Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd
Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd
Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Detailed Report Enhancing investment decisions © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved Explanation of CRISIL Fundamental and Valuation (CFV) matrix The CFV Matrix (CRISIL Fundamental and Valuation Matrix) addresses the two important analysis of an investment making process – Analysis of Fundamentals (addressed through Fundamental Grade) and Analysis of Returns (Valuation Grade) The fundamental grade is assigned on a five-point scale from grade 5 (indicating Excellent fundamentals) to grade 1 (Poor fundamentals) The valuation grade is assigned on a five-point scale from grade 5 (indicating strong upside from the current market price (CMP)) to grade 1 (strong downside from the CMP). CRISIL Fundamental Grade Assessment CRISIL Valuation Grade Assessment 5/5 Excellent fundamentals 5/5 Strong upside (>25% from CMP) 4/5 Superior fundamentals 4/5 Upside (10-25% from CMP) 3/5 Good fundamentals 3/5 Align (+-10% from CMP) 2/5 Moderate fundamentals 2/5 Downside (- 10-25% from CMP) 1/5 Poor fundamentals 1/5 Strong downside (<-25% from CMP) Analyst Disclosure Each member of the team involved in the preparation of the grading report, hereby affirms that there exists no conflict of interest that can bias the grading recommendation of the company. Disclaimer: This Company-commissioned Report (Report) is based on data publicly available or from sources considered reliable by CRISIL (Data). However, CRISIL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the Data / Report and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of Data / Report. The Data / Report are subject to change without any prior notice. Opinions expressed herein are our current opinions as on the date of this Report. Nothing in this Report constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice or any solicitation, whatsoever. The Report is not a recommendation to buy / sell or hold any securities of the Company. CRISIL especially states that it has no financial liability, whatsoever, to the subscribers / users of this Report. This Report is for the personal information only of the authorized recipient in India only. This Report should not be reproduced or redistributed or communicated directly or indirectly in any form to any other person – especially outside India or published or copied in whole or in part, for any purpose. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. Polaris Software Limited Business Everest momentum Kanto remains Cylinder intact Ltd Capacity expansion to drive growth April 29, 2011 (Good fundamentals) 4/5 3/5 (Strong fundamentals) (CMP is aligned) 5/5 3/5 (CMP has strong upside) Industry Containers & Packaging Information technology Fair Value Rs 93 CMP Rs 85 CFV MATRIX Excellent Fundamentals 4 3 2 1 1 Poor Fundamentals 2 3 4 5 Valuation Grade Strong Downside Capacity expansion and backward integration to support future plans Everest Kanto plans to increase its capacity by 0.5 mn cylinders to 1.52 mn cylinders per annum in FY12 to meet the robust demand for high pressure cylinders and use better technology to backward integrate its production leading to better margins. For the new additional Gandhidham capacity, it will use the billet-piercing technology since this is cheaper than the use of seamless tubes. Further, the Kandla-based plant will use the deep-drawing technology to make lighter cylinders. 5 Fundamental Grade Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd (Everest Kanto) manufactures high-pressure seamless CNG and industrial cylinders for both domestic and global customers. The company has an established track record and enjoys leadership position in the domestic market. But with increasing competition leading to permanent margin contraction at the industry level and continued underperformance by Everest Kanto’s US and Chinese operations, we revise our fundamental grade to ‘3/5’ (from ‘4/5’), which indicates that the company’s fundamentals are ‘good’ relative to other listed securities in India. Strong Upside Fundamental Grade Valuation Grade KEY STOCK STATISTICS Increase in competition to affect pricing power and margins Although Everest Kanto is the market leader in India with ~60% share, many players have put up high pressure cylinder manufacturing capacities in India and China. Thus, despite the robust growth in domestic and global demand, we expect an overcapacity scenario to persist over the next two years. Besides, the increasing competition in the CNG cylinder manufacturing business has resulted in an overall margin contraction at the industry level. NIFTY/SENSEX 5751/19132 NSE/BSE ticker EKC High dependence on a single raw material supplier Everest Kanto purchases ~40% of its seamless tubes (its key raw material) from Tenaris. Such high dependence and Everest Kanto’s strategy to hold high inventory took a huge toll on its margins in H2FY10 and Q1FY11. Although Everest Kanto is increasingly procuring seamless steel tubes from producers in China and Japan, we believe that Tenaris will remain the largest supplier. Beta Expect three-year revenue CAGR of 19% We expect revenues to register a three-year CAGR of 19% to Rs 11.0 bn in FY13 largely driven by a ~18% growth (CAGR) in production and sales during the same period. EBITDA margin is expected to increase by ~12 pps to ~22% in FY13 on account of stable operations and increasing contribution to sales from Everest Kanto’s expanded capacities. Valuation: Current market price is aligned CRISIL Equities has used the discounted cash flow method to value Everest Kanto and arrived at a fair value of Rs 93 per share. This fair value implies P/E multiples of 10.7x FY12E and 7.7x FY13E earnings. Face Value (Rs per share) (Rs mn) Operating income EBITDA Adj PAT Adj EPS-Rs EPS growth (%) Dividend yield RoCE (%) RoE (%) PE (x) P/BV (x) EV/EBITDA (x) FY09 8,585 2,748 1,442 14.3 31.4 1.2 20.9 26.2 8.4 2.0 6.5 FY10 6,564 658 129 1.3 (91.0) 1.2 0.8 2.1 95.0 2.0 25.3 FY11E 7,424 1,358 625 5.8 356.9 1.5 6.4 9.1 14.6 1.2 9.2 FY12E 9,069 1,921 934 8.7 49.5 1.8 10.2 11.9 9.8 1.1 6.2 FY13E 11,037 2,448 1,289 12.0 38.0 2.0 14.3 14.7 7.1 1.0 4.4 107.2 Market cap (Rs mn)/(US$ mn) 9,124/206 Enterprise value (Rs mn)/(US$ mn) 13,541/305 52-week range (Rs) (H/L) 146/63 0.9 Free float (%) 43.0% Avg daily volumes (30-days) 351,742 Avg daily value (30-days) (Rs mn) 28.9 SHAREHOLDING PATTERN 100% 90% 18.3% 80% 2.3% 70% 19.5% 9.4% 22.5% 23.1% 9.5% 9.3% 14.4% 11.2% 10.6% 59.8% 56.6% 56.8% 57.0% Mar-10 Jun-10 19.6% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Promoter KEY FORECAST 10 Shares outstanding (mn) FII Sep-10 Dec-10 DII Others PERFORMANCE