Fall 2014 - Kids Kottage
Fall 2014 - Kids Kottage
Newsletter Fall 2014 Kids Kottage’s Mission is to support families in crisis and prevent child abuse and neglect Kids Kottage Earth Angels Happy Thanksgiving Kids Kottage is going green! If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically please email: [email protected] to sign up! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Visit our website www.kidskottage.org • View our Wishlist • Download the Kids Kottage FREE APP Inside Highlights pg 3 • Donor Appreciation pg 7 • Draw for 2014 Mustang pg 9 • Volunteer Appreciation Thanksgiving “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie As the season of Thanksgiving approaches we, at Kids Kottage, extend our sincere gratitude to those in our community who give so tirelessly of themselves, their time and their resources to keep the doors open in a place called, ‘Kids Kottage’. The Kids Kottage newsletter is published three times annually. If you would like to contribute or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: 10107 - 134 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5E 1J2 Telephone: 780-448-1752 Fax: 780-441-9893 Graphic Design: Roaring Mouse Graphics Printing: Xtreme-Print Board of Directors: Nolan Berg, Board Chair Robin Bobicel Troy Chalifoux Tracy Dalzell-Heiss Christine Felix Patricia Hebert Rob Heron Kirstan Jewell Brad Klak Kunal Nand Mary O’Neill Dan Peskett Rosanna Saccomani QC The children are enjoying a Kottage that has been renewed. They love the bright new surroundings. We can tell by their, ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’. The staff are encouraged to have refurbished surroundings; children, staff and volunteers alike are especially grateful for the air conditioning donated by 945 Developments. We are thankful to all of you, our friends and donors, for your support this past year. Your efforts on our behalf make it possible for Kids Kottage to be here, “to help ensure that children receive the parenting they deserve when their families are in crisis or in need of respite.” Because of you, we will be able to provide parenting groups and food security groups, and send children to Tim Hortons recreational and leadership camps, as well as hold family camp this summer. Without your generous help Kids Kottage cannot do our work. Happy Thanksgiving! Children’s creativity Getting on the bus A brand new kitchen Canadian Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40012822 Stock photography: istockphoto.com, 123rf.com 2 FALL 2014 NEWSLETTER Donor Appreciation On April 30, 2014, Kids Kottage took extreme pleasure in celebrating our donors. This event is very special to all who attend. It is an opportunity for those donors who faithfully supported Kids Kottage over the previous three years, to enjoy each other’s company and enjoy the fabulous buffet in the Grand Ball Room of the Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre. Councillor Bev Esslinger of Ward 2 addressed the donors. How gratifying to hear Bev tell of her involvement in Kids Kottage 19 years ago. Bev hired our own Fund Development Director, Pam Miller! Bev Esslinger, Counsellor Ward 2 Edmonton Together we celebrated the work of Kids Kottage and the achievements of the children and families who use the Kottage. Visit kidskottage.org/kids-kottage-donor-appreciation-2014?id=730 Harpist Terry McDade Pam Miller Ice Sculpture NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 3 Generosity: The habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. Al Shamal Patrol Arabs grant $5,000 to help children and their families Flamen Foundation donates $10,000 Deloitte holds Customer Appreciation and donates to Kids Kottage City of Edmonton Transportation donates the proceeds of their coffee fund Caleb, 6 years, brings birthday gifts to Kids Kottage Louise Gibson, of Brookfield Residential, addresses the generous golfers at their golf tournament that raised nearly $9,000 for Kids Kottage CDI raises money for Kids Kottage Marcus brings gifts for the children at Kids Kottage Go Auto Pays it Forward Auto companies that are part of the Go Auto Conglomerate gave their employees a $500 bonus at the end of 2013. They were not to keep it for themselves, however. They were instructed to choose a charity or charities to donate it to! Kids Kottage was the happy beneficiary of several of these “Pay It Forward” donations! Thanks Eddie Schtay, Daniel Buck and Reid Carruthers for choosing Kids Kottage to benefit from your bonus! 