns (622495) as soon
as possible.
Traidcraft Stall
The Traidcraft stall is open for business
every Friday, except during cafe holidays,
from noon until 2.00 pm in the Main Hall
foyer, selling greetings cards, cleaning
products, jewellery and foodstuffs,
especially chocolate. The new catalogue
has a splendid section showing Christmas
cards and gifts.
Faw Kirk Magazine
Any articles for the Winter edition of the
magazine should be with Carolynn
MacDonald ([email protected]) or
Morag Mackay
([email protected]) by the 15th of
Initial meetings have been held and we hope to
have more details soon on how these might be
taken forward. Watch this space!
4th Falkirk Girls’ Brigade Christmas Fayre
Ettrick Dochart Community Hall
Thursday 26th November at 6.30pm
Come along for refreshments, crafts galore,
entertainment, and ‘guess the snowman’s birthday’ all for
only £1.00 entry (50p conc)
Produce Table
Thanks very much to everyone who provided produce for the Produce Table over the last few months. Thanks also
to all those who bought our produce. Together we raised £149.50 for the Christian Aid Refugee Appeal.
Please look out for the latest copy of the Christian Aid magazine which will be issued to the congregation at the
service on the 1st of November. If you are not at the service, please pick up a copy from the vestibule.
Refugee Crisis Appeal
Thanks to all who donated to the Refugee Crisis Appeal. To date £1391.29 has been received, of which £400 has
been gift aided.
A Service of Thanksgiving for the work of Christian Aid over the past 70 years
Tuesday 10th November 2015 at 7.30pm, St Giles Cathedral, Royal Mile, Edinburgh
You are welcome to attend an evening service of thanksgiving marking the 70th anniversary of Christian Aid. The
preacher will be Dr Rowan Williams, Chair of Christian Aid. If you are interested in attend, please RSVP
[email protected] or phone 0141 221 7475.
Book Group
Book Group will meet in Baristas (please note the change of venue) on Thursday 19th November at 8.00pm to review
‘The Kind Worth Killing’ written by Peter Swanson or ‘A House Called Askival’ written by Merryn Glover. For more
information, see our website.
Parking in Church Grounds
On Sundays, we try to keep as many spaces within the grounds
for those bringing folk to Church who are unable to walk far or
cope with the hills/steps around the Church. If you are able to
cope with these, then please make use of the various parking
places around the town centre. Please drive very slowly and
with great care as you enter and leave the Church grounds as
many people are on foot.
Walking Group Meeting
We are having an afternoon walk on Saturday the 28th
of November, in/around Linlithgow followed with
cuppa, cake and blether in one of the many lovely
eateries there. For more information please contact
Elizabeth Donald on 637791. All welcome!
Strathcarron Hospice Phials
Phials for donations to Strathcarron Hospice are
available on the table in the Vestibule. Please
feel free to take one to fill with any coin value.
Once full, the phials should be returned to
Boston Glegg. The amount passed on this year,
to date, is £291.90. Thank you.
Crafty Corners
Saturday 14th November
Sample a corner or two, blether at a corner or three and
enjoy a Crafty Cream tea – all for a fiver! Tickets are
available from Helen Smith and Joyce Wagstaff. See the
poster for more details.
Christmas Card Delivery
We are looking for two more volunteers to help deliver this year’s Christmas cards. All that is needed is to hand over a
card to each business in your chosen street. The cards will be available from Sunday 22nd November onwards and can
be delivered whenever it suits – up till Christmas Eve! If you want to know more or are willing to help, please contact
Isabel Sarle.
Sunday Services On-line
As you are all aware we have been streaming our Sunday morning services online for some time now. We hope to
continually upgrade our internet connection to provide the best quality picture to those who view online, however
quality also depends on home internet quality and having the capacity to download the services as they are
streamed. If you want to know more about this then perhaps one of our own computer/internet operators could
guide you to someone to speak to. As we are now becoming more familiar with the ways of operating our cameras, it
may be that we will be able to show some pictures, as part of our streaming online, of some of the congregation. In
reality, people will see no more online than they would if they walked through the front doors and had a look around!
If however, you have reservations about appearing online then sitting somewhere in the Church beneath the balcony
is probably your best option. Services are now available for up to four weeks to view online and then they will be
deleted. As technology moves forward we hope to embrace it in a responsible and appropriate way for the good of
sharing our worship and the Christian message with a wider congregation. If you would like to train to help with the
computer operations then please see Isabel Sarle.
The Architecture of Hope by Charles Jenks
This beautifully illustrated coffee table style book on Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres is available in the Church
vestibule. Please feel free to borrow or why not take this coffee table book to one of our Café tables and browse for a
Training for Volunteers, Co-ordinators (part1) & Safeguarding Panel Members (part1) in the Protection of Vulnerable
Groups in the Church
Abbotsgrange Parish Church Grangemouth
Wednesday 11th November (Registration from 6.15pm; Training 6.30pm-9.30 pm)
If you are interested in this training session, please speak to the Minister or Marianne Pattison for more information.
