Immaculate Conception Catholic Church


Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Phone: 501.835.4323
Fax # 501.834.5598
Sister Parish to Most Holy Mother of God Catholic Parish
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Father Tom Elliott, Pastor
501.835.4323, ext. 107
email:[email protected]
Persons/Families when joining the parish, changing address, or
moving to another parish, should contact the Pastoral Services
Office. Family members should register as separate adult
members of the parish upon reaching 19 years of age.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
If you wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith, please
contact the Religious Education Office, ext. 304
Diocesan guidelines require a full year of religious education
prior to the year of preparation for receiving the sacraments of
Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
Father Michael Bass, Associate Pastor
501.835.4323,ext 106
email: [email protected]
Deacons: Chuck Farrar and Butch King
VIGIL MASS: Saturday 4:30 p.m.
SUNDAY MASS: 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
*HOLY DAY: Vigil- 7:00 p.m. Holy Day - 8:15 a.m. &
7:00 p.m.
*DAILY MASS: Tues. 8:15 a.m.
Wed. 6:45 a.m. & 8:15 a.m.
Thurs. 6:45 a.m. & 8:15 a.m.
Fri. 8:15 a.m.
Sat. 8:00 a.m.
* Please check inside the bulletin for any changes from the above schedules.
BAPTISM: By Appointment
CONFESSION: Thursday 6-7 p.m. & Saturday 3-4 p.m.
(Or any time by appointment)
MARRIAGE: Click “Marriage Preparation” at
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Directory of Services
Pastoral Staff ~ 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.)
Phone 835-4323 Fax # 834-5598
Clarene Hoyt, ext. 100 [email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Carmel Hanley, ext 101
[email protected]
Religious Education
Phyllis Eubanks, ext. 304 [email protected]
Youth Ministry
Christie Powell, ext. 105 [email protected]
Music Director
Steve Guilmet, ext. 114 [email protected]
Business and Finance ~ 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Phone 835-4323 Fax# 834-0165
Business Coordinator: Carmen Sellinger, ext 102
[email protected]
Bookkeeper: SueAnn Buratowski, ext 104
[email protected]
Asst. Bookkeeper/Bulletin Coordinator:
Mary Spond, ext. 103 [email protected]
School pre-K3 -8th grade Office~7:30 am–3:30pm
Phone 835-0771 Fax# 487-6097
Principal: Marcia Brucks
Assistant Principal: Nicole Schafer
Secretaries: Maureen Berry & Cathy Wright
Advancement Director: Melanie Brady
Athletic Director: Stacie Wharton
Support Staff
Buildings & Maintenance Leigh Berry
Rectory Housekeeping: Julie Sharp
School Custodian: Dorothy Burton
(9 days prior to the publication date of the bulletin.)
Fax 834-0165 or email [email protected] or bring information to
the parish office.
Immaculate Conception Church Website Ministries/Organizations, please
email your info to: [email protected]
The IC Church Nursery (ages 6 mos - 4 yrs) is
available during the 4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass,
and the 10:30 am & 5 pm Sunday Masses. The nursery is
located across from the Perpetual Adoration Chapel in the
church; we look forward to watching your small ones for you!
Nursery Coordinator: Marietta Ward [email protected]
Sacramental Information~ See Bulletin Cover
Preparations for infant baptisms need to be scheduled with
the Pastoral Services Office. All scheduling of facilities for
weddings also needs to be done through this same office.
Home Bound Visits
~ Contact the church office at 8354323 if you are unable to get to church and wish to receive Holy
In the Hospital ~ Please call the church office at 835-4323
or email at Receptionist@iccnlr to let us know if you or a
family member are in the hospital.
Prayer Network ~ If you or someone you know is in need
of prayer for serious matters and emergencies such as surgery,
accidents, hospitalization etc., please call the Immaculate
Conception Prayer Network- Dottie Edwards, Chairperson, at
835-7995. This ministry is happy to pray daily for one week for
each intercessory request received. They ask that another phone
call request be placed each week, if additional prayer is desired.
New Arrivals ~The Hospitality Committee of IC happily
offers a “Welcome” ministry to any parish family that has had a
recent birth or an adoption of a child of any age. Please let us
know by contacting via email: [email protected]
Pastoral Council President: Joe Villiger;
Vice President: Bill Wright; Secretary: Shelli Dominick
Email addresses of Pastoral Council Members-at-Large
Joe Villiger
[email protected]
John Pownall
[email protected]
Rick Jez
[email protected]
Shelli Dominick [email protected]
Tom Brooks
[email protected]
Bill Wright
[email protected]
Mary Wallin
[email protected]
Allen Thomas
[email protected]
John Allgood
[email protected]
Organizations, Ministries, Boards & Committees
A listing of the many organizations & ministries affiliated with
our parish, along with contact names and phone numbers for
each group, can be found in the IC Church Guide Book &
Directory or on our parish website:
November 17th-November 23rd
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or,
(for the memorial of the Dedication)
Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Lk 19:45-48
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
LIVING PRAYER Who prays as they ought will endeavor
to live as they pray.—Anonymous
Mass Schedule & Intentions for the Week
*Fr. Tom-(T) * Fr. Michael-(M)
Tues., Nov. 18
8:15 am
Ken Pennebaker/Dec’d Anniv. (T)
Wed., Nov. 19
6:45 am
8:15 am
All Souls/(T)
Andrew Keltner/Dec’d Anniv. (M)
Thurs., Nov. 20 6:45 am
8:15 am
All Souls/(M)
All Souls/(T)
8:15 am
All Souls/(T)
Fri., Nov. 21
Liturgical Roles
Saturday, November 22nd ~4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass
Altar Servers: *A. Mathews, V. Jaworski, A. Jaworski,
R. Wehner, R. Winzerling
Extraordinary Ministers: N. Bennett, M. Boston, K. Masoner,
J. & M. Finnegan, C. Mathews, P. Robinson
Lectors: S. Dominick, A. Styn
Ushers: R. Bennett, L. Engel, T. Jaworski, G. Prohl
Hospitality Greeters: B. & C. Wright, S. Hum, V. Thennes
Sunday, November 23rd~ 8 a.m. Mass
Sat., Nov. 22
8:00 am
4:30 pm
Sun., Nov. 23
8:00 am For the Parish/(T)
10:30am All Souls/(T)
5:00 pm All Souls/(M)
All Souls/(M)
All Souls/(M)
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Focus: Let the light of faith overcome our fears of the
darkness and of the unknown.
The Lord graced each of us with many abilities. These abilities
give us the strength to confront life’s complexity and, with the
help of our Lord, enable us to reach new heights. Let a fearless
desire to please the Lord fill our lives.
Rest in Peace
Helen Kaplon
Muriel Divita
Please Pray For Our Sick: Kathleen Masoner,
Mary Lensing, Bo Bourdo, David Nielsen, Denver Barger,
Wanna L. Byrd, Joan Weddle, Lucian Kitta, Albert Bulmanski,
Patricia Whitfield, Rudy & Rose Del Donno
Next Sunday, November 23rd, is the Feast of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Each year this solemnity marks the end of the church’s
liturgical year.
In celebration of this special feast, after the 10:30 am Mass
next Sunday, we will join together to honor Our Lord with
exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, singing of the Divine
Mercy Chaplet, adoration and Benediction. The Knights of
Columbus, in color guard formation, will be present and will
add to the dignity and solemnity of the occasion.
As the 2014 liturgical year comes to a close, this special
observance will offer our parish family an opportunity to give
honor and glory to Christ our King. It is an appropriate time
to renew our love and loyalty to Christ who cares for each of
us now and until the end of time.
A “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children” adult
training session will be offered in the IC School
Jr. High science room on Saturday, November 22nd at 9 am
Attending a VIRTUS session is a requirement for ANY and
ALL who VOLUNTEER in or for our Catholic Church or
School. To pre-register go online to A
schedule of all sessions being offered is available at this same
website. For more details, call Marcia Brucks@835-0771
Altar Servers: B. Bates. C. Polston, A. Polston
Extraordinary Ministers: Dc. Butch, J. Brewer, T. Keene,
M. & S. Coco, M. Moore, S. Petlak
Lectors: J. Miller, J. Turnbull
Ushers: G. Grummer, D. King, K. Lock, J. Pharo
Hospitality Greeters: T. Shircliff, I. Curry, L. & P. Peters
Sunday, November 23rd~ 10:30 a.m. Mass
Altar Servers:* E. Parker, A. Allgood, E. Dearworth,
O. Parker, M. Shilling
Extraordinary Ministers: Dc. Chuck, J. Garmon, C. Herring,
D. Massanelli, C. Montagnino, J. Sims, C. Slattery
Lectors: B. Hyde, M. Montagnino
Ushers: R. Jez, F. Martin, C. Parker, R. Parker
Hospitality Greeters: A. Thomas Fmly, M. & L. Hinson
Sunday, November 23rd~ 5 p.m. Mass
Altar Server: *N. Kaelin, K. Kaelin, B. Lanfranco,
M. Waddell, G. Waddell
Extraordinary Ministers: T. Brooks, S. Bulmanski, A. Pena
I. & P. Durbin, D. Porterfield, B. Snow
Lectors: E. Nelson, K. Waddell
Ushers: L. Denison, S. Giglio, P. Lantz, R. Waddell
Hospitality Greeters: K. Keplinger
Looking For A Little Quiet Time With
Great “Girl And God” Bonding?
We’ve got just the venue! All women of the parish are invited
to a “Morning of Reflection” on Saturday, November 22nd,
from 9 am until 12 noon. We will gather in Immaculata Hall for
light refreshments before beginning the morning activity. The
November & August Altar Society committees are in charge of
the refreshments. The theme will center around our prayer life
as presented by Debbie McCullough. The attire is very casual.
We know that Saturday time is very precious for those of you
who work outside the home, so we’re hoping that you can set
aside this three hour block to reflect, to meet and to converse
with other women. There is no charge for the mini-retreat, and
all are strongly encouraged to bring a friend. If you have questions, call Carolyn Chalmers at 835-5544; for ride assistance,
please call a few days ahead of time. Hope you can come!
Our 2015 Church Calendars have arrived!
Copies are located at all church exits. Please pick
one up for your family.
DO you need a book to read? Come
on down to the IC School Fall Book Fair open
this Sunday, November 16th, after the 10:30 am
Mass until 12:30 pm OR come by the school
library this coming week of November 17th-21st to
take a look at all that our Book Fair has to offer!
Do you need the perfect Christmas present? A
book is the way to go! Don’t miss it... Check out
our IC School Fall Book Fair ! All monies raised
go back to supporting our school library
Attention All Seniors and Retirees of the Parish: The
Golden Falcons welcome all seniors of IC parish to join us for
our November social on Tuesday, the 18th. Come earlier for
Mass at 8:15 am. if you can. Breakfast is at 9:15 am in
Immaculata Hall. In the spirit of thanksgiving, it would be
great if you can remember to bring to our meeting a few can
good items for Helping Hand. Also mark your calendars for the
December gathering on the 16th. It’s never too late to start
coming to our morning gatherings. For further information
call one of the senior committee members Faith Burke 7538672, Carolyn Chalmers 835-5544 or Tommy Daughenbaugh
835-3576; for ride assistance, please call at least 4 days ahead.
The IC CYM is asking for your help again this year with their
Thanksgiving Day project. We will provide 75 families with a
Thanksgiving Meal!
It is our desire to provide not only the food to feed them, but all
the necessary ingredients for them to make a home-cooked
meal for their family.
The CYM will assemble the 75 boxes of meal items, so that
families may pick them up and prepare their own meal. A list of
needed items can be found at the church exits. If you would like
to donate an item, several items, or fill a whole box, your
generosity will be greatly appreciated.
Please bring all donations to the church office by Friday,
November 21st. We are also accepting monetary donations for
this project. The approximated cost of each meal for a family of
six is $50. Please make checks payable to IC CYM and place
in an envelope marked “Thanksgiving Project.” Together we
can make a difference to a family in need; and as we care for
those who are disadvantaged, that is where we encounter and
minister to Christ!
A Word of Thanks... We wish to recognize and thank all
of our bulletin advertisers. Due to their generosity, the
bulletin is provided to us at no charge. We ask our parishioners to please support these businesses whenever possible.
Come spend an hour with our loving Lord. He longs to
be a part of your life through Perpetual Adoration.
We have adoration openings for:
SUNDAY: 9-10 pm MONDAY: 2-3 am
TUESDAY: 6-7 am; 11-12 noon WEDNESDAY: 1-2 pm
THURSDAY: 7-8 am;1-2 pm; 6-7pm
FRIDAY: 4-5 am; 5-6 pm
SATURDAY: 12mid-1 am;
1-2 am; 2-3 am; 3-4 am;4-5am, 5-6 am; and 2-3 pm
For more information, please contact:
Jenny Gates at 758-6107 or [email protected]
Diane Mathis at 835-4404 or [email protected]
Attention Eucharistic Adorers: In anticipation of persons
being out of town over the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday,
IC Perpetual Adoration will be suspended at 8 am on
Tuesday, November 25th. Adoration will resume after the
5 pm Mass on Sunday, November 30th.
The ladies of the IC Arts & Crafts Guild would like to
sincerely thank all who participated and contributed to
the success of last Saturday’s annual fundraiser“The Shoppes at IC”. There are so many to thank...
throughout the Parish, the Vendors, and the local
Community. We are appreciative to all!
Special mention needs to go out to the IC Men’s Club
for helping us carry our crafts and set-up items to and
from the Parish Center on Thursday and Saturday; to
Coach Olberts and his 7th grade boys for setting up our
tables; to Leigh Berry for his “hands on” whenever we
needed him; and to both the church office and school
staff for their support. Thank you, thank you!
And the raffle winners were…..
1st Prize: Joan Reddick-@$2,000 in gift cards,
certificates and products.
2nd Prize: Carla Hauger-Apple iPad 4 with Retina
3rd Prize: Phyllis Eubanks- Handmade Accent Chest
Feeding Frenzy : Chris Alonzo (food, gift cards &
certificates- $291 value )
Dessert-A-Month: Laura Chighizola ( a dessert a month
for 1 year)
Hand Painted Gourd: Gay Nolan
Fall Wreath & Arrangement: Deacon Butch
General Offerings From: Nov. 8th & 9th
General Offerings For the Month of November 2014
Total Received:$55,640
Hooded Monogramed Towel: Laura Chighizola
See you next year at “The Shoppes at IC”!!!
Living Unbound Sunday
Would you like to give a child one of the greatest
gifts possible this Christmas Season? Unbound
(formerly CFCA) is an organization that works with
families living in poverty in 21 countries. Here at IC on the
weekend of November 29th & 30th there will be an Unbound
ambassador sharing the opportunity to sponsor a child. We
invite and encourage you to stop by the sponsorship table,
which will be set up in the vestibule of the church, to learn
more about Unbound and how you can make this Christmas
memorable for both yourself and a child in need.
The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians
are among his earliest writings, and are driven by
his belief and the belief of the entire early
Christian community that the return of Christ was
imminent. Therefore, to devote time or attention to
anything else was foolish.
As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today we
may wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming
end-times, if we should take them to heart. What should we do
when we hear that the day of the Lord will come upon us “like
a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does this mean we are
to stop our long-range goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course not. What it does mean is that we need to
change our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then,
on that day, when the details of our daily living become
unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in
Christ Jesus. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Ladies of the Parish: The Altar Society cordially
invites the women of the parish to join us for our
annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 1st,
at 6:30 pm in Immaculata Hall courtesy of the
December & June committees. There will be a short meeting
with lots of fun, fellowship and light refreshments to follow.
We will also take up a collection for our annual charitable
project. Be prepared to stretch your vocal cords and join in our
Christmas music sing-a-long! If you have questions or need a
ride, call Joan Finnegan at 835-7144 or Carolyn Chalmers at
835-5544 a few days ahead of time so we can arrange it.
Have You Moved? If you have a new address or a
change in your phone number, please don’t forget to let
the church office know. Accurate address and phone records are
very important. You may call the church office at 835-4323 or
mail in your updated information. Thanks for your help!
Support Our Seminarian!
Please take time to send letters, cards,
food, and/or gifts to our adopted seminarian, Ramses Mendieta
when you get a chance. Like all our seminarians, he is in a
seminary hundreds of miles away and it is easy to feel disconnected from our Diocese. Your thoughtfulness will, undoubtedly, help him feel connected! His address is 200 Hill Drive,
Saint Meinrad, Indiana 47577.
November -Eternal Rest, grant unto them O, Lord...
Junior CYM (Grades 7 & 8)
Nov. 19th 7th Grade CYM Lunch
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Senior CYM (Grades 9-12)
Nov. 16th Meeting 6-7:30 pm (Service) Thanksgiving Boxes
Nov. 23rd & 30th NO CYM Thanksgiving Holidays
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
God Bless,
Christie Powell, IC Youth Minister
835-4323,ext. 105
Praised Be Jesus Christ! Now and Forever!
God is Good! All the time!
Happenings in our Diocese
An Invitation~
When Subiaco Monks’ Sausage and
Pettit Jean Meats of Morrilton Packing Co., Inc. blend together
for the first time...A Tasting Party Will Surely Emerge!
This Sunday November 16th, from 2-6 pm in the Dining Hall
at St. John Catholic Center in L.R.
Everyone is invited to taste & partake of the party!
Sausage + Coffee + Punch + Wine + Abbey Brittle +
Monks Sauce + Wooden Craft Products + Rosaries
Place your orders Sunday for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Candlelight Ceremony for our Deceased Loved Ones Our
Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church invites everyone to a
candlelight ceremony to remember and honor your loved ones
who you are mourning. You can bring a photo, song, poem or
tangible item that was special to the loved one and share a
story about them. The meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday November 19, in the Parish Hall. If you wish to attend
Mass before the ceremony it begins at 5:30 pm. RSVP no
later than Nov. 17 to Laura Humphries at 501-663-8632 or
[email protected] (The loss does not have to be recent)
Living with Mental Illness Mental illness is cyclical, where a
person experiences periods of stability interrupted by times of
instability. With effective treatment & support, many people
with mental illness are able to lead relatively normal lives, and
their illness may not be evident to others. For people who live
with severe and persistent mental illness, it can be significantly
debilitating. Mental illness impacts self-esteem, relationships
and the ways in which an individual participates in school,
work and the community. How can we be of support to people
in our parish community living with this challenging illness ?
Catholic Charities has initiated a support group for people
with mental health challenges to know that they are valued and
genuinely welcome. The group is called the St. Dymphna
Society. Meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month in
Fletcher Hall, at St. John Center, at 6 pm. Mass is held, and
meetings follow. Contact Rebecca Cargile, 664-0340x355. No
reservations are necessary and all are welcome!
The 2015 Diocesan directory - now available -costs $10. Send a
check to Directory, Arkansas Catholic, P.O. Box 417, LR,AR 72217
ADULT FAITH FORMATION For information regarding
the current Adult Faith Formation offerings in IC parish, click
on “Adult Formation” on the parish website,
DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS are prayed at 6:30 am each
Wednesday morning before the 6:45 am Mass & at 3 pm each
Friday in the Perpetual Adoration chapel. Please come join in.
meets on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month at 7 PM in the
Daily Mass Chapel. All are welcome. Contact Jerri Miller @
835-6044 for details.
“A family altar alters a family”...Enthrone the SACRED
HEART OF JESUS in your home or business. For more
information - contact parishioner, Linda Williams @ 753-1553.
30yrs, meets at 9 am in Immaculata Hall on the 1st Saturday of
each month, except in Jan., July and Sept. We collect
eyeglasses, rosaries & beverage can tabs– see boxes in the
church vestibule. New members are welcome. For more info.,
call Elaine Hemann@835-0066 or visit :
I.C. ARTS & CRAFTS meets on Tuesday from 9 am -2 pm in
the Arts & Crafts Room of Immaculata Hall. For more details,
contact: Pat Carlisle, 835-4897, or Jean Giglio, 766-2230.
I.C. MEN’S CLUB welcomes all men of the parish to join
their organization. For more details, call Sam Giglio at
501-416-6991 or email [email protected]
meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9am-11am in
Immaculata Hall to knit or crochet shawls for those in need of
prayer, comfort & healing. Call Christa Zawislak@771-9028 or
Valerie Gattini@758-1713 for more details.
** Please contact the church office if your or a loved one
could benefit from the gift of one of these shawls.
MARTHA’S KITCHEN, meal ministry for the homeless meets
the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm-Parish Center kitchen.
contact Sarah Fellona 501-400-2682 or [email protected]
Sausage Supper– All adults are invited to the 85th Louis
Mancini Sausage Supper sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 812 on Tuesday, December 2nd, in McDonald
Hall at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Happy Hour begins at
6 pm with Dinner at 7 pm. The Pre-dinner music will be provided by the Subiaco Academy Jazz Band. Please bring a new,
unwrapped toy for the children served by Helping Hand.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. A silent auction and raffles will be held. Call Pete Stabnick @663-2032
for more information.
Discernment Opportunity for Catholic Single Women—
The Olivetan Benedictine Sisters in Jonesboro AR invite you
to come and experience their life, November 21-23, at Holy
Angels Convent, 1699 CR 766, Jonesboro, AR 72403. To
register: contact Sister Mary Clare at 870-273-6872 or email
[email protected]
Let’s help Calvary Cemetery blossom! Calvary Cemetery in
Little Rock is offering to plant a minimum of five daffodil
bulbs on a grave of your choice for a donation of $10. Proceeds will support the upkeep of the cemetery grounds. Please
mail your donation to: Calvary Cemetery, Diocese of Little
Rock, P.O. Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565 Printed
forms are also available in church vestibule or church office.
Encuentro Matrimonial is Marriage Encounter in Spanish
and is a program of 44 hours in which couples can leave work,
children, housework & telephone in order to focus only on
each other. If you are looking to grow in your marriage relationship, then you will like the difference that a weekend of
Worldwide Marriage Encounter can make in your lives. The
next weekend will be at Western Plaza Hotel, DeQueen, AR,
December 5,6, & 7. For more details call Adrian y Reyna
Alvarez 773-213-9593. Registration deadline is Nov. 28th
Search #135 Retreat Registrations are now being accepted
for Search #135, a retreat to help juniors & seniors in high
school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship
with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search
#135 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, December 12
-14. The fee is $120.* To answer questions, contact Trish
Gentry [email protected] at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth
Ministry office: 501-664-0340,ext. 418. *Scholarships are available
for those in need of financial assistance.
WITS (Women in the Spirit) is an evening social/spiritual
group, meeting Wednesdays, 7-8 pm in the Parish Dining
Facility. Contact: Sue Kerr [email protected] or 231-6460
MEN OF FAITH –Each Sunday-9 a.m.-IC School Library
Each week we address different issues that men may face at
work, at home, and in life. It’s guys getting together studying
God’s Word to be better men, better husbands & better dads.
All men are welcome to join us each Sunday morning.
Everyone is invited to join in the recitation of the holy
rosary on Tuesday mornings at 7:45 a.m. & on Saturday
mornings at 7:30 am in the Daily Mass Chapel.
Discover Subiaco Academy Subiaco Academy, a Catholic,
Benedictine boarding/day college prep school for boys in
grades 7-12 in western Arkansas (east of Ft. Smith), is offering
the opportunity for prospective students & parents to visit and
experience Subiaco. A Shadow Day is scheduled for
Friday, November 21st
Register for Shadow Day or schedule a visit at another time by
contacting: 800-364-7824 or admissions
The events are FREE of charge! (includes meals & overnight stay)
BINGO~ Every Sun, & Mon. 6 pm at Knights of Columbus Hall,
6253 Camp Robinson Rd. NLR (758-6253)
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the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc.
At the Name of Jesus
Cindy Ellis Lang , Parishioner
(501) 753-7267
2927 Lakewood Village Drive
North Little Rock, AR
525242 Immaculate Conception Church (B)
5401 JFK Blvd., Suite F
North Little Rock, AR 72116
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni
Hardcover book $39.95
World Library Publications
the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc.
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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Sam Giglio
Immaculate Conception Parishioner
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941