April 6, 2014 - St. Michael Catholic Church
April 6, 2014 - St. Michael Catholic Church
Saint Michael Catholic Church Serving the Community of Paradise Hills, San Diego since 1957 2643 Homedale Street, San Diego, CA 92139 Phone: (619) 470-1977 · Fax: (619) 267-9397 · www.stmichaelsandiego.org FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT APRIL 06, 2014 Pastor Rev. Manuel Ediza Associate Pastor Rev. Marcelino Bandico In Residence Rev. Bernard Rañoa Deacons Carl Shelton Jun Santos St. Michael Academy Mrs. Mary Johnson, Principal Mrs. Rowena Lewis, Office Secretary (619) 470-4880 St. Michael Preschool Ms. Lucy Zamorano, Director (619) 472-5437 School of Religion Deacon Jun Santos (619) 470-2292 Confirmation / Youth and Young Adults Saint Michael Church is a Catholic parish of the Diocese of San Diego. As a community of faith with a mission to transform its neighborhood according to the Gospel values, the parish serves the needs of over 3,000 families of various cultural backgrounds. MASS SUNDAY: 7:00 AM 1:00 PM (Academy/Children’s Choir) 8:30 AM (Español) 4:30 PM (Youth and Young Adult Mass) 10:00 AM 6:00 PM (Tagalog on the 1st Sunday) 11:30 AM 7:30 PM Saturday: 5:00 PM (for Sunday obligation) Monday to Saturday: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM (on Tuesday & Friday) Holy Days: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM Healing Mass: Will be announced and posted in the Bulletin & in our Website Ms. Arla Sigarlaki, Coordinator (619) 470-2298 Funerals, Bereavement, Seniors Mrs. Nora Caloza Villarosa, Coordinator (619) 472-2657 Weddings Mrs. Barbara Patton, Coordinator (619) 470-7492 Liturgy/Music Kim Conda San Pedro, Coordinator Bulletin Resfina Macoy-Torrevillas Parish Office 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Saturday); First Friday at 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Ms. Mae Salamat, Parish Secretary Mr. Nathan Montemayor, Receptionist (619) 470-1977 DEVOTIONS PARISH OFFICE HOURS: CONFESSIONS Tuesday, 7:00 PM - Mother of Perpetual Help Mass with Novena (preceded by Rosary at 6:30pm) Friday, 7:00 PM - Santo Niño (Holy Child) Novena with Mass (except First Friday) First Thursday & Third Thursday, 6:00 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet / Novena First Friday, 7:00 PM - Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass and Novena (Holy Hour) and All Night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Saturday - Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament (before the 8:00 AM Mass) Third Saturday - Our Lady of Peñafrancia Perpetual Novena (immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass) Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. BAPTISM Please make arrangements at least three months in advance with the Ministry Staff. Pre-baptismal Seminar is required for parents and sponsors. In case of an emergency, or if you need to speak to a priest after office hours, please call (619) 472-2655 and leave a message. A priest will contact you as soon as possible. FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT APRIL 06, 2014 Mass Intentions Today’s Gospel Reflection Exodus Ez 37:12-14 * Psalm 130:1-8 * Romans 8:8:11 * John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45] LIFE FROM DEATH Lent is about Easter, and Easter is about life after death. As we draw closer to Easter, the Sunday readings become more and more explicit about this. In a rather dry, matter-of-fact way, today’s reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans teaches that our “mortal bodies” will be raised to life. But in a far more gripping way, the Lord shouts at us through the prophet Ezekiel, “O my people, I will open your graves . . . I will put my spirit in you . . . I have promised, and I will do it.” When Jesus saw the people weeping over the death of Lazarus, he was troubled in spirit and moved by the deepest emotions. Approaching the tomb, Jesus himself began to weep. He loved Lazarus. In fact, Jesus loved Lazarus so much that he snatched him out of his tomb, back to life. That’s how God loves us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. “Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; LORD, hear my voice!” — Psalm 130:1 LA VIDA VIENE DE LA MUERTE La Cuaresma es sobre la Pascua, y la Pascua es sobre la vida después de la muerte. Al