4 University of Alberta Summerfest benefits Kids Kottage FALL 2014 NEWSLETTER A man named Earl... ... raises $33,000 for children and families experiencing crisis with nowhere else to turn. Earl Klapstien from Eddie’s Men’s Wear told his friends that if they made donations to Kids Kottage that totalled $5,000 he would shave his beard and Eddie’s Men’s Wear would match the donation! It took no time at all for donations to reach a total of $5,000. So Earl raised the ante – could his friends’ donations total $7,500? Again, Eddie’s Men’s Wear would match the donation. EVERYONE WAS SO EXCITED to imagine a donation to Kids Kottage for $15,000! Eddies Men’s Wear raised another $11,000 on its own! even bigger challenge. If he would cut his hair as well as his beard, another donor offered $10,000. Earl raised $33,000 for children and families experiencing crisis with nowhere else to turn. Pablo so aptly said, “Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help.” Earl not only helped children and families, and encouraged staff at Kids Kottage but also helped others to “step up and help.” Then, the day of the shave, Earl announced that he had accepted an Earl announces fundraiser at Premier’s Breakfast, May 2014 Earl waits, clippers in hand “Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help.” ~ Pablo NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 5 17th Annual Breakfast with Premier Dave Hancock Over $30,000 Raised For Children and Families Premier’s Breakfast 2014, sponsored by Bell Canada, benefitted the children and families Kids Kottage serve in several ways. Each year, about 600 families find the help they need at Kids Kottage to keep their children safe during trying circumstances, when exhausted, or overwhelmed. This EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM has proven its worth as a vital safety net in our community for nearly 20 years. View our new Kids Kottage video at www.kidskottage.org. It is humbling to see how easily circumstances and situations can become the harbingers of child abuse and neglect. Thanks to Amplomedia for helping us to tell our story. Guest Speaker, Premier Hancock, reminded us all that children are Alberta’s greatest resource and it is important that we support and help their families to raise their little 6 ones to become strong and vibrant. It is important to ‘be there when the bottom falls out’ and there is nowhere else to turn for help. Bridget Ryan from Breakfast TV was our MC and auctioneer for this fabulous morning. Bridget’s wonderful sense of humour roused us all to be generous toward this worthy cause. Those in attendance were also encouraged by the wise words of the Premier and Kids Kottage Board Chair, Trish Hebert, and participated well in both the live and silent auctions, making this Premier’s Breakfast a most successful one. Many thanks to all of those who made the breakfast successful and fun: Premier David Hancock Bell Canada Gena Cohoe Dolce Soleil Spa Goose Hummock Golf Resort Jurassic Forest & Learning Centre Carie’L Salon & Spa Northlands Loretta Strong Hannah Gazso (vocalist) Bridget Ryan CityTV BT Amplomedia Cally’s Tea House Daytona Homes Master Builder Edmonton Eskimo Alumni Greenland Garden Centre Fifendekel L Squared Style Prairie Mill Bread Co. The Organic Box Samantha Wiltzen (vocalist) Batstar Kayak Adventure Tours Karen & Don Clipperton Boris Djordjevic Fabulous Balloons Bob Horton Fred Katz Photography Nev’r Dun Acres Production World Salisbury Greenhouse FALL 2014 NEWSLETTER Golf 2014 Kids Kottage enjoyed working in partnership with the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce at their 