June 26, 2016 - Christ the King
June 26, 2016 - Christ the King
505 10th Avenue NW Mandan, ND 58554 www.ctkmandan.com FR. NICK SCHNEIDER, PASTOR Office: 663-8842 or 751-7101 MASS TIMES Weekdays Tuesday: 5:30 pm Wed. thru Thursday: 8:00 am Friday: 9:00 am First Sat.: 8:00 am Weekend Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:00 am HOLY DAYS Vigil 6:30 pm, 8:00 am & 6:30 pm ADORATION Anytime in Madonna of the Prairies Adoration ration Chapel pel C !"# %& B !"#$% M ))# /* Please contact the office about Baptism instruction; this may be done even before the child is born. Classes may not be necessary if you have attended within the past three years. Baptisms will be done at the 10:00 am Mass on the third Sunday of every month. Please contact the office at least nine months prior to the intended date of marriage. No wedding date can be set until the initial interview and pre-marriage inventory are completed. Weddings can be scheduled no later than 2:00 pm on Saturdays, and no earlier than 5:00 pm on Fridays during the school year. Go to catholicweddinghelp.com for more info. E&'( )#$" Our second graders celebrated First Holy Communion on May 1. R*'+,'#-# "#+, Confession is available each Saturday from 3:15 to 4:15 pm, before daily Masses, or by appointment. A,+#,"#,/ +. "(* S#'1 This healing sacrament is available for the sick, elderly and shut-ins. Please notify the parish office if someone has become ill, hospitalized or homebound. C+,.#)% "#+, Our freshmen and sophomores will celebrate Confirmation on September 16, 2016, at 7:00 pm. A community, nourished by the Sacraments, committed to Christ the King through prayer and service for the greater glory of God. 2 DIRECTORY ctkmandan.com | School Office…………663-6200 or 663-6261 Parish Office……………663-8842 or 751-7101 Principal, M ike Heilman, ext. 101 [email protected] Vice Principal, Denelle Scheerle [email protected] Kim Nutsch, ext. 100 [email protected] Facilities Manager, P erry Arndt, ext. 108 [email protected] Pastor, Rev. Nick Schneider, SLD, ext. 133 [email protected] Deacon, Dennis Rohr, 701-471-4972 Deacon, Doug Helbing, 701-400-0233 , ext. 136 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation, Julie Jacobson, ext. 135 [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Shaina Craw ford, ext. 132 [email protected] , 220-5752 [email protected] National Catholic Bioethics Center — 215-877-2660 Call business hours, M-F 9:00–5:00, unless an emergency. If not urgent, leave voicemail or email [email protected] Emergency assistance 24 hrs/day: Say “Urgent!” ext. 130 [email protected] Littlest Angels Development Center Heart River Daycare………667-1967 or 751-7102 Director Donna Jean Froelich, ext. 138 [email protected] Bulletin deadline is 12:00 noon on Tues. Send announcements to: [email protected] PARISH NEWS STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE PRAYER INTENTIONS Online Giving is available! Just a reminder that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for our parishioners and provides much needed donation consistency. Go to our website: www.ctkmandan.com at any time and follow these links: Our Parish -> Stewardship -> Donate 6/5/2016 6/12/2016 6/19/2016 6/26/2016 $9,841 $8,893 $6,444 Children’s Offerings (June) $47 $1,460 Electronic giving MTD June Actual $26,685 YTD Actual $422,007 The Widows and Widowers Group will be meeting on Tuesday, June 28, at 2:00 pm in the Adoration Chapel. Questions, call Marianne at 667-9990. END OF LIFE INFO Principles for Making Moral Medical Decisions Human Life Alliance, Julie Grimstad, RN No matter what life-sustaining procedure/medical treatment is in question, when in doubt, err on the side of life. You can always try an intervention with the option of stopping it if it proves ineffective or excessively burdensome for the patient. Ray Riedinger, Mark Austin Hattich, Eugene Thomas, Darlene Hohbein, Aria May Schaner, Marge Hartman, Nathan Clark, Diane Braun, Hildegard Steckler, Diane Carlson, Gloria Sauers, Skyla Stevens, Joe Berger, Thomas Berger, Jeff Bezdicek, Johanna Metcalf, Ken Gerhardt, Anna J. Kalvoda, Kathy Heisler, Keely Goter and infant twin girls, Amelia Dalbol, Norman Miller, Holli Kautzman, Betty Stein-Bohl, Gail Norton, Cully Oothoudt, Jim Kopp, Herb Frohlich, Tom Frohlich, Clifford Frohlich, Sam Lohstreter, Ed Boehm, Chuck Wetzel, Toni Snider, Margy Markel, Marlene Schwartzbauer, Arthur Swap, Sandy Stephenson, Tamme Sweringen, Luke Kilzer, Ryker Wallace, Tyann Henderson, Monica Schmidt, Paul Schaff, & Drake Rubik. 