acercarnos a la Pascua, las lecturas dominicales son más y más claras sobre este punto. Viviremos para siempre. De manera seca, sin rodeos, la lectura de la carta de san Pablo a los romanos nos enseña que nuestros “cuerpos mortales” resucitarán. Pero de manera más dramática, el Señor nos grita por boca de Ezequiel, “Pueblo mío, yo mismo abriré sus sepulcros... les infundiré a ustedes mi espíritu... yo, el Señor, lo dije y lo cumplí”. Cuando Jesús vio a la gente llorando por la muerte de Lázaro, sintió una gran tristeza y se conmovió mucho. Se acercó a la tumba y empezó a llorar. Jesús amaba a Lázaro. En verdad, Jesús amaba a Lázaro tanto que lo rescató de la tumba y le devolvió la vida. Es así como Dios nos ama. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. “Desde el abismo de mis pecados clamo a ti; Señor, escucha mi clamor.” — Salmo 130 (129):1 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Page 2 APRIL 2014 05 Sat 06 Sun 07 Mon 08 Tue 09 Wed 10 Thu 11 Fri 12 Sat 5:00pm 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 8:00am 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00am † Reynaldo Ignacio Paul & Buena Algoso—45th Wedding Anniv. † Manuel Samaniego, Jr.—18th Death Anniv. † Lou Romano Valentino Ibit—birthday thanksgiving Mercy Reyes’ Family thansgiving † Elena Nuguid. † Rena Marabut Ancheta PRO-POPULO † Neil Yount † Carmen & † Malaya Sevilla † Anthony Cabeza de Baca—1 yr. death anniv. † Maria Tautimer † Cyrus Sison † Augusto Endaya—3rd yr. death anniv. † Conrado Manglicmot, Jr. † Julio Servito We pray for and remember: On the 40th day of their death: Tuesday, April 8th – Zenaida Elazegui Friday, April 11th – Lorna Galvan On the anniversary of their death: Saturday, April 12th – Timotea de Vera and Nestor Parreno, Sr. Sunday, April 13th – John Gorman Agustin Ediza * Fr. Nemesio Sungcad * Fr. Julian Hernando, S.J. * Fr. Felipe Ortiz, SJ * Fr. Arsenio Nuñez, SJ * Joseph Lipa * Ramona Mandry * Necitas Avila * Jess Tañada * Jacinto Macoy * Amerigo Macoy * Paz Llenos * Fely Alpuerto * Annalie Salazar * Violeta Daen * Kathy Wreschinsky * Kristine Reyes * Evelyn Del Rosario * Margaret Young * Irving Young * Danilo Ditalo * Rufina Macoy * Ma.Theresa Quirante * Marc Organo * Jesus Lampa David * Corazon Santiago * Charles Sirl * Lucy Tipton * Ester Trimor * Antonina Kinghorn * Mercy Mamaril * Nieves Mamaril * Presentacion Figueroa * Barbara Blodgette * Louise James * Ben Bernardy * Andre Balista * Jovita Lufamia * Annabelle Lagos * Norma Short * Florence Timbol * Laling Castro * Josie Chargualaf * Angela Gutierrez * Cleo Bautista * Terry Borja * Victor Tirado * Mary Jane M. Santiago * Arbel Cabasagan * Suzette Roa Domantay * Christine Roa Cox * Maria Cabreros * Ma. Andrea Flores * Fara Margery Herrera * Aimee Joyce Adviento * Maria Corbett * Jim Salem * Sherrie Williams * Milan Cesar * Bonifacio Parcon * Fr. Victor Maristela * Mercedes Arellano * Jess & Maria Cruz * Trinidad Farnal * Juvenal Henandez * Marissa Villalon Hawkins * Athene Macoy * Mercy Nieves * William Cordero * Ramon Navalta * Danilo Paule * Avelina Gaerlan * Sandra Ligsay * Beelynda Conui-Martinez * Carmelita Cagayat * David Ayala * Mary Ann Acuario * Felipa Strominger * Randi Kaplan * Maria Corbett * Eric Donald Skidmore * Randi Kaplan * Alejandrino Lucero * Dolores Lucero * Mario Bermudez * Marino Bermudez * Nestor Bermudez * Timoteo Riturban * Dolores Berry * Jose Daniel Baniel * Corazon Mojica * Francisco Del Carmen * Jose Castro * Gina Castro * Gabriel Castro * Julia Arellano This list is updated on a weekly basis. Please call the office to add a name. NAMES ON SICK LIST WILL BE DELETED AFTER 60 DAYS. ST. MICHAEL CHURCH PARADISE HILLS, SAN DIEGO Dear Parishioners and friends, Isn’t it Funny ... • How a $20 bill looks so big when you take it to church, but so small when you take it to the mall or the casino? • How people scramble to get the front seat at a concert, but scramble to get the back seat at a church service? PASTOR’S MESSAGE • How laborious it is to read a chapter in the Bible, and how easy it is to read 200-300 pages of a best-selling novel? • How we believe what newspapers say, but question what the Bible says? • How we are so quick to take directions from a total stranger when we are lost, but so hesitant to take God’s direction for our lives? • How people want God to answer their prayers, but refuse to listen to His counsel? • How difficult it is to learn the gospel well and spread the Word to others, but so simple to understand and explain in details the latest gossip? • How we can’t think of anything to say when we pray, but don’t have difficulty thinking of things to talk about a friend? • How we call God our Father and Jesus our brother, but find it hard to introduce them to our family? • How people think they are going to Heaven, but live as if there is no Hell? • How when something goes wrong we cry, “Lord, why me?”, but when something goes right we think, “Hey, it must have been me!”