All Souls Day - St. Anne`s Home Page
All Souls Day - St. Anne`s Home Page
Saint Anne’s Church 3545 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07307 Tel: 201-360-0838 Fax: 201-721-5996 [email protected] November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) Pastoral Team James Carroll Trustee Georgene DeBenedetto Admin Tina Edelmann Charismatic Movement Greg Gonzales Festival Begonia Jensen Faith Formation — Adults James Kakowski Sexton Joy Krieger Worship Patricia Marquez Hispanic Apostolate Nigel R. Chinasing Priest John Ranieri, PhD Priest Gerry Solis Maintenance Dave X. Stump, S.J. Priest Judith Waddleton Trustee Faith Formation — K–9 Mary Yori Sexton Weekly Planner SUNDAY 11/2 $ All Souls Daylight Savings Time Ends-set BACK 1 HOUR 8AM-1:30 PM Rosary Scty Cake Sale Cent Hall 10 AM-12 PM CCD in Session MONDAY 11/3 3-4 PM 6-8 PM Legion of Mary Convent Cadette Trp 2828 Mtg Cent Hall TUESDAY 11/4 Election Day 12:15 PM 3-4 PM 4:00 PM BINGO Cent Hall Holy Hour for Priests Church Rosary Society Mtg Cent Hall WEDNESDAY 11/5 6-8 PM Daisy/Jr. Mtg Cent Hall THURSDAY 11/6 7-9 PM OLG Choir Practice Convent FRIDAY 11/7 12:15 PM BINGO Cent Hall 6:30-7:30 PM OLG Folkloric Dance Class Cent Hall SATURDAY 11/1 $ 2-4 PM 7-9 PM St.Padre Pio Prayers/Mtg Cent Hall OL Guadalupe Social CentHall SUNDAY 11/2 $ Stewardship Sunday Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 10 AM-12 PM CCD in Session 10:30 AM-1PM H.N.S. Mass/Mtg-Ch Cent Hall 1-3 PM Fil-Am Mtg Cent Hall Liturgies Saturday Evening Church English 5:30 PM (anticipating Sunday) Misa Español 7 PM Sunday Church 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon Monday f Friday: Communion Service Church 7 AM Monday f Saturday: Mass Church 9 AM Wednesday: Mass Church 7 PM Holy Hour Tuesdays Church 3–4 PM Sacrament of Penance Saturdays Church or by Appointment 5 PM All Souls Day Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father for November General intention: Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Missionary intention: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Sunday Readings First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Wisdom 3:1–9 PS 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6 Romans 5:5–11 John 6:37-40 Weekday Readings Monday St Martin de Porres Philippians 2:1–4 / PS 131:1BCDE, 2, 3 / Luke 14:12–14 Tuesday St Charles Borromeo Philippians 2:5–11 / PS 22:26B-27, 28-30AB, 30E, 31-32 / Luke 14:15–24 Wednesday Philippians 2:12–18 / PS 27:1, 4, 13-14 / Luke 14:25–33 Thursday Philippians 3:3–8 / PS 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 / Luke 15:1–10 Friday Philippians 3:17—4:1 / PS 122:12,34AB, 4CD-5 / Luke 16:1-8 Saturday Philippians 4:10–19 / PS 112:1B-2, 5-6, 8A AND 9 / Luke 16:9–15 Offertory Below is the breakdown and total collection for the weekend of Sunday October 25/26, 2014: Saturday, October 25, 2014: 5:30 PM $735.30 7 PM $239.14 Sunday, October 26, 2014: 8 AM $548.70 10AM $937.13 12 PM $778.90 Total Giving $3,239.17 N. T. WRIGHT Talk Leading New Testament Scholar, Professor and Author Brought to You By: The American Bible Society & America Magazine “Paul and the Powerful Word: Gospel, Community, Mission” Tuesday, November 18, 2014 AT 6:30PM American Bible Society 1865 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10023 RECEPTION TO FOLLOW. The event is free and open to the Public. Please respond by November 15th to Margaret Sarci, American Bible Society at [email protected] Safeguarding Children and Addressing Abuse The Archdiocese Addresses Victims’ Concerns The Archdiocese takes very seriously the needs of victims who approach the Church seeking healing from abuse. In addition to offering counseling and other support services, in appropriate cases, the Archdiocese provides reasonable compensation to those victims seeking a financial settlement of their civil claim, even after the statute of limitations has lapsed. Settlements are not confidential unless requested by the victim, and may include funding for continued psychological counseling. The Archdiocese's general liability insurance coverage is the sole source of funds used to pay abuse settlements. Although the Archdiocese, parishes