3 REFLECTION We all have our disappointments in life. They can range from the inconsequential (the store is out of the brand of laundry soap that I have a coupon for) to the very significant (a diagnosis of cancer or another serious illness). And we all deal with disappointments in different ways. Young children are very good at "catastrophizing" a disappointment. Mom's refusal to get that wanted candy bar in the grocery checkout line can lead to a tantrum. But as any mother knows, not giving in to a child's tantrum is teaching a lesson on how to deal with the inevitable disappointments that are part of each person's life. In this weekend's Gospel, James and John certainly weren't happy that a Samaritan village was not very welcoming to Jesus and His band of disciples. Recall that Samaritans believed that the place to worship God was on Mt. Gerizim, and because Jesus and His disciples were on the way to Jerusalem, the Samaritans were not interested in aiding His mission. Al- most like five-year-olds at the candy display in the grocery checkout line, James and John were ready to call down fire from Heaven to wipe out the Samaritans. Jesus did not hesitate to rebuke them for their outburst. On the other hand, even Jesus seemed to express His own sense of disappointment when He says in the Gospel to someone who wants to follow Him, "The Son of Man has nowhere to rest His head" (Lk 9:58). How we deal with disappointment is a sign of maturity. Jesus makes the point in the Gospel that we have to move forward. Letting go of regrets and looking to the future is wholesome everyday advice. But putting those ideas into the realm of faith means that we confess our sins and seek absolution (the letting go) and direct our lives to God's Kingdom. It is looking toward our ultimate future, which is eternal life in Heaven. ©2013 Liturgical Publications Inc PARISH INFORMATION & EVENTS Each Wednesday at 3:00 pm Deacon Doug has a prayer service at Madonna of the Prairies Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. Deacon Doug leads the prayer for all of our priests with petitions for each decade of the Rosary. There are different petitions for the Mysteries of the Rosary: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. There is also quiet time, Chaplet of Divine Mercy for Priests is prayed, and the hour ends with Benediction. The Banquet luncheon that Christ the King Church sponsored on Saturday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran Church was a success! Please let Deacon Doug know if you have a special request for prayer during this hour. What a wonderful way to pray for our priest together with others within our parish! Steven Pletan and Brittany Beehler Friday, June 17 ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for people to help in the KC Food Booth over the Fourth of July weekend. Please sign up to help with a shift if you are able. To sign up, go to: https://goo.gl/j4UuYo We will be serving pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and burgers for lunch and supper. Saturday: Sunday: Monday: lunch and supper breakfast, lunch and supper breakfast and lunch 4 AREA ANNOUNCEMENTS ROSARIES NEEDED: For the upcoming THIRST 2016 Conference to be held October 28-30. Whether you are a Rosary making group or an individual, the Diocese can use Rosaries to hand out at the THIRST Conference. Rosaries should be small enough that they will fit into 3”x3” bags which will be provided by the Diocese. Please contact Eve Mercer at 701204-7229 or [email protected] to find out how you can be involved. Peace Garden Field Mass — Bishop Kagan will be the main celebrant at the 56th Annual Knights of Columbus Peace Garden Field Mass on Sunday, July 10. Mass begins at noon. The Field Mass originated in 1960 and has been held on the second Sunday in July continuously for more than 50 years. People gather from two nations on the U.S.