Beacon - First Baptist Church of Hurricane
Beacon - First Baptist Church of Hurricane
The Beacon 2635 Main Street Ÿ Hurricane, WV 25526 Phone: 304-562-9281 Ÿ Fax: 304-562-2061 Address Service Requested Pastoral Staff Pastor Jeffrey A. Davenport, Senior Pastor Mr. Eric Hayslett, Pastor of Youth Ministry Rev. Jerry Losh, Minister of Senior Adults Rev. Alan Bays, Minister of Music Mr. Tony Nutter, Worship Leader Mrs. Danielle Stewart, Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Lindsay Thorner, Director of Preschool Ministry AUGUST 2016 DATED MATERIAL Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Permit 7 Hurricane, WV 25526 fellowship We’ve expanded our newsletter to keep everything right here at your fingertips ... in a monthly format. Stay up to date through our bulletin on Sundays. Current “Prayer Concerns” will continue to be available on Wednesdays & Sundays or by calling the church office. Anytime you can’t make it, just give us a call and we’d be happy to email or mail you a copy. Blessings to you! The Beacon Appreciation Dinner for Ron & Jan Stoner Please bring covered dish(es) to share & Time of Fellowship 8:50 AM Traditional 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Contemporary 6:30 PM Evening Worship a note from our interim senior pastor … Sunday, July 31, 2016, is my last day of serving as your interim pastor. I started on March 1, 2015. The past 17 months have been very special to Jan and me. We are so grateful for the acceptance and love we have experienced in this time of serving our Lord Jesus Christ with you. I am very aware that I could only serve on a part time basis. I am very thankful for the church staff and all the church members who have done the ministries I could not do. Childcare Available All Services 8:50 am—Rev. Jerry Losh 11:00 am—Pastor Eric Hayslett 6:30 pm—Learn about Missions! Pastor Dasni Pierre, Haiti Sunday, July 31 Family Life Center 5:30 pm Music, Food, Devotion SUNDAYS @ FIRST BAPTIST CURCH Sunday, August 7 reminder ... Sunday, August 14 Rev. Lawrence Hoptry will be joining us for both morning & evening services. Come hear what God has laid on “Hoppy’s” heart to share! Saturday, August 20 & Sunday, August 21 FBC welcomes Joani Tabor “GET ME OUT OF THIS STEW” See inside for more details & look to welcome Joani at Tom Aliff, Jerry Losh, and others have been faithful and compassionate hospital and shut-in visitors. The deacons and especially the chairmen, John Thralls & Jim McPherson, have communicated openly with me and served as strong leaders. The work of Ginny Hart in doing the planning and work behind the scenes to make possible some special Holy Week, Christmas and other unique services made taking on such big projects a joy instead of overwhelming. worship with us on Sunday morning August 28 4-6 pm FBC Field Lawn Chairs Welcome Last Name A-M Bring Side Dishes Last Name N-Z Bring Desserts Words are inadequate to thank Jenny Tincher for helping me to learn the inner workings of FBC and covering so many details that I could not do for lack of talent or time. Working with your church staff has been a delight to me. Danielle and Lindsay exude love, creativity and enthusiasm that blesses children and their families. Eric has such a strong positive influence on the youth to draw them to Christ and help them mature in him. Debbie and Melissa make their jobs part of their ministry not just duties to be performed. I am truly blessed to get to work with your staff for so long. My time with Alan and Tony leading worship through music has been too short. God uses both of them to bless me and enhance my worship. God gave me the insight many years ago that, “no one owes the pastor their attention or time to listen to his presentations of God’s word.” Therefore, I am extremely thankful for your faithful attendance and genuine interest in messages preached and taught. I pray God has used them to help you be stronger men and women of God. The children and youth have been very accepting of me and let me laugh and talk seriously with them. I urge you adults to never take for granted their purity and wholesome simplicity. Do all you can to protect them from the Evil One who would corrupt them and mar their beauty. My goals for this interim period have been: 1) Work to make worship, Bible study, and Sunday School vibrant and alive so people want to attend 2) Encourage faithful stewardship of giving to God so the church stays healthy financially 3) Seek to lead the church to overcome any obstacles that would hinder the effectiveness of future ministry 4) Get to know, love and have genuine Christian fellowship with as many people as my time and their availability will allow. One of the most fulfilling experiences for me of the past year has been to lead the Young Adult Sunday School Class. With genuine followers of Christ like these who are earnestly seeking and following Holy Spirit guidance, FBC already has the next