VIS-À-VIS MARKET Returns EKCL 1-m 3-m 6-m 12-m 19% -4% -32% -27% 9% 2% -2% 12% NIFTY ANALYTICAL CONTACT Sudhir Nair (Head) [email protected] Suhel Kapur [email protected] Client servicing desk +91 22 3342 3561 [email protected] CMP: Current Market Price Source: Company, CRISIL Equities estimate © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 1 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Grading Rationale Established market position in high-pressure seamless cylinder segment Everest Kanto is the largest CNG and industrial cylinder manufacturer in India. The company enjoys market leadership in the domestic market with an estimated ~60% market share and favourable position in international markets Everest Kanto is the mainly on account of its long history in business and adherence to the highest largest CNG and quality standards. The company exports its cylinders to over 20 countries all over the world including Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Egypt industrial cylinder manufacturer in India and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. The company’s major exporting destinations include Iran and Pakistan, the largest CNG markets globally, together accounting for 35% market share in CNG vehicles running globally. Increasing consumption of industrial gases to drive demand for industrial cylinders The gas industry relies heavily on cylinders to store and transport gases. Everest Kanto adheres to the most stringent regulations – both at national and international levels - while manufacturing high-pressure gas cylinders for various gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, argon, helium, air, etc. The company provides cylinders with water capacities that range between 1 litre and 280 litres and also supplies cylinders in customised sizes. Because Everest Kanto is flexible to meet any specification, it has a broad customer base of companies supplying industrial gases across the globe. The demand for cylinders is directly proportional to the demand for industrial gases. During FY05 to FY10, demand for industrial gases grew at a CAGR of ~11%. CRISIL Research holds a favourable outlook for demand for industrial Everest Kanto has a gases over the next five years with an expected recovery in end user sectors like broad customer base of steel (main consumer which accounts for over 50% of total demand) and manufacturing. Growth in new segments such as medical care, food packaging, and dairy products will also push demand for industrial gases. This is expected companies supplying industrial gases across the globe to augur well for Everest Kanto, which is all set to increase its manufacturing capacity of industrial cylinders. Capacity expansion to drive growth Global expansion Everest Kanto entered the global market by setting up plants in Dubai and China. The Dubai plant commenced production in FY04. The company doubled its capacity at the Dubai plant in FY08 to 196,000 cylinders per annum. The Dubai unit, being in a free trade zone, enjoys a tax holiday and is exempted from duty. Due to these advantages, the Dubai plant enjoys cost savings of around 5-7%. The company had added a capacity of 200,000 cylinders in China in FY09. In China, Everest Kanto sources raw material from local suppliers for its industrial cylinders, which would be 5-10% cheaper than that in India. Also, © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 2 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Everest Kanto would have some tax incentives (including full exemption from the State Enterprise Income Tax (‘EIT’) for a period of two years from its initial profit making fiscal year and a 50% exemption of EIT for three years following the initial two-year full exemption period). Driven by robust demand in Iran and other middle-eastern countries, Everest Kanto’s Dubai plant is currently operating at over 100% capacity utilisation levels. However, the company’s plant in China is currently operating at a meagre ~30% capacity utilisation level considering a nameplate capacity of 200,000 cylinders per annum. The management has said that they are in the process of installing some balancing equipment at the Chinese plant which would then enable them to increase production. We believe that higher production from Everest Kanto’s China plant will enable the company to efficiently service its customers in Iran and other middle-eastern countries especially when the Dubai plant is operating at optimum utilisation rates. Everest Kanto plans to Domestic expansion expand its capacity by In Gandhidham, Gujarat, Everest Kanto is expanding its industrial cylinder 0.5 mn cylinders in FY12 capacity by another 200,000 cylinders to 545,000 cylinders per annum. This plant, which is expected to get commissioned in the beginning of FY12, will use the billet-piercing technology and focus on the growing industrial cylinder demand. Besides, the company is setting up a greenfield 300,000 CNG cylinders plant in the Kandla Special Economic Zone (KASEZ) which is also expected to start production in early FY12. This plant will use the steel-plate deep drawing process to produce lighter cylinders and focus mainly on exports to countries where there is growing demand for lighter cylinders. This capacity expansion would enable the company to cater to the increasing demand for the highpressure seamless cylinders across the world. Backward integration to provide better margins… At the Gandhidham plant, Everest Kanto will use the billet-piercing process for the new additional facility of 200,000 cylinders. The company had taken this strategic decision as billets are ~40% cheaper than seamless tubes and can easily be procured from India itself. This move would also de-risk its greater Everest Kanto to manufacture cylinders from billets at its Gandhidham (expansion) dependence on raw material supplier, Tenaris, which accounts for ~40% of its plant and from steel plates seamless tube supply. Despite incurring processing cost for billets, the company at its Kandla plant will achieve higher margins. In the Kandla SEZ plant, the company will manufacture cylinders using steelplate deep drawing process. This new technology will enable Everest Kanto to achieve optimum thickness for the cylinders and thereby obtain cylinders 10% lighter than seamless tube cylinders. This will, consequently, result in better mileage for vehicles. As per the company, this technology will be the first of its kind in India and it will be the second company globally to adopt this technology (the other one is Faber Industries). The plant will primarily cater to European © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 3 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd markets where users