45th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament and their first charity tournament to benefit Kids Kottage Foundation, Thursday, June 19, 2014 at the Quarry Golf Club. Kottage a 1964 Ford Mustang coupe. The car was present at the tournament where volunteers sold all available tickets at the golf tournament and raised $10,000 for Kids Kottage!! However, it was just the beginning of what was to be in store for Kids Kottage Foundation. A full tournament of enthusiastic golfers showed their heart for our charity by entering the “Beat the Pro” contests in large numbers. They learned more about Kids Kottage through reading reports from real clients of the help they received from Kids Kottage and by meeting Kottage volunteers and staff on the course. The person holding the winning ticket, announced at the golf tournament banquet, will receive his keys at another exciting event on August 21, 2014. On that day, the lucky winner of the 1964 Ford Mustang will drive his vehicle home. And Kids Kottage will begin selling tickets ($20 each) on the second donation from Empire Collision... wait for it... a 2014 Ford Mustang Coupe! The winner of the 2014 Ford Mustang will be drawn December 17th. Visit kidskottage.org/empire-collision50th-anniversary-celebration?id=710 for all the details and find the link to RSVP to the Empire Collision’s gala! There will be even more surprises at the Gala. You do not want to miss this exciting event. The proceeds of the tournament received a very big boost thanks to Empire Collision. Empire Collision celebrates 50 years of service in Edmonton this year. This coincides with the 50th anniversary of Ford MUSTANG. Empire Collision brought the two events together in a most ingenious way. This generous company marked their 50th anniversary in Edmonton by donating to Kids NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 Fifty years of Mustangs and 50 years of Empire Collision providing excellent service to the Edmonton community. Thanks Empire Collision for making the children and families of Edmonton and surrounding area the biggest winners over all! 7 “Here’s to all volunteers, those dedicated people who believe in all work and no pay.” ~ Robert Orben Hope World Wide Canada Gracepoint Youth Group helped prepare for Santa’s Workshop Oiler 50/50 Workers Compensation Board set up Santa’s Workshop and decorated the Kottage for Christmas Circle Kiwanis International washed walls and other big housekeeping chores Four families donated 27 Easter baskets and the ENTIRE Easter meal Volunteers from Chateau Lacombe EPCOR team Taylor Cloney 8 FALL 2014 NEWSLETTER Volunteer Appreciation What a fabulous lot of fun we had with our volunteers on June 17th. Lots of music and laughter coming from the St. Michael’s room. Bare ’n Von Hair spoofed with the volunteers non-stop. Everyone played Yahtzee. It was amazing how many people had not played that game for years or had, indeed, never played it all! What kind of odds and ends do you carry in your purse? If one were to carry one of everything on the list that was read, it would necessitate a very large purse indeed. Lots of winners and lots of camaraderie. Exactly the way a Volunteer Appreciation should be! Visit: kidskottage.org/volunteer-appreciation-2014?id=730 to see more photos. Glo Wilson, Coordinator of Programs Supports Outgoing Chair, Trish Hebert; Incoming Chair, Nolan Berg Pam presents Trish Hebert with gift of appreciation for her time spent as Chair of the Board of Directors Kira Smith sings for the volunteers Okay people, let’s make music! I want a Yahtzee! NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 9 Donors April 1 to June 30, 2014 Alan and Yvonne Aben Tom Achtymichuk Air Liquid Canada Al Shamal Shriners Past Officers, Patrol Marching Unit Assoc Alberta Government Alberta Motor Association Rob Albright Valerie and Ken Allers Allie Alm Al-Terra Engineering Ltd Paul Amundson Lorna Anton Apiaries Of Alberta Pride Angela Armstrong Neda Asadi Astro Jump ATCO I-Tek Inc ATCO Pipelines Athena Donair Kellly Babcook Beryl Bacchus Backtrack Railways Service Ltd