ChuRch oF -
ChuRch oF -
505 10th Avenue NW Mandan, ND 58554 FR. NICK SCHNEIDER, PASTOR Office: 663-8842 or 751-7101 MASS TIMES Weekdays Tuesday: 5:30 pm Wed. thru Thursday: 8:00 am Friday: 9:00 am First Sat.: 8:00 am Weekend Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:00 am HOLY DAYS Vigil 6:30 pm, 8:00 am & 6:30 pm ADORATION Anytime in Madonna of the ration Chapel pel Prairies Adoration C !"# %& B !"#$% M ))# /* Please contact the office about Baptism instruction; this may be done even before the child is born. Classes may not be necessary if you have attended within the past three years. Baptisms will be done at the 10:00 am Mass on the third Sunday of every month. Please contact the office at least nine months prior to the intended date of marriage. No wedding date can be set until the initial interview and pre-marriage inventory are completed. Weddings can be scheduled no later than 2:00 pm on Saturdays, and no earlier than 5:00 pm on Fridays during the school year. Go to for more info. E&'( )#$" Our second graders celebrated First Holy Communion in May. R*'+,'#-# "#+, Confession is available each Saturday from 3:15 to 4:15 pm, before daily Masses, or by appointment. A,+#,"#,/ +. "(* S#'1 This healing sacrament is available for the sick, elderly and shut-ins. Please notify the parish office if someone has become ill, hospitalized or homebound. C+,.#)% "#+, Our freshmen and sophomores will celebrate Confirmation on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. A community, nourished by the Sacraments, committed to Christ through prayer and service for the greater glory of God. the King 2 DIRECTORY | School Office…………663-6200 or 663-6261 Parish Office……………663-8842 or 751-7101 Principal, M ike Heilman, ext. 101 [email protected] Vice Principal, Denelle Scheerle [email protected] Kim Nutsch, ext. 100 [email protected] Facilities Manager, P erry Arndt, ext. 108 [email protected] Pastor, Rev. Nick Schneider, SLD, ext. 133 [email protected] Deacon, Dennis Rohr, 701-471-4972 Deacon, Doug Helbing, 701-400-0233 , ext. 136 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation, Julie Jacobson, ext. 135 [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Shaina Craw ford, ext. 132 [email protected] , 220-5752 [email protected] National Catholic Bioethics Center — 215-877-2660 Call business hours, M-F 9:00–5:00, unless an emergency. If not urgent, leave voicemail or email [email protected] Emergency assistance 24 hrs/day: Say “Urgent!” ext. 130 [email protected] Littlest Angels Development Center Heart River Daycare………667-1967 or 751-7102 Director Donna Jean Froelich, ext. 138 [email protected] Bulletin deadline is 12:00 noon on Tues. Send announcements to: [email protected] PARISH NEWS STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE PRAYER INTENTIONS Online Giving is available! J ust a reminder that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for our parishioners and provides much needed donation consistency. Go to our website: at any time and follow these links: Our Parish -> Stewardship -> Donate 8/7/2016 8/14/2016 $6,999 8/21/2016 8/28/2016 Children’s Offerings (August) $49 Special Invitation Electronic giving MTD $7,048 August Actual YTD Actual $47,870 WEDDINGS Brent Flaa and Heather Stanton married on Friday, August 5 Amanda Hillstrom and Shane Dukart will be married on Friday, August 12 Each Wednesday at 3:00 pm in the Madonna of the Prairies Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come! (Please let Deacon Doug know if you have a special request for prayer during this hour.) Ray Riedinger, Mark Austin Hattich, Eugene Thomas, Darlene Hohbein, Aria May Schaner, Marge Hartman, Nathan Clark, Diane Braun, Hildegard Steckler, Diane Carlson, Gloria Sauers, Skyla Stevens, Joe Berger, Thomas Berger, Jeff Bezdicek, Johanna Metcalf, Ken Gerhardt, Anna J. Kalvoda, Kathy Heisler, Amelia Dalbol, Norman Miller, Holli Kautzman, Betty SteinBohl, Gail Norton, Cully Oothoudt, Jim Kopp, Herb Frohlich, Tom Frohlich, Clifford Frohlich, Ed Boehm, Chuck Wetzel, Toni Snider, Margy Markel, Marlene Schwartzbauer, Arthur Swap, Tamme Sweringen, Luke Kilzer, Ryker Wallace, Tyann Henderson, Monica Schmidt, Paul Schaff, Drake Rubik, Scott Prater, Darlene Frohlich, Vickie Bambenek, Roys Willenbring, Diane Goter, & Beatrice Zander. All are invited to join our very own Director of Faith Formation, Julie Jacobson, for this special occasion: Mass for the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity for Women Living in the World. Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:30 pm Cathedral of the Holy Spirit The public is invited to attend the Mass of the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity for Women Living in the World for Julie Jacobson on Monday, August 22, at 5:30 pm at Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. A light reception will follow in the gathering space. In the Catholic Church, a consecrated virgin is a woman who has been consecrated by the church to a life of perpetual virginity in the service of God. Consecrated virgins are to spend their time in works of penance and mercy, in apostolic activity and in prayer, according to their state of life and spiritual gifts. 3 REFLECTION ON ASSUMPTION The church has always held to the belief that Mary was assumed, body and soul, into a heavenly state, even though the belief was not declared as dogmatic until 1950. The early church had a robust tradition of revering relics from the saints of the day, and their complete lack of relics from the Mother of Jesus was seen as evidence of this Marian belief. The celebration of the event as a feast dates back to the fourth century in the East and the seventh century in the West. claim the victory that was already won for us. On this feast, we should not only celebrate the great works God has done for us through Our Lady, but also celebrate the truth that we have the opportunity to one day spend eternity with her and her Son, Jesus. Since Mary was untouched by the stain of sin, she was unable to experience the "wages of sin," which is death. But her Assumption also says something about humanity as well. Sin only has power over us if we allow it. Mary was freed from this power in her Immaculate Conception, and when she responded "yes" to God. We were freed from that power when Jesus died and rose, conquering death. Now, we must respond "yes" to PARISH INFORMATION & EVENTS PARISH PICNIC ASSUMPTION MASS Mark your calendar for the parish picnic to be held on Saturday August 20, following the 4:30 pm Mass. The picnic will be held in the courtyard behind the Parish Life Center. The Knights of Columbus will provide the buns, hamburgers, hot dogs and beverages. Beer and wine will be available for a charge. We will be having one Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption, Monday, August 15, at 6:30 pm. It falls on a Monday this year so it is not considered a Holy Day of Obligation. We are asking all to bring your favorite salads and desserts. Some games will be provided, but if you have outdoor games that your children enjoy please bring them! Christ the King Parish will sponsor a Pinochle Card Party August 16 7:00—10:00 pm Parish Life Center Pinochle parties are held the 2nd and 3rd Tues. each month. The cost is $5 per evening. Cookies and coffee included. FAITH FORMATION HELP NEEDED We are in need of catechists, substitute catechists and hall monitors for Wednesday evening Faith Formation classes. Please contact Julie Jacobson, Director of Faith Formation, if you are interested in serving the parish through the gift of your faith. BLOOD DRIVE The next Mandan area blood drive will be held at Christ the King on Tuesday, August 30, from 2:30 - 6:00 pm in the PLC. If you are interested in donating, please contact Helen Baumgartner at [email protected] or 6638878. Help Needed Preparing the Atrium Could you lend a hand in preparing the Montessori atrium (religion room) for the fall? The atrium will be used by both the children