are more concerned about the vehicle’s weight. In addition, these cylinders are expected to have better realisation than seamless tube cylinders. Also, higher realisations would result in higher margins in comparison to cylinders made of seamless tubes …but vulnerability to project risks persists As the expansion plans in Gandhidham and Kandla involve new manufacturing processes, they face technology risks. Until now, Everest Kanto and other high- Expansion plans in pressure cylinder manufacturers in India have only manufactured cylinders from Gandhidham and Kandla face technology risks as seamless tubes using the hot spinning manufacturing process. The deep drawing they involve new as well as the billet-piercing processes has not been widely adopted globally. manufacturing processes The company has already faced time overrun in commissioning its billet-piercing plant at Gandhidham and the plant has not yet stabilised. The commissioning of Everest Kanto’s Kandla plant has also been delayed by more than a year, due to depressed economic conditions in the recent past. Increasing competition in cylinder manufacturing Increasing availability of gas, its cost competitiveness compared to alternate fuels and the government’s increasing focus on developing gas infrastructure have lead to an increase in natural gas vehicles (NGVs) in India and globally, resulting in higher demand for CNG cylinders. As a result, many players have put up high-pressure cylinder manufacturing capacity in India. Besides Everest Kanto, the key Indian players in the high-pressure cylinder manufacturing are Rama Cylinders, Nitin Cylinders, Lizer Cylinders and Confidence Petroleum. Globally, there are many CNG cylinder manufacturers who have put up capacities in China. Everest Kanto is the largest domestic… … and global high-pressure cylinder manufacturer ('000) ('000) 1,200 1,200 1,015 1,015 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 800 800 800 600 500 400 400 300 200 200 350 350 Inflex 600 Cilbras 600 200 180 Rama Cylinders Lizer Cylinders Confidence Capacity Source: Industry, CRISIL Equities Capacity ENK Worthington Nitin Fire Prot. Faber Everest Kanto BTIC, China 0 Everest Kanto 0 Source: Industry, CRISIL Equities Everest Kanto is the market leader in India and had a ~67% operating rate in FY10 on its capacity of 1.0 mn cylinders per year. Nitin Cylinders, which has a 0.5 mn cylinders capacity, was estimated to have ~30% operating rate in FY10 while other key Indian players such as Rama cylinders and Lizer also operated at lower than optimum capacity utilisation rates. Everest Kanto’s established position in Indian and international markets coupled with its proven track record © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 4 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd to deliver high quality cylinders have enabled it to attain a far impressive capacity utilisation rate than its peers. However, the increasing competition in the high-pressure cylinder manufacturing business has restricted Everest Kanto’s pricing power resulting in a steep margin contraction compared to those achieved in FY08 and FY09. Besides, Confidence Petroleum has commissioned a 0.18 mn cylinder capacity in FY11 and Everest Kanto is further adding 0.5 mn cylinder capacity in FY12. Thus, despite the robust growth in domestic and global demand for CNG and industrial cylinders, we expect an overcapacity scenario to persist over the next Increasing competition has restricted Everest Kanto’s pricing power two years. This is expected to put pressure on Everest Kanto’s overall capacity resulting in a steep margin utilisation rate. contraction EBITDA margins have contracted from earlier levels (Rs mn) 3,000 2,500 31% 32% 35% 27% 30% 25% 2,000 18% 1,500 2,748 15% 10% 1,000 10% 1,630 500 20% 1,160 658 958 5% 0% 0 FY07 FY08 FY09 EBITDA FY10 9MFY11 EBITDA margin (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities US and China expansion yet to be value accretive In April 2008, Everest Kanto acquired the US-based CP Industries (CPI, the global market leader in jumbo cylinders) for ~US$ 70 mn, thereby obtaining access to jumbo cylinder technology and fill up the only gap in its product offerings. The acquisition was to enable the company to foray into the high margin jumbo cylinder business and take advantage of CPI’s strong brand value Everest’s Kanto’s US and and established presence in more than 22 countries. The strategy was to cater China operations are to the global demand for specialty and CNG gas storage systems in the US and incurring losses at the the rest of the world. However, post acquisition of CP industries, global PBIT level and continue to economies, especially the US, were hit by the worst economic slowdown ever. Capacity utilisation rates of CP’s US plant fell further - from its levels of ~50% in be a drag on its overall profitability FY09 to ~30% in FY10, a sharp contrast to an expected increase in capacity utilisation rates. Owing to a slow recovery in the US economy, Everest’s Kanto’s US operations are incurring losses at the PBIT level and continue to be a drag on the company’s overall profitability. In China, Everest Kanto commissioned a 200,000-cylinder plant in FY09. However, owing to the initial regulatory delay and increasing competition from local Chinese manufacturers, the plant has operated at capacity utilisation rates © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 5 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd of ~30% and ~20% in FY09 and FY10, respectively. Consequently, the company’s Chinese operations are also incurring losses at the PBIT level and continue to be a drag on the company’s overall profitability. US operations continue to make losses at the PBIT Chinese operations continue to make losses since level the plant was commissioned (Rs mn) (Rs mn) 1,750 400 1,500 300 1,250 200 1,000 750 1,503 100 1,384 500 339 299 168 0 -157 -244 -250 FY09 -117 -100 166 0 -57 -74 536 250 FY10 Revenue -200 FY09 9MFY11 FY10 Revenue EBIT Source: Company, CRISIL Equities 9MFY11 EBIT Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Highly dependent on one supplier for key raw material Everest Kanto purchases ~40% of its seamless steel tubes (its key raw material) from Tenaris. The company has historically depended on a single source to almost meet its entire tube requirements as there are only a few seamless stainless tube manufacturers globally, which meet stringent quality specifications. Also, although the company has a long-standing relationship with Everest Kanto’s high Tenaris, it has no long-term contracts with it to ensure steady supply. As a dependence on Tenaris result, Everest Kanto has to maintain a high level of inventory. Besides, the