generation who will lead the church with a focus on reaching the world with the salvation that is in Jesus Christ. Jan and I thank you for the warm fellowship you have given us and the privilege of being your interim pastor. —Pastor Ron Stoner CELEBRATION !! Pick up the latest Prayer Concerns Sheet for current prayer needs & updates on those in hospitals or call church office. Please continue to remember friends in extended care: Extended Care Facilities: T.V. Assisted Living Ardith Williams Virginia Nall Phyllis Clark Sharon James OPPORTUNITIES Putnam Care & Rehab Nellie McNeeley (Donna Brown’s mother) Marilyn Jarvis (Carolyn Panell’s mother) 10 AM Each Sunday … find deep spiritual growth as well as fellowship through Sunday School. Contact the Office 304.562.9281 or see an usher or Louise McGlothlin church staff member. We’ll help you find the perfect class for your stage in life. Helen Duke Cabell Health Care Center Devonshire Betty Johnson Alice Panell KERYGMA RETURNS AUGUST 7th Regency Place Estelle Brown (formerly Rose Terrace) Teays Valley Center (Steve Panell’s mother) (Billie Sutherland’s mother) (Kathy McPherson’s mother) Ruby Jeffries Ethel Bailey Lula Taylor Looking for the “Shut-in of the Week”? This information is now available on our Calendar with Birthdays & Anniversaries. “Early Steps to a Godly Walk” Kerygma is proclamation of truth or proclaiming the truth. Please contact the church office if you would like to attend. Cost of materials is $30.00. Questions? Please call Tom Griffith @ 304-545-0576. HURRICANE LADIES BIBLE STUDIES… FALL STUDIES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 12 HAPPINESS: God’s Invitation to Delight, Celebration, and Joy By Randy Alcorn / Led Gerry Spears (Library) Monday Evenings 7:00 PM / Tuesday Mornings 10:00 AM Reclaim the truth that Jesus is the way to HAPPINESS. OPEN HOUSE 6-8 PM Children will soon arrive for the Fall School Year @ FBA. Please keep the Academy teachers and families in prayer. Donations of the following are welcome anytime of the year: Construction paper / Glue sticks Crayons / Water colors / Tissues Baby wipes / Lysol wipes Attitude Check? PRAISE THE LORD Once again, FBCOH has had the most at Camp Cowen this year. Thanks to everyone who helped a student reach Cowen this year. Scholarships were very much appreciated by several families. Summer’s not over yet! Don’t forget these opportunities. Fa mil y Camp July 29—Aug 1(All Ages) AB Men & Boys Camp August 5-7 (All Ages) Registration info at 166 Willow Tree Way, Apt 213 Hurricane Sunday Evenings at 6:30 (Fellowship Hall) Christians are supposed to be happy. In fact, we’re supposed to radiate joy, peace, and contentment that are so unmistakable and so attractive that others are naturally drawn to us because they want what we have. Yet in today’s culture the vast majority of Christians are perceived as angry, judgmental people who don’t seem to derive any joy from life. In “Happiness” Randy Alcorn dispels centuries of misconceptions about happiness & provides indisputable proof that God not only wants us to be happy but also commands it in the pages of His Word. FRIDAY 8.19.16 On Sunday, July 17, 2016, Ron High rededicated his life to Christ to reaffirm his public profession of faith. Please pray for Ron and continue to encourage him on his Walk with Christ. VIP GOLF in AUGUST Mondays @ 8 AM VIP Nursing Home Visitation Sunday, July 31—2:30 PM We’ll head to Teays Valley Assisted Living to share our love and spend time with some of our dear friends. REDS GAME Monday, August 22—7:30 AM See Debbie or Jerry to sign up Covered Dish & Game Night Thursday, August 25 – 6 PM (FH) Come out for fun, food & fellowship! CONCERT—JIM BRADY TRIO Saturday, August 27—6:30 PM CHECK FLYERS IN NARTHEX FOR OTHER UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES Thank you ~ Thank you ~ Thank you to all who volunteered their time, talents, and hearts to this year’s VBS! You are irreplaceable and we love you! Church Family- Please keep the children who attended VBS and their families in your prayers! Little correction with a big thanks to Rose, Shirley, Julie, and Marilyn for cleaning all the nooks & crannies of the FLC & FH Kitchens. We love you ladies & your heart for the Lord’s House. Thanks to everyone who remembers me by visiting me, sending cards, and keeping me in prayer. Love you all! Estelle Brown To Our Church Family -- Words can't express our appreciation and your thoughtfulness for the WEEK OF JULY 17, 2016 donation that was given in our honor. We also STEWARDSHIP REPORT want to thank those who contributed to the WV (29th Sunday of 2016) Flood Relief Fund. Also, thanks for all the lovely UNIFIED BUDGET anniversary cards we received. Have enjoyed This Week $ 13,733.92 everyone of them. -- George & Suzanna Bradbury Goal To Date $ 451,497.17 Received To Date $ 446,670.31 Thank you—from my heart—for thinking of me 99% Met Deficit ($4,826.86) with all the beautiful cards & notes. So nice to be BUILDING & PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS thought of, especially “an old woman with a Received This Week $ 620.00 broken hip” I’m walking with a cane and doing Balance $ 78,952.96 very well. Thank God for His many blessings. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS I will be back to church soon. - Irma Miller WV Flood Relief $ 200.00 Community Cupboard 70.00 Church Picnic Deacon’s Fund 198.06 First Baptist Academy 225.00 Sunday, August 28 / 4-6 PM Youth Mission Trip 119.55 FBC Gazebo & Field Youth Programming 247.00 Last Names A-M: Bring side dishes Harvest of Hope 50.00 Awning Fund 50.00 Last Names N-Z: Bring desserts Other 394.52 Sponsored by the Board of Christian Education This year’s church picnic is on a momentous occasion … the first day of worship with our new Senior Pastor and his family. Please come out for a fun time of fellowship and great food. Join us for this great chance to get to know the Davenport’s. Lawn chairs welcome. CHRISTMAS DINNER BOX MINISTRY Korner Join Joani Tabor at FBC on August 20, 2016, for a woman’s seminar titled “Get me out of this stew.” Tickets Available Sunday in Narthex and weekdays in the church office. Childcare & Lunch Provided BACK TO SCHOOL? On Tuesday, September 6, the American Baptist Women will be going back to school! Everyone is welcome to join us in the fellowship hall at 7 PM for fellowship and fun. Join us as we address our fleshly response to problems, trials and tribulations and offers a spiritual response to the same. Joani will answer your questions about your particular needs and special circumstances. Please be in prayer for this event as well. We pray that you will be able to join American Baptist Woman’s Ministry and Hurricane Ladies Bible Study on August 20th to welcome Joani to WV. Ladies of FBC … Join us in serving the Lord by reaching those in our community and beyond. Find your niche in an ABWM Circle this Fall. Call Kim Mack at 304.206.8247 for information. Once again it is time to turn our minds toward our Christmas mission of distributing food boxes to those in need. Jesus wants us to “feed his lambs” both spiritually and physically and, as a church, we will trust and obey His Word. This year we want to work harder getting the word out to the community that a large meal box will be here for anyone who drives up to our front driveway on Saturday, December 17 from 8 AM (until quantities are gone). The boxes will be similar to those assembled last year with the exception of a few “kid-friendly” foods. Again the boxes will cost $40/each and will contain enough food to feed a large family a wonderful Christmas meal. A list of these foods is in the church office. All boxes will have a daily devotional book as well as ministry information at FBC. Last year we were able to give out 400+ boxes. We were blessed and those who received, prayerfully, were blessed. We do not set out with a goal but give as hearts and purses dictate. All money can be given through the church office or Sunday offering (designate “Christmas Boxes”). Christian Community Cupboard Seeks New Operations Manager The Christian Community Cupboard (CCC) is now seeking an individual to serve as Operations Manager. See Debbie Wertz in the church office for more info or contact Dr. Cathy Slemp, Board President, at 304-743-0275 or [email protected]. The CCC is Putnam County’s most long standing and regularly operating food pantry. It works as a collaborative ministry of churches across the Teays Valley area serving over 3000 family visits each year. The Cupboard is located in Hurricane behind Forrest Burdette United Methodist Church. It is governed by a Board of Directors and enjoys the partnership of the TV Ministerial Association, local churches, businesses, schools and community groups. While in operations for 34 years, the Cupboard continues to grow and develop, making this an exciting time to get involved. Come grow with us! —CCC Board of Directors ATTENDANCE SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 8:50 AM—Traditional Worship 10:00 AM—Sunday School Total 11:00 AM—Contemporary Worship High School 2 Camp 6:30 PM—Evening Worship 273 266 197 35 142 WEEK OF JULY 24, 2016 STEWARDSHIP REPORT (30th Sunday of 2016) UNIFIED BUDGET This Week $ 8,988.00 Goal To Date $ 467,066.04 Received To Date $ 455,658.31 98% Met Deficit($11,407.73) BUILDING & PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS Received This Week $ 380.00 Balance $ 79,332.96 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS WV Flood Relief $ 375.00 Community Cupboard 200.00 First Baptist Academy 150.00 MOP 20.00 Other 945.00 ATTENDANCE SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 8:50 AM—Traditional Worship 10:00 AM—Sunday School Total 11:00 AM—Contemporary Worship Do you have news to share with your church family? Send to [email protected] or call 304.562.9281. 304 265 226