of the school and those that attend Wednesday Faith Formation. We are in need of parishioners to help with small and large sewing jobs. All materials will be provided. Please contact Julie Jacobson, Director of Faith Formation, at 6638842 or [email protected], if you can help! The children will be much appreciative. WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS The widows and widowers will meet Tuesday, August 24, (the 4th Tuesday of the month) to pray together and to share ideas of helping others. FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION As we near the beginning of the school year, it is once again time to register your students for Faith Formation. This will take place after all the Masses August 27—28. Christ the King offers Faith Formation for children ages 3 through Confirmation. Please note the new times and grade divisions for the 2016-2017 school year: · Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Age 3 – Grade 1) 4:00-5:15pm or 5:30-6:45pm · Grade 2 – Grade 6 5:30pm-6:45pm · Confirmation (Grades 7,8,9) 6:45pm-8:00pm You may also obtain a registration form on the website. Please register no later than September 2, 2016. Please direct questions to Julie Jacobson, Director of Faith Formation, 701-6638842 or [email protected]. 4 AREA ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to space restraints, there will not be a St. Mary’s Grade School Fall PTO Rummage Sale. We do plan to have one next spring. Watch the bulletin for more details. Join Bishop Kagan for the Celebration of Marriage Anniversary Mass at noon on Sat., Sept. 24, at St. Therese, Church of the Little Flower in Minot. Mass will be followed by a luncheon in the parish center. Couples should arrive at 10:30 am to have a photo taken with Bishop Kagan. Register by Sept. 19 at or call 701-204-7185. Make plans for a fall get-away with the one you love before your calendar fills up! A Marriage Encounter Weekend is a private weekend away from life's distractions that allows a husband and wife to focus on each other. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Nov 11-13, 2016, in East Grand Forks, MN, and Nov 11-13, 2016, in Medora, ND. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Rob & Angie at [email protected] or 701-347-1998. Real Presence Radio will host a Holy Doors of Mercy Pilgrimage Oct. 10 - 14, 2016, to Holy Doors of Mercy sites in Bismarck, Richardton, Rapid City & Denver. We will visit Mt Rushmore Monument, St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Mother Cabrini Shrine & Terra Sancta Retreat Center. The cost is $775 from North Dakota with pick-up sites in Fargo, Valley City, Jamestown, Bismarck & Dickinson and $575 from Rapid City, SD. The deadline to register is September 1 or until filled. To register call or email Lisa at 1-877-795-0122 or [email protected]. LIT. MINISTERS & INTENTIONS Monday, August 15, 2016 6:30 pm Altar Server: Maggie & Ben Kleinknecht EMES: Alice Ereth, Chuck & Jean Bingert, Kim & Corey Dahl Lector: Jim Belohlavek Tuesday, August 16, 2016 5:30 pm †Dustin Bauer Altar Server: Jon Wingenbach Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:00 am †Pat Bohn Thursday, August 18, 2016 8:00 am †Ray Barnard Friday, August 19, 2016 9:00 am †Larry Sullivan Saturday, August 20, 2016 4:30 pm †Eugene and Marie Graner Altar Server: Mari Oothoudt EMES: Jim Belohlavek, Kim Dahl Lector: Corey Dahl Ushers: Con Markel, Francis Hopfauf, Jim Benz Gift Bearers: Scott Oothoudt Family France Pilgrimage — St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church and Msgr. Patrick Schumacher announce a pilgrimage to France featuring Lourdes, Chartres, and Paris, on Oct. 5—13, 2017. For more information call Sarah at 701-255-3972. Sunday, August 21, 2016 8:00 am †Daniel Stein Altar Servers: Volunteer EMES: Darlene Leingang, Angie Avard, Elaine & Roys Willenbring, Mike Belohlavek Lector: Jim Avard Ushers: Al Schatz, Joe Koch, Paul Schaff Gift Bearers: Gabe Volk Family Music Leader: Rachel Goettle Light of Christ Catholic Schools has the following positions open for the 2016-17 school year: - Assistant Cooks - Instructional Aides (St. Mary’s Grade, St. Anne’s, Cathedral) PT and FT - Gr. 7/8 Volleyball Coaches - FT Custodian (SMCHS) - afternoon/evening shift - Kidz Club Afterschool Program Aides - Substitute Teachers Applications can be found at employment or the Light of Christ business office. Please submit to Kate Bleth, 1025 N 2nd St, Bismarck, ND 58501 or [email protected]. 10:00 am For our Parishioners Greeters: Main Entrance: John & Jen Barry Family Chapel Entrance: Joe & Julie Schatz Altar Servers: Jack, Frankie, & Hank Barry EMES: Betty & Joe Lech, John Barry, Helen Baumgartner, Justin Gerhardt, Julie Schatz, Deacon Doug Helbing Lector: Jennifer Barry Ushers: Rory Schlosser, Davy Kottsick, Bob Nutsch, Aric Bandle Gift Bearers: Shane Goettle Family Music Leader: Mary Stumpf ROSARIES NEEDED: For the upcoming THIRST 2016 Conference to be held October 28-30. Whether you are a Rosary making group or an individual, the Diocese can use Rosaries to hand out at the THIRST Conference. Rosaries should be small enough that they will fit into 3”x3” bags which will be provided by the Diocese. Please contact Eve Mercer at 701204-7229 or [email protected] to find out how you can be involved. Holy Father’s Intentions for August Universal: Sports — That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Evangelization: Living the Gospel — That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor. 5 CALENDAR Monday, August 15 — Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 pm Assumption Mass Tuesday, August 16 5:30 pm Mass 7:00 pm Pinochle in the Parish Life Center 8:00 pm School Board Meeting Wednesday, August 17 8:00 am Mass 9:00 am—9:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 3:00 pm Prayer Service in Adoration Chapel Thursday, August 18 8:00 am Mass 4:00 — 9:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30 — 8:00 pm CTK Back to School Open House Friday, August 19 9:00 am Mass Saturday, August 20 3:15 pm Confessions before Mass 4:30 pm Mass 5:30 pm Parish Picnic following Mass CTK SCHOOL NEWS WS Christ the King School is fully accredited and offers a Catholic-centered curriculum. Call the office at 663-6200 for a tour! Enroll Your Students for 2016-17! We are now accepting enrollment for the 2016-17 school year. If you would like to enroll your child or want more info, contact Kim in the office at 663-6200 or visit UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday, August 24 8:40 am First Day of School Saturday, October 8 German Supper, Quilt Auction & Raffle Back to School Information There is an Open House planned for Thursday, August 18, 2016. The school office is also open Monday — Friday, 7:30 am —- 3:45 pm, during the summer so you can purchase milk tickets, planners, and Bibles, pay for lunches, and turn in paperwork for the upcoming school year. School resumes on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. SAVE THE DATE: GERMAN SUPPER CTK Parish will be hosting the annual German Supper, Quilt Auction, and Raffle on Saturday, October 8, 2016. This year, all proceeds from the event will go toward the cost of our new front entrance. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK From the Desk of Mr. Heilman, Principal... The dog days of August are here and that means school is right around the corner. The first day of school is August 24. The staff has been very busy preparing for the upcoming year. There are several changes at Christ the King School for this fall. We will be starting our new Montessori Children’s House for ages 3-6. There has been great interest in the Montessori program and both classrooms are full with waiting lists. We have several new teachers joining us this fall. Catherine Zebroski will be the lead teacher or Directress in one of the Montessori classrooms; Rebekah Slocomb will be teaching second grade and Kasandra Cariveau will be teaching physical education. Also