and its strategy to hold company has limited flexibility to negotiate on the prices of raw materials. high inventory took a huge Everest Kanto’s high dependence on Tenaris and the company’s strategy to hold toll on the company’s high inventory took a huge toll on company’s margins in H2FY10 when steel prices cooled down and Everest Kanto was holding huge quantities of high cost margins in H2FY10 and Q1FY11 inventory. Writing down of high cost inventory in H2FY10 and Q1FY11 took a huge toll on Everest Kanto’s EBITDA margins. The company has begun taking several measures to mitigate risks relating to supplier concentration. It is increasingly procuring seamless steel tubes from producers in China and Japan. Further, with the commencement of the billet piercing and deep drawing manufacturing processes, the company’s dependence on the Tenaris is expected to reduce further. Steel requirements for these processes are expected to be met through local suppliers. However, we believe that Tenaris will remain one of the largest suppliers of steel tubes to Everest Kanto, because of the high quality of its products. As a result, the company will remain exposed to risks related to supplier concentration over the medium term. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 6 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd City gas distribution to boost CNG cylinder sales in India Demand for CNG vehicles in India is growing because of the rising cost of conventional fuels and development of city gas distribution (CGD) facilities in cities. Although the initial regulatory push led to the increased usage of CNG, it was ultimately the cost benefit to consumers, which led the growth. Usage of CNG is beneficial to consumers due to its inherent cost advantage vis-à-vis other auto fuels. Energy content per kilogramme of CNG is similar to that of petroleum-based fuels. Usage of CNG in vehicles results in higher mileage per unit due to its superior compression characteristics. The cost of CNG is also very competitive to that of petrol and diesel. The initial cost of conversion of a diesel or petrol vehicle to CNG depends on the vehicle type. Recovery of this conversion cost varies from about 6 months for auto rickshaws to 2 - 2.5 years for buses, which is very less considering the life of vehicles. CNG offers attractive payback period for vehicles Number of CNG vehicles expected to increase to running on petrol and diesel ~4.7 mn in April 2016 from ~1 mn in April 2010 4,500 57.4 km/ltr 3 - Wheeler 25 20 18 4 - Wheeler 18 16 14 4 4 - 3-Wheeler 4-Wheeler Bus 1,500 120 1,000 Running days Conversion cost 350 20,000 80 500 35,000 300,000 0 Payback (months) - Petrol 5 6 n.a Payback (months) - Diesel 12 17 32 Source: Industry, CRISIL Equities 1,802 2,000 350 350 2,327 2,500 1,386 250 361 492 721 1,028 FY14E 70 2,958 3,000 FY13E Avg running per day (kms) 3,500 FY12E Buses 3,736 4,000 FY16E 42.1 km/ltr FY15E 31.5 km/kg Mileage 4,697 5,000 FY11E Rs/ltr FY10 Rs/ltr FY09 Rs/kg ('000 nos) FY08 Petrol FY07 Dec-10, Mumbai Diesel FY06 Fuel cost per unit CNG Source: Industry, CRISIL Equities CRISIL Research expects the number of cities covered under CGD to increase from an estimated 48 in FY10 to over 100 by FY15. Consequently, the number of vehicles running on CNG is expected to increase manifold because of regulatory push and cost savings from using CNG. The expected growth in demand for compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinders, over the medium term, will benefit Everest Kanto. Growing global demand for NGVs to boost exports Global demand for the NGVs has been increasing rapidly due to: • Availability of gas in many countries such as Pakistan, Iran and Argentina. • Rise in demand from developing economies of Asia, Africa, South America and CIS • Rising crude prices, which make CNG even more cost effective • The increasing focus on environment - CNG vehicles are preferred as they are less polluting than vehicles using conventional fuels. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 7 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd According to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles (IANGV), the number of CNG vehicles globally has increased at a CAGR of 24% during 200409 to 11.5 mn. Global oil consumption has grown at a CAGR of only ~0.5% to 84 mn barrel per day (mbpd) during the same period. Growth in NGV ('000 No.) 35% 12,000 30% 10,000 30% 28% 25% 25% 8,000 18% 20% 6,000 15% 18% 4,000 10% 2,000 5% 4,626 5,799 7,412 9,612 11,356 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0 0% NGV Population Growth (y-o-y) (RHS) Source: Industry, CRISIL Equities Besides cost savings, CNG consumption is expected to grow mainly due to concerns about rising green house gas emissions. Conventional fuels like petrol and diesel emit higher levels of green house gas than CNG (see table below). Emission by fuel type Emissions (gm/100 km) CO2 UHC CO NOx SOx Petrol 22,000 85 Diesel 21,000 21 LPG 18,200 18 CNG 16,275 5.6 PM 634 78 8.3 1.1 106 108 21 12.5 168 37 0.38 0.29 22.2 25.8 0.15 0.29 Note: CO2 – Carbon dioxide, UHC- Unburned Hydrocarbon, CO- Carbon Monoxide, NOx- Nitrogen oxides, SOx-Sulphur oxides, PM- Particulate matter Source: US Energy Department, Mahanagar Gas Ltd To address the issue of global warming, many countries are taking an initiative to promote the increased use of CNG instead of conventional fuels. Iran, which is currently the fourth largest in the world with respect to number of natural gas vehicles, plans to convert the majority of its cars to CNG. Besides, governments of countries such as China and Thailand have also initiated plans to increase the use of the cleaner fuel. Iran, China, India, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. are expected to witness an increase in the number of natural gas vehicles, given the thrust on usage of CNG. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 8 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd CNG vehicles trend - Top 15 countries Market Share- Refueling Rank 1 Country Pakistan 2003 2004 2005 450,000 550,000 700,000 22% 27% 43% 55% 29% 15% 1,015,960 1,288,462 1,446,183 1,459,236 1,650,000 1,745,677 1,807,186 27% 12% 1% 13% 6% 4% 1,000 1,000 48,029 229,607 315,000 1,000,000 1,665,602 0% 4703% 378% 37% 217% 67% 557,268 850,000 1,052,295 1,324,905 1,511,945 1,588,331 1,632,101 53% 24% 26% 14% 5% 3% 137,000 204,000 222,400 334,658 439,800 650,000 935,000 49% 9% 50% 31% 48% 44% 434,000 434,000 382,000 410,000 432,900 580,000 628,624 0% -12% 7% 6% 34% 8% 69,300 69,300 97,200 127,100 270,000 400,000 450,000 0% 40% 31% 112% 48% 13% 19,400 37,487 72,136 100,000 204,470 280,340 300,000 93% 92% 39% 104% 37% 7% 42,000 55,000 67,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 200,000 31% 22% 79% 0% 0% 67% 18,030 31,650 41,314 54,715 80,000 150,253 177,555 76% 31% 32% 46% 88% 18% 1,388 4,260 9,000 11,200 55,868 127,735 162,023 207% 111% 24% 399% 129% 27% 10,000 15,486 25,000 57,900 75,000 99,657 121,908 55% 61% 132% 30% 33% 22% 49,668 57,026 63,970 75,796 84,746 101,078 119,679 15% 12% 18% 12% 19% 18% 117,046 121,249 120,447 118,929 117,172 110,000 110,000 4% -1% -1% -1% -6% 0% - 12,000 38,100 47,688 81,394 101,352 101,352 218% 25% 71% 25% 0% % growth y-o-y 2 Argentina % growth y-o-y 3 Iran % growth y-o-y 4 Brazil % growth y-o-y 5 India % growth y-o-y 6 Italy % growth y-o-y 7 China % growth y-o-y 8 Colombia % growth y-o-y 9 Ukraine % growth y-o-y 10 Bangladesh % growth y-o-y 11 Thailand % growth y-o-y 12 Bolivia % growth y-o-y 13 Egypt % growth y-o-y 14 USA % growth y-o-y 15 Armenia % growth y-o-y 2006 1,000,000 2007 1,550,000 2008 2,000,000 2009 2009 2,300,000 Stations 20.3% 3,068 15.9% 1,851 14.7% 1,021 14.4% 1,704 8.2% 560 5.5% 730 4.0% 870 2.6% 460 1.8% 285 1.6% 500 1.4% 391 1.1% 128 1.1% 119 1.0% 1,300 0.9% 214 Source: IANGV, CRISIL Equities According to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles, the population of NGVs is expected to cross 50 mn by 2020. This implies a CAGR of ~15% from 2009-2020. Such robust growth in the number of NGVs is expected to augur well for Everest Kanto. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 9 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Key risks Project execution As discussed earlier, expansion plans for the Gandhidham and Kandla facilities involve new manufacturing processes and therefore face technology risks. The commissioning of both these plants have been delayed by almost one and a half year because of the economic slowdown and also because of the challenges which the company is facing in stabilising production from these plants. The company now targets to commission both these plants in Q1FY12. Any further Everest Kanto’s expansion delay in commissioning would adversely affect the company’s revenues and plans have already profits. experienced delays and further delay would Revenue concentration adversely impact the In FY09 of the ~691,000 high-pressure cylinders sold by Everest Kanto, ~50% were exported. Of the total exports, ~73% were to Iran, where cylinders were company’s expected performance sold at higher realisations. In FY10, the sale of cylinders came down marginally to ~687,000 but the proportion of exports reduced to ~45% due to global slowdown. Also, due to bankruptcy of one of the major OEMs in Iran, Everest Kanto’s exports to Iran as a proportion of total exports reduced to ~1% from 73% in FY09. The supply meant for Iran’s market had to be diverted to Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Eastern countries where the company earned very low realisations. Lower realisations coupled with high raw material costs resulted in a sharp margin contraction for Everest Kanto in FY10. In FY11, exports to Iran have again picked up which are expected to result in better realisations and profits for Everest Kanto. Export break-up in FY09 Export break-up in FY10 Pakistan, 16 % Pakistan, 16% Pakistan, 14% Bangladesh, 13% Colombia, 5% Iran, 1% U.A.E., 2% Others , 4% Others, 6% Iran, 73% Thailand, 45% Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. Source: Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 10 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Financial Outlook Revenues to grow at three-year CAGR of ~19% Everest Kanto’s revenues are expected to increase at a three-year CAGR of 19% to Rs 11.0 bn by FY13, driven by an increase in production and sales on the back of expanded capacities. Increase in capacity to drive production and sales Revenues expected to ('000 cyl) 85% 1,600 75% 1,400 65% production from new 60% capacities 50% 40% 1,132 1,515 938 1,515 831 1,015 684 1,015 1,010 641 756 460 706 600 756 800 200 FY13 driven by increased 70% 62% 1,000 400 of 19% to Rs 11.0 bn in 80% 75% 67% 1,200 grow at a three-year CAGR 90% 82% 30% 20% 10% - 0% FY07 FY08 Capacity FY09 FY10 FY11E Production FY12E FY13E Capacity utilisation (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities PAT to grow at a three-year CAGR of ~115%, EPS to increase from Rs 1.3 in FY10 to Rs 12.0 in FY13 Everest Kanto’s PAT (adjusted) is expected to grow from Rs 129 mn in FY10 to Rs 1,284 mn in FY13, primarily driven by an improvement in profitability from FY10 levels and also because of an increase in revenues on the back of higher sales. Profitability plunged in FY10 mainly because the company had to write-down high cost inventory and also because of lower average realisations due to lower sales to Iran where cylinders command higher realisations. Raw material costs as a % of sales spiked in FY10 70% 67% Absence of sales to Iran leads to fall in realisations (Rs/cyl ) 13,000 51% 60% 50% 12,000 65% 40% 11,000 30% 60% 10,000 55% 54% 9,000 20% 2% 12,387 9,453 0% 8,000 50% 50% 7,000 -24% 8,179 6,000 45% FY08 FY09 Raw amaterial costs as % of sales Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. FY10 10% -10% -20% -30% FY08 FY09 Average sales realisation FY10 % change (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 11 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Margins plummeted in FY10 because of higher raw Fall in EBITDA margins adversely affected PAT and material costs and lower realisations EPS in FY10 (Rs mn) (Rs mn) 3,000 2,500 31% 32% 35% 27% 30% 18% 1,500 2,748 14 1,250 10.8 1,000 658 958 0 FY08 7.4 750 8 1,442 4.3 1,097 500 FY09 EBITDA FY10 5% 250 0% 0 9MFY11 1.3 EBITDA margin (RHS) FY08 FY09 Adj PAT Source: Company, CRISIL Equities 462 129 FY07 6 4 718 1,160 FY07 10 20% 10% 1,630 12 1,000 15% 10% 16 14.3 25% 2,000 500 (Rs/share) 1,500 FY10 2 0 9MFY11 Adj EPS (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities FY10 was an aberration when Everest Kanto was hit by writing down of high- Strong bottom-line cost inventory and a fall in average realisations. Consequently, we expect growth led by increased margins to rebound in FY11 from FY10 levels. Margins are expected to expand profitability from FY10 further in FY12 as the company had some effect of high cost inventory write- levels down in Q1FY11 which is not expected in FY12. Also, Everest Kanto is expected to have some margin expansion as production commences from its expanded capacities in Gandhidham and Kandla as cylinders from these plants would have higher margins compared to cylinders manufactured from seamless tubes. However, due to increase in competition, we do not believe that Everest Kanto would be able to get back to its EBITDA margins of ~30% witnessed in FY08 and FY09. Margins to expand as business resumes normalcy 3,000 32% 35% 30% 2,500 21% 2,000 1,500 Higher EBITDA to supplement PAT and EPS (Rs mn) (Rs mn) 22% (Rs/share) 14.3 14 1,250 12.0 12 25% 8.7 10% 2,448 1,921 15% 10% 750 1,442 5% 658 0 0% FY10 FY11E EBITDA FY12E FY13E EBITDA margin (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. 