? • How it is okay to blame God for evil and suffering in the world, but it is not necessary to thank Him for what is good and pleasant? • How we demand justice for others, but expect mercy from God? • How we cannot fit a gospel meeting or an evening of recollection into our schedule or yearly planner, but we can accommodate in our schedule other events at a moment’s notice? • How we get thrilled when a football game goes into overtime, but we complain when a sermon is longer than the regular time? • How we look forward to that big date on Friday night, but complain about getting up for church on Sunday morning? • How we are rarely late for work or for an appointment, but late when going to church? • How long an hour of serving God is, but how short the time when watching television/movie/concert, or playing sports, or sleeping, or surfing the internet, or chatting on Facebook? Make time for God in your life. Tomorrow may be too late for God. Be a good steward! A good steward is always rooted in Jesus Christ. He/She is always generous and shares his/her time, talent and treasures. Fr. Manny Ediza ONLINE GIVING. We invite you to take the opportunity to benefit from Online Giving. To register, please visit www.stmichaelsandiego.org and click on Online Giving link, or go directly to: https://www.myowngiving.com/Default.aspx?cid=833 AMOUNT OF DONATION $____________ Page 3 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT APRIL 06, 2014 Blessings from St. Michael Academy to the St. Michael Parish Community! This has been a busy week at St. Michael Academy. We have BIG news to share. Mr. Lillie’s 7th and 8th grade science students entered 34 projects into the science fair competition. Sixteen (16) of those projects were judged worthy to go on to the Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair. But, there’s even BIGGER news; Anastacia Ramirez and John Estrada earned 1st place, Joshua Narezo and Phoebe San Pedro earned 2nd place, Gerome Prudencio, Nick Marty, Gabbie Ganzon, Aysa Dungca, Jonathan Gomez, Sara Marty, Javon Simmons, and Fernanda Lemieux earned 3rd place, and, Erick Leal, Enrique Marcilla, Keilani Bernardo, and Alfred Lopez earned 4th place. Gerome Prudencio also received a special recognition from the American Chemical Society. Way to go, Mr. Lillie and students!!! Then, on Friday, March 28th, SMA held its 5th Annual Spelling Bee. While the competition was tough, two students rose to the top; Jonathan Gomez won 1st place and Julian Tiong won 2nd place. Jonathan is our champion two years in a row while Julian won 1st place two years prior. Keep up the good work, boys! Thank you, Mrs. Arbuthnot for a wonderful experience. Enrollment/registration is an ongoing process at St. Michael Academy. We are a Kindergarten through 8th Grade school. Call the office and schedule a tour of the Academy. Give us an opportunity to show you how the cost of your child’s Catholic education can fit into your budget. Call 619 470-4880, or e-mail Mrs. Lewis @ [email protected]. Fr. Manny offers a $1000 discount to new families enrolling in the Academy. Yours in Christ, Mary Johnson, Principal The mission of the Academy is to form young disciples to be spiritually, intellectually, and socially prepared to integrate gospel values for living a Catholic, Christian life in a secular world. We are committed to providing a Christian environment where students experience God through exploration of their lives and the wonders of His creation. The Academy envisions itself as a partner with parents; sharing the educational ministry of the Church. St. Michael Preschool Lucy Zamorano, Director 619-472-5437 We are accepting CHILDREN AGES 2 TO 5 YEARS We are DRIVEN to teach