and schools pay premiums to purchase insurance, no parish or school assets, Archdiocesan assets or Annual Appeal or other fundraising collections are used to pay civil claims related to abuse cases. Annulment Information Miraculous Medal Novena An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:30 PM-Saint John the Apostle Church, 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden. A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 908.486.6363. The Shrine of the Miraculous Medal will host their Annual Solemn Novena (Nine Days of Prayer), November 17th to 25th with Fr Michael Whalen, CM. The Theme is: The Hail Mary: Prayer of Angels, Saints, and Sinners. Mass, homily and Novena prayers at 7 am, 9am, & 12pm daily except Sunday. Novena prayers, Homily & Benediction in afternoons and evenings. Confessions heard on Mondays and Thursday. Join us at the Miraculous Medal Shrine, 500 E Chelten Ave, Philadelphia. Free and secure parking is always available. Visit for more details. Saint John's Open House The Staten Island Campus Open House will be held on Saturday, November 22nd from 10:00am – 3:00pm, and will provide students and their families the opportunity to learn more about St. John's University, our Vincentian heritage, the benefits of a Catholic university education, our prestigious academic programs, international service learning opportunities, and more. For more information, go to The Academy of Saint Elizabeth Open House Where can AOSE take you? Find out at our Open House at 2 Convent Station, Convent Station on Thursday, November 6, (7-9 pm) For more information please visit Pancake Breakfast You Are Invited To St. Anne's Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 16, 2014 in Centennial Hall following the 8 AM, 10 AM & 12 Noon Masses. Tickets available only at the rectory Admission Ticket is Mandatory To Assist With Headcount For Food Preparation! Tickets must be “picked up” by November 9th No tickets at door! No Cost To Attend Monetary Donations Would Greatly Be Appreciated! Saint Anne's Community Casino Trip Everybody get on your feet and join us in our Caesar's Casino Trip. Just get in the bus, watch a movie and enjoy the beverages and food/snacks, as usual. HAVE FUN, ENJOY AND RELAX! Where: CAESAR'S CASINO When: November 8, 2014 Meeting Place: Adjacent to Front of St. Anne's Church(Corner of Congress St. & Kennedy Blvd.) Pick Up: 8:45 AM (Departure Time: 9:00 AM) Donation: $35 ($20 Cash back for play money) Brought to you by the St. Anne's Special Fundraising Committee. All proceeds go to St. Anne's Church. For more information, contact: Danny & Celia Morales - 201-963-5030 Ver Aguillon - 201-4849832 Dolly Nacario - 201-456-3000 Virgie Cuaton - 201-577-6464 Gemma Silva - 201-658-9790 Rick Rivera - 201-673-8679 Aniway Olaya - 551-6974071 Be Jensen - 201-388-5637 Reading Recommendations The Gospel of the Family, Cardinal Walter Kasper In this thoughtprovoking address given to the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Walter Kasper, whom Pope Francis has called "a superb theologian," discusses everything that is beautiful about the family without avoiding its problems. A key reading to understand the Synod on the Family. NOVEMBER 2ND “All Souls” On All Souls Day, November 2003, a very special cloth was laid on the altar. Over the last one hundred years, many gifts have been shared with our Parish in remembrance of loved ones who have died. Quite often, vestments to be used at Mass are given. Some of these memorials are sent around the world so that priests who cannot afford quality vestments may come before the altar properly attired. The generosity of the Saint Anne's family over the years has touched many other parishes and churches. But, with so many years and such generous people, we still had vestments that, due to age, could no longer be used. The month of November is dedicated to All The Faithful Departed with All Souls Day being celebrated on November 2nd. This day, especially, is a traditional time for visiting graves of loved ones. For this reason, we ask that you take time to please remember to fill in the names of your dearly departed family members and friends whom