-Canadian border to promote good relationships and pray for peace for all nations. Summer Lovin’ Block Party — Come celebrate as a couple/ family with a grill out, band, playground, and bounce house at Hillside Park, Bismarck, on Sat., July 16, from 6:00 — 10:00 pm. Let us know you’re coming so we have enough food for everyone by registering at bismarckdiocese.com/summerlovin. Beer and wine will be available for purchase, and dinner will be available for a free will offering. All are welcome to join us! Golfers are welcome at the seminarian golf tournament on Mon., July 18, at Prairie West Golf Course in Mandan. Registration begins at noon with shotgun start at 1:00 pm. Register by June 29 to participate. Cost is $125/player for the 18-hole scramble style tournament. Teams will consist of four players with a priest or seminarian as team captain. Golf, with shared cart, boxed lunch, and two Mulligans are included in the cost. Celebrate Town and Country Mass on Sun., July 24, at the farm of Rosalind and Larry Leier near Hague. Host parishes are Sts. Peter and Paul, Strasburg; St. Michael, rural Linton; and St. Mary, Hague. Blessing of animals and machinery begins at 11:30 am followed by Mass with Bishop Kagan at 12:15 pm. Free lunch and entertainment will follow. The Leier farm is located 12 miles north of Hague. Follow the signs. Register at bismarckdiocese.com/townandcountry or call 2047209. Registration is required for an accurate meal count. CHILDREN’S CHANT CAMP — St. Anne’s Church in Bismarck is offering an opportunity for children ages 7-17 to learn about singing and reading sacred music Aug. 15-19. No prior musical experience is necessary. Families from any parish of the diocese are welcome. Attendance is required each day of camp. The fee is $50 per child and $25 per sibling. No child will be turned away because of financial hardship. Scholarships are available through the Diocese's Office of Divine Worship. Children will be given musical and liturgical training to keep for life! Register online by Aug. 1 at www.stannesbismarck.org/chant-camp. An instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method of NFP will be offered at the Diocese of Bismarck offices, in Bismarck, on June 27. Class will be held from 7:00-9:00 pm. For questions and to register, please call or email Tara Brooke: [email protected], 701-426-0746. For more info on the Billings Method visit www.bismarcdiocese.com/billings. LIT. MINISTERS & INTENTIONS Tuesday, June 28, 2016 5:30 pm †Richard McLaughlin Altar Server: Dominic Gardner Wednesday, June 29, 2016 8:00 am †Oscar, Stephena, & Matthew Wuitschick Thursday, June 30, 2016 8:00 am †Conrad Wingerter Friday, July 1, 2016 9:00 am Right to Life Saturday, July 2, 2016 8:00 am †John Haider Altar Server: Shalae Baumgartner 4:30 pm For our Parishioners Altar Server: Jon Wingenbach EMES: Kim Nutsch, Vicky Volk Lector: Bob Nutsch Ushers: Tim Schoch, Paul Trauger Gift Bearers: Volunteer Sunday, July 3, 2016 8:00 am †Duane Graner Altar Servers: Volunteers EMES: Karl VanOrman, Roys & Elaine Willenbring, Darlene Leingang, Linda Berger Lector: Cindy Moos Ushers: Marvin Leingang, Mike Blasco, Julius Beehler Gift Bearers: Volunteer Music Leader: Rachel Goettle 10:00 am Theodore Schaff Greeters: Main Entrance: Justin & Maren Gerhardt Family Chapel Entrance: Darcy & Jackie Wandy Altar Servers: John Goettle, Shalae Baumgartner EMES: Chuck & Jean Bingert, Justin Gerhardt, Deacon Doug, Helen Baumgartner, Corey Arends, Adam Johnson Lector: Shane Goettle Ushers: Richard Schwartzbauer, Art Swap, Aric Bandle, Mike Hillstrom Gift Bearers: Will & Laura Gardner Family Music Leader: Mary Stumpf *Please be responsible for finding your own replacements if you are unable to be present Holy Father’s Intentions for July Universal: Indigenous Peoples — That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. Evangelization: Latin America and the Caribbean — That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. 