Catholic-values based life. Religious Education Deacon Jun Santos: (619)470-2292 [email protected] YEAR ROUND OUTREACH: cancelled postage stamps. Culture of Life The preschool is a year round school which will be open twelve “How precious is Your love, O God!... For months and closed only on Diocesan holidays. with You is the fountain of life, and in Our programs are tailored to meet your family budget with a Your light we see light.” (Psalm 36:8,10) variety of full-days, half-days, 2 days, 3 days and 5 days a week. Jesus proclaims that life finds its center, its meaning, and its Teachers are present from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. fulfillment when it is given up.… We, too, are called to give up Please contact our Director, Ms. Lucy at (619 472-5437 to our lives for our brothers and sisters, and thus to realize in the schedule a tour of our excellent Center, preview prices, and meet fullness of truth the meaning and destiny of our existence. We our loving staff. shall be able to do this because You, O Lord, have given us the example and have bestowed on us the power of Your Spirit. We LIFE shall be able to do this if every day, with You and like You, we A well-spent life is the only passport to heaven. are obedient to the Father and do His will. Grant, therefore, that —Pope Leo XIII we may listen with open and generous hearts to every word AFTER-ABORTION HEALING RETREAT FOR CATHOLIC which proceeds from the mouth of God. Thus shall we learn not only to obey the commandment not to kill human WOMEN (or Catholic-friendly) given by Rachel’s Hope on May 2-4, life, but also to revere life, to love it, and to foster 2014. Professionally led. Held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, San Diego. Closing Mass included. Group it. [Evangelium Vitae, n. 51] size limited. Cost $45; partial scholarships available. Confidentially Please come and pray the Rosary to promote a maintained. Limited housing available. For information/registration Culture of Life every Tuesday, 6:30pm in the call Rosemary Benefield (858) 581-3022. Visit us on our website: Church. www.RachelsHope.org Page 4 ST. MICHAEL CHURCH PARADISE HILLS, SAN DIEGO Parish News and Announcements Comunidad Latina LOL (Loving Our Lord) - Youth Group Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298 [email protected] EL GRUPO PASTORAL FAMILIAR los invita a sus reunions Attention all high schoolers! Join us in the todos los Viernes de 6:30pm—8:30pm en el salón parroquial. Youth Room after the 4:30pm mass every 2nd Juntos aprenderemos a ser mejores Cristianos, mejores esposos, and 4th Sunday to celebrate life, love, and our mejores padres de familia, mejores hijos y mejores seres Lord. Get to know other youth within our humanos. Vengan con toda la familia! Para mayores informes parish and bring a friend! Everyone is comuniquese con los Señores Gonzales al (619) 479-7452. welcome to Youth Group. For more information and to keep up-toEl grupo de Oración los invita a su reunión date on our current events, join our Youth Group Facebook page! los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. en el Young Adults (18 years and up and out of high school) Arla Sigarlaki: (619)470-2298 [email protected] Salón de los Jóvenes frente a la capilla. (“Donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi Young Adult Meetings are held on the nombre allí estoy yo” - Mateo 18:20) Third Friday of the month. We attend the 7:00 p.m. Mass followed by our fellowship in Nota: El ultimo Jueves del mes nos reunimos en Santa Rosa de the Youth Room. All Young Adults, 18-30s Lima para la misa y hora santa de 6:30pm a 9:30pm y el primer Miérare welcome. coles del mes nos reunimos en San Juan de la Cruz, (8086 Broadway Ave, Lemon Grove) para la misa de Sanación de las 6:45pm a 9:00pm. Informes con Lucy Moncado al teléfono (619) 656-9131. ALTAR SERVERS—Schedule ULTREYA: El Movimiento de Cursillos de APRIL 12—PALM SUNDAY: Alvin Jarod Aguda, Carisa Alfonso, Cristiandad de la Diócesis de San Diego los 5:00 pm Alvin Justin Apilado, Cameron Armas, invita a su Ultreya mensual en el Salón Kayla San Pedro, Phoebe San Pedro Parrroquial de San Miguel a las 7:30 pm. Una invitación cordial a todas las personas que han vivido su cursillo APRIL 13—PALM SUNDAY: 7:00 am Antonio Cardozo, Dean Cardozo, Ajay Demesa, para convivir