you would like to have remembered during the Masses of the All Souls Novena as well as during the Masses offered over the balance of the month of November. A very talented seamstress, Jane Cecere, took these vestments and created a special altar cloth, which recalls all the souls of our faithful departed. Twenty-three vestments were used to create the 40 squares of the All Souls Quilted Altar Cloth. We will continue to use this altar cloth during each All Souls Novena, as we remember the parishioners of the past, with the prayers of the parishioners of the present. You Are the Eyes of this Bulletin Every week this bulletin brings you news about the life of the parish, the church and the Catholic world. All it is missing is your photos. Over the past several months the staff of St Ann has worked diligently to improve the quality of this bulletin. We believe that a pleasant-looking weekly newsletter not only proves more effective in delivering relevant information about the parish, it also contributes to a deeper spiritual engagement from parishioners. The bulletin also gathers news from Catholic life beyond the borders of the parish in an effort to anchor our local life in our universal 2 Church an draise parishioner awareness on important aspects of what it means to be Catholic. At this point the one thing we feel is missing is more photos to illustrate the life of the parish, so we are calling YOU out to take photos of parish events — fundraisers, meetings, masses and Sacraments — and send them to us so we could include them in the bulletin. Take photos using your cell phone and email them to parishoffi[email protected] Send them in actual size to parishoffi[email protected] with your caption November 2, 2014 Set BACK your clocks 1 HOUR Daylight Savings Ends! Special Altar Cloth For November 3 Enjoy seeing them in this bulletin 1 When you send the photo from an iPhone, make sure to select “Actual Size” for better quality: Take photos Mass intentions Hudson Catholic Mother's Guild Celebrate “The First 50 Years” Monday , November 3, 2014 9 AM Novena Tuesday, November 4, 2014 9 AM Novena Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9 AM Novena 7 PM Special Intention (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Group) Thursday, November 6, 2014 9 AM Novena Friday, November 7, 2014 9 AM Novena Saturday, November 8, 2014 9 AM † Patrick Burke, Sr. (Cathy & Chris Burke) 5:30 PM Novena 7:00 PM † Silvia Danaranjo (Marquez Family) GRAND PRIZE: 2 Tickets to “Beautiful” the Carole King Musical Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:00 p.m. with Dinner and Transportation to & from NYC For additional information, please call: Pat Cassaro – 201-725-4437 or Mary Ellen Cangiano – 201-8582524. Hudson Catholic Mother's guild is located at 790 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306 Religious Education News Faith Formation (CCD) for children in grades K through 9 takes place on Sunday mornings, beginning with the 10 AM Mass followed by 45 minute to 1 hour class sessions. Parents and Guardians are required to accompany their children to Mass, as a family, and are encouraged to get involved in the spiritual and faith formation of their kids, ‘You are the first teachers of your children in the ways of Faith.’ (Rite of Baptism) Sunday, November 9, 2014 8 AM Novena 10 AM † Maria DiSalvo (Manzo Family) 12 PM † Rosalina & Giuseppe Leone (Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Tango) Sanctuary Gifts nd Join the Hudson Catholic Mother's Guild on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from Noon to 4:00 p.m for a Casino-in-thePark at Lincoln Park, Jersey City. th For the week of November 2 — November 8 , Questions and concerns regarding registration or any other area of the program may be directed to Ms. Judith Anne Waddleton either in person on Sundays and by appointment, or via telephone,( 201) 360-0838 extension 6. 2014 the gifts are offered in honor of: Altar Wine † Thomas Mulkeen (Nelson Ave Block Assn.) Altar Bread † Thomas Mulkeen (Saint Anne Church) Sanctuary Lamp † Thomas A. Fischkelta (Mrs. Roodenburg) Altar Candles † Thomas Mulkeen (Saint Anne Church) Praying for the Sick Children are dismissed on Nelson Avenue at the following time: Grades K-1 @ 11:45 am Grades 2-3 @ 11:50 am; Grades 4-5 @ 11:55 am Grades 6-9 @ 12:00 noon Upcoming sessions: Nov. 2 – CCD in Session, Thanksgiving Food Drive Nov. 9 – CCD in Session Nov. 16 – Parish Pancake Breakfast in Centennial Hall. Ministry to the Sick We hope to give to all the sick and aged in our parish the opportunity to receive the Eucharist. If you or someone you know can no longer get to church, and would like a Eucharistic Minister to bring you Communion, please call St. Anne's Rectory at 201-360-0838 or email [email protected]. We ask that you pray for the sick in our community and for the Eucharistic Ministers – that they may worthily and gracefully share the Lord's Presence. People will remain on sick list for 2 weeks unless otherwise notified: Marie Portelli z Joseph Callandrillo z Humberto Quintana z Julia Annicchiarico z Al Coulter Sr. z Loretta Dempsey z Javier Vega z Jennifer Moloughney z Antoinette Maddi z Carol Jordan z Anthony Biggio z Sammy DeLeon z Shane Quinn z Alice Daly z Sadie Krieger z Emilie Jaworowski z Dolores DelMonte z Dianne O’Sullivan z Carl Carlson z Larry Bello z Miyuki Campbell z Diane Albert z Meghan Connaughton Novena of Masses – November 2014 Requested for † Alessandro Belfiore † Salvatore Grillo Gilda Spazian In Thanksgiving to the Lord † Madelyn Delaney † Dolly Romano Lawrence Shin Requested by Toni Belfiore Frances & Angela Frances & Family Ralph & Sallie Donato & Family Fred Reich Anthony Tornabe & Family Shin Family † Ronald Hertenstein 1st Anniversary in Heaven † William Regelsky 1st Anniversary in Heaven † Paul Grundling 1st Anniversary in Heaven † Olga Maccaronio 1st Anniversary in Heaven Theodore Steinberger Parish Intention Parish Intention Parish Intention Parish Intention Richard Santoro VOLUNTEERS TO COOK TURKEYS Catholic Education St. Anne's will be hosting its annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Centennial Hall on Thursday, November 27th for the poor, lonely and the homeless of the parish. IHA Open House Immaculate Heart Academy will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 5th from 6:30-8:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the school, the curriculum, and IHA's athletic, art and extracurricular programs. Members of our administration, faculty, and coaching staff will be on hand to answer questions. Online preregistration is requested at Call 201-445-6800 for more information. IHA is located at 500 Van Emburgh Ave. Township of Washington, NJ 07676. ALL REUNION, St Augustine's School On November 21st, 2014, St Augustine School, Union City, will be having an ALL REUNION. Visit your old alma mater, interact with former classmates and teachers and find out how you can contribute to the SAS Legacy. $25 includes appetizers and soft drinks. School tours will be given; Monies raised will go to the Sr Roberta O'Hea Scholarship Fund. Please send check to St Augustine's School to reserve your spot. Last day to purchase tickets in November 14. We are looking for volunteers in this endeavor to help with setup, assist Thanksgiving Day and cleanup; most importantly, volunteers are needed to cook turkeys and deliver them “hot” Thanksgiving morning by 11:00 AM to Centennial Hall; turkey and pan will be supplied by us. If interested in helping or being a guest, please contact Mary Stewart at 201-653-6717. Too little, too late, again! By Msgr Robert S Meyer Pastor of Ss Peter and Paul, Hoboken and Administrator of St Lawrence, Weehawken Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Archdiocese of New York is planning to close parishes, again. The announcement notes that closures and other changes could be finalized by next fall and will likely be more extensive than a similar move in 2007, when the Archdiocese closed 21 parishes. The article states that the planned closures reflect the tectonic shifts affecting the Catholic Church across the US, where many Northeast and Midwest dioceses have had to close parishes while the South and West are experiencing growth partially caused by religious Latino populations. A spokesperson said, “You cannot run away from reality.” In the 1950s