8 5.8 500 1,289 934 1,358 FY09 10 20% 1,000 500 16 1,000 18% 2,748 1,500 1.3 250 6 4 625 2 129 0 FY09 FY10 0 FY11E Adj PAT FY12E FY13E Adj EPS (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 12 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Return expected to be subdued compared to FY09 (Times) (%) 30 Gearing to reduce in the absence of capex 1.2 26.2 1.0 25 1.0 20 0.8 0.8 20.9 14.7 15 9.1 10 0.5 0.6 11.9 14.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 10.2 5 2.1 0.2 6.4 0.8 0 FY09 0.0 FY10 FY11E RoCE Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. FY12E ROE FY13E FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E FY13E Gearing Source: Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 13 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Management Overview CRISIL Equities’ fundamental grading methodology includes a broad assessment of management quality apart from other key factors such as industry, business prospects and financial performance. Overall, we believe the management of Everest Kanto is relatively good. Strong management with good experience Everest Kanto has a strong and experienced management headed by Mr PK Khurana, who has over 30 years of experience in the cylinder manufacturing business. Although the Indian government’s thrust on CNG over the past six to seven years has aided the company significantly, Mr Khurana can be credited with spotting both organic and inorganic growth opportunities in the domestic and global markets, resulting in Everest Kanto’s leadership position in both the markets. Strong second level Everest Kanto’s management has rich experience in the high pressure cylinder manufacturing business The second line of management, headed by Mr Pushkar Khurana and Mr Puneet Khurana, is strong. Both of them have been in the business for about 12-15 years. While Mr Pushkar is involved in the Dubai operations, Mr Puneet is responsible for setting up China operations and marketing in India and South East Asia. Acquisition yet to become value accretive Everest Kanto acquired US-based CP Industries (CPI), the global market leader in jumbo cylinders, in April 2008, for ~US$ 70 mn, thereby obtaining access to jumbo cylinder technology and fill up the only gap in its product offerings. However, owing to the global slowdown post acquisition of CP industries and the slow recovery in the US economy, Everest Kanto’s US operations are incurring losses at the PBIT level. Also, Everest Kanto’s decision to set up a plant in China to benefit from lower raw materials cost and cater to the growing cylinder demand in China has not yielded the desired results due to increased competition from local players. The company’s Chinese operations are also making loses at the PBIT level. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 14 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Corporate Governance CRISIL’s fundamental grading methodology includes a broad assessment of corporate governance and management quality, apart from other key factors such as industry and business prospects, and financial performance. In this context, CRISIL Equities analyses shareholding structure, board composition, typical board processes, disclosure standards and related-party transactions. Any qualifications by regulators or auditors also serve as useful inputs while assessing a company’s corporate governance. Overall, corporate governance at Everest Kanto presents fairly good practices, supported by a strong and independent board and board processes which broadly conform to minimum standards. Board composition Everest Kanto’s practices conforms to adequate corporate governance standards Everest Kanto’s board consists of 12 members, one of whom is an alternate director. The board is chaired by Mr PK Khurana, who is also the managing director of the company. Of the 11 active directors, six are independent directors, which is well above the minimum stipulated in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) listing guidelines. The Board includes several professionals of repute, experience and sector knowledge. Board’s processes Our discussion with the independent directors indicates that the board’s processes appear to be well structured. Most of the independent directors have been associated with the company before the IPO in 2005 and therefore have a significant understanding of the business. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 15 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Valuation Grade: 3/5 We have used the discounted cash flow (DCF) method to value Everest Kanto and arrived at a fair value of Rs 93 per share. At the current market price of Rs 85 per share, the stock trades at P/E multiples of 9.8x and 7.1x its estimated FY12 and FY13 EPS of Rs 8.7 and Rs 12.0, respectively. Our fair value of Rs 93 per share gives implied P/Es of 10.7x and 7.7x based on FY12 and FY13 earnings, respectively. We, therefore, assign a valuation grade of 3/5, indicating that the market price is aligned. Key DCF assumptions • We have made explicit forecasts from FY12 to FY21. • We have assumed cost of equity of 17% We assign a fair value of • We have taken terminal growth rate of 3% beyond the explicit forecast Rs 93 per share to period. Everest Kanto and assign a valuation grade of 3/5 Sensitivity analysis to terminal WACC and terminal growth rate Terminal growth rate 1.0% Terminal WACC 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 11.4% 99 105 112 121 133 12.4% 91 96 101 108 116 13.4% 85 88 93 98 104 14.4% 80 83 86 90 94 15.4% 76 78 80 83 87 Source: CRISIL Equities estimates Factors that can impact the fair value Upside • Higher-than-anticipated capacity utilisation Downside Delay in capacity stabilization One-year forward P/E band One-year forward EV/EBITDA band (Rs) (Rs mn) 450 50,000 400 45,000 350 40,000 35,000 300 30,000 250 25,000 200 EKCL 15x Source: NSE, Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. 