new to Christ the King are Claire Bedore and Carmen Fitchner. They will be working as aides in the Montessori Children’s Houses. We are very pleased to have them on staff at Christ the King School. I am looking forward to another great year and having the children back at school. Our mission at Christ the King is to teach and model Christian values, to meet and exceed state education standards and to prepare our students with a strong foundation of Christian life skills. If you or someone you know are looking for this type of education for a child, please contact Mike Heilman or Kim Nutsch for a guided tour of our facility. RUMMEL CHIROPRACTIC, PC INTERSTATE VETERINARY CLINIC 701-258-9418 Greg Rummel, D.C. Experience You Trust Service You Deserve 705 East Main Ave., Bismarck 614 W Main St • 667-7000 CENTER 794-8758 Service, Sales & Repairs On All Models Blaine Hopfauf, DVM 900 16th Street NE, Mandan, ND 58554 701-663-4337 1-888-243-4337 701-663-2585 663-0293 2610 Old Red Trail • Mandan OFFICE: 701-663-4253 FAX: 701-663-2791 JOHNSON’S WRECKING BISMARCK 222-4444 TERRY KRAFT BERGER CATTLE CO. Used Auto & Truck Parts We Buy For Salvage: Cars-Trucks-Metals NEW SALEM 843-7521 BONDED ORDER BUYERS P.O. Box 308 Mandan, North Dakota 58554 Sewing Machines Plus! 322 West Main St, Mandan, North Dakota 701-663-9025 663-3957 2 Miles West on Hwy 10 FRED BERGER Home: 667-2860 Alt.: 220-9669 JOE BERGER Home: 663-5171 Mobile: 667-3839 CHAD BERGER Home: 667-2942 Mobile: 391-3631 Fried’s Flooring, Inc. Krista Heil, O.D. • Amy Fleck, O.D. George Gero, O.D. 111 E. Century Ave. • Bismarck, ND 58503 701-222-1420 • 1-800-422-0847 Sales & Installation Carpet • Linoleum 4614 Memorial Highway ~ Mandan, ND 58554 310 13th Ave NE • Mandan 701-663-3239 ~ Ralph & Mary Fried 663-1216 INTERSTATE WESTERN WORKS Propane • Gasoline • Diesel Fuel • Lubricants 1722 Mandan Avenue Mandan, ND 58554 P.O. 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Box 160 Mandan, ND 58554 • 701-667-9999 (KIA) Weigel Funeral Home 663-5351 Commercial & Residential 309 4th Ave. NW Mandan Sales & Installation of Carpet, Ceramic, Hardwood & Vinyl Tom Weigel, Funeral Director/Owner 701-258-6648 • 2008 Morrison Ave. Rolling Hills Restaurant NORTHWEST CONTRACTING INC. Industrial & Commercial Building & Remodeling Dependability • Diversity • Quality • Integrity Open 24 Hours • Daily Specials 3825 Highway 25 • I94 Exit 147 Subway - Hotstuff 3442 E. Century Ave., Bismarck 701-667-4668 255-7727 S and B LANDSCAPING TREES-SHRUBS-EVERGREENS-BEDDING PLANTS call 224-0100 BISMARCK FLORAL CUT FLOWERS-GREEN PLANTS-WEDDING FLOWERSSYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS call 255-3312 1400 AIRPORT ROAD, BISMARCK, ND DIRT / SAND / GRAVEL Kuntz & Sons LLC Trucking, Construction & Landscaping • Black Dirt, Scoria, Fill Dirt & All Types of Sand & Gravel • Rip Rap • Demolition Work • Sand & Gravel Hauling • All Types of Trucking • Side Dump 701-663-5373 223-4761 / 226-7761 Professional Trimming, Removing, Stump Removal & Injecting, Tree Spaying & Deep Root Feeding Leonard Bullinger, Owner Experience of a Lifetime. St. John Fischer • 663-6265 Council 6186 Mandan, ND (701) 663-5121 Donate online to Christ the King Church DIRK BUEHLER-LARSON FUNERAL HOME Plumbing & Heating Inc. Commercial-Residential Service-Remodel-New Installation • Faucets, Sinks • Whirlpools • Garbage Disposals • Bathbays • Water Heaters • Hot Water Heat Leslie Dirk 663-3671 907 E. Front Ave, Bismarck Toll Free 888-304-0779 Serving all faiths Gary & Pat Larson Contact John Kirchner to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2458 LOCALLY OWNED 1701 Sunset Dr. • 663-9630 Master License #8804 Nevada’s Wildlife Designs TAXIDERMY Northwest Tire Inc. 1713 E. Bismarck Expressway 701-258-8586 • Tires & Full Service Auto Repair 422 E. Main 663-7426 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • (701) 663-9076 Nevada Miller, Parishioner Christ the King Mandan, ND A 4C 02-0302
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