and early 1960s, Catholic Mass attendance at every parish in the nation was at an all-time high. In the past, in many parishes there were five packed Masses every Sunday. On holy days, Christmas and Easter it was standing room only. In those days people went to church on a regular basis, and when it came time for the collection, people willingly contributed money. XRead the original article from the WSJ at By the mid-1970s many church rules and rituals were relaxed in the name of modernity and convenience. Some believe that something about this switch made a lot of people stop going to Mass altogether. While some may think that this article has nothing to do with us, it's New York after all, just across the river! Let’s not be naïve. Here in the Archdiocese of Newark, even here in Jersey city, we face the same “challenges” and potential “remedies”. Now is the time for Catholics to attend regularly and support their parish church generously, whichever one it is, otherwise, it will be too little, too late, again! The Academy of St Elizabeth Open House The Academy of St Elizabeth will hold an Open House on Thursday, November 6, 2014 from 7-9 PM at 2 Convent Station, Convent Station, NJ. For more information, please visit SDA Play: “The Boyfriend” Tickets are now on sale for Saint Dominic Academy's musical production “The Boy Friend” to be presented in the Primary Prep Elementary School Auditorium, 41 Tuers Ave., Jersey City on Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are being sold on a reserved seating basis: Adults $12 and Students/Children $10 by e-mailing: [email protected] If available, tickets may also be sold at the door. Young Adult Mini Conference Series Calling Catholic Young Adults (18-35) to a mini Conference on Sunday, November 2, 2014, 1:00-6:00 PM at Pope St. John Paul ll Social Center, 4201 JFKennedy Blvd,. North Bergen of St. Rocco/St Brigid Church. Theme is: “Applying Theology of the Body to Life and Relationship” from St. John Paul ll’s “Theology of the Body”. Featuring music, Video Talk, Panel witnessing, Journal Writing, Small Group Sharing, Mass and Dinner (Fellowship). Registration is $10.00. Please call Tina (201) 232-6750 to Register. Catholic Charities Food Drive The Catholic Charities’ Emergency Food and Nutrition Network (CCEFNN) Thirtieth Annual Harvest of Hope Food Drive provides an opportunity for schools to respond to those in need in our area. Your participation in the Harvest of Hope Drive (October 16 – December 31) can make an important difference to the many families we help in the four counties of Essex, Hudson, Union and Bergen. For more information, call (973) 2667966 HUDSON FARMERS MARKET Autumn is here Get your Apples in many varieties Huge selection of mums in various colors Pumpkins, Gourds, Corn stalks All Your Garden Needs For The Fall 201-792-2992 3437 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City DRENNAN BROTHERS LLC Private Piano Lessons for Kids Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters Fast, Friendly Service 201-993-1265 201-388-5299 CONSUMER Open Sunday CARPETS Special Prices For Our 20th Anniversary - Just Mention Ad! CARPET + TILE + LINOLEUM + HARDWOOD FLOORS +CONTRACT WORK • CARPET REMNANTS (100’s in stock) • VERTICAL & MINI BLINDS • FREE SHOP AT HOME • NEXT DAY INSTALLATION • FREE ESTIMATES • PERGO LAMINATES NO PAYMENT • NO INTEREST - FOR 6 MONTHS 3408 KENNEDY BLVD., JERSEY CITY, NJ T: 201-792-2712 F: 201-792-0321 This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Joseph T. Discepola D.M.D. PA - DENTIST Dr. Laurence Weil, DDS “We Cater To Cowards” Hours by Appointment All Insurances Welcome WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES OUR SPECIALTY Monteleone’s Bakery 798-0576 Mike Febbie Fax: 201-798-1454 at 800-888-4574 ext. 3449 or 281 Central Ave., Jersey City 201-659-0295 \ )DQFDNHV & TASTY PASTRY 739-41 Newark Ave. Jersey City Email: [email protected] Robert Borowicz DMD Family Dentistry 3338 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, NJ 07307 201-659-3042 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 8:50 AM ST. ANNE’S, JERSEY CITY, NJ 04-1043
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