30x EV 12x Apr-11 Dec-10 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-07 Apr-07 7x Aug-07 Dec-06 Apr-06 Aug-06 Apr-05 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-10 25x Oct-10 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-09 20x Oct-09 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-07 10x Oct-07 Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-06 5x Oct-06 Jan-06 Apr-06 0 Jul-05 5,000 0 Oct-05 10,000 50 Apr-05 15,000 100 Dec-05 20,000 150 Aug-05 • 17x Source: NSE, Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 16 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd P/E – premium / discount to NIFTY P/E movement (Times) 800% 120 700% 100 600% 80 500% 400% 60 300% 40 200% +1 std dev 20 100% -1 std dev 0 0% Source: NSE, Company, CRISIL Equities Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-09 1yr Fwd PE (x) Median Oct-09 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-07 Jan-08 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-06 Jan-07 Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Jul-05 Oct-05 Apr-11 Dec-10 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-09 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-08 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-07 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-06 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-05 Apr-05 Aug-05 Premium/Discount to NIFTY Apr-05 -20 -100% Median PE Source: NSE, Company, CRISIL Equities Peer comparison Companies M.cap Price/Earnings (x) (Rs mn) FY10 Confidence FY11E FY12E Price/Book (x) FY10 EV/EBITDA FY11E FY12E FY10 RoE (%) FY11E FY12E FY10 FY11E FY12E 4,504 12.9 6.9 4.5 2.2 1.7 1.2 7.8 5.1 4.1 18.2 27.5 31.7 Industries 5,801 10.3 9.9 7.9 2.4 nm nm 9.9 7.8 6.7 20.1 20.0 20.0 Everest Kanto 9,124 95.0 14.6 9.8 2.0 1.2 1.1 25.3 9.2 6.2 2.1 9.1 11.9 Nitin Fire Protection Source: CRISIL Equities, Bloomberg © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 17 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Company Overview Everest Kanto was promoted by Mr PK Khurana as a joint venture with Kanto Koatsu Yoki Manufacturing Company of Japan in June 1978. Later, Kanto Koatsu Yoki exited the JV. Everest Kanto cylinders. The manufacturers manufactures cylinders (OEMs), high-pressure are used retrofitters, by and seamless automobile gas CNG and original distribution industrial equipment companies; the industrial cylinders are used in healthcare, fire-fighting, and food and beverages segments. CNG cylinders accounted for around 59% of Everest Kanto’s consolidated revenues in FY10. Contribution to consolidated revenue FY09 FY10 9MFY11 CNG Cylinders Product 72% 59% 69% Jumbo Cylinders & cascades 18% 25% 16% Industrial Cylinders 10% 16% 15% Source: Company, CRISIL Equities The group has manufacturing units in India, Dubai, and China, with a total capacity of 1.02 mn cylinders per annum. In April 2008, the Everest Kanto group acquired CP Industries Inc, USA, for US$70 mn, thereby entering the jumbo cylinder segment. The current corporate structure is as under: Organisation structure of Everest Kanto Everest Kanto Cylinder Limited EKC International FZE, Wholly Owned Subsidiary in UAE EKC Industries (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., Wholly Owned Subsidiary in China EKC Hungary Ltd, Wholly Owned Subsidiary in Hungary Calcutta Compressions & Liquefaction Private Limited, Subsidiary in India (Became a subsidiary on April 16, 2009) CP Industries Holdings, Inc, Wholly Owned Subsidiary in USA Source: Company The group is expanding capacity in its Gandhidham unit: it is adding 200,000 cylinders using the billet piercing technology. The group is also setting up a 300,000-unit plant in the Kandla special economic zone, to manufacture lightweight CNG cylinders, using the deep draw process; this unit will focus on the European and Asian OEM markets. © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 18 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Capacity utilisation of Everest Kanto’s plants FY09 FY10 Aurangabad 110,000 110,000 82,500 Tarapur 160,000 160,000 120,000 Gandhidham 340,000 345,000* 258,750 Dubai 196,000 196,000 147,000 China 200,000 200,000 150,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 1,010,000 1,015,000 761,250 9mFY11# Installed capacity US Total Production Aurangabad 116,211 90,414 53,281 Tarapur 178,418 179,572 141,731 Gandhidham 175,531 216,428 183,994 Dubai 223,917 154,685 161,953 44,657 44,685 China 59,936 US 2,050 - 670 756,081 683,517 630,971 Total Capacity utilisation rate Aurangabad 106% 82% 65% Tarapur 112% 112% 118% Gandhidham 52% 63% 71% Dubai 114% 79% 110% China 30% 21% 30% US 51% 30% 22% 75% 67% 83% Total *Jumbo cylinder capacity of 5000 cylinders commissioned in Q2FY10 # proportionate installed capacity for 9 months taken for calculations. Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Everest Kanto – key customer profile Industrial Cylinders CNG Cascades OEMs for CNG Cylinders Special Cylinders Praxair Mahanagar Gas Ltd Hyundai Government of India BOC India Ltd Indraprashtha Gas Ltd Toyota US Government Inox Air Products Ltd Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd Suzuki Advanced Silicon Gujarat Adani Tata Motors Ltd Air Products Eicher Motors Ltd Air Liquide Ashok Leyland & Co Ltd Swaraj Mazda Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 19 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Annexure: Financials Income statement (Rs mn) Operating income Balance Shee t FY09 8,585 F Y10 6,564 FY11E FY12E 7,424 9,069 FY13E 11,037 (Rs mn) EBITDA 2,748 658 1,358 1,921 2,448 Equity share capital EBITDA margin 32.0% 10.0% 18.3% 21.2% 22.2% Reserves Depreciation EBIT Interest Operating PBT 696 569 636 729 738 2,052 89 721 1,192 1,710 504 1,547 Other income 50 Exceptional inc/(exp) PBT (66) (80) 168 15 286 1,532 469 Tax provision 156 55 Minority interest - (1) PAT (Reported) 1,376 Less: Exceptionals Adjusted PAT (66) 1,442 415 286 129 90 135 112 631 1,057 1,598 52 104 - 586 1,161 1,712 68 232 428 (97) (10) 934 (97) - 625 FY11E FY12E FY13E Minorities Net worth 202 214 214 214 6,018 7,276 8,042 9,150 - (8) 6,196 6,212 (18) 7,472 (23) 8,233 (28) 9,336 - - - - - 5,015 4,015 3,695 2,695 114 Total de bt 6,219 5,015 4,015 3,695 2,695 - Deferred tax liability (net) 109 109 109 109 12,409 11,336 11,596 12,037 12,141 Net fixed assets 4,100 4,528 4,691 5,362 4,724 C apital WIP 1,983 1,621 1,521 521 621 6,083 6,149 6,212 5,883 5,345 73 44 44 44 44 4,536 (5) 1,289 1,289 C onvertible debt 202 5,994 6,219 - 934 FY10 Other debt (5) 527 F Y09 Liabilities Total liabilities (6) Assets Total fixed assets Inve stments Current assets Ratios Inventory FY09 F Y10 FY11E FY12E FY13E Growth 4,885 3,391 3,632 4,188 Sundry debtors 980 928 1,050 1,283 1,531 Loans and advances 824 726 847 1,034 1,259 1,122 Operating income (%) 61.9 (23.5) 13.1 22.2 21.7 C ash & bank balance 393 599 544 776 EBITDA (%) 68.6 (76.1) 106.4 41.5 27.4 Marketable securities 2 21 21 21 21 Adj PAT (%) 31.4 (91.0) 384.0 49.5 38.0 Total curre nt assets 7,084 5,665 6,094 7,302 8,468 Adj EPS (%) 31.4 (91.0) 356.9 49.5 38.0 Total curre nt liabilities 2,056 1,441 1,536 1,856 2,281 Net current assets 5,028 4,224 4,559 5,446 6,187 Intangibles/Misc. expenditure 1,224 919 781 664 564 12,409 11,336 11,596 12,037 12,141 Profitability EBITDA margin (%) 32.0 10.0 18.3 21.2 22.2 Adj PAT Margin (%) 16.8 2.0 8.4 10.3 11.7 RoE (%) 26.2 2.1 9.1 11.9 14.7 Cash flow RoC E (%) 20.9 0.8 6.4 10.2 14.3 (Rs mn) RoIC (%) 21.9 0.6 7.0 10.6 13.7 Pre-tax profit Valuations Price-earnings (x) 8.4 95.0 Total assets Total tax paid (207) Depreciation 696 14.6 9.8 7.1 Working capital changes (1,039) 1,048 Price-book (x) 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 1.0 Net cash from operations EV/EBITDA (x) 6.5 25.3 9.2 6.2 4.4 Cash from investments EV/Sales (x) Dividend payout ratio (%) 2.1 2.6 1.7 1.3 1.0 10.3 34.1 26.0 18.0 14.