5 CALENDAR Monday, June 27 6:00 — 8:30 pm Vacation Bible School Tuesday, June 28 2:00 pm Widows & Widowers Group — meet in the Chapel 5:30 pm Mass 6:00 — 8:30 pm Vacation Bible School Wednesday, June 29 8:00 am Mass 9:00 am—9:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 — 8:30 pm Vacation Bible School Thursday, June 30 8:00 am Mass 4:00 — 9:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 pm Vacation Bible School Closing Mass Friday, July 1 9:00 am Mass Saturday, July 2 3:15 pm Confessions before Mass 4:30 pm Mass UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, July 5 8:00 pm School Board Meeting Wednesday, July 6 6:00 pm Stewardship Committee Meeting Bismarck-Mandan Catholic Young Adults Group Please join the Bis-Man Catholic Young Adults group for “Lawn Games Night” on Thursday, June 30, from 6:30 9:00 pm. Please bring drinks, snacks, and your favorite games! The event is hosted by Mike and Brianna Weisbeck at their home, 216 Tower Avenue, Bismarck. We welcome members of all parishes and faith traditions who desire to live a good and holy Christian/Catholic life. Please spread the word about this wonderful opportunity for fellowship and fun. If there are any questions or you’d like updates on future events, please visit our Facebook Page: Catholic Young Adults, or contact Bri Weisbeck at 426-0456. CTK SCHOOL NEWS WS Christ the King School is fully accredited and offers a Catholic-centered curriculum. Enroll Your Students for 2016-17! We are now accepting enrollment for the 2016-17 school year. If you would like to enroll your child or want more info, contact Kim in the office at 663-6200 or visit ctkmandan.com. POSITIONS OPEN We have two positions open at Christ the King School for the 2016-17 school year. Montessori Aide Christ the King Elementary School is seeking a full-time (35-40 hours/week) Montessori Instructional Aide for the 2016-2017 school year. Applicants should have at least a 2-year college degree and must complete a background check process before hire. Previous experience in the Montessori Method is not needed. Applications are available at ctkmandan.com under the “Our School” tab. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to Christ the King School, Attn: Kim Nutsch, 505 10th Ave NW, Mandan, ND 58554, or e-mail to [email protected]. Elementary Teacher – Grade 2 Christ the King School is seeking an Elementary Teacher for second grade for the 2016-2017 school year. This is a fulltime position. Applicant must have an Elementary Teacher certification and must complete a background check process before hire. Healthcare and retirement benefits are available. Please send a resume and cover letter to Christ the King School, Attn: Kim Nutsch, 505 10th Ave NW, Mandan, ND 58554, or e-mail to [email protected]. Capital Campaign News Construction will begin on the front of the Church on Tuesday, July 5. The Church’s main entrance, including the ramp, will be closed. Please plan ahead to use another entrance. NFP CONTACT Carmen Devney, a parishioner of St. Anne’s Church in Bismarck and an instructor in the SymptoPro Method of NFP, is going to be offering NFP courses at Christ the King. If you would like more info about NFP, please contact Carmen at: Carmen Devney [email protected] 701-471-2363 Julie Jacobson has recently assumed the role of Director of Faith Formation at Christ the King. A native of Bismarck, she has been involved in faith formation as a catechist in various parishes. Most recently, Julie received training in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at the Franciscan Montessori Earth School in Portland, OR. She will begin teaching religion to the children in the Montessori program this fall. Her role will encompass many different facets in the parish, including adult faith formation, RCIA and sacramental preparation. Julie is looking forward to growing together in the faith with the good people of Christ the King. RUMMEL CHIROPRACTIC, PC INTERSTATE VETERINARY CLINIC 701-258-9418 Greg Rummel, D.C. Experience You Trust Service You Deserve 705 East Main Ave., Bismarck 614 W Main St • 667-7000 BISMARCK 222-4444 CENTER 794-8758 NEW SALEM 843-7521 Service, Sales & Repairs On All Models Blaine Hopfauf, DVM 900 16th Street NE, Mandan, ND 58554 www.securityfirstbank.com TERRY KRAFT BAIR LAW FIRM Attorneys at Law 663-6568 Mandan 701-663-4337 1-888-243-4337 701-663-2585 663-0293 2610 Old Red Trail • Mandan OFFICE: 701-663-4253 FAX: 701-663-2791 JOHNSON’S WRECKING Used Auto & Truck Parts We Buy For Salvage: Cars-Trucks-Metals 663-3957 2 Miles West on Hwy 10 BERGER CATTLE CO. BONDED ORDER BUYERS P.O. 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Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come!
(Please let Deacon Doug know if you have a special
request for prayer during this hour.)