Michael Baker Mark Bamford Todd Banks Cindy Barclay Margaret Bateman BatStar Adventure Tours Michael Becher Vi Becker Bell Media Carol and D Bentley Henry Bereznicki Cynthia and Nolan Berg Berg Consulting Chad and Karen Bergstreiser Tracey Beshara Michael Beyer Vic Bidzinski Bin 104 Fine Wine and Spirits Ltd E Bitner BJ Electric Supplies Ltd. Darren Bland BMO Nesbitt Burns Body Works Massage Clinic Ryan and Stacey Bootsman Glen Bosecke Brian Bouckaert Scott Boyer Norma Bradley Brookfield Residential (Alberta) LP - Edmonton Brownlee LLP Leslie Buckler Sophie Buffalo Charlene Buffalo Josephine Buffalo John Burt Jason Byrne Cally’s Teas Cameron Plumbing & Heating Lisa Campbell Carrie’l Salon & Spa Carrington Properties Ltd Tage Cawley CBM Lawyers CBM Office Automation CDI College Chambers & Sons Maria Cherian Sandra Chipchar CIIBIS Inc Mr. Scott Clark Karen and Don Clipperton Cloverdale Paint Cobs Bread Diane Cockburn Jean Coglon Gina Cohoe Rob Cole Rick Collins Ryan Collins Paul Collins Concept Engineering Inc. Ryan Condon Kierra Condon 10 Cook County Saloon John Coulter Crystal Glass Canada Ltd Culligan James Cumming Don Cummings Wade Cummings and Geraldine Scott Curtis J. Shell Professional Soghra Dastouri Daytona Capital Corp. Peter Delorenzo DES Engineering John Devaney Monique DeVries Ethel DeWitt Diocese of St. Paul, Paroisse St. Emile, Legal DIRTT Environmental Solutions Boris Djordjevic DK Ford Sales Ltd Dolce Vita Homes LP Reginald Dombroski Shannon and Brad Dompe David Dorward J.E. and Brenda Doucet Tim Downey Drive Solutions Stefan DuChene Melanie Ducholke Savannah Duchscher Patrick Dumelie Robert Dunseith Dana and Jane Dyck Agnes Dytiuk Earls Clareview Earl’s Tin Palace Eddie’s Men’s Wear Ltd Edmonton Area Council One Society Edmonton Community Foundation Edmonton Eskimo Alumni Association Elsafadi Brothers Supermarket Peter and Patricia Elzinga Empire Clothing Empire Collision Group Jason Ennis EPIC Brands Outlet Allanna Ergang Eric Schloss Prof Corp Essmy Ecole Secondaire Sainte Marquerite d’Youville School Fabulous Balloons Family Support for Children with Disabilities Hon. Kyle Fawcett Cassie Fehr Christine Felix Jacquie Fenske Andrea Ferguson Field Management Services Fife N’ Dekel Tammy Forbes Joan Forge Shelley Forsyth Fortis Alberta Inc Marguerite Frank Frank J Flaman Foundation Fransceco’s Hair Group Bernice and Laurie Fraser Krista Frattin Fred Katz Photography Ltd Linda Fuchs Laura Gadowsky Corey Gay Grant and Cori Lyn Gengenbach Goose Hummock Golf Resort Dennis Gordon Hector and Angeline Goudreau Government of Canada Grace Point Church of God Devin Gray Greenland Garden Centre Keith Guiochet Geoff Gumpinger Larry Gusse Penny Haas Maureen Haczkewicz Michael Halliwell Premier Dave Hancock, QC Cheryl and William Haskell Robert Hauptman Patricia and Colin Hebert Hemisphere Engineering Inc Bruce Henderson Fay Henry Rob and Cathy Heron Nick Hertz Laura Hertz Joan Hertz-Benkendorf and Barry Benkendorf Brian Hesse Betty Ann Hicks High Country Millwork Mark and Ann Marie Hilton Deborah Hoekstra Bonnie Hogg Vincent Holden Mercida Holstein Hon. Fred Horne Cathy Housdorff John Howard Dave Hunka Christine Hunt Keith Hunt I. D. McGinnis Agency Ltd Impact Consulting Independent Bath Inside Out Chiropractic Center Hayden Iversen J R Paine & Associates Ltd Ken Jacques Ike Janacek Jayman Master Builder Ron Johnson Stuart Johnston Jubilee Auditorium Northern Alberta - Soc Staff Jurassic Forest Learning Centre Trent Kaiser Al H. and Cecilia Kalke Gale Katchur Kate Chegwin School Kyle Kawanami Donna Kay Eric and Marjorie Kearney Christopher and Christine Kearney Jeff Keeble Sharla Keim William Kelly Ben Kennedy Stephen Khan Cherisse Killick-Dzenick Anna Kim Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP Kinsmen Club of Leduc Jim Kiss Edward Klapstein Kevin Kleiningor Hon. Heather Klimchuk Thomas Klufas Steven Knaus James and Susi Knox Murray and Karey Koch Lisa Kolybaba Peggy Konkolus Gloria Korobko Walter and Marilee Kosik Jamie and Brad Kotowich Maureen Kubinec Magdalena Kwiatkowski L Squared Style Victor Lalonde Jerome