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 Dividend yield (%) F Y09 1,598 C apital expenditure Investments and others Net cash from investments (5,347) 256 (5,091) FY10 183 60 569 FY11E 683 (68) FY12E FY13E 1,161 1,712 (232) (428) 636 729 738 1,029 (389) (656) (395) 1,841 862 (329) 11 (318) (562) (562) 1,002 (283) (283) 1,627 (100) (100) Cash from financing B/S ratios Equity raised/(repaid) Inventory days 340 210 C reditors days 113 76 79 81 84 Dividend (incl. tax) 40 51 50 50 49 Others (incl extraordinaries) Working capital days 175 229 187 174 160 Gross asset turnover (x) 2.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 C hange in cash position Net asset turnover (x) 3.0 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.2 C losing cash Sales/operating assets (x) 2.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 2.0 C urrent ratio (x) 3.4 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.7 Debt-equity (x) 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 (Rs mn) Net debt/equity (x) 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 Net Sales Interest coverage 4.1 (1.1) 8.0 8.8 15.3 Debtor days 225 222 200 Debt raised/(repaid) Net cash from financing C hange (q-o-q) C hange (q-o-q) FY13E 3,792 - - (320) (1,000) (142) (137) (168) (180) 29 (1,316) (27) (355) (488) (1,180) (251) 207 (55) 231 346 393 599 544 776 1,122 EBITDA margin Q3FY10 Q4FY10 Q1FY11 Q2FY11 Q3FY11 1,704 1,866 1,389 2,052 1,983 16% 222 9% (106) -26% 134 48% 447 -3% 378 25% -148% n.m. 233% -15% 13.0% -5.7% 9.6% 21.8% 19.0% F Y10 Adj EPS (Rs) 14.3 1.3 5.8 8.7 12.0 PAT 15 286 (115) 247 233 C EPS 21.1 6.9 11.8 15.5 18.9 Adj PAT 15 0 (66) 295 233 Book value 61.3 61.4 69.7 76.8 87.1 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.7 101.2 101.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 Actual o/s shares (mn) FY12E 100 810 (1,000) FY09 Dividend (Rs) FY11E (142) (1,204) Quarterly financials EBITDA Per share 0 3,833 C hange (q-o-q) Adj PAT margin Adj EPS -128% -98% n.m. n.m. -21% 0.9% 0.0% -4.8% 14.4% 11.7% 0.1 0.0 (0.6) 2.7 2.2 Note: Interest charges include forex fluctuation Source: CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. CRISIL EQUITIES | 20 Everest Kanto Cylinder Ltd Focus Charts Largest domestic… … and global high-pressure cylinder manufacturer ('000) ('000) 1,200 1,200 1,015 1,015 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 800 800 800 600 500 400 400 300 350 350 Inflex 600 Cilbras 600 200 200 180 200 Rama Cylinders Lizer Cylinders Confidence Capacity Capacity Worthington Nitin Fire Prot. Faber Everest Kanto ENK 0 BTIC, China Everest Kanto 0 Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Increase in capacity to drive production Margins to expand as business resumes normalcy (Rs mn) ('000 cyl) 85% 1,600 1,400 82% 90% 75% 75% 67% 65% 60% 200 1,515 1,132 1,015 831 1,015 684 1,010 756 756 641 706 400 460 600 50% 938 1,515 1,000 800 35% 30% 2,500 1,500 30% 18% 2,748 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11E Production FY12E 2,448 1,921 10% 5% 658 0 0% FY09 FY13E 15% 1,358 500 0% 25% 20% 10% 1,000 10% Capacity 22% 21% 2,000 40% 20% FY07 32% 70% 62% 1,200 80% 3,000 FY10 FY11E EBITDA Capacity utilisation (RHS) FY12E FY13E EBITDA margin (RHS) Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Source: Company, CRISIL Equities Higher EBITDA to supplement PAT and EPS Returns expected to be subdued compared to FY09 (Rs mn) 1,500 (Rs/share) 14.3 1,250 (%) 16 30 14 25 12.0 26.2 12 1,000 750 8.7 1,442 5.8 500 10 1,289 934 1.3 250 8 6 10 2 FY09 FY10 0 FY11E Adj PAT Source: Company, CRISIL Equities © CRISIL Limited. All Rights Reserved. FY12E 20.9 15 14.7 11.9 9.1 FY13E Adj EPS (RHS) 14.3 10.2 4 625 129 0 20 5 2.1 6.4 0.8 0 FY09 FY10 FY11E RoCE FY12E FY13E ROE Source: Company, CRISIL Equities CRISIL EQUITIES | 21 CRISIL Independent Equity Research Team Mukesh Agarwal Director +91 (22) 3342 3035 [email protected] Tarun Bhatia Director, Capital Markets +91 (22) 3342 3226 [email protected] Chetan Majithia Head, Equities +91 (22) 3342 4148 [email protected] Sudhir Nair Head, Equities +91 (22) 3342 3526 [email protected] Nagarajan Narasimhan Director, Research +91 (22) 3342 3536 [email protected] Ajay D'Souza Head, Research +91 (22) 3342 3567 [email protected] Aparna Joshi Head, Research +91 (22) 3342 3540 [email protected] Manoj Mohta Head, Research +91 (22) 3342 3554 [email protected] Sridhar C Head, Research +91 (22) 3342 3546 [email protected] CRISIL’s Equity Offerings The Equity Group at CRISIL Research provides a wide range of services including: ) ) ) ) Independent Equity Research IPO Grading White Labelled Research Valuation on companies for use of Institutional Investors, Asset Managers, Corporate Other Services by the Research group include ) ) ) CRISINFAC Industry research on over 60 industries and Economic Analysis Customised Research on Market sizing, Demand modelling and Entry strategies Customised research content for Information Memorandum and Offer documents © CRISIL Limited. 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To know more about CRISIL IER, please contact our team members: Vinaya Dongre – Head, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9920225174 Ashish Sethi – Head, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9920807575 Sagar Sawarkar – Senior Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9821638322 Regional Contacts: Ahmedabad / Mumbai / Pune Vishal Shah - Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9820598908 Kolkata Priyanka Agarwal - Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9903060685 Bengaluru / Chennai Anand Krishnamoorthy - Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9884704111 New Delhi Vipin Saboo - Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9820779873 Hyderabad Kaliprasad Ponnuru - Manager, Business Development Email : [email protected] I Phone : 9642004668 Head Office: CRISIL House, Central Avenue, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 Phone : 91-22-3342 3000 Web: www.crisil.com Download reports from: www.ier.co.in © CRISIL Limited. 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