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St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 20, 2004
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor
free person, there is not male and female; for you are all
one in Christ Jesus.
-- Galatians 3:28
A speciAl “THANK YOU”
Since the establishment of our Parish over 50 years ago,
St. Cyril’s has been truly blessed with men and women who
have generously given of their time to our various parish
organizations, contributing so much to the social, spiritual
and fundraising activities which are all vital to the functioning of a parish; namely, our Men’s Club, Christian Service
Program, Music Ministry, Eucharistic Ministers to the Altar,
Hospitals and Homebound, Pre-School and Religious Education, Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, Bereavement Group,
Parish Outreach Program, Christian Meditation Group,
School Volunteers, Altar Society, RCIA, Respect Life and
Youth Ministry.
In appreciation, I invite you to join me for a “Thank You”
reception to be given on Sunday, June 27th, following the
12:00 Noon Mass in our Parish Hall. At that time you will
also have an opportunity to say “adieu” to another long-time
volunteer, Sister Gretta Stewart. After 20 years of working
in several of our ministries, she has decided that it is now
time to join her sisters at their Montebello Home where, no
doubt, she will continue to use her many talents. Sister Gretta will be leaving in July. We will miss her warmth, sunny
disposition and great sense of humor.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 27th!
Monsignor Bell
Father’s Day, June 20TH
June 20, 2004
This year’s Annual Appeal will come to a close on Wednesday, June 30th. Final reminders are being mailed to those
still owing a balance on their monthly pledges. With the
fulfillment of these outstanding balances, this year’s Appeal
will realize donations totaling $55,220.00, surpassing our
assigned goal of $53,399.80 by $1,820.20.
The Lord has said, “As long as you did it to one of these,
the least of my brethren, you did it unto me.” Your generous response to this Appeal means you have touched the
person of Christ Himself. May He abundantly reward your
Rest In Peace:
Eternal rest grant unto Rosa Maria Avendano, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the
souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest
in peace. Amen
Peter’s Pence APPeAl
Next week, Sunday, June 27th, our parish is
asked to participate in the Peter’s Pence Appeal
for the Works of the Holy Father. This appeal
enables John Paul II, the Holy Father, to respond
to requests for emergency funds for the most disadvantaged
throughout the world. This special appeal is an opportunity
to demonstrate justice and kindness to our brothers and sisters in need. Please pray for the Holy Father’s works and
contribute generously to the appeal.
Mayonnaise Sunday - June 27th
Please make our day! Help the Los Angeles Catholic Workers feed the hungry of Los
Angeles. It takes a lot of mayonnaise to
make the salad dressing for those we serve.
It can only “happen” with the continued support of the St. Cyril’s Parish. Envelopes will
be available at the entrances to the church.
Many blessings and let peace prevail!
The Los Angeles Catholic Workers
Father’s Day Novena Cards are now available in the Church. The
novena cards will be displayed on the altar throughout the Month
of June.
We welcome to St. Cyril’s Parish Family our recently baptized children:
The banns of marriage are announced for the third time
Jennifer Rose Loyacano (Lord) &
Noah Michael Lia
Allyson Roche
May they always be faithful members of God’s holy peo-
The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The office will accept inquiries throughout the vacation
months and all calls will be returned as soon as possible.
Mail in registrations will be accepted. Please register early.
Parents with Kindergarten children are encouraged to
enroll them to get a good “headstart” in learning the basic
prayers, Bible stories, the Miracles of Jesus, viewing videos
and activities preparing them for their first formal year of
sacramental preparation. Children should be age 5 in September. For details call: 818-789-5947.
Group: Through the summer,
our Christian Meditation Group
will meet at St. Cyril of Jerusalem every Wednesday evening,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Divine Mercy Chapel. Come share the
fellowship and experience the peace! If you have questions
Great American Irish Fair &
Music Festival
The Big Father’s Day Weekend
Irish Fair
Music, Song & Dance
by Legends of Irish Music!
June 19th & 20th from 10 a.m. TO 7 P.M.
Festival Fields, Woodley Park, Encino, CA
Directions: Exit 405 at Victory Boulevard and
go West to Woodley, turn left into the Park.
For details call: 310-364-4566
(or website: www.irishfair.org).
The Los Angeles Catholic Alumni Club (LACAC)
A social organization of single professional Catholics, will
be having a “Shades of Summer Dance,” Friday, June 25th
at 8:00 p.m., Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Avenue, Van
Nuys. For details call: 818-759-1545.
St. John Eudes Separated, Divorced and Widowed Catholic Support Group: Will meet on Friday,
June 25th, 8:00 p.m. in Room C of Grill Hall. Speaker: John
Derenski, MFT. Topic: “Keys to Successful Relationships.”
For details call: 818-831-7606 or 818-349-9335
Pope John Paul II, Youth Day 2004
in Southern California:
Will be held on Saturday, June 26th, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00
p.m., for Ages 15 to 30, at St. John Eudes Parish , Chatsworth (Mason at Lassen). Keynote Speaker: Msgr. Lorenzo
Albacete. Main Liturgical Celebrant: Bishop Gerald Wilkerson. Donation: $15 per person and includes admission and
dinner. For registration/details call: 818-780-5383 (Website:
Saturday, June 19
4:00 p.m. - Stanley Roman Newman, RIP
Sunday, June 20
8:00 a.m. - For the Parishioners
10:00 a.m. - Santorre Aboularage, RIP
12:00 p.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Monday, June 21
7:30 a.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Tuesday, June 22
7:30 a.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Wednesday, June 23
7:30 a.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Thursday, June 24
7:30 a.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Friday, June 25
7:30 a.m. - Father’s Day Novena
Theology on Tap: A four week speaker series aimed at
married or single young adults in their 20’s or 30’s. St. John
Baptist de la Salle, 10738 Hayvenhurst Ave., Granada Hills.
First session, July 18th at 7:30 p.m. For details call: 661-609-
Marriage encounter weekend: The next weekend
in El Segundo is June 25th-28th and in Ventura it is July
9th-11th. For details call Amber and Felix Masci at: 805581-1670 (or Website: home.earthlink.net/~afmasci). Call
Jacob and Sarah Flores at 562-923.7335 for El Segundo
weekend information. NOTE: The Marriage Encounter Convention will be held July 17th-18th at Mount St. Mary’s College, Brentwood (Website: www.me2004.org.)
To All the Father’s of St. Cyril’s
Parish: May the blessings and
love of our Heavenly Father be
yours in abundance this Father’s
Day and always!
Sue Walsh
Samuel Sydes
Edwina Verdun
Jim Muller
Roy Kohn
Nicolas Gaymon
John Steinbeck
Robert Powell
Elizabeth Boylan
Marie Lerminiau Rosa Albanese
William Thurston
Tamar Johorian
Katie Simpson
Anthony Sanucci
James Penders
Mae Sica
Gerry Zemlicka
Eve Girod
Claritas Smayenka Virginia Fracassi
Elizabeth Gonzalez Patrick McGarry Louise French
Fred Hermann
Dolly Romano
Deion Davis
Paul McGee
Olivia Gonzales Dr. Marshall Turner
Annette Holt
Mirna Dreibus
Mary’s sister Kay
Lucille Taggarg