In Memorium
Lux Aeterna by Morton Lauridsen
Sunday 8th November at 7.00pm in the Sanctuary
Performed by Falkirk Festival Chorus, with Robin Bell on organ and conducted by Robert Tait, this performance will
follow the same lines as the In Memoriam performance of Fauré’s Requiem on 11th November 2012. There will be an
opportunity after the performance to make a donation to Christian Aid.
Lunchtime Organ Recital
Friday 20th November at noon
Bill Cumming, Organist of Bryce Kirk, Kirkcaldy will give
our November recital. As ever, the £6.00 lunch deal
will be available in the main hall adjoining the church.
Admission is free but donations are welcome.
Muiravonside Parish Church Coffee Day
Saturday 7th November
Christ Church Coffee Day
Saturday 21st November
Bohemians Brunch
Saturday 28th November
‘The Shed That Fed A Million Children’
An Evening with Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow
Wednesday 2nd December at 7.00pm
We are excited to announce that Mary’s Meals founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow , will be giving a
talk on his book, ’The Shed That Fed A Million Children’, here in the Faw Kirk! Tickets are available from
the Steeple Box Office costing £10, with proceeds being donated to Mary’s Meals.
Falkirk Halloween Festival
Sunday 1st November at 6.30pm
Join the candlelight fancy dress parade with music from Forth Bridges Accordion Band, lantern lighting and
photographers. There’s a prize for the best costume!
For more information, go to www.falkirkhalloweenfestival.com
Falkirk Caledonian Choir Fundraising Concert
Bonnybridge St. Helen's Parish Church
Wednesday 4th November.
Ticket cost £8, which includes refreshments, and are available from Ian Watson on 01324 810646 or 07917025907.
Book Night
Struther's Memorial Church Falkirk
Monday 16th November at 7.30pm
Guest speaker, Kay Brown, will talk about and read
from her latest book 'Now I See'. All are welcome.
ACTS 25th Anniversary Service
St Andrew’s Metropolitan (Catholic) Cathedral, Glasgow
Saturday 14th November at 11.00 am.
All are welcome to attend!
Blythswood Care Collections
Collections will take place on Wednesday 4 November at the following locations:
 Grangemouth Union Road car park, 11.30am-noon
 Camelon Parish Church, 12.15pm-12.45pm
We have not organised a shoebox collection in church this year, but if you wish to fill a shoebox, you can download the
checklist on the web site www.blythswood.org . You can then hand in the shoebox at the lorry at Camelon Parish
Church on the 4th of November. Please note that after this date, it will be too late to hand one over. If you cannot get
to the lorry and have a filled shoebox, please speak to Jean MacSween and she will take it to the lorry.
Wednesdays starting 4th November 2015 9.30am-4.30pm
Do you want to develop self-awareness & adopt a counselling approach to your ministry? This course is designed for
people in helping or caring roles in the workplace or voluntary activity and provides a professionally recognised
qualification in counselling skills. For more information, email [email protected]
Wanderers Outings
Our next trip is on Wednesday 2nd December. If you are
interested in coming along, please contact the Office as
soon as possible.
Lunchtime Organ Recital
Our first recital of 2016 will be held on Friday 22nd of
Church Diary and Events
Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow author evening on Wednesday 2nd December at 7.00pm
Comely Park School Choir on Thursday 3rd December
Communion Service on Sunday 6th December
Kirk Session meet on Tuesday 8th December at 7.30pm
Blue Christmas Service on Tuesday 15th December at 7.30pm
Strathcarron Singers Christmas Concert on evening of Friday 18th December
Christmas Unwrapped…joint Churches event in Howgate on Saturday 12th December
Nativity Service is on Sunday 20th December at 11.00am
Comely Park Primary School Christmas Service at 11.00am on Tuesday 22nd December
Christmas Eve Services at 7.00pm and 11.30pm on Thursday 24th December
Christmas Day Service at 11.00am on Friday 25th December
Light of the World
Edinburgh and Glasgow
Saturday 5th December and Sunday 6th December
Celebrate the start of the Christmas season with some of the best Christmas music around, all with a focus clearly
on the greatest story ever told. This is a great event to bring friends along to, listen to performances from the Exile
Band, Choir and Orchestra, and join in with some of your favourite carols.
Concerts will be held in Liberton Kirk, Kirkgate, Edinburgh, EH16 6RY on Saturday 5th December at 7.30 and Findlay
Memorial Church 56 Clarendon Place, St George's Cross, Glasgow, G20 7QB on Sunday 6th December at 8.00pm.
Tickets are free and available now. There will be an offering towards the costs at the event.
Strathcarron Singers Christmas Concert
Friday 18th December
Falkirk Trinity Church
Come along to hear a wonderful choir and help raise funds for this worthy charity!