Christianamente y compartir como estamos Nikki Mendoza, Neala Mendoza caminando en nuestro Cuarto día. Nos reunimos cada Tercer 8:30 am Abraham Mendez, Jorge Peraza, Jesus Ruiz, Lunes del Mes. Los esperamos!!! David Ruiz, Christy Triana Para celebrar el dia de las madres la comunidad latina, los invita a participar con un reconocimiento para la madre mas joven a mas prolifera y la de mas edad. Para esto la persona nominada tiene que estar registrada en la parroquia. Si usted conoce a alguien en la comunidad inscribala Para mas informacion estaremos afuera de la parroquia, Fecha Limite sera el 27 de Abril 2014 10:00 am Alexis Hernandez, Alexis Lagos, Gerard Lagos, Ryan Manalac, Tristan Marcelo 11:30 am Patrick Desamparo, Maryanne Gapasin, Mary Rose Gonzales, Poyeen Longno, Krhyginne Tamoria 1:00 pm Joany Bayron, Donna Llanda, Emmanuel Llanda, Dyna Monsalud, David Monsalud 4:30 pm Leah Jizelle Canonizado, Jeffrey Pantig, Jeremy Pantig, Paul Rulloda, Angel Sagbigsal 6:00 pm Angelo Biares, Monique Biares, R. C. Edoria, Nathan Martino, Branden Sussman 7:30 pm Adrien del Basa, Rodelyne Estrada St. Michael Cursillo Team • SMP Cursillo Team Reunion: Please join the SMP Team Reunion every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, at the Collier Center. • Candidates Application are being processed now for Class #110 (Women’s) and Class #111 (Men’s) 2014. Please submit your application ASAP. Filipino Community of St. Michael FCSM is actively getting requests for weekly ROSARY DEVOTION done in homes. Please contact Fe Endaya (619-470-1559) or Precy Portacio (475-1375) if interested to book a Rosary Devotion for the next few months. Sir Knight Renato Marcelino, Financial Secretary, [email protected] INFORMATION NIGHT. On April 16, 2014 (Wed.) Madonna Council will hold an information night/social meeting in lieu of the regular business meeting. The event will start at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All member knights and their wives are encouraged to attend. Those interested in becoming a member knight or are curious about what the Knights of Columbus is about are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. CHARITY If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask him simply to fill you with charity, the greatest of all virtues; with it you can accomplish what you desire. —St. Vincent Ferrer Page 5 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT HAVE YOU PLEDGED YET? APRIL 06, 2014 Senior Ministry, Funeral, Bereavement Nora Caloza Villarosa: (619) 472-2657 nvillarosa@stmichaelsandiego,org We encounter Christ in those we serve … EXERCISE CLASSES – beginners and nonthe hungry, the homeless, the sick, and those imprisoned. Through the ACA, we are seniors are welcome. Location: Collier Center reminded that we encounter God’s love Zumba – Monday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. when we serve others through stewardship, service, and sacrifice. Yoga – Tuesday from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Your participation, regardless of gift amount, makes a difference. TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND. Make 2014 ACA Update as of MARCH 23, 2014 Sundays complete for someone you love who can’t SUNDAY $ PLEDGED $ PAID $ GOAL WEEK # Pledges MASS get to church by sharing information about TV Mass for the homebound. $70,000.00 $ 20,842 $ 15,282 6 173 Sunday TV Mass 29.77% 21.83% 100% % 5.91% 9:30 a.m. MyTV13 XDTV cable channel 13 Registered Parishioners: 2,925 Check TV listings for broadcast/cable/satellite channels Pledges received the weekend of March 23, 2014: Note: TV Mass does not meet Sunday Mass obligation for Anonymous * Agbulos, Peter & Andrea * Cruz, Eduardo & Encarnacion the faithful who are able to attend in person. * Darvin, Rachel * Duenas, David * Encarnacion, Loida * Estebat, Efren * Flores, Dolores * Galac, Cesar * Gomez, Frank * Gonzalez, Wilfredo & Ofelia * Grepo, Purificacion * Haney, John Jr. * In Memory of Jose Hernandez * Israel, Myrna * Johnson, Reginald * Macaraeg, Felix & Teodisia * Magno, Cesar & Gia * Manuel, Osorio & Fe * Paligutan, Radie & Nora * Rainwater, Maria * Rivera, Eva * Rubio, Ferdinand & Luisa * Sinsay, Ely & Dominga * Stevens, Caridad * Toledo, Chito & Ma. Luz Ramona * Yambao, Arnold & Emelita THANK YOU! GRACIAS! SALAMAT PO! “Whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” (Mt 10:40) Would you like the Divine Mercy to visit your family? Call Violeta Daen at 619434-5831 or Susan Encabo at 619-395-6894 to schedule an appointment. DIVINE MERCY Novena/Chaplet on the first Thursday and third Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the church. EL SHADDAI: Prayer/fellowship every Saturday, 6:00pm, at the Parish Hall or Collier Center. LEGION of MARY: Meeting every Monday, 7pm, Youth Room. MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA with MASS, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. NOVENA with MASS IN HONOR of the SANTO NIÑO (The Holy Infant Jesus), Fridays except First Friday, at 7:00 p.m. “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me.” (Mk 9:37) Have you recently moved? If so, please call our office as soon as possible so that we may update our records. We want to be able to get important information to all parishioners in a timely manner. You may also fill out the slip below and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the office. PRAY and DANCE. There will be line-dance exercise every First Thursday of the month, following the Divine Mercy novena. The linedance will be held in the Parish Hall, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Donation: $5.00 per person per session. Thanks to our advertisers who sponsor this bulletin. Support them with your business. NAME: _________________________________________ Welcome to St. Michael Church! Please register with the Parish Office if you live within the parish boundaries by completing the form below and sending it to us. Membership has its privileges. NEW ADDRESS:__________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________ Change of Address. If you moved to a new address, please Cut and Mail New Parishioners. complete form below and send it to us. PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________ ________________________________________________ If you will be changing your parish, please call the Parish Office at (619) PHONE NUMBER: (______)_________________________ 470-1977. Page 6 Upcoming Events / Schedule of Services 2014 APRIL 7 (Monday) — Parish Lenten Penance Service at 7:00 p.m. APRIL 17 (HOLY THURSDAY) 8:00 a.m.— NO MASS / 7:00 p.m.— MASS OF THE LORD’s SUPPER APRIL 18 (GOOD FRIDAY) Stations of the Cross 8:00 a.m. — NO MASS will continue on 11:00 a.m. — Stations of the Cross (Academy) Friday, April 11, 12:00 noon — Church open for private prayer (IN SILENCE) at 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. — Stations of the Cross (Trilingual) with Reflection on the Seven Last Words of Jesus (led by the Priests & Deacons) 3:00 p.m. — Divine Mercy Novena 7:00 p.m. — THE LORD’S PASSION / ADORATION OF THE CROSS APRIL 19 (HOLY SATURDAY) - EASTER VIGIL NO MASS at 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. — Divine Mercy Novena 8:00 p.m. — EASTER VIGIL MASS APRIL 20 (EASTER SUNDAY) - RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 5:00 a.m. — SALUBONG (Assemble at 4:45 a.m.) 5:30 a.m. — SALUBONG MASS 3:30 p.m. — Divine Mercy Novena REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE OF MASSES: 7:00 a.m. * 8:30 a.m. (Spanish) * 10:00 a.m. * 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. * 4:30 p.m. * 6:00 p.m. * 7:30 p.m. PROPER INSIDE CHURCH CHURCH PROPER ATTIRE ATTIRE INSIDE "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." [Gal 3:27] PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL is open daily from 8:30am to 8:30pm. It is located adjacent to the parish office. “The more you devote yourself in prayer the more you will do well in your work.” —St. John Baptist de la Salle Our dignity as baptized children of God - "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." [Gal 3:27] God of love, God of faithfulness, God of goodness, God of mercy, be with Your people in these Lenten days of grace. May we remain dedicated to our prayer, fasting, and charity, so we may be restored to the grace of our baptism, that new birth You gave us in water and the Spirit. Turn us away from sin, return us to the Gospel, lead us to Easter joy, now and forever. Amen. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine Power of God - cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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