Lamoureux Gwen and Gordon Lamoureux Randy Lanport George and Sandy Latka Donald and Johanna Law Tyler Layne-Linton Shawn Lazaruk Lea Park Rodeo Association Darcy LeClaire Rebekah Lederer Leduc Truss John and Helene Leggatt Shannon Lemiski Jason Leslie Lexus of Edmonton Chong Liang Peter Lock Brian Loewen London Drugs John Loughran Dwight Love Grant and Frieda Lovig Lyle and Audrey Lueders Beryl Lukaniuk Shirley Lunde Rick Lutz David Macdonald Elan MacDonald Roberta MacGillivray Bruce and Audrey MacGregor Dave Mack Neil MacKay Dave Majeski Mammoet Canada Western Ltd Mariam’s Footsteps Inc. Dayton Marit Robert Markowski Mike Marples Tom Marriott Massage Essentials Raquel Maurier Phillys McAllister Sherry McBeth Al McCann George McConechy McCuaig Desrochers LLP Brad McDonald Everett McDonald Cheryl and William McEnery Derek McEwan Sheila McGee Al and Ute McInnes Elizabeth McLean Shawn McMillan Hon. Diana McQueen Jeff McTavish Raymond and Bobbi Menard Gerald Merkosky James Merkosky Michael Hill Jewellers Michael Strembitsky School Michelle Millard Roy Mills Jake Mirun MMM Group Stella Moffat Genyva and Julian Moore Glenn Mudryk Ryan Murphy John Murphy Mary Murray Doug Mutton Annette Mymko Sharon Myroniuk N P P Northern Provincial Pipelines Ltd Scott Nabozniak Rienna Nagel Javaid and Henrietta Naqvi Lena Nesimiuk Ron Neuman Nev’r Dun Acres Ltd Calvin New Tianna New Kim Nguyen Jonathon Nickerson NorQuest College North West Paving Ltd Northlands Park Sharla Nuijens O2 Joe’s Taphouse & Grill Simon O’Byrne Sharon Ohayon Esther Ohayon Oj’s Halal Meats Don O’Kurley and Laurette Strong Micaela Olson-Herd Jen O’Neill John and Mary O’Neill Tonia Onyschuk Original Joe’s Margaret and Garth Osbaldeston Lois Ough Gordon Oxley Natalia Pakin Doris Paradis Paradisio Pastries Paroisse St Jean Baptiste Parish Grant Paterson Blair Pennock Bruce Pennock Pennock Acheson Nielsen Devaney Perfect Health Chiropractic Patrick and Carol Perpeluk Perry Signature Homes Dan Peskett Sean Petersen Antonio Petosa Rhonda Philp Dennis and Marlene Philps Bruce Picton Jay Pinchuk Evelyne Pirozzo Pollock & Pollock Rocky and Brenda Pon Jennifer Porritt Tara Powers Prairie Mill Bread Co. Kate Pratt Samantha Pratt Brendan Pratt Jennifer Preeper Cathy Presniak Progressive Conservative Association - Sherwood Park Greg and Twyla Purschke Lorette Purschte Hon. David Quest Elaine Rajotte Jaganath Ramarathnam Rod Randall David Rankin Erin Rayner Ava-Jo Rea Reeves College Angela Reid Dallas Reid Lori and Joe Reiter Evelyn Requizo Kelly Rich Janet Riopel Steve and Manilla Ritz Riverbend Art & Frame Lisa Roadhouse Cindy Robertson Harold Robinson William Rogers Rohit Management Wayne Rose Rita Roseke Royal Purple Lodge No 22 Scot Rutherford Kevin York and Kathleen Ryan Salisbury Greenhouses Ltd Salvi Homes Ltd. SAOL Wellness Madeline Sarafinchan Susan Saunders Save-On-Foods - Namao Stuart Glenn Sawdey Jeff Scarlett Urmela Scarlett Leonard and Lilly Schellert Barry Schloss Angelee Schriever Max Sconyers Iain Scott Shauna Scott Gwen Seal Margaret Sebzda Valarie and Francisco Segura Claudia Seiler-Mutton Tina Senyk Servus Credit Union Jennifer Seutter Glenda Sheard Dan Sheplawy Joseph Sichkaryk Silent-Aire Manufacturing Inc. William Slater Ken Smith Margaret Smolcic Sobey’s Namao Amarjeet Sohi Melanie Sorensen Nancy and Stephen Sorensen Douglas Sorenson Rob Spanach David Sparrow Spasation Michael Spotowski St Michael’s Health Group Conrad St. Jean Ed Stahl Starbucks Northgate Kamille Stead John Stearns John and Sparkle Steeves Jerry and Theresa Steil Stella Dot Stanley and Stephany Stevens Doug Stewart James and Janice Stokoe Todd Storme Erin Strachan Sunbake Pita Bakery Superior Trenching Ltd. Sureway Construction Management Ltd Marlene Svitich Stewart Swanson Sweet Momma Spa Nanda Swereda Swiss Donair Deb Szatylo T & T Foods Wayne Tattersall TELUS Communications Doug and Barb Temple Terrace Aggregates Ltd. The Organic Box Linda Timms Touch Canada Broadcasting Inc Trialto Wine Group Clare Tries Tina Tsakanikas Lori Ann Tso Warren Tso Gwynne Turner United Church Women Beverly United Cycle United Way Of Burlington & Greater Hamilton United Way of Calgary and Area United Way of Greater Toronto Arnold and Shirley Urbonas Wim Van Beek Stacy Van Cingel Nolan and Mary Ann Van Nieuven Huyse Ms. Roberta Van Wyk Sue Veenstra Marvin Verlage Cindy Verner Jared Verner Vets Sheet Metal Ltd. Ron Victor Vrika Clothing Sales Ltd Gord and Patty Waldie WAM (Re) Development Management Corp. Georgia Wardell Shona Wards Wawanesa Guy and May Waymen Frank and Patricia Webster Cindy Wedman Richard Westren Mary Whetstore Louise White-Gibbs and Jef Gibbs Daniel Wildeboer Dorothy Williams Ray Williams Terry Williams Megan Wilson Richard and Vivian Wong Workers Compensation Board Richard and Donna Wozniak Lydia Wutzke Xtreme Print Greg Yacysyn Stephen Yakimets Shane and Gay Yakoweshen Ryan Yamniuk Audrey and Len Yarbrough Vanessa Kuo- Mei Yeung Joseph Yurkovich Carolyn Zacharias Heng Zhang Raul Zuria FALL 2014 NEWSLETTER Aug 7, 2014 Dear Friends: At Kids Kottage we see troubled and broken hearts of children when their families are battling, not always very successfully, life’s issues and problems. We empathize with the young children we care for who are sad and worried; whose only hope is that mom can fix what’s wrong. Kara comes to mind. I remember that her mother was at her wit’s end looking for a house. She was evicted from her previous house because she could no longer afford the rent. The day Kara came to stay at the Kottage was her birthday! Kara tried to understand that there could be no party this year because they had nowhere to live and finding a house was more important than her birthday. Kara was a brave little girl but she is very young to face such hurt and sadness. We were happy to give her a small party and a gift. It is not the same as having a party at home, but it showed her that we care that she was sad. Jenny says her mom “sleeps all the time” and feels alone and sometimes afraid at home. Jenny cannot really understand that she faces fear and loneliness because her mom’s mental illness has rendered her mom unable to relate with Jenny and care for her the way her friends’ moms care for them. Jenny loves to come to the Kottage because the caregivers there take special care to spend time with her. And she doesn’t feel so lonely and afraid when she is at the Kottage. Leah’s home life is chaotic and unsettled. Her mom would say “I cannot win for losing.” Her own heart aches to know the pain her daughter endures. When Leah draws a picture of herself and her family, Leah is always the littlest figure in the picture. She just knows that she is not significant. No one really notices her. Hence, her behaviours – impulsive, loud and generally unruly – show her longing to be noticed. Leah thrives on the individual attention she receives from care givers at Kids Kottage. Benjamin writes a letter at the craft table. “I want my daddy to stop drinking so we can be happy.” One can easily imagine this young child’s anxious and heavy heart. Our gift to Benjamin is to hear him and to support him in this short time away to enjoy calm and peace and hope. Please help us ensure that Kids Kottage can always ‘be here’ for children like Kara, Jenny, Leah and Benjamin to help them during the trying times their families face. Please give generously to Kids Kottage during this Thanksgiving season. Yours truly, Our Earth Angels: Lori Reiter Executive Director P.S. So many reasons to give this Thanksgiving. NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 11 Mark Your Calendar 14037 KK RaffleBanner_print.pdf 1 08/05/2014 10:57 AM Empire Collision’s 50th Anniversary Gala August 21, 2014 Kids Kottage Gala The British Invasion October 4, 2014 Laugh For Life Gala October 25, 2014 Radiothon December 11, 2014 Draw For 2014 Ford Mustang December 17, 2014 Valentine Event February 2015 (date to be determined) NEWSLETTER FALL 2014 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CDN ADDRESSES TO: 10107 - 134 Ave, Edmonton, AB T5E 1J2 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement 40012822
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