IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH MELBOURNE BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 3, 2016 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, July 2 9:00 a.m. Richard Hariegel by Angela & Gloria Spampinato 4:30 p.m. Nicholas & Anna De Marlo by Toni Polster Sunday, July 3 9:00 a.m. Dr. Walter & Kathleen Keefe by Dr. Tom & Lois Keefe 11:00 a.m. Hamdy Bechir by his Family Monday, July 4 8:00 a.m. Lisa Landry & Charlie Dimon by Joy Dimon Tuesday, July 5 8:00 a.m. Hamdy Beckir by Jackie Backir Wednesday, July 6 8:00 a.m. Jane Loufek by Toni Polster Thursday, July 7 8:00 a.m. Jim Pianello by the Gabrielli’s Friday, July 8 8:00 a.m. Joel Gilbert by the Gabrielli’s Saturday, July 9 9:00 a.m. Mary Catherine Flaherty by Paul & Jane Nigro 4:30 p.m. Fr. Joseph Nolan by Bill Sharon Spiegelhalter Sunday, July 10 9:00 a.m. Jane Loufek by Gordon & Trish Woodruff 11:00 a.m. Dianne Pucci by Tom Helwig Saturday, July 9 4:30 p.m. Ted Cooper, Marlene Marando, Judi Mendes, Toni Polster, Dan Savage, Bill Spiegelhalter, Ann Youngblood, Jackie Baduini, Bonita Payne Sunday, July 10 9:00 a.m. Joy Dimon, Gary Easton, Mary Pat Maguire, Jack Strahle, Barbara Van Dam, Angela Phillips, Amy Sullivan, Nat Villaire, Sonja Villaire. 11:00 a.m. Patricia Ann Bray, Beverly Burton, Ava Cronin, Terry Cronin Jr., Jim Gilliam, Barbara Lizardi, Blake Ostrosser, Estelle Racanelli, Charles Symeon Offertory Collection Our Catholic Appeal (goal: $106,195) Holy Father, Peter’s Pence (total) America is far more than a continent bounded by two oceans. It is more than the pride of military power, glory in war, or success and victory. It means more than vast expanses of farms, of great factories or mines, magnificent cities, or millions of automobiles, radios, and TVs. America is the intangible we cannot describe. It is a soul. The soul of a free man, the spirit of a free thought. The drama of an alert mind. The simple and honest dignity of a human being. The respect for the feelings, thoughts, and concerns of a fellow citizen. READERS Saturday, July 9 4:30 p.m. Dan Savage, Adam Blackwell Sunday, July 10 9:00 a.m. Sharon Klein 11:00 a.m. Doug Allison, Tommy Unger ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, July 9 4:30 p.m. Olivia, Samuel & Evan Blackwell Sunday, July 10 9:00 a.m. Abe & Aaron Murphy 11:00 a.m. Ellie Bonenberger, Maggie Unger WHAT AMERICA IS $7,276.00 $113,621.23 $1,978.00 If you would like to purchase fresh flowers for the altar for a special occasion or in memory of a loved one contact Joy Dimon at 9561834. Altar Flowers: July 3, 2016 – In Loving Memory of Jack & Helen Thistle by Susan and Jack Strahle VISITS FOR THE SICK If you know someone who is homebound, in a nursing home or rehabilitation center, and would like a visit from the Ministers to the Sick, or a priest, notify Joy Dimon at 9561834. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA A Miraculous Medal Novena will be held every Monday immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Booklets for the Novena are in the center aisle. DAILY ROSARY AND BOOK OF PETITIONS There is a prayer petition book to Our Lady of the Rosary located on the shelf at the back of the church. List your petitions - they will be included with the recitation of the rosary prayed before and after daily Mass. All are welcome to join us. HAVE GLUTEN INTOLER NCE? Low-gluten communion hosts (under 20 ppm) are available at all Masses for those who suffer from gluten intolerance. Please see the sacristan prior to Mass to make arrangements. BIRTHRIGHT/GENESIS HOUSE This weekend, July 2nd and 3rd is Birthright Weekend, for our parish. Collections are taken for the Birthright Center and the three Genesis Houses. Birthright and Genesis House envelopes are available near the baskets in the back of the Church and checks should be made out to "Birthright" or "Genesis House". Goods needed include soaps, detergents, paper towels, maternity clothes, diapers. In conjunction with this collection we will also have the Penny Sunday Collection. Please consider giving your pennies to Birthright, an organization that helps pregnant, needy mothers. Bring your bag of pennies and drop them in the special bucket marked "Birthright" by the entrance of the church for that purpose. Please do not put these pennies in the offertory collection. Thank you. 14th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WOMEN’S GUILD MARK YOUR CALENDAR for 2016 September 12 at 9:30 a.m. Board Meeting Sept. 22, Thurs., 5:30p.m. General Mtg/Covered Dish October 8, Sat. at 6:00 p.m. “A Taste of Italy” Dinner/Dance November 6 & December 11 Coffee Sunday (After 9 a.m. & 11am Masses) Nov. 7, Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Board Meeting December 5, Mon. at noon Christmas Luncheon OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL I am pleased to announce that we have surpassed our goal of $106,195 for Our Catholic Appeal and raised $113,621.23!! Out of 996 families registered in our parish, 30.8% of our parishioners responded to Our Catholic Appeal with a gift. When we share our treasure with Our Catholic Appeal, we not only glorify God through our personal generosity, but we also help our parish, our diocese, and our Bishop to glorify God through ministry. The gifts that you and I offered to Our Catholic Appeal will be used to care for the suffering, form new priests and deacons, train catechists and other ministry leaders, tend to the suffering, and advocate for public policies that protect human life. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity! May all that we do bear witness to God’s goodness and glory! ……..Gratefully yours in Christ, Fr. Peter BANKING MATTERS We ask that you please use only black or blue ink when writing checks to the Parish. Other color inks delay or create problems processing your check at the bank. Thank you. ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE COUNSELING Immaculate Conception is offering professional Alcoholism and Drug Abuse counseling. A Florida Certified Addiction Professional will be available at the Parish Office on Tuesday mornings. Interested persons should call the Parish Office at 725-0552 to make an appointment. This service is free of charge and is intended for: • Those who think they may have a problem with alcohol or other drugs, • Those who are active in AA or AI-Anon but feel the need for professional help, • Concerned or upset family members. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ENROLLS IN STEPHEN SERIES Immaculate Conception has recently enrolled in the Stephen Series. The Stephen Series system trains and organizes laypeople to do caring ministry. Our Stephen Leaders have attended a seven-day Leadership Training Course in Orlando and will soon begin to train some of our church members to be Stephen Ministers. For more information, please call Gretchen at (321) 745-9407, or Donna at (321) 693-9870. PRAYER LINE Please call in prayer requests for the Telephone Prayer Line to Marian Kulik at 728-1302 or Rosemarie Meerbott at 725-7053. ELIJAH CUP Take the Elijah Cup home for a week and pray for vocations to the Priesthood, the Diaconate and the Religious Life. Please prayerfully consider participating in this ministry. To see available weeks, contact Dr. Bill Klein at (321)794-1322, or [email protected] (The Fr. Nolan Chalice is passed weekly at the 9:00 a.m. Mass). Week of July 3: Honor & Patrick Murphy Week of July 10: Dr. & Mrs. Howard Pettengill Comments from previous Elijah Cup participants: “I learned a lot!”; “I felt honored!”; It gives me hope!”; “Profound & Compelling!”; “Love!”; “Inestimable service of Priests”; “The Lord rewards prayer”; “Openness” A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP NOONAN All life is sacred as each one of us is made in the image and likeness of God. We cherish each person as a child of God. We pray for victims of violence and acts of terror ... for their families and friends ... and all those affected by such acts against God's love. We pray for the people of the city of Orlando that God's mercy and love will be upon us as we seek healing and consolation. Every time we look at the Cross, we see how God has forgiven us in Christ - with a love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things; love never fails. We dry the tears of those who weep and mourn as gently as Veronica wiped the Lord's bleeding face on the Via Dolorosa. May the Peace of Christ dwell within our heart. ………Bishop John Noonan, Diocese of Orlando THANK YOU Dear Parishoners, Thank you for your recent money gifts received on June 17th. Your donations will help Daily Bread remain one of the key social service organizations for the poor, hungry and homeless in our community. Recognized by Florida Today as Volunteer Organization of the Year in October of 2015, Daily Bread is more than your average soup kitchen. Along with serving a large midday meal to an average of 234 people 365 days of the year, Daily Bread provides services that go far beyond food. I know you have many choices when making your charitable contributions. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Staff and the Clients we appreciate you choosing to support Daily Bread. ……………John Farrell, Executive Director OFFICE CLOSED FOR JULY 4th HOLIDAY & FRIDAYS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS The Parish Office will be closed on Fridays during the nd summer months up to and including September 2 , and on Monday, the July 4th holiday. View Our Parish Supporters @ DiscoverMass.com J VV © 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc.