12-question survey


12-question survey
Online Interview: Digital Coordinator
Let's get
Thank you for your interest in working at the Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute. There are
three steps to this application process. Please (1) email your application, (2) complete this online interview,
and, (3) if invited to an onsite interview, prepare a portfolio. Instructions for step 1 are included in the job
posting (http://www.newseum.org/jobs).
The following 12-question survey (downloadable here) will serve as a formal interview. We will carefully
review your application and online interview and contact you if we'd like to arrange a face-to-face interview,
at which time you can present your portfolio. Let's begin.
* 1. How would you like us to address and contact you?
Last Name, First
Preferred Name
-- select state --
ZIP/Postal Code
Email Address
Phone Number
2. Before you begin, please familiarize yourself with the Religious Freedom Center by
reviewing these five webpages. Please check the boxes to confirm that you've studied the
following information.
Homepage (www.newseuminstitute.org/religion). Please note our nonpartisan mission.
The Guiding Framework (http://www.newseuminstitute.org/religion/mission/framework). Please
pay special attention to the 3Rs, which set the tone of our internal work culture and our external
Partners (http://www.newseuminstitute.org/religion/partners). Please survey the diversity of civic,
advocacy, and educational groups.
Religious Liberty Courses (http://www.newseuminstitute.org/religion/courses). Please review our
vision for the center's new school for religious liberty and its three student populations.
Educational Design (http://www.newseuminstitute.org/religion/courses/design). Please examine the
ways in which the center is currently designing its blended learning program.
Given this information, do you think the Religious Freedom Center would be a compatible employer for you?
Asked another way, is this the type of organization for which you would like to work? If so, why?
Online Interview: Digital Coordinator
Technical Proficiencies
Given the mission and vision of this new online school for religious liberty, the Religious Freedom Center is
seeking a part-time digital coordinator to work with a team of faculty and experts to coordinate the technical
operations and content development of the virtual campus and the learning management system. The
coordinator will serve as technical support for students and teachers and will work with the marketing
departments to coordinate the branding and production of multimedia projects, such as educational
interactives and course videos. The digital coordinator will also provide technical assistance with managing
the content for the event management website and app.
The following three questions are designed to help you demonstrate proficiency in all three of the following
technical areas: (1) learning management, (2) content management, and (3) multimedia management.
The center will be experimenting with HaikuLearning as a platform for teaching online courses for graduate
students. Please indicate below whether you are familiar with managing content on Haiku or a similar
distance education/learning management (LMS) system, such as EDx, Coursera, Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai,
Canvass, Instructure, Jenzabar, Angel Learning, or other similar platforms.
In the comment section, please indicate your level of expertise with using an LMS to create online
educational experiences, such as using learning badges, discussion forums, ePortfolios, flashcards, learning
games, infographics, educational maps, polls, SurveyMonkey, Quizlet, PowerPoint/Keynote slideshows,
embedding videos, online whiteboard, WikiProjects, and so on.
3. Rank your proficiency level (1–5) with distance education/learning management systems.
1. Expert: I can
serve as a trainer of 2. Advanced: I can 3. Skilled: I know
trainers. I've got
work independently the basics, but I need
with little training.
additional training.
4. Beginner: I am
a beginner, but I
learn quickly.
5. LMS, what’s that?
Given this information, how confident do you feel about serving as a coordinator for the center's learning
management system? Please give brief examples of how you've used an LMS to create online educational
In order to manage onsite learning experiences, the digital coordinator will use Cvent as an event
management system/website and CrowdCompass as a mobile app. These systems are similar to other content
management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Ning.
4. Rank your proficiency level (1-5) using content management systems.
1. Expert: I can
serve as a trainer of 2. Advanced: I can 3. Skilled: I know
trainers. I've got
work independently the basics, but I need
with little training.
additional training.
4. Beginner: I am
a beginner, but I
learn quickly.
5. CMS, what’s that?
Given this information, how confident do you feel about coordinating the center's content management
system and event app? Please give brief examples of how you've used content management systems in the
The digital coordinator will be working with a MAC OS X Yosemite 10.10+ computers to make minor edits to
videos, images, podcasts, and text-based forms. Available software will include Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premier Pro CS6, Adobe Indesign CS6, Affinity Designer, iMovie,
Garage Band, and Fission, as well as MS Word’s track changes and developer/form creator features.
5. Rank your proficiency level (1-5) with multimedia management.
1. Expert: I can 2. Advanced: I
3. Skilled: I
serve as a
can work
trainer of
know the basics, 4. Beginner: I
but I need
am a beginner,
trainers. I've got
with little
but I learn
5. What's this?
Video editing
Image editing
Sound editing
Editing forms
Given this information, how confident do you feel about making minor edits to videos, images, podcasts, and
text-based forms? Please give brief examples of which software you can use to accomplish these goals
6. Do you have any other related information to share about your technical competencies?
7. On a scale between 1 to 5 how compatible are your skills with the technical requirements of
the position?
1. Extremely compatible. I would thrive doing these three activities.
2. Reasonably compatible. I'd be able to get the job done.
3. Cautiously optimistic. I'd need some help building my confidence.
4. Not very compatible. Do you have other jobs open?
5. Not at all compatible. Sorry, it's not a match. Good luck with your search.
Do you want to elaborate?
Online Interview: Digital Coordinator
Professional Competencies
Before proceeding with the final set of questions, please review the following competencies, which are
required of all employees of the center.
Applicants must be currently authorized to work in the United States.
All applicants must demonstrate exceptional verbal, written, and copyediting skills in American
All applicants must possess strong intellectual capacities and be comfortable communicating with
faculty about graduate-level educational experiences in the areas of education, law, religion, and
All applicants must demonstrate superior interpersonal skills that will allow them to successfully
manage extensive interaction with a wide range of individuals and groups; therefore, all applicants
must demonstrate superior communication skills, self-awareness, cognitive and emotional empathy,
and the ability to interact with people who have a variety of legal, ideological, and religious and
nonreligious perspectives.
Essential qualities include kindness, patience, flexibility, clear communication, a high degree of
organization, an eye for detail, and a drama-free approach to problem solving.
8. Briefly describe an experience in which you effectively communicated with a professor or
national leader about his or her area of expertise.
9. Briefly describe an experience in which you effectively negotiated a conflict with someone
who did not share your ideological or political perspective.
10. Briefly describe an experience in which you effectively negotiated a conflict with someone
who did not share your religious or nonreligious affiliation.
11. Thank you for your reflections. Let's talk compatibility. Please rank on a scale between 1
to 5 how your skills and interests align with the professional competencies listed above? Is
this a compatible work environment for you?
1. Extremely compatible. I would thrive in this diverse setting.
2. Reasonably compatible. I am open to new experiences and viewpoints.
3. Cautiously optimistic. I would need some help building my confidence.
4. Not very compatible. Are other departments at the Newseum hiring?
5. Not at all compatible. Sorry, it's not a match. Good luck with your search.
Do you want to elaborate?
Online Interview: Digital Coordinator
Thank you for completing this online interview. We appreciate the time and attention you brought to the
12. Do you have any comments or questions about the position or the application